This page contains the following errors error on line 1 at column 1 encoding error

I'm not sure, but when I use *.svgz (compressed svg files) I get the following error: This page contains the following errors: error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error Below is a rendering o...

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rhhamburg opened this issue

Jan 27, 2014



*.svgz files not supported?


rhhamburg opened this issue

Jan 27, 2014




I’m not sure, but when I use *.svgz (compressed svg files) I get the following error:

This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

*.svg files work.

On Apache I must add the following line in the .htaccess file to work with .svgz files:

AddType image/svg+xml      svg svgz
AddEncoding gzip               svgz

Is there a similar function in express or support express it principle not?


There is not enough info in this issue for us to meaningfully help you. Please provide some js code showing what you are trying to do and the steps you are taking to see the failure. I suggest asking this question on stackoverflow or similar as it is not an issue.


@Fishrock123 might know stuff about compression. i’m not exactly sure what this question means though o.O


What is happening is AddEncoding gzip svgz is making Apache automatically unzip the gzip’d file, and serve it up. Without that, express is serving up the gzip’s svg from disk, which is not a valid svg file.


node-mime Correctly-incorrectly thinks that .svgz are svg files. Which is true, but they are not raw svg files.

(Well, correctly — the content-type is right, but without having an encoding mapping, it will cause exceptions like this.)


I’m pretty sure the issue comes down to us implying encoding from the mime type, or from nothing (defaulting).

Perhaps a module like node-mime, but for file encodings would be a good idea?

@rhhamburg For now, please use unzipped .svg files and run connect’s compression middleware.



Glad everyone else said something more helpful!


I solved with:

app.get(/.svgz/, function(req, res, next) {
  res.set({'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'});



@codef0rmer Thank you! so cool.

I solved with:

app.get(/.svgz/, function(req, res, next) {
res.set({‘Content-Encoding’: ‘gzip’});


I can confirm the problem two years after the original issue submission, how is that possible? Using expressjs 4.13.4.


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10-02-2013, 06:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 06:29 PM by webmaster.)

Hello MHH members,
I have Problem in Peugeot Service box ELECTRICAL DRAWING FOR DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR (SEDRE) 4.2.0

Synopsis and Wiring are not showing up in Internet Explorer and nothing appears in the page.
Only Principle is working.

If i open SEDRE using Chrome and then go to synopsis or wiring, I got this error:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

Opening with Firefox I got this:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Line Number 1, Column 1:

Any new news for this SEDRE problem: PROBLEM CONNECTING TO CORVET?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards.

[Image: mhhsig.gif]


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10-03-2013, 07:28 AM


Best Internet Explorer is 8 for peugeot. If you did update to Internet Explorer, uninstall them.

You can still try to function «compatility view».

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11-22-2013, 06:26 PM

In order to view the images, can use maxthon could browser are displayed without any problems is freewere

(10-02-2013, 06:25 PM)webmaster Wrote: Hello MHH members,
I have Problem in Peugeot Service box ELECTRICAL DRAWING FOR DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR (SEDRE) 4.2.0

Synopsis and Wiring are not showing up in Internet Explorer and nothing appears in the page.
Only Principle is working.

If i open SEDRE using Chrome and then go to synopsis or wiring, I got this error:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

Opening with Firefox I got this:
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Line Number 1, Column 1:

Any new news for this SEDRE problem: PROBLEM CONNECTING TO CORVET?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards.


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11-26-2013, 12:52 PM

I have the same problem with internet explorer and with mozilla firefox. i will try with chrome. tried to reinstall svgviewer and install last version of it but adobe discontinued mainteinance and upgrading of this viewer last years.

[undefined=undefined]Everyone had a price.[/undefined]

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Altiz  *
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12-02-2013, 12:47 PM

I have been messing with this stupid piece of French software for days.
I have found a lot of helpful hints on this and other forums o put them all together :
I am using Windows 7 64-bit which came with IE9

— uninstall IE11, IE10, IE9 up to IE 8 you can find Mr. FixIT tools on Microsofts pages for that
or use windows update uninstallers
— start the Sedre you want install SVG viewer from their pages then close the browser
bookmark for Citroen
bookmark for Peugeot

start IExplorer go to either bookmark select your car
and when the wiring should show up press and it doesn’t press F12
set Browser mode to IE7 and Document mode to IE7

If any messages appear ActiveX needs permission or SVG Viewer needs permission to run allow
It should work now kind of .. to say the least its weird sometimes I need these steps sometimes it works in IE8 mode.

For DocBackup if it shows an error starting up
you need to copy from SEDREAC/Firebird
2 files msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll to DocBackup/Firebird
It only has 8.0 versions inside with which it does not work at least on this computer.

