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- Rocksmith’s Real Tone Cable is an essential part of playing the game
- For that reason, it’s extremely frustrating when something goes wrong with it
- In this article, we talk you through some audio and latency common fixes
The Real Tone Cable is a fundamental part of playing Rocksmith, and it can be very frustrating when something goes wrong with it.
Luckily, problems with this hardware are usually easy to diagnose and have some simple solutions.
In this guide, we will walk through some common fixes with the cable and get you playing again!
Common Issues
The issues commonly associated with the real tone cable can be broken down into two categories: No audio and Latency.
No Audio
Having no audio is mostly self-explanatory; your guitar is plugged in, but it’s not making any noise.
This issue can also include intermittent audio that cuts out, or a very low volume signal.
Latency occurs when you play a note on the guitar and there is a small delay when you hear the note in-game.
This can be a very frustrating issue, as it can easily throw off your timing while playing or otherwise make the game experience very difficult.
With these main problems identified, we can address some easy fixes for both of the described issues.
One of these solutions is likely to get you back to playing.
Rocksmith Real Tone Cable
Rocksmith’s magic is thanks to the exclusive Real Tone Cable. The 11.25 feet cable will also allow players to plug in and record their instrument directly into their computer at 48KHz.
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How To Fix Your Rocksmith Audio
Often times when you are not getting any audio in Rocksmith, it comes down to the Real Tone cable or your device not interfacing with it.
1. Check The Guitar Volume
Though it might seem obvious, it’s easy to completely forget that the volume knob on our guitar or bass is turned down.
So before moving on to the next steps make sure all your knobs are turned up.
Check your volume knob when you plug in your guitar.
2. Recalibrate The Guitar
The next step in addressing the audio issue is to calibrate your guitar within the game itself.
The calibration setting can be found in the Tuner menu when you’re playing a song.
Once there, follow the in-game directions to calibrate your guitar. When calibrating, once the game asks you to mute the strings after playing, mute them with your hand and immediately release them.
Otherwise, you may be setting the noise floor too low, and you’ll get unwanted noise and other issues.
3. Try A Different USB Port
Sometimes the game has trouble recognizing the Real Tone cable in the console or the computer’s USB ports.
Switching the cable to another available USB port can help with this issue.
If swapping ports does not work, try unplugging the cable and then restarting the game or console, then plugging the cable back in.
You can also check the USB device volume on a PC or Mac. One hundred percent USB volume may be too high for the game to receive, so try reducing it to seventy-five or fifty.
4. Clean The Cable
This fix can also help if your cable is transmitting audio, but is also very noisy.
Dust and other detritus can sometimes accumulate on the contacts of the Real Tone table.
Cleaning the contacts on the USB connector with a blast of air from your lungs or a can of compressed air can help.
You can also clean the second connector in the cable, which you can find a few inches up from the USB side of the cable.
Disconnect the two halves and clean each side of the connector in the same way as the USB.
Now reconnect the secondary connector and plug the Real Tone cable back into your console or computer.
5. Reinstall PC Drivers
This option is only for PC or Mac users.
Reinstalling the USB drivers on your computer can sometimes help reset the Real Tone cable and get it to start transmitting audio again.
Find the Real Tone cable driver in the computer’s device settings and uninstall it.
When you plug the cable back in, you should be able to reinstall the drivers automatically.
How To Fix Latency Issues In Rocksmith
Latency with Rocksmith usually comes down to the HDMI cable or another cause of interference to your display and speakers.
Thankfully, we can use a few methods to circumvent these latency issues.
1. Recalibrate
Like we did for the audio fix, calibration can also help with latency.
The calibration setting can be found in the tuner menu while playing a song. Once there, follow the in-game directions to calibrate your guitar.
When calibrating, once the game asks you to mute the strings after playing, make sure you mute them with your hand and immediately release them.
Otherwise, you may set the noise floor too low and get unwanted noise and other issues.
Here’s a handy calibration checklist for you to use as a guide:
2. Select ‘Game Mode’ Audio
Most current TVs and monitors have different presets for different audio settings.
If your device has an audio preset for Games or a “Game Mode” make sure you select it.
This can often reduce latency to the device’s speakers and remove any delay you might hear while playing.
3. Try Using Headphones
A pair of headphones can help with latency and improve your sound quality.
We recommend plugging a good pair of headphones into the headphone jack on your controller.
This way you will be getting audio directly from the console and you can avoid latency between the console and TV speakers.
Make sure the game audio is turned up in your settings.
4. Use Console Audio Out
Like the headphone fix, we can also bypass the audio latency in the HDMI with external speakers.
If your console or computer has an audio out, connect this to a set of external speakers like a home stereo system.
Note that most modern consoles will have a digital audio output, so you need a more specialized cable like TOSlink to connect your console to the speakers.
5. Use An ABY Box
If you don’t have an external speaker system, but you do have a guitar amplifier, it could help with latency issues.
You will need an AB/Y pedal for this fix. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy. The Donner ABY Box will do just fine.
Connect your guitar to the input of the AB/Y box with a regular quarter-inch instrument cable.
Connect the A or B output of the box to your amp with another regular instrument cable.
Finally, connect the other output to the Real Tone cable and plug the Real Tone cable into your console or computer.
Ensure the AB/Y pedal is set to output both the A and B outputs via the foot switch.
Rocksmith Real Tone Cable
Rocksmith’s magic is thanks to the exclusive Real Tone Cable. The 11.25 feet cable will also allow players to plug in and record their instrument directly into their computer at 48KHz.
View Price On Amazon
Other Tips
Hopefully, these fixes solve your audio and latency issues and get you back to playing.
Lastly, we have a few other tips to keep in mind for good audio and connectivity while playing.
Humbuckers vs Single Coils
Humbucker pickups tend to work better with the Real Tone cable, so if you have a guitar equipped with them it will probably provide the smoothest experience.
If you don’t have a guitar with humbuckers, playing in a switch position between two single coils (i.e. position 2 or 4 on a Strat) will also work nicely.
- Check out our guide to pickup types.
Cable Compatibility
It is worth mentioning that the standard Real Tone cable will work with most consoles and computers.
Regardless of which version of the game you bought, you can still use the cable on a different device.
Some third-party Real Tone cable alternatives are readily available and will likely work on most devices.
Replacing A Cable
Finally, if you have tried all of these fixes and you are still having audio or latency issues, it might be time to replace your Real Tone cable.
Luckily, official Real Tone cables are still available on Amazon and similar sites.
As mentioned before, third-party cables work, but your mileage may vary.
It’s also a good idea to pick up an extra cable so you can play two-player with a friend!
Don’t forget to check out Rocksmith+ vs Yousician: Differences & Which Is Best For You!
Данный патч позволит вам запустить Rocksmith с помощью вашего кабеля подключенного к линейному входу (Или если у вас такого нет, то к входу наушников). Тем самым освобождая вас от покупки специального real tone кабеля.
Перед запуском игры, нужно настроить вашу винду.
- Заходим в меню «Звуки»
- В открывшимся окне выбираем «Воспроизведение»
- Далее отключаете все ненужные устройства, а затем открываете устройство которое у вас воспроизводит звук по умолчанию (У меня это «Динамики Realtek High Definition Audio»)
- В открывшемся окне выбираем вкладку «Дополнительно» Здесь важно убрать галочки «Разрешить приложениям использовать устройства в монопольном режиме» И выбрать разрядность и чистоту «16 бит, 48000 Гц (Диск DVD)» Как это показано на скриншоте ниже. Закрываем окно.
- Далее открываем вкладку «Запись»
- Перед тем как начать редактировать устройство записи, для тех кто хочет работать именно с линейным входом, но он комбинированный со входом под наушники. Советую в настройках вашего аудио драйвера (в моем случае это «Realtek») Разделить все входные гнезда в качестве независимых входных устройств. таким образом во вкладке «Запись» Появиться линейный вход, который и нужно будет редактировать.
- Во вкладке «Запись» отключите все ненужные устройства и откройте устройство по умолчанию. В открывшимся окне перейдите во вкладку «Дополнительно» и делайте все тоже самое, как в пункте 4.
- Далее после установки файла (Об установке читайте в одноименном разделе ниже) и запуска игры у вас не будет никаких ошибок =)
1. Распаковать архив в любое место
2. Закинуть файл «RocksmithNoCable3DevCapFix.exe» в корень игры (…SteamsteamappscommonRocksmith)
3. Удалить файл «Rocksmith.exe»
4. Переименовать «RocksmithNoCable3DevCapFix.exe» в «Rocksmith.exe»
5. Запустите игру Rocksmith из вашей библиотеки Steam
Приятной игры, с уважением
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Searched the forums and didn’t see any posts about this yet. So to save people the time that I wasted trying to figure out why after the April 2018 update your real tone cable isn’t working.
With the April 2018 update they added new privacy features that block most apps from using your microphone.
So to get it to work again go to your windows settings and search microphone privacy and switch it to allow apps to use your mic. I wasted an hour trying to figure it out and reinstalled Rocksmith all over again when all I had to do was click this setting. Hope this saves some people time after they get the windows update.
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Path to the setting. Start Menu>Settings>Privacy>Microphone Turn on «Allow Apps to access your microphone».
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So until now, Microsoft allowed any app to eavesdrop :ph34r:
Spies must have had a hard time to listen to RS players
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Hey, thanks you too much
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I was freaking out until I checked the forums and found this post. Thanks so much for this.
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Microsoft — give us your money so we can break everything on your computer — once broke Photoshop on my computer and had to edit the registry to get the damn thing working
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«You take it from me, eventually someone’s gonna take it from you too. Secrets get passed around. And all sorts of people are going to die for the secrets. That’s the curse of power.» — Delford «Iraq» Wade — Watch Dogs
I feel so far away, minutes turn to hours and the hours into days — «I Don’t Belong Here» — I Prevail
They’re so ignorant, they don’t understand, you were always longing for a chance — «Wasteland» — EarlyRise
I watched but never really listened as the whole world passed me by — «I Apologize» — Five Finger Death Punch
Have you ever had a dream? Would you fight for it? Would you go to war? Would you die for it? — «Bow Down» — I Prevail
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I need to write up a proper tutorial from my own findings. Basically I ditched the real-tone cable and instead use a mix of ‘Voice meeter’ in (virtual asio mode) / using Reaper (any DAW would work) with my zoom uac-2 asio driver. This way Rocksmith still picks up my guitar but I get the benefit of using for example my custom tones with Bias FX. From there you can hook up midi foot switches etc. there is no discernible latency since the sound you hear is direct asio driver driven and get the awesome sound while again still having Rocksmith pickup the played notes. I also need to get back in gear with cranking out more EOF songs for the community. Why must work life be so much WORK!
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I need to write up a proper tutorial from my own findings. Basically I ditched the real-tone cable and instead use a mix of ‘Voice meeter’ in (virtual asio mode) / using Reaper (any DAW would work) with my zoom uac-2 asio driver. This way Rocksmith still picks up my guitar but I get the benefit of using for example my custom tones with Bias FX. From there you can hook up midi foot switches etc. there is no discernible latency since the sound you hear is direct asio driver driven and get the awesome sound while again still having Rocksmith pickup the played notes. I also need to get back in gear with cranking out more EOF songs for the community. Why must work life be so much WORK!
This is EXACTLY what I’ve been planning to do!!!! I just moved so I was having to hold off another pay period or two. But I wanted to download Bias 2, and play it along with RS!!! Can you tell me exactly what I’ll need, and how you did it? I’m playing on a Surface Pro Tablet, and have been for years. But I’ve been dying to get my hands on bias, and play with it and RS at the same time!
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I’m playing on a Surface Pro Tablet, and have been for years.
That makes two of us — have you gotten OBS streaming to work by any chance?
«You take it from me, eventually someone’s gonna take it from you too. Secrets get passed around. And all sorts of people are going to die for the secrets. That’s the curse of power.» — Delford «Iraq» Wade — Watch Dogs
I feel so far away, minutes turn to hours and the hours into days — «I Don’t Belong Here» — I Prevail
They’re so ignorant, they don’t understand, you were always longing for a chance — «Wasteland» — EarlyRise
I watched but never really listened as the whole world passed me by — «I Apologize» — Five Finger Death Punch
Have you ever had a dream? Would you fight for it? Would you go to war? Would you die for it? — «Bow Down» — I Prevail
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Are you playing on the first Surface pro model? And I have no clue what OBS streaming is. I know this much. If you turn your settings (visually) all the way down, you can play this game with zero problems. I have over 3,000 songs and have no issues, unless I catch a bad cdlc. Anyway. Fill me in on the OBS thing.
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@@Xellot — i use a pro 4 and can’t get OBS to work properly — only shows a black screen and if I’m using it windowed then its so small (1366*768 res) I can’t make out anything
«You take it from me, eventually someone’s gonna take it from you too. Secrets get passed around. And all sorts of people are going to die for the secrets. That’s the curse of power.» — Delford «Iraq» Wade — Watch Dogs
I feel so far away, minutes turn to hours and the hours into days — «I Don’t Belong Here» — I Prevail
They’re so ignorant, they don’t understand, you were always longing for a chance — «Wasteland» — EarlyRise
I watched but never really listened as the whole world passed me by — «I Apologize» — Five Finger Death Punch
Have you ever had a dream? Would you fight for it? Would you go to war? Would you die for it? — «Bow Down» — I Prevail
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What is OBS?? I don’t follow? Clarify for me and I can probably help. Also what is does your Ini file look like?
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Are you using a TV or a Monitor to play on? I’m assuming you’re not playing staring at the tablet….. One thing you can do if you have to adjust the resolution is Zoom in on your TV settings. IE: Wide, Zoom etc. I have to turn my resolution down too, and I only run the game on 720p. You really don’t need fancy ass graphics, and to be honest I can’t tell a difference in what I play, and what I see on youtube. Message me real quick, and I’ll toss you my name so you can message me on facebook. I don’t get notifications for this website, and I’d hate to leave ya hangin! Cheers bud.
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I need to write up a proper tutorial from my own findings. Basically I ditched the real-tone cable and instead use a mix of ‘Voice meeter’ in (virtual asio mode) / using Reaper (any DAW would work) with my zoom uac-2 asio driver. This way Rocksmith still picks up my guitar but I get the benefit of using for example my custom tones with Bias FX. From there you can hook up midi foot switches etc. there is no discernible latency since the sound you hear is direct asio driver driven and get the awesome sound while again still having Rocksmith pickup the played notes. I also need to get back in gear with cranking out more EOF songs for the community. Why must work life be so much WORK!
This is EXACTLY what I’ve been planning to do!!!! I just moved so I was having to hold off another pay period or two. But I wanted to download Bias 2, and play it along with RS!!! Can you tell me exactly what I’ll need, and how you did it? I’m playing on a Surface Pro Tablet, and have been for years. But I’ve been dying to get my hands on bias, and play with it and RS at the same time!
Just saw your reply. Give me some time and I will write up the exact steps. I’ll up this post as well as create a new one. I will also try to provide a direct URL to the no cable patch I’m using. That was quite difficult to troubleshoot btw.
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Hmm, forums might be acting up, twice I tried to start a new topic for the tutorial and it just disappears. I did notify the staff on the issue. Hope to get you guys a tutorial soon. Thanks!
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You are the man. The real tone cable was working fine outside the game but when i was ‘alt-tab’ing in game no sound from the guitar. I tried for days with settings in windows 10 and inside the game and the .ini file to no end.You just saved a guitar, a real tone cable, an ASUS laptop and my mother in law going out of the window(3rd floor) Thank you very much.
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Great post. About to start throwing stuff this morning and this post saved me. haha
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this still didn’t help me
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30.06.2015, 21:18
Начинающий охотник за трофеями
Real tone cable не работает
Доброго дня, форумчане!
Приобрел игру ещё весной, сыграл пару раз, но вот беда, гитара поломалась. Два месяца добирался до мастерской и вот вчера я сажусь наконец себя порадовать и … никакого эффекта. Испугался за гитару, быстро проверил — всё норм. Воткнул в ПК проверил на нём — картина такая же. Погуглил — вроде как много у кого отказывают провода эти. Он просто лежал на полке всё это время.
Сталкивался ли кто-нибудь и, может, посоветуете чего, желательно, отличающегося от «беги за новым» ?
30.06.2015, 21:54
Вообще нет сигнала?
Если так, то остается только разбирать и смотреть. В лучшем случае отошел контакт (что маловероятно), в худшем — шнур накрылся. Гарантии на него я так понимаю небыло?
П.С. Мой нормально функционирует, но я им от силы пару недель пользовался. Покупал пол года назад.
30.06.2015, 22:02
Начинающий охотник за трофеями
RockaRollaJP, просто не идёт аудиосигнал, хотя и компьютером определяется правильно и плойкой. Сейчас посмотрел чек — брал аж 21 января, бандл игра+шнур для ps4. Спрошу у магазина, но сомневаюсь, что будет гарантия какая.
01.07.2015, 11:55
01.07.2015, 13:06
Начинающий охотник за трофеями
Deep_wolf, с собакой точно нет, есть только кот и тот в 200км от меня сейчас.
Да гитару не то что поломал, просто пошла звоном, в результате просто всё решилось сменой струн и отстройкой мензуры. А долго так не делал потому, что руки не доходили. Комбик есесн есть. Думал на обрыв, но внешних повреждений нет и механических воздействий не производил.
Парень из магазина сказал проверить настройку основного input на плойке, я даже не знал, что там есть что-то подобное. И типа раз определяется верно — не всё потеряно. Вечером гляну что к чему, может действительно просто я лошара.
01.07.2015, 20:34
Начинающий охотник за трофеями
Нашёл проблемку, как и предполагал Deep_wolf, кабель имеет перелом на стыке с джеком, если его там малеха повертеть — сигнал проходит. Вроде не перегибал, когда успел переломить не знаю. Если магаз не поменяет — отрежу и припаяю новый. Всем спасибо за помощь и поддержку
01.07.2015, 23:45
Кстати, у меня джек тоже кривой. Впервые дни пользования как-то гитару поставил на кабель, и на тебе. Однако все работает. Рад, что все получилось.
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