Unknown error terraria персонаж

Unknown error terraria персонаж Terraria you need to replace the character with a backup. make a backup of the backup too in case the world also got corrupted by the crash. Terraria keeps a few automatic backups by default in case you don’t paranoidly place copies of the saves elsewhere. 1) CLOSE THE GAME […]


  1. Unknown error terraria персонаж
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  3. Unknown error terraria персонаж
  4. Unknown error terraria персонаж

Unknown error terraria персонаж


you need to replace the character with a backup. make a backup of the backup too in case the world also got corrupted by the crash. Terraria keeps a few automatic backups by default in case you don’t paranoidly place copies of the saves elsewhere.

1) CLOSE THE GAME and go to your save’s folder (on windows should be at DocumentsMy GamesTerraria) and make a copy of the «Players» and «Worlds» folders elsewere in case you mess up with the next steps

2) delete the .plr file with the same name as the «(unknown error)» character and rename the .plr.bak file with the same name as the file you just deleted to remove the «.bak» part from its name (eg: name.plr.bak >>> name.plr)

3) try to play the game. if the world is also corrupted (hopefully there should be some indication without need to open the world) CLOSE THE GAME AGAIN, go to the «Worlds» folder and reppeat step 2, but with the .wld and .wld.bak files, try again with .wld.bak2, etc. if the 1st backup fails

I hope your backups are still good. good luck!

you need to replace the character with a backup. make a backup of the backup too in case the world also got corrupted by the crash. Terraria keeps a few automatic backups by default in case you don’t paranoidly place copies of the saves elsewhere.

1) CLOSE THE GAME and go to your save’s folder (on windows should be at DocumentsMy GamesTerraria) and make a copy of the «Players» and «Worlds» folders elsewere in case you mess up with the next steps

2) delete the .plr file with the same name as the «(unknown error)» character and rename the .plr.bak file with the same name as the file you just deleted to remove the «.bak» part from its name (eg: name.plr.bak >>> name.plr)

3) try to play the game. if the world is also corrupted (hopefully there should be some indication without need to open the world) CLOSE THE GAME AGAIN, go to the «Worlds» folder and reppeat step 2, but with the .wld and .wld.bak files, try again with .wld.bak2, etc. if the 1st backup fails

I hope your backups are still good. good luck!


Unknown error terraria персонаж

При создании персонажа (дарения ему имени и создания) выходит ошибка,—————————
Terraria: Error
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Отказано в доступе по пути «D:DocsDocumentsMy GamesTerrariaPlayersя_акуля.plr».

в System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

в System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)

в System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)

в Terraria.Utilities.FileUtilities.Copy(String source, String destination, Boolean cloud, Boolean overwrite)

в Terraria.Player.GetFileData(String file, Boolean cloudSave)

в Terraria.UI.UserInterface.SetState(UIState state)

в Terraria.Main.DrawMenu(GameTime gameTime)

в Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime)

в Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime)

в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)

в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)

в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)

в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)

в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)

в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)

в System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)

в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)

Что делать не знаю, посмотрел уже всё, но ничего не помогаект


Unknown error terraria персонаж

У вас тоже пропал персонаж? Для начала вам надо включить отображение расширений имён у файлов [windows.microsoft.com] . Далее в папке Players ищем файлы имя_персонажа.plr и имя_персонажа.plr.bak. Переносим файл с расширением .plr в другую папку, а файл с расширением .plr.bak переименовываем убрав .bak. Также можно попробовать восстановить предыдущую версию файла персонажа: на файле с расширением .plr Свойства — Предыдущие версии.

У меня террария перемотала время, и вместо моего персонажа с нормальными вещами и домом на карте, начальные герой с начальными вещами и с не построенным домом. Что делать помогите пожалуйста.

Я так понял персонажа и мир мