The details of the error are output in error txt

Ошибки файла error.txt связаны с неполадками, возникающими во время выполнения приложения Elasto Mania. Как правило, причинами ошибок в TXT являются отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы. Узнайте, как скачать и восстановить правильную версию файла error.txt, чтобы устранить надоедливые сообщения об ошибке с TXT.

Последнее обновление: 07/27/2022
[Время на прочтение статьи: 5 мин.]

Файлы TXT, такие как error.txt, классифицируются как файлы Текст (Plain Text). Как файл Plain Text он был создан для использования в Elasto Mania 1.11a от компании Balazs Rosza.

Файл error.txt впервые был выпущен в ОС Windows 10 08/07/2003 с Elasto Mania 1.11a.

Это не только самый последний выпуск от компании Balazs Rosza, но и, насколько известно, единственная существующая версия.

В этой статье приведены подробные сведения о error.txt, руководство по устранению неполадок с файлом TXT и список версий, доступных для бесплатной загрузки.

Что такое сообщения об ошибках error.txt?

Общие ошибки выполнения error.txt

Ошибки файла error.txt часто возникают на этапе запуска Elasto Mania, но также могут возникать во время работы программы.
Эти типы ошибок TXT также известны как «ошибки выполнения», поскольку они возникают во время выполнения Elasto Mania. К числу наиболее распространенных ошибок выполнения error.txt относятся:

  • Не удается найти error.txt.
  • error.txt — ошибка.
  • Не удалось загрузить error.txt.
  • Ошибка при загрузке error.txt.
  • Не удалось зарегистрировать error.txt / Не удается зарегистрировать error.txt.
  • Ошибка выполнения — error.txt.
  • Файл error.txt отсутствует или поврежден.

Библиотека времени выполнения Microsoft Visual C++

Ошибка выполнения!

Программа: C:Program Files (x86)ElastoMania111error.txt

Среда выполнения получила запрос от этого приложения, чтобы прекратить его необычным способом.
Для получения дополнительной информации обратитесь в службу поддержки приложения.

В большинстве случаев причинами ошибок в TXT являются отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы. Файл error.txt может отсутствовать из-за случайного удаления, быть удаленным другой программой как общий файл (общий с Elasto Mania) или быть удаленным в результате заражения вредоносным программным обеспечением. Кроме того, повреждение файла error.txt может быть вызвано отключением питания при загрузке Elasto Mania, сбоем системы при загрузке или сохранении error.txt, наличием плохих секторов на запоминающем устройстве (обычно это основной жесткий диск) или заражением вредоносным программным обеспечением. Таким образом, крайне важно, чтобы антивирус постоянно поддерживался в актуальном состоянии и регулярно проводил сканирование системы.

Как исправить ошибки error.txt — 3-шаговое руководство (время выполнения: ~5-15 мин.)

Если вы столкнулись с одним из вышеуказанных сообщений об ошибке, выполните следующие действия по устранению неполадок, чтобы решить проблему error.txt. Эти шаги по устранению неполадок перечислены в рекомендуемом порядке выполнения.

Шаг 1. Восстановите компьютер до последней точки восстановления, «моментального снимка» или образа резервной копии, которые предшествуют появлению ошибки.

Чтобы начать восстановление системы (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 и 10):

  1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» в Windows
  2. В поле поиска введите «Восстановление системы» и нажмите ENTER.
  3. В результатах поиска найдите и нажмите «Восстановление системы»
  4. Введите пароль администратора (при необходимости).
  5. Следуйте инструкциям мастера восстановления системы, чтобы выбрать соответствующую точку восстановления.
  6. Восстановите компьютер к этому образу резервной копии.

Если на этапе 1 не удается устранить ошибку error.txt, перейдите к шагу 2 ниже.

Шаг 2. Если вы недавно установили приложение Elasto Mania (или схожее программное обеспечение), удалите его, затем попробуйте переустановить Elasto Mania.

Чтобы удалить программное обеспечение Elasto Mania, выполните следующие инструкции (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 и 10):

  1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» в Windows
  2. В поле поиска введите «Удалить» и нажмите ENTER.
  3. В результатах поиска найдите и нажмите «Установка и удаление программ»
  4. Найдите запись для Elasto Mania 1.11a и нажмите «Удалить»
  5. Следуйте указаниям по удалению.

После полного удаления приложения следует перезагрузить ПК и заново установить Elasto Mania.

Если на этапе 2 также не удается устранить ошибку error.txt, перейдите к шагу 3 ниже.

Elasto Mania 1.11a

Balazs Rosza

Шаг 3. Выполните обновление Windows.

Когда первые два шага не устранили проблему, целесообразно запустить Центр обновления Windows. Во многих случаях возникновение сообщений об ошибках error.txt может быть вызвано устаревшей операционной системой Windows. Чтобы запустить Центр обновления Windows, выполните следующие простые шаги:

  1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» в Windows
  2. В поле поиска введите «Обновить» и нажмите ENTER.
  3. В диалоговом окне Центра обновления Windows нажмите «Проверить наличие обновлений» (или аналогичную кнопку в зависимости от версии Windows)
  4. Если обновления доступны для загрузки, нажмите «Установить обновления».
  5. После завершения обновления следует перезагрузить ПК.

Если Центр обновления Windows не смог устранить сообщение об ошибке error.txt, перейдите к следующему шагу. Обратите внимание, что этот последний шаг рекомендуется только для продвинутых пользователей ПК.

