The following error occurred attempting to join the domain the network path was not found

So I have an Amazon EC2 box running Windows Server 2008 with Active Directory installed on it. I also have a Windows 7 virtual machine, which is set to use the Active Directory box as its DNS and W...

So I have an Amazon EC2 box running Windows Server 2008 with Active Directory installed on it. I also have a Windows 7 virtual machine, which is set to use the Active Directory box as its DNS and WINS server. I’m trying to join the virtual machine to the domain, and I’m asked for authentication. I give authentication, wait a minute, and I get an error saying:

The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "":

The network path was not found.

How can I fix this so that I’ll be able to join the domain?

Bryan's user avatar


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asked Feb 21, 2011 at 6:55

Chiggins's user avatar

Problems like this are always due to DNS.

Try the following commands from the PC you are trying to join to the domain

nslookup ad

They should both resolve if you’ve got everything configured correctly.

It would be beneficial if you would include the output of ipconfig /all and ip details for your domain controllers within your question.

answered Apr 1, 2012 at 8:38

Bryan's user avatar


7,55815 gold badges68 silver badges93 bronze badges


Never tinkered with EC2, but my 2 cents,

From your Virtual client machine, do a ping ad or ping, if its able to ping, then it means that the server and client are reachable.

Also check the subnet and other network settings to ensure that they both are on the same network

Other issue being the COnnection Specific DNS Suffix and DNS Suffic search order

answered Feb 21, 2011 at 7:02

user67714's user avatar


3571 gold badge4 silver badges12 bronze badges


Just disable the second NIC, join the domain, and restart. Then you can re-enable the other NIC.

Andrew Schulman's user avatar

answered Jan 25, 2015 at 21:54

Cee Zar's user avatar

this has worked for me in XP not sure if it will on Win 7

try running the windows 7 VM in safe mode and then adding it to the domain.


answered Feb 21, 2011 at 9:45

Mike's user avatar


Had the same issue, even though DNS looked fine — rebooting the server fixed it. Here’s the details:

  • Server had dropped off domain
  • Logged in as local admin, joined server to WORKGROUP
  • Attempted to rejoin the domain (without rebooting) — error «Network Path was not found»
  • IPCONFIG /ALL showed a valid DNS server
  • ping domain.local OK
  • NSLOOKUP domain.local OK
  • Rebooted and was able to join the domain with no issues

answered Sep 6, 2017 at 0:42

KERR's user avatar


3753 silver badges8 bronze badges

check port 445, it shoudnt be blocked on AD.

answered Dec 12, 2019 at 21:30

Aslam's user avatar


This is an old post but I’ve come across it a few times. IPV6 can cause problems in the DNS if not configured correctly. Disable it in the NIC, try again and change setting permanently.

answered Jul 11, 2017 at 23:34

Anthony's user avatar

When trying to join a domain you may see an error advising ‘The network path was not found’

This error can occur after you have entered domain credentials to setup the domain connection.  You can resolve the problem where the network path was not found by making a couple of changes on the computer you are working from.

First action is to change the network setting of the device to ‘Private’.

When changing to a private connection this enables network discovery features as opposed to a public connection where these are not available. This is because public networks can be full of devices that you do not want to be able to connect to you.

Private networks are likely to be used at home or in businesses to enable sharing between devices on the same network.

When first connecting to a network you are likely to receive a message asking what type of network it is and ‘Private’ can be chosen from this area. Alternatively, if it needs to be changed from a Public to a Private you can do this from the Network and Sharing Centre on a Windows 7 device by clicking on the link underneath the network name.

Windows 10

For Windows 10, the instructions are slightly different:

1.Access the option via the Settings app

2. Choose Network & Internet then select the network you are connected to.

3. Choose the option to ‘Make This PC Discoverable’ and enable this to connect as a private network, leaving it off for a public network.

4. Should you wish to make any further advanced changes these can be made from ‘Change Advance Sharing Settings’ via the control panel.


If you were still experiencing any issues you may need to amend settings on the firewall of your anti-virus or disable that firewall in order to use the Windows firewall. Public and Private networks use different firewall settings and these change when applying the network type. You can also adjust them manually from the firewall settings within Security menus.  This allows you to make changes to particular programs so that not all will be affected.

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14.12.2011, 01:27. Показов 32145. Ответов 10

Доброго время суток.
Прохожу курс администрирования в университете и дали следующее задание:
«Развернуть службу каталогов Active Directory, создать собственную консоль управления групповыми политиками»
Как сервер используется виртуальная машина с Windows 2003.
Роль сервера контролера доменов добавил, автоматически добавилась и роль DNS сервера, задал имя домена и прочие настройки по умолчанию.
Вроде бы успешно все, но…
Запустил вторую виртуальную машину, на обеих в настройках сетевого подключения задал «Внутренняя сеть», компьютеры видят друг друга.
Второй компьютер (тоже Windows 2003) попробовал ввести в созданный домен, но не получилось, появилась следующая ошибка:
«Не удалось подключится к контролеру домена Active Directory для домена *** «.

Какие настройки я упустил и что нужно сделать что бы все заработало?

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


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14.12.2011, 12:20


в логах посмотри более детальное описание ошибки.


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14.12.2011, 12:33



Сообщение от k0xy
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в логах посмотри более детальное описание ошибки.

An error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain dom.local.

The error was: «No DNS servers configured for local system.»
(error code 0x0000267C DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS)

The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.dom.local

For more information, click Help.

DNS сервер есть, но как его правильно тогда настроить, что бы заработало…


115 / 105 / 2

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14.12.2011, 13:36


DNS пропиши на второй машине, а то он не понимает кто домен и где домен

Добавлено через 1 минуту
пропиши — это не поднять сервер, а просто прописать в настройках сети, там же где ойпишнег и шлюз


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17.12.2011, 12:59



Сообщение от shadow99
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пропиши — это не поднять сервер, а просто прописать в настройках сети, там же где ойпишнег и шлюз

Сенкс, КЭП.
Прописал и предыдущая ошибка исчезла, но возникла новая проблема.
Когда в появившемся окне ввожу логин и пароль пользователя и нажимаю «ОК», то меня «радует» сообщение:
The following error occurred attempting to join the domain «dom.local»:
The network path was not found.

Как с этим бороться???

П.С. Кстати еще такой вопрос: почему я не могу указывать (при введении в домен) только «dom» вместо «dom.local»???


115 / 105 / 2

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19.12.2011, 09:18


Системное время?


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19.12.2011, 20:41



Сообщение от shadow99
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Системное время?

А можно поподробней???


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19.12.2011, 21:21


Сначала ввод в рабочую группу домена, ребут, ввод в домен.

И проверь пинги, nslookup и активность сети……..

С уважением
Ваш КО


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19.12.2011, 22:26


Сообщение от shadow99
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ввод в рабочую группу домена

не обязательно.

Сообщение от shadow99
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И проверь пинги, nslookup и активность сети

а это стоит проверить
роль DNS на КД поднята?
зоны прямого и обратного просмотра прописаны?

Сообщение от ZuluS
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почему я не могу указывать

в смысле?
если вы о том почему так нельзя именовать домен, это одно, а если не дает — это другое.


115 / 105 / 2

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20.12.2011, 08:54


magirus, пару раз сталкивался, приходилось вводить…

ZuluS, вторая виртуалка копия первой? Или отдельно ставил? Если копия — то попробуй SID сменить. Что бы там ни говорили, а проблемы со входом в домен при одинаковом СИДе возникают… Утилита NewSID



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20.12.2011, 12:49


Сообщение от shadow99
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Сначала ввод в рабочую группу домена, ребут, ввод в домен.

Так же не всегда, бывают глюки при вводе в домен, точнее при не самом вводе, лично я ввожу в домен, ребут, захожу под локальным администратором, ввожу доменную учетку, после выхожу из локального администратора, захожу в домен под только что введенной учетной записью домена.


Author Pretoria Boys High School


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Do you have more than one  domain controllers on your network?

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Author pj bernardo

only one, just called it

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Disable IPv6 on the new computer and see if that helps. 

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Author pj bernardo

already done that.. i unchecked it in local area connection properties.. 

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Author Pretoria Boys High School


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Is firewall disabled on PC?

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Author Peter Barclay


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I’m wondering why your DNS addresses are statically assigned as opposed to being obtained automatically through your DHCP server (wth the DNS servers being assigned in the options section of your DHCP server).

I would also run a DCDIAG on all of your domain controllers and see if you are having any replication issues.

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Author pj bernardo

firewall is disabled already.. 


Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Nameabc
      Starting test: Connectivity
         The host
         could not be resolved to an IP address. Check the DNS server, DHCP,
         server name, etc.
         Got error while checking LDAP and RPC connectivity. Please check your
         firewall settings.
         ……………………. abc failed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Nameabc
      Skipping all tests, because server abc is not responding to
      directory service requests.

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ……………………. ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ……………………. ForestDnsZones passed test

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ……………………. DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ……………………. DomainDnsZones passed test

   Running partition tests on : Schema
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ……………………. Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ……………………. Schema passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : Configuration
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ……………………. Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ……………………. Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : abc
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ……………………. abc passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ……………………. abc passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running enterprise tests on :
      Starting test: LocatorCheck
         ……………………. passed test LocatorCheck
      Starting test: Intersite
         ……………………. passed test Intersite

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Author Milan Bozic

One more question/suggestion. Which account are you using to join that PC to the domain? By default, every user can join PC to the domain but only 5 times. Only domain admin can do it infinite times.

If everything is OK with network settings (DNS and ping to PDC), try to create computer account in AD in advance and see if that helps.

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Author pj bernardo

firewall is disabled.. see attached for dcdiag

The host
could not be resolved to an IP address. Check the DNS server, DHCP,
server name, etc.
Got error while checking LDAP and RPC connectivity. Please check your
firewall settings.
……………………. abc failed test Connectivity


2.19 KB

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Author Terry Trelstad

If you haven’t already done so, reboot your server.

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Author Joao Moreira

Have you checked if client PC and Server are in the same Time Zone and the clock is set to similar time?

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Did you swap your real domain name for ?  Don’t use a public domain name that you don’t own and control all the DNS for.  If it’s just for testing purposes, use abc.local or something for a domain name.  You will have all kinds of problems if you use a real domain name you don’t control and then move in to production with it.

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Author Matt DiFabion

Have you checked if client PC and Server are in the same Time Zone and the clock is set to similar time?

I second this.  Also (if you haven’t already tried this) try both domain formats, FQDN or NetBIOS DN, in the domain field.

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Author Talk2 Jimmy

do you have  Symantec AV on your Domain Controller?

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Author Terry Trelstad

Doesn’t he have to focus on the dcdiag error first?  I only recommended bouncing the server because I have no idea how much RAM he has in it, or apps, or anything else.  If he has not restarted it for awhile it’s possible it’s just stepping on itself.  A reboot will at least reset everything.  Then run dcdiag again.

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Author Fw Koch

It is all DNS. Check your gateway that it has the correct DNS entries to find the domain not just necessarily the domain controller.

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Author pj bernardo

same time zone

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Author Steve Fluegel

I realize I’m a little late to the game…

I’ve had really crazy problems with adding Win7 clients to domains when the client had a hosts file with the name and IP of the domain controller or, even worse, just the domain, i.e.:

# file windowssystem32driversetchosts    dc1.mydomain.local   # causes problems    dc1.mydomain.local mydomain.local   # causes even more problems

Apparently when the client gets the ip from the hosts file, it doesn’t go out to get other records from the DNS server.

Just a thought…

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I am too much late to reply on this thread. Please refer to following MS KB Opens a new window.

Quote from there;

You can add the «A» record to DNS by issuing the following command at the DNS server:

ipconfig /registerdns

After verifying that an «A» record is present for the DNS server, you may receive the following error message when you attempt to continue the Dcpromo.exe process:

Active Directory Installation Wizard

The wizard cannot gain access to the list of domain in the forest. The error is:

The RPC server is unavailable.

To resolve this problem, type the following command on the server on which you try to use Dcpromo.exe. This command clears the DNS resolver cache on the computer that is running Dcpromo.exe so that it re-creates the query after the «A» record for the DNS server is registered in the DNS database.

ipconfig /flushdns

This problem can also occur during the Dcpromo.exe process if the existing domain controller that is authenticating this process does not have file and printer sharing enabled on its network adapter. To resolve this issue, enable file and printer sharing on the existing domain controller until the Dcpromo.exe process is complete.

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Author Michael Allison

Having similar issue, but trace it to the built in Nic of dell 3020’s, unable ping pc but can ping DC. Putting another NIC in pc and able to join domain…look for reason dell on board NIC not working.

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Author Dimitar Todorov

in my case I disabled the network adapter, then enabled it and voila, it’s working

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1>     Disabled Firewall and tried (Didn’t worked)

2>     Ping the DNS server via name and IP was responding so

added IP and name of domain on hosts file, No luck

3>     Found DNS server can be pinged but cannot access via UNC

path both IP and name so added IP on WINS, No luck

4>     Installed «Client for Microsoft Networks” NO Luck

5>     Tried Renaming the Computer and join to domain, No luck.

And Finally

6>     While checking found Workstation service is not present

on services, so enabled NetBIOS over TCP IP on network adapters and restarted

SERVER and Workstation service and was able to join to domain.

