This guide is all you need if you are wondering how to fix Ghostrunner UE4 fatal error.
What is the UE4 fatal error of Ghostrunner?
This is one of the several errors that you can find in the game, in particular this is a crash error that seems to be related to some problem with the system’s graphics card causing the game to crash and the error appears.
How to fix fatal UE4 error of Ghostrunner?
The first thing we recommend you do is make sure your graphics drivers are updated to the latest version available. For this we recommend using GeForce Experience or downloading the update manually and indifferently performing a clean installation.
Another thing you can do is decrease the graphic settings
Read Also:
If you overclocked your GPU with Afterburner or any other software, this is likely the problem. In this sense, we recommend reversing the overclock or directly suspending these programs including GeForce Experience before starting the game.
Another thing you can do is disable the Windows game bar to avoid other errors.
Later restore the GPU clock speed to the default values or limit the FPS rate to 60 or take them to 30 and increase little by little
That’s all you need to know about how to fix Ghostrunner UE4 fatal error, we hope you have resolved the error and remember to try each solution one by one until you find the correct one for you.
Microsoft Windows PC, PlayStation 4 PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X/S
Action, platform
One More Level, Slipgate Ironworks
All in! Games, 505 Games
Release date:
October 27, 2020
Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam
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Обновлено: 09.02.2023
sl0815: Hi there,
I just downloaded the game and started it right away but I cannot get past the intro. As soon as I launch the game, the following error occurs:
The UE4-Ghostrunner game has crashed. Fatal error
I’m on Windows10 with all current updates and the latest NVIDIA drivers. I checked google and I found some similar issues and tried deleting the ghostrunner folder under localappdata: This didn’t help.
I also tried «Verify / Repair» from within Galaxy without success.
Anyone else having this issue?
I’d like to ask if anyone is having the game crash a lot since the 5/12 W10 Servicing Stack update?
I don’t have the GOG version, but I have been playing Ghostrunner lately, and on all prior sessions I had no crashes. A few days ago was when I picked up playing it again after taking time off to play other games. Last time I played it was a few days before this 5/12 update. At that time I fully played through the level Dharma City I’m now playing through again to go for a no death run on it. The first time I played it before that update, I died several times, but just kept playing from respawn checkpoints, and it never crashed once. As mentioned, it also never crashed anywhere prior to that point.
Now I HAVE checked to see if others are having crashes with this game, and found many saying they’ve been having these fatal error crashes I’m getting since the game came out well before that W10 update, which are said to be UE4 fatal errors. For some, it crashes right away and they can’t even get into the game. Others say it can have these crashes at random points. Some have even said it crashes after the first boss fight, which is the level prior to Dharma City.
I’ve checked the crash dump files and they all say Invalid Pointer Read, and since this 5/12 Servicing Stack Update was the only major system related change since I played it with never having any crashes, I am wondering if it’s the culprit. So please let me know if you’ve had any fatal error crashes (or more frequent ones) since this 5/12 W10 update, especially UE4 crashes? I’d also like to know if anyone has an easy fix for this meantime, as this update, unlike most W10 updates, cannot be uninstalled.
My spec.
W10 64
GTX 1080 SC,
16GB Vengeance LPX
No OCs
BTW, I have tried updating to the latest Nvidia driver, and also completely reinstalled the game.
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Stinger 100
При изминении любых видео настроек это все повторяется заново.
Waiz R
можно поменять в файле настроить графику
Если нужно изменить какие-то настройки игры, то переключаем на английский язык, делаем изменения и возвращаем обратно
Ошибка приводящая к вылету the ue4 cya games has crashed and will close
Столкнулся с такой проблемой. Постоянно вылетает. Явно, что рандомно.
До третьей главы с такой проблемой не столкнулся. Всё началось с третьей главы.
Есть ли решение?
Попробуй обновить видеодрайвер, визуал сс+ и ДХ.
Ничего не помогло. Всё равно вылетает.
Похоже вся проблема была в опции графики — разрешении 3д зарисовки.
Как только вернулся ползунок на середину, так уже с конца 3 главы и до 9 главы дошёл без вылетов.
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Братишка , Спасибо тебе огромное )
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я не знаю кто ты или что ты но спасибо тебе=)
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Stinger 100
При изминении любых видео настроек это все повторяется заново.
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Waiz R
можно поменять в файле настроить графику
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Если нужно изменить какие-то настройки игры, то переключаем на английский язык, делаем изменения и возвращаем обратно
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Да,вариант со сменой языка мне помог.Для начала удаляем конфиг,как указано выше (C:Users Ваше Имя пользователяAppDataLocal SCUMSaved),заходим в стим,в свойствах игры меняем язык на английский,потом заходим в игруху,идем в настройки графы или звука,ставим как надо под свой комп,сохраняем настройки,выходим с игры,на всяк случай сохраняем файлик GameUserSettings.ini,в сейвах(C:Users Ваше Имя пользователяAppDataLocal SCUMSavedConfigWindowsNoEditor),потом заходим в стим и снова в свойствах меняем язык на русский,заходим в игру и загружаем уже на русском,все работает..главное потом не менять настройки или снова на англ.яз.переходить))всем Удачи!
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Ghostrunner is a great game currently topping the sales chart on Steam, but it also has some critical errors like the fullscreen mode missing, stuttering and bad graphics for PS4 players, and a new problem that’s crashing the game – Ghostrunner UE4 fatal error. If you have encountered the error with the game’s Unreal Engine, we have some recommendation that can potentially resolve the issue.
The UE4 error mostly relates to an issue with the graphics card on your system. When the error occurs, the game will abruptly stop. So, what can you do about the error. Stick around and we will share some solutions to resolve the error.
The primary reason you may be seeing the error is because you have not updated the graphics card driver. Both Nvidia and AMD regularly release updated drivers, so ensure that you have the most recent driver update. Although you can check for the update from Windows, it’s recommended that you either use the GeForce Experience or manually download the update. While installing the update, select clean install.
Sometimes when the graphics card is stressed excessively, you can see the error. Hence, try tuning down the graphics settings and the Ghostrunner UE4 fatal error will be resolved.
If you have overclocked the GPU using Afterburner or any other software, it may also be the cause of the error. Revert the overclock or suspend such programs including the GeForce Experience before you launch the game. You should also try and disable the Windows Game Bar as it can also cause the error on rare occasions.
Factory overclocking can also be an issue, use the same MSI Afterburner to restore the clock speed of the GPU to default.
Another way to reduce stress on the Graphics Card and possibly resolve the Ghostrunner UE4 Fatal Error is to limit the FPS rate. You can do this from the Nvidia control panel. Ideally, you should set it to 60 FPS, but start with 30 and increase after evaluating the game’s performance.
These are all the fixes you can try to resolve the error. If you have better solution share them in the comments.