Если эти шаги не принесут результата: скачайте и замените файл error.txt (внимание: для опытных пользователей)

Если ни один из предыдущих трех шагов по устранению неполадок не разрешил проблему, можно попробовать более агрессивный подход (примечание: не рекомендуется пользователям ПК начального уровня), загрузив и заменив соответствующую версию файла error.txt. Мы храним полную базу данных файлов error.txt со 100%-ной гарантией отсутствия вредоносного программного обеспечения для любой применимой версии Elasto Mania . Чтобы загрузить и правильно заменить файл, выполните следующие действия:

  1. Найдите версию операционной системы Windows в нижеприведенном списке «Загрузить файлы error.txt».
  2. Нажмите соответствующую кнопку «Скачать», чтобы скачать версию файла Windows.
  3. Скопируйте этот файл в соответствующее расположение папки Elasto Mania:

    Windows 10: C:Program Files (x86)ElastoMania111

  4. Перезагрузите компьютер.

Если этот последний шаг оказался безрезультативным и ошибка по-прежнему не устранена, единственно возможным вариантом остается выполнение чистой установки Windows 10.

СОВЕТ ОТ СПЕЦИАЛИСТА: Мы должны подчеркнуть, что переустановка Windows является достаточно длительной и сложной задачей для решения проблем, связанных с error.txt. Во избежание потери данных следует убедиться, что перед началом процесса вы создали резервные копии всех важных документов, изображений, установщиков программного обеспечения и других персональных данных. Если вы в настоящее время не создаете резервных копий своих данных, вам необходимо сделать это немедленно.

Скачать файлы error.txt (проверено на наличие вредоносного ПО — отсутствие 100 %)

ВНИМАНИЕ! Мы настоятельно не рекомендуем загружать и копировать error.txt в соответствующий системный каталог Windows. Balazs Rosza, как правило, не выпускает файлы Elasto Mania TXT для загрузки, поскольку они входят в состав установщика программного обеспечения. Задача установщика заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить выполнение всех надлежащих проверок перед установкой и размещением error.txt и всех других файлов TXT для Elasto Mania. Неправильно установленный файл TXT может нарушить стабильность работы системы и привести к тому, что программа или операционная система полностью перестанут работать. Действовать с осторожностью.

Файлы, относящиеся к error.txt

Файлы TXT, относящиеся к error.txt

Имя файла Описание Программа (версия) Размер файла (байты) Расположение файла
0.0.filtertrie.interme… Plain Text Elasto Mania 1.11a 32597 C:UsersTesterAppDataLocalPackagesMicrosof…
Uninstall.txt Plain Text Elasto Mania 1.11a 118 C:Program Files (x86)ElastoMania111
SkypeApp0.txt Plain Text Elasto Mania 1.11a 21889 C:UsersTesterAppDataLocalPackagesMicrosof…
Fax.txt Plain Text Elasto Mania 1.11a 2309 C:Program Files (x86)ElastoMania111
AppCache13219275164272… Plain Text Elasto Mania 1.11a 89764 C:UsersTesterAppDataLocalPackagesMicrosof…

Другие файлы, связанные с error.txt

Имя файла Описание Программа (версия) Размер файла (байты) Расположение файла
setupact.log Log Elasto Mania 1.11a 62521 C:WindowsPantherUnattendGC
WmiApRpl.h C/C++/Objective-C Header Elasto Mania 1.11a 3444 C:WindowsSystem32wbemPerformance
diagerr.xml Extensible Markup Language Elasto Mania 1.11a 44109 C:WindowsPantherUnattendGC
api-ms-win-core-synch-… ApiSet Stub DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System (10.0.17134.12) 13160 C:UsersTesterAppDataLocalMicrosoftOneDriv…
api-ms-win-core-debug-… ApiSet Stub DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System (10.0.17134.12) 11112 C:UsersTesterAppDataLocalMicrosoftOneDriv…

Вы скачиваете пробное программное обеспечение. Для разблокировки всех функций программного обеспечения требуется покупка годичной подписки, стоимость которой оставляет 39,95 долл. США. Подписка автоматически возобновляется в конце срока (Подробнее). Нажимая кнопку «Начать загрузку» и устанавливая «Программное обеспечение», я подтверждаю, что я прочитал (-а) и принимаю Лицензионное соглашение и Политику конфиденциальности компании Solvusoft.

Firstly, the errors I’m interested in redirecting are NOT PowerShell errors, but those generated by a Python script that is called within my PowerShell script. I have read multiple post on Stack Exchange sites, Windows PowerShell scripting guy article, and
various other locations. This has lead me to develop the script as it is below, but the output is somewhat odd, as there seems to be three distinct outputs:

  1. The Output from the Python Script, my «user» output, capture in «Output.txt»
  2. The output sent via the Write-Host CmdLet, my «debug» output, capture in Error.txt
  3. The error output generated by the Python script, which is sent to the console but NOT captured in either of the above two text files.
Stop-Transcript | out-null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"

$SnapsToTest = Get-ChildItem C:Snaps -Directory
$ErrorFile = "C:ToolsScriptsErrors.txt"
$SnapDir = "C:Logs"
$LogDir = "varlog"
$LogFile = "support.log"

Start-Transcript -path $ErrorFile
Set-Location -Path $SnapDir

$SnapsToTest | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Host $_.Name
        python $_.Name
        $LogToTest = $_.Name+$LogDir+$LogFile
        python $LogToTest


Now, if I run script using .myscript.ps1 > output.txtI almost get what I’m after, but not quite.

