Unable to install vmware tools an error occurred while trying to access image file

Unable to install vmware tools an error occurred while trying to access image file Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Mute Subscribe to RSS Feed Permalink Print Report Inappropriate Content I got this error when trying to install vmware tools ona 2008r2 vm. Unable to install VMware Tools. An error occurred while trying to access […]


  1. Unable to install vmware tools an error occurred while trying to access image file
  2. Unable to install VMware Tools – no such file or directory
  3. Unable to install vmware tools an error occurred while trying to access image file
  4. Установка VMware Tools на FreeBSD
  5. Unable to install vmware tools an error occurred while trying to access image file

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I got this error when trying to install vmware tools ona 2008r2 vm.

Unable to install VMware Tools. An error occurred while trying to access image file «/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/windows.iso» needed to install VMware Tools: 0 (No such file or directory). If your product shipped with the VMware Tools package, reinstall VMware ESX, then try again to install the VMware Tools package in the virtual machine.

The required VMware Tools ISO image does not exist or is inaccessible.

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I renamed the folder from 5.0.0.old to 5.0.0 and it works now. I dont know why it was renamed to 5.0.0.old

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Did you already check whether you can access this directory from the command line? Does it contain all the .iso images for the different guest operating systems?

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yea the directory does not exist. any idea?

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I found the isos here

/vmfs/volumes/250ba8ca-b5400aa2-6bf3-e851c7368c00/packages/5.0.0.old/vmtools # ls -l

-rwx—— 1 root root 12576768 May 11 14:40 darwin.iso

-rwx—— 1 root root 256 May 11 14:42 darwin.iso.sig

-rwx—— 1 root root 16044032 May 11 14:38 freebsd.iso

-rwx—— 1 root root 256 May 11 14:38 freebsd.iso.sig

-rwx—— 1 root root 66992128 May 11 14:38 linux.iso

-rwx—— 1 root root 256 May 11 14:38 linux.iso.sig

-rwx—— 1 root root 1738 May 11 14:38 linux_avr_manifest.txt

-rwx—— 1 root root 540672 May 11 14:42 netware.iso

-rwx—— 1 root root 256 May 11 14:42 netware.iso.sig

-rwx—— 1 root root 13017088 May 11 14:38 solaris.iso

-rwx—— 1 root root 256 May 11 14:38 solaris.iso.sig

-rwx—— 1 root root 451 May 11 14:38 tools-key.pub

-rwx—— 1 root root 13664256 May 11 14:42 winPre2k.iso

-rwx—— 1 root root 256 May 11 14:38 winPre2k.iso.sig

-rwx—— 1 root root 49 May 11 14:40 winPre2k_avr_manifest.txt

-rwx—— 1 root root 74252288 May 11 14:40 windows.iso

-rwx—— 1 root root 256 May 11 14:42 windows.iso.sig

-rwx—— 1 root root 1069 May 11 14:38 windows_avr_manifest.txt

why are they under /locker/packages/5.0.0.old/vmtools?


You know those issues that just sit in the background for a while until you can’t take it anymore and have to work them out. You have to fix them. You just have to make them stop. (Maybe not, heh). This problem was one of those ones.

For a number of our VMware guests, when being a good guy and installing VMware Tools, this error would come up.

Seems like a bit of an overreaction to try to get you to reinstall ESXi.

Now I use the very cool repo/unmanaged solution for the majority of our guests, since they run RHEL 6. If you don’t know about this check it out here. If you use RHEL kickstart, it is trivial to make new guests come out with tools installed and the tools repo enabled. Anyway, enough gushing, just check it out if you use RHEL on VMware.

I should note before getting into this, that I am running ESXi from a USB key. This problem seems to be related to the backend media that ESXi is installed on, so if you’re on different media then your mileage may vary. I’d be interested to hear from anyone who sees this error on a non usb platform.

Following the path given in the error on a good system (/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/) leads you to a symlink called /productLocker/vmtools/ , which in turn is a symlink to /locker/packages/4.1.0/ . No idea why this has to be so complicated, but there’s probably a reason.

After some more digging (tracking back through the innumerable symlinks), it seemed like the partition below was missing.

On a bad system

This is from a good system, notice the last partition

The mount point for this partition seems to be

Which was missing too. /vmfs/volumes/Hypervisor3 is a symlink back to the volume id of the partition. In the end, I just couldn’t figure out a pattern. Some hosts were fine and had the /productLocker symlink, and a bunch didn’t have it. Consequently, I have no idea how this happened to us, or how to prevent it, but let’s just get on and fix it. The solution seems clear, let’s just make a new partition, format it, and dump the files from a working system on there.

Partitioning the disk as FAT16 was easy (fdisk ftw), but formatting the disk was proving difficult. ESXi doesn’t seem to contain a working version of mkfs.vfat on it, and vmkfstools won’t do FAT16. (Also tried a mkfs.vfat binary from RHEL 5; didn’t work either). Of course, I could’ve pulled the usb key out, and fixed it up on a linux box, but I found an easier way.

To summarize, you create a scratch disk directory for the host inside some of your shared storage, and then point the host to it. After rebooting the host all the symlinks point to the new scratch location on your datastore. For complete steps on how to do it read this. VMware also recommends this as a best practice since your ESXi scratch disk area is now not on a limited ram disk.

Ok. Great. Now ESXi has a place to put VMware Tools. But how do you get the Tools files on there? I found the easiest way to do this was to apply a VMware Tools fix from VUM (VMware Update Manager). If you don’t use VUM I’m sure you could manually download the fix and apply it on your host using esxupdate. The latest VMware Tools fix is here. And that’s it – problem solved!


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I’m having a problem with installing CentOS 5 on ESXI 6.5 and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

The CentOS 5 OS actually installed, however after installation the network card was not installed. During the installation it asks me to modify the Network Configuration. Then it asks me to add a device (Devernet Configuration) so I added an eth0 interface with a static IP. However, when i start the vm it has no network interfaces. When I try to bring the interface up I get a «Device eth0 does not exist» error message.

I looks like it’s missing the driver for the network card.

So I tried to install VMWare tools to see if I can get the network interface from it

ESXI > CentOS5 VM > Actions > Guest OS > Install VMWare tools

First I got the following error:

  • Unable to install VMware Tools. An error occurred while trying to access image file «/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/linuxPreGlibc25.iso» needed to install VMware Tools: 2 (No such file or directory). Please refer the product documentation or KB article 2129825 for details about how to get VMware Tools package for this guest operating system

The documentation basically said that this was an issue on VMware tools 10.1.0.

I tried making a copy of linux.iso and renamed it to /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/linuxPreGlibc25.iso. This allowed me to install VMWare tools, however when I looked at the guest OS the drive was not mounted or even present under /dev/cdrom

I tried mounting the linux.iso file in ESXI straight to the VM under CentOS VM > Hardware Configuration > CD/DVD drive 1

However this did not show up in the guest VM

I read online about OSPs, however how can I get installed if I can’t get the package into the VM (mounting does not work and there is no network connectivity)

Any help or suggestions on this issue would be greatly appreciated



Установка Open-vm-tools на виртуальную машину FreeBSD

Итак, немного теории. VMWare Tools — это набор утилит, повышающих производительность виртуальных гостевых машин и улучшающих управление виртуальными машинами. Без утилит операционная система виртуальной машины с меньшей производительность. Это из основного, почему стоит использовать VMWare Tools.

Существует два известных мне варианта установки:

  • С диска
  • Из портов
  • при помощи утилиты pkg

Рассмотрим все варианты.

Установка с диска

Все попытки установки с диска, закончились ошибкой. Тем не менее покажу, что необходимо сделать и какой ошибкой всё закончилось. Монтируем ISO диск в виртуальную машину.

Failed&nbsp – The required VMware Tools ISO image does not exist or is inaccessible.
Unable to install VMware Tools. An error occurred while trying to access image file “/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/freebsd.iso” needed to install VMware Tools: 2 (No such file or directory). Please refer the product documentation or KB article 2129825 for details about how to get VMware Tools package for this guest operating system.

Поиск ошибки привёл меня к отсутствующему freebsd.iso. Где его брать и почему его нет, не выяснял

В интернете много информации, что vmware tool работает с ошибками и многие используют

Open-vm-tools (OVT) — это реализация VMware Tools с открытым исходным кодом, первая версия которой была выпущена в 2007 году, состоит из набора утилит, которые улучшают функциональность, администрирование и управление. Обновления программы предоставляются вместе с обновлениями и исправлениями операционной системы.

Установка из портов

Установка из портов была также с ошибкой, поэтому переходим к третьему варианту и если и в третьем варианте будет ошибка, тогда будем по порядку разбираться со всеми ошибками

Установка при помощи утилиты pkg

На вопрос “Proceed with this action? [y/N]:”, отвечаем “Y” и наживаем Enter

перезагружаем виртуальную машину или запускаем двумя командами

Ну и на всякий случай, если вдруг у вас есть проблемы с VMware Tools и вы хотите перейти на Open-vm-tools (OVT). Вот вам команда для удаления


After upgrading my 2.5.3 to 3.0.2 via tarball and upgrading virtual hw from VM2 to VM3, I’m going to upgrade vmware tools in my VMs.

I started from a linux one and I got a general system error.

In VM logfile I have this:

Aug 30 11:00:35.199: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL entering BEGINNING state.

Aug 30 11:00:35.201: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL ‘/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/linux.iso’ not present or

Aug 30 11:00:35.201: vmx| Msg_Post: Warning

Aug 30 11:00:35.201: vmx| [msg.tools.inaccessible] An error occurred while trying to access i

mage file «/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/linux.iso» needed to install VMware Tools: No such file

Aug 30 11:00:35.201: vmx| Please reinstall VMware ESX Server, then try again to install the V

Mware Tools package in your virtual machine.

Aug 30 11:00:35.201: vmx| —-

Aug 30 11:00:35.231: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL Initialization failed.

Aug 30 11:00:35.231: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL entering IDLE state.

/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/linux.iso should be part of the

package but I have not it on my disc.

rpm -qV VMware-esx-tools-3.0.2-52542

only the solaris.iso was copied.

In upgrade log I have nothing about it

and the rpm files of both tarball and cd are the same and correct.

Where can I found the reason why the iso files were not installed?

I have plenty of space in my /vmimages filesystem. and preinstall scriptlet gives me no information about isofiles not being copied.

The situation is the same on both the servers upgraded.

Can I safely do a

rpm -Uvh of the rpm?

Do I have to pass the —noscripts option?

Doing an rpm -qVa on the esx server gives also for package

a missing of many many files. what about this?

Is it correct to use these RH tools to do these kind of checks against virtual console OS?

Thanks in advance

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I had the same issue with a machine with a bad CDROM drive. I did a tarball upgrade and the .iso files were missing. I just did an scp from a good ESX server to the one that failed. EVerything is fine now.

RPM is ok, you may need to get them from the CD or extract them yourself from the tarball.

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This is one of those reasons I always recommend reinstallations over upgrades. Consider this. When you move from RedHat 2.1 to RHEL3, RedHat even recommends a reinstall however the upgrade path does work as well. If you upgrade there is a chance that the filesystems are not big enough to hold things, that there are left over configuration files, etc. Granted this ends up being a religious debate. But it boils down to. If you are not comfortable with the upgrade mechanism you performed, then I would reinstall ESX overwriting everything but the VMFS filesystems.

You can also just reinstall the Pegasus and VMware-esx-tools RPMs as well to solve this problem.

To improve your comfort levels you can also run ‘rpm -V’ on every installed RPM to verify that things are installed properly. But please note that this depends on properly built RPMs and most RPMs ignore the verification tags.

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As far as VMware provides and supports upgrade, I would like it to beahave as expected.

I’m almost sure I had about 5Gb free in /vmimages, so in my case it should not be a problem of disk space.

I noticed that the upgrade routine passes «-U —ignorearch —nodeps —force» options to the «rpm» command, not the best ones I think for an rpm based system, in particular if it is a correctly mantained 2.5.3 one.

Also, vmwaretools installation for linux systems seems poorly documented at pages 133-137.. especially if you have a console based linux os.

step 4 mentions «on screen instructions» clearly meaning windows based VMs.

you only find a tar.gz file and an rpm one . without any readme

Is it needed a reboot or only a service restart or what when you install in a new VM? And in a VM where you are upgrading from vmwaretools 2 to 3?

If you do an rpm -Uvh you receive no messages and the guestd process is not running.

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vmware-tools for Linux is either .tgz or .rpm based on your distribution. The standard installation method is chosen based on the Linux of the VM. For example, for RPM based distributions, you would use the .rpm. For debian and its ilk, you would use the .tgz.

Once the .rpm or .tgz is installed then you run vmware-config-tools.pl and that will take care of uninstalling older vmware-tools and installing new ones or recompiling if necessary. There is no reason to reboot a Linux machine if installing/upgrading vmware-tools. If you are using a 2.6.19 or greater kernel please refer to the Linux vmware-tools patches at http://www.astroarch.com/virtual/patches.html.

As for is upgrade supported? Of course. Is it recommended? That is a different story and I think a reinstall of VI3 is a better way to go as it gives me a chance to correct disk layout issues I have with V2. Remember V2 used a LARGE local VMFS for a swap partition. That is no longer needed so that could just be so much wasted space that may be better attached to /vmimages or reduced to support MSCS or even increased to support MSCS. Or a largish /home for configuration files, which is also not needed. Yet, I may need to increase the size of /var, /tmp, /var/log to support the new update mechanism, corefile locations, and increased logging.


  • #1

Доброго времени суток! Обновил vsphere 5.5 до версии 6.5. В связи с этим на всех виртуальных машинах повылезали алярмы:


Vmware tools is outdated on this virtual machine

Когда жамкаю на обновить получаю такое

The required VMware Tools ISO image does not exist or is inaccessible.
vix error code = 21001
Unable to install VMware Tools. An error occurred while trying to access image file «/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/windows.iso» needed to install VMware Tools: 2 (No such file or directory). Please refer the product documentation or KB article 2129825 for details about how to get VMware Tools package for this guest operating system.

Какой iso образ требуется? ISO с vSphere 6.5 или c vCenter?

— -Подумал и добавил — —

или еще какой то? Можно ли без ISO обновить?

Последнее редактирование модератором: 08.10.2020

  • #2


isolation.tools.autoInstall.disable = TRUE

поставьте в FALSE

Нажмите на изображение для увеличения.   Название:	Oshibka-vix-error-code-21009-pri-obnovlenii-VMware-Tools-v-vCenter-5.53.jpg  Просмотров:	1  Размер:	18.5 Кб  ID:	6202

Последнее редактирование модератором: 08.11.2018

  • #3

Доброго времени суток! Обновил vsphere 5.5 до версии 6.5. В связи с этим на всех виртуальных машинах повылезали алярмы:


Vmware tools is outdated on this virtual machine

Когда жамкаю на обновить получаю такое

Какой iso образ требуется? ISO с vSphere 6.5 или c vCenter?

— -Подумал и добавил — —

или еще какой то? Можно ли без ISO обновить?:gowork:

у меня такая же проблема, но я не могу найти где этот ключ добавлять.. А если у меня свыше ста виртуальных машин — мне что в каждой этот ключ добавлять ??

Последнее редактирование модератором: 08.10.2020

  • #4

проблема возникла только с одной виртуальной машиной и на одном ESXi? Если Выполнить миграцию виртуальной машины на другой ESXi, то проблема сохраняется?

  • #5

у меня только на некоторых ESXi в HA-кластере почему-то не работает, а на некоторых работает..

Последнее редактирование модератором: 08.10.2020

  • #6

у меня только на некоторых ESXi в HA-кластере почему-то не работает, а на некоторых работает..:upset:

Попробуйте подключиться к ESXi (где обнаружена проблема) по SSH и выполнить команду


ls -la /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/

Далее по статье

  • #7

у меня там совсем плохо. вывод пустой

  • #8

в смысле пусто? С проблемного ESXi дайте вывод с корня

  • #9

Я нашел в логах вот это

2019-04-24T07:04:45.493Z DEBUG lun — naa.200049454505080f
2019-04-24T07:04:45.493Z DEBUG Trying /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.200049454505080f
2019-04-24T07:04:45.525Z cpu27:3428934)Partition: 861: MBR table with partition type ‘0xee’ detected on naa.200049454505080f. However, it does not have a valid GPT table. Is this a valid MBR disk?
2019-04-24T07:04:45.525Z cpu27:3428934)WARNING: Partition: 1270: Partition 9 is active, failure to update partition table for naa.200049454505080f
2019-04-24T07:04:45.558Z cpu27:3428934)Partition: 861: MBR table with partition type ‘0xee’ detected on naa.200049454505080f. However, it does not have a valid GPT table. Is this a valid MBR disk?
2019-04-24T07:04:45.558Z cpu27:3428934)WARNING: Partition: 1270: Partition 9 is active, failure to update partition table for naa.200049454505080f
2019-04-24T07:04:45.929Z ERROR Exception: The primary GPT table is corrupt, but the backup appears OK, so that will be used. Fix primary table ? diskPath (/dev/disks/naa.200049454505080f) diskSize (15261696) AlternateLBA (1) LastUsableLBA (15261662)
2019-04-24T07:04:45.929Z INFO Discovered lun — naa.200049454505080f (console /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.200049454505080f) — JetFlash Mass Storage Dev (7452 MiB, vmkusb)
2019-04-24T07:04:45.930Z DEBUG lun — naa.60060160f1503500f28e04860afee411
2019-04-24T07:04:45.930Z DEBUG Trying /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.60060160f1503500f28e04860afee411
2019-04-24T07:04:46.012Z DEBUG Found overlap in fsTable: ‘vmfs3’ .. overriding ‘<class ‘weasel.fsset.vmfs3FileSystem’>’ with ‘<class ‘weasel.fsset.vmfs3FileSystem’>’.
2019-04-24T07:04:46.013Z DEBUG Executing: partedUtil getptbl /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.60060160f1503500f28e04860afee411

Вывод ls -la


 ls -la
total 745
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Apr 23 13:29 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Apr 23 13:29 ..
-rw-------    1 root     root            90 Apr 24 08:25 .ash_history
-r--r--r--    1 root     root            20 Apr 18  2018 .mtoolsrc
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Aug  2  2018 altbootbank -> /vmfs/vo                 lumes/918fd6ea-b4565fa8-8059-f94e7437a97c
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 bin
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Aug  2  2018 bootbank -> /vmfs/volum                 es/51d7dbe1-addd68f1-4fb4-eb6e2e62a538
-r--r--r--    1 root     root        505734 Apr 18  2018 bootpart.gz
drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root           512 Apr 24 08:25 dev
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 30 16:40 etc
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 lib
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 lib64
-r--r--r--    1 root     root         18571 Aug  2  2018 local.tgz
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Apr 23 13:29 locker
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 mbr
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 opt
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        131072 Apr 24 08:25 proc
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            23 Aug  2  2018 productLocker -> /locke                 r/packages/6.5.0/
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             4 Apr 18  2018 sbin -> /bin
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            12 Aug  2  2018 scratch -> /tmp/scratch
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Aug  2  2018 store -> /vmfs/volumes/                 56433ca7-649f769d-31e8-0027b5a0005f
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 tardisks
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 tardisks.noauto
drwxrwxrwt    1 root     root           512 Apr 24 08:01 tmp
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 usr
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 var
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 vmfs
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Aug  2  2018 vmimages
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            18 Apr 18  2018 vmupgrade -> /locker/vm                 upgrade/

  • #10

Даже картинка есть

  • photo606.png


    77,1 КБ

    · Просмотры: 3

  • #11

Похоже flash диски помирают у вас. Попробуйте перейти в



и создать там файл — похеру какой


  • #12

лучше зайти сразу в



и там создать попытаться, но думаю ничего не получится

Последнее редактирование: 08.10.2020

  • #13

Вобщем такие дела


 cd /vmfs/volumes/56433ca7-649f769d-31e8-0027b5a0005f
-sh: cd: [B]can't cd to /vmfs/volumes/56433ca7-649f769d-31e8-0027b5a0005f[/B]

  • #14

че делать то в итоге?:wtf:

  • #15

ошибка, которая у вас возникает связана с недоступностью USB диска. На данном разделе хранятся ISO образы VMware tools. Из-за этого не получается выполнить обновление VMware tools. Так как в логах были зафиксированы ошибки, которые указывают на повреждение данных, то рекомендуется выполнить проверку USB диска. Возможно потребуется замена USB диска и переустановка ESXi. Как то так. Работки подвалило.

Последнее редактирование модератором: 08.10.2020

Recently, I have updated all my ESXi hosts to 6.5 U3. Now it was time to updated the VMware tools to latest on all the underlying VMs. I usually update VMware tools using PowerCLI which gives me more control over the update process. While everything was going smooth, I observed that couple of VMs failed with error – The required VMware Tools ISO image does not exist or is inaccessible.

Error stack:
vix error code = 21001
Unable to install VMware Tools. An error occurred while trying to access image file “/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/windows.iso” needed to install VMware Tools:
2 (No such file or directory). Please refer the product documentation or KB article 2129825 for details about how to get VMware Tools package for this guest operating system.

I observed that all the VMs which have failed to update VMware tools are from the same ESXi host, therefore this seems to be an issue with the ESXi host itself or ISO image is missing from the host.

As we know, VMware tools packages are available under “productLocker” link. we first need to check if the link is pointing to correct location or not. So, I ssh into host and checked the link with command “ls -lah” while running it from root directory (/)-

We can see that the “productLocker” link is set to correct folder i.e. /locker/packages/6.5.0/. When you cd to this location, you will see vmtools folder, which contain the required VMware tools images & files. When I cd into vmtools folder, I could not find the windows.iso image, which have the VMware tools executable for windows instead it had windows.iso.filepart file. Although we can see the linux.iso image is available which contain VMware tools for Linux servers.

When I checked other hosts, I can see the window.iso and other supporting files are available, also VMware tools updated successfully on underlying VMs.

I copied the missing files from other hosts, when I tried to update the VMware Tools, It updated successfully without any issue.

I hope this has been informative for you, thanks for reading.

An enthusiastic Cloud Engineer with an overall experience of 10+ years in Information Technology. Skilled in multi-cloud services and DevOps platforms, have deep expertise in AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, IAC (CloudFormation, Terraform) and OS configuration management.
View all posts by virtualhackey

You know those issues that just sit in the background for a while until you can’t take it anymore and have to work them out. You have to fix them. You just have to make them stop?!? (Maybe not, heh). This problem was one of those ones.

For a number of our VMware guests, when being a good guy and installing VMware Tools, this error would come up.

Call «VirtualMachine.MountToolsInstaller» for object «gb-oradec1» on vCenter Server «Sydney — vCenter 4.1» failed.
Unable to install VMware Tools. An error occurred while trying to access image file «/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/solaris.iso» needed to install VMware Tools: 2 (No such file or directory). If your product shipped with the VMware Tools package, reinstall VMware ESX, then try again to install the VMware Tools package in the virtual machine.
The required VMware Tools ISO image does not exist or is inaccessible.

Can't find VMware Tools!

Seems like a bit of an overreaction to try to get you to reinstall ESXi.

Now I use the very cool repo/unmanaged solution for the majority of our guests, since they run RHEL 6. If you don’t know about this check it out here. If you use RHEL kickstart, it is trivial to make new guests come out with tools installed and the tools repo enabled. Anyway, enough gushing, just check it out if you use RHEL on VMware.

I should note before getting into this, that I am running ESXi from a USB key. This problem seems to be related to the backend media that ESXi is installed on, so if you’re on different media then your mileage may vary. I’d be interested to hear from anyone who sees this error on a non usb platform.

Following the path given in the error on a good system (/usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/) leads you to a symlink called /productLocker/vmtools/ , which in turn is a symlink to /locker/packages/4.1.0/ . No idea why this has to be so complicated, but there’s probably a reason.

After some more digging (tracking back through the innumerable symlinks), it seemed like the partition below was missing.


The bad one

On a bad system

This is from a good system, notice the last partition

This is from a good system, notice the last partition

The mount point for this partition seems to be


Which was missing too. /vmfs/volumes/Hypervisor3 is a symlink back to the volume id of the partition. In the end, I just couldn’t figure out a pattern. Some hosts were fine and had the /productLocker symlink, and a bunch didn’t have it. Consequently, I have no idea how this happened to us, or how to prevent it, but let’s just get on and fix it. The solution seems clear, let’s just make a new partition, format it, and dump the files from a working system on there.

Partitioning the disk as FAT16 was easy (fdisk ftw), but formatting the disk was proving difficult. ESXi doesn’t seem to contain a working version of mkfs.vfat on it, and vmkfstools won’t do FAT16. (Also tried a mkfs.vfat binary from RHEL 5; didn’t work either). Of course, I could’ve pulled the usb key out, and fixed it up on a linux box, but I found an easier way.

To summarize, you create a scratch disk directory for the host inside some of your shared storage, and then point the host to it. After rebooting the host all the symlinks point to the new scratch location on your datastore. For complete steps on how to do it read this. VMware also recommends this as a best practice since your ESXi scratch disk area is now not on a limited ram disk.

Ok. Great. Now ESXi has a place to put VMware Tools. But how do you get the Tools files on there? I found the easiest way to do this was to apply a VMware Tools fix from VUM (VMware Update Manager). If you don’t use VUM I’m sure you could manually download the fix and apply it on your host using esxupdate. The latest VMware Tools fix is here. And that’s it – problem solved!

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