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Author Kendric Turnage

Disable Internet Protocal Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) on both the pc joining the domain and the domain controller.  After the pc has joined the domain enable IPv6 on both PCs.

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Kaspersky is running on my DC and blocks attempts to add PCs to the domain.  I need to figure out the proper exceptions to add to Kaspersky so I can stop disabling it every time I add devices…

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Author R B

Had this issue. What worked for me was entering a static IP address and static DNS. Simply changing the DNS to static didn’t work. Had to manually change the IPv4 IP address different from what it was getting from DHCP.

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Author Pardeep Kaushal

check the AD ports like 137,138,139 and 445 both TCP/UDP are open or not  between the server being added and domain controllers. These must be allowed in any firewall, antivirus firewall or windows firewall between the system being added to the domain and all domain controllers.

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Author Ganesh NV

check if the service — TCPIP NetBIOS Helper service is enabled

because this fixed the issue for me when tried it on server 2008 r2

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Author Javier Denison

I had the same issue and fixed by starting «TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper» in services.

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Author Eric Herlitz

This can also caused by windows not being activated.

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Author Charlie Hart

Try disabling IPV6 and make your server is giving out the correct DNS. 

If you think it is change DNS settings to static and put ur DNS server in manually should work.

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Author Thomas Lee


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Jared Busch wrote:

Disable IPv6 on the new computer and see if that helps. 

IPv6 should not be an issue. It’s just a method of IP. The issue is at a higher level in the stack.

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Author Rusty Martin

Check local area connection properties for client for Microsoft networks and put a check marked there is not one if there is you have other issues. Really old topic, but It may help someone.

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Author Olgierd Ungehojer

Record in DNS on AD is pointing to different Ip than your NIC IP, remove record from DNS on AD, Clean cash and restart dns service on AD and should work.

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Author spicehead-t6bor

Awhile ago we were having trouble with our DNS server so we changed our DNS settings on the local adapters to use Google’s and  This bypassed our failing DNS and allowed everyone to get to the internet.  Enter new Domain and DNS server.   Our ‘processing’ machines needed to be added to the domain but failed to find «the network path». 

The fix was to go to the local adapter IP4 settings, change the DNS to point to the internal DNS server, apply the settings, then add the computer to the domain.

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Author Charles Hatcher


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The OP posted their question FIVE YEARS ago…yet for some reason it keeps getting dredged up again. 

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Yesterday I hit a reasonably strange problem, which took me quite some time to resolve, long enough, in fact, to prompt me to post this in the hope that anyone else encountering can avoid the circuitous route I took!


Windows 7 system unable to browse local domain resources (file shares etc) but access to Internet was fine. Was able to ping all local servers and DNS functioned correctly. Decided to remove system from domain and re-add. Upon attempt to re-add process was as normal, including request for domain administrator username & password, but despite using correct credentials, domain join would fail with message:

“The following error has occurred when trying to join the “xyz” domain: network path not found.”

Possible Fixes:

Tried (try in order below as one of these may fix for you);
i) Checked that other Windows 7 systems could leave & rejoin domain. (They could, so it was clearly a machine specific issue)
ii) Reboot, followed by Disabling & Enabling NIC, followed by reboot.
iii) Check that current network is set to “Work” type /category.
iv) Disabling Windows Firewall (or other firewalls) & any anti-virus / anti-malware, (remember to re-enable!).
v) Using another NIC (in this case WiFi).
vi) “Removing” NIC from Device Manager & rebooting.
vii) Removing system’s old account from Active Directory “Computers” container.
viii) Reinstalling TCP/IP stack. (netsh int ip reset in command prompt as admin)
ix) Remove & re-add “Client for Microsoft Networks” Client.
x) Run “sfc /scannow” from an elevated command prompt.

None of these fixed it for me and so was just considering a re-install, however I first tried the following, which did work!


  • Remove ALL “Clients” / “Services” / “Protocols” from NIC (except IP4 & IP6 which are non-removable and would have been fixed by step “viii”, above, if they were the problem)
  • Reboot and re-add the above (this included, in our case, a “minimum working set” of; “Client for Microsoft Networks”, “Link-Layer Topology Discoverer Responder” & “Link-Layer Topology Discoverer Mapper I/O Driver”)
  • Following their removal, rebooting & their re-addition, the system was able to join to domain as normal!

Hope this helps someone avoid my pain and as ever, feedback is appreciated on additional options / extra steps etc! 😉

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