I am getting those errors and warning in my console after trying to create a PWA — Progressive Web App out of my website using this tutorial.
The FetchEvent for
«https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-4562443-3» resulted in
a network error response: the promise was rejected. Promise.then
(async) (anonymous) @ service-worker.js:228 service-worker.js:1
Uncaught (in promise) fetch failed 1:21 GET
net::ERR_FAILED The FetchEvent for
resulted in a network error response: the promise was rejected.
Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ service-worker.js:228
service-worker.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) fetch failed 1:28 GET
net::ERR_FAILED The FetchEvent for
«https://widget.uservoice.com/VuHfPZ0etI2eQ4REt1tiUg.js» resulted in a
network error response: the promise was rejected. Promise.then (async)
(anonymous) @ service-worker.js:228 service-worker.js:1 Uncaught (in
promise) fetch failed 1:894 GET
https://widget.uservoice.com/VuHfPZ0etI2eQ4REt1tiUg.js net::ERR_FAILED
It actually works pretty well. I am able to get a fully working PWA icon in Audits in Chrome Dev Tools. Which is great, but after a refresh I am getting all those errors. My service-worker.js
which is located at root of my website looks like this
"use strict";
const SERVICE_WORKER_VERSION = "REPLACED_WITH_SERVICE_WORKER_VERSION"; // updated with tools/service_worker_version.js (String)
//const fileNamesToSaveInCache = ["/"];
const HOME = "/";
const OFFLINE_ALTERNATIVE = "/offline";
const fileNamesToSaveInCache = [];
const fileNamesToSaveInCacheProd = [
const rtcLength = 4; // "rtc/".length;
const rtcFetchDelay = 10000;//ms
const origin = location.origin;
const answerFromfileName = {};
const resolveFromfileName = {};
const rejectFromfileName = {};
const timeOutIdFromfileName = {};
let logLater = [];
// todo put all into single container
const resolveFetchFromPeerToPeer = function (fileName) {
delete answerFromfileName[fileName];//stop listening
delete resolveFromfileName[fileName];
delete rejectFromfileName[fileName];
const rejectFetchFromPeerToPeer = function (fileName, reason) {
if (rejectFromfileName[fileName]) {
delete resolveFromfileName[fileName];
delete rejectFromfileName[fileName];
const fetchFromPeerToPeer = function (customRequestObject) {
/*asks all page for a fileName*/
const fileName = customRequestObject.header.fileName;
const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolveFromfileName[fileName] = resolve;
rejectFromfileName[fileName] = reject;
if (answerFromfileName.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) {
timeOutIdFromfileName[fileName] = setTimeout(function() {
rejectFetchFromPeerToPeer(fileName, "No answer after 10 seconds");
}, rtcFetchDelay);
self.clients.matchAll().then(function(clientList) {
clientList.forEach(function(client) {
return promise;
const logInTheUI = (function () {
//console.log("logInTheUI function exists");
return function (what) {
self.clients.matchAll().then(function(clientList) {
clientList.forEach(function(client) {
client.postMessage({LOG: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(what))});
const logInTheUIWhenActivated = function (what) {
const fetchFromMainServer = function (request, options = {}) {
/*wrap over fetch. The problem with fetch here, it doesn't reject properly sometimes
see if statement below*/
return fetch(request, options).then(function (fetchResponse) {
// console.log("fetchFromMainServer:", fetchResponse.ok, fetchResponse);
// logInTheUI([request, options]);
if ((!fetchResponse) || (!fetchResponse.ok)) {
return Promise.reject("fetch failed");
return fetchResponse;
const fetchFromCache = function (request) {
return caches.open(CACHE_VERSION).then(function (cache) {
return cache.match(request).then(function (CacheResponse) {
//console.log("fetchFromCache:", CacheResponse.ok, CacheResponse);
if ((!CacheResponse) || (!CacheResponse.ok)) {
return Promise.reject("Not in Cache");
return CacheResponse;
const isLocalURL = function (url) {
return !(String(url).match("rtc"));
const fillServiceWorkerCache2 = function () {
/*It will not cache and also not reject for individual resources that failed to be added in the cache. unlike fillServiceWorkerCache which stops caching as soon as one problem occurs. see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41388616/what-can-cause-a-promise-rejected-with-invalidstateerror-here*/
return caches.open(CACHE_VERSION).then(function (cache) {
return Promise.all(
fileNamesToSaveInCache.map(function (url) {
return cache.add(url).catch(function (reason) {
return logInTheUIWhenActivated([url + "failed: " + String(reason)]);
const latePutToCache = function (request, response) {
return caches.open(CACHE_VERSION).then(function(cache) {
cache.put(request, response.clone());
return response;
const deleteServiceWorkerOldCache = function () {
return caches.keys().then(function (cacheVersions) {
return Promise.all(
cacheVersions.map(function (cacheVersion) {
if (CACHE_VERSION === cacheVersion) {
//console.log("No change in cache");
} else {
//console.log("New SERVICE_WORKER_VERSION of cache, delete old");
return caches.delete(cacheVersion);
const useOfflineAlternative = function () {
return fetchFromCache(new Request(OFFLINE_ALTERNATIVE));
const isAppPage = function (url) {
/*appPage does not work offline, and we don't serve it if offline
returns Boolean*/
return (origin + HOME) === url;
self.addEventListener("install", function (event) {
/*the install event can occur while another service worker is still active
waitUntil blocks the state (here installing) of the service worker until the
promise is fulfilled (resolved or rejected). It is useful to make the service worker more readable and more deterministic
save in cache some static fileNames
this happens before activation */
self.addEventListener("activate", function (event) {
/* about to take over, other service worker are killed after activate, syncronous
a good moment to clear old cache*/
event.waitUntil(deleteServiceWorkerOldCache().then(function() {
//console.log("[ServiceWorker] Skip waiting on install caches:", caches);
return self.clients.claim();
self.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
const message = event.data;
if (message.hasOwnProperty("FUTURE")) {
const fileName = message.fileName;
const answer = message.answer;
answerFromfileName[fileName] = answer;
//console.log(fileName, answer, resolveFromfileName);
if (resolveFromfileName.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) {//
self.addEventListener("fetch", function (fetchEvent) {
/* fetchEvent interface FetchEvent
see https://www.w3.org/TR/service-workers/#fetch-event-interface
IMPORTANT: fetchEvent.respondWith must be called inside this handler immediately
synchronously fetchEvent.respondWith must be called with a response object or a
promise that resolves with a response object. if fetchEvent.respondWith is called
later in a callback the browser will take over and asks the remote server directly, do not do that
why have fetchEvent.respondWith( and not respond with the return value of the callback function ?
It allows to do other thing before killing the service worker, like saving stuff in cache
const request = fetchEvent.request;//Request implements Body;
//const requestClone = request.clone(); //no need to clone ?
const url = request.url;
if (logLater) {
logLater = undefined;
// logInTheUI(["fetch service worker " + SERVICE_WORKER_VERSION, fetchEvent]);
// Needs to activate to handle fetch
if (isLocalURL(url)) {
//Normal Fetch
if (request.method === "POST") {
// logInTheUI(["POST ignored", request]);
// logInTheUI(["Normal Fetch"]);
fetchFromCache(request.clone()).then(function (cacheResponse) {
/* cannot use request again from here, use requestClone */
//console.log(request, url);
return cacheResponse;
}).catch(function (reason) {
// We don't have it in the cache, fetch it
// logInTheUI(fetchEvent);
return fetchFromMainServer(request);
}).then(function (mainServerResponse) {
if (isAppPage(url)) {
return mainServerResponse;
return latePutToCache(request, mainServerResponse).catch(
function (reason) {
/*failed to put in cache do not propagate catch, not important enough*/
return mainServerResponse;
}).catch(function (reason) {
if (isAppPage(url)) {
//if it is the landing page that is asked
return useOfflineAlternative();
//todo if we are offline , display /offline directly
return Promise.reject(reason);
} else {
// Peer to peer Fetch
//console.log(SERVICE_WORKER_VERSION, "rtc fetch" url:", fetchEvent.request.url);
// request, url are defined
const method = request.method;
const requestHeaders = request.headers;
//logInTheUI(["Special Fetch"]);
const customRequestObject = {
header: {
fileName: url.substring(url.indexOf("rtc/") + rtcLength),
body: ""
requestHeaders.forEach(function (value, key) {
//value, key correct order
//is there a standard way to use Object.assign with Map like iterables ?
//todo handle duplicates
customRequestObject.header[key] = value;
/*should provide the peer the full request*/
request.arrayBuffer().then(function (bodyAsArrayBuffer) {
const bodyUsed = request.bodyUsed;
if (bodyUsed && bodyAsArrayBuffer) {
customRequestObject.body = bodyAsArrayBuffer;
}).catch(function (reason) {
/*console.log("no body sent, a normal GET or HEAD request has no body",
}).then(function (notUsed) {
return fetchFromPeerToPeer(customRequestObject);
}).then(function (response) {
const responseInstance = new Response(response.body, {
headers: response.header,
status: response.header.status || 200,
statusText : response.header.statusText || "OK"
return responseInstance;
}).catch(function (error) {
const responseInstance = new Response(`<html><p>${error}</p></html>`,
headers: {
"Content-type": "text/html"
status: 500,
statusText : "timedout"
return responseInstance;
/*here we could do more with event.waitUntil()*/
I am guessing the problem comes from loading those external libraries. So, this is my code loading those libraries.
// Include the UserVoice JavaScript SDK (only needed once on a page)
UserVoice = window.UserVoice || [];
(function() {
var uv = document.createElement('script');
uv.type = 'text/javascript';
uv.async = true;
uv.src = '//widget.uservoice.com/VuHfPZ0etI2eQ4REt1tiUg.js';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(uv, s)
// UserVoice Javascript SDK developer documentation:
// https://www.uservoice.com/o/javascript-sdk
// Set colors
UserVoice.push(['set', {
accent_color: '#448dd6',
trigger_color: 'white',
trigger_background_color: 'rgba(46, 49, 51, 0.6)'
// Identify the user and pass traits
// To enable, replace sample data with actual user traits and uncomment the line
UserVoice.push(['identify', {
//email: 'john.doe@example.com', // User’s email address
//name: 'John Doe', // User’s real name
//created_at: 1364406966, // Unix timestamp for the date the user signed up
//id: 123, // Optional: Unique id of the user (if set, this should not change)
//type: 'Owner', // Optional: segment your users by type
//account: {
// id: 123, // Optional: associate multiple users with a single account
// name: 'Acme, Co.', // Account name
// created_at: 1364406966, // Unix timestamp for the date the account was created
// monthly_rate: 9.99, // Decimal; monthly rate of the account
// ltv: 1495.00, // Decimal; lifetime value of the account
// plan: 'Enhanced' // Plan name for the account
// Add default trigger to the bottom-right corner of the window:
UserVoice.push(['addTrigger', {mode: 'contact', trigger_position: 'bottom-right'}]);
// Or, use your own custom trigger:
//UserVoice.push(['addTrigger', '#id', { mode: 'contact' }]);
// Autoprompt for Satisfaction and SmartVote (only displayed under certain conditions)
UserVoice.push(['autoprompt', {}]);
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400&display=swap&subset=cyrillic');
@font-face {
font-family: 'fa-solid-900';
font-display: swap;
src: url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.2/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2) format('woff2');
@font-face {
font-family: 'fa-brands-400';
font-display: swap;
src: url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.2/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2) format('woff2');
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-number-3"></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'UA-number-3');
What should i do in order to fix those errors. This is my first try in PWA so i am lost.
📚 Docs or angular.io bug report
Trying to load pages like this one: https://angular.io/cli/generate#application results in
We are unable to retrieve the "cli/generate" page at this time. Please check your connection and try again later.
🔬 Minimal Reproduction
What’s the affected URL?**
Pretty much all pages. For example all pages from the cli section like this one:
Reproduction Steps**
Just try to open any page like: https://angular.io/cli/generate#application
Expected vs Actual Behavior**
I expect to be able to access the angular.io docs…
🔥 Exception or Error
polyfills.484bababb6e0f3a2b3fc.js:sourcemap:1 A preload for 'https://angular.io/generated/navigation.json' is found, but is not used because the request headers do not match.