I end up with two files, output.textanderrors.txt.

The Output Text shows all the output generated by the Python script. The Errors Text file shows SOME of the output written to the screen, but not if the Python script crashes an writes out its stack trace, however I DO see this in the terminal, and this I do
not understand.

For example, the output I see in the error text file is:

Windows PowerShell transcript start
Start time: 20160429160228
Username: PCme
RunAs User: PCme
Machine: PC(Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14328.0)
Host Application: C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe
Process ID: 16844
PSVersion: 5.1.14328.1000
PSEdition: Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.14328.1000
CLRVersion: 4.0.30319.42000
BuildVersion: 10.0.14328.1000
WSManStackVersion: 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion: 2.3

However, what I see in the console is:

:ToolsScripts> .myscript.ps1 | Out-File output.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 446, in <module>
  File "", line 436, in main
    dba = DBAnalyser(rootdir)
  File "", line 54, in __init__
    self.osstatus = self._read_osstatus(osstatus_file)
  File "", line 170, in _read_osstatus
    ret[hostname]["meminfo"] = { "memtotal": memtotal, "memfree": memfree}
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'memtotal' referenced before assignment

I can’t see how to get the above error I see in the PowerShell console to show in the Errors.txt file

This is running in Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

  • Edited by

    Saturday, April 30, 2016 1:47 PM

Error Handling is a very important concept in every programming language including PowerShell which gives us several possibilities to manage errors in code.

In this article, I will try to cover as many as possible error handling concepts with examples from my practice and one of the important concepts is writing errors in external Error Log text file.

Why Should We Bother Handling Errors In PowerShell

It is no fun to run any code or application full of errors and bugs as the matter a fact it is quite annoying so in order for users to have a pleasant experience handling the errors is one of the essentials in programming.

PowerShell is no exception to that way of thinking and programming ethics although it can take some additional coding and effort but trust me it is always worth it.

I would be more than happy to share my experience with error handling and even more satisfied if I can hear your tips from the field so we can all enrich our knowledge on this very important subject.

Here is a general approach to error handling and logging errors into the external text file. I have an example in the next subheading that further explain each step so everything is much more understandable.

  1. Identify which Commands need Error Handling in your Function, CmdLet or Script.
  2. Set the ErrorAction parameter to value Stop for the command that needs Error Handling. This will stop executing the command when an error occurs and it will show the error message. Basically, we are making non-terminating errors into terminating in order to be able to handle the error in the catch block.
  3. Command that has ErrorAction parameter set to value Stop is wrapped in Try { } block. So when Error occurs handling of the code will jump from the Try block to Catch block.
  4. In Catch { } block that immediately follows after Try {} block, the error is handled by writing to the error log file on the disk.
  5. We use our own Write-ErrorLog CmdLet inside Catch{ } block to write the error in a text file on the disk. (See the explanation and code here)
  6. We have an additional switch error parameter to decide whether we want to write an error in the log file or not. This is totally optional.
  7. Use the Finally { } block if needed.
  8. Test the whole setup by intentionally breaking the code while in the development phase.
  9. Since some of the CmdLets calls are Scheduled we have routine to check external Error Log text file at least once a week and investigate errors that are caught. This step is part of improving the overall quality of the written code.

Example Of PowerShell Error Handling

To show you Error Handling and implement previously defined steps I will use my own Get-CPUInfo CmdLet which is in the Common module of the Efficiency Booster PowerShell Project. Efficiency Booster PowerShell Project is a library of CmdLets that help us IT experts in day to day IT tasks.

In order to follow me along, I highly encourage you to download the zip file with the source code used in this example.

Here is the location of Get-CPUInfo script:
…[My] DocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules3common

Get-CPUInfo CmdLet script location

Let’s use steps defined in the previous subheading to this example.

Step 1. I have identified the command that needs Error Handling in Get-CPUInfo CmdLet and that is a call to Get-CimInstance CmdLet.

Get-CimInstance @params 

Step 2. So I have set up the ErrorAction parameter to the value ‘Stop‘ for Get-CimInstance CmdLet in order to force non-terminating errors into terminating and then to be able to handle such errors.

INFO: I use parameter splatting when running CmdLet. If you want to know more about parameter splating please read this article.

            $params = @{ 'ComputerName'=$computer;
            $CPUInfos = Get-CimInstance @params | 
                            Select-Object   @{label="ServerName"; Expression={$_.SystemName}}, 
                                            @{label="CPU"; Expression={$_.Name}}, 
                                            @{label="CPUid"; Expression={$_.DeviceID}}, 

Step 3. Wrap up the call to Get-CimInstance CmdLet into the Try Block in order to be able to handle the error in a catch block that follows.

         try {
            Write-Verbose "Start processing: $computer - $env - $logicalname"
            Write-Verbose "Start Win32_Processor processing..."
            $CPUInfos = $null
            $params = @{ 'ComputerName'=$computer;
            $CPUInfos = Get-CimInstance @params | 
                            Select-Object   @{label="ServerName"; Expression={$_.SystemName}}, 
                                            @{label="CPU"; Expression={$_.Name}}, 
                                            @{label="CPUid"; Expression={$_.DeviceID}}, 
            Write-Verbose "Finish Win32_Processor processing..."                    
            foreach ($CPUInfo in $CPUInfos) {
                Write-Verbose "Start processing CPU: $CPUInfo"
                $properties = @{ 'Environment'=$env;
                                 'Logical name'=$logicalname;
                                 'Server name'=$CPUInfo.ServerName;
            	                 'CPU ID'=$CPUInfo.CPUid;
            	                 'Number of CPU cores'=$CPUInfo.NumberOfCores; 
                                 '64 or 32 bits'=$CPUInfo.AddressWidth;
                                 'Collected'=(Get-Date -UFormat %Y.%m.%d' '%H:%M:%S)}
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties
                Write-Output $obj
                Write-Verbose "Finish processing CPU: $CPUInfo"
 Write-Verbose "Finish processing: $computer - $env - $logicalname"                       

