Unable to parse the subtitle file syntax error at line 182

Русские субтитры: Ошибка - Русские субтитры Русские субтитры >Переводы >ЧАВО Правила форума Просмотр новых публикаций Ошибка #1 kozechka Группа: Members

I tried putting the text on a different PC and saving that file as an SRT and it works now.

Thanks for the help.

Jean Dimitriadis
This person is a ProZ.com Certified PRO in английский => французский

Click the red seal for more information on what it means to be a ProZ.com Certified PRO. ‘, this, event, ‘300px’)» onMouseout=»delayhidetip()»> Член ProZ.com
английский => французский
+ .

Hello Robert,

I’m glad you’ve fixed it.

I can’t see any error in the timestamp you provided.

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Jean Dimitriadis wrote:

This seems to be an error thrown by Aegisub during its initial parsing of an SRT file.

Maybe this article can help you spot/fix the possible error? The devil is in the details.

You can also paste the first lines of the SRT here.

I came here via Google because I had this very problem. The article you linked to suggested that Aegisub and some other subtitle editors would fix parsing errors automatically. This was a bit of a Catch 22 as the parsing error was preventing Aegisub from loading the file!

However, I downloaded another program, Subtitle Edit, which could open my file, I then saved it and Bingo!, Aegisub could now open the newly-saved file.

I have since worked on the text of the file in Notepad and had it fail to load in the video player (VLC) several times, but each time loading and saving in Subtitle Edit fixed the problem.

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:12 GMT]

Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated.
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I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it di . See more

I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it did!


Unable to parse the subtitle file syntax error at line

I have been this error since yesterday when opening a file.
Here is a screen shot

I don’t know what it means or how to fix it.
I am working in Spot 6.2.
The file in question is attached.
Thanks for your help. Much apprecaited!

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,

Valerie Steinier-Vanderstraeten | COO
Office BE: +32 (0)2 740 43 10 | Mobile BE: +32 (0)489 50 69 69
Office US: +1 303 532 1475
production@. | www.virtual-words.com

You must have an srt file with same name as the video in the same folder as the video. Delete it or move the video somewhere else.

I have been this error since yesterday when opening a file.
Here is a screen shot

I don’t know what it means or how to fix it.
I am working in Spot 6.2.
The file in question is attached.
Thanks for your help. Much apprecaited!

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,

Valerie Steinier-Vanderstraeten | COO
Office BE: +32 (0)2 740 43 10 | Mobile BE: +32 (0)489 50 69 69
Office US: +1 303 532 1475
production@. | www.virtual-words.com

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,

Valerie Steinier-Vanderstraeten | COO
Office BE: +32 (0)2 740 43 10 | Mobile BE: +32 (0)489 50 69 69
Office US: +1 303 532 1475
production@. | www.virtual-words.com

You must have an srt file with same name as the video in the same folder as the video. Delete it or move the video somewhere else.

From: Spot@groups.io [mailto:Spot@groups.io] On Behalf Of Production @Virtual Words
Sent: 29 January 2020 10:05
To: spot@groups.io
Subject: [Spot] Unable to parse the subtitle file. Syntax error at line 1996

I have been this error since yesterday when opening a file.
Here is a screen shot

I don’t know what it means or how to fix it.
I am working in Spot 6.2.
The file in question is attached.
Thanks for your help. Much apprecaited!

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,



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Пользователь офлайн

Отправлено 09 Март 2010 — 11:33

Ребята, субтитрами занялась совсем недавно и мне выдает вот такую ошибку
Syntax error at line 450

Вот как выглядит 450 строчка (ну и рядышком):

00:17:45,183 —> 00:17:47,318
Кто меня больше всех заботят, так это,

00:17:47,352 —> 00:17:50,720
Неудачники с Уолл стрит, которые думают,
что их деньги могут кому то помочь.

00:17:50,754 —> 00:17:53,222
Ах! Это было мило, сейчас?


  • Наверх of the page up there ^
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Пользователь офлайн
sandro11 Иконка

Отправлено 09 Март 2010 — 13:21

А в какой программе это у вас вылезло? Какие настройки для проверки там? Можно поподробнее, плизз?

И на глаз видно — явно недостаточно грамотный набор текста: после последней запятой в 449-м фрагменте (явно лишней, кстати!) 450-й начинается с заглавной буквы… «Уолл стрит» вообще без дефиса, как принято писать это название… А в 451-м , кажется, запятая лишняя.
Принцип «чем больше запятых в тексте — тем грамотнее покажется тайпсеттер»? :D И такое встречалось нередко, увы…

Уверены, что сообщение именно к сабам относится?


  • Наверх of the page up there ^
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Пользователь офлайн
НуПогоди Иконка

Отправлено 09 Март 2010 — 13:35

Просмотр сообщенияsandro11 (09 Март 2010 — 10:21) писал:

И на глаз видно — явно недостаточно грамотный набор текста…

Имхо, ошибка не в титре №450, а в строке файла под номером №450. Аттачу скриншот с номерами строк (слева), чтобы было понятно, что я имею в виду.

Прикрепленные файлы

  • Прикрепленный файл
     lines.png (7,23К)

    Количество загрузок:: 11


  • Наверх of the page up there ^
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Пользователь офлайн
sandro11 Иконка

Отправлено 09 Март 2010 — 13:40

Просмотр сообщенияНуПогоди (09 Март 2010 — 12:35) писал:

Имхо, ошибка не в титре №450, а в строке файла под номером №450. Аттачу скриншот с номерами строк (слева), чтобы было понятно, что я имею в виду.

да, похоже на это имхо — тут я пока мало копенгаген… за все время работы с сабами ни разу не встречалось.
но и в собственно синтаксисе и пунктуации титров ляпов хватает тоже — вот тут уж я свое имхо высказал.


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Aegisub Parsing Error When Importing SRT

I am trying to load an SRT into Aegisub, but every time I try I get an error saying «expected timestamp pair at line 2». I have checked the SRT thoroughly, and there are no errors with syntax or anything, and there is clearly a timestamp pair at line 2. The subtitles play perfectly in VLC media player.

Has anyone experienced this? It is driving me nuts.

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Jean Dimitriadis
This person is a ProZ.com Certified PRO in английский => французский

Click the red seal for more information on what it means to be a ProZ.com Certified PRO. ‘, this, event, ‘300px’)» onMouseout=»delayhidetip()»> Член ProZ.com
английский => французский
+ .

Troubleshooting Oct 4, 2017


This seems to be an error thrown by Aegisub during its initial parsing of an SRT file.

Maybe this article can help you spot/fix the possible error? The devil is in the details.

You can also paste the first lines of the SRT here.

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Here are the first three lines:

00:00:00,000 —> 00:00:04,000
The text is written here.

I know it is reading the index numbers because when I delete the 1 that error comes up. For some reason it does not like my time stamps.

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I tried putting the text on a different PC and saving that file as an SRT and it works now.

Thanks for the help.

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Jean Dimitriadis
This person is a ProZ.com Certified PRO in английский => французский

Click the red seal for more information on what it means to be a ProZ.com Certified PRO. ‘, this, event, ‘300px’)» onMouseout=»delayhidetip()»> Член ProZ.com
английский => французский
+ .

Hello Robert,

I’m glad you’ve fixed it.

I can’t see any error in the timestamp you provided.

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Jean Dimitriadis wrote:

This seems to be an error thrown by Aegisub during its initial parsing of an SRT file.

Maybe this article can help you spot/fix the possible error? The devil is in the details.

You can also paste the first lines of the SRT here.

I came here via Google because I had this very problem. The article you linked to suggested that Aegisub and some other subtitle editors would fix parsing errors automatically. This was a bit of a Catch 22 as the parsing error was preventing Aegisub from loading the file!

However, I downloaded another program, Subtitle Edit, which could open my file, I then saved it and Bingo!, Aegisub could now open the newly-saved file.

I have since worked on the text of the file in Notepad and had it fail to load in the video player (VLC) several times, but each time loading and saving in Subtitle Edit fixed the problem.

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:12 GMT]

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I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it di . See more

I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it did!


Aegisub Parsing Error When Importing SRT

I am trying to load an SRT into Aegisub, but every time I try I get an error saying «expected timestamp pair at line 2». I have checked the SRT thoroughly, and there are no errors with syntax or anything, and there is clearly a timestamp pair at line 2. The subtitles play perfectly in VLC media player.

Has anyone experienced this? It is driving me nuts.

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Please add any additional comments or explanation (optional)

Jean Dimitriadis
This person is a ProZ.com Certified PRO in английский => французский

Click the red seal for more information on what it means to be a ProZ.com Certified PRO. ‘, this, event, ‘300px’)» onMouseout=»delayhidetip()»> Член ProZ.com
английский => французский
+ .

Troubleshooting Oct 4, 2017


This seems to be an error thrown by Aegisub during its initial parsing of an SRT file.

Maybe this article can help you spot/fix the possible error? The devil is in the details.

You can also paste the first lines of the SRT here.

Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated.
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Here are the first three lines:

00:00:00,000 —> 00:00:04,000
The text is written here.

I know it is reading the index numbers because when I delete the 1 that error comes up. For some reason it does not like my time stamps.

Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated.
Please add any additional comments or explanation (optional)

I tried putting the text on a different PC and saving that file as an SRT and it works now.

Thanks for the help.

Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated.
Please add any additional comments or explanation (optional)

Jean Dimitriadis
This person is a ProZ.com Certified PRO in английский => французский

Click the red seal for more information on what it means to be a ProZ.com Certified PRO. ‘, this, event, ‘300px’)» onMouseout=»delayhidetip()»> Член ProZ.com
английский => французский
+ .

Hello Robert,

I’m glad you’ve fixed it.

I can’t see any error in the timestamp you provided.

Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated.
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Jean Dimitriadis wrote:

This seems to be an error thrown by Aegisub during its initial parsing of an SRT file.

Maybe this article can help you spot/fix the possible error? The devil is in the details.

You can also paste the first lines of the SRT here.

I came here via Google because I had this very problem. The article you linked to suggested that Aegisub and some other subtitle editors would fix parsing errors automatically. This was a bit of a Catch 22 as the parsing error was preventing Aegisub from loading the file!

However, I downloaded another program, Subtitle Edit, which could open my file, I then saved it and Bingo!, Aegisub could now open the newly-saved file.

I have since worked on the text of the file in Notepad and had it fail to load in the video player (VLC) several times, but each time loading and saving in Subtitle Edit fixed the problem.

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:12 GMT]

Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated.
Please add any additional comments or explanation (optional)

I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it di . See more

I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it did!



1 / 1 / 0

Регистрация: 02.02.2019

Сообщений: 71


11.06.2020, 14:56. Показов 1396. Ответов 8

Ошибка при запуске скрипта «Unable to parse line». Как исправить?


Ошибка при запуске скрипта "Unable to parse line"

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


3024 / 1528 / 191

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Записей в блоге: 6

11.06.2020, 17:33


В сообщении написано что ошибка в строке 2 файла. Смотрите что там и исправляйте. Судя по всему там комментарий вначале которого должен быть символ ;.


1 / 1 / 0

Регистрация: 02.02.2019

Сообщений: 71

11.06.2020, 18:09



А здесь можешь сказать в чем ошибка?


Ошибка при запуске скрипта "Unable to parse line"


3024 / 1528 / 191

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11.06.2020, 19:02


Попробуйте самостоятельно найти причину. Вот макросы https://autoit-script.ru/docs/macros.htm
Найдите там crlf на который ругается интерпретатор и найдите отличия между тем что у вас в коде и тем что должно быть.


1 / 1 / 0

Регистрация: 02.02.2019

Сообщений: 71

11.06.2020, 20:34



Всё идентично


3024 / 1528 / 191

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Записей в блоге: 6

11.06.2020, 21:32


И пробел есть между @ и CRLF? Т. е. макрос имеет вид @ CRLF?

Не по теме:

Программирование не ваше. Займитесь чем-то другим.



1 / 1 / 0

Регистрация: 02.02.2019

Сообщений: 71

12.06.2020, 00:49



Func IsHoldingAlt()
    If _IsPressed("12" ,  $hDLL) Then
      ConsoleWrite("_IsPressed - Pressed Shift." &  @ crlf)

Что здесь не так? Что изменить/добавить? Скрипт не мой.


5294 / 2483 / 988

Регистрация: 06.06.2017

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12.06.2020, 02:31


amx221, очевидно, пробел убрать после @, ссылку выше дали не просто так, а для наглядности.



12.06.2020, 12:26

    Ошибка при запуске скрипта «Unable to parse line»

Не по теме:

Сообщение от amx221
Посмотреть сообщение

Что здесь не так? Что изменить/добавить?

Вы совершенно не читаете что вам пишут. Не двусмысленно написал

Сообщение от locm
Посмотреть сообщение

И пробел есть между @ и CRLF?

Неужели не видите пробел и то что по ссылке с макросами его нет?




87844 / 49110 / 22898

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12.06.2020, 12:26

Ошибка при запуске ASSERT: «d» in file . , line 120. Все, что есть внутри
Полный текст ошибки:

Ошибка: «Unable to parse schema file.»
Добрый день!

Помогите, пожалуйста. Работаю в программе NotePad++
Есть два файла:

Ошибка при запуске .exe файла из debug: «Приведение строки «Июнь» к типу «Double» является недопустимым»
Если запускать из самого проекта(F5), то все нормально, а если скомпилированный запустить, то…

Ошибка «Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in shCacheContent.php on line 9406»
Добрый день всем!
Прошу помочь с ошибкой Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in…

При запуске winetricks выдаёт «Unable to find a volume for file extraction»
Привет всем!
Пишу я в терминале( су)
root@debian:/home/maxim# ./winetricks vcrun2008

Мне в…

Ошибка «Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE on line 8»
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Aegisub Parsing Error When Importing SRT

Автор темы: Robert Edison

Robert Edison

Robert Edison  Identity Verified
Член ProZ.com
японский => английский

Oct 4, 2017

I am trying to load an SRT into Aegisub, but every time I try I get an error saying «expected timestamp pair at line 2». I have checked the SRT thoroughly, and there are no errors with syntax or anything, and there is clearly a timestamp pair at line 2. The subtitles play perfectly in VLC media player.

Has anyone experienced this? It is driving me nuts.

Jean Dimitriadis

Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
Член ProZ.com
английский => французский
+ …

Troubleshooting Oct 4, 2017


This seems to be an error thrown by Aegisub during its initial parsing of an SRT file.

Maybe this article can help you spot/fix the possible error? The devil is in the details.


You can also paste the first lines of the SRT here.


Robert Edison

Robert Edison  Identity Verified
Член ProZ.com
японский => английский

Автор темы

Thank you. Oct 4, 2017

Here are the first three lines:

00:00:00,000 —> 00:00:04,000
The text is written here.

I know it is reading the index numbers because when I delete the 1 that error comes up. For some reason it does not like my time stamps.

Robert Edison

Robert Edison  Identity Verified
Член ProZ.com
японский => английский

Автор темы

Fixed It Oct 4, 2017

I tried putting the text on a different PC and saving that file as an SRT and it works now.

Thanks for the help.

Jean Dimitriadis

Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
Член ProZ.com
английский => французский
+ …

Great! Oct 4, 2017

Hello Robert,

I’m glad you’ve fixed it.

I can’t see any error in the timestamp you provided.


Robin Hardy-King

Robin Hardy-King
Local time: 04:44
французский => английский

Solution Dec 19, 2017

Jean Dimitriadis wrote:


This seems to be an error thrown by Aegisub during its initial parsing of an SRT file.

Maybe this article can help you spot/fix the possible error? The devil is in the details.


You can also paste the first lines of the SRT here.


I came here via Google because I had this very problem. The article you linked to suggested that Aegisub and some other subtitle editors would fix parsing errors automatically. This was a bit of a Catch 22 as the parsing error was preventing Aegisub from loading the file!

However, I downloaded another program, Subtitle Edit, which could open my file, I then saved it and Bingo!, Aegisub could now open the newly-saved file.

I have since worked on the text of the file in Notepad and had it fail to load in the video player (VLC) several times, but each time loading and saving in Subtitle Edit fixed the problem.

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-12-19 07:12 GMT]

Katharine Halls

Katharine Halls
арабский => английский

solved by replacing line breaks Jan 30, 2018

Hi colleagues,

I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it di

See more

Hi colleagues,

I came to this topic in the same way as previous posters but couldn’t use the Subtitle Edit solution as it’s not available for Mac.

However, I ultimately solved the issue by working out that it had something to do with how the line breaks were formatted. I opened my broken srt file in textedit and used the find and replace function to search for line breaks. I then simply replaced them with line breaks. I don’t really understand how this worked, but it did!

Good luck to fellow suffering subtitlers.


▲ Collapse



Solution for mac users Nov 28, 2019

Hi, it worked for me: open the .srt file in text editor -> menu format -> convert to simple text. Then save as .rtf and rename as .srt

mohmad haydar

mohmad haydar

I want a text editor link Nov 17, 2020

My friend cardesgmailc, put the program link from the official website, because there are many programs like this name .

Javier Espejo

Javier Espejo

Change number separator symbols Aug 19, 2021

I had the same problem and I solved it by verifying that the leading lines had the number separator symbol with «;» instead of «,». I changed them to «,». Hope it helps you with the idea.

  1. Spot@groups.io
  2. Topics
  3. Unable to parse the subtitle file. Syntax error at line 1996

Unable to parse the subtitle file. Syntax error at line 1996

Production @Virtual Words <production@…>

Hi everyone,

I have been this error since yesterday when opening a file.
Here is a screen shot

I don’t know what it means or how to fix it.
I am working in Spot 6.2.
The file in question is attached.
Thanks for your help. Much apprecaited!

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,

Valerie Steinier-Vanderstraeten | COO

Office BE: +32 (0)2 740 43 10 | Mobile BE: +32 (0)489 50 69 69
Office US: +1 303 532 1475
| www.virtual-words.com

You must have an srt file with same name as the video in the same folder as the video. Delete it or move the video somewhere else.

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From: Spot@groups.io [mailto:Spot@groups.io] On Behalf Of Production @Virtual Words
Sent: 29 January 2020 10:05
To: spot@groups.io
Subject: [Spot] Unable to parse the subtitle file. Syntax error at line 1996

Hi everyone,

I have been this error since yesterday when opening a file.
Here is a screen shot

I don’t know what it means or how to fix it.
I am working in Spot 6.2.
The file in question is attached.
Thanks for your help. Much apprecaited!

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,

Valerie Steinier-Vanderstraeten | COO
Office BE: +32 (0)2 740 43 10 | Mobile BE: +32 (0)489 50 69 69
Office US: +1 303 532 1475
production@… | www.virtual-words.com

Production @Virtual Words <production@…>

Thanks Mark, that did the trick !

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,

Valerie Steinier-Vanderstraeten | COO

Office BE: +32 (0)2 740 43 10 | Mobile BE: +32 (0)489 50 69 69
Office US: +1 303 532 1475
| www.virtual-words.com

On 1/29/2020 11:13 AM, Mark Raishbrook

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must have an srt file with
same name as the video in the same folder as the video.
Delete it or move the video somewhere else.

Hi everyone,

I have been this error since yesterday when opening a
Here is a screen shot

I don’t know what it means or how to fix it.
I am working in Spot 6.2.
The file in question is attached.
Thanks for your help. Much apprecaited!

Excellente journée,
Have a great day,

Steinier-Vanderstraeten | COO
Office BE: +32 (0)2 740 43 10 | Mobile BE:
+32 (0)489 50 69 69
Office US: +1 303 532 1475
| www.virtual-words.com

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