- The sap application had to terminate due to an abap runtime error перевод
- Легкий способ исправления ошибки “runtime error”
- SAP ABAP Runtime Errors
- SAP Runtime error transactions and ABAP programs
- SAP Runtime error tables
- Runtime Error categories (SNAPTID-CATEGORY)
- Most common SAP runtime errors
- Блог молодого админа
- Увлекательный блог увлеченного айтишника
- Ошибка Runtime Error. Как исправить?
- Причины и решения
- Комментарии к записи “ Ошибка Runtime Error. Как исправить? ”
- Printing error on Co02
- The sap application had to terminate due to an abap runtime error перевод
The sap application had to terminate due to an abap runtime error перевод
Легкий способ исправления ошибки “runtime error”
Подробности —> 19.09.2010 89 778204
Ошибку runtime error могут вызвать множество причин и одна из самых распространенных — это установка новых версий программ поверх уже установленных, что приводит к появлению ошибок в системном реестре. Другая распространенная причина — связана с деятельностью различных вирусов, троянов и рекламных шпионов, которые проникают на ваш компьютер и могут удалить, либо модифицировать критически важные файлы вашей операционной системы.
Ошибку runtime error достаточно легко исправить. В 99% случаев, любой чистильщик реестра поможет восстановить удаленные файлы, либо исправить поврежденные. Чистильщики реестра специально разработаны для исправления большинства ошибок, связанных с runtime error, в том числе и runtime error 91, runtime error 13 и многих других, т.к. они проверяют целостность файловой системы.
Скачайте и установите себе программу для чистки реестра, например, CCleaner. Проведите полное сканирование вашего компьютера и найдите причины, которые вызывают ошибку runtime error. В зависимости от количества файлов на вашем компьютере, сканирование может занять время от нескольких минут до получаса. Приятным дополнением будет то, что чистильщик реестра не только исправит ошибки вида runtime error, но и увеличит производительность вашего компьютера.
SAP ABAP Runtime Errors
Whenever SAP comes across an issue that causes it to stop processing it generates an ABAP Runtime Error. A basic example of this would be a divide by zero but there and many such errors defined in SAP such as DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST Invalid Request.
The runtime error would be presented immediately if executing a dialog process but can be recovered any time using transaction ST22. All runtime errors that happen during a background or RFC process are also available via tcode ST22.
The runtime error contains all the details about the type of error as well as the contents of the program variables at the point of the error. for example here is an example of the description you might see for DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST.
What Happened? The current ABAP/4 program terminated due to an internal error in the database interface. What can you do? Make a note of the actions and input which caused the error. To resolve the problem contact your system administrator. You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP dump analysis) to view and administer termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion date. Error analysis.
In a statement, an invalid request was made to the database interface when accessing the table “EKKO”.
SAP Runtime error transactions and ABAP programs
SAP Runtime error tables
SNAP – ABAP/4 Snapshot for Runtime Errors (ST22 list)
SNAPTID – ABAP Runtime Errors – Uses SNAPT as a text table so Includes first text line(TLINE)
SNAPT – ABAP Runtime Error Texts
SNAPTTREX – Exception table for translation
Runtime Error categories (SNAPTID-CATEGORY)
Domain: S380CATEGORY
- I Internal Error
- R Error at ABAP Runtime
- Y Error at Screen Runtime
- D Error in Database Interface
- A ABAP Programming Error
- F Installation Errors
- O Resource Shortage
- E External Error
- U End User Error
- K No Error
- S ST Runtime Error
- J Internal ST Error
- X XSLT Runtime Error& Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
- & Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
- B ITS Error
- Q Error in Open SQL
- – Unclassified Error
Most common SAP runtime errors
Below is a list of some of the more common runtime errors including a link to full details of the error and what causes it.
Блог молодого админа
Увлекательный блог увлеченного айтишника
Ошибка Runtime Error. Как исправить?
