Udma crc error count synology

How do I know whether the problem is with my Synology NAS or drive when drive errors occur? When there is a drive error, you can check whether it is the drive or drive slot that is malfunctioning by following the instructions provided in this article. If any of the following occurs, you can […]


  1. How do I know whether the problem is with my Synology NAS or drive when drive errors occur?
  2. If any of the following occurs, you can confirm that the drive is malfunctioning:
  3. If any of the following occurs, either the drive or drive slot may be malfunctioning:
  4. Udma crc error count synology
  5. Udma crc error count synology
  6. UDMA CRC Error count increasing
  7. Recommended Posts
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  10. Popular Days
  11. Popular Posts
  12. Как устранить ошибки Ultra DMA CRC Error
  13. Основные характеристики жесткого диска
  14. Технология S.M.A.R.T
  15. Атрибут: 199 (С7) UltraDMA CRC Error Count

How do I know whether the problem is with my Synology NAS or drive when drive errors occur?

When there is a drive error, you can check whether it is the drive or drive slot that is malfunctioning by following the instructions provided in this article.

If any of the following occurs, you can confirm that the drive is malfunctioning:

  • The system notifies you of bad sectors on the drive.
  • The result of the S.M.A.R.T. test is not Normal.
  • The health status of the drive is either Warning, Critical, Failing, or Access Error.
  • The drive is listed in the Incompatibility List on Synology website.
  • Synology does not provide drive repair or replacement services. If your drive malfunctions, please contact the local reseller, distributor or drive manufacturer from whom you purchased the drive for assistance.

If any of the following occurs, either the drive or drive slot may be malfunctioning:

When the system cannot detect the drive or there is a connection error, the drive or its drive slot could be failing.

If the issue persists, it is possible that the data stored on the drive will become inaccessible or lost. Therefore, we highly suggest following the instructions below to confirm the cause of the problem.


Udma crc error count synology

Процессор: 800 MHz (MARVELL 88F6281 ARM)
Оперативная память: 128 MB
Операционная система: Linux 2.6 (демо, user: admin, password: synology)

Описание: DS110j рус/англ, DS210j рус/англ, DS410j рус/англ
Технические характеристики: DS110j рус/англ, DS210j рус/англ, DS410j рус/англ
Прошивки: скачать, изменения[/url]

Дополнительные приложения:

  • SPK: официальные, неофициальные (нем.), Transmission
  • IPKG: Midnight Commander, rTorrent
  • SynoGet — добавление закачек в Download Station из командой строки
  • SynoExt — расширение Firefox для добавления файлов напрямую из браузера в Synology Download Station
  • Synology Download Assistant — аналогичное расширение для Chrome
  • SynoExt Torrents — расширение Firefox для добавления torrent-файлов напрямую из браузера в Synology Download Station

Download Station
Q: Как в Download Station вернуть torrent-файл на раздачу?
A: Начать загружать файл второй раз. Поставить на паузу. Заменить в volume1@downloadnnn временные файлы на полные версии. Снять с паузы. Файл проверится и будет раздаваться.

Q: Как управлять закачками с телефона (iPhone, Android, Symbian, WM)?
A: Воспользоваться программой SynoLoad.

Q: Как работает служба скачивания? Резервируется ли место сразу для всего файла или нет?
A: Нет, место не резервируется.

Q: Как установить transmission?
A: Инструкция здесь. Другая инструкция здесь.

Q: За что отвечает процесс convert? Кушает 80-90% процессорного времени.
A: За медиасервер.

Q: Как повысить скорость передачи данных по сети с NASa на компьютер?
A: Можно попробовать воспользоваться способом, описанным тут.


Udma crc error count synology

Процессор: 800 MHz (MARVELL 88F6281 ARM)
Оперативная память: 128 MB
Операционная система: Linux 2.6 (демо, user: admin, password: synology)

Описание: DS110j рус/англ, DS210j рус/англ, DS410j рус/англ
Технические характеристики: DS110j рус/англ, DS210j рус/англ, DS410j рус/англ
Прошивки: скачать, изменения[/url]

Дополнительные приложения:

  • SPK: официальные, неофициальные (нем.), Transmission
  • IPKG: Midnight Commander, rTorrent
  • SynoGet — добавление закачек в Download Station из командой строки
  • SynoExt — расширение Firefox для добавления файлов напрямую из браузера в Synology Download Station
  • Synology Download Assistant — аналогичное расширение для Chrome
  • SynoExt Torrents — расширение Firefox для добавления torrent-файлов напрямую из браузера в Synology Download Station

Download Station
Q: Как в Download Station вернуть torrent-файл на раздачу?
A: Начать загружать файл второй раз. Поставить на паузу. Заменить в volume1@downloadnnn временные файлы на полные версии. Снять с паузы. Файл проверится и будет раздаваться.

Q: Как управлять закачками с телефона (iPhone, Android, Symbian, WM)?
A: Воспользоваться программой SynoLoad.

Q: Как работает служба скачивания? Резервируется ли место сразу для всего файла или нет?
A: Нет, место не резервируется.

Q: Как установить transmission?
A: Инструкция здесь. Другая инструкция здесь.

Q: За что отвечает процесс convert? Кушает 80-90% процессорного времени.
A: За медиасервер.

Q: Как повысить скорость передачи данных по сети с NASa на компьютер?
A: Можно попробовать воспользоваться способом, описанным тут.


UDMA CRC Error count increasing

By breadman
November 12, 2022 in General Support

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November 13, 2022

This is not true! Unraid will only disable a drive if a write to it fails for some reason. A CRC error by itself never causes this, but if the recovery from the CRC error continually fails then the


November 14, 2022

Give us an example with the logs showing that.


November 14, 2022

If a READ command fails, Unraid returns the parity calculated value and attempts to WRITE that value back to the drive where the read failed. If the write succeeds, the «errors» column is incremented,


Как устранить ошибки Ultra DMA CRC Error

Одним из важнейших компонентов любого компьютерного устройства является жесткий диск, другие названия: винчестер, винт, хард, HDD и т.д. Он служит для хранения разных данных пользователя, включая документы, музыку, фотографии, а также программные продукты и файлы операционной системы. Данный узел является энергонезависимым, т.е. отключение питания не приводит к исчезновению данных.

Информация, хранящаяся на жестком диске, бывает порой ценнее самого компьютера и чтобы не потерять ее (причины утраты данных на HDD и способы восстановления), необходимо контролировать состояние винчестера. В данной статье рассматриваются причины возникновения одной из наиболее часто встречающейся проблемы в работе HDD и пути для ее устранения.

Рассмотрим характеристики винчестера, по которому оценивается устройство, а также встроенные инструментарии для контроля над состоянием его работоспособности.

Основные характеристики жесткого диска

Накопители выпускаются в разных стандартных размерах, измеримых в дюймах, так для стационарных компьютеров это значение равно 3.5 дюйма, а для ноутбуков 2.5.

Взаимодействие диска с материнской платой выполняется через интерфейс, в настоящее время в ПК используется интерфейс SATA разных версий, отличающихся скоростью передачи данных (SATA/300 – 3 Гбит/сек, SATA/600 – до 6 Гбит/сек и т.д.).

Важной характеристикой устройства является показатель емкости, определяющий максимальное количество данных, хранящихся на диске.

Чем больше скорость вращения жёсткого диска, тем быстрее возможен доступ к информации. Она составляет 5400 или 7200 об/мин (реже 10 000 или 15 0000 об/мин, но это уже специализированные HDD).

Данный узел имеет встроенную память, которая служит для ускорения его работы и устранения разницы в скоростях чтения/записи и воспроизведения. Она характеризуется объемом буфера.

Время произвольного доступа зависит от позиционирования и положения головки в начале и конце сеанса определенного участка пластины.

Надежность работы, ударостойкость, уровень шума также являются оценочными характеристиками накопителя.

Ни один другой компонент компьютера не имеет такой уникальной возможности самоанализа на наличие ошибок и статистики работы, как винчестер. Произвести оценку состояния жесткого диска и предсказать время выхода его из строя можно с помощью специальной встроенного инструмента самодиагностики.

Технология S.M.A.R.T

Инструментарий, с помощью которого можно контролировать работоспособность винчестера, получил название S.M.A.R.T, что означает самомониторинг, анализ и отчет — от заглавных букв английского варианта «Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology».

С учетом того, что винчестер является одним из слабых мест компьютерного устройства, возможность вовремя отслеживать изменение состояния его функционирования, позволяет быстро выявить и устранить неисправности, экономя владельцу время и деньги.

Винчестер может находиться в двух состояниях: S.M.A.R.T. Good и S.M.A.R.T. Bad. Первый вариант свидетельствует о нормальной работе устройства, второй о том, что диск находится в критическом положении. Так как переход в состояние «bad» происходит постепенно, мониторя S.M.A.R.T. можно увидеть ухудшение параметров и успеть перенести информацию на другой накопитель.

Тестирование жесткого диска выполняют специальными утилитами, которые демонстрируют атрибуты S.M.A.R.T., характеризующие состояние его «здоровья». В зависимости от модели и производителя, атрибуты имеют определенные названия (ID) и номер (NUMBER).

Примерами программ, с помощью которых можно увидеть значения S.M.A.R.T и протестировать винчестер, являются следующие: CrystalDiskInfo (бесплатная), HDDScan (бесплатная), HD Tune(бесплатная только в старой версии), Hard DiskSentinel (бесплатная только для DOS), а также Victoria (бесплатная), MHDD (бесплатная под DOS).

Вот как выглядит картинка тестирования жесткого диска с помощью программы S.M.A.R.T. в HDDScan 3.3.

  • Value — показатель состояния диска во время работы. Может изменяться, уменьшаясь или увеличиваясь, или быть неизменным. Его сравнивают с атрибутом Threshold: чем меньше, тем хуже «здоровье» HDD.
  • Worst — самое низкое значение, которого может достичь Value в процессе всего жизненного цикла винчестера, его также сравнивают Threshold.
  • Threshold — показатель критического состояния атрибута Value: норма, если он больше чем Threshold, меньший указывает на проблему. Утилиты, оценивающие состояние диска, судят по этому атрибуту.
  • RAW — один из самых важных в оценке. Объективно определить состояние HDD можно по этому показателю.

Атрибут: 199 (С7) UltraDMA CRC Error Count

Данный атрибут относится к накапливающему типу и содержит количество ошибок, которые возникают во время передачи по интерфейсному кабелю от материнской платы или дискретного контроллера к контроллеру диска.

Например, если при запуске утилиты, отображающей атрибуты S.M.A.R.T, напротив строки (C7) Ultra DMA CRC Error Count счетчик показывает значение 1234, это говорит о проблемах с HDD.

По статистике, чаще всего увеличение значения этого атрибута возникает вследствие некачественной передачи данных по интерфейсу, что приводит к автоматическому переключению режимов работы канала, на котором находится HDD, и резкому падению скорости чтения/записи.

Другой причиной может быть разгон шины PCI/PCI-E компьютерного устройства, а также нарушение контакта в SATA-разъёме на диске или на материнской плате (контроллере). В некоторых случаях растущий атрибут появляется из-за несовместимости жесткого диска и SATA-контроллера.

Устранить ошибку S.M.A.R.T UltraDMA CRC Error Count можно путем выполнения ряда следующих действий:

  • замены интерфейсного кабеля SATA;
  • выполнения сброса разгона шины PCI/PCI-E компьютера к заводским установкам;
  • обновления BIOS материнской платы;
  • очищения с помощью спирта или обыкновенной стирки (резинового ластика) контактов на разъеме жесткого диска или материнки;
  • переключения SATA-кабеля на другой разъем;
  • замены блока питания жесткого диска;
  • проверки материнки на предмет «вздутых» конденсаторов и, при необходимости, выполнения их замены;
  • замены термопасты южного моста материнки;
  • замены чипсета материнской платы;
  • установления перемычки на жестком диске и переключить режим работы контроллера в SATA I;
  • обновления драйвера чипсета материнской платы.

Впрочем, самостоятельно делать все вышеуказанные процедуры необязательно (если нет желания), всегда можно обратиться за компьютерной помощью к специалистам.

Необходимо иметь в виду, что хорошие атрибуты S.M.A.R.T не всегда дают полную и достоверную картину отличного состояния диска, однако плохие значения точно свидетельствуют о проблемах в HDD.

Гарантировано обезопасить себя от потери ценных данных, хранящихся на жестком диске, можно только с помощью периодического резервного копирования на съемный накопитель или другой диск, тогда как тестирование винчестера на предмет обнаружения ошибок в атрибутах поможет предотвратить его внезапный выход из строя.


Добрый день всем!

В продолжение темы: backup сделал.

Ломаю голову с дальнейшей судьбой сбойного диска 4. Почитал форумы, там

как в песне: «всё так сложно, всё так запутано, но разбираться некогда,

брат …» Рекомендуют постоянно мониторить состояние. Ну вот аппарат

сам этим и занимается вроде как. Быстрый и расширеныё тесты S.M.A.R.T.

диска 4 гласят: «Обнаружены ошибки. Рекомендуется заменить жёсткий диск».

Вариантов развития событий видится не так уж и много:

1. В мусор;

2. Переформатировать какой-нибудь умной программой, может процесс развала

дальше не пойдёт, возможно в настольный комп или может создать заново

раздел при помощи DSM с этим диском — то есть стоит ли использовать в

дальнейшем и где;

3. Насколько реально сдать такой диск по гарантии и какие параметры в мас-

терских берутся в расчёт? Synology ведь этот диск отвергает. А там ответят —

подумаешь, чуть bd секторов появилось, а так же работает …

Тест S.M.A.R.T. ниже. Посоветуйте.

И ещё вопрос: подключаю док Welland ME-601J через eSATA — не видится. А

c Dune работает нормально. Порт что ли убитый или есть какие-то хитрости?

По USB2 всё работает.

Заранее спасибо


ID Свойство Знач Наихуд Порог Статус Необр

1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 199 199 051 OK 1848

3 Spin_Up_Time 171 169 021 OK 6408

4 Start_Stop_Count 098 098 000 OK 2257

5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 200 200 140 OK 0

7 Seek_Error_Rate 100 253 000 OK 0

9 Power_On_Hours 089 089 000 OK 8350

10 Spin_Retry_Count 100 100 000 OK 0

11 Calibration_Retry_Count 100 100 000 OK 0

12 Power_Cycle_Count 100 100 000 OK 128

192 Power_Off_Retract_Count 200 200 000 OK 105

193 Load_Cycle_Count 189 189 000 OK 33271

194 Temperature_Celsius 188 99 000 OK 32

196 Reallocated_Event_Count 200 200 000 OK 0

197 Current_Pending_Sector 200 200 000 OK 80

198 Offline_Uncorrectable 200 200 000 OK 24

199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 200 200 000 OK 0

200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate 200 200 000 OK 18

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Ever since upgrading to the latest version, I’m getting udma crc error count on my of my drives.

I reseated the cables, didn’t work.

I bought new SAS to SATA cables, still getting them.

It’s happening to every drive. Could the Dell Perc cars be bad?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Chances are is just the updated reporting since 6.4.1.  Once acknowledged the error counts are known and are only flagged again if they go up.  The errors that you’re seeing now are most likely historic and nothing to worry about.  See this thread and also the 6.4.1 release notes… 

Edited March 6, 2018 by S80_UK

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Thank you!  So I think it’s still ticking up.  That’s why I think there is something wrong.  All those drives can’t possibly bad, so I’m «guessing» it’s the SAS card?  That is the only common denominator after I swapped the SAS cables.

Could the Dell PERC SAS card be the culprit for this?

OBTW, I originally thought I had a bad PSU so I swapped that out too.


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Please, read before you do anything about your current hardware.  CRC errors only indicate a problem if they are increasing now!  Read this post:

If you acknowledge the error, you should not get another warning UNLESS you have a  new error.  As @johnnie.black says even an occasional one is not a problem.  In fact, you should never lose data because of a CRC error.  Once the error is detected, the data will simply be resent until it received correctly.  (I still have not quite figured out why they decided to highlight what is a minor problem in virtually all cases.)  

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Grand Master

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5 hours ago, ChaOConnor said:

So I think it’s still ticking up. 

If they are still increasing then there’s still a problem, if it’s not the cables the controller is the next candidate.

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Be sure that you have not tied the sata cables together to make it ‘neat’ on the inside of the case.  You should only do this if the cables are shielded and 99.9% of SATA cable made today are not!  I am not sure if SAS cables are shielded or not.  The problem is crosstalk between the cables.  (This is a problem with any server because all of cables will have information on them during many parity operations.) 

Next thing to double check is that all of the cables are firmly seated on their connectors (again, tying the cables together can contribute to a problem here.)  If you are using metal locking cables, check that they have friction when you pull on the drive end.  For reason, see here (And WD may not be the only manufacturer to have done this…):  


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So, fingers crossed it was the controller.  I put a new SAS to SATA controller in and I haven’t had an error tick up in 3 days.

Thank you!

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Seems several post report those error even with LSI controller ( not all confirm it is controller problem, may be fake card with bad componet build )

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  • 3 weeks later…



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I also have a LSI controller (9211-8i) and I have CRC errors on 5 drives out of 8….and counting?

Edited March 30, 2018 by yanakis

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Grand Master

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10 hours ago, yanakis said:

I also have a LSI controller (9211-8i) and I have CRC errors on 5 drives out of 8….and counting?

If the number of errors keeps increasing there’s a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later…



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i have the same issue with a handful of drives (ie numbers continue to increase). i have even moved some to a diffferent controller (and therefore different cables) to no avail.

i think i’ll just have to turn off notification since it is flooding my email with these alerts.


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Grand Master

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29 minutes ago, evans036 said:

i think i’ll just have to turn off notification

That’s a bad idea, if it keeps increasing there’s still a problem.

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Community Regular

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2 hours ago, evans036 said:

i think i’ll just have to turn off notification since it is flooding my email with these alerts.

It’s good that it’s flooding your mail — the very clear message to you is that you need to do something to solve the original problem.

You still have issues with controllers and/or disks and/or cables and/or the PSU — and the SMART data keeps ticking up because it isn’t a problem that is safe to ignore.

When the counter ticks up, you can be lucky that the drive caught the transfer error — the scary thing is that some transfers may contain errors that the drive doesn’t pick up. That means you read out — or write down — incorrect data.

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Folks really need to understand that what a CRC error is that the data  going in one end of a wire is not coming out of the other end of the wire with the identical data.    It is not a software failure!  It is a hardware issue!  And it is relativity uncommon, but it is not totally unexpected.  (Otherwise, there would be no need for checking using CRC!)  The error itself is correctable, and that is always done.  

Better than 90% of the time, multiple error situations are cable related—Loose cables or crosstalk between cables being common causes.  There could be problems in the decoding and checking hardware but again that is rare and can be a bear to figure out exactly where it is. (I have had a flakey SATA expansion card in the last six months that threw up a couple of hundred CRC errors in a few hours as well as an End-to-End error.  So that possibility must always be kept in mind.)

For these reasons, each one of you who has a problem should post up in a new thread about the issues in your system.  Keeping track of several different investigations with only a slight chance of any two have the same cause and solution is very confusing. 

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28 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

For these reasons, each one of you who has a problem should post up in a new thread about the issues in your system.  Keeping track of several different investigations with only a slight chance of any two have the same cause and solution is very confusing. 

Sorry I let this get out of hand.

This thread belongs to the OP, ChaOConnor. Anybody else who wants help with this should start a separate thread for themselves.

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On 3/5/2018 at 7:54 PM, Frank1940 said:

If you acknowledge the error, you should not get another warning UNLESS you have a  new error.  As @johnnie.black says even an occasional one is not a problem.  In fact, you should never lose data because of a CRC error.  Once the error is detected, the data will simply be resent until it received correctly.  (I still have not quite figured out why they decided to highlight what is a minor problem in virtually all cases.)  

I skipped 6.4.1 and went to 6.5 and have two drives with crc errors. Would you mind describing how to acknowledge them? I see the crc counts in the smart listing on the affected drives’ pages highlighted in orange, but there are no buttons, etc, to acknowledge the error.


— Eric

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3 minutes ago, eweitzman said:

I skipped 6.4.1 and went to 6.5 and have two drives with crc errors. Would you mind describing how to acknowledge them? I see the crc counts in the smart listing on the affected drives’ pages highlighted in orange, but there are no buttons, etc, to acknowledge the error.


— Eric

If you click on the orange icon in the Dashboard page there is an option to acknowledge the value there.

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I’m on 6.5.2 and a week ago I started getting a lot of these errors and then write errors which offlined my newest drive, only in service a month. I replaced the drive and have been fine until now I received 1 UDMA CRC error with the brand new drive. Diagnostics on the «old» new drive passed on a different system with only 3Gb/s SATA. In fact, I just RMA’d the drive and shipped it today. I had actually tried to put it back in service but as soon as unRAID booted back up it started to get UDMA CRC errors again on a different tray.

I’m running an IBM M1015 reflashed to an LSI 9211-8i. First time I’ve ever seen this kind of thing.

Since this is something that all of a sudden just started happening I’m not sure what to do. The two drives I’ve been having issues with are in a 4 slot drive cage. The other 5 drives are direct connected. The drives I’ve been having trouble with are new old stock HGST 7K4000 2TB drives. Not sure whether the cage or the controller or SAS to 4xSATA cable could be the issue? I have a shorter cable I could try.

For now it’s just a single error so nothing has gone offline again. This is still troubling.

Edited June 8, 2018 by Taddeusz

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13 minutes ago, Taddeusz said:

Not sure whether the cage or the controller or SAS to 4xSATA cable could be the issue? I have a shorter cable I could try.

Try the cable first, if it’s not that then the cage is the next most likely candidate.

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51 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Try the cable first, if it’s not that then the cage is the next most likely candidate.

I guess I have some digging to do this weekend.

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How is you M1015 installed? These controller gets very warm, even under idle. With rising ambient temperatures this could also be the culprit. I would highly recommend installing the Noctua NF-A4x10 FLX on top of the heat sink. If you are up for it replace the thermal compound with something better. Mine was dried up and flaky. I used a small cable tie to hold the fan in place, but others are using screws (image is not from a M1015, but results are pretty much the same) :


I leave it running at full speed, it is rather quiet and the heat sink is cool to the touch, even under load.

Try the cables first, as suggested by @johnnie.black, but maybe also consider installing the fan.

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I know that card gets hot. It just has a heatsink on it. I’ll look at putting a fan on. I’ll at least put some fresh thermal compound on there. It could probably use it.

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Well, had my newest drive offlined Friday night. Spent a lot of yesterday troubleshooting. I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s something wrong with the backplane in my drive cage. It’s a Rosewill RSV-SATA-Cage-34. I removed the backplane and rigged up some fans for cooling. Direct connected all the drives. It ran a rebuild just fine with no more UDMA CRC errors.

I tried to replace the thermal compound on my SAS card but they used thermal glue so it’s not coming off. I’ve got a couple drive cages coming but they don’t have backplanes. Also Rosewill but really low cost.

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  • 1 month later…



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Any thoughts on my post?

unRAID Disk 10 SMART health [199]    Warning [UNRAID] — udma crc error count is 8731    WDC_WD20EARS

I have done cable replacements, the drive itself has 12GB free, could that be a prob? 
The drive is old.

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4 hours ago, bombz said:

Any thoughts on my post?

unRAID Disk 10 SMART health [199]    Warning [UNRAID] — udma crc error count is 8731    WDC_WD20EARS

I have done cable replacements, the drive itself has 12GB free, could that be a prob? 
The drive is old.

Both of your posts in both threads are a bit out of the wild blue wonder.  (You should really have started a new thread…) The basic question that always has to be asked for any SMART 199 errors, it this:  Is the count continuing to increase?   The reason being that this counter can never be reset.  The Error itself is a nuisance more than anything else.  The error will always be automatically fixed by requesting that the data be resent until CRC code is correct.  The only real problem is that it slows down the data transfer rate.  If it is an occasional error, this delay is insignificant in the bigger picture.  Unfortunately, you will get a warning every time unRAID reboots (and, as I recall, with the periodic status reports) unless you turn them off.  (Where to do this at the moment escapes me but I think it was on the Dashboard page…)

Edited July 31, 2018 by Frank1940

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When there is a drive error, you can check whether it is the drive or drive slot that is malfunctioning by following the instructions provided in this article.

If any of the following occurs, you can confirm that the drive is malfunctioning:

  • The system notifies you of bad sectors on the drive.
  • The result of the S.M.A.R.T. test is not Normal.
  • The health status of the drive is either WarningCriticalFailing, or Access Error.
  • The drive is listed in the Incompatibility List on Synology website.


  • Synology does not provide drive repair or replacement services. If your drive malfunctions, please contact the local reseller, distributor or drive manufacturer from whom you purchased the drive for assistance.

If any of the following occurs, either the drive or drive slot may be malfunctioning:

When the system cannot detect the drive or there is a connection error, the drive or its drive slot could be failing.

If the issue persists, it is possible that the data stored on the drive will become inaccessible or lost. Therefore, we highly suggest following the instructions below to confirm the cause of the problem.

To further determine the cause of the error:

When either the drive or drive slot may be malfunctioning, you should test both the drive and the drive slot for confirmation. If S.M.A.R.T. attribute ID 199 is not 0, please refer to this section to determine the cause of the malfunction.

For one-bay models:

  1. Power off your Synology NAS.
  2. Remove the drive and insert a healthy drive.
  3. Power on your Synology NAS and install DSM.
  4. Go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD to run an extended S.M.A.R.T. test.
  5. If the issue is not resolved, it means that the drive slot is malfunctioning.

For multi-bay models:

  1. Back up the data on your Synology NAS.
  2. Power off your Synology NAS.
  3. Remove the possibly failing drive and insert it into a functioning empty drive slot. If there is no empty drive slot on your Synology NAS, switch the drive with another healthy drive on the same Synology NAS.
  4. Power on your Synology NAS and go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD to run an extended S.M.A.R.T. test on both drives.
  5. If there is an error with the possibly failing drive in step 3, it is highly possible that the drive is malfunctioning. If there is an error with the switched drive inserted in the drive slot, it means that the drive slot may be malfunctioning.

For the situation where S.M.A.R.T. attribute ID 199 is not 0:

Among the S.M.A.R.T. attributes, when the raw data of ID 199 (UDMA_CRC_Error_Count) is not 0 and continues to increase, it means that an issue has occurred to the communication interface between the drive and SATA backplane. In other words, either the drive or the SATA backplane may be malfunctioning. Please check with the instructions below:

  1. Go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD to run an extended S.M.A.R.T. test on the possibly failing drive.
  2. After the test is complete, click Details under S.M.A.R.T. Attribute. Check if the raw data of attribute ID 199 continues to rise.
  3. Power off your Synology NAS.
  4. Remove the possibly failing drive and insert it into a functioning empty drive slot. If there is no empty drive slot on your Synology NAS, switch the drive with another healthy drive on the same Synology NAS.
  5. Power on your Synology NAS and go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD to run an extended S.M.A.R.T. test on both drives.
  6. Check attribute ID 199 of the possibly failing drive. If its raw data increases, it is highly possible that the drive is malfunctioning. If the raw data of the switched drive rises while that of the suspected failing drive stays 0, there may be an issue with the drive slot or SATA backplane of your Synology NAS.


  • If the raw data is not 0 but does not increase, this may be an accidental CRC error caused by a collision in the past. You may neglect it and continue using your Synology NAS.

After you have identified the cause of the issue, you can do the following:

  • For drive issues, please contact your local reseller, distributor, or manufacturer from whom you purchased the drive for a return merchandise authorization (RMA). You could refer to this article to check the order of the drives if you are not sure which one to remove.
  • For drive issues, please make sure you check the Synology Product Compatibility List when replacing the drive.
  • If you have confirmed that your Synology NAS is malfunctioning and that it is still within warranty, please contact your local reseller or distributor for an RMA.

Learn more

  • What should I do if my Synology NAS cannot recognize SSD?
  • What should I do if my Synology NAS cannot recognize installed drives?
  • How to diagnose drives’ health status when receiving bad sector warning?
  • How to fix hard drive failure and retrieve the data from your hard drives

Summary: Synology volume crash is a critical situation that can lead to permanent data loss. But with prompt action, you can get back your mission-critical business data. In this guide, we’ll discuss how to restore data from crashed volume if the disks are healthy. We’ll also discuss the solution to recover Synology volume data if multiple disks are physically or logically failed.

Synology Network Attached Storage (NAS) is an advanced storage device that you can use to connect office or home network and to store files and other data. The Synology NAS has Storage Pools, each containing one or more volumes. If any of the volumes in Synology NAS crashed, it means that there are problems with the NAS or installed disks.

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Table of Content

    • Some common reasons that may cause Synology volume crash
    • How Do I Know If the Problem Is with My Synology NAS Or Disk(s)?
    • Ways to Recover Data from Crashed Synology Volume
    • Tips to Prevent Synology Volume Crash

Some common reasons that may cause Synology volume crashes:

  • Removal of a disk(s) from NAS bay
  • SSD read-write cache has crashed
  • Disk errors
  • One or more drives have physically or logically failed
  • Improper system shutdown
  • Installation of non-Synology memory modules
  • Incompatible drives installed in Synology NAS

How Do I Know If the Problem Is with My Synology NAS Or Disk(s)?

Firstly, you need to check if you’ve received bad sectors notification. If yes, it indicates a malfunction in the NAS disk.

To check further about the problem, use Synology’s Storage Manager utility. For this, go to Storage Manager and check the following:

S. M.A.R.T. Status of Disks

S.M.A.R.T. status tells about the overall health of a drive. For checking the S.M.A.R.T. status of a disk, go to:

Storage Manager > HDD/SSD > Health Info > S.M.A.R.T.

If the raw data of S.M.A.R.T. attribute ID 199 (UDMA_CRC_Error_Count) is not 0, it means that the disk has issues.


<Source: www.synology.com>

Alternatively, you can go to the History tab to view the drive health diagnosis results and the history of major S.M.A.R.T. attributes. The health levels such as Warning, Critical, Failing, or Access Error are alarming situations.

  • Disk Logs

The disk logs can tell about the occurrence of a disk-related event such as I/O error, disk plugged in/out, etc. To check these logs, navigate to:

Storage Manager > HDD/SSD > Logs


<Source: www.synology.com>

After performing these tests/diagnostics, if you’ve found that the disks are healthy, it means there are problems with your Synology NAS.

Ways to Recover Data from Crashed Synology Volume

Depending on the given scenario, you can take appropriate action to resolve the volume crash issue and recover the data.

Scenario 1: Synology Volume Crashed, even if the Drives are Healthy

In such a case, connect the drives to a system with Ubuntu Operating System (OS) to get back your data.

NOTE: You can use a system with Ubuntu OS installed on it or create a bootable Ubuntu USB stick to boot from it.

Now, launch the Ubuntu Terminal and use Terminal commands to mount the drive(s) and recover data. The details are explained here.

To restore data from basic storage types, only mounting the drive with the mount command would fetch the data. However, if you’re restoring data from RAID or Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) configuration, you need to use mdadm commands in Ubuntu.

Scenario 2: If the Synology disk(s) has malfunctioned

If the Synology volume has crashed due to multiple RAID disks failure, you can try replacing the failed disks.

However, if disk failure has exceeded the fault-tolerance limit or you’re using non-RAID configurations, then you need to contact a NAS data recovery expert such as Stellar. The data recovery experts at Stellar can recover data from RAID and non-RAID configurations. They can recover Synology volume data, even if the disk(s) is physically damaged.

Stellar has an impeccable record of retrieving data from Synology NAS volumes. It has all the resources and proprietary tools to effectively recover data from NAS drives. It follows stringent practices to get back your data with utmost privacy and safety.

Tips to Prevent Synology Volume Crash

  • Use Compatible Drives

Synology recommends using the drives which are compatible with respective Synology NAS models.

  • Perform S.M.A.R.T. Tests Regularly

Performing S.M.A.R.T. tests regularly lets you know the health of your disks and detect drive issues if any. If you find an issue with the disk, promptly take an action to fix it and prevent a volume crash.

  • Enable Drive-related Notifications

Synology gives you an option to enable disk-related notifications. You can enable notifications for drive bad sectors, I/O errors, etc.

  • Do not Install Non-Synology Memory Modules

If a non-Synology memory module is installed in your Synology NAS, it may result in file system errors and lead to a volume crash. Therefore, it’s recommended not to install non-Synology memory modules.

  • Ensure that the NAS has Power Back Up

An abrupt shutdown or a power failure may result in disk failure. Thus, make sure your Synology device has a power backup.


Synology volume may crash due to single/multiple disk failure or other disk-related issues. If your Synology volume has crashed but the disks are healthy, you can use Ubuntu terminal commands to restore data as discussed in this post. However, if Synology volume has crashed due to disk-related issues, you can contact a NAS data recovery expert such as Stellar to recover your precious data.

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Post subject: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 10th, 2020, 11:27 


Joined: November 10th, 2020, 10:17
Posts: 13
Location: Europe


I have a very annoying problem and I hope I came to the right place. :)

I have a WD Red HDD that previously was in a faulty external case. I moved it to a Synology NAS in RAID 1 with another HDD of the same model and since then the NAS worked fine. But the NAS do regular SMART checks and keep sending me warnings about that drive, more specifically it complains the disk had 16 ‘reconnections’ because the SMART attribute «UDMA_CRC_Error_Count» says so.

I checked what this attribute means and apparently this error can come, NOT from the HDD itself, but from a faulty connection, and this can be confirmed by replacing the connection and checking if the error count stops increasing. I checked and I can confirm this value completely stopped increasing after I moved the HDD to the NAS.

So the HDD seems OK but the SMART data on it have been ‘tainted’ by the faulty external case, and now SMART checks incorrectly fails on the NAS. Not a very good check IMO… :roll:

It seems there is no way to ignore/hide this error on the Synology NAS, so now I just want to reset this useless error count. My searchs found it’s not trivial but it can be done with the right software and the appropriate «Vendor Specific Command». But so far I haven’t found how to do that yet for my HDD.

Could you help me reset this «UDMA_CRC_Error_Count» attribute on my WD Red please? What software do I need and what steps should I follow?

Thank you very much.




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 12th, 2020, 2:21 

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
Posts: 14574
Location: Australia

Are you able to read all the firmware modules with WDMarvel (demo) or with a HDDSuperTool script?

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Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 12th, 2020, 8:00 


Joined: November 10th, 2020, 10:17
Posts: 13
Location: Europe

Hello fzabkar and thank you for helping me!

In my previous search I found WDMarvel and I managed to launch the demo on a 32-bits Windows 10 I installed on a old machine (someone said those kind of tools don’t work well on 64-bits Windows). But I will be honest, I still can’t make any sense of what this software shows me… :?: So could you point me where to find those firmware modules?


This is why I prefer asking for help, those tools looks very specialized and touch the firmware, so I don’t want to brick my disk over a silly mistake. About that, for now I do my tests on an old WD Green in bad health but still working (I don’t care if I break this one). Do you think I can keep experimenting on it and apply the same method on the WD Red? It would be safer and simpler for me, as I don’t want to pull the WD Red from the NAS until I know what to do with it.

For HDDSuperTool I haven’t tried it yet as it requires Linux, but if you think it’s a better tool I can boot a LiveCD or install Debian on the old machine. I don’t have any script for it though.




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 12th, 2020, 14:45 

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
Posts: 14574
Location: Australia

You should find the option to read the SA modules under «S/A Operations».

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Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 12th, 2020, 16:01 

Joined: June 17th, 2019, 21:15
Posts: 103
Location: Homeroom

Try what suggest fzabkar, and done a full backup of your current modules by reading them, also done a checksum check of all modules to be sure of the health state.

— Disable your SATA channels/controllers inside the «Windows Device Manager» (this will avoid OS from doing some «bullshit» on the port, that can alter the data you read/write)
— Identify the drive by choosing the right port and clicking «Detect»
— Read modules : S/A operation -> Modules -> read all modules, and then check all
— Also backup your rom : ROM -> Read

Then, I suggest you trying the vendor specific command Format Unit, that will normally done a tiny lifting of your drive and resetting some SMART attributes, the CRC error count will normally be reseted. (but I dont know if this format will work on this WD drive)

There is a tool that seems doing that : HGST_fmt.exe that you can found inside this thread http://www.hddoracle.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2068
I have never tested this tool, so wait someone to confirm you using it, or maybe to get another alternative way… (maybe without formatting…)

Here another link that can interest you https://forum.hddguru.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=35736

What is your drive model name?

Last edited by diybit on November 12th, 2020, 16:09, edited 1 time in total.




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 12th, 2020, 16:06 


Joined: March 15th, 2020, 16:40
Posts: 13
Location: Republic of Srpska

Set SATA controller to AHCI mode in Bios.
On WDMarvel select desired drive and tick «lock current device»
Menu -> Buttons,
Modules -> Restore Points
Create point.




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 13th, 2020, 13:12 


Joined: November 10th, 2020, 10:17
Posts: 13
Location: Europe

Hello again everyone, :)

For the model names:
— WD Red I want to fix -> WDC WD60EFRX-68MYMN1
— WD Green I use for tests first -> WDC WD15EADS-00P8B0

I’m not confident enough yet to fiddle with my WD Red, but I made a lot of progress learning how to use WDMarvel with my test HDD (the WD Green in bad health that I don’t care about).

Here is what I did so far with the test HDD:
— Isolate the HDD from Windows -> Disable the HDD and all SATA controllers in Device Manager (one controller can’t be disabled, probably used by the system drive?), Disk Manager don’t see the HDD anymore so I think we are safe
— Select the right HDD in WDMarvel -> In the «IDE/SATA controller selection» section, select in the menu on the right the SATA mode used by the motherboard («SATA/AHCI» in my case) and select a SATA port in the grid, then in the «Drive» section, click the «Detect» button to check if the port is for the right drive (Windows gets neauseous if you stumble upon the system drive, I rebooted just in case…)
— Once the right port is found, check «Lock current device» (not sure why, I suppose it’s so WDMarvel gets some sort of exclusive access to the HDD I guess?)
— Backup the firmware

For the backup I used diybit’s method:
— Click on the menu «S/A operations > Modules operations»
— In the new module window click on «Modules > Read all» (modules are dumped in the folder «DefaultModules» in WDMarvel directory)
— Once the operation is finished click on «Modules > Check all modules»
— Close the module window
— Click on the menu «ROM > Read ROM» (ROM is dumped in file «DefaultPZUFlash.bin» in WDMarvel directory)

The health of the WD Green seems bad as expected, because the module 6F («Overlay») have an invalid CRC. But I use it only to test WDMarvel anyway so I don’t care.

After that I used legija’s method, I clicked on the menu «S/A operations > Restore points» and on the button «Create point». Apparently it does the same dumps, but with more data and neatly packaged in a ZIP archive in «DefaultRestorePoints».

