Uncaught error no recaptcha clients exist

I've integrated reCAPTCHA v3 in one of my forms. In onload, there's a token produced and google captcha logo in the bottom right corner. But when I submit the form, in console there is an error sho...

I’ve integrated reCAPTCHA v3 in one of my forms. In onload, there’s a token produced and google captcha logo in the bottom right corner. But when I submit the form, in console there is an error shown, «Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist». Also, it seems, no data is fetched by «g-recaptcha-response» and $_POST[«g-recaptcha-response»] remains empty.

Here is the sample code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var ReCaptchaCallbackV3 = function() {
        grecaptcha.ready(function() {
            grecaptcha.execute("site_key").then(function(token) {
                console.log("v3 Token: " + token);

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=ReCaptchaCallbackV3&render=site_key"></script>

It doesn’t produce any «g-recaptcha-response» when the form is submitted.

I don’t know much about google reCaptcha. I’ve followed the documentation provided by them and used a site and a secret key in the proper way.

Can anybody please tell me where might be the problem and what is the possible solution?

asked Dec 20, 2018 at 20:01

Hossain Amin's user avatar

Hossain AminHossain Amin

1931 gold badge1 silver badge5 bronze badges


I believe this error occurs when the reCaptcha api.js loads, but your container is not present on the page yet (at least for v2). I had this error occur in a React app when I navigated to the page rather than loading it as the first on. Instead of using render=explicit and using a global namespace onLoadCallback, I was able to resolve it by rendering the captcha element manually.

Instead of creating a <div class="g-recaptcha"></div>, give the container div an id only (<div id="recaptcha-container"></div>) and render it in your JS code (e.g. in componentDidMount for a React app):

grecaptcha.ready(function() {
  grecaptcha.render("recaptcha-container", {
    "sitekey": "your-site-key"

answered Jul 6, 2019 at 10:39

Max's user avatar


1,21318 silver badges11 bronze badges


Have you tried loading the script before trying to send the request?

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=ReCaptchaCallbackV3&render=site_key"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var ReCaptchaCallbackV3 = function() {
        grecaptcha.ready(function() {
            grecaptcha.execute("site_key").then(function(token) {
                console.log("v3 Token: " + token);

answered Feb 12, 2019 at 5:00

Stephen Tracey's user avatar

When I came across this problem with reCAPTCHA v3, it was because I didn’t pass it the correct site key.

answered Sep 2, 2019 at 8:20

Piquan's user avatar


4224 silver badges7 bronze badges


This also happens in Recaptcha 2 before user interacts with it. So, I have a submit button that triggers a JS function that checks the value of recaptcha. To solve the no client exists problem, I did:

try {
   data["reCaptcha"] = grecaptcha.getResponse();
} catch (err) {
   data["reCaptcha"] = "";

The data object then gets sent to a back-end script that validates the recaptcha. The back-end also checks for the field being empty.

answered Apr 23, 2019 at 9:39

Elendurwen's user avatar


95310 silver badges13 bronze badges

I had this problem because I was calling grecaptcha.reset(); when there wasn’t any Recaptcha active on the site

recaptcha__en.js:507 Uncaught Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist.
    at MX (recaptcha__en.js:507)
    at Object.Zn [as reset] (recaptcha__en.js:514)
    at <anonymous>:1:13

answered Mar 12, 2020 at 2:34

SSpoke's user avatar


5,5929 gold badges71 silver badges120 bronze badges


I was using React and only rendering my captcha container sometimes. Fixed by hiding the captcha button instead of not rendering it.

answered Oct 13, 2020 at 19:51

Stuart Rucker's user avatar

In my case grecaptcha.reset(); was present from previous code snippet, and I was programmatically invoking it.

As the captcha verification is going on the fly every time. Resetting wasn’t required.
After eliminating this grecaptcha.reset(); my code works perfectly fine.

Maybe this hint can help someone.

answered Jul 13, 2022 at 19:38

Piyush Pranjal's user avatar

We received this because we have a second environment with another domain and forgot to add this domain to the reCaptcha admin site. The solution was to add the new domain to the settings.
The steps are
Open www.google/recaptcha/admin/site
Select the site you’re working on
Click on the settings gear
Add the domain in its respective section

answered Jun 9, 2022 at 14:57

Andrés Sánchez's user avatar


  1. Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist. #173
  3. Footer
  4. Ошибка: клиенты reCAPTCHA не существуют (reCAPTCHA v3)
  5. 5 ответов
  6. ReCAPTCHA v3 — Ошибка: клиентов reCAPTCHA не существует
  7. Uncaught error no recaptcha clients exist
  8. reCAPTCHA not showing at all

Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist. #173

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

happens on mac and ios mostly.

Yes, I believe so. See the commit above.

$(‘#betaForm’).on(‘submit’, function (e) <
var frm = this;
//var widgetId = grecaptcha.render(container);

but i still getting this issue

please help me out , how could i fix it

Hi, please can you give some more context:

  • where are you running the app, are you running the full nosht system?
  • what are you trying to do?
  • what device are you using?

Also please format your code properly so I can read it.

  • i m not running nosht system
  • it’s my jquery based custom application
  • i want to integrate google reCaptcha v3 earlier it was V2
  • all things done , token generated but in mac only i am getting this error

Uncaught Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist.
at pU (VM16848 recaptcha__en.js:511)
at Object.Pl [as getResponse] (VM16848 recaptcha__en.js:509)
at HTMLButtonElement.formSubmitValidation (VM16847 analytics.js:467)
at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (VM16827 jquery.min.js:5)
at HTMLFormElement.y.handle (VM16827 jquery.min.js:5)

  • my code for form submit is 👎

$(‘#betaForm’).on(‘submit’, function (e) <
var frm = this;
grecaptcha.execute(‘6LeDPqgUAAAAAP9YPKn4aITheCkcyjt1YU3zmXke’, < action: ‘beta’ >).then(function (token) <
>, function (reason) <

okay, this is nothing to do with nosht, please seek help elsewhere, eg. stackoverflow.

also, if you want help in future, take the time to format your code so it can be read easily by others.

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You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.


Ошибка: клиенты reCAPTCHA не существуют (reCAPTCHA v3)

Я интегрировал reCAPTCHA v3 в одну из моих форм. В режиме onload в правом нижнем углу отображается токен и логотип Google CAPTCHA. Но когда я отправляю форму, в консоли появляется сообщение об ошибке «Ошибка: клиенты reCAPTCHA не существуют». Также, похоже, данные не извлекаются с помощью «g-recaptcha-response» и $ _POST [«g-recaptcha-response»] остается пустым.

Вот пример кода:

Он не производит никакого «g-recaptcha-response» при отправке формы.

Я не знаю много о Google ReCaptcha. Я следовал предоставленной ими документации и правильно использовал сайт и секретный ключ.

Кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, скажите мне, где может быть проблема и какое возможное решение?

5 ответов

Вы пытались загрузить скрипт, прежде чем отправлять запрос?

Я полагаю, что эта ошибка возникает, когда reCaptcha api.js загружается, но ваш контейнер еще не представлен на странице (по крайней мере, для v2). Эта ошибка возникала в приложении React при переходе на страницу, а не при ее загрузке в качестве первого. Вместо того, чтобы использовать render=explicit и использовать глобальное пространство имен onLoadCallback , я смог разрешить его, вручную отобразив элемент captcha.

Это также происходит в Recaptcha 2, прежде чем пользователь взаимодействует с ним. Итак, у меня есть кнопка отправки, которая запускает функцию JS, которая проверяет значение recaptcha. Чтобы решить проблему отсутствия клиента, я сделал:

Затем объект данных отправляется внутреннему сценарию, который проверяет recaptcha. Серверная часть также проверяет, является ли поле пустым.

Когда я столкнулся с этой проблемой с reCAPTCHA v3, это было потому, что я не передал ему правильный ключ сайта.


ReCAPTCHA v3 — Ошибка: клиентов reCAPTCHA не существует

Прежде всего, я знаю, что такая же проблема уже была обнаружена здесь: Ошибка: клиентов reCAPTCHA не существует (reCAPTCHA v3) Но так как ответы там не привели меня к решению, я попытаю счастья здесь.

Поэтому я попытался использовать reCAPTCHA, так как я получаю много спам-писем из формы на моей веб-странице. В моей голове HTML у меня есть этот код:

для загрузки Captcha и генерирует токен. Когда я отправляю свою форму, я вызываю следующий код ajax:

и, наконец, в PHP я делаю следующее:

Когда я отправляю форму, я получаю сообщение об ошибке:

Что я сделал не так? Я следовал инструкциям Google, но, возможно, я что-то упустил.

ваш grecaptcha.ready(function() < . >записывает токен в консоль? Что grecaptcha.getResponse() возвращается в консоли разработчика вашего браузера?

@ r3dst0rm Да, токен зарегистрирован. grecaptcha.getResponse() ничего не возвращает :/

Можете ли вы заменить console.log(token) на: var recaptchaResponse = document.getElementById(‘recaptchaResponse’); recaptchaResponse.value = token; и добавить в форму следующий тег ввода: ? В своем ajax вы просто замените grecaptcha.getResponse() на document.getElementById(‘recaptchaResponse’).value — и посмотрите, работает ли это?

Если почта будет отправлена, я думаю, можно с уверенностью предположить, что проверка капчи теперь работает. Пришло время проверить возможные ошибки PHP внутри вашей почтовой функции.


Uncaught error no recaptcha clients exist

recaptcha__en.js:25 Uncaught Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist.nat Array. (recaptcha__en.js:25).nat recaptcha__en.js:17.nat HTMLFormElement. (login:65). n

rnThis series is all about the little projects you build once you’re off the clock. One topic per section, we’ll toy with the fringes of PHP to, for example, blink our lights when a PHPUnit test fails. Why bother? Because it’s fun! Come along and join me.rn rn»,»path»:»/series/playing-with-php»,»strippedBody»:»rnThis series is all about the little projects you build once you’re off the clock. One topic per section, we’ll toy with the fringes of PHP to, for example, blink our lights when a PHPUnit test fails. Why bother? Because it’s fun! Come along and join me.rnrn»,»thumbnail»:»https://ik.imagekit.io/laracasts/series/thumbnails/outside-the-box.png»,»large_thumbnail»:»https://laracasts.s3.amazonaws.com/series/thumbnails/social-cards/playing-with-php.png»,»svgThumbnail»:»https://ik.imagekit.io/laracasts/series/thumbnails/svg/outside-the-box.svg»,»slug»:»playing-with-php»,»episodeCount»:8,»difficultyLevel»:»Intermediate»,»customUrl»:null,»version»:null,»version_notes»:null,»complete»:1,»wallpaper»:»»,»archived»:0,»runTime»:»2h»,»taxonomy»:<«name»:»Techniques»,»path»:»https://laracasts.com/browse/techniques»>,»hasChapters»:true,»isLarabit»:0,»isCreatorSeries»:0,»progress»:<«started»:false,»completionPercentage»:0,»episodesCompleted»:0,»completed»:false,»nextEpisodePosition»:1>,»lastUpdated»:»Feb 24, 2021″>,<«id»:136,»className»:»Laracasts\Series»,»title»:»Pull Up a Seat: Season 1″,»body»:»

Real-life programming isn’t always glamorous. You’re not always launching fancy new interactive features backed by weeks of marketing and hype. In fact, that’s rarely the case. Instead, much of the time, we work on boring fixes and general maintenance of packages and tools that, frankly, not many people use. This is the reality. rnrn


reCAPTCHA not showing at all

Hi, I cannot get reCAPTCHA to work on my form. I have set the API keys in settings and all looks good there, but when I add a reCAPTCHA field to my form and select which key I want to use, it simply doesn’t show at all on the form page.

If I try to submit the form, it comes back with an error saying reCAPTCHA validation failed, so it must be there somewhere, waiting for the user to click the box; but I can’t see it on any device I use. No, I am not using invisible reCAPTCHA.

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

I’ve checked your form and it looks like the reCAPTCHA there is an invisible one. I can see it in the code (so it is added correctly) and I was able to submit the form without any errors.
Can you check if you have the submission from wpmudevtest?

kind regards,

Sorry, I had removed reCAPTCHA and just turned on Honeypot instead, as I needed the form to work, because we have a business to run.

I will turn it back on, so you can check again.

The error in console “Uncaught Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist.” usually means that the API key is incorrect or that the scripts are not loaded in proper order.

Can you double check that you don’t have any typos in your reCaptcha settings, like empty spaces before or after keys?

If that doesn’t help, can you try disabling Autoptimize and see if it works when the files are not optimized?

pro-tip; you can disable Autoptimize on a per-request basis by adding ?ao_noptimize=1 to the URL.

if the problem is not there at that point, some autoptimize (re-)configuration might be needed to fix this. there are troubleshooting tips and info on how to exclude in the AO FAQ.

hope this helps debugging,
frank (ao dev)

Hi guys,
I had already done troubleshooting by deactivating all other plugins to see if there is a conflict. I even turned off all settings before deleting Autoptimize and WP Cerber, as these two appeared to be the most likely culprits. It made no difference, so I put them back. I will uninstall those 2 again, while you check further.

As for the API keys, they have been copy and pasted from Google ReCAPTCHA, so I have not entered manually and thus made any errors. Forminator’s own preview shows them as working with no errors under the settings tab. I have just removed the v3 API and only left v2, in case that helps somehow.

By the way, is there a way of passing ALL the details captured in this registration form across to WooCommerce and WordPress user info?

When I did get the form to work, by turning off reCAPTCHA, only the user name and email address was registered as a WordPress user but they then had to enter everything again, when they got to checkout and the Woocommerce billing and shipping fields.

I was hoping those fields would’ve been pre-filled from what they entered when they registered.




happens on mac and ios mostly.



Yes, I believe so. See the commit above.


$(‘#betaForm’).on(‘submit’, function (e) {
var frm = this;
//var widgetId = grecaptcha.render(container);

           grecaptcha.execute('6LeDPqgUAAAAAP9YPKn4aITheCkcyjt1YU3zmXke', { action: 'beta' }).then(function (token) {
            }, function (reason) {

but i still getting this issue


please help me out , how could i fix it


Hi, please can you give some more context:

  • where are you running the app, are you running the full nosht system?
  • what are you trying to do?
  • what device are you using?

Also please format your code properly so I can read it.


ohk sure .

  • i m not running nosht system
  • it’s my jquery based custom application
  • i want to integrate google reCaptcha v3 earlier it was V2
  • all things done , token generated but in mac only i am getting this error

Uncaught Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist.
at pU (VM16848 recaptcha__en.js:511)
at Object.Pl [as getResponse] (VM16848 recaptcha__en.js:509)
at HTMLButtonElement.formSubmitValidation (VM16847 analytics.js:467)
at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (VM16827 jquery.min.js:5)
at HTMLFormElement.y.handle (VM16827 jquery.min.js:5)

  • my code for form submit is 👎

$(‘#betaForm’).on(‘submit’, function (e) {
var frm = this;
grecaptcha.execute(‘6LeDPqgUAAAAAP9YPKn4aITheCkcyjt1YU3zmXke’, { action: ‘beta’ }).then(function (token) {
}, function (reason) {


okay, this is nothing to do with nosht, please seek help elsewhere, eg. stackoverflow.

also, if you want help in future, take the time to format your code so it can be read easily by others.

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