Ошибка Runtime Error возникает достаточно часто. Во всяком случае, с ней сталкивается достаточно большое количество пользователей. А возникает она при запуске той или иной программы или игры (помнится, давным-давно при запуске Counter-Strike некоторое время вылетала ошибка Runtime Error 8, пока я ее не исправил). В отличии от многих других ошибок, Runtime Error исправить не так уж сложно, о чем я хочу рассказать вам более подробно.
Причины и решения
Что понять, к какому из действий необходимо прибегнуть для исправления ошибки, надо сначала выяснить, по какой причине она могла возникнуть.
- Скажу сразу, что наиболее популярной причиной, которая встречается в абсолютном большинстве случаев, является обновление программы, либо же ее установка поверх старой версии. Вспомните, если недавно обновили приложении и после этого начала появляться ошибка, значит, проблема именно в обновлении. В этом случае проще всего будет удалить программу полностью с компьютера через «Панель управления», не забыв перенести сохранения, если, например, речь идет об игре. Также я рекомендую очистить реестр от «хвостов», а после этого можно установить программу заново. После этого проблем быть не должно.
- По поводу очистки реестра. Установка обновлений нередко приводит к различным проблемам, возникающим именно в реестре. В принципе, можно попробовать обойтись одной лишь чисткой реестра, не прибегая к удалению программы. Я рекомендую пользоваться такой замечательной программой, как CCleaner. Она распространяется бесплатно (для домашнего пользования) и обладает массой всевозможных функций, одной из который является чистка реестра от поврежденных или проблемных ключей. В принципе, такой же функцией обладают и другие программы, в том числе бесплатные, и по сути нет разницы, чем вы будете пользоваться. Но я все же рекомендую именно CCleaner.
- Допустим, что вы очистили реестр от файлов, а ошибка по-прежнему возникает. Что тогда? Теоретически, возможно проблема кроется во вредоносном файле, который имеется на компьютере. Для его удаление необходимо воспользоваться антивирусом с последними обновлениями, а также утилитой Dr. Web Cureit!, которая отлично справляется с различными троянами и вирусами. Она также бесплатная, скачать ее можно на официальном сайте компании Dr. Web.
- На некоторых форумах пишут, что помогает обновление DirectX. Скачать ее можно на сайте компании Microsoft. Узнать, какая версия утилиты установлена у вас, я уже успел рассказать на страничках сайта.
- Также стоит обратить внимание на текущую версию Visual C++. Для Windows 7 это должна быть Visual C++2010, а для Windows XP — Visual C++2008.
Вот, в общем-то, и все. Эти простые советы должны вам помочь справиться с проблемой, а если этого сделать не получается, напишите мне об этом. Попробуем решить проблему вместе.
Комментарии к записи “ Ошибка Runtime Error. Как исправить? ”
перезагрузил комп. лол, помогло)))
А вот такое как решить. runtime error this application has requested the runtime to terminate
статью почитай хоть…
Добрый день! Не нашла куда вам написать — пишу в комментариях. У меня такая проблема: Я восстанавливала компьютер и мой антивирусник Norton заменился McAfee, который стоял по умолчанию. Нортон не установился (подписка активна до 2017 года), а McAfee я не удалила. Всё — центр поддержки не открывается, приложения не работают — не запускаются: я не могу просмотреть видео, прослушать аудио, не могу отправить письмо в Microsoft, не могу восстановить компьютер, не работает ни одна кнопка. Выдает ошибки Runtime Error и 1719. Скачала CCleaner, почистила — ничего не изменилось. Только в интернете могу посмотреть, а программы скачанные он не все запускает. McAfee не удаляется. Помогите, пожалуйста восстановить компьютер. С уважением Людмила
а че делать, когда устанавливаешь Visual C++2008? мне пишет «./install не является приложением win32»
Потому что у тебя не 64-операционная система, у тебя 32-битная система, из-за этого так пишет
При попытке запуска одной программы выскакивает сообщение:
«Runtime Error!
Program: C:Pr…
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application’s support team for more information.»
Ничего из описанного в этой статье не помогло…
Все другие программы работают как часы. Получается, что прога кривая?
Что делать,если ошибка выдаётся при включении компа,на экране блокировки и после этого чёрный экран,только мышка бегает?
Добрый день, испробовал все, ничего не помогает, поставили мне на пк новую видеокарту GeForce 1050, добавили оперативки до 6гб и переустановили систему, поставили новую 7 на 64, пользуюсь 2 день, не могу поставить моды на wot, вылетает ошибка runtime error (at-1;0), система чистая, вирусов нет, реестр чистил, ошибок нет, помогите пожалуйста разобраться. Заранее огромное спасибо.
Пытаюсь запустить игруху,но выдает ошибка Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libriary runtime error.
Многое перепробовал,но ничто не помогло,кто знает как решить?
Ничего не помогло 🙁
Запустите CMD от имени администратора , после , введите команду : bcdedit.exe /set IncreaseUserVA 2800
Отпишитесь кому помогло
ничего не помогает.Такая ошибка у меня в браузере появляется,а в обычных играх всё норм.
Модем тачмейт перестал работать из-за Runtime Error. Работал-работал и вдруг это. Что делать. На ноуте стоит виста. Он в 2008 г куплен.
База MsSql под деловодством Оптима работала до вчерашнего дня. Со следующего дает при попытке переслать документ ошибку RunTime Error 6. Причем за вчера работает нормально. Переписал на другой Сервер то-же самое. MSSQL-2005. Может у кого такое было.
Как устранить проблему Runtime error?
просто подключайте к пк гарнитуру или колонки и все
Здравствуйте. У меня при запуске игры выдает это:
Runtime error 112 at 00403FBC
Я перепробовала все способы! Ничего не помогло! Помогите пожалуйста решить эту проблему! Я вас очень прошу!
Пытаюсь у становить мод-пак к игре WOT, и постоянно выбивает Runtime Error (at 233:2657): Could not call proc.
Пробовал и клинэр запускал, не помогло.
Здравствуйте !
Пытаюсь установить мод пак для wot и постоянно вылазит ошибка Runtime error (183:-2)
Что делать, подскажите. Все что было на сайте все сделал, все равно не помогло
Уважаемый МОЛОДОЙ АДМИН… (жаль, что имени своего Вы не указали…). В компьютерных делах я не особо сильна..
После чистки ноутбука столкнулась с проблемой, которую Вы так понятно и доходчиво разъяснили в данной статье…Ошибку устранила(почистила реестры) всё работает в прежнем режиме, причём, я программу не удаляла. Премного Благо Дарю.
А что насчет «rentime eror 200» ? мне не помогло
Printing error on Co02
I am having trouble printing from the transaction CO02. After we try to print a certain order we receive the error below.
The SAP application had to terminate due to an ABAP runtime error.
The characteristics of the runtime error are:
Transaction ID. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What can you do?
Take a note of the runtime characteristics listed above and of the
actions and entries that caused the application to terminate.
For further help in handling the problem, contact your SAP administrator
I have checked the Dump on ST22 and the following dump is :
Category ABAP Programming Error
ABAP Program xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Application Component Not Assigned
Date and Time 18.09.2018 15:49:44
No authorization to open the file «xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt».
After i have seen the Dump i have tried to user su53 for the user but it doesnt show nothing.
Using PFCG i have tried to add the authorization object S_DATASET to this user putting the following values for the fields:
Physical file name Assets *
ABAP program name *
When i take out the value 06 delete from Activity the problem still persist meanwhile when it has all them * the problem is resolved.
Can someone please answer why is this possible? Why does the value 06 delete affect printing ? The dump above what kind of values are a must?
If u have any other advice for the problem all is welcomed.
The sap application had to terminate due to an abap runtime error перевод
Available Monitoring Categories
The available monitoring categories are:
- ABAP Runtime: ABAP short dumps as found in ST22
Available Filter Options
For ABAP Runtime errors, you can collect all ABAP dumps in the managed system. You can also use the following filter parameters, to restrict the data collection:
Exception: Runtime Error (ST22)
Exception (ST22)
For ABAP Runtime errors the following metrics are collected:
- ABAP Runtime exceptions: Indicates that ABAP runtime errors were collected during the last collection
- Additional filter fields:
- Process type: Batch, Dialog, HTTP, RFC or Update
- Source IP Address: IP address of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Source Server: server name of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Additional filter fields:
- Number of ABAP Runtime Errors over period: Number of ABAP Runtime Errors during the alert calculation period
- Additional filter fields:
- Process type: Batch, Dialog, HTTP, RFC or Update
- Source IP Address: IP address of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Source Server: server name of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Additional filter fields:
Whenever SAP comes across an issue that causes it to stop processing it generates an ABAP Runtime Error. A basic example of this would be a divide by zero but there and many such errors defined in SAP such as DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST Invalid Request.
The runtime error would be presented immediately if executing a dialog process but can be recovered any time using transaction ST22. All runtime errors that happen during a background or RFC process are also available via tcode ST22.
The runtime error contains all the details about the type of error as well as the contents of the program variables at the point of the error. for example here is an example of the description you might see for DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST.
What Happened? The current ABAP/4 program terminated due to an internal error in the database interface. What can you do? Make a note of the actions and input which caused the error. To resolve the problem contact your system administrator. You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP dump analysis) to view and administer termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion date. Error analysis.
In a statement, an invalid request was made to the database interface when accessing the table “EKKO”.
SAP Runtime error transactions and ABAP programs
ST22 –ABAP runtime error
RSLISTDUMPS – List All Runtime Errors and short description
RSSHOWRABAX – Program associated with ST22
SAP Runtime error tables
SNAP – ABAP/4 Snapshot for Runtime Errors (ST22 list)
SNAPTID – ABAP Runtime Errors – Uses SNAPT as a text table so Includes first text line(TLINE)
SNAPT – ABAP Runtime Error Texts
SNAPTTREX – Exception table for translation
Runtime Error categories (SNAPTID-CATEGORY)
Domain: S380CATEGORY
- I Internal Error
- R Error at ABAP Runtime
- Y Error at Screen Runtime
- D Error in Database Interface
- A ABAP Programming Error
- F Installation Errors
- O Resource Shortage
- E External Error
- U End User Error
- K No Error
- S ST Runtime Error
- J Internal ST Error
- X XSLT Runtime Error& Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
- & Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
- B ITS Error
- Q Error in Open SQL
- – Unclassified Error
Most common SAP runtime errors
Below is a list of some of the more common runtime errors including a link to full details of the error and what causes it.
An ABAP program can be terminated during its runtime for a number of different reasons. The database table SNAPTID lists all existing runtime errors (in total, around 1900).
To allow clearer processing, the runtime errors are divided into categories:
Internal errors |
Error in the VM -> can only be reported to SAP using an error message. |
Errors in the ABAP runtime Errors in the screen runtime Errors in the database interface |
The system was able to roughly determine the area in which the error occurred. Next, clarify whether it was triggered by an internal error or by a programming error. |
ABAP programming errors |
Errors in the ABAP program, such as a division by zero or a catchable exception that was not caught. |
Installation errors |
These include, for example, inconsistencies between the kernel and the database. A typical installation error is therefore the error START_CALL_SICK |
Resource bottleneck |
Typical example: SYSTEM_NO_ROLL. The application no longer has sufficient memory available. |
External errors |
The error was caused by a call outside the system. Example: ● The code page of the operating system does not match the SAP system language ● An incorrect logon attempt occurred when calling outside the SAP system (for example, RFC SDK). |
End user errors |
These errors include, for example, incorrect end user printer settings. |
No error |
The program was not terminated due to an error, but rather due to deliberately performed actions. Example: If an administrator actively cancels a running transaction, the RABAX SYSTEM_CANCELED is thrown. In cases like this, no error correction is required. |
ST runtime errors |
The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). The cause is a programming error in the ST program. |
Internal ST errors |
The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). There is an internal error in the ST VM. |
XSLT runtime errors |
The error occurred during the execution of an XSLT transformation. |
ITS errors |
The error occurred in ITS. These are usually HTMLB errors, however the error could also be due, for example, to a resource error within the ITS. |
An ABAP program can be terminated during its runtime for a number of different reasons. The database table SNAPTID lists all potential runtime errors (in total, around 1900).
