The connection for the usb device was unsuccessful vmware driver error

I face following error when I tried to connect any USB device to a VMWare workstation. I tried with guest OS Linux 7 64 bit and Ubuntu 64 bit: The connection for the USB Device "......" was unsuccessful.  Driver Error. The host OS is Windows 7 64 bit. This error start to appear after I installed ...

I face following error when I tried to connect any USB device to a VMWare workstation. I tried with guest OS Linux 7 64 bit and Ubuntu 64 bit:

The connection for the USB Device «……» was unsuccessful.  Driver Error.

The host OS is Windows 7 64 bit.

This error start to appear after I installed on the host computer a USB 3.0 PCIe card .  The device is USB 2.0 and I tried to put it one either USB3.0 either on USB 2.0 without success. I tried to connect USB 2.0 devices to a laptop which has native USB3.0 ports and also USB 2.0 ports.  Same error no matter where I attach it.

It seem this error appear if the computer has 3.0 ports.  I tried enabling USB 3.0 in VM settings, but without success.  The USB 3.0 controller chipsets are Via and respective Fresco.

Is there any fix to this issue? Or is there any VMWare product that support connecting USB 2.0 device if there host computer contains also 3.0 device?

One error from the log after I tried to add a USB stick :

2015-04-26T10:35:42.998+03:00| vmx| W110: Bluetooth host backend not available.

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Connecting pattern [path:1/0/0/0 version:2] controller []

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Connecting device 0x10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: Policy_GetUSBDevAccess: checking usb devices at policy path: /vm/#_VMX/mvm/policyState/val/policySet/usbDevices/#

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: Policy_GetUSBDevAccess: allowConnect = YES

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: MsgHint: msg.usb.generic.stopDevice

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120+ A USB device is about to be unplugged from the host and connected to this virtual machine. It will first be stopped to enable safe removal. With some devices, the host may display the message «The device can now safely be removed.»

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120+ —————————————

2015-04-26T10:35:49.593+03:00| vmx| I120: USBG: Created 10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: VUsbUpdateVigorFieldsAndAutoconnect: New set of 9 USB devices

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:A-DATA ADATA USB Flash Drive vid:125f pid:c08a path:1/0/0/0 speed:high family:storage virtPath:ehci:0 instanceId:USB\VID_0E0F&PID_0001\1471512002280006 serialnum:1471512002280006 arbRuntimeKey:7 ownerdisplay:Ubuntu 64-bit version:2], connected to ehci port 0.

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:ASIX AX88179 vid:0b95 pid:1790 path:1/1/1 speed:super family:vendor instanceId:USB\VID_0B95&PID_1790\00000000000133 serialnum:00000000000133 arbRuntimeKey:3 version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Microsoft® 2.4GHz Transceiver v7.0 vid:045e pid:0745 path:1/0/0/1 speed:full family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\VID_045E&PID_0745\6&27F0CD8E&0&2 arbRuntimeKey:1 version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared AKS ifdh 0 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared AKS ifdh 1 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared AKS VR 0 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 0 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 1 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Virtual Bluetooth Adapter vid:0e0f pid:0008 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth version:2]

2015-04-26T10:37:51.214+03:00| vmx| W110: USBGA: Failed to connect device 10000007125fc08a, error (4)

2015-04-26T10:37:51.214+03:00| vmx| I120: Msg_Post: Warning

2015-04-26T10:37:51.214+03:00| vmx| I120: [msg.usb.connectFailedErr] The connection for the USB device «A-DATA ADATA USB Flash Drive» was unsuccessful. Driver error.

2015-04-26T10:37:51.214+03:00| vmx| I120: —————————————-

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Disconnecting device 0x10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USBG: Disconnecting 10000007125fc08a, port:0 reservedPort:60CD530

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USBGW: Disconnecting device: 3D96800 id: 10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USBGA: device 10000007125fc08a already disconnected from host

После установки VmWare Workstati

После установки VmWare Workstation перестаёт
работать usb. Что делать?

Судя по постам на различных форумах в Интернете, проблема эта не особо
редкая, но возникает каким-то рандомным образом, например, на моём нетбуке
проблема не воспроизводится, тогда, как на десктопе я столкнулся с проблемой во
всей красе вплоть до неработоспособности сканера, принтера, а не только флешек и
внешних жёстких дисков.

