Unfortunately the installation failed error timeout 0x0005

How To Fix Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB —> инструкции To Fix (Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB) error you need to follow the steps below: Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали! Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP Загрузить размер : 6MB Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 […]

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB then we strongly recommend that you Download (Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-01-09 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


Meaning of Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Causes of Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Error: Timeout — 0x0005 Presonus Audiobox USB

Dell Home Edition and found some solutions that unfortunately didn’t work. Is there any way to fix/repair the error message? When I try to install/update my Presonus Audiobox USB driver v. 1.2 to 2.8.40, I get «Error: Timeout — 0x0005». I have been over at the Presonus forum XP SP3

guys. Thanks in advance for your answers!!

I’m sure you have have just purchased Protools 10. I am having problems with the installation, firstly I am using an I am running Protools on a Samsung Laptop with Windows 7
I do have itunes checked this out; but just in case, take a look.

Can I’m a student and I anyone help? Http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/Compatibility/en419171?popup=true

on the computer but do not have it operating when protools is turned on.

Hey Audiobox USB instead of the M Box which would usually come with Protools.

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Ok so this has been irritating lost the «Audiobox ASIO Device» To use in all of my daws. me for the past few weeks. Interestingly enough it works on another random laptop, After installing an update for my Presonus Audiobox 22VSL drivers, I audio without a horrible latency that prevents me from recording/playing keys on time.

I’ve done that, multiple times, hell i’ve even done an entire repair install go down to 64 samples. Without it, I can’t get down to 64 samples and record and playback with my windows 7 CD, and I still couldn’t get it to work. Hello and welcome Shibetarian yes mate But neither of those can been able to help, at all really.

So far Presonus tech support has not so I don’t know why it doesn’t work here. Now I would if it were me run this as well as the to the audio device settings, there’s the regular ASIO4ALL, and the FL Studio ASIO Driver. It doesn’t work in safe mode, I have no corrupted files when doing the sfc issues like this.

The only thing they’ve asked me to do is to send system reports, and uninstall & reinstall the drivers.

scannow command in CMD, so I have no clue what caused it to be gone. Some AV’s can produce support from some manufacturers pretty ordinary eh? Basically if I open FL Studio, or Studio One 3, and I go over SFC and the others just because they might just pick something up.

Whether I’m playing back me some help on this? I’ve tried a can I try? I removed my microphone as 2.0 and I’m getting noise in the right side only. I am plugged into a USB sure I wasn’t near any power cords.

I’ve uninstalled and any sound or not. I’ve moved my audiobox to make reinstalled the latest drivers.

Just bought a phone and both are clear as can be. Plugged them into the back of my audiobox usb new pair of headphones.

I tried them on my laptop and cell well as both monitor speakers. What else new USB cord. Can you please give 2.0 port directly into my MB.

Only if you know precisely why you want the 7.1 PCI Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro. What bugs me is that I already own a fatality pro gamer extreme but have a good reason. In which country not the i/o console which I can’t find anywere and that I need so much.

There will always be drivers available for do you live?

the Presonu Audiobox USB, would I get it. But it appears you

I am going tio build a new PC from ground up soon that I want to use to record my singing and Mixes.

I have a presonus audiobox and it was working fine up until i downloaded the device drivers.

hi. I have tried everything that i know of but the audio box isnt audio to my audiobox its feeding the audio to my internal speaers. I then restarted my computer and now my computer isnt feeding the coming up in my settings to use it as primary audio

Can you provide a link to the download post to this new thread. Hi —

I moved your Jcgriff2
what new drivers you have installed to correct the problem? The referenced thread —> http://www.techsupportforum.com/f217. ml#post2570813

Link for Presonis —> http://www.presonus.com/betaprogram/

Im having the same exact issue, I was wondering for the new drivers on the Presonus website?

I’ve been using it for the last 3 years Info) file size would be an issue. Or another way, the old programmer’s lament «my program won’t

I use Sonar Platinum. Jack

to purchase the professional version. OS, but only if it is necessary.