To allow clearer processing, the runtime errors are divided into categories. The category of the runtime error returns hints on cause of the error and troubleshooting.
Internal Kernel Error |
Error in ABAP Kernel. RECOMMENDATION Sending an error message to SAP. |
Errors in the ABAP runtime Errors in the screen runtime Errors in the database interface |
The system was able to roughly determine the area in which the error occurred. Next, clarify whether it was triggered by an internal error or by a programming error. |
ABAP programming errors |
Errors in the ABAP program, such as a division by zero or a catchable exception that was not caught. RECOMMENDATION If you are dealing with a non-modified SAP application, send an error message to SAP. |
Installation errors |
These include, for example, inconsistencies between the kernel and the database. EXAMPLE A typical installation error is the error START_CALL_SICK. |
Resource bottleneck |
EXAMPLE Example: SYSTEM_NO_ROLL: The application does not have enough memory available. |
External errors |
The error was caused by a call outside the system. EXAMPLE
End user errors |
Incorrect printer settings at end user. |
No error |
The program was not terminated due to an error, but rather due to deliberately performed actions. EXAMPLE If an administrator cancels a running transaction, the runtime error SYSTEM_CANCELED is thrown. |
ST runtime errors |
The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). The cause is a programming error in the ST program. |
Internal ST errors |
The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). There is an internal error in the ST VM. |
XSLT runtime errors |
The error occurred during the execution of an XSLT transformation. |
ITS errors |
The error occurred in ITS. This is usually an HTMLB error. |
Categories of ABAP Runtime Errors
An ABAP program can be terminated during its runtime for a number of different reasons. The database table SNAPTID lists all potential runtime errors (in total, around 1900).
To allow clearer processing, the runtime errors are divided into categories. The category of the runtime error returns hints on cause of the error and troubleshooting.
Internal Kernel Error
Error in ABAP Kernel.
Sending an error message to SAP.
Errors in the ABAP runtime
Errors in the screen runtime
Errors in the database interface
The system was able to roughly determine the area in which the error occurred. Next, clarify whether it was triggered by an internal error or by a programming error.
ABAP programming errors
Errors in the ABAP program, such as a division by zero or a catchable exception that was not caught.
If you are dealing with a non-modified SAP application, send an error message to SAP.
These include, for example, inconsistencies between the kernel and the database.
A typical installation error is the error START_CALL_SICK .
Example: SYSTEM_NO_ROLL : The application does not have enough memory available.
The error was caused by a call outside the system.
The code page of the operating system does not match the SAP system language
An incorrect logon attempt occurred when calling outside the SAP system (for example, RFC SDK).
End user errors
Incorrect printer settings at end user.
The program was not terminated due to an error, but rather due to deliberately performed actions.
If an administrator cancels a running transaction, the runtime error SYSTEM_CANCELED is thrown.
ST runtime errors
The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). The cause is a programming error in the ST program.
Internal ST errors
The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). There is an internal error in the ST VM.
XSLT runtime errors
The error occurred during the execution of an XSLT transformation.
The error occurred in ITS. This is usually an HTMLB error.
Printing error on Co02
I am having trouble printing from the transaction CO02. After we try to print a certain order we receive the error below.
The SAP application had to terminate due to an ABAP runtime error.
The characteristics of the runtime error are:
Transaction ID. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What can you do?
Take a note of the runtime characteristics listed above and of the
actions and entries that caused the application to terminate.
For further help in handling the problem, contact your SAP administrator
I have checked the Dump on ST22 and the following dump is :
Category ABAP Programming Error
ABAP Program xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Application Component Not Assigned
Date and Time 18.09.2018 15:49:44
No authorization to open the file «xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt».
After i have seen the Dump i have tried to user su53 for the user but it doesnt show nothing.
