Обновлено: 09.02.2023
ASSER HIT: ‘deviceCount >= && «No Vulkan capable device found»‘ | File: D:BuildAgentsbuildAgent_pcworkgit_checkout_per_agent_mainFledgeRendererrenderersrcvulkanFledgeRendererSystemVulkan.cpp’ | Line: ‘377’
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Would you mind sharing a DxDiag when you’ve got a chance? You can find more info on how to pull one up over at the EA Help website.
Once you have the text file please attach it to this thread. Thanks!
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July 2020 — last edited July 2020
Hey sorry for late response here is the dxdiag
i can also add tell you some of the trouble shooting i did on this just in case you need
- i uninstalled and reinstalled
- i moved it from a external hardrive to my actual laptop
- i ran the repair from the orgin client
- i tried some fixes i saw on the internet like adding a setting file to my folder i was having issues renaming my amdvlk64.dll file because i was having issues with system admin rights and didnt feel like digging any deeper on that solution
- i also tried updating my drivers and checking can you run it to make sure my device meets the minimum requirements which it seemed like it did
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I appreciate the details!
Your GPU supports Vulkan, so that shouldn’t be an issue. I’m wondering if the game is trying to use the integrated AMD graphics from your CPU rather than your NVIDIA GPU. Can you check something for me when you have a chance?
Open up the NVIDIA Control Panel and go to Manage 3D Settings . Under Global Settings you should see a drop down menu for Preferred Graphics Processor . It will most likely be set to Auto-select by default. Try changing this to your NVIDIA GPU and see if that helps at all.
Let me know how that goes when you have a chance. Thanks!
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hey that didnt work unfortunately does it matter if it is on my hard drive or external i did move it to my external after my trouble shooting didnt work
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I have seen some cases where having the game installed on a separate drive from the Origin client itself can cause some issues, but the error you’ve been seeing seems to be more driver-related.
Have you tried rolling back to a previous NVIDIA driver to see if that helps at all? It looks like the developers for The Surge 2 specifically mention that driver 436.48 or earlier should work. Let me know if you’re still running into the same errors afterward.
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hey sorry for late response but it seems that rolling it back didnt help i also tried removing and re adding both drivers as well as running the driver once while the amd driver was closed it did seem to open but it didnt really display anything kind of like an invisible window that was full screen so i closed it but it didnt pop up with that error message. i dont know if its because of the fact that the driver was disabled but i tried running apex because i know i wouldnt be able to run any games with that driver disabled and it did still show an error message. i cant seem to replicate it though it doesnt seem to do anything if i try to run it with the driver disabled granted i did remove it and add it back so i dont know if that could have caused anything.
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July 2020 — last edited July 2020
Hey @nickross637 as someone who saw issues with getting The Surge 2 to launch there are a couple of things you can try.
I had a similar error pop up when launching No Man’s Sky on an MSI gaming laptop, I fixed the issue by running Display Driver Uninstaller (which is a third party program not affiliated or endorsed by EA so if you opt to use it you do so at you own risk) in safe mode and then doing a clean install of my GPU drivers.
You can also try playing around with your power plan in your settings to ensure that you are always using your dedicated GPU or if feeling tech-savvy enough you can enter your BIOS settings and disable the integrated card entirely.
With The Surge 2, you can see issues when running some background program running such as CCleaner Smart Cleaning or anything like those is disabled when running the game. For some reason these can cause issues with the game and result in some odd error messages.
If disabling those get the game working and you continue to see visual issue then can you try the following ensuring that you launch the game after each to see if it works:
- Run the game
- Set VSync to OFF.
- Set Frame Rate Limit to 60 FPS
- Run the game
- Set Resolution Scale to 100%
- Run the game
- Set Dynamic Resolution Mode to MODERATE or AGGRESSIVE
You also need to ensure that your DirectX and your VC++ are fully up to date, it’s no harm doing a clean install of both and then launching the game again to see if you see a difference.
10 дек. 2019 в 6:32
Error: failed to execute vulkan command — Possible fix
If you still have problems with game crashing once in a while with «failed to execute vulkan command.. » here is what what you can try:
1) go to C:WindowsSystem32 find vulkan-1.dll select it and copy (Ctrl+c)
2) go to game installation folder and open Bin subfolder . SteamLibrarysteamappscommonThe Surge 2bin
3) paste the vulkan-1.dll replacing the one that is already in the Bin
This fixed the constan crashed of the game for me, but there are some issues with gamma from time to time, nothing terrible.
9 ноя. 2019 в 6:05
I only recently launched the game,and for the beginning of me running around doing stuff in the first zone was fine for the first hour or 2,I entered the mall,so far so good.
entered the port,whent down the stairs killed a bunch of spider drones,walked up to a guy placing one,killed him,and after that point,started happening that error,I relaunch the game,reload the save,walk around the same area for a minute or 2 and it appears again.
the error is this.
[FLR] Error
ASSERT HIT: ‘result && ‘Failed to allocate GPU memory» I File: • DABuildAgentsbuildAgent_pcworkgitcheckoutper agent _main FledgeRendererrenderersrcvulkan FledgeRendererM emotyGpuMemoryManagerVulkan.cpp’ I Line: ‘306’
any information would be appericated,and I did try the beta branches,didnt help.
9 ноя. 2019 в 6:35
I noticed something,this error only occours,when switching to Very high settings.
even if trying to do custom and bumping up anything above high will cause an instant error.
specifically that error above,I dont mind playing on high,but I hope this issue will be resolved.
*note,this issue wasnt a thing on launch day,only recently,or to be exact,at the day of this post*
9 ноя. 2019 в 12:57
alright,this issue is now happening in high settings but only in certain areas
Following the following steps, could you provide your logs along with your dxdiag to us so that we can investigate your crashes ?
A. Enable the Game Logs (Fledge.log, fledge_foundation.log and FledgeRenderer.log files): 1. Open Windows Explorer or File Explorer from the taskbar. 2. Navigate to Documents > The Surge 2. 3. Right click on the settings.ini file > Edit. 4. Add the following lines: logging_enabled = true crashdump_level = Large 5. Run The Surge 2 and reproduce the bug. The game logs are stored in Documents > The Surge 2 > logs.
12 ноя. 2019 в 11:22
Following the following steps, could you provide your logs along with your dxdiag to us so that we can investigate your crashes ?
A. Enable the Game Logs (Fledge.log, fledge_foundation.log and FledgeRenderer.log files): 1. Open Windows Explorer or File Explorer from the taskbar. 2. Navigate to Documents > The Surge 2. 3. Right click on the settings.ini file > Edit. 4. Add the following lines: logging_enabled = true crashdump_level = Large 5. Run The Surge 2 and reproduce the bug. The game logs are stored in Documents > The Surge 2 > logs.
Thanks, the crash has been reported and is currently being investigated
One possible lead would be to enable the option «texture streaming» from the options if it’s not already the case. Enabling it will let the streaming system handle the memory.
You have a 1060 GTX 3GB and with 3GB it’s not recommended to have this option disabled.
If the option is already enabled, unfortunately it is recommeded to play on lower quality settings
13 ноя. 2019 в 11:50
One possible lead would be to enable the option «texture streaming» from the options if it’s not already the case. Enabling it will let the streaming system handle the memory.
You have a 1060 GTX 3GB and with 3GB it’s not recommended to have this option disabled.
If the option is already enabled, unfortunately it is recommeded to play on lower quality settings
that option was always enabled for me,so thats not the case,but Iv tested right now to run on your auto settings wich are suppose to lock settings to a managable to my GPUs state.
and after running around in the nixen port for a while,the same crash occours,in wich makes absolutely 0 sense how I could run the game on the same auto — high settings in the first zone,where it was completely fine while playing for an extended period of time,and suddenly entering a new zone the game suddenly decideds to give you a middle finger to the face for progression regardless of settings.
note I played trough the first zone before the vulkan patch and everything was fine,came back a few weeks later,finished up farming and mopping up the first zone,got into the mall,all seems to be fine,up next whent to the port,and literally after going trough the first bit of electric spiders,that pops up.
Im really at a loss here,is the GPU really the issue or is the newly implimented software/processing system within the game after that patch.
I would love to help,but this is literally all I can do to provide information.
Very high-instant crash
High-running trough certain areas or within a set period of time 5-10 minutes (crash)
Auto-same deal as with this option above ^
Unfortunately, if the option is already enabled I don’t have much other solutions to propose other than reducing the quality options. Only lowering the Texture quality should prove sufficient in that matters.
The changes made in the different patches should not impact this kind of issue this much so it’s weird you didn’t have them in the first place as you say.
Lowering texture quality and having the latests GPU drivers should help, if there are any improvements made in future patches I’ll let you know
15 ноя. 2019 в 3:21
Unfortunately, if the option is already enabled I don’t have much other solutions to propose other than reducing the quality options. Only lowering the Texture quality should prove sufficient in that matters.
The changes made in the different patches should not impact this kind of issue this much so it’s weird you didn’t have them in the first place as you say.
Lowering texture quality and having the latests GPU drivers should help, if there are any improvements made in future patches I’ll let you know
alright,thank you for the support,hope I will somehow resolve this issue.
16 ноя. 2019 в 1:25
Unfortunately, if the option is already enabled I don’t have much other solutions to propose other than reducing the quality options. Only lowering the Texture quality should prove sufficient in that matters.
The changes made in the different patches should not impact this kind of issue this much so it’s weird you didn’t have them in the first place as you say.
Lowering texture quality and having the latests GPU drivers should help, if there are any improvements made in future patches I’ll let you know
alright,thank you for the support,hope I will somehow resolve this issue.
Out of interest, you probably already tired all this, but did you try a steam verity check, and update drivers and or DDU and reinstall drivers ?
17 ноя. 2019 в 14:39
alright,thank you for the support,hope I will somehow resolve this issue.
Out of interest, you probably already tired all this, but did you try a steam verity check, and update drivers and or DDU and reinstall drivers ? yeah I pretty much tried every possible conventional method,and it makes no godam sense to how Iv run games at a much higher requierment than this one and none of them did a force crash just out of entering into speciffic game areas and it says (oh sorry GPU bad),I really wanna play trough the surge 2,loved the 1st one and was hyped over the 2nd.
really dont wanna offend the game Im siked for but the engine its running on is one genuine mess of bugs since day 1 :/
(some of them werent as bad,actually fixable by the posts made by the devs)
but the fact that its a full release title and contains functionality issues up to this day is astounding at this juncture.
Have no clue if its because they are using Vulkan or its because theres some internal conflict between drivers as they stated about GForce.
my drivers are up to date,did the most recent driver upgrade for literally everything,and everything is still the same as it is up to this day.
go into port nixon and walk trough the shock spider-Crash
/lower settings/
walk past the spiders and get to medbay-after 5 minutes,crash.
literally unplayable.
17 ноя. 2019 в 21:54
Out of interest, you probably already tired all this, but did you try a steam verity check, and update drivers and or DDU and reinstall drivers ?
yeah I pretty much tried every possible conventional method,and it makes no godam sense to how Iv run games at a much higher requierment than this one and none of them did a force crash just out of entering into speciffic game areas and it says (oh sorry GPU bad),I really wanna play trough the surge 2,loved the 1st one and was hyped over the 2nd.
really dont wanna offend the game Im siked for but the engine its running on is one genuine mess of bugs since day 1 :/
(some of them werent as bad,actually fixable by the posts made by the devs)
but the fact that its a full release title and contains functionality issues up to this day is astounding at this juncture.
Have no clue if its because they are using Vulkan or its because theres some internal conflict between drivers as they stated about GForce.
my drivers are up to date,did the most recent driver upgrade for literally everything,and everything is still the same as it is up to this day.
go into port nixon and walk trough the shock spider-Crash
/lower settings/
walk past the spiders and get to medbay-after 5 minutes,crash.
literally unplayable.
I think that unfortunately for most people that still can’t play S2 reliably — it’s down to vulkan — VK doesn’t have the same spectrum of support as the other API’s yet, so yeah for a sizeable minority of people it’s the death of those games for them unfortunately.
Like for instance quite a few people were no longer able to play NMS when they switched to vulkan. There was a steam group (which got taken down. why ?) a while back that had like nine thousand people in it that all couldn’t play NMS anymore just because of vulkan I know that VK is the future and all, but it’s just sad that right now, it’s ruining games.
10 сен в 13:57
Just bought this game for my PC and it downloaded OK but wont start. Here’s the error:
«Failed to execute Vulkan command ‘result’ (file ‘D:BuildAgentsbuildAgent_pcworkgit_checkout+mainFledgeRendererrenderersrcvulcanFledgeRendererSystemVulkan.cpp’ in line ‘376’), returned: ‘VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED’
There’s a good user friendly message, eh?
I have the same problem. The solutions alreadyt provided doesn’t work for me.
12 сен в 16:42
I bought this like 5 hours ago and have spent all 5 hours trying to fix the exact problem and I don’t know how, and no work arounds are working, is there any solution or should I just refund the game and get a different game?
13 сен в 6:36
I bought this like 5 hours ago and have spent all 5 hours trying to fix the exact problem and I don’t know how, and no work arounds are working, is there any solution or should I just refund the game and get a different game?
By your steam icon you already refunded.
What could have been tried before refunding was:
Checking your specs
Checking game files on Steam
Uninstalling game then deleting game folder before reinstall
Checking for anti-virus or other programs that could be a trouble
Checking windows and Steam
Checking your hardware (CPU, GPU, RAM, HD, PSU, MoBo)
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@ZereoX thanks for the fast answer! I have mesa 22.2.1 here. Double checked in package info and glxinfo -B
name of display: :0
display: :0 screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
Extended renderer info (GLX_MESA_query_renderer):
Vendor: AMD (0x1002)
Device: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (navi10, LLVM 13.0.1, DRM 3.42, 5.15.70-r1) (0x731f)
Version: 22.2.1
Accelerated: yes
Video memory: 8192MB
Unified memory: no
Preferred profile: core (0x1)
Max core profile version: 4.6
Max compat profile version: 4.6
Max GLES1 profile version: 1.1
Max GLES[23] profile version: 3.2
Memory info (GL_ATI_meminfo):
VBO free memory - total: 6745 MB, largest block: 6745 MB
VBO free aux. memory - total: 7631 MB, largest block: 7631 MB
Texture free memory - total: 6745 MB, largest block: 6745 MB
Texture free aux. memory - total: 7631 MB, largest block: 7631 MB
Renderbuffer free memory - total: 6745 MB, largest block: 6745 MB
Renderbuffer free aux. memory - total: 7631 MB, largest block: 7631 MB
Memory info (GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info):
Dedicated video memory: 8192 MB
Total available memory: 16368 MB
Currently available dedicated video memory: 6745 MB
OpenGL vendor string: AMD
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (navi10, LLVM 13.0.1, DRM 3.42, 5.15.70-r1)
OpenGL core profile version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 22.2.1
OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.60
OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile
OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 22.2.1
OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60
OpenGL context flags: (none)
OpenGL profile mask: compatibility profile
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 22.2.1
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20
Now I see that Steam shows mesa 20.3.4 in system info, which is weid. What else should I check?
Upd investigated a bit, this comes from installed 32 bit stuff (which I haven’t updated in ages) and can be found under architectures.i386-linux-gnu
json key. architectures.x86_64-linux-gnu
shows current 22.2.1 version correctly.
This game is 64 bit only I think, shouldn’t be an issue.
Constantly facing performance issues while playing The Surge 2? Here is a basic troubleshooting guide that would help you fix lag, fps drops, crashes and stutters in the game.
