Unity как изменить пивот объекта

I have a question. I would like to make the pivot point of an object be at the end of an object rather than the center. It is for an AI that I am creating and I need an invisible rectangle to look ...

I have a question. I would like to make the pivot point of an object be at the end of an object rather than the center. It is for an AI that I am creating and I need an invisible rectangle to look at the player, I’m doing this so that I can detect if there is an obstacle — I’m already using raycasting but sometimes at certain angles the line doesn’t sense the obstacle, therefore I need the invisible rectangle too. Although, the problem is that sometimes the rectangle is picking up an obstacle from behind it since it is rotating around the center of itself rather than the end. It looks like this:

enter image description here

I am using C# by the way.

And the code I am using to make the rectangle look at the player is:


So how, using the code I have can I make the pivot point of the rectangle be at the end of it so that the rectangle wont pick up collisions behind it.

print(«All Help is Appreciated!»);



I did what Zackary said and it works fine except that it is backwards — how can I fix that?

enter image description here

asked Oct 8, 2018 at 18:53

BeastCoder's user avatar


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There are two commonly used approaches: define your own geometry and anchors.

1. Defining Your Own Geometry

If you are savvy with model building software (e.g., Maya or Blender), they often support tools allowing you to specify the center-point of the geometry. Importing these models into Unity, I believe, preserves those center-points.

2. Anchors

Perhaps the simplest way is to use an anchor-object. Simply create an empty object to use as the transform-parent of the model you want to rotate at an offset, translate the child object appropriately from the anchor, and apply whatever transforms you were originally doing to the anchor object (not the child).

answered Oct 8, 2018 at 19:19

Zackary's user avatar


Unfortunately in Unity, modifying the actual pivots is not possible out of the box. I know this is really annoying and something that I always wanted in Unity. So I decided to create an editor utility for the same.

You can try out my asset here:


It allows you to modify pivot position and rotation conveniently from within the unity editor, it also provides you with various useful options like pivot snapping which allows you to manipulate the pivot more precisely. It also fits right within the inspector and needs no addition of components and opening windows from the editor.

answered Dec 12, 2019 at 4:10

With A SpiRIT's user avatar

With A SpiRITWith A SpiRIT

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I have a cube created in Unity scaled 5 times. The pivot of the cube is by default in center.

I would like to change the pivot to the one of the vertices.

How to do that ?

Community's user avatar

asked Sep 12, 2018 at 12:44

eon's user avatar




The pivot can be changed in Unity. The following code demonstrates how.

 public void PivotTo(Vector3 position)
     Vector3 offset = transform.position - position;
     foreach (Transform child in transform)
         child.transform.position += offset;
     transform.position = position;

I come across the code here when trying to rotate my game object around its center.

answered Mar 28, 2020 at 10:29

qqqqqqq's user avatar


2682 silver badges12 bronze badges



unity does not import object pivot from 3ds-max or…
but unity uses its own generated pivot point. if you want to switch position between global and pivot you can choose using options upper left of app screen.

enter image description here

simplest way to make a pivot for your object is to make an empty object and make you model object child of that object just by dragging it and drop it on that empty object. and move you child model object to be in right position. after that you can use transform of parent object so child object rotates on parent object position as pivot.

answered Sep 19, 2019 at 17:47

virtouso's user avatar


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You can parent an empty GameObject to the cube you created and position it however you like, this will allow you to control any pivot you like if you use the parent game object.

answered Sep 12, 2018 at 12:58

Saifiction's user avatar


931 silver badge9 bronze badges




I use this free asset to have the pivot be changed on a mesh, while in Unity (without needing to go back to 3ds max to fix it).


answered Jan 18, 2022 at 12:23

ina's user avatar


2361 gold badge3 silver badges15 bronze badges




Unfortunately in Unity modifying the actual pivots is not possible out of the box
You can try out my asset here:


It allows you to modify pivot position and rotation conveniently from within the unity editor, it also provides you with various useful options like pivot snapping which allows you to manipulate the pivot more precisely. It also fits right within the inspector and needs no addition of components and opening windows from the editor.

answered Dec 12, 2019 at 4:07

With A SpiRIT's user avatar



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Pivot Editor for Unity


Available on Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/adjust-pivot-112883

Forum Thread: https://forum.unity.com/threads/adjust-pivot-without-using-an-empty-parent-object-open-source.520178/

Discord: https://discord.gg/UJJt549AaV

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This script allows you to change the pivot point of an object without having to create an empty GameObject as the pivot point. There are two types of pivot adjustments:

a. If the object does not have a mesh (MeshFilter, to be precise), then the script simply changes the positions and rotations of child objects accordingly

b. If the object does have a mesh, then the script first creates an instance of the mesh, adjusts the mesh’s pivot point by altering its vertices, normals and tangents, and finally changes the positions and rotations of child objects accordingly

Not tested with SkinnedMeshRenderer.


There are 5 ways to install this plugin:

  • import AdjustPivot.unitypackage via Assets-Import Package
  • clone/download this repository and move the Plugins folder to your Unity project’s Assets folder
  • import it from Asset Store
  • (via Package Manager) add the following line to Packages/manifest.json:
    • "com.yasirkula.adjustpivot": "https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityAdjustPivot.git",
  • (via OpenUPM) after installing openupm-cli, run the following command:
    • openupm add com.yasirkula.adjustpivot


Open the Adjust Pivot window via the Window-Adjust Pivot menu.

To change an object’s pivot point, you can create an empty child GameObject and move it to the desired pivot position. Then, you can press the Move X’s pivot here button to move the parent object’s pivot there. It is safe to delete the empty child object afterwards.

Note that if the object has a mesh (option b), to apply the changes to the prefab, you have to save the instantiated mesh to your project. Otherwise, the asset will be serialized in the scene and won’t be available to the prefab. You have two options there:

  • save the mesh as asset (.asset)
  • save the mesh as OBJ (.obj)

Afterwards, you can safely apply your changes to the prefab.

There are a few options that may be helpful in certain circumstances:

  • Create Child Collider Object On Pivot Change: imagine your object has a BoxCollider and you rotate the pivot by 45 degrees. A BoxCollider itself can not be rotated and therefore, your BoxCollider will no longer be aligned with your object. If you enable this option, however, a child object with a BoxCollider will be created and it will be aligned with your object properly. But be aware that the original BoxCollider will not be removed automatically to prevent any Inspector references to it from getting lost. You should remove the original BoxCollider manually

  • Create Child NavMesh Obstacle Object On Pivot Change: if enabled, a child object with NavMesh Obstacle component will be created automatically when pivot changes. This child object will be aligned with your object properly

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