Кратко суть проблемы в том, что при установке VmWare
заменяет драйвер корневого usb
концентратора на драйвер своего виртуального usb
устройства и пропускает usb устройства только в
гостевую систему, лишая напрочь их работоспособности в хостовой системе.
Разрешение автозапуска для устройств хостовой системы в настройках
VmWare Workstation не даёт никакого результата, равно,
как и удаление виртуального устройства VmWare usb device (оно
появляется заново после перезагрузки, а, если отметить при удалении галочку
удалить программы драйвера для этого устройства‘,
попрут тяжелейшие глюки с большой вероятностью отваливания
usb полностью и надолго).

Проблему мы решим кардинально, выпилив файлы драйвера виртуального устройства
из системы. Побочным эффектом этого явится то, что у нас не будет работать
usb в гостевой операционной системе, но, лично мне,
например, он там не особо и нужен, а вот невозможность работы с
usb устройствами в хостовой системе ну совсем не
доставляет. Итак, поехали.

  1. Откройте консоль управления службами (меню выполнить)
    . Для открытия консоли управления службами нужны права
  2. В списке служб найдите службу VMware USB Arbitration Service и откройте
    диалог её свойств.
  3. В диалоге тип запуска установите значение вручную и нажмите ок.
  4. Откройте контекстное меню службы и выберите пункт остановить. Если
    система предложит остановить ещё и службу VMware Workstation Server ,
    соглашайтесь. Кроме того, после остановки переведите запуск службы VMware
    Workstation Server  в режим вручную.
  5. Зайдите в папку Program files и найдите в ней
    папку common files.
  6. В папке common files найдите папку
  7. В папке VmWare найдите папку
    usb и удалите её. Для удаления этой папки
    понадобятся права администратора.
  8. Перезагрузите компьютер.

Всё, теперь usb работает в хостовой системе, а,
если посмотреть в диспетчер устройств, то никакого VmWare usb
там больше нет, а есть только драйвер вашего контроллера
usb. Разумеется, usb
перестал работать в гостевой системе, но, почему-то, мне не думается, что вы
будете, например, разговаривать по скайпу в гостевой системе, подключив
usb web-камеру, или кидать из гостевой системы на
флешку какие-либо данные, в прочем, данные вполне можно перекинуть из гостевой
системы в хостовую через механизм общих папок, или примонтировав виртуальный
диск гостевой системы в хостовую.

И последнее: если в качестве гостевой, или хостовой системы вы используете
linux, то общие папки могут у вас не работать. В этом
случае установите в ваш дистрибутив поддержку сетей microsoft
например, вот так:
sudo apt-get install samba
На этом всё. Если эта статья вам понравилась и/или помогла, оцените её в
выпадающем списке ниже, а так же распространите ссылку на неё среди ваших друзей
и знакомых, как реальных, так и в социальных сетях.

Удачи вам.


  1. Vmware workstation usb driver error
  2. Vmware workstation usb driver error
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  4. Vmware workstation usb driver error
  5. Vmware workstation usb driver error

Vmware workstation usb driver error

I face following error when I tried to connect any USB device to a VMWare workstation. I tried with guest OS Linux 7 64 bit and Ubuntu 64 bit:

The connection for the USB Device «. » was unsuccessful. Driver Error.

The host OS is Windows 7 64 bit.

This error start to appear after I installed on the host computer a USB 3.0 PCIe card . The device is USB 2.0 and I tried to put it one either USB3.0 either on USB 2.0 without success. I tried to connect USB 2.0 devices to a laptop which has native USB3.0 ports and also USB 2.0 ports. Same error no matter where I attach it.

It seem this error appear if the computer has 3.0 ports. I tried enabling USB 3.0 in VM settings, but without success. The USB 3.0 controller chipsets are Via and respective Fresco.

Is there any fix to this issue? Or is there any VMWare product that support connecting USB 2.0 device if there host computer contains also 3.0 device?

One error from the log after I tried to add a USB stick :

2015-04-26T10:35:42.998+03:00| vmx| W110: Bluetooth host backend not available.

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Connecting pattern [path:1/0/0/0 version:2] controller []

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Connecting device 0x10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: Policy_GetUSBDevAccess: checking usb devices at policy path: /vm/#_VMX/mvm/policyState/val/policySet/usbDevices/#

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: Policy_GetUSBDevAccess: allowConnect = YES

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120: MsgHint: msg.usb.generic.stopDevice

2015-04-26T10:35:49.590+03:00| vmx| I120+ A USB device is about to be unplugged from the host and connected to this virtual machine. It will first be stopped to enable safe removal. With some devices, the host may display the message «The device can now safely be removed.»

2015-04-26T10:35:49.593+03:00| vmx| I120: USBG: Created 10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: VUsbUpdateVigorFieldsAndAutoconnect: New set of 9 USB devices

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:A-DATA ADATA USB Flash Drive vid:125f pid:c08a path:1/0/0/0 speed:high family:storage virtPath:ehci:0 instanceId:USB\VID_0E0F&PID_0001\1471512002280006 serialnum:1471512002280006 arbRuntimeKey:7 ownerdisplay:Ubuntu 64-bit version:2], connected to ehci port 0.

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:ASIX AX88179 vid:0b95 pid:1790 path:1/1/1 speed:super family:vendor instanceId:USB\VID_0B95&PID_1790\00000000000133 serialnum:00000000000133 arbRuntimeKey:3 version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Microsoft® 2.4GHz Transceiver v7.0 vid:045e pid:0745 path:1/0/0/1 speed:full family:hid,hid-bootable instanceId:USB\VID_045E&PID_0745\6&27F0CD8E&0&2 arbRuntimeKey:1 version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared AKS ifdh 0 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared AKS ifdh 1 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared AKS VR 0 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 0 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Shared Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 1 vid:0e0f pid:0004 speed:full family:smart-card deviceType:virtual-smartcard version:2]

2015-04-26T10:35:49.723+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Found device [name:Virtual Bluetooth Adapter vid:0e0f pid:0008 speed:full family:wireless,bluetooth deviceType:virtual-bluetooth version:2]

2015-04-26T10:37:51.214+03:00| vmx| W110: USBGA: Failed to connect device 10000007125fc08a, error (4)

2015-04-26T10:37:51.214+03:00| vmx| I120: Msg_Post: Warning

2015-04-26T10:37:51.214+03:00| vmx| I120: [msg.usb.connectFailedErr] The connection for the USB device «A-DATA ADATA USB Flash Drive» was unsuccessful. Driver error.

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USB: Disconnecting device 0x10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USBG: Disconnecting 10000007125fc08a, port:0 reservedPort:60CD530

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USBGW: Disconnecting device: 3D96800 id: 10000007125fc08a

2015-04-26T10:37:51.337+03:00| vmx| I120: USBGA: device 10000007125fc08a already disconnected from host


Vmware workstation usb driver error

I recently upgraded from VMware Workstation 6.5 to 7.1. My USB devices no will not attach. When I plug a device into my machine, the host (Win7 64bit) states that it’s installing drivers. Ultimately it fails. Following this, within the VMware guest, I’m getting errors that state «The connection for the USB device «SanDisk U3 Cruzer Micro» was unsuccessful. Driver error.»

I’ve googled this, and read recent threads, such as , but nothing I try works.

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Doyou have any special reasons to change from 6.5 to 7 ?

If not I would uninstall 7 again and re-install 6.5

USB — support in version 7 is not fully working yet

did you check the function of the vmusbarbservice as I explained in the last link you mentioned ?

Do you pass that test ?

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? — send a message via skype «sanbarrow»
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time .


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После установки VmWare Workstation перестаёт работать usb . Что делать?

Судя по постам на различных форумах в Интернете, проблема эта не особо редкая, но возникает каким-то рандомным образом, например, на моём нетбуке проблема не воспроизводится, тогда, как на десктопе я столкнулся с проблемой во всей красе вплоть до неработоспособности сканера, принтера, а не только флешек и внешних жёстких дисков.

Кратко суть проблемы в том, что при установке VmWare Workstation заменяет драйвер корневого usb концентратора на драйвер своего виртуального usb устройства и пропускает usb устройства только в гостевую систему, лишая напрочь их работоспособности в хостовой системе. Разрешение автозапуска для устройств хостовой системы в настройках VmWare Workstation не даёт никакого результата, равно, как и удаление виртуального устройства VmWare usb device ( оно появляется заново после перезагрузки, а, если отметить при удалении галочку ‘ удалить программы драйвера для этого устройства ‘, попрут тяжелейшие глюки с большой вероятностью отваливания usb полностью и надолго).

Проблему мы решим кардинально, выпилив файлы драйвера виртуального устройства из системы. Побочным эффектом этого явится то, что у нас не будет работать usb в гостевой операционной системе, но, лично мне, например, он там не особо и нужен, а вот невозможность работы с usb устройствами в хостовой системе ну совсем не доставляет. Итак, поехали.

