There was an error while performing this operation web config

I have a website in IIS for which I cannot open any of the settings like Authentication, Handler Mappings, Authorization Rules etc. It just shows the error message "There was an error while perform...

I have a website in IIS for which I cannot open any of the settings like Authentication, Handler Mappings, Authorization Rules etc. It just shows the error message «There was an error while performing this operation», with no more details and points to web.config.

Browsing the website results in a 500.19 error.

I tried adding iis_iusrs to the website folder and web.config, changing the app pool identity giving access to same on web.config/website folder security settings, verified target framework, iisreset/app pool recycles to no avail.

John Saunders's user avatar

John Saunders

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asked Mar 5, 2014 at 13:38

Anupam Yadav's user avatar

Anupam YadavAnupam Yadav

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It turned out the website was using URL rewrite module which i was missing.

Downloaded web platform installer from MS and installed URL rewrite module.

Wish IIS errors were more informative than just «There was an error…»

answered Mar 5, 2014 at 14:04

Anupam Yadav's user avatar

Anupam YadavAnupam Yadav

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It turned out the website was using URL rewrite module which i was missing.

This wasn’t my problem and it was. I already had URL Rewriter installed, but after a Windows 10 upgrade IIS wasn’t aware of it. A simple repair on Control Panel => Programs and Features => IIS URL Rewrite Module 2 and it was working again.

answered Oct 21, 2016 at 14:05

Tod's user avatar


1,90920 silver badges26 bronze badges


I had this issue lately , the solution for me was installing :
ASP.NET Core/.NET Core: Runtime & Hosting Bundle.
You can find it here.

Also before installing it , make sure your wwwroot security permissions is set to allow both iis_iusrs and iusr to have Read, Write and Execute permissions.

answered Jul 25, 2019 at 8:01

Abdulraqeeb M.'s user avatar


Similar to the marked solution here, I had the same problem and again it was a missing IIS module, but this time it was the Application Initialization Module that was required, not URLRewrite. installing via the Web Platform Installer or fixed the problem.

Steps I took to debug this though was to section by section go through my web config removing each section and attempting to load the site and/or let IIS parse the config. When I removed the section pertaining to initialization optimisation this fixed the issue and I immediately remembered that this dependency was added a fair while ago.

Echo the sentiments though that this really needs better error messages!!!

answered Aug 17, 2016 at 12:26

LDJ's user avatar


6,7468 gold badges50 silver badges85 bronze badges

same here
also IUSR was missing from anonymous authentication credentials.

If the .net core Hosting Bundle is installed before IIS, the bundle installation must be repaired. Run the Hosting Bundle installer again after installing IIS.

answered Jul 12, 2021 at 14:39

holder's user avatar


works 100% ****check any urls are there inside <appSetting></appSetting>, try to comment these unknown urls

 <!-- <add key="ErrorLogWebApi" value="" />-->

and also comment <rewrite></rewrite> tag completely

now you try

answered Jun 11, 2019 at 9:25

Sagar M's user avatar

Sagar MSagar M

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  1. I just double click on the Application that have the error and
  2. change the version of the .NET Framework and
  3. then change it back to the original version and
  4. recycled the App Pools.


The application has .NET Framework v4.0.30319 and I changed it to .NET Framework v2.0.50727 then the Status was turn into Stop, then I double click back and change to .NET Framework v4 and then right click recycle and recycled it.

davejal's user avatar


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answered Nov 19, 2015 at 3:13

user5579363's user avatar


Same error message, but my C: had run out of disk space.

answered Sep 7, 2017 at 13:46

Stumblor's user avatar


1,1088 silver badges16 bronze badges

I have a website in IIS for which I cannot open any of the settings like Authentication, Handler Mappings, Authorization Rules etc. It just shows the error message «There was an error while performing this operation», with no more details and points to web.config.

Browsing the website results in a 500.19 error.

I tried adding iis_iusrs to the website folder and web.config, changing the app pool identity giving access to same on web.config/website folder security settings, verified target framework, iisreset/app pool recycles to no avail.

John Saunders's user avatar

John Saunders

160k26 gold badges240 silver badges393 bronze badges

asked Mar 5, 2014 at 13:38

Anupam Yadav's user avatar

Anupam YadavAnupam Yadav

4,2334 gold badges19 silver badges20 bronze badges

It turned out the website was using URL rewrite module which i was missing.

Downloaded web platform installer from MS and installed URL rewrite module.

Wish IIS errors were more informative than just «There was an error…»

answered Mar 5, 2014 at 14:04

Anupam Yadav's user avatar

Anupam YadavAnupam Yadav

4,2334 gold badges19 silver badges20 bronze badges


It turned out the website was using URL rewrite module which i was missing.

This wasn’t my problem and it was. I already had URL Rewriter installed, but after a Windows 10 upgrade IIS wasn’t aware of it. A simple repair on Control Panel => Programs and Features => IIS URL Rewrite Module 2 and it was working again.

answered Oct 21, 2016 at 14:05

Tod's user avatar


1,90920 silver badges26 bronze badges


I had this issue lately , the solution for me was installing :
ASP.NET Core/.NET Core: Runtime & Hosting Bundle.
You can find it here.

Also before installing it , make sure your wwwroot security permissions is set to allow both iis_iusrs and iusr to have Read, Write and Execute permissions.

answered Jul 25, 2019 at 8:01

Abdulraqeeb M.'s user avatar


Similar to the marked solution here, I had the same problem and again it was a missing IIS module, but this time it was the Application Initialization Module that was required, not URLRewrite. installing via the Web Platform Installer or fixed the problem.

Steps I took to debug this though was to section by section go through my web config removing each section and attempting to load the site and/or let IIS parse the config. When I removed the section pertaining to initialization optimisation this fixed the issue and I immediately remembered that this dependency was added a fair while ago.

Echo the sentiments though that this really needs better error messages!!!

answered Aug 17, 2016 at 12:26

LDJ's user avatar


6,7468 gold badges50 silver badges85 bronze badges

same here
also IUSR was missing from anonymous authentication credentials.

If the .net core Hosting Bundle is installed before IIS, the bundle installation must be repaired. Run the Hosting Bundle installer again after installing IIS.

answered Jul 12, 2021 at 14:39

holder's user avatar


works 100% ****check any urls are there inside <appSetting></appSetting>, try to comment these unknown urls

 <!-- <add key="ErrorLogWebApi" value="" />-->

and also comment <rewrite></rewrite> tag completely

now you try

answered Jun 11, 2019 at 9:25

Sagar M's user avatar

Sagar MSagar M

1,07811 silver badges10 bronze badges


  1. I just double click on the Application that have the error and
  2. change the version of the .NET Framework and
  3. then change it back to the original version and
  4. recycled the App Pools.


The application has .NET Framework v4.0.30319 and I changed it to .NET Framework v2.0.50727 then the Status was turn into Stop, then I double click back and change to .NET Framework v4 and then right click recycle and recycled it.

davejal's user avatar


5,91910 gold badges39 silver badges82 bronze badges

answered Nov 19, 2015 at 3:13

user5579363's user avatar


Same error message, but my C: had run out of disk space.

answered Sep 7, 2017 at 13:46

Stumblor's user avatar


1,1088 silver badges16 bronze badges


  1. My Views
  2. Initiate Technology…!!
  3. There was an error while performing this operation IIS 7.5
  4. There was an error while performing this operation web config
  5. Answered by:
  6. Question
  7. Answers
  8. All replies
  9. Prevent settings to be overridden by web.config (HTTP Error 500.19)
  10. HTTP Error 500.19
  11. Choose which configuration files can override settings
  12. Prevent machine.config to be overridden
  13. Error “Absolute physical path is not allowed”
  14. There was an error while performing this operation web config
  15. Asked by:
  16. Question
  17. All replies

My Views

Initiate Technology…!!

There was an error while performing this operation IIS 7.5

Faced one new issue while shifting websites from one IDC to AMAZON cloud, I have configured websites as generally we configure and set the application pool also

When I was trying to open any feature from feature panel of that website it was giving error

There was an error while performing this operation in IIS 7.5

The error message was blank so it was very difficult task to identify the error as nothing was getting on net also.

Checked permissions and found permissions were as required so tried to browse the website but here also it was showing below error from which we couldn’t get the exact cause of error

There was no option for getting the exact error code / message which will help to troubleshoot , followed below steps to identify the cause

  • Opened Web.config and started removing tags one by one like removed ,
  • Still same error
  • Removed custom error tag
  • Still same error
  • Removed
  • Error gone away and website started browsing

After checking for the tag details came to know it is for Optimizing Application Initialization Module for IIS and for make website running along with the tag inside web.config we need to install

Application Initialization Module for IIS 7.5 extension on Server


There was an error while performing this operation web config

Answered by:


Hi I’m getting an error when trying to access a website with standard install of Filemaker Server 13.

