Unforced error перевод

Перевод контекст "Unforced Error" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: This is what in sports is called an "unforced error."

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непростительная ошибка

непроизвольная ошибка

невынужденную ошибку

невынужденной ошибки

This is what in sports is called an «unforced error

This unforced error is doubly regrettable because Trump arguably had the upper hand going into his talks with China.

Эта невынужденная ошибка вызывает сожаление вдвойне, потому что, возможно, господин Трамп одержал верх в переговорах с Китаем.

Yet another unforced error.

Next Next post: Unforced Error?

I can beat the machine unless I make a fatal unforced error.

Думаю, я могу выиграть у суперкомпьютера, если не допущу фатальной ошибки.

This was an unforced error that the Court could so easily have averted.

If true, it will be the administration’s second unforced error regarding the JCPOA.

So why do so many people make this «unforced error» in their financial decision-making?

Почему так много потребителей сделать «неоптимальной» решения при выборе финансовых продуктов?

Why make such an unforced error?

Sometimes mixing up your shots will cause your opponent to hit an unforced error.

Потому что иногда везение означает, что твой противник допустил ошибку.

Incredible rally ends with the easy unforced error from Janssen.

No one pushed me; in tennis parlance, I committed an «unforced error

И никто не подталкивал меня к этому; на языке тенниса, я совершил «невынужденную ошибку».

Similarly, in laboring to close down the US military prison at Guantánamo Bay, the president has sought to reverse the most egregious unforced error of the post-9/11 era.

Аналогичным образом, пытаясь закрыть американские военные тюрьмы в Гуантанамо, президент стремился исправить наиболее вопиющие ошибки пост-9/11 эпохи.

This was an unforced error by Microsoft.

Причиной этого стала ошибка со стороны Microsoft.

The late break has helped Collins to take the second set and in the decisive game American made 13 winnershow (with one unforced error!) and literally swept Pavlyuchenkova off the court.

Поздний брейк все-таки помог Коллинз взять второй сет, а в решающей партии американка сделала 13 виннерсов (при одной невынужденной ошибке!) и буквально смела Павлюченкову с корта.

McEnroe made one (ONE!) unforced error in the WHOLE game!

The Wasps take advantage of Mako’s unforced error and Bolin’s in the pool!

Осы воспользовались ошибкой Мако И Болин в воде!

Isner began with an unforced error — and ended with two double faults.

US/Armenia relationship is strong, and this is an unforced error.

Отношения между США и Арменией крепкие, думаю, что случай с саперами — это непроизвольная ошибка.

There is a probability at a certain point that some either external force or some internal unforced error causes civilization to be destroyed or sufficiently impaired such that it can no longer extend it to another planet.

По его мнению, под действием внешней силы или какой-то внутренней ошибки человеческая цивилизация может быть уничтожена или повреждена настолько, что не сможет начать жизнь на другой планете.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 27. Точных совпадений: 27. Затраченное время: 28 мс


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unforced error


unforced errors

невынужденная ошибка


It was an unforced error, pressure maybe, probably.

Это была невынужденная ошибка, может, из-за испытываемого им давления.



It was an unforced error, pressure maybe, probably.
Это была невынужденная ошибка, может, из-за испытываемого им давления.

(That’s an unforced error: The Rebels need to protect that generator at the cost of their lives, lest their evacuation be totally exposed.)
(Здесь невынужденная ошибка: Повстанцы ценой собственной жизни должны оборонять генератор, чтобы противник не разоблачил полностью их эвакуацию.)

The Wasps take advantage of Mako’s unforced error and Bolin’s in the pool!
Осы воспользовались ошибкой Мако И Болин в воде!

“What makes it depressing is that this was an unforced error,” said Chollet, now at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
«Особенно обидно, что это не вынужденная ошибка, — объясняет Шолле, сейчас работающий в Фонде Маршалла.

If it had not been for his error, we would have won.
Если бы не его ошибка, мы бы победили.


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  • 1
    unforced error

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > unforced error

  • 2
    unforced error

    English-Russian sports dictionary > unforced error

  • 3
    make an unforced error

    сделать невынужденную ошибку

    English-Russian dictionary of tennis terms > make an unforced error

См. также в других словарях:

  • unforced error — noun : a missed shot or lost point (as in tennis) that is entirely a result of the player s own blunder and not because of the opponent s skill or effort gave away the final game with three wild unforced errors Sally Jenkins …   Useful english dictionary

  • unforced error — excess error, error that was committed without a cause (especially in the game of tennis) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • unforced error — noun A basic error committed in a tactical game, where errors are usually forced by the game strategy. Syn: blunder, clanger …   Wiktionary

  • Error — (englisch ‚Fehler‘) hat verschiedene Bedeutungen: Error, fachsprachlicher Begriff für eine Ausnahmesituation des Programmablaufs im Computerwesen, siehe Programmfehler Error, Name einer Band von Brett Gurewitz, siehe Error (Band) Error, Begriff… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • error — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ egregious (esp. AmE), fundamental, glaring, grave, great, grievous, major, serious ▪ The report contained some glaring errors …   Collocations dictionary

  • unforced — adj. Unforced is used with these nouns: ↑error …   Collocations dictionary

  • Tennis — Ein Tennis Match Ein Tennis Match im Doppel …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 2009 US Open (tennis) — 2009 US Open Date:   August 31 – September 14 Edition:   129th Category:   …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of tennis terms — Tennis portal This page is a glossary of tennis terminology. Contents A B C D E F G …   Wikipedia

  • Tennis terminology — The following is a list of tennis terms, sorted alphabetically.TOC|left|Contents A* Ace ndash; a serve where the tennis ball served is served in and not touched by the receiver, aces are usually powerful and generally land on or near the one of… …   Wikipedia

  • 2007 Australian Open — Women’s Singles — GrandSlamEvents|2007|Australian Open champ = flagicon|USA Serena Williams runner = flagicon|RUS Maria Sharapova score = 6 1, 6 2eedsDaily reviewDay 1: 15 JanuaryThe First day of play at Melbourne Park saw defending champion Amelie Mauresmo… …   Wikipedia

Похожие слова: unforced error

  • unforeseen requirement — внеплановая потребность
  • unforced acquiescence — невынужденное молчаливое согласие
  • will unfortunately — будет, к сожалению,
  • make an unforgettable — сделать незабываемым
  • spent unforgettable days — провели незабываемые дни
  • We had some unforeseen difficulties — У нас были некоторые непредвиденные трудности
  • rather unfortunate — довольно неудачно
  • will unfortunately not be able — к сожалению, не сможет
  • unforeseeable consequence — непредвиденное обстоятельство
  • unfortunately until today — К сожалению до сегодняшнего дня
  • is very unfortunate — Очень жаль,
  • unforgettable city — незабываемый город
  • sudden and unforeseen — внезапное и непредвиденное
  • quite unfortunate — довольно неудачно
  • unfortunate remarks — неуместные замечания
  • Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено

    Примеры предложений: unforced error

    “What makes it depressing is that this was an unforced error ,” said Chollet, now at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

    “Что удручает, так это то, что это была непроизвольная ошибка”, — сказал Шолле, ныне работающий в немецком Фонде Маршалла Соединенных Штатов.

    If it had not been for his error , we would have won.

    Если бы не его ошибка, мы бы выиграли.

    My data — burning software is showing an error message.

    Моя программа для записи данных показывает сообщение об ошибке.

    Tom found an error at the last minute in his presentation.

    В последний момент Том обнаружил ошибку в своей презентации.

    A translation error led to an international incident.

    Ошибка перевода привела к международному инциденту.

    In the case of patient death during the course of medical treatment, even if there is medical error present, it is not automatically legally considered to be an «unusual death.»

