The possibility of error is reduced if data are put into the data processing system

Работа по теме: comp 3. Глава: Advantages of Computer Data Processing.. ВУЗ: СумГУ.

Computer-oriented data processing systems or just computer data
processing systems are not designed to imitate manual systems. They
should combine the capabilities of both humans and computers.
Computer data processing systems can be designed to take advantage of
four capabilities of computers.

  1. Accuracy. Once
    data have been entered correctly into the computer component of a
    data processing system, the need for further manipulation by humans
    is eliminated, and the possibility of error is reduced. Computers,
    when properly programmed, are also unlikely to make computational
    errors. Of course, computer systems remain vulnerable to the entry
    by humans of invalid data.

  2. Ease of communications. Data,
    once entered, can be transmitted wherever needed by communications
    networks. These may be either earth or satellite-based systems. A
    travel reservations systems is an example of a data communications
    network. Reservation clerks throughout the world may make an enquiry
    about transportation or lodgings and receive an almost instant
    response. Another example is an office communications systems that
    provides executives with access to a reservoir of data, called a
    corporate data base, from their personal microcomputer work

  3. Capacity of storage. Computers
    are able to store vast amounts of information, to organize it, and
    to retrieve it in ways that are far beyond the capabilities of
    humans. The amount of data that can be stored on devices such as
    magnetic disks is constantly increasing. All the while, the cost per
    character of data stored is decreasing.

4. Speed. The
speed, at which computer data processing systems can respond, adds to
their value. For example, the travel reservations system mentioned
above would not be useful if clients had to wait more than a
few seconds for a
response. The response required might
be a fraction of a second.

Thus, an important objective in the design of computer data
processing systems is to allow computers to do what they do best and
to free humans from routine, error-prone tasks. The most
cost-effective computer data processing systems is the one that does
the job effectively and at the least cost. By using computers in a
cost-effective manner, we will be better able to respond to the
challenges and opportunities of our post-industrial,
information-dependent society.

**9. Comprehension questions.

1. What capabilities should data-processing
systems combine when designed?

2. What are the main advantages of computers?

3. What do you know of computer accuracy?

4. What is the function of communication networks?

5. Give examples of data communication network.

6. What do you understand by capacity storage?

7. What other values of computer data processing
do you know?

8. What is an important objective in the design of
computer data processing systems?

9. What is the most effective computer data
processing system?

10. What is the best way of responding to the
challenges and opportunities of our post-industrial society?

*10. Finish the following sentences according
to the content of the text and translate them.

1 Computer data processing systems … .

2 Once data have been entered correctly … .

3 Computers, when properly programmed, … .

4 A travel reservation system is … .

5 Another example is … .

6 The speed, at which computer data processing … .

7 An important objective in the design … .

**11. Find in the text the English equivalents
to the following word – combinations:

Система обробки інформації
комп’ютером; система орієнтування на
обробітку даних комп’ютером; сполучать
можливість людини і машини; обмежувати
керування; навряд чи допустіть помилку;
залишатися уразливим; недопустимі
данні; легкість здійснення зв’язку;
сеть передачі інформації; системи
засновані на використаних
супутниках; службові по резервуванню
житла; отримати мгновену відповідь;
наводити довідки; сховище даних;
корпоративна база даних; об’єм пом’яти;
запам’ятовувати велику кількість
інформації; добувати інформацію; добавити
значення; згадане вище; доля хвилини;
схильний до помилок; економічні

**12. Read the following word – combinations
to understand and match them with the titles given below. Choose the
right variant to state the advantages of computers.

Ease of Communications Data Storage

— To take advantage of computer’s abilities;

Not to make computational errors;

Data communication network;

— To
receive instant response;

Reservation systems;

— To
eliminate human’s manipulation;

— To
reduce the possibility of error;

— To
do job effectively;

— To
free humans from routine, error-prone tasks;

— To
store information on magnetic discs;

— To
organize and retrieve information in the best way;

— To
store a vast amount of information;

— To
provide users with access to a data reservoir;

— To
respond to the challenges and opportunities of our
information-dependent society.

**13. Fill in table to talk about the
advantages of data processing system for computer users. Work in
teams A and B. make up your story.

Information-dependent spheres.

Educational students’ activities.

*14. Choose the right variant of your answers
paying attention to the meaning of verb forms in the Active Voice.

Write a project on the topic:

1 Computer data processing system _______ (frees;
responds; eliminates) humans from routine error-prone tasks.

Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and
_______ (to travel; to retrieve; to respond) it.

3 An
office communications system _______ (provided; processed; sent) our
executives with access to a reservoir of data base.

The amount of data stored on magnetic discs is constantly _______
(increasing; decreasing; eliminating)

Dr. john Neumann, professor of mathematics _______ (developed;
created; operated) the concept of storing instructions as well as
data in the memory of the computer.

6 We
hope, the company _______ (will make; does; provide) an enquiry about
transportation or lording next month.

**15. Put the verbs in brackets into the
required tense form of Active or Passive Voice.

1 The entered data can _______ (to transmit) by
communications networks.

2 The possibility of error _______ (to reduce) if
data _______ correctly (to put) into the data processing system.

3 As
soon as data ______ (to enter) into the system correctly, the human
manipulation _______ (to limit).

Computer systems _______ (to be) vulnerable to the entry of invalid

Computers finally _______ (to enter) the wider world 1951 with the
invention of first UNIVAC-I

6 A
range of modern computers _______ (to house) in the travel
reservation Centre.

Vast amount of information _______ (store) now on magnetic discs.

**16. Transfer the given sentence form Active
into Passive Voice.

1 We
process data to become useful information.

Computers replace people in dull routine work.

Computer-controlled robots increased the productivity of industry.

The cost per character of data stored is decreasing.

The computer gave the information in a few seconds.

With the help of computers we will better overcome the difficulties
of our everyday life.

While the experiment the computer was doing the job effectively.

**17. Answer the questions, using the
information of the text.

1. What capabilities should data-processing
systems combine when designed?

2. What are the main advantages of computers?

3. What do you know of computer accuracy?

4. What is the function of communication networks?

5. Give examples of data communication network.

6. What do you understand by capacity storage?

7. What other values of computer data processing
do you know?

8. What is an important objective in the design of
computer data processing systems?

9. What is the most effective computer data
processing system?

10. What is the best way of responding to the
challenges and opportunities of our post-industrial society?

**18. Fill in the right variant of your answer:

1.Computer data _______ system frees human from routine error-prone

a) counting; b)computing; c)processing.

2.Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and
_______ it.

a) to travel; b)to retrieve; c) to respond.

3.The entered data can be transmitted by _______ networks.

a) communications; b)conversations; c)procession.

4.The possibility of _______ is reduced if data were correctly put
into the data processing system.

a) character; b)access; c)error.

5.Computer data processing systems can _______ at a fraction of a

a) receive; b)respond; c)retrieve.

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Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово1. Computer data  перевод - Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово1. Computer data  русский как сказать

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Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово

1. Computer data _____ system frees humans from routine

error-prone tasks.

a) counting; b) computing: c),processing

2. Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and ______ it.

a) to travel; b) to retrieve; c) to respond

3. The entered data can be transmitted by ____ networks.

a) communications; b) conversions; c) procession

4. The possibility of _____ is reduced if data were correctly put into the data processing system, a) character; b) access; c) error

5. Computer data processing systems can ____ at a frac­
tion of a second.

a) receive; b) respond; c) retrieve


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово1. Computer data _____ system frees humans from routineerror-prone tasks.a) counting; b) computing: c),processing2. Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and ______ it.a) to travel; b) to retrieve; c) to respond3. The entered data can be transmitted by ____ networks.a) communications; b) conversions; c) procession4. The possibility of _____ is reduced if data were correctly put into the data processing system, a) character; b) access; c) error5. Computer data processing systems can ____ at a frac­tion of a second.a) receive; b) respond; c) retrieve

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее смыслу слово по

1. Компьютер данные _____ система освобождает людей от обычных

подверженных ошибкам задач.

а) счета; б) вычисления: с), обработка

2. Компьютеры могут хранить огромное количество информации для ее организации и ______ его.

а) путешествовать; б) для извлечения; в) реагировать

3. Введенные данные могут быть переданы по сети ____.

а) связи; б) преобразования; в) ход

4. Возможность _____ уменьшается , если данные были правильно введены в систему обработки данных, а) характер; б) доступа; в) ошибки

системы обработки 5. Компьютер данные могут ____ в гидроразрыва
ции секунды.

а) получение; б) реагировать; с) извлечения

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу всегда самую1.компьютерные данные _____ системы освобождает людей от обычныхошибок задач.а) учет; b) вычислений: C), обработка2.компьютеры могут хранить огромное количество информации, организовать его и ______.a) поездки; b) вернуть; c) ответить3.внесенные данные могут быть переданы в ____ сетей.а) сообщения; b) преобразование; c) шествие4.возможность _____ уменьшается, если данные были надлежащим образом введены в систему обработки данных, а) характера; b) доступ; c) ошибка5.компьютерных систем обработки данных могут ____ на месторождении -акция в секунду.a) получение; b) реагирования; c) поиска

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Колледж приборостроения и
информационных технологий

Рассмотрено и

на заседании

предметно цикловой
комиссии ОГСЭ

Протокол №_____ от
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Платонова А.А.


Зам. директора по МР

___________ И.М. Власова

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Учебная дисциплина  ОГСЭ.03  Иностранный язык                           

Специальность 09.02.03 
Программирование в компьютерных системах

      Курс          4                             Семестр


А.А., Пугина Г.Т.

2017 г.

Пояснительная записка

КОС разработаны в соответствии с Федеральным Государственным
образовательным стандартом по специальности  09.02.03  Программирование в компьютерных
системах по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык».

Данные материалы предназначены для проведения промежуточной
аттестации студентов 4 курса и содержат 2 варианта по  7 заданий в каждом.
Задания направленны на проверку
знаний и умений в соответствии с общими
компетенциями ФГОС по специальности.

Объектами контроля являются элементы языка
(лексика, грамматика, чтение).

Задания 1, 3, 4,
5, 6
 контролируют знание лексики

Задание 2 –  контролирует
знание грамматики
Passive Voice

Задание 7 – направлено на
контроль умения работы с текстом: чтение с извлечением полной информации, умение
применять поисковое чтение для составления ответов на вопросы


        За  каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл.

За перевод
отрывка из текста 0-5 баллов

5 баллов
– корректный  литературный перевод без смысловых ошибок

3 балла
— корректный  литературный перевод с 1, 2 неточными формулировками без
нарушения понимания смысла отрывка

1 балл –
перевод с большим количеством смысловых ошибок

баллов   — смысл отрывка не понятен

количество баллов – 26.

выполнения работы определяется исходя из следующего соответствия:

21-26  баллов — «5» (отлично)
18 – 20   балла — «4» (хорошо)
15 -17  баллов — «3» (удовлетворительно)
14 и менее баллов — «2» (неудовлетворительно)

1 – вариант

  Задание 1. Translate into English:

1.     Информационно-зависимое

2.     Вычислительное

3.     интегральная

4.     математический

двоичный код

Задание 2. Detect the predicates in the following sentences.

The first vacuum tubes computers are referred to as first
ration computers.

transistor, a smaller and more reliable successor to the vacuum tube, was invented in 1948.

The computers that were designed to use integrated
technology were called third generation computers.

Задание 3. Fill in the gaps.

The invention of …  … was the starting point of
the rapid growth of modern

The … invented in 1948 completely replaced the vacuum tube.

    Задание 4.  Match the terms to
their definition

Computer        2.
Computer literacy  3. A program    4. Data 

set of instructions that direct the operations of computers;

sufficient knowledge of how computers work and how to use them.

an electronic device performing calculations
on numerical data;

unorganized but able to be organized.

Задание 5. Insert proper words

1.     ___________  Computer
data system frees humans from routine error-prone tasks.

counting;  b) computing:   c) processing

can store vast amount of information to organize it and _____    it.

travel;  b) to retrieve;  c) to respond

Задание 6. Translate into English


порт ввода-вывода

емкость; объем (памяти)

4.      мгновенный ответ  

Задание 7.  Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопрос и
письменно переведите 2, 3 абзацы

have internal and external storage?

It is important to
realize that the computer works very fast when instructions and data are
immediately accessible to the processor. If the processor continually had to
transfer instructions and data to and from external devices, such as a hard
drive, and RAM, it would slow down processing tremendously. That is why
computers have RAM in increasingly large capacities.

External storage is still
needed though. RAM is volatile storage and its contents are lost when the
computer is switched off. We need to store that data or those programs
somewhere safe. There are also many times when we need to take a file and use
it on another computer – you may use a pen drive to work on files at

school and then take them home to
complete for homework.

You could not do that if
the files were stored in the computer at school – you would also always have to
work at the same computer and the computer could never be turned off!

2 – вариант

Задание 1. Translate into English.

1.     Компьютерная грамотность;

2.      система обработки данных

3.     выполнять вычисле­ния;

4.     полупроводниковая технология;

5.     научные исследо­вания

Задание 2. Detect the grammar
tense and voice of the predicates in the following sentences.

1.     Fourth generation computers were greatly re­duced in size.

As  many as 100 tiny circuits are placed now on a single

3.     The  circuit is encapsulated in plastic or metal.

Задание 3. Fill in the gaps.

1.     The transistor, a small piece of a … with three electrodes, had great advantages over the best vacuum tubes.

In 1830 Charles Babbage, proposed to build a general-purpose
problem-solving machine that he called  … …

Задание 4. Match the terms to their definition

1. Data processing   2. Input   3.  Output   4. Data bank

a part of
a computer, entering data into the device;

 b) a series of operations that results in the conversion of data system             into
useful information;         

c) an electronic device accepting the data processing results from the
computer and displaying them;

 d)   a set of related files.

    Задание 5. Insert proper words

1.     The
possibility of

__________is reduced if data were correctly
put into the data processing system.

a) character;   b)
access;    c) error

2.     Computer
data processing systems can __________
at a frac­tion of a second.
) receive;   b) respond;   c) retrieve

Задание 6. Translate into English

1.     неверные, неправильные, недо­пустимые данные  

2.     встроенное  программное обеспечение 

струйный принтер

устанавливать; размещать.


The processor of a device
is designed for a general purpose and is able to run any sort of program.
However, a microprocessor (see photo on the right) is a special form of CPU,
used in microcomputers and small computerized devices. It is important to remember
that when they are used in small computerized devices, they are designed to
carry out a specific task and will only ever carry out that task, such as the
control circuit of a burglar alarm.

All the computers such as
mainframes, laptops and smart phones can perform a wide variety of tasks; they
can be programmed to a great extent. In comparison, a washing machine is just a
washing machine and will have a limited number of functions for which it was
designed – washing your clothes.

There are many devices in
the home that are controlled or powered by a microprocessor, but are designed,
programmed and built to fulfill only a specific task, for example, a
refrigerator, microwave oven or DVD player.

Задание 7. Answer the questions

 What is the processor of a device designed

Which tasks can
all the computers perform?



1 – вариант

2 – вариант

Information-dependent society

calculating device

integrated circuit


binary code

6. The first vacuum tubes computers are referred
to as first gene
ration computers.

The transistor, a smaller and more reliable successor to the vacuum tube, was invented in 1948.

8. The computers that were designed to use
integrated circuit
technology were called third
generation computers.

9. The invention of  vacuum tube  was the starting point of the rapid growth of modern electronics..

10. The transistor,  invented in 1948 completely replaced the vacuum tube.

computer literacy

data processing system

perform calculations

semiconductor technology


6. Fourth
generation computers
were greatly re­duced in size.

7. As  many as 100 tiny
circuits are placed now on a single chip.

8. The  circuit is encapsulated in plastic or metal.

9. The transistor, a small piece of a  semiconductor
three electrodes, had great advantages over the best vacuum tubes.

1830 Charles Babbage, proposed to build a
general-purpose problem-solving machine
that he
called  an analytical engine.

1 – c

2 – b

3  — a

4 – d

5 – c

6 – b

7 — keyboard

input-output port

9. capacity

10. instant response

1 – b

2 – a

3 —  c

4 – d

5 – c

6 – b

7. invalid data

8. firmware

9. ink-jet printer 


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Компьютерные системы обработки данных или просто компьютер

системы обработки данных не предназначены для имитации ручных систем. Они должны сочетать в себе возможности людей и компьютеров. Системы компьютерной обработки данных могут быть спроектированы чтобы воспользоваться четырьмя возможностями. компьютеры.

1. Точность. После того, как данные были правильно введены в компьютерный компонент системы обработки данных, необходимость в дальнейшие манипуляции со стороны людей исключаются, а возможность вероятность ошибки снижена. Компьютеры, если правильно их программированные, также вряд ли будут допускать ошибки в вычислениях. Из конечно, компьютерные системы остаются уязвимыми для проникновения со стороны люди неверных данных.

2. Легкость общения. После ввода данные могут быть преобразованы там, где это необходимо, в сетях связи. Эти могут быть наземными или спутниковыми системами. Резерв путешествия Система tions является примером сети передачи данных. Службы бронирования по всему миру могут сделать запрос о транспорте или жилье и получите почти мгновенное отклик. Другой пример — офисная система связи. который предоставляет руководителям доступ к резервуару данных, называемому корпоративная база данных, с их персонального микрокомпьютера работы станции.

3. Емкость памяти. Компьютеры способны хранить огромное количество количество информации, чтобы организовать ее и получить ее способами которые намного превышают возможности человека. Количество данные, которые могут храниться на таких устройствах, как магнитные диски, не постоянно увеличивается. В то же время стоимость символа данных хранится уменьшается.

4. Скорость. Скорость, с которой компьютерная система обработки данных

команды могут ответить, увеличивая их ценность. Например, путешествие

Упомянутая выше система бронирования не будет полезна, если клиентам пришлось ждать ответа более нескольких секунд. В требуемый ответ может составлять доли секунды. Таким образом, важная цель при проектировании компьютерных данных

системы обработки позволяют компьютерам делать то, что они умеют лучше всего

и освободить людей от рутинных, подверженных ошибкам задач. Большинство

рентабельная компьютерная система обработки данных — та, которая выполняет работу эффективно и с наименьшими затратами. Используя компьютеры рентабельно, мы сможем лучше реагировать к вызовам и возможностям нашего постиндустриального информационного общества.


1. What capabilities should data-processing systems combine when designed? 1. Какие возможности должны объединять системы обработки данных при проектировании?  

Computer-oriented data processing systems or just computer data processing systems are not designed to imitate manual systems. They should combine the capabilities of both humans and computers. Computer data processing systems can be designed to take advantage of four capabilities of computers.  

2. What are the main advantages of computers? 2. Каковы основные преимущества компьютеров?

Accuracy. Ease of communications. Capacity of storage. Speed.  

3. What do you know of computers accuracy? Что вы знаете о точности компьютеров?

Once data have been entered correctly into the computer component of a data processing system, the need for further manipulation by humans is eliminated, and the possibility of error is reduced. Computers, when properly programmed, are also unlikely to make computational errors. Of course, computer systems remain vulnerable to the entry by humans of invalid data.  

4. What is the function of communication networks? Какова функция сетей связи?  

Data, once entered, can be transmitted wherever needed by communications networks. These may be either earth or satellite-based systems. A travel reservations system is an example of a data communications network. Reservation clerks throughout the world may make an enquiry about transportation or lodgings and receive an almost instant response. Another example is an office communications system that provides executives with access to a reservoir of date, called a corporate data base, from their personal microcomputer work stations.    

5. Give examples of a data communication network. Приведите примеры сети передачи данных.  

Coaxial cable, twisted pair of wires, light guide.  

6. What do you understand by capacity storage? Что вы понимаете под хранилищем емкости?

Computers are capable of storing huge amounts of information, organizing it and extracting it in ways that go far beyond human capabilities. The amount of data that can be stored on devices such as magnetic disks is constantly increasing. All this time, the cost of one character of stored data is reduced.  

7. What other values of computer data processing systems do you know? Какие еще значения компьютерных систем обработки данных вы знаете?

Collection and input of initial data into the computer system. Data processing in order to obtain results. Placement and storage of data in the system memory  

8. What is an important objective in the design of computer data processing systems? Какова важная цель при проектировании компьютерных систем обработки данных?

An important goal when designing computer data processing systems is to allow computers to do what they do best and free people from routine, error-prone tasks.  

9. What is the most effective computer data processing system? Какая система компьютерной обработки данных является наиболее эффективной?

The most economical computer data processing system is the one that performs its work efficiently and at the lowest cost.  

10. What is the best way of responding to the challenges and opportunities of our post-industrial society? Каков наилучший способ реагирования на вызовы и возможности нашего постиндустриального общества?

By using computers in a cost-effective way, we will be able to better respond to the challenges and opportunities of our information-dependent post-industrial society.


information processing system computer, system orientation to the data processing computer, combines human and machine, limit management; hardly make a mistake, to be vulnerable, invalid data, the ease of implementation of the communication network of information transmission system based on the use of satellites; employees to reserve housing, get an instant response; inquiries, data warehouse, corporate database, the amount of memory to store huge amounts of information, retrieve information, add value; above; of a second, error-prone, economically justified.


а) В прошедшем времени: 1. Computers could replace people in dull routine work. 2. The program is a set of instructions that might also include data to be processed. 3. Computer-controller robots had to increase the productivity of industry. 4. They could help in making different decisions. 5. The pupils might work with computers at the lessons. 6. Electric pulses could move at the speed of light. 7. Storage devices had to have capacities for the input, output data and programs and for intermediate results. 8. Business minicomputers could perform to 100 million operations per second. 9. In order to solve scientific problems researches had to deal with the language of science — mathematics. 10. Programmers had to write application programs in a way that computers could understand.
б) В будущем времени: 1. Computers will be able to replace people in dull routine work. 2. The program is a set of instructions that will be allowed to also include data to be processed. 3. Computer-controller robots will have to increase the productivity of industry. 4. They will be able to help in making different decisions. 5. The pupils will be allowed to work with computers at the lessons. 6. Electric pulses will be able to move at the speed of light. 7. Storage devices will have to have capacities for the input, output data and programs and for intermediate results. 8. Business minicomputers will be able to perform to 100 million operations per second. 9. In order to solve scientific problems researches will have to deal with the language of science — mathematics. 10. Programmers will have to write application programs in a way that computers will be able to understand.



Computer data c) processing system frees humans from routine
error-prone tasks.
2. Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and b) to retrieve it.
3. The entered data can be transmitted by a) communications networks.
4. The possibility of c) error is reduced if data were correctly put into the data processing system.
5. Computer data processing systems can b) respond at a fraction of a second.
6. Computer systems are vulnerable to the entry of a) invalid data.
7. As soon as data were entered into the system correctly, the human manipulation is limited.
8. The amount of data stored on magnetic discs is constantly 


1. Inputting j) the process of entering collected into a data processing system;
2. Character  g) a written language symbol;
3. Database i) a set of related facts;
4. Data elements c) meaningful collections of related characters;
5. Controlling  f) directing the sequence of the operations performed;
6. Outputting b) the process of producing useful information;
7. Memory — e) the part of the computer that receives and stores data for processing;
8. Record h) a collection of related data elements
9. Keyboard d) the most common input device;
10. Storing a) saving information for further processing;
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