There was an error when closing the file ableton что делать

Ableton is a fantastic DAW, and when it works, you can create some incredible music, design some phenomenal sounds, and create stellar live sets for performance, or DJ'ing etc.

Ableton is a fantastic DAW, and when it works, you can create some incredible music, design some phenomenal sounds, and create stellar live sets for performance, or DJ’ing etc.

However, if you’re reading this, you’re encountering the “there was an error when closing the file”, which means you’re probably feeling frustrated, and want to just get on with your music.

In this article we’re going to show you 3 steps that will help you to fix this error.

1. Disable Your Antivirus

If you have Avast antivirus on your PC, then this is most likely the reason that you’re running into the annoying error message. It seems to have become an issue with the latest update of the Avast software, causing some problems with Ableton to render audio.

Sometimes antivirus software can prevent programs that the software doesn’t recognise, from writing files to your computer.

This is a safety precaution that needs to be taken, to ensure that you don’t get any nasty viruses on your PC. The Ransomware App is Avast is a common culprit for this Ableton issue.

To disable your antivirus:

Open Avast -> Settings -> Blocked or Allowed Apps -> Remove ableton

2. Clear Ableton’s Temp Cache

Sometimes Ableton’s temp folder can cause issues, and it will bring up the same error message that you’re experiencing. Deleting the temp folder can fix the issue you’re having, so it’s worthwhile doing this if the antivirus trick hasn’t worked for you.

Once you’ve found the cache folder, you can delete all the files inside, and it won’t affect your Ableton from running as usual.

However, please make sure all your projects are collect all & save before doing this, otherwise it could mess up some project settings you have.

On Mac


If you can’t see the Library folder, it’s because these files are hidden on Mac by default. So to get these to show up, all you have to do is hold the option key while finder’s “Go” dropdown menu at the top of a finder window.

As you can see, there’s no option for Library. If you hold your option key, it will show up. Then, you can navigate to the cache folder (using the directory listed above), and then empty the cache.

Please make sure your projects are collect all and save before doing this, as it may cause some issues with project settings that are saved in your cache.

On Windows

C:UsersComputer(Name of your computer)AppDataRoamingAbletonCacheCache
C:UsersComputer(Name of your computer)DocumentsAbletonLive Recordings

You can simply empty the cache, and then open Ableton and try to save your file or arm your track for recording.

Please make sure your projects are collect all & save before doing this!

I Can’t Find My Cache Folder

If you can’t find your temp folder, you can find out where yours is on your computer. The usual places are listed above, but if you have a custom directory (like I do), then luckily you can check where it is in the Ableton preferences pane.

To do this:

  1. Open up Ableton
  2. Open the preferences settings
  3. Navigate to File/Folder
  4. Look for Temporary Folder
  5. What’s listed is where your temp folder is

3. Contact Ableton Support

If none of the above has solved your error message, then you don’t have a common issue, and it could be something specific to your system. We recommend that you contact Ableton support. They will most likely ask for some system file logs, and then they’ll be able to help with your issue.

The “There was an error when closing the file” error is a known error by the Ableton support team, and they’ll be happy to help you with this. So, you might have to wait a bit, but someone can help!

How Do I Recover Lost Work From A Crash?

If your Ableton has crashed during this error message, and you’ve lost some work, it can make your heart drop. We’ve been there, and it’s not fun at all. But don’t worry there’s a way to recover lost files manually if Ableton doesn’t prompt you upon opening.

Here’s how to recover your files in Ableton:

  1. Go to Users[Username]AppDataRoamingAbletonLive x.x.xPreferencesCrash or Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Crash/
  2. Rename the crash files so they have no date
  3. Move the renamed files from Crash -> Live x.x.x
  4. Reopen Ableton Live

Step 1

  1. Go to:
    1. Windows: Users[Username]AppDataRoamingAbletonLive x.x.xPreferencesCrash
    2. Mac: Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Crash/

In this folder, you’ll find the required files that you need to recover a set, and prompt the recovery message to open again.

Step 2

You’ll then want to rename these files so that they have no date, and then drag them out of the crash folder, and into the Live x.x.x folder.

Step 3

Restart Ableton Live and you’ll have the recovery prompt show up again. It will run through the recovery process and bring back your project settings how they were when it last autosaved.


Error messages when you’re trying to make bangers are not ideal. In this article we’ve covered everything you can do to fix this issue. If you’re still having problems, make sure to contact Ableton support about the issue. They will help you fix anything you can’t find a quick fix for on the web.

We hope you found this article useful and it fixed your problem!

Whipped Cream Sounds

With over 8 years of hands-on experience in the music industry, Harry has run successful raves, played alongside industry heavyweights such as Max Chapman, DJ EZ, DJ Zinc and more (pictured below), had music played on national radio, DJ’d on live radio, produced until he hated every song, mixed until his ears bled, created sample packs from scratch using just a Zoom H1n and some sound design skills… and pretty much anything related to music production – he’s done it, tested it, tried it.


  1. Ableton Forum
  2. Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)
  3. Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)
  4. Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)
  5. Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)
  6. Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)
  7. Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)
  8. Ableton Forum
  9. Saving files doesn’t work
  10. Saving files doesn’t work
  11. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  12. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  13. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  14. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  15. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  16. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  17. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  18. Re: Saving files doesn’t work
  19. Ableton Forum
  20. Why won’t my song export?
  21. Why won’t my song export?
  22. Re: Why won’t my song export?
  23. Re: Why won’t my song export?
  24. Re: Why won’t my song export?
  25. Re: Why won’t my song export?
  26. Re: Why won’t my song export?
  27. Re: Why won’t my song export?
  28. Re: Why won’t my song export?
  29. How to fix Ableton Error Closing File —> Error?
  30. Contents
  31. What is Ableton Error Closing File error?
  32. What causes Ableton Error Closing File error?
  33. How to easily fix Ableton Error Closing File error?
  34. How to fix corrupted Ableton files on Windows 10
  35. How do I fix Ableton Live corrupt files?
  36. 1. Re-trigger the file recovery process
  37. 2. Ask Ableton for support
  38. 3. Switch to Adobe Audition

Ableton Forum

Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)

Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)

Post by Bufonics » Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:27 am

When I try to export audio It takes about 3 minutes to render, then once it does it gives me this:

There was an error when closing the file «C:Filename.wav.asd» or whatever file type i try to save it as it puts that and then .asd for some reason, im not sure if thats part of the problem but that also seems weird. Then in the folder i try to save the audio in it puts an AbletonTmp-0000 file and that number goes up each time i try to export. It also saves a filename.wav or whatever filetype i try to save as and it calls the type of file an «ableton live set» or «ableton live clip» and they are only 600 or less KB.