Using PFCG i have tried to add the authorization object S_DATASET to this user putting the following values for the fields:
Physical file name Assets *
ABAP program name *
When i take out the value 06 delete from Activity the problem still persist meanwhile when it has all them * the problem is resolved.
Can someone please answer why is this possible? Why does the value 06 delete affect printing ? The dump above what kind of values are a must?
If u have any other advice for the problem all is welcomed.
Categories of ABAP Runtime Errors
An ABAP program can be terminated during its runtime for a number of different reasons. The database table SNAPTID lists all potential runtime errors (in total, around 1900).
To allow clearer processing, the runtime errors are divided into categories. The category of the runtime error provides hints on the cause of the error and troubleshooting.
Internal Kernel Error
Error in ABAP Kernel.
Sending an error message to SAP.
When doing this, use the application component displayed in the header of the long text (if displayed).
ABAP programming errors
Dynpro programming errors
Simple transformation programming errors
XSLT programming errors
ITS programming errors
Programming errors specific to the program type.
Example: Division by zero or a catchable exception in an ABAP program that is not caught.
If you are dealing with a non-modified SAP application, send an error message to SAP.
When doing this, use the application component displayed in the header of the long text (if displayed).
Installation and administration errors on your ABAP server
These include, for example, inconsistencies between the kernel and the database.
A typical installation error is the error START_CALL_SICK .
This is most probably a local problem in your ABAP system.
Resource bottleneck on your ABAP server
Example: SYSTEM_NO_ROLL : The application does not have enough memory available.
This is most probably a local problem in your ABAP system.
Temporary problem in your ABAP runtime environment
The problem is only temporary.
This is most probably a local problem in your ABAP system.
The program was not terminated due to an error, but rather due to deliberately performed actions.
Example: If an administrator cancels a running transaction, the runtime error SYSTEM_CANCELED is thrown.
Analyzing ABAP Runtime Errors
Analysis of dumps in the debugger is not available in SAP NetWeaver Release 7.x systems.
The program that you are running has just aborted because of a run time error and has written an ABAP ‘short dump’.
This section shows you how to display the dump and use it to do a post-mortem analysis of the problem.
See more background information on the SAP Community Network (SCN):
- If an ABAP program that you have started from the ABAP Development Tools fails with a short dump, then the system responds by displaying a dialog like this one:
The dialog appears outside of the ADT window and also automatically fades out. Keep an eye out for the dialog if you are testing a new program.
The program is dead, so you cannot run it at all in the debugger. However, all of the variables and other runtime information in the program context are available for you to look at. See the Debugging ABAP Code for more help.
The dump is displayed in transaction ST22 in the integrated SAP GUI.
- You can use the debugger to inspect a dump only if you have started an ABAP program (executable program, class, . ) from the ABAP Development Tools, and it has aborted with an ABAP dump. Only in this dialog use case – in which you are still connected to the program context – can you view an ABAP dump in the debugger.
- The system notifies you of a short dump even if the dump occurs while you are running ABAP Unit. ABAP Unit catches dumps and reports them as errors rather than terminating. Even so, the system lets you intercept and analyze a dump that occurs during unit testing.
The sap application had to terminate due to an abap runtime error
Available Monitoring Categories
The available monitoring categories are:
- ABAP Runtime: ABAP short dumps as found in ST22
Available Filter Options
For ABAP Runtime errors, you can collect all ABAP dumps in the managed system. You can also use the following filter parameters, to restrict the data collection:
Exception: Runtime Error (ST22)
Exception (ST22)
For ABAP Runtime errors the following metrics are collected:
- ABAP Runtime exceptions: Indicates that ABAP runtime errors were collected during the last collection
- Additional filter fields:
- Process type: Batch, Dialog, HTTP, RFC or Update
- Source IP Address: IP address of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Source Server: server name of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Additional filter fields:
- Number of ABAP Runtime Errors over period: Number of ABAP Runtime Errors during the alert calculation period
- Additional filter fields:
- Process type: Batch, Dialog, HTTP, RFC or Update
- Source IP Address: IP address of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Source Server: server name of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
- Additional filter fields: