Undertale error sans and ink sans

New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki Hello, user , and welcome to the Undertale AU Fanon Wiki! Please read the Rules and Manual of Style before you contribute to this Wiki! Error Sans Error!Sans Aliases Relatives Affiliation Occupation Biographical information Marital status Date of birth Place of birth Date of death Physical description Species Gender […]


  1. New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki
  2. Error Sans
  3. Error!Sans
  4. Aliases
  5. Relatives
  6. Affiliation
  7. Occupation
  8. Biographical information
  9. Marital status
  10. Date of birth
  11. Place of birth
  12. Date of death
  13. Physical description
  14. Species
  15. Gender
  16. Height
  17. Eye color
  18. Appearances
  19. Appears in
  20. Debut
  21. Contents
  22. Origin
  23. Profile
  24. Appearance
  25. Personality
  26. Abilities
  27. Weaknesses
  28. Relationships
  29. Classic Sans (Frenemies)
  30. UnderSwap Sans (friend)
  31. CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)
  32. Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)
  33. Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)
  34. Fatal_Error (Creation)
  35. Ink!Sans (frenemies)
  36. PaperJam (Accidental child)
  37. Error!Frisk (his student)
  38. Error!Papyrus (Brother)
  39. Pandora (Enemy)
  40. Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)
  41. Error404 (Mentor)
  42. Error!Sans
  43. Error!Sans
  44. Aliases
  45. Relations
  46. Universe
  47. Theme
  48. Contents
  49. Origins
  50. History
  51. Before Underverse
  52. Underverse
  53. Xtra Scene 1
  54. Xtra Scene 2
  55. Profile
  56. Appearance
  57. Personality
  58. Abilities

New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki

Hello, user , and welcome to the Undertale AU Fanon Wiki! Please read the Rules and Manual of Style before you contribute to this Wiki!

Error Sans






Biographical information

Marital status

Date of birth

Place of birth

Date of death

Physical description




Eye color

Right: a red sclera with a white pupil.


Appears in


This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia .

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.



Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela . How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh : He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail , he has love for cuteness, like Undercute . He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans . When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc.

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. https://loverofpiggies.tumblr.com/tagged/now-canon-i-decree. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Ink!Sans or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale , which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Core!Frisk used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.








» The «Doodle Sphere». WHAT A STUPID FANCY SKIN FOR ALL THESE STUPID ANOMALIES!! » — Error expressing his hatred toward the Doodle Sphere

Error!Sans is a major character in Underverse. With both him and Ink!Sans deprived of fighting each other, Error sternly tells Ink not to create any more AUs and that he won’t destroy any more of them. With The X-Event on the loose, Error sees the truce he created did nothing to stop Ink, and ends it shortly after his discovery.



Error!Sans was created by Lover of Piggies, or CrayonQueen, as a corrupted counterpart of Geno. In an alternate timeline from Aftertale , Geno messes around with his determination powers after being freed, which the Sans of that timeline warns him not to. Ignoring the warning, his determination power pulls him into the antivoid, and his time from being stuck has resulted in his personality changing drastically. [1]

Error!Sans’ original comic was the AskError series, where Tumblr users would ask Error!Sans a multitude of questions. The series often features Error!Sans talking over his other selves from Underswap, Underfell, and Undertale. The former managed to be taken away by Error!Sans in spite of Underswap!Papyrus’s efforts. Error!Sans also has to deal with Fresh!Sans, another Sans made from CrayonQueen.

Within the Undertale AU fandom, Error!Sans and Ink!Sans are often paired together due to both having involvements within the Undertale multiverse. The creators of both AUs have acknowledged the ships between the two, with myebi expressing her fondness for the ship. [2]


Before Underverse

With half of the multiverse gone, Error!Sans takes this tied battle as his own gamble against Ink. He forces Ink to abide by his truce of having no more creation and destruction.

One day, while waiting for Ink to come back, Cross is surprised by Error’s appearance. He takes his soul, and once Ink arrives, Error tells him he can’t save him. Telling him to stop, Error fires his blasters on Cross; Ink gets the hit instead when he frees him from Error’s string. His soul, however, is now stolen, and with that, both Cross and Cross!Chara are fighting for control, leaving Ink injured.


Xtra Scene 1

After the fight against Cross, Ink is pulled over by Error, and he informs him that he still has Cross’s original soul because of the truce, bluntly telling him that he’ll have fun if he finds out that he broke the truce.

Xtra Scene 2

While he takes a break from finding the Omega Timeline, Ink arrives in Error’s world, telling him he had a long day, and needed a break before he overthrows him. The two watch Undernovela, but as it continues, Error notices that Cross has entered the AU, taking Undernovela!Frisk in order for Cross!Chara to have a human soul. Once Asgoro and Sins barge in to save the day, the two are met by Ink, who uses his vial to erase the pair. Ink gratefully thanks Error for joining his game, and as soon as he wakes up, he enters the Doodle Sphere and proceeded to tie up all the AUs.

He enters XTale when he glanced towards its page, not aware that Fresh had also made it here as well, protecting it from outsiders like him until Ink «comes back». While Fresh provided him the details that Ink had left for Underswap, Error is stunned by the fact that Underfell’s Snowdin and Underswap’s characters had landed in this AU. Knowing it was all Ink’s doing, he officially proclaimed that the truce was over.

After Nightmare!Sans relocates himself, X-Event!Chara, and Killer!Sans to Outertale, Error barges in to demand Ink’s location, in which Nightmare redirected Error towards Sans and Outertale!Sans, also finding Ink. While he does fail to get them the first time, he ties up the souls of Sans, Underfell!Sans, and Underswap!Sans the next time he strikes. His recklessness leads Ink to where Error was holding everyone hostage.

While Ink is monologuing, Error manages to steal the vial from Ink by tying it up, sending it high up into his web. Ink then spontaneously attacks Error, who defends himself by sending the three tied Sanses after Ink and breaking Ink’s brush. However, Ink frees them and then tries to steal the vial, but X-Event!Chara intervenes. When Ink finally manages to get the vial, Error is ready to steal it back, but then Underfell!Sans blasts both Ink and Error, not knowing which to trust.

This leads to all of the Sanses teleporting onto the now floating ground, but Ink is now out of reach, and is able to drop and subsequently break the vial, releasing XGaster. Realizing that Ink’s game is in motion, Error rejects Ink’s game, destroying all of the AUs except for XTale and the Omega Timeline. XGaster recreates Ink’s paintbrush, which Ink uses to paint Error’s web to tie him up, and send Error into his realm.

XGaster then uses more of Ink’s paint to finally reclaim the other half of his soul, killing X-Event!Chara, however XGaster quickly revives them and Cross. He then kills Underswap!Sans and Underfell!Sans, and sends Sans back to Undertale. XGaster then states his plan to make a combined universe with the best of all of the AUs, before eyeing the Overwrite button and offering the newly revived Cross to join him.

In a different place, Nightmare!Sans and Killer!Sans are seen battling Dream!Sans and Cross, the battle ending with Dream and Cross escaping to the Omega Timeline, where Core!Frisk is waiting. Nightmare and Killer are left defeated, staring at nothing.



Before Xtra Scene 1, his appearance is similar to a Sans; his head is completely black, with blue streams running from his eyes, which his scleras are red, his comea are yellow, and his pupils are blue. His exposed legs are red, his slippers, pants, and jacket are in blue, yellow, and black, and his fingers are yellow. With the advent of Lucidia, he was redesigned to match that of Lucidia. His pants and jacket now feature blue stitches, and he now has a scarf, which Ink seems to like when he first encounters this design. Both designs feature the word «ERROR» all around him, with some minor glitching included.


Error may have a sensitive feeling towards others, but he’s often shown to be remorseless, wanting to destroy all the AUs Ink cared about so much. Even though the truce was made, Error still had a negative feeling with Ink, especially when he started talking about his new friend. He even extracts Cross’s soul without Ink’s consent, but he still decided to keep it intact to stay loyal with the truce. Once he makes the discovery, though, he feels confident that he’ll beat Ink and destroy his precious AUs.

He often collects the SOULS of monsters from various AUs before he destroys them, and places them into the Anti-Void, likely as trophies. He has also made dolls out of Fell and Classic Sans and referred to them as «loyal», meaning he possibly sees them as the ideal versions of them: unable to do anything on their own, but still being present to serve Error’s whims.

  • As a side note: unlike many other portrayals of Error, Jakei’s seems to show Error having some level of respect, possibly even a small like, of Undernovela, and it would seem it’s the last one he would destroy once he had stopped Ink and finally destroyed the rest of the AUs.


Error!Sans can not only fire Gaster Blasters and summon bones at his will, but can shoot out strings called «Gaster Graspers» to tie up his victim. These strings can be used to extract the souls of the victim itself. He’s even able to destroy AUs, and as of Xtra Scene 2, he is able to perform this feature due to the truce being over.

He can travel between universes with portals.

In Xtra Scene 1, he implies that he can use his strings to possess everyone from every AU and make them into puppets. In that same episode, he showed the capability of going into the Doodle Sphere and destroying every universe within.

It is likely that he destroyed universes while he was inside them or from the Anti-Void somehow, since Ink would likely have put a stop to his efforts if he could only do it when he was in the Doodle Sphere.


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Приветики с вами Nurai_star и сегодня мы поговорим о шиппе Эррор и Инк. Приятного чтения. Я хочу поблагодарить мою Подругу за помощь, спасибо тебе.

Биография про Эррора:


Эррор Санс



Уровень сил:

3-А, 1-С






Умения, силы и способности:

Сверхчеловеческие физические характеристики, духовный урон, манипуляции реальностью, манипуляции душами, манипуляции костями, манипуляции текстом, телекинез, манипуляции ядом, магия

Слабые стороны:

Разрушительный потенциал:

Может уничтожить ТаймЛайн, Низкий мультивселенский уровень (способен ранить существ с 6ти мерной силой)



Уровень валуна+, низкий мультивселенский уровень в анти пустоте


Неизвестнo, вероятно вездесущность

Сила на подъём:


Сила на удар:






Боевые навыки:





С помощью нитей он может задержать душу монстра или человека. Если он схватит вашу душу, то сможет с легкостью разорвать ее или будет управлять вами, как марионеткой.

Возмездие кармы — все атаки Эррор Санса обладают чем-то вроде ядовитого эффекта, который наносит повреждения телу и возможно душе, спустя некоторое время после получения первичного урона. Возможно, эта способность работает только на тех, кто причинял вред другим.

Манипуляция костями —

в бою Эррор Санс призывает большое количество костей, которыми он атакует противника используя различные узоры и стратегии. Кости могут как скользить прямо на противника, так и призыватся из различных поверхностей.

Красные кости —

Красные кости которые Эррор Санс использует в бою.

Черные кости —

Черные кости который Эррор Санс использует в бою.

Синий кости —

Синие кости которые Эррор Санс использует в бою.

Синий режим —

может переводить противника в «синий режим». В этом режиме Эррор Санс может использовать на враге следующую способность.

Изменение гравитации —

Эррор Санс может одним лишь движением руки не касаясь противника впечатывать противника в стены, потолок или пол изменив направление гравитации. Часто после этого идет атака костями из поверхности в которую был впечатан враг.

Телепортация —

Способен телепортироватся, а так же телепортировать противника из одной атаки прямиком в другую.

Биография Инка


Ink перевод с английского это- чернила

В основном, Инк!Санс — это «внекодовый» персонаж (существует вне всяких таймлайнов), где следит за созданием новых AU и поддерживает художников, чтобы сохранить в них желание творить так долго, как только он может. Производство фандома является чем-то вроде «сущности» его жизни. До тех пор, пока фандом творческий и продуктивный, Инк — здоровый и энергичный.

Инк!Санс может появиться в любой AU по своему вкусу, используя для перемещения краску. (телепортация, в каком-то роде) Его большая кисть даёт ему возможность создавать всё, что ему захочется (кроме уже умерших) и оживить это.

Его цель состоит в борьбе с артблоками (здесь они представлены, как враги с физическими телами), чтобы сохранить все AU в рабочем состоянии.





Инк; Радужный; радужный мудак


Error!Санс (друг/соперник)

UnderTop Гастер (отец)








4’2 фута (~128 см)



Голубая радужка слева, желтая звезда справа (когда он моргает, форма и цвет радужки меняются)














Errorink (Ink x Error),

Drink (Ink x Dream)


Limbo (Ink x Error),

Paperjam (Ink x Error), Gradient (Ink x Error), Pixel Paint (Ink x Error), Palette (Ink x Dream), Splatter (Ink x Swap!Sans), Blueprint (Ink x Swap!Sans), Arcenciel (Ink x Swap!Sans), Linen (Ink x Cross), Glaze (Ink x G!Sans), Streak (Ink x Fell!Sans), Van (Ink x Outer!Sans)


Ink in Underswap,

Underverse comic, Paperjam’s Love, Dreamtale, Ink and Error, Ink’s story, The Truce,Puppettale


Инк — хаотично-нейтральная личность.

Санс в этой вселенной добр, дружелюбен и общителен. Несмотря на свой чуть наивный характер он ответственен, всегда волнуется за окружающих, порой несясь сломя голову.

Поддерживает AU (не создает!), их авторов, особенно художников. Из-за этого, остается здоровым и энергичным, только когда фандом процветает и как-либо подпитывается новыми идеями. Любит чужой смех, любит пошутить, но эти шутки не смешны и часто неуместны или даже огорчительны. Например, Инк может «в шутку» снять с вас одежду в людном месте.

Очень забывчив и может даже остановиться, если шел, забыв, куда направлялся. Также комплексует по поводу своего низкого роста, из-за этого часто сравнивает себя с другими Сансами, чтобы проверить ниже он или выше (чаще всего последнее).

По заверениям автора, Инк ни в коем случае не является богом, а тем более не имеет всех черт душ в своей. Вопреки распространенному мнению имеет слабости.

Живет в месте вне AU, называемым Скетчесферой (The Doodle Sphere), часто посещает вселенные и их авторов.


Санс носит длинный шарф светло-бежевого цвета, на котором делает заметки; многослойную экипировку коричневых и кремовых цветов с голубыми вставками; кеды. На поясе у Инка — синяя куртка (как у оригинала), а через плечо рабочий ремень, на котором закреплены , карандаши и баночки с краской, закупоренные колпачками в виде душ (являются душами, но без тела и в жидком состоянии) . На спине закреплена кисть.

Зрачки Санса меняют цвет и форму (они показывают настроение его в данный момент, при этом каждый цвет обозначает душу с её обычным характером) при каждой смене кадра или когда он моргает (когда белого цвета то значит он говорит без чувств, «без души»). Однако, под его одеждой на ребрах нанесены странные «тату» чернильными отметинами.

Стоит отметить,что Инк немного выше оригинального Санса.


Впервые Инк осознал себя на стадии незавершенной АU эскизом без души и эмоций. Эмоции начали появляться с добавлением изменений, красок в его код. Скелет пытался сделать мир лучше, но потерпел неудачу, застряв в белой пустоте (отсюда боязнь одиночества — монофобия). Там Инк!Санс буквально сошел с ума, разломав свою душу на кусочки, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание. И внимание привлек, пусть и не сразу — пришлось выждать достаточно времени без души и без чувств. Миё (создатель) дает ему способность чувствовать, что заставляет Санса почувствовать каждую краску в его теле; если перерывы между красками были длинными, скелет позвращался к своему бесцветному «я». Позже эта проблема решилась закупориванием в баночках этих цветов. Инк стал притворяться, что у него есть душа. Именно поэтому многие ошибочно полагают, что Инк имеет душу.









ноября 11, 2015







Инк; Радужный; радужный мудак


Error!Санс (друг/соперник)

UnderTop Гастер (отец)








4’2 фута (~128 см)



Голубая радужка слева, желтая звезда справа (когда он моргает, форма и цвет радужки меняются)














Errorink (Ink x Error),

Drink (Ink x Dream)


Limbo (Ink x Error),

Paperjam (Ink x Error), Gradient (Ink x Error), Pixel Paint (Ink x Error), Palette (Ink x Dream), Splatter (Ink x Swap!Sans), Blueprint (Ink x Swap!Sans), Arcenciel (Ink x Swap!Sans), Linen (Ink x Cross), Glaze (Ink x G!Sans), Streak (Ink x Fell!Sans), Van (Ink x Outer!Sans)


Ink in Underswap,

Underverse comic, Paperjam’s Love, Dreamtale, Ink and Error, Ink’s story, The Truce,Puppettale




Инк — хаотично-нейтральная личность.

Санс в этой вселенной добр, дружелюбен и общителен. Несмотря на свой чуть наивный характер он ответственен, всегда волнуется за окружающих, порой несясь сломя голову.

Поддерживает AU (не создает!), их авторов, особенно художников. Из-за этого, остается здоровым и энергичным, только когда фандом процветает и как-либо подпитывается новыми идеями. Любит чужой смех, любит пошутить, но эти шутки не смешны и часто неуместны или даже огорчительны. Например, Инк может «в шутку» снять с вас одежду в людном месте.

Очень забывчив и может даже остановиться, если шел, забыв, куда направлялся. Также комплексует по поводу своего низкого роста, из-за этого часто сравнивает себя с другими Сансами, чтобы проверить ниже он или выше (чаще всего последнее).

По заверениям автора, Инк ни в коем случае не является богом, а тем более не имеет всех черт душ в своей. Вопреки распространенному мнению имеет слабости.

Живет в месте вне AU, называемым Скетчесферой (The Doodle Sphere), часто посещает вселенные и их авторов.


Санс носит длинный шарф светло-бежевого цвета, на котором делает заметки; многослойную экипировку коричневых и кремовых цветов с голубыми вставками; кеды. На поясе у Инка — синяя куртка (как у оригинала), а через плечо рабочий ремень, на котором закреплены , карандаши и баночки с краской, закупоренные колпачками в виде душ (являются душами, но без тела и в жидком состоянии) . На спине закреплена кисть.

Зрачки Санса меняют цвет и форму (они показывают настроение его в данный момент, при этом каждый цвет обозначает душу с её обычным характером) при каждой смене кадра или когда он моргает (когда белого цвета то значит он говорит без чувств, «без души»). Однако, под его одеждой на ребрах нанесены странные «тату» чернильными отметинами.

Стоит отметить,что Инк немного выше оригинального Санса.


Первый раз Инк попадает в OuterTale

Впервые Инк осознал себя на стадии незавершенной АU эскизом без души и эмоций. Эмоции начали появляться с добавлением изменений, красок в его код. Скелет пытался сделать мир лучше, но потерпел неудачу, застряв в белой пустоте (отсюда боязнь одиночества — монофобия). Там Инк!Санс буквально сошел с ума, разломав свою душу на кусочки, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание. И внимание привлек, пусть и не сразу — пришлось выждать достаточно времени без души и без чувств. Миё (создатель) дает ему способность чувствовать, что заставляет Санса почувствовать каждую краску в его теле; если перерывы между красками были длинными, скелет позвращался к своему бесцветному «я». Позже эта проблема решилась закупориванием в баночках этих цветов. Инк стал притворяться, что у него есть душа. Именно поэтому многие ошибочно полагают, что Инк имеет душу.


Не как монстр, Санс отлично рисует. Неизвестно, дана эта способность вселенной (автором) или Санс ей научился или уже был ей наделен. Также Инк умеет играть на флейте.

Магия в обычной жизни

Вечно ходит со своей кистью, поскольку без нее скелет будет почти бесполезен. С нее же нередко капает разноцветная или черная краска.

Поскольку связан напрямую с чернилами, Инк!Санс может появиться в любой вселенной, в любом месте из жидкости, смешанной с красками, а также, когда Санс переволнуется, его может стошнить этими самыми чернилами(чаще всего черными). Именно поэтому на его правой «щеке» черное пятно.

Способен с помощью кисти создать и/или оживить любую вещь, но в его способности не входит оживление мертвецов, так же не может воссоздать души существ.

Боевые навыки

Инк редко нападает сам. Во время боя он активно пользуется способностью рисования — будь то атака, оборона или восстановление сил (порой подрисовывает оторванные руки себе в битве).

Использует голубые и обычные кости, редко — гастер-бластеры.

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