The vpn client driver encountered an error cisco anyconnect

This doucment describes a troubleshooting scenario which applies to applications that do not work through the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.


    This document describes a troubleshooting scenario which applies to applications that do not work through the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.



    There are no specific requirements for this document.

    Components Used

    The information in this document is based on a Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) that runs Version 8.x.

    The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.

    Troubleshooting Process

    This typical troubleshooting scenario applies to applications that do not work through the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client for end-users with Microsoft Windows-based computers. These sections address and provide solutions to the problems:

      • Installation and Virtual Adapter Issues
      • Disconnection or Inability to Establish Initial Connection
      • Problems with Passing Traffic
      • AnyConnect Crash Issues
      • Fragmentation / Passing Traffic Issues

    Installation and Virtual Adapter Issues

    Complete these steps:

    1. Obtain the device log file:
      • Windows XP / Windows 2000:
      • Windows Vista:

        Note: Hidden folders must be made visible in order to see these files.

      If you see errors in the setupapi log file, you can turn up verbosity to 0x2000FFFF.

    2. Obtain the MSI installer log file:

      If this is an initial web deploy install, this log is located in the per-user temp directory.

      • Windows XP / Windows 2000:
        Documents and Settings<username>Local SettingsTemp
      • Windows Vista:

      If this is an automatic upgrade, this log is in the temp directory of the system:


      The filename is in this format: anyconnect-win-x.x.xxxx-k9-install-yyyyyyyyyyyyyy.log. Obtain the most recent file for the version of the client you want to install. The x.xxxx changes based on the version, such as 2.0.0343, and yyyyyyyyyyyyyy is the date and time of the install.

    3. Obtain the PC system information file:
      1. From a Command Prompt/DOS box, type this:
        • Windows XP / Windows 2000:
          winmsd /nfo c:msinfo.nfo
        • Windows Vista:
          msinfo32 /nfo c:msinfo.nfo

        Note: After you type into this prompt, wait. It can take between two to five minutes for the file to complete.

      2. Obtain a systeminfo file dump from a Command Prompt:

        Windows XP and Windows Vista:

        systeminfo c:sysinfo.txt

    Refer to AnyConnect: Corrupt Driver Database Issue in order to debug the driver issue.

    Disconnection or Inability to Establish Initial Connection

    If you experience connection problems with the AnyConnect client, such as disconnections or the inability to establish an initial connection, obtain these files:

    • The configuration file from the ASA in order to determine if anything in the configuration causes the connection failure:

      From the console of the ASA, type write net x.x.x.x:ASA-Config.txt where x.x.x.x is the IP address of a TFTP server on the network.


      From the console of the ASA, type show running-config. Let the configuration complete on the screen, then cut-and-paste to a text editor and save.

    • The ASA event logs:
      1. In order to enable logging on the ASA for auth, WebVPN, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and SSL VPN Client (SVC) events, issue these CLI commands:
        config terminal
        logging enable
        logging timestamp
        logging class auth console debugging
        logging class webvpn console debugging
        logging class ssl console debugging
        logging class svc console debugging
      2. Originate an AnyConnect session and ensure that the failure can be reproduced. Capture the logging output from the console to a text editor and save.
      3. In order to disable logging, issue no logging enable.
    • The Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log from the Windows Event Viewer of the client PC:
      1. Choose Start > Run.
      2. Enter:
        eventvwr.msc /s
      3. Right-click the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log, and select Save Log File as AnyConnect.evt.

        Note: Always save it as the .evt file format.

    If the user cannot connect with the AnyConnect VPN Client, the issue might be related to an established Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session or Fast User Switching enabled on the client PC. The user can see the AnyConnect profile settings mandate a single local user, but multiple local users are currently logged into your computer. A VPN connection will not be established error message error on the client PC. In order to resolve this issue, disconnect any established RDP sessions and disable Fast User Switching. This behavior is controlled by the Windows Logon Enforcement attribute in the client profile, however currently there is no setting that actually allows a user to establish a VPN connection while multiple users are logged on simultaneously on the same machine. Enhancement request CSCsx15061 was filed to address this feature.

    Note: Make sure that port 443 is not blocked so the AnyConnect client can connect to the ASA.

    When a user cannot connect the AnyConnect VPN Client to the ASA, the issue might be caused by an incompatibility between the AnyConnect client version and the ASA software image version. In this case, the user receives this error message: The installer was not able to start the Cisco VPN client, clientless access is not available.

    In order to resolve this issue, upgrade the AnyConnect client version to be compatible with the ASA software image.

    When you log in the first time to the AnyConnect, the login script does not run. If you disconnect and log in again, then the login script runs fine. This is the expected behavior.

    When you connect the AnyConnect VPN Client to the ASA, you might receive this error: User not authorized for AnyConnect Client access, contact your administrator.

    This error is seen when the AnyConnect image is missing from the ASA. Once the image is loaded to the ASA, AnyConnect can connect without any issues to the ASA.

    This error can be resolved by disabling Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). Go to Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Connection Profiles and uncheck the Enable DTLS check box. This disables DTLS.

    The dartbundle files show this error message when the user gets disconnected: TUNNELPROTOCOLDPDMGR_ERROR_NO_DPD_RESPONSE:The secure gateway failed to respond to Dead Peer Detection packets. This error means that the DTLS channel was torn due to Dead Peer Detection (DPD) failure. This error is resolved if you tweak the DPD keepalives and issue these commands:

    svc keepalive 30
    svc dpd-interval client 80
    svc dpd-interval gateway 80

    The svc keepalive and svc dpd-interval commands are replaced by the anyconnect keepalive and anyconnect dpd-interval commands respectively in ASA Version 8.4(1) and later as shown here:

    anyconnect ssl keepalive 15
    anyconnect dpd-interval client 5
    anyconnect dpd-interval gateway 5

    Problems with Passing Traffic

    When problems are detected with passing traffic to the private network with an AnyConnect session through the ASA, complete these data-gathering steps:

    1. Obtain the output of the show vpn-sessiondb detail svc filter name <username> ASA command from the console. If the output shows Filter Name: XXXXX, then gather the output for show access-list XXXXX. Verify that the access-list XXXXX does not block the intended traffic flow.
    2. Export the AnyConnect statistics from AnyConnect VPN Client > Statistics > Details > Export (AnyConnect-ExportedStats.txt).
    3. Check the ASA configuration file for nat statements. If Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled, these must exempt data that returns to the client as a result of NAT. For example, to NAT exempt (nat 0) the IP addresses from the AnyConnect pool, use this on the CLI:
      access-list in_nat0_out extended permit ip any
      ip local pool IPPool1 mask
      nat (inside) 0 access-list in_nat0_out
    4. Determine if the tunneled default gateway needs to be enabled for the setup. The traditional default gateway is the gateway of last resort for non-decrypted traffic.


      !--- Route outside 0 0 is an incorrect statement.
      route outside 0 0
      route inside 0 0 tunneled

      For example, if the VPN Client needs to access a resource which is not in the routing table of the VPN Gateway, the packet is routed through the standard default gateway. The VPN gateway does not need the complete internal routing table in order to resolve this. The tunneled keyword can be used in this instance.

    5. Verify if the AnyConnect traffic is dropped by the inspection policy of the ASA. You could exempt the specific application that is used by AnyConnct client if you implement the Modular Policy Framework of Cisco ASA. For example, you could exempt the skinny protocol with these commands.
      ASA(config)# policy-map global_policy
      ASA(config-pmap)# class inspection_default
      ASA(config-pmap-c)# no inspect skinny

    AnyConnect Crash Issues

    Complete these data-gathering steps:

    1. Ensure that the Microsoft Utility Dr Watson is enabled. In order to do this, choose Start > Run, and run Drwtsn32.exe. Configure this and click OK:
      Number of Instructions      : 25
      Number of Errors To Save : 25
      Crash Dump Type : Mini
      Dump Symbol Table : Checked
      Dump All Thread Contexts : Checked
      Append To Existing Log File : Checked
      Visual Notification : Checked
      Create Crash Dump File : Checked

      When the crash occurs, gather the .log and .dmp files from C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataMicrosoftDr Watson. If these files appear to be in use, then use ntbackup.exe.

    2. Obtain the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log from the Windows Event Viewer of the client PC:
      1. Choose Start > Run.
      2. Enter:
        eventvwr.msc /s
      3. Right-click the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log, and select Save Log File As AnyConnect.evt.

        Note: Always save it as the .evt file format.

    Fragmentation / Passing Traffic Issues

    Some applications, such as Microsoft Outlook, do not work. However, the tunnel is able to pass other traffic such as small pings.

    This can provide clues as to a fragmentation issue in the network. Consumer routers are particularly poor at packet fragmentation and reassembly.

    Try a scaling set of pings in order to determine if it fails at a certain size. For example, ping -l 500, ping -l 1000, ping -l 1500, ping -l 2000.

    It is recommended that you configure a special group for users that experience fragmentation, and set the SVC Maximum Transition Unit (MTU) for this group to 1200. This allows you to remediate users who experience this issue, but not impact the broader user base.


    TCP connections hang once connected with AnyConnect.


    In order to verify if your user has a fragmentation issue, adjust the MTU for AnyConnect clients on the ASA.

     ASA(config)#group-policy <name> attributes
    svc mtu 1200

    Uninstall Automatically


    The AnyConnect VPN Client uninstalls itself once the connection terminates. The client logs show that keep installed is set to disabled.


    AnyConnect uninstalls itself despite that the keep installed option is selected on the Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM). In order to resolve this issue, configure the svc keep-installer installed command under group-policy.

    Issue Populating the Cluster FQDN

    Problem: AnyConnect client is pre-populated with the hostname instead of the cluster Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

    When you have a load-balancing cluster set up for SSL VPN and the client attempts to connect to the cluster, the request is redirected to the node ASA and the client logs in successfully. After some time, when the client tries to connect to the cluster again, the cluster FQDN is not seen in the Connect to entries. Instead, the node ASA entry to which the client has been redirected is seen.


    This occurs because the AnyConnect client retains the host name to which it last connected. This behavior is observed and a bug has been filed. For complete details about the bug, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCsz39019. The suggested workaround is to upgrade the Cisco AnyConnect to Version 2.5.

    Backup Server List Configuration

    A backup server list is configured in case the main server selected by the user is not reachable. This is defined in the Backup Server pane in the AnyConnect profile. Complete these steps:

    1. Download the AnyConnect Profile Editor (registered customers only) . The file name is AnyConnectProfileEditor2_4_1.jar.
    2. Create an XML file with the AnyConnect Profile Editor.
      1. Go to the server list tab.
      2. Click Add.
      3. Type the main server on the Hostname field.
      4. Add the backup server below the backup server list on the Host address field. Then, click Add.
    3. Once you have the XML file, you need to assign it to the connection you use on the ASA.
      1. In ASDM, choose Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Connection Profiles.
      2. Select your profile and click Edit.
      3. Click Manage from the Default Group Policy section.
      4. Select your group-policy and click Edit.
      5. Select Advanced and then click SSL VPN Client.
      6. Click New. Then, you need to type a name for the Profile and assign the XML file.
    4. Connect the client to the session in order to download the XML file.

    AnyConnect: Corrupt Driver Database Issue

    This entry in the SetupAPI.log file suggests that the catalog system is corrupt:

    W239 driver signing class list "C:WINDOWSINFcertclas.inf" was missing or invalid. Error 0xfffffde5: Unknown Error., assuming all device classes are subject to driver signing policy.

    You can also receive this error message: Error(3/17): Unable to start VA, setup shared queue, or VA gave up shared queue.

    You can receive this log on the client: "The VPN client driver has encountered an error".


    This issue is due to Cisco bug ID CSCsm54689. In order to resolve this issue, make sure that Routing and Remote Access Service is disabled before you start AnyConnect. If this does not resolve the issue, complete these steps:

    1. Open a command prompt as an Administrator on the PC (elevated prompt on Vista).
    2. Run net stop CryptSvc.
    3. Run:
      esentutl /p%systemroot%System32catroot2
    4. When prompted, choose OK in order to attempt the repair.
    5. Exit the command prompt.
    6. Reboot.

    Failed Repair

    If the repair fails, complete these steps:

    1. Open a command prompt as an Administrator on the PC (elevated prompt on Vista).
    2. Run net stop CryptSvc.
    3. Rename the %WINDIR%system32catroot2 to catroot2_old directory.
    4. Exit the command prompt.
    5. Reboot.

    Analyze the Database

    You can analyze the database at any time in order to determine if it is valid.

    1. Open a command prompt as an Admimistrator on the PC.
    2. Run:
      esentutl /g%systemroot%System32catroot2

      Refer to System Catalog Database Integrity for more information.

    Error Messages

    Error: Unable to Update the Session Management Database

    While the SSL VPN is connected through a web browser, the Unable to Update the Session Management Database. error message appears, and the ASA logs show %ASA-3-211001: Memory allocation Error. The adaptive security appliance failed to allocate RAM system memory.

    Solution 1

    This issue is due to Cisco bug ID CSCsm51093. In order to resolve this issue, reload the ASA or upgrade the ASA software to the interim release mentioned in the bug. Refer to Cisco bug ID CSCsm51093 for more information.

    Solution 2

    This issue can also be resolved if you disable threat-detection on ASA if threat-detection is used.

    Error: «Module c:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Clientvpnapi.dll failed to register»

    When you use the AnyConnect client on laptops or PCs, an error occurs during the install:

    "Module C:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Clientvpnapi.dll failed
    to register..."

    When this error is encountered, the installer cannot move forward and the client is removed.


    These are the possible workarounds to resolve this error:

    • The latest AnyConnect client is no longer officially supported with Microsoft Windows 2000. It is a registry problem with the 2000 computer. 
    • Remove the VMware applications. Once AnyConnect is installed, VMware applications can be added back to the PC.
    • Add the ASA to their trusted sites. 
    • Copy these files from the ProgramFilesCiscoCiscoAnyconnect folder to a new folder and run the regsvr32 vpnapi.dll command prompt:
      • vpnapi.dll
      • vpncommon.dll
      • vpncommoncrypt.dll
    • Reimage the operating system on the laptop/PC.

    The log message related to this error on the AnyConnect client looks similar to this:

    DEBUG: Error 2911:  Could not remove the folderC:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect
    VPN Client.
    The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may
    indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2911. The arguments are:
    C:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Client, ,
    DEBUG: Error 2911: Could not remove the folder C:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect
    VPN Client.
    The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may
    indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2911. The arguments are:
    C:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Client, ,
    Info 1721. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for
    this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package
    vendor. Action: InstallHelper.exe, location: C:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN
    ClientInstallHelper.exe, command: -acl "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication
    DataCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Client\" -r

    Error: «An error was received from the secure gateway in response to the VPN negotiation request. Please contact your network administrator»

    When clients try to connect to the VPN with the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client, this error is received.

    This message was received from the secure gateway:

    «Illegal address class» or «Host or network is 0» or «Other error»


    The issue occurs because of the ASA local IP pool depletion. As the VPN pool resource is exhausted, the IP pool range must be enlarged.

    Cisco bug ID is CSCsl82188 is filed for this issue. This error usually occurs when the local pool for address assignment is exhausted, or if a 32-bit subnet mask is used for the address pool. The workaround is to expand the address pool and use a 24-bit subnet mask for the pool.

    Error: Session could not be established. Session limit of 2 reached.

    When you try to connect more than two clients with the AnyConnect VPN Client, you receive the Login Failed error message on the Client and a warning message in the ASA logs that states Session could not be established. Session limit of 2 reached. I have the AnyConnect essential license on the ASA, which runs Version 8.0.4.

    Solution 1

    This error occurs because the AnyConnect essential license is not supported by ASA version 8.0.4. You need to upgrade the ASA to version 8.2.2. This resolves the error.

    Note: Regardless of the license used, if the session limit is reached, the user will receive the login failed error message.

    Solution 2

    This error can also occur if the vpn-sessiondb max-anyconnect-premium-or-essentials-limit session-limit command is used to set the limit of VPN sessions permitted to be established. If the session-limit is set as two, then the user cannot establish more than two sessions even though the license installed supports more sessions. Set the session-limit to the number of VPN sessions required in order to avoid this error message.

    Error: Anyconnect not enabled on VPN server while trying to connect anyconnect to ASA

    You receive the Anyconnect not enabled on VPN server error message when you try to connect AnyConnect to the ASA.


    This error is resolved if you enable AnyConnect on the outside interface of the ASA with ASDM. For more information on how to enable AnyConnect on the outside interface, refer to Configure Clientless SSL VPN (WebVPN) on the ASA.

    Error:- %ASA-6-722036: Group client-group User xxxx IP x.x.x.x Transmitting large packet 1220 (threshold 1206)

    The %ASA-6-722036: Group < client-group > User < xxxx > IP < x.x.x.x> Transmitting large packet 1220 (threshold 1206) error message appears in the logs of the ASA. What does this log mean and how is this resolved?


    This log message states that a large packet was sent to the client. The source of the packet is not aware of the MTU of the client. This can also be due to compression of non-compressible data. The workaround is to turn off the SVC compression with the svc compression none command. This resolves the issue.

    Error: The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s vpn connect or reconnect request.

    When you connect to the AnyConnect Client, this error is received: "The secure gateway has rejected the agent's vpn connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists. The following message was received from the secure gateway: no assigned address".

    This error is also received when you connect to the AnyConnect Client: "The secure gateway has rejected the connection attempt. A new connection attempt to the same or another secure gateway is needed, which requires re-authentication. The following message was received from the secure gateway:Host or network is 0".

    This error is also received when you connect to the AnyConnect Client: "The secure gateway has rejected the agent's vpn connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires a re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact the network administrator if the problem persists. The following message was received from the secure gateway: No License".


    The router was missing pool configuration after reload. You need to add the concerned configuration back to the router.

    Router#show run | in pool

    ip local pool SSLPOOL
    svc address-pool SSLPOO

    The "The secure gateway has rejected the agent's vpn connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires a re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact the network administrator if the problem persists. The following message was received from the secure gateway: No License" error occurs when the AnyConnect mobility license is missing. Once the license is installed, the issue is resolved.

    Error: «Unable to update the session management database»

    When you try to authenticate in WebPortal, this error message is received: "Unable to update the session management database".


    This problem is related to memory allocation on the ASA. This issue is mostly encountered when the ASA Version is 8.2.1. Originally, this requires a 512MB RAM for its complete functionality.

    As a permanent workaround, upgrade the memory to 512MB.

    As a temporary workaround, try to free the memory with these steps:

    1. Disable the threat-detection.
    2. Disable SVC compression.
    3. Reload the ASA.

    Error: «The VPN client driver has encountered an error»

    This is an error message obtained on the client machine when you try to connect to AnyConnect.


    In order to resolve this error, complete this procedure in order to manually set the AnyConnect VPN agent to Interactive:

    1. Right-click My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services > and select the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent.
    2. Right-click Properties, then log on, and select Allow service to interact with the desktop.

      This sets the registry Type value DWORD to 110 (default is 010) for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesvpnagent.

      Note: If this is to be used, then the preference would be to use the .MST transform in this instance. This is because if you set this manually with these methods, it requires that this be set after every install/upgrade process. This is why there is a need to identify the application that causes this problem.

      When Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) is enabled on the Windows PC, AnyConnect fails with the The VPN client driver has encountered an error. error message. In order to resolve this issue, make sure that Routing and RRAS is disabled before starting AnyConnect. Refer to Cisco bug ID CSCsm54689 for more information.

    Error: «Unable to process response from»

    AnyConnect clients fail to connect to a Cisco ASA. The error in the AnyConnect window is "Unable to process response from".


    In order to resolve this error, try these workarounds:

    • Remove WebVPN from the ASA and reenable it.<
    • Change the port number to 444 from the existing 443 and reenable it on 443.

    For more information on how to enable WebVPN and change the port for WebVPN, refer to this Solution.

    Error: «Login Denied , unauthorized connection mechanism , contact your administrator»

    AnyConnect clients fail to connect to a Cisco ASA. The error in the AnyConnect window is "Login Denied , unauthorized connection mechanism , contact your administrator".


    This error message occurs mostly because of configuration issues that are improper or an incomplete configuration. Check the configuration and make sure it is as required to resolve the issue.


    Error: «Anyconnect package unavailable or corrupted. Contact your system administrator»

    This error occurs when you try to launch the AnyConnect software from a Macintosh client in order to connect to an ASA.


    In order to resolve this, complete these steps:

    1. Upload the Macintosh AnyConnect package to the flash of the ASA.
    2. Modify the WebVPN configuration in order to specify the AnyConnect package that is used.
      svc image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-2.3.2016-k9.pkg 2
      svc image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-powerpc-2.3.2016-k9.pkg 3

      The svc image command is replaced by the anyconnect image command in ASA Version 8.4(1) and later as shown here:


      hostname(config-webvpn)#anyconnect image disk0:/
      anyconnect-win-3.0.0527-k9.pkg 1

      hostname(config-webvpn)#anyconnect image disk0:/
      anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.0.0414-k9.pkg 2

    Error: «The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located»

    This error is caused on the user’s Linux machine when it tries to connect to the ASA by launching AnyConnect. Here is the complete error:

    "The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located. You may
    be experiencing network connectivity issues. Please try connecting again."


    In order to resolve this error message, verify whether the Operating System (OS) that is used on the client machine is supported by the AnyConnect client. 

    If the OS is supported, then verify if the AnyConnect package is specified in the WebVPN configuration or not. See the Anyconnect package unavailable or corrupted section of this document for more information.

    Error: «Secure VPN via remote desktop is not supported»

    Users are unable to perform a remote desktop access. The Secure VPN via remote desktop is not supported error message appears.


    This issue is due to these Cisco bug IDs: CSCsu22088 and CSCso42825. If you upgrade the AnyConnect VPN Client, it can resolve the issue. Refer to these bugs for more information.

    Error: «The server certificate received or its chain does not comply with FIPS. A VPN connection will not be established»

    When you attempt to VPN to the ASA 5505, the The server certificate received or its chain does not comply with FIPS. A VPN connection will not be established error message appears.


    In order to resolve this error, you must disable the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) in the AnyConnect Local Policy file. This file can usually be found at C:ProgramDataCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN ClientAnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml. If this file is not found in this path, then locate the file at a different directory with a path such as C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataCisco AnyConnectVPNClientAnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml. Once you locate the xml file, make changes to this file as shown here:

    Change the phrase:




    Then, restart the computer. Users must have administrative permissions in order to modify this file.

    Error: «Certificate Validation Failure»

    Users are unable to launch AnyConnect and receive the Certificate Validation Failure error.


    Certificate authentication works differently with AnyConnect compared to the IPSec client. In order for certificate authentication to work, you must import the client certificate to your browser and change the connection profile in order to use certificate authentication. You also need to enable this command on your ASA in order to allow SSL client-certificates to be used on the outside interface:

    ssl certificate-authentication interface outside port 443

    Error: «VPN Agent Service has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience»

    When AnyConnect Version 2.4.0202 is installed on a Windows XP PC, it stops at updating localization files and an error message shows that the vpnagent.exe fails.


    This behavior is logged in Cisco bug ID CSCsq49102. The suggested workaround is to disable the Citrix client.

    Error: «This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists»

    When AnyConnect is downloaded, this error message is received:

    "Contact your system administrator. The installer failed with the following error: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."


    Complete these steps in order to fix this issue:

    1. Remove any anti-virus software.
    2. Disable the Windows firewall.
    3. If neither Step 1 or 2 helps, then format the machine and then install.
    4. If the problem still persists, open a TAC Case.

    Error: «Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.»

    This error message is recieved during the auto-download of AnyConnect from the ASA:

    "Contact your system administrator. The installer failed with the following error:
    Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid."

    This is the error message received when connecting with AnyConnect for MacOS:

    "The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located. You may be
    experiencing network connectivity issues. Please try connecting again."


    Complete one of these workarounds in order to resolve this issue:

    1. The root cause of this error might be due to a corrupted MST translation file (for example, imported). Perform these steps to fix this:
      1. Remove the MST translation table.
      2. Configure the AnyConnect image for MacOS in the ASA.
    2. From the ASDM, follow the Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Custom > Installs path and delete the AnyConnect package file. Make sure the package remains in Network (Client) Access > Advanced > SSL VPN > Client Setting.

    If neither of these workarounds resolve the issue, contact Cisco Technical Support.

    Error: «The VPN client driver has encountered an error»

    This error is received:

    The VPN client driver has encountered an error when connecting through Cisco
    AnyConnect Client.


    This issue can be resolved when you uninstall the AnyConnect Client, and then remove the anti-virus software. After this, reinstall the AnyConnect Client. If this resolution does not work, then reformat the PC in order to fix this issue.

    Error: «A VPN reconnect resulted in different configuration setting. The VPN network setting is being re-initialized. Applications utilizing the private network may need to be restored.»

    This error is received when you try to launch AnyConnect:

    "A VPN reconnect resulted in different configuration setting. The VPN network
    setting is being re-initialized. Applications utilizing the private network may
    need to be restarted."


    In order to resolve this error, use this:

    group-policy <Name> attributes
    svc mtu 1200

    The svc mtu command is replaced by the anyconnect mtu command in ASA Version 8.4(1) and later as shown here:

    hostname(config)#group-policy <Name> attributes


    hostname(config-group-webvpn)#anyconnect mtu 500

    AnyConnect Error While Logging In


    The AnyConnect receives this error when it connects to the Client:

    The VPN connection is not allowed via a local proxy. This can be changed
    through AnyConnect profile settings.


    The issue can be resolved if you make these changes to the AnyConnect profile:

    Add this line to the AnyConnect profile:


    IE Proxy Setting is Not Restored after AnyConnect Disconnect on Windows 7


    In Windows 7, if the IE proxy setting is configured for Automatically detect settings and AnyConnect pushes down a new proxy setting, the IE proxy setting is not restored back to Automatically detect settings after the user ends the AnyConnect session. This causes LAN issues for users who need their proxy setting configured for Automatically detect settings.


    This behavior is logged in Cisco bug ID CSCtj51376. The suggested workaround is to upgrade to AnyConnect 3.0.

    Error: AnyConnect Essentials can not be enabled until all these sessions are closed.

    This error message is received on Cisco ASDM when you attempt to enable the AnyConnect Essentials license:

    There are currently 2 clientless SSL VPN sessions in progress. AnyConnect
    Essentials can not be enabled until all these sessions are closed.


    This is the normal behavior of the ASA. AnyConnect Essentials is a separately licensed SSL VPN client. It is entirely configured on the ASA and provides the full AnyConnect capability, with these exceptions:

    • No Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD) (including HostScan/Vault/Cache Cleaner)
    • No clientless SSL VPN
    • Optional Windows Mobile Support

    This license cannot be used at the same time as the shared SSL VPN premium license. When you need to use one license, you need to disable the other.

    Error: Connection tab on Internet option of Internet Explorer hides after getting connected to the AnyConnect client.

    The connection tab on the Internet option of Internet Explorer hides after you are connected to the AnyConnect client.


    This is due to the msie-proxy lockdown feature. If you enable this feature, it hides the Connections tab in Microsoft Internet Explorer for the duration of an AnyConnect VPN session. If you disable the feature, it leaves the display of the Connections tab unchanged.

    Error: Few users getting Login Failed Error message when others are able to connect successfully through AnyConnect VPN

    A few users receive the Login Failed Error message when others can connect successfully through the AnyConnect VPN.


    This issue can be resolved if you make sure the do not require pre-authentication checkbox is checked for the users.

    Error: The certificate you are viewing does not match with the name of the site you are trying to view.

    During the AnyConnect profile update, an error is shown that says the certificate is invalid. This occurs with Windows only and at the profile update phase. The error message is shown here:

    The certificate you are viewing does not match with the name of the site
    you are trying to view.


    This can be resolved if you modify the server list of the AnyConnect profile in order to use the FQDN of the certificate.

    This is a sample of the XML profile:






    Note: If there is an existing entry for the Public IP address of the server such as <HostAddress>, then remove it and retain only the FQDN of the server (for example, <HostName> but not <Host Address>).

    Cannot Launch AnyConnect From the CSD Vault From a Windows 7 Machine

    When the AnyConnect is launched from the CSD vault, it does not work. This is attempted on Windows 7 machines.


    Currently, this is not possible because it is not supported.

    AnyConnect Profile Does Not Get Replicated to the Standby After Failover

    The AnyConnect 3.0 VPN client with ASA Version 8.4.1 software works fine. However, after failover, there is no replication for the AnyConnect profile related configuration.


    This problem has been observed and logged under Cisco bug ID CSCtn71662. The temporary workaround is to manually copy the files to the standby unit.

    AnyConnect Client Crashes if Internet Explorer Goes Offline

    When this occurs, the AnyConnect event log contains entries similar to these:

    Description : Function:
    File: .AdapterNetworkStateIfc.cpp
    Line: 147
    Invoked Function: InternetSetOption
    Return Code: 12010 (0x00002EEA)
    Description: The length is incorrect for the option type

    Description : Function: CTransportWinHttp::InitTransport
    File: .CTransportWinHttp.cpp
    Line: 252
    Invoked Function: CConnectedStateIfc::SetConnectedStateToConnected
    Return Code: -25362420 (0xFE7D000C)


    This behavior is observed and logged under Cisco bug ID CSCtx28970. In order to resolve this, quit the AnyConnect application and relaunch. The connection entries reappear after relaunch.


    The AnyConnect client fails to connect and the Unable to establish a connection error message is received. In the AnyConnect event log, the TLSPROTOCOL_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER error is found.


    This occurs when the headend is configured for split-tunneling with a very large split-tunnel list (approximately 180-200 entries) and one or more other client attributes are configured in the group-policy, such as dns-server.

    In order to resolve this issue, complete these steps:

    1. Reduce the number of entries in the split-tunnel list.
    2. Use this configuration in order to disable DTLS:
      group-policy groupName attributes
      svc dtls none

    For more information, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCtc41770.

    Error Message: «Connection attempt has failed due to invalid host entry»

    The Connection attempt has failed due to invalid host entry error message is received while AnyConnect is authenticated with the use of a certificate.


    In order to resolve this issue, try either of these possible solutions:

    • Upgrade the AnyConnect to Version 3.0.
    • Disable Cisco Secure Desktop on your computer.

    For more information, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCti73316.

    Error: «Ensure your server certificates can pass strict mode if you configure always-on VPN»

    When you enable the Always-On feature on AnyConnect, the Ensure your server certificates can pass strict mode if you configure always-on VPN error message is received.


    This error message implies that if you want to use the Always-On feature, you need a valid sever certificate configured on the headend. Without a valid server certificate, this feature does not work. Strict Cert Mode is an option that you set in the AnyConnect local policy file in order to ensure the connections use a valid certificate. If you enable this option in the policy file and connect with a bogus certificate, the connection fails.

    Error: «An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Windows HTTP Services»

    This Diagnostic AnyConnect Reporting Tool (DART) shows one failed attempt:

    Date : 03/25/2014
    Time : 09:52:21
    Type : Error
    Source : acvpnui

    Description : Function: CTransportWinHttp::SendRequest
    File: .CTransportWinHttp.cpp
    Line: 1170
    Invoked Function: HttpSendRequest
    Return Code: 12004 (0x00002EE4)
    Description: An internal error occurred in the Microsoft
    Windows HTTP Services

    Date : 03/25/2014
    Time : 09:52:21
    Type : Error
    Source : acvpnui

    Description : Function: ConnectIfc::connect
    File: .ConnectIfc.cpp
    Line: 472
    Invoked Function: ConnectIfc::sendRequest
    Return Code: -30015443 (0xFE36002D)
    Date : 03/25/2014
    Time : 09:52:21
    Type : Error
    Source : acvpnui

    Description : Function: ConnectIfc::TranslateStatusCode
    File: .ConnectIfc.cpp
    Line: 2999
    Invoked Function: ConnectIfc::TranslateStatusCode
    Return Code: -30015443 (0xFE36002D)
    Connection attempt failed. Please try again.


    Also, refer to the event viewer logs on the Windows machine.


    This could be caused due to a corrupted Winsock connection. Reset the connection from the command promt with this command and restart your windows machine:

    netsh winsock reset

    Refer to the How to determine and to recover from Winsock2 corruption in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows Vista knowledge base article for more information.

    Error: «The SSL transport received a Secure Channel Failure.  May be a result of a unsupported crypto configuration on the Secure Gateway.»

    This Diagnostic AnyConnect Reporting Tool (DART) shows one failed attempt:

    Date        : 10/27/2014
    Time        : 16:29:09
    Type        : Error
    Source      : acvpnui

    Description : Function: CTransportWinHttp::handleRequestError
    File: .CTransportWinHttp.cpp
    Line: 854
    The SSL transport received a Secure Channel Failure.  May be a result of a unsupported crypto configuration on the Secure Gateway.

    Date        : 10/27/2014
    Time        : 16:29:09
    Type        : Error
    Source      : acvpnui

    Description : Function: CTransportWinHttp::SendRequest
    File: .CTransportWinHttp.cpp
    Line: 1199
    Invoked Function: CTransportWinHttp::handleRequestError
    Return Code: -30015418 (0xFE360046)

    Date        : 10/27/2014
    Time        : 16:29:09
    Type        : Error
    Source      : acvpnui

    Description : Function: ConnectIfc::TranslateStatusCode
    File: .ConnectIfc.cpp
    Line: 3026
    Invoked Function: ConnectIfc::TranslateStatusCode
    Return Code: -30015418 (0xFE360046)
    Connection attempt failed.  Please try again.


    Windows 8.1 does not support RC4 according to the following KB update:

    Either configure DES/3DES ciphers for SSL VPN on the ASA using the command «ssl encryption 3des-sha1 aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 des-sha1» OR edit the Windows Registry file on the client machine as mentioned below:

    Related Information

    • Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances
    • AnyConnect VPN Client FAQ
    • Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD) FAQ
    • Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client
    • Technical Support & Documentation — Cisco Systems


    1. Как устранить ошибку «сбой драйвера» в клиенте Cisco VPN, подключающемся с клиента Windows 7
    2. Сбой драйвера VPN, Cisco AnyConnect
    3. 1 ответ 1
    4. Драйвер для VPN не удалось, компания Cisco AnyConnect
    5. 1 ответов
    6. Cisco AnyConnect Error “The VPN client driver has encountered an error”
    7. Problem
    8. Solution
    9. AnyConnect VPN Client Troubleshooting Guide — Common Problems
    10. Available Languages
    11. Download Options
    12. Bias-Free Language
    13. Contents
    14. Introduction
    15. Prerequisites
    16. Requirements
    17. Components Used
    18. Troubleshooting Process
    19. Installation and Virtual Adapter Issues
    20. Disconnection or Inability to Establish Initial Connection
    21. Problems with Passing Traffic
    22. AnyConnect Crash Issues
    23. Fragmentation / Passing Traffic Issues
    24. Uninstall Automatically
    25. Issue Populating the Cluster FQDN
    26. Backup Server List Configuration
    27. AnyConnect: Corrupt Driver Database Issue
    28. Repair
    29. Failed Repair
    30. Analyze the Database
    31. Error Messages
    32. Error: Unable to Update the Session Management Database
    33. Solution 1
    34. Solution 2
    35. Error: «Module c:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Clientvpnapi.dll failed to register»
    36. Solution
    37. Error: «An error was received from the secure gateway in response to the VPN negotiation request. Please contact your network administrator»
    38. Solution
    39. Error: Session could not be established. Session limit of 2 reached.
    40. Solution 1
    41. Solution 2
    42. Error: Anyconnect not enabled on VPN server while trying to connect anyconnect to ASA
    43. Solution
    44. Error:- %ASA-6-722036: Group client-group User xxxx IP x.x.x.x Transmitting large packet 1220 (threshold 1206)
    45. Solution
    46. Error: The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s vpn connect or reconnect request.
    47. Solution
    48. Error: «Unable to update the session management database»
    49. Solution
    50. Error: «The VPN client driver has encountered an error»
    51. Solution
    52. Error: «Unable to process response from»
    53. Solution
    54. Solution
    55. Solution
    56. Error: «The server certificate received or its chain does not comply with FIPS. A VPN connection will not be established»
    57. Solution
    58. Error: «Certificate Validation Failure»
    59. Solution
    60. Error: «VPN Agent Service has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience»
    61. Solution
    62. Error: «This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists»
    63. Solution
    64. Error: «Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.»
    65. Solution
    66. Error: «The VPN client driver has encountered an error»
    67. Solution
    68. Error: «A VPN reconnect resulted in different configuration setting. The VPN network setting is being re-initialized. Applications utilizing the private network may need to be restored.»
    69. Solution
    70. AnyConnect Error While Logging In
    71. Solution
    72. IE Proxy Setting is Not Restored after AnyConnect Disconnect on Windows 7
    73. Solution
    74. Error: AnyConnect Essentials can not be enabled until all these sessions are closed.
    75. Solution
    76. Error: Connection tab on Internet option of Internet Explorer hides after getting connected to the AnyConnect client.
    77. Solution
    78. Error: Few users getting Login Failed Error message when others are able to connect successfully through AnyConnect VPN
    79. Solution
    80. Error: The certificate you are viewing does not match with the name of the site you are trying to view.
    81. Solution
    82. Cannot Launch AnyConnect From the CSD Vault From a Windows 7 Machine
    83. Solution
    84. AnyConnect Profile Does Not Get Replicated to the Standby After Failover
    85. Solution
    86. AnyConnect Client Crashes if Internet Explorer Goes Offline
    87. Solution
    89. Solution
    90. Error Message: «Connection attempt has failed due to invalid host entry»
    91. Solution
    92. Error: «Ensure your server certificates can pass strict mode if you configure always-on VPN»
    93. Solution
    94. Error: «An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Windows HTTP Services»
    95. Solution
    96. Error: «The SSL transport received a Secure Channel Failure. May be a result of a unsupported crypto configuration on the Secure Gateway.»
    97. Solution

    Как устранить ошибку «сбой драйвера» в клиенте Cisco VPN, подключающемся с клиента Windows 7

    Я недавно обновил свой ноутбук с Windows Vista SP1 до Windows 7 Professional.

    После обновления, если я пытаюсь использовать клиент Cisco VPN для подключения к сети, я получаю следующее сообщение:

    До обновления мне удалось подключиться без проблем.

    Используемая версия клиента —

    Вот что сработало для меня:

    (Если Win-10 или выше, пропустите этот следующий шаг)

    • Установите VPN-клиент снова

    Забудьте клиента Cisco. Используйте Shrew Soft. Вплоть до Windows 7 64-битных клиентов. Cisco не предлагает и, насколько мне известно, не планирует 64-битный клиент.

    (Работает с Cisco VPN — то есть я не предлагаю заменить маршрутизатор Cisco)

    Удалите клиент Cisco и переустановите. После переустановки все будет работать нормально.


    Я видел, как многие люди проходят через этот нелепый процесс удаления и переустановки VPN-клиента. Следуйте им, и ваша жизнь станет намного проще.

    Описание В процессе установки или обновления деинсталлятор не может удалить старую локальную сеть Cisco VPn и, таким образом, создает новую.

    Решение 1. 1. Перейдите в Пуск -> Настройки -> Сетевые подключения -> Просмотр сетевых подключений. 2. В списке «Соединения» вы найдете два локальных подключения Cisco. Первый будет иметь статус « отключен» , второй — « подключен» . 3. Выберите соединение Cisco VPN LAN, которое имеет подключенное состояние, и отключите его, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши и выбрав отключить 4. Это все, что вам нужно сделать

    Решение 2. 1. Откройте Диспетчер устройств 2. Выберите Сетевые адаптеры 3. Удалите адаптер Cisco без значка «Отключено» (красный значок вверху слева) 4 Вот и все

    Теперь, как примечание, есть также случаи, когда у вас нет локальных подключений в сетевых подключениях для Cisco. Чтобы исправить это, найдите файл msi, щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и запустите восстановление. Это создаст новую запись подключения к локальной сети VPN. Спасибо, что позволили мне поделиться этим с вами


    Сбой драйвера VPN, Cisco AnyConnect

    Я пытался решить проблему с VPN, которую я не могу решить.

    Я в настоящее время использую Cisco AnyConnect, загруженный из ASA.

    Я получаю следующую проблему. Я попытался сделать пару попыток из Интернета, но я не могу понять это. Я изменил отображаемое имя в regedit , восстановил драйверы VPN и некоторые другие вещи.

    Есть идеи, почему я не могу подключиться? (Кроме очевидной ошибки драйвера)

    1 ответ 1

    Некоторые вещи для проверки (в случайном порядке)

    • В Windows Eventviewr (eventvwr.msc) проверьте журнал «Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client». Поскольку во время или сразу после «Активации адаптера VPN» возникает проблема, я бы начал с поиска соответствующей записи в журнале событий, а затем проверил последующие.
    • Попробуйте удалить и переустановить Anyconnect
    • Установлены ли другие инструменты, связанные с безопасностью (Norton, McAfee и т.д.)? Если это так, попробуйте удалить их или отключить их в качестве теста, чтобы увидеть, если они мешают.
    • Это примечание по устранению неполадок Cisco предлагает:

    Чтобы устранить эту ошибку, выполните эту процедуру, чтобы вручную установить агент VPN AnyConnect в Интерактивный:

    Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Мой компьютер> Управление> Службы и приложения> Службы> и выберите Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent.

    Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Свойства, затем войдите в систему и выберите Разрешить службе взаимодействовать с рабочим столом.

    Это устанавливает значение типа реестра DWORD равным 110 (по умолчанию 010) для HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesvpnagent.

    Когда служба маршрутизации и удаленного доступа (RRAS) включена на ПК с Windows, AnyConnect завершается ошибкой с драйвером VPN-клиента обнаружена ошибка. сообщение об ошибке. Чтобы решить эту проблему, удостоверьтесь, что Маршрутизация и RRAS отключены перед запуском AnyConnect. Обратитесь к идентификатору ошибки Cisco CSCsm54689 для получения дополнительной информации.


    Драйвер для VPN не удалось, компания Cisco AnyConnect

    Я пытался устранить проблему VPN, которую я не могу решить.

    Я в настоящее время использую Cisco AnyConnect, загруженный от ASA.

    Я получаю следующий вопрос. Я пробовал пару попыток из interwebs, но я не могу понять это. Я изменил DisplayName в regedit , отремонтированные драйверы VPN и некоторые другие вещи.

    любая идея, почему я не могу подключиться? (За исключением очевидного водителя error)

    1 ответов

    некоторые вещи, чтобы проверить (в случайном порядке)

    • В Windows Eventviewr (eventvwr.msc) проверьте журнал» Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client». Поскольку, кажется, есть проблема во время или сразу после «активации VPN-адаптера», я бы начал с попытки найти соответствующую запись в журнале событий, а затем проверить последующие.
    • Попробуйте удалить и повторно установить Anyconnect
    • установлены ли другие инструменты, связанные с безопасностью (Norton, McAfee и т. д.)? Если да, то попробуйте удалить их или отключить их в качестве теста, чтобы увидеть, если они мешают.
    • это примечание по устранению неполадок Cisco предлагает:

    для решения этой ошибки выполните эту процедуру для вручную установите агент VPN AnyConnect в интерактивный:

    Правой Кнопкой Мыши Мой компьютер > Управление > службы и приложения > Сервисы > и выберите Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent.

    Правой Кнопкой Мыши Свойства, затем войдите в систему и выберите Разрешить взаимодействие с рабочим столом.

    Это устанавливает значение типа реестра DWORD 110 (по умолчанию 010) для в разделе HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEсистемаCurrentControlSet науслугиvpnagent.

    когда служба маршрутизации и удаленного доступа (RRAS) включена на ПК с Windows, AnyConnect завершает работу с драйвером клиента VPN, произошла ошибка. сообщение об ошибке. Для решения этого вопроса, удостоверьтесь, что маршрутизация и RRAS отключены перед запуском AnyConnect. См. идентификатор ошибки Cisco CSCsm54689 для получения дополнительной информации.


    Cisco AnyConnect Error “The VPN client driver has encountered an error”

    KB ID 0000347


    I rolled out AnyConnect for a client this week, and saw this error on one of the clients.

    Error Reads:
    The VPN client driver has received an error.


    A quick search of web forums etc, sent me all over the place, the most promising link told me to do the following,


    This issue is due to Cisco bug ID CSCsm54689 (registered customers only) . In order to resolve this issue, make sure that Routing and Remote Access Service is disabled before you start AnyConnect. If this does not resolve the issue, complete these steps:

    Open a command prompt as an Administrator on the PC (elevated prompt on Vista).

    Run net stop CryptSvc.

    Run esentutl /p %systemroot%System32catroot2catdb.

    When prompted, choose OK to attempt the repair.

    Exit the command prompt.

    If Repair fails

    If the repair fails, complete these steps:

    Open a command prompt as an Administrator on the PC (elevated prompt on Vista).

    Run net stop CryptSvc.

    Rename the %WINDIR%system32catroot2 to catroot2_old directory.

    Exit the command prompt.

    However this procedure DID NOT WORK FOR ME

    How I repaired it.

    1. Click Start > Run > appwiz.cpl

    2. The Add or Remove Programs window should open, locate and uninstall the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.

    In XP

    In Windows 7

    3. Once uninstalled Navigate to,

    XP or older C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data
    Vista or Newer C:UsersAll Users

    4. Delete the “Cisco” folder.

    XP or older C:Documents and SettingsLocal settingsApplication Data
    Vista or Newer C:UsersAppDataLocal

    6. Delete the folder named “Cisco”.

    7. This was all I had to do, but it would be prudent to have a good search round your hard drive to make sure its not lurking anywhere else.

    8. Once done, reboot the client then either install the AnyConnect client from the .msi installer package, or connect to the SSL/AnyConnect Portal to reinstall the client automatically (Local admin rights required on the remote machine).


    AnyConnect VPN Client Troubleshooting Guide — Common Problems

    Available Languages

    Download Options

    Bias-Free Language

    The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.



    This document describes a troubleshooting scenario which applies to applications that do not work through the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.



    There are no specific requirements for this document.

    Components Used

    The information in this document is based on a Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) that runs Version 8.x.

    The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.

    Troubleshooting Process

    This typical troubleshooting scenario applies to applications that do not work through the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client for end-users with Microsoft Windows-based computers. These sections address and provide solutions to the problems:

    Installation and Virtual Adapter Issues

    Complete these steps:

      Obtain the device log file:
      Windows XP / Windows 2000:

    Note: Hidden folders must be made visible in order to see these files.

    If you see errors in the setupapi log file, you can turn up verbosity to 0x2000FFFF.

    Obtain the MSI installer log file:

    If this is an initial web deploy install, this log is located in the per-user temp directory.

      Windows XP / Windows 2000:

    If this is an automatic upgrade, this log is in the temp directory of the system:

    The filename is in this format: anyconnect-win-x.x.xxxx-k9-install-yyyyyyyyyyyyyy.log. Obtain the most recent file for the version of the client you want to install. The x.xxxx changes based on the version, such as 2.0.0343, and yyyyyyyyyyyyyy is the date and time of the install.

    Obtain the PC system information file:

      From a Command Prompt/DOS box, type this:
      Windows XP / Windows 2000:

    Note: After you type into this prompt, wait. It can take between two to five minutes for the file to complete.

    Obtain a systeminfo file dump from a Command Prompt:

    Windows XP and Windows Vista:

    Refer to AnyConnect: Corrupt Driver Database Issue in order to debug the driver issue.

    Disconnection or Inability to Establish Initial Connection

    If you experience connection problems with the AnyConnect client, such as disconnections or the inability to establish an initial connection, obtain these files:

      The configuration file from the ASA in order to determine if anything in the configuration causes the connection failure:

    From the console of the ASA, type write net x.x.x.x:ASA-Config.txt where x.x.x.x is the IP address of a TFTP server on the network.

    From the console of the ASA, type show running-config . Let the configuration complete on the screen, then cut-and-paste to a text editor and save.

    The ASA event logs:

      In order to enable logging on the ASA for auth, WebVPN, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and SSL VPN Client (SVC) events, issue these CLI commands:

    Originate an AnyConnect session and ensure that the failure can be reproduced. Capture the logging output from the console to a text editor and save.

    In order to disable logging, issue no logging enable .

    The Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log from the Windows Event Viewer of the client PC:

      Choose Start > Run.

    Right-click the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log, and select Save Log File as AnyConnect.evt.

    Note: Always save it as the .evt file format.

    If the user cannot connect with the AnyConnect VPN Client, the issue might be related to an established Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session or Fast User Switching enabled on the client PC. The user can see the AnyConnect profile settings mandate a single local user, but multiple local users are currently logged into your computer. A VPN connection will not be established error message error on the client PC. In order to resolve this issue, disconnect any established RDP sessions and disable Fast User Switching. This behavior is controlled by the Windows Logon Enforcement attribute in the client profile, however currently there is no setting that actually allows a user to establish a VPN connection while multiple users are logged on simultaneously on the same machine. Enhancement request CSCsx15061 was filed to address this feature.

    Note: Make sure that port 443 is not blocked so the AnyConnect client can connect to the ASA.

    When a user cannot connect the AnyConnect VPN Client to the ASA, the issue might be caused by an incompatibility between the AnyConnect client version and the ASA software image version. In this case, the user receives this error message: The installer was not able to start the Cisco VPN client, clientless access is not available .

    In order to resolve this issue, upgrade the AnyConnect client version to be compatible with the ASA software image.

    When you log in the first time to the AnyConnect, the login script does not run. If you disconnect and log in again, then the login script runs fine. This is the expected behavior.

    When you connect the AnyConnect VPN Client to the ASA, you might receive this error: User not authorized for AnyConnect Client access, contact your administrator .

    This error is seen when the AnyConnect image is missing from the ASA. Once the image is loaded to the ASA, AnyConnect can connect without any issues to the ASA.

    This error can be resolved by disabling Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). Go to Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Connection Profiles and uncheck the Enable DTLS check box. This disables DTLS.

    The dartbundle files show this error message when the user gets disconnected: TUNNELPROTOCOLDPDMGR_ERROR_NO_DPD_RESPONSE:The secure gateway failed to respond to Dead Peer Detection packets . This error means that the DTLS channel was torn due to Dead Peer Detection (DPD) failure. This error is resolved if you tweak the DPD keepalives and issue these commands:

    The svc keepalive and svc dpd-interval commands are replaced by the anyconnect keepalive and anyconnect dpd-interval commands respectively in ASA Version 8.4(1) and later as shown here:

    Problems with Passing Traffic

    When problems are detected with passing traffic to the private network with an AnyConnect session through the ASA, complete these data-gathering steps:

      Obtain the output of the show vpn-sessiondb detail svc filter name ASA command from the console. If the output shows Filter Name: XXXXX , then gather the output for show access-list XXXXX. Verify that the access-list XXXXX does not block the intended traffic flow.

    Export the AnyConnect statistics from AnyConnect VPN Client > Statistics > Details > Export (AnyConnect-ExportedStats.txt).

    Check the ASA configuration file for nat statements. If Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled, these must exempt data that returns to the client as a result of NAT. For example, to NAT exempt (nat 0) the IP addresses from the AnyConnect pool, use this on the CLI:

    Determine if the tunneled default gateway needs to be enabled for the setup. The traditional default gateway is the gateway of last resort for non-decrypted traffic.

    For example, if the VPN Client needs to access a resource which is not in the routing table of the VPN Gateway, the packet is routed through the standard default gateway. The VPN gateway does not need the complete internal routing table in order to resolve this. The tunneled keyword can be used in this instance.

    Verify if the AnyConnect traffic is dropped by the inspection policy of the ASA. You could exempt the specific application that is used by AnyConnct client if you implement the Modular Policy Framework of Cisco ASA. For example, you could exempt the skinny protocol with these commands.

    AnyConnect Crash Issues

    Complete these data-gathering steps:

      Ensure that the Microsoft Utility Dr Watson is enabled. In order to do this, choose Start > Run, and run Drwtsn32.exe. Configure this and click OK:

    When the crash occurs, gather the .log and .dmp files from C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataMicrosoftDr Watson. If these files appear to be in use, then use ntbackup.exe.

    Obtain the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log from the Windows Event Viewer of the client PC:

      Choose Start > Run.

    Right-click the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client log, and select Save Log File As AnyConnect.evt.

    Note: Always save it as the .evt file format.

    Fragmentation / Passing Traffic Issues

    Some applications, such as Microsoft Outlook, do not work. However, the tunnel is able to pass other traffic such as small pings.

    This can provide clues as to a fragmentation issue in the network. Consumer routers are particularly poor at packet fragmentation and reassembly.

    Try a scaling set of pings in order to determine if it fails at a certain size. For example, ping -l 500, ping -l 1000, ping -l 1500, ping -l 2000.

    It is recommended that you configure a special group for users that experience fragmentation, and set the SVC Maximum Transition Unit (MTU) for this group to 1200. This allows you to remediate users who experience this issue, but not impact the broader user base.


    TCP connections hang once connected with AnyConnect.


    In order to verify if your user has a fragmentation issue, adjust the MTU for AnyConnect clients on the ASA.

    Uninstall Automatically


    The AnyConnect VPN Client uninstalls itself once the connection terminates. The client logs show that keep installed is set to disabled.


    AnyConnect uninstalls itself despite that the keep installed option is selected on the Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM). In order to resolve this issue, configure the svc keep-installer installed command under group-policy.

    Issue Populating the Cluster FQDN

    Problem: AnyConnect client is pre-populated with the hostname instead of the cluster Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

    When you have a load-balancing cluster set up for SSL VPN and the client attempts to connect to the cluster, the request is redirected to the node ASA and the client logs in successfully. After some time, when the client tries to connect to the cluster again, the cluster FQDN is not seen in the Connect to entries. Instead, the node ASA entry to which the client has been redirected is seen.


    This occurs because the AnyConnect client retains the host name to which it last connected. This behavior is observed and a bug has been filed. For complete details about the bug, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCsz39019. The suggested workaround is to upgrade the Cisco AnyConnect to Version 2.5.

    Backup Server List Configuration

    A backup server list is configured in case the main server selected by the user is not reachable. This is defined in the Backup Server pane in the AnyConnect profile. Complete these steps:

      Download the AnyConnect Profile Editor (registered customers only) . The file name is AnyConnectProfileEditor2_4_1.jar.

    Create an XML file with the AnyConnect Profile Editor.

      Go to the server list tab.

    Click Add.

    Type the main server on the Hostname field.

  • Add the backup server below the backup server list on the Host address field. Then, click Add.
  • Once you have the XML file, you need to assign it to the connection you use on the ASA.

      In ASDM, choose Configuration >Remote Access VPN >Network (Client) Access >AnyConnect Connection Profiles.

    Select your profile and click Edit.

    Click Manage from the Default Group Policy section.

    Select your group-policy and click Edit.

    Select Advanced and then click SSL VPN Client.

  • Click New. Then, you need to type a name for the Profile and assign the XML file.
  • Connect the client to the session in order to download the XML file.
  • AnyConnect: Corrupt Driver Database Issue

    This entry in the SetupAPI.log file suggests that the catalog system is corrupt:

    W239 driver signing class list «C:WINDOWSINFcertclas.inf» was missing or invalid. Error 0xfffffde5: Unknown Error. , assuming all device classes are subject to driver signing policy.

    You can also receive this error message: Error(3/17): Unable to start VA, setup shared queue, or VA gave up shared queue .

    You can receive this log on the client: «The VPN client driver has encountered an error» .


    This issue is due to Cisco bug ID CSCsm54689. In order to resolve this issue, make sure that Routing and Remote Access Service is disabled before you start AnyConnect. If this does not resolve the issue, complete these steps:

      Open a command prompt as an Administrator on the PC (elevated prompt on Vista).

    Run net stop CryptSvc .

  • When prompted, choose OK in order to attempt the repair.
  • Exit the command prompt.

    Failed Repair

    If the repair fails, complete these steps:

      Open a command prompt as an Administrator on the PC (elevated prompt on Vista).

    Run net stop CryptSvc .

    Rename the %WINDIR%system32catroot2 to catroot2_old directory.

    Exit the command prompt.

    Analyze the Database

    You can analyze the database at any time in order to determine if it is valid.

      Open a command prompt as an Admimistrator on the PC.

    Error Messages

    Error: Unable to Update the Session Management Database

    While the SSL VPN is connected through a web browser, the Unable to Update the Session Management Database. error message appears, and the ASA logs show %ASA-3-211001: Memory allocation Error. The adaptive security appliance failed to allocate RAM system memory .

    Solution 1

    This issue is due to Cisco bug ID CSCsm51093. In order to resolve this issue, reload the ASA or upgrade the ASA software to the interim release mentioned in the bug. Refer to Cisco bug ID CSCsm51093 for more information.

    Solution 2

    This issue can also be resolved if you disable threat-detection on ASA if threat-detection is used.

    Error: «Module c:Program FilesCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Clientvpnapi.dll failed to register»

    When you use the AnyConnect client on laptops or PCs, an error occurs during the install:

    When this error is encountered, the installer cannot move forward and the client is removed.


    These are the possible workarounds to resolve this error:

      The latest AnyConnect client is no longer officially supported with Microsoft Windows 2000. It is a registry problem with the 2000 computer.

    Remove the VMware applications. Once AnyConnect is installed, VMware applications can be added back to the PC.

    Add the ASA to their trusted sites.

    Copy these files from the ProgramFilesCiscoCiscoAnyconnect folder to a new folder and run the regsvr32 vpnapi.dll command prompt:

    • vpnapi.dll
    • vpncommon.dll
    • vpncommoncrypt.dll
  • Reimage the operating system on the laptop/PC.
  • The log message related to this error on the AnyConnect client looks similar to this:

    Error: «An error was received from the secure gateway in response to the VPN negotiation request. Please contact your network administrator»

    When clients try to connect to the VPN with the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client, this error is received.

    This message was received from the secure gateway:

    «Illegal address class» or «Host or network is 0» or «Other error»


    The issue occurs because of the ASA local IP pool depletion. As the VPN pool resource is exhausted, the IP pool range must be enlarged.

    Cisco bug ID is CSCsl82188 is filed for this issue. This error usually occurs when the local pool for address assignment is exhausted, or if a 32-bit subnet mask is used for the address pool. The workaround is to expand the address pool and use a 24-bit subnet mask for the pool.

    Error: Session could not be established. Session limit of 2 reached.

    When you try to connect more than two clients with the AnyConnect VPN Client, you receive the Login Failed error message on the Client and a warning message in the ASA logs that states Session could not be established. Session limit of 2 reached . I have the AnyConnect essential license on the ASA, which runs Version 8.0.4.

    Solution 1

    This error occurs because the AnyConnect essential license is not supported by ASA version 8.0.4. You need to upgrade the ASA to version 8.2.2. This resolves the error.

    Note: Regardless of the license used, if the session limit is reached, the user will receive the login failed error message.

    Solution 2

    This error can also occur if the vpn-sessiondb max-anyconnect-premium-or-essentials-limit session-limit command is used to set the limit of VPN sessions permitted to be established. If the session-limit is set as two, then the user cannot establish more than two sessions even though the license installed supports more sessions. Set the session-limit to the number of VPN sessions required in order to avoid this error message.

    Error: Anyconnect not enabled on VPN server while trying to connect anyconnect to ASA

    You receive the Anyconnect not enabled on VPN server error message when you try to connect AnyConnect to the ASA.


    This error is resolved if you enable AnyConnect on the outside interface of the ASA with ASDM. For more information on how to enable AnyConnect on the outside interface, refer to Configure Clientless SSL VPN (WebVPN) on the ASA.

    Error:- %ASA-6-722036: Group client-group User xxxx IP x.x.x.x Transmitting large packet 1220 (threshold 1206)

    The %ASA-6-722036: Group User IP Transmitting large packet 1220 (threshold 1206) error message appears in the logs of the ASA. What does this log mean and how is this resolved?


    This log message states that a large packet was sent to the client. The source of the packet is not aware of the MTU of the client. This can also be due to compression of non-compressible data. The workaround is to turn off the SVC compression with the svc compression none command. This resolves the issue.

    Error: The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s vpn connect or reconnect request.

    When you connect to the AnyConnect Client, this error is received: «The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s vpn connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists. The following message was received from the secure gateway: no assigned address» .

    This error is also received when you connect to the AnyConnect Client: «The secure gateway has rejected the connection attempt. A new connection attempt to the same or another secure gateway is needed, which requires re-authentication. The following message was received from the secure gateway:Host or network is 0» .

    This error is also received when you connect to the AnyConnect Client: «The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s vpn connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires a re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact the network administrator if the problem persists. The following message was received from the secure gateway: No License» .


    The router was missing pool configuration after reload. You need to add the concerned configuration back to the router.

    The «The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s vpn connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires a re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact the network administrator if the problem persists. The following message was received from the secure gateway: No License» error occurs when the AnyConnect mobility license is missing. Once the license is installed, the issue is resolved.

    Error: «Unable to update the session management database»

    When you try to authenticate in WebPortal, this error message is received: «Unable to update the session management database» .


    This problem is related to memory allocation on the ASA. This issue is mostly encountered when the ASA Version is 8.2.1. Originally, this requires a 512MB RAM for its complete functionality.

    As a permanent workaround, upgrade the memory to 512MB.

    As a temporary workaround, try to free the memory with these steps:

      Disable the threat-detection.

    Disable SVC compression.

    Error: «The VPN client driver has encountered an error»

    This is an error message obtained on the client machine when you try to connect to AnyConnect.


    In order to resolve this error, complete this procedure in order to manually set the AnyConnect VPN agent to Interactive:

      Right-click My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services > and select the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent.

    Right-click Properties, then log on, and select Allow service to interact with the desktop.

    This sets the registry Type value DWORD to 110 (default is 010) for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesvpnagent.

    Note: If this is to be used, then the preference would be to use the .MST transform in this instance. This is because if you set this manually with these methods, it requires that this be set after every install/upgrade process. This is why there is a need to identify the application that causes this problem.

    When Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) is enabled on the Windows PC, AnyConnect fails with the The VPN client driver has encountered an error. error message. In order to resolve this issue, make sure that Routing and RRAS is disabled before starting AnyConnect. Refer to Cisco bug ID CSCsm54689 for more information.

    Error: «Unable to process response from»

    AnyConnect clients fail to connect to a Cisco ASA. The error in the AnyConnect window is «Unable to process response from» .


    In order to resolve this error, try these workarounds:

      Remove WebVPN from the ASA and reenable it. «Login Denied , unauthorized connection mechanism , contact your administrator» .


    This error message occurs mostly because of configuration issues that are improper or an incomplete configuration. Check the configuration and make sure it is as required to resolve the issue.

    Secure VPN via remote desktop is not supported error message appears.


    This issue is due to these Cisco bug IDs: CSCsu22088 and CSCso42825. If you upgrade the AnyConnect VPN Client, it can resolve the issue. Refer to these bugs for more information.

    Error: «The server certificate received or its chain does not comply with FIPS. A VPN connection will not be established»

    When you attempt to VPN to the ASA 5505, the The server certificate received or its chain does not comply with FIPS. A VPN connection will not be established error message appears.


    In order to resolve this error, you must disable the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) in the AnyConnect Local Policy file. This file can usually be found at C:ProgramDataCiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN ClientAnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml . If this file is not found in this path, then locate the file at a different directory with a path such as C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataCisco AnyConnectVPNClientAnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml . Once you locate the xml file, make changes to this file as shown here:

    Change the phrase:



    Then, restart the computer. Users must have administrative permissions in order to modify this file.

    Error: «Certificate Validation Failure»

    Users are unable to launch AnyConnect and receive the Certificate Validation Failure error.


    Certificate authentication works differently with AnyConnect compared to the IPSec client. In order for certificate authentication to work, you must import the client certificate to your browser and change the connection profile in order to use certificate authentication. You also need to enable this command on your ASA in order to allow SSL client-certificates to be used on the outside interface:

    ssl certificate-authentication interface outside port 443

    Error: «VPN Agent Service has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience»

    When AnyConnect Version 2.4.0202 is installed on a Windows XP PC, it stops at updating localization files and an error message shows that the vpnagent.exe fails.


    This behavior is logged in Cisco bug ID CSCsq49102. The suggested workaround is to disable the Citrix client.

    Error: «This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists»

    When AnyConnect is downloaded, this error message is received:

    «Contact your system administrator. The installer failed with the following error: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.»


    Complete these steps in order to fix this issue:

      Remove any anti-virus software.

    Disable the Windows firewall.

    If neither Step 1 or 2 helps, then format the machine and then install.

  • If the problem still persists, open a TAC Case.
  • Error: «Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.»

    This error message is recieved during the auto-download of AnyConnect from the ASA:

    This is the error message received when connecting with AnyConnect for MacOS:


    Complete one of these workarounds in order to resolve this issue:

      The root cause of this error might be due to a corrupted MST translation file (for example, imported). Perform these steps to fix this:
      Remove the MST translation table.
  • Configure the AnyConnect image for MacOS in the ASA.
  • From the ASDM, follow the Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Custom > Installs path and delete the AnyConnect package file. Make sure the package remains in Network (Client) Access > Advanced > SSL VPN > Client Setting.
  • If neither of these workarounds resolve the issue, contact Cisco Technical Support.

    Error: «The VPN client driver has encountered an error»

    This error is received:


    This issue can be resolved when you uninstall the AnyConnect Client, and then remove the anti-virus software. After this, reinstall the AnyConnect Client. If this resolution does not work, then reformat the PC in order to fix this issue.

    Error: «A VPN reconnect resulted in different configuration setting. The VPN network setting is being re-initialized. Applications utilizing the private network may need to be restored.»

    This error is received when you try to launch AnyConnect:


    In order to resolve this error, use this:

    The svc mtu command is replaced by the anyconnect mtu command in ASA Version 8.4(1) and later as shown here:

    AnyConnect Error While Logging In


    The AnyConnect receives this error when it connects to the Client:


    The issue can be resolved if you make these changes to the AnyConnect profile:

    Add this line to the AnyConnect profile:

    IE Proxy Setting is Not Restored after AnyConnect Disconnect on Windows 7


    In Windows 7, if the IE proxy setting is configured for Automatically detect settings and AnyConnect pushes down a new proxy setting, the IE proxy setting is not restored back to Automatically detect settings after the user ends the AnyConnect session. This causes LAN issues for users who need their proxy setting configured for Automatically detect settings.


    This behavior is logged in Cisco bug ID CSCtj51376. The suggested workaround is to upgrade to AnyConnect 3.0.

    Error: AnyConnect Essentials can not be enabled until all these sessions are closed.

    This error message is received on Cisco ASDM when you attempt to enable the AnyConnect Essentials license:


    This is the normal behavior of the ASA. AnyConnect Essentials is a separately licensed SSL VPN client. It is entirely configured on the ASA and provides the full AnyConnect capability, with these exceptions:

      No Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD) (including HostScan/Vault/Cache Cleaner)

    No clientless SSL VPN

    Optional Windows Mobile Support

    This license cannot be used at the same time as the shared SSL VPN premium license. When you need to use one license, you need to disable the other.

    Error: Connection tab on Internet option of Internet Explorer hides after getting connected to the AnyConnect client.

    The connection tab on the Internet option of Internet Explorer hides after you are connected to the AnyConnect client.


    This is due to the msie-proxy lockdown feature. If you enable this feature, it hides the Connections tab in Microsoft Internet Explorer for the duration of an AnyConnect VPN session. If you disable the feature, it leaves the display of the Connections tab unchanged.

    Error: Few users getting Login Failed Error message when others are able to connect successfully through AnyConnect VPN

    A few users receive the Login Failed Error message when others can connect successfully through the AnyConnect VPN.


    This issue can be resolved if you make sure the do not require pre-authentication checkbox is checked for the users.

    Error: The certificate you are viewing does not match with the name of the site you are trying to view.

    During the AnyConnect profile update, an error is shown that says the certificate is invalid. This occurs with Windows only and at the profile update phase. The error message is shown here:


    This can be resolved if you modify the server list of the AnyConnect profile in order to use the FQDN of the certificate.

    This is a sample of the XML profile:

    Note: If there is an existing entry for the Public IP address of the server such as , then remove it and retain only the FQDN of the server (for example, but not ).

    Cannot Launch AnyConnect From the CSD Vault From a Windows 7 Machine

    When the AnyConnect is launched from the CSD vault, it does not work. This is attempted on Windows 7 machines.


    Currently, this is not possible because it is not supported.

    AnyConnect Profile Does Not Get Replicated to the Standby After Failover

    The AnyConnect 3.0 VPN client with ASA Version 8.4.1 software works fine. However, after failover, there is no replication for the AnyConnect profile related configuration.


    This problem has been observed and logged under Cisco bug ID CSCtn71662. The temporary workaround is to manually copy the files to the standby unit.

    AnyConnect Client Crashes if Internet Explorer Goes Offline

    When this occurs, the AnyConnect event log contains entries similar to these:


    This behavior is observed and logged under Cisco bug ID CSCtx28970. In order to resolve this, quit the AnyConnect application and relaunch. The connection entries reappear after relaunch.


    The AnyConnect client fails to connect and the Unable to establish a connection error message is received. In the AnyConnect event log, the TLSPROTOCOL_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER error is found.


    This occurs when the headend is configured for split-tunneling with a very large split-tunnel list (approximately 180-200 entries) and one or more other client attributes are configured in the group-policy, such as dns-server.

    In order to resolve this issue, complete these steps:

      Reduce the number of entries in the split-tunnel list.

    Use this configuration in order to disable DTLS:

    For more information, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCtc41770.

    Error Message: «Connection attempt has failed due to invalid host entry»

    The Connection attempt has failed due to invalid host entry error message is received while AnyConnect is authenticated with the use of a certificate.


    In order to resolve this issue, try either of these possible solutions:

    • Upgrade the AnyConnect to Version 3.0.
    • Disable Cisco Secure Desktop on your computer.

    For more information, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCti73316.

    Error: «Ensure your server certificates can pass strict mode if you configure always-on VPN»

    When you enable the Always-On feature on AnyConnect, the Ensure your server certificates can pass strict mode if you configure always-on VPN error message is received.


    This error message implies that if you want to use the Always-On feature, you need a valid sever certificate configured on the headend. Without a valid server certificate, this feature does not work. Strict Cert Mode is an option that you set in the AnyConnect local policy file in order to ensure the connections use a valid certificate. If you enable this option in the policy file and connect with a bogus certificate, the connection fails.

    Error: «An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Windows HTTP Services»

    This Diagnostic AnyConnect Reporting Tool (DART) shows one failed attempt:

    Also, refer to the event viewer logs on the Windows machine.


    This could be caused due to a corrupted Winsock connection. Reset the connection from the command promt with this command and restart your windows machine:

    netsh winsock reset

    Error: «The SSL transport received a Secure Channel Failure. May be a result of a unsupported crypto configuration on the Secure Gateway.»

    This Diagnostic AnyConnect Reporting Tool (DART) shows one failed attempt:


    Windows 8.1 does not support RC4 according to the following KB update:

    Either configure DES/3DES ciphers for SSL VPN on the ASA using the command «ssl encryption 3des-sha1 aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 des-sha1» OR edit the Windows Registry file on the client machine as mentioned below:


    • Remove From My Forums
    • Question

    • I’ve been using Windows 10 since the first TP release build and bar having to change vpnui.exe to use Windows 8 compatibility mode, the well known issue/fix, I’ve had no issues to date. I moved to use a new ASA VPN endpoint today which forced an
      AnyConnect client upgrade on my PC and since that update, I’ve not been able to get the client to connect and wondered if anyone else has had this issue using
      Build 10049?

      I have tried uninstalling it all, removing the registry keys, ProgramData and User Profile directories and I have tried three different AnyConnect client versions, 3.1.05178, 3.1.05182 and 4.0.00048 and all experience the same issue.

      When trying to connect, I enter the destination address and prompt for credentials then it gets stuck trying to repair the VPN adapter and fails.

      I’ve read on other sites that the issue in previous Windows versions was down to the DisplayName key in the registry for the adapter driver being incorrect and including some junk characters. I try to remove these but every time, the VPN client resets it
      back to the junk. I’ve even tried changing the ACL on the registry key to stop the client changing it back to the bad string and that didn’t work either.

      I had no problems with the AnyConnect client on previous builds and I had no problems up until this client update today on 10049 so I am thinking that the working client from my previous build carried over with the update but something in 10049 has changed and
      is preventing the new install.

      Any thoughts anyone?

      Richard Green | MCSA 2012, MCSE 2003, MCTS Desktop Virtualization, VCP5-DV


    • I’ve written up my solution there as well, but here’s what I did to get it working:

      As a note, I managed to get Cisco AnyConnect VPN working by doing the following steps:

      1. Installing my corporate-provided client (old version) that had the profiles I needed on it.

      2. Installing the latest build  — as of April 20, 2015 — 3.1.08009. For those that don’t have the contract with Cisco, there’s a lot of universities that host this for their students, which have been conveniently indexed on your favourite search engines.

      3. Going to network devices and changing the IP address and DNS server options from static to dynamic

      I’ve also enabled compatibility mode, though I’m unsure if it’s needed anymore.

      • Proposed as answer by

        Monday, May 4, 2015 8:19 PM

      • Marked as answer by
        Brandon RecordsModerator
        Tuesday, May 5, 2015 11:13 PM

    I was trying to log into work but had trouble making a VPN connection.  I use Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.  This post describes how to fix the following error messages when using Windows 8 Pro:

    • AnyConnect was not able to establish a connection to the specified secure gateway.  Please try connecting again.


    • The VPN client driver encountered an error.  Please restart your computer or device, then try again.


    The steps to fix this problem are as follows:

    1. Edit a registry entry by running a program called regedit.  Right-click on it and Run as administrator.  Note that I use Start8, by Stardock, to have a Start button and menu.  After you left-click on Run as administrator, your computer might ask you to enter the admin password.


    2. Go to the appropriate VPN registry directory called ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesvpnva


    3. Double left-click the DisplayName key.


    An Edit String pop-up window will appear.


    The text under the Value data: field on my computer looked like this.

    @oem20.inf,%vpnva_Desc%;Cisco AnyConnect VPN Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64

    4. Change the field to

    Cisco AnyConnect VPN Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64

    by removing all the text and characters that are on the left of the word Cisco.

    The end result should look like this:


    5. Left-click the ‘OK’ button.

    6. Exit the Registry Editor

    7. Run Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client and reconnect.

    That’s all there is to it.  Good luck!

    Update : 2/13/2014

    I recently updated my computer on February 13, 2014 with Microsoft’s updates and saw that the text under the Value data: field on my computer looked like this:

    @oem10.inf,%VPNVA64_Desc%;Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64

    It is different from what I had originally posted.  I’m not really sure how or why it changed and I don’t have time to find out.  I also updated to Cisco AnyConnect Secury Mobility Client Version 3.1.04066.  As far as I can tell, the value of …

    @oem10.inf,%VPNVA64_Desc%;Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64

    .. works, but the value of

    Cisco AnyConnect VPN Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64

    does not work with Cisco AnyConnect Secury Mobility Client Version 3.1.04066.

    Update : 2/15/2014

    Changing the Value data: field  to

    Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64



    seems to work better, too.

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