After trying to export in every file type a bunch of times it sometimes eventually exports correctly but this time it isnt and ive been trying over and over again.

Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)

Post by Stromkraft » Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:58 am

Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)

Post by R34L » Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:37 pm

Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)

Post by jestermgee » Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:34 am

Re: Ableton wont export my audio (Wndows 10)

Post by msola » Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:34 pm

I’m having the same issues.

When trying to export a project (File > Export Audio) Ableton says «There was an error when closing the file: «C/Users. /Song name/Samples/Recorded/Master 0001.wav»

After this message when I hit OK rendering goes on normally and after that the message «There was error. » comes again.

Rendering / exporting doesn’t produce any kind of WAV-file, only AbletonTmp file. Also for me Ableton also every time adds new AbletonTmp-000X file to the Samples > Recorded folder when I try to export.

I noticed it says .wav even though I would set the File type to FLAC or AIFF. This also occurs with all of my projects.

I get the same message also when I press the rec button on any of the individual tracks. After that the rec button does go on and turn red but when I try to record anything won’t be recorded.

I’m using Ableton Live 10 Lite and Windows 8.1.


Ableton Forum

Saving files doesn’t work

Saving files doesn’t work

Post by Envergure » Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:27 pm

Every time I try to save my set or use «Collect All and Save,» I get this error: There was an error when closing the file «C:Users filename.als.» I can only use «Save As» and «Save Copy.» What could be causing this?

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by re:dream » Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:48 pm

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by [jur] » Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:03 pm

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by Digital Larry » Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:00 pm

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by [jur] » Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:11 pm

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by Envergure » Sat Aug 14, 2021 2:53 pm

It affects exporting audio for me as well.

I just sent a support email (haven’t been using Live for a little while because busy). I’ll try to remember to post back here if they find a solution.

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by [jur] » Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:54 pm

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by Envergure » Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:41 pm

Ableton Support said this message can appear when your project is saved in a backed-up folder, e.g. a Dropbox folder, and it will go away if you pause Dropbox syncing (or equivalent for other cloud services). This was not the case for me, though.

On my computer, the problem is caused by SYNSOPOS.exe, a background program related to my Steinberg e-licenser. Closing SYNSOPOS.exe allows Ableton to save the project, but it also prevents several of my plugins from licensing. So that’s one step closer to a solution.

(Windows Resource Monitor can be used to identify program(s) using or locking your .als file.)

Re: Saving files doesn’t work

Post by re:dream » Sun Oct 10, 2021 9:51 am

Ableton Support said this message can appear when your project is saved in a backed-up folder, e.g. a Dropbox folder, and it will go away if you pause Dropbox syncing (or equivalent for other cloud services). This was not the case for me, though.

On my computer, the problem is caused by SYNSOPOS.exe, a background program related to my Steinberg e-licenser. Closing SYNSOPOS.exe allows Ableton to save the project, but it also prevents several of my plugins from licensing. So that’s one step closer to a solution.

(Windows Resource Monitor can be used to identify program(s) using or locking your .als file.)


Ableton Forum

Why won’t my song export?

Why won’t my song export?

Post by magicjeff » Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:58 pm

Re: Why won’t my song export?

Post by Tarekith » Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:32 pm

Re: Why won’t my song export?

Post by magicjeff » Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:36 pm

Re: Why won’t my song export?

Post by chrk » Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:46 pm

Scroll down to «The other Selection fields determine the start time and length of the exported material:» and mind the two paragrahps following that.

Re: Why won’t my song export?

Post by magicjeff » Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:11 pm

Re: Why won’t my song export?

Post by chrk » Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:16 pm

but you’ve read that part?

Live happily renders a zero lengh file without complaint, when you’ve specified a rendering lenght of 0/0/0. I just tried it to confirm.

Re: Why won’t my song export?

Post by magicjeff » Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:14 pm

Scroll down to «The other Selection fields determine the start time and length of the exported material:» and mind the two paragrahps following that.

Re: Why won’t my song export?

Post by Stromkraft » Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:40 pm

Scroll down to «The other Selection fields determine the start time and length of the exported material:» and mind the two paragrahps following that.


How to fix Ableton Error Closing File —> Error?

Click here follow the steps to fix Ableton Error Closing File and related errors.

To Fix (Ableton Error Closing File) error you need to follow the steps below:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Compatibility : Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP
Download Size : 6MB
Requirements : 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. To unlock all features and tools, a purchase is required.

Ableton Error Closing File Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system.

If you have Ableton Error Closing File errors then we strongly recommend that you Download (Ableton Error Closing File) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Ableton Error Closing File both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Ableton Error Closing File error code that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2023-01-09 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


What is Ableton Error Closing File error?

The Ableton Error Closing File error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Ableton Error Closing File error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Ableton Error Closing File format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Ableton Error Closing File error?

The Ableton Error Closing File error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly linked information and files needed for the proper working of the application.

How to easily fix Ableton Error Closing File error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Ableton Error Closing File Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry structure.
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)


How to fix corrupted Ableton files on Windows 10

  • The Ableton error Unknown compound stream type can appear if the file is corrupted.
  • To fix There was an error when closing the file issue in Ableton, try restoring a temporary copy.
  • Switching to another audio software is a great choice if Ableton keeps getting into errors.
  • As a last resort, you can reach Ableton support to help you with There was an error when closing the file problem.
  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here) .
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance

  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

There is nothing worse than getting an error message when trying to open your Ableton Live set.

All the hard work you put in seems lost. Your files got corrupted and you can no longer access them. In this case, you need to find out what the issue is.

To avoid these keep your PC clean and up to date. There might be situations in which files can become corrupted due to unexpected events such as a computer crash, power cut, or software bugs.

It’s also recommended to create back-ups of your files regularly. Using cloud-based backup software allows you to access your files remotely and keeps them safe from any hardware failure.

If your Ableton Live files got corrupted, you will see this error message: The document […] is corrupt.

This message is followed by a more specific reason for the file corruption issue, such as: First automation event has invalid time, Track grouping corrupt or Unknown Compound Stream Type.

Other reasons you can meet are: Non-unique list IDs, Invalid Pointee ID, Not well-formed (invalid token), Unexpected node Default Color or Member Track Device of Class PreHearTrackDeviceChain is missing.

How do I fix Ableton Live corrupt files?

1. Re-trigger the file recovery process

Note: Crash.als does not need to be renamed and can be left in the same folder

In some cases, it might be possible to restore a temporary copy of the Project file in one of Ableton Live’s crash report folders. The temporary file is usually an older version of your set that was successfully saved.

If you want to recover your corrupted files, the recovery must be done with the same version of Ableton Live which created the save, and also the same Windows platform.

2. Ask Ableton for support

If the first solution presented in this article doesn’t work, it is recommended that you ask for help from Ableton. The Ableton team will try and fix your Live Set .

You can send the corrupted .als file to Ableton Support . This option doesn’t guarantee a fix but they will try to help you recover your corrupted file as best as possible.

Ableton corrupted files can cause you to lose your precious audio projects, and after working so hard on them, it is a very frustrating problem.

3. Switch to Adobe Audition

If you’ve stuck with Ableton for some time now but the thing keeps crashes and makes you lose your work then, maybe it’s time to consider a switch?

It is a cross-compatible audio editing and recording software, offering a non-destructive mix environment, and other tools for accelerating video production and polishing the audio sounds.

Here are the key features of Adobe Audition:

  • Adaptive Recording inputs
  • Essential sound and categorizing audio in multi-track mode
  • An excellent choice for making podcasts or radio shows
  • Part of the Adobe family means great integration with Premiere Pro and a familiar interface from other programs

In other words, using Audition you have uninterrupted professional audio services that help anyone produce studio soundtracks or effects.

We hope that the solutions presented in this article solved your issue and that now you can go back to creating amazing music in Ableton Live.

Let us know if this fix worked for you in the comment section below.




by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on January 21, 2022

  • The Ableton error Unknown compound stream type can appear if the file is corrupted.
  • To fix There was an error when closing the file issue in Ableton, try restoring a temporary copy.
  • Switching to another audio software is a great choice if Ableton keeps getting into errors.
  • As a last resort, you can reach Ableton support to help you with There was an error when closing the file problem.

fix corrupt ableton files


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

There is nothing worse than getting an error message when trying to open your Ableton Live set.

All the hard work you put in seems lost. Your files got corrupted and you can no longer access them. In this case, you need to find out what the issue is.

To avoid these keep your PC clean and up to date. There might be situations in which files can become corrupted due to unexpected events such as a computer crash, power cut, or software bugs.

It’s also recommended to create back-ups of your files regularly. Using cloud-based backup software allows you to access your files remotely and keeps them safe from any hardware failure.

If your Ableton Live files got corrupted, you will see this error message: The document […] is corrupt.

This message is followed by a more specific reason for the file corruption issue, such as: First automation event has invalid time, Track grouping corrupt or Unknown Compound Stream Type.

Other reasons you can meet are: Non-unique list IDs, Invalid Pointee ID, Not well-formed (invalid token), Unexpected node Default Color or Member Track Device of Class PreHearTrackDeviceChain is missing.

How do I fix Ableton Live corrupt files?

1. Re-trigger the file recovery process

Ableton waves settings - High CPU usage Ableton

  1. Go to the following location, which is normally a hidden folder – C:Users[Username]AppDataRoamingAbletonLive x.x.xPreferencesCrash
  2. In the Crash folder, the files and folders will have the date and time of the crash in their names:
  • 2018_12_12__16_02_35_BaseFiles (this is a folder)
  • 2018_12_12__16_02_35_Crash.als
  • 2018_12_12__16_02_35_CrashRecoveryInfo.cfg
  • 2018_12_12__16_02_35_Undo (this is a folder)
  1. Remove the dates from the file names. After doing so, they will look like this :
  • Basefiles
  • Undo
  • CrashRecoveryInfo.cfg
  1. Drag the 3 files mentioned above into the source Preferences folder and replace the correspondent files.
  2. Now you can start Ableton Live. The file recovery process should be reactivated.

Note: Crash.als does not need to be renamed and can be left in the same folder

In some cases, it might be possible to restore a temporary copy of the Project file in one of Ableton Live’s crash report folders. The temporary file is usually an older version of your set that was successfully saved.

 If you want to recover your corrupted files, the recovery must be done with the same version of Ableton Live which created the save, and also the same Windows platform.

2. Ask Ableton for support

If the first solution presented in this article doesn’t work, it is recommended that you ask for help from Ableton. The Ableton team will try and fix your Live Set.

You can send the corrupted .als file to Ableton Support. This option doesn’t guarantee a fix but they will try to help you recover your corrupted file as best as possible.

Ableton corrupted files can cause you to lose your precious audio projects, and after working so hard on them, it is a very frustrating problem.

3. Switch to Adobe Audition

If you’ve stuck with Ableton for some time now but the thing keeps crashes and makes you lose your work then, maybe it’s time to consider a switch?

It is a cross-compatible audio editing and recording software, offering a non-destructive mix environment, and other tools for accelerating video production and polishing the audio sounds.

Here are the key features of Adobe Audition:

  • Adaptive Recording inputs
  • Essential sound and categorizing audio in multi-track mode
  • An excellent choice for making podcasts or radio shows
  • Part of the Adobe family means great integration with Premiere Pro and a familiar interface from other programs

In other words, using Audition you have uninterrupted professional audio services that help anyone produce studio soundtracks or effects.

Get Adobe Audition

We hope that the solutions presented in this article solved your issue and that now you can go back to creating amazing music in Ableton Live.

Let us know if this fix worked for you in the comment section below.

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  1. Ableton Forum
  2. Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured
  3. Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured
  4. Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured
  5. Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured
  6. Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured
  7. Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured
  8. “There was an error when closing the file” Ableton (Fixed)
  9. 1. Disable Your Antivirus
  10. 2. Clear Ableton’s Temp Cache
  11. On Mac
  12. On Windows
  13. I Can’t Find My Cache Folder
  14. 3. Contact Ableton Support
  15. How Do I Recover Lost Work From A Crash?
  16. Step 1
  17. Step 2
  18. Step 3
  19. Summary
  20. Ableton Forum
  21. a serious programm error has occured live will shut down
  22. a serious programm error has occured live will shut down
  23. Re: a serious programm error has occured live will shut down
  24. Re: a serious programm error has occured live will shut down
  25. Re: a serious programm error has occured live will shut down
  26. Ableton Forum
  27. keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  28. keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  29. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  30. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  31. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  32. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  33. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  34. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  35. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  36. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  37. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?
  38. Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Ableton Forum

Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured

Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured

Post by coreylewis25 » Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:01 pm

I am currently my 40/50th day into the trial. I am moving from logic to ableton and I am due to purchase ableton.

However all of a sudden I keep getting this error?, I have tried to install and reinstall like 10 times now and can’t get anywhere. I have not installed or done anything differently I just loaded my computer after a couple of days and now it’s not working??

I have attached a picture of my ableton folder.

I would appreciate any help please.

Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured

Post by [jur] » Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:16 pm

Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured

Post by jestermgee » Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:33 am

As Jur suggested, sometimes a plugin can cause issues (especially «flaky» plugins) but if that does not fix the issue, try a «preference wipe» of live:

C:Users[YOUR USER]AppDataRoamingAbleton[YOUR LIVE VERSION]

Just rename the folder for your live version to make a backup and this will reset the preferences so you can hopefully launch. A tip to save some time for future, if reinstalling an application does not fix the issue you can usually save yourself the time of trying the exact same thing another 9 times, it probably wont change the outcome.

Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured

Post by coreylewis25 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:05 pm

Hello, Thank you both for your replies. I’ve tried both methods you suggested however, now it won’t open just says creating bug report and leaves a zip file in the Ableton folder. My only problem I have is i set tthe vst2 and vst3 folder set up to C;//program files as all my plug ins seem to have scattered through there, so it’s quite difficult to move them as all my programmes/software is there.

UPDATE!: I have just got into Ableton, turned off vst2 and vst3 folder and I am STILLLLL getting this error?

Re: Ableton Live 11 a serious program error has occured

Post by jestermgee » Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:05 am

Never a good idea to add the full root location because there are many files that cannot be added and some that could create issues with the scanner. The only reason they would be scattered is because you have not paid the required attention on installation and imply clicked Next > Next. You need to set a location then remember to install things correctly. I’d recommend cleaning that side up when you can as that will make things difficult.

Ok, with that preference folder renamed/removed, uninstall Live and then reinstall again.

If you have issues from there, would be the best bet, send the crash log.

But yeah, you really wanna clean up your VST install mess a bit first


“There was an error when closing the file” Ableton (Fixed)

Ableton is a fantastic DAW, and when it works, you can create some incredible music, design some phenomenal sounds, and create stellar live sets for performance, or DJ’ing etc.

However, if you’re reading this, you’re encountering the “there was an error when closing the file”, which means you’re probably feeling frustrated, and want to just get on with your music.

In this article we’re going to show you 3 steps that will help you to fix this error.

Table of Contents

1. Disable Your Antivirus

If you have Avast antivirus on your PC, then this is most likely the reason that you’re running into the annoying error message. It seems to have become an issue with the latest update of the Avast software, causing some problems with Ableton to render audio.

Sometimes antivirus software can prevent programs that the software doesn’t recognise, from writing files to your computer.

This is a safety precaution that needs to be taken, to ensure that you don’t get any nasty viruses on your PC. The Ransomware App is Avast is a common culprit for this Ableton issue.

To disable your antivirus:

Open Avast -> Settings -> Blocked or Allowed Apps -> Remove ableton

2. Clear Ableton’s Temp Cache

Sometimes Ableton’s temp folder can cause issues, and it will bring up the same error message that you’re experiencing. Deleting the temp folder can fix the issue you’re having, so it’s worthwhile doing this if the antivirus trick hasn’t worked for you.

Once you’ve found the cache folder, you can delete all the files inside, and it won’t affect your Ableton from running as usual.

However, please make sure all your projects are collect all & save before doing this, otherwise it could mess up some project settings you have.

On Mac


If you can’t see the Library folder, it’s because these files are hidden on Mac by default. So to get these to show up, all you have to do is hold the option key while finder’s “Go” dropdown menu at the top of a finder window.

As you can see, there’s no option for Library. If you hold your option key, it will show up. Then, you can navigate to the cache folder (using the directory listed above), and then empty the cache.

Please make sure your projects are collect all and save before doing this, as it may cause some issues with project settings that are saved in your cache.

On Windows

C:UsersComputer(Name of your computer)AppDataRoamingAbletonCacheCache
C:UsersComputer(Name of your computer)DocumentsAbletonLive Recordings

You can simply empty the cache, and then open Ableton and try to save your file or arm your track for recording.

Please make sure your projects are collect all & save before doing this!

I Can’t Find My Cache Folder

If you can’t find your temp folder, you can find out where yours is on your computer. The usual places are listed above, but if you have a custom directory (like I do), then luckily you can check where it is in the Ableton preferences pane.

To do this:

  1. Open up Ableton
  2. Open the preferences settings
  3. Navigate to File/Folder
  4. Look for Temporary Folder
  5. What’s listed is where your temp folder is

If none of the above has solved your error message, then you don’t have a common issue, and it could be something specific to your system. We recommend that you contact Ableton support. They will most likely ask for some system file logs, and then they’ll be able to help with your issue.

The “There was an error when closing the file” error is a known error by the Ableton support team, and they’ll be happy to help you with this. So, you might have to wait a bit, but someone can help!

How Do I Recover Lost Work From A Crash?

If your Ableton has crashed during this error message, and you’ve lost some work, it can make your heart drop. We’ve been there, and it’s not fun at all. But don’t worry there’s a way to recover lost files manually if Ableton doesn’t prompt you upon opening.

Here’s how to recover your files in Ableton:

  1. Go to Users[Username]AppDataRoamingAbletonLive x.x.xPreferencesCrash or Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Crash/
  2. Rename the crash files so they have no date
  3. Move the renamed files from Crash -> Live x.x.x
  4. Reopen Ableton Live

Step 1

  1. Go to:
    1. Windows: Users[Username]AppDataRoamingAbletonLive x.x.xPreferencesCrash
    2. Mac: Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Crash/

In this folder, you’ll find the required files that you need to recover a set, and prompt the recovery message to open again.

Step 2

You’ll then want to rename these files so that they have no date, and then drag them out of the crash folder, and into the Live x.x.x folder.

Step 3

Restart Ableton Live and you’ll have the recovery prompt show up again. It will run through the recovery process and bring back your project settings how they were when it last autosaved.


Error messages when you’re trying to make bangers are not ideal. In this article we’ve covered everything you can do to fix this issue. If you’re still having problems, make sure to contact Ableton support about the issue. They will help you fix anything you can’t find a quick fix for on the web.

We hope you found this article useful and it fixed your problem!


Ableton Forum

a serious programm error has occured live will shut down

a serious programm error has occured live will shut down

Post by Prcls » Fri May 28, 2010 11:41 am

I am on Windows 7 64 bit 8gig ram.
Ableton 8.1.3 and lates m4live
Time to time i am not able to open certain live projects anymore with no obvious reason.
That is really strange — worst case scenario you play somewhere and the liveset is corrupt.
Why does this happen. Hasve others experienced the same thing?
any ideas?

Re: a serious programm error has occured live will shut down

Post by Prcls » Fri May 28, 2010 11:46 am

Re: a serious programm error has occured live will shut down

Post by Prcls » Mon May 31, 2010 11:53 pm

Re: a serious programm error has occured live will shut down

Post by MalakitheMostHi » Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:54 am

my computer which is a dell studio xps, same specs as yours does this every 10-15 mintues! i wouldnt attempt to play live with it unfortunately. Ive emailed etc with noooooooo answer. ABLOETON HAS THE WORST SUPPORT IVE SEEN FROM GROCERY STORES TO APARTMENT MANAGERS. LOLOL



Malaki the Most Hi


Ableton Live Suite 8.1.1
Windows 7 64 bit
Dell XPS
Quad Core Intel i7 2.67 Ghz
6 gig ram


Ableton Forum

keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by luxxury » Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:58 am

«A serious program error has occurred.
Live will shut down after this message box is closed.

Please restart Live and follow the instructions in the
‘Report a Crash’ lesson that will appear in Live’s Help View.»

I get this every time I try and open a file. It started this morning, but I was using it fine all day yesterday *(and every day before that for months) and I haven’t added any new VSTs in weeks. All the trouble started today, this morning. While I haven’t explicitly paid attention to the version number I’ve been on recently, I had the autoupdate feature on so I’m assuming it was 9.2.1; and thus I’m wondering if the problems are because of 9.2.2, as I had the autoupdate feature on, and I see 9.2.2 just came out 2 days ago. Though again, I used it all day yesterday with no issues, its likely I haven’t «quit» out in a couple of days, so perhaps when I did last night is when Autoupdate brought me to 9.2.2.

I trashed the preferences and at least can get the program to open but no sessions will open. Is there any where I can download 9.2.1?

P.S. MacBook Pro Retina 15 inch/mid 2014, OS X Yosemite 10.10.3, 2.5 ghz i7, 16 gigs ram

MacBook Pro 16 inch 2021
macOS Monterey 12.0.1, M1 Max 32 GB
Ableton 11.0.12

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by luxxury » Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:31 am

— tried resetting — deleted preferences, template and undo etc — crashed anyway
— removed plug ins and reinstalled one at a time — crashed anyway
— tried importing tracks from within the blank template from an existing session. tried dragging all of them (appx 25) and it crashed. tried again and was able to drag and drop a few at a time — got all the way to the last three then it crashed
— so i tried again, dragging and dropping ONLY those 3 that made it crash before, and this time they worked…but then it crashed when i went in reverse from there, adding the other tracks
— my “_autoupdates” folder says it was modified today 3:33pm which is when the problems started going down so it must be when 9.2.2 automatically installed itself over 9.2.1
— downloaded 9.1.1. now everything works.

MacBook Pro 16 inch 2021
macOS Monterey 12.0.1, M1 Max 32 GB
Ableton 11.0.12

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by Tarekith » Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:49 am

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by Stromkraft » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:01 pm

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by Nauris » Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:15 pm

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by mikb » Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:22 pm

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by Nauris » Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:43 pm

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by mikb » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:03 am

OK, but I certainly don’t have this issue at every update and I commonly use every beta version too. I have had some bouts with instability, but found the solutions for these and applied them. This have included new hardware, re-installation of the OS and of every piece of music software as well as setting up and updating everything. It might be that the problem is with your system. I use Live 9 on OS X 10.9 as well as, to a lesser extent, in Windows 7.

Once you’ve fixed this you need to make sure you make a full backup of a working system, separated from your production backups, so you can get back to it if you later update and encounter issues again.

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by luxxury » Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:00 am

No I wasn’t able to find a link to 9.2.1 anywhere for download, and the only other version I could find on my machine or my backups was 9.1.1 which, happily, worked.

. actually I just launched Ableton by opening a file (as opposed to launching the software first) and it opened in 9.2.0, which I didn;t realize I still had on my machine! Indeed I can’t find it in my apps anywhere but clearly the file is still somewhere on my drive. Anyway the good news is everything works fine in 9.2.0 as well as 9.1.1, it’s just 9.2.2 that’s bad news. Also I just got a link from Ableton support to download 9.2.1, I’ll try that later when my internet connection is fast enough to DL it but for now I’m just happy my stuff works, and am definitely not going to use auto update (or 9.2.2) anymore!

MacBook Pro 16 inch 2021
macOS Monterey 12.0.1, M1 Max 32 GB
Ableton 11.0.12

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by Stromkraft » Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:03 am

Yes, that approach, manual updates, has proven to be very fruitful for many. Usually updates go by like a breeze but once in a while you hit on something.
I think I’ve made a request to Ableton support to make it possible to regret an update and go back. One way to do that is to make sure you keep the previous installation on your drive. This is easy on OS X at least as you just make a copy and rename it by adding its version number. Otherwise just keep the installation image around. I always keep the previous version for a few weeks. Though keeping multiple versions around is something Ableton themselves for some reason dissuade from, I feel the extra control makes this worthwhile. Personally I always have at least 2 versions on my disk, the current and the beta.

I control all network connections including automatic updates with Little Snitch, a shareware application. If you do think it’s convenient with auto-updates this allows you to exercise some control over when the update happen.

One strong example on why to turn off automatic updates!:

Imagine you are going to play a gig. While you’re preparing in the studio Live is updated as you have automatic updates active. You unknowingly go to the gig and mid-gig you encounter a problem you have never had before, because of a bug in the new version, an incompatibility with one of your plug-ins or anything else that could be a fact or little detail that you missed. Embarrassing?

This could be any other important event. The alternative is to never let that happen and do updates manually at times when you can encounter problems and tackle them. Time is the essence. You always make a better choice than what Ableton can when is the best time to update.

Re: keep getting «Serious program error» crashes; is it 9.2.2?

Post by Nauris » Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:55 am

No I wasn’t able to find a link to 9.2.1 anywhere for download, and the only other version I could find on my machine or my backups was 9.1.1 which, happily, worked.

. actually I just launched Ableton by opening a file (as opposed to launching the software first) and it opened in 9.2.0, which I didn;t realize I still had on my machine! Indeed I can’t find it in my apps anywhere but clearly the file is still somewhere on my drive. Anyway the good news is everything works fine in 9.2.0 as well as 9.1.1, it’s just 9.2.2 that’s bad news. Also I just got a link from Ableton support to download 9.2.1, I’ll try that later when my internet connection is fast enough to DL it but for now I’m just happy my stuff works, and am definitely not going to use auto update (or 9.2.2) anymore!


  1. brianbrook


    Sep 18, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Can’t find a fix for this error, it will crash a WAV export but FLAC and AIFF are OK once I get past the error, it’s just annoying and I tried Admin, Re-install from ISO, earlier versions of Live and the weird thing is I never had this error before I had to re-install W10 this week?

    Attached Files:

    • Capture.PNG

  2. metaller


    May 28, 2016
    Likes Received:

    Maybe the problem is with the project. Make sure you are not clipping.

  3. Blue


    Sep 6, 2015
    Likes Received:

    Maybe a recorded file missing in your «documents/Ableton/etc…» folder,if you reinstalled your OS?
    Maybe try to «collect All and save» first?..

  4. Daskeladden

    Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
    Likes Received:

    I just tried to export a little project to Wav, no problem. Windows 10 Ableton 10.0.3. I have Ableton.Live.Suite.v10.0.3.Incl.Patched.and.Keygen-R2R installed, so if you have that other that is not R2R maybe try R2R version

  5. brianbrook


    Sep 18, 2017
    Likes Received:

    It’s an R2R and the OS and install of Ableton are both new so no projects have even been saved, AFAIK it’s not closing a file in temp recording causing the error, here’s all I could find about it:

    «There was an error when closing the file» (Win)

    • Live Versions: Live 9 — 10
    • Operating System: Windows

    Live Projects stored in a shared network folder or Dropbox folder can’t be saved and an error message reads that this file couldn’t be closed:


    The instant syncing prevents the correct saving (overwriting) of the Live Set (.als file). Dropbox syncing can be paused temporarily and the Live Set could be overwritten in the Dropbox folder. Later, the syncing can be resumed and the changed files get properly uploaded.

    This error appears on Windows computers only when saving (overwriting) an already existing Live Set (.als file). If you don’t want to pause syncing but need instant uploading, e.g. when backing up critical projects, just use Save Live Set As… from the File menu and save your changes with a new file name, instead of overwriting the existing document

Ableton Forum

ableton crashes on start up

ableton crashes on start up

Post by tommo567 » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:51 am

A serious program error has occurred.
Live will shut down after this message box is closed.

Please restart Live and follow the instructions in the
‘Report a Crash’ lesson that will appear in Live’s Help View.
i get this message when i try open ableton
ive deleted every thing plugins the lot and reloaded it but still its happening
im a man on the edge

Re: ableton crashes on start up

Post by Stromkraft » Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:09 am

tommo567 wrote: A serious program error has occurred.
Live will shut down after this message box is closed.

Please restart Live and follow the instructions in the
‘Report a Crash’ lesson that will appear in Live’s Help View.
i get this message when i try open ableton
ive deleted every thing plugins the lot and reloaded it but still its happening
im a man on the edge

Live version?
OS version?
Any controllers connected?
You got a start up template? What’s in it?

I’d try deleting the preferences file to reset things and if that didn’t work I’d clean out Live and reinstall it. You can just leave the Factory Packs is though most of the time, s I’d chance on that not being a factor.

Re: ableton crashes on start up

Post by 4sR » Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:34 pm

Re: ableton crashes on start up

Post by tintala » Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:03 pm

this is now happening to me, cannot get live to start up. I do not have 32 bit plugins, and after updating maschine, it somehow screwed up all my libraries, now some vst cannot see their respective libraries. I didnt do anything to prompt this.

i7 core
32 gb
Live 9.6.2

Re: ableton crashes on start up

Post by 4sR » Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:06 pm

try creating a zip. probably results in error message.
apple doing funny things to our computers.

probably has sth to do with SIP (System Integrity Protection)

try this. worked for me (both ableton live + zip archives)
(have not tried step 6-9 to turn this SIP on again. )

1) Reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode by restarting your computer and holding down Command+R until the Apple logo appears on your screen.
2) Click Utilities > Terminal.
3) In the Terminal window, type in ‘csrutil disable’ and press Enter.
4) Restart your Mac.
5) If error message gone, success!
6) Reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode by restarting your computer and holding down Command+R until the Apple logo appears on your screen.
7) Click Utilities > Terminal.
8 ) In the Terminal window, type in ‘csrutil enable’ and press Enter.
9) Restart Mac


Как исправить поврежденные файлы Ableton в Windows 10

Нет ничего хуже, чем получить сообщение об ошибке при попытке открыть Live-набор Ableton . Вся тяжелая работа, которую вы вкладываете, кажется, потеряна. Ваши файлы были повреждены, и вы больше не можете получить к ним доступ. В этом случае вам необходимо выяснить, в чем проблема.

Лучший способ избежать таких ситуаций – поддерживать систему в чистоте и обновляться. Даже если вы сделаете это, могут быть ситуации, в которых файлы могут быть повреждены из-за непредвиденных событий, таких как сбой компьютера, отключение питания, ошибки программного обеспечения и т. Д.

Также рекомендуется регулярно создавать резервные копии ваших файлов. Наиболее эффективный способ сделать это – использовать облачное программное обеспечение для резервного копирования. Это позволяет удаленно обращаться к файлам и защищает их от любых сбоев оборудования.

Если ваши файлы Ableton Live были повреждены, вы увидите следующее сообщение об ошибке: « Документ […] поврежден.

Это сообщение сопровождается более конкретными причинами проблемы повреждения файлов, такими как:

  • Первое событие автоматизации имеет недопустимое время
  • Трек группировки поврежден
  • Неуникальные идентификаторы списка
  • Неизвестный составной тип потока
  • Неверный идентификатор Pointee
  • Не правильно сформирован (неверный токен)
  • Неожиданный узел «Цвет по умолчанию»
  • Член «Отслеживание устройства» класса PreHearTrackDeviceChain отсутствует

Шаги по исправлению поврежденных файлов Ableton Live

Решение 1. Перезапустите процесс восстановления файла.

В некоторых случаях может оказаться возможным восстановить временную копию файла Project в одной из папок отчетов о сбоях Ableton Live. Временный файл обычно представляет собой более старую версию вашего набора, которая была успешно сохранена.

Важное примечание . Если вы хотите восстановить поврежденные файлы, восстановление необходимо выполнить с той же версией Ableton Live, которая создала сохранение, а также с той же платформой Windows.

Чтобы повторно запустить процесс восстановления файла, пожалуйста, следуйте этим инструкциям:

  1. Перейдите в следующую папку, которая обычно является скрытой папкой – C: Пользователи [Имя пользователя] AppDataRoamingAbletonLive x.x.xPreferencesCrash. Если вам нужна информация о том, как просмотреть скрытые папки на вашем компьютере, перейдите на страницу поддержки Ableton.
  2. В папке Crash файлы и папки будут иметь дату и время сбоя в своих именах:
  • «2018_12_12__16_02_35_BaseFiles» (это папка)
  • «2018_12_12__16_02_35_Crash.als»
  • «2018_12_12__16_02_35_CrashRecoveryInfo.cfg»
  • «2018_12_12__16_02_35_Undo» (это папка)
  1. Удалить даты из имен файлов. После этого они будут выглядеть так:
  • Basefiles
  • расстегивать
  • CrashRecoveryInfo.cfg

Примечание. Crash.als не нужно переименовывать, его можно оставить в той же папке.

  1. Перетащите 3 файла, упомянутых выше, в исходную папку настроек и замените соответствующие файлы.
  2. Теперь вы можете запустить Ableton Live. Процесс восстановления файла должен быть возобновлен.
  • СВЯЗАННЫЕ: Как исправить поврежденные файлы .docx в Windows 10

Решение 2 – обратиться за помощью в Ableton

Если первое решение, представленное в этой статье, не работает, рекомендуется обратиться за помощью к Ableton . Команда Ableton попытается исправить ваш Live Set.

Вы можете отправить поврежденный файл «.als» в службу поддержки Ableton. Эта опция не гарантирует исправления, но они постараются помочь вам восстановить поврежденный файл как можно лучше.

Поврежденные файлы Ableton могут привести к потере драгоценных аудиопроектов, и после такой напряженной работы над ними это очень неприятная проблема.

Мы надеемся, что решения, представленные в этой статье, решили вашу проблему и теперь вы можете вернуться к созданию потрясающей музыки в Ableton Live.