So far I think I finished all the preparations, but I’m not sure what to do next. I found in the menu a «Format unit» like diybit suggested if someone could confirm this is the right option, and I also found 2 «clear SMART» features that looks rather explicit:
— Defects > PDList and format > Format unit (Cmd)
— Heads > Clear SMART, defect lists, Translator
— Other > S.M.A.R.T. > Clear S.M.A.R.T.

Could you tell me which one should I choose? :?:

Also the WD Green as been a good test subject until now but it doesn’t have the SMART error I try to fix on the WD Red. Do you have a way to check if SMART data have been reset? If not well at least it will confirm what I do in WDMarvel don’t kill the HDD right away. :mrgreen:




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 0:49 

Joined: June 17th, 2019, 21:15
Posts: 103
Location: Homeroom

Your config seems right, all channels disabled, and me too I let one controller or I cant communicate with the drive, and yes the drive disappear from Windows, but can be handle by WDMarvel or others.

It is normal that module 6F got invalid CRC. (and about health, it is just about SA health Im talking about)

It is not sure that what you try on the Green will give identical result as trying on the Red. (especially for the VSC «Format Unit»)

The VSC «Format Unit» Im talking about is not include inside WDMarvel. (as I know…)
It is normally a VSC for Hitachi/HGST/IBM drives, but I have read somewhere that it can works on «new» WD drive also, so your drive will maybe understand it.
To try HGST_fmt.exe : finally the file is HGST_eng.exe from Hitachi_format.rar and combine it with Io.dll from Io.rar, these files are in the hddoracle thread.

My suggestion is for in case you dont have a full version of WDMarvel, or for in case you dont want to done a complete SMART reset.
If you get the full version, you can simply done «Other > Clear SMART» and that’s all, but all attributes will be reset.

Im very curious on what will be the solution proposed by fzabkar… sorry to have maybe speak a little too speedy and little cut you on what you would done fzabkar ;)




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 1:27 

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
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Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 4:42 

Joined: June 17th, 2019, 21:15
Posts: 103
Location: Homeroom

Haha :D can be funny to solve it by hiding the CRC error count. (but maybe not recommended to spot future CRC error)
Do you have found a solution to do this hiding without having to full clear SMART?

About rewriting the SMART modules, from some experiments I have done with your help fzabkar, it was impossible to customize the raw values of the SMART.
But maybe I have not well disabled the SMART before trying it, recently I have think to another way to disable it that I have to try one day…
I also read that this simple module rewriting can also works on some drive…

So Oungawak, if you clear SMART, it’s likely you cant go back.
I add that I finally dont know if those format you see inside WDMarvel will clear the CRC error count, not tested with this CRC error situation, you can eventually give a try for we know.
Do you have WDMarvel full version?




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 11:16 


Joined: November 10th, 2020, 10:17
Posts: 13
Location: Europe

Unfortunately I only have the demo version of WDMarvel, I’m just doing this with nothing but an old PC laying around. I forgot that, maybe the features I pointed out are locked. The website says the demo is «read-only» so WDMarvel could be a dead end. :?

About resetting SMART: It’s an important feature and I don’t want to break it too much. If possible I would prefer a «surgical strike» approach instead of a full reset, I don’t want the disk to declare itself «brand new» erroneously. On the other hand about «UDMA_CRC_Error_Count», it would be safer to only reset it, but if we have to kill/hide it… Honestly it may as well be a good idea, it seems to do more harm than good anyway… I still wonder why this counter even exists in the first place considering how much troubles it causes, and I’ve seen on the web I’m not alone with that problem. :roll:

I got diybit’s format program, but it asks for a «Command port» that I don’t know (with a «Slave» checkbox, for IDE ports maybe?). I tried entering «0», «1», «2», etc. but the «Identify HDD» button doesn’t output any meaningful data. Either I need to find the right value for «Command port», or this tool simply don’t like the WD Green… This is an older drive than the WD Red though, so if this program works with «new» WD only maybe it will work on the WD Red?

Also could you tell me more about what kind of «tiny lifting» this program do?




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 16:20 

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
Posts: 14574
Location: Australia

ISTM that the problem with modifying SMART modules is that there is a running copy in RAM, and this is periodically written back to the SA. So after you modify the SA, the drive undoes your changes with the original SMART data in RAM.

A backup a day keeps DR away.




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 19:15 

Joined: June 17th, 2019, 21:15
Posts: 103
Location: Homeroom

And about your patching method to unhide/hide attributes, did you found another way that do not need clearing SMART to apply it? (with a modified mod23)




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 20:03 

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
Posts: 14574
Location: Australia

Just manually edit the raw data in the appropriate SMART module.

A backup a day keeps DR away.




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 14th, 2020, 21:12 

Joined: June 17th, 2019, 21:15
Posts: 103
Location: Homeroom

So and we re fall to the problem while rewriting SMART module…
How do you success you to bypass this RAM copy problem?




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 15th, 2020, 14:35 

Joined: September 8th, 2009, 18:21
Posts: 14574
Location: Australia

If you can’t stop the firmware from updating the SMART module from its RAM copy (I’m only guessing that this is what is happening), another way which we tried at the HDD Oracle was to …

    find an unused area of the SA
    write the SMART modules to this area
    edit module 01 (DIR) to point to this unused area
    power cycle the drive
    write the SMART modules to the original area in SA
    restore original module 01
    power cycle the drive

There are two checksums that need to be recalculated in each SMART module.

A backup a day keeps DR away.




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 16th, 2020, 0:48 

Joined: June 17th, 2019, 21:15
Posts: 103
Location: Homeroom

Okay fzabkar! I well see now where we go with this solution, very thanks to have written it!!
And sorry to have little re-ask you what I already do year ago, that finally lead to same solution.
I would to be sure, and previously I was stuck on this clear SMART method with mod23 template, so it’s for that that I was not understanding why moving the SMART module would change something.
But it’s totally different if we just modify/move the main SMART module.
Humm you say we need to also modify others SMART modules, it is just to reflect some change accordingly to what we made in the main? (like unhide/hide)

So Oungawak, without a full WDMarvel, cross your fingers that this VSC «Format Unit» will works… (but there may be others ways with the help of HDDSuperTool or MHDD scripts…)
The «Command port» you have to enter is the one used inside WDMarvel to detect your drive, col «Cmd port» like D030.
Previously to start using HGST_eng.exe, unplug power of your drive, and replug it, directly under Windows. (and avoid same plug cable for your two drives)
If it do not detect at your entered port, it can also be because of your AHCI mode, try pass to IDE mode.
I re-said, I have never used this tool, it is surely safe but be warn, dont try it with important data on primary drive.
It’s not sure if the tool will right indicate if success/fail doing the VSC, so check your HDD led, and touch/hear your drive to see if it is doing something, it’s a long format normally, about 3-4hours on your Green.
If your Green success, the Red will about also. But maybe the Green will not, and the Red yes…
The only WD drive I have used with this VSC is an «old» SATA Raptor WD740, and it have succeeded resetting CRC error, but it’s an very strange WD drive compared to yours.

The tiny lifting is a true low level format that will move the defects sectors found or already marked to the hidden primary list (P-List).




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 16th, 2020, 3:08 

Joined: June 17th, 2019, 21:15
Posts: 103
Location: Homeroom

Do a screen/save of your current SMART values before starting the format to compare after.
You said the Green is defective, does it show pending sectors or reallocated inside his SMART?




Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 16th, 2020, 9:09 


Joined: September 30th, 2005, 7:33
Posts: 874

ID20=SMART & Log Current
ID21=SMART & Log Current
ID22=SMART & Log Current
ID23=SMART & Log Clear
ID24=SMART & Log Main





Post subject: Re: Fix SMART attribute UDMA_CRC_Error_Count on a WD Red

PostPosted: November 18th, 2020, 16:34 


Joined: November 10th, 2020, 10:17
Posts: 13
Location: Europe

Don’t worry about my data, the WD Green is empty and the WD Red is in a RAID1 on my NAS, with a backup of the NAS elsewhere, of course. :wink: The only thing I fear is bricking the WD Red, I would survive the loss financially but I would be disappointed.

I don’t have a «Cmd port» column so I tried what is in the «Port address» column (DFE3A180), but all I get is «<HDD> Error: HDD not identify». Is it still the wrong ID or does it means the WD Green is incompatible?

Here are the WD Green infos in WDMarvel:

I can’t switch from AHCI to IDE mode either. Windows boots normally then shows a blue screen with «INACESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE».

Also if the HDD needs a low level format, maybe I could use others formating tools meant for WD? I found this one for example that seems to be free, compatible with WD and do low level formats:
https://hddguru.com/software/HDD-LLF-Lo … rmat-Tool/

About the health of the WD Green, the raw SMART value for «Pending Sector» is 1465, and for «Uncorrectable Sector» it is 1387, which seems high for me, but this is not why I stopped using it. If I remember correctly (it was long ago, and I was WAY less experienced, especially on backup practices :mrgreen:) I got problems with my data on it: Corrupted files and I think Windows froze when accessing some folders… Back then I somehow managed to mitigate the problem by creating a dummy 2GB partition at the start of the disk before the real partition, but of course I took the safe option and just replaced it when I could. I kept it around though as it’s not completely dead yet. A good idea considering how it helped me in my experiments. It would be funny if a low level format fixed it, but I don’t think I could trust it again. :lol:

Here are the SMART data from WDMarvel:

And here is the G-List:

The P-List is absolutely massive with 4904 defects, but from what I learned those are defects from the factory and can be ignored.



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          На моем десктопном компьютере установлен SSD Crucial MX-200  500Gb, на котором установлена операционная система  и игры. 

       Где-то месяц назад игры стали  ужасно лагать, зависали до 5 секунд, играть стало не возможно, компьютер иногда зависал намертво и сам перезапускался. Я начал искать причину, логично, что в первую очередь решил  проверить состояние  SSD Crucial MX-200 по его  SMART. 


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      И обнаружил, что атрибут SMART-a  199 UltraDMA CRC Error Count (количество ошибок, возникших во время передачи данных по кабелю  от материнской платы до дискретного контроллера диска) буквально за два дня вырос более чем на 2000 ошибок. 

  Спустя два дня

       Это вполне объясняло подобное поведение компьютера. 

       Естественно, что в первую очередь под подозрение попал кабель SATA, но нет, если бы это было так, то я не стал бы писать статью.

       Были перепробованы все кабеля SATA которые у меня только есть, для проверки также поменян кабель SATA  с HDD, который у меня стоит на компьютере в качестве хранилища, кстати на нем этот атрибут равен нулю, то есть не возникло ни одной ошибки. Переподключал кабель SATA в разные порты на материнской плате, но и это ничего не дало. 

      После этого SSD был установлен в ноутбук, где при тех же играх и нагрузке данный атрибут SMART-a  не увеличился ни на  единицу, и ноутбук работал отлично. 

      Контроллер материнской платы компьютера я тоже исключил, так как  установив на  HDD стоящий в компьютере операционную систему и  игры, и   погоняв его с теми же нагрузками, увидел, что атрибут UltraDMA CRC Error Count не увеличился, так и остался равным нулю.

     Что же тогда еще остается?


     При замене кабелей SATA на SSD, один кабель  SATA  я приобрел в магазине, на всякий случай, так как думать уже не знал на что. Когда я его покупал, оговорился о данной проблеме. И от продавцов  узнал для себя удивительную вещь: они авторитетно заявили, что возможно у меня стоит кабель SATA 2 и не обеспечивает необходимую пропускную способность, и нужно купить у них кабель SATA 3, и даже показали кабель на котором стоит клеймо SATA 3 (может  я этого не знаю). Я возразил, сказал, что такого быть не может, что у них у всех  7 pin , и одинаковые медные проводники, и электрический сигнал распространяется одинаково. пропускная способность зависит от  контроллера материнской платы и от контролера жесткого диска, а не от 7 медных проводников, которыми они соединены. И на вопрос чем они физически отличаются, внятно объяснить  мне не смогли. 

    Что думаете вы по этому поводу напишите в комментариях. 

    Но я все-таки купил у них этот кабель SATA 3. Ну  как вы и подумали проблему это не решило.

   Дальше я принялся ковырять блок питания. По замерам мультиметра, и по данным проги «AIDA» все напряжения были в норме. Но при измерении осциллографом пульсаций по питанию, в большей мере меня интересовало питание 5 В. которым питался SSD , было выявлено наличие провалов в осциллограмме с 5 до 4,5 В. 


       Расположение их по шкале времени имело случайный характер. Но казалось бы, и 4,5 В.  достаточно, так как в SSD стоят свои преобразователи в более низкие напряжения. Но я все же в качестве диагностики   попытался уменьшить эти пульсации и  подключил прямо к разъему MOLEX к шине 5 в. электролитический конденсатор на 4000 мкФ. 

       И наконец это решило проблему, осциллограмма выровнялась, провалы пропали, атрибут   199 UltraDMA CRC Error Count больше не увеличивается, компьютер летает, игры не лагают. Теперь выберу время, разберу блок питания и займусь им.

      Надеюсь, мой случай окажется вам интересен и полезен.

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