Check the system requirements of The Surge 2
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
- Processor: AMD FX-8320 (3.5 GHz) / Intel i5-4690K (3.5 GHz)
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: 2 GB, AMD Radeon R9 280 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 20 GB available space
- Additional Notes: Requires a graphics card compatible with Vulkan, requires Internet connection for online features.
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
- Processor: AMD FX-8370 (4.0 GHz) / Intel Core i7-3820 (3.6 GHz)
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: 6 GB, AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 20 GB available space
- Additional Notes: Requires a graphics card compatible with Vulkan, requires Internet connection for online features.
Though the game doesn’t look visually impressive that much, I was actually surprised to see the requirements. You must have a graphics card that supports Vulkan otherwise you won’t be able to even start the game. That is the reason why it requires atleast a GTX 950 or a R9 280 and lets not talk about the recommended requirements. AMD RX Vega 56? GTX 980 Ti? If you ask me, these requirements are way too high for this game.
So make sure that you check the official system requirements of The Surge 2 and compare them with your system specifications before purchasing it. The good thing is this game is on Steam and you can always refund it if you have already made the purchase.
Update your graphics drivers
Try updating your graphics driver. You might be sitting with a very old video driver at the moment which is slowing your PC down. Always keep your drivers updated as every version comes with some sort of optimization. Nvidia and AMD have already released their launch day support drivers for The Surge 2. Here are the links:
- Nvidia Drivers
- AMD Drivers
Use the Nvidia GeForce Experience application
You can also use Nvidia GeForce Experience to optimize the game even further. Here is how you can do it:
- Launch GeForce Experience
- If GFE has already scanned your PC then The Surge 2 will automatically appear with your other games on the Home page
- If you don’t see it then you need to add the game manually. Click on the settings icon located on the top right corner of GFE
- Now click on Games located on the left side
- Click on Add and select the drive where you have installed The Surge 2
- Hit Scan
- After the scanning is complete the game will appear on the Home page
- Bring you mouse pointer on the game and click on Details
- Hit the Optimize button
- Finally start the game via GeForce Experience only by click on the Play button
Verify the game files
If the game is missing some important file then it could end up being the worst experience for you while playing it. You can verify the in-game files of The Surge 2 and if the game is missing a file then Steam will automatically download it. Here is how to do it:
- Launch Steam
- Go your library
- Right click on The Surge 2
- Select Properties
- Go to the Local Files tab
- Click on Verify Integrity of Game Files
Best or Optimal Graphics Settings for The Surge 2
Go to Options > Video > Display
Fullscreen : On
VSync : Off
Frame Rate Limit : 160
Go to Options > Video > Graphics
Resolution Scale : 100%
Dynamic Resolution Mode : Off
Texture Quality : Medium
Shadow Quality : Medium
Volumetric Lighting Quality : Medium
Antialiasing Mode : Off
Ambient Occlusion : Off
Subsurface Scattering : On
Bloom Intensity : 70%
Lensflare Intensity : 70%
Chromatic Aberration Intensity : 10%
Motion Blur Intensity : 15%
Though we did get some boost on our low end PC with a RX 560 with the given settings, the game ended up looking the same on every setting. This is nothing but the result of a bad PC port.
Update your OS
If you are using Windows 10 then you should really consider updating your OS right now. The recent Windows 10 updates have been very buggy lately. The have been causing serious performance related problems in a lot of AAA games. So first check what is the version and build number of your Windows 10 OS.
You can do that by just pressing ‘Windows + R” keys on your keyboard and type “winver”. After checking your OS version and build number do a Google search and check whether there are any bugs or glitches tied to your current build. If there are some then immediately update your OS. Here is how to do it:
- Go to Settings
- Go to Update & Security
- Click on Check for updates
- Wait for the updates to get installed
- Restart your PC
Utilize the Nvidia Control Panel
[Note: This is for Nvidia users only]
The first thing you should do is click on ‘Adjust image settings with preview‘ located on the left side under 3D settings and make sure that ‘Use the advanced 3D image settings‘ is selected. Now:
- Open Nvidia Control Panel
- Click on Manage 3D settings on the left bar
- Click on the Program Settings tab
- Locate The Surge 2 from the drop down menu under “Select a program to customize”
- If you don’t see the game on the list then click on the Add button and another list will appear
- If you still cannot spot the game then you need to add the .exe file manually.
- Click on Browse
- Locate the folder where you have installed the game
- Select the executable file or the .exe file which in this case should be TheSurge2.exe
- Once you have successfully added the game, you will then see the program settings become available for the game
- Now tweak the following settings:
Threaded Optimization : On
Power Management : Prefer Maximum Performance
Low Latency Mode : Off
Texture filtering – Quality : Performance
Failed to execute Vulkan command result error
As I have already mentioned earlier in the article, the game won’t run if your graphics card doesn’t have support for Vulkan API. If you try to run The Surge 2 on a graphics card without Vulkan support then you will get an error message saying ‘Failed to execute Vulkan command result : vk_error_incompatible_driver‘.
Unfortunately there is no fix for this and the only way to avoid this issue is to get a GPU that supports Vulkan.
We will update this article as soon as we discover some new fixes. Stay tuned!
Check out some of our other guides:
- Borderlands 3 – How to solve the giant cube puzzle at Desolation’s Edge
- Borderlands 3 – Performance guide
- How to get the Early Adopter Pack
- Stuck at loading screen with dancing Claptrap
- Mali Wannabees – How to make Borman Nates spawn
- Half Life easter egg in Borderlands 3?
That’s all folks!
Last Updated on September 25, 2019
Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.
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Re: The Surge 2
Shadow Hunter wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:28 am
Guyz I keep getting an [FLR] error everytime i run The Surge 2. It says;
Failed to execute Vulkan Command ‘result’ (file`D:BuildAgentsbuildAgent_pcworkgit_checkout_per_agentFledgeRendererrenderersrcvulkanfledgerenderersystemvulkan.cpp’ in line ‘376’), returned:
Any Solution for this would be helpful. Thanks
that’s an Vulkan API error.
are your GPU driver up2date?
and are you using Windows 10?
some drivers for older Windows dont support Vulkan.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Shadow Hunter
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Re: The Surge 2
by Shadow Hunter » Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:42 am
cfemen wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:39 am
Shadow Hunter wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:28 am
Guyz I keep getting an [FLR] error everytime i run The Surge 2. It says;
Failed to execute Vulkan Command ‘result’ (file`D:BuildAgentsbuildAgent_pcworkgit_checkout_per_agentFledgeRendererrenderersrcvulkanfledgerenderersystemvulkan.cpp’ in line ‘376’), returned:
Any Solution for this would be helpful. Thanksare your GPU driver up2date?
and are you using Windows 10?
some drivers for older Windows dont support Vulkan.
I have Geforce Experience which says that my drivers are up to date and yes i am using windows 10. My graphics card is GT 730.
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Re: The Surge 2
by cfemen » Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:47 am
Shadow Hunter wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:42 am
cfemen wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:39 am
Shadow Hunter wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:28 am
Guyz I keep getting an [FLR] error everytime i run The Surge 2. It says;
Failed to execute Vulkan Command ‘result’ (file`D:BuildAgentsbuildAgent_pcworkgit_checkout_per_agentFledgeRendererrenderersrcvulkanfledgerenderersystemvulkan.cpp’ in line ‘376’), returned:
Any Solution for this would be helpful. Thanksare your GPU driver up2date?
and are you using Windows 10?
some drivers for older Windows dont support Vulkan.I have Geforce Experience which says that my drivers are up to date and yes i am using windows 10. My graphics card is GT 730.
GT 730 is not a gaming card , and does not support vulkan.
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Re: The Surge 2
by ospider » Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:42 pm
Thanks for the wonderful table
Any chance for a damage modifier?
