The form contains the following error fingerprint cannot be generated

«Отпечаток пальца не может быть сгенерирован» при добавлении нового ключа SSH в учетную запись gitlab Я пытаюсь добавить новый ключ ssh в свою учетную запись GitLab, но продолжаю получать следующие ошибки: Что я сделал, так это пошел в Cmder и ввел команды Затем я скопировал ключ в свою школьную учетную запись GitLab через веб-браузер […]


  1. «Отпечаток пальца не может быть сгенерирован» при добавлении нового ключа SSH в учетную запись gitlab
  2. Отпечаток пальца уже был взят gitlab
  3. 7 ответов
  4. сделать новый ключ
  5. Documentation
  6. System check framework¶
  7. API reference¶
  8. CheckMessage ¶
  9. Builtin tags¶
  10. Core system checks¶
  11. Asynchronous support¶
  12. Backwards compatibility¶
  13. Caches¶
  14. Database¶
  15. MySQL and MariaDB¶
  16. Managing files¶
  17. Model fields¶
  18. File fields¶
  19. Related fields¶
  20. Models¶
  21. Security¶
  22. Signals¶
  23. Templates¶
  24. Translation¶
  25. contrib app checks¶
  26. admin ¶
  27. ModelAdmin ¶
  28. InlineModelAdmin ¶
  29. GenericInlineModelAdmin ¶
  30. AdminSite ¶
  31. contenttypes ¶
  32. postgres ¶
  33. sites ¶

«Отпечаток пальца не может быть сгенерирован» при добавлении нового ключа SSH в учетную запись gitlab

Я пытаюсь добавить новый ключ ssh в свою учетную запись GitLab, но продолжаю получать следующие ошибки:

Что я сделал, так это пошел в Cmder и ввел команды

Затем я скопировал ключ в свою школьную учетную запись GitLab через веб-браузер и получил упомянутые выше ошибки.

Почему это происходит и как я могу успешно загрузить свой ключ?

Удалось ли вам заставить это работать с любым из ответов, показанных ниже? Если да, не забудьте принять это. Это показывает другим пользователям, что вы нашли решение.

Вам нужно сделать следующее вместо просто ssh-keygen :

Это создает ключ ED25519, который можно использовать с Gitlab. Обязательно измените адрес электронной почты на свой адрес электронной почты (связанный с учетной записью gitlab). Затем возьмите только что сгенерированный ключ .pub и скопируйте его в то же место, где вы были раньше.

Я попробовал именно то, что вы сказали, но все еще получаю те же ошибки.

@DávidČano Попробуйте: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C «» Это рекомендуемый тип ключа; ЭД25519.

Наконец-то это сработало, большое спасибо! Вы только что спасли мой рассудок.

@DávidČano Я отредактировал свой ответ, чтобы отразить правильные шаги. Не могли бы вы представить его в качестве ответа, если считаете, что он отвечает на ваш вопрос?

Ключи RSA должны быть в порядке. Это один из типов ключей, перечисленных в сообщении об ошибке.

Есть большая вероятность, что вы копируете и вставляете символы новой строки из упаковки ключей в терминале, которых там не должно быть.

Когда вы вставляете свой ключ, он должен быть одной строкой. Вероятно, он начинается с ssh-rsa (если вы сгенерируете ключ RSA; другие типы ключей будут начинаться аналогично) и заканчивается чем-то вроде you@machine . Должен быть пробел после ssh-rsa и один перед you@machine , но не должно быть новых строк.

Либо вручную удалите новые строки при вставке, либо откройте файл в соответствующем текстовом редакторе, где вы сможете скопировать его без новых строк.

Я получил ту же ошибку, затем использовал ключ SSH, сгенерированный terraform, и использовал вывод:


Отпечаток пальца уже был взят gitlab

я отформатировал свой ноутбук Windows 7 и в попытке снова настроить git, я установил Git и исходное дерево приложений.

Я удалил ключ SSH из gitlab и восстановил ключ с помощью ssh-keygen. Но когда я пытаюсь добавить ключ SSH в gitlab, он выдает следующее исключение:

из-за чего я не могу клонировать репозиторий git из приложения исходного дерева, поскольку он не может аутентифицировать ключ SSH.Я следил за запросами в google группы gitlab, но ни одна из них, похоже, не решает мою проблему. Есть ли обходной путь или шаги, чтобы получить ключ SSH, принятый gitlab?

7 ответов

убедитесь, что отрезали все в конце строки, закодированной в base64. Также удалите все новые строки, чтобы строка не содержала новых строк.

Это сделал трюк для меня.

Я пробовал все, что уже предлагалось, и ничего не получилось. В итоге мне пришлось копировать открытый ключ с помощью команды, а не из текстового редактора ( nano в моем случае):

замена, при необходимости, id_rsa С моим конкретным именем ключа. Вышеуказанная команда работает на OSX. Другие системы требуют другой команды, и они перечислены на следующей странице:

текстовый редактор может быть проблема. Попробуйте открыть ключевой файл с помощью Notepad, а не Notepad++.

также добавьте «ssh-rsa» в начале ключа.

сделать новый ключ

ни одно из вышеперечисленных решений не сработало для меня, поэтому я скопировал свой старый ключ и создал новый.

в моем случае мой открытый ключ должен быть каким-то образом прикреплен к определенному репозиторию.

Я вернулся и удалил два старых репозитория, и после этого он позволил мне добавить открытый ключ к моей учетной записи GitLab без каких-либо проблем.

Добавить новый ключ ssh В pervius ключ SSH использовать прабабцею другим пользователем . Когда кто-то еще использует ключ ssh, вы должны получить эту ошибку, не беспокойтесь, создайте новый ключ ssh и используйте тему.

Gitlab может использовать ваш ssh-ключ в другой учетной записи ваших прошлых проектов, так что самый простой способ решить эту проблему-создать новую ssh-пару, добавить ее в ssh-agent и добавить для вашей учетной записи gitlab.



System check framework¶

The system check framework is a set of static checks for validating Django projects. It detects common problems and provides hints for how to fix them. The framework is extensible so you can easily add your own checks.

For details on how to add your own checks and integrate them with Django’s system checks, see the System check topic guide .

API reference¶

CheckMessage ¶

The warnings and errors raised by system checks must be instances of CheckMessage . An instance encapsulates a single reportable error or warning. It also provides context and hints applicable to the message, and a unique identifier that is used for filtering purposes.

Constructor arguments are:

level The severity of the message. Use one of the predefined values: DEBUG , INFO , WARNING , ERROR , CRITICAL . If the level is greater or equal to ERROR , then Django will prevent management commands from executing. Messages with level lower than ERROR (i.e. warnings) are reported to the console, but can be silenced. msg A short (less than 80 characters) string describing the problem. The string should not contain newlines. hint A single-line string providing a hint for fixing the problem. If no hint can be provided, or the hint is self-evident from the error message, the hint can be omitted, or a value of None can be used. obj Optional. An object providing context for the message (for example, the model where the problem was discovered). The object should be a model, field, or manager or any other object that defines a __str__() method. The method is used while reporting all messages and its result precedes the message. id Optional string. A unique identifier for the issue. Identifiers should follow the pattern applabel.X001 , where X is one of the letters CEWID , indicating the message severity ( C for criticals, E for errors and so). The number can be allocated by the application, but should be unique within that application.

There are subclasses to make creating messages with common levels easier. When using them you can omit the level argument because it is implied by the class name.

class Debug ( msg , hint = None , obj = None , id = None )¶ class Info ( msg , hint = None , obj = None , id = None )¶ class Warning ( msg , hint=None obj=None , id=None )¶ class Error ( msg , hint = None , obj = None , id = None )¶ class Critical ( msg , hint = None , obj = None , id = None

Django’s system checks are organized using the following tags:

  • admin : Checks of any admin site declarations.
  • async_support : Checks asynchronous-related configuration.
  • caches : Checks cache related configuration.
  • compatibility : Flags potential problems with version upgrades.
  • database : Checks database-related configuration issues. Database checks are not run by default because they do more than static code analysis as regular checks do. They are only run by the migrate command or if you specify configured database aliases using the —database option when calling the check command.
  • files : Checks files related configuration.
  • models : Checks of model, field, and manager definitions.
  • security : Checks security related configuration.
  • signals : Checks on signal declarations and handler registrations.
  • sites : Checks django.contrib.sites configuration.
  • staticfiles : Checks django.contrib.staticfiles configuration.
  • templates : Checks template related configuration.
  • translation : Checks translation related configuration.
  • urls : Checks URL configuration.

Some checks may be registered with multiple tags.

The files tag was added.

Core system checks¶

Asynchronous support¶

The following checks verify your setup for Asynchronous support :

  • async.E001: You should not set the DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE environment variable in deployment. This disables async safety protection .

Backwards compatibility¶

Compatibility checks warn of potential problems that might occur after upgrading Django.

    2_0.W001: Your URL pattern

has a route that contains (?P , begins with a ^ , or ends with a $ . This was likely an oversight when migrating from url() to path() .

  • 4_0.E001: As of Django 4.0, the values in the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting must start with a scheme (usually http:// or https:// ) but found .
  • Caches¶

    The following checks verify that your CACHES setting is correctly configured:

    • caches.E001: You must define a ‘default’ cache in your CACHES setting.
    • caches.W002: Your configuration might expose your cache or lead to corruption of your data because its LOCATION matches/is inside/contains MEDIA_ROOT / STATIC_ROOT / STATICFILES_DIRS .
    • caches.W003: Your cache LOCATION is relative. Use an absolute path instead.


    MySQL and MariaDB¶

    If you’re using MySQL or MariaDB, the following checks will be performed:

    • mysql.E001: MySQL/MariaDB does not allow unique CharField s to have a max_length > 255. This check was changed to mysql.W003 in Django 3.1 as the real maximum size depends on many factors.
    • mysql.W002: MySQL/MariaDB Strict Mode is not set for database connection . See also Setting sql_mode .
    • mysql.W003: MySQL/MariaDB may not allow unique CharField s to have a max_length > 255.

    Managing files¶

    The following checks verify your setup for Managing files :

      files.E001: The FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR setting refers to the nonexistent directory

    Model fields¶

    • fields.E001: Field names must not end with an underscore.
    • fields.E002: Field names must not contain «__» .
    • fields.E003: pk is a reserved word that cannot be used as a field name.
    • fields.E004: choices must be an iterable (e.g., a list or tuple).
    • fields.E005: choices must be an iterable containing (actual value, human readable name) tuples.
    • fields.E006: db_index must be None , True or False .
    • fields.E007: Primary keys must not have null=True .
    • fields.E008: All validators must be callable.
    • fields.E009: max_length is too small to fit the longest value in choices ( characters).
    • fields.E010: default should be a callable instead of an instance so that it’s not shared between all field instances.
    • fields.E100: AutoField s must set primary_key=True.
    • fields.E110: BooleanField s do not accept null values. This check appeared before support for null values was added in Django 2.1.
    • fields.E120: CharField s must define a max_length attribute.
    • fields.E121: max_length must be a positive integer.
    • fields.W122: max_length is ignored when used with field type> .
    • fields.E130: DecimalField s must define a decimal_places attribute.
    • fields.E131: decimal_places must be a non-negative integer.
    • fields.E132: DecimalField s must define a max_digits attribute.
    • fields.E133: max_digits must be a positive integer.
    • fields.E134: max_digits must be greater or equal to decimal_places .
    • fields.E140: FilePathField s must have either allow_files or allow_folders set to True.
    • fields.E150: GenericIPAddressField s cannot have blank=True if null=False , as blank values are stored as nulls.
    • fields.E160: The options auto_now , auto_now_add , and default are mutually exclusive. Only one of these options may be present.
    • fields.W161: Fixed default value provided.
    • fields.W162: does not support a database index on data type> columns.
    • fields.E170: BinaryField ’s default cannot be a string. Use bytes content instead.
    • fields.E180: does not support JSONField s.
    • fields.E190: does not support a database collation on s.
    • fields.E900: IPAddressField has been removed except for support in historical migrations.
    • fields.W900: IPAddressField has been deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 1.9. This check appeared in Django 1.7 and 1.8.
    • fields.W901: CommaSeparatedIntegerField has been deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 2.0. This check appeared in Django 1.10 and 1.11.
    • fields.E901: CommaSeparatedIntegerField is removed except for support in historical migrations.
    • fields.W902: FloatRangeField is deprecated and will be removed in Django 3.1. This check appeared in Django 2.2 and 3.0.
    • fields.W903: NullBooleanField is deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 4.0. This check appeared in Django 3.1 and 3.2.
    • fields.E903: NullBooleanField is removed except for support in historical migrations.
    • fields.W904: django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField is deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 4.0. This check appeared in Django 3.1 and 3.2.
    • fields.E904: django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField is removed except for support in historical migrations.

    File fields¶

    • fields.E200: unique is not a valid argument for a FileField . This check is removed in Django 1.11.
    • fields.E201: primary_key is not a valid argument for a FileField .
    • fields.E202: FileField ’s upload_to argument must be a relative path, not an absolute path.
    • fields.E210: Cannot use ImageField because Pillow is not installed.
    • fields.E300: Field defines a relation with model , which is either not installed, or is abstract.
    • fields.E301: Field defines a relation with the model . which has been swapped out.
    • fields.E302: Reverse accessor model>. name> for . . name> clashes with field name . . name> .
    • fields.E303: Reverse query name for . . name> clashes with field name . . name> .
    • fields.E304: Reverse accessor model>. name> for . . name> clashes with reverse accessor for . . name> .
    • fields.E305: Reverse query name for . . name> clashes with reverse query name for . . name> .
    • fields.E306: The name is invalid related_name for field . name> .
    • fields.E307: The field label>. . name> was declared with a lazy reference to label>. , but app label> isn’t installed or doesn’t provide model .
    • fields.E308: Reverse query name query name> must not end with an underscore.
    • fields.E309: Reverse query name query name> must not contain ‘__’ .
    • fields.E310: No subset of the fields , , … on model is unique.
    • fields.E311: . name> must be unique because it is referenced by a ForeignKey .
    • fields.E312: The to_field name> doesn’t exist on the related model label>. .
    • fields.E320: Field specifies on_delete=SET_NULL , but cannot be null.
    • fields.E321: The field specifies on_delete=SET_DEFAULT , but has no default value.
    • fields.E330: ManyToManyField s cannot be unique.
    • fields.E331: Field specifies a many-to-many relation through model , which has not been installed.
    • fields.E332: Many-to-many fields with intermediate tables must not be symmetrical. This check appeared before Django 3.0.
    • fields.E333: The model is used as an intermediate model by , but it has more than two foreign keys to , which is ambiguous. You must specify which two foreign keys Django should use via the through_fields keyword argument.
    • fields.E334: The model is used as an intermediate model by , but it has more than one foreign key from , which is ambiguous. You must specify which foreign key Django should use via the through_fields keyword argument.
    • fields.E335: The model is used as an intermediate model by , but it has more than one foreign key to , which is ambiguous. You must specify which foreign key Django should use via the through_fields keyword argument.
    • fields.E336: The model is used as an intermediary model by , but it does not have foreign key to or .
    • fields.E337: Field specifies through_fields but does not provide the names of the two link fields that should be used for the relation through .
    • fields.E338: The intermediary model has no field name> .
    • fields.E339: . name> is not a foreign key to .
    • fields.E340: The field’s intermediary table
      clashes with the table name of / . name> .
    • fields.W340: null has no effect on ManyToManyField .
    • fields.W341: ManyToManyField does not support validators .
    • fields.W342: Setting unique=True on a ForeignKey has the same effect as using a OneToOneField .
    • fields.W343: limit_choices_to has no effect on ManyToManyField with a through model. This check appeared before Django 4.0.
    • fields.W344: The field’s intermediary table
    • fields.W345: related_name has no effect on ManyToManyField with a symmetrical relationship, e.g. to “self”.
    • Models¶

      • models.E001: is not of the form app_label.app_name .
      • models.E002: references , which has not been installed, or is abstract.
      • models.E003: The model has two identical many-to-many relations through the intermediate model . .
      • models.E004: id can only be used as a field name if the field also sets primary_key=True .
      • models.E005: The field name> from parent model clashes with the field name> from parent model .
      • models.E006: The field name> clashes with the field name> from model .
      • models.E007: Field name> has column name name> that is used by another field.
      • models.E008: index_together must be a list or tuple.
      • models.E009: All index_together elements must be lists or tuples.
      • models.E010: unique_together must be a list or tuple.
      • models.E011: All unique_together elements must be lists or tuples.
      • models.E012: constraints/indexes/index_together/unique_together refers to the nonexistent field name> .
      • models.E013: constraints/indexes/index_together/unique_together refers to a ManyToManyField name> , but ManyToManyField s are not supported for that option.
      • models.E014: ordering must be a tuple or list (even if you want to order by only one field).
      • models.E015: ordering refers to the nonexistent field, related field, or lookup name> .
      • models.E016: constraints/indexes/index_together/unique_together refers to field which is not local to model .
      • models.E017: Proxy model contains model fields.
      • models.E018: Autogenerated column name too long for field . Maximum length is length> for database .
      • models.E019: Autogenerated column name too long for M2M field field> . Maximum length is length> for database .
      • models.E020: The .check() class method is currently overridden.
      • models.E021: ordering and order_with_respect_to cannot be used together.
      • models.E022: contains a lazy reference to label>. , but app label> isn’t installed or doesn’t provide model .
      • models.E023: The model name cannot start or end with an underscore as it collides with the query lookup syntax.
      • models.E024: The model name cannot contain double underscores as it collides with the query lookup syntax.
      • models.E025: The property

      name> clashes with a related field accessor.

    • models.E026: The model cannot have more than one field with primary_key=True .
    • models.W027: does not support check constraints.
    • models.E028: db_table is used by multiple models: list> .
    • models.E029: index name is not unique for model .
    • models.E030: index name is not unique among models: list> .
    • models.E031: constraint name is not unique for model .
    • models.E032: constraint name is not unique among models: list> .
    • models.E033: The index name cannot start with an underscore or a number.
    • models.E034: The index name cannot be longer than characters.
    • models.W035: db_table is used by multiple models: list> .
    • models.W036: does not support unique constraints with conditions.
    • models.W037: does not support indexes with conditions.
    • models.W038: does not support deferrable unique constraints.
    • models.W039: does not support unique constraints with non-key columns.
    • models.W040: does not support indexes with non-key columns.
    • models.E041: constraints refers to the joined field name> .
    • models.W042: Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default django.db.models.AutoField .
    • models.W043: does not support indexes on expressions.
    • models.W044: does not support unique constraints on expressions.
    • models.W045: Check constraint contains RawSQL() expression and won’t be validated during the model full_clean() .
    • Security¶

      The security checks do not make your site secure. They do not audit code, do intrusion detection, or do anything particularly complex. Rather, they help perform an automated, low-hanging-fruit checklist, that can help you to improve your site’s security.

      Some of these checks may not be appropriate for your particular deployment configuration. For instance, if you do your HTTP to HTTPS redirection in a load balancer, it’d be irritating to be constantly warned about not having enabled SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT . Use SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS to silence unneeded checks.

      The following checks are run if you use the check —deploy option:

      • security.W002: You do not have django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE , so your pages will not be served with an ‘x-frame-options’ header. Unless there is a good reason for your site to be served in a frame, you should consider enabling this header to help prevent clickjacking attacks.
      • security.W003: You don’t appear to be using Django’s built-in cross-site request forgery protection via the middleware ( django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware is not in your MIDDLEWARE ). Enabling the middleware is the safest approach to ensure you don’t leave any holes.
      • security.W004: You have not set a value for the SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS setting. If your entire site is served only over SSL, you may want to consider setting a value and enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security . Be sure to read the documentation first; enabling HSTS carelessly can cause serious, irreversible problems.
      • security.W005: You have not set the SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS setting to True . Without this, your site is potentially vulnerable to attack via an insecure connection to a subdomain. Only set this to True if you are certain that all subdomains of your domain should be served exclusively via SSL.
      • security.W006: Your SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF setting is not set to True , so your pages will not be served with an ‘X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff’ header. You should consider enabling this header to prevent the browser from identifying content types incorrectly.
      • security.W007: Your SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER setting is not set to True , so your pages will not be served with an ‘X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block’ header. You should consider enabling this header to activate the browser’s XSS filtering and help prevent XSS attacks. This check is removed in Django 3.0 as the X-XSS-Protection header is no longer honored by modern browsers.
      • security.W008: Your SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT setting is not set to True . Unless your site should be available over both SSL and non-SSL connections, you may want to either set this setting to True or configure a load balancer or reverse-proxy server to redirect all connections to HTTPS.
      • security.W009: Your SECRET_KEY has less than 50 characters, less than 5 unique characters, or it’s prefixed with ‘django-insecure-‘ indicating that it was generated automatically by Django. Please generate a long and random value, otherwise many of Django’s security-critical features will be vulnerable to attack.
      • security.W010: You have django.contrib.sessions in your INSTALLED_APPS but you have not set SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE to True . Using a secure-only session cookie makes it more difficult for network traffic sniffers to hijack user sessions.
      • security.W011: You have django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE , but you have not set SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE to True . Using a secure-only session cookie makes it more difficult for network traffic sniffers to hijack user sessions.
      • security.W012: SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is not set to True . Using a secure-only session cookie makes it more difficult for network traffic sniffers to hijack user sessions.
      • security.W013: You have django.contrib.sessions in your INSTALLED_APPS , but you have not set SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY to True . Using an HttpOnly session cookie makes it more difficult for cross-site scripting attacks to hijack user sessions.
      • security.W014: You have django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE , but you have not set SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY to True . Using an HttpOnly session cookie makes it more difficult for cross-site scripting attacks to hijack user sessions.
      • security.W015: SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY is not set to True . Using an HttpOnly session cookie makes it more difficult for cross-site scripting attacks to hijack user sessions.
      • security.W016: CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE is not set to True . Using a secure-only CSRF cookie makes it more difficult for network traffic sniffers to steal the CSRF token.
      • security.W017: CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY is not set to True . Using an HttpOnly CSRF cookie makes it more difficult for cross-site scripting attacks to steal the CSRF token. This check is removed in Django 1.11 as theCSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLYsetting offers no practical benefit.
      • security.W018: You should not have DEBUG set to True in deployment.
      • security.W019: You have django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE , but X_FRAME_OPTIONS is not set to ‘DENY’ . Unless there is a good reason for your site to serve other parts of itself in a frame, you should change it to ‘DENY’ .
      • security.W020: ALLOWED_HOSTS must not be empty in deployment.
      • security.W021: You have not set the SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD setting to True . Without this, your site cannot be submitted to the browser preload list.
      • security.W022: You have not set the SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY setting. Without this, your site will not send a Referrer-Policy header. You should consider enabling this header to protect user privacy.
      • security.E023: You have set the SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY setting to an invalid value.
      • security.E024: You have set the SECURE_CROSS_ORIGIN_OPENER_POLICY setting to an invalid value.
      • security.W025: Your SECRET_KEY_FALLBACKS[n] has less than 50 characters, less than 5 unique characters, or it’s prefixed with ‘django-insecure-‘ indicating that it was generated automatically by Django. Please generate a long and random value, otherwise many of Django’s security-critical features will be vulnerable to attack.

      The following checks verify that your security-related settings are correctly configured:

      • security.E100: DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM must be ‘sha1’ or ‘sha256’ . This check appeared in Django 3.1 and 3.2.
      • security.E101: The CSRF failure view ‘’ does not take the correct number of arguments.
      • security.E102: The CSRF failure view ‘’ could not be imported.


      • signals.E001: was connected to the signal with a lazy reference to the sender label>. , but app label> isn’t installed or doesn’t provide model .


      The following checks verify that your TEMPLATES setting is correctly configured:

      • templates.E001: You have ‘APP_DIRS’: True in your TEMPLATES but also specify ‘loaders’ in OPTIONS . Either remove APP_DIRS or remove the ‘loaders’ option.
      • templates.E002: string_if_invalid in TEMPLATESOPTIONS must be a string but got: ( ).
      • templates.E003: is used for multiple template tag modules: list> . This check was changed to templates.W003 in Django 4.1.2.
      • templates.W003: is used for multiple template tag modules: list> .


      The following checks are performed on your translation configuration:

      • translation.E001: You have provided an invalid value for the LANGUAGE_CODE setting: .
      • translation.E002: You have provided an invalid language code in the LANGUAGES setting: .
      • translation.E003: You have provided an invalid language code in the LANGUAGES_BIDI setting: .
      • translation.E004: You have provided a value for the LANGUAGE_CODE setting that is not in the LANGUAGES setting.

      The following checks are performed on your URL configuration:

        urls.W001: Your URL pattern

      uses include() with a route ending with a $ . Remove the dollar from the route to avoid problems including URLs.
      urls.W002: Your URL pattern

      has a route beginning with a / . Remove this slash as it is unnecessary. If this pattern is targeted in an include() , ensure the include() pattern has a trailing / .
      urls.W003: Your URL pattern

      has a name including a : . Remove the colon, to avoid ambiguous namespace references.
      urls.E004: Your URL pattern

      is invalid. Ensure that urlpatterns is a list of path() and/or re_path() instances.

    • urls.W005: URL namespace isn’t unique. You may not be able to reverse all URLs in this namespace.
    • urls.E006: The MEDIA_URL / STATIC_URL setting must end with a slash.
    • urls.E007: The custom handlerXXX view ‘’ does not take the correct number of arguments (…).
    • urls.E008: The custom handlerXXX view ‘’ could not be imported.
    • urls.E009: Your URL pattern

      has an invalid view, pass .as_view() instead of .

      contrib app checks¶

      admin ¶

      Admin checks are all performed as part of the admin tag.

      The following checks are performed on any ModelAdmin (or subclass) that is registered with the admin site:

      • admin.E001: The value of raw_id_fields must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E002: The value of raw_id_fields[n] refers to name> , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E003: The value of raw_id_fields[n] must be a foreign key or a many-to-many field.
      • admin.E004: The value of fields must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E005: Both fieldsets and fields are specified.
      • admin.E006: The value of fields contains duplicate field(s).
      • admin.E007: The value of fieldsets must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E008: The value of fieldsets[n] must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E009: The value of fieldsets[n] must be of length 2.
      • admin.E010: The value of fieldsets[n][1] must be a dictionary.
      • admin.E011: The value of fieldsets[n][1] must contain the key fields .
      • admin.E012: There are duplicate field(s) in fieldsets[n][1] .
      • admin.E013: fields[n]/fieldsets[n][m] cannot include the ManyToManyField name> , because that field manually specifies a relationship model.
      • admin.E014: The value of exclude must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E015: The value of exclude contains duplicate field(s).
      • admin.E016: The value of form must inherit from BaseModelForm .
      • admin.E017: The value of filter_vertical must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E018: The value of filter_horizontal must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E019: The value of filter_vertical[n]/filter_horizontal[n] refers to name> , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E020: The value of filter_vertical[n]/filter_horizontal[n] must be a many-to-many field.
      • admin.E021: The value of radio_fields must be a dictionary.
      • admin.E022: The value of radio_fields refers to name> , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E023: The value of radio_fields refers to name> , which is not an instance of ForeignKey , and does not have a choices definition.
      • admin.E024: The value of radio_fields[ name>] must be either admin.HORIZONTAL or admin.VERTICAL .
      • admin.E025: The value of view_on_site must be either a callable or a boolean value.
      • admin.E026: The value of prepopulated_fields must be a dictionary.
      • admin.E027: The value of prepopulated_fields refers to name> , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E028: The value of prepopulated_fields refers to name> , which must not be a DateTimeField , a ForeignKey , a OneToOneField , or a ManyToManyField field.
      • admin.E029: The value of prepopulated_fields[ name>] must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E030: The value of prepopulated_fields refers to name> , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E031: The value of ordering must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E032: The value of ordering has the random ordering marker ? , but contains other fields as well.
      • admin.E033: The value of ordering refers to name> , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E034: The value of readonly_fields must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E035: The value of readonly_fields[n] is not a callable, an attribute of class> , or an attribute of .
      • admin.E036: The value of autocomplete_fields must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E037: The value of autocomplete_fields[n] refers to name> , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E038: The value of autocomplete_fields[n] must be a foreign key or a many-to-many field.
      • admin.E039: An admin for model has to be registered to be referenced by .autocomplete_fields .
      • admin.E040: must define search_fields , because it’s referenced by .autocomplete_fields .

      ModelAdmin ¶

      The following checks are performed on any ModelAdmin that is registered with the admin site:

      • admin.E101: The value of save_as must be a boolean.
      • admin.E102: The value of save_on_top must be a boolean.
      • admin.E103: The value of inlines must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E104: class> must inherit from InlineModelAdmin .
      • admin.E105: class> must have a model attribute.
      • admin.E106: The value of class>.model must be a Model .
      • admin.E107: The value of list_display must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E108: The value of list_display[n] refers to , which is not a callable, an attribute of class> , or an attribute or method on .
      • admin.E109: The value of list_display[n] must not be a ManyToManyField field.
      • admin.E110: The value of list_display_links must be a list, a tuple, or None .
      • admin.E111: The value of list_display_links[n] refers to , which is not defined in list_display .
      • admin.E112: The value of list_filter must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E113: The value of list_filter[n] must inherit from ListFilter .
      • admin.E114: The value of list_filter[n] must not inherit from FieldListFilter .
      • admin.E115: The value of list_filter[n][1] must inherit from FieldListFilter .
      • admin.E116: The value of list_filter[n] refers to , which does not refer to a Field.
      • admin.E117: The value of list_select_related must be a boolean, tuple or list.
      • admin.E118: The value of list_per_page must be an integer.
      • admin.E119: The value of list_max_show_all must be an integer.
      • admin.E120: The value of list_editable must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E121: The value of list_editable[n] refers to , which is not a field of .
      • admin.E122: The value of list_editable[n] refers to , which is not contained in list_display .
      • admin.E123: The value of list_editable[n] cannot be in both list_editable and list_display_links .
      • admin.E124: The value of list_editable[n] refers to the first field in list_display ( ), which cannot be used unless list_display_links is set.
      • admin.E125: The value of list_editable[n] refers to name> , which is not editable through the admin.
      • admin.E126: The value of search_fields must be a list or tuple.
      • admin.E127: The value of date_hierarchy refers to name> , which does not refer to a Field.
      • admin.E128: The value of date_hierarchy must be a DateField or DateTimeField .
      • admin.E129: must define a has_ _permission() method for the action.
      • admin.E130: __name__ attributes of actions defined in must be unique. Name is not unique.

      InlineModelAdmin ¶

      The following checks are performed on any InlineModelAdmin that is registered as an inline on a ModelAdmin .

      • admin.E201: Cannot exclude the field name> , because it is the foreign key to the parent model . .
      • admin.E202: has no ForeignKey to

      model> ./ has more than one ForeignKey to

      model> . You must specify a fk_name attribute.

    • admin.E203: The value of extra must be an integer.
    • admin.E204: The value of max_num must be an integer.
    • admin.E205: The value of min_num must be an integer.
    • admin.E206: The value of formset must inherit from BaseModelFormSet .
    • GenericInlineModelAdmin ¶

      The following checks are performed on any GenericInlineModelAdmin that is registered as an inline on a ModelAdmin .

      • admin.E301: ‘ct_field’ references , which is not a field on .
      • admin.E302: ‘ct_fk_field’ references , which is not a field on .
      • admin.E303: has no GenericForeignKey .
      • admin.E304: has no GenericForeignKey using content type field name> and object ID field name> .

      AdminSite ¶

      The following checks are performed on the default AdminSite :

      • admin.E401: django.contrib.contenttypes must be in INSTALLED_APPS in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E402: django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth must be enabled in DjangoTemplates ( TEMPLATES ) if using the default auth backend in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E403: A django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates instance must be configured in TEMPLATES in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E404: django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages must be enabled in DjangoTemplates ( TEMPLATES ) in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E405: django.contrib.auth must be in INSTALLED_APPS in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E406: django.contrib.messages must be in INSTALLED_APPS in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E408: django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware must be in MIDDLEWARE in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E409: django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware must be in MIDDLEWARE in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.E410: django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware must be in MIDDLEWARE in order to use the admin application.
      • admin.W411: django.template.context_processors.request must be enabled in DjangoTemplates ( TEMPLATES ) in order to use the admin navigation sidebar.
      • auth.E001: REQUIRED_FIELDS must be a list or tuple.
      • auth.E002: The field named as the USERNAME_FIELD for a custom user model must not be included in REQUIRED_FIELDS .
      • auth.E003: must be unique because it is named as the USERNAME_FIELD .
      • auth.W004: is named as the USERNAME_FIELD , but it is not unique.
      • auth.E005: The permission codenamed clashes with a builtin permission for model .
      • auth.E006: The permission codenamed is duplicated for model .
      • auth.E007: The verbose_name of model must be at most 244 characters for its builtin permission names to be at most 255 characters.
      • auth.E008: The permission named of model is longer than 255 characters.
      • auth.C009: model>.is_anonymous must be an attribute or property rather than a method. Ignoring this is a security issue as anonymous users will be treated as authenticated!
      • auth.C010: model>.is_authenticated must be an attribute or property rather than a method. Ignoring this is a security issue as anonymous users will be treated as authenticated!
      • auth.E011: The name of model must be at most 93 characters for its builtin permission names to be at most 100 characters.
      • auth.E012: The permission codenamed of model is longer than 100 characters.