GET https://angular.io/assets/images/favicons/favicon-16x16.png net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
The FetchEvent for "https://angular.io/generated/docs/cli/generate.json" resulted in a network error response: the promise was rejected.
ngsw-worker.js:589 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Response not Ok (fetchAndCacheOnce): request for https://angular.io/generated/docs/cli/generate.json returned response 504 Gateway Timeout
polyfills.484bababb6e0f3a2b3fc.js:1 GET https://angular.io/generated/docs/cli/generate.json net::ERR_FAILED
ngsw-worker.js:589 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Response not Ok (fetchAndCacheOnce): request for https://angular.io/generated/docs/cli/generate.json returned response 504 Gateway Timeout
main.50c889384f59db4dbadf.js:1 ERROR Error: Error fetching document 'cli/generate': (Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error)
GET https://angular.io/angular_whiteTransparent_withMargin.69f1fb57db78bb0b878f.png 504 (Gateway Timeout)
The resource https://angular.io/generated/docs/index.json was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
The resource https://angular.io/generated/navigation.json was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
GET https://angular.io/assets/images/favicons/favicon-32x32.png net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
/assets/images/favicons/favicon-16x16.png:1 GET https://angular.io/assets/images/favicons/favicon-16x16.png net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
An unknown error occurred when fetching the script.
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
/assets/images/favicons/favicon-96x96.png:1 GET https://angular.io/assets/images/favicons/favicon-96x96.png net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
/assets/images/favicons/favicon-194x194.png:1 GET https://angular.io/assets/images/favicons/favicon-194x194.png net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
/assets/images/favicons/favicon.ico:1 GET https://angular.io/assets/images/favicons/favicon.ico net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
🌍 Your Environment
Browser info
Google Chrome
Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Anything else relevant?
The respondWith()
method of
prevents the browser’s default fetch handling, and
allows you to provide a promise for a Response
In most cases you can provide any response that the receiver understands. For example,
if an <img>
initiates the request, the response body needs to be
image data. For security reasons, there are a few global rules:
You can only return
objects oftype
» if thefetchEvent.request
is «no-cors
«. This prevents the
leaking of private data. -
You can only return
objects oftype
» if thefetchEvent.request
is «manual
«. -
You cannot return
objects oftype
» if thefetchEvent.request
is «same-origin
Specifying the final URL of a resource
From Firefox 59 onwards, when a service worker provides a Response
, the Response.url
value will be
propagated to the intercepted network request as the final resolved URL. If the
value is the empty string, then the
is used as the final URL.
In the past the FetchEvent.request.url
was used as the
final URL in all cases. The provided Response.url
was effectively
This means, for example, if a service worker intercepts a stylesheet or worker script,
then the provided Response.url
will be used to resolve any relative
subresource loads
(bug 1222008).
For most types of network request this change has no impact because you can’t observe
the final URL. There are a few, though, where it does matter:
If a
is intercepted,
then you can observe the final URL on the result’sResponse.url
. -
If a worker script is
intercepted, then the final URL is used to set
and used as the base URL for relative URLs in the worker script. -
If a stylesheet is intercepted, then the final URL is used as the base URL for
resolving relative@import
Note that navigation requests for Windows
do NOT use the final URL. The way the HTML
specification handles redirects for navigations ends up using the request URL for the
resulting Window.location
. This means sites can still provide an
«alternate» view of a web page when offline without changing the user-visible URL.
or aPromise
that resolves to a
. Otherwise, a network error is returned to Fetch.
Return value
Returned if a network error is triggered on certain combinations of
values, as hinted at in the «global rules»
listed above. InvalidStateError
Returned if the event has not been dispatched or
already been invoked.
This fetch event tries to return a response from the cache API, falling back to the
network otherwise.
addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
// Prevent the default, and handle the request ourselves.
event.respondWith((async () => {
// Try to get the response from a cache.
const cachedResponse = await caches.match(event.request);
// Return it if we found one.
if (cachedResponse) return cachedResponse;
// If we didn't find a match in the cache, use the network.
return fetch(event.request);
Specification |
Service Workers # fetch-event-respondwith |
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser