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Trial and error is a fundamental method of problem-solving[1] characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success,[2] or until the practicer stops trying.
According to W.H. Thorpe, the term was devised by C. Lloyd Morgan (1852–1936) after trying out similar phrases «trial and failure» and «trial and practice».[3] Under Morgan’s Canon, animal behaviour should be explained in the simplest possible way. Where behavior seems to imply higher mental processes, it might be explained by trial-and-error learning. An example is a skillful way in which his terrier Tony opened the garden gate, easily misunderstood as an insightful act by someone seeing the final behavior. Lloyd Morgan, however, had watched and recorded the series of approximations by which the dog had gradually learned the response, and could demonstrate that no insight was required to explain it.
Edward Lee Thorndike was the initiator of the theory of trial and error learning based on the findings he showed how to manage a trial-and-error experiment in the laboratory. In his famous experiment, a cat was placed in a series of puzzle boxes in order to study the law of effect in learning.[4] He plotted to learn curves which recorded the timing for each trial. Thorndike’s key observation was that learning was promoted by positive results, which was later refined and extended by B. F. Skinner’s operant conditioning.
Trial and error is also a method of problem solving, repair, tuning, or obtaining knowledge. In the field of computer science, the method is called generate and test (Brute force). In elementary algebra, when solving equations, it is guess and check.
This approach can be seen as one of the two basic approaches to problem-solving, contrasted with an approach using insight and theory. However, there are intermediate methods which for example, use theory to guide the method, an approach known as guided empiricism.
This way of thinking has become a mainstay of Karl Popper’s critical rationalism.
The trial and error approach is used most successfully with simple problems and in games, and it is often the last resort when no apparent rule applies. This does not mean that the approach is inherently careless, for an individual can be methodical in manipulating the variables in an attempt to sort through possibilities that could result in success. Nevertheless, this method is often used by people who have little knowledge in the problem area. The trial-and-error approach has been studied from its natural computational point of view [5]
Simplest applications[edit]
Ashby (1960, section 11/5) offers three simple strategies for dealing with the same basic exercise-problem, which have very different efficiencies. Suppose a collection of 1000 on/off switches have to be set to a particular combination by random-based testing, where each test is expected to take one second. [This is also discussed in Traill (1978–2006, section C1.2]. The strategies are:
- the perfectionist all-or-nothing method, with no attempt at holding partial successes. This would be expected to take more than 10^301 seconds, [i.e., 2^1000 seconds, or 3·5×(10^291) centuries]
- a serial-test of switches, holding on to the partial successes (assuming that these are manifest), which would take 500 seconds on average
- parallel-but-individual testing of all switches simultaneously, which would take only one second
Note the tacit assumption here that no intelligence or insight is brought to bear on the problem. However, the existence of different available strategies allows us to consider a separate («superior») domain of processing — a «meta-level» above the mechanics of switch handling — where the various available strategies can be randomly chosen. Once again this is «trial and error», but of a different type.
Ashby’s book develops this «meta-level» idea, and extends it into a whole recursive sequence of levels, successively above each other in a systematic hierarchy. On this basis, he argues that human intelligence emerges from such organization: relying heavily on trial-and-error (at least initially at each new stage), but emerging with what we would call «intelligence» at the end of it all. Thus presumably the topmost level of the hierarchy (at any stage) will still depend on simple trial-and-error.
Traill (1978–2006) suggests that this Ashby-hierarchy probably coincides with Piaget’s well-known theory of developmental stages. [This work also discusses Ashby’s 1000-switch example; see §C1.2]. After all, it is part of Piagetian doctrine that children learn first by actively doing in a more-or-less random way, and then hopefully learn from the consequences — which all has a certain resemblance to Ashby’s random «trial-and-error».
Traill (2008, espec. Table «S» on p.31) follows Jerne and Popper in seeing this strategy as probably underlying all knowledge-gathering systems — at least in their initial phase.
Four such systems are identified:
- Natural selection which «educates» the DNA of the species,
- The brain of the individual (just discussed);
- The «brain» of society-as-such (including the publicly held body of science); and
- The adaptive immune system.
Trial and error has a number of features:
- solution-oriented: trial and error makes no attempt to discover why a solution works, merely that it is a solution.
- problem-specific: trial and error makes no attempt to generalize a solution to other problems.
- non-optimal: trial and error is generally an attempt to find a solution, not all solutions, and not the best solution.
- needs little knowledge: trials and error can proceed where there is little or no knowledge of the subject.
It is possible to use trial and error to find all solutions or the best solution, when a testably finite number of possible solutions exist. To find all solutions, one simply makes a note and continues, rather than ending the process, when a solution is found, until all solutions have been tried. To find the best solution, one finds all solutions by the method just described and then comparatively evaluates them based upon some predefined set of criteria, the existence of which is a condition for the possibility of finding a best solution. (Also, when only one solution can exist, as in assembling a jigsaw puzzle, then any solution found is the only solution and so is necessarily the best.)
Trial and error has traditionally been the main method of finding new drugs, such as antibiotics. Chemists simply try chemicals at random until they find one with the desired effect. In a more sophisticated version, chemists select a narrow range of chemicals it is thought may have some effect using a technique called structure–activity relationship. (The latter case can be alternatively considered as a changing of the problem rather than of the solution strategy: instead of «What chemical will work well as an antibiotic?» the problem in the sophisticated approach is «Which, if any, of the chemicals in this narrow range will work well as an antibiotic?») The method is used widely in many disciplines, such as polymer technology to find new polymer types or families.
Trial and error is also commonly seen in player responses to video games — when faced with an obstacle or boss, players often form a number of strategies to surpass the obstacle or defeat the boss, with each strategy being carried out before the player either succeeds or quits the game.
Sports teams also make use of trial and error to qualify for and/or progress through the playoffs and win the championship, attempting different strategies, plays, lineups and formations in hopes of defeating each and every opponent along the way to victory. This is especially crucial in playoff series in which multiple wins are required to advance, where a team that loses a game will have the opportunity to try new tactics to find a way to win, if they are not eliminated yet.
The scientific method can be regarded as containing an element of trial and error in its formulation and testing of hypotheses. Also compare genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and reinforcement learning – all varieties for search which apply the basic idea of trial and error.
Biological evolution can be considered as a form of trial and error.[6] Random mutations and sexual genetic variations can be viewed as trials and poor reproductive fitness, or lack of improved fitness, as the error. Thus after a long time ‘knowledge’ of well-adapted genomes accumulates simply by virtue of them being able to reproduce.
Bogosort, a conceptual sorting algorithm (that is extremely inefficient and impractical), can be viewed as a trial and error approach to sorting a list. However, typical simple examples of bogosort do not track which orders of the list have been tried and may try the same order any number of times, which violates one of the basic principles of trial and error. Trial and error is actually more efficient and practical than bogosort; unlike bogosort, it is guaranteed to halt in finite time on a finite list, and might even be a reasonable way to sort extremely short lists under some conditions.
Jumping spiders of the genus Portia use trial and error to find new tactics against unfamiliar prey or in unusual situations, and remember the new tactics.[7] Tests show that Portia fimbriata and Portia labiata can use trial and error in an artificial environment, where the spider’s objective is to cross a miniature lagoon that is too wide for a simple jump, and must either jump then swim or only swim.[8][9]
See also[edit]
- Ariadne’s thread (logic)
- Brute-force attack
- Brute-force search
- Dictionary attack
- Empiricism
- Genetic algorithm
- Learning curve
- Margin of error
- Regula falsi
- Voodoo programming
- ^ Campbell, Donald T. (November 1960). «Blind variation and selective retention in creative thoughts as in other knowledge processes». Psychological Review. 67 (6): 380–400. doi:10.1037/h0040373. PMID 13690223.
- ^ Concise Oxford Dictionary p1489
- ^ Thorpe W.H. The origins and rise of ethology. Hutchinson, London & Praeger, New York. p26. ISBN 978-0-03-053251-1
- ^ Thorndike E.L. 1898. Animal intelligence: an experimental study of the association processes in animals. Psychological Monographs #8.
- ^ X. Bei, N. Chen, S. Zhang, On the Complexity of Trial and Error, STOC 2013
- ^ Wright, Serwall (1932). «The roles of mutation, inbreeding, crossbreeding and selection in evolution» (PDF). Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Genetics. Volume 1. Number 6: 365. Retrieved 17 March 2014.
- ^ Harland, D.P. & Jackson, R.R. (2000). ««Eight-legged cats» and how they see — a review of recent research on jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae)» (PDF). Cimbebasia. 16: 231–240. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 September 2006. Retrieved 5 May 2011.
- ^ Jackson, Robert R.; Fiona R. Cross; Chris M. Carter (2006). «Geographic Variation in a Spider’s Ability to Solve a Confinement Problem by Trial and Error». International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 19 (3): 282–296. doi:10.46867/IJCP.2006.19.03.06. Retrieved 8 June 2011.
- ^ Jackson, Robert R.; Chris M. Carter; Michael S. Tarsitano (2001). «Trial-and-error solving of a confinement problem by a jumping spider, Portia fimbriata«. Behaviour. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill. 138 (10): 1215–1234. doi:10.1163/15685390152822184. ISSN 0005-7959. JSTOR 4535886.
Further reading[edit]
- Ashby, W. R. (1960: Second Edition). Design for a Brain. Chapman & Hall: London.
- Traill, R.R. (1978–2006). Molecular explanation for intelligence…, Brunel University Thesis,
- Traill, R.R. (2008). Thinking by Molecule, Synapse, or both? — From Piaget’s Schema, to the Selecting/Editing of ncRNA. Ondwelle: Melbourne. — or French version
- Zippelius, R. (1991). Die experimentierende Methode im Recht (Trial and error in Jurisprudence), Academy of Science, Mainz, ISBN 3-515-05901-6
Trial and Error: What It Means and How To Use It
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“Trial and error”: Do you know what it means and how to use it? We’ll teach you all this, plus show you a way to avoid trial and error when learning to become a better writer.
What Is “Trial and Error”?
Trial and error is a “process of trying different possibilities, approaches, or methods, learning from each error until you get to the solution.”
The students found the answer through a process of trial and error.
The students found the answer through a process of try and error.
Trial and error is a noun phrase. It refers to “the process of trying various methods until you come to the correct solution or desired result.”
Let’s say you’re a beginner artist. You need to blend paint to create a purple color, which you’ve run out of. You know you should start with red paint and mix another color into it, but can’t remember which. You try green, but that doesn’t work. Adding yellow doesn’t work either. Finally, you add blue and get the purple paint you wanted. This whole process was one of trial and error.
Becoming an artist requires a lot of trial and error.
Trial and Error – Spelling
Sometimes some people spell trial and error as “try and error”, but that’s incorrect. This mistake is understandable because if said aloud (and quickly), it might sound like someone is saying “try and error”.
This mistake may also arise because trial and error is basically trying something and then trying something else until you get what you need. The only correct spelling of this phrase is trial and error.
After much trial and error, Raquel and I baked the best cookies ever.
After much try and error, Raquel and I baked the best cookies ever.
We were informed that the best way to develop our skill set would be through trial and error.
We were informed that the best way to develop our skill set would be through try and error.
Avoid Trial and Error When Writing
Trial and error is a useful process when learning to do almost anything. However, if you want to become a skilled writer, you can cut through the process of trial and error by using LanguageTool as your spelling and grammar checker. This advanced multilingual editor can correct various types of mistakes, improve formatting, and even rephrase your sentences. Try it today.
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Go well beyond grammar and spell checking. Impress with clear, precise, and stylistically flawless writing instead.
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We’ve made a mistake, forgotten about an important detail, or haven’t managed to get the point across? Let’s help each other to perfect our writing.
Trial and error, or trial by error, is a general method of problem solving for obtaining knowledge, both propositional knowledge and know-how. In the field of computer science, the method is called generate and test. In elementary algebra, when solving equations, it is «guess and check».
This approach can be seen as one of the two basic approaches to problem solving and is contrasted with an approach using insight and theory.
Bricolage -In trial and error, one selects a possible answer, applies it to the problem and, if it is not successful, selects (or generates) another possibility that is subsequently tried. The process ends when a possibility yields a solution.
In some versions of trial and error, the option that is a priori viewed as the most likely one should be tried first, followed by the next most likely, and so on until a solution is found, or all the options are exhausted. In other versions, options are simply tried at random.
This approach is more successful with simple problems and in games, and is often resorted to when no apparent rule applies. This does not mean that the approach need be careless, for an individual can be methodical in manipulating the variables in an attempt to sort through possibilities that may result in success. Nevertheless, this method is often used by people who have little knowledge in the problem area.
Trial and error has a number of features:
* solution-oriented: trial and error makes no attempt to discover «why» a solution works, merely that it «is» a solution.
* problem-specific: trial and error makes no attempt to generalise a solution to other problems.
* non-optimal: trial and error is an attempt to find «a» solution, not «all» solutions, and not the «best» solution.
* needs little knowledge: trials and error can proceed where there is little or no knowledge of the subject.
Trial and error has traditionally been the main method of finding new drugs, such as antibiotics. Chemists simply try chemicals at random until they find one with the desired effect.
The scientific method can be regarded as containing an element of trial and error in its formulation and testing of hypotheses. Also compare genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and reinforcement learning — all varieties for search which apply the basic idea of trial and error.
Biological evolution is also a form of trial and error. Random mutations and sexual genetic variations can be viewed as trials and poor reproductive fitness as the error. Thus after a long time ‘knowledge’ of well-adapted genomes accumulates simply by virtue of them being «able» to reproduce.
Bogosort can be viewed as a trial and error approach to sorting a list.
In mathematics, the method of trial and error can be used to solve formulae — it is a slower, less precise method than algebra, but is easier to understand.
ee also
* Brute force attack
* Brute-force search
* Empiricism
Wikimedia Foundation.
: Method of problem-solving
Trial and error is a fundamental method of problem-solving.[1] It is characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success,[2] or until the practicer stops trying.
According to W.H. Thorpe, the term was devised by C. Lloyd Morgan (1852–1936) after trying out similar phrases «trial and failure» and «trial and practice».[3] Under Morgan’s Canon, animal behaviour should be explained in the simplest possible way. Where behavior seems to imply higher mental processes, it might be explained by trial-and-error learning. An example is a skillful way in which his terrier Tony opened the garden gate, easily misunderstood as an insightful act by someone seeing the final behavior. Lloyd Morgan, however, had watched and recorded the series of approximations by which the dog had gradually learned the response, and could demonstrate that no insight was required to explain it.
Edward Lee Thorndike was the initiator of the theory of trial and error learning based on the findings he showed how to manage a trial-and-error experiment in the laboratory. In his famous experiment, a cat was placed in a series of puzzle boxes in order to study the law of effect in learning.[4] He plotted to learn curves which recorded the timing for each trial. Thorndike’s key observation was that learning was promoted by positive results, which was later refined and extended by B. F. Skinner’s operant conditioning.
Trial and error is also a method of problem solving, repair, tuning, or obtaining knowledge. In the field of computer science, the method is called generate and test (Brute force). In elementary algebra, when solving equations, it is guess and check.
This approach can be seen as one of the two basic approaches to problem-solving, contrasted with an approach using insight and theory. However, there are intermediate methods which for example, use theory to guide the method, an approach known as guided empiricism.
This way of thinking has become a mainstay of Karl Popper’s critical rationalism.
The trial and error approach is used most successfully with simple problems and in games, and it is often the last resort when no apparent rule applies. This does not mean that the approach is inherently careless, for an individual can be methodical in manipulating the variables in an attempt to sort through possibilities that could result in success. Nevertheless, this method is often used by people who have little knowledge in the problem area. The trial-and-error approach has been studied from its natural computational point of view [5]
Simplest applications
Ashby (1960, section 11/5) offers three simple strategies for dealing with the same basic exercise-problem, which have very different efficiencies. Suppose a collection of 1000 on/off switches have to be set to a particular combination by random-based testing, where each test is expected to take one second. [This is also discussed in Traill (1978–2006, section C1.2]. The strategies are:
- the perfectionist all-or-nothing method, with no attempt at holding partial successes. This would be expected to take more than 10^301 seconds, [i.e., 2^1000 seconds, or 3·5×(10^291) centuries]
- a serial-test of switches, holding on to the partial successes (assuming that these are manifest), which would take 500 seconds on average
- parallel-but-individual testing of all switches simultaneously, which would take only one second
Note the tacit assumption here that no intelligence or insight is brought to bear on the problem. However, the existence of different available strategies allows us to consider a separate («superior») domain of processing — a «meta-level» above the mechanics of switch handling — where the various available strategies can be randomly chosen. Once again this is «trial and error», but of a different type.
Ashby’s book develops this «meta-level» idea, and extends it into a whole recursive sequence of levels, successively above each other in a systematic hierarchy. On this basis, he argues that human intelligence emerges from such organization: relying heavily on trial-and-error (at least initially at each new stage), but emerging with what we would call «intelligence» at the end of it all. Thus presumably the topmost level of the hierarchy (at any stage) will still depend on simple trial-and-error.
Traill (1978–2006) suggests that this Ashby-hierarchy probably coincides with Piaget’s well-known theory of developmental stages. [This work also discusses Ashby’s 1000-switch example; see §C1.2]. After all, it is part of Piagetian doctrine that children learn first by actively doing in a more-or-less random way, and then hopefully learn from the consequences — which all has a certain resemblance to Ashby’s random «trial-and-error».
Traill (2008, espec. Table «S» on p.31) follows Jerne and Popper in seeing this strategy as probably underlying all knowledge-gathering systems — at least in their initial phase.
Four such systems are identified:
- Natural selection which «educates» the DNA of the species,
- The brain of the individual (just discussed);
- The «brain» of society-as-such (including the publicly held body of science); and
- The adaptive immune system.
Trial and error has a number of features:
- solution-oriented: trial and error makes no attempt to discover why a solution works, merely that it is a solution.
- problem-specific: trial and error makes no attempt to generalize a solution to other problems.
- non-optimal: trial and error is generally an attempt to find a solution, not all solutions, and not the best solution.
- needs little knowledge: trials and error can proceed where there is little or no knowledge of the subject.
It is possible to use trial and error to find all solutions or the best solution, when a testably finite number of possible solutions exist. To find all solutions, one simply makes a note and continues, rather than ending the process, when a solution is found, until all solutions have been tried. To find the best solution, one finds all solutions by the method just described and then comparatively evaluates them based upon some predefined set of criteria, the existence of which is a condition for the possibility of finding a best solution. (Also, when only one solution can exist, as in assembling a jigsaw puzzle, then any solution found is the only solution and so is necessarily the best.)
Trial and error has traditionally been the main method of finding new drugs, such as antibiotics. Chemists simply try chemicals at random until they find one with the desired effect. In a more sophisticated version, chemists select a narrow range of chemicals it is thought may have some effect using a technique called structure–activity relationship. (The latter case can be alternatively considered as a changing of the problem rather than of the solution strategy: instead of «What chemical will work well as an antibiotic?» the problem in the sophisticated approach is «Which, if any, of the chemicals in this narrow range will work well as an antibiotic?») The method is used widely in many disciplines, such as polymer technology to find new polymer types or families.
Trial and error is also commonly seen in player responses to video games — when faced with an obstacle or boss, players often form a number of strategies to surpass the obstacle or defeat the boss, with each strategy being carried out before the player either succeeds or quits the game.
Sports teams also make use of trial and error to qualify for and/or progress through the playoffs and win the championship, attempting different strategies, plays, lineups and formations in hopes of defeating each and every opponent along the way to victory. This is especially crucial in playoff series in which multiple wins are required to advance, where a team that loses a game will have the opportunity to try new tactics to find a way to win, if they are not eliminated yet.
The scientific method can be regarded as containing an element of trial and error in its formulation and testing of hypotheses. Also compare genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and reinforcement learning – all varieties for search which apply the basic idea of trial and error.
Biological evolution can be considered as a form of trial and error.[6] Random mutations and sexual genetic variations can be viewed as trials and poor reproductive fitness, or lack of improved fitness, as the error. Thus after a long time ‘knowledge’ of well-adapted genomes accumulates simply by virtue of them being able to reproduce.
Bogosort, a conceptual sorting algorithm (that is extremely inefficient and impractical), can be viewed as a trial and error approach to sorting a list. However, typical simple examples of bogosort do not track which orders of the list have been tried and may try the same order any number of times, which violates one of the basic principles of trial and error. Trial and error is actually more efficient and practical than bogosort; unlike bogosort, it is guaranteed to halt in finite time on a finite list, and might even be a reasonable way to sort extremely short lists under some conditions.
Jumping spiders of the genus Portia use trial and error to find new tactics against unfamiliar prey or in unusual situations, and remember the new tactics.[7] Tests show that Portia fimbriata and Portia labiata can use trial and error in an artificial environment, where the spider’s objective is to cross a miniature lagoon that is too wide for a simple jump, and must either jump then swim or only swim.[8][9]
See also
- Ariadne’s thread (logic)
- Brute-force attack
- Brute-force search
- Dictionary attack
- Empiricism
- Genetic algorithm
- Learning curve
- Margin of error
- Regula falsi
- Voodoo programming
- ↑ Campbell, Donald T. (November 1960). «Blind variation and selective retention in creative thoughts as in other knowledge processes». Psychological Review 67 (6): 380–400. doi:10.1037/h0040373. PMID 13690223.
- ↑ Concise Oxford Dictionary p1489
- ↑ Thorpe W.H. The origins and rise of ethology. Hutchinson, London & Praeger, New York. p26. ISBN:978-0-03-053251-1
- ↑ Thorndike E.L. 1898. Animal intelligence: an experimental study of the association processes in animals. Psychological Monographs #8.
- ↑ X. Bei, N. Chen, S. Zhang, On the Complexity of Trial and Error, STOC 2013
- ↑ Wright, Serwall (1932). «The roles of mutation, inbreeding, crossbreeding and selection in evolution». Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Genetics. Volume 1 Number 6: 365. Retrieved 17 March 2014.
- ↑ Harland, D.P.; Jackson, R.R. (2000). «»Eight-legged cats» and how they see — a review of recent research on jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae)». Cimbebasia 16: 231–240. Retrieved 5 May 2011.
- ↑ Jackson, Robert R.; Fiona R. Cross; Chris M. Carter (2006). «Geographic Variation in a Spider’s Ability to Solve a Confinement Problem by Trial and Error». International Journal of Comparative Psychology 19: 282–296.;jsessionid=34833B994B69E2CA4DA97613EA34F531#page-1. Retrieved 8 June 2011.
- ↑ Jackson, Robert R.; Chris M. Carter; Michael S. Tarsitano (2001). «Trial-and-error solving of a confinement problem by a jumping spider, Portia fimbriata«. Behaviour (Leiden: Koninklijke Brill) 138 (10): 1215–1234. doi:10.1163/15685390152822184. ISSN 0005-7959.
Further reading
- Ashby, W. R. (1960: Second Edition). Design for a Brain. Chapman & Hall: London.
- Traill, R.R. (1978–2006). Molecular explanation for intelligence…, Brunel University Thesis,
- Traill, R.R. (2008). Thinking by Molecule, Synapse, or both? — From Piaget’s Schema, to the Selecting/Editing of ncRNA. Ondwelle: Melbourne. — or French version
- Zippelius, R. (1991). Die experimentierende Methode im Recht (Trial and error in Jurisprudence), Academy of Science, Mainz, ISBN:3-515-05901-6
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Experts agree it is a trial-and-error process.
Developing such a strategy is a trial-and-error process that takes a lot of time and patience.
Разработка такой стратегии — процесс проб и ошибок, который требует много времени и терпения.
At its simplest, the third memory works by a trial-and-error process that can be seen as yet another analogy to natural selection.
Упрощенно третья память работает благодаря процессу проб и ошибок, который можно понимать как еще одну аналогию естественного отбора.
As, inevitably, a trial-and-error process, democratization is a complex and unpredictable path beset with challenges.
Будучи экспериментальным процессом, демократизация неизбежно является сложной и непредсказуемой стезей, полной трудностей.
the nonavailability of a trial-and-error process converging to an optimum position.
The whole history of mankind is a trial-and-error process and, without it, we would never get to where we are today.
Вся история человечества основана на пробах и ошибках, и без них мы никогда не попали бы туда, где находимся сегодня.
It’s a trial-and-error process, during which we may not get the right notes all the time.
Это процесс проб и ошибок, во время которого мы не можем всё время придумывать правильные ноты.
But given that much of these efforts were done solo, and with a trial-and-error process, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact beginning of SEO.
Но учитывая, что большая часть этих усилий была выполнена соло, и с процессом проб и ошибок, трудно точно определить точное начало SEO.
As a consequence, the measure of goodness of actions in anything except a tolerable-intolerable sense is lost, and the possibility of an individual’s converging to the optimum activity via a trial-and-error process disappears.
Как последствие, измерение доброты действий в что-нибыдь за исключением терпимый-невыносимого чувства потерянный, и возможность индивидуала сходясь к оптимальной работе через trial-and-error процесс исчезает.
The experiential approach can offer nothing but a trial-and-error process for achieving this, a process which is slow and which offers no real guarantee of achieving this goal.
Подход, основанный на опыте проживания, не может предложить ничего, кроме процесса проб и ошибок, медленного и не дающего гарантии достижения этой цели.
Development is a trial-and-error process and the future is uncertain-that is, movement toward any particular goal may never reach a point where it triggers a transition to a new socioeconomic model.
Развитие будет идти методом проб и ошибок, будущее неопределенно, то есть момент достижения сингулярности как точки невозврата в достижении разных целей и переходе на новую социально-экономическую модель развития может и не наступить.
To learn its signature melody, the male songbird uses a trial-and-error process to mimic the song of its father, singing the tune over and over again, hundreds of times a day, making subtle changes in the pitch of the notes…
Чтобы имитировать мелодию своего отца, певчая птица мужского пола использует метод проб и ошибок, напевая мелодию снова и снова, сотни раз в день, делая небольшие изменения в высоте нот.
Videogames are often a trial-and-error process where players become accustomed to failure, and learn from it.
Компьютерные игры часто проходятся методом проб и ошибок, когда игроки привыкают к поражениям и учатся на неудачах.
It plays a major role in adapting and fine-tuning motor programs to make accurate movements through a trial-and-error process (e.g., learning to hit a baseball).
Он играет важную роль в адаптации и настройке моторных программ, чтобы сделать движения точными через процесс проб и ошибок (например, обучение бейсболу и другим играм, для которых требуется движение тела).
By nudging prices up or down in a trial-and-error process, the city will seek a structure of prices that vary by time and location throughout the city, yielding one or two open spaces on every block.
Действуя методом проб и ошибок — повышая или снижая цены — власти попытаются создать систему цен, варьирующихся в зависимости от места и времени, чтобы одно-два места у каждого дома оставались свободными.
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The Use of Trial and Error To Solve Problems
Some complex problems can be solved by a technique that is called trial and error. Trial and error is typically good for problems where you have multiple chances to get the correct solution. However, this is not a good technique for problems that don’t give you multiple chances to find a solution.
An example of situations where you wouldn’t want to use trial and error are diffusing a bomb or performing an operation on a patient. In these situations, making an error can lead to disaster. Trial and error is used best when it is applied to situations that give your large amounts of time and safety to come up with a solution.
In addition to this, trial and error is also a great way to gain knowledge. Basically, a person that uses the trial and error method will try to a method to see if it is a good solution. If it is not a good solution, they try another option. If the method works, the person using it has acquired the correct solution to a problem. However, there are some situations where there are too many options, and it is not feasible for a person to go through all of them to find out which one works the best. In this event, a person will want to use the option that has the best possible chances of succeeding. If this doesn’t work, they can try the next best option until they find a good solution.
There are a number of important factors that makes trial and error a good tool to use for solving problems. The purpose of trial and error is not to find out why a problem was solved. It is primarily used to solve the problem. While this may be good in some fields, it may not work so well in others. For example, while trial and error may be excellent in finding solutions to mechanical or engineering problems, it may not be good for certain fields which ask «why» a solution works. Trial and error is primarily good for fields where the solution is the most important factor. This is often the case in math courses which are taught in high school or college.
Most math teachers place an emphasis on using trial and error to find a solution to problems, and many of them don’t spend a whole lot of time explaining «why» a solution works. One reason for this is because most math teachers have time constraints. However, some students who take advanced math classes in college may learn more about why certain solutions work. Another good aspect of the trial and error method is that it does not try to use a solution as a way of solving more than one problem. Trial and error is primarily used to find a single solution to a single problem.
Trial and error is not a method of finding the best solution, nor is it a method of finding all solutions. It is a problem solving technique that is simply used to find a solution. One of the most powerful advantages to this technique is that it does not require you to have a lot of knowledge. However, it may require you to have large amounts of patience. Trial and error is typically used to discover new drugs, and it also plays an important role in the scientific method as well. Some also feel that organic evolution is a form of trial and error, because random mutations will occur until they are successful.
Trial and error is also an excellent tool for inventors. The inventor will first imagine a device they would like to invent, and then they may go through the trial and error process to find the best ways of inventing the device. While trial and error is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to solve problems, it also has some weaknesses. I mentioned this briefly in the first paragraph. Trial and error is inefficient in situations where making an error can lead to serious injury or death. A good example of this would be the attempts that were made by aircraft engineers to break the sound barrier. Though they succeeded, many pilots died because they would use the trial and error process. In the situation, and error would often lead to the plane crashing.
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Editorial Team at Exforsys is a team of IT Consulting and Training team led by Chandra Vennapoosa.
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Trial and error, or trial by error or try an error, is a general method of problem solving, fixing things, or for obtaining knowledge.
«Learning doesn’t happen from failure itself but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again.»[1]
In the field of computer science, the method is called generate and test. In elementary algebra, when solving equations, it is «guess and check».
This approach can be seen as one of the two basic approaches to problem solving and is contrasted with an approach using insight and theory.
Bricolage —
In trial and error, one selects a possible answer, applies it to the problem and, if it is not successful, selects (or generates) another possibility that is subsequently tried. The process ends when a possibility yields a solution.
In some versions of trial and error, the option that is a priori viewed as the most likely one should be tried first, followed by the next most likely, and so on until a solution is found, or all the options are exhausted. In other versions, options are simply tried at random.
This approach is more successful with simple problems and in games, and is often resorted to when no apparent rule applies. This does not mean that the approach need be careless, for an individual can be methodical in manipulating the variables in an attempt to sort through possibilities that may result in success. Nevertheless, this method is often used by people who have little knowledge in the problem area.
Simplest applications
Ashby (1960, section 11/5) offers three simple strategies for dealing with the same basic exercise-problem; and they have very different efficiencies:
Suppose there are 1000 on/off switches which have to be set to a particular combination by random-based testing, each test to take one second. [This is also discussed in Traill (1978/2006, section C1.2]. The strategies are:
- the perfectionist all-or-nothing method, with no attempt at holding partial successes. This would be expected to take more than 10^301 seconds, [i.e. 2^1000 seconds, or 3·5×(10^291) centuries!];
- a serial-test of switches, holding on to the partial successes (assuming that these are manifest) would take 500 seconds; while
- a parallel-but-individual testing of all switches simultaneously would take only one second.
Note the tacit assumption here that no intelligence or insight is brought to bear on the problem. However, the existence of different available strategies allows us to consider a separate («superior») domain of processing — a «meta-level» above the mechanics of switch handling — where the various available strategies can be randomly chosen. Once again this is «trial and error», but of a different type. This leads us to:
Trial-and-error Hierarchies
Ashby’s book develops this «meta-level» idea, and extends it into a whole recursive sequence of levels, successively above each other in a systematic hierarchy. On this basis he argues that human intelligence emerges from such organization: relying heavily on trial-and-error (at least initially at each new stage), but emerging with what we would call «intelligence» at the end of it all. Thus presumably the topmost level of the hierarchy (at any stage) will still depend on simple trial-and-error.
Traill (1978/2006) suggests that this Ashby-hierarchy probably coincides with Piaget’s well-known theory of developmental stages. [This work also discusses Ashby’s 1000-switch example; see §C1.2]. After all, it is part of Piagetian doctrine that children learn by first actively doing in a more-or-less random way, and then hopefully learn from the consequences — which all has a certain resemblance to Ashby’s random «trial-and-error».
The basic strategy in many fields?
Traill (2008, espec. Table «S» on p.31) follows Jerne and Popper in seeing this strategy as probably underlying all knowledge-gathering systems — at least in their initial phase.
Four such systems are identified:
- Darwinian evolution which «educates» the DNA of the species!
- The brain of the individual (just discussed);
- The «brain» of society-as-such (including the publicly-held body of science); and
- The immune system.
An ambiguity: Can we have «intention» during a «trial»
In the Ashby-and-Cybernetics tradition, the word «trial» usually implies random-or-arbitrary, without any deliberate choice.
However amongst non-cyberneticians, «trial» will often imply a deliberate subjective act by some adult human agent; (e.g. in a court-room, or laboratory). So that has sometimes led to confusion.
Of course the situation becomes even more confusing if one accepts Ashby’s hierarchical explanation of intelligence, and its implied ability to be deliberate and to creatively design — all based ultimately on non-deliberate actions! The lesson here seems to be that one must simply be careful to clarify the meaning of one’s own words, and indeed the words of others. [Incidentally it seems that consciousness is not an essential ingredient for intelligence as discussed above.]
Trial and error has a number of features:
- solution-oriented: trial and error makes no attempt to discover why a solution works, merely that it is a solution.
- problem-specific: trial and error makes no attempt to generalise a solution to other problems.
- non-optimal: trial and error is generally an attempt to find a solution, not all solutions, and not the best solution.
- needs little knowledge: trials and error can proceed where there is little or no knowledge of the subject.
It is possible to use trial and error to find all solutions or the best solution, when a testably finite number of possible solutions exist. To find all solutions, one simply makes a note and continues, rather than ending the process, when a solution is found, until all solutions have been tried. To find the best solution, one finds all solutions by the method just described and then comparatively evaluates them based upon some predefined set of criteria, the existence of which is a condition for the possibility of finding a best solution. (Also, when only one solution can exist, as in assembling a jigsaw puzzle, then any solution found is the only solution and so is necessarily the best.)
Trial and error has traditionally been the main method of finding new drugs, such as antibiotics. Chemists simply try chemicals at random until they find one with the desired effect. In a more sophisticated version, chemists select a narrow range of chemicals it is thought may have some effect. (The latter case can be alternatively considered as a changing of the problem rather than of the solution strategy: instead of «What chemical will work well as an antibiotic?» the problem in the sophisticated approach is «Which, if any, of the chemicals in this narrow range will work well as an antibiotic?») The method is used widely in many disciplines, such as polymer technology to find new polymer types or families.
The scientific method can be regarded as containing an element of trial and error in its formulation and testing of hypotheses. Also compare genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and reinforcement learning — all varieties for search which apply the basic idea of trial and error.
Biological evolution is also a form of trial and error. Random mutations and sexual genetic variations can be viewed as trials and poor reproductive fitness, or lack of improved fitness, as the error. Thus after a long time ‘knowledge’ of well-adapted genomes accumulates simply by virtue of them being able to reproduce.
Bogosort, a conceptual sorting algorithm (that is extremely inefficient and impractical), can be viewed as a trial and error approach to sorting a list. However, typical simple examples of bogosort do not track which orders of the list have been tried and may try the same order any number of times, which violates one of the basic principles of trial and error. Trial and error is actually more efficient and practical than bogosort; unlike bogosort, it is guaranteed to halt in finite time on a finite list, and might even be a reasonable way to sort extremely short lists under some conditions.
Issues with trial and error
Trial and error is usually a last resort for a particular problem, as there are a number of problems with it. For one, trial and error is tedious and monotonous. Also, it is very time-consuming; chemical engineers must sift through millions of various potential chemicals before they find one that works. Fortunately, computers are best suited for trial and error; they do not succumb to the boredom that humans do, and can potentially do thousands of trial-and-error segments in the blink of an eye.
- Ashby, W. R. (1960: Second Edition). Design for a Brain. Chapman & Hall: London.
- Traill, R.R. (1978/2006). Molecular explanation for intelligence…, Brunel University Thesis,
- Traill, R.R. (2008). Thinking by Molecule, Synapse, or both? — From Piaget’s Schema, to the Selecting/Editing of ncRNA. Ondwelle: Melbourne. — or French version
See also
- Brute force attack
- Brute-force search
- Empiricism
- ↑ Coding Horror: Fail Early, Fail Often
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edit |
trial and error — последовательное приближение
by trial and error — методом проб и ошибок
trial and error method — метод проб и ошибок, метод подбора
trial and error search — поиск методом перебора всех вариантов
learn by trial and error — учиться методом проб и ошибок
trial and error learning — обучение методом проб и ошибок
method of trial and error — метод последовательных приближений
proceed by trial and error — действовать методом проб и ошибок
trial and error relaxation — метод последовательных приближений; метод пробных подстановок
setting by trial and error — систематический контроль; систематическая поверка
to proceed by trial and error — действовать методом проб и ошибок
integration by trial and error — интегрирование методом проб и ошибок
trial-and-error run — исследование методом проб и ошибок
trial-and-error code — код, полученный методом проб и ошибок
trial-and-error method — метод проб и ошибок
trial-and error method — метод проб и ошибок
trial-and-error search — поиск методом проб и ошибок
trial-and-error testing — проверка методом проб и ошибок
trial-and-error process — метод проб и ошибок
trial-and-error pricing — установление цен путём метода проб и ошибок
trial-and-error approach — метод проб и ошибок
trial-and-error solution — решение методом проб и ошибок
trial-and-error learning — дрессировка методом наказания и поощрения; контрастный метод дрессировки
trial-and-error procedure — метод проб и ошибок
trial-and-error technique — метод проб и ошибок
trial-and-error adjustment — регулирование методом проб и ошибок
trial-and-error calculation — вычисление методом проб и ошибок
blind trial-and-error method — слепой метод «проб и ошибок»
trial-and-error cryptanalysis — криптоанализ методом проб и ошибок
double-trial-and-error method — метод двухсторонних последовательных приближений
ещё 20 примеров свернуть
Автоматический перевод
методом проб и ошибок
Перевод по словам
trial — суд, испытание, пробный, испытательный
error — ошибка, погрешность, заблуждение, отклонение, рассогласование, грех, блуждание
It was a process of trial and error.
Это был путь проб и ошибок.
I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial and error.
Большую часть того, что я знаю о садоводстве, я изведал путём проб и ошибок.
Дополнение / ошибка
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* * *
method; procedure; technique
агрегатнопото́чный ме́тод — conveyor-type production [production-line] method
аксиомати́ческий ме́тод — axiomatic [postulational] method
ме́тод амплиту́дного ана́лиза — kick-sorting method
ме́тод аналити́ческой вста́вки
— cantilever extension, cantilever (strip) triangulation
вариацио́нный ме́тод — variational method
весово́й ме́тод — gravimetric method
ме́тод взба́лтывания — shake method
визуа́льный ме́тод — visual method
ме́тод возду́шной прое́кции — aero-projection method
ме́тод враще́ния — method of revolution
ме́тод вреза́ния — plunge-cut method
ме́тод вре́мени пролё́та — time-of-flight method
вре́мя-и́мпульсный ме́тод () — pulse-counting method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
ме́тод встре́чного фрезерова́ния — conventional [cut-up] milling method
ме́тод гармони́ческой линеариза́ции — describing function method
голографи́ческий ме́тод — holographic method
гравиметри́ческий ме́тод — gravimetric(al) method
графи́ческий ме́тод — graphical method
ме́тод графи́ческого трансформи́рования
— grid method
графоаналити́ческий ме́тод — semigraphical method
группово́й ме́тод () — grouped-frequency basis
систе́ма рабо́тает групповы́м ме́тодом — the system operates on the grouped-frequency basis
ме́тод двух ре́ек
геод., топ.
— two-staff [two-base] method
ме́тод двух узло́в () — nodal-pair method
ме́тод запа́са про́чности () — load factor method
ме́тод зо́нной пла́вки () — floating-zone method, floating-zone technique
ме́тод избы́точных концентра́ций () — isolation method (of the testing the rate equations)
ме́тод измере́ния, абсолю́тный — absolute [fundamental] method of measurement
ме́тод измере́ния, конта́ктный — contact method of measurement
ме́тод измере́ния, ко́свенный — indirect method of measurement
ме́тод измере́ния, относи́тельный — relative method of measurement
ме́тод измере́ния по то́чкам — point-by-point method
ме́тод измере́ния, прямо́й — direct method of measurement
ме́тод измере́ния угло́в по аэросни́мкам — photogoniometric method
ме́тод изображе́ний
— method of images, image method
ме́тод изото́пных индика́торов — tracer method
иммерсио́нный ме́тод — immersion method
ме́тод и́мпульсов — momentum-transfer method
ме́тод инве́рсии — inversion method
и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа, основно́й
— basic indexed sequential access method, BISAM
и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа с очередя́ми
— queued indexed sequential access method, BISAM
интерференцио́нный ме́тод — interferometric method
ме́тод испыта́ний — testing procedure, testing method
ме́тод испыта́ний, кисло́тный — acid test
ме́тод испыта́ний, пане́льный — panel-spalling test
ме́тод иссле́дований напряже́ний, опти́ческий — optical stress analysis
ме́тод истече́ния — efflux method
ме́тод итера́ции — iteration method, iteration technique
ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges to a solution
ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к (бы́строй или ме́дленной) сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges quickly or slowly
ме́тод картосоставле́ния — map-compilation [plotting] method
ме́тод кача́ющегося криста́лла () — rotating-crystal method
ка́чественный ме́тод — qualitative method
кессо́нный ме́тод — caisson method
коли́чественный ме́тод — quantitative method
колориметри́ческий ме́тод — colorimetric method
ме́тод кольца́ и ша́ра — ball-and-ring method
комплексометри́ческий ме́тод () — complexometric method
кондуктометри́ческий ме́тод — conductance-measuring method
ме́тод коне́чных ра́зностей — finite difference method
ме́тод консерви́рования — curing method
ме́тод контро́ля, дифференци́рованный — differential control method
ме́тод контро́ля ка́чества — quality control method
ме́тод ко́нтурных то́ков — mesh-current [loop] method
ме́тод ко́нуса — cone method
корреляцио́нный ме́тод — correlation method
ко́свенный ме́тод — indirect method
ме́тод кра́сок () — dye-penetrant method
лаборато́рный ме́тод — laboratory method
ме́тод ла́ковых покры́тий () — brittle-varnish method
ме́тод лине́йной интерполя́ции — method of proportional parts
ме́тод магни́тного порошка́ () — magnetic particle [magnetic powder] method
магни́тно-люминесце́нтный ме́тод () — fluorescent magnetic particle method
ме́тод ма́лого пара́метра
киб., автмт.
— perturbation theory, perturbation method
ме́тод мгнове́нной равносигна́льной зо́ны
— simultaneous lobing [monopulse] method
ме́тод механи́ческой обрабо́тки — machining method
ме́тод ме́ченых а́томов — tracer method
ме́тод микрометри́рования — micrometer method
ме́тод мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers
ме́тод навига́ции, дальноме́рный () — rho-rho [r-r] navigation
ме́тод навига́ции, угломе́рный () — theta-theta [q-q] navigation
ме́тод наиме́ньших квадра́тов — method of least squares, least-squares technique
ме́тод нака́чки () — pumping [excitation] method
ме́тод накопле́ния
яд. физ.