Step 4. When the error occurs in the try block it is handled in the Catch Block.
It is important to notice following in the catch block of code:

  • Get-CPUInfo CmdLet switch parameter $errorlog has been used to decide whether to log the errors in an external text file or not. This is completely optional.
  • Certain Error properties are collected using an automatic variable $_ ($PSItem is another name for the same variable). If you want to know more about which properties we collect please read here.
  • Collected data about the error that will be handled has been passed to another CmdLet Write-ErrorLog that will write the data in an external text log file. Please read here about Write-ErrorLog CmdLet.
catch {
            Write-Warning "Computer failed: $computer - $env - $logicalname CPU failed: $CPUInfos"
            Write-Warning "Error message: $_"
            if ( $errorlog ) {
                $errormsg = $_.ToString()
                $exception = $_.Exception
                $stacktrace = $_.ScriptStackTrace
                $failingline = $_.InvocationInfo.Line
                $positionmsg = $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
                $pscommandpath = $_.InvocationInfo.PSCommandPath
                $failinglinenumber = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                $scriptname = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
                Write-Verbose "Start writing to Error log."
                Write-ErrorLog -hostname $computer -env $env -logicalname $logicalname -errormsg $errormsg -exception $exception -scriptname $scriptname -failinglinenumber $failinglinenumber -failingline $failingline -pscommandpath $pscommandpath -positionmsg $pscommandpath -stacktrace $stacktrace
                Write-Verbose "Finish writing to Error log."

Step 5. I have already mentioned that Write-ErrorLog CmdLet has been used to write the error data into an external text log file. Read more about this CmdLet here.

Step 6. I did not need Finally { } block for this example.

Step 7. In the development phase, I was intentionally breaking Get-CPUInfo CmdLet to test my error handling code.

Step 8. If Get-CPUInfo CmdLet is part of the scheduled code I would look regularly Error log file and work on correcting all the bugs in the code produced by Get-CPUInfo CmdLet.

Chain Of Events When PowerShell Error Occurs

Let’s talk a little bit about what is happening when an error occurs in PowerShell and which events are triggered one after another.

  • Call to CmdLet is failing and error has just occurred.
  • Since we have ErrorAction parameter set to value Stop our non-terminating error has forced into terminating error so the execution of code stops.
  • The error that is failing in the CmdLet is written in the $Error automatic variable by the PowerShell.
  • We have forced the error to be terminating in order to be able to handle with try catch finally block of error handling.
  • Since our CmdLet call is wrapped in Try block and error is terminating PowerShell can trigger error handling looking for a Catch block.
  • We can have several Catch blocks for one try block. If we have a Catch block that handles the actual error number that block is executed.
  • Otherwise, PowerShell will look Catch block that handles all error numbers.
  • Optionally in the Catch block, we can have code that will write the error in the external text Error log file.
  • We can use the automatic variable $Error or $_ object to read Error data and write them in the external file.
  • If there is no Catch block PowerShell will look for Catch block in parent call if we have nested calls.
  • If there are no further Catch block or no Catch block at all that will handle error then PowerShell looks for Finally block to execute which is used to clean up resources as needed.
  • After executing Finally block error message will be sent to the error stream for further processing.

In further sections of this article, you can read in more detail about the many terms mentioned (ErrorAction, $Error, Try Catch Finally, Terminating, Non-Terminating, etc ) in this bulleted list in order to better understand them.

How To Write PowerShell Errors Into The External Log File

Here I will explain the code of Write-ErrorLog CmdLet that writes error data that occurs in CmdLets and handle the error data into an external text file.

Error data are written in the file named Error_Log.txt in folder PSlogs.

Location and name of external error text log file
Example of error logged in an external text file

Write-ErrorLog CmdLet is part of the Efficiency Booster PowerShell Project and if you want to download the source code of this CmdLet please click here.

Here is the location of Write-ErrorLog script which is part of the Utils module:
…[My] DocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules2utils

Write-ErrorLog CmdLet script location

Write-ErrorLog CmdLet Code

Here is the code of the whole Write-ErrorLog CmdLet.

Writes errors that occur in powershell scripts into error log file.
Writes errors that occur in powershell scripts into error log file.
Error log file and error log folder will be created if doesn't exist.
Error log file name is Error_Log.txt and it has been saved into ..DocumentsPSlogs

.PARAMETER hostname
Name of the computer that is failing.

Environment where computer is located. For example: Production, Acceptance, Test, Course etc.

.PARAMETER logicalname
Type of the server that is failing. For example: Application, Web, Integration, FTP, Scan, etc. 

.PARAMETER errormsg
Error message.

.PARAMETER exception
Error number.

.PARAMETER scriptname
Name of the powershell script that is failing.

.PARAMETER failinglinenumber
Line number in the script that is failing.

.PARAMETER failingline
Content of failing line.

.PARAMETER pscommandpath
Path to the powershell command.

.PARAMETER positionmsg
Error message position.