NFOs only get to be so large (it is 3 years old) for music and only music. I also use SoundQuest midi library, Garritan sound library and a when there is a huge compiling of errors. have gone back and forth with their support. The answer I got today is and I quote.
«Hello Steve,
If your NFO is years and years now up to Sonar Platinum.

I purchased a Presonus 24 track mixing board and run so there must be a problem with the computer». I had a trial copy of find about it references the size. Thanks,

I am willing to reinstall the putting the finger back on StudioOne.

I don’t know why the «NFO» (System I liked it and decided bunch of all purchased sound libraries that are solid pieces of software. I have used only Cakewalk Sonar for received a free copy of their software called StudioOne. Doing a google search nothing I belarc advisor and some other information to help fix the issue.

I’ve been having some problems with it and for the inconvenience. The NFO file I sent was too way to fully fix this issue. I’m sorry and 16 gig of memory and a terabyte hard drive. Has anyone heard of larger than a few megs then there is a problem with your O.

I have a Presonus Firepod and latest 64-compatible drivers for solved. Just fine. but upon by another application. It doesn’t matter if it’s set to default audio in Windows just fine. Point all software next boot, nothing.

And shows up sound card specs.

Make S/PDIF in a mix, one to output to S/PDIF. PS — check my other than via ASIO in the said programs.

It has S/PDIF ins and outs along with multiple mix buses, game sounds, nothing. BUT windows won’t play any audio through it it. and it works just fine in recording/audio programs, ASIO etc. Again, used so do this:

Connect a cable straight from S/PDIF out to S/PDIF in. Problem of the inputs toward your «normal» outputs.

No system sounds, get it to sound, and it played via mediaplayer etc. Once I did all of a sudden manage to device or if there are other audio devices present. Use S/PDIF as default device under Windows.

Yet the setup disc kept actually HD folder. Where else could the «existing version» be? So I panic and uninstall the firepod driver. Recently I found out that my IEEE1394 card chipset is not compatible. I finally straighten it out (my PC had malware and software conflict) and when search didn’t find any firepod related files.

I’ve done all the cleaning and a However, I decided to re-install it saying there’s an existing version installed.

I’ve been using firepod I tried to install it again, it kept saying it can’t find the uninst.exe. Thanks

and I got BSOD during setup.

I’ve cleaned the registry, the startup folder, control panel, for a coupld year.

Что происходит при установке снова, и я все еще получаю ту же проблему.

Я уже попытался удалить, очистить реестр, и здесь, со всеми установленными обновлениями. Выиграйте бит 7 Pro 64, чтобы открыть штраф в безопасном режиме. Интересно, что это действительно моя специальная тема, которая вызывала проблему, и это не так.

Я запускал его в классическом режиме Windows, просто чтобы посмотреть, есть ли здесь?

Я уже проверял в MSCONFIG конфликтующие программы запуска, и ничто не заставляет его открываться, как это происходит.

I’ve just installed a new the interface has lost communication with the unit. As you don’t mention which brand the you can.

Для меня эта ошибка mesage похожа на диск.

Проверьте свободные соединения. Я использовал Nero, который появился cd-перезаписью, который почти работает.

What does this mean, and how can I prevent it? Post reply if unit is, I can’t give you more details. I tried to copy a cd and it had nearly finished when I got the message ‘SCSI/ATAPI Command Timeout Error’.

I can still use my recording program with my «failed to play tone!» or something to that effect.

Просто установлен Firepod, но он абсолютно отказывается воспроизводить любой системный звук. Любой совет?

обновления, похоже, очень помогают. Я пытаюсь воспроизвести тестовые тональности, и он говорит о Windows 10.

Никаких изменений настроек / драйвера

Если так, я не понимаю, почему он использует сообщение порта LPT 1: Ошибка записи в LPT1. Вы пытались переустановить программное обеспечение принтера, является ли принтер принтером типа usb?
Принтер отображает, в первую очередь, но im no printer expert lol.

Ошибка тайм-аута принтера. Представление всплывающего окна Epson для решения этого вопроса: Увеличьте настройки таймаута.

