Unknown error 234

Error 234 Comodo Backup Error 234 errors can freeze or crash your computer and may lead to possible malware infections. Follow these easy steps to fix your Runtime Errors errors quickly and simply.

How to fix the Runtime Code 234 Comodo Backup Error 234

This article features error number Code 234, commonly known as Comodo Backup Error 234 described as Server internal exception.

About Runtime Code 234

Runtime Code 234 happens when Comodo Backup fails or crashes whilst it’s running, hence its name. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its run-time. This kind of error will appear as an annoying notification on your screen unless handled and corrected. Here are symptoms, causes and ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Definitions (Beta)

Here we list some definitions for the words contained in your error, in an attempt to help you understand your problem. This is a work in progress, so sometimes we might define the word incorrectly, so feel free to skip this section!

  • Backup — The act of saving one’s files, data, applications, etc
  • Exception — An exception is an unusual condition that requires deviation from the program’s normal flow
  • Internal — The internal tag should be used when the question in which this tag has been used is about the internal operation in a function, language, program, or system.
  • Server — A server is a running instance of a software application capable of accepting requests from a client and giving responses accordingly.

Symptoms of Code 234 — Comodo Backup Error 234

Runtime errors happen without warning. The error message can come up the screen anytime Comodo Backup is run. In fact, the error message or some other dialogue box can come up again and again if not addressed early on.

There may be instances of files deletion or new files appearing. Though this symptom is largely due to virus infection, it can be attributed as a symptom for runtime error, as virus infection is one of the causes for runtime error. User may also experience a sudden drop in internet connection speed, yet again, this is not always the case.

Fix Comodo Backup Error 234 (Error Code 234)
(For illustrative purposes only)

Causes of Comodo Backup Error 234 — Code 234

During software design, programmers code anticipating the occurrence of errors. However, there are no perfect designs, as errors can be expected even with the best program design. Glitches can happen during runtime if a certain error is not experienced and addressed during design and testing.

Runtime errors are generally caused by incompatible programs running at the same time. It may also occur because of memory problem, a bad graphics driver or virus infection. Whatever the case may be, the problem must be resolved immediately to avoid further problems. Here are ways to remedy the error.

Repair Methods

Runtime errors may be annoying and persistent, but it is not totally hopeless, repairs are available. Here are ways to do it.

If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.

Please note: Neither ErrorVault.com nor it’s writers claim responsibility for the results of the actions taken from employing any of the repair methods listed on this page — you complete these steps at your own risk.

Method 1 — Close Conflicting Programs

When you get a runtime error, keep in mind that it is happening due to programs that are conflicting with each other. The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to stop these conflicting programs.

  • Open Task Manager by clicking Ctrl-Alt-Del at the same time. This will let you see the list of programs currently running.
  • Go to the Processes tab and stop the programs one by one by highlighting each program and clicking the End Process buttom.
  • You will need to observe if the error message will reoccur each time you stop a process.
  • Once you get to identify which program is causing the error, you may go ahead with the next troubleshooting step, reinstalling the application.

Method 2 — Update / Reinstall Conflicting Programs

Using Control Panel

  • For Windows 7, click the Start Button, then click Control panel, then Uninstall a program
  • For Windows 8, click the Start Button, then scroll down and click More Settings, then click Control panel > Uninstall a program.
  • For Windows 10, just type Control Panel on the search box and click the result, then click Uninstall a program
  • Once inside Programs and Features, click the problem program and click Update or Uninstall.
  • If you chose to update, then you will just need to follow the prompt to complete the process, however if you chose to Uninstall, you will follow the prompt to uninstall and then re-download or use the application’s installation disk to reinstall the program.

Using Other Methods

  • For Windows 7, you may find the list of all installed programs when you click Start and scroll your mouse over the list that appear on the tab. You may see on that list utility for uninstalling the program. You may go ahead and uninstall using utilities available in this tab.
  • For Windows 10, you may click Start, then Settings, then choose Apps.
  • Scroll down to see the list of Apps and features installed in your computer.
  • Click the Program which is causing the runtime error, then you may choose to uninstall or click Advanced options to reset the application.

Method 3 — Update your Virus protection program or download and install the latest Windows Update

Virus infection causing runtime error on your computer must immediately be prevented, quarantined or deleted. Make sure you update your virus program and run a thorough scan of the computer or, run Windows update so you can get the latest virus definition and fix.

Method 4 — Re-install Runtime Libraries

You might be getting the error because of an update, like the MS Visual C++ package which might not be installed properly or completely. What you can do then is to uninstall the current package and install a fresh copy.

  • Uninstall the package by going to Programs and Features, find and highlight the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
  • Click Uninstall on top of the list, and when it is done, reboot your computer.
  • Download the latest redistributable package from Microsoft then install it.

Method 5 — Run Disk Cleanup

You might also be experiencing runtime error because of a very low free space on your computer.

  • You should consider backing up your files and freeing up space on your hard drive
  • You can also clear your cache and reboot your computer
  • You can also run Disk Cleanup, open your explorer window and right click your main directory (this is usually C: )
  • Click Properties and then click Disk Cleanup

Method 6 — Reinstall Your Graphics Driver

If the error is related to a bad graphics driver, then you may do the following:

  • Open your Device Manager, locate the graphics driver
  • Right click the video card driver then click uninstall, then restart your computer

Method 7 — IE related Runtime Error

If the error you are getting is related to the Internet Explorer, you may do the following:

  1. Reset your browser.
    • For Windows 7, you may click Start, go to Control Panel, then click Internet Options on the left side. Then you can click Advanced tab then click the Reset button.
    • For Windows 8 and 10, you may click search and type Internet Options, then go to Advanced tab and click Reset.
  2. Disable script debugging and error notifications.
    • On the same Internet Options window, you may go to Advanced tab and look for Disable script debugging
    • Put a check mark on the radio button
    • At the same time, uncheck the «Display a Notification about every Script Error» item and then click Apply and OK, then reboot your computer.

If these quick fixes do not work, you can always backup files and run repair reinstall on your computer. However, you can do that later when the solutions listed here did not do the job.

Other languages:

Wie beheben Fehler 234 (Comodo Backup-Fehler 234) — Serverinterne Ausnahme.
Come fissare Errore 234 (Comodo Backup Errore 234) — Eccezione interna del server.
Hoe maak je Fout 234 (Comodo-back-upfout 234) — Interne serveruitzondering.
Comment réparer Erreur 234 (Erreur de sauvegarde Comodo 234) — Exception interne du serveur.
어떻게 고치는 지 오류 234 (Comodo 백업 오류 234) — 서버 내부 예외입니다.
Como corrigir o Erro 234 (Comodo Backup Error 234) — Exceção interna do servidor.
Hur man åtgärdar Fel 234 (Comodo Backup Error 234) — Serverinternt undantag.
Как исправить Ошибка 234 (Ошибка резервного копирования Comodo 234) — Внутреннее исключение сервера.
Jak naprawić Błąd 234 (Błąd kopii zapasowej Comodo 234) — Wyjątek wewnętrzny serwera.
Cómo arreglar Error 234 (Error de copia de seguridad de Comodo 234) — Excepción interna del servidor.

The Author About The Author: Phil Hart has been a Microsoft Community Contributor since 2010. With a current point score over 100,000, they’ve contributed more than 3000 answers in the Microsoft Support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the Technet Wiki.

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Last Updated:

20/01/23 06:56 : A Android user voted that repair method 1 worked for them.

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I have looked through the forums and found similar fatal errors, but not at line 234. 

(bought game on steam)

comp specs:

MSI System Model GT72VR 6RE

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2601 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB

Microsoft Version 10.0.18362 Build 18362

Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Driver Version

Error that occurred:

LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 234] Unable to recover from a bad read: FWindowsReadRequest GetOverlappedResult Code = 17 Offset = 8671461376 Size = 262144 FileSize = 12390418562 File = D:/Origin/Jedi Fallen Order/SwGI

What Happened:

the error started about 50% through the game and had no issues prior to this with the game.  It happened on zeffo  in excavation area and when i was stuck with a electrical stun grenade during the fight with mob i think was (boonie),  the guy with the containment shield after sliding down the ice.    once i was stuck the screen went to load with the word awaken.  this then lasted over 2 min with no change but not frozen, i could see the graphics moving.  after that it crashed. 

what i did to try and fix it and further issues:

  1. validated files  on steam, said 3 files missing  and downloaded (started up and same time screen and crash but faster).
  2. I uninstalled and reinstalled on steam (this time there was game stutter from loading in but crash happen the same).
  3. I then uninstalled and reinstalled using origin and not steam (there shuttering was gone but crashed same spot with audio glitch).
  4. validated origin and same issue.
  5. tried to start new game was able to play up to getting on the mantis after finding the tomb on the first planet then crashed with out warning with same error
  6. tried re validating and this time there was problem with downloading the repair files stating corrupted disk
  7. uninstalled and reinstalled on steam and origin.  same issue and did have trouble downloading on steam no issue on origin.
  8. Talked to EA agent with no help to resolve

I would like to play the game but at this point I don’t have high hopes this can be resolved.  I can’t get a refund from steam as i played way more than 2 hrs.

Фискальный накопитель — обязательный элемент, который устанавливается на ККТ для хранения, кодирования и передачи фискальных чеков в ОФД. Оператор, в свою очередь, отправляет сведения о совершенных кассовых операциях в ФНС. Микросхема модуля выполняет функции цифровой подписи, что формируется при распечатке чека, а блок памяти предназначен для хранения всех распечатанных на онлайн-кассе документов. При возникновении неполадок фискальный элемент может заблокировать работу кассы, а ведение кассовых операций без передачи данных в ОФД или некорректное использование накопителя грозит предпринимателям штрафами.

Поэтому выполнение манипуляций по замене и отладке работы онлайн-кассы с ФН следует проводить предельно внимательно.

Удалено подключимся и устраним ошибку. Большинство проблем решаем за 15 минут!

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Что означает сообщение: «Ошибка 234: исчерпан ресурс КС ФН»

Каждый из модулей для фискализации данных имеет свой срок действия ключа.

При этом срок, указанный на упаковке, в реальности может оказаться меньше из-за особенностей использования, технических параметров оборудования и объемов кассовых операций. Например, при торговле алкоголем срок службы накопителя, рассчитанного на 36 месяцев, фактически составит всего 410 дней.

За два месяца до окончания действия ключа, на экране ККТ появится предупреждение с указанием количества оставшихся дней.

Кассовый аппарат выводит сообщение «Ошибка 234: исчерпан ресурс КС ФН» или «Исчерпан ресурс криптографического сопроцессора ФН» в случае, когда истекает период эксплуатации фискального модуля. При этом код сообщения и текст для моделей ККТ разных производителей может отличаться от указанных выше.

Какие действия необходимо предпринять и как исправить ошибку ФН 234, рассмотрим далее.

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Онлайн-касса: как исправить ошибку ФН 234

Если на дисплее онлайн-кассы появилась ошибка ФН 234, то однозначно владельцу бизнеса необходимо менять модуль. В зависимости от того, при каких условиях появилось сообщение, зависит алгоритм действий, которые нужно предпринять, прежде чем извлечь накопитель для установки нового.

Ошибка ФН 234 на кассе: как закрыть смену

Как закрыть смену, если ошибка ФН на кассе возникла в процессе работы?

В официальных руководствах для пользователей ККМ производители, например, «Атол», «Эвотор», рекомендуют не пытаться самим закрывать смену, так как никакие действия не приведут к результату, хотя в интернете размещено большое количество «нелегальных» рекомендаций по самостоятельному решению этой проблемы. Со своей стороны мы также не рекомендуем пытаться производить какие-либо манипуляции, так как здесь помогут только квалифицированные специалисты сервисного центра.

Если ошибка фискального накопителя с кодом 234 появилась после того, как смена была закрыта, то пользователь может самостоятельно произвести необходимые манипуляции и подготовить кассу к замене ФН.

Порядок действий, чтобы исправить ошибку (общий алгоритм):

  1. Зафиксировать значения даты и времени распечатки последнего документа (посмотреть можно в личном кабинете пользователя ОФД).
  2. Установить на кассе параметры времени, указав значение на 10 минут позже зафиксированного.
  3. Проверить отправку всех чеков оператору (касса должна быть подключена к интернету).
  4. Закрыть смену.
  5. Закрыть архив.
  6. Проверить, чтобы информация о закрытии была отправлена оператору.
  7. Следующим шагом произвести замену модуля.

Подключите техподдержку 24/7. Быстрая реакция, 95% проблем решаются после первого обращения.

Оставьте заявку и получите консультацию в течение 5 минут.

Ошибка ФН 234: как закрыть архив

Для моделей ККТ разных производителей порядок действий для закрытия архива тоже разный. Чтобы выяснить, как закрыть архив при ошибке ФН 234 для вашего кассового аппарата, нужно изучить руководство пользователя, которое входит в комплект устройства.

Общие условия для закрытия ФН при ошибке 234:

  • Наличие отчета о закрытии смены.
  • Сформированный отчет о закрытии самого фискального модуля.
  • Все сведения по последним операциям, в том числе и отчет о закрытии должны быть отправлены в ОФД, поэтому важно, чтобы онлайн-касса была подключена к интернету.

Если ККТ работает офлайн и не передает данные оператору, то все отчеты необходимо распечатать и сохранить.

Законом не запрещена замена фискального накопителя владельцем ККТ, но при самостоятельном вскрытии корпуса и переустановке ФН могут возникнуть сложности. Например, некоторые поставщики не принимают устройства к гарантийному обслуживанию, если корпус ранее был вскрыт. Плюс ко всему замена накопителя требует перерегистрации контрольно-кассового аппарата. Поэтому, если ваш кассовый аппарат показывает ошибку 234, рекомендуем обратиться в центр технического обслуживания для получения своевременной и профессиональной помощи.

Техническая поддержка 24/7. Выделенный менеджер, быстрое решение. Консультации по ГИС.

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Hello @nttstar

I didn’t found exact problem in current issues. Could you help me solve the issue please?
My GPU is 950M with 4GB dedicated memory. I use cuda-9.1 with mxnet-cu91 module.

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python2 -u train_softmax.py --network r100 --loss-type 4 --margin-m 0.5 --data-dir ../datasets/faces_emore --prefix ../model 
gpu num: 1
num_layers 100
image_size [112, 112]
num_classes 85742
Called with argument: Namespace(batch_size=128, beta=1000.0, beta_freeze=0, beta_min=5.0, bn_mom=0.9, ckpt=1, ctx_num=1, cutoff=0, data_dir='../datasets/faces_emore', easy_margin=0, emb_size=512, end_epoch=100000, fc7_wd_mult=1.0, gamma=0.12, image_channel=3, image_h=112, image_w=112, loss_type=4, lr=0.1, lr_steps='', margin=4, margin_a=1.0, margin_b=0.0, margin_m=0.5, margin_s=64.0, max_steps=0, mom=0.9, network='r100', num_classes=85742, num_layers=100, per_batch_size=128, power=1.0, prefix='../model', pretrained='', rand_mirror=1, rescale_threshold=0, scale=0.9993, target='lfw,cfp_fp,agedb_30', use_deformable=0, verbose=2000, version_act='prelu', version_input=1, version_output='E', version_se=0, version_unit=3, wd=0.0005)
init resnet 100
0 1 E 3 prelu
INFO:root:loading recordio ../datasets/faces_emore/train.rec...
header0 label [5822654. 5908396.]
id2range 85742
rand_mirror 1
[16:41:23] src/engine/engine.cc:55: MXNet start using engine: ThreadedEnginePerDevice
loading bin 0
loading bin 1000
loading bin 2000
loading bin 3000
loading bin 4000
loading bin 5000
loading bin 6000
loading bin 7000
loading bin 8000
loading bin 9000
loading bin 10000
loading bin 11000
(12000L, 3L, 112L, 112L)
ver lfw
loading bin 0
loading bin 1000
loading bin 2000
loading bin 3000
loading bin 4000
loading bin 5000
loading bin 6000
loading bin 7000
loading bin 8000
loading bin 9000
loading bin 10000
loading bin 11000
loading bin 12000
loading bin 13000
(14000L, 3L, 112L, 112L)
ver cfp_fp
loading bin 0
loading bin 1000
loading bin 2000
loading bin 3000
loading bin 4000
loading bin 5000
loading bin 6000
loading bin 7000
loading bin 8000
loading bin 9000
loading bin 10000
loading bin 11000
(12000L, 3L, 112L, 112L)
ver agedb_30
lr_steps [400000, 560000, 640000]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "train_softmax.py", line 485, in <module>
  File "train_softmax.py", line 482, in main
  File "train_softmax.py", line 476, in train_net
    epoch_end_callback = epoch_cb )
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/module/base_module.py", line 484, in fit
    for_training=True, force_rebind=force_rebind)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/module/module.py", line 430, in bind
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/module/executor_group.py", line 265, in __init__
    self.bind_exec(data_shapes, label_shapes, shared_group)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/module/executor_group.py", line 361, in bind_exec
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/module/executor_group.py", line 639, in _bind_ith_exec
    shared_buffer=shared_data_arrays, **input_shapes)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/symbol/symbol.py", line 1519, in simple_bind
    raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
RuntimeError: simple_bind error. Arguments:
data: (128, 3, 112, 112)
softmax_label: (128,)
[16:41:41] src/storage/storage.cc:119: Check failed: e == cudaSuccess || e == cudaErrorCudartUnloading CUDA: unknown error

Stack trace returned 10 entries:
[bt] (0) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x31a18a) [0x7f32ed68618a]
[bt] (1) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x31a7b1) [0x7f32ed6867b1]
[bt] (2) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x29e36e3) [0x7f32efd4f6e3]
[bt] (3) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x29e65df) [0x7f32efd525df]
[bt] (4) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x29e7a9f) [0x7f32efd53a9f]
[bt] (5) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x24a13c3) [0x7f32ef80d3c3]
[bt] (6) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x24a153d) [0x7f32ef80d53d]
[bt] (7) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x24adfef) [0x7f32ef819fef]
[bt] (8) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x24b4bd0) [0x7f32ef820bd0]
[bt] (9) /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mxnet/libmxnet.so(+0x24c1232) [0x7f32ef82d232]

Thanks a lot.

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