  1. Откройте консоль управления службами (меню выполнить) services.msc . Для открытия консоли управления службами нужны права администратора.
  2. В списке служб найдите службу VMware USB Arbitration Service и откройте диалог её свойств.
  3. В диалоге тип запуска установите значение вручную и нажмите ок.
  4. Откройте контекстное меню службы и выберите пункт остановить. Если система предложит остановить ещё и службу VMware Workstation Server , соглашайтесь. Кроме того, после остановки переведите запуск службы VMware Workstation Server в режим вручную.
  5. Зайдите в папку Program files и найдите в ней папку common files .
  6. В папке common files найдите папку VmWare/
  7. В папке VmWare найдите папку usb и удалите её. Для удаления этой папки понадобятся права администратора.
  8. Перезагрузите компьютер.

Всё, теперь usb работает в хостовой системе, а, если посмотреть в диспетчер устройств, то никакого VmWare usb device там больше нет, а есть только драйвер вашего контроллера usb . Разумеется, usb перестал работать в гостевой системе, но, почему-то, мне не думается, что вы будете, например, разговаривать по скайпу в гостевой системе, подключив usb web- камеру, или кидать из гостевой системы на флешку какие-либо данные, в прочем, данные вполне можно перекинуть из гостевой системы в хостовую через механизм общих папок, или примонтировав виртуальный диск гостевой системы в хостовую.

И последнее: если в качестве гостевой, или хостовой системы вы используете linux, то общие папки могут у вас не работать. В этом случае установите в ваш дистрибутив поддержку сетей microsoft windows, например, вот так:
sudo apt-get install samba
На этом всё. Если эта статья вам понравилась и/или помогла, оцените её в выпадающем списке ниже, а так же распространите ссылку на неё среди ваших друзей и знакомых, как реальных, так и в социальных сетях.


Vmware workstation usb driver error

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Ever since I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10, I have been unable to connect USB devices to my VMWare machines. The USB device icons display correctly in the status bar, and when I click «Connect (Disconnect from Host),» it adds the green dot as expected to show it’s connected; and the device disappears from my host system. But it doesn’t show up on the target; neither in Explorer nor in Device Manager. A while later, the notice pops up that the device failed to connect and the green dot disappears.

Things I have tried:

  • Different USB ports (both USB 2 and USB 3)
  • Different USB drives, including thumb drives, SD card reader (I think) and my Windows phone
  • Windows 10 and Windows 7 target VMs
  • Re-installing VMWare
  • Creating a new VM from scratch (Windows 10)
  • Probably more stuff that I can’t remember, since it’s been broken for a while.

Here is an excerpt of a log showing the error.

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Hi, I’ve exactly the same problem both with VMWare Player and Workstation with Windows 10 (v1607 Anniversary Update).

It may be a problem of the Anniversary Update because I didn’t noticed it before.

After connecting a mass storage device, for example, I go to the VM and select Connect (Disconnect from host) and the device is removed from the host W10 but doesn’t appear into the guest.

The message The connection for the USB device ‘. USB 2.0’ was unsuccessful appears on the log and I also noticed that there is an unknown device in the host W10 Device Manager :

If I remember well, with previous versions that worked you should get a VMWare USB Device there when you connect an USB to a guest, because it’s the VMWARE mediator.

So the problem might be this; I also reinstalled VMWare but I’m unable to load a driver on the host for that device (I’ve tried manually too).

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OK, I’ve done some further investigations and solved the issue.

First of all, the problem exists both on Windows 10 Anniversary and the previous release (v1511).

Trying to reinstall/upgrade vmusb.sys on the machines is not possible because it doesn’t recognize the driver (just like it’s not a valid driver for the current operating system).

On a clean install of Windows 10 installing VMWare Player/Workstation 12 does not result into the problem, so I think it may be related to the upgrade from 7/8 to 10 OS with VMWare installed (both machine had this configuration).

The vmusb.sys file (found in C:Program files (x86)Common FilesVMWareUSB ) that I had was about 40 KB while the new one (on a fresh OS install) is more than 60 KB (CRC32 = 453B8131) and copying that file to the problematic host machine and then updating the unknown driver via Windows Device Manager basically solves the problem.