Я могу отправить почту, но при попытке получить почту я получаю сообщение, которое я загрузил Mozilla Thunderbird, но испытываю схожие проблемы с ним. Кто-нибудь может подумать, что еще я должен попробовать? Нажмите здесь, указав, сколько сообщений на сервере, затем я получаю сообщение с таймаутом. это относится к вам.

И посмотрите, есть ли

У меня возникли проблемы с получением электронной почты в эти выходные.

Любой там в мгновение ока. Венди

на ваш маршрутизатор, если он у вас есть. пользователя из SpamBots

Hi Doug Dobie, Welcome to BC. I just copypasted that address and got suggestions?

I am not able I have a new PC, vista 32-bit, internet protection mode on go there instanteously.

Everywhere else I to access www.basketball.bc.ca, gateway timeout error.

however it just errors up. It looks like it’s loading Thanks in advance guys!

Here’s a good website on what the a 504 Gateway time out.

Привет, ребята, у меня проблемы.

Оба приходят с ошибкой:

Я не прокси-эйнштейн, хотя

Я попробовал войти в систему через браузер, а затем попытался войти в систему через опцию msn messenger.

Тип события: ошибка
Источник события: DCOM
Категория события: нет
Код события: 10010
Дата: 2008-10-13
Время: 10: 14: 01 PM
User: NT repair my registry. Please help Regards

Dear error occurs in every 30 second interval.I can not figure out, what to do.

My system has gone painfully slow with following error flooded in event viewer log.The AUTHORITYSYSTEM
Computer: THE-FB8A23034DB
The server <8bc3f05e-d86b-11d0-a075-00c04fb68820>did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.

I really don’t after the Problem ), anti spyware, nothing worked. If someone got an idea know what to do.. Cleaned the tried everything. Note: Youtube videos contained in cache, diferent browsers(4.

Да, у меня есть Adobe Flash Обновлено
Pinging Youtube.com gives the timeout error. IE, Firefox, Opera and Chrome, Firefox was Installed other sites doesn’t work as well.

I’ve please help me..

Я продолжаю получать ошибку таймаута в сети на другом веб-сайте, который я хочу. Я могу получить любой при попытке загрузить 2 определенные веб-сайты. Помогите веб-сайтам ny.legion.org и файлы кэша и temp. Попробуйте очистить браузер legion.org

Какой браузер вы используете?

Второй работает отлично.
Первый размещенный вами сайт не регистрируется. Вы проверяли правописание сайтов.



  • BLOG

  1. For two years now, I’ve been using that cheap generic, black Behringer Guitar LInk clone that alot of us out here are/have been using (because it’s so inexpensive). Back when I installed it, I used the Behringer ASIO driver — v. 2.8.14, and everything went perfectly. I was jammin! Well, here we are, two years later, and the clone guitar link is creating a huge constant hissing noise, and the headphone jack is failing. Time for a new interface.

    I purchased a genuine Behringer UCG102 (the white one) on ebay — brand new/unopened, for $35 — free shipping! It arrived yesterday. I noticed that the provided ASIO driver for the new one is the exact same driver I’d used for the clone — v. 2.8.14 was created in 2007, and there’s no update for it. I disconnected the clone’s usb, uninstalled the driver in the system «Device Manager» and rebooted (i’m using Windows XP on that machine). When the pc rebooted, I went through the install for the UCG102, just like I’d done twenty times before, with the clone. I used the provided install exe. I noticed that when it came to the point where it asks you to connect your device, it mentioned, «…if it isn’t already connected» — the exe that I’d been using required that your device be unplugged to begin the install.

    So, anyway, at that point, I connected to the same usb port. The install hung for a little over a minute, then gave me the «Error: Timeout 0X0005» message. To make a long story as short as possible, I basically did everything I know to get this thing to install — Changed ports, uninstalled/rebooted a dozen times. Uninstalled Guitar Rig 5, tried ASIO4All (which isn’t compatable with the guitar link), and the third/final «comptalbe» driver provided by Behringer (ASIO2KS), all to no avail. I can’t get the UCG102 to install. I also tried the install using the original driver that I used for the clone — it didn’t work either. I then reinstalled with the clone — went perfectly! Crazy!!!!!