It’s in fearlessrevolution’s trainer but it’s only for the damage done by the player and it doesn’t always work.
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Re: The Surge 2
by Zanzer » Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:54 pm
Just level your weapon up to 20 if you want a damage boost
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Re: The Surge 2
by QuarryTen » Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:13 am
ospider wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:42 pm
Thanks for the wonderful table
Any chance for a damage modifier?
It’s in fearlessrevolution’s trainer but it’s only for the damage done by the player and it doesn’t always work.
Using the mouseover script, you can edit the level of your weapon which enhances the damage of the weapon.
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Re: The Surge 2
by Gehenna » Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:21 am
Would it be possible to add items? I’m specifically thinking 4 items which allow you to move around the world (If you played, you should know the four ) which I’d like to cheat in for NG+
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Re: The Surge 2
by ospider » Fri Sep 27, 2019 9:34 am
QuarryTen wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:13 am
ospider wrote: ↑
Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:42 pm
Thanks for the wonderful table
Any chance for a damage modifier?
It’s in fearlessrevolution’s trainer but it’s only for the damage done by the player and it doesn’t always work.Using the mouseover script, you can edit the level of your weapon which enhances the damage of the weapon.
I tried making my armor 20+ something with this but it only reaches mark XX= 20 and never goes higher
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Re: The Surge 2
by ospider » Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:36 am
Just a warning: I used the «mouse over pointer» with a fixed level 20 on the Drone modules menu … and on the next game-load all of my modules had turned into S&R drone, so I guess I bricked my save.
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Re: The Surge 2
by bloodaxis » Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:00 pm
ospider wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 27, 2019 9:34 am
I tried making my armor 20+ something with this but it only reaches mark XX= 20 and never goes higherJust a warning: I used the «mouse over pointer» with a fixed level 20 on the Drone modules menu … and on the next game-load all of my modules had turned into S&R drone, so I guess I bricked my save.
Weird, the weapons at least show a blank mark if you go higher than 20 but their damage still increases, thought it was the same with the armor. Also yeah the drone modules don’t have different ranks in the first place so changing anything to do with marks on them is probably a bad idea.
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Re: The Surge 2
by Zanzer » Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:24 pm
ospider wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:36 am
Just a warning: I used the «mouse over pointer» with a fixed level 20 on the Drone modules menu … and on the next game-load all of my modules had turned into S&R drone, so I guess I bricked my save.
If I had to guess, I’d say you may have checked the box (frozen) for Item Type or Additional Data.
Then when you moused over other items, it set all of their types/data to what you first locked.
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Re: The Surge 2
by ospider » Fri Sep 27, 2019 2:47 pm
Zanzer wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:24 pm
ospider wrote: ↑
Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:36 am
Just a warning: I used the «mouse over pointer» with a fixed level 20 on the Drone modules menu … and on the next game-load all of my modules had turned into S&R drone, so I guess I bricked my save.If I had to guess, I’d say you may have checked the box (frozen) for Item Type or Additional Data.
Then when you moused over other items, it set all of their types/data to what you first locked.
Maybe, as I’m a bit noob with this
So there’s no way to revert those back to normal?
Edit: nvm, I restarted, the game is short anyways.
Edit 2: after 2 hours in the new playthrough, bug happened again, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t touch or tick any mouse-related options this time, I only played with infinite battery.
Edit 3: After restarting for the 3rd time, game just crashes for me.
Edit 4: Just gonna drop this for now.
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Re: The Surge 2
by Cervani » Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:43 am
Yeah, unsure what’s going on but my game keeps crashing whenever I attempt to use the scrap pointers. I don;t know if it’s because my game is cracked or not, but whenever I use the scrap pointer to try and adjust my scrap levels and I try to access the medbay or my inventory right after it instantly locks up my game and crashes to desktop.
Anyone else having this issue?
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Re: The Surge 2
by acecel » Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:57 pm
Any unlimited ammo for the «drone consumable» type ?
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Многие популярные игры используют технологию Vulkan API для обработки графики и вывод ее на экран монитора в процессе игры. К таким играм, например, относится DOOM4, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus и другие. Нередко пользователи могут столкнуться с проблемой запуска самой игры, в результате чего на экране отображается сообщение об ошибке. В сообщении сказано, что файл vulkan-1.dll не найден и игра, естественно, не запускается.
Для правильной работы игр, которые используют Vulkan API, требуется сначала установить или обновить драйвер видеокарты. Современные видеоадаптеры от NVidia и AMD полностью поддерживают технологию Vulkan, что нельзя сказать о видеокартах, выпущенных до 2016 года. Именно на компьютерах, где установлены такие видеокарты и возникают проблемы с компонентом графического драйвера vulkan-1.dll.
Самый простой и правильный способ избавиться от ошибки запуска игры – это обновить драйвер на видеокарту.
Для загрузки видеодрайвера потребуется пройти на сайт разработчика программного обеспечения — Khronos. На сайте требуется выбрать производителя видеокарты. Далее следует выбрать операционную систему вашего компьютера и выбрать из списка модель видеокарты. К сожалению не все видеокарты могут работать с новой технологией, поэтому если вы не находите в списке свою видеокарту, то возможно, вы не сможете запустить такую игру. По крайней мере, загрузите и установите с сайта производителя графического адаптера актуальную версию драйверов.
После установки драйвера обязательно перезагрузите компьютер.
Следующим этапом будет, если ошибка осталась, попытаться найти сам файл vulkan-1.dll в интернете и зарегистрировать его в системе.
Зайдите на сайт dll-files.com, который специализируется на поиске файлов динамических библиотек (DLL). Вводим в поисковый запрос имя файла: «vulkan-1.dll» и выполняем поиск. Переходим на страницу с результатом поиска и нажимаем кнопку Download, чтобы скачать файл dll к себе на компьютер.
Скачанный файл следует поместить в системную папку System32 (или SysWOW64, если у вас Windows имеет разрядность 64 бит). Можете скопировать файл в обе папки, ничего страшного не произойдет. Указанные системные папки находятся на системном диске (как правило – это диск С) в папке Windows. После чего попробуйте снова запустить игру.
Может появиться в этот раз другая ошибка, что компонент vulkan-1.dll не зарегистрирован в системе.
В таком случае проводим регистрацию файла:
1. Вызываем окно Выполнить, нажав на клавиатуре Win+R;
2. Вводим такую команду для 64-битных систем:
egsvr32.exe %windir%SysWoW64vulkan-1.dll
Для Windows x86 (32-бит) вводим такую команду:
egsvr32.exe %windir%System32vulkan-1.dll
Возможно, потребуется перезагрузить компьютер.
Также не помешает повторно установить компонент DirectX, установщик которого можно скачать ан официальном сайте Microsoft.
Если проблема осталась, а у вас на компьютере или ноутбуке имеется две видеокарты (встроенная и дискретная), попробуйте в BIOS отключить интегрированную видеокарту или, наоборот, отключить дискретную, а запустить игру через интегрированную. Для этого может понадобиться подключить монитор к другому разъему системного блока. При этом будьте готовы к тому, что игра через интегрированную видеокарту будет работать заметно медленней, так как у интегрированного видео обычно более низкая производительность, по сравнению с дискретными видеокартами. Но из-за того, что она может быть встроена в процессор или быть другой фирмы, вероятность запуска игр с поддержкой Vulkan API повышается.
Напоследок, когда ни один из способов не привел к положительному эффекту, нужно посетить сайт разработчика самой игры. Дело в том, что возможные проблемы с игрой могут быть описаны в отдельном разделе Вопросы и ответы (FAQ), Поддержка и т.п. Здесь могут быть указаны рекомендации по устранению возможных ошибок запуска игры.
Кстати, очень распространенная причина появления ошибок – это скачивание игр из непроверенных источников, пиратских сайтов и т.п. Приобретение или загрузка лицензионной игры во многих случаях позволит избавить геймера от «головной боли» и сразу наслаждаться игрой.