- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:20 pm
Can’t open the unity pro XL 8.0 applicaton on windows 8.1
I installed unity pro Xl 8.0 on windows 8.1 but Can’t open, when double click the unity pro XL 8.0 Icon on the destop, it show «objectstore internal error unkonwn windows osversioninfo::dwminorversion value: 2 when osversioninfo::dwmajorversion==6»
- Posts: 86
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Re: Can’t open the unity pro XL 8.0 applicaton on windows 8.
by krank » Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:33 am
try compatibility mode win 7
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:20 pm
Re: Can’t open the unity pro XL 8.0 applicaton on windows 8.
by vuthuanthanh » Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:00 pm
krank wrote:try compatibility mode win 7
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- Location: Europe
Re: Can’t open the unity pro XL 8.0 applicaton on windows 8.
by krank » Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:11 pm
in Unity 8.0 DVD you have a folder «Windows 8»
in this folder you have a file UPWin8.exe
try it
- Posts: 101
- Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:11 pm
Re: Can’t open the unity pro XL 8.0 applicaton on windows 8.
by SE_support » Tue Dec 09, 2014 4:11 pm
Only UnityPro 8.1 (Windows 7 mode) is compatible with Windows 8.1, with Unity 8.0 you have no chance to get it run on Win 8.1.
You can send me your application, I reopen it und save as ZEF for you.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:20 pm
Re: Can’t open the unity pro XL 8.0 applicaton on windows 8.
by vuthuanthanh » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:50 am
krank wrote:in Unity 8.0 DVD you have a folder «Windows 8»
in this folder you have a file UPWin8.exetry it
Thank for your help, now I can open it
- Posts: 101
- Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:11 pm
Re: Can’t open the unity pro XL 8.0 applicaton on windows 8.
by SE_support » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:14 pm
vuthuanthanh wrote:
krank wrote:in Unity 8.0 DVD you have a folder «Windows 8»
in this folder you have a file UPWin8.exetry it
Thank for your help, now I can open it
good to know
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Вопрос по Unity Pro XL
maks448 » 25 июл 2022, 21:05
Доброго всем вечера! Прошу помощи! Волей судьбы пришлось заниматься установкой, управляемой контроллером Schneider electric M340. До этого работал только с Siemens. Установил себе Unity pro XL, к контроллеру подключился, проект с него скачал, с трудом, но начал вникать в логику работы. Вопрос, собственно, вот в чем: есть ли здесь возможность (как у сименса) в онлайне просматривать состояние входов, выходов, прохождение сигналов в функциональных блоках? С набегу такую кнопку найти не удалось. Буду чрезвычайно благодарен если кто подскажет, где ее искать или ткнет носом в мануал, где об этом написано. Спасибо.
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Вопрос по Unity Pro XL
leon78 » 26 июл 2022, 06:55
В онлайне все значения отображаются в секциях. Булевские переменные красные при 0, зеленые при 1. Числовые значения отображаются, если к переменной курсор поднести (в ST, в графических языках значения постоянно отображаются). Есть еще Animation Table, в которую можно нужные переменные или входы-выходы ДФБ добавить и в табличном виде значения смотреть.
Хард — это то, что можно швырнуть об стенку, а софт — это то, что можно лишь обматерить.
- частый гость
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Вопрос по Unity Pro XL
ogorsv » 26 июл 2022, 21:34
Добрый день!
1. Если с набегу в онлайн не отображается всё то, что Леонид описал, то, возможно, вы или не в онлайн, или действительно отключили анимацию на открытой вкладке.
Находится в меню Service — Animation (Ctrl+J)
2. Значения входов-выходов в онлайн можно посмотреть (что-то даже поменять), зайдя в сам модуль — вкладка Debug
3. Просмотр значения любой переменной в онлайн — правая кнопка — Initialize Animation Table (или Ctrl+T)
4. Анимационная таблица по умолчанию открывается в режиме Read only.
Для изменения тех значений, которые можно изменить, следует нажать кнопку Modification слева сверху. Для форсирования EBOOL переменных( DI & DO) — кнопку FORCE
5. Во встроенной справке почитайте примерно вот здесь (ESCE & Unity Pro в основном похожи)
У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
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Вопрос по Unity Pro XL
maks448 » 26 июл 2022, 21:56
Спасибо, буду изучать дальше… Просто привык к TIA Portal-у, а здесь очень уж по-другому всё.
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#1 |
Join Date: Nov 2016 Location: Vancouver,BC Posts: 9 |
Unity Pro xL Tag Errors Hello all, «{Elementary Variables} : The topological variable is incorrect. : T1_Raw_Flow» Once i remove the alias to the channel, the error disppeared for that specific tag. i really dont understand what do they mean by saying variable is incorrect. the card is setup properly, the tags are aliased and i can see them showing up on each channel of the card once in the I/O tab of that card. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Last edited by kingofpoland2; November 1st, 2016 at 02:19 PM.
#2 |
Join Date: Jan 2006 Location: Finland Posts: 1,862 |
can you post little bit more info of problem. Which Unity PLC, P57, M340 or maybe M580? On M580 you can have to choose on project creation if you use topologiacal IO or symbols directly. basic addressing on topolocical setup is for analog: and for binary: ebool / %rack.slot.card.channel have you bool type variables for IO? |
#3 |
Join Date: Nov 2016 Location: Vancouver,BC Posts: 9 |
I am running P58 2020 controller with basic analog in/out cards (BMX AMI/AMO 0810) and yes you are correct for addressing, i got something like this i think i have figured it out though. i changed the type of the tag from REAL to T_ANA_IN_BMX which is im guessing internal data type of that specific card and the error went away. |
#4 |
Join Date: Jan 2006 Location: Finland Posts: 1,862 |
T_ANA_IN_BMX is IODDT type variable. (IO derived data type.) You can also use int type variable with address %IW0.2.0, it gives only measument without any other info. (channels are 0..10000 points by default. Data type is integer) so analog channel 0 = %IW0.2.0 or IODDT type with addressing %CHxx.xx.xx http://www2.schneider-electric.com/r…BMX_ANALOG.pdf |
#5 |
Join Date: Nov 2016 Location: Vancouver,BC Posts: 9 |
Ahh yes! Thank you! INT with %IW works alot better in my situation! Thanks!! |
#6 |
Join Date: Jan 2006 Location: Finland Posts: 1,862 |
if you still need error bit of channel, it should be possible to address bit with address %Ir.m.c.ERR (I need to check this for sure. it can maybe be also %IW0.2.0.err if you look it directly) Or you can compare analog value (%IWxx.xx.xx) with timer. If it goes much different than 0..10000 then channel is under or overshooting of 4-20mA measurement.
Last edited by Lare; November 1st, 2016 at 04:25 PM.
Ok I might be over Exaggerating here but it’s true, the project is broken due to error when I start opening it «Internal build system error. Backend exited with code -1073740791».The app of
this Project has already been released on Google Play, maybe there is something to do with the settings? Can Please Anyone Help?
The Full Error:
Internal build system error. Backend exited with code -1073740791.
[ 0s] Delete 9 artifact files that are no longer in use. (like LibraryBeeartifactsmovedfromUnity.VisualScripting.Antlr3.Runtime.dll_2086064903115821086.movedfrom)
[ 80/296 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.VisualScripting.IonicZip.dll_2325611340324208551.movedfrom
[ 81/296 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.VisualScripting.YamlDotNet.dll_640181916459675141.movedfrom
[ 82/297 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.UI.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[ 83/299 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.TestRunner.rsp
[ 84/299 1s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.Plastic.Antlr3.Runtime.dll_5744707985310546343.movedfrom
[ 89/302 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEditor.TestRunner.rsp
[ 90/304 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.UI.rsp
[ 91/304 1s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.Plastic.Newtonsoft.Json.dll_2125035100625013150.movedfrom
[ 92/305 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEditor.UI.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[ 93/307 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEditor.UI.rsp
[ 94/308 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/AstarPathfindingProject.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[ 95/309 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/PsdPlugin.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[ 96/310 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Animation.Triangle.Runtime.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[ 97/311 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Common.Runtime.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[ 98/312 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.IK.Runtime.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[ 99/313 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Path.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[100/314 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.PixelPerfect.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[101/315 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Sprite.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[102/316 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[103/317 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Extras.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[104/318 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.CollabProxy.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[105/319 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.001.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[106/320 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Mathematics.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[107/321 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Mobile.AndroidLogcat.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[108/322 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.Android.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[109/323 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.iOS.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[110/324 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[112/326 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.TextMeshPro.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[113/327 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Timeline.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[114/328 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VSCode.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[115/329 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Core.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[118/332 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.Advertisements.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[119/333 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.Advertisements.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[120/334 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/PackageToolsEditor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[121/336 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Common.Runtime.rsp
[122/338 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.001.rsp
[123/340 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Mathematics.rsp
[124/341 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Animation.Runtime.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[125/343 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Sprite.Editor.rsp
[126/344 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Common.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[127/346 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.PixelPerfect.rsp
[128/347 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.PixelPerfect.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[129/348 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.SpriteShape.Runtime.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[130/350 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Editor.rsp
[131/352 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Extras.rsp
[132/353 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Extras.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[133/354 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.InternalAPIEditorBridge.001.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[134/355 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Mathematics.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[135/357 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.Android.rsp
[136/359 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.iOS.rsp
[137/360 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[138/362 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.TextMeshPro.rsp
[139/363 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.TextMeshPro.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[140/365 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Timeline.rsp
[141/366 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[142/368 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Core.rsp
[143/369 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Core.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[144/370 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Flow.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[145/372 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.Advertisements.rsp
[146/373 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.Monetization.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[147/374 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/AstarPathfindingProjectEditor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[148/376 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Animation.Runtime.rsp
[149/378 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Animation.Triangle.Runtime.rsp
[150/380 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Common.Editor.rsp
[151/382 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.InternalAPIEditorBridge.001.rsp
[152/383 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Animation.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[153/385 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Path.Editor.rsp
[154/387 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.SpriteShape.Runtime.rsp
[155/388 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.SpriteShape.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[156/390 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Core.Editor.rsp
[157/392 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Flow.rsp
[158/393 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Flow.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[159/394 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.State.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[160/396 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Animation.Editor.rsp
[161/398 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.IK.Runtime.rsp
[162/399 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.IK.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[163/400 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Psdimporter.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[164/402 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.Flow.Editor.rsp
[165/404 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.State.rsp
[166/405 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.State.Editor.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[167/406 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/VSSettingsProvider.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[168/408 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.IK.Editor.rsp
[169/410 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.PixelPerfect.Editor.rsp
[170/414 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/PsdPlugin.rsp
[171/414 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Psdimporter.Editor.rsp
[172/416 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.SpriteShape.Editor.rsp
[173/418 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Extras.Editor.rsp
[174/420 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Mathematics.Editor.rsp
[175/422 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Mobile.AndroidLogcat.Editor.rsp
[176/424 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.rsp
[177/426 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.rsp
[178/428 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Rider.Editor.rsp
[179/430 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.TextMeshPro.Editor.rsp
[180/432 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Timeline.Editor.rsp
[181/434 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VSCode.Editor.rsp
[182/436 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualScripting.State.Editor.rsp
[183/438 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualStudio.Editor.rsp
[184/440 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.Advertisements.Editor.rsp
[185/442 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.Monetization.rsp
[186/443 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Assembly-CSharp.dll.movedfrom.rsp
[187/445 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/AstarPathfindingProject.rsp
[188/447 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.CollabProxy.Editor.rsp
[189/449 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.Advertisements.DevX.Editor.rsp
[190/451 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/PackageToolsEditor.rsp
[191/453 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/AstarPathfindingProjectEditor.rsp
[192/455 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/VSSettingsProvider.rsp
[193/457 0s] WriteText Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Assembly-CSharp.rsp
[196/457 3s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.TestRunner.dll (+2 others)
[197/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEngine.TestRunner.pdb
[198/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEngine.TestRunner.dll
[199/457 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/UnityEngine.TestRunner.ref.dll_8368799695770714308.movedfrom
[200/457 3s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEngine.UI.dll (+2 others)
[201/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEngine.UI.pdb
[203/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEngine.UI.dll
[204/457 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/UnityEngine.UI.ref.dll_13680447769613716870.movedfrom
[205/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEditor.TestRunner.dll (+2 others)
[208/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEditor.TestRunner.dll
[209/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEditor.TestRunner.pdb
[210/457 1s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/UnityEditor.UI.dll (+2 others)
[219/457 4s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Editor.dll (+2 others)
[220/457 4s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/AstarPathfindingProject.dll (+2 others)
[220/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Editor.pdb
[222/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Editor.dll
[223/457 3s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Common.Runtime.dll (+2 others)
[224/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/AstarPathfindingProject.pdb
[225/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/AstarPathfindingProject.dll
[226/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Common.Runtime.dll
[229/457 5s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.dll (+2 others)
[231/457 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.2D.Common.Runtime.ref.dll_17822817306688496483.movedfrom
[232/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.pdb
[239/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.dll
[240/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.iOS.dll (+2 others)
[241/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Extras.dll (+2 others)
[242/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Notifications.iOS.pdb
[243/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.Android.dll (+2 others)
[244/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Extras.dll
[245/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Notifications.Android.dll
[246/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Notifications.Android.pdb
[248/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Animation.Triangle.Runtime.dll (+2 others)
[249/457 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.Notifications.Android.ref.dll_15514552198952893227.movedfrom
[250/457 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.2D.Tilemap.Extras.ref.dll_13185418342785991921.movedfrom
[251/457 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.2D.Animation.Triangle.Runtime.ref.dll_17903118484747357354.movedfrom
[252/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Animation.Triangle.Runtime.dll
[253/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Animation.Triangle.Runtime.pdb
[254/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Notifications.iOS.dll
[259/457 1s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Notifications.dll (+2 others)
[261/457 0s] MovedFromExtractor Library/Bee/artifacts/movedfrom/Unity.Notifications.iOS.ref.dll_8642665151043550249.movedfrom
[262/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Notifications.dll
[264/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.Rider.Editor.dll (+2 others)
[266/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Rider.Editor.dll
[267/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.Sprite.Editor.dll (+2 others)
[269/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Rider.Editor.pdb
[270/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Sprite.Editor.pdb
[271/457 1s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.2D.IK.Runtime.dll (+2 others)
[276/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.Sprite.Editor.dll
[277/457 2s] Csc Library/Bee/artifacts/1300b0aE.dag/Unity.VisualStudio.Editor.dll (+2 others)
[278/457 0s] CopyTool Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.2D.IK.Runtime.dll
tundra: error: Couldn't launch process
errno: 2 (No such file or directory) GetLastError: 5 (0x00000005): Access is denied.
Additional Errors:
(Why is number 1 is blank? it's because it is, Its in the error log)
> 2.LibraryScriptAssembliesUnity.2D.Common.Runtime.pdb:
asked Apr 5, 2022 at 10:54
Back up everything now in case anything you try makes things worse. If you have any previous backups be sure to keep them safe. While
unlikely, if it turned out the issues were caused by drive trouble it could be that the drive is on the verge of failing. -
After having backed everything up, try closing Unity and then deleting the LibraryBee folder from your project directory. Hopefully your problem is now solved.
- If your problem was not solved: try deleting or moving the following folders and files from your project folder:
- .vs
- Library
- obj
- Temp
- UserSettings
- .vsconfig
- *.csproj
- *.sln
Basically everything except Assets, Packages, and ProjectSettings (unless you added any custom files or folders to the root folder manually, though even if so you just backed them up a moment ago right?)
If your Unity project directory is under an unusual or long full directory name e.g.
C:UsersLlanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochDocumentsUnity ProjectsUnityProject
, try moving it somewhere simpler likeC:UnityUnityProject
. -
Restart your PC. You can never be too certain of what problems might potentially be fixed by turning it off and on again.
Load the project into Unity and pray it imports successfully this time.
If none of that works: If you updated Unity immediately before the problem began, reinstall the older version and try the above steps again. If that fails too, trying a newer Unity version in desperation would not be unreasonable. Probably the Bee folder thing solved your problem and you never got here though.
answered Apr 5, 2022 at 11:25
Sven VikingSven Viking
2,58820 silver badges34 bronze badges
I am on Ubuntu 20.04 this worked for me:
- Open in safe mode then exit safe mode without fixing anything
- Go to
and delete theTundraBuildState.state.map
- Press the play button and the game starts. The deleted file is also rebuilt.
Hope it helps someone
answered Oct 19, 2022 at 6:11
1,7701 gold badge16 silver badges27 bronze badges
You could try turning off your anti-virus software. That solved the problem when I started having it out of the blue.
answered Dec 2, 2022 at 18:38
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 13.07.2021 Сообщений: 2 |
1 |
14.07.2021, 13:59. Показов 2187. Ответов 3
Подскажите пожалуйста, где, когда и какую нормально работающую Unity можно скачать? Скачано было отсюда Unity 2021.1.14 8 Jul, 2021 При попытке открыть новый проект выдавалась ошибка и предложение загрузиться в безопасном режиме. Такая ошибка уже была при попытке установить версию с хабом, отсюда: В этот раз безопасный режим был мною проигнорирован, все равно не знаю как исправить, но и в обычном режиме на вкладке console выдает следующие ошибки: Internal build system error. BuildProgram exited with code -2147450750. Но здесь непонятно — на странице куча всего. что качать? Cannot open scene at path Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity. Maybe the scene hasn’t been imported. This can be done with an AssetDatabase.Refresh() call. Как все это исправить или где загрузить нормальную рабочую версию, помогите пожалуйста… Система windows 7
0 |
3088 / 1617 / 921 Регистрация: 26.10.2018 Сообщений: 4,620 |
14.07.2021, 14:11 |
2 |
Это пробовал?
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 13.07.2021 Сообщений: 2 |
14.07.2021, 14:33 [ТС] |
3 |
1max1, нет, непонятно как пробовать. Вот в этом тексте, на который ведет ссылка: The SDK is used to build and publish .NET apps and libraries. Installing the SDK includes all three runtimes: ASP.NET Core, Desktop, and .NET. .NET 5.0 The following Windows versions are supported with .NET 5.0: Note A + symbol represents the minimum version. нет ни одной собственно ссылки. Что качать?
0 |
гуглю вместо тебя 234 / 153 / 86 Регистрация: 20.05.2021 Сообщений: 426 |
16.07.2021, 02:05 |
4 |
Binsk, попробуй по ссылке https://unity3d.com/ru/get-unity/download ну и в ошибке сам ответ, как тебе и писал 1max1
смотря какая у тебя виндовс если 10, то вверх прокрути страницу там будет кнопка «Download .NET» та качаешь 5.0 и 3.1 на всяк мб пригодится,
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