But there’s a simple method:

  1. Uninstall VMWare Player/Workstation from the Add/Remove programs in Windows 10
  2. Clean the installation by using the /clean switch with the Player/Workstation full installation file; even if it says it didn’t do anything, it actually clears the drivers.
  3. Reinstall VMWare Player/Workstation and reboot.
  4. Now the USB driver is updated (you can see it in the USB folder in the Common files dir) and the USB devices work.


Vmware workstation usb driver error

I have VM ware 9 with host system as windows 7 while windows server 2003 (enterprise edition) on Virtual machine as guest system. I am trying to connect my Toshiba 1TB external HDD with USB 3 support on virtual machine but it is giving me above error. Please help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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Waiting for help.

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I get the same thing using add in card for USB 3.0. I don’t think my USB 3.0 chip is supported.

1. Connect your drive via USB 2.0

2. If your host can connect via 3.0, share it and map a drive letter (what I do with Linux host).

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Officially Windows 7 does not support USB3, there’s no direct USB3 driver in Windows 7.

This might however still work if the Toshiba usb disk comes with its own driver, but only for Windows 7.

Windows 2003 is even older, no USB3 support in there and installing the toshiba USB3 driver in Windows 2003 -if such a thing exists- will not work as a way of solving that.

Normally you can still use the drive as a USB2 device. In order to force the drive to connect as USB2, you either connect it to a USB2 port on your system, or you use a USB hub between your computer and the drive so that it downgrades from USB3 to USB2.



Update:  October 2011
VMware Player 4 Released

VMware Player 3.1.5 Released

VMware Workstation 8 Released

Update:  August 2010
It seems VMware may have resolved this issue in both VMWare Player and VMWare Workstation,  It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version of VMWare Player or VMWare Workstation before using this workaround.

VMware Player 3.1.1 Release Notes

VMware Workstation 7.1.1 Release Notes

Issue:  Unable to attach external USB devices, such as a flash drive, for use on guest machines within VMWare Player 3 or VMWare Workstation.

When first starting the VMWare Player application, you see the error:
“Host USB device connections disabled. The connection to the VMware USB Arbitration Service was unsuccessful. Please check the status of this service in the Microsoft Management Console.”

In the Event Viewer System log you may see error Event ID 7023:  “The VMWare USB Arbitration Service service terminated with the following error: A device attached to the system is not functioning”

I have seen this issue twice with VMWare Player 3.  Once on a Toshiba laptop, and once on an Acer laptop, both running Windows 7.  In each instance the  VMWare USB Arbitration Service was not running on the system.

This is also a known issue with VMWare Workstation. See the links section below for additional details and resolutions.


These are the basic steps I took to get USB devices working within VMWare Player

1. Make sure the ‘USB Controller’ device shows as ‘Present’ in the VMWare Player application
          -Open the VMWare Player software
-Select ‘Edit virtual machine settings’
-Under the Hardware tab, confirm the ‘USB Controller’ device option is listed and shows as ‘Present’

If the ‘USB Controller’ device is present
-Under the Hardware tab, look at the ‘Connections’ box and make sure the appropriate options are checked.

If the ‘USB controller’ device is not present,
-Select ‘Add…’ and add the ‘USB Controller’ option

 2. If the ‘USB Controller’ Device is listed, check within the VMWare Player application to see if your USB Device is connected
         -Open the VMWare Player software
-From the top menu options, select ‘VM’, then ‘Removable Devices’. See if your USB device is listed, if it is listed make sure it shows as being connected.

 3. Check Windows services to see if the ‘VMWare USB Arbitration Service’ is Running on the host machine.
          -Select the ‘Start’ button, in the ‘search programs and files’ box, type  ‘services.msc’
-Make sure ‘Services is selected on the left hand side.
-On the right, look for the ‘VMWare USB Arbitration Service’.  It should show as started.

If the  ‘VMWare USB Arbitration Service’ isn’t started or will not start, one resolution to this problem is to remove the USBFilter “UpperFilters” entry from the registry.

4. Instructions for removing the usbfilter driver or “UpperFilters” entry from the Windows Registry:
          -Select the ‘Start’ button, in the ‘search programs and files’ box, type ‘regedit.exe’
-Navigate the registry to this entry:
In the right hand side, if the value “UpperFilters” exists, delete it.

5. Reboot the system so that VMWare can access USB devices.

VMware USB Arbitration Service fails with error 31 or 31A when powering on a virtual machine (KB Article: 1016809)

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