Unity runtime error

Troubleshooting This section provides information on the following issues: Type of error: Error message: General startup issues — Error messages in the Package Manager window— Package Manager missing or window doesn’t open— Problems after upgrading Unity to new version— Resetting your project’s package configuration Package installation issues — Package installation fails— Packages not recognized— […]


  1. Troubleshooting
  2. Error messages in the Package Manager window
  3. System-wide issues
  4. Package-specific issues
  5. Package Manager missing or window doesn’t open
  6. Problems after upgrading Unity to new version
  7. Resetting your project’s package configuration
  8. Resetting a clone of your project
  9. Package installation fails
  10. Packages not recognized
  11. Unable to add package from Git URL
  12. No ‘git’ executable was found
  13. git-lfs: command not found
  14. Repository not found
  15. Could not read Username: terminal prompts disabled
  16. Solutions for HTTPS
  17. Solutions for SSH
  18. Setting up OpenSSH for Windows
  19. Adding SSH keys to your SSH Agent for macOS
  20. Can’t update Git version
  21. ‘Failed to parse Http response’ in My Assets context
  22. Missing ‘My Registries’ in the Package Manager window
  23. Missing MonoBehaviour errors


This section provides information on the following issues:

Type of error: Error message:
General startup issues — Error messages in the Package Manager window
— Package Manager missing or window doesn’t open
— Problems after upgrading Unity to new version
— Resetting your project’s package configuration
Package installation issues — Package installation fails
— Packages not recognized
— Unable to add package from Git URL
Problems installing git dependencies — No ‘git’ executable was found
— git-lfs: command not found
— Repository not found
— Could not read Username: terminal prompts disabled
— Can’t update Git version
Asset Store A growing library of free and commercial assets created by Unity and members of the community. Offers a wide variety of assets, from textures, models and animations to whole project examples, tutorials and Editor extensions. More info
See in Glossary packages (My Assets)
— ‘Failed to parse Http response’ in My Assets context
Scoped registries — Missing ‘My Registries’ in the Package Manager window
Issues when building packages — Missing MonoBehaviour errors
— Loading error for hostfxr.dll on Windows

You can also run the Unity Package Manager Diagnostics tool if you are experiencing problems that might be network-related. For more information, see Diagnose network issues.

Error messages in the Package Manager window

The Package Manager displays error indicators in the Package Manager window when it encounters problems.

System-wide issues

Network connection issues

Error messages appear in the status bar when the Package Manager has detected an issue that isn’t related to a specific package. For example, if the Package Manager can’t access the package registry server, it displays this message in the status bar:

Network error message

Error refreshing assets (or Error refreshing packages)

If your network can’t reach the package registry server, it’s probably because there is a connection problem with the network. When you or your system administrator diagnose and fix the network error, the status bar clears.

If your network connection is working, but you aren’t signed into your Unity account, the Package Manager doesn’t display any Asset Store packages. When you try to use the My Assets context, the Package Manager displays an error in the status bar:

Logged out of Unity account

Click the Sign in button inside the list view to sign into your Unity account through the Unity Hub.

Package-specific issues

If a specific package has a problem when loading or installing (for example, when determining which package versions to load), the error icon ( ) appears in the package list next to the compromised package (A). To find out what the problem is, open the compromised package’s details view to see the detailed error message (B):

Dependency error message

Package Manager missing or window doesn’t open

The Package Manager window might get moved offscreen or hidden by another window. When this happens, it looks like the Package Manager window failed to open. In this case, you can try to reset the window layout (Window > Layouts > Default) and reopen the Package Manager window again.

If the Package Manager window still doesn’t appear, check your Unity Console window A Unity Editor window that shows errors, warnings and other messages generated by Unity, or your own scripts. More info
See in Glossary :

This error message indicates that your manifest.json file is malformed. It also tells you the line number where the Package Manager failed to parse the file, so you can fix the JSON. There are a number of online validators that you can use to try to correct the problem. Once you save the corrected file, Unity reloads the Package Manager window.

If you upgraded from an early version of the Unity Editor, there may be other problems with your package manifest Each package has a manifest, which provides information about the package to the Package Manager. The manifest contains information such as the name of the package, its version, a description for users, dependencies on other packages (if any), and other details. More info
See in Glossary file:

As of 2019.3, your manifest.json file should not contain any references to the com.unity.package-manager-ui package. You can either reset your project’s package configuration or remove the following line from the manifest’s dependencies list:

Check to see if your project manifest Each Unity project has a project manifest, which acts as an entry point for the Package Manager. This file must be available in the

/Packages directory. The Package Manager uses it to configure many things, including a list of dependencies for that project, as well as any package repository to query for packages. More info
See in Glossary uses “exclude” as a package version. This is an obsolete value for the dependencies property. If you find any lines like these, remove the entire line. Package Manager only installs packages that are explicitly included as a dependency in your project, so once you remove that entry, Package Manager ignores the package and doesn’t install it.

If the Package Manager still fails to load, follow the procedures under Packages not recognized and Resetting your project’s package configuration.

Problems after upgrading Unity to new version

When you upgrade a project to a newer Unity version, the Package Manager automatically updates incompatible packages to newer compatible versions. However, if your package doesn’t compile, the Package Manager displays error messages in the Console.

To correct these messages, read the error messages and fix any problems you can. For example, a package might be missing a dependency on another package or version. In that case, you can try and install the package yourself.

You can also try the following sequence of solutions until you find something that works:

  • Back up and then delete the Packages folder under your project.
  • Back up and then delete the package sources in your project’s Packages folder, leaving only the manifest.json file. Then try to reload the project.
  • Create a new empty project. If the Package Manager window loads successfully, replace the Library/PackageCache/com.unity.package-manager-ui@ folder in the failing project with the same folder from the newly created project.
  • As a last resort, you can reset your project to the default package Unity automatically pre-installs a select number of default packages (for example, the Analytics Library, Unity Timeline, etc.) when you create a new project. This differs from a bundled package because you don’t need to install it and it differs from a built-in package because it extends Unity’s features rather than being able to enable or disable them.
    See in Glossary configuration and add back packages one at a time until it works.

Resetting your project’s package configuration

If a project has too many package issues, you can reset your project back to the default package configuration for the Editor’s version of Unity. This operation resets all packages in your project. This might not fix the source of the problem, but it can help you figure out what the problem is.

Note: You can’t undo resetting your package configuration, so make sure you back up the manifest.json file first or make sure your project is under source control. You can also take extra precautions by cloning your project and testing out the operation on the clone before proceeding.

To return to the default package configuration, select Reset Packages to defaults from the Help menu.

Reset Packages to defaults»> Help > Reset Packages to defaults

Resetting a clone of your project

You can also test the return to the default packages before you perform the final change:

Clone your project by copy-pasting your project folder and renaming it so that it is easy to find (for example, if your project is called MyProject then you could use something like clone_MyProject ).

Load your newly cloned project.

From the Help menu, select Reset Packages to defaults.

Depending on the size of your project, this might take a few minutes.

Check that it successfully reset the packages. If so, you can perform the operation safely on the original project.

Package installation fails

If you are trying to install a new package from the registry and it is not working, it might be due to permission problems.

You must have full permissions on the cache folder:

  • Windows: C:UsersyournameAppDataLocalUnitycache
  • macOS:

It might be a problem with the network. Check your firewall and proxy settings.

Sometimes institutional environments, such as schools, government offices, or network-protected workplaces set up proxy servers to control traffic between the network and the Internet, and use their own server certificates which are not recognized by Unity or the Package Manager. Talk to your network administrator.

Packages not recognized

If you see a lot of compilation errors, this might indicate that Unity is not recognizing the packages in your existing project. In this case, you might be missing a .NET component.

  1. Download and install Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.0 or higher with the .NET Core cross-platform development workload selected under Other Toolsets.
  2. Download and install the .NET SDK v2.2.101 component.

Download and install the .NET SDK v2.2.101 component.

Install any recommended updates in Visual Studio

Use homebrew to brew and install mono:

If necessary, delete the Library/obj/temp folder under your project and restart Unity.

If you are still experiencing difficulties, try rebooting your computer as well.

