Unable to allocate processing resources error failed to create production checkpoint

Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Unable to allocate processing resources. Error: Failed to create production checkpoint. of Microsoft Hyper-V


Case: 05157792

We are trying to move a customer away from backup exec, so we have installed a trial version for demo, so I guess the support reply is slow.

What we have done….

I was able to create a checkpoint in hyper-v manager after we changed the vm checkpoints from Production to Standard. When I try from Veeam I can see that it starts to create a checkpoint in hyper-v manager but fails after 10-15% with the same error message I posted. We have tried to reboot the vm, also changed within the cm Shadow Copies > Settings Maximum size to No limit.

With vssadmin list writers I get this error
Writer name: ‘NTDS’
Writer Id: {b2014c9e-8711-4c5c-a5a9-3cf384484757}
Writer Instance Id: {96ef30b5-acda-4b28-a2fa-1561c051eb93}
State: [11] Failed
Last error: Non-retryable error

Then we did a vsstrace, it created a very long logfile that we are not able to debug. It contains a lot of customer data so will not publish it here.

From within the vm the VSS reports following
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine RegOpenKeyExW(-2147483646,SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesVSSDiag,…). hr = 0x80070005, Access is denied.

Initializing Writer

Writer Class Id: {35e81631-13e1-48db-97fc-d5bc721bb18a}
Writer Name: NPS VSS Writer
Writer Instance ID: {b3410256-ebe4-49e5-9a36-e27c9d7dbdd6}

And also the following
A VSS writer has rejected an event with error 0x800423f4, The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried,
the error is likely to reoccur.
. Changes that the writer made to the writer components while handling the event will not be available to the requester. Check the event log for related events from the application hosting the VSS writer.

PostSnapshot Event

Execution Context: Writer
Writer Class Id: {b2014c9e-8711-4c5c-a5a9-3cf384484757}
Writer Name: NTDS
Writer Instance ID: {96ef30b5-acda-4b28-a2fa-1561c051eb93}
Command Line: C:Windowssystem32lsass.exe
Process ID: 580
The VSS writer NTDS failed with status 11 and writer specific failure code 0x800423F4.

Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesVSSProviders I have the following
Dont know if i should try to delete some of them ?

Thanks for any advice, so we can have the customer buy Veeam instead of Backup Exec :)


This is my first time setting up Veeam B&R community edition. I downloaded the latest version available online yesterday (v10.0.0.4461 P1) and installed it on my fresh copy of windows server 2019 standard edition, which is solely running the Hyper-V manager role. 

I fully patched and updated the server prior to installing Veeam B&R CE. The installation was successful and I proceeded to set up backing up my window server 2019 VM on this same host. I added the backup repository (separate NAS via SMB) and Hyper-V host to the program. The VM host is just a standalone server that will be used to host a SQL database server. The server is empty has doesn’t have any software in it yet, as I wanted to test the backup before installing the SQL server software. The VM consists of 2 SCSI hard drives. The 1st drive is a 500GB boot drive (dynamic expanding VHDX) and the 2nd is 2TB (fixed size VHDX).

The backup repository that I have is a NAS that is setup via SMB share. I configured all the share locations and credentials during the wizard and didn’t give any errors. This NAS has 24TB of free space. It has read/write permissions, as I see that Veeam created a folder on there to do the backup.

When I run the backup, I received the following error:

Failed to create VM recovery checkpoint (mode: Crash consistent) Details: Failed to create VM (ID: 9f3a5c6d-d3a5-4135-a667-afcbd718655d) recovery checkpoint. Job failed (‘Checkpoint operation for ‘2019-SQL1′ failed. (Virtual machine ID 9F3A5C6D-D3A5-4135-A667-AFCBD718655D)’). Error code: ‘32768’. Retrying snapshot creation attempt (Failed to create production checkpoint.) Task has been rescheduled Queued for processing at 4/2/2020 5:49:39 PM Unable to allocate processing resources. Error: Failed to create VM (ID: 9f3a5c6d-d3a5-4135-a667-afcbd718655d) recovery checkpoint. Job failed (‘Checkpoint operation for ‘2019-SQL1′ failed. (Virtual machine ID 9F3A5C6D-D3A5-4135-A667-AFCBD718655D)’). Error code: ‘32768’.

So, I tried the following from searching google/forums with error code 32768 and also «Failed to create VM recovery checkpoint». I couldn’t find anyone else with the same setup, so I followed others who used server 2016/2012R2 and had a similar error message. I tried what others suggested:

1. Tried creating a manual checkpoint (no issues and messages at all)
2. Changed production checkpoint to standard checkpoint (still doesn’t work)
3. Backing up only the 500GB drive only (still fails)
4. Verified that com+ services on the host 2019 server to see if it’s running (it’s started and working)
5. Spun up a brand new 2016 server VM and set up it to backup it, still fails with the same error.
6. Removing the NAS backup repository and use the host’s own local hard drive to backup the boot drive hard drive (still fails)
7. Uninstalled B&R CE 10 and installed B&R CE 9.5u4 (still same error)
8. Tried adding an external 12TB hard drive, set it as a new backup repository and backup to that, still doesn’t work. 

9.  Installed Veeam B&R CE 10 on another workstation on the network, still fails with the same error.

I’ve already submitted a case with Veeam yesterday but haven’t heard back, so I figure I post on here to see if anyone else has encountered this issue. I’ve noticed when running the backup, the job keeps stating «waiting for next task» and it does this twice before it fails.

Any help would be appreciated.

Our customer moved the VMs from Windows 2012 Hyper-V host server to 2019 Hyper-V host server, I tried to backup the Exchange 2010 servers via Veeam application-aware function (because we would like to use it for truncate logs) and it failed, the error message show failed to create production checkpoint.

I login to the host server and tried to run checkpoint for the VM, it success to create checkpoint but show create standard checkpoint, I check the VM settings from Hyper-V Manager, the production checkpoint was be selected but it also selected create standard checkpoints if the guest does not support creation of production checkpoints. If you would like to test production checkpoint only for the VM, you need to unselect Create standard checkpoints if the guest is not support creation of production checkpoints and test it again, you will notice that checkpoint create failed and show an error occurred while attempting to checkpoint the selected virtual machine.

This is the root cause of Veeam Backup with application-aware failed. Today, I am going to show you how to fix it.

  1. Login to the exchange 2010 server (it also a Windows 2008 R2 server).
  2. Open Windows PowerShell. And run follow cmdlet to check Integration Services Version.

    </p><p>REG QUERY "HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftVirtual MachineAuto" /v IntegrationServicesVersion
  3. You will notice the IntegrationServicesVersion is still old version. It’s 6.2.9200.16433

    It’s the root cause of failed to create production checkpoint at Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V host server.

  4. Shutdown the VM.
  5. Login to Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V host server, open Hyper-V manager, right-click the VM and select Upgrade Configuration Version.

  6. The configuration version should be 9.0 after upgraded.
  7. Login to the VM (Windows 2008 R2).
  8. On the Initial Configuration Tasks page, click Download and install updates.

  9. On the Widows update page, click Check for updates.

  10. You cannot find the Integration Services update from Import updates; you need to select Optional updates and install it.

  11. Reboot server after install Integration service.
  12. Login to Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V host server.
  13. Recreate checkpoint for the VM and it will show Production checkpoint created (it’s not standard checkpoint created).

  14. Login to Veeam backup server.
  15. Retry the VM backup job again and the error message should be gone and backup successful for the VM with application-aware function.

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