Сообщите нам, работает ли это исправление в разделе комментариев ниже.


Ableton Forum

Project from Mac OS to Windows — Live 10.1 — A serious error has occured

Project from Mac OS to Windows — Live 10.1 — A serious error has occured

Post by anthony-deloeuvre » Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:22 am

I hope someone can help me with this.

Audio is playing for a moment and randomly the song stop, the audio is looping with a weird sound, then a pop up appear saying that » A serious program error has occured . «

It happens every time randomly after few minutes playing audio.

Any idea would be appreciated !

My specs :
i5 6600
16 Go Ram
Windows 10

Motu 828ES USB
Audio in 44.1K

Live 10.1 & Push 1
Plug VST 2 only with legit licences
In this project : Omnisphere, Analog Lab, Valhalla room and shimmer, Soundtoys Little plate & Decapitator

Re: Cannot work anymore — Live 10.1 — A serious error has occured

Post by [jur] » Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:56 am

Re: Cannot work anymore — Live 10.1 — A serious error has occured

Post by jestermgee » Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:58 am

Does it happen with any project or just a certain one?

First thing would be to contact support and ask if they can help with what is causing the issue. They can often tell you what device is causing the crash.

Second thing you could do is if it happens on cue and you can recreate the issue, methodically remove one device and test again. Then ensure that device is up to date

If it happens with any project and the plugins differ between projects then it could be your audio interface or drivers. First thing I would test is try a diferent USB port, then try reinstall the drivers (if possible) and finally, test with a different software package if possible or at least create a completely empty project with no effects and start with just an audio clip for a while then try a synth then keep adding stuff.

I’ve had similar issues in the past, one problem case was caused by Eventide Reverb plugin that was crashing Live for some reason after Live was updated but a few users must have had the issue and Eventide released an update after a month but Ableton support was the ones that told me what the issue was after sending a crash report so that’s always worth the benefit of having a licensed version of Live.

Re: Cannot work anymore — Live 10.1 — A serious error has occured

Post by anthony-deloeuvre » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:11 pm

Thank you for your answer jestermgee.

I think my issue is solved beause I was unable to reproduce the error after doing this :

— To understand, I looked inside windows logs to see if there was more info, and I saw that my motu pro audio Asio driver was involved. So I tried to use an older version of the driver, but the crash happened again.

— Then I tried to figure out if the problem was only with this particular project, and I was unable to reproduce the problem with an other project.

— So I came back to my project, and started to freeze tracks with virtual Instruments and replace them by audio. I did it for multiple instance of omnisphere, but it crashed again, and then I did it for multiple instance of analog lab 4, and found one instance that was completely bugged, with a non-sense UI, and my licence appeared to be off . weird. But I couldn’t see the patch name I used, and didn’t want to loose its, so I tried to freeze the track, it worked, I replaced it with audio, and then I was unable to reproduce the problem.

-> The project has been created on a hackintosh, that could be part of the problem that I forgot to say .


How to fix corrupted Ableton files on Windows 10

  • The Ableton error Unknown compound stream type can appear if the file is corrupted.
  • To fix There was an error when closing the file issue in Ableton, try restoring a temporary copy.
  • Switching to another audio software is a great choice if Ableton keeps getting into errors.
  • As a last resort, you can reach Ableton support to help you with There was an error when closing the file problem.
  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here) .
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance

  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

There is nothing worse than getting an error message when trying to open your Ableton Live set.

All the hard work you put in seems lost. Your files got corrupted and you can no longer access them. In this case, you need to find out what the issue is.

To avoid these keep your PC clean and up to date. There might be situations in which files can become corrupted due to unexpected events such as a computer crash, power cut, or software bugs.

It’s also recommended to create back-ups of your files regularly. Using cloud-based backup software allows you to access your files remotely and keeps them safe from any hardware failure.

If your Ableton Live files got corrupted, you will see this error message: The document […] is corrupt.

This message is followed by a more specific reason for the file corruption issue, such as: First automation event has invalid time, Track grouping corrupt or Unknown Compound Stream Type.

Other reasons you can meet are: Non-unique list IDs, Invalid Pointee ID, Not well-formed (invalid token), Unexpected node Default Color or Member Track Device of Class PreHearTrackDeviceChain is missing.

How do I fix Ableton Live corrupt files?

1. Re-trigger the file recovery process

Note: Crash.als does not need to be renamed and can be left in the same folder

In some cases, it might be possible to restore a temporary copy of the Project file in one of Ableton Live’s crash report folders. The temporary file is usually an older version of your set that was successfully saved.

If you want to recover your corrupted files, the recovery must be done with the same version of Ableton Live which created the save, and also the same Windows platform.

2. Ask Ableton for support

If the first solution presented in this article doesn’t work, it is recommended that you ask for help from Ableton. The Ableton team will try and fix your Live Set .

You can send the corrupted .als file to Ableton Support . This option doesn’t guarantee a fix but they will try to help you recover your corrupted file as best as possible.

Ableton corrupted files can cause you to lose your precious audio projects, and after working so hard on them, it is a very frustrating problem.

3. Switch to Adobe Audition

If you’ve stuck with Ableton for some time now but the thing keeps crashes and makes you lose your work then, maybe it’s time to consider a switch?

It is a cross-compatible audio editing and recording software, offering a non-destructive mix environment, and other tools for accelerating video production and polishing the audio sounds.

Here are the key features of Adobe Audition:

  • Adaptive Recording inputs
  • Essential sound and categorizing audio in multi-track mode
  • An excellent choice for making podcasts or radio shows
  • Part of the Adobe family means great integration with Premiere Pro and a familiar interface from other programs

In other words, using Audition you have uninterrupted professional audio services that help anyone produce studio soundtracks or effects.

We hope that the solutions presented in this article solved your issue and that now you can go back to creating amazing music in Ableton Live.

Let us know if this fix worked for you in the comment section below.


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