Unable to add package from Git URL

No ‘git’ executable was found

If you try to install a package from a git URL, a message similar to this appears:

git-lfs: command not found

If you are trying to download a package that uses Git LFS (Large File Storage), you might see this error message:

This indicates that Git LFS is probably not installed on your machine. To make sure, you could test it on the command line:

If you see something like this, Git LFS is installed:

Otherwise, you can install it by following the Bitbucket GitHub instructions.

Repository not found

If you specify a location that does not exist, a message similar to this one appears in the Unity Console:

Check your spelling. To make sure you are using the correct URL, go to the repository’s page and copy the URL from the Clone button:

Where to copy the URL on GitHub (A) and GitLab (B)

Click the button to the right of the URL on GitHub (A) or GitLab (B) to copy the URL to your clipboard.

If the location of the repository is correct, there may be another problem with the URL:

  • If you are targeting a specific revision, make sure your revision comes last. For example:
  • If you are targeting a revision and the package is not at the root, make sure the path query parameter precedes the revision anchor. For example:

Could not read Username: terminal prompts disabled

If you are trying to install a package from a private repository that requires authentication, a message similar to this one appears in the Unity Console:

This message is likely due to the fact that Package Manager does not provide an interactive terminal or dialog where you can enter your username and password for HTTP, or your passphrase to unlock your SSH key:

With HTTP(S), every time you log onto BitBucket, GitHub or GitLab you need to enter your username and password in a terminal or a dialog box. However, the Package Manager does not provide an interactive terminal or dialog where you can enter your username and password for HTTP(S).

To bypass this, use one of the workarounds suggested in Solutions for HTTPS.

SSH uses a pair of public and private SSH keys. You can add your public SSH key to Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab and then access repositories without having to enter a username and password.

However, if you have set up a passphrase to keep your SSH key safe, you still have to enter that passphrase in a terminal or a dialog box in order to authorize your key. In that case, you can use an SSH agent that can unlock your SSH key to authenticate with the Package Manager on your behalf.

Solutions for HTTPS

The Package Manager does not provide an interactive terminal or dialog where you can enter your HTTP(S) username and password. To bypass this, use one of these workarounds:

  • Use a credential manager (Git Credential Manager for Windows or OSXKeyChain). Credential managers handle sending the password without having to use a terminal or a command prompt.
  • Use git-credentials from a terminal or command prompt. Then launch the Hub from the same terminal so that Unity has access to the cached or stored credentials.
  • Use SSH to authenticate instead. If you set up your SSH key without a passphrase, the Package Manager doesn’t have to decrypt it in order to authenticate with the Git server. If you decide to use a passphrase for added security, you can still get around the authentication problem by using the ssh-agent on either macOS or Windows.

Solutions for SSH

If you are using the SSH protocol to install a package by Git URL, you might get an authentication error from Git. This typically happens when you set up a private SSH key on your local machine that is protected by a passphrase.

The solution to this problem is to set up an SSH agent that can unlock your SSH key to authenticate with the Package Manager on your behalf. Follow the instructions in the section that corresponds to your operating system:

Setting up OpenSSH for Windows

The native Windows OpenSSH version of the ssh-agent works better than the version available by default with Git for Windows. This procedure explains how to set up the OpenSSH client and add your key to its ssh-agent. If you are using Git for Windows, you can also prioritize the native Windows OpenSSH over the Git for Windows SSH agent:

Make sure the OpenSSH Client is installed by searching for it in the Windows Settings Optional features window (Start > Settings, then search for “Optional features”). This applies to Windows 10+.

Check your %PATH% environment variable to make sure the native Windows OpenSSH location appears (for example, C:WINDOWSSystem32OpenSSH ).

Note: If you are already using Git for Windows, make sure the native Windows OpenSSH location appears before the Git for Windows SSH location in your %PATH% variable. This ensures that Windows uses the native Windows OpenSSH agent over the Git for Windows SSH agent.

In a PowerShell terminal, start the ssh-agent process and make sure it starts automatically:

Import your key into the ssh-agent by running ssh-add on the command line and then following the instructions. By default, the agent adds the %USERPROFILE%.sshid_rsa key and prompts you for the password.

To use a different key, you can specify it as an argument:

If you can’t remember the name of your key, you can ask the agent to list them:

If you installed Git for Windows, reset the %GIT-SSH% environment variable to make sure that Git always uses the native Windows OpenSSH version of the ssh-agent:

Adding SSH keys to your SSH Agent for macOS

Use the ssh-add command to add your SSH keys to the ssh-agent running on your macOS system. The command parameter you use depends on your version of macOS:

Prior to macOS 12, use:

Starting with macOS 12, use:

After you run this command, the terminal asks for the password to unlock your SSH key and then adds it to the macOS keychain. However, once you restart your system, every key stored in the ssh-agent is reset.

To prevent re-entering your password after restarting your system, open the

/.ssh/config file (or create one if you don’t find it), and add the following:

Restart your machine to apply these changes.

Can’t update Git version

If you are trying to update your Git dependency The Package Manager retrieves Git dependencies from a Git repository directly rather than from a package registry. Git dependencies use a Git URL reference instead of a version, and there’s no guarantee about the package quality, stability, validity, or even whether the version stated in its package.json file respects Semantic Versioning rules with regards to officially published releases of this package. More info
See in Glossary to a newer version from the repository, but it’s not working, it’s probably because your Git dependency is locked. If you want to update your Git dependency to a newer version from the repository, use the Add package from git URL button and enter a Git URL. For more information, see Locked Git dependencies.

‘Failed to parse Http response’ in My Assets context

If you see the following message in the Console window when trying to download an Asset Store package, there might be a problem with your Asset Store cache:

[PackageManager] Error Failed to parse response. UnityEditor.AsyncHTTPClient![:D](https://forum.unity.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png)one(State, Int32)

To solve this problem, delete all downloaded assets from the Asset Store package directory and then try downloading the assets again.

Warning: If your project contains a lot of asset data, this might take a lot of time and bandwidth to re-download everything.

Missing ‘My Registries’ in the Package Manager window

Not all registry providers are compatible with Unity’s Package Manager. If the package registry server you added does not implement the /-/v1/search or /-/all endpoints, your scoped registry is not compatible with Unity’s Package Manager, and doesn’t appear in the My Registries context in the Package Manager window.

Missing MonoBehaviour errors

While building, if there are a lot of errors about Missing Behavior, the UnityLinker might be mistakenly stripping out a component that it thinks is unreferenced. It often does this because the stripping level is too aggressive. For example, if you have a prefab An asset type that allows you to store a GameObject complete with components and properties. The prefab acts as a template from which you can create new object instances in the scene. More info
See in Glossary in an AssetBundle that references the SpriteShape component in the 2D SpriteShape package, the object might be missing and might generate compiler warnings.

To fix this, you can either lower the stripping level for the UnityLinker or declare the package’s assemblies inside the link.xml file in order to preserve them from being stripped:

For more information on stripping levels and the UnityLinker, see Managed code stripping.


When we have built the solution, a runtime error appears in one eye on a corner. Is imposible to read and we are tested in debug, release, master… and the error persist. In editor mode on Unity, the error dont appear. The experience is the same but is a little annoying. Any solution ?

Create project on Unity 2019
Build for Windows Universal Platform on VR
Open the solution in Visual Studio 2017
Compile and play or compile and make a appx

Logging to C:/Users/MyPC/AppData/Local/Packages/MyProject_vvjrt7vn67k36/TempState/UnityPlayer.log
Loading native plugins
  Loading AudioPluginMsHRTF.dll
Module information:
 Built with Compiler Ver '191627012'
 Built from '2019.1/staging' branch
 Version is '2019.1.0f2 (292b93d75a2c)'
 Release build
 Application type 'D3D'
 OS 'Windows 10 (10.0.17763) 64bit'
PlayerConnection initialized from E:/UNITY_2019_PROJECTS/BUILD VISUAL STUDIO/build/bin/x64/Release/AppX/Data (debug = 0)
PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55050
Multi-casting "[IP] [Port] 55050 [Flags] 2 [Guid] 737340049 [EditorId] 0 [Version] 1048832 [Id] UWPPlayerX64(MyPC) [Debug] 0 [PackageName] MyProject_vvjrt7vn67k36" to []...
Started listening to []
PlayerConnection already initialized - listening to []
Plugins: Failed to load 'WindowsMRXRSDK' because one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded.
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildRuntime/Misc/Plugins.cpp Line: 223)

GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (ID=0x1c82)
    VRAM:     4018 MB
Initialize engine version: 2019.1.0f2 (292b93d75a2c)
Failed to find spatial stage root, falling back to stationary tracking space type!
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildModules/VR/HoloLens/HoloLensWorldManager.cpp Line: 591)

Created eye textures with a "texture array" layout.  The "single-pass instancing" stereo mode will be used.

Windows Mixed Reality spatial locatability state changed to Activating.
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildModules/VR/HoloLens/HoloLensWorldManager.cpp Line: 374)

The referenced script (Unknown) on this Behaviour is missing!
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildRuntime/Scripting/ManagedReference/SerializableManagedRef.cpp Line: 197)

The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '<null>') is missing!
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildRuntime/Mono/ManagedMonoBehaviourRef.cpp Line: 333)

A scripted object (probably Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input.MixedRealityInputSimulationProfile?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 76 bytes but expected 288 bytes)
Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildRuntime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 2012)

UnloadTime: 41,373700 ms
Windows Mixed Reality spatial locatability state changed to Inhibited.
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildModules/VR/HoloLens/HoloLensWorldManager.cpp Line: 374)

Setting up 3 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 36ac -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 4944 -> priority: 1 
  Thread -> id: 5280 -> priority: 1 
Windows Mixed Reality spatial locatability state changed to Active.
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildModules/VR/HoloLens/HoloLensWorldManager.cpp Line: 374)

Windows Mixed Reality spatial locatability state changed to Inhibited.
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildModules/VR/HoloLens/HoloLensWorldManager.cpp Line: 374)

Windows Mixed Reality spatial locatability state changed to Active.
(Filename: C:buildslaveunitybuildModules/VR/HoloLens/HoloLensWorldManager.cpp Line: 374)

Trimming D3D resources.

Same with master version… other way would be disable runtime errors in headset screen… any way to do this ?

Hi, I am trying to get my Unity LEGO microgame uploaded to play.unity.com.

I can build to WebGL and it uploads the game, but when I try to play it in my browser (chrome) it gives the following error:

‘An error occured running the Unity content on this page. See your browser Javascript console for more info. the error was: Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds.’

You can try it here for yourself: https://play.unity.com/mg/lego/web-0osz7

I thought maybe the game was too heavy so I tried stripping the whole game down until there was barely anything left, but it still gives the same error when playing the uploaded build.

Edit: stripping down the game seems to work, I think I will have to rebuild and reupload untill I hit the maximum…

The chrome console shows these errors:

Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[39464]:0xe48aa0
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[39463]:0xe48a33
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[39462]:0xe489c9
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[49594]:0x10a110c
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[49601]:0x10a1f8f
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[49599]:0x10a1a95
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[49598]:0x10a181f
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[25339]:0xb97bac
    at dynCall_iiiii (<anonymous>:wasm-function[52471]:0x111f01b)
    at Object.dynCall_iiiii (blob:https://play.unity3dusercontent.com/08f085a7-7fd5-42f4-a591-d067454a8d6a:8:463265)
    at invoke_iiiii (blob:https://play.unity3dusercontent.com/08f085a7-7fd5-42f4-a591-d067454a8d6a:8:331727)
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[50596]:0x10c8f11
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[50050]:0x10b0ed8
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[4469]:0x1b7b8d
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[4467]:0x1b7865
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[8137]:0x2f5ff6
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[8134]:0x2f4e18
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[10603]:0x40081f
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[8402]:0x3162cc
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[10989]:0x42cea0
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[10703]:0x40a3f0
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[10703]:0x40a405
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[10698]:0x409f0f
    at <anonymous>:wasm-function[10691]:0x408112
    at dynCall_v (<anonymous>:wasm-function[52485]:0x111f24d)
    at Object.dynCall_v (blob:https://play.unity3dusercontent.com/08f085a7-7fd5-42f4-a591-d067454a8d6a:8:471234)
    at browserIterationFunc (blob:https://play.unity3dusercontent.com/08f085a7-7fd5-42f4-a591-d067454a8d6a:8:166325)
    at Object.runIter (blob:https://play.unity3dusercontent.com/08f085a7-7fd5-42f4-a591-d067454a8d6a:8:169386)
    at Browser_mainLoop_runner (blob:https://play.unity3dusercontent.com/08f085a7-7fd5-42f4-a591-d067454a8d6a:8:167848)
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I’m using the SRWorks SDK – Version and getting the following error in the demo scene of ViveSR_Experience in Unity 2019.2.5f1 when hitting play:

Runtime Error! Program:

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application’s support team for more information.