I’m on Server 2012. The error message comes up when trying to access any of the panels in IIS.

‘There was an error performing the operation’

Details: Filename \?C:Program FilesSome Pathweb.config

The Error is blank which isn’t very helpful. I have added IIUSR permissions to webconfig.

Going to localhost gives me an additional error code of: 0x8007000d

However the Config Source just says:

So again, that is really unhelpful.

I’ve done a full re-install of IIS including URL Rewrite so I am not sure where to go from here. any suggestions?


I didn’t manage to fix this other than by installing a brand new version of Server 2012, IIS and FMServer 13 and then everything worked just fine.

Have you tried enabling Failed Request Tracing on the site to see if it gives you any additional hints? Additionally you may want to try reproducing the error while running Process Monitor on the server. That is especially helpful if there is a file access or permissions issue.

Thanks for taking the time to reply Rick.

I can’t enable the Failed Request Tracing as it gives me the error when I click on the icon and then says ‘could not retrieve failed request tracing entries’.

I have installed Process Monitor, but I’m a bit blown away by the detail and not sure what to look for!

Here’s a screenshot of the ‘blank’ error message:

There is a guy who had the same problem here but I have URLRewrite 2.0 installed and I can remove the tags and restart the website, but it doesn’t solve the problem.

That error that you gave a screenshot of is a lot more helpful. First of all, make a backup copy of the web.config at the location that the error gives. Then start removing sections of the web.config one at a time until the page will load. That will help you narrow down which section is causing the error. The link you provided was for someone who was having an issue with the section but it sounds like you are having an issue with a different section that IIS doesn’t like.

Rick, good point — I’m getting tired and not thinking straight. I had renamed the web.config file to webx.config and that gets the server working, but not taken things out section by section / line by line. Just done that quickly — it’s late over here!

The problem is that you have to take out the whole of the section including all the below — which is the whole point of the web.config file to get it to stop returning the error.

Taking out one rule at a time or e.g. the or the doesn’t help — nor does playing around with the syntax. That whole section has to go. Which I think points to something bigger missing in the IIS installation.

Also this was working a week ago, I think until we applied an OpenSSL patch for the heartbleed bug. This was a patch for Filemaker Server 13 but my confusion is that I’ve wiped the whole installation of Filemaker 13 and reinstalled it along with IIS and haven’t installed that patch again, so I should have been left with a clean install as I had previously.


Prevent settings to be overridden by web.config (HTTP Error 500.19)

Two attributes come handy when you need to enforce settings in your hosting environment: overrideModeDefault and allowDefinition . Trying to override settings when these attributes are used may cause users to see HTTP Error 500.19.

Let’s say you don’t want anybody to change the default document. Use overrideModeDefault attribute in the applicationHost.config as the example below.

Looking for a way to ignore web.config files in application subfolders? Check this post out.

HTTP Error 500.19

If an application owner tries to set the default document in a web.config file, this error message will appear:

HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault=”Deny”), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode=”Deny” or the legacy allowOverride=”false”.

In this case, if you try to change the default document via IIS Manager, you will receive this error message:

There was an error while performing this operation.
This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault=”Deny”), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode=”Deny” or the legacy allowOverride=”false”.

Choose which configuration files can override settings

If you want to specify which configuration file can edit which tags, use
allowDefinition attribute.

For example, let’s say you want to allow server-level configuration and deny application-level configuration. In your applicationHost.config file:

When an application owner tries to set the default document in a web.config file, the error message below will appear.

Configuration section can only be set in machine.config or root web.config

The reason behind is that we specified MachineToWebRoot in allowDefinition attribute. It means that only machine.config , applicationHost.config , and root web.config file (the one in the same folder as machine.config ) can override this setting.

Here are other values you can use with allowDefinition attribute (Source):

“Everywhere” The section can be defined in any configuration level. The default value.
“MachineToApplication” The section can be defined in the Machine.config or ApplicationHost.config file.
“MachineOnly” The section can be defined only in the Machine.config file.
“MachineToWebRoot” The section can be defined in the Machine.config, ApplicationHost.config, or Web.config file. The Web.config file is stored in the Web site root.
“AppHostOnly” The section can be defined only in the ApplicationHost.config file.

