U029d00 ошибка вольво

U029D Нарушена связь с датчиком NOX A Код неисправности OBD-II Техническое

Код неисправности OBD-II Техническое описание

Нарушение связи с датчиком NOX A

Что это значит?

Это общий диагностический код неисправности системы связи, который применяется к большинству марок и моделей автомобилей OBD-II.

Этот код означает, что датчик NOX A (NOXS-A) и другие модули управления на автомобиле не взаимодействуют друг с другом. Схема, наиболее часто используемая для связи, известна как связь по шине сети контроллеров или, проще говоря, шина CAN.

Модули обмениваются данными друг с другом по сети, так же, как сеть, которая есть у вас дома или на работе. Производители автомобилей используют несколько сетевых систем. До 2004 г. наиболее распространенными (не исчерпывающими) системами межмодульной связи был интерфейс последовательной связи или SCI; Шина SAE J1850 или PCI; и Chrysler Collision Detection, или CCD. Наиболее распространенная система, используемая после 2004 года, известна как связь по шине Controller Area Network, или, проще говоря, шина CAN (также использовалась до 2004 года на небольшом сегменте транспортных средств). Без этой шины CAN модули управления не могут обмениваться информацией, и ваш диагностический прибор может получить или не получить информацию от транспортного средства, в зависимости от того, какая цепь затронута.

Датчик NOX A (NOXS-A) обычно ввинчивается в выхлопную трубу за каталитическим нейтрализатором SCR. Он получает входные данные от различных датчиков, некоторые из которых напрямую подключены к нему, а большинство передаются по системе связи по шине от модуля управления трансмиссией (PCM). Эти входы позволяют модулю связываться с датчиком, чтобы убедиться, что катализатор контролирует NOx. Обратитесь к справочнику по конкретному автомобилю, чтобы определить, какой модуль является «A» в вашем конкретном случае.

Действия по устранению неполадок могут различаться в зависимости от производителя, типа системы связи, количества проводов и цветов проводов в системе связи.

Степень серьезности кода и симптомы

Степень серьезности в этом случае обычно серьезная, так как это не позволяет PCM определять уровни выбросов. Производитель мог предоставить обходной путь в случае полного отказа сети связи. На работу автомобиля влияет отсутствие работы NOXS-A.

Симптомы кода U029D могут включать:

  • Световой индикатор неисправности горит
  • NOXS-A не включается / не работает / модуль датчика не производит напряжения


Обычно причиной установки этого кода являются:

  • Обрыв на шине CAN + или — цепь
  • Короткое замыкание на массу или на массу в любой цепи CAN-шины
  • Нет питания или заземления на модуль NOXS-A
  • Редко — неисправен модуль управления

Процедуры диагностики и ремонта

Хорошим местом для начала ВСЕЙ электрической диагностики является проверка бюллетеней технического обслуживания (TSB) для вашего автомобиля. Проблема, с которой вы столкнулись, может быть известна другим специалистам в этой области. Известное исправление может быть выпущено производителем и может сэкономить вам время и деньги во время диагностики.

Предполагается, что на этом этапе вам доступен считыватель кодов, так как до сих пор вы могли получать доступ к кодам. Посмотрите, были ли какие-либо другие диагностические коды неисправностей, связанные со связью по шине или с аккумулятором / зажиганием. Если это так, вам следует сначала диагностировать их, поскольку, как известно, неправильный диагноз возникает, если вы диагностируете код U029D до того, как какой-либо из основных кодов будет тщательно диагностирован и исправлен.

Если единственный код, который вы получаете от других модулей, — это U029D, попробуйте получить доступ к NOXS-A. Если вы можете получить доступ к кодам от NOXS-A, то код U029D либо прерывистый, либо код памяти. Если не удается получить доступ к NOXS-A, значит, код U029D, установленный другими модулями, активен, и проблема уже существует.

Наиболее частая неисправность — это неисправность цепи, которая приводит к потере питания или заземления датчика NOx a.

Проверьте все предохранители, питающие модуль NOXS-A на этом автомобиле. Проверьте все основания для NOXS-A. Найдите на автомобиле точки крепления заземления и убедитесь, что эти соединения чистые и надежные. Если необходимо, снимите их, возьмите небольшую щетку из проволочной щетины и раствор пищевой соды / воды и очистите каждый из них, как разъем, так и место, где он соединяется.

Если какой-либо ремонт был произведен, удалите диагностические коды неисправностей со всех модулей, которые установили код в памяти, и посмотрите, сможете ли вы теперь связаться с модулем NOXS-A. Если связь с NOXS-A восстанавливается, скорее всего, проблема связана с предохранителями / соединениями.

Если код возвращается или связь по-прежнему не может быть установлена ​​с модулем, найдите коммуникационные соединения CAN-шины на вашем автомобиле, особенно разъем NOXS-A, который обычно находится ввинченным в выхлопную трубу за каталитическим нейтрализатором scr. Перед отсоединением разъема от NOXS-A отсоедините отрицательный кабель аккумуляторной батареи. После обнаружения визуально осмотрите разъемы и проводку. Ищите царапины, потертости, оголенные провода, пятна ожогов или расплавленный пластик.

Разъедините разъемы и внимательно осмотрите клеммы (металлические детали) внутри разъемов. Посмотрите, выглядят ли они обгоревшими или имеют зеленый оттенок, указывающий на коррозию. При необходимости очистки клемм используйте очиститель электрических контактов и щетку с пластиковой щетиной. Дайте высохнуть и нанесите электротехническую смазку в местах соприкосновения клемм.

Перед тем, как снова подключить разъемы к NOXS-A, выполните эти несколько проверок напряжения. Вам понадобится доступ к цифровому вольт-омметру (ДВОМ). Убедитесь, что на NOXS-A есть питание и заземление. Получите доступ к электрической схеме и определите, где основные источники питания и заземления входят в NOXS-A. Подсоедините аккумулятор, прежде чем продолжить, при этом NOXS-A все еще отсоединен. Подключите красный провод вашего вольтметра к каждому источнику питания B + (напряжение батареи), входящему в разъем NOXS-A, а черный провод вашего вольтметра к хорошему заземлению (если не уверены, отрицательный полюс батареи всегда работает). Вы должны увидеть значение напряжения батареи. Убедитесь, что у вас есть веские основания. Подсоедините красный провод вольтметра к плюсу батареи (B +), а черный провод — к каждой цепи заземления. Еще раз вы должны увидеть напряжение батареи при каждом подключении. Если нет, устраните неисправность цепи питания или заземления.

Затем проверьте две цепи связи. Найдите цепь CAN C + (или HSCAN +) и CAN C- (или HSCAN — цепь). Подключив черный провод вольтметра к надежному заземлению, подключите красный провод к CAN C +. При включенном ключе и выключенном двигателе вы должны увидеть около 2.6 вольт с небольшими колебаниями. Затем подключите красный провод вольтметра к цепи CAN C-. Вы должны увидеть примерно 2.4 вольта с небольшими колебаниями. Другие производители показывают CAN C- примерно на 5 В и колеблющуюся клавишу при выключенном двигателе. Ознакомьтесь со спецификациями вашего производителя.

Если все тесты пройдены, а связь по-прежнему невозможна, или вы не смогли сбросить код неисправности U029D, единственное, что можно сделать, — это обратиться за помощью к обученному автомобильному диагносту, так как это будет указывать на сбой NOXS-A. . Большинство этих NOXS-A должны быть запрограммированы или откалиброваны для правильной установки на транспортном средстве.

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OBD-II DTC Datasheet

Lost Communication With NOX Sensor A

What does this mean?

This is a generic communications system diagnostic trouble code that applies to most makes and models of OBD-II vehicles.

This code means that the NOX A (NOXS-A) sensor and other control modules on the vehicle are not communicating with each other. The circuitry most commonly used for communication is known as Controller Area Bus communication, or simply the CAN bus.

Modules communicate with each other over a network, just like the network you have at home or work. Car manufacturers use several networked systems. Prior to 2004, the most common (non-exhaustive) inter-module communication systems were the serial communication interface, or SCI; SAE J1850 or PCI bus; and Chrysler Collision Detection, or CCD. The most common system used after 2004 is known as Controller Area Network communication, or simply the CAN bus (also used until 2004 on a small segment of vehicles). Without this CAN bus, control modules cannot communicate and your scan tool may or may not receive information from the vehicle, depending on which circuit is affected.

The NOX sensor A (NOXS-A) is usually screwed into the exhaust pipe behind the SCR catalytic converter. It receives input from a variety of sensors, some of which are directly connected to it, and most are sent over a bus communication system from the powertrain control module (PCM). These inputs allow the module to communicate with the sensor to ensure that the catalyst is monitoring NOx. Refer to the vehicle-specific handbook to determine which module is «A» in your particular case.

Troubleshooting steps may vary depending on the manufacturer, the type of communication system, the number of wires, and the colors of the wires in the communication system.

Code severity and symptoms

The severity in this case is usually severe as it prevents the PCM from determining emission levels. The manufacturer could provide a workaround in the event of a complete communication network failure. Vehicle performance is affected by NOXS-A failure.

Symptoms of a U029D code may include:

  • Fault indicator light is on
  • NOXS-A does not turn on / does not work / sensor module does not produce voltage


Usually the reason for installing this code is:

  • Open on CAN bus + or — circuit
  • Short to ground or ground in any CAN bus circuit
  • No power or ground to NOXS-A module
  • Rarely — faulty control module

Diagnostic and repair procedures

A good place to start with ALL electrical diagnostics is to check the Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) for your vehicle. The problem you are facing may be known to others in the field. A known fix may have been released by the manufacturer and can save you time and money during diagnostics.

It is assumed that you have access to a code reader at this point, as you may have been able to access the codes up until now. See if there were any other DTCs related to bus communication or battery / ignition. If so, you should diagnose them first, as misdiagnosis is known to occur if you diagnose the U029D code before any of the underlying codes are thoroughly diagnosed and corrected.

If the only code you get from other modules is U029D, try accessing NOXS-A. If you can access the codes from NOXS-A, then the U029D code is either intermittent or memory code. If NOXS-A cannot be accessed, then the code U029D set by other modules is active and the problem already exists.

The most common failure is a circuit failure that results in loss of power or ground to the NOx sensor a.

Check all fuses supplying the NOXS-A module on this vehicle. Check out all the reasons for NOXS-A. Locate ground anchorage points on the vehicle and make sure these connections are clean and secure. If necessary, remove them, take a small wire bristle brush and baking soda / water solution and clean each one, both the connector and the place where it connects.

If any repairs have been made, clear the DTCs from all modules that set the code in memory and see if you can now communicate with the NOXS-A module. If communication with NOXS-A recovers, the problem is most likely a fuse / connection issue.

If the code returns or communication still cannot be established with the module, look for the CAN bus communication connections on your vehicle, especially the NOXS-A connector, which is usually screwed into the exhaust pipe behind the scr catalytic converter. Disconnect the negative battery cable before disconnecting the connector from NOXS-A. Once detected, visually inspect the connectors and wiring. Look for scratches, scuffs, exposed wires, burn marks, or molten plastic.

Disconnect the connectors and carefully inspect the terminals (metal parts) inside the connectors. See if they look burnt or have a green tint indicating corrosion. If you need to clean the terminals, use an electrical contact cleaner and a plastic bristle brush. Allow to dry and apply electrical grease where the terminals touch.

Perform these few voltage checks before reconnecting the connectors to the NOXS-A. You will need access to a digital volt ohmmeter (DVOM). Make sure NOXS-A is powered and grounded. Access the wiring diagram and determine where the main power and ground supplies enter the NOXS-A. Reconnect the battery before proceeding with the NOXS-A still disconnected. Connect the red wire of your voltmeter to each B + (battery voltage) power source going into the NOXS-A connector, and the black wire of your voltmeter to a good ground (if unsure, the negative pole of the battery always works). You should see the battery voltage reading. Make sure you have a good reason. Connect the red wire from the voltmeter to battery positive (B +) and the black wire to each ground. Once again, you should see the battery voltage every time you plug it in. If not, troubleshoot the power or ground circuit.

Then check the two communication circuits. Find CAN C + (or HSCAN +) and CAN C- (or HSCAN — chain) circuit. After connecting the black wire of the voltmeter to a reliable ground, connect the red wire to CAN C +. With the key on and the engine off, you should see about 2.6 volts with slight fluctuations. Then connect the red wire of the voltmeter to the CAN C- circuit. You should see about 2.4 volts with slight fluctuations. Other manufacturers show CAN C- at about 5V and a flapping key when the engine is off. Check out your manufacturer’s specifications.

If all tests pass and communication is still not possible, or you were unable to reset DTC U029D, the only thing that can be done is to seek help from a trained automotive diagnostician, as this will indicate a NOXS-A failure. … Most of these NOXS-A must be programmed or calibrated to fit correctly on the vehicle.

Related DTC discussions

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Need more help with code U029D?

If you still need help with DTC U029D, post a question in the comments below this article.

NOTE. This information is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a repair recommendation and we are not responsible for any action you take on any vehicle. All information on this site is protected by copyright.

OBD-II DTC Datasheet

Lost Communication With NOX Sensor A

What does this mean?

This is a generic communications system diagnostic trouble code that applies to most makes and models of OBD-II vehicles.

This code means that the NOX A (NOXS-A) sensor and other control modules on the vehicle are not communicating with each other. The circuitry most commonly used for communication is known as Controller Area Bus communication, or simply the CAN bus.

Modules communicate with each other over a network, just like the network you have at home or work. Car manufacturers use several networked systems. Prior to 2004, the most common (non-exhaustive) inter-module communication systems were the serial communication interface, or SCI; SAE J1850 or PCI bus; and Chrysler Collision Detection, or CCD. The most common system used after 2004 is known as Controller Area Network communication, or simply the CAN bus (also used until 2004 on a small segment of vehicles). Without this CAN bus, control modules cannot communicate and your scan tool may or may not receive information from the vehicle, depending on which circuit is affected.

The NOX sensor A (NOXS-A) is usually screwed into the exhaust pipe behind the SCR catalytic converter. It receives input from a variety of sensors, some of which are directly connected to it, and most are sent over a bus communication system from the powertrain control module (PCM). These inputs allow the module to communicate with the sensor to ensure that the catalyst is monitoring NOx. Refer to the vehicle-specific handbook to determine which module is «A» in your particular case.

Troubleshooting steps may vary depending on the manufacturer, the type of communication system, the number of wires, and the colors of the wires in the communication system.

Code severity and symptoms

The severity in this case is usually severe as it prevents the PCM from determining emission levels. The manufacturer could provide a workaround in the event of a complete communication network failure. Vehicle performance is affected by NOXS-A failure.

Symptoms of a U029D code may include:

  • Fault indicator light is on
  • NOXS-A does not turn on / does not work / sensor module does not produce voltage


Usually the reason for installing this code is:

  • Open on CAN bus + or — circuit
  • Short to ground or ground in any CAN bus circuit
  • No power or ground to NOXS-A module
  • Rarely — faulty control module

Diagnostic and repair procedures

A good place to start with ALL electrical diagnostics is to check the Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) for your vehicle. The problem you are facing may be known to others in the field. A known fix may have been released by the manufacturer and can save you time and money during diagnostics.

It is assumed that you have access to a code reader at this point, as you may have been able to access the codes up until now. See if there were any other DTCs related to bus communication or battery / ignition. If so, you should diagnose them first, as misdiagnosis is known to occur if you diagnose the U029D code before any of the underlying codes are thoroughly diagnosed and corrected.

If the only code you get from other modules is U029D, try accessing NOXS-A. If you can access the codes from NOXS-A, then the U029D code is either intermittent or memory code. If NOXS-A cannot be accessed, then the code U029D set by other modules is active and the problem already exists.

The most common failure is a circuit failure that results in loss of power or ground to the NOx sensor a.

Check all fuses supplying the NOXS-A module on this vehicle. Check out all the reasons for NOXS-A. Locate ground anchorage points on the vehicle and make sure these connections are clean and secure. If necessary, remove them, take a small wire bristle brush and baking soda / water solution and clean each one, both the connector and the place where it connects.

If any repairs have been made, clear the DTCs from all modules that set the code in memory and see if you can now communicate with the NOXS-A module. If communication with NOXS-A recovers, the problem is most likely a fuse / connection issue.

If the code returns or communication still cannot be established with the module, look for the CAN bus communication connections on your vehicle, especially the NOXS-A connector, which is usually screwed into the exhaust pipe behind the scr catalytic converter. Disconnect the negative battery cable before disconnecting the connector from NOXS-A. Once detected, visually inspect the connectors and wiring. Look for scratches, scuffs, exposed wires, burn marks, or molten plastic.

Disconnect the connectors and carefully inspect the terminals (metal parts) inside the connectors. See if they look burnt or have a green tint indicating corrosion. If you need to clean the terminals, use an electrical contact cleaner and a plastic bristle brush. Allow to dry and apply electrical grease where the terminals touch.

Perform these few voltage checks before reconnecting the connectors to the NOXS-A. You will need access to a digital volt ohmmeter (DVOM). Make sure NOXS-A is powered and grounded. Access the wiring diagram and determine where the main power and ground supplies enter the NOXS-A. Reconnect the battery before proceeding with the NOXS-A still disconnected. Connect the red wire of your voltmeter to each B + (battery voltage) power source going into the NOXS-A connector, and the black wire of your voltmeter to a good ground (if unsure, the negative pole of the battery always works). You should see the battery voltage reading. Make sure you have a good reason. Connect the red wire from the voltmeter to battery positive (B +) and the black wire to each ground. Once again, you should see the battery voltage every time you plug it in. If not, troubleshoot the power or ground circuit.

Then check the two communication circuits. Find CAN C + (or HSCAN +) and CAN C- (or HSCAN — chain) circuit. After connecting the black wire of the voltmeter to a reliable ground, connect the red wire to CAN C +. With the key on and the engine off, you should see about 2.6 volts with slight fluctuations. Then connect the red wire of the voltmeter to the CAN C- circuit. You should see about 2.4 volts with slight fluctuations. Other manufacturers show CAN C- at about 5V and a flapping key when the engine is off. Check out your manufacturer’s specifications.

If all tests pass and communication is still not possible, or you were unable to reset DTC U029D, the only thing that can be done is to seek help from a trained automotive diagnostician, as this will indicate a NOXS-A failure. … Most of these NOXS-A must be programmed or calibrated to fit correctly on the vehicle.

Related DTC discussions

  • There are currently no related topics in our forums. Post a new topic on the forum now.

Need more help with code U029D?

If you still need help with DTC U029D, post a question in the comments below this article.

NOTE. This information is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a repair recommendation and we are not responsible for any action you take on any vehicle. All information on this site is protected by copyright.

U029D and U029E NOx sensor codes: What ‘lost communication’ means

Check Engine

What NOx sensors do

But before we get started on the solutions available to you, let’s take a look at what the NOx sensor does. The diesel NOX sensor has a duel-purpose: it is designed to measure both the nitrogen oxide content (chemical name is NO or NO2), and the oxygen content (chemical name O2) in the exhaust. The NOx sensor is therefore vital in a good, working engine. It is possible to drive for short distances with a faulty NOx sensor, but it will quickly impact the acceleration, and cause lost mileage.

As you did understand this part performs Oxygen (lambda probe’s) work and it does measure NOx content, to make sure engine is running smoothly, fuel efficiency is good and environmental isn’t being affected by nitrogen oxides coming out of the exhaust system.

Nox Sensor

Where are NOx sensors fitted?

So where is the NOx sensor? We find it located a little up from the SCR catalyst, in a position prime for directly measuring the level of NOx gas sent out by the engine. This is partnered by a NOx sensor located just a little down from the SCR catalyst, in the perfect place to measure the performance of the catalyst itself. The NOx sensor A is generally screwed into the exhaust pipe, just behind the catalytic converter.

Nitrogen Oxide sensors are fitted to all EURO 4, EURO 5, EURO 6 standard cars, buses, trucks, vans, tractors, heavy duty equipment or any other 12V or 24V motor vehicle with petrol or diesel combustion engine.

These sensors are used by all car manufacturer such Audi, VW Caddy Golf Passat Touran Sharan, Skoda, Seat Alhambra MPV, BMW, Ford, Land Rover, GMC, Volvo, Opel, Renault, Citroen, Peugeot 3008, Alfa-Romeo, Mercedes-Benz, GM, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Opel Vauxhall Insignia Astra MK6 J MK7 K Zafira C MK3, Mini, Dodge Ram truck, Cummins,  Duramax, Mazda, Nissan, Lexus, Toyota, Fiat, Isuzu and many other.

Symptoms of the faulty NOx sensor

This is a pretty severe problem, so it is advisable to deal with it quickly. But what are the symptoms of U029D and U029E error codes? They include the engine warning light  (also known CEL check engine light) coming on (check your user manual to identify this), ask your local mechanic to check this for you if no voltage being produced by the sensor module, if you are DIY person you can use OBD-II OBD 2 port and scanner to check for error codes.

Additionally when sensor has malfunction car’s engine won’t work as good as before and fuel consumption will increase as well.

Explanation of faulty NOX sensor:

  • U029E00 — Lost communication with NOX sensor B
  • U029E Lost Communication with NOx sensor B
  • U029E-00
  • U029D00 — Lost communication with NOX sensor A
  • U029D
  • U029D00 — Communication with nox sensor has a malfunction
  • U029D — Fault in Communication with the DeNOX system
  • U029D-00
  • U100600 — NOx sensor 1 Bank 1 — No Communication
  • 28992 U029E00 Communication missing incorrect
  • 053302 — NOx Sensor 1 Bank 2
  • U1036-000 U1036000 No Communication

So what’s the solution?

The first things to check are the fuses and wiring. Take a look for any obvious loose wires or blown fuses for an easy fix. If everything seems fully functioning, but the NOx sensor error code remains lit up, then replace the NOx control unit sensor, before replacing inspect connectors and plugs as it is very common that these places were affected by water or moisture so before replacing sensor dry them properly. This will help you to determine whether it is a problem with the sensor itself, or the system which feeds the sensor. If, once you have replaced the sensor, the new NOx sensor does not light up an error code, then you know that the issue was with the NOx sensor itself, and has been fixed. On the other hand, if the new NOx sensor still results in an error code, then it is more likely that the issue is with the system itself. but in mostly of the cases it is related to faulty nitrogen oxide sensor.

Compared to fault codes starting with letter P, for example P2200 P2201 P2202 P229F62 P229E P11CC P11DC P11DB and P20EE there is no cheap fix solution or repair kit, the only way to replace buy whole brand new NOx sensor as the main part which is not repairable was damaged or has failed completely and couldn’t be repaired to ensure safety of your car.

Where to get new sensor and which one is required for my car?

If it’s first time you are dealing with NOXC2, NOXC3, NOXC4 or standard NOx sensor, you must to know that these sensors aren’t universal fitment even they look very similar probe and control unit.

There are thousands of different NOx sensors on the market with different length of probe, different software and hardware inside the ballast (emission control unit) for each manufacturer, for example Mercedes-Benz A0009053403, A0009053503, A0009053603, A0009053603, VW 03L907807AB, 03L907807AF, 03L907807AD and so on, below we did provide a short list of available sensors at our online shop.

To find out which part number and sensor is required for you car there are two ways first one lift up or get under the car, locate sensor which is faulty bank 1 or bank 2 etc remove protection covers if necessary and take a picture of label or any writings located on the control unit.

Another way is to hook up your car with dealer software and ask to check what is original part entered in the system, this way is more expensive as it does require dealer software and to check part number phisically is much more easier and cheaper way to do it.

When you have the crucial information you can search for needed part number online, at local store, dealer or any other channels you want or you can email xenons4u with picture or old part number and we will be more than happy to locate this part used, new, refurbished or aftermarket depending on the budget and availability.

A nice, easy fix, but absolutely integral to the smooth running of your vehicle!

An example list of OEM part numbers, which we can supply:

·         9678570780 5WK96746A SNS146A ·         89463-E0480 5WK96786
·         9675358480 5WK96745A SNS145A ·         68085740AA 5WK96730 SNS12V
·         227905444R 5WK96748 SNS148 ·         A0009056304 5WK97250
·         227908539R 5WK96747 SNS147 ·         A0009053403 5WK96681D
·         03L907807R 5WK96737 ·         A0009059603 A2C12547900-081G
·         4M0907807G 5WK97309 A2C92707800-02 ·         A0009059603 5WK96681E
·         04L907805AR — 04L907805AS — 059907807P ·         A0009053503 5WK96682D
·         4H0907807J — 4G0907807T — 4G0907807E ·         A0009052909 A2C16442800-292
·         8R0907807R — 4M0907807F — 059907807Q ·         A0009053000 5WK96682
·         059907807R — 04L907807S — 8R0907807R ·         A0009052900 5WK96683
·         4M0907807- 4M0907807R — 4M0907807G ·         A0009057000 5WK96682A
·         4N0907807 — 4N0907807B — 8K0907807H ·         A0009057100 5WK96683A
·         03L907807AC A2C10327400-086C ·         A0009053503 5WK96682C
·         04L907805L 5WK97233 ·         A0009053603 5WK96683C
·         03L907807AF A2C10327600-088B SME ·         A0009055100 5WK96681
·         03L907807AD — 03L907807 AD — 5WK96688A ·         A0009056900 5WK96681A
·         03L907807AE ·         A0009053403 5WK96681C
·         8K0907807E — 5WK96688 ·         A0009059803 5WK96683E
·         8K0907807C — 5WK96638B ·         A0101539528 5WK96653C
·         8K0907807D — 5WK96641B ·         A0009050008 A2C12610200-284
·         8K0907807K — 5WK96689A ·         A0009052709 A2C16442400-290
·         8K0907807F — 5WK96689 ·         A0009053109 A2C15463300-02
·         8R0907807G — 5WK96728B ·         A0009053009 A2C15462900-02
·         8R0 907 807 — 8R0907807 — 5WK96712 ·         A0009053606 5WK96682F
·         8R0 907 807 Q — 8R0907807Q ·         A0009059703 5WK96682E
·         8R0 907 807 P — 8R0907807P ·         A0009050108 A2C13684300-286
·         8R0 907 807 A — 8R0907807A — 5WK96728 ·         A0065427218 5WK96677
·         8R0907807L — 5WK97255 ·         A0035428818 5WK96606
·         8R0907807E — 5WK96796 ·         A0009053706 5WK96683F
·         8R0907807F — 5WK96739A ·         A0009050208 A2C13684500-287
·         03L907807 T — 03L907807T — 5WK96798 — A2C10328500-198A ·         A0009053603 5WK96683D
·         076907807 5WK96648A ·         A0009052809 A2C16442600-291
·         03L907807E — 5WK96638C ·         759040204 5WK96650B — 5WK96650C
·         4G0907807AA A2C39767700-01 ·         759040202 5WK96650
·         04L907805CE A2C14860700-01 ·         758712905 5WK96610K
·         04L 907 805 BH — 04L907805BH ·         758712903 5WK96610L
·         04L 907 805 DH — 04L907805DH ·         758712901 5WK96610G
·         04L 907 805 AD — 04L907805AD ·         758051801 5WK96610D
·         04L 907 805 DC — 04L907805DC ·         758712902 5WK96610H
·         04L907805CJ — 04L907805CJ ·         758712905 5WK96610L
·         04L907805AE — 04L907805AE ·         758713001 5WK96621F
·         04L907805BP — 04L907805BP ·         758713005 5WK96621J
·         04L907805AA — 04L907805AA ·         758713003 5WK96621H
·         04L907805F ·         758713002 5WK96621G
·         04L907807AA — 04L907807AA ·         758713005 5WK96621K
·         04L907807AD — 04L907807AD ·         758051701 5WK96621C
·         04L907807F ·         758232601 5WK96621D
·         04L907805E — 04L907805 E — 04L 907 805 E ·         758712701 5WK96621E
·         04L907805C — 04L907805 C — 04L 907 805 C ·         857647101 5WK96699B
·         04L907805G — 04L907805 G — 04L 907 805 G ·         8580410-03 0281007018/19
·         04L907807G — 04L907807 G — 04L 907 807 G ·         8580410-01 0281006556
·         04L907807AT ·         851879101 5WK96699A
·         04L907807BF ·         858984401 5WK96697C 13628589844
·         04L907805AL ·         857646901 5WK96697B
·         04L907807AL ·         858984601 5WK96699C
·         4H0907807L ·         851878901 5WK96697A
·         04L907807A ·         851166601 5WK96699
·         04L907807B ·         851166401 5WK96697
·         8W0907807C — 5WK97258 ·         A0101539528 5WK96653C
·         4M0907807B — 5WK97223 ·         A0101539328 A2C39120900-042C
·         5WK9 7226 — 5WK97226 ·         A0091533628 5WK96616F
·         A2C11875900-254A ·         2011649 5WK96628C
·         03N907807A — 5WK97251 ·         2011650 5WK96626C
·         80A907807B — 5WK97415 — A2C98278900-02 ·         LW8161S 55598161 5WK97227
·         076907807A 5WK96690 ·         LW0097S 55570097 5WK96709A
·         03L907807AB — 5WK96690B — A2C10327800-090C ·         4326873 A045S170 NB1500
·         04L907805AR — A2C39831400-02 ·         SNS142B 5WK96742B A2C95991800-01
·         059907807G — 5WK96685A ·         2872948 A034M378
·         04L907805DG 0281007335/336 ·         5WK96742 SNS142 A2C34947100-01
·         8K0907807F — 5WK96689 ·         12642311 5WK96645C
·         8K0907807J — 5WK97205 ·         05149216AB 5WK96651A
·         4M0907807E — 5WK97261 ·         68197109AA 5WK96799
·         4G0907807S — SNS451_ ·         68227486AA 5WK97360
·         4M0907807G — SNS309 — 5WK97309 ·         SNS360 A2C92496200-01
·         8W0907807B — 5WK97257 ·         68085740AA 5WK96730
·         8R0907807S — SNS456_ ·         68210084AA — 904-6030
·         4M0907807D — 5WK97260 ·         06F907807D — 5WK96603B
·         04L907807G — 5WK97217 ·         06F907807F — 5WK96603B
·         059907807J 5WK97229 ·         06F907807A — 5WK96603
·         8K0907807K 5WK96689A ·         06F907807E — 5WK96603A
·         4G0907807L 5WK97266

          Volvo vehicles, like any other vehicles, also generate many unwarranted error codes. Error codes often occur in heavy duty vehicles due to high torque and high load. The error codes most frequently encountered by users are from from the Adblue system.

         When we say Adblue systems, we often think about system that breaks very easily. These systems are often used in heavy loads and commercial vehicles. Lately, it has begun to be used in passenger cars. these systems are not used in most countries, even if they are mandatory in Europe. Because it is not structured correctly. Even the adblue liquid, that this system uses, is very difficult to find on the market. Like we said, the system is unstable and users are having trouble. It is a very difficult situation when the systems breaks in the middle of road . Repair of the system is very costly and you lose precious time. For this reason, users are often looking for solutions. One of the solution is an Adblue Emulator developed by SAIL TECHNOLOGY. It is a permanent solution and will be there right beside you in every situation. Adblue Emulators, which many users prefer, will not let you down.

So what do these emulators do and what information do they give? Below are the benefits and fault code information of the SAIL Technology Adblue Emulator we have listed for you.

The instructional models are designed for: Volvo B11R (3), Volvo B5LH (3), Volvo B5TL (3), Volvo B8R (3), Volvo FH (4).

Attention: Please visit https://canbusemulator.com for more detailed information about diagnostic trouble codes


DTC Code Name

Type of malfunction


Crankshaft Position — Correlation with Camshaft Position

Incorrect installation position


Turbocharger / turbocharger supercharging control position «A» has exceeded the training threshold

Parameter limit exceeded


Open in turbocharger / turbocharger supercharging control circuit «A»

Open circuit


Open in turbocharger / turbocharger supercharging control circuit «A»

Current in the circuit above the threshold


Open in turbocharger / turbocharger supercharging control circuit «A»

The required position is unattainable


Open in turbocharger / turbocharger supercharging control circuit «A»



Open in turbocharger / turbocharger supercharging control circuit «A»

Characteristics or malfunctioning


Open in turbocharger / turbocharger supercharging control circuit «A»

Working conditions of a component or system


Correlation of absolute pressure in the reservoir and barometric pressure

Violation of signal reliability


Supply voltage control circuit turbocharger / turbocharger «A»

Voltage in the circuit below the threshold


Supply voltage control circuit turbocharger / turbocharger «A»

Voltage in the circuit above the threshold


Outdoor temperature sensor «A»

Short to ground


Outdoor temperature sensor «A»

Circuit short to battery voltage or break


The pressure in the fuel distribution pipe / system is too low, row 1

No subtype information


The pressure in the fuel distribution pipe / system is too high, row 1

No subtype information


The pressure in the low-pressure fuel system is too low

No subtype information


The pressure in the low-pressure fuel system is too high

No subtype information


The pressure in the low-pressure fuel system is too high

The operation of the component or system is difficult or blocked


Control of fuel pressure regulator 1

Short to ground


Control of fuel pressure regulator 1

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Control of fuel pressure regulator 1

Open circuit


A leak in the fuel system — a small leak

No subtype information


Air temperature at engine intake — correlation

No subtype information


Fuel Pressure Relief Control

Short to ground


Fuel Pressure Relief Control

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Fuel Pressure Relief Control

Open circuit


Fuel Pressure Relief Control

The actuator jammed in the closed position


Performance characteristics of the turbocharger / turbocharger supercharger control module «A»

Total checksum error


Too low pressure in the fuel distribution pipe — engine crankshaft rotation

No subtype information


Absolute pressure sensor in the manifold / barometric pressure

General electrical fault


Absolute pressure sensor in the manifold / barometric pressure

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Absolute pressure sensor in the manifold / barometric pressure

Open circuit


Absolute pressure sensor in the manifold / barometric pressure

Signal comparison error


Intake air temperature sensor 1, row 1

General electrical fault


Intake air temperature sensor 1, row 1

Short to ground


Intake air temperature sensor 1, row 1

Open circuit


Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

General electrical fault


Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

Short to ground


Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

Open circuit


Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1

Stuck signal in the range


Throttle / Pedal Position Sensor «A»

Short to ground


Throttle / Pedal Position Sensor «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Coolant thermostat (coolant temperature below the thermostat control temperature)

No subtype information


Fuel temperature in engine too high

No subtype information


Control of the fuel pressure in a closed loop at the limit is too high a pressure

No subtype information


Controlling the fuel pressure in a closed loop at the limit is too low a pressure

No subtype information


Fuel temperature sensor «B»

General electrical fault


Fuel temperature sensor «B»

Short to ground


Fuel temperature sensor «B»

Open circuit


Fuel temperature sensor «B»

Violation of signal reliability


Pressure sensor in the fuel distributor pipe, row 1

General electrical fault


Pressure sensor in the fuel distributor pipe, row 1

Short to ground


Pressure sensor in the fuel distributor pipe, row 1

Open circuit


Pressure sensor in the fuel distributor pipe, row 1

Signal comparison error


Pressure sensor in the fuel distributor pipe, row 1

Violation of signal reliability


Engine oil temperature sensor «A»

Short to ground


Engine oil temperature sensor «A»

Open circuit


Engine oil temperature sensor «A»

Violation of signal reliability


Engine oil temperature sensor «B»

General electrical fault


Engine oil temperature sensor «B»

Short to ground


Engine oil temperature sensor «B»

Open circuit


Cylinder 1 nozzle «A»

Short to ground


Cylinder 1 nozzle «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Cylinder 1 nozzle «A»

Open circuit


Cylinder 1 nozzle «A»

Invalid / incompatible configuration


Cylinder 2 injector «A»

Short to ground


Cylinder 2 injector «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Cylinder 2 injector «A»

Open circuit


Cylinder 2 injector «A»

Invalid / incompatible configuration


Cylinder 3 injector «A»

Short to ground


Cylinder 3 injector «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Cylinder 3 injector «A»

Open circuit


Cylinder 3 injector «A»

Invalid / incompatible configuration


Cylinder 4 nozzle «A»

Short to ground


Cylinder 4 nozzle «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Cylinder 4 nozzle «A»

Open circuit


Cylinder 4 nozzle «A»

Invalid / incompatible configuration


Cylinder 5 injector «A»

Short to ground


Cylinder 5 injector «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Cylinder 5 injector «A»

Open circuit


Cylinder 5 injector «A»

Invalid / incompatible configuration


Cylinder 6 nozzle «A»

Short to ground


Cylinder 6 nozzle «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Cylinder 6 nozzle «A»

Open circuit


Cylinder 6 nozzle «A»

Invalid / incompatible configuration


Engine coolant temperature exceeded status

No subtype information


The condition of the transmission oil temperature rise

No subtype information


State of excess of engine speed

No subtype information


Overcharging state of turbocharger / supercharger

No subtype information


Solenoid of the bypass damper «A» of the turbocharger / supercharger

Short to ground


Solenoid of the bypass damper «A» of the turbocharger / supercharger

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Solenoid of the bypass damper «A» of the turbocharger / supercharger

Open circuit


Fuel Injector Diesel Injector

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Fuel Injector Diesel Injector

Short to ground or open


Fuel Injector Diesel Injector

Characteristics or malfunctioning


The efficiency of the charge air cooler is below the threshold

No subtype information


Excess temperature of engine oil

No subtype information


Insufficient supercharging of the turbocharger / supercharger

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 1 — determination of the correction at the minimum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 1 — determination of the correction at the maximum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 2 — determination of the correction at the minimum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 2 — determination of the correction at the maximum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 3 — determination of the correction at the minimum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 3 — determination of the correction at the maximum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector of the cylinder 4 — determination of the correction at the minimum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 4 — determination of the correction at the maximum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 5 — determination of the correction at the minimum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector cylinder 5 — determination of the correction at the maximum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector of the cylinder 6 — determination of the correction at the minimum limit

No subtype information


Fuel injector of the cylinder 6 — determination of the correction at the maximum limit

No subtype information


Airflow control at the diesel engine inlet

Short to ground


Airflow control at the diesel engine inlet

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Airflow control at the diesel engine inlet

Open circuit


Airflow control at the diesel engine inlet

Slow reaction


Airflow control at the diesel engine inlet

High / excessive flow


Airflow control at the diesel engine inlet

Low / insufficient flow


Diesel Engine Admission Regulator Position Sensor

General electrical fault


Diesel Engine Admission Regulator Position Sensor

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Diesel Engine Admission Regulator Position Sensor

Open circuit


Diesel Engine Admission Regulator Position Sensor

The operation of the component or system is difficult or blocked


Diesel Engine Admission Regulator Position Sensor

Parameter limit exceeded


Crankshaft Position Sensor «A»

Intermittent signal in the circuit


Crankshaft Position Sensor «A»

Missing signal


Crankshaft Position Sensor «A»

Incorrect signal frequency


Camshaft position sensor «A» — row 1 or separate sensor

Missing signal


Camshaft position sensor «A» — row 1 or separate sensor

Incorrect signal frequency


Exhaust gas recirculation flow «A»

Slow reaction


Exhaust gas recirculation flow «A»

High / excessive flow


Exhaust gas recirculation flow «A»

Low / insufficient flow


Control of EGR «A»

Short to ground


Control of EGR «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Control of EGR «A»

Open circuit


Control of EGR «A»

Total checksum error


Control of EGR «A»

Driven drive


Control of EGR «A»

Characteristics or malfunctioning


The differential pressure sensor EGR

General electrical fault


The differential pressure sensor EGR

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


The differential pressure sensor EGR

Open circuit


The differential pressure sensor EGR

Violation of signal reliability


Temperature sensor «A» of the exhaust gas recirculation system

General electrical fault


Temperature sensor «A» of the exhaust gas recirculation system

Short to ground


Temperature sensor «A» of the exhaust gas recirculation system

Open circuit


Temperature sensor «A» of the exhaust gas recirculation system

Violation of signal reliability


Temperature sensor circuit «B» of the exhaust gas recirculation system

Short to ground


Temperature sensor circuit «B» of the exhaust gas recirculation system

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Temperature sensor circuit «B» of the exhaust gas recirculation system

Stuck signal in the range


The efficiency of the catalyst system is below the threshold

No subtype information


The gauge of pressure of exhaust gases «A»

General electrical fault


The gauge of pressure of exhaust gases «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


The gauge of pressure of exhaust gases «A»

Open circuit


The gauge of pressure of exhaust gases «A»

Violation of signal reliability


Exhaust Pressure Control Valve «A»

Short to ground


Exhaust Pressure Control Valve «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Exhaust Pressure Control Valve «A»

Open circuit


Exhaust Pressure Control Valve «A»

The actuator jammed in the open position


Fan control circuit 1

Short to ground


Fan control circuit 1

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Fan control circuit 1

Open circuit


Sensor «B» of the EGR system

Open circuit


Control position «A» EGR exceeded the threshold of training

Parameter limit exceeded


Control of the closed loop EGR system at the limit — the flow is too small

No subtype information


Control of the closed loop EGR system at the limit — the flow is too strong

No subtype information


Vehicle speed by wheel

Short to ground


Vehicle speed by wheel

Open circuit


Crankcase Pressure Sensor

General electrical fault


Crankcase Pressure Sensor

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Crankcase Pressure Sensor

Open circuit


Crankcase Pressure Sensor

Violation of signal reliability


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «A»

General electrical fault


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «A»

Open circuit


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «A»

Violation of signal reliability


Engine oil pressure too low

Engine oil pressure too low


Fan Speed ​​Sensor Circuit

Mechanical faults


Fan Speed ​​Sensor Circuit

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Crankcase pressure — too high

No subtype information


Control of the inlet air heater «A»

General electrical fault


Control of the inlet air heater «A»

Short to ground


Control of the inlet air heater «A»

Open circuit


Control of the inlet air heater «A»

Drive stuck when on


Control of the inlet air heater «A»

Drive stuck when turned off


Exhaust temperature sensor — Row 1 Sensor 1

Violation of signal reliability


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «B»

General electrical fault


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «B»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «B»

Open circuit


Engine oil pressure switch / relay «B»

Violation of signal reliability


Engine oil pressure out of range

No subtype information


Parking brake sensor / switch circuit

Short to ground


Parking brake sensor / switch circuit

Signal comparison error


Parking brake sensor / switch circuit

Violation of signal reliability


Starter relay

Short to ground


Starter relay

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Starter relay

Open circuit


Fuel pump control «A»

Low / insufficient flow


Sensor reference voltage «A»

Short to ground


Sensor reference voltage «A»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Sensor reference voltage «A»

Output from the voltage range in the circuit


Sensor reference voltage «V»

Short to ground


Internal temperature sensor for control module «A»

General electrical fault


Internal temperature sensor for control module «A»

Short to ground


Sensor supply voltage «A»

Voltage in the circuit below the threshold


Sensor supply voltage «A»

Voltage in the circuit above the threshold


Sensor supply «B»

Voltage in the circuit below the threshold


Sensor supply «B»

Voltage in the circuit above the threshold


Engine Oil Pressure Adjustment

Driven drive


Sensor supply voltage «C»

Voltage in the circuit below the threshold


Sensor supply voltage «C»

Voltage in the circuit above the threshold


Recommended transfer

The amplitude of the signal is less than the minimum


Recommended transfer

The amplitude of the signal above the maximum value


Recommended transfer

Slow reaction


Engine stop switch

General electrical fault


Engine stop switch

Short to ground


Engine stop switch

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Engine stop switch

Clogged in the open position


Engine stop switch

Characteristics or malfunctioning


Pre-heater heater relay

Short to ground


Pre-heater heater relay

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Pre-heater heater relay

Open circuit


Air filter indicator

General electrical fault


Air filter indicator

Short to ground


Air filter indicator

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Air filter indicator

Open circuit


Valve for draining water from fuel

Short to ground


The valve of full blocking of the channel of a transmission

Short to ground


The valve of full blocking of the channel of a transmission

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


The valve of full blocking of the channel of a transmission

Open circuit


Volvo Compression Brake Control Circuit (VCB)

Short to ground


Volvo Compression Brake Control Circuit (VCB)

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Volvo Compression Brake Control Circuit (VCB)

Open circuit


The oil level is moderately low

No subtype information


Engine oil pressure is moderately low

No subtype information


Volvo Compression Brake Control Circuit (VCB) «2»

Short to ground


Volvo Compression Brake Control Circuit (VCB) «2»

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Volvo Compression Brake Control Circuit (VCB) «2»

Open circuit


Differential pressure in particulate filter is critical

No subtype information


Differential pressure on particulate filter moderately high

No subtype information


Air filter clogged

No subtype information


Clogging of particulate filter — soot accumulation moderately high — row 1

No subtype information


Factory setting

No subtype information


Back-up switch circuit «A» of the engine

General electrical fault


Back-up switch circuit «A» of the engine

Short to ground


Back-up switch circuit «A» of the engine

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Back-up switch circuit «A» of the engine

The actuator jammed in the closed position


Absolute pressure sensor in the reservoir is a moderate excess

No subtype information


Absolute pressure sensor in the collector — a strong excess

No subtype information


The intake manifold temperature is too high at a moderate level

Failure of program memory


Intake manifold temperature too high

No subtype information


The engine coolant level is moderately low

No subtype information


Engine coolant temperature is moderately high

No subtype information


Engine oil temperature — moderately high

No subtype information


The oil pressure for cooling the pistons is moderately low

No subtype information


Transmission oil temperature moderately high

No subtype information


The turbocharger / turbocharger drive temperature «A»

No subtype information


Exhaust gas temperature moderately high — row 1

No subtype information


Air purge valve for fuel injection into the exhaust aftertreatment system

Short to ground


Air purge valve for fuel injection into the exhaust aftertreatment system

Open circuit


Air purge valve for fuel injection into the exhaust aftertreatment system

The actuator jammed in the open position


Air purge valve for fuel injection into the exhaust aftertreatment system

The actuator jammed in the closed position


Crankcase pressure too high relative to atmospheric pressure

No subtype information


Error of calibration of the correlation of NOx 1/2 sensors — row 1

No subtype information


Oil thermostat

Short to ground


Oil thermostat

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Oil thermostat

Open circuit


Idling switch confirmation cable with buffering — VECU side

Short to ground


Idling switch confirmation cable with buffering — VECU side

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Volvo Compression Brake Control (VCB) — too low oil temperature

No subtype information


Idling switch confirmation cable with buffering — ECM side

General electrical fault


Idling switch confirmation cable with buffering — ECM side

Open circuit


Idling switch confirmation cable with buffering — ECM side

Constantly low signal level


Idling switch confirmation cable with buffering — ECM side

Constantly high signal level


High voltage side of the starter relay

Short to ground


High voltage side of the starter relay

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


High voltage side of the starter relay

Open circuit


The level of the reducing agent is moderately low

No subtype information


Pressure in the fuel distribution pipe / system, row 1 — moderately too high

No subtype information


The turbocharger / turbocharger drive temperature «A» is too low

No subtype information


EGR drive temperature outside the operating range

No subtype information


Correlation of Sensor / Switch Voltage «A» / «D» Throttle Position / Pedal Position

No subtype information


Excess temperature of the post-treatment system

No subtype information


Starting fuel pump

Short to ground


Starting fuel pump

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Starting fuel pump

Open circuit


The connection between the bodywork control module «A» and the instrument cluster control module (IPC)

No subtype information


Low Transmission Range Authorization Valve

Short to ground


Low Transmission Range Authorization Valve

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Low Transmission Range Authorization Valve

Open circuit


Transmission range inquiry

General electrical fault


Transmission range inquiry

Short to ground


Transmission range inquiry

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Starter motor is deactivated — temperature rise

No subtype information


Starter motor is deactivated — gearbox is not in neutral position

No subtype information


The starter motor is deactivated — the gear of the electric motor of the starter motor is stuck

No subtype information


Starter motor is deactivated — power take-off is active

No subtype information


Temperature sensor switch in engine compartment

General electrical fault


Temperature sensor switch in engine compartment

Short to ground


Temperature sensor switch in engine compartment

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


The requested range of gears is too high

No subtype information


Requested driver transfer too low

No subtype information


Driver’s request is too high

No subtype information


Bypass valve of the hydraulic valve

Short to ground


Bypass valve of the hydraulic valve

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Bypass valve of the hydraulic valve

Open circuit


Exhaust temperature sensor — Row 1 Sensor 2

Violation of signal reliability


Reagent level sensor «A»

Invalid signal


Reducer level is low

No subtype information


Characteristics of the SCR system — dosing failure

Does not work


Quality of the reducing agent

Working conditions of a component or system


Controlling the fuel supply to the exhaust aftertreatment system

Short to ground


Controlling the fuel supply to the exhaust aftertreatment system

Open circuit


Controlling the fuel supply to the exhaust aftertreatment system

The actuator jammed in the closed position


Fuel pressure sensor for exhaust gas aftertreatment

General electrical fault


Fuel pressure sensor for exhaust gas aftertreatment

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Fuel pressure sensor for exhaust gas aftertreatment

Open circuit


The efficiency of the SCR NOx catalyst is below the threshold (row 1)

No subtype information


AdBlue consumption is too low

No subtype information


Reducer consumption too high

No subtype information


Performance characteristics of the «A» minimum limiter of the throttle / pedal position

No subtype information


Correlation of Sensor / Switch Voltage «A» / «C» Throttle Position / Pedal Position

No subtype information


Correlation of vehicle speed with wheel speed

Signal comparison error


Correlation of vehicle speed with wheel speed

Violation of signal reliability


Performance characteristics of the maximum limit sensor «A» of the throttle / pedal position

No subtype information


NOx sensor — series 1 sensor 1

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


NOx sensor — series 1 sensor 1

Open circuit


NOx sensor — series 1 sensor 1

Output from the voltage range in the circuit


NOx sensor — series 1 sensor 1

Violation of signal reliability


NOx sensor — series 1 sensor 1

Does not work


Barometric pressure circuit

General electrical fault


Barometric pressure circuit

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Barometric pressure circuit

Open circuit


Barometric pressure circuit

Violation of signal reliability


Characteristics of the NOx sensor — high level signaling — row 1 sensor 1

No subtype information


Characteristics of the NOx sensor — low level of the signal — row 1 sensor 1

No subtype information


Characteristics of the NOx sensor — high level signaling — row 1 sensor 2

Wrong signal after event


Characteristics of the NOx sensor — low level of the signal — row 1 sensor 2

No subtype information


Water sensor in fuel

General electrical fault


Water sensor in fuel

Short to ground


Water sensor in fuel

Open circuit


The fuel pressure regulator 1 has exceeded the control limits — too high a pressure

The actuator jammed in the open position


The fuel pressure regulator 1 has exceeded the training limits — too low a pressure

No subtype information


The fuel pressure regulator 1 has exceeded the training limits — too high a pressure

No subtype information


NOx sensor — row 1 sensor 2

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


NOx sensor — row 1 sensor 2

Open circuit


NOx sensor — row 1 sensor 2

Output from the voltage range in the circuit


NOx sensor — row 1 sensor 2

Violation of signal reliability


NOx sensor — row 1 sensor 2

Does not work


Sensor Specifications NOx — Sensor — Row 1 Sensor 1

Characteristics or malfunctioning


Sensor Specifications NOx — Sensor — Row 1 Sensor 2

No subtype information


Exhaust gas temperature too high

No subtype information


Exhaust temperature sensor — Row 1 Sensor 3

Violation of signal reliability


Differential pressure on the diesel particulate filter after-treatment 1 is too small (row 1)

No subtype information


The differential pressure on the diesel particulate filter after-treatment 1 is too large (row 1)

No subtype information


The exhaust gas temperature is too low to regenerate the particulate filter (row 1)

No subtype information


Particulate filter pressure sensor «A»

Violation of signal reliability


Coolant efficiency of the exhaust gas recirculation system is below the threshold value

No subtype information


Clogged particulate filter — soot accumulation — row 1

No subtype information


Control of the injection of the reducing agent in a closed loop at the limit — the flow is too small

No subtype information


Injection of the reducing agent in a closed loop at the limit — the flow is too high

No subtype information


Excessive time for switching to the closed-loop diesel particulate filter regeneration control mode

Characteristics or malfunctioning


Control of DPF regeneration in a closed loop at the limit — the temperature is too low

No subtype information


Control of DPF regeneration in a closed loop at the limit — the temperature is too high

No subtype information


The regeneration of the diesel particulate filter is not complete (row 1)

No subtype information


Clogging of the diesel particulate filter — soot accumulation too large (row 1)

No subtype information


Engine oil level sensor

Short to ground


Engine oil level sensor

Open circuit


Engine oil level too low

No subtype information


Low Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit

General electrical fault


Low Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Low Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit

Open circuit


Engine Coolant Level Sensor / Relay

General electrical fault


Engine Coolant Level Sensor / Relay

Short to ground


Engine Coolant Level Sensor / Relay

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Engine Coolant Level Sensor / Relay

Open circuit


Engine Coolant Level — Low

No subtype information


Sensor «A» turbocharger supercharging control position

Short to ground or open


Sensor «A» turbocharger supercharging control position

Short to ground or open


Excessive time for entering the supercharging control of the turbocharger «A» in a closed loop

No subtype information


Control oil supply for cooling pistons

Short to ground


Control oil supply for cooling pistons

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Control oil supply for cooling pistons

Open circuit


Control oil supply for cooling pistons

Driven drive


The oil pressure for cooling the pistons is too low

No subtype information


Coolant Pump Control Circuit / Break

Short to ground


Coolant Pump Control Circuit / Break

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Coolant Pump Control Circuit / Break

Open circuit


Control of the bypass valve «A» of the engine coolant

Short to ground


Control of the bypass valve «A» of the engine coolant

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Control of the bypass valve «A» of the engine coolant

Open circuit


Injection Fuel Injector «A»

Short to ground


Injection Fuel Injector «A»

Open circuit


Injection Fuel Injector «A»

The actuator jammed in the closed position


Injection Fuel Injector «A»

Fluid leakage or seal failure


Control unit «D» fuel flow meter injection pump (cam / rotor / nozzle)

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Control unit «D» fuel flow meter injection pump (cam / rotor / nozzle)

Short to ground or open


Control unit «D» fuel flow meter injection pump (cam / rotor / nozzle)

Characteristics or malfunctioning


Control unit «F» fuel flow meter injection pump (cam / rotor / injector)

Circuit Short to Battery Voltage


Control unit «F» fuel flow meter injection pump (cam / rotor / injector)

Short to ground or open


Control unit «F» fuel flow meter injection pump (cam / rotor / injector)

Characteristics or malfunctioning


CAN Backbone bus 2 communication network

Bus Off


CAN Backbone bus 1 of the communication network

Bus Off


Communication Subnet of the car engine

Bus Off


Lost Communication With TECU

No subtype information


Lost communication with the A module of the exhaust gas recirculation system

No subtype information


The communication with the turbocharger / supercharger control module is broken

No subtype information


The communication with the anti-lock braking system (ABS)

No subtype information


Lost Communication With Brake Control Module

No subtype information


Lost connection with VMCU

No subtype information


Lost connection with the body control module «B»

No subtype information


Communication with the instrument cluster control module (IPC) is broken

No subtype information


Lost communication with the car immobilizer control module

No subtype information


Communication with NOx sensor «A» is broken

No subtype information


The communication with the NOx sensor «B» is broken

No subtype information


Software incompatibility with the dashboard control module

No subtype information


Incompatibility of software with the bodywork control module «A»

No subtype information


From the immobilizer control module of the car, unreliable data

No subtype information


Lost communication with CIOM

No subtype information


Lost connection with DACU

No subtype information


Communication with TCM on the high-speed communication bus CAN

No subtype information


Communication with TCM on the CAN bus of the power plant is broken

No subtype information


Communication with the control module of the supply of the reducing agent via the engine subnetwork is broken

No subtype information


The communication with the control unit of the body equipment via the high-speed communication bus CAN

No subtype information


The communication with the IPC control unit via the high-speed communication CAN

No subtype information


CAN bus communication system bus

Bus Off


Factory mode active

Event details


Electronic control module

General electrical fault


Electronic control module

Total checksum error


Electronic control module

Data memory failure


Electronic control module

Failure of program memory


Electronic control module

Internal failure of electronics


Vehicle Identification Number

Invalid / incompatible software component

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