    В случае смерти пациента во время лечения, даже если имеется врачебная ошибка, она не считается автоматически юридически «необычной смертью».»

    How did you manage to overlook such a glaring error ?

    Как вам удалось не заметить такую ​​вопиющую ошибку?

    An error occured while saving. Please try again or contact us to report this.

    При сохранении произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз или свяжитесь с нами, чтобы сообщить об этом.

    Space exploration of the Solar System for the first few centuries was full of trial and error .

    Космические исследования Солнечной системы в течение первых нескольких столетий были полны проб и ошибок.

    Tom soon realized the seriousness of his error .

    Вскоре Том осознал серьезность своей ошибки.

    What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error ; let us pardon reciprocally each other’s folly — that is the first law of nature.

    Что такое толерантность? Это следствие человечности. Мы все созданы из слабости и заблуждения; давайте прощать друг другу взаимную глупость — это первый закон природы.

    It is one thing to show a man that he is in error , and another to put him in possession of the truth.

    Одно дело показать человеку, что он заблуждается, а другое — заставить его овладеть истиной.

    Ninety percent of road deaths are the result of human error .

    Девяносто процентов смертей на дорогах являются результатом человеческой ошибки.

    Ignorance and error are necessary to life, like bread and water.

    Невежество и ошибка необходимы для жизни, как хлеб и вода.

    It’s not an error , but just a little imprecision.

    Это не ошибка, а небольшая неточность.

    My memory card reader displays an error message.

    На моем устройстве чтения карт памяти отображается сообщение об ошибке.

    Does the error occur regularly or sporadically? Is the error reproducible?

    Ошибка возникает регулярно или спорадически? Является ли ошибка воспроизводимой?

    Did the error occur right from the start or later on? — When?

    Ошибка возникла с самого начала или позже? — Когда?

    It is my guiding confession that I believe the greatest error in economics is in seeing the economy as a stable, immutable structure.

    Мое руководящее признание состоит в том, что я считаю, что самая большая ошибка в экономике заключается в том, что она рассматривается как стабильная, неизменная структура.

    It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the publick to be the most anxious for its welfare.

    Общепринято считать, что самые громкие жалобы на публику больше всего заботятся о ее благополучии.

    There is only one inborn error , and that is the notion that we exist in order to be happy.

    Есть только одна врожденная ошибка, и это представление о том, что мы существуем для того, чтобы быть счастливыми.

    According to our Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.), Tom should have refactored the critical code that caused this error .

    Согласно нашей стандартной операционной процедуре (S. O. P.), том должен был переработать критический код, вызвавший эту ошибку.

    It would be a grave error to use the flag of the separatist group to represent the Kabyle dialect.

    Было бы серьезной ошибкой использовать флаг сепаратистской группировки для обозначения Кабильского диалекта.

    It is a great error to take oneself for more than one is, or for less than one is worth.

    Это большая ошибка-принимать себя за большее, чем есть, или за меньшее, чем стоит.

    The two — fold race Anchises understands, / the double sires, and owns himself misled / by modern error ‘twixt two ancient lands.

    Двуединая раса анхис понимает, / двуединые роды, и владеет собою, введенный в заблуждение / современной ошибкой между двумя древними землями.

    The Tatoeba Corpus is not error — free. Due to the nature of a public collaborative project, this data will never be 100% free of errors .

    Корпус Татоэбы не является безошибочным. Из-за характера общественного совместного проекта эти данные никогда не будут на 100% свободны от ошибок.

    He had fallen into the error of thinking that this girl was an escort.

    Он ошибся, думая, что эта девушка была эскортом.

    I succeeded in reproducing the error , and I also have an idea about what might be causing it.

    Мне удалось воспроизвести ошибку, и у меня также есть идея о том, что может быть ее причиной.

    Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US, after heart disease and cancer.

    Врачебная ошибка является третьей по значимости причиной смерти в США после болезней сердца и рака.

    The JSON descriptor for this data package contains an error .

    Дескриптор JSON для этого пакета данных содержит ошибку.

    Tom couldn’t access his favorite website because of a «504 Gateway Time — out» error .

    Том не смог получить доступ к своему любимому веб-сайту из-за ошибки «504 Gateway Time-out».


    1. unforced error
    2. Смотреть что такое «unforced error» в других словарях:
    3. Unforced Errors in Tennis — Are They Really Not Forced?
    4. Who and What Forces Us to Miss a Shot?
    5. 1. Mental Causes
    6. 2. Demands and Complexity of Tennis (and Any Other Sport)
    7. 3. The Risk Needed to Play Quality Tennis
    8. Is Making a Mistake the Player’s Fault?
    9. Unforced error: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция
    10. Произношение и транскрипция
    11. Перевод по словам
    12. Предложения с «unforced error»

    unforced error

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь . Академик.ру . 2011 .

    Смотреть что такое «unforced error» в других словарях:

    unforced error — noun : a missed shot or lost point (as in tennis) that is entirely a result of the player s own blunder and not because of the opponent s skill or effort gave away the final game with three wild unforced errors Sally Jenkins … Useful english dictionary

    unforced error — excess error, error that was committed without a cause (especially in the game of tennis) … English contemporary dictionary

    unforced error — noun A basic error committed in a tactical game, where errors are usually forced by the game strategy. Syn: blunder, clanger … Wiktionary

    Error — (englisch ‚Fehler‘) hat verschiedene Bedeutungen: Error, fachsprachlicher Begriff für eine Ausnahmesituation des Programmablaufs im Computerwesen, siehe Programmfehler Error, Name einer Band von Brett Gurewitz, siehe Error (Band) Error, Begriff… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    error — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ egregious (esp. AmE), fundamental, glaring, grave, great, grievous, major, serious ▪ The report contained some glaring errors … Collocations dictionary

    unforced — adj. Unforced is used with these nouns: ↑error … Collocations dictionary

    Tennis — Ein Tennis Match Ein Tennis Match im Doppel … Deutsch Wikipedia

    2009 US Open (tennis) — 2009 US Open Date: August 31 – September 14 Edition: 129th Category: … Wikipedia

    Glossary of tennis terms — Tennis portal This page is a glossary of tennis terminology. Contents A B C D E F G … Wikipedia

    Tennis terminology — The following is a list of tennis terms, sorted alphabetically.TOC|left|Contents A* Ace ndash; a serve where the tennis ball served is served in and not touched by the receiver, aces are usually powerful and generally land on or near the one of… … Wikipedia

    2007 Australian Open — Women’s Singles — GrandSlamEvents|2007|Australian Open champ = flagicon|USA Serena Williams runner = flagicon|RUS Maria Sharapova score = 6 1, 6 2eedsDaily reviewDay 1: 15 JanuaryThe First day of play at Melbourne Park saw defending champion Amelie Mauresmo… … Wikipedia


    Unforced Errors in Tennis — Are They Really Not Forced?

    You’re probably familiar with the term unforced errors in a tennis game. Unforced errors are those types of mistakes that are supposedly not forced by good shots of an opponent.

    You’ll often see the stats in official matches that include first-serve percentage, aces, winners, unforced errors, and so on.

    If Nadal and Federer make 8 to 12 unforced errors per set, then what are your expectations? That you shouldn’t miss?

    The person recording the statistics tries to determine if, when a player makes a mistake, that mistake was forced or not forced by a good play by his or her opponent.

    To make the right call, the statistician looks primarily at whether the player who made the error is under time pressure or is moving during the shot execution. If one of those factors is true, then that player was forced into a difficult situation by a good shot and thus made a forced error.

    But if the player seems to have balanced himself or herself for the shot and to have enough time to execute a normal stroke (not abbreviated one) and still makes a mistake, that would count as an unforced error.

    As you can see, the definition of an unforced error is purely technical. There is no mention of physical fatigue, tactical decision making, and mental game.

    There is also no mention of the difficulty of the tennis game. Let’s explore these issues in more detail to see whether such a thing as an unforced error actually exists.

    Who and What Forces Us to Miss a Shot?

    Imagine a beginning tennis player: every ball that comes across the net is difficult and is forcing that player into a difficult situation. The player does not yet have the skills needed to hit the ball into the opposite court and has to improve many tennis skills in order to rally comfortably.

    As a result, we really cannot talk about unforced errors for players who have not played enough tennis. Eventually, the technique and the skills improve and that tennis player is able to rally consistently in a cooperative situation with a partner.

    Almost every tennis coach talks about consistence and not perfection. It would be unreasonable for coaches to demand that beginning players make zero mistakes. However, the goal for more advanced players is to get better and better, but perfection is unattainable for imperfect human beings.

    To understand unforced errors better, imagine you consistently hit balls (or makes shots) in practice in various situations where you are not forced into a difficult playing situation.

    These would then be neutral and offensive situations. (If you are in the defense mode and make a mistake, it will count as a forced error.) Consistently, in this context, means with a high percentage: more than 80% for offensive shots and more than 90% for typical neutralizing rally shots. (These numbers are my personal guidelines. )

    So what causes (forces?) those unforced errors?

    1. Mental Causes

    There are many mental factors that can cause unforced errors. As a player, you may:

    • lose focus (distractions — internal or external)
    • change your mind
    • be afraid (of the opponent, of the consequences of missing or losing)
    • doubt your abilities (not being confident)
    • think about technique when hitting the shot
    • think about anything else than just keeping the image of the trajectory of the ball flight in your mind
    • be under- or overactivated (frustrated, angry, upset, anxious)

    These mental lapses cause you to not fully focus on the ball and the current situation, thus having the brain use part of its computing power for something else.

    The resulting computing power is not enough for the demanding game of tennis; thus, the brain miscalculates, makes mistakes in timing and coordination, and may cause you to hit the ball late or with the wrong racquet head angle and consequently miss the shot.

    Can these mental lapses be eliminated?

    Not 100%, but players can work with a mental training coach, become better at managing their emotional state and thoughts, and therefore decrease the probability of a mental lapse.

    As a player, you need to learn to stay in the «now» and refrain from thinking about negative or positive effects of the outcome of the match and just focus on each shot separately and each point separately.

    All these efforts will decrease the probability of a mental lapse and thus of an unforced error, but no player can maintain a perfect mind for more than a few seconds or minutes.

    Therefore, players are forced into making unforced errors by the imperfection of the mind and the inability to perfect it. But even in those perfect, still moments of the mind that we call «being in the zone,» players will still make some unforced errors.

    2. Demands and Complexity of Tennis (and Any Other Sport)

    Tennis is an extremely demanding sport. The brain has to calculate extremely quickly the trajectory of the ball, the time left to make the shot, the players’ positions, and previous information (such as strategy and tactics), and then make the right decision at the right time and perfectly coordinate hundreds of muscles in the body to hit a very small moving ball with a small moving racquet while moving and controlling the racquet head to a half-degree accuracy to hit the desired area on the court.

    Consider all the difficulties of tennis and then it’s easy to understand that it is inevitable that the brain and body will sooner or later make a small mistake in those calculations.

    Therefore, players are forced into a mistake here and there because the game of tennis is too difficult for a human (brain) to be perfect at it.

    In fact, that’s how all sports are designed: to be too difficult to master 100%. The outcome of the competition is therefore uncertain and that’s what brings so many people to sport events: entertainment and unpredictability.

    The basket in basketball is small enough so that no one can attain 100% free throw percentage, no matter how much practice he / she does.

    The bat in baseball is small enough so that the batter can hit the ball only 25% to 30% of the times he makes the attempt.

    And so on. But there’s another reason why we miss shots that seem easy at first glance.

    3. The Risk Needed to Play Quality Tennis

    There’s another factor that forces unforced errors: the risk involved when hitting a quality shot.

    If you as a player would just safely tap the ball back by trying to avoid unforced errors, that ball would be too weak and your opponent would attack and win most of the points.

    Even if your opponent makes 2 points and misses one, they will still win 2 and lose 1. In theory, you would lose every game at 30 — even if making zero unforced errors.

    The shots in tennis need to carry a certain amount of risk because they need to be deep, fast, and accurate in order to gain the upper hand in the ball exchanges and eventually win more points and the match.

    As a player, you are looking for that optimal level of risk in which you attack or try to outplay your opponent and make more points than your opponent loses. Therefore, you are forced into unforced errors because of the third and final factor: a certain level of risk.

    Even an easy sitter has to be hit aggressively or close to the lines; otherwise, your opponent can easily win. And if you play with risk, you will also miss some shots here and there.

    The goal should not be to never miss (which is unrealistic, but unfortunately so many players suffer and blame themselves for these mistakes), but winning more points than losing.

    Is Making a Mistake the Player’s Fault?

    If an unforced error is defined as an error that was not forced by your opponent, putting you into a difficult situation, then the definition may be true. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s your fault when you make a mistake or that you need to blame yourself.

    Players are forced into mistakes by:

    • making mental lapses that cannot be completely eliminated
    • the demands of difficult and complex sport such as tennis
    • the risk of playing quality shots

    Therefore, there should be no such thing as an unforced error that you made somehow because of «stupidity.» Exactly the opposite.

    Players try their best to control their minds, to overcome the difficulties of tennis, and to find the ideal level of risk.

    All these factors continuously force players into mistakes.

    I personally never blame myself for a mistake because I don’t see it as an unforced error. If I am not forced into trouble by my opponent, then I am forced into trouble by my mind, my brain, and the tennis game.

    I am not in control of the outcome (not even of hitting the ball, let alone of the entire match) and am just trying my best to overcome all the difficulties of tennis and the imperfections of my brain and mind and hopefully ending up as the winner of the match.

    This releases me from pressure and enables me to play freely; therefore, I commit many fewer unforced errors (how others define them) because I am not blaming myself for making them.


    Unforced error: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

    Произношение и транскрипция

    Перевод по словам

    adjective: непринужденный, добровольный

    • hit unforced error — совершать невынужденную ошибку

    noun: погрешность, ошибка, заблуждение, отклонение, рассогласование, грех, блуждание, уклонение

    • error action — действие в результате рассогласования
    • resultant error — результирующая погрешность
    • error diffusion dither — случайное псевдосмешение
    • diagnostic error — ошибка диагностики
    • error diagnosis — обнаружение ошибок
    • catching error — фиксация ошибка
    • onefold error — однократная ошибка
    • code syntax error — синтаксическая ошибка
    • time interval error function — функция ошибки временного интервала
    • cause an error — причина ошибка

    Предложения с «unforced error»

    “What makes it depressing is that this was an unforced error ,” said Chollet, now at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

    «Особенно обидно, что это не вынужденная ошибка, — объясняет Шолле, сейчас работающий в Фонде Маршалла.

    (That’s an unforced error : The Rebels need to protect that generator at the cost of their lives, lest their evacuation be totally exposed.)

    (Здесь невынужденная ошибка: Повстанцы ценой собственной жизни должны оборонять генератор, чтобы противник не разоблачил полностью их эвакуацию.)

    I had you at match point three times and all three times, I lost in an unforced error .

    Я трижды выводил тебя на матч — пойнт. И терял преимущество, из — за невынужденной ошибки.

    Проверьте свой словарный запас английского языка обожаемый

    • beauty
    • adorable
    • exotic
    • graduate
    • noticing


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