Themida an internal exception occurred как исправить

Themida an internal exception occurred address ok i found a workaround. go to: steam- library- games- right click «empyrion galactic survival»- properties- local files- browes local files- you will see two files «empyrion» and «empyrion launcher»- double click «empyrion»- enjoy That fix it for singleplayer or multiplayer that dont use EAC. I have the […]


  1. Themida an internal exception occurred address
  2. Themida an internal exception occurred address
  3. Thread: Themida — Internal Exception Occured
  4. Themida — Internal Exception Occured
  5. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured
  6. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured
  7. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured
  8. чертова Themida
  9. Themida an internal exception occurred address

Themida an internal exception occurred address

ok i found a workaround. go to: steam- library- games- right click «empyrion galactic survival»- properties- local files- browes local files- you will see two files «empyrion» and «empyrion launcher»- double click «empyrion»- enjoy

That fix it for singleplayer or multiplayer that dont use EAC. I have the exact same problem and its somehow related between Themida and EAC

I cant join Multiplayer EAC game anymore!

I tried restart,reinstall, game cache restore, deactivating antivirus. nothing works!!

Anyone found a way to fix this error?

well out of pure frustration i decided to lauch the game with EAC over and over again. interestingly the game DOES run, however it seems to be completely random. here is my results.

1) tried to start with «EACLauncher» multiple times, received Themida message x7
2) game launches and works perfectly with EAC
3) Tried lauching with EAC again, Themida message x21
4) game launches and runs perfectly
5) tried launching with EAC again, Themida message x15

6) tried launching «EmpyrionLauncher», Themida message x12
7) game launches perfectly
8) tried launching Emp.Launcher again, Themida message x4
9) game launches perfectly

10) tried launching server, Themida message x32
11) server launches flawlessly and able to join
12) lauched server again, themida message x13
13) Server launches perfectly

14) tried launching server with EAC enabled, themida x4
15) Server launches perfectly and able to join (after launching game with EACLauncher about 7 times until it worked)

*fell asleep on key board*

also in case nothing works check these links where some have had some sucsess —
i followed the advice in these links and they did not help me but everyones pc is different so give it a try.

so. TLDR: its totaly random, keep launching your game however you want (potentially 30 times or more) and it will work. eventually, same with servers.


Themida an internal exception occurred address

ok i found a workaround. go to: steam- library- games- right click «empyrion galactic survival»- properties- local files- browes local files- you will see two files «empyrion» and «empyrion launcher»- double click «empyrion»- enjoy

That fix it for singleplayer or multiplayer that dont use EAC. I have the exact same problem and its somehow related between Themida and EAC

I cant join Multiplayer EAC game anymore!

I tried restart,reinstall, game cache restore, deactivating antivirus. nothing works!!

Anyone found a way to fix this error?

well out of pure frustration i decided to lauch the game with EAC over and over again. interestingly the game DOES run, however it seems to be completely random. here is my results.

1) tried to start with «EACLauncher» multiple times, received Themida message x7
2) game launches and works perfectly with EAC
3) Tried lauching with EAC again, Themida message x21
4) game launches and runs perfectly
5) tried launching with EAC again, Themida message x15

6) tried launching «EmpyrionLauncher», Themida message x12
7) game launches perfectly
8) tried launching Emp.Launcher again, Themida message x4
9) game launches perfectly

10) tried launching server, Themida message x32
11) server launches flawlessly and able to join
12) lauched server again, themida message x13
13) Server launches perfectly

14) tried launching server with EAC enabled, themida x4
15) Server launches perfectly and able to join (after launching game with EACLauncher about 7 times until it worked)

*fell asleep on key board*

also in case nothing works check these links where some have had some sucsess —
i followed the advice in these links and they did not help me but everyones pc is different so give it a try.

so. TLDR: its totaly random, keep launching your game however you want (potentially 30 times or more) and it will work. eventually, same with servers.


Thread: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

Thread Tools

Themida — Internal Exception Occured

I have Wine 1.1.42 installed under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I installed MetaTrader 4 (from and it seemed to get properly installed.

Now, everytime I try to run MetaTrader, I get a Themida error message window, saying that an internal exception has occured. The application MetaTrader does not load.

I have no idea what to do. Is there something I must configure on Wine? Is Themida a virus camouflage software? If so, how do I remove it?

Any ideas!

Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

I have Wine 1.1.42 installed under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I installed MetaTrader 4 (from and it seemed to get properly installed.

Now, everytime I try to run MetaTrader, I get a Themida error message window, saying that an internal exception has occured. The application MetaTrader does not load.

I have no idea what to do. Is there something I must configure on Wine? Is Themida a virus camouflage software? If so, how do I remove it?

Any ideas!

Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

i got same prob with u ruben, 1st it said mfc42.dll is missing, after i get the file ini igot error themida

here i attach my SC

(i’m using wine 1.3 now and wine 1,2 have same prob too)

Last edited by williamlive; September 16th, 2010 at 04:34 AM .

Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

i got same prob with u ruben, 1st it said mfc42.dll is missing, after i get the file ini igot error themida

here i attach my SC

(i’m using wine 1.3 now and wine 1,2 have same prob too)


чертова Themida

ужасно, у кого есть лекарство для системы Themida® и как с ней боротся. мои сочуствия.

короче, я полностью пропатчил систему WinXP, после перезагрузки у меня обнаружилась такая система защиты по безопастности под кодовым названием Themida (, который после перегазрузки что-то постоянно проверяет и она очень мешает, не знаю что делать, пробывать полностью удалить, но после перезагруски, то что я делал, востанавливалось.

скрины сможете увидить

1. начальная загрузка Windows
2. OS WinXp загрузился
3. В течение работы выскакие такая табличка

Хотелось бы услышать мнение профессионалов. заранее спасибо

скрины сможете увидить

1. начальная загрузка Windows
2. OS WinXp загрузился
3. В течение работы выскакие такая табличка

Хотелось бы услышать мнение профессионалов. заранее спасибо


Themida an internal exception occurred address

I only ever seem to get the following when attempting to start a dedicated server:

An internal exception occurred (Address 0x40c83f9d)
Please, contact Thank you!

. any ideas? I was really looking forward to trying this out on the free weekend, but is not looking good so far — as it will not even start!

Server is running Windows Server 2008 (not R2).

Well, thank-you for trying to help anyway. I appreciate that I can join another server, but that is not really what I had in mind (or my friends that wanted to try it). We would prefer a private server for all of us to play on co-op, without «randoms», hence the need for a dedicated server.

Does anyone else have any input? Do the devs reply to help? I would appreciate if I could get this fixed and try it before the free weekend is over — so that we can all buy it if it is any good.

Well, thank-you for trying to help anyway. I appreciate that I can join another server, but that is not really what I had in mind (or my friends that wanted to try it). We would prefer a private server for all of us to play on co-op, without «randoms», hence the need for a dedicated server.

Does anyone else have any input? Do the devs reply to help? I would appreciate if I could get this fixed and try it before the free weekend is over — so that we can all buy it if it is any good.

With permission of the brilliant «feanor_269», I will post some of our findings (edited out some of the chit-chat):


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  1. Themida — Internal Exception Occured


    I have Wine 1.1.42 installed under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I installed MetaTrader 4 (from and it seemed to get properly installed.

    Now, everytime I try to run MetaTrader, I get a Themida error message window, saying that an internal exception has occured. The application MetaTrader does not load.

    I have no idea what to do. Is there something I must configure on Wine? Is Themida a virus camouflage software? If so, how do I remove it?

    Any ideas!

  2. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

    Quote Originally Posted by rubencouto
    View Post


    I have Wine 1.1.42 installed under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I installed MetaTrader 4 (from and it seemed to get properly installed.

    Now, everytime I try to run MetaTrader, I get a Themida error message window, saying that an internal exception has occured. The application MetaTrader does not load.

    I have no idea what to do. Is there something I must configure on Wine? Is Themida a virus camouflage software? If so, how do I remove it?

    Any ideas!

    Try getting Wine 1.3.2 (

  3. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

    i got same prob with u ruben, 1st it said mfc42.dll is missing, after i get the file ini igot error themida

    here i attach my SC

    (i’m using wine 1.3 now and wine 1,2 have same prob too)

    Last edited by williamlive; September 16th, 2010 at 04:34 AM.

  4. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

    Quote Originally Posted by williamlive
    View Post

    i got same prob with u ruben, 1st it said mfc42.dll is missing, after i get the file ini igot error themida

    here i attach my SC

    (i’m using wine 1.3 now and wine 1,2 have same prob too)

    WINE does not support all applications.
    Check out

  5. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

    Quote Originally Posted by lkjoel
    View Post…rsion&iId=2893

    cek it out

    Additional Comments
    install visual c runtimes with winetricks vcrun6.
    i don’t understand this additional comments

  6. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

    I thank for all the inputs!

    Is Themida in any way connected or related to Wine?

  7. Ubuntu 10.04 — Wine-1.2 — MetaTrader MT4

    Quote Originally Posted by rubencouto
    View Post

    I thank for all the inputs!

    Is Themida in any way connected or related to Wine?

    I run MetaTrader 4 (from FXDD) on Wine-1.2. (on Ubuntu 10.04) You can download the missing mfc42.dll from

    You can also improve the appearance of MT4 by running «winetricks» with «allfonts».

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  16. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured
  17. Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

An internal exception occurred address 0x0


When I try to start MT4 (Meta Trader 4) giving me error:

«An internal exception occurred (address 0x0 ) «

How can I resolve this problem ?


This sounds like a compatibility issue with that software program and Windows 7.

Your best strategy would be to check with the developer of that program for any known issues with Windows 7 or their future plans to support Windows 7.

We are currently in the early stages of the beta and it takes some time for the developers of third party programs to get their applications up to speed with the new OS.

Thank You for testing Windows 7 Beta Ronnie Vernon MVP

  • Помечено в качестве ответа Ronnie Vernon MVP 14 апреля 2009 г. 13:39

Like what Ronnie has said, it looks like a compatibility issue.

But have you tried the normal troubleshooting method, which is to open up the properties of the executable file, and select Compatibility tab, and try changing to Windows Vista or Windows XP under «Run This program in compatibility mode». Also try selecting «Run this program as an administrator»

Now with the above settings configured, try starting MT4.


internal exception address (0x0)

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Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
Bios: Phoenix — AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.2GHZ (2 CPUs)
Memory: 2046MG Ram
Page File: 534 MB Used, 3402 availiable
DirectX Version: 9.0c
Graphics Card: GEForce 7300 LE

I just downloaded the demo from the website (well, it says its a full game, but its a demo as far as I’m concerned) — and whenever I try to turn it, I’m told that an internal exception has occurred at address 0x0, and that I should contact support.


Sergeant Knight at Arms

0x0? Is that the whole address, or does it say something longer (such as 0xc0000005)? Anyway, this behaviour sounds like Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is being triggered.

Fixing DEP is very simple. Right-click on My Computer, choose Properties, click the Advanced tab, click the Settings button under Performance. From there, click on the Data Execution Prevention tab, then click Add. and browse to the Mount&Blade directory (C:Program FilesMount&Blade by default), then choose Mount&Blade.exe and click OK. You should now see Mount&Blade listed in the exceptions list. The checkbox beside it should be automatically checked; if not, check it. Click OK out of all the windows that you have opened, and you should now be able to run it normally.



That was the whole address. Thanks for the speedy reply.

Actually, I’m not sure what caused the problem — I already fixed it. Right after posting, I decided to try some of the solutions posited for those with the same problems but (longer addesses) — so I reinstalled direct-x and then resetting my computer, and I was fine after.

Looks like a cool game thus far. Reminds me alot of oblivion, except with deeper combat, fewer npcs, and a /heck/ of a lot better framerate.


An internal exception occurred address 0x0


When I try to start MT4 (Meta Trader 4) giving me error:

«An internal exception occurred (address 0x0 ) «

How can I resolve this problem ?


This sounds like a compatibility issue with that software program and Windows 7.

Your best strategy would be to check with the developer of that program for any known issues with Windows 7 or their future plans to support Windows 7.

We are currently in the early stages of the beta and it takes some time for the developers of third party programs to get their applications up to speed with the new OS.

Thank You for testing Windows 7 Beta Ronnie Vernon MVP

  • Помечено в качестве ответа Ronnie Vernon MVP 14 апреля 2009 г. 13:39

Like what Ronnie has said, it looks like a compatibility issue.

But have you tried the normal troubleshooting method, which is to open up the properties of the executable file, and select Compatibility tab, and try changing to Windows Vista or Windows XP under «Run This program in compatibility mode». Also try selecting «Run this program as an administrator»

Now with the above settings configured, try starting MT4.


An internal exception occurred address 0x0

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Only registered members may post questions, contact other members or search our database of over 8 million posts.

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If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact contact us .

Hey guys Im facing this problem :
An internal exception occured (adress 0x21 fcebc)
Please contact [email protected] Thank you!

On old version 6.1.0 nspro is starting up without any problems , on new 6.1.5 Im getting this error.
Im using Avast as my anty virus.

What I did so far is : get back to 6.1.0 version nspro is working 100%
I have uninstalled avast , downloaded 6.1.5 once again , run the setup but still contact [email protected]

On old version 6.1.0 nspro is starting up without any problems , on new 6.1.5 Im getting this error.
Im using Avast as my anty virus.

What I did so far is : get back to 6.1.0 version nspro is working 100%
I have uninstalled avast , downloaded 6.1.5 once again , run the setup but still contact [email protected]


Thread: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

Thread Tools

Themida — Internal Exception Occured

I have Wine 1.1.42 installed under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I installed MetaTrader 4 (from and it seemed to get properly installed.

Now, everytime I try to run MetaTrader, I get a Themida error message window, saying that an internal exception has occured. The application MetaTrader does not load.

I have no idea what to do. Is there something I must configure on Wine? Is Themida a virus camouflage software? If so, how do I remove it?

Any ideas!

Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

I have Wine 1.1.42 installed under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I installed MetaTrader 4 (from and it seemed to get properly installed.

Now, everytime I try to run MetaTrader, I get a Themida error message window, saying that an internal exception has occured. The application MetaTrader does not load.

I have no idea what to do. Is there something I must configure on Wine? Is Themida a virus camouflage software? If so, how do I remove it?

Any ideas!

Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

i got same prob with u ruben, 1st it said mfc42.dll is missing, after i get the file ini igot error themida

here i attach my SC

(i’m using wine 1.3 now and wine 1,2 have same prob too)

Last edited by williamlive; September 16th, 2010 at 04:34 AM .

Re: Themida — Internal Exception Occured

i got same prob with u ruben, 1st it said mfc42.dll is missing, after i get the file ini igot error themida

here i attach my SC

(i’m using wine 1.3 now and wine 1,2 have same prob too)





Сообщений: 3
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Регистрация: 08.02.2006

Установка прошла нормально. а вот при первом запуске выскакивает табличка Themida
an internal exception occurred address 0x0
Please, contact Thank you!

Что делать? Хочется запустить. windows 7 сборка 7077
На предыдущей работала. Тут не хочет.

Изменено: saym10110.04.2009 11:24:16




Сообщений: 8
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Регистрация: 09.04.2009

Похоже проблема не в Бате, а в какой то программе защиты

как вариант попробуй в Совместимости поставь Запускать как в WinXP


Григорий Шклярук


Сообщений: 4
Баллов: 2




Регистрация: 13.04.2009

Developer .NET

Думаю что разработчики того компонента исправлять эту ошибку. Но вот мне интересно как поступят команда Почтовика. Так как есть 2 версии 4.0 и 4.1. Так что я надеюсь они обновлять 2 линейки. А то если они обновят только линейку 4.1 это будет плохо. Так как у меня и думаю что и у других нету лишних денег чтобы обновить лицензию.


Олег Тофан


Сообщений: 23
Баллов: 17




Регистрация: 13.08.2019

7077 неофициальная сборка. В официальной 7057 этой проблемы не было. Надо ждать официального обновления ОС Windows7, только тогда можно будет что-то однозначно утверждать. Однако, думается, что в официальном релизе этой ошибки не будет.


Григорий Шклярук


Сообщений: 4
Баллов: 2




Регистрация: 13.04.2009

Developer .NET



14.04.2009 13:10:45

Олег Тофан пишет:
7077 неофициальная сборка. В официальной 7057 этой проблемы не было. Надо ждать официального обновления ОС Windows7, только тогда можно будет что-то однозначно утверждать. Однако, думается, что в официальном релизе этой ошибки не будет.

Вообще то официальная сборка это 7000, которая была предоставлена для публичного скачивания. А остальные сборки это утечка. Хотя думаю специальная. Потом в  сборке 7068 бат тоже работал.


������� 3 2007, 05:43

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Anatol Aser

������� 3 2007, 05:59

���, �� �� ������… �� ����� ��?


������� 3 2007, 07:40

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������� 3 2007, 08:13

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������� 3 2007, 08:35

� ���� ���� �� ���������. ��� ��� �� ����������:

1. ��������� setup ������� � �������� remove.
1.1. ����� �������� ���� ������� ����� ����� � �����.
2. ��������� setup � ������������� ����…
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3. ������������� ���� (��� ��� �� ��������� systexturesL2Font-r.utx � ��������� �������� ���������� system).
4. �������� ��������� ����… � ��������:
An internal exception occured (Address: 0x3117ffd)
Please, contact Thank you!
����� ������� Ok ����������� ������ � ���������� «�� ������� ��������� ���� ENGINE.DLL».

������ �������� ������ LineageII.urs � ��� ������ �� ������. ����������� systexturesL2Font-r.utx � texturesL2Font-r.utx ������ �� ������. ������ ������ � .ini �� ����� Miranda2005 ������ �� ������. ��������� ����� �� CVoboda ������ �� ������. ����!!!!! help.gif

PS: ��� Win98. ��������, ������ ����� ����������� � ���� �������, ������������ � �����-�� ����������� ��� XP ����.


������� 3 2007, 08:41

QUOTE(AVB @ ������� 3 2007, 09:35) *

PS: ��� Win98. ��������, ������ ����� ����������� � ���� �������, ������������ � �����-�� ����������� ��� XP ����.

� ����� ���� ��������. ��� 98-�� ������ �� �����, ������ 2000SP4 ��� Win XP SP2.


������� 3 2007, 08:56

QUOTE(MihEI @ ������� 3 2007, 09:41) *

� ����� ���� ��������. ��� 98-�� ������ �� �����, ������ 2000SP4 ��� Win XP SP2.

���, �������, ������� ������ ������ ����. :( � ����, ������ � ������ ������� �������…


������� 3 2007, 09:38

������������� ������ � ��� �������� ���!


������� 3 2007, 09:42

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������� 3 2007, 12:28

QUOTE(Xaes @ ������� 3 2007, 10:42) *

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������� 3 2007, 13:30

�� �����, �������� ��������.


������� 3 2007, 13:36

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������� 3 2007, 14:09

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������� 3 2007, 15:40

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������� 3 2007, 16:31

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������� 3 2007, 17:41

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������� 3 2007, 19:07

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������� 3 2007, 19:12

QUOTE(PSYLEON @ ������� 3 2007, 20:07) *

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������� 3 2007, 19:43

QUOTE(MihEI @ ������� 3 2007, 20:12) *

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������� 3 2007, 20:07

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������� 3 2007, 20:19

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������� 3 2007, 20:21

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������� 3 2007, 22:19

QUOTE(Barbos @ ������� 3 2007, 21:21) *

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������� 3 2007, 23:05

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������� 3 2007, 23:09


������� 3 2007, 23:17

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������� 3 2007, 23:23

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AppName: l2.exe AppVer: . ModName: l2.exe
ModVer: Offset: 000169e2


������� 3 2007, 23:30

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������� 3 2007, 23:39

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������� 4 2007, 01:02

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������� 4 2007, 03:43

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������� 4 2007, 12:01

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������� 4 2007, 14:21

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������� 4 2007, 14:53

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������� 4 2007, 15:19

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������� 4 2007, 16:53

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������� 4 2007, 20:12

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������� 4 2007, 20:41

OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 3216 MHz with 1023MB RAM
Video: RADEON X850 Series (6497)

Insufficient Memory.
Please check the Virtual Memory Option and avilable hard drive space.
You can check them by going to : Control Panel->System->Advanced->Performance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory.

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������� 5 2007, 01:19

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������� 5 2007, 09:37

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������� 5 2007, 15:37

QUOTE(DarkVortex @ ������� 4 2007, 06:43) *

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������� 5 2007, 15:47

anrpeug, ���-�� ����� ���� (��� ��� �� �����, �������, ����������, �����, ��� ������!), ��� �������� ���� �� �������� � �������������� ����� � ������� ���� � ������.
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������� 5 2007, 15:55

QUOTE(Totentanz @ ������� 5 2007, 18:47) *

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������� 5 2007, 18:14

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������� 5 2007, 18:14

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������� 5 2007, 18:20

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������� 5 2007, 18:40

QUOTE(Save @ ������� 5 2007, 19:20) *

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������� 5 2007, 21:35

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������� 6 2007, 02:17

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������� 6 2007, 03:15

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