Undertale annoying dog error room

I'm not snoring, I'm cheering you on in my sleep!! ... Oh, you're still here? Don't you have anything better to do? Annoying Dog after defeating Toriel in Hard Mode The Annoying Dog is a small, white, smiling dog representing the game's creator, Toby Fox. The Annoying Dog shows up periodically throughout the game, most often around Papyrus. Whenever it shows up, it often somehow comedically ruins the characters' plans. Altering file0 and undertale.ini variables to an illogical combination result

I’m not snoring, I’m cheering you on in my sleep!! … Oh, you’re still here? Don’t you have anything better to do?

Annoying Dog after defeating Toriel in Hard Mode

The Annoying Dog is a small, white, smiling dog representing the game’s creator, Toby Fox.

The Annoying Dog shows up periodically throughout the game, most often around Papyrus. Whenever it shows up, it often somehow comedically ruins the characters’ plans.


Altered or Corrupted SAVE Files

Annoying Dog sleeping in room 326 (room_of_dog)

Altering file0 and undertale.ini variables to an illogical combination results in the Annoying Dog appearing upon game launch. There are two versions of this screen:

  1. Dance of Dog plays as the Annoying Dog runs in place mid-screen. The song may change pitch upon closing and reopening the game. [1]
  2. Sigh of Dog plays, and the Annoying Dog is sleeping in the center of the screen.[2]

These screens also appear upon trying to access inaccessible rooms or its own room, room 326 (room_of_dog).

The «Dogcheck» value checks for a valid SAVE and room combination and, if the value returns out of range, the Annoying Dog appears, and the player cannot progress. The player can enter some inaccessible rooms after using a hexadecimal editor to change the «Dogcheck» value.[3]

The Gauntlet of Deadly Terror

Annoying Dog overworld dangling.gif

The Annoying Dog appears as a part of Papyrus’s gauntlet of deadly terror directly before Snowdin Town. The Annoying Dog dangles by a rope tied around its body.

Papyrus Boss Fight

The Annoying Dog shocked.

The Annoying Dog biting Papyrus’s «special attack» bone and one of the bones at Papyrus and Sans’s House’s sink.

The Annoying Dog appears during the «special attack» sequence, munching on Papyrus’s special «Bone.» After Papyrus gets angry at the Annoying Dog, it exits the Bullet Board, dragging the bone with it. It appears again when Papyrus does his «cool regular attack.»

Papyrus and Sans’s House

If the protagonist interacts with the sink in the kitchen, Papyrus comments on how he raised the sink so he could fit more bones beneath it. He then invites the protagonist to check inside. The cabinet door then opens to reveal the Annoying Dog chewing on one of the bones, before it runs out of the house as Papyrus shouts to get it. Entering through the sink leads to the Dog Shrine if playing the console versions of Undertale.

Mettaton’s Third Encounter

The Annoying Dog fused.

During the bomb defusal sequence, the Annoying Dog is a bomb that the protagonist can defuse. Its check text reads «blissfully unaware of its circumstances.» When defused, the narration reads «Dog defused!» instead of «Bomb defused!», which is unique to the Annoying Dog.

Piano Puzzle


Papyrus when called from the Piano Puzzle room.

The Annoying Dog appears after completing the Piano Puzzle. Playing the right notes opens a secret door to the Artifact Room. Once the protagonist enters the room, the Annoying Dog appears in their inventory. While trying to grab the artifact (with the Annoying Dog in the inventory), a message appears saying «You’re carrying too many dogs.» Using/Dropping the Dog summons the Annoying Dog beside the protagonist. The Annoying Dog then runs to the Legendary Artifact and absorbs it, while Dogsong plays. Shortly after, the Annoying Dog runs out through the walls out of the frame. Dog Residue is then left in the inventory.

Calling Toriel’s phone when the Annoying Dog is in the inventory results in Toriel’s phone ringing in the protagonist’s inventory.

It is impossible to put the Annoying Dog into a box, as trying to use a Dimensional Box through the cell phone displays the text «The box is aclog with the hair of a dog.» Leaving the room with the Annoying Dog still in the inventory makes it disappear until reentering. Though normally the dog can only be in the inventory in the Artifact Room and Piano Room, editing file0 allows the protagonist to have it in their inventory. If removed with file manipulation, attempting to take the artifact will display the message “This will never happen”, after which the artifact stays on the stand, but says that it’s gone.

If added to the inventory through file manipulation, the protagonist can sell the Annoying Dog at the Tem Shop for 999G and, if the Temmie Shopkeeper denies the sale, she negotiates the prices of 1251G. After negotiation, the Annoying Dog is the most valuable item in the game.

Nothing happens if the protagonist uses or drops the Annoying Dog outside of the Artifact Room.

Hard Mode

After Toriel’s boss battle, the Annoying Dog arrives and announces the end of hard mode, much to Toriel’s displeasure. When it speaks, its text moves in place with a wave effect. After its dialogue, the game restarts.

True Pacifist Route

The Annoying Dog appears on the ending screen, stays below the «THE END» text, and eventually falls asleep. It does not appear if the Genocide Route had previously been completed.

Minor Encounters

In fights with most of the Snowdin Canine Unit, the Annoying Dog may appear during the enemy’s turn to represent the monsters themselves. Doggo however, does not use the Annoying Dog in battle.

  • The Annoying Dog appears in the Joystick Config with an object atop its head related to the season (except Summer), along with the Uwa!! tracks and while accompanying snow, leaves, and the sun.
  • When the protagonist slides past a thick row of trees after the last puzzle before Snowdin, a snow sculpture appears on their head. This sculpture sometimes resembles the Annoying Dog.

The Annoying Dog sitting in the top right on Gyftrot.

  • Gyftrot is sometimes decorated with an Annoying Dog.
  • The protagonist sees The Annoying Dog’s silhouette on the radar that shows up during the date with Papyrus.
  • A framed picture in the Tem Shop portrays the Annoying Dog.
  • The Annoying Dog hides in the bone drawer in Undyne’s House.
  • The protagonist can occasionally see the Dog’s face on the front of the River Person’s boat.
  • Calling Papyrus near the L2 Elevator in Hotland causes him to mention a certain dog stealing his lasagna.[4]
  • During the MTT News Report, a building has the Annoying Dog’s silhouette on top of it.
  • When the protagonist is at Mettaton’s colored-tile puzzle, repeatedly triggering the piranhas makes the dog appear in the water for a short moment.
  • The protagonist can interact with the Annoying Dog through the right-most door in the east branch of the MTT Resort. When using a Hot Dog, Dog Residue, Dog Salad, or certain other dog items, unique dialogue appears and the protagonist can gain a Hush Puppy.
    • Putting a Hot Cat in front of the door causes the dog to growl at it and does not accept it.
    • Calling Papyrus in this area also causes the Annoying Dog to bark behind the door, provoking a surprised reaction from Papyrus upon calling him again.
  • If the protagonist kills all the major bosses (Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, and Mettaton) during a Neutral Route and has killed nobody else, during his phone call, Sans tells them that a small, white dog became the president of the Underground and that this seems to be the best life for everyone.[5]
  • The Annoying Dog can be found in the room behind the Mysterious Door in Snowdin Forest.
  • The protagonist can see the Dog in the trash tornado in Sans’s room on rare occasions.

The dog at the dump during Alphys’s date

  • The protagonist can see the Annoying Dog on the left side of the Garbage Dump during Alphys’s date.
  • In the True Pacifist Ending Credits, the Annoying Dog is usually seen sticking out of Gyftrot’s right antler tree.


Snowdin screenshot Famitsu

Artwork from Undertale‘s 5th anniversary.


  • The Annoying Dog represents Toby Fox himself; the Steam Greenlight trailer and the original Kickstarter video show the Annoying Dog stating this.
    • In the game files, some sprites of the Annoying Dog contain the word «tobydog.»
  • The Annoying Dog steals Toriel’s phone if the protagonist waits for her in the hallway of the Ruins.[6] While Toriel gets her phone back once the protagonist proceeds to the next room, the Annoying Dog apparently steals it again and eats it, as attempting to call her from the Artifact Room will result in ringing «coming from inside your inventory», where the Annoying Dog is. This is likely why Toriel does not pick up the phone until the epilogue.
  • The sound effect used for The Annoying Dog first originated as a sound effect for Mario Paint.
  • If Papyrus is called in the Artifact Room, he notes there is something annoying about the room but cannot identify what, referring to the Annoying Dog.[7]
  • The Annoying Dog flying through the wall by ignoring the collision may be a reference to the Steam Greenlight trailer which tells the viewer to not go into the Artifact Room because there is no collision yet.
  • Through save file manipulation, it is possible to deploy multiple Annoying Dogs in the Artifact Room. Even if the artifact is not present, they approach the podium and the message saying that they absorbed the artifact displays.
  • When talking to Bratty and Catty at the end of the True Pacifist Route, Catty mentions petting a «little white cat[8] Bratty then corrects Catty, saying it was a dog. It is most likely this dog was actually the Annoying Dog.
  • While his breed hasn’t been confirmed yet, the Annoying Dog strongly resembles a Samoyed, with pointed ears, white fur, and a perpetual ‘smile.’ Others say that the dog resembles a white Pomeranian. However, the latter is more likely, as it’s referenced as a «tinypom» in the game files for the Demo, its walking sprite is named «spr_tinypomwalk», and its bark «snd_pombark», for example.
  • Originally, if the player beat the game fast enough, the Annoying Dog wearing a bikini would appear at the ending screen. However, it didn’t make it into the final game.[9][10] This references the Metroid series, where the main character, Samus Aran, wears a bikini if the game is completed fast enough.
  • The Annoying Dog might be a reference to Ruffini the dog from EarthBound, as both Annoying Dog and Ruffini are dogs based on the game designers.


  1. Undertale corrupted/broken save jingle 1. — YouTube
  2. Undertale corrupted/broken save jingle 2. — YouTube
  3. Undertale — Disabling Dogcheck (The Annoying Dog Error Room) — YouTube
  5. a small, white dog became president of the underground. it sleeps on the throne and does absolutely nothing. strangely, it seems this is the best life for everyone. thanks. — Sans
  6. Bark! Bark! Bark… Bark! (You hear a distant voice.) Stop, please! Come back here with my CELLPHONE! — Flavor Text if the protagonist waits in the initial room that Toriel tells them to.
  8. There was this CUTE little white cat walking around… It was, like, SOOOOOO clueless looking. I pet it for like an hour!! — Catty
  9. Originally I was going to make it if you beat the game fast enough, you’d be able to see the annoying dog in a bikini. — undertale on Tumblr, September 13, 2016.
  10. Image — Toby Fox (@tobyfox) on Twitter, September 14, 2016.

Обновлено: 09.02.2023

Большой Пёс (англ. Greater Dog) — это мини-босс, который встречается в лесу Сноудина. Если он был пощажён, то позже встретится как NPC в пабе «Гриллбиз». Член Королевской гвардии.

Надоедливая собака

Информация о предмете


Похищает Таинственный Артефакт, если использовать или выпустить



Собака. Маленькая белая собака. Она быстро засыпает.

ID предмета



Попытка поменять переменные в файлах сохранения и .ini файлах может вызвать странное поведение у игры, или повредить файлы сохранения. Надоедливая собака будет появляться вместо обычного экрана загрузки, если игра больше не может корректно загружаться. Есть две версии появления Надоедливой собаки при таком случае:

  1. При открытии игры начинает играть музыка, пока Надоедливая собака бежит в середине экрана бесконечное количество времени. Музыка может менять тональность при перезапуске игры.
  2. При открытии игры играет другая музыка, больше похожая на колыбельную, пока Надоедливая собака спит в середине экрана.

Эти ошибки будут также появляться при попытке войти в несуществующие комнаты.

Если отредактировать/удалить переменную Dogcheck, собака не будет появляться в случае повреждения файлов игры, так как вы удалили экран надоедливой собаки. Вместо этого будет выскакивать фатальная ошибка, после которой игра закроется.

Мост в лесу Сноудина

На каком-то месте, протагонист будет идти по длинному мосту, и встретит Санса и Папируса. Папирус готов активировать его следующий пазл, с несколькими оружиями, направленными на игрока с разных направлений — одно из этих оружий и есть Надоедливая собака, свисающая на верёвке, обвязанной вокруг её тела. Неизвестно, как бы использовалось это «оружие».

Битва с Папирусом

Надоедливая собака появляется во время «специальной атаки» Папируса, жуя одну из его костей. После того как Папирус сердится на Надоедливую собаку, она уходит, унося за собой кость. Она появляется снова, во время выполнения Папирусом «обычной атаки».

Дом Папируса и Санса

Если игрок взаимодействует с раковиной на кухне, Папирус прокомментирует, как он возвысил раковину, чтобы вместить больше костей в ящик под ней. После чего дверца под раковиной открывается, и за ней обнаруживается Надоедливая собака, жующая одну из костей Папируса. Папирус злится на собаку, и она быстро убирается из дома. В версии игры для Nintendo Switch и Playstation 4, в раковину можно войти и попасть в комнату с Собачьим храмом, которая полностью посвящена Надоедливой собаке. (На Nintendo Switch и Playstation 4 комната с Собачьим храмом отличаются друг от друга).

Надоедливая собака появляется во время третьей теле-передачи с Меттатоном в качестве одной из бомб, которые игроку нужно обезвредить. При проверке будет написано, что собака «блаженственно не подозревает о последствиях». Когда обезврежена, появится надпись «Собака обезврежена!» вместо «Бомба обезврежена!». А также ее силуэт используется в качестве здания на заднем фоне.

Комната с пианино

Если позвонить Папирусу в комнате с Артефактов, то он отмечает, что в комнате есть что-то раздражающее, но не может определить, что именно. Это ссылается на Надоедливую собаку.

Если позвонить Ториэль с собакой в инвентаре, телефон Ториэль зазвонит у игрока в инвентаре. Это произойдёт, даже если игрок не звонил Ториэль для помощи с пазлом в Руинах, что приводит к диалогу, в результате которого Надоедливая собака крадёт телефон Ториэль.

Положить Надоедливую собаку в пространственный сундук невозможно, так как это вызовет текст «Слишком много собачьей шерсти» и при выходе из комнаты она исчезнет, пока не войдёшь снова. Хотя собака может находиться в инвентаре только в комнате с Артефактом и комнате с пианино, редактирование игровых файлов позволяет её нахождение в инвентаре в любой локации.

Если же так сделать, её можно продать в лавке Темми за 999G, при отказе в продаже цена возрастёт до 1251G, что делает Надоедливую собаку самым ценным предметом в игре.

Если использовать или выпустить собаку за пределами комнаты с Артефактом, собака исчезнет и ничего не случится.

Дом Андайн

В шкафу Андайн можно найти Надоедливую собаку, которая съела все подаренные кости Папируса. Также она подмигивает протагонисту.

Сложный режим

В конце битвы с Ториэль в Сложном режиме приходит Надоедливая собака, объявляя конец режима, к большому недовольству Ториэль. Когда собака говорит, её текст двигается с эффектом волны.

  • Надоедливая собака:Вот и конец Сложного режима.
  • Ториэль:Эм, ты заканчиваешь его СЕЙЧАС? В такой драматичный момент.
  • Надоедливая собака:Это самая сложная часть. Не пули. Но, учитывая, что всё закончилось.
  • Ториэль:Но ведь дальше что-то будет, да?
  • Надоедливая собака:Возможно. Узнать ответ. СЛОЖНО. Эй! Ты разве не должна сейчас умирать или что-то типа того?
  • Ториэль:Так. Какое это значение имеет теперь?
  • Надоедливая собака:Что ты будешь делать вместо этого.
  • Ториэль:Хм-м. Может, испеку ещё один пирог. Последний немного подгорел.
  • Надоедливая собака:Я думаю, он получился неплохим. Теоретически. Я вовсе не съел его весь, пока вы тут сражались.
  • [Ториэль, рассердившись, уходит]
  • Надоедливая собака:Эй! Эй! Могу я взять кусочек!
  • Ториэль:Ты просто съешь его полностью.
  • Надоедливая собака:Я могу помооочь.
  • Ториэль:Храпение на полу вряд ли поможет.
  • Надоедливая собака:Я не храплю, а поддерживаю тебя во сне!! .. О, ты всё ещё здесь? У тебя что, дел нет?
  • [Надоедливая собака убегает]
  • [Появляется заставка концовки Сложного режима, представленная выше, под звуки электрогитары, которые становятся всё выше и выше:]
    • Скоро.
    • Наверное,
    • Эх. Не рассчитывайте на это.
    • [Появляется Флауи]
    • Флауи:Эй. Что за задержка!? Разве она не должна быть уже мертва!? Я ждал в этой комнате. Сложный режим. Ого, тебе лучше сделать скриншот. Люди подумают, что ты реально крут. Хотя, НЕТ! Ах да, насчёт этой попытки. ЭТО. БЫЛО. ЖАЛКО. Эм, так ты идёшь дальше, или.
    • Ториэль (говорит вне экрана):Уже всё.
    • Флауи:Хахаха! Я ЗНАЛ это! И почему все такие снисходительные. Так каково ТВОЁ оправдание? Сидишь тут. У тебя что, дел нет?
    • Надоедливая собака (говорит вне экрана):Я это уже сказал.
    • [Флауи улыбается и уходит под землю. Текст исчезает.]

    Истинный Пацифистский путь

    Собака появляется на экране под текстом «КОНЕЦ» в конце игры. Вскоре она уснёт. Она не появится, если до этого игрок прошёл путь Геноцида.

    Полезла в файлы игры, изменила деньги на более крупную сумму. Раньше все получалось и он не выскакивал а тут.. Что делать?


    Удали и скачай заново, ибо нефиг редактировать файлы игры. Либо увеличивай совсем немного, либо вообще не редактируй файлы (Тоби как бы намекает, что ты грязный хацкер, и не позволяет тебе это сделать).

    Баран Баранович Знаток (346) Шоб никто не шалил)

    хз главное не изменять комнаты на 264 272 286 и т. д
    а то там полный кабздец что даже Тоби не дал через фалйы заходить в эти комнаты XD

    такая же проблема. Я не взламывал игру и ничего в этом роде, и вот когда я на дорожке к ядру ( там три атаки нужно пройти) на третьей волне я сливаюсь. выплывает заставка Game Over и после ее надоедливая собака. что делать? Никак ее не убрать.

    Персонаж иногда появляющийся в игре. Этим персонажем разработчик (Toby Fox) показывает себя.

    Войти в битву с ним невозможно, да и разве можно драться с таким милым животным?

    Особенную роль этот персонаж играет в сложном режиме (что бы включить его, назовите человека Frisk), он приходит в конце битвы с Ториэль, где начинает спорить с ней, по поводу того что это уже конец.

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    Во время спора с Ториэль он говорит что вся сложность сложного режима в том что бы осознать, что конец битвы — это конец сложного режима.

    До того как попасть в Снежград можно найти таинственную запертую дверь. (Не далеко после комнаты с снежным Папирусом и кучкой снега «Сансом»)

    user uploaded image

    Что бы открыть дверь нужно увернуться от всех имён во время «особенной благодарности» после прохождения игры на пацифиста.

    За дверью находится «комната разработчика».

    user uploaded image

    В центре комнаты лежит пёс, который изображает нашего Toby. Он сладко спит.

    Поврежденные файлы игры

    Если повредить файл сохранения то вместо привычного экрана загрузки появится надоедливая собака, тоесть игра больше не может корректно загружаться. В таком случае есть 2 версии её появления:

    ⚀ При открытии игры начинает играть музыка, пока Надоедливая собака бежит в середине экрана.

    ⚁ При запуске игры играет другая музыка, напоминающая колыбельную, пока Надоедливая собака спит в середине экрана.

    Мост в лесу Снежграда

    Папирус использует Надоедливую собаку как оружие, свисающее на верёвке, обвязанной вокруг её тела.

    Битва с Папирусом

    Крадёт кость во время «специальной атаки» Папируса.

    Раковина в доме Папируса и Санса.

    Папирус возвысил раковину для того что бы вместить в ящик под ней больше костей. При открытии ящика под раковиной вы обнаружите нашу собаку, жующую одну из его костей

    user uploaded image

    Комната с пианино

    Если сыграть правильные ноты на пианино то откроется комната с артефактом.

    user uploaded image

    user uploaded image

    Как только игрок входит в комнату в его инвентаре появляется Надоедливая собака.

    user uploaded image

    Если её использовать в той самой комнате то она поглотит артефакт и убежит за экран, оставляя в инвентаре остатки собаки.

    user uploaded image

    Унести саму собаку за пределы комнаты нельзя.

    Если отредактировать файлы игры и вынести при помощи этого Надоедливую собаку за пределы комнаты, то её можно продать в Лавке Темми за 999G, при отказе в продаже цена возрастёт до 1251G. Тоесть, этот предмет самый ценный в игре.

    А шкафу Андайн можно найти Надоедливую собаку, которая съела все подаренные кости Папируса. Как всегда, если что-то не нужно одному, то это клад для другого.

    Собака — это бомба во время третьего сражения с Меттатоном. Если её обезвредить, появится надпись «Собака обезврежена!» Вместо «Бомба обезврежена!».



    Нейтральный путь

    Сидит с другими собаками в пабе Гриллби, не находится на посту, и не может ничего больше сказать, кроме издаваемого звука, когда он делает смешную рожицу. (если Догго с Догами и Догарессой убиты, то его рожица будет грустной).

    Путь Пацифиста

    После завершения пути Пацифиста он стоит рядом с библиотекой, вместе с другими собаками и Эндогини, всё ещё издавая звук и делая смешную рожицу.

    В сцене после титров прячется за кучкой песка на пляже, прямо как перед битвой с ним в лесу Сноудина. В его жёлтом тексте написано, что он радуется переменам в жизни.

    Надоедливая собака периодически будет появляться во время игры, чаще всего около Папируса. Часто она комически отражает планы игрока. Также Надоедливая собака будет появляться при неудачных манипуляциях с файлами игры.

    Почти всё время при встрече с ней будет играть «Dogsong».


    * Давай начнём дружескую беседу и уйдём отсюда?

    Повреждённые файлы игры




    Шерсть полностью белая, носит серые доспехи с браслетами, на которых, как и на копьё, есть изображения собачьих морд, причём при получении урона эти изображения тоже щурятся, как и само лицо Большого Пса. Несмотря на огромные доспехи, собака занимает в них немного места, будучи на самом деле ростом с Надоедливую собаку. Непонятно, как она при этом может спокойно в них ходить.


    Большой Пёс постоянно ищет, как привлечь к себе внимание, воспринимает все битвы как игру. Догами даже предупреждает протагониста о столкновении со всей тяжестью игривого характера Большого Пса, которое произойдёт, если тот не будет осторожен с тем, где он сидит в пабе Гриллбиз.

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This is a sub-page of Undertale.


To do:

  • The rest of the rooms found here, here and here.
  • Add screenshots of the last few rooms.

Undertale has a number of unused rooms, ranging from simple testing rooms, to just plain creepy stuff. Most of these rooms require Debug Mode or disabling Dogcheck, otherwise the Annoying Dog error screen will appear.


  • 1 Room 123 (room_water_prebird)
  • 2 Room 264 (room_gaster)
  • 3 Room 267 (room2)
  • 4 Room 271 (TESTROOM)
  • 5 Room 272 (room_water_redacted)
  • 6 Room 273 (room_water13)
  • 7 Room 274 (room_overworld) and Room 275 (room_overworld3)
  • 8 Room 276 (bullettest)
  • 9 Room 277 (room_water16A)
  • 10 Room 287 (room_spritecheck)
  • 11 Room 296 (room_fire4)
  • 12 Room 297 (room_fire10_old) and Room 298 (room_fire10A_old)
  • 13 Room 299 (room_tundra_placeholder)
  • 14 Room 300 (room_ruins12B_old)
  • 15 Room 301 (room_tundra_rollsnow)
  • 16 Room 302 (room_water7_older)
  • 17 Room 303 (room_meetundyne_old)
  • 18 Room 304 (room_water_mushroom)
  • 19 Room 305 (room_monsteralign_test)
  • 20 Room 321 (room_empty)
  • 21 Room 326 (room_of_dog)
  • 22 Room 327 (room_quizholder)
  • 23 Room 328 (room_friendtest) and Room 329 (room_bringitinguys)
  • 24 Room 333 (room_asrieltest) and Room 334 (room_afinaltest)
  • 25 Room 335 (room_dogshrine, since v1.05)

Room 123 (room_water_prebird)

A room found between room_water_farm and room_water_shop. Its name suggests that Toby Fox may have planned to place it between room_water_friendlyhub and room_water_bird. The room has a thin stretch of land surrounded by water on two sides. Grass covers the path, and the protagonist can talk to four NPCs hidden within it. Most of them talk about catching bugs, but one of them asks the protagonist to do something about their friend, who the NPC says has a creepy smile. If the protagonist speaks to them again, the NPC asks them where their friend went. Exiting the area on the left crashes the game, and exiting to the right softlocks the game at a black screen. Given the frequent mention of catching bugs, this could be the bug catching spot Toriel mentions when talking to her in her home.

Room water prebird.png

[Speaking to the NPC on the far left end of the grass]
*Excuse me...
*Yes, you, with the striped shirt.
*Can you do something about your friend...?
*Yes, your friend...
*The one behind you, with the creepy smile.

[Speaking to the far left NPC again]
*Where'd your friend go?

[Inspecting the NPC second to the left end of the grass]
*(Whenever the girl moves her net, this bug scurries straight into it.)

[Speaking to the NPC second to the right end of the grass]
*I'm catching bugs.
*But the underground doesn't have many...
*I keep catching the same one.

[Speaking to the far right NPC]
*Tried to catch a bug, but I just caught a cold...

Room 264 (room_gaster)

The room displays a message in the Wingdings font, while the sound «mus_smile» (a chopped and screwed variant of Muffet’s laugh, slowed down to resemble a dial-up modem) is played; the text’s associated typing sound consists of random snippets from abc_123_a.ogg. The decoded message reads:



Room 267 (room2)

UT Room2.png

A room that is just pitch red, unless obj_vaporized in the Create event of the three objects in the room are replaced by obj_vaporized_old. When this is done, it is revealed that there are actually several sprites of the Froggit in the room, and the sprites are actually vaporized before we can even see them.

Room 271 (TESTROOM)

A grey room most likely used to test out the dialogue boxes in the game. In the Undertale Demo, this room replaces room 326 (the Dog Check screen) if the SAVE file is invalid. Along with the three battle dialogue boxes, some text appears ‘in’ the left dialogue box that reads:

La, la. Time to wake up and smell the pain.
* Though.... It's still a little shaky.

In-game, the word «smell» is displayed in red text. In at least some earlier versions of the game, the first line can occasionally appear elsewhere due to a glitch.

Additionally, it would be quoted almost verbatim in the ‘Check’ text for Spamton NEO’s regular fight in the later released Deltarune Chapter 2, only with «smell» being replaced with «taste» and the red coloring being given to the word «pain».


In the middle dialogue box, another message appears:

* TestMonster and its cohorts draw near!

It should be noted that the text is not correctly formatted for the boxes, as the left text goes out of the right side of the box, and the middle text goes straight down out of the box.

Room 272 (room_water_redacted)

Undertale-Room water redacted.png

An empty, black room with nothing but an NPC in the center, who only appears when you get close. Speaking to the NPC shows the following dialogue in the Wingdings font, with the aforementioned abc_123_a.ogg dialogue sound:


The track «Premonition» plays in this room, which is known in the game files as «mus_mysteriousroom2». The south exit of the room leads to the «Sound Test» room.

Room 273 (room_water13)

Undertale-room water13.png

A room that uses many of Waterfall’s overworld assets, presumably for testing. It has a long narrow pathway that leads to a large area of land covered in tall grass, with bridge seeds hidden inside. The exit on the right side of the room connects to room_overworld, whereas the bottom exit crashes the game. Based on its name and layout, it may have been intended to connect room_water12 and room_water14, before the role was delegated to Onionsan’s room.

Room 274 (room_overworld) and Room 275 (room_overworld3)

Undertale-room overworld.png

A black room with strange NPCs that move around the room. The NPCs appear to be falling lava streams with faces. This room also has collision boxes, a Flowey dialogue trigger, and a door to room_overworld3. The Game Over theme, «Determination», plays in the background, but triggering the Flowey dialogue will cause extra music to overlap with it, often many times over. Entering the room via room_water13 places the protagonist directly on the dialogue trigger.

Upon activating Flowey’s dialogue, the game attempts to play Flowey’s opening dialogue, resulting in a glitched ‘battle’ that ends immediately, leading to a strange state in which the SOUL can be moved, but with reversed controls. If Flowey was killed in a previous Neutral Route, it skips to Toriel’s following dialogue.

The NPCs are programmed to speak dialogue written in testlines.txt when you interact with them. If that file doesn’t exist, the game crashes.

room_overworld3, on the other hand, is a very interesting room with… nothing in it, except for a door back to room_overworld.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Room 276 (bullettest)


A battle against a Froggit that seems to be used to test the bullets sent by enemies in the game. A strange red and green laser effect is also placed near the SOUL. Many pellets will spawn at the bottom of the screen, before rising up to the top.

Despite appearances, the menu options can still be selected, and the Froggit can be fought, spared, or fled from, with varying effects. If the Froggit is killed or the screen is not exited fast enough, the game crashes. If the Froggit is spared or otherwise not attacked or fled from, then Toriel appears and scares the Froggit away. The game then returns to the previous room (if the SAVE file is edited then launched, there is no previous room, so it restarts).

Room 277 (room_water16A)

Another Empty room. Probably meant to appear in Waterfall.

Room 287 (room_spritecheck)

A grey room that was, obviously, used to check the sprites used in-game. The game will display every single sprite in the game in rapid succession. Strangely, a sprite for the head of Undyne the Undying loads on the screen, but never changes, moves, or disappears. A lone, blue zero is present near the bottom of the screen, which begins counting up once all of the sprites have been checked. Pressing Space while in Debug Mode allows the player to change to the next room, the Joystick Config room.

Room 296 (room_fire4)

Undertale-room fire4.png

A room that was presumably meant to be used as an area for Hotland. The room even plays the Hotland overworld theme, «Another Medium». The room seems to use floor tiles from Waterfall, though, so it may have been intended as a transition between the two areas. The room contains a path lined with directional vents that carry the player to the right. Attempting to leave the room via the right exit crashes the game, while going below loads room 294, a part of Photoshop Flowey’s battle. This also crashes the game.

The most interesting thing about this room, however, is the presence of a very strange trigger, located directly above the entrance to the room. If flag 367 (the flag which determines if Alphys calls Frisk throughout Hotland and disables her calls if the player is on a genocide route) is enabled, it will cause the game to crash, but if the flag is disabled, then it will result in a phone call with the intro dialogue, culminating in a battle with Mettaton.

Room 297 (room_fire10_old) and Room 298 (room_fire10A_old)

Undertale-room fire10 old.png

Another room that tests assets exclusive to Hotland, while still using some of Waterfall’s assets. The room contains a wave-shaped conveyor belt path that leads to another section of floor. Falling off the conveyer or entering the doorway on the right side will take the player to room_fire10A_old. Aside from falling, the leftmost exit crashes the game, and the rightmost exit results in a black screen.

Undertale-room fire10A old.png

This room contains a wide, straight conveyor belt path leading to the right and a bowl of dry dog food. Along with these are an Echo Flower next to the conveyor path, and a door on the other side that takes the player back up to room_fire10_old.

[Interacting with the dog food bowl]
*(Unfortunately, it's just dry food.)

[Interacting with the Echo Flower]

Room 299 (room_tundra_placeholder)

Undertale-room tundra placeholder.png

A room that appears to be used to test assets in Snowdin. The room is filled with tiles of ice and snow. Some tiles do nothing, others are slippery, and some slide the protagonist upwards. There is nothing of particular note here, and there are no exits.

Room 300 (room_ruins12B_old)

A simple, non-detailed purple room with a bowl on a pedestal that dispenses Rock Candy, an item which can’t be obtained anywhere else. Given the room’s layout and name, it’s likely this room was replaced with the Spider Bake Sale after Muffet was implemented into the game (apparently, rather early on). Unlike the Monster Candy bowl, the amount of ‘candies’ taken does not seem to affect anything.

Undertale Ruins12B-Old.png

[Interacting with the bowl]
*It says 'Take them all.'
*Take a candy? (Yes/No)

[If you don't take a candy]
*You decided not to take some.

[If you do take a candy]
*You took a piece.
*Boy, that's heavy.

[Attempting to take a candy when already carrying one]
*You can't carry more.
*It's just too heavy.

Attempting to leave the room crashes the game, to the surprise of no-one.

Room 301 (room_tundra_rollsnow)

Undertale room tundra rollsnow.png

A room that uses Snowdin’s assets and contains a unique snowball object that can be made larger by rolling it, unlike the one that is used in-game. Presumably used for testing the snowball physics.

Room 302 (room_water7_older)

Undertale-room water7 older.png

An old(er?) version of room_water7. If entered without editing or removing the file «obj_waterpushrockgen», this room crashes the game. This room appears to use many assets from Waterfall such as lanterns, an Echo Flower, and… well… water. Among these though, are a few poorly-drawn torches that can light up and make a sound effect when interacted with, similar to the mushrooms found in Waterfall. Lighting all the torches triggers an invisible path with poorly-drawn guiding lights. Judging by the low quality of these entities, it’s likely that these were either used as placeholders, or for testing purposes.

The sign on the north wall has no dialogue assigned to it, so it will do nothing except create a text box that immediately closes. Leaving the room crashes the game.

Room 303 (room_meetundyne_old)

An older version of the room where the player is introduced to Undyne for the first time. There are various Waterfall assets scattered around; as well as the bunny guy and devil NPCs from Snowdin. The right exit connects to room_water_mushroom, while the left exit crashes the game. The player can talk to the two NPCs, and their dialogue is as follows:

[Talking to the rabbit]
*We're about to visit Snowdin for the first time.
*You just came from there, right?
*How is it...?

[Talking to the devil]
*Hey, I haven't seen you around before.
*It's nice to meet new people, isn't it?

UT room meetundyne old.png

Reading the sign repeats the last thing that was said (including cutscene dialogue), implying it may be a placeholder for an echo flower. Walking further right into the boards triggers the final version of the cutscene where the player first meets Undyne, which looks pretty weird, as the layout is entirely different. Monster Kid’s dialogue can be triggered, too, and the dialogue of the two NPCs will change after the whole scene is finished.

[Talking to the rabbit after Undyne disappears]
*You should go back to Snowdin.

[Talking to the devil after Undyne disappears]
*I... I don't know you.

An early version of said cutscene (named obj_undyne1_old) exists, which fits in this room, as shown below.

Room 304 (room_water_mushroom)

Room water mushroom.png

A small room that uses Waterfall’s assets. It is connected to room_water_mushroom and room_monsteralign_test via the bottom and right exits respectively. The only entities in the room are a crystal and an NPC that uses unique dialogue. The dialogue in the room is as follows:

[Interacting with the crystal]
*It's a crystal.
*You've never seen one like this before.

[Talking to the 'mushroom']
*You came from outside, didn't you?
*People like you are so rare...
*Please!* Stranger! [sic]
*Tell me about outside...? (Yes/No)

[If you don't tell them]
*Is everyone out there like you?
*How terrible.

[If you do tell them]
*What do you mean?
*I just meant outside this room.
*If you haven't noticed, my mycelium have bound me to the ground.
*I'll make this simple.
*I've spent my whole life in the same spot, in the same room.
*But I've long wondered what lies inside the room to the right.
*Long I've fantasized about entering, and changing my scenery...
*Changing my LIFE!
*Go and tell me what's inside.

[Speaking to them again, without leaving the room]
*Well, what are you waiting for?

[Upon returning to the room from Room 305 (not possible, Room 305 has no exits)]
*Oh! You're back!
*How's the room? (Different/Same)

[If you say it's different]
*Oh, that's a relief!
*That's all I need to continue my fantasies.
*Thank you, stranger.

[Talking again after saying it's different]
*My mind is running wild!
*I haven't felt this way in a long time...

[If you say it's the same]
*So it's the same.
*The same...

[Talking again after saying it's the same]
*Please leave.

Presumably, the dancing mushroom in Temmie village was originally planned to be used here.

Room 305 (room_monsteralign_test)

A black room with a Memoryhead enemy that disappears. Likely used to test the alignment for the distortion used for that enemy.

Room 321 (room_empty)

Another empty, black room.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Room 326 (room_of_dog)

This is the Annoying Dog error screen.

room_of_dog (Sleeping Dog) room_of_dog (Hyper Dog)
UT RoomOfDogSleep.png UT RoomOfDogHyper.png

Room 327 (room_quizholder)

UT room Quizholder.png

A black screen with Mettaton and Alphys, as seen in Mettaton’s quiz show. The player can’t do anything here.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Room 328 (room_friendtest) and Room 329 (room_bringitinguys)

room_friendtest is a test of the scene in the True Pacifist route in which Toriel and friends interrupt the protagonist’s battle with Asgore. The background is a pure gray color. The game crashes when Flowey attempts to bring up the protagonist’s SOUL.

room_bringitinguys is a test of a part of the same scene, where various monsters come to the protagonist’s aid. Unlike the previous, this room’s background color is the regular black color, and the main cast is absent. The scene does not progress past the leftmost monster’s dialogue.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Room 333 (room_asrieltest) and Room 334 (room_afinaltest)

room_asrieltest is black and was likely used to test Asriel’s idle animation in his fight. The SOUL is a placeholder sprite and there is no bullet board; the SOUL can move freely around and behind Asriel’s battle sprite.

Asriel floats up and down for roughly 20 seconds (corresponding to the opening segment before the drop in «Hopes and Dreams»), before beginning to move from side to side in an arc pattern as his rainbow sprites display. This is identical to what happens in the final version of the fight. This fight’s debug commands work fairly normally, but attempting to make him attack crashes the game.

room_afinaltest is pretty much the same: The SOUL is the same placeholder sprite seen in room 333, and can move freely. The main difference is that Asriel is in his final form. Nothing of note happens here.

room_asrieltest 01 room_asrieltest 02 room_afinaltest
Room asrieltest.png Room asrieltest2.png Room afinaltest.png

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Room 335 (room_dogshrine, since v1.05)

Since v1.05, room 335 is a broken version of the Dog Shrine, a PlayStation 4 exclusive content.

Undertale Annoying Dog Error Room

1.32 MB

Undertale Sigh Of Dog Room Of Dog 2 Extended

78.96 MB

Undertale Dance Of Dog Room Of Dog Extended

78.96 MB

Undertale Annoying Dog Theme

2.76 MB

Undertale Annoying Dog Error Room 2

1.95 MB

Undertale Error Dog

673.83 KB

Undertale Error Dance

808.59 KB

Annoying Dog Error Saving Undertale Original Music

314.45 KB

Error Room Dog Of Dog Remix Undertale

651.37 KB

Undertale OST Dance Of Dog Invalid Error Song Piano Cover

2.57 MB

UNDERTALE Error Room Dance Of Dog

1.75 MB

Undertale Room Of Annoying Dog

2.46 MB

Undertale How To Access Dance Of Dog

2.87 MB

Undertale Dog Dance Error

808.59 KB

Undertale OST 021 Dogsong

853.52 KB

UNDERTALE Annoying Dog Error Screen

1.84 MB

Undertale Annoying Dog Error Screen

965.82 KB

Undertale Every Annoying Dog Appearance Mention

34.22 MB

Undertale Dog Error Room

1.21 MB

Annoying Dog Error Room Undertale

2.94 MB

Undertale Dance Of Dog

471.68 KB

Undertale ERROR

5.15 MB

Annoying Dog Theme Undertale Song My Dog

943.36 KB

Undertale 打錯電話之歌

628.91 KB

Undertale Dog Song

1.80 MB


1.03 MB

Undertale Dog Error Joke

449.22 KB

Floppy Disks Dance Of Dog Undertale

673.83 KB

Room Of Dog Undertale

1.86 MB

Error レッドゾーン

2.48 MB

Undertale Annoying Dog Fight

3.31 MB

Undertale OST Sigh Of Dog 10 Hours HQ

789.66 MB

Undertale Dogsong Greater Dog Theme Acoustic Cover

1.29 MB


18.49 MB

Shy Sings Dance Of Dog Original Lyrics Undertale

943.36 KB

Undertale OST Dance Of Dog

651.37 KB

Undertale Music Sigh Of Dog

3.14 MB

Undertale Hot Dog French Fries Extended Version

1.07 MB

Undertale Disabling Dogcheck The Annoying Dog Error Room

1.49 MB

Ask Nightmare Puppy Error Ink Part 1 Undertale AU Comic Dub

3.62 MB

Undertale Dog Residue

628.91 KB

You Should Call Me Kawaii Undertale AUS ERROR SANS Error X

404.30 KB

Let S Sing Together Errorink Error X Ink Undertale Au

202.15 KB

All Gabe The Dog Undertale Songs

47.84 MB

Undertale Meme HIP Nightmare X Error

965.82 KB

Error Sans Speedpaint Undertale Au

1.32 MB

Chara Vs Sans Stronger Than You Duel Duet Undertale Animau 2016

3.93 MB

Undertale PS4 OST Famitsu S Dogsong PS4 Annoying Dog Theme

1.21 MB

UnderTale Annoying Dog Error Room

1.01 MB

DOOM CROSSING Eternal Horizons Music Video Feat Natalia Natchan Aka PiNKII

2.08 MB

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  3. Undertale — Annoying Dog Error Room 2

Просмотров: 93 407

Если вам понравилось бесплатно смотреть видео undertale — annoying dog error room 2 онлайн которое загрузил vee 01 ноября 2015 длительностью 00 ч 01 мин 24 сек в хорошем качестве, то расскажите об этом видео своим друзьям, ведь его посмотрели 93 407 раз.

Some autistic guy

Some autistic guy

4 месяца назад

Annoying dog may be annoying, but he is a cute doggo.

some random guy on the internet

some random guy on the internet

5 месяцев назад

why do i think this is creepy tho its just him lying there and yet i feel generally uneasy especially because its unexpected



5 месяцев назад

this is actually terrifying
no explanation or warning whatsoever, and a creepy music thing



5 месяцев назад

This terrifying with a dog.

Blocking your to access unaccessible rooms..

Bodik v1.1

Bodik v1.1

5 месяцев назад

i want this to be sleep mode in undertale, appears when you do nothing for 60 seconds.


Not annoying dog

Not annoying dog

1 год назад

dont blame me, blame my cousin Annoying dog! i am NOT annoying dog, we kinda look the same to be honest. . .



1 год назад

i got this how do fix it i wasn’t even hacking

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

1 год назад

This is genuinely creepy
It can appear with no warning, and you have to literally just delete your file as in most cases, there is no coming back

The tune can either be seen as haunting or peaceful

Christopher Jr

Christopher Jr

1 год назад

Congratulations you’re on the cutting room floor now

Crudbasket Gaming

Crudbasket Gaming

1 год назад

i tried to get annyoign dog error and i probably ruined my entire game by converting the data file into a notepad file on accident-



1 год назад

I never had a mini heart attack when one of these popped up

DLN Fans

DLN Fans

1 год назад

I loaded my paf timeline (once done editing file0) Then it happened



1 год назад

this was uploaded on Deltarune’s anniversary… three years before it released. lol



1 год назад

Now that I know this is an error screen I’m going to be worried about my save file when I see it



1 год назад

I got this screen for the first time today and it’s honestly scared me really bad lol but I love the music it’s lovely and for some reason the song keep getting slower when I edit the file

Taki Mona

Taki Mona

2 года назад

That’s my brother doing his job



2 года назад

i do a little trolling

Reynaldo Gutierrez

Reynaldo Gutierrez

2 года назад

This scared me when i tried to hack undertale-

The Annoying Dog is a small, white, smiling dog representing the game’s creator, Toby Fox.

The Annoying Dog will show up periodically throughout the game, most often around Papyrus. Whenever it shows up, it often somehow comedically ruins the characters’ plans.

The track «Dogsong» is typically associated with the Annoying Dog.


Altered or Corrupted Save Files

Altering «file0» and «undertale.ini» variables to an illogical combination result in the Annoying Dog appearing upon game launch. There are two versions of this screen:

Dance of Dog plays as the Annoying Dog runs in place mid-screen. The song may change pitch upon closing and reopening the game. [1]Sigh of Dog plays, and the Annoying Dog is sleeping in the center of the screen.[2]

These screens also appear upon trying to access inaccessible rooms or its own room, room 326 (room_of_dog).

The «Dogcheck» value checks for a valid SAVE and room combination and, if the value returns out of range, the Annoying Dog appears, and the player cannot progress. The player can enter some inaccessible rooms after using a hexadecimal editor to change the «Dogcheck» value.[3]

The Gauntlet of Deadly Terror

The Annoying Dog appears as a part of Papyrus’s gauntlet of deadly terror directly before Snowdin Town. The Annoying Dog dangles by a rope tied around its body.

Papyrus Boss Fight

The Annoying Dog appears during the «special attack» sequence, munching on Papyrus’s special «Bone.» After Papyrus gets angry at the Annoying Dog, it exits the bullet board, dragging the bone with it. It appears again when Papyrus does a «cool regular attack.»

Papyrus and Sans’s House

If the protagonist interacts with the sink in the kitchen, Papyrus comments on how he raised the sink so he could fit more bones beneath it. He then invites the protagonist to check inside. The cabinet door then opens to reveal the Annoying Dog chewing on one of the bones, before it runs out of the house as Papyrus shouts to get it.

Mettaton’s Third Encounter

During the bomb defusal sequence, the Annoying Dog is a bomb that the protagonist can defuse. Its check text reads «blissfully unaware of its circumstance.» When defused, the narration reads «Dog defused!» instead of «Bomb defused!», which is unique to the Annoying Dog.

Piano Puzzle

Annoying Dog

Short Name

Annoy Dog

Serious Name





Steals Mysterious Artifact if used or dropped


Artifact Room

Item ID


Flavor Text


A little white dog. It’s fast asleep…


You deployed the dog.









BUT I CAN’T QUITE PLACE MY FINGER ON IT…Papyrus when called from the Piano Puzzle room.

The Annoying Dog appears after completing the Piano Puzzle. Playing the right notes opens a secret door to the Artifact Room. Once the protagonist enters the room, the Annoying Dog will appear in their inventory. While trying to grab the artifact (with the Annoying Dog in the inventory), a message appears saying «you’re carrying too many dogs.» Using/Dropping the Dog summons the Annoying Dog beside the protagonist. The Annoying Dog then runs to the Legendary Artifact and absorbs it, while Dogsong plays once. Shortly after, the Annoying Dog runs out through the walls out of the frame. Dog Residue is then left in the inventory.

Calling Toriel’s phone when the Annoying Dog is in the inventory will result in Toriel’s phone ringing in the protagonist’s inventory.

It is impossible to put the Annoying Dog into a box, as trying to use a Dimensional Boxthrough the cell phone will display the text «The box is aclog with the hair of a dog.» Leaving the room with the Annoying Dog still in the inventory will make it disappear until reentering. Though normally the dog can only be in the inventory in the Artifact Room and Piano Room, editing «file0» allows the protagonist have it in their inventory.

If added to the inventory through file manipulation, the protagonist can sell the Annoying Dog at the Tem Shop for 999G and, if Temmie denies the sale, she negotiates the prices of 1251G. After negotiation, the Annoying Dog is the most valuable item in the game.

Nothing happens if the protagonist uses or drops the Annoying Dog outside of the Artifact Room.

Hard Mode

Main article: Hard Mode

After Toriel’s boss battle, the Annoying Dog arrives and announces the end of hard mode, much to Toriel’s displeasure. When it speaks, its text moves in place with a wave effect. After its dialogue, the game restarts.

True Pacifist Route

The Annoying Dog appears on the ending screen and will stay below the «THE END» text and eventually falls asleep. It will not appear if the protagonist completed a Genocide Route before.

Minor Encounters

In fights with most of the dog members of the Royal Guard in Snowdin, the Annoying Dog may appear during the enemy’s turn to represent the monsters themselves. Doggohowever, does not use the Annoying Dog in battle.

The Annoying Dog appears in the Joystick Config with an object atop its head related to the season (except Summer), along with the Uwa!! tracks and while accompanying snow, leaves, and the sun.When the protagonist slides past a thick row of trees after the last puzzle before Snowdin, a snow sculpture appears on their head. This sculpture sometimes resembles the Annoying Dog.Gyftrot is sometimes decorated with an Annoying Dog.

The Annoying Dog sitting in the top right on Gyftrot.The protagonist sees The Annoying Dog’s silhouette on the radar that shows up during the date with Papyrus.A framed picture in the Tem Shop portrays the Annoying Dog.The Annoying Dog hides in the bone drawer in Undyne’s House.The protagonist can occasionally see the Dog’s face on the front of the River Person’s boat.Calling Papyrus near the L2 Elevator in Hotland will cause him to mention a certain dog stealing his lasagna.[4]During the MTT News Report, a building has the Annoying Dog’s silhouette on top of it.When the protagonist is at Mettaton’s colored-tile puzzle, repeatedly triggering the piranhas will make the dog appear in the water for a short moment.The protagonist can interact with the Annoying Dog through the right-most door in the east branch of MTT Resort. When using a Hot Dog…?, Dog Residue, Dog Salad, or certain other dog items, unique dialogue appears and the protagonist can gain a Hush Puppy.Calling Papyrus in this area will also trigger the Annoying Dog to bark behind the door, causing a surprised reaction from Papyrus upon calling him again.If the protagonist kills all the major bosses (Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, and Mettaton) during a Neutral Route and has killed nobody else, during his phone call, Sans tells them that a small white dog became the president and that this is best for everyone.[5]The Annoying Dog can be found in the Mysterious Door in Snowdin Forest.The protagonist can see the Dog in the trash tornado in Sans’s room on rare occasions.

The dog at the dump during Alphys’s dateThe protagonist can see the Annoying dog on the left side of the garbage dump during Alphys’s date.In the True Pacifist Ending Credits, the Annoying Dog is usually seen sticking out of Gyftrot’s right antler tree.


The Annoying Dog represents Toby Fox himself; the Steam Greenlight trailer and the original Kickstarter video[6] show the Annoying Dog stating this.In the game files, some sprites of the Annoying Dog contain the word «tobydog.»The Annoying Dog stole Toriel’s phone.[7]This is likely why Toriel does not pick up the phone until the epilogue.If Papyrus is called in the Artifact Room, he will note there is something annoying about the room but cannot identify what, referring to the Annoying Dog.[8]The sound effect used for The Annoying Dog first originated as a sound effect for Mario Paint.Through save file manipulation, it is possible to deploy multiple Annoying Dogs in the Artifact Room. Even if the artifact is not present, they will approach the podium and the message saying that they absorbed the artifact displays.When talking to Bratty and Catty at the end of the True Pacifist Route, Catty will mention a «cat» she saw, and describe it as little and white. Bratty then corrects Catty, saying it was a dog. It is most likely this dog was actually the Annoying Dog.While his breed hasn’t been confirmed yet, the Annoying Dog strongly resembles a Samoyed, with pointed ears, white fur, and a perpetual ‘smile.’ Others say that the dog resembles a white Pomeranian.The Annoying Dog is similar to Ruffini the dog from EarthBound, as both Annoying Dog and Ruffini are based on the game designers.Originally, if the player beat the game fast enough, the Annoying Dog wearing a bikini would appear at the ending screen. However, it didn’t make it into the final game.[9][10] This references the Metroid series, where the main character, Samus, will wear a bikini if the game is completed fast enough.


↑ Undertale corrupted/broken save jingle 1. October 21, 2015. Youtube↑ Undertale corrupted/broken save jingle 2. October 21, 2015. Youtube.↑ Undertale — Disabling Dogcheck (The Annoying Dog Error Room) YouTube↑ «BUT WHAT DOES THE L STAND FOR? LASAGNA? I HOPE NOT. I DON’T MAKE LASAGNA ANYMORE. THAT GLUTTONOUS DOG ALWAYS EATS IT FIRST!» — Papyrus↑ «a small, white dog became president of the underground. it sleeps on the throne and does absolutely nothing. strangely, it seems this is the best life for everyone. thanks.» — Sans↑ UNDERTALE ORIGINAL KICKSTARTER TRAILER↑ «Bark! Bark! Bark… Bark! (You hear a distant voice.) Stop, please! Come back here with my CELLPHONE!» — Flavor Text if the protagonist waits in the initial room that Toriel tells them to.↑ HMMM… THERE’S SOMETHING ANNOYING ABOUT THIS ROOM.

BUT I CAN’T QUITE PLACE MY FINGER ON IT… THEN MY PLACE MY WHOLE HAND ON IT… THEN PET IT AFFECTIONATELY… — Papyrus↑ Originally I was going to make it if you beat the game fast enough, you’d be able to see the annoying dog in a bikini. — Undertale Tumblr↑ Completion screen (bikini dog)

Undertale — Annoying Dog Error Room



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