The project you are opening contains compilation error unity

Unity’s Safe Mode is a mode that the Unity Editor can enter when you open a project that has script compilation errors. Safe Mode is designed to provide the best environment for resolving compilation errors, so that you can quickly return your project to a functional state.


Unity’s Safe Mode is a mode that the Unity Editor can enter when you open a project that has script compilation errors. Safe Mode is designed to provide the best environment for resolving compilation errors, so that you can quickly return your project to a functional state.

In Safe Mode, Unity provides a minimal version of the Editor user interface, with limited functions. It only imports script-related assets, and prevents the import of non-script assets (such as models, materials, textures and prefabs). This is because Safe Mode is not meant for content production, only for resolving compilation errors.

Safe Mode never allows managed code to run from your project, or its packages. This means your own scriptsA piece of code that allows you to create your own Components, trigger game events, modify Component properties over time and respond to user input in any way you like. More info
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such as Editor scripts, asset post-processors, and scripted importers do not run. Safe Mode also disables assembly overrides, and the Burst and Roslyn Analysers. This ensures the Editor in Safe Mode is always fully functional and reliable, even when it opens a project in a very broken state.

Unity automatically exits Safe Mode when it detects there are no more compilation errors. When it exits Safe Mode, Unity imports your project in full, and the Editor restores its normal full functionality.

Common causes of compilation errors

Some common scenarios that might result in you encountering compilation errors occur when you:

  • Upgrade a project from an older version of Unity to a newer version.
  • Open a project in a different version of Unity from the one it was created in.
  • Open a project with a missing packageA container that stores various types of features and assets for Unity, including Editor or Runtime tools and libraries, Asset collections, and project templates. Packages are self-contained units that the Unity Package Manager can share across Unity projects. Most of the time these are called packages, but occasionally they are called Unity Package Manager (UPM) packages. More info
    See in Glossary
    , or an incorrect version of a package.
  • Open a project which has errors in your own scripts.
  • Open a project under version controlA system for managing file changes. You can use Unity in conjunction with most common version control tools, including Perforce, Git, Mercurial and PlasticSCM. More info
    See in Glossary
    , where the latest changes you pulled contained compilation errors.

Opening a project that has compilation errors without Safe Mode can cause many kinds of problems. For example, packagesPackages are collections of assets to be shared and re-used in Unity. The Unity Package Manager (UPM) can display, add, and remove packages from your project. These packages are native to the Unity Package Manager and provide a fundamental method of delivering Unity functionality. However, the Unity Package Manager can also display Asset packages that you downloaded from the Asset Store. More info
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in your project might not load or function properly, and your assets might be imported incorrectly, resulting in incorrect cached artifacts in your Library or in your Cache ServerA standalone app that you can run on your local computer that stores the imported asset data to reduce the time it takes to import assets. More info
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In these situations, you usually don’t want to wait for the rest of the project to import before you can resolve the errors. Safe Mode provides you with the tools to resolve these script-related problems yourself, or to use version control to update your project to a newer version that resolves the errors, without waiting for a full import of the project.

Entering Safe Mode

When you open a project which has compilation errors, the Editor displays a dialog to ask whether you want to enter Safe Mode:

The Enter Safe Mode? dialog prompts you to enter Safe Mode when you open a project with compilation errors

The Enter Safe Mode? dialog prompts you to enter Safe Mode when you open a project with compilation errors

At this point you have three choices:

  • Enter Safe Mode
  • Ignore the errors and open your project
  • Quit Unity

In most cases, you should select Enter Safe Mode to resolve the errors in your project (or, if you’re working with version control, to pull changes which contain fixes to the errors). Safe Mode provides the best environment for resolving compilation errors, so that you can quickly return your project to a functional state before Unity imports the rest of your project.

However, there are some cases where you might not want to enter Safe Mode, in which case you can Quit Unity, or Ignore the errors.

Note: You can disable this dialog in Edit > Preferences > General > Show Enter Safe Mode Dialog. If you disable the dialog, Unity automatically enters Safe Mode when it opens a project with compilation errors.

Quitting without entering Safe Mode

Safe Mode is specifically designed for fixing compilation errors. If you are working on a Unity project as part of a team, but you are not responsible for the scripts that are causing errors, and don’t know what to do, you should select Quit in the dialog, and contact the programmers on your team for advice.

Ignoring the errors and continuing import

There are some situations where you don’t need the project to be in a usable state (for example, if you are opening an old project to copy some parts out, or to simply inspect how it is configured). In this case, you can ignore the errors and open your project in a broken state anyway.

If you select Ignore, and later want to open the project in Safe Mode, you can close and re-open Unity to access the “Enter Safe Mode” dialog again.

Implications of ignoring compilation errors

If you choose to ignore the errors, Unity continues to import the rest of your assets and opens your project fully. Potential implications here include:

  • Your project might not be in a usable state. You might not be able to enter Play Mode, or create builds of your project, until the errors are resolved. In addition, any packages in your project might not load correctly, or at all.

  • Unity might need to import your assets twice; once at launch, and again after you resolve the project’s compilation errors. This increases the amount of time it takes to load your project in a usable state.

  • If your project uses a Scriptable Render Pipeline, your renderer might not load, resulting in visual problems such as the pink / magenta “Broken ShaderA small script that contains the mathematical calculations and algorithms for calculating the Color of each pixel rendered, based on the lighting input and the Material configuration. More info
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    ” effect.

  • Script compilation errors can cause secondary errors within your project. For example, if a scripted importer in your project is unable to load because of compilation errors, your assets might import in an incorrect state.

Safe Mode is designed to help you avoid all of these problems.

The Editor in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, Unity provides a minimal Editor interface with limited functions.

The Unity Editor in Safe Mode

The Unity Editor in Safe Mode

The Unity Editor displays a Safe Mode banner in the toolbarA row of buttons and basic controls at the top of the Unity Editor that allows you to interact with the Editor in various ways (e.g. scaling, translation). More info
See in Glossary
section at the top of the Editor, which replaces the standard Editor toolbar. The toolbar indicates that you are in Safe Mode, and provides an Exit Safe Mode button, which allows you to ignore the remaining errors and exit Safe Mode. The banner also indicates whether your project uses preview packagesA preview package is in development and not yet ready for production. A package in preview might be at any stage of development, from the initial stages to near completion.
See in Glossary

The Unity Editor retains its integration with code editors in Safe Mode, so you can double-click on script assets or console errors to open their associated scripts, and you can open the C# project via the Assets menu. It also retains its integration with Version Control systems.

The restricted set of windows in Safe Mode

The Editor displays a limited selection of windows in Safe Mode. These are:

  • The Console window
  • The Project window
  • The InspectorA Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you to inspect and edit the values. More info
    See in Glossary
  • The Package Manager window

These are the only windows available because they relate to fixing compilation errors. No other windows are available in Safe Mode.

The Editor Menu in Safe Mode

The options available in the Editor’s main menu are restricted to a limited set while in Safe Mode. You can only see and select the menu options which relate to working with scripts; the regular options for creating and working with other content are not available. For example, you cannot create or open ScenesA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. More info
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, or create non-script assets such as primitive shapes, lights, or camerasA component which creates an image of a particular viewpoint in your scene. The output is either drawn to the screen or captured as a texture. More info
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. The GameObjectThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info
See in Glossary
and Component menus are not present, and the Window menu only offers a restricted set of windows.

The restricted Editor Menu as it appears in Safe Mode, displaying the available options for creating assets.

The restricted Editor Menu as it appears in Safe Mode, displaying the available options for creating assets.

The Project window in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, the Project windowA window that shows the contents of your Assets folder (Project tab) More info
See in Glossary
has some functional differences compared with its normal behavior outside of Safe Mode.

The primary difference is that you can only select compilation-related assets. Other asset types are not selectable. They remain visible as grayed-out entries in the Project window, but you cannot select or edit them.

Specifically, the compilation-related asset types that you can interact with are:

  • C# files (.cs)
  • DLL files (.dll)
  • Assembly definitions (.asm)
  • Response files (.rsp)
  • Ruleset files (.ruleset)

In addition, the icons for the non-selectable assets do not show a preview of the content of the asset. Instead, they show a generic icon to represent the asset’s type.

The Project window displays generic icons for non-selectable assets.

The Project window displays generic icons for non-selectable assets.

The create (+) menu button is disabled, and the Project window context menu has a reduced set of options available.

The create (+) menu button in the project window, disabled in Safe Mode

The create (+) menu button in the project window, disabled in Safe Mode

Exiting Safe Mode

Unity automatically exits Safe Mode when you have resolved all the compilation errors. Unity then continues to open your project and import your assets.

To exit Safe Mode while there are still compilation errors remaining, select the Exit Safe Mode button in the Safe Mode toolbar. This is not recommended (see Implications of ignoring compilation errors), and Unity prompts you with a dialog to confirm your decision.

The Exit Safe Mode button in the Safe Mode toolbar

The Exit Safe Mode button in the Safe Mode toolbar

If you exit Safe Mode while errors remain in your project, and later want to return to Safe Mode, you can close and re-open Unity to access the “Enter Safe Mode” dialog again..

Safe Mode in Batch Mode

In Batch Mode, Unity automatically quits if there are compilation errors in your project, unless you use the -ignoreCompilerErrors command line argument.

Describe the bug
When running a project in unityHub (new or existant), I get an error «Project you are opening contains compilation errors.»

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install unityhub (tested from unstable)
  2. Run unityhub, get a free licence (i.e. download the proposed license file, submit online this licence using the provided link, and provide back the downloaded free file). You may already observe a first error, but unity will still continue to run:
Fontconfig warning: "/usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/05-reset-dirs-sample.conf", line 6: unknown element "reset-dirs"
Checking for update
Found version 2.4.2 (url: UnityHub.AppImage)
Downloading update from UnityHub.AppImage
updater cache dir: /home/leo/.cache/unityhub-updater
No cached update info available
Error: Error: APPIMAGE env is not defined
    at newError (/nix/store/6g76h69ifyrnk97c874qpcqc222c85dl-unityhub-extracted/resources/app.asar/node_modules/builder-util-runtime/out/index.js:212:17)
    at Object.task (/nix/store/6g76h69ifyrnk97c874qpcqc222c85dl-unityhub-extracted/resources/app.asar/node_modules/electron-updater/out/AppImageUpdater.js:106:52)
    at AppImageUpdater.executeDownload (/nix/store/6g76h69ifyrnk97c874qpcqc222c85dl-unityhub-extracted/resources/app.asar/node_modules/electron-updater/out/AppUpdater.js:741:25)
  1. Install latest unityhub from the «install» tab of unity, I tried with linux, webgl, and windows modules:
  2. Create a new project (I used the 2D templace, but the exact template seems to be irrelevant)
  3. Run this project (may be automatic if you just created it. Note that I had some issues the very first time where I needed to restart unity hub a few times before seeing the project, now this part seems to work.
  4. Observe the error «Project you are opening contains compilation errors. Entering Safe Mode allows you to resolve these errors without waiting for the rest of your project to import.»:
  5. Click on «enter safe state». Observe empty errors:

Expected behavior
I would expect not to have compilation errors.

Notify maintainers

Please run nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m" and paste the result.

NB: I installed unityhub from the local-nixos-unstable channel.

warning: unknown setting ‘extra-sandbox-paths’

  • system: "x86_64-linux"
  • host os: Linux 5.4.77, NixOS, 21.03pre-git (Okapi)
  • multi-user?: yes
  • sandbox: yes
  • version: nix-env (Nix) 2.4pre20201102_550e11f
  • channels(root): "nixos-21.03pre257780.e9158eca70a, nixos-unstable-21.03pre257780.e9158eca70a"
  • channels(me): "local-nixos-unstable-21.03pre262347.257cbbcd3ab, test, home-manager, nixos-unstable-21.03pre250162.34ad166a830"
  • nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos

Maintainer information:

# a list of nixpkgs attributes affected by the problem
# a list of nixos modules affected by the problem

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  3. The project you are opening contains compilation error Unity

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  • at the first installation of the youth through unity hub I had a mistake, but I solved the problem by setting it through the official website, now that I’m trying. launch a new projectthe problem arises:
    скриншот ошибки

    I tried to find a response to this forum, but it didn’t bring anything, and I didn’t find anything on the Internet, so I’d be very grateful if you could help me!

  • Try to remove and redo. From the official website of Unity. I recommend that Unity hub be downloaded and that the version be downloaded.
    You may have a mistake at the installation, or when you start the project, you don’t end up loading it.

  • 1 / 1

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    I’ve seen a lesson on youtube. Try the line.this.vector = new Vector2(position.x * 2, position.y * 2);
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    It should help.

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    You cannot appropriate a domain . and simply configure it on your apache server as a virtual host, it doesn’t work.For this purpose you want there are domains . test. To configure this domain on Windows do the following:Access C:WindowsSystem32driversetc.Edit the file hosts with the text editor you prefer, it can be the notepad.Supposing you want to create the domain application. test, will leave the file with the following content:# localhost
    ::1 localhost aplicacao.test
    ::1 aplicacao.test
    With this you will have registered this local domain on your operating system.Now also modify your virtual server:<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName aplicacao.test
    ServerAlias www.aplicacao.test
    DocumentRoot «meu diretório»
    <Directory «meu diretório»>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
    In this file it is worth making some caveats. The first is the ServerAlias you have www of the master, the ServerName is pure domain. The second is, when writing the «my directory» described there, note that in DocumentRoot the directory has no character /(barra) at the end and in the tag Directory yes must have the character /(barra) at the end of the way.Made this reboot your apache (in your case the shampoo). Adjust the files in Laravel for this new domain and should work properly.

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    «Tools»-state»SDK Manager.
    On the SSDK Tools deposit, put «Show Package Details.»
    Make sure the Android SDK Build-Tools is a tie next to version 28.0.3.
    If you mark her, he’s gonna suggest you roll it down after the pressure on the «O.» A license will be required.

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    I recommend that before I do what I’m going to tell you to save your project in another directory to avoid major evils.Here is a possible solution to your problem:You must close the Visual Studioand erase the bin folders and obj of your project, after doing this reopen the Visual Studio and compile your application.

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    You have to modify the image so it can be used to 2D and IU. To do this select the image, in the inspector, on the property Texture Type select Sprite, apply and you can already use the image for what you need.

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    I’ll tell you three times, write the right thing! You won’t understand if you have javascript. ♪ ♪the example of BrowserQuest I recommend if you write yourself, not text BrowserQuest.And by mistake, there’s no such bag anymore, or he’s «damaged.»
    Good advice:
    Note that you can also install from a tarball, folder, http url, or git url.

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    Well, see what the mistake says:abstract, error: Number is abstract; cannot be instantiatedWhat is happening there is a conflict between the classes and .I think you want to use the first one, because it wouldn’t make sense to use the other once it’s one abstract class.Like all classes of java.lang are implicitly imported throughout the project, you will need to write the full name of the class jxl.write.For example:n = new Number(2,2,-3.1415926535, cf2);

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    You know what? Node.JSBut you don’t know. Java? Write. Node.JS♪Socket.IO or your transport? That’s the basic idea. Socket.IO consists of the implementation of grids JavaScript’aIt is likely that it would be better to abandon the use of tin (but frankly, I see no use in the context of swords).In fact, IMOW, if you want to write such a complicated sophth as a multi-user game (even without :D), you need to think less and do more. Otherwise you will never write it.

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    Try to put it #include <stdio.h> just above the code.

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    It’s just a little weird. And I suspect that the author himself doesn’t understand what he wants.But I’m guessing the question was NURBS on the surface. They don’t supported in a box of boys. But in theory… there’s a tape and they can be searched. In practice, I’m not sure anyone did it or not, so I won’t.Clear information on the difference between Mash and NURBS: But they are not exactly a vector schedule in the sense in which it is presented to the author. There are some restrictions on how much I know… Though I might be wrong.

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