Unable to create interface isteamuser ошибка

Functions for accessing and manipulating Steam user information.

Functions for accessing and manipulating Steam user information.

This is also where the APIs for Steam Voice are exposed.

Member Functions

Member functions for ISteamUser are called through the global accessor function SteamUser().


void AdvertiseGame( CSteamID steamIDGameServer, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer );

Name Type Description
steamIDGameServer CSteamID This should be k_steamIDNonSteamGS if you’re setting the IP/Port, otherwise it should be k_steamIDNil if you’re clearing this.
unIPServer uint32 The IP of the game server in host order, i.e == 0x7f000001.
usPortServer uint16 The connection port of the game server, in host order.

Set the rich presence data for an unsecured game server that the user is playing on. This allows friends to be able to view the game info and join your game.

When you are using Steam authentication system this call is never required, the auth system automatically sets the appropriate rich presence.


EBeginAuthSessionResult BeginAuthSession( const void *pAuthTicket, int cbAuthTicket, CSteamID steamID );

Name Type Description
pAuthTicket const void * The auth ticket to validate.
cbAuthTicket int The size in bytes of the auth ticket. This must be the pcbTicket size provided by the call that created this ticket.
steamID CSteamID The entity’s Steam ID that sent this ticket.

Authenticate the ticket from the entity Steam ID to be sure it is valid and isn’t reused.

The ticket is created on the entity with GetAuthSessionTicket or ISteamGameServer::GetAuthSessionTicket and then needs to be provided over the network for the other end to validate.

This registers for ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t callbacks if the entity goes offline or cancels the ticket. See EAuthSessionResponse for more information.

When the multiplayer session terminates you must call EndAuthSession.

Returns: EBeginAuthSessionResult
Triggers a ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t callback.

See Also: User Authentication and Ownership


bool BIsBehindNAT();

Checks if the current user looks like they are behind a NAT device.

This is only valid if the user is connected to the Steam servers and may not catch all forms of NAT.

Returns: bool
true if the current user is behind a NAT, otherwise false.


bool BIsPhoneIdentifying();

Checks whether the user’s phone number is used to uniquely identify them.

Returns: bool
true if the current user’s phone uniquely verifies their identity; otherwise, false.


bool BIsPhoneRequiringVerification();

Checks whether the current user’s phone number is awaiting (re)verification.

Returns: bool
true if current user’s phone is requiring verification; otherwise, false.


bool BIsPhoneVerified();

Checks whether the current user has verified their phone number.

See the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator page on the customer facing Steam Support site for more information.

Returns: bool
true if the current user has phone verification enabled; otherwise, false.


bool BIsTwoFactorEnabled();

Checks whether the current user has Steam Guard two factor authentication enabled on their account.

See the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator page on the customer facing Steam Support site for more information.

Returns: bool
true if the current user has two factor authentication enabled; otherwise, false.


bool BLoggedOn();

Checks if the current user’s Steam client is connected to the Steam servers.

If it’s not then no real-time services provided by the Steamworks API will be enabled. The Steam client will automatically be trying to recreate the connection as often as possible. When the connection is restored a SteamServersConnected_t callback will be posted.

You usually don’t need to check for this yourself. All of the API calls that rely on this will check internally. Forcefully disabling stuff when the player loses access is usually not a very good experience for the player and you could be preventing them from accessing APIs that do not need a live connection to Steam.

Returns: bool
true if the Steam client current has a live connection to the Steam servers; otherwise, false if there is no active connection due to either a networking issue on the local machine, or the Steam server is down/busy.


bool BSetDurationControlOnlineState( EDurationControlOnlineState eNewState );

Allows the game to specify the offline/online gameplay state for steam china duration control.

Parameters: EDurationControlOnlineState

Returns: bool
true if the online state was set successfully; otherwise, false.

Associated Functions:


void CancelAuthTicket( HAuthTicket hAuthTicket );

Name Type Description
hAuthTicket HAuthTicket The active auth ticket to cancel.

Cancels an auth ticket received from GetAuthSessionTicket. This should be called when no longer playing with the specified entity.

See Also: User Authentication and Ownership


EVoiceResult DecompressVoice( const void *pCompressed, uint32 cbCompressed, void *pDestBuffer, uint32 cbDestBufferSize, uint32 *nBytesWritten, uint32 nDesiredSampleRate );

Name Type Description
pCompressed const void * The compressed data received from GetVoice.
cbCompressed uint32 The size of the buffer passed into pCompressed.
pDestBuffer void * The buffer where the raw audio data will be returned. This can then be passed to your audio subsystems for playback.
cbDestBufferSize uint32 The size of the buffer passed into pDestBuffer.
nBytesWritten uint32 * Returns the number of bytes written to pDestBuffer, or size of the buffer required to decompress the given data if cbDestBufferSize is not large enough (and k_EVoiceResultBufferTooSmall is returned).
nDesiredSampleRate uint32 The sample rate that will be returned. This can be from 11025 to 48000, you should either use the rate that works best for your audio playback system, which likely takes the users audio hardware into account, or you can use GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate to get the native sample rate of the Steam voice decoder.

Decodes the compressed voice data returned by GetVoice.

The output data is raw single-channel 16-bit PCM audio. The decoder supports any sample rate from 11025 to 48000. See GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate for more information.

It is recommended that you start with a 20KiB buffer and then reallocate as necessary.

See Steam Voice for more information.

Returns: EVoiceResult
The internal sample rate of the Steam Voice decoder.


void EndAuthSession( CSteamID steamID );

Name Type Description
steamID CSteamID The entity to end the active auth session with.

Ends an auth session that was started with BeginAuthSession. This should be called when no longer playing with the specified entity.

See Also: User Authentication and Ownership


HAuthTicket GetAuthSessionTicket( void *pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 *pcbTicket );

Name Type Description
pTicket void * The buffer where the new auth ticket will be copied into if the call was successful.
cbMaxTicket int The size of the buffer allocated for pTicket. Typically a buffer size of 1024 will be sufficient. However, in certain cases (e.g., when an application has a large amount of available DLC), a larger buffer size may be required.
pcbTicket uint32 * Returns the length of the actual ticket.

NOTE: When creating a ticket for use by the ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUserTicket Web API, the calling application must wait for the GetAuthSessionTicketResponse_t callback generated by the API call before attempting to use the ticket to ensure that the ticket has been communicated to the server. If this callback does not come in a timely fashion (10 — 20 seconds), then your client is not connected to Steam, and the AuthenticateUserTicket call will fail because it can not authenticate the user.

Retrieve an authentication ticket to be sent to the entity who wishes to authenticate you.

After calling this you can send the ticket to the entity where they can then call BeginAuthSession/ISteamGameServer::BeginAuthSession to verify this entities integrity.

Returns: HAuthTicket
Triggers a GetAuthSessionTicketResponse_t callback.
A handle to the auth ticket. When you’re done interacting with the entity you must call CancelAuthTicket on the handle.

Returns k_HAuthTicketInvalid if the call fails.

See Also: User Authentication and Ownership


EVoiceResult GetAvailableVoice( uint32 *pcbCompressed, uint32 *pcbUncompressed_Deprecated = 0, uint32 nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated = 0 );

Name Type Description
pcbCompressed uint32 * Returns the size of the available voice data in bytes.
pcbUncompressed_Deprecated uint32 * Deprecated.
nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated uint32 Deprecated.

Checks to see if there is captured audio data available from GetVoice, and gets the size of the data.

Most applications will only use compressed data and should ignore the other parameters, which exist primarily for backwards compatibility. See GetVoice for further explanation of «uncompressed» data.

See Steam Voice for more information.

Returns: EVoiceResult


SteamAPICall_t GetDurationControl();

Retrieves anti indulgence / duration control for current user / game combination.

Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a DurationControl_t call result.
Returns k_uAPICallInvalid if no connection to the Steam servers could be made.

Associated Functions:


bool GetEncryptedAppTicket( void *pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32 *pcbTicket );

Name Type Description
pTicket void * The encrypted app ticket is copied into this buffer.
cbMaxTicket int The total size of the pTicket buffer in bytes.
pcbTicket uint32 * Returns the number of bytes copied into pTicket.

Retrieve an encrypted ticket.

This should be called after requesting an encrypted app ticket with RequestEncryptedAppTicket and receiving the EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t call result.

You should then pass this encrypted ticket to your secure servers to be decrypted using your secret key using SteamEncryptedAppTicket::BDecryptTicket.

NOTE: If you call this without calling RequestEncryptedAppTicket, the call may succeed but you will likely get a stale ticket.

Returns: bool
true if the call successfully returned an app ticket into pTicket.
false under the following conditions:

  • pcbTicket is NULL
  • pTicket is NULL
  • pTicket is too small to hold this ticket.
  • There was no ticket available. (Did you wait for EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t?)


int GetGameBadgeLevel( int nSeries, bool bFoil );

Name Type Description
nSeries int If you only have one set of cards, the series will be 1.
bFoil bool Check if they have received the foil badge.

Gets the level of the users Steam badge for your game.

The user can have two different badges for a series; the regular badge (max level 5) and the foil badge (max level 1).

Returns: int
The level of the badge, 0 if they don’t have it.


HSteamUser GetHSteamUser();

Gets Steam user handle that this interface represents.

This is only used internally by the API, and by a few select interfaces that support multi-user.

Returns: HSteamUser


int GetPlayerSteamLevel();

Gets the Steam level of the user, as shown on their Steam community profile.

Returns: int
The level of the current user.


CSteamID GetSteamID();

Gets the Steam ID of the account currently logged into the Steam client. This is commonly called the ‘current user’, or ‘local user’.

A Steam ID is a unique identifier for a Steam accounts, Steam groups, Lobbies and Chat rooms, and used to differentiate users in all parts of the Steamworks API.

Returns: CSteamID


CSteamID steamID = SteamUser()->GetSteamID();


bool GetUserDataFolder( char *pchBuffer, int cubBuffer );

Name Type Description
pchBuffer char *
cubBuffer int

Deprecated — You should use the Steam Cloud API from ISteamRemoteStorage instead.

Returns: bool


EVoiceResult GetVoice( bool bWantCompressed, void *pDestBuffer, uint32 cbDestBufferSize, uint32 *nBytesWritten, bool bWantUncompressed_Deprecated = false, void *pUncompressedDestBuffer_Deprecated = 0, uint32 cbUncompressedDestBufferSize_Deprecated = 0, uint32 *nUncompressBytesWritten_Deprecated = 0, uint32 nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated = 0 );

Name Type Description
bWantCompressed bool This should always be true.
pDestBuffer void * The buffer where the audio data will be copied into.
cbDestBufferSize uint32 The size of the buffer allocated for pDestBuffer.
nBytesWritten uint32 * Returns the number of bytes written into pDestBuffer. This should always be the size returned by ISteamUser::GetAvailableVoice.
bWantUncompressed_Deprecated bool Deprecated.
pUncompressedDestBuffer_Deprecated void * Deprecated.
cbUncompressedDestBufferSize_Deprecated uint32 Deprecated.
nUncompressBytesWritten_Deprecated uint32 * Deprecated.
nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated uint32 Deprecated.

Read captured audio data from the microphone buffer.

The compressed data can be transmitted by your application and decoded back into raw audio data using DecompressVoice on the other side. The compressed data provided is in an arbitrary format and is not meant to be played directly.

This should be called once per frame, and at worst no more than four times a second to keep the microphone input delay as low as possible. Calling this any less may result in gaps in the returned stream.

It is recommended that you pass in an 8 kilobytes or larger destination buffer for compressed audio. Static buffers are recommended for performance reasons. However, if you would like to allocate precisely the right amount of space for a buffer before each call you may use GetAvailableVoice to find out how much data is available to be read.

NOTE: «Uncompressed» audio is a deprecated feature and should not be used by most applications. It is raw single-channel 16-bit PCM wave data which may have been run through preprocessing filters and/or had silence removed, so the uncompressed audio could have a shorter duration than you expect. There may be no data at all during long periods of silence. Also, fetching uncompressed audio will cause GetVoice to discard any leftover compressed audio, so you must fetch both types at once. Finally, GetAvailableVoice is not precisely accurate when the uncompressed size is requested. So if you really need to use uncompressed audio, you should call GetVoice frequently with two very large (20KiB+) output buffers instead of trying to allocate perfectly-sized buffers. But most applications should ignore all of these details and simply leave the «uncompressed» parameters as NULL/0.

See Steam Voice for more information.

Returns: EVoiceResult


uint32 GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate();

Gets the native sample rate of the Steam voice decoder.

Using this sample rate for DecompressVoice will perform the least CPU processing. However, the final audio quality will depend on how well the audio device (and/or your application’s audio output SDK) deals with lower sample rates. You may find that you get the best audio output quality when you ignore this function and use the native sample rate of your audio output device, which is usually 48000 or 44100.

See Steam Voice for more information.

Returns: uint32


int InitiateGameConnection( void *pAuthBlob, int cbMaxAuthBlob, CSteamID steamIDGameServer, uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer, bool bSecure );

Name Type Description
pAuthBlob void * A pointer to empty memory that will be filled in with the authentication token.
cbMaxAuthBlob int The number of bytes of allocated memory in pBlob. Should be at least 2048 bytes.
steamIDGameServer CSteamID The Steam ID of the game server, received from the game server by the client.
unIPServer uint32 The IP address of the game server in host order, i.e == 0x7f000001.
usPortServer uint16 The connection port of the game server, in host order.
bSecure bool Whether or not the client thinks that the game server is reporting itself as secure (i.e. VAC is running.)

This starts the state machine for authenticating the game client with the game server.

It is the client portion of a three-way handshake between the client, the game server, and the steam servers.

NOTE: When you’re done with the connection you must call TerminateGameConnection.

NOTE: This is part of the old user authentication API and should not be mixed with the new API.

Returns: int
The number of bytes written to pBlob.

Returns 0 indicating failure, signifying that the pAuthBlob buffer passed in was too small, and the call has failed.

The contents of pAuthBlob should then be sent to the game server, for it to use to complete the authentication process.


SteamAPICall_t RequestEncryptedAppTicket( void *pDataToInclude, int cbDataToInclude );

Name Type Description
pDataToInclude void * The data which will be encrypted into the ticket.
cbDataToInclude int The total size in bytes of pDataToInclude.

Requests an application ticket encrypted with the secret «encrypted app ticket key».

The encryption key can be obtained from the Encrypted App Ticket Key page on the App Admin for your app.

There can only be one EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t pending, and this call is subject to a 60 second rate limit.

After receiving the response you should call GetEncryptedAppTicket to get the ticket data, and then you need to send it to a secure server to be decrypted with the SteamEncryptedAppTicket functions.

Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t call result.


class CEncryptedAppTicketExample
void RetrieveEncryptedAppTicket();

void OnEncryptedAppTicketResponse( EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t *pEncryptedAppTicketResponse, bool bIOFailure );
CCallResult< CEncryptedAppTicketExample, EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t > m_EncryptedAppTicketResponseCallResult;

void CEncryptedAppTicketExample::RetrieveEncryptedAppTicket()
SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = SteamUser()->RequestEncryptedAppTicket( &k_unSecretData, sizeof( k_unSecretData ) );
m_EncryptedAppTicketResponseCallResult.Set( hSteamAPICall, this, &CEncryptedAppTicketExample::OnEncryptedAppTicketResponse );

void CEncryptedAppTicketExample::OnEncryptedAppTicketResponse( EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t *pEncryptedAppTicketResponse, bool bIOFailure )
if ( bIOFailure )
printf( «There has been an IO Failure when requesting the Encrypted App Ticket.n» );

switch ( pEncryptedAppTicketResponse->m_eResult )
case k_EResultOK:
uint8 rgubTicket[1024];
uint32 cubTicket;
if ( SteamUser()->GetEncryptedAppTicket( rgubTicket, sizeof( rgubTicket ), &cubTicket ) )
// Normally at this point you would transmit the encrypted ticket to a trusted service that knows the decryption key
// This code is just to demonstrate the ticket decrypting library
DecryptTicket( rgubTicket, cubTicket );
printf( «GetEncryptedAppTicket failed.n» );
case k_EResultNoConnection:
printf( «Calling RequestEncryptedAppTicket while not connected to steam results in this error.n» );
case k_EResultDuplicateRequest:
printf( «Calling RequestEncryptedAppTicket while there is already a pending request results in this error.n» );
case k_EResultLimitExceeded:
printf( «Calling RequestEncryptedAppTicket more than once per minute returns this error.n» );


SteamAPICall_t RequestStoreAuthURL( const char *pchRedirectURL );

Name Type Description
pchRedirectURL const char *

Requests a URL which authenticates an in-game browser for store check-out, and then redirects to the specified URL.

As long as the in-game browser accepts and handles session cookies, Steam microtransaction checkout pages will automatically recognize the user instead of presenting a login page.

NOTE: The URL has a very short lifetime to prevent history-snooping attacks, so you should only call this API when you are about to launch the browser, or else immediately navigate to the result URL using a hidden browser window.

NOTE: The resulting authorization cookie has an expiration time of one day, so it would be a good idea to request and visit a new auth URL every 12 hours.

Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a StoreAuthURLResponse_t call result.
Returns k_uAPICallInvalid if no connection to the Steam servers could be made.


void StartVoiceRecording();

Starts voice recording.

Once started, use GetAvailableVoice and GetVoice to get the data, and then call StopVoiceRecording when the user has released their push-to-talk hotkey or the game session has completed.

See Steam Voice for more information.


void StopVoiceRecording();

Stops voice recording.