.PARAMETER stacktrace
Stack trace of the error.

Write-ErrorLog -hostname "Server1" -env "PROD" -logicalname "APP1" -errormsg "Error Message" -exception "HResult 0789343" -scriptname "Test.ps1" -failinglinenumber "25" -failingline "Get-Service" -pscommandpath "Command pathc." -positionmsg "Position message" -stacktrace "Stack trace" 

Help Write-ErrorLog -Full

Function Write-ErrorLog {
param (

                HelpMessage="Error from computer.")] 

                HelpMessage="Environment that failed. (Test, Production, Course, Acceptance...)")] 

                HelpMessage="Type of server that failed. (Application, Web, Integration...)")] 
                HelpMessage="Error message.")] 
    [Parameter( Mandatory=$false,
                HelpMessage="Name of the script that is failing.")]
                HelpMessage="Script fails at line number.")]

                HelpMessage="Failing line looks like.")]
                HelpMessage="Powershell command path.")]

                HelpMessage="Position message.")]

                HelpMessage="Stack trace.")]
        $errorlogfile = "$homeDocumentsPSlogsError_Log.txt"
        $errorlogfolder = "$homeDocumentsPSlogs"
        if  ( !( Test-Path -Path $errorlogfolder -PathType "Container" ) ) {
            Write-Verbose "Create error log folder in: $errorlogfolder"
            New-Item -Path $errorlogfolder -ItemType "Container" -ErrorAction Stop
            if ( !( Test-Path -Path $errorlogfile -PathType "Leaf" ) ) {
                Write-Verbose "Create error log file in folder $errorlogfolder with name Error_Log.txt"
                New-Item -Path $errorlogfile -ItemType "File" -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Verbose "Start writing to Error log file. $errorlogfile"
            $timestamp = Get-Date 
            #IMPORTANT: Read just first value from collection not the whole collection.
            "   " | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "************************************************************************************************************" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Error happend at time: $timestamp on a computer: $hostname - $env - $logicalname" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Error message: $errormsg" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Error exception: $exception" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Failing script: $scriptname" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Failing at line number: $failinglinenumber" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Failing at line: $failingline" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Powershell command path: $pscommandpath" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Position message: $positionmsg" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Stack trace: $stacktrace" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append                   
            Write-Verbose "Finish writing to Error log file. $errorlogfile"
END { 

#region Execution examples
#Write-ErrorLog -hostname "Server1" -env "PROD" -logicalname "APP1" -errormsg "Error Message" -exception "HResult 0789343" -scriptname "Test.ps1" -failinglinenumber "25" -failingline "Get-Service" -pscommandpath "Command pathc." -positionmsg "Position message" -stacktrace "Stack trace" -Verbose

Write-ErrorLog CmdLet Explained

Let’s make our hand’s a little bit “dirty” and dive into PowerShell code.

In the BEGIN block we:

  • Check if folder PSlogs exist in the (My) Documents folder of the current user.
    • If the PSlogs folder doesn’t exist then create the folder.
  • Check if file Error_Log.txt exists in the folder PSlogs.
    • If Error_Log.txt doesn’t exist then create the file.
  • Now we can move on to PROCESS block code.
        $errorlogfile = "$homeDocumentsPSlogsError_Log.txt"
        $errorlogfolder = "$homeDocumentsPSlogs"
        if  ( !( Test-Path -Path $errorlogfolder -PathType "Container" ) ) {
            Write-Verbose "Create error log folder in: $errorlogfolder"
            New-Item -Path $errorlogfolder -ItemType "Container" -ErrorAction Stop
            if ( !( Test-Path -Path $errorlogfile -PathType "Leaf" ) ) {
                Write-Verbose "Create error log file in folder $errorlogfolder with name Error_Log.txt"
                New-Item -Path $errorlogfile -ItemType "File" -ErrorAction Stop

In the PROCESS block:

  • We format the line of text that we want to write into the log file.
  • Then we pipe formatted text to Out-File CmdLet with the Append parameter to write that line of text in the file.
  • We repeat the process of formatting the line of text and appending of that line to the Error log file.

            Write-Verbose "Start writing to Error log file. $errorlogfile"
            $timestamp = Get-Date 
            #IMPORTANT: Read just first value from collection not the whole collection.
            "   " | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "************************************************************************************************************" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Error happend at time: $timestamp on a computer: $hostname - $env - $logicalname" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Error message: $errormsg" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Error exception: $exception" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Failing script: $scriptname" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Failing at line number: $failinglinenumber" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Failing at line: $failingline" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Powershell command path: $pscommandpath" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Position message: $positionmsg" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "Stack trace: $stacktrace" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append
            "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $errorlogfile -Append                   
            Write-Verbose "Finish writing to Error log file. $errorlogfile"

$PSItem or $_

$PSItem contains the current object in the pipeline object and we use it to read Error properties in this case.

Just a quick explanation of each Error property from the $_ ($PSItem) automatic variable that we collect and write in Logfile:

  • $_.ToString() – This is Error Message.
  • $_.Exception – This is Error Exception.
  • $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName – This the PowerShell script name where Error occurred.
  • $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber – This is line number within the PowerShell script where Error occurred.
  • $_.InvocationInfo.Line – This is the line of code within PowerShell script where Error occurred.
  • $_.InvocationInfo.PSCommandPath – This is the path to the PowerShell script file on the disk.
  • $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage – This is a formatted message indicating where the CmdLet appeared in the line.
  • $_.ScriptStackTrace – This is the Trace of the Stack.