As I said I think its the dumbest idea ever to be dependent on a piece of software you have no control of like internet explorer. Hope this made someones life easier.

mcb58  **
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02-23-2014, 12:45 PM

hello friends;

if your Sedre schematics is not shown , althought you did all the reqiured installations ..

The problem is IE version, Must use the IE version below 10 ..

I used IE11 and schematics is not shown properly, so i unistalled IE11 and use IE9 , now everthing Works perfectly… ,
Tested on Windows 7 32 bit system.



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03-17-2015, 01:51 AM

i try solutions on win xp but i have error

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hernan5  **
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09-12-2015, 07:03 PM

Hello partners.
I hope this helps them and me.
Microsoft solution: open IExplorer on your homepage, enable menu bar, go to Tools, Compatibility View settings, tick box «Display intranet sites in Compatibility View, add, restart IExplorer.
With this works well: Electrical Schematic for Diagnosis and Repair (Sedre) 4.6.0

sazimam  ****
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04-14-2016, 06:44 PM

This works for me.

I added the 127.0.0.* server group among the intranet web servers and lower the security slider to the minimum in iexplorer setting version 11, Win 7 / 64bit.

If this wont help you try the «compatibility mode settings» accesible via klick on the settings icon on the upper right corner of the iexplorer window. Heidy

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Нужна ваша помощь…
Не могу разобраться почему при генерировании «Карты сайта» в XML
выдает ошибку:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 8: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

Увидеть эту ошибку можно по ссылке:

А вот PHP версия карты сайта нормально открывается:

На одном из форумов ранее говорилось, что может быть проблема из-за «пробела» в начале кода страницы…
Вот о чем я имею введу скидываю ссылку на скрин:
Но я не пойму как его убрать от туда, уже все перепробовал все равно пробел в начале кода страницы остается…

В чем может быть проблема подскажите пожалуйста? Как ее можно решить что бы работала XML страница?

такая строка должна быть одна. у вас их почему-то две.
пробелов быть не должнл. перед формированием XML дайте команду:

для очистки всего, что успело вывестись (пробелы в вашем случае).

такая строка должна быть одна. у вас их почему-то две.
пробелов быть не должнл. перед формированием XML дайте команду:
для очистки всего, что успело вывестись (пробелы в вашем случае).

Эм… можно поподробней пожалуйста… куда именно я должен дать команду » ob_clean(); » ?

Саму генерацию делает компонент Xmap

Саму генерацию делает компонент Xmap

Вот в него и попробуйте. Как во всех компонентах — скопируйте макет вывода в свой шаблон и подправьте
Чтоб проверить — можно и без копирования. Но потом при обновлении изменения будут затерты.
Чистить надо до первого полезного вывода данных. Т.е. в этом макете перед строчкой:

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',"n";

добавьте ob_clean();

У меня к сожалению на Joomla 1.5.28 с версией ХМap 1.2.14
нет такого пути… components/com_xmap/views/xml/tmpl/default_xsl.php
Скорей всего у вас версия 2.5 и выше…

У меня есть вот такие файлы: (ссылка на скриншот)

Тогда Xmap.xml.php смотрите. У меня этого компонента нет — скачивал, чтоб посмотреть. Но выбрал под 3-ю, не досмотрел, что вопрос для Joomla 1.5

К слову, у вас и на обычных страницах сайта есть лишние пробелы перед первым тегом. Проверьте основной шаблон (индекс шаблона) сайта — чаще всего это оттуда.

Я так и подумал что надо смотреть в файле Xmap.xml.php
Вчера добавил: $ob_clean();
        echo ‘<?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″?>’,»n»;

после чего ошибка поменялась на вот такую:

This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 3: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

index.php Шаблон проверил в начале вроде нету пробелов:
вот скрин начала кода:

да, тут все ок. значит какой-то плагин или модуль их делает. вывод ошибок включен? если отключить/включить, то все так же?


Из корня сайта покажите

да, тут все ок. значит какой-то плагин или модуль их делает. вывод ошибок включен? если отключить/включить, то все так же?

Если включить отладку, то все страницы включая админку на белом фоне и с такой надписью:

Информация о профиле
Application afterLoad: 0.004 seconds, 0.31 MB
Application afterInitialise: 0.077 seconds, 1.66 MB
Application afterRoute: 0.416 seconds, 2.30 MB
Application afterDispatch: 3.278 seconds, 5.13 MB
Application afterRender: 3.731 seconds, 7.12 MB
Использование памяти

Пришлось через configuration.php — убирать включение отладки.

Надо не отладку, а «максимальный»

Надо не отладку, а «максимальный»

На Joomla 1.5 такого нету как «максимальный»

Есть просто:
Отладка системы    Нет   Да
Отладка локализации    Нет   Да

Замените index.php на файл из архива Joomla 1.5 и проверьте .
Что вы там на подключали и для кого .

скачал Joomla 1.5.28 и заменил корневой index.php
на вид вроде ничего не изменилось.
Ошибка осталась прежней…

Ищите проблемный плагин.

Как вариант — дописать в своем плагине костыль, который будет удалять начальные пробелы перед выводом страницы.

Ошибка осталась прежней

Ищите вирус/шелл в файлах сайта, судя по  index.php из корня сайта

Ищите вирус/шелл в файлах сайта, судя по  index.php из корня сайта

До всего этого вирусы ранее были… И вроде как успешно были удалены с помощью антивирусника imunifyAV через CPanel хостера.

До всего этого вирусы ранее были… И вроде как успешно были удалены с помощью антивирусника imunifyAV через CPanel хостера.

С этого надо было начинать. Значит где-то мусор остался.


iPF Noob

Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score

  • #1

I upgraded my iPad to IOS 5 and now when I try to read my purchased iBooks I get the following error message:

‘This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.’

The rest of the page is blank and I cannot find a way to re-download them. Any advise would be very welcome.

Thank you!

Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2011


iPF Noob

Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score

  • Thread Starter

  • #2

Update — Problem is resolved. I resolved the issue by deleting all books from my iPad which then allowed me to re-download them from the Store.

  • #3

Update — Problem is resolved. I resolved the issue by deleting all books from my iPad which then allowed me to re-download them from the Store.

Thanks very much for the update! That will be a great help for those that follow. :thumbs:


iPF Noob

Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score


  • #4

I am experiencing the same problem and am not able to fix it by reloading the epub files.
I am working with an ipad1. My desktop machine is a snow leopard 2.66 quad core tower.

It is my task to review epub files as they appear on the ipad. We have reviewed many ebooks this way prior to my upgrade to iOS5 on the ipad.

After upgrading, ebooks have the following errors:
1. They are are a fraction of the length they are supposed to be.
2. Images no longer show up.
3. A majority of the pages show the following errors: «This page contains the following errors: error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error. Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error» The rest of page is blank.

I have tried:
1. recopying files to my itune and resyncing the ipad
2. resetting the ipad to it’s default preferences and resyncing
3. syncing to a mac running Lion

None of this made a difference. If anyone has any suggestions regarding this, I would be eternally grateful.

Thanks very much.


iPF Noob

Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score

  • #5

Same problem with same error code and book is still missing the chapter I was reading when update took place. I have also deleted and re downloaded books but problem persists. Any other suggestions


iPF Noob

Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score

  • #6

I just got the Ipad 2 yesterday and bought my first ebook through ibooks. Same issue. none of the pictures show up and having these same rendering issues. Is the a OS5 issue? Hope there is a solution soon from the community or from apple.


iPF Noob

Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score

  • #7

Got me stumped…not too surprising though. Ipad2 safari says it won’t download a .pkg file.
Any help would be appreciated.

  • #8

Reading around the Interwebs it looks like there’s an issue with iOS 5 and some eBooks (not all certainly). Seems that some developers will need to upgrade their publications to address it.

Some users have had success by deleting the offending eBook and downloading it again, but as others have reported, not always

Perhaps contacting the developer of the book might help, if all else fails.

If it’s an iBook purchase you can almost always get a refund by contacting Apple.

It’s also possible that it’s an iPad/upgrade issue which can often be solved by resetting (not restarting) the iPad, so that might be worth a try.

  • Reset the iPad: You can do this by pressing the Home button and the Sleep/wake button on the top the iPad’s case and holding them down together for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. The iPad should then reset itself. The boot up process takes a few minutes and then the iPad should be responsive again.

If anyone has some success one way or the other please post back!


iPF Noob

Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score

  • #9

richsadams said:

Thanks very much for the update! That will be a great help for those that follow. :thumbs:

I am also having a problem. After updating to ios5, my books are gone. I have tried to sync and all to no avail. Any ideas on how to fix this?

  • #10

Last edited: Oct 28, 2011


iPF Noob

Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score

  • #11

richsadams said:

Did you try everything in my post above?

Yes I did. Nothing seems to work.


iPF Noob

Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score

  • #12

Some of the books are in ePub format that I imported after purchasing from Barnes and noble. Could that be the issue? If so, any ideas on how to fix it? I have quite a few books that were not purchased thru iTunes and would like to have them on my iPad.

  • #13

Some of the books are in ePub format that I imported after purchasing from Barnes and noble. Could that be the issue? If so, any ideas on how to fix it? I have quite a few books that were not purchased thru iTunes and would like to have them on my iPad.

You could try restoring from backup (select the «Don’t backup» option so it restores the original files)…

iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring iOS software


iPF Noob

Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score

  • #14

Did that still not syncing the books.

  • #15

Did that still not syncing the books.

Hmmm…can you download the from B&N again?

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