Because people often release push-to-talk keys early, the system will keep recording for a little bit after this function is called. As such, GetVoice should continue to be called until it returns k_EVoiceResultNotRecording, only then will voice recording be stopped.


void TerminateGameConnection( uint32 unIPServer, uint16 usPortServer );

Name Type Description
unIPServer uint32
usPortServer uint16

Notify the game server that we are disconnecting.

This needs to occur when the game client leaves the specified game server, needs to match with the InitiateGameConnection call.

NOTE: This is part of the old user authentication API and should not be mixed with the new API.


void TrackAppUsageEvent( CGameID gameID, int eAppUsageEvent, const char *pchExtraInfo = «» );

Name Type Description
gameID CGameID
eAppUsageEvent int
pchExtraInfo const char *

Deprecated — Only used by only a few games to track usage events before Stats and Achievements was introduced.


EUserHasLicenseForAppResult UserHasLicenseForApp( CSteamID steamID, AppId_t appID );

Name Type Description
steamID CSteamID The Steam ID of the user that sent the auth ticket.
appID AppId_t The DLC App ID to check if the user owns it.

Checks if the user owns a specific piece of Downloadable Content (DLC).

This can only be called after sending the users auth ticket to ISteamGameServer::BeginAuthSession

Returns: EUserHasLicenseForAppResult

See Also: User Authentication and Ownership


These are callbacks which can be fired by calling SteamAPI_RunCallbacks. Many of these will be fired directly in response to the member functions of ISteamUser.


Sent by the Steam server to the client telling it to disconnect from the specified game server, which it may be in the process of or already connected to.
The game client should immediately disconnect upon receiving this message.
This can usually occur if the user doesn’t have rights to play on the game server.

Name Type Description
m_uAppID uint32 The App ID this call is for. Verify that it’s the same as the current App ID with ISteamUtils::GetAppID.
m_unGameServerIP uint32 The IP of the game server that is telling us to disconnect, in host order, i.e == 0x7f000001.
m_usGameServerPort uint16 The port of the game server that is telling us to disconnect, in host order.
m_bSecure uint16 Is the game server VAC secure (true) or not (false)?
m_uReason uint32


Sent for games with enabled anti indulgence / duration control, for enabled users. Lets the game know whether the feature applies to the user, whether the user needs to exit the game soon, and the remaining daily playtime for the user.

This callback is fired asynchronously in response to timers triggering. It is also fired in response to calls to GetDurationControl().

Name Type Description
m_eResult EResult result of call (always k_EResultOK for asynchronous timer-based notifications)
m_appid AppId_t appid generating playtime
m_bApplicable bool is duration control applicable to user + game combination
m_csecsLast5h int32 playtime in trailing 5 hour window plus current session, in seconds
m_progress EDurationControlProgress Description of whether the game should exit
m_notification EDurationControlNotification notification to show, if any (always k_EDurationControlNotification_None for API calls)

Associated Functions: GetDurationControl


Called when an encrypted application ticket has been received.

Name Type Description
m_eResult EResult Was the call successful?
Possible results:

  • k_EResultOK — Success!
  • k_EResultNoConnection — A connection to Steam could not be established.
  • k_EResultDuplicateRequest — There is already a pending request.
  • k_EResultLimitExceeded — This call is subject to a 60 second rate limit, and you have exceeded that.

Associated Functions: RequestEncryptedAppTicket


Sent to your game in response to a steam://gamewebcallback/ command from a user clicking a link in the Steam overlay browser.
You can use this to add support for external site signups where you want to pop back into the browser after some web page signup sequence, and optionally get back some detail about that.

Name Type Description
m_szURL char[256] The complete url that the user clicked on.


Result when creating an auth session ticket.

Name Type Description
m_hAuthTicket HAuthTicket The handle to the ticket that was created.
m_eResult EResult The result of the operation.

Associated Functions: GetAuthSessionTicket


Called when the callback system for this client is in an error state (and has flushed pending callbacks)
When getting this message the client should disconnect from Steam, reset any stored Steam state and reconnect.
This usually occurs in the rare event the Steam client has some kind of fatal error.

Name Type Description
m_eFailureType uint8 This is a EFailureType.


Called whenever the users licenses (owned packages) changes.

This callback has no fields.


Called when a user has responded to a microtransaction authorization request.

Name Type Description
m_unAppID uint32 App ID for this microtransaction
m_ulOrderID uint64 Order ID provided for the microtransaction.
m_bAuthorized uint8 Did the user authorize the transaction (1) or not (0)?


Called when a connection attempt has failed.
This will occur periodically if the Steam client is not connected, and has failed when retrying to establish a connection.

Name Type Description
m_eResult EResult The reason why the connection failed.
m_bStillRetrying bool Is the Steam client still trying to connect to the server?


Called when a connections to the Steam back-end has been established.
This means the Steam client now has a working connection to the Steam servers. Usually this will have occurred before the game has launched, and should only be seen if the user has dropped connection due to a networking issue or a Steam server update.

This callback has no fields.


Called if the client has lost connection to the Steam servers.
Real-time services will be disabled until a matching SteamServersConnected_t has been posted.

Name Type Description
m_eResult EResult The reason we were disconnected from Steam.


Response when we have recieved the authentication URL after a call to RequestStoreAuthURL.

Name Type Description
m_szURL char[512] The authentication URL.

Associated Functions: RequestStoreAuthURL


Called when an auth ticket has been validated.

Name Type Description
m_SteamID CSteamID The Steam ID of the entity that provided the auth ticket.
m_eAuthSessionResponse EAuthSessionResponse The result of the validation.
m_OwnerSteamID CSteamID The Steam ID that owns the game, this will be different from m_SteamID if the game is being borrowed via Steam Family Sharing.

Associated Functions: BeginAuthSession


These are structs which functions in ISteamUser may return and/or interact with.


The structure that contains client callback data. This is only used internally inside SteamAPI_RunCallbacks.

Name Type Description
m_hSteamUser HSteamUser The user this callback is sent to.
m_iCallback int The unique ID of the callback.
m_pubParam uint8 * The pointer to the callback data.
m_cubParam int The size of [param]m_pubParam[/param].


These are enums which are defined for use with ISteamUser.


Specifies what type of failure happened in IPCFailure_t.

Name Value Description
k_EFailureFlushedCallbackQueue 0
k_EFailurePipeFail 1


Describes playtime restrictions that apply for games with duration control / anti-indulgence enabled for minor Steam China users.

Name Value Description
k_EDurationControlProgress_Full 0 Normal play
k_EDurationControlProgress_Half 1 (This value is deprecated)
k_EDurationControlProgress_None 2 User’s playtime has run out. Steam will terminate the game soon

Associated Functions:


Describes which notification timer has expired, for steam china duration control feature. Some of these notifications are deprecated and are no longer sent.

Name Value Description
k_EDurationControlNotification_None 0 Callback is just informing you about progress, no notification to show
k_EDurationControlNotification_1Hour 1 player has been playing for an hour — game can show something at this time if desired
k_EDurationControlNotification_3Hours 2 (deprecated)
k_EDurationControlNotification_HalfProgress 3 (deprecated)
k_EDurationControlNotification_ExitSoon_3h 4 player has been playing for the allowed time and should exit the game
k_EDurationControlNotification_ExitSoon_5h 4 player has been playing for the allowed time and should exit the game
k_EDurationControlNotification_ExitSoon_Night 4 player has been playing until the locally allowed time of day (10PM) and should exit the game

Associated Functions:


Describes the online/offline play state of a game. Currently this is only used to support the game being able to prevent steam from exiting the game automatically when the user’s playtime is consumed. If the game calls BSetDurationControlOnlineState(k_EDurationControlOnlineState_OnlineHighPri) then Steam will not force exit the game — in this case it is up to the game to do so! Steam will continue to send DurationControl_t notifications to the game. If the game later calls BSetDurationControlOnlineState to remove the OnlineHighPri state, then Steam will force exit the game soon thereafter.

Name Value Description
k_EDurationControlOnlineState_Offline 1 Offline play
k_EDurationControlOnlineState_Online 2 Online play
k_EDurationControlOnlineState_OnlineHighPri 3 Online play — game requests that steam not force exit the game

Associated Functions:


These are constants which are defined for use with ISteamUser.

Name Type Value Description
STEAMUSER_INTERFACE_VERSION const char * «SteamUser019»

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I’m using the Goldberg Emulator on a steam copy of Borderlands 3.
The top level steam_api64.dll gave me a steamclient error.
I then tried the experimental folder using the steam_api64 in the games steamworks/steamvX/win64 and I placed the steamclient64 in the Borderlands3.exe directory to auto load the .dll file
Now I’m getting an error box popping up

Sorry, something went wrong, for solution please visit:

Clicking that brings me to gearbox error 88500005.

I’m not sure if Goldberg Emu is all working as intended.
I’ve tried the experimental_SteamClient and changed the ColdClientLoader.ini to:

Debug_Experimental/Steam_api64.dll in steamworks folder with experimental/steamclient64.dll placed in Borderlands3.exe directory:

5324 Hooking lan only functions 5324 Crack file C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 3EngineBinariesThirdPartySteamworkssteamv147Win64cracksteam_api64.dll 5324 SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary 397540 5324 Current Path C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 3EngineBinariesThirdPartySteamworkssteamv147Win64 save_path: C:UsersUserAppDataRoamingGoldberg SteamEmu Saves 5324 Set save_path: C:UsersUserAppDataRoamingGoldberg SteamEmu Saves 5324 Broadcasts file path: C:UsersUserAppDataRoamingGoldberg SteamEmu Savessettingscustom_broadcasts.txt 5324 Broadcasts file path: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 3EngineBinariesThirdPartySteamworkssteamv147Win64steam_settingscustom_broadcasts.txt 5324 Unlocking all DLC 5324 UDP socket: 308 5324 UDP successful 5324 TCP socket: 304 5324 TCP successful 5324 Networking initialized successfully on udp: 47584 tcp: 47584  5324 steam client init: id: 76561198363075376 server id: 85568398317749380 appid: 397540 port: 47584  5324 Couldn't open file "C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 3EngineBinariesThirdPartySteamworkssteamv147Win64steam_settingsachievements.json" to read json 5324 Couldn't open file "C:UsersUserAppDataRoamingGoldberg SteamEmu Saves397540achievements.json" to read json 5324 steam_networking_contructor 76561198363075376 messages: 00000000005EF5B0 5324 client init gameserver 5324 steam_networking_contructor 85568398317749380 messages: 00000000005F0E00 5324 client init end 5324 SteamAPI_Init called 5324 load from: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlands 3EngineBinariesThirdPartySteamworkssteamv147Win64steam_interfaces.txt 5324 client: SteamClient017 5324 gameserver: SteamGameServer012 5324 gameserver stats: SteamGameServerStats001 5324 user: SteamUser018 5324 friends: SteamFriends015 5324 matchmaking: SteamMatchMaking009 5324 remote: STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION013 5324 screenshots: STEAMSCREENSHOTS_INTERFACE_VERSION002 5324 http: STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION002 5324 controller SteamController003 5324 ugc: STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION007 5324 inventory: STEAMINVENTORY_INTERFACE_V001 5324 userstats: STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION011 5324 apps: STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION007 5324 networking: SteamNetworking005 5324 html surface: STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION_003 5324 utils: SteamUtils007 5324 CreateSteamPipe 5324 creating pipe 1 5324 ConnectToGlobalUser 1 5324 ADDED ID 5324 Networking:: ids length 2 5324 get_broadcast_info 5324 from: 5324 to: 5324 added 5324 send: 40  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 send: 40  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 start custom broadcasts 5324 end custom broadcasts 5324 Networking:: sent broadcasts 5324 Steam_Overlay::SetupOverlay 5324 SteamAPI_GetHSteamPipe 9524 Hooked wglMakeCurrent to detect OpenGL 5324 SteamAPI_GetHSteamUser 5324 SteamInternal_CreateInterface SteamClient015 5324 GetISteamUser SteamUser017 5324 GetISteamApps STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION006 5324 GetCurrentGameLanguage 5324 Steam_User::GetSteamID 5324 Steam_User::RequestEncryptedAppTicket 0 5324 SteamAPI_RegisterCallResult 5324 Steam_Client::RegisterCallResult 10797678014142524427 154 5324 SteamAPI_RunCallbacks 6020 background thread starting 5324 Networking::Run() 5324 RECV UDP 5324 recv 40 5324 New Connection Created 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 5324 Networking:: ids length 2 5324 Connection 0 85568398317749380 397540 5324 send: 42  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 Networking:: ids length 2 5324 send: 40  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 recv 40 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 5324 Networking:: ids length 2 5324 Connection 0 85568398317749380 397540 5324 send: 42  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 Networking:: ids length 2 5324 send: 40  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 recv 42 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 5324 recv 40 9524 Hooked IDXGISwapChain::Present to detect DX Version 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 5324 Networking:: ids length 2 5324 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 5324 send: 67  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 recv 42 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 5324 recv 40 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 5324 Networking:: ids length 2 5324 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 5324 send: 67  5324 Mine_SendTo 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 recv 67 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 5324 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 5324 recv 67 5324 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 5324 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 5324 RECV LOCAL 5324 ACCEPTING 5324 ACCEPTED 0 5324 CONNECTIONS 1 5324 NEW SOCKET 452 4294967295 5324 Mine_Connect 5324 CHECK LAN IP 5324 ADAPTER IP 5324 RUN SOCKET1 452 4294967295 5324 RUN SOCKET2 452 4294967295 5324 RUN SOCKET3 452 4294967295 5324 RUN SOCKET4 452 4294967295 5324 TCP SOCKET HEARTBEAT TIMEOUT 5324 Steam_Client::RunCallbacks steam_matchmaking_servers 5324 Steam_Matchmaking_Servers::RunCallbacks 5324 REQUESTS 0 gs: 0 5324 REQUESTS_TEMP 0 5324 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 5324 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 5324 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 5324 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 5324 Sending lobbies 0 5324 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 5324 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 5324 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 5324 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 5324 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 5324 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 5324 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 5324 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 5324 Steam_Client::RunCallbacks callback_results_client 5324 Calling callresult 00000000005E20E0 154 5324 Steam_User::GetEncryptedAppTicket 4048 5324 callresult done 5324 runCallResults erase to_delete 5324 Steam_Client::RunCallbacks callbacks_server 5324 Steam_Client::RunCallbacks callbacks_client 5324 Steam_Client::RunCallbacks done 9524 Hooked D3D9::Present to detect DX Version 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPT SOCKET 736 6020 SET NONBLOCK 6020 TCP ACCEPTED 736 6020 ACCEPTED 1 6020 TCP REPLACED 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 steam_auth_ticket_callback 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_callback 6020 Steam_Friends Connect 6020 Sending to self 6020 local send 6020 steam_matchmaking_callback 6020 steam_networking_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_auth_ticket_callback 6020 steam_networking_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_callback 6020 steam_auth_ticket_callback 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_callback 6020 Steam_Friends Connect 6020 Sending to self 6020 local send 6020 steam_matchmaking_callback 6020 steam_networking_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_auth_ticket_callback 6020 steam_networking_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_networkingsockets_callback 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_callback 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 has_friend_ 6020 has_friend_ 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_callback 6020 Steam_Friends Friend 76561198363075376 0 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 start custom broadcasts 6020 end custom broadcasts 6020 Networking:: sent broadcasts 6020 RECV UDP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 Sending lobbies 0 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 start custom broadcasts 6020 end custom broadcasts 6020 Networking:: sent broadcasts 6020 RECV UDP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 Sending lobbies 0 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 start custom broadcasts 6020 end custom broadcasts 6020 Networking:: sent broadcasts 6020 RECV UDP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 Sending lobbies 0 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 start custom broadcasts 6020 end custom broadcasts 6020 Networking:: sent broadcasts 6020 RECV UDP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 Sending lobbies 0 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 start custom broadcasts 6020 end custom broadcasts 6020 Networking:: sent broadcasts 6020 RECV UDP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 Sending lobbies 0 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 start custom broadcasts 6020 end custom broadcasts 6020 Networking:: sent broadcasts 6020 RECV UDP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 Sending lobbies 0 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 UNBUFFER SOCKET 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 send: 40  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 start custom broadcasts 6020 end custom broadcasts 6020 Networking:: sent broadcasts 6020 RECV UDP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 40 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 0 6020 Networking:: ids length 2 6020 Connection 1 85568398317749380 397540 6020 send: 67  6020 Mine_SendTo 6020 CHECK LAN IP 6020 ADAPTER IP 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 recv 67 6020 Handle Announce: 397540, 85568398317749380, 397540, 1 6020 00000000005F7C40 397540 397540 85568398317749380 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 Sending lobbies 0 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 6020 background thread run 6020 Networking::Run() 6020 RECV UDP 6020 RECV LOCAL 6020 ACCEPTING 6020 ACCEPTED 0 6020 CONNECTIONS 1 6020 RUN SOCKET1 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET2 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET3 452 736 6020 RUN SOCKET4 452 736 6020 Steam_Friends::GetFriendRichPresence 76561198363075376 connect 6020 Steam_Friends::steam_friends_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Friends::RunCallbacks 6020 steam_matchmaking_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 steam_controller_run_every_runcb 6020 Steam_Controller::RunFrame() 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingutils_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamesearch_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_parties_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_remoteplay_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networking_run_every_runcp 6020 Steam_Inventory::run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_networkingsockets_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_gamecoordinator_run_every_runcb 6020 steam_masterserverupdater_run_every_runcb 5324 DX11 Hook removed 5324 OpenGL Hook removed 5324 DX9 Hook removed 


Работяги,помогите пожалуйста.Выдает ошибку «Unable to initialize SteamAPI». Стимом пользуюсь регулярно,ошибку встретил первый раз,да и вылезает она столько при запуске MK11((( Перепробовал много чего(даже тему,которая тут недавно была с такой же ошибкой)Уже винду переустановил…Никак не могу исправить.

покажи скрин ошибки

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

Целостность файлов проверял? Попробуй скачать steam_api.dll с этого [https://ru.dll-files.com/steam_api.dll.html] сайта и скинуть его в папку с игрой или последовать инструкциям с этого [https://remontka.pro/steam_api-dll/] сайта

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

Проверял и не раз,фокус с dll тоже не помогает(

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

Прежде, чем создавать темы со своей «индивидуальной» и безусловно архиважной проблемой — слабо было зайти в раздел с техническими вопросами и посмотреть сначала там? https://forums.playground.ru/mortal_kombat_11/tech/oshibka_unable_to_initialize_steamapi-977292/

Вы реально уже задрали плодить однотипные темы, как амёбы.

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

Соре, я тут впервой и писал просто от безисходности. Я натыкался на эту тему и мне там ничего не помогло.Продолжил искать в интернетене, не нашел. Вернулся сюда и т. к. видел, что в этот раздпл пишут ошибки, написал тоже. Я очень рад, что ты не амеба!Спасибо что ты есть!

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

Я тоже рад. Тем не менее ты мог свою проблему описать как раз в указанной выше теме, а не создавать отдельную. Просто не удивляйся, если твоя пропадёт внезапно с форума, модераторы не любят дубли. Впрочем, их здесь никто не любит.

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

Я не нашел ее, в том-то и дело. Переместить тему как-то можно?

  • пожаловаться
  • скопировать ссылку

Итак, вы пытаетесь сыграть в Dying Light 2 Stay Human из Steam и просто не можете из-за ошибки Unable to initialize Steam API?

Не волнуйтесь, это случается со многими людьми во многих играх. И хотя это может сильно разочаровать за очень короткий промежуток времени, у нас есть решение для вас.

Поскольку мы говорим об ошибках Dying Light 2, другие игроки также упомянули об ошибке с кодом CE-34878-0, которую также легко исправить, и мы можем показать вам, как это сделать.

На самом деле сбои, баги и ошибки настолько распространены в наши дни, что наличие удобного решения, когда это происходит, имеет решающее значение для бесперебойной и качественной игры.

Поэтому мы собираемся представить вам три простых шага, которые могут исправить вашу ошибку «Невозможно инициализировать API Steam» и позволить вам продолжать делать то, что у вас получается лучше всего.

Как я могу исправить Dying Light 2 Невозможно инициализировать ошибку Steam API?

1. Разрешите Dying Light 2 через брандмауэр

  • Нажмите Windowsклавишу, найдите Брандмауэр и выберите Открыть.

  • Нажмите «Разрешить приложение через брандмауэр».

  • Если Dying Light 2 нет в списке, нажмите «Изменить настройки», затем «Разрешить другое приложение».

  • Нажмите кнопку «Обзор», найдите свою игру и нажмите кнопку «Добавить».

2. Отказаться от всех бета-программ Steam.

  • Нажмите на Steam и выберите «Настройки».

  • Выберите «Учетная запись» и нажмите кнопку «Изменить» в разделе «Участие в бета -тестировании».

  • Нажмите «Нет» — откажитесь от всех бета-программ и нажмите кнопку «ОК».

3. Запустите Steam от имени администратора.

  • Найдите папку установки Steam.

  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши исполняемый файл Steam и выберите «Свойства».

  • Перейдите на вкладку «Совместимость» и установите флажок «Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора».

  • Нажмите кнопку Применить и закройте окно.

Это то, что вы можете сделать, чтобы решить эту ошибку раз и навсегда. Решение довольно простое и займет всего несколько минут вашего времени.

Кроме того, многие люди сейчас взвешивают свои варианты, когда дело доходит до покупки игр, поэтому, если вы пытаетесь выбрать между Dying Light 2 и Horizon Forbidden West, мы сравнили обе игры.

Вы нашли это руководство полезным? Поделитесь с нами своим опытом в разделе комментариев ниже.

  • #1

Valve отредактировала карты = сломали (в очередной раз) сервера сообщества
Сменились сигнатуры и тем самым сервера ушли в постоянный краш (см 1.10)

[MaZa] [HotGuard] — Failed Offset 1
[SM] Unable to load extension «hotguard.ext»:
[SDKTOOLS] Sigscan for WriteBaselines failed
[SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
[AntiDLL] Sigscan for Signature failed
[SM] Unable to load extension «AntiDLL.ext»: Failed to create interceptor
[SM] Failed to load plugin «hotguard.smx»: Unable to load plugin (bad header).
[SM] Unable to load plugin «AntiDLL.smx»: Required extension «AntiDLL» file(«AntiDLL.ext») not running
[SM] Exception reported: Failed to get engine poiters. Data: 0, 0, F0D92D44, F0E311CC.
[SM] Blaming: block_print_garbage_messages.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [0] SetFailState
[SM] [1] Line 48, d:SourcePawn1.10block_print_garbage_messages.sp::OnPluginStart
[SM] Unable to load plugin «block_print_garbage_messages.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
[SM] Unable to load plugin «CrashPlayer_AntiDLL.smx»: Required extension «AntiDLL» file(«AntiDLL.ext») not running
[SM] Exception reported: Can’t get offset for «CBaseServer::RejectConnection».
[SM] Blaming: server_redirect.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [0] SetFailState
[SM] [1] Line 9, server_redirect/redirect.sp::SetupSDKCalls
[SM] [2] Line 198, C:UsersartDesktopaddonsёsourcemodscriptingserver_redirect.sp::OnPluginStart
[SM] Unable to load plugin «server_redirect.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
[SM] Exception reported: Failed to load CBaseServer::IsExclusiveToLobbyConnections signature from gamedata
[SM] Blaming: nolobbyreservation.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [0] SetFailState
[SM] [1] Line 87, nolobbyreservation.sp::OnPluginStart
[SM] Unable to load plugin «nolobbyreservation.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

Послетали сигнатуры

upd: Если хотите до сих пор использовать см 1.10 linux — скачивайте архив с см 1.11 6928, оттуда переносите все файлы из папки addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ с заменой. (остальные файлы из других папок не трогайте)
Под остальные плагины исправления — ищите файлы с фиксом сигнатур в соответствующих темах.

Последнее редактирование: Суббота в 10:30

Всем известно чувство, когда при попытке запустить или установить любимую игру, компьютер оповещает нас о различных системных ошибках. Часто эти ошибки связанны с неправильной работой или установкой динамических библиотек (.dll). Одной из таких ошибок может быть «Точка входа в процедуру Steaminternal_Createinterface не найдена» в библиотеках DLL. Что в этой ситуации предпринять – простой пользователь не понимает. Чтобы вам помочь в этом, проблема будет рассмотрена детально.

Ошибка точка входа в процедуру


  1. Устанавливаем причину появления ошибки с файлом DLL
  2. Как устранить проблему с Steaminternal_Createinterface
  3. Устранение ошибки в библиотеке DLL в лицензионной версии

Устанавливаем причину появления ошибки с файлом DLL

Чаще проблема Steaminternal_Createinterface возникает у тех геймеров, которые устанавливают при помощи игровой библиотеки Steam игры – PES, CS:GO, GTA5. Это происходит по причине пиратских сборок пакетов игр, либо их модификации. При установке таких пакетов антивирусное программное обеспечение и защитники Windows, начиная с 7 версии, блокируют такие файлы, которые не имеют цифровых подписей, из-за чего и появляются подобные ошибки. До этого вы могли играть в лицензию без ошибок и сбоев, но при переустановке системы вам понадобилось обновлять, а то и заново установить игру, в результате чего и возникает проблема.

Все дело в том, что неумелые разработчики пытаются в такой способ «вшивать» в установочный пакет с игрой дополнительное ПО, предназначением которого является обход различных систем на лицензионную подлинность при проверке его системой Steam. При сканировании игры антивирусами они сразу же обнаруживают подозрительные файлы и не дают установить часть из них на ваш компьютер. Обычно это как раз и происходит с динамическими библиотеками.

Как устранить проблему с Steaminternal_Createinterface

Для начала убедитесь, что ваша система имеет все необходимые компоненты Windows для запуска игры. На сегодняшний день они становятся все более требовательными.

  • Установите последние версии компонента Microsoft Visual C++.
  • Обновите компонент .NET Framework с официального сайта Microsoft.
  • У вас на компьютере должны присутствовать необходимые версии визуализатора обоих архитектур (64, x86).
  • Деинсталлируйте игру с вашего компьютера традиционным способом. Используйте дополнительные утилиты для детальной очистки компьютера и чистки файлов реестра. Программа CCleaner
    Выполните чистку реестра программой CCleaner
  • Для того, чтобы не было проблемы «Точка входа в процедуру Steaminternal_Createinterface не найдена в библиотеке DLL» в дальнейшей установки или процессе игры – просканируйте ваши логические диски на наличие зараженных файлов любым антивирусным программным обеспечением. Это можно сделать и одноразовыми портабельными версиями антивируса.
  • Запустите программу установки игры. Если вы устанавливаете заведомо пиратскую версию игры, то антивирус необходимо отключить на время установки. Обычно программы имеют специальные пункты отключения фильтров на некоторое время.

Соблюдая эти несложные шаги, вы устраните проблему с DLL библиотеками. После установки перезапустите компьютер, затем проверьте в папках «SysWOW64» и «System32» должна быть библиотека steam_api.dll. Если этой библиотеки нет, то вы можете самостоятельно скачать их с Интернета. Для 32-рязрядной операционной системы — https://www.dll-files.com/steam_api.dll.html по этой ссылке, для 64 — https://www.dll-files.com/steam_api64.dll.html с этой страницы.

Скаченные библиотеки нужно переместить в соответствующие папки вашей системы, которые названы выше. Часто необходима переустановка и самой библиотеки Steam для решение этой проблемы.

Устранение ошибки в библиотеке DLL в лицензионной версии

Даже в подлинной версии игры вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой процесса Steaminternal_Createinterface. В этом случае необходимо также, как и с пиратской версией выполнить предыдущие шаги, но здесь их нужно дополнить следующими пунктами:

  • При установке игры не отдаляйте установочную папку далеко от корня каталога. Папку желательно делать по следующим шаблонам: C:ProEvolutionSoccer или D:CS:GO. В названии и пути ветки в каталогах Windows не должно быть кириллических символов – все названия папок должны быть латиницей (на английском).
  • Проверьте кэш в библиотеке Steam. Для этого запустите его. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на игру, с которой возникает проблема, и выберите пункт «Свойства». Далее выберите вкладку «Локальные файлы» и «Проверить кэш». Дождитесь окончания процесса.Опция проверки целостности кэша
  • Проверьте, нет ли в зоне карантина файлов вашей игры, если они там находятся удалите их оттуда, иначе проблемы будут появляться и в дальнейшем. Добавьте папку с игрой в раздел доверенных в вашем антивирусе. Так вы сможете откинуть проблемы, которые возникают при установке игры с межсетевыми экранами и другими компонентами антивируса.
  • Попробуйте создать второго локального пользователя на компьютере. Иногда это помогает избежать множество проблем, которые возникают с играми и приложениями.

После того, как вы воспользуетесь этими методами устранения проблемы, когда система не может найти в библиотеке dll Steaminternal_Createinterface, ошибка будет устранена.

Опубликовано 11.12.2017 Обновлено 02.12.2020

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