Prevent machine.config to be overridden

For preventing machine.config settings to be overridden by child web.config files, you can use location tag with overrideMode attribute. For example:

Please note that the changes in the machine.config affect all the applications in the web server. So that make sure to test changes in development environment first.

Error “Absolute physical path is not allowed”

One of the error messages 500.19 status code is associated is this: “Absolute physical path is not allowed in system.webServer/httpErrors section in web.config flie. Use relative path instead”. Error code: 0x8007000d

This error is expected when there is an in-place upgrade from 2008 R2 to 2012 R2 because absolute paths are not supported in 2012 R2 and newer versions by default.

In order to solve this error, add allowAbsolutePathsWhenDelegated=”true” to httpErrors section in the applicationHost.config file:

Make sure to reset IIS and test the website after this change.


There was an error while performing this operation web config

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Asked by:


When I click on Authentication in my Exchange, Exchangeweb, & Public virtual directories I get the above error. I don’t get it on any of the other directories in iis7. How do I fix it?

Complete Error is

There was an error while performing this operation.

Filename: \?C:Program filesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14ClientAccessowaweb.config

Error: Configuration section not allowed to be set below application

Me too. Any ideas on a fix/workaround?

Can I delete web.config safely? (generate new?)

EDIT — Well, I renamed web.config to web.config.nul and this seems to have fixed the problem.

How is the file used? I cannot see any problems as a result of this action yet.

OK, so there is a problem
Runtime Error in «/owa» application.

I know the authentication parameters are correct — they are visible when web.config is nulled. But the client OWA web page does not render.

Is this a known issue?
Does anyone have any more info?

You may try the following.


1. Make sure you take backup of IIS7.

2. Goto IIS Manager

3. Right Click on the Virtual Directory ( Ex. «Exchange,» «Exchweb» and «Public») and Choose «Convert to application».

4. Goto Command Prompt

Ref to:

Configuration section not allowed to be set below application

Sathish Kumar Elango | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging |

OK, so there is a problem
Runtime Error in «/owa» application.

I know the authentication parameters are correct — they are visible when web.config is nulled. But the client OWA web page does not render.

Is this a known issue?
Does anyone have any more info?

Well, this post is from back in March, so hopefully you’ve figured it out by now. But if someone is searching for this same problem here’s what likely happened.



Я размещаю веб-сайт в IIS 7. Когда я дважды щелкаю значок “Идентификация”, я получаю следующую ошибку:


Это текст ошибки:

There was an error while performing this operation.

Filename: \xxxxxxxxweb.config
Line number: xx
Error: Unrecognized attribute 'ticketCompatibilityMode'

Когда я отслеживаю линию, я вижу

<forms cookieless="UseCookies" name=".ASPXAUTH" timeout="2160" domain=""
loginUrl="~/Authenticate/Logon" enableCrossAppRedirects="true"
slidingExpiration="true" ticketCompatibilityMode="Framework40"
requireSSL="false" />

Есть идеи? Я уже установил ASP.NET и все компоненты аутентификации для IIS. Нужно ли еще что-то устанавливать?

Лучший ответ:

Убедитесь, что атрибут хорошо расположен в файле webconfig:

  <authentication mode="Forms"> 
    <forms ticketCompatibilityMode="Framework40">

Кроме того, что такое сервер, на котором вы пытаетесь установить это? Убедитесь, что он включен в список поддерживаемых платформ для этой функции:

Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core Role not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core Role supported with SP1 or later; Itanium not supported)

Проверьте эту страницу для получения дополнительной информации.

Наконец, если вам не нужна эта функция, вы можете просто удалить ее из файла web.config. Несмотря на то, что это не является правильным решением вашей проблемы, это заставит его уйти.

Ответ №1

Я видел эту ошибку, потому что ASP.NET был установлен неправильно в IIS. Я не знаю, как это произошло, но было исправлено:

 %windir%Microsoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Более подробную информацию об инструменте регистрации IIS см. В MSDN

Ответ №2

fck этот проект. больше не работая над этим. похоже, что IIS на этой виртуальной машине отсутствует некоторые компоненты

Ответ №3

Нашел этот ответ, в то время как Гуглинг. Затем нашел следующее:

Переключатель конфигурации TicketCompatibilityMode больше не поддерживается

Поскольку обновление безопасности 2638420 изменяет формат бланков проверки подлинности форм, переключатель конфигурации больше не поддерживается, если установлено и включено обновление безопасности 2638420.

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