— “backing-space” method
ме́тод наложе́ния — method of superposition
ме́тод напыле́ния — evaporation technique
ненулево́й ме́тод — deflection method
ме́тод неопределё́нных мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers
ме́тод неподви́жных то́чек — method of fixed points
неразруша́ющий ме́тод — non-destructive method, non-destructive testing
нерекурси́вный ме́тод — non-recursive method
нето́чный ме́тод — inexact method
нефелометри́ческий ме́тод — nephelometric method
ме́тод нивели́рования по частя́м — method of fraction levelling
нулево́й ме́тод — null [zero(-deflection) ] method
ме́тод нулевы́х бие́ний — zero-beat method
ме́тод нулевы́х то́чек — neutral-points method
ме́тод обеспе́чения надё́жности — reliability method
ме́тод обрабо́тки — processing [working, tooling] method
ме́тод объединё́нного а́тома — associate atom method
объекти́вный ме́тод — objective method
объё́мный ме́тод — volumetric method
ме́тод одного́ отсчё́та () — the total value method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
окисли́тельно-восстанови́тельный ме́тод — redox method
опера́торный ме́тод — operational method
ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рно-пеленгацио́нный () — rho-theta [r-q] fixing
ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рный () — rho-rho [r-r] fixing
ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, пеленгацио́нный () — theta-theta [q-q] fixing
ме́тод определе́ния отбе́ливаемости и цве́тности ма́сел — bleach-and-colour method
ме́тод опти́ческой корреля́ции — optical correlation technique
ме́тод осажде́ния — sedimentation method
ме́тод осредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
ме́тод отбо́ра проб — sampling method, sampling technique
ме́тод отклоне́ния — deflection method
ме́тод отраже́ния — reflection method
ме́тод отражё́нных и́мпульсов — pulse-echo method
ме́тод отыска́ния произво́дной, непосре́дственный — delta method
ме́тод па́дающего те́ла — falling body method
ме́тод парамагни́тного резона́нса — paramagnetic-resonance method
ме́тод пе́рвого приближе́ния — first approximation method
ме́тод перераспределе́ния моме́нтов () — moment distribution method
ме́тод пересека́ющихся луче́й — crossed beam method
ме́тод перехо́дного состоя́ния () — transition state method
ме́тод перпендикуля́ров — offset method
пикнометри́ческий ме́тод — bottle method
ме́тод повторе́ний
— method of reiteration, repetition method
ме́тод подбо́ра — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
ме́тод подо́бия — similitude method
ме́тод по́лной деформа́ции — total-strain method
ме́тод полови́нных отклоне́ний — half-deflection method
ме́тод положе́ния
— method of bearings, method of gisements
полуколи́чественный ме́тод — semiquantitative method
ме́тод поля́рных координа́т — polar method
ме́тод попу́тного фрезерова́ния — climb [cut-down] milling method
порошко́вый ме́тод () — powder [Debye-Scherer-Hull] method
ме́тод посе́ва — seeding technique
ме́тод после́довательного счё́та () — incremental method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
ме́тод после́довательных исключе́ний — successive exclusion method
ме́тод после́довательных подстано́вок — method of successive substitution, substitution process
ме́тод после́довательных попра́вок — successive correction method
ме́тод после́довательных приближе́ний — successive approximation method
ме́тод после́довательных элимина́ций — method of exhaustion
потенциометри́ческий компенсацио́нный ме́тод — potentiometric method
пото́чно-конве́йерный ме́тод — flow-line conveyor method
пото́чный ме́тод — straight-line flow method
ме́тод прерыва́ний () — chopped-beam method
приближё́нный ме́тод — approximate method
ме́тод проб и оши́бок — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
ме́тод программи́рующих програ́мм — programming program method
ме́тод проекти́рования, моде́льно-маке́тный — model-and-mock-up method of design
ме́тод простра́нственного коди́рования () — coded pattern method (OF analog-to-digital conversion)
ме́тод простра́нственной самофикса́ции — self-fixation space method
прямо́й ме́тод — direct method
ме́тод псевдослуча́йных чи́сел — pseudorandom number method
ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны
— lobing, beam [lobe] switching
ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны, мгнове́нный
— simultaneous lobing, monopulse
ме́тод ра́вных деформа́ций () — equal-strain method
ме́тод ра́вных отклоне́ний — equal-deflection method
радиацио́нный ме́тод — radiation method
ме́тод радиоавтогра́фии — radioautograph technique
ме́тод радиоакти́вных индика́торов — tracer method
радиометри́ческий ме́тод — radiometric method
ме́тод разбавле́ния — dilution method
ме́тод разделе́ния переме́нных — method of separation of variables
ме́тод разли́вки
— teeming [pouring, casting] practice
ме́тод разме́рностей — dimensional method
ра́зностный ме́тод — difference method
ме́тод разруша́ющей нагру́зки — load-factor method
разруша́ющий ме́тод — destructive check
ме́тод рассе́яния Рэле́я — Rayleigh scattering method
ме́тод ра́стрового скани́рования — raster-scan method
ме́тод расчё́та по допусти́мым нагру́зкам — working stress design [WSD] method
ме́тод расчё́та по разруша́ющим нагру́зкам
— ultimate-strength design [USD] method
резона́нсный ме́тод — resonance method
ме́тод реитера́ций
— method of reiteration, repetition method
рентгенострукту́рный ме́тод — X-ray diffraction method
ме́тод самоторможе́ния — retardation method
ме́тод сви́лей — schlieren technique, schlieren method
ме́тод сдви́нутого сигна́ла — offset-signal method
ме́тод секу́щих — secant method
ме́тод сече́ний () — method of sections
ме́тод сил () — work method
символи́ческий ме́тод — method of complex numbers
ме́тод симметри́чных составля́ющих — method of symmetrical components, symmetrical component method
ме́тод синхро́нного накопле́ния — synchronous storage method
ме́тод скани́рования полосо́й — single-line-scan television method
ме́тод скани́рования пятно́м — spot-scan photomultiplier method
ме́тод совпаде́ний — coincidence method
ме́тод сосредото́ченных пара́метров — lumped-parameter method
ме́тод спада́ния заря́да — fall-of-charge method
спектроскопи́ческий ме́тод — spectroscopic method
ме́тод спира́льного скани́рования — spiral-scan method
ме́тод сплавле́ния — fusion method
ме́тод сплошны́х сред () — continuous field analog technique
ме́тод сре́дних квадра́тов — midsquare method
статисти́ческий ме́тод — statistical technique
статисти́ческий ме́тод оце́нки — statistical estimation
ме́тод статисти́ческих испыта́ний — Monte Carlo method
стробоголографи́ческий ме́тод — strobo-holographic method
стробоскопи́ческий ме́тод — stroboscopic method
ступе́нчатый ме́тод () — step-by-step method
субъекти́вный ме́тод — subjective method
ме́тод сухо́го озоле́ния — dry combustion method
ме́тод сухо́го порошка́ () — dry method
счё́тно-и́мпульсный ме́тод — pulse-counting method
табли́чный ме́тод — diagram method
телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной аэросъё́мки — television method
телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной фотограмме́трии — television method
тенево́й ме́тод — (direct-)shadow method
термоанемометри́ческий ме́тод — hot-wire method
топологи́ческий ме́тод — topological method
то́чный ме́тод — exact [precision] method
ме́тод травле́ния, гидри́дный — sodium hydride descaling
ме́тод трапецеида́льных характери́стик — Floyd’s trapezoidal approximation method, approximation procedure
ме́тод триангуля́ции — triangulation method
ме́тод углово́й деформа́ции — slope-deflection method
ме́тод углово́й модуля́ции — angular modulation method
ме́тод узло́в () — method of joints
ме́тод узловы́х потенциа́лов — node-voltage method
ме́тод ура́внивания по направле́ниям
— method of directions, direction method
ме́тод ура́внивания по угла́м
— method of angles, angle method
ме́тод уравнове́шивания — balancing method
ме́тод усредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
ме́тод фа́зового контра́ста () — phase contrast
наблюда́ть ме́тодом фа́зового контра́ста — examine [study] by phase contrast
ме́тод фа́зовой пло́скости — phase plane method
ме́тод факториза́ции — factorization method
флотацио́нный ме́тод — floatation method
ме́тод центрифуги́рования — centrifuge method
чи́сленный ме́тод — numerical method
ме́тод Чохра́льского () — Czochralski method, vertical pulling technique
ме́тод Шо́ра — Shore hardness
щупово́й ме́тод — stylus method
ме́тод электрофоре́за — electrophoretic method
эмпири́ческий ме́тод — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
энергети́ческий ме́тод
strain energy method
ме́тод энергети́ческого бала́нса — power balance method
эргати́ческий ме́тод () — interactive [conversational] technique
About this lesson
The simplest experimental design approach is trial and error. If subject matters experts are generating the trial design, this can be successful. However, if the trial fails, this approach can lead to delays and overruns.
Quick reference
Trial and Error
Trial and Error is an experimental methodology where subject matter experts hypothesize the critical independent factors that will create a desired (or specifically undesired) response from the dependent factors. The experiments are done with these factors. If the experiments are not successful, another set of factors is selected.
When to use
Trial and error experimental approach is appropriate when there is a specific goal or response that is desired from the dependent factors and there are subject matter experts who can confidently select the appropriate independent factors for that experiment.
When using the trial and error method, it is vital that the two conditions mentioned above are met. First, the goal of the experiment will have a clear pass or fail criteria. That is so that the experiment can be determined as a success or failure. The second is that the subject matter experts must have adequate knowledge and experience to select the correct independent factors to be examined during the experiment. If either of those conditions is not true, then this method will likely create delays and overruns to the project.
If these independent factors selected do not create the desired response from the dependent factors, then a new set of independent factors must be selected. This pattern is repeated until the desired response is achieved. When there is an ambiguous goal, or the factors are just wild guesses, this approach often requires many iterations, leading to the delays and overruns.
When the aforementioned conditions are met, this approach will be the fastest and lowest cost experimental design approach. By leveraging the expertise of the subject matter experts and focusing the experiments on a specific goal, the number of tests can be held to a minimum.
One caution with this approach is that the “solution” may not truly solve the problem. If other factors are also significant, but not controlled in the experiment, the dependent factor results may be acceptable due to the uncontrolled factor rather than the independent factors that were tested.
Hints & tips
- The efficacy of this approach is highly dependent upon the knowledge and experience of the subject matter experts. Work the best you can find, either internal or external and from any department in the business.
- This is a difficult methodology to estimate. An optimistic estimate is that the first set of factors are the correct factors and no further experiments are needed. Most of the time that will be true, but when it isn’t, additional unplanned tests are needed and then this approach can quickly create massive delays and overruns.
- If the goal is to gain knowledge about a technology or product, use a different approach. This approach is best suited for testing a particular condition or to achieve a particular performance level.
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Hi, I’m Ray Sheen. -
One of the experimental methods, -
in fact the most commonly used method, is trial and error. -
Let’s take a look at it for a few moments. -
What do I mean by trial and error? -
In the trial and error method, a design or performance problem or -
a question is identified. -
Then subject matter experts who understand the product or -
process are consulted about the situation. -
These experts identify what they believe to be the most likely factor that is -
creating the problem or driving the performance of the product or process. -
That factor is then tested through several experiments to determine if it is -
the primary factor. -
If the results of the experiment do not show a clear connection between the factor -
and the product or process performance. -
Then the subject matter experts hypothesize a different factor and -
test the new factor with several experiments. -
This pattern continues until a factor or set of factors has been found -
that can explain the performance issue or create the level of desired performance. -
Once the factor or factor set is defined and -
understood, the experiments are completed. -
There are some advantages and -
benefits to this approach, along with some keys to making this approach successful. -
Let’s look at these, first the benefits. -
This approach can be fast and the lowest cost approach. -
It may only take a few experiments to understand the relationship -
between the critical independent factor and the dependent factor. -
If the subject matter experts guess correctly, this will confirm their -
understanding of the product or process and validate any existing models. -
This approach uses the expertise of the subject matter experts. -
These individuals have knowledge and experience that should be leveraged to -
help the organization, and this is one of the ways that that knowledge can be used. -
Now let’s consider the keys to success using this experimental approach. -
The obvious primary key is the access of subject matter experts. -
If they are not available then you’re trusting to blind luck to guess what -
factors you should study. -
And just to be clear, the subject matter experts do not have to -
have advanced degrees in the product or process technology. -
Their expertise could be years of practical hands-on experience. -
The point is that they already understand a great deal about the product or -
process performance, and -
can therefore point the experiments in the right direction for testing and analysis. -
The other key is that this method works best when there is a specific problem or -
issue to be investigated. -
A general requirement to better understand the technology is not well suited for -
this approach. -
However, when the issue is focused, -
the subject matter experts can isolate the one or two factors for investigation. -
There are also some potential traps and pitfalls with this approach. -
One of these is it is almost impossible to predict -
how big the experimental effort will be when doing project planning. -
Will the first factor analyze to show the critical relationships between independent -
and dependent factors or will it take several tries to understand it? -
In my experience, when a project is planned using this approach, -
the plan generally assumes that the first set of experiments will be successful. -
When it’s not the project is now delayed and over run creating additional problems. -
However, there is no rhyme or reason for presupposing how many attempts it -
will take, so the project plan in this area is a wild guess. -
Another pitfall is that the solution discovered may not really be the solution. -
This is especially true if only a few experimental tests are performed. -
There may be multiple factors that are affecting the performance, but -
the test is only controlling one or two of these. -
The test may be lucky that the others are aligned correctly for success, but -
the next time, those other factors may not be aligned. -
Since these experiments usually only look at one or -
two factors, interaction effects are often masked. -
Another pitfall is that the experiments chosen for -
testing will be based upon the knowledge and insight of the subject matter experts. -
If the problem is in the area where they do not have expertise, -
they may never guess the correct factors or set of factors. -
Limited knowledge and experience will limit the possible options for -
investigation. -
Finally, if the solution is not discovered within the first few sets of experiments, -
the subject matter experts are often put in a position of just guessing what to -
try next. -
At that point, the unstructured guesses can often lead to a very long and -
expensive test series until they stumble upon the right factors. -
Usually by that time, the project is under stress, and it’s likely that poor -
decisions will be made with respect to the testing and design optimization. -
Although there are some pitfalls to watch out for, -
this is still the most commonly used approach. -
And it’s definitely appropriate if you have an experienced subject matter expert -
and you’ve got a very specific design goal or problem to solve.
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