      contenttypes ¶

      The following checks are performed when a model contains a GenericForeignKey or GenericRelation :

      • contenttypes.E001: The GenericForeignKey object ID references the nonexistent field .
      • contenttypes.E002: The GenericForeignKey content type references the nonexistent field .
      • contenttypes.E003: is not a ForeignKey .
      • contenttypes.E004: is not a ForeignKey to contenttypes.ContentType .
      • contenttypes.E005: Model names must be at most 100 characters.

      postgres ¶

      The following checks are performed on django.contrib.postgres model fields:

      • postgres.E001: Base field for array has errors: …
      • postgres.E002: Base field for array cannot be a related field.
      • postgres.E003: default should be a callable instead of an instance so that it’s not shared between all field instances. This check was changed to fields.E010 in Django 3.1.

      sites ¶

      The following checks are performed on any model using a CurrentSiteManager :


      detectorclashes with the table name of / . name> .


    1. Key type is forbidden. Must be RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or ED25519
    2. versions:
    3. Issues already referred but no go
    4. Notes:
    5. «Fingerprint cannot be generated» when adding new SSH key to gitlab account
    6. 3 Answers 3
    7. Fingerprint has already been taken gitlab
    8. 14 Answers 14
    9. «Отпечаток пальца не может быть сгенерирован» при добавлении нового ключа SSH в учетную запись gitlab
    10. Fingerpints for SSH do not match with
    11. 2 Answers 2

    Key type is forbidden. Must be RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or ED25519

    ##Issue: Unable to add deploy keys.

    ##error when I try to add keys at the project level: Key is invalid, Key type is forbidden. Must be RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or ED25519, Fingerprint cannot be generated, Deploy keys projects deploy key key is invalid, Deploy keys projects deploy key key type is forbidden. Must be RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or ED25519, Deploy keys projects deploy key fingerprint cannot be generated.

    ##error when I try to add keys from the admin panel: The form contains the following errors: * Key is invalid * Key type is forbidden. Must be RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or ED25519 * Fingerprint cannot be generated

    ##Goal: Do the following from gitlab ci: Deploy code to a centos server. Build node app from that code within that centos server restart the web server.

    ##Documents being followed:

    ##Type of keys tried:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C «» —> same error [cat

    /.ssh/id_rsa] The errors are the same for both type of keys.


    kubernetes: gitlab helm chart: gitlab-4.4.1 kubernetes provider: RKE gitlab runner chart: gitlab-runner-0.21.1

    Issues already referred but no go


    I have also tried cat

    /.ssh/id_ed25519 | tr -d ‘n’ cat

    /.ssh/id_rsa | tr -d ‘n’ but no go. I tried copying it from the vi editor. I am extremely appreciative of the product and what it offers to us. I hope to get this solved by knowing what I might be doing wrong or what is wrong here!.


    «Fingerprint cannot be generated» when adding new SSH key to gitlab account

    I’m trying to add a new ssh key to my GitLab account but I keep getting following errors:

    What I’ve done is gone to Cmder and entered the commands

    Then I’ve copied the key into my school GitLab account trough a web browser and got the errors mentioned above.

    Why is this happening, and how can I successfully upload my key?

    3 Answers 3

    You need to do the following instead of just ssh-keygen :

    This creates a ED25519 key that can be used with Gitlab. Make sure to change the email to your email (associated with the gitlab account). Then take the newly generated .pub key and copy it into the same place you were before.

    There’s a good chance that you’re copying and pasting newline characters from your key wrapping in the terminal that should not be there.

    When you paste your key it should all be one one line. It probably starts with ssh-rsa (if you generate an RSA key; other key types will start similarly) and end with something like you@machine . There should be a space after ssh-rsa and one before you@machine , but no newlines should exist.

    Either manually remove newlines when you paste or open the file in a proper text editor where you can copy it without newlines.


    Fingerprint has already been taken gitlab

    I formatted my Windows 7 laptop and in an attempt to have git setup working again, I installed git and source tree application.

    I deleted the SSH Key from gitlab and regenerated the key using ssh-keygen . But when I try to add the SSH Key at gitlab, it throws the following exception :

    Because of this I am unable to clone the git repository from the source tree application since gitlab is unable to authenticate the SSH key.I followed queries at google groups of gitlab but none of them seem to resolve my issue. Is there any workaround or steps to get the SSH key accepted by gitlab?

    14 Answers 14

    In my case; the public key i was trying to add was already used with ‘work’ Gitlab account and i received the said error upon trying to use the same key with ‘personal’ Gitlab account.

    Solution — Add another public key on the same machine and use that with ‘personal’ gitlab account (both on same machine).

    navigate to .ssh folder in your profile (even works on windows) and run command

    when asked for file name give another filename id_rsa_2 (or any other). enter for no passphrase (or otherwise). You will end up making id_rsa_2 and

    use the command

    copy and save key in ‘personal’ Gitlab account.

    create a file with no extension in .ssh folder named ‘config’

    put this block of configuration in your config file

    now whenever you want to use ‘personal’ gitlab account simply change alias in git URLs for action to remote servers.


    «Отпечаток пальца не может быть сгенерирован» при добавлении нового ключа SSH в учетную запись gitlab

    Я пытаюсь добавить новый ключ ssh в свою учетную запись GitLab, но продолжаю получать следующие ошибки:

    Что я сделал, так это пошел в Cmder и ввел команды

    Затем я скопировал ключ в свою школьную учетную запись GitLab через веб-браузер и получил упомянутые выше ошибки.

    Почему это происходит и как я могу успешно загрузить свой ключ?

    Удалось ли вам заставить это работать с любым из ответов, показанных ниже? Если да, не забудьте принять это. Это показывает другим пользователям, что вы нашли решение.

    Вам нужно сделать следующее вместо просто ssh-keygen :

    Это создает ключ ED25519, который можно использовать с Gitlab. Обязательно измените адрес электронной почты на свой адрес электронной почты (связанный с учетной записью gitlab). Затем возьмите только что сгенерированный ключ .pub и скопируйте его в то же место, где вы были раньше.

    Я попробовал именно то, что вы сказали, но все еще получаю те же ошибки.

    @DávidČano Попробуйте: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C «» Это рекомендуемый тип ключа; ЭД25519.

    Наконец-то это сработало, большое спасибо! Вы только что спасли мой рассудок.

    @DávidČano Я отредактировал свой ответ, чтобы отразить правильные шаги. Не могли бы вы представить его в качестве ответа, если считаете, что он отвечает на ваш вопрос?

    Ключи RSA должны быть в порядке. Это один из типов ключей, перечисленных в сообщении об ошибке.

    Есть большая вероятность, что вы копируете и вставляете символы новой строки из упаковки ключей в терминале, которых там не должно быть.

    Когда вы вставляете свой ключ, он должен быть одной строкой. Вероятно, он начинается с ssh-rsa (если вы сгенерируете ключ RSA; другие типы ключей будут начинаться аналогично) и заканчивается чем-то вроде you@machine . Должен быть пробел после ssh-rsa и один перед you@machine , но не должно быть новых строк.

    Либо вручную удалите новые строки при вставке, либо откройте файл в соответствующем текстовом редакторе, где вы сможете скопировать его без новых строк.

    Я получил ту же ошибку, затем использовал ключ SSH, сгенерированный terraform, и использовал вывод:


    Fingerpints for SSH do not match with

    I added an ED25519 public key to my account on . I then set up my .ssh/config to use the private key for Host :

    When I do a git fetch , I am presented with the fingerprint of the key:

    I then attempted to verify this matches the public key on my machine:

    These don’t match. Does it matter that, even though I added an Ed25519 key on , that their SSH server is still reporting a fingerprint for an ECDSA key? Shouldn’t it say that the fingerprint is from ED25519 instead? What am I doing wrong? Why do the fingerprints not match?

    2 Answers 2

    When you run ssh-keygen -lf , you’re showing the fingerprint for your key. The remote host, GitLab, also has one or more keys which differ from yours. Your key is used to identify you to the remote server and GitLab’s keys are used to identify it (the server) to you, so necessarily they’ll differ.

    If you want to verify the fingerprints, you can go to to find them for your GitLab and verify that they’re correct.

    The reason you’re seeing an ECDSA key being offered is that OpenSSH prefers ECDSA over Ed25519 keys. This is less a comment on the security, as most folks agree that Ed25519 keys are just as secure (or more) as 256-bit ECDSA keys, and more for backwards compatibility. When OpenSSH added Ed25519 keys, if they had been prioritized over ECDSA keys, then a changed host key error would show up when logging in the next time.


    This applies to Windows only machines.

    I have GitLab running and was adding a new ‘ssh key’ from windows that was generated using a standard ssk-keygen command but was reciving following error:

    “Fingerprint cannot be generated”

    Command used to generate key:

     ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "gbugaj@localhost" -b 4096

    This produces a key in ‘’ file, from there I cated that file and copies the content of if by ‘HIGHLIGHTING’ directly in the command window.

    This is the result that got when pasted it

    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDuer2ZkTKwsirssZTBaJiyr/GpALglr6X9Ct2cysvgYs05SEvz+B66US4bFv5IVwiOEXJ51oR0EF0/oDv4Juq1zzvydX44rdKFwlL7Qq7Uezxw4FCJotn/wZqpuaScNszP8/gvZY82j9HCYmITFWobwk1JGvQnezbZ
    Oq6md0HK6ybIGKJH2qph3+GJP/AUAf85bhWe1mPw3woZ28bWjo+Kp5zeTJqtd6QTDWTkDftsQJcmMgT43lViJBqChTTA/oGiXiV62PMKMeMCDaTYNkuZZvLE8Q== gbugaj@localhost

    As you see here lines are split, this is the problem. To solve this we just need to open the file in some editor and copy it from there so all the text is on one line.

    ssh-rsa AAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDuer2ZkTKwsirssZTBaJiyr/GpALglr6X9Ct2cysvgYs05SEvz+B66US4bFv5IVwiOEXJ51oR0EF0/oDv4Juq1zzvydX44rdKFwlL7Qq7Uezxw4FCJotn/wZqpuaScNszP8/gvZY82j9HCYmITFWobwk1JGvQnezbZ
    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 gbugaj@localhost

    Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • The forest ошибки новичков
  • The forest ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc000007b
  • The forest ошибка oops the game crashed
  • The forest как исправить вылеты
  • The forest как изменить яркость