Underverse error sans wiki

В событиях комикса "The truce" он чуть не уничтожил все АУ, но оказалось, что это были листы из блокнота Инка. Попытался уничтожить Инка, однако их отправили на островок в неизвестном пространстве на котором они заключили временное перемирие. Далее место оборудовано под офис Еррора. Пытался уничтожить Кросса, но Инк спас последнего, проиграв чужую душу. После проигрыша Инка, классического Санса и UF!Санса в UNDERFELL, он телепортировал Инка в его "офис", где понял что художник раскрывать карты н

Санёк подмигнул.png
Хей, это статья о Сансе.
Нет, о Сансе.
О другом Сансе.


В событиях комикса «The truce» он чуть не уничтожил все АУ, но оказалось, что это были листы из блокнота Инка. Попытался уничтожить Инка, однако их отправили на островок в неизвестном пространстве на котором они заключили временное перемирие. Далее место оборудовано под офис Еррора. Пытался уничтожить Кросса, но Инк спас последнего, проиграв чужую душу. После проигрыша Инка, классического Санса и UF!Санса в UNDERFELL, он телепортировал Инка в его «офис», где понял что художник раскрывать карты не собирается. Позже он узнаёт о том что Инк пытается повлиять на UNDERSWAP и счёл это за конец перемирия. Также душа X!Гастера, которую он похитил у Кросса, влияет и на него, и как итог, в кошмаре приветствовал X!Гастера. 


В работе фигурируют канонные способности, в их число входят синие нити и навыки оригинала (кости, гастер-бластеры и т.д.)
Нити способны управлять монстрами и людьми, но ломаются от любой атаки.

Способен открывать портал в различные АУ, антипустоту и дудл сферу (сферу зарисовок). Поиск новых вселенных для уничтожения осуществляется путём случайного открытия портала. При встрече новой вселенной Эррор запоминает её и продолжает поиски или приступает к её уничтожению.


Еррор черно-красный скелет. Зрачки имеют разный размер и цвет, на лице от глаз идут голубые полосы из которых тот достаёт нити. Обычно одет в чёрную кофту или толстовку, красную футболку. На ногах вечно слетающие чёрные тапочки.

В Underverse одежду сменили. На теле тёмно-синее пальто с жёлтыми карманами, широкие брюки и длинный синий шарф, к рукавам и брюкам синими нитями пришиты вставки тёмно-синеё материи. Вместо тапочек чёрные сандали.


Error Sans имеет как минимум три варианта своего прошлого. В самой популярной он проснулся в неизвестном ему месте — Анти-Пустоте. Прожив там несколько одиноких лет, тот наконец смог пройти в другой мир через портал. Неизвестно в какой AU он был раньше, но более вероятно. что в ErrorTale.


  • Эррор крадёт шоколад из UnderFell
  • Имеет проблемы со зрением, из-за них носит с собой очки в красной оправе разно настроенными линзами. Причиной тому может быть как магия, так и специфика работы. Или простая анатомия.
  • Эррор берёт нити из под глаз, это можно заметить в XTRA SCENE 2
  • Создатель Эррора является  также создателем Фреша и Гено
  • Уничтожает AU считая их ошибками и аномалиями. Хотя у него еcть и любимые AU, в их число входят Undernovela и Outertale
  • Страдает Гаптофобией.
  • После уничтожении «Аномалий» уничтожит самого себя
  • Занимается рукоделием, вяжет куклы. В работе чаще всего использует свои нити, иногда ими штопает одежду.
  • Эррор боится Фреш!Санса, считая его одной из самых ужасных аномалий из всех существующих. В прошлом Эррор пытался уничтожить Фреша, но у него ничего не вышло.
  • Во время сильной злости глазницы Эррора покрываются множеством надписей «Error». По канону в такие моменты он становится полностью слепым, в сериале данный момент не обговаривается.


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Эррор в полный рост

Error and Fresh

Реакция Эррора на появление Фреша

Error gif

Эррор во время гнева

— Error expressing his hatred toward the Doodle Sphere

Error!Sans is a major character in Underverse. With both him and Ink!Sans deprived of fighting each other, Error sternly tells Ink not to create any more AUs and that he won’t destroy any more of them. With The X-Event on the loose, Error sees the truce he created did nothing to stop Ink, and ends it shortly after his discovery.


Error!Sans was created by Lover of Piggies, or CrayonQueen, as a corrupted counterpart of Geno. In an alternate timeline from Aftertale, Geno messes around with his determination powers after being freed, which the Sans of that timeline warns him not to. Ignoring the warning, his determination power pulls him into the antivoid, and his time from being stuck has resulted in his personality changing drastically.[1]

Error!Sans’ original comic was the AskError series, where Tumblr users would ask Error!Sans a multitude of questions. The series often features Error!Sans talking over his other selves from Underswap, Underfell, and Undertale. The former managed to be taken away by Error!Sans in spite of Underswap!Papyrus’s efforts. Error!Sans also has to deal with Fresh!Sans, another Sans made from CrayonQueen.

Within the Undertale AU fandom, Error!Sans and Ink!Sans are often paired together due to both having involvements within the Undertale multiverse. The creators of both AUs have acknowledged the ships between the two, with myebi expressing her fondness for the ship.[2]


Before Underverse

With half of the multiverse gone, Error!Sans takes this tied battle as his own gamble against Ink. He forces Ink to abide by his truce of having no more creation and destruction.

One day, while waiting for Ink to come back, Cross is surprised by Error’s appearance. He takes his soul, and once Ink arrives, Error tells him he can’t save him. Telling him to stop, Error fires his blasters on Cross; Ink gets the hit instead when he frees him from Error’s string. His soul, however, is now stolen, and with that, both Cross and Cross!Chara are fighting for control, leaving Ink injured.


Xtra Scene 1

After the fight against Cross, Ink is pulled over by Error, and he informs him that he still has Cross’s original soul because of the truce, bluntly telling him that he’ll have fun if he finds out that he broke the truce.

Xtra Scene 2

While he takes a break from finding the Omega Timeline, Ink arrives in Error’s world, telling him he had a long day, and needed a break before he overthrows him. The two watch Undernovela, but as it continues, Error notices that Cross has entered the AU, taking Undernovela!Frisk in order for Cross!Chara to have a human soul. Once Asgoro and Sins barge in to save the day, the two are met by Ink, who uses his vial to erase the pair. Ink gratefully thanks Error for joining his game, and as soon as he wakes up, he enters the Doodle Sphere and proceeded to tie up all the AUs.

He enters XTale when he glanced towards its page, not aware that Fresh had also made it here as well, protecting it from outsiders like him until Ink «comes back». While Fresh provided him the details that Ink had left for Underswap, Error is stunned by the fact that Underfell’s Snowdin and Underswap’s characters had landed in this AU. Knowing it was all Ink’s doing, he officially proclaimed that the truce was over.


After Nightmare!Sans relocates himself, X-Event!Chara, and Killer!Sans to Outertale, Error barges in to demand Ink’s location, in which Nightmare redirected Error towards Sans and Outertale!Sans, also finding Ink. While he does fail to get them the first time, he ties up the souls of Sans, Underfell!Sans, and Underswap!Sans the next time he strikes. His recklessness leads Ink to where Error was holding everyone hostage.

While Ink is monologuing, Error manages to steal the vial from Ink by tying it up, sending it high up into his web. Ink then spontaneously attacks Error, who defends himself by sending the three tied Sanses after Ink and breaking Ink’s brush. However, Ink frees them and then tries to steal the vial, but X-Event!Chara intervenes. When Ink finally manages to get the vial, Error is ready to steal it back, but then Underfell!Sans blasts both Ink and Error, not knowing which to trust.

This leads to all of the Sanses teleporting onto the now floating ground, but Ink is now out of reach, and is able to drop and subsequently break the vial, releasing XGaster. Realizing that Ink’s game is in motion, Error rejects Ink’s game, destroying all of the AUs except for XTale and the Omega Timeline. XGaster recreates Ink’s paintbrush, which Ink uses to paint Error’s web to tie him up, and send Error into his realm.

XGaster then uses more of Ink’s paint to finally reclaim the other half of his soul, killing X-Event!Chara, however XGaster quickly revives them and Cross. He then kills Underswap!Sans and Underfell!Sans, and sends Sans back to Undertale. XGaster then states his plan to make a combined universe with the best of all of the AUs, before eyeing the Overwrite button and offering the newly revived Cross to join him.

In a different place, Nightmare!Sans and Killer!Sans are seen battling Dream!Sans and Cross, the battle ending with Dream and Cross escaping to the Omega Timeline, where Core!Frisk is waiting. Nightmare and Killer are left defeated, staring at nothing.



Before Xtra Scene 1, his appearance is similar to a Sans; his head is completely black, with blue streams running from his eyes, which his scleras are red, his comea are yellow, and his pupils are blue. His exposed legs are red, his slippers, pants, and jacket are in blue, yellow, and black, and his fingers are yellow. With the advent of Lucidia, he was redesigned to match that of Lucidia. His pants and jacket now feature blue stitches, and he now has a scarf, which Ink seems to like when he first encounters this design. Both designs feature the word «ERROR» all around him, with some minor glitching included.


Error may have a sensitive feeling towards others, but he’s often shown to be remorseless, wanting to destroy all the AUs Ink cared about so much. Even though the truce was made, Error still had a negative feeling with Ink, especially when he started talking about his new friend. He even extracts Cross’s soul without Ink’s consent, but he still decided to keep it intact to stay loyal with the truce. Once he makes the discovery, though, he feels confident that he’ll beat Ink and destroy his precious AUs.

He often collects the SOULS of monsters from various AUs before he destroys them, and places them into the Anti-Void, likely as trophies. He has also made dolls out of Fell and Classic Sans and referred to them as «loyal», meaning he possibly sees them as the ideal versions of them: unable to do anything on their own, but still being present to serve Error’s whims.

  • As a side note: unlike many other portrayals of Error, Jakei’s seems to show Error having some level of respect, possibly even a small like, of Undernovela, and it would seem it’s the last one he would destroy once he had stopped Ink and finally destroyed the rest of the AUs.


Error!Sans can not only fire Gaster Blasters and summon bones at his will, but can shoot out strings called «Gaster Graspers» to tie up his victim. These strings can be used to extract the souls of the victim itself. He’s even able to destroy AUs, and as of Xtra Scene 2, he is able to perform this feature due to the truce being over.

He can travel between universes with portals.

In Xtra Scene 1, he implies that he can use his strings to possess everyone from every AU and make them into puppets. In that same episode, he showed the capability of going into the Doodle Sphere and destroying every universe within.

It is likely that he destroyed universes while he was inside them or from the Anti-Void somehow, since Ink would likely have put a stop to his efforts if he could only do it when he was in the Doodle Sphere.


  1. CrayonQueen (November 8, 2018). «Ask Error — My ideas on how it would have concluded». Tumblr. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  2. myebi (November 11, 2015). «It’s cute! People are creative with their dynamic. I’m glad you guys are having fun, that’s the whole point! Any shipping is welcome!». Tumblr. Retrieved April 20, 2021.

 V  T  E 


XTale: XGaster | XTale!Alphys | XTale!Asriel | XTale!Asgore | XTale!Toriel | XTale!Muffet | XTale!Undyne | The X-Event (XTale!Chara | XTale!Frisk) | XTale!Mettaton | XTale!Papyrus | XTale!Sans/Cross | Galett

Undertale: Sans | Frisk | Chara | Papyrus | Undyne | Alphys | Toriel | Asgore | Mettaton | Muffet | Gaster

Alternate Universes: Ink!Sans | Error!Sans | Core!Frisk | Underfell!Sans | Underswap!Sans | Underswap!Papyrus | Underswap!Chara | Fresh!Sans | Dream!Sans | Nightmare!Sans | Killer!Sans | Geno | Fatal_Error | Fresh!Ink | Epic!Sans


  1. Error!Sans
  2. Error!Sans
  3. Aliases
  4. Relations
  5. Universe
  6. Theme
  7. Contents
  8. Origins
  9. History
  10. Before Underverse
  11. Underverse
  12. Xtra Scene 1
  13. Xtra Scene 2
  14. Profile
  15. Appearance
  16. Personality
  17. Abilities
  18. Fatal_Error
  19. Fatal_Error
  20. Информация о персонаже
  21. Известный как
  22. Отношения
  23. Автор(ы)
  24. Биографическая информация
  25. Статус
  26. Мировоззрение
  27. Физическое описание
  28. Содержание
  29. Биография
  30. Части
  31. Предыстория
  32. Глава 1
  33. Глава 2
  34. Глава 3
  35. Глава 4
  36. Глава 5 ( В разработке )
  37. Внешность
  38. Способности
  39. Кости
  40. Бластеры
  41. Телепортация.
  42. Бессмертие
  43. Копирование и вставка
  44. Порталы
  45. Двоичное зрение







» The «Doodle Sphere». WHAT A STUPID FANCY SKIN FOR ALL THESE STUPID ANOMALIES!! » — Error expressing his hatred toward the Doodle Sphere

Error!Sans is a major character in Underverse. With both him and Ink!Sans deprived of fighting each other, Error sternly tells Ink not to create any more AUs and that he won’t destroy any more of them. With The X-Event on the loose, Error sees the truce he created did nothing to stop Ink, and ends it shortly after his discovery.



Error!Sans was created by Lover of Piggies, or CrayonQueen, as a corrupted counterpart of Geno. In an alternate timeline from Aftertale , Geno messes around with his determination powers after being freed, which the Sans of that timeline warns him not to. Ignoring the warning, his determination power pulls him into the antivoid, and his time from being stuck has resulted in his personality changing drastically. [1]

Error!Sans’ original comic was the AskError series, where Tumblr users would ask Error!Sans a multitude of questions. The series often features Error!Sans talking over his other selves from Underswap, Underfell, and Undertale. The former managed to be taken away by Error!Sans in spite of Underswap!Papyrus’s efforts. Error!Sans also has to deal with Fresh!Sans, another Sans made from CrayonQueen.

Within the Undertale AU fandom, Error!Sans and Ink!Sans are often paired together due to both having involvements within the Undertale multiverse. The creators of both AUs have acknowledged the ships between the two, with myebi expressing her fondness for the ship. [2]


Before Underverse

With half of the multiverse gone, Error!Sans takes this tied battle as his own gamble against Ink. He forces Ink to abide by his truce of having no more creation and destruction.

One day, while waiting for Ink to come back, Cross is surprised by Error’s appearance. He takes his soul, and once Ink arrives, Error tells him he can’t save him. Telling him to stop, Error fires his blasters on Cross; Ink gets the hit instead when he frees him from Error’s string. His soul, however, is now stolen, and with that, both Cross and Cross!Chara are fighting for control, leaving Ink injured.


Xtra Scene 1

After the fight against Cross, Ink is pulled over by Error, and he informs him that he still has Cross’s original soul because of the truce, bluntly telling him that he’ll have fun if he finds out that he broke the truce.

Xtra Scene 2

While he takes a break from finding the Omega Timeline, Ink arrives in Error’s world, telling him he had a long day, and needed a break before he overthrows him. The two watch Undernovela, but as it continues, Error notices that Cross has entered the AU, taking Undernovela!Frisk in order for Cross!Chara to have a human soul. Once Asgoro and Sins barge in to save the day, the two are met by Ink, who uses his vial to erase the pair. Ink gratefully thanks Error for joining his game, and as soon as he wakes up, he enters the Doodle Sphere and proceeded to tie up all the AUs.

He enters XTale when he glanced towards its page, not aware that Fresh had also made it here as well, protecting it from outsiders like him until Ink «comes back». While Fresh provided him the details that Ink had left for Underswap, Error is stunned by the fact that Underfell’s Snowdin and Underswap’s characters had landed in this AU. Knowing it was all Ink’s doing, he officially proclaimed that the truce was over.

After Nightmare!Sans relocates himself, X-Event!Chara, and Killer!Sans to Outertale, Error barges in to demand Ink’s location, in which Nightmare redirected Error towards Sans and Outertale!Sans, also finding Ink. While he does fail to get them the first time, he ties up the souls of Sans, Underfell!Sans, and Underswap!Sans the next time he strikes. His recklessness leads Ink to where Error was holding everyone hostage.

While Ink is monologuing, Error manages to steal the vial from Ink by tying it up, sending it high up into his web. Ink then spontaneously attacks Error, who defends himself by sending the three tied Sanses after Ink and breaking Ink’s brush. However, Ink frees them and then tries to steal the vial, but X-Event!Chara intervenes. When Ink finally manages to get the vial, Error is ready to steal it back, but then Underfell!Sans blasts both Ink and Error, not knowing which to trust.

This leads to all of the Sanses teleporting onto the now floating ground, but Ink is now out of reach, and is able to drop and subsequently break the vial, releasing XGaster. Realizing that Ink’s game is in motion, Error rejects Ink’s game, destroying all of the AUs except for XTale and the Omega Timeline. XGaster recreates Ink’s paintbrush, which Ink uses to paint Error’s web to tie him up, and send Error into his realm.

XGaster then uses more of Ink’s paint to finally reclaim the other half of his soul, killing X-Event!Chara, however XGaster quickly revives them and Cross. He then kills Underswap!Sans and Underfell!Sans, and sends Sans back to Undertale. XGaster then states his plan to make a combined universe with the best of all of the AUs, before eyeing the Overwrite button and offering the newly revived Cross to join him.

In a different place, Nightmare!Sans and Killer!Sans are seen battling Dream!Sans and Cross, the battle ending with Dream and Cross escaping to the Omega Timeline, where Core!Frisk is waiting. Nightmare and Killer are left defeated, staring at nothing.



Before Xtra Scene 1, his appearance is similar to a Sans; his head is completely black, with blue streams running from his eyes, which his scleras are red, his comea are yellow, and his pupils are blue. His exposed legs are red, his slippers, pants, and jacket are in blue, yellow, and black, and his fingers are yellow. With the advent of Lucidia, he was redesigned to match that of Lucidia. His pants and jacket now feature blue stitches, and he now has a scarf, which Ink seems to like when he first encounters this design. Both designs feature the word «ERROR» all around him, with some minor glitching included.


Error may have a sensitive feeling towards others, but he’s often shown to be remorseless, wanting to destroy all the AUs Ink cared about so much. Even though the truce was made, Error still had a negative feeling with Ink, especially when he started talking about his new friend. He even extracts Cross’s soul without Ink’s consent, but he still decided to keep it intact to stay loyal with the truce. Once he makes the discovery, though, he feels confident that he’ll beat Ink and destroy his precious AUs.

He often collects the SOULS of monsters from various AUs before he destroys them, and places them into the Anti-Void, likely as trophies. He has also made dolls out of Fell and Classic Sans and referred to them as «loyal», meaning he possibly sees them as the ideal versions of them: unable to do anything on their own, but still being present to serve Error’s whims.

  • As a side note: unlike many other portrayals of Error, Jakei’s seems to show Error having some level of respect, possibly even a small like, of Undernovela, and it would seem it’s the last one he would destroy once he had stopped Ink and finally destroyed the rest of the AUs.


Error!Sans can not only fire Gaster Blasters and summon bones at his will, but can shoot out strings called «Gaster Graspers» to tie up his victim. These strings can be used to extract the souls of the victim itself. He’s even able to destroy AUs, and as of Xtra Scene 2, he is able to perform this feature due to the truce being over.

He can travel between universes with portals.

In Xtra Scene 1, he implies that he can use his strings to possess everyone from every AU and make them into puppets. In that same episode, he showed the capability of going into the Doodle Sphere and destroying every universe within.

It is likely that he destroyed universes while he was inside them or from the Anti-Void somehow, since Ink would likely have put a stop to his efforts if he could only do it when he was in the Doodle Sphere.



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Физическое описание

Fatal_Error (рус. Фатальная ошибка/Критическая ошибка) — результат попытки Эррора уничтожить Гено.





Его история начинается с того, что после долгой битвы Эррор всё-таки побеждает и схватывает Гено. Эррор заявляет, что он не впечатлён Гено, он считает его таким же глюком как и все остальные АУ, а ведь найти Гено было крайне не просто. В ходе немного скучного разговора Гено пытается спросить у Эррора, нет ли у того брата Папируса, как нет и у него самого. Этим он намекает, что сущности Гено и Эррора чем-то похожи (возможно это намёк на то, что Эррор — бывший Гено из другой концовки, где тот телепортировал себя в Анти-пустоту). Эррор злится на прерывание разговора а также ответные каламбуры, хотя и сам употребляет такие как «всё ТЯГОТЕНИЕ его положения». Внезапно в Гено просыпается нечто вроде ненавистной сущности, которая заявляет, что ждала чего-то нового, хорошего, а дождалась Эррора. Это действительно пугает уничтожителя вселенных, но не достаточно. После 5 минут взаимных выслушиваний друг друга Эррор объявляет Гено самым помоешным глюком в коде и открыто намеревается его ликвидировать. Тот пытается объяснить, что на загрузочном экране его нельзя убить, и что ему стоило застать его в концовке получше, однако Эррор не верит, всё равно стирая/пытаясь стереть его. Перед этим ненавистная сущность Гено приказывает Эррору немедленно уйти, но после отрицательного ответа лишь говорит : «Я убил всех, и ты (Эррор) — следующий».

Глава 1

При попытке стирания, Гено вместо смерти попадает в Анти-пустоту, параллельно начиная разваливаться на код из-за взаимодействия его души с кодом Эррора. Там, ещё будучи без сознания, он впервые слышит голос Гастер-цветка, задающий Фаталу вопрос о том, как он попал сюда. Очнувшись, он обнаруживает на себе множество нитей Эррора, из-за касаний которых у Фатала начинается паническая атака. В процессе неё, Фатал решает во что бы-то ни стало найти Эррора, а также случайно телепортировался/создал свою копию в Outertale. (Неизвестно точно, поскольку судя по комиксу подходят оба варианта). Там, Фатал встречает Outer!Санса, Outer!Папируса и Outer!Фриск.

Глава 2

После короткого разговора с ними, Фатал вновь впадает в паническую атаку (Либо от того, что увидел живого Папируса, либо от того, что его реальная сущность в Анти-пустоте посмотрела на нити Эррора, что висели наверху). Во время неё он опять слышит голос Гастер-цветка, спрашивающий, когда Фатал последний раз чувствовал себя наполненным надеждой. Прямо поперёк этой галлюцинации, Фатала ненароком будит Underswap!Санс (Далее Свап). Судя по тому, что он говорит, Фатал был здесь до того, как очнулся от панической атаки. Свап говорит, чтобы Фатал не снимал с себя подобие пледа, которым он его укрыл, иначе он опять посмотрит на нити наверху. Спустя некоторое время, Свап ненароком убеждает Фатала пойти на «поиски» его Папируса, а затем умоляет остаться, ссылаясь на то, что в одиночестве он сойдет с ума. Однако Фатал неверно воспринимает это и ломает Свапу кисть правой руки, сжимая её в своей. Он начинает в очередной раз бредить, называя Свапа «слабым идиотом, пытающимся манипулировать другими». Когда Свап пытается исправить ситуацию, говоря, что всё будет хорошо, Фатал только больше бредит, заявляя что он «помнит абсолютно всё». Он говорит, что видит код своего Папируса в каждом существующем Сансе и Папирусе, Затем, отшвырнув Свапа, он говорит, что разговаривал не с ним, а со своим Папирусом. В приступе ярости он смотрит наверх, из-за чего вновь видит нити Эррора.

Глава 3

По непонятной причине, нити меняют цвет на цвет нитей Фатала — красный, а он сам окончательно сходит с ума. Пока голос Гастер-цветка спрашивает, почему он больше ничего не чувствует, две копии Фатала/Фатал в разное время убивает Свапа, Оутера и Underfell!Санса, чтобы забрать из них код своего Папируса. Далее, под аккомпанемент монолога Гастер-цветка, Фатал ломает одну из своих костей и начинает при помощи обломка и своих нитей сшивать из фрагментов кода Папируса. Поняв, что ничего не выходит, Фатал сжигает свое творение выстрелом из бластера. Между Гастер-цветком и Фаталом завязывается жаркий спор о том, как нужно воскресить Папируса. Фатал утверждает что способ цветка (уничтожение всех, кто владеет кодом Папируса) является ужасным.. Но когда он слышит, что он, видимо, не любит Папируса, Фатал срывается на истерику, крича о том что вернет Папируса, даже если это его убьет. и получает 999999999999999999 урона. По неизвестной причине он не погибает, а вместо этого телепортируется в заглючивший таймлайн оригинального Санса, где встречает Эррора и Инка. Между Эрорром и Фаталом завязывается бой, в ходе которого Эррор даже не узнаёт его и не понимает причины его сражения. В результате битвы Фатал почти ломает Эррору руку и вновь впадает в паническую атаку. А затем, когда Эррор сбегает, он телепортируется в Анти-пустоту, где решает начать поиски всех кусков кода Папируса. И поиски Эррора.

Глава 4

Фатал находится у Лавендер!Санса, который рассказывает ему о цветах. Паралельно их диалогу идут картинки Fell!Sans-а и Cross!Sans-а в пустоте, а также диалоги Underswap!Санса. Вдруг Лавендер!Санс пытается положить венок на Фатала, но их неожиданно атакует другой Лавендер!Санс, который пытается заставить оригинального Лавендера отойти от Фатала, говоря что Лавендер обещал верить ему. Фатал собирается атаковать Лавендера, в то время как его пытается отговорить оригинальный Лавендер. Однако, появляется Лавендер!Папирус, который бежит за Фаталом, позже исчезая. В итоге, Лавендер оказывается в Анти-Пустоте, где Фатал его убивает, и начинает скреплять из кусочков кода Санса своего Папируса, убивая других Сансов(Cross!Sans-а, Underfell!Sans-а) и забирая у них код. Из этого получается Patch — глючащий Папирус, который сохранил все черты характера Папируса.

Глава 5 ( В разработке )

Фатал занимается своими делами, и в тоже время приходит Patch, который просит Фатала послушать его новый рецепт. Фатал слушает, и указывает на ошибку: Patch забыл корицу. После этого, Patch спрашивает, нужна ли Фаталу помощь. Фатал глючит, и отказывается от помощи. Папирус уходит.


Fatal_Error одет в белую куртку, черные шорты, черную футболку и носит красный шарф. Он весь покрыт полупрозрачными глюками, а прежние белые глюки исчезли. Один глаз Фатала стал красным со строчками кода, а второй — синим экраном смерти (В спокойном состоянии оба глаза синие, что проводит аналогию со светящимся глазом оригинального Санса, а в момент наибольшей агрессии-оба красные, аналогия с пустыми глазницами у оригинала). К тому же, его правый глаз все еще течет, хоть это теперь и красная жидкость с кодом, и Фатал не может его закрывать. То, что раньше было кровью изо рта Гено, ныне превратилось в красные нити, которые Фатал может использовать как оружие.



Его кости имеют красный и синий цвет, на подобие разных вариаций ошибок Windows.

Его красные нити могут захватывать любое существо, которое имеет код.


Фатал умеет призывать немного изуродованные, покрытые полупрозрачными глюками Гастер-бластеры, чьи пасти и глаза содержат строчки кода.


Фатал обладает способностью телепортироваться, как и все Сансы. Иногда, он начинает видеть коды отдельных предметов или существ — особенно это выражается, когда Фатал смотрит на нити Эррора, поскольку это вгоняет его в паническую атаку. Возможно, может существовать сразу в одной АУ и в Анти-Пустоте.


Судя по тому, что даже он сам не смог себя убить, он является бессмертным или по крайней мере очень прочным.

Копирование и вставка

Фатал способен копировать код того кого он коснулся. Также он может вставлять его, создавая копию персонажа, у которого тот скопировал код.


Способен создавать порталы.

Двоичное зрение

Фатал несознательно видит код во всём окружении себя, в том числе на своих нитях и одежде. Это может вызвать у него паническую атаку или бред, а также прилично мешает его зрению, которое и так перекрывается голубыми и красными помехами и белым шумом.


Добрый день, UVAR!

Вот и второй выпуск Wiki #ОПерсонаже Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о


 :warning: Error!Sans :warning:  Wiki-[BC]Добрый день, UVAR! 
[C]Вот и второй выпуск Wiki <a href='/c/underverserus95/tag/ОПерсонаже/'>#ОПерсонаже</a> Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о

Итак, погнали!

e r r o r

:warning: ВНЕШНИЙ ВИД :warning:

Одет в тёмно-синие куртку и шорты, а также красную футболку (раньше носил круглые очки с красной оправой). В новом образе он пришивает к шортам штанины, на рукавах куртки появляются швы, теперь на шее болтается синий шарф, он становится дико схож с Proof!Эррором. У него жёлто-голубая радужка и белки красного цвета. От глаз идут синие полосы, которые появились от случайного использования магии на глазницах. Всегда окружен надписями «Error» (рус. Ошибка).

 :warning: Error!Sans :warning:  Wiki-[BC]Добрый день, UVAR! 
[C]Вот и второй выпуск Wiki <a href='/c/underverserus95/tag/ОПерсонаже/'>#ОПерсонаже</a> Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о

 :warning: Error!Sans :warning:  Wiki-[BC]Добрый день, UVAR! 
[C]Вот и второй выпуск Wiki <a href='/c/underverserus95/tag/ОПерсонаже/'>#ОПерсонаже</a> Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о

e r r o r

:warning: БИОГРАФИЯ :warning:

Как бы не было странно, существует две версии появления разрушителя АУ. Лично я больше склоняюсь к первой версии.


Эррор появился в Анти-пустоте, не зная для чего и почему он тут. Постоянно спал, пока не открыл возможность путешествовать по АУ. После чего решил разрушать их.

 :warning: Error!Sans :warning:  Wiki-[BC]Добрый день, UVAR! 
[C]Вот и второй выпуск Wiki <a href='/c/underverserus95/tag/ОПерсонаже/'>#ОПерсонаже</a> Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о


Фриск чувствуя себя ужасно после геноцида, принимают просьбу Санса (во время битвы с ним в Последнем коридоре) и сбрасывают геноцид-таймлайн. Однако они снова возвращаются и выходя из Руин, Фриск слышат знакомые звуки Санса, но обнаруживают, что Санс стал ошибкой в коде.

 :warning: Error!Sans :warning:  Wiki-[BC]Добрый день, UVAR! 
[C]Вот и второй выпуск Wiki <a href='/c/underverserus95/tag/ОПерсонаже/'>#ОПерсонаже</a> Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о

e r r o r

:warning: СПОСОБНОСТИ :warning:

Способностей у него не так много; оригинальных только две:

Первая способность: Нити. С помощью нитей он может задержать душу монстра или человека. Если он схватит вашу душу, то сможет с легкостью разорвать ее или будет управлять вами, как марионеткой .

Все остальные способности такие же, как и у оригинального Санса. Кости Эррора имеют красный цвет и покрыты надписями «Error». Его Гастер-бластеры имеют черный цвет и надписи «Error», а также двигаются в два раза быстрее, чем оригинальные .

 :warning: Error!Sans :warning:  Wiki-[BC]Добрый день, UVAR! 
[C]Вот и второй выпуск Wiki <a href='/c/underverserus95/tag/ОПерсонаже/'>#ОПерсонаже</a> Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о

e r r o r

:warning: НА ЭТОМ ВСЁ :warning:

Готов поспорить, большая часть читателей не знали, что у этого персонажа есть две версии биографии. Что ж, будете знать!

Кому посвятить следующий выпуск- решать вам. Пишите в комментарии имя персонажа, о котором хотите узнать больше.

Обязательное правило-

персонаж появлялся в анимациях Jãel.

:warning: Информация была взята отсюда. :warning:

 :warning: Error!Sans :warning:  Wiki-[BC]Добрый день, UVAR! 
[C]Вот и второй выпуск Wiki <a href='/c/underverserus95/tag/ОПерсонаже/'>#ОПерсонаже</a> Underverse. Сегодня речь пойдёт о

Спасибо за внимание!

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Unmarked spoilers below!

Main Timeline


Classic Sans


The first iteration of Sans to have ever been created. He acts exactly like his game counterpart, being lazy and full of bad puns, or so we are to believe.

  • Ambiguous Situation: There are hints throughout the series that he and the timeline he came from are not all they appear to be. X-Event Chara blatantly tells him that he knows there is something wrong with him and the main universe in 0.3 part 2. In Owners it’s revealed that he murdered his Frisk/Chara during a genocide run and later on Flowey, breaking his timeline and becoming the new owner of it.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Just like his canon self. He might be a silly jokester, but he’s a also a very skilled magic user who won’t hesitate to blast opponents to kingdom come.
  • Dark Secret: He murdered his Frisk/Chara during a genocide run when he was not supposed to. As a result, he became the new owner of his timeline. Later on he allied with them to get rid of Flowey.
  • Decoy Protagonist: He is set up to be the protagonist when Cross steals half of his soul. However, he gets heavily overshadowed by Ink during season one.
  • Enemy Mine: He teamed up with his Frisk/Chara to kill the Flowey in his timeline, in order to keep it safe for good.
  • Properly Paranoid: He’s suspicious of Ink the first time they meet. And rightfully so.
  • Pungeon Master: He loves making bad jokes.
  • Reluctant Hero: Originally, he doesn’t even want to join Ink on his adventure, but changed his mind once the half of his soul Cross left him started to cause problems.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: The events of season 1 leave him a complete emotional wreck at the beginning of season 2. He doesn’t even react when XGaster’s forces start attacking the city. He just keeps sitting a few miles away, eating fries and waiting for the end.
  • Sole Survivor: He’s the only one out of Ink’s group (apart from Ink himself) who comes out of season 1 alive.


Classic Frisk


«Is our universe the only one left?»

The former owner of the main timeline. They currently act as the monsters’ ambassador on the surface.

  • A Child Shall Lead Them: Despite being just a small kid, they act as the ambassador for an entire race.
  • Ambadassador: They’re the ambassador for the monsters and not afraid to jump right into the fray when danger is afoot.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: They’re usually reserved and withdrawn, but they’re very perceptive and calculating. They immediately noticed something was wrong with Sans when he only had half of his soul.
  • Dark Secret: They have done at least one genocide run before, which ended in Sans killing them when he wasn’t supposed to and taking control over the timeline. Once Sans told them, the two of them teamed up to kill the only person who could potentially still pose a threat to them (Flowey).

Alternate Universes


Ink Sans

Unmarked spoilers below!


«…This needs to stop now, right?»

Click here to see his previous outfit and emotionless appearance. 

The main protagonist (somewhat) of Underverse. He serves as the guardian of all the Alternate Universes that have ever been created. He is a very odd and imaginative individual.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Error, who wants to destroy all of the Alternate Universes he has worked to protect.
  • Brutal Honesty: Has a habit of just saying whatever he wants without thinking of how other people might be affected by it.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He can act very strange, focusing only on Error’s new outfit when they were supposed to be having a serious discussion. He also tends to forget what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. Most of it is later revealed to be an act he puts on, as part of his «game».
  • The Dragon: 0.4 reveals he’s in league with XGaster.
  • Emotion Eater: The colored vials he has on his belt are actually filled with all different emotions. He needs to refill them in order to be able to feel since he doesn’t have a soul. It starts to show in 0.3 Part 2 and others start to take notice of it. In 0.4, he’s stopped taking them altogether, finishing his slow transformation into an Empty Shell.
  • Empty Eyes: After he starts to become emotionless, his eyes change from multi-colored to a dull white, with no visible emotion in them.
  • Empty Shell: He officially becomes this in 0.4 after he voluntarily stops taking his emotion vials.
  • Evil All Along: He’s been working for XGaster the whole time.
  • Eviler than Thou: Pulls this on Error in 0.4 and technically in Xtra Scene 2, though whether or not Error was just Dreaming of Things to Come or if Ink and XGaster were really speaking to him is somewhat left open.
  • Foreshadowing: In Xtra Scene 1 Error tries to remind him of their truce and waves Cross’ soul around in front of him to further reinforce his point. Ink, instead of immediately going for it, or even just demanding it back, like one would expect him to do if he’s as eager to help Cross as he claims to be, straight-up ignores the soul and trails off. Which neatly foreshadows that Ink isn’t actually interested in helping Cross.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: He has to make sure that he makes as little contact with the Alternate Universes and their characters as possible so as not to disturb the natural order of things.
  • Hidden Depths: It’s subtle, but there are hints here and there that part of him might regret having betrayed everyone for XGaster. Especially Cross. His recurring lapses in memory seem to always show up when he’s talking about emotional moments he had with Cross. Almost as if he’s subconsciously repressing them so as to not feel guilty. In 0.4 he implies that he couldn’t have betrayed the other Sanses if he’d still been on his emotion vials. He also has a flashback to a happy moment he had with Cross, shortly before he sets the rest of XGaster’s soul free. 0.7 Part 1 confirms he can feel «pain» (i.e remorse) through his vials and is having second thoughts about the «game».
  • Lack of Empathy: While XGasters’ eventual Lack of Empathy came about as a result of him going Drunk with Power due to the reality altering capabilities of the Overwrite button, Inks’ comes from him having no soul and having to rely on artificial vials of paint to feel. While he’s capable of regret with the help of his emotion-vials, Ink has low empathy and at the end of the day he cares little for anything other than himself and his own amusement. He easily manipulates a whole group of Sanses into joining him on a manhunt, then doesn’t bat an eye when XGaster kills them all in 0.4. In 0.5 he jokes about his betrayal and his lies and can’t seem to understand why X-Chara, one of the people hurt the most by Ink’s and XGaster’s schemes, is so down in the dumps but 0.7 Part 1 shows him having second thoughts about his «game» and thinking it needs to stop.
  • Living Mood Ring: When Ink has emotions, his eyes change color and shape depending on his thoughts and mood with a different color and shape for each eye.
  • Motive Decay: As the guardian of all AUs, he originally just wanted to protect other people’s creations. However, as more and more creators started to abandon their works, the Doodle Sphere slowly collapsed in on itself and he became terrified of eventually being forgotten along with it. After he met XGaster and the latter promised to him to help him feel even without having to rely on the creation of new worlds, he seemingly abandoned his duties altogether, due to a desire to finally experience something new.
  • Mr. Imagination: All of his attacks are based around Ink’s creative mind.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In XTALE IX, Ink is initially genuinely disturbed when XGaster gives him a vial containing half his soul for safekeeping, and outright asks XGaster if he’s crazy, although it doesn’t take long for Ink to quickly get over the shock and go along with it.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: His old outfit is destroyed in his battle with Error in 0.7 Part 1. After talking with Core about how the «game» should possibly stop and there are still possibilities in the Multiverse even for him as its guardian, he creates a new outfit for himself and signifies he will act as its guardian again.
  • The Soulless: He has no soul, due to his original creator never finishing his original AU. This rendered him unable to feel anything without ingesting the colors in his vials. His desire to feel new things, without having to rely on them is partially the reason why he became XGaster’s right-hand-man.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After he stops taking his emotion vials in 0.4, he’s able to effortlessly hammer Error into the ground.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: After he becomes an Empty Shell in 0.3, his demeanor changes from cheerful and kind to cold, distant, and ruthless. He denies that Sans, Swap, and Fell are his friends, frees XGaster even though he knows how dangerous the latter is, and even flat-out admits that he does not care for the multiverse and that the only thing he truly cares about is being able to feel when a new universe is created.
  • Pet the Dog: In hindsight, him coming back to X-Tale and befriending Cross was this. He had no reason to check up on Cross, since by that point he was already in possession of half of XGaster’s soul. In fact, considering X-Event Chara’s status as Cross’s Enemy Within it was actually a huge risk on his part.
  • Unreliable Expositor: Ink gives the backstory of Cross in 0.1, but while he does tell the truth to some extent, he still isn’t entirely honest about it, as he leaves out a lot of info and hides his actual motive for befriending Cross. He even claims that Cross is the sole survivor of a genocide run that went wrong, which is very much not the case.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He was the one who originally showed XGaster the Multiverse, in an attempt to re-inspire him and keep him from destroying his world. It worked a little too well. XGaster, upon seeing all of the different pacifist timelines, became obsessed with creating the perfect world, which led to him starting the X-Event experiment. Somewhat zig-zagged, as he’s revealed to have been working for XGaster the whole time, despite knowing what he did.
  • Using You All Along: He’s been doing exactly this to the entire cast from the very beginning. He never truly cared about what happened to them or their homes. He merely needed them for his and XGaster’s «game».
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Whenever he gets especially worked up about something he starts to vomit black ink.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Unique?: He firmly believes that destroying or ruining a small fraction of the Multiverse doesn’t matter since there are at least thousands of Alternate Timelines per Alternate Universe. As such, he sees the worlds of his «friends» as nothing more than expendable little blips on a much larger scale.


Dream Sans


«I can sense three souls with very strange feelings…»

Protector of Dreams and Positive feelings, Dream is the embodiment of positive emotions, constantly having to keep his brother, Nightmare, in check.

  • The Archer: While he does use a bow as his primary weapon, Dream himself is a complete subversion of the usual archetype: he’s a kind All-Loving Hero who tends to get overly emotional and clearly has a lot of respect for Ink.
  • Allergic to Evil: He can’t use his powers in a negative environment. (I.E, no one can be happy in a certain situation.)
  • Crippling Overspecialization: His powers only work when at least one person close to him feels positive feelings/has happy memories and even then his skill-set seems to be limited to teleportation and his bow.
  • Energy Bow: The arrows he shoots are made of positive feelings.
  • The Empath: Like his brother, Dream can sense emotions. He works to preserve/engender positive ones.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He is able to take down Nightmare in seconds with just a few shots from his bow when previously the combined powers of Classic Sans, Underfell Sans, Underswap Sans and Underswap Papyrus weren’t able to put a scratch on him.
  • Light Is Good: Played straight. He is associated with light and the sun and is a kind-hearted, selfless hero.
  • Sacred Bow and Arrows: His bow is the only weapon that can actually hurt Nightmare — because the arrows he shoots from it are made out of positive feelings, Nightmares’ Kryptonite Factor.


Error Sans


«It’s enough. I’m tired of this.»

A corrupted version of Sans that formed after a glitched reset of a broken timeline. He believes all Alternate Universes and their characters to be «Anomalies» and thus believes they should be destroyed. One of his main goals is to find the «Omega Timeline» and destroy it because of the amount of anomalies there that have evaded him.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Ink, who wants to protect the «anomalies» he hates so much.
  • Attention Whore: Error craves attention and blows his top when he doesn’t get it. When everyone ignores him in the first season finale, he erupts into a rage, and when he shows up again in 0.7, he’s incredibly pissed that Ink and XGaster «stole the spotlight» from his destroying the Doodle Sphere. As Error himself says, it doesn’t matter if he’s destroyed the Multiverse if no one is even talking about it.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: He’s another major antagonist in the series, but has no connection to XGaster or X-Event Chara’s plans, nor does he have any desire to work with them.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Dangerous for sure, but compared to XGaster, he’s just a petty, vindictive asshole throwing a tantrum over not being the center of attention and isn’t treated with the same weight as the other villains.
  • The Corrupter: Hates most Alternate Universes, considering them to be «Anomalies», so therefore he corrupts and destroys them.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • Gives one to Swap, Fell, and Sans in 0.4, capturing all three of them effortlessly.
    • Is on the receiving end of one right after that. An emotionless Ink is able to restrain and send him away in a matter of seconds.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even he is disgusted by Ink’s true nature.

    Error: You freaking psycho. I shouldn’t have negotiated anything with you.

  • Eye Scream: Those blue string he uses to grab things (and occasionally people)? He pulls them out of his eyesockets.
  • Hates Being Touched: Very much so. It either causes him to have a Freak Out or to crash himself.
  • Hybrid Power: He has normal Sans’ attacks, but he executes his through blue puppet strings.
  • Hypocrite: He makes a big deal about hating anomalies despite the fact that he is one.
  • Marionette Master: His general theme. If he wraps another person’s soul up in his blue strings, he is able to control their body and magic.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: For the majority of Season 1 he was somewhat of a joke character, with no one really taking him seriously and Ink even outright ignoring his attempt to intimidate him in Xtra Scene 1. 0.4 makes it clear that that was a mistake. Not only does he effortlessly capture Fell, Swap and Classic Sans, he almost manages to destroy the vial holding XGaster’s soul. Oh, and he also destroys a huge part of the multiverse in the climax just to make a point.
  • Nerd Glasses: While it rarely comes up, he’s actually near-sighted, but refuses to wear glasses most of the time. The only pair of glasses he owns is a pair large, non-opaque coke bottle lenses with red rims.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: The majority of his actions are motivated by his petty grudge against Ink and AUs in general. He flies into a rage whenever he doesn’t get what he wants right away, throws childish insults around like there’s no tomorrow and possesses no emotional maturity whatsoever.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: He destroys the Doodle Sphere, technically coming out ahead of Ink in their truce… but since XGaster was revived anyway, he doesn’t get to enjoy it.
  • Villain Has a Point: The «truce» he made with Ink was due to the fact that many creators were deleting their universes because they were a waste of time and space. He’s right.


Nightmare Sans


«Wherever you go, I want you to hurt somebody, but not physically. You know what I’m talking about.»

A nightmarish-looking Sans who is attracted to the negative feelings of others, feeding off of them. He makes a deal with Cross in order to spread these negative feelings across the other Alternate Universes.

  • Berserk Button: Trying to break a deal with him.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He enters one with XTale Chara, though it becomes a painfully one-sided partnership in Nightmare’s favor by 0.4.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With XGaster in Season 2. XGaster is still the overall main villain, but Nightmare is still scheming to use XGaster’s plans for his own benefit.
  • Eldritch Abomination: It’s not exactly clear what he’s supposed to be. His body seems to constantly melt away and he’s shown to produce tentacles from his back multiple times.
  • Eviler than Thou: Constantly reminds Cross that he is far more powerful than he is. X-Event Chara gets this treatment as well in 0.4.
  • Good Hurts Evil: Played straight.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Happiness, and of course, his own brother, Dream.
  • Motive Decay: His origin story gives shades of this.
  • The Empath: Like his brother, Nightmare can sense emotions. His interest lies in the negative ones.
  • The Man Behind the Man: To both XChara and Cross. His partnership with XChara drives most of the plot.
  • Tragic Villain: If his origin story has any relationship in his actions, he originally wanted people to love him, but got so desperate in his attempts to be a good guy that he corrupted himself. Now he wants everyone to feel his pain and thus fully supports genocide runs in any Undertale AU.


Killer Sans


«Congratulations, Alternate Universe trash. You have learned something interesting today.»

A version of Sans that is summoned by Nightmare when X-Event Chara proves to be unreliable. Because he comes from an Alternate Timeline rather than an Alternate Universe, he has access to the original Sans’ memories and thus knows about the X-Event and the damage they’ve caused, making him fairly dangerous.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Essentially what the Chara of his timeline did to him.
  • The Dragon: Nightmare brings him into the fold to serve as his muscle from 0.4 onward.
  • Eviler than Thou: He shows up X-Event Chara very quickly, and is a closer accomplice to Nightmare than they are.
  • Eye Scream: His eyes constantly drip with a black liquid that is said to be pure hatred.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: His soul is unlike anything else seen so far. It’s a red monster soul that is shaped like a target, and unlike other souls, is always seen on the outside of his body.
  • Slasher Smile: His default expression is a menacing grin.
  • Tragic Villain: Per his backstory, he was essentially forced by the Chara of his Universe to kill everyone. After he had done the deed, he was left unable to feel any emotion and was left a warped, broken shell of his former self.


Underfell Sans


«What did you do this time, you idiot!»

The Underfell version of Sans that is much more violent and prone to anger than the rest of his counterparts. He hates everyone and everything, but reluctantly goes with the heroes because he’s on the run from his «boss».

  • Anti-Hero: Does not particularly like the rest of the cast, but joins them anyways because it’s what’s «right».
  • Berserk Button: Don’t tell puns around him. He hates them.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He may not be the nicest looking, but he’s on the good guys’ side.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: He is stabbed through the chest together with Swap at the end of 0.4 by XGaster.
  • Jerkass: Very much so.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: After the events of 0.3 Part 2, he is seen comforting Underswap Sans (who has just lost his home and his brother) in 0.4, showing that while he may not be the nicest, he has a softer side to him.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Almost every other word uttered by this version of Sans is a swear.


Underswap Sans


«I want to help you…But I can’t believe in you.»

The Underswap version of Sans that is the most cheerful and optimistic. He loves tacos and everything about his brother and the Royal Guard. He joins the main cast for a while after his own pacifist timeline is erased, leaving him without a home to go back to.

  • Break the Cutie: Goes through a terrible one throughout 0.3 and 0.4, watching his brother losing faith completely, having his timeline and everyone in it erased, and having his supposed new friend betray him. To make things even worse, it finally ends with him being killed by XGaster.
  • Catchphrase: «Mweh heh heh!»
  • Go Out with a Smile: When XGaster impales him, he has a vision of all of his friends still being alive, causing him to invoke this trope.
  • He Knows About Timed Hits: Knows to some degree about the problems with Cross.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: He is impaled through the chest together with Fell at the end of 0.4 by XGaster.
  • Kill the Cutie: XGaster kills him and Fell in 0.4.
  • Sole Survivor: X-Event Chara corrupts and ultimately destroys his entire universe, with only Swap being able to escape with the heroes. Ultimately subverted however, as he dies at the end of the very next episode.
  • The Cutie: He’s an adorable little ray of sunshine until his universe gets destroyed.


    In General 

  • A Day in the Limelight: They each get an animated short centered around them and their timeline, giving the viewer a glance at who they were before becoming XGaster’s pawns.
  • And I Must Scream: As of season 2, their bodies are under the control of XGaster. However, their minds are not, and so they’re forced to watch as he uses their powers to slaughter countless of innocents.
  • Brainwashed: All of them (save for XGaster himself, Cross and the humans) fall victim to this several times before the main plot even starts. And it’s heavily implied in 0.4, and confirmed in 0.5, that their current state is a case of Brainwashed and Crazy.
  • The Coup: The climax of the tenth timeline has XFrisk’s loved ones regain their memories of the overwritten timelines and attack a weakened XGaster — both as revenge for everything he’s done to them and their friends and family in past timelines, as well as to try to take him out for good so that XFrisk (whom they all trust wholeheartedly from this and the past timelines) has sole control of the OVERWRITE button instead and they can finally live in peace without fear of XGaster coming back to muck things up again. Cross intervenes to try to stage his own coup and seize OVERWRITE for himself, not trusting XGaster, XChara, or XFrisk with it. Almost everyone in X-Tale perishes as a result, and no one can honestly be said to come out of it a winner (though XGaster would likely argue otherwise).
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Their world and almost everything in it, humans and monsters included, are an example of Limited Palette. From skin, to hair, to clothes, they’re all almost entirely black-and-white. Exceptions include: the Blush Sticker that is distinctive to Chara’s across the multiverse that exists albeit more pale and subdued on X-Chara, the heart lockets X-Frisk and X-Chara have, blood, souls, and when a powerful character’s start glowing a different color to showcase their anger and power.
  • Expy: A large cast of powerful, vastly different antagonists with their own tragic backstories, led by a Visionary Villain that wants to shape reality to their liking draws comparisons to the Akatsuki. The strong connection to the letter X as an Arc Symbol and the threat spanning multiple worlds with an Emperor Scientist leader draws even stronger parallels to Organization 13.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: Ironic, considering they’re all literally black-and-white. But all the characters from X-Tale are shown to be a mix of sympathetic and downright vicious in the right (or wrong) circumstances. For example, XFrisk and XChara mostly come across as unscrupulous, power-hungry, violent brats in the XTALE prequel comic, which is primarily from Cross’ point of view and is limited to the last timeline (where the two are desperate, lashing out to break free of XGaster, and somewhat corrupted by having their shared soul fused with XGaster’s). In doing so, they cause their own downfall in their manipulations with Cross, who was originally content to keep living under XGaster’s control and tried to talk XFrisk into being happy with it too (which obviously only pissed him off); as a result of all their mindgames with him, Cross comes to believe that the conflict between XGaster and the human brothers is a case of Evil vs. Evil and sabotages their attempt to free themselves by slaughtering all their allies (while planning to bring them back after) so they can’t help the X-Event and then killing XFrisk to try to force XChara to obey him. The rest of the cast gets in on the grayness too, looking like heroes delivering justice when they side with XFrisk and XChara against XGaster, defeating him for the humans, but also try to kill Cross (the primary POV character and a victim to XChara and XFrisk’s attempts at brainwashing him into killing them), since he was fine with staying under XGaster’s rule, won’t help them kill XGaster, and they see him as a «traitor» — even XPapyrus sides against him. The animated version of «XTALE — THE MOVIE» serves as the sympathetic backstory for XFrisk and XChara by including the past timelines, showing more of how the human brothers Used To Be Sweet Kids, do genuinely care for their loved ones, and are shown more to be Hero Antagonists who became obsessed with defeating XGaster and gaining control of their world to finally be free and live with everyone in peace — turning the finale into more of a tragic conflict between Well Intentioned Extremists who viciously attack and kill each other because both sides are too sure only they know what’s best.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: XAsriel, XAsgore, XToriel, XMuffet, XUndyne, XMettaton, XPapyrus, and Cross repeatedly lost all their memories of the lives they’d lived whenever XGaster lost interest in a timeline and OVERWROTE it. This even included their memories of being friends and family with XFrisk and XChara in several timelines where the humans grew up with the monsters. All their memories were eventually returned to them in Timeline X, leading to (almost) everyone allying with XFrisk and attempting The Coup.
  • Morality Pet: To Cross and XTale Chara, to some extent. Almost all of them had a positive influence on XTale Chara in the timeline they gained the heart locket in and at the start of the series they were Cross’ motivation for becoming a Well-Intentioned Extremist.
  • Posthumous Character: Zigzagged. All of them, except for XGaster, XAlphys, X-Event Chara, and Cross, were killed long before Underverse, but their base data was preserved in XGaster’s timeline entries. XGaster ultimately brings them all back via OVERWRITE at the end of 0.4.


XTale Gaster/XGaster



[[labelnote:Click here to see him with half his soul.


Click here to see him without his soul. 

Click here to see his original form. 

The Man Behind the Man of the events in Underverse. Once the benevolent creator of X-Tale, XGaster longed to create the perfect world, but fell into despair when he was unable to do so. After meeting Ink and seeing the Doodle Sphere, he became inspired to try something new, culminating in the X-Event and the gradual control of all the multiverse.

  • Abusive Parents: At first a genuinely loving father…then after becoming obsessed with perfection, he experimented on his own kids to achieve his goals.
    • In XTALE X he is this to both XTale Papyrus and Cross, being incredibly aloof, emotionally abusive and blaming them for things that aren’t their fault.
  • All for Nothing: Played for Drama. «OWNERS» has the Main timeline Gaster all but say that XGaster’s goal to create the perfect universe is doomed from the start because his perfectionism will never be satisfied. XGaster shrugs this off and decides to do what he wants, refusing to even consider this fact.
  • Arch-Nemesis: Outside of the show’s episodes, it’s shown that XGaster absolutely despises Epic Gaster, and the feeling is mutual.
  • Arch Nemesis Dad: Towards XTale Chara and XTale Frisk. His constant OVERWRITING takes a massive toll on their mental states, to the point they both outright loathe him, and work to undermine him however they can.
  • Bait the Dog: Practically a running gag with him. There are several times where it seems he might have a heart only for him to turn around and prove that, no, he definitely hasn’t. A key example being after he fused his kids into the X-Event: he seems a lot nicer and affable at first… but then orders them to kill their creation because he finds it hideous, and revealing he was only being nice because he THOUGHT he had them under control.
  • Berserk Button: He does not allow «garbage» timelines in his universe, and thus despises the power of RESET when XTale Chara uses it against him to undo his damage. Bonus points for RESET also being an actual button.
  • Betrayal by Offspring: Considering what he’d already done to them by that point, it was more than Justified.
  • Big Bad: Of the XTALE and Underverse series. His power with OVERWRITE drives the main conflict, though he remains out of focus for a a good chunk of the first season. Upon being freed in 0.4, he effortlessly outclasses the Big Bad Ensemble, and solidifies his place as the main villain.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: XGaster is unambiguously the chief villain of the series, but that hasn’t stopped this trope from going into effect.
    • In the prequel comic, he shares the spot with XFrisk. While Gaster isn’t the active force Frisk is, his previous overwrites of the timeline are the primary reason behind XFrisk’s rebellion.
    • In the first season of Underverse, he’s in competition with Cross, XChara, Nightmare, and Error, but he plays a more subdued role and plots from behind the scenes until Ink allows him to reclaim his soul in the season finale.
    • In the second season, XGaster takes center stage as the main antagonist, but Nightmare isn’t out of the picture as he plans to use XGaster’s scheme to his benefit.
  • Big Bad Slippage: He wasn’t evil at first, just trying to make a perfect world for his children to live in. However, the power of OVERWRITE, alongside his perfectionist standards turns his attention to creating the best story in the Multiverse, regardless of the atrocities he has to commit along the way.
  • Body Horror: Most of his body became deformed and melted due to the shred of Determination in his «soul» being all that kept him alive after the attempt on his life. He also has no legs courtesy of X-Event Frisk cutting them off. Not that he needed them anyway.
    • His «restored» appearance in 0.4 meets both his former appearances in the middle, looking much better than before but still a far cry from what he used to look like.
  • Can’t Kill You, Still Need You: He admits he would have permanently killed his sons ages ago, but he needs their determination, and unlike the rest of the X-Tale cast he can’t simply recreate them.
  • Can’t Take Criticism: XGaster doesn’t take kindly to his own sons calling him out on altering everyone’s lives for the sake of his «perfect» standards, and handles it with as much class as a narcissist would.


    • Also happens when the canonical version of Gaster calls him a «failure» in sign language, prompting XGaster to laugh at his statement.
  • The Chessmaster: XGaster is a master schemer who excels at long term plans, with Underverse basically being him playing everyone through Ink.
  • The Corrupter: To Ink.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Knowing that one day his sons would eventually rebel against him and try to take the other half of his soul, he entrusted it to Ink far before then in order to keep it from them.
  • Creator Backlash: An in-universe example. He OVERWRITES X-Tale at least nine times, and eventually becomes dissatisfied with each timeline, be it through inadequacy or his creations outright rebelling against him. He’s very much an extreme depiction of a creator plagued with self-doubt and insecurities over their creations and constantly redoing it in an effort to achieve perfection…only in XGaster’s case, his creations are living, breathing, feeling individuals, and they don’t like being used as playthings.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: XGaster’s ability to OVERWRITE makes him the most powerful character in the setting, but he is nowhere near as capable without it. He often performs poorly in fights, until he falls back on manipulating reality or summoning one of his many brainwashed minions to fight for him.
  • Determinator: Say what you will about the guy, but when he wants something he works his damndest to get it. It’s shown his pursuit of his «Destiny» and having to plot toward it is extremely tiresome, but he continues towards it.
  • Dirty Coward: In all of the fights he’s been in so far, he has either cheated his way out via OVERWRITE, attacked when the opponent wasn’t ready for it or simply let one of his brainwashed creations fight for him. In his entries in the prequel comic he expresses fear that his creations will one day get fed up with his constant mistreatment of them and rebel. X-Chara calls him out on this in 0.5.
  • Driven to Suicide: In his backstory, he planned to do this after he failed to create something wonderful which would have destroyed X-Tale along with him. Ink is able to put a stop to this by showing him the Multiverse, reinvigorating his passion.
  • Drunk on Milk: According to the official blog, chocolate milk for some reason has an effect on him that’s similar to alcohol.
  • Drunk with Power: The main cause of his descent into villainy. With the reality-warping capabilities of OVERWRITE, XGaster developed a god complex that drove him to create the «perfect» universe, regardless of the effect it would have on his sons or his creations.
  • Entitled Bastard: He considers himself the true owner of the multiverse, simply because he is a creator. Everyone else with the exception of Ink is either a nuisance or a tool to him
  • Eldritch Abomination: Became this after his own sons tried to kill him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He’s disappointed when he finds out XTale Frisk took a page from his book and used the power of OVERWRITE to brainwash a group of humans into attacking him.
  • Evil Is Petty: On top of being insanely evil, XGaster is shown to be immensely petty. As revenge against his kids for rebelling against him, he rewrites reality to make it so that all of their friends hate them, and tried forcing them to kill their own creation because he thought it looked «hideous».
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Was this in his original form.
  • A God Am I: Not outright stated but he develops a very clear god complex as he continues to meddle with the timeline and his creations.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: For much of season 1, he’s mostly absent from the plot due to not possessing his SOUL. However, his tampering with reality is what causes the conflict, as well as XTale Chara’s actions. After reclaiming his soul, XGaster steps into the Big Bad role at the end of 0.4.
  • God Is Evil: He created XTale with the power of Overwrite, and he is far from benevolent.
  • Hate Sink: Regardless of who he used to be, he is by far the most vile character in the entire show. He killed his sons’ friends several times and described their anguish as «Exciting», brainwashed Frisk into doing a Genocide route, mentally scarring him in the process, and later has him try to kill Chara, mocking the latter while doing so and calling them «Ungrateful Brats» when they fight back. He is a sociopathic narcissist and responsible for nearly everything bad that has happened in the main story.
  • Hypocrite:
    • In XTALE X he mentally chastises X-Event Frisk for manipulating humans into attacking him, endangering the peace between humans and monsters in the process. He himself has gone out of his way to make the second timeline as tragic as possible by intentionally causing a world-spanning war and didn’t hesitate to OVERWRITE people to do so.
    • In 0.5 he advises X-Chara to act like an adult. That’s rich, coming from the Psychopathic Manchild who regularly dishes out exceptionally cruel punishments to those who criticize him.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: His general excuse for the horrible things he did in the X-Tale timelines is that creation requires sacrifice. Not from him, of course. Only from his creations and his sons.
  • Ignored Epiphany: In XTALE IX, he briefly seems to show a softer side to XTale Papyrus, and mentions how not being in control has given him a new perspective on the world… before saying how he «hated it» and has gone too far to turn back. Sure enough, by Underverse he’s exactly the same as he was before this.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: The ability to OVERWRITE timelines as he sees fit has left him with a an insatiable god complex. He plays with the lives of his «creations» as he sees fit, and yet can’t live up to his own perfectionist standards, constantly OVERWRITING the timeline to make a better one, uncaring for the effect this has on his sons’ psyches.
  • It Amused Me: In 0.5 he smugly tells X-Chara that the only reason he didn’t take his agency away was that X-Chara’s frustration about his predicament amuses him.
  • It’s All About Me: His viewpoint shifts from doing what’s best to his sons, to what’s best for him and what he believes will make the best story. He even starts referring to X-Tale as «his» universe, and that he won’t let garbage taint it like the others.
  • Karma Houdini: Zig-zagged. On one hand, during the X-Tale timelines he committed numerous crimes like murder, kidnapping and gratuitous child abuse, but any and all retaliation from his creations or his sons were quickly made null and void by his ability to overwrite reality. On the other hand, he kind of gets his comeuppance in the prequel comic, in which X-Event Chara and X-Event Frisk incite a rebellion against him and he is unable to fight back, due to half of his soul now belonging to X-Event Frisk, and has his legs cut off. But then Cross interferes and gets him out of it in a misguided effort to get back at the X-Event for messing with his mind. And ultimately, he’s left an empty, soulless shell of his former self, forced to hide in a void until someone finds a way to get him at least part of his soul back. Which is exactly what ends up happening in 0.4. Ink releases the half of his soul XGaster gave him to hold onto, which allows XGaster to come back in full force and take back the rest of his soul and powers with ease. Apart from his legs being gone, there have yet to be any lasting consequences for XGaster personally.
  • Lack of Empathy: He seems utterly indifferent to the suffering he’s caused, both directly and indirectly.
  • Man Behind the Man: Has been using Ink of all people to manipulate the cast, and get his full soul back.
  • Motive Decay: As the «Creator» of X-Tale, he originally wanted the best for his two sons, X-Event Chara and X-Event Frisk. However, he became discouraged when he couldn’t create the perfect world. After Ink shows him the Multiverse, he seems to be inspired again, but becomes so caught up in the X-Event experiment that his goal changes to wanting to see what interesting experiences his «game» will bring, no matter the cost.
  • Narcissist: He displays all the traits in the XTALE series alone, and that’s before Underverse even takes place. He callously toys with his «creations» without regard for their lives, is unable to take the slightest amount of criticism, pins the blame of his failures on everyone else for being «ungrateful», and has a particularly nasty God complex that eventually extends to the entire Multiverse.
  • Never My Fault: Even before his sons rebelled against him, he utterly refused to take any responsibility for his less than moral actions, instead convincing himself that his sons were the ones in the wrong for attempting to call him out on it. He goes so far as to attribute everything that went wrong in season 1 to them alone, completely ignoring that it was his constant abuse of them that caused them to snap in the first place.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Despite possessing the reality-altering power of OVERWRITE, XGaster doesn’t fare well in a straight fight. Chara and Undyne were able to overpower him until he used OVERWRITE to gain the upper hand. He often uses minions and directly attacks when his enemies are already weakened, highlighting him as a smug coward who’s too dependent on his power.
  • Not So Stoic: He usually keeps an air of professionalism in his entries as he continually alters X-Tale. However, this breaks as soon as people start acting against his wishes. Examples include when XTale Frisk and XTale Chara call him out on his actions and though he keeps a relatively straight face, his entry angrily denounces the two as brats, and the second is when XTale Chara actually hits him, and he starts to take vindictive measures against his own children.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: Implied. In Owners he attempts to strike up a polite conversation with the canonical version of Gaster, but when the latter easily sees through his friendly facade and even calls him out as a «failure» in sign language, XGaster quickly dimisses him and goes right back to his Smug Snake-attitude.
  • Paper Tiger: After he gave half his soul to Ink, he lost his ability to Overwrite, but nonetheless was able to convince his sons that he still had it and relied on that belief to intimidate them and stall their future rebellion. When they find out he doesn’t they instantly rebel.
  • Parental Favoritism: In the X-Tale timelines, he came to see XTale Chara as the stronger and overall superior son, to the point he was willing to erase XTale Frisk for being the weaker one and therefor, in his eyes, useless. Not that being the favorite spared XTale Chara from being his father’s labrat…
  • Pet the Dog: At the end of Underverse 0.4, he revives Cross, gives him back his free will and all his memories, assures him that he’s not at fault for anything that happened, and gives him the choice to join him or not, and the time to think about it. There’s no reason to do any of that; he could have left Cross dead or turned him into a puppet and be done with it.
  • Purple Is Powerful: His soul is purple, and if 0.4 is any indication, he is no push-over.
    • Subverted. The timeline flashbacks show that without the OVERWRITE button and its reality altering capabilities, he’s nothing more than a Dirty Coward who hides behind brainwashed minions and doesn’t stand a chance in a one-on-one confrontation.
  • Protagonist Journey to Villain: The XTALE series are dedicated to show how he started off a well intentioned figure before descending into evil and losing his redeeming qualities.
  • The Perfectionist: The main reason why he kept constantly OVERWRITING X-Tale. He wanted to create the perfect timeline, but was never truly satisfied with what came out of it, and so he kept on changing everything until he came up with the X-Event.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: No matter what way he slices it, behind that sophistication, XGaster is a petulant child at heart. He treats the Multiverse as his own toy box, tampers with the lives of others, and can’t even entertain the idea of being wrong.
  • Reality Warper: With the power of OVERWRITE, he can manipulate reality as he sees fit.
  • Seers: Its shown in the XTALE prequel episodes, that XGaster can see visions of the Future. He dreams about his upcoming «Death», as well as gets glimpses of his his ultimate victory in 0.4, at which point he becomes obsessed with ensuring this event happens, referring to it as his «perfect future» and his «destiny».
  • Spikes of Villainy: Has a couple of spikes protruding from his shoulders.
  • Start of Darkness: Ink showing him the Multiverse was the turning point. Even though he was relatively happy in the first timeline, he eventually started getting plagued with doubts, which grew into dissatisfaction with his own creation, leading to his more drastic measures to create the «perfect» story.
  • Take That!: XGaster is essentially a frustrated creator who opts for bad endings simply because he thinks they’re more interesting than happy endings. He Can’t Take Criticism to save his life and reacts needlessly vindictive to being challenged on his creative decisions.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil:
    • When mainverse Gaster rebuffs his attempt to be friendly, XGaster immediately drops his sophisticated persona and states that if he is not welcome in his counterpart’s world anyway, he might as well do whatever he wants.
    • When mainverse Frisk makes it clear they want nothing to do with him in 0.5, he takes this as the go to let his creations wreak havoc.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: What his Villainous Friendship with Ink is, as it has Gaster slowly but steadily make Ink just as amoral as he is.
  • Truly Single Parent: To XTale Chara and XTale Frisk, kind of. In the XTALE series, he explicitly refers to them as his sons and they seem to consider him a father too. A mother is never shown or mentioned. Then again, XTale Frisk states in XTALE II that he and XTale Chara weren’t created by XGaster and it’s never really elaborated on more than that.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: He is utterly incapable of defending himself in a one-on-one fight, but Overwrite enables him to brute force a victory every single time. It’s what makes him so dangerous to deal with. He’s a Dirty Coward behind his bravado, but he’s also a Reality Warper who can turn the tides of battle in a second.
  • Villainous Friendship: The XTALE series portray him as having an amicable relationship with Ink. He appears to be the only person XGaster doesn’t regard as a plaything.
  • Visionary Villain: His ultimate goal is to unite the best aspects of the multiverse into one, perfect timeline. Everyone who isn’t down with that can die in a ditch, for all he cares.
  • Walking Spoiler: Very much so for his role in the prequel comic and his status as The Man Behind the Man. His revival in 0.4 only makes him that much more of a spoiler.
  • We Can Rule Together: He offers mainverse Frisk a place at his side in 0.5. They refuse.
  • Yank the Dog’s Chain: In XTALE VIII his attitude towards his sons seems to have improved marginally. He teaches X-Event Frisk how to use the OVERWRITE-button and even allows him to make a creation of his own. Then, as soon as he suspects said creation (Mettaton) could be a danger to him personally, he coldly orders X-Event Frisk to destroy it, telling him that he finds it «hideous» and that he alone decides which creations are worthy to keep.

    XTale Asriel | I 

XTale Asriel/XAsriel — Code I


«Stay determined, for our freedom.»



The adoptive brother of XTale Chara and XTale Frisk. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s first timeline, and was the first to fall victim to the overwrite button.

  • Creator’s Pet: He’s this to XGaster; his ability to shift into his Exterminator form has helped made him a favorite to overwrite.
  • Big Brother Worship: Downplayed. He was created to be XTale Frisk’s and XTale Chara’s family and looked up to them a great deal. Before XGaster erased and overwrote him, he expressed his utter faith that the two of them will be able to free him and the rest of the X-Tale cast one day.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Despite never becoming a flower in his universe, he can still turn into Flowey X (or his Exterminator form), thanks to XGaster’s OVERWRITE.

    XTale Asgore | II 

XTale Asgore/XAsgore — Code II




The guardian of XTale Frisk and XTale Chara. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s second timeline, where he was killed by XGaster out of his own interest.

  • Being Good Sucks: He did his best to console XTale Chara in the second X-Tale timeline, becoming his favorite as a result. Upon noticing this, XGaster murdered him, in order to make his story more interesting.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: What ends up happening to him during the second timeline when he was killed by XGaster.
  • The Good King: Was created to be the ideal ruler for the monsters. He lost this quality after the tenth timeline.
  • Parental Substitute: He essentially became XTale Chara’s honorary father in the second timeline.

    XTale Toriel | III 

XTale Toriel/XToriel — Code III




The adoptive mother of XTale Frisk and XTale Chara. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s third timeline, of which she spent little time before being overwritten by XGaster.

  • Eyes Always Closed: She refuses to open her eyes after receiving the memories of the past X-Tale timelines, due to not wanting to see what her once happy family has become.
  • Parental Substitute: Became a surrogate mother-figure to XTale Chara and XTale Frisk in the first and third timeline.
  • Playing with Fire: Has pyrokinesis, just like the original.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Her timeline was so incredibly peaceful that it bored XGaster and he decided to overwrite it after merely two days.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She is easily the most underdeveloped of the X-Tale cast. Her timeline is barely explored and she doesn’t even get a speaking role before XGaster erases her. Sorta justified, as her timeline only lasted for two days.

    XTale Muffet | IV 

XTale Muffet/XMuffet — Code IV


«Do you want to lose your brother or what? WAKE UP!»



A spider-monster with a love for baking. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s fourth timeline, where she convinced XTale Chara to rebel against XGaster.

  • Adaptational Badass: In-universe. In the fourth timeline she was just a humble baker. Her iteration in the tenth timeline was a member of X-Event Frisk’s personal Royal Guard and her current incarnation is part of XGaster’s main forces.
  • Badass Bystander: Was this in the fourth timeline, where she restrained a Brainwashed and Crazy XTale Frisk, so XTale Chara could get to XGaster.
  • Informed Ability: Her character profile states that she has a poisonous bite that can cause victims to hallucinate. She has yet to use that ability in canon, however.
  • In the Hood: Her uniform has a wide hood that she has pulled up at all times.
  • Ship Tease: With XTale Frisk. A lot of official art has them going on dates and kissing. Her animated short also hinted that she might have a crush on him, giving him food for free and calling him a «cute dork».
  • Whip It Good: Is always portrayed wielding a whip in the official artwork.
  • Wake-Up Call: She gives this hard to XTale Chara when she tells him to stop XGaster.

    XTale Undyne | V 

XTale Undyne/XUndyne — Code V


«You’re better than that, my dear student…»



The captain of the Royal Guard. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s fifth timeline, where she trained XTale Chara to fight against XGaster.

  • Berserk Button: Hurting or threatening her loved ones is this to her.
  • Blood Knight: Downplayed. While she does love a good fight, she will not keep beating on an opponent who is clearly in no condition to fight back.
  • Butch Lesbian: Is just as physically capable as ever and had a romantic relationship with XAlphys in the fifth X-Tale timeline.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Finding out that her world, her friends and her feelings for them were all fake and a lie. She pretty much gave up her Paragon — status after finding out about that.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Is missing an eye just like the original, but also kicks just as much ass as her.
  • Honor Before Reason: It was her refusal to kill XGaster, despite knowing of his power and what he’d done with it, that ultimately cost her and XTale Chara the battle and allowed XGaster to overwrite her and the timeline yet again.
  • The Mentor: To XTale Chara in the fifth timeline. She was the one who taught him how to fight and confronted XGaster alongside him. Sadly, they ended up losing.
  • The Paragon: Was this before XGaster overwrote her. She always stood up for what she believed was right and in the fifth timeline was responsible for XAlphys finally gathering enough courage to rebel against XGaster actively. She also gave XTale Chara combat training and advised him to fight for justice, not for revenge. Tragically, it was her heroic attitude that ultimately led to her and XTale Chara losing the fight against XGaster.

    XTale Chara | VI 

XTale Chara/X-Event Chara/XChara — Code VI



Click here to see his older appearance. 



The X-Tale version of Chara. Originally, he was the eldest son of XGaster when his universe was created, but as his father’s perfectionist attitude got to be too much, he tries to rebel against him until he was chosen to be the prime subject of XGaster’s X-Event experiment because in his words, he was the stronger one. He later teamed up with his brother in order to try and overthrow him so that they could become the owners of X-Tale. Unfortunately, they failed and their world was destroyed, including his brother.

He was absorbed and kept prisoner inside of Cross’ body until Error unintentionally freed him. From there, he appeared to Cross as a metaphysical spirit, influencing some of his actions, culumating in gaining control over his body until his demise by XGaster in 0.4. Now he’s part of XGaster’s cast of minions, ready to create one perfect universe.

  • All for Nothing: XGaster’s restoration in 0.4 renders everything he’d worked for in the season meaningless. When it sinks in, he’s not too happy about it.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: Thanks to a combination of his father’s perfectionist attitude and the X-Event experiment, he’s very upset with him and actively revolts against him with his brother in the prequel comic.
  • Badass in Distress: 0.4 sees him completely at the mercy of Nightmare and Killer. At one point, he’s seen trying desperately to keep them from force-feeding him a monster-soul.
    • He’s taken captive by XGaster at the end of the episode.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: He used to be a way better person before XGaster decided to use him and his brother as guinea pigs for his story ideas.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Cross, playing The Man Behind the Man. He forms another one with Nightmare after Cross is defeated, but it backfires on him when Nightmare is able to play their deal to his favor.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With Cross, Nightmare, Error, and later XGaster. He has a Big Bad Duumvirate with the former two, and is in direct conflict the latter two.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: A very significant threat, no denying, but he’s reduced to this in 0.4, being manhandled by Nightmare and forced to go along with his wishes, and later upstaged by XGaster when Ink frees him.
  • Big Brother Bully: Shows shades of this in X-Tale X, where he berates X-Frisk for still being hesitant about attacking innocent people.
  • Big Brother Instinct: His one redeeming quality throughout all his misdeeds is his on-going love for his little brother X-Frisk. He was very protective of him in the X-Tale timelines, to the point he was willing to give up his body and soul so X-Frisk could live. Even after becoming the X-event and basically becoming soulless, he’s still deadset on making life better for X-Frisk, even though this manifests in him pushing his baby brother into more and more immoral actions.
  • Break the Cutie: Him and Frisk changed drastically with the events of X-Tale happening and XGaster’s brutal torture of the two.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Him and X-Event Frisk attempted to do just that with XGaster, but were swiftly ignored and brushed off as «ungrateful brats».
  • Cassandra Truth: Chara told Cross that he couldn’t use the OVERWRITE button because he’s a monster, but considering how much Cross had been screwed over and manipulated by that point and, as far as he knew, had no reason to trust Chara nor Frisk, he had a hard time believing him. Cross thought that having half of Chara’s Determination would be enough to pull off the impossible, only for him to find out the hard way, and too late, that Chara was right. It didn’t help that Chara was in the middle of trying to kill Cross (with the intent of going back with his brother) while he was warning him and yelled at Cross that he didn’t deserve to exist.

    Cross: Is that true I can’t use the Overwrite button? No. Chara was probably lying. It’s obvious I can’t trust him.

  • The Corrupter:
    • To his little brother XTale Frisk, after losing his soul and being fused into the X-Event. While Frisk was still hesitant to actually hurt people, Chara steadily preyed on his insecurities and desire to be free from XGaster and it’s XTale Chara who suggests using Cross in their Thanatos Gambit in a particularly weak moment. Though when an insane and dying Cross kills XTale Papyrus and then declares that he will become the new X-Event before suddenly collapsing from his injuries, XTale Frisk tries to kill Cross for having ruined his plans, against XTale Chara’s suggestion.
    • He takes the same role after Cross seals him inside his body. While Cross was willing to go to extremes, he still had scruples and regretted having to fight Ink and hurt innocent people to get his world back. X-Event Chara steadily egged him on and his attempt to take over Cross’ body was what drove Cross off the deep end.

      Cross: I wanted my people back at any cost. Finally I gave up and stopped feeling mercy. No more common sense. Only Chara’s voice.

  • Disney Death : While XTale Chara dies in 0.4, not long after XGaster rejuvenates his soul and he and Frisk are brought back as part of XGaster’s minions.
  • Enemy Within: Is this to Cross up until 0.3.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: For all the horrible things XChara has done, he’s disgusted when XGaster restores the rest of the main timeline’s cast their memories of all the resets (including a Genocide run) to turn them against Frisk. XGaster is quick to point out that XChara and XFrisk did pretty much the same thing when they tried to kill him.
  • Freudian Excuse: He claims that he’s only going so far because XGaster treated him and X-Event Frisk so poorly in the past. Considering their father’s attitude and actions, it really isn’t a surprise he and his brother are mentally unwell.
  • Hidden Depths: Although they butt heads pretty often, deep down he still cares about Cross. During his fight with Swap in 0.3 part 2, he briefly sees a vision of Cross tearfully telling him that this is not what their friends from X-Tale would have wanted. Right after that he uses his powers to heal Swap completely, admits to him that he actually misses being friends and even offers Swap to join him. When Swap shows no intention of backing down, he remarks that it was silly of him to think Swap would understand him, since at the end he’s not really his Sans.
  • Hypocrite: He seeks to punish XGaster and Ink for treating innocent people like they’re their personal play-things and destroying lives for no reason other than that they can — by doing the exact same thing to every pacifist timeline he comes across. Sorta justified since he was working for Nightmare, and that it was mainly in an attempt to take revenge and get his world back, as opposed to entertainment.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: More than anything else, he wanted freedom from XGaster and his role as the X-Event experiment. Sadly, his efforts to obtain freedom seems like it had gone to waste, as XGaster has resurrected him now even more oppressed on his side.
  • It’s All About Me: He doesn’t care that he’s hurting innocent people. Every time he’s cornered, he immediately starts squalling about how he is in the right, because of what XGaster did to him and his brother. When XGaster is eventually revived, all he does is scream about how he was supposed to win and how unfair this situation is to him. Though to be fair, it’s sorta justified in that the fate of X-Chara’s universe was in his hands, and XGaster’s revival meant that X-Chara’s efforts to bring back his universe and get revenge were All for Nothing, so the frustration is at least understandable.
  • Kick the Dog: When they were still fused together he tended to verbally abuse Cross whenever he could, calling him nothing but a tool, mocking him for destroying the world he’d been trying to save and even attempting to take over his body without permission when he was already tired out and injured from his fight with Fell.
  • Lack of Empathy: After becoming the X-event, he loses all sympathy for everyone who isn’t him or his brother, seeing them as nothing but tools to their ends. This seems to reverse when he’s revived in his adult body and with his old soul in season 2, as he openly calls XGaster out for taking advantage of everyone in the X-Tale cast, not just X-Frisk.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Throughout the first few episodes he’s done everything in his power to put Cross down and even called him nothing more than a tool in 0.2. By 0.4 the tables have effectively turned on him. Now he is the one constantly being abused and put down by a Reality Warper who can read his thoughts. And to add insult to injury, he had suffered the same circumstances before.
  • Moral Myopia: Hates XGaster and Ink because they manipulate and use people for their own gain. He and X-Event Frisk did the very same thing to Cross in the prequel comic and didn’t even seem to feel sorry about it afterwards. Chara in particular started mocking him for destroying the world he’d been trying to save, though Frisk at least desperately tried to make amends to some degree before dying, and Chara warned Cross he wouldn’t be able to use the OVERWRITE, but Cross refused to believe him.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He’s Really 700 Years Old yet still feels the need to throw massive temper tantrums whenever something doesn’t go his way, shows child-like glee at torturing innocent people and acts like his situation entitles him to the Overwrite-button and the multiverse.
  • Really 700 Years Old: The flashback in 0.4 reveals that X-Event Chara has grown up multiple times already, but is now stuck in his child form, due to his father’s constant abuse of the OVERWRITE button.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue Oni to Cross’s Red Oni.
  • Revenge: His main motivation for wanting to destroy the Alternate Universes. He wants revenge on XGaster for everything he did to him and his brother Frisk and on Ink for indirectly causing it all to happen in the first place. Destroying all of the timelines they admired so much seems like a good start to him.
  • Sanity Slippage: Happened gradually in his backstory. Being forced to kill his own brother and becoming a pawn in XGaster’s «game», and then dealing with the fact that XGaster killed XTale Mettaton even after Frisk was following XGaster’s orders, followed by someone pushing Frisk over is the first time Chara advocates murderering everyone.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Insulting and attempting to order around an Eldritch Abomination, who is clearly already pissed at you, while you yourself are injured, pretty much powerless and stuck in a child’s body may not be what one would call a smart move.
  • Tragic Mistake: Trying to push Cross into their side only to then betray him was what led to him and X-Event Frisk’s plans of gaining control over X-Tale (which was impossible since XGaster knews this would happen) failing as Cross took the betrayal as a means of becoming the X-Event itself.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: If the flashback in 0.3 Part 2 and what Nightmare says in 0.4 is anything to go by.
    • Further supplemented by the XTALE animated series: XGaster’s mistreatment is what led to XTale Chara to spell revenge to anyone.
  • Villain Has a Point: In 0.3 Part 2, he makes the assumption that Ink is secretly helping XGaster come back and is merely using the other Sanses to achieve that goal. 0.4 shows he was completely right.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Breaks down into tears when XGaster is restored at the end of 0.4, effectively nullifying his plans.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Zig-zagged. He has white hair and is a complete arsehole in season 1, torturing and killing everyone around him for getting petty revenge on his abusive father, regardless of whether they deserved it or not. The X-Tale series shows this is a recent devlopment, as he was a much more heroic and kind person before XGaster broke him.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: His own father experimented on him and his brother over and over again, so he could create the perfect world. Trying to stop him is what ended up driving him insane, according to Nightmare.

    XTale Frisk | VII 

XTale Frisk/X-Event Frisk/XFrisk — Code VII



Click here to see his older appearance. 



The X-Tale version of Frisk. Originally, he was the younger son of XGaster, but after being abused by his father, his determination becomes dejected and his father nearly deletes him until X-Event Chara decides to take him as a vessel for his soul. This gave him the power of the X-Event, and growing tired of his father’s «game», he attempts to pull a Batman Gambit on Cross which ultimately fails. Now, he’s brought back to be part of XGaster’s crew for when they create their one singular universe with the best of others.

  • Antagonistic Offspring: Thanks to a combination of his father’s perfectionist attitude and the X-Event experiment, he’s very upset with him and actively revolts against him with his brother in the prequel comic.
  • Back from the Dead: Underverse 0.4 — Epilogue shows him alive and mind-controlled by XGaster’s side.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Chara when he was the X-Event in the prequel comic, though Frisk is the more prominent of the two.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With XGaster in the XTale comic, attempting to seize the power of OVERWRITE for themselves.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Briefly becomes this in XTALE IV as a result of XGaster overwriting his code in order to initiate a genocide route. XTale Chara puts an end to this though, with the help of XTaleMuffet.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: He was a way better person before XGaster experimented on him and his older brother.
  • Bitch in Sheep’s Clothing: He is presented as a nice and caring person like most portrayals of Frisk, but after Cross refuses to kill him as a part of his plan, he drops the act and actively tries to eliminate him from then on.
  • Break the Cutie: Originally, he was as nice as any other Frisk, but the events that happened in X-Tale (especially the fourth timeline) and the X-Event experiment gradually took away almost any niceness he had until it made him into what he was by the time of the prequel comic.
  • Creepy Child: What he is really like under his facade.
  • Death Seeker: By the time of XTALE X he’s become so fed up with repeatedly losing to and being used by XGaster, he tries pretty much everything to make the pain stop. Unfortunately for him, XGaster has other plans and forcefully keeps him and X-Event!Chara alive.
  • Evil Former Friend: Him and Cross were best friends before he decided to manipulate his code. It didn’t stop him and his brother from trying to kill Cross when he refused to play along with their Thanatos Gambit.
  • He Knows Too Much: When Cross refuses to kill him, he tries to pull this but is stopped at the last second by XGaster, although he did plan on bringing Cross back.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: More than anything else, he and XTale Chara wanted freedom from XGaster and his role as the X-Event experiment. He got it in the end, though not in the way he expected. And now it seems like all of that had gone to waste again, as XGaster has now returned him from the dead now even more oppressed on his side.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: A victim of this twice over. The first time, it’s from Cross’ entire arm which mortally wounds him. The second is from one of his giant knives which finishes the job.
  • Karmic Death: In the end, he is murdered permanently by the very person he tried to manipulate into killing him before.
  • Manipulative Bastard: In XTALE X he uses his overwrite powers to repeatedly manipulate humans around him into attacking and trying to kill him. Of course no one else but XGaster and XAlphys notices, so the humans he brainwashes are essentially made into his scapegoats. This behavior extends even to Cross, his supposed «best friend».
  • Moral Event Horizon: Manipulating Cross’ code in order to force him to kill him. When that doesn’t work, he simply decides to kill him to prevent him from being an obstacle to his plans, with intention of taking him out of the way for the takeover.
  • Only Mostly Dead: XTALE VII has his determination dejected and had it not been for X-Event Chara’s intervention, XGaster could’ve deleted him from the game.
  • Patricide: Him and X-Event Chara tried to kill XGaster in the fifth, ninth and tenth timeline.
  • Tragic Mistake: Trying to push Cross into their side only to then betray him was what led to him and X-Event Chara’s plans of gaining control over X-Tale (which was impossible since XGaster knew this would happen) failing as Cross took the betrayal as a means of becoming the X-Event itself.
  • Tragic Villain: Just like his brother, the X-Event experiment caused him to become bitter and angry, willing to do whatever it takes to win the war for the universe.
  • The Un-Favourite: Was this to XGaster in the X-Tale timelines, due to his determination being a lot weaker than XTale Chara’s.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: In the prequel comics, he tries to get Cross to kill him in order to gain full control of the Overwrite button and overthrow XGaster. However he later reveals that this is not due to a desire to free everyone, but because he can’t stand not being the one in control, like his main universe counterpart. Something Cross immediately realized and called him out on, although this might have more to do with the fact that he has watched a number of peaceful timelines turn to ash.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: XTale Frisk just wanted to be free from the control of his father, XGaster, after all the pain, suffering and trauma he and XTale Chara were both put through in the name of XGaster’s experiments. By the time of the prequel comic, XTale Frisk is a broken shell of his former self who’s willing to resort to unethical tactics if it’ll give him the chance to take control from XGaster once and for all.

    XTale Mettaton | VIII 

XTale Mettaton/XMTT — Code VIII




The first creation of the X-Event. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s eighth timeline, where he tries to defend his creator from XGaster for his fierce attitude against his creation.

  • Adaptational Heroism: While his counterpart from the original Undertale does have his heroic moments, XTale Mettaton was ready to defend his creators X-Event Chara and X-Event Frisk with his life the second he thought they were in danger. Justified, as in this AU he was created to be their guardian.
  • Agent Peacock: He’s flamboyant, vain and his appearance is rather feminine, but don’t let that fool you. He’s anything but harmless. Case in point: He killed the entirety of the Underfell-cast on XGaster’s orders without breaking a sweat.
  • Bizarre Taste in Food: He keeps chomping down on all sorts of things when XTale Frisk and XTale Chara first create him, much to their chagrin. His character profile states that his favorite food is souls.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: He’s shapely, has long hair and wears makeup under his mask, but just like his mainverse counterpart he’s 100 % male.
  • Kick the Dog: In the joke video, in response to being tied with Undyne for being the least popular character and after dealing with Cross and Papyrus, how does he deal with Muffet? By devouring one of her cakes and saying it was bad, bringing her to tears.
  • Killer Robot: His original purpose was to be X-Event Frisk’s protector, but after XGaster’s overwriting him, he seems to be merely additional muscle who won’t hesitate to kill people if they get in his new master’s way.
  • Malevolent Masked Men: He is noticeably more aggressive after XGaster overwrites him and dons a mask covering the lower half of his face.
  • Sore Loser: A joke video, released after the results of the popularity poll for the Underverse-characters were in, shows him reacting rather badly to being the least popular character next to Undyne.

    XTale Papyrus | IX 

XTale Papyrus/XPapyrus — Code IX




The younger brother of Cross. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s ninth timeline, where he loses faith in X-Event Frisk for his alienating personality.

  • Apologetic Attacker: He tearfully apologizes to Cross after punching him in the face.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He is just as friendly and peace-loving as his counterpart from Undertale, but more than capable of holding his own in a fight. He’s also a lot more willing to hurt innocent people for what he believes is right, to the point he tried to murder Cross and let a child who was standing right next to him perish in the crossfire.
  • Cain and Abel: In the prequel comic he tries to kill Cross several times, in order to stop him from interfering with X-Event Frisk’s plans. Cross ultimately retaliates by killing him, albeit reluctantly.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: He intentionally breaks Cross’s heart by viciously attacking him several times, so he won’t keep trying to stop X-Event Frisk and get hurt.
  • Duct Tape for Everything: In XTALE 9, he is seen using duct tape to fix the broken Heart Locket (which he notes is a rare jewelry), and later he brings several rolls of duct tape to try and fix a broken fence.
  • Dynamic Entry: His first meeting with XGaster (at least in Timeline 9), is him falling through the sky while riding Greater Dog and breaking the fence in the process.
  • Hypocrite: In the prequel comic he and the majority of the main cast betrayed and tried to kill Cross multiple times. Yet for some reason he is disappointed and upset when Cross finally fights back. Expanded on in supplementary material, which reveals that he still holds that attitude.
  • Morality Pet: To Cross in the prequel comics. Subverted, as Cross eventually kills him after realizing he’s on X-Event Frisk’s side.
    • XTALE IX briefly makes it seem as though he’s going to become one to XGaster and X-Event Frisk. It’s ultimately subverted, as both of them are way too far gone for him to have any positive influence on their corrupted minds. X-Event Frisk tries to rush their friendship, because he believes that teaming up the usual way will merely result in a repeat of the last few timelines, which ends up alienating XTale Papyrus instead (though he does accept the heart locket). And XGaster, as usual, doesn’t even entertain the thought that what he did to his sons and his creations was wrong and cruel, instead smugly dismissing both XTale Papyrus’ attempt at reasoning with him and X-Event Frisk’s emotional breakdown afterwards.
  • Never My Fault: He seemingly has no remorse for betraying and trying to kill Cross. In the prequel comic he justifies his actions by claiming he was just being Cruel to Be Kind. In a supplementary comic he also tries to argue that Cross was the one who ended up killing him in the end, barely acknowledging that Cross’ actions were the result of a heavy Sanity Slippage, which in turn only got that bad because Papyrus and the rest of the X-Tale cast tried to murder him, even though he’d done nothing wrong by that point.
  • Sinister Scythe: Wields a big, white scythe in his official artwork.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He fires several gaster blasters at Cross in the prequel comic, seemingly not caring that an innocent monster child was standing nearby.

    Cross | X 

XTale Sans/X-Event Sans/»Cross» — Code X


«I must continue with the job…brother.»

Click here to see him after XGaster revives him. 



The X-Tale version of Sans and the older brother of XTale Papyrus. Was the receiver of the heart locket in X-Tale’s tenth timeline, where he tries to claim the X-Event experiment as his own, and ultimately realizes the limitations of the experiment and breaks down. He ends up attempting to recreate his own universe after stealing half of Classic Sans’ soul, by extracting resources from the other universes with the help of Nightmare Sans, but he is stopped before he could recreate his own universe, and ends up being overtaken by X-Event Chara until his demise by XGaster. He is brought back and is shown to be leading an army of alternate universe survivors against XGaster after the demise of the Doodle Sphere.

  • All for Nothing: He murdered the rest of the XTale cast with the intent to restore them to life after seizing the X-Event for himself. It’s all rendered moot upon realizing that monsters can’t access the OVERWRITE button. That, combined with the sinking guilt of killing everyone he cared about, and screwing himself out of the chance to save his loved ones, causes him to break down.
  • Appropriated Appellation: X-Event Frisk began to call him «Cross» in the tenth X-Tale timeline, because of his uniform’s design. Cross later uses it to introduce himself to Ink, even though he actually can’t stand the name because it’s a constant reminder of X-Event Frisk’s betrayal. Although it could be seen as a title he embraced or became resigned to after being responsible for the destruction of his world.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He tries really hard to make himself out as a threat, but the poor guy has to either rely on others for his plan or get the Eviler than Thou treatment from his supposed «allies» who constantly trick and use him.
  • Blatant Lies: Ink describes Cross as the only survivor of his world after a Genocide run without reset capabilities…which is wrong.
  • Cain and Abel: He was forced to kill XTale Papyrus in the prequel comics, because the latter was so firmly on X-Event Frisk’s side he tried to kill Cross several times.
  • Came Back Strong: His revival by XGaster prompts him to save Dream Sans from the ire of Killer Sans, allowing him and Dream to escape to the Omega Timeline.
  • Cosmic Plaything: It seems in some way everyone in the multiverse has it out for him: X-Event Chara and Frisk wanted to make him into their tool and failing that, tried to use his friends to dispose of him, his «father» XGaster used him for entertainment, Nightmare frequently abused him during their brief team-up, the group of Sanses around Ink chased him across half the multiverse and were fully willing to let him die once Classic Sans took back his stolen soul from him and even Ink himself, whom Cross had previously thought was his Only Friend, turned out to have been Evil All Along and only have befriended him to further XGaster’s «game».
  • Critical Existence Failure: Was this between 0.3 Part 1 and 0.4 due to X-Event Chara taking center stage of his soul.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: He actually hates being called Cross and would rather people just call him Sans. «Cross» was the nickname X-Event Frisk gave him in the very timeline he tried to kill him in.
  • Genocide from the Inside: In the prequel comic it’s revealed that Cross himself was the one who murdered nearly everybody in his world during a misguided attempt to become the new X-Event and claim the OVERWRITE-button for himself. It ultimately failed, due to Cross’ being a monster and thus unable to actually use the button, as Chara tried to tell him before he killed Frisk.
  • The Heavy: He’s not the Big Bad by any stretch, but he gets the plot rolling by stealing Classic Sans’s soul and is the direct antagonist for the opening chapters of season one.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The realization that all his efforts were in vain and he killed his loved ones and destroyed his world for nothing hit Cross hard. What’s worse, X-Event!Chara had warned Cross that the OVERWRITE button wouldn’t work for him because he’s a monster and not a human, but Cross didn’t believe him and killed X-Event!Frisk to prevent X-Event!Chara from returning to his vessel, only to realize how huge of a mistake it all was once it became clear to him that X-Event!Chara was telling the truth.

    X-Event!Chara: You finally realized… That you’ve killed everybody with your own hands… And they won’t come back because of you. You cannot stand the guilt any longer.

  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Oni to Chara’s Blue Oni. Though the roles shift around a few times.
  • Heel–Face Turn: The end credits scenes of 0.4 imply he will go through one.
  • Honorary True Companion: Subverted. Although XGaster considers him as the tenth member of his crew of minions, he allows Cross to decide whether or not he wants to be his Sixth Ranger. If the intro to Season 2 has any clues, he doesn’t join XGaster.
  • Hybrid Power: Has most of his «Sans» attacks while also being able to use knives thanks to the human half of his soul. That is, until Cross is finally separated from him in 0.4.
  • Sanity Slippage: In the prequel comic. Granted, he was slowly dying at the time and everyone, including his own brother, had just tried to kill him. It really shines through during the final fight against all of them.
  • Scars are Forever: His trademark red scar. Not even a RESET can take it away. Subverted in 0.4 when XGaster revives him. He no longer has the scar as a result.
  • Slasher Smile: He has plenty of these after his Sanity Slippage kicks in, but the one right before he starts tearing apart the rest of the XTALE cast takes the cake.
  • Tears of Blood: Trying to fuse with the X-Event’s soul corrupted him so badly that he cries blood in his current state.
  • Tragic Villain: He genuinely doesn’t want to harm anyone, he just wants to rebuild his home.
    • The prequel comic expands on this. Cross was simply a royal guard in charge of protecting X-Event Frisk alongside his brother. He had no idea about the secret war for the Universe or that his own code was being manipulated. After seeing X-Event Frisk’s true nature, and after being mortally wounded and losing his sanity, Cross then attempts to become the X-Event himself by absorbing X-Event Frisk’s soul, in a misguided bid to get back at X-Event Frisk and make a better world. In doing so, he not only ensured the destruction of his home, but also lost any chance of being able to OVERWRITE due to his status as a monster locking him out of using the OVERWRITE button, something that Chara tried to warn him about before he killed Frisk, unintentionally destroying his only chance of fixing anything without multiversal assistance. No wonder he wants to rebuild his world so badly.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His gambit to hijack the X-Event for himself ultimately lands it back in XGaster’s possession by the end of the first season.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: The XTALE series prior to XTALE X shows that Cross was just like the other Sanses in the multiverse. That was before the X-Event tried so deseperate to sway Cross on their side.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He will do anything to rebuild his home.
    • He attempted to steal X-Event Frisk’s SOUL because, as XGaster had pointed out, there was nothing stopping them from becoming just like him eventually, and their manipulations up to that point certainly did not make them look good.
  • Wild Card: In the war between X-Event Frisk and XGaster in the tenth timeline, neither of them foresaw Cross making his own bid to become the X-Event. Even XGaster deemed his actions unexpected, but ultimately worked in XGaster’s favor, as his interference eventually led to him reclaiming his soul at the end of the first season.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: He’s lost everything thanks to XGaster and X-Event Frisk’s on-going fight for their universe. All he wants is his friends and world back.

    XTale Alphys 

XTale Alphys/XAlphys


«I truly comprehend your pain.»

The loyal assistant to XGaster who follows his orders without question. She managed to survive alongside him when X-Tale was corrupted and has since been carrying out his work for him, watching over until the third phase of XGaster’s game commences.

  • Badass Bookworm: Not the least bit impressed by Underfell Asgore’s threats.
  • Break the Cutie: She started out as a well-meaning, if timid, person who did her best to stop XGaster from using the OVERWRITE-button without him noticing. When he realized she was secretly working against him, XGaster proceeded to use the OVERWRITE-button on her, in order to shape her into the cold, undyingly loyal assistant we see in the present.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Supplementary material reveals that she became this to the rest of the X-Tale cast, once XGaster overwrote her. Barely anyone can tolerate her Lack of Empathy and worship of XGaster. And even though XTale Undyne still tries to make things work between them, it’s clear that she’s just as freaked out by the current XAlphys as the others are.
  • Hidden Depths: In XTALE X she actually admits in a journal entry that she thinks XGaster is in the wrong and that she doesn’t like how he treats XTale Chara and XTale Frisk. She also shows concern for Cross both in the X-Tale timelines and in the series’ present, internally apologizing for the trouble X-event Chara’s meddling has gotten him in.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Despite clearly being uncomfortable with XGaster’s actions in the X-Tale timelines, she never does anything to interfere with or even dissuade him from his plans. 0.4 implies there’s some kind of Mind Manipulation at play and in XTALE V it’s all but confirmed her present self is a result of him overwriting her as punishment for her attempted betrayal. In XTALE X she admits to herself that she disapproves of his cruel treatment of XTale Chara and XTale Frisk, but decides to redact that statement from the journal entries.
  • Not So Stoic:
    • She seems to be completely emotionless at first, but after Underfell Asgore attacks her, she looks pretty annoyed. This could very well also be XGaster speaking through her.
    • In XTALE X she’s noticeably flustered by XTale Undyne.
  • Number Two: She is XGaster’s loyal right-hand-woman though not entirely by choice.
  • Punchclock Villain: She functions as XGaster’s assistant and has no interest in joining in in fights, as long as they don’t interrupt her work.


    CORE Frisk 

CORE Frisk


«It’s their fault.»

A version of Frisk, who after resetting the timeline over and over again, was thrown into the CORE by their Sans. However, rather than being scattered across time and space, their determination allowed them to become an omnipresent being who could travel to any timeline in any universe. Their job is to go to timelines that are deserted or collapsing and take the survivors to the «Omega Timeline», a safe haven where all timeline survivors can live together in peace.

  • Eyeless Face: Downplayed but their eyes are actually hollow sockets that they can store items in, such as a drawing of Cross and the X-Tale cast he made.
  • Not So Stoic: They don’t show a lot of emotion when they first encounter Sans in Xtra Scene 1, but in 0.4, seeing the death of Underswap Papyrus and being unable to help him drives them to tears.
  • The Omnipresent: One of their powers thanks to their fall into the CORE. They use this in order to spy on X-Tale Alphys while being in X-Tale with Dream.


Outertale Sans


«Anyone is always welcome. After all, I’m not the owner of this world.»

A version of Sans who lives in outer space. Personality-wise, he’s not all that different from Sans, sharing his love for jokes and his brother. He believes the sky is big enough for everyone and can’t imagine having to deal with artificial stars.

  • Killed Offscreen: Although the audience doesn’t get to see the body or his fight with Killer, he’s never seen again after the camera cuts away, and due to Killer being present later on, it’s heavily implied that this was his ultimate fate.
  • Nice Guy: He welcomed Sans with open arms and was more than willing to help him find Ink, even though they had just met.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He barely gets any time to talk with Sans before he is killed by Killer.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: He simply cannot imagine that someone could be greedy enough to consider themselves the owner of a whole universe.


Fresh Sans



A version of Sans who is based off of the 80s/90s. His job is to watch over X-Tale per Ink’s instructions and make sure nobody else enters.

  • Beware the Silly Ones: He is far wackier than the original Sans, but he can be just as scary if not more so. Just ask Cross.
  • Eldritch Abomination: He looks normal right now, but this is what he looks like with a host. His true form is much more terrifying.note 
  • Empty Shell: His base personality, lacking in emotions and being incapable of love. He hides it well under his «go with the flow» personality.
  • Gag Censor: One of his abilities, which kicks in whenever someone tries to swear. It causes the word to become a Sound-Effect Bleep while also changing the word to one of his «Fresh words». Underfell Sans learns this the hard way.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: Not even Error can erase him.
  • The Virus: To survive, he must continually jump from host to host so that nobody becomes suspicious of him.

    Fresh Ink 


«Find out what’s tormentin’ dem. Use dat weakness against dem to destroy their life. Let dem know that nobody messes with you.«

A fusion of Fresh and Ink that forms when Fresh possesses Ink’s body.

  • Beware the Silly Ones: He is as wacky and colorful as his components and a master of Psychological Combat that focuses on picking up on his opponent’s weaknesses and exploiting them so that nobody messes with him. He uses Error’s insecurities to freak him out and send him running rather than continue to fight him.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: He talks to the audience during his fight with Error and gives a «lesson» on how to use the internal weaknesses of others against them.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Error is so freaked out by him that he leaves rather than continue the fight.
  • Nightmare Face: He sports Fresh’s parasite eye and Ink’s sharp slasher smile during part of his fight against Error.
  • Slasher Smile: He gives a dark smile with sharp teeth as he comments that most people aren’t aware of their internal struggles and he can use that weakness to make sure they never mess with him.

Разнообразие — Магия является крайне разнообразной способностью. Она включает в себе большое количество различных типов и подтипов, которые различаются как сутью и изначальными особенностями так и такими вещами как способы использования магии. При этом стоит отметить что большинство существ являются узконаправленными в плане магии и используют только один её определённый тип в бою.

  • Цвета атак — Особенность, из-за которой абсолютно любая магическая атака обладает своим определённым уникальным цветом. От этого цвета зависит то какими свойствами обладает магическая способность, а также различными дополнительными особенностями. При этом эти цвета выглядят так что противнику интуитивно понятно какой из них какую особенность имеет. Хотя несмотря на это данные способности всё ещё имеют достаточно черт которые компенсируют эту очевидность.
  • Создание элемента — Фундументальная способность, лежащая в корне любого типа магии. Благодаря этой способности пользователь магии способен создавать тот элемент или объект, на котором основана его магия. Эта способность является крайне полезной, так-как благодаря ней у пользователя магии всегда будет сырьё для использования своих способностей.
  • Сопротевляимость — Существо, использующее ту или иную магию получает аналогичную ей сопротевляемость такого же типа. Так, если пользователь способен использовать магию огня то он получит защиту от негативных сторон огня. При этом уровень сопротевляемости также зависит от силы пользователя и чем сильнее его магия тем выше сопротевляемость.

Эррор Санс — Он является альтернативой копией Санса из другой вселенной или временной линии (АУ), внешней он практически не чем не отличается от оригинального Санса, разве что только цветом. Он является полной противоположностью Инк Сансу, если Инк является создателем альтернативных вселенных, то Эррор Санс является их уничтожителем, он способен с лёгкостью уничтожить всю вселенную, даже не напрягаясь.

Физическое описание

Цвет глаз

Правый зрачок полностью белый, а правый жёлтый с синим центром. Белки глаз красные

Чтобы узнать больше об оригинальном комиксе, смотрите Errortale.

Error!Sans (от англ. error — ошибка) — разрушитель AU. Является альтернативной версией Санса из Undertale. Создателем данного персонажа является LoverOfPiggies. Error!Санс более известен как просто Эррор.

Главная цель Эррора — уничтожение всех AU, ведь по его измышлениям, всё — ошибка. После выполнения этой цели он самоуничтожится. Неизвестно, в какой вселенной жил до попадания в Анти-пустоту, где из-за невозможности выбраться начал терять рассудок. Однако, через неизвестное количество времени, он всё-таки смог сделать это, после чего начал путешествовать по другим AU.

Так как каноничный комикс не был закончен, некоторые идеи не были реализованы. Например, изначально Эррором должен был являться Гено после событий Aftertale.

В последствии превратился в отдельного персонажа, независимого от вселенной Undertale. Должен был стать персонажем комикса Lucidia, но он был заморожен.


Официальный дизайн




Одет в тёмно-синие куртку и шорты, а также красную футболку (раньше носил круглые очки с красной оправой). У него жёлто-голубая радужка и белки красного цвета. От глаз идут синие полосы, которые появились от случайного использования магии на глазницах. Всегда окружен надписями «Error» (рус. Ошибка).


Он носит черное пальто с желтыми карманами. К рукавам пришиты куски синей ткани. Под ней он носит красный свитер. Он носит широкие черные брюки к которым с низу неровно пришиты куски той же синей ткани. На нём длинный синий шарф и чёрные сандалии.


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Вариант 1

Эррор появился в Анти-пустоте, не зная для чего и почему он тут. Постоянно спал, пока не открыл возможность путешествовать по AU, после чего решил разрушать их.

Вариант 2

Фриск, чувствуя себя ужасно после геноцида, принимают просьбу Санса (во время битвы с ним в Последнем коридоре) и сбрасывают геноцид-таймлайн. Однако они снова возвращаются и выходя из Руин, Фриск слышат знакомые звуки Санса, но обнаруживают, что он стал ошибкой в коде.

Вариант 3

Эррор на самом деле является версией Гено после событий Aftertale, которая несмотря на предупреждения Санса, связывается с магией решительности. В конце концов, он случайно отправляет себя в Анти-пустоту. В последние минуты сознания, он был в ярости, что с ним это произошло, хоть он и получил свою хорошую концовку. Гено, теряя свой рассудок, ненавидел всё и вся, поэтому Эррор называет всех «ошибками» и «аномалиями».

Сколько лет эррор сансу андертейл

1.2 Прозвище:Оши,Руру,Эрри,Егор,Гличи,Глюк,глючный парень

2. Возраст. (Т.к Эррор провёл неизвестное кол-во времени в Анти-Пустоте,также неизвестен его возраст. Но по дате создания он появился 28.12.15 — 28 декабря 2015 года. Так же есть шуточная дата 4.04.15 — 4 апреля 2015 года,т.е отсылка к «ошибка 404»)

3. Характер:Обычно довольно спокойный. Но бывает ужасно нервный и агрессивным,особенно,когда выходит из себя. Является немного психованным и сумасшедшим эгоистом. Не проявляет милосердие,эмпатию или сожаление ко всем,кого считает аномалиями/ошибками.

4. Биография:В обновлённом каноне Эррор — Гено,который однажды попал в Анти-Пустоту. Первое время он только спал,но потом он говорил.. Вопил. Кричал.. Надеясь на то,что его услышат и помогут выбраться из этой «тюрьмы», но потом крики вернулись обратно.(Кто читал оригинальный аск-блог Эррора,тот поймёт) Его очень сильно сводило с ума то,что в Анти-Пустоте была удушающая тишина, одиночество,и то, что в Анти-Пустоте не было ничего. Ни стен,ни потолка,ни пола,куда не посмотри — всё белое. Гено начал глючить,из-за чего он стал «ошибкой». Однажды,Эррор научился открывать порталы в другие AU(История не рассказывает о том,как Оши этому научился. Тем более, это одно из его воспоминаний. Опять же,кто читал аск-блог, тот знает),он думает,что попал в оригинальную вселенную, но это оказывается не так. Он садится возле дверей в Руины и таким образом случайно заводит разговор с местной Тори. Он каждый день приходил к ней,и разговаривал. В один из таких дней Ториель спрашивает:»Санс,с человеческим дитя всё хорошо?», Эррор не понимает,что она имеет ввиду,и Тори понимает то,что она говорила с тем,кто выдавал себя за другого. Она выходит из Руин,и Эррор видит,что Ториель в этой вселенной — призрак,так же приходит местный Санс,который тоже является призраком. Эррор возмущается тому,что Тори призрак и говорит:»Где МОЯ Ториель?!». Позже,когда Тори и Санс пытаются успокоить Эррора,он кричит:»НЕ ТРОГАЙТЕ МЕНЯ,МЕРЗКИЕ ГЛЮКИ!». Эррор призывает из глазниц свои нити,чувствуя из-за них сильную боль. В конце концов,Эррор уничтожает эту вселенную(История не говорит,как он уничтожил) и с того дня начинает уничтожать другие AU.

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8. Раса:Скелетоподобный монстр.(Скелеты — те,что внутри нашего тела,а скелетоподобные — монстры,имеющие внешность скелетов)

9. Аксессуары:Красные очки.

10.Способности персонажа:Гастер-бластеры,кости с заострённым концом,телепортация. Нити(струны), открывать порталы в любые AU,открывать межпространственные окна,в которых можно просмотреть истории(ака Воспоминания) Ошибки.

11.Интересные факты: У Эррора слабое зрение(он близорукий),а из-за глюков он иногда становится почти слепые,особенно когда они покрывают абсолютно всё его тело и глазницы. У Эррора гаптофобия(боязнь прикосновений). Оши нравится вселенная undernovela. Эррор оправдывает уничтожение AU тем,что однажды в мультивселенной кончится место,и надо что-то будет удалить. Эррор — единственный Санс в мультивселенной,который имеет чёрный цвет костей(за исключением его скрещиваний с кем-нибудь). У Эррора, Гено и Фреша один создатель. По канону,Эррор и Инк никогда не виделись, но по другой версии они заклятые враги. Он не помнит своего прошлого,потому что стёр эти воспоминания. Если Эррор завладел вашей душой,то он может свободно управлять вами,как марионеткой,ему будет всё равно,нравится вам это иль нет.


В Underverse используется дизайн Эррора из Lucidia.

В анимации Underverse от Jael Peñaloza Эррор является одним из антогонистов. По комиксу «Перемирие», он и Ink!Санс заключили перемирие, чтобы не было никакого создания и никакого разрушения.

Впервые он появляется в эпизоде Underverse 0.2 (но его в кадре не видно), когда он неожиданно затягивает своими нитями Ink!Санса в портал. Затем он появляется в короткометражной серии Underverse Xtra Scene 1, где он говорит Инку, что он следит за каждым его действием и ему не нравятся его намерения. Именно в этом эпизоде Эррор носит новую одежду с шарфом.

В серии Underverse 0.4 Error захватил Дудл Сферу, потому что ему не понравилось, что пытается сделать Инк и решает его обхитрить. После битвы с Инком во вселенной Outertale, когда Инк выпустил на свободу X-Гастера из флакона, Эррор переместился в Дудл Сферу и сказал своему противнику «I don’t wanna play with you.» (рус. «Я не хочу играть с тобой») и уничтожил все AU. После этого Инк быстро и без эмоций выкинул его обратно в анти-пустоту (место его обитания).


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Кто ты из Сансов



10.04.2021, 18:52

109 комментариев

Тест о том, кто ты из Сансов:^

  • Вопрос из

    Для начала, какой твой любимый цвет?

    • Чувак, ты серьёзно думаешь что это важный вопрос?

    • Всё что не напоминает мне о моём состоянии.

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    • Попросил бы помощи, он выглядит через чур хорошим, я ему верю.

    • Посчитал бы его слишком наивным, и довериться бы, он вреда не причинит.

    • Что-то он какой-то не разговорчивый….


    • Мне бы не очень понравилась перспектива быть… Что? Аааа!

    • Ммммм, улыбающяяся мусорка. У него нет глаз, он стрёмный.

    • Я хочу жить!! Я ПРОСТО ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ! Я НЕ ХОЧУ БЫТЬ КУ….!!!

    • Я бы захлебнулся в «этом» не успев подумать куда бежать.

    • Я потерялся, а он мне помог вернуться обратно в мою АУ.

    • Я бы попросил его показать мне звёзды.

    • Я не хочу быть следующим кого убьёт этотпсих из-за своих расстройств.


    • Я бы промолчал, потому что ему явно сейчас не до меня.

    • А как сбежать? Люди, помогите, это какой-то цветастый кошмар!

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    С кем бы тебя шиперили?

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    На тебя напали, чем бы ты защищался из лежащих рядом с тобой предметов или же из своей магии?

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    • Под моими руками лежат коты, они сами всех расцарапают.

    • Что нибудь длинное и осторое

    • Хм, ну, я отлично стреляют из лука.

    • Я художник я оболью врага краской))))

    • У меня нет врагов, меня почему-то и без оружия боятся.

    • Эм…. А на меня может кто-то напасть?

    • Я отлично справлюсь своей магией, не зря же я повышал УР

    • Я никогда не дерусь в ближнем бою, это так сказать, немного опасно мне для жизни.

    • Мне и так хреново, а на меня ещё и кто-то нападает? Да он помрёт от одного моего вида, я ж урод.

  • Вопрос из

    Чаще всего ты…?

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    • Делаешь вид что с тобой всё в порядке.

    • Чем по-твоему может заниматься такой как я?

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    • Среди моих пушистых друзей

    • Ну, наверное, когда всё вокруг чем-нибудь заставлено и нет свободного места и я всегда знаю где что лежит.

    • Там где темно и мрачно, и оде меня боятся

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