Undefined variable php как исправить

undefined variable исправить ошибку undefined variable даже забыл такой вид ошибки существует ошибке undefined variable undefined variable Как выключить ошибку undefined variable...

undefined variable или как исправить ошибку «undefined variable» -я даже и забыл, что такой вид ошибки существует!

Подробно об ошибке «undefined variable«

  1. undefined variable
  2. Как выключить ошибку undefined variable
  1. Notice undefined variable

    Что означает «Notice undefined variable» — начнем с перевода… Когда вы встречаете разного рода ошибки — просто переведите данную ошибку — потому, что ошибка она на то и ошибка, что в смысле этой ошибки и есть ответ.

    Notice — переводится как :

    уведомление, внимание, объявление, нотис сущ
    замечать, уведомлять, обращать внимание гл

    undefined — переводится как :

    неопределенный прил

    variable — переводится как :

    переменная сущ
    изменчивый прил
    регулируемый, изменяющийся прич

    Итого, если суммировать и перевести с русского на русский:

    «Notice undefined variable» — внимание! Неопределенная переменная…

    Т.е. вы выводите переменную, которая не существует! Вообще — это очень неудобная ошибка, я её просто выключил!

    Пример возникновения «undefined variable»

    Самый простой пример… возникновения ошибки «undefined variable«. Переменная ранее не была создана и выводим таким образом с помощью echo:

    echo $example_var;

    Для предотвращения такого рода ошибки, выше echo нужно создать данную переменную:

    $example_var = »;

    echo $example_var;

  2. Как выключить ошибку undefined variable

    Почему я написал выше, что я забыл, что вообще существует такой вид ошибки, как «» — да просто потому, что я каждый день не покупаю новый хостинг, а нахожусь уже на одном хостинге ruweb — 10 лет

    И у меня с самого начала, данная ошибка была отключена.

    Но если у вас не так.
    Стоит ли отключать вывод ошибки undefined variable.

    По этому поводу — всегда будут два мнения за и против.

    Я отключаю, потому, что мне не нужна именно эта ошибка.

    Смотри как отключить ошибки, или как показывать ошибки, только админу.

Можете не благодарить, лучше помогите!



  John Mwaniki /   10 Dec 2021

This error, as it suggests, occurs when you try to use a variable that has not been defined in PHP.

Example 1

echo $name;


Notice: Undefined variable: name in /path/to/file/file.php on line 2.

Example 2

$num1 = 27;
$answer = $num1 + $num2;
echo $answer;


Notice: Undefined variable: num2 in /path/to/file/file.php on line 3.

In our above two examples, we have used a total of 4 variables which include $name, $num1, $num2, and $answer.

But out of all, only two ($name and $num2) have resulted in the «undefined variable» error. This is because we are trying to use them before defining them (ie. assigning values to them).

In example 1, we are trying to print/display the value of the variable $name, but we had not yet assigned any value to it.

In example 2, we are trying to add the value of $num1 to the value of $num2 and assign their sum to $answer. However, we have not set any value for $num2.

To check whether a variable has been set (ie. assigned a value), we use the in-built isset() PHP function.



We pass the variable name as the only argument to the function, where it returns true if the variable has been set, or false if the variable has not been set.


//Example 1
$name = "Raju Rastogi";
  $result = "The name is $name";
  $result = "The name has not been set";
echo $result;
//Output: The name is Raju Rastogi
echo "<br>"

//Example 2
  $result = "My profession is $profession";
  $result = "The profession has not been set";
echo $result;
//Output: The profession has not been set

In our first example above, we have defined a variable ($name) by creating it and assigning it a value (Raju Rastogi) and thus the isset() function returns true.

In our second example, we had not defined our variable ($profession) before passing to the isset() function and thus the response is false.

The Fix for Undefined variable error

Here are some ways in which you can get rid of this error in your PHP program.

1. Define your variables before using them

Since the error originates from using a variable that you have not defined (assigned a value to), the best solution is to assign a value to the variable before using it anywhere in your program.

For instance, in our first example, the solution is to assign a value to the variable $name before printing it.

$name = "Farhan Qureshi";
echo $name;
//Output: Farhan Qureshi

The above code works without any error.

2. Validating variables with isset() function

Another way to go about this is to validate whether the variables have been set before using them.

$num1 = 27;
if(isset($num1) && isset($num2)){
$answer = $num1 + $num2;
echo $answer;

The addition operation will not take place because one of the required variables ($num2) has not been set.

$num1 = 27;
$num2 = 8;
if(isset($num1) && isset($num2)){
$answer = $num1 + $num2;
echo $answer;
//Oputput: 35

The addition this time will take place because the two variables required have been set.

3. Setting the undefined variable to a default value

You can also check whether the variables have been defined using the isset() function and if not, assign them a default value.

For instance, you can set a blank «» value for variables expected to hold a string value, and a 0 for those values expect to hold a numeric value.


$name = "John Doe";
$name = isset($name) ? $name : '';
$age= isset($age) ? $age: 0;
echo "My name is $name and I am $age yrs old.";
//Output: My name is John Doe and I am 0 yrs old.

4. Disabling Notice error reporting

This is always a good practice to hide errors from the website visitor. In case these errors are visible on the website to the web viewers, then this solution will be very useful in hiding these errors.

This option does not prevent the error from happening, it just hides it.

Open the php.ini file in a text editor, and find the line below:

error_reporting = E_ALL

Replace it with:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Now the ‘NOTICE’ type of errors won’t be shown again. However, the other types of errors will be shown.

Another way of disabling these errors is to add the line of code below on the top of your PHP code.

error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

That’s all for this article. It’s my hope that it has helped you solve the error.


  1. [Solved]: Notice: Undefined variable in PHP
  2. Example 1
  3. Example 2
  4. Syntax
  5. Example
  6. The Fix for Undefined variable error
  7. 1. Define your variables before using them
  8. 2. Validating variables with isset() function
  9. 3. Setting the undefined variable to a default value
  10. Example
  11. 4. Disabling Notice error reporting
  12. Notice: Undefined Variable in PHP
  13. Notice: Undefined variable
  14. Fix Notice: UndefinedVariable by usingisset() Function
  15. Set Index as blank
  16. Ignore PHP Notice: Undefinedvariable
  17. 1. Disable Display Notice inphp.ini file
  18. 2. Disable Display Notice inPHP Code
  19. PHP RFC: Undefined Variable Error Promotion
  20. Introduction
  21. Proposal
  22. Benefits
  23. Backward Incompatible Changes
  24. Proposed PHP Version(s)
  25. Unaffected Functionality
  26. PHP RFC: Undefined Variable Error Promotion
  27. Introduction
  28. Proposal
  29. Benefits
  30. Backward Incompatible Changes
  31. Proposed PHP Version(s)
  32. Unaffected Functionality

[Solved]: Notice: Undefined variable in PHP

This error, as it suggests, occurs when you try to use a variable that has not been defined in PHP.

Example 1

Notice: Undefined variable: name in /path/to/file/file.php on line 2.

Example 2

Notice: Undefined variable: num2 in /path/to/file/file.php on line 3.

In our above two examples, we have used a total of 4 variables which include $name , $num1 , $num2 , and $answer .

But out of all, only two ($name and $num2) have resulted in the «undefined variable» error. This is because we are trying to use them before defining them (ie. assigning values to them).

In example 1, we are trying to print/display the value of the variable $name, but we had not yet assigned any value to it.

In example 2, we are trying to add the value of $num1 to the value of $num2 and assign their sum to $answer. However, we have not set any value for $num2.

To check whether a variable has been set (ie. assigned a value), we use the in-built isset() PHP function.


We pass the variable name as the only argument to the function, where it returns true if the variable has been set, or false if the variable has not been set.


In our first example above, we have defined a variable ($name) by creating it and assigning it a value (Raju Rastogi) and thus the isset() function returns true.

In our second example, we had not defined our variable ($profession) before passing to the isset() function and thus the response is false.

The Fix for Undefined variable error

Here are some ways in which you can get rid of this error in your PHP program.

1. Define your variables before using them

Since the error originates from using a variable that you have not defined (assigned a value to), the best solution is to assign a value to the variable before using it anywhere in your program.

For instance, in our first example, the solution is to assign a value to the variable $name before printing it.

The above code works without any error.

2. Validating variables with isset() function

Another way to go about this is to validate whether the variables have been set before using them.

The addition operation will not take place because one of the required variables ($num2) has not been set.

The addition this time will take place because the two variables required have been set.

3. Setting the undefined variable to a default value

You can also check whether the variables have been defined using the isset() function and if not, assign them a default value.

For instance, you can set a blank «» value for variables expected to hold a string value, and a for those values expect to hold a numeric value.


4. Disabling Notice error reporting

This is always a good practice to hide errors from the website visitor. In case these errors are visible on the website to the web viewers, then this solution will be very useful in hiding these errors.

This option does not prevent the error from happening, it just hides it.

Open the php.ini file in a text editor, and find the line below:

Replace it with:

Now the ‘NOTICE’ type of errors won’t be shown again. However, the other types of errors will be shown.

Another way of disabling these errors is to add the line of code below on the top of your PHP code.

error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

That’s all for this article. It’s my hope that it has helped you solve the error.


Notice: Undefined Variable in PHP

Notice: Undefined variable

This error means that within your code, there is a variable or constant which is not set. But you may be trying to use that variable.

The error can be avoided by using the isset() function.This function will check whether the variable is set or not.

Error Example:


In the above example, we are displaying value stored in the ‘name’ and ‘age’ variable, but we didn’t set the ‘age’ variable.

Here are two ways to deal with such notices.

  1. Resolve such notices.
  2. Ignore such notices.

Fix Notice: Undefined Variable by using isset() Function

This notice occurs when you use any variable in your PHP code, which is not set.


To fix this type of error, you can define the variable as global and use the isset() function to check if the variable is set or not.


Set Index as blank

Ignore PHP Notice: Undefined variable

You can ignore this notice by disabling reporting of notice with option error_reporting.

1. Disable Display Notice in php.ini file

Open php.ini file in your favorite editor and search for text “error_reporting” the default value is E_ALL. You can change it to E_ALL &

By default:

Change it to:

Now your PHP compiler will show all errors except ‘Notice.’

2. Disable Display Notice in PHP Code

If you don’t have access to make changes in the php.ini file, In this case, you need to disable the notice by adding the following code on the top of your PHP page.

Now your PHP compiler will show all errors except ‘Notice.’



Undefined variables are those that have not yet been initialised with a value prior to being read. Accessing an undefined variable currently emits an E_WARNING “Warning: Undefined variable $varname” and treats the variable as if it were a null, but does not otherwise interrupt execution, allowing code execution to continue unabated, but likely in an unintended state.

Although a custom error handler can already be used to raise an Error exception, this requires additional userland code to configure, when instead we should be aiming to provide a safer experience by default. The need to support calling a custom error handler does itself also introduce additional complexity into the engine, leading to “increasingly complex games” to keep it working (see “Benefits”).

This change was last discussed during the Engine Warnings RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/engine_warnings) where it received 56% in favour of making this behaviour an Error exception. It is likely that the only reason this vote failed to reach a supermajority at the time was because the condition was previously a notice, and some felt the jump from notice to error was too great for one version. Accessing undefined variables will have been a warning for 5+ years by the time this RFC would come into effect.


isset / empty / null coalesce DO account for undefined values and such are not covered by this RFC .

Undefined variable access can come about in one of 3 main ways:

Mechanism 1.

The variable only becomes defined when executing certain branching code paths, for example setting a value within an if statement, or within anything which might include an if statement under the hood, such as a loop.

Mechanism 2.

A typo in the variable name.

The above example shows a typo when reading the value, but consider also a typo when writing the value, that led to initializing the wrong variable, leaving the intended one uninitialized.

Mechanism 3.

Accessing a variable for use with a post-increment operator $foo++ sometimes used with counters (as post-increment on null is special-cased).

Of these 3 mechanisms, the first two are almost always unintentional bugs, and while the third can sometimes be a deliberate action, it too is often the result of a coding error.

If for some reason the null behaviour is desired, a simple backwards compatible solution is available, the author needs only to initialize the variable with a null prior to its use. It is expected that in many cases a more logical alternative would exist, such as initializing to zero, false, or empty string, depending on the context.


The primary benefit for this change is to eliminate an entire class of userland bugs related to the consequences of accessing and using these undefined variables and their fallback to their engine-provided default. By doing so we offer another layer of protection against PHP applications continuing their execution after entering a likely unintended state.

The big problem with these (from a pure implementation perspective) is that we need to throw the warning and continue running. But the warning might call a custom error handler, which may modify state that the virtual machine does not expect to be modified. The PHP VM plays increasingly complex games to prevent this, but despite all that complexity, this problem cannot be fully solved while this remains a warning, rather than an exception.

Same goes for other warnings in the engine of course, undefined variables are just the biggest offender, because this particular warning can occur as part of nearly any operation. The additional complexities that arise when you combine this problem with a JIT compiler are left as an exercise to the reader.

Backward Incompatible Changes

Accessing an undefined variable will result in an Error exception being thrown.

Although accessing undefined variables has not been considered good practice for a long time, and has been an E_WARNING since PHP 8 (which will be 5 years old by the time PHP 9 arrives) there will still be an amount of code out there that will experience additional errors being thrown as a result of this change.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

This change is targeted for PHP 9.0.

A minor change will be included in the next minor version to alter the existing warning message to indicate the warning will become an error in 9.0.

Unaffected Functionality

If the code does not currently emit a “Warning: Undefined variable $varname” then it is out of scope for this RFC . This RFC does NOT apply to array indexes.

Vote opened 2022-03-14, vote closes 2022-03-28



Undefined variables are those that have not yet been initialised with a value prior to being read. Accessing an undefined variable currently emits an E_WARNING “Warning: Undefined variable $varname” and treats the variable as if it were a null, but does not otherwise interrupt execution, allowing code execution to continue unabated, but likely in an unintended state.

Although a custom error handler can already be used to raise an Error exception, this requires additional userland code to configure, when instead we should be aiming to provide a safer experience by default. The need to support calling a custom error handler does itself also introduce additional complexity into the engine, leading to “increasingly complex games” to keep it working (see “Benefits”).

This change was last discussed during the Engine Warnings RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/engine_warnings) where it received 56% in favour of making this behaviour an Error exception. It is likely that the only reason this vote failed to reach a supermajority at the time was because the condition was previously a notice, and some felt the jump from notice to error was too great for one version. Accessing undefined variables will have been a warning for 5+ years by the time this RFC would come into effect.


isset / empty / null coalesce DO account for undefined values and such are not covered by this RFC .

Undefined variable access can come about in one of 3 main ways:

Mechanism 1.

The variable only becomes defined when executing certain branching code paths, for example setting a value within an if statement, or within anything which might include an if statement under the hood, such as a loop.

Mechanism 2.

A typo in the variable name.

The above example shows a typo when reading the value, but consider also a typo when writing the value, that led to initializing the wrong variable, leaving the intended one uninitialized.

Mechanism 3.

Accessing a variable for use with a post-increment operator $foo++ sometimes used with counters (as post-increment on null is special-cased).

Of these 3 mechanisms, the first two are almost always unintentional bugs, and while the third can sometimes be a deliberate action, it too is often the result of a coding error.

If for some reason the null behaviour is desired, a simple backwards compatible solution is available, the author needs only to initialize the variable with a null prior to its use. It is expected that in many cases a more logical alternative would exist, such as initializing to zero, false, or empty string, depending on the context.


The primary benefit for this change is to eliminate an entire class of userland bugs related to the consequences of accessing and using these undefined variables and their fallback to their engine-provided default. By doing so we offer another layer of protection against PHP applications continuing their execution after entering a likely unintended state.

The big problem with these (from a pure implementation perspective) is that we need to throw the warning and continue running. But the warning might call a custom error handler, which may modify state that the virtual machine does not expect to be modified. The PHP VM plays increasingly complex games to prevent this, but despite all that complexity, this problem cannot be fully solved while this remains a warning, rather than an exception.

Same goes for other warnings in the engine of course, undefined variables are just the biggest offender, because this particular warning can occur as part of nearly any operation. The additional complexities that arise when you combine this problem with a JIT compiler are left as an exercise to the reader.

Backward Incompatible Changes

Accessing an undefined variable will result in an Error exception being thrown.

Although accessing undefined variables has not been considered good practice for a long time, and has been an E_WARNING since PHP 8 (which will be 5 years old by the time PHP 9 arrives) there will still be an amount of code out there that will experience additional errors being thrown as a result of this change.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

This change is targeted for PHP 9.0.

A minor change will be included in the next minor version to alter the existing warning message to indicate the warning will become an error in 9.0.

Unaffected Functionality

If the code does not currently emit a “Warning: Undefined variable $varname” then it is out of scope for this RFC . This RFC does NOT apply to array indexes.

Vote opened 2022-03-14, vote closes 2022-03-28


Notice: Undefined variable

This error means that within your code, there is a variable or constant which is not set. But you may be trying to use that variable.

The error can be avoided by using the isset() function.This function will check whether the variable is set or not.

Error Example:

echo $name;
echo $age;


Notice: Undefined variable: age in testsite.locvaraible.php on line 4

In the above example, we are displaying value stored in the ‘name’ and ‘age’ variable, but we didn’t set the ‘age’ variable.

Notice: Undefined offset error in PHP

Here are two ways to deal with such notices.

  1. Resolve such notices.
  2. Ignore such notices.

Fix Notice: Undefined Variable by using isset() Function

This notice occurs when you use any variable in your PHP code, which is not set.


To fix this type of error, you can define the variable as global and use the isset() function to check if the variable is set or not.


global $name;
global $age;
$name = 'Stechies';

$name = 'Variable name is not set';
$age = 'Varaible age is not set';
echo 'Name: ' . $name.'<br>';
echo 'Age: ' . $age;

Set Index as blank

$name = 'Stechies';

// Set Variable as Blank
$name = isset($name) ? $name : '';
$age= isset($age) ? $age: '';

echo 'Name: ' . $name.'<br>';
echo 'Age: ' . $age;

Ignore PHP Notice: Undefined variable

You can ignore this notice by disabling reporting of notice with option error_reporting.

1. Disable Display Notice in php.ini file

Open php.ini file in your favorite editor and search for text “error_reporting” the default value is E_ALL. You can change it to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE.

By default:

error_reporting = E_ALL

Change it to:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Now your PHP compiler will show all errors except ‘Notice.’

2. Disable Display Notice in PHP Code

If you don’t have access to make changes in the php.ini file, In this case, you need to disable the notice by adding the following code on the top of your PHP page.

<?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?>

Now your PHP compiler will show all errors except ‘Notice.’

 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Traveler
 * @since 1.0
 * Loop content blog
 * Created by ShineTheme
$cats = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'st_tour_type', array('fields' => 'ids'));
$evening = in_array('101', $cats) ? 1 : 0;
$subtitle = get_field('woocommerce_product_subtitle');
<div <?php  post_class('article post') ?> >
 <h4 class="post-title before-image"><a class="text-darken" href="<?php the_permalink()?>"><?php the_title()?></a></h4>
  <?php if( is_tax( 'st_tour_type', '' ) ) { ?>
      <?php $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full' );?>
    <div class="header <?php if (!(isset($thumb['0']))) { ?> no-background <?php } else { ?> background-img <?php } ?>" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $thumb['0'];?>')">
    <?php }else{ ?>
    <div class="header">
        <?php if(get_post_format()):?>
            <header class="post-header">
                <?php echo st()->load_template('layouts/modern/blog/single/loop/loop',get_post_format());?>
             <header class="post-header">
        <?php elseif(has_post_thumbnail() and get_the_post_thumbnail() ):?>
                <?php echo st()->load_template('layouts/modern/blog/content', 'image');?>
        <?php endif;?>
        if( has_post_thumbnail() and get_the_post_thumbnail() ) {
            echo st()->load_template('layouts/modern/blog/content', 'cate');
        } ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <div class="post-inner">
        <h4 class="post-title after-image"><a class="text-darken" href="<?php the_permalink()?>"><?php the_title()?></a><br><?=$subtitle;?></h4>
        <?php echo st()-> load_template('layouts/modern/blog/content','meta');?>
<?php if( is_tax( 'st_tour_type', '' ) ) { ?>
<?php if ($evening == 0) { ?>
<div class="mobile-wrapper">
<div class="item tour_duration">
    <div class="icon">
       <?php echo TravelHelper::getNewIcon( 'ico_clock', '#5E6D77', '32px', '32px' ); ?>
    <div class="info">
       <h4 class="name"><?php echo __('Duration', ST_TEXTDOMAIN); ?></h4>
       <p class="value">
       $duration = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'duration_day', true );
       echo esc_html($duration);
 <div class="item tour_type">
  <div class="icon">
  <?php echo TravelHelper::getNewIcon( 'ico_tour_type', '#5E6D77', '32px', '32px'); ?>
     <div class="info">
     <h4 class="name">Activity Level</h4>
     <p class="value">
        <?php if ( get_field('activity_level') ) { ?>
            <?php the_field('activity_level'); ?>
        <?php } else {
            echo "easy";
        } ?>
<div class="item">
                                            <div class="icon group_size">
                                                <?php echo TravelHelper::getNewIcon( 'ico_adults_blue', '#5E6D77', '32px', '32px'); ?>
                                            <div class="info">
                                                <h4 class="name"><?php echo __('Group Size', ST_TEXTDOMAIN); ?></h4>
                                                <p class="value">
                                                    <?php if(get_field('group_size')) {
                                                        echo get_field('group_size') . ' people';
                                        <div class="item tour_languages">
                                         <div class="icon">
                                        <?php echo TravelHelper::getNewIcon( 'Group', '#5E6D77', '32px', '32px'); ?>
<div class="info">
<h4 class="name"><?php echo __('Languages', ST_TEXTDOMAIN); ?></h4>
<p class="value">
$term_list = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'languages');
$str_term_arr = [];
if(!is_wp_error($term_list) && !empty($term_list)){
foreach ($term_list as $k => $v){
array_push($str_term_arr, $v->description);
 echo implode('', $str_term_arr);
echo '___';
<?php } ?>
<div class="tour_highlights">
    <div class="tour_highlights_title">
    Tour hightlights:
    <div class="tour_highlights_list">
    <?php the_field('tour_highlights_list'); ?>
<?php if ($evening == 0) { ?>
<div class="tour_prices">
        <?php $group_link = get_field('group_tour_link') != '' ? get_field('group_tour_link') : get_permalink(); ?>
        <a href="<?=$group_link;?>" id="group_button" class="group_button btn btn-green active">Group<? if (get_field('group_price_adult') > 0) echo ' $'.get_field('group_price_adult');?></a>
        <?php if (get_field('private_tour_link') != '') { ?>
        <a href="<?=get_field('private_tour_link');?>" id="private_button" class="private_button btn btn-green">Private<? if (get_field('private_tour_7+_adult') > 0) echo ' from $'.get_field('private_tour_7+_adult');?></a>
        <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
        <div class="post-desciption test">
            <?php the_excerpt()?>
<div class="read-more-button">
<a class="btn-readmore" href="<?php the_permalink()?>"><?php esc_html_e('Read More',ST_TEXTDOMAIN)?></a>

Главное правило: переменная должна быть объявлена до её использования. Если сделать это позже, то программа просто не заработает.


$greeting = 'Father!';

Запуск программы выше завершается с ошибкой PHP Notice: Undefined variable: greeting. Undefined variable — это ошибка обращения. Она означает, что в коде используется имя (говорят идентификатор), который не определен. Причём в самой ошибке явно указан индентификатор переменой: greeting. Кроме неправильного порядка определения, в PHP встречаются банальные опечатки — как при использовании переменной, так и во время её объявления.

Количество подобных ошибок уменьшается за счёт использования правильно настроенного редактора. Такой редактор подсвечивает имена, которые используются без объявления, и предупреждает о возможных проблемах.


Найдите в программе необъявленную переменную и объявите её, присвоив ей значение 'Dragon'.

После выполнения программы результат на экране должен выглядеть так:

Targaryen and Dragon
Упражнение не проходит проверку — что делать? 😶

Если вы зашли в тупик, то самое время задать вопрос в «Обсуждениях». Как правильно задать вопрос:

  • Обязательно приложите вывод тестов, без него практически невозможно понять что не так, даже если вы покажете свой код. Программисты плохо исполняют код в голове, но по полученной ошибке почти всегда понятно, куда смотреть.

В моей среде код работает, а здесь нет 🤨

Тесты устроены таким образом, что они проверяют решение разными способами и на разных данных. Часто решение работает с одними входными данными, но не работает с другими. Чтобы разобраться с этим моментом, изучите вкладку «Тесты» и внимательно посмотрите на вывод ошибок, в котором есть подсказки.

Мой код отличается от решения учителя 🤔

Это нормально 🙆, в программировании одну задачу можно выполнить множеством способов. Если ваш код прошел проверку, то он соответствует условиям задачи.

В редких случаях бывает, что решение подогнано под тесты, но это видно сразу.

Прочитал урок — ничего не понятно 🙄

Создавать обучающие материалы, понятные для всех без исключения, довольно сложно. Мы очень стараемся, но всегда есть что улучшать. Если вы встретили материал, который вам непонятен, опишите проблему в «Обсуждениях». Идеально, если вы сформулируете непонятные моменты в виде вопросов. Обычно нам нужно несколько дней для внесения правок.

Кстати, вы тоже можете участвовать в улучшении курсов: внизу есть ссылка на исходный код уроков, который можно править прямо из браузера.

Нашли ошибку? Есть что добавить? Пулреквесты приветствуются https://github.com/hexlet-basics

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Undefined symbol linker error
  • Undefined reference to ошибка
  • Undefined reference to sqrt collect2 error ld returned 1 exit status
  • Undefined reference to pow collect2 error ld returned 1 exit status
  • Undefined reference to main collect2 error ld returned 1 exit status