Unity quits when I hit the OK button.

I tried following the Guide «VIVE Getting Started with SRWorks Experience in Unity» but the error occurs anyway. I’m using the Vive Pro Eye if that matters. The camera has been activated and successfully tested in SteamVR 1.11.13. The SRWorks Runtime has been installed as well.

Any help is much appreciated.

screenshot error.png

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Tony PH Lin

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Hi @HeyItsJazz,

We just released the latest version to resolve several crash, performance and stability issues.

Suggest you to download this to have a try and let us know if your issue is still existed or not.


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Thanks for the update! The error doesn’t occur anymore and I am now able to start an test the SR Works Unity Experience build.

However, when I’m in the Experience Demo scene in the Unity editor and hit play I get 999+ errors:

[SteamVR] Could not find actions file at: D:/mypc/user/SRWorks Overlay/SR Works
Valve.VR.SteamVR_Input:IdentifyActionsFile(Boolean) (at Assets/SteamVR/Input/SteamVR_Input.cs:1296)
Valve.VR.SteamVR:CreateInstance() (at Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR.cs:188)
Valve.VR.SteamVR:Initialize(Boolean) (at Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR.cs:98)
Valve.VR.SteamVR_Behaviour:InitializeSteamVR(Boolean) (at Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Behaviour.cs:119)
Valve.VR.SteamVR_Behaviour:Awake() (at Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Behaviour.cs:100)

I followed the step by step instructions in the documentations, what am I missing here?

Again, thanks for your help.


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Which Unity version you use?

Just double confirm if you follow the following?

I did the following steps with Unity 2019.3.1.f1/SRWorks and it works.

Step 1: import Vive-SRWorks-Unity-Plugin.unitypackage

Step 2: restart Unity

Step 3: Import SteamVR from Unity asset store

Step 4: import Vive-SRWorks-Unity-Experience.unitypackage

Step 5: open scene Demo.Unity

Step 6: Play

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I’ve been using Unity 2019.2.5f1, will try again using the one you’ve suggested, thanks!

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Get the same crash as above both when running the sample application and play from unity.

SteamVR version: 1.12.5 (this is a Beta or official release) Is there a way to downgrade to 1.11?

Unity: 2019.3.15

HTC Vive Pro

Latest SRWorks SDK



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12 hours ago, Dana said:

Get the same crash as above both when running the sample application and play from unity.

SteamVR version: 1.12.5 (this is a Beta or official release) Is there a way to downgrade to 1.11?

Unity: 2019.3.15

HTC Vive Pro

Latest SRWorks SDK



I have tested v0.9.3.0 with SteamVR version: 1.12.5 working.

If you run  sample application failed, could you Zip these logs under C:Users$(user_name)AppDataLocalLowHTC Corporation to us?

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On 6/3/2020 at 8:16 AM, Daniel_Y said:

Which Unity version you use?

Just double confirm if you follow the following?

I did the following steps with Unity 2019.3.1.f1/SRWorks and it works.

Step 1: import Vive-SRWorks-Unity-Plugin.unitypackage

Step 2: restart Unity

Step 3: Import SteamVR from Unity asset store

Step 4: import Vive-SRWorks-Unity-Experience.unitypackage

Step 5: open scene Demo.Unity

Step 6: Play

So I’ve tried it with the suggested version and followed all the steps. Still getting the same «actions file missing» errors… I’m really running out of ideas here, could this be a SteamVR related issue? Currently using SteamVR 1.12.5 with SRWorks and Unity 2019.3.1f1.

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On 6/8/2020 at 2:44 PM, Dana said:

What SRWorks version are you using? Is it v0.9.3.0 or v0.9.0.3? v0.9.0.3 would not work with SteamVR version: 1.12.5.

And, please make sure you have admin right to use SRWorks.

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