As you can see on the screenshot below we collect really useful information about the Error that we handle in the Logfile. The pieces of information are presented in very neatly fashion so we can immediately see:

  • which error occurred,
  • what were the message and exception,
  • where the error occurred (script name, script location, line number and line of the code in the script)
  • even the call stack is shown if needed.

Here are the final result and an example of one formatted error logged in Error_Log.txt file.

Error happend at time: 09/11/2019 18:20:41 on a computer: APP01 -  - 
Error message: The WinRM client cannot process the request. If the authentication scheme is different from Kerberos, or if the client computer is not joined to a domain, then HTTPS transport must be used or the destination machine must be added to the TrustedHosts configuration setting. Use winrm.cmd to configure TrustedHosts. Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated. You can get more information about that by running the following command: winrm help config.
Error exception: Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException: The WinRM client cannot process the request. If the authentication scheme is different from Kerberos, or if the client computer is not joined to a domain, then HTTPS transport must be used or the destination machine must be added to the TrustedHosts configuration setting. Use winrm.cmd to configure TrustedHosts. Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated. You can get more information about that by running the following command: winrm help config.
   at Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Internal.Operations.CimAsyncObserverProxyBase`1.ProcessNativeCallback(OperationCallbackProcessingContext callbackProcessingContext, T currentItem, Boolean moreResults, MiResult operationResult, String errorMessage, InstanceHandle errorDetailsHandle)
Failing script: C:UsersdekibDocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules3commonGetCPUInfo.ps1
Failing at line number: 214
Failing at line:             $CPUInfos = Get-CimInstance @params | 

Powershell command path: C:UsersdekibDocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules3commonGetCPUInfo.ps1
Position message: C:UsersdekibDocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules3commonGetCPUInfo.ps1
Stack trace: at Get-CPUInfo, C:UsersdekibDocumentsWindowsPowerShellModules3commonGetCPUInfo.ps1: line 214
at , : line 1

TIP: If your scripts are scheduled in Task Manager the best practice is to have a routine of regularly checking the Error Log file and investigate the errors that occurred since the last check. I am doing this once a week.

Errors In PowerShell

There are two types of Errors in PowerShell:

  • Terminating
  • Non-Terminating

Terminating Errors

Here are the important features of Terminating errors:

  • terminates execution of command or script
  • triggers Catch block and can be error handled by the Catch block.

Examples are syntax errors, non-existent CmdLets, or other fatal errors

Non-Terminating Errors

Here are important features of Non-Terminating Error:

  • A non-fatal error.
  • Allows execution to continue despite the failure that just occurred.
  • It doesn’t trigger the Catch block and cannot be Error Handled in the Catch block by default.

Examples are permission problems, file not found, etc.

How To Force Non-Terminating Errors Into Terminating

Use the ErrorAction parameter with value Stop to force non-terminating error into terminating as in the following example. The reason why we want to make non-termination error into terminating one is to be able to catch the error when occurs.

$AuthorizedUser = Get-Content .DocumentsWindowsPowerShellProfile.ps1 -ErrorAction Stop 

Basically, the workflow is as follows.

  • When an error occurs,
  • a non-terminating error has changed into terminating one since we have Stop value on ErrrorAction parameter,
  • then since terminating error has occurred try block will send the error handling to catch block where error can be processed and
  • optionally written to the external log,
  • optionally error handling can continue in the final block.

NOTE: ErrorAction parameter overrides temporarily ErrorActionPreference variable while the call to CmdLet has been processed.

How To Treat All Errors As Terminating

We use the ErrorActionPreference variable to treat all errors as terminating by setting to the value Stop in the:

  • script
  • or session

Write the following line of code at the begging of the script to treat all errors as terminating.

$ErrorActionPreference = Stop

Type in Windows PowerShell Console the same command to setup terminating errors for the session.

ErrorAction Common Parameter

ErrorAction parameter belongs to the set of common parameters that we can use with any CmdLet. If we set CmdLetBinding on Advanced Functions than PowerShell automatically makes common parameters available for that command.

This is a parameter that I always use with CmdLets that need error handling since the ErrorAction Parameter determines how the CmdLet responds to a non-terminating error. It has several values that we will talk about in a minute but the value that I like to use is Stop and it is used to make non-terminating errors into terminating errors as written in previous sections.

The ErrorAction parameter overrides the value of the $ErrorActionPreference variable when applied to the specific command.

Here are valid values:

  • Continue (Default)
    • This is the default setting. Display error then continues execution.
  • Stop
    • Display error, and stop the execution.
  • Inquire
    • Displays error message and the user is asked to continue with execution.
  • SilentlyContinue
    • No error message is displayed and execution is continued. However, the error message is added to the $Error automatic variable.
  • Ignore
    • The same as SilentlyContinue, No error message is displayed and execution is continued. However, Ignore does not add an error message to the $Error automatic variable.
  • Suspend
    • This one is for workflows. A workflow job is suspended to investigate what happened, then the workflow can be resumed.

$ErrorActionPreference Preference Variable Explained

$ErrorActionPreference preference variable determines how Windows PowerShell responds to a non-terminating error (an error that does not stop the cmdlet processing) in a script, cmdlet or at the command line

If we want to override the value of the ErrorActionPreference preference variable for the specific command we use the ErrorAction common parameter as explained here.

The valid values for $ErrorActionPreference preference variable are:

  • Continue (Default)
    • This is the default setting. Display error then continues execution.
  • Stop
    • Display error message, and stop the execution.
  • Inquire
    • Displays error message and the user is asked to continue with execution.
  • SilentlyContinue
    • No error message is displayed and execution is continued. However, the error message is added to the $Error automatic variable.
  • Suspend
    • This one is for workflows. A workflow job is suspended to investigate what happened, then the workflow can be resumed.

Error Handling With Try/Catch/Finally Blocks

Try, Catch, and Finally, blocks are used to handle terminating errors in the scripts, functions, and CmdLets. A non-terminating error does not trigger Try block and Windows PowerShell will not look for Catch block to handle the error. So we need to force a non-terminating error to become terminating error using ErrorAction parameter with value Stop whenever we call some CmdLet or Advanced function.

Try block is used as part of the code that PowerShell will monitor for errors. The workflow in the Try block is as follows:

  • Try block is the section of code that will be monitored for errors by Windows PowerShell.
  • When the error occurs within Try block the error is saved to $Error automatic variable first.
  • Windows PowerShell searches for a Catch block to handle the error if the error is terminating. If the Catch block has not been found in current scope Windows PowerShell will search for catch block in parent scopes for nested calls.
  • Then the Finally block is run if exists.
  • If there is no Catch block than the error is not handled and the error is written to the error stream.

One Try block can have several Catch Blocks that will handle different error types.

Catch block usually handles the error.

The Finally block is optional and can be only one. Usually, it is used to clean up and free the resources.

The syntax for Try, Catch, and Finally block:

try { } 
catch [],[]
   { } 
catch { } 
finally { }

Getting Error Information With $Error Automatic Variable

$Error automatic variable is an array of error objects (both terminating and the non-terminating) that occurred in the current PowerShell session. The most recent error that occurred is written with index 0 in the array as $Error[0]. If we have just opened the Windows PowerShell session the $Error variable is an empty array and ready to be used.

Check the number of Errors in $Error variable with the following code:


To prevent the error from being written in $Error automatic variable set ErrorAction parameter to value Ignore.

$Error variable is a rich object that has many useful properties worth reading and helpful for further understanding of the error that just occurred.

Let’s see some useful properties and in section Write-ErrorLog CmdLet Explained I have explained to you some useful examples of properties that are interesting to be written in an external log file.

$error[0] | Get-Member
Methods and Properties of the Error object
$Error.CategoryInfo | Get-Member
Methods and Properties of CategoryInfo object
The exception of the error that occurred.
$Error.InvocationInfo | Get-Member
Methods and Properties of InvocationInfo object

Write-Error CmdLet

Write-Error CmdLet writes an object to the error stream.

Please read this article from Microsoft PowerShell documentation regarding this CmdLet.

Handling Errors from non-PowerShell processes

We can run applications from PowerShell script like for example, PsExec.exe or robocopy.exe and they are external processes for PowerShell. Since it is an external process, errors from it will not be caught by our try/catch blocks in PowerShell script. So how we will know whether our external process was successful or not.

Well, we can use the $LastExitCode PowerShell automatic variable.

PowerShell will write the exit code to the $LastExitCode automatic variable when the external process exits. Check the external tool’s documentation for exit code values but usually, 0 means success and 1 or greater values mean a failure.

Useful PowerShell Error Handling Articles

Here are some useful articles and resources:

  • Windows PowerShell Error Reporting
  • About Try Catch Finally
  • About CommonParameters
  • About Automatic Variables
  • About Preference Variables
  • Write-Error
  • About Throw
  • About Break
  • About Continue

RRS feed

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • I am new to SSIS, i’m looking for some help. Need
    to log error in flat file, and if there is repetition of code then corresponding rows need to be logged and mail has to be sent to end-user.

    Package need to be executed without any interruption. Pls advice with necessary articles which have screen-shots.

    Midhun Kumar Singh

    • Edited by
      Wednesday, June 3, 2015 12:21 PM


    • Marked as answer by
      Monday, September 30, 2013 7:53 AM

All replies

    • Proposed as answer by
      Martina White
      Sunday, September 22, 2013 9:06 PM
    • Unproposed as answer by
      Monday, September 23, 2013 1:56 PM
  • I changed my initial question, based on my client-request/requirement.

    I tried the following link to

    LOG-ERRORS IN A TEXT-FILE  but I can’t able to get error description. If you have any idea’s on this, pls advice.

    I just google and find some links on

    CUSTOM-ERROR HANDLING, but need to know more examples on

    1. Log-Error Description on .TXT File

    2. Send Corresponding file to user as mail.

    Midhun Kumar Singh

  • How do I check and write log-errors into the .txt file ?

  • I am completely new to SSIS, I just want to log-errors if my SSIS package is failed.

    I tried the following link to LOG-ERRORS
    IN A TEXT-FILE  but I can’t able to get error-description.

    I trying to log errors if my Data-Flow is failed.


    If you have any idea’s on this, pls advice.

  • Have you tried using Event Handlers to check if that Data Flow (OnTaskFailed) event and then use a Execute SQL task to log the errors into a table.


  • If there is any truncation error occurs need to log to .txt file.

    The data type for «flat file destination .Inputs [Flat File Destination Input].Columns[Flat File Source Error Output Column] is DT_TEXT, which is not supported
    with Unicode files. Use DT_NTEXT instead and convert the data to DT_TEXT using the data conversion component.

    I tried to modify at advanced editor, but it is not editable. Is there is any other way to resolve this.

    • Marked as answer by
      Monday, September 30, 2013 7:53 AM

Posted Jun 26, 2007 11:15 PM

Thanks.  (I wish the IT person who set me up with Ghost had told us we could do the same clone from the windows level; it would have saved a lot of time over a couple of years.)

what’s strange about the error is it seems to happen about the same time in each clone, but not around the transfer of the same file.

I now have an error log I can offer; your system does not allow me to send more than a certain number of characters, so I’ll send it in steps.

(Please let me know what I can do to complete a clone or an image, FairBalanced.)

Here’s page 1:

CopyOperation 0

— GHOSTGHOSTERR.TXT ———————————————————

Date   : Tue Jun 26 20:52:52 2007
Error Number: (29004)
Message: Read sector failure, result = 1, drive = 0, sectors 195652079 to 195652143
Version: 2003.793 (Dec 17 2003, Build=793)
Command line arguments: -igb -sgb -wizard -clone,mode=copy,src=@GF5a69929b-a8c7-4e4a-b3a8-009c9f1d63fc,dst=@GF1e64c255-7d99-4d47-ba24-bb39c036be29 -ghwrap
Active Switches :
ProgMode            : PROG_LOCAL
PathName            : 9662 A0009706.msi
DumpFile            :
DumpPos             : 0
File64 buffersize   : 0
FlagImplode         : 0
FlagExplode         : 0

CloneSrc            : 1
BatchPartSrc        : 0
BatchPartMSrc       :

CloneDst            : 2
BatchPartDst        : 0

Operation Details :
 Total size………90633
 MB copied……….1150
 MB remaining…….89483
 Percent complete…1%
 Time elapsed…….1:27  
 Time remaining…..1:52:47

Program Call Stack

Call Stack
End Call Stack

Start heap available: 460980224
Cur   heap available: 326631424
Total Memory:         467009536

Conventional Memory
Inital Conventional Memory Size = 277488
Current Conventional Memory Size = 277488
  1024 DpmiDjgpp.cpp:59
 33504 ghost.cpp:913
   528 IdeDmaServerPci.cpp:132
   528 IdeDmaServerPci.cpp:132
   528 IdeDmaServerPci.cpp:132
   528 IdeDmaServerPci.cpp:132
   528 IdeDmaServerPci.cpp:132
   528 IdeDmaServerPci.cpp:132
    32 DiskDriveAccessExInt13.cpp:107
   512 DiskDriveAccessExInt13.cpp:107
    16 MsdosFile.cpp:92
    80 DiskDriveAccessExInt13.cpp:93
   512 DiskDriveAccessInt13.cpp:181

Fat details:

NTFS details:

NTFS Global Flags:
 contiguousWrite=1 forceDiskClusterMapping=0
 inhibitCHKDSK=1 ignoreBadLog=1 ignoreCHKDSKBit=1
 enable_cache=0 xfrbuflen=32768
 last_attr_type = 0
 loadExact = 0
 NTFS volume 0:
 read cached…………..N
 Selective caching……..N
 flags………………..Volume OK
 part order……………0
 clustermap failover……N
 Boot sector details
 name………………..[NTFS    ]

 Cluster Allocation Map
 Start:         0 Length:    450073 Next:    450073
      Gap:    336359
 Start:    786432 Length:   4884013 Next:   5670445
      Gap:  33401635
 Start:  39072080 Length:         0 Next:  39072080

 NTFS volume 1:
 read cached…………..N
 Selective caching……..N
 flags………………..Volume OK
 part order……………0
 clustermap failover……N
 Boot sector details
 name………………..[NTFS    ]

 Cluster Allocation Map
 Start:  24473011 Length:         0 Next:  24473011


Disk Error Details

IDE Controller error:
Uncorrectable data error
Error          0x40
Device/Head    0xeb
Cylinder High  0xa9
Cylinder Low   0x6a
Sector Number  0x01
Sector Count   0x40
LBA Sector     195652097

Disk Info :

 # Ord Boot Id Ext First    Num      Last     Used     NTFS
 0   0   80 7  No  00000063 195784092 195784155 187047464 Yes

Disk Info :

 # Ord Boot Id Ext First    Num      Last     Used     NTFS
 0   0   80 7  No  00000063 312576642 312576705 187047464 Yes

Drive 128 Maxtor 6L100P0 L3D0VSFH

Int 13h
Total Sectors     16434495
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                8024
Cylinders         1023
Heads             255
Sectors per Track 63

Extended Int 13h
Total Sectors     195810048
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                95610

IDE using PIO
Total Sectors     195810959
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                95610
Cylinders         16383
Heads             16
Sectors per Track 63

IDE using UDMA (Active)
Total Sectors     195810959
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                95610
Cylinders         16383
Heads             16
Sectors per Track 63
Error Count       3
Last Error
IDE Controller error:
Uncorrectable data error
Error          0x40
Device/Head    0xeb
Cylinder High  0xa9
Cylinder Low   0x6a
Sector Number  0x01
Sector Count   0x40
LBA Sector     195652097

Drive 129 ST3160812A             5LS5NZDT

Int 13h
Total Sectors     16434495
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                8024
Cylinders         1023
Heads             255
Sectors per Track 63

Extended Int 13h
Total Sectors     312581808
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                152627

IDE using PIO
Total Sectors     312581808
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                152627
Cylinders         16383
Heads             16
Sectors per Track 63

IDE using UDMA (Active)
Total Sectors     312581808
Bytes per Sector  512
MB                152627
Cylinders         16383
Heads             16
Sectors per Track 63

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