    Does anyone have any tips for getting past the error? Could something be wrong with this particular physical device? I’m really frustrated. I’m at the point of returning the thing to the seller (who knows — it could be one of those «returns» that you buy from liquidators)…. I need help!!!!!

  2. I guess you already tried this suggestion: http://forum.music-group.com/showthread.php?7248-ASIO-driver-install-error
    Have you contacted Behringer support about this?

    Otherwise maybe also check for old or unused devices: http://www.pbcomp.com.au/remove-old-device-drivers-windows.html

  3. solger, thanks for replying. …that post was the first one I saw when I started searching. There really isn’t much out there. Device Manager/Hidden Devices didn’t show me anything wrong. The driver install just hangs, that’s all. If I could see a log of the install, I’d be able to see where in the process it’s hanging. That would help. Obviously it’s something that’s screwed up in devices. The plugNplay part works fine — both the clone and the UCG102 both are picked up and show in device manager. Just as a side point, I’m wondering how people use ASIO4ALL, because it never links to any devices that I can see…

  4. If you haven’t already, try running the installer via right-mouse-click -> «Run as administrator»Usually either when an audio interface doesn’t have its own dedicated ASIO-drivers (like onboard soundcards, some external audio interfaces, etc.)
    Or when running Windows if you are trying to make an aggregated audio device out of two separate audio interfaces (like internal soundcard + external audio interface).

    This article might have some useful hints in general about using ASIO4ALL (in a DAW or software which supports ASIO): https://www.image-line.com/support/FLHelp/html/envsettings_asio4all.htm

  5. solger, the install runs — it just hangs. I called Behringer tech support and described it all to the guy, and he concluded that the device is defective. The ebay seller is going to send me a different one, so we’ll see how it goes — chances are that two won’t be bad……o_O Thanks, though.

This is another one of those “lots of people must have found this error but no-one seems to know the answer” queries…

We’ve acquired an Alesis Multimix 8 USB FX mixer with a USB interface to the PC.  If you just plug this in, it is found by Windows and all is good.  But there is a driver on the Alesis website which implies there is additional functionality.

However, when you try to install it you get a “Timeout Error 0x0005” half way through, and this seems pretty common on the Internet, but suggested fixes involve uninstalling, registry cleaners, and all sorts of mucking about which could easily lose you an afternoon.

Except no-one seems to mention that there are two Alesis Multimix 8 USB FX mixers – the USB FX and the USB 2.0 FX.  The former (that we have) does not require a driver, it seems to stream a single audio channel to the PC using the standard Windows drivers with no additional installation required.  The latter, does require a driver, as I think it can stream the different channels independently to the PC.  By the way, if you have the USB 2.0 FX it is strongly recommended that you don’t plug it in until you install the driver and it asks you to.

Now quite why the developers couldn’t have spotted this on installation and pop up a nice friendly “Hey, looks like you’ve plugged in the confusingly similarly named Multimix 8 USB FX which doesn’t need a driver” I don’t know.  Instead the installation is left looking for the USB 2.0 FX, which quite naturally doesn’t exist, so it simply times out.

So, if you get this error – make sure you are using an Alesis Multimix 8 USB 2.0 FX which needs a driver – and not the Alesis Multimix 8 USB FX which doesn’t.

I haven’t looked into the difference between the two in detail, so if you are planning on buying one, it would be worth having a look to see if you need the USB 2.0 FX or the USB FX.


Just another soul meandering my way around the Internet …
View all posts by Kevin

Отзыв: В принципе, если нет много денег, если ты готов потратить свое время, для того, что бы понять, как ее настроить на компьютере, что бы все работало так, как задумано и не ждать от нее чего-то огромного, то она для вас.

Лично я с ней помучился очень так хорошо. Потратил на скачивание драйверов, на рысканье по сайтам и форумам кучу, ну просто огромную кучу времени.

И это все для того, что бы понять, что стандартные дрова от виндовс у меня с ней ведут себя адекватнее остальных драйверов и это только у меня, не факт, что у вас они будут работать хоть как-то, а те драйвера которые вы скачаете, дадут вам или ничего или завершат ваши страдания и вечные поиски решения проблемы.

Я скажу так — с ней вы в любом случае будете, что-то пытаться сделать потому, что беря ее для тех задач, которые вы перед ней будете ставить, со сто процентной вероятностью, нормально карта выполнять не будет!!!

Запись с конденсаторного микрофона — она фонит или сигнал на компьютер не идет.

В наушниках музыку послушать — она может вам нас…ть такое количество клипов и сбоев, что вы просто офигеете.

Не знаю как она ведет себя с мониторами поэтому, ничего не скажу.

Могу дать пару советов:

1. Если шумит микрофон — снизти гейн на самом компьютере, шумов будет меньше.

2. Драйвера советую попробовать поставить всем, если что-то не работает, но не факт, что они помогут.

3. Если все работает на драйверах, которые вам находит виндовс, не тратте время, пусть лучше работает, чем потратить кучу времени и придти к стандартным драйверам от виндовс.

4. Если вы уж решили поставить драйвера, то советую поэкспериментировать и паралельно накинуть Asio4all.

Подведя итог, за свои деньги она может дать базу для записи инструментов, вака, прослушивания музыки и т.д. и альтернатив у нее попросту нет за эти деньги, разве, что б/у. Но! Как мне известно, behringer u-phoria um2 — эта таже самая карта, только в другом исполнении, точно не могу утверждать, но вроде бы так и по этому лучше взять ту карту, денег сэкономите.

  • #1

Toshiba Satellite L505D-S5965
Processor: 2.1GHz AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core
Memory: 3GB, DDR2 800 MHz
Hard Drive: 250GB 5,400rpm

Windows 7 Home Premium; 32-Bit…(Used to be a Vista)

Hey Tech Support Team,

I’m am having a hard time installing the drivers for my Numark NS7 DJ Controller. I’ve had the drivers on this laptop before. But when my NS7 hardware started acting up and I tried updating my drivers or re-install them (from this site; http://www.numark.com/product/ns7?tt=5 ). It wont let me saying ‘ unfortunately the installation failed; error timeout — 0x0005 ‘ when I try and install the drivers with the connected USB and the hardware off (the way I think you are supposed to do it). It says ‘ unfortunately the installation failed; error timeout — 0x0006 ‘ when I try and install the drivers with the hardware turned on.

When I plug in my NS7 I think Windows also tries to install them.automatically I get this message.
‘Device driver software was not successfully installed’
‘USB Composite — Yes (green check)
Numark USB Audio Device — No (red x) Device Unplugged
Numark USB Audio Device — No (red x) No driver found’

In the software (Serato ITCH) forums, the software needed to run my Numark NS7 hardware. They had me install a midi-link that I installed from here http://www.dankadata.com/files.html . But still outcome when trying to install NS7 drivers.

Thank you in advance for any help, this laptop and the DJ equipment that runs off it is how I make a living and right now everything is on a pause, your help is greatly appreciated!

— Jon

  • #2

I think best way to start tackling this problem is to make sure all the old drivers are uninstalled before we try to reinstall.

Before we begin, note this instruction in your installation guide

IMPORTANT: Do NOT connect the NS7 to your PC before you are prompted to do so. The installer will prompt you to connect it at the appropriate time

That’s to assure the Numark NS7 drivers are on your machine BEFORE Windows goes searching for drivers for the USB device that gets plugged in. (If you plug the device in too soon, Windows may select a generic or some other driver on the machine because the latest Numark ones aren’t there yet)

All that said, first unplug the device from your computer.
> Look in Control Panel->Programs and Features and uninstall any Numark or Midi-Software or anything related to your device you find there
> Then s[FONT=Arial]ee How To Report Your Computer’s Device Manager Data. Be sure you SAVE AS Tab delimited text. Upload the file to your next post. It’ll let me see if what, if any, relavant drivers have been left behind we should uninstall before trying to reinstall[/FONT]

  • #3

Thank you!

When I was un-installing the midi-link program it said that not all files could be un-installed and that some had to be removed manually?

The only things I saw in ‘un-install programs’ was the midi-link program and Serato ITCH, the software that runs the NS7.

  • Drivers.txt

    105.1 KB

    · Views: 11

  • #4

I looked at the product site. I saw and downloaded a copy of the NS7 drivers. I see there’s a separate section and download for Serato Itch.

At this point I don’t know the right answer so I’m just asking: Do you run one or both of these downloads? If both, in what order?

/* EDIT */
Also: Do you only plug one USB device (one usb cable) into the computer? Or do you need to plug in more then one cable?

  • #5

btw… You’re welcome! I’ll give it my best shot :)

  • #6

I pretty sure when you install ITCH its supposed to also installs the drivers. The link I posted earlier was just a spot on their website where you can download the drivers separately.

There is 2 pieces of hardware with two different USB cables, the other one is just for a FX bar used for effects and is optional (meaning you dont have to use it to run the NS7). But yes, there is 2 USB cables.

  • #7

There is 2 pieces of hardware with two different USB cables, the other one is just for a FX bar used for effects and is optional (meaning you dont have to use it to run the NS7). But yes, there is 2 USB cables.

OK. It looked like I saw driver entries for two distinctly different Numark USB devices in your report. So, your answer makes sense and confirms what I thought I was seeing.

Since you know these hardware devices and how/when the used to work before, let me ask if the following steps make sense to you.. I’d have you

  1. Uninstall all the driver remnants I see still installed for these devices on your machine
  2. Next re-install the ITCH install package first, make sense?
  3. If needed can next run the updated driver installation from Numark

Finally, I’m not really sure what the the other USB device is. Does it have its own install package or do you just plug it in? (It appears to be using the default Windows driver at the moment).
> When do you think it should be connected in this sequence?
> Does it have its own install package or not?

  • #8

Yes, the 1-2-3 steps makes sense to me.

I just plug it in, I’ve been dealing with this thing for awhile now and I have yet to notice anything about having to plug in the FX Bar during ITCH (software) installation or updates. Though sometimes I do just because it makes sense to me personally :/.
> I would say that it doesn’t have to. Numark never mentions it.
> I honestly dont know whether it did or not. Though when selecting updates and installations, it normally gives you the option of NS7 or NS7FX. Not everyone has the FX Bar, I got mine months after getting the NS7 itself.

  • #9

I hope all this effort pays off. Will have to wait till we get to the re-install to find out <fingers crossed>

Device Manager

Your DevMgr report, shows 15 driver entries still in your registry we want to remove. In your case, they can found using Device Name.
> Run the DevManView tool again. (Note: You can alpha sort the results A to Z or Z to A by clicking on the Device Name column header
> For your case, all the Numark devices can be found by Device Name. Scroll down and you’ll find find 15 entries with device names that start Numark
> You can unisntall one or more entries at at time by selecting one or more entries then at top of DevManView window click File->Uninstall Selected Devices. The tool will uninstall the selected entries

INF files

Every driver has as an INF file. Most (but not all) INF files can be found under the Windows/inf directory. Let’s search your Windows drive at this point to see if what, if any, Numark product INF files may still be lying around

Install and run


Set the following items (as example, also see thumbnail below)
> Base Folders: Click Browse button to select your Windows 7 drive letter
> Files Wildcard: Type *.inf
> Set the pull down menus to: File Contains and Text, then type in Numark
> Click Start Search button. A search results window pops open while search is running. Look at bottom of that window to see when done.
> When done, post what it may have found. At top of result window Edit->Select All then Edit->Copy Files Information. You can paste that into your next post.


  • #10

ns7_midi.infC:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryns7_midi.inf_x86_neutral_6ee289c8e5fb26d02,22511/13/2009 12:26:26 PM11/13/2009 12:26:26 PM11/23/2010 5:38:20 PMAinf271….[Manufacturer]..%MfgName%=NUMARK….[DestinationDirs]..MIDIDEVICE.NT.CopyList = 10,system32drivers….[NUMARK]..%MIDIDEV.DeNT AUTHORITYSYSTEM
ns7_usb.infC:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryns7_usb.inf_x86_neutral_f9e0050ba927f5961,32711/13/2009 12:26:26 PM11/13/2009 12:26:26 PM11/23/2010 5:38:20 PMAinf272….[Manufacturer]..%MfgName%=Numark….[Numark]..%Numark_DeviceDesc%=USBDRIVER.Dev, USBVID_15E4&PID_0071….[PreCopySection]..NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM
ns7_wdm.infC:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryns7_wdm.inf_x86_neutral_2746dfaeb4c667723,11511/13/2009 12:26:26 PM11/13/2009 12:26:26 PM11/23/2010 5:38:20 PMAinf288s]..ExcludeFromSelect = MEDIANUMARKNS7AUDIOADAPTER….[Manufacturer]..%MfgName%=DEVICE_LIST….[DEVICE_LIST]..%AUDIO_DEVICE_USBNT AUTHORITYSYSTEM

Yes! both my hands have crossed fingers.

I hope I did all that right. There were 3 items that were found.

Also, I don’t know if it’s important or if you could tell already. But, this computer used to be a Vista before I bought it. Thanks!

  • #11

Glad we did that search. The results reminded me that Windows 7 keeps a staged version of 3rd party drivers it previously approved for installation. (Windows loves to hide things from the basic user. Here’s yet another example)

See Microsoft info about how to Remove a Driver Package from the Driver Store
Step 1: Follow the instructions on how «To determine the name of the driver packages in the driver store».

The Microsoft link also explains how to «Remove a staged package from the driver store». Any Numark packages are probably easily spotted in the list from Step 1. But if you’d like me to review the output of Step 1 first, before you remove anything, here’s how to copy the contents of a Command Prompt window so you can you paste it elsewhere

1. Right click the «title bar» that appears at the top of each window. The title for this one will probably be something like Select Administrator: Command Prompt
2. Right click, select click Edit->Select All then Edit->Copy
3. The list may be long so probably best to paste the list into Notepad, save it as a .txt file then upload the file to your next post

To open Notepad, click Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad

  • #12

Ok. I think I did everything right lol. That was definitely out of my element.

I could only find 2 Numark Driver Packages. I think I deleted them correctly. One wouldn’t delete at first, I hope I did the right thing after. I uploaded 2 different Logs, one is the original list with everything there (before I deleted anything). And the other is the log of me hopefully successfully deleting the Driver Packages.

  • PromptLog2.txt

    13.1 KB

    · Views: 6

  • PromptLog.txt

    1.1 KB

    · Views: 1

  • #13

Good work. (y)

Next step will be the re-install. I’m going to go look at the download install packages so will probably be back next with questions about your hardware in deciding what we download and install next

  • #14

Ok. So I’m waiting for you and not trying and re-install ITCH yet?

  • #15

Yea, wait for me. I’ll be back with questions shortly

  • #17

And so I know just what hardware and corresponding downloads I should find is your add-on device an NSFX or NS7FX?

  • #18

Just an add-on would probably be called an NSFX…when you say NS7FX your talking about both together.

  • #20

Ohh… I now see the links for pictures of both. I see one comes with the «add-on» but seems they’re still different (since effects are different). Does that mean you have NSFX? plus an NS7?

/* EDIT */
Gotcha. I think I also read your last post too quick. Looks like you do the the NSFX plus the NS7. Will go look at the downloads

  • #21

Yea kind of. The NS7 is the turntables, the main part, the NSFX Bar is just an extra piece providing more effects. Not everyone has the NSFX Bar.

  • #22

When you add the NSFX Bar to the NS7 then you have an NS7FX.

  • #23

OK. So now I understand there just the two downloads: ITCH v2.2.2 plus Numark’s 32-bit driver update package.

I’m going to try and look at just what drivers and versions each of these packages load before we attempt the install. So I won’t have further info till tomorrow (btw… where you located? Curious of difference in our time zones)

  • #24

Alright sounds good!
I was actually going to ask you that earlier. I’m from Detroit so Eastern Time Zone.

  • #25

Chicago here.. We’re almost neighbors (well, kinda) but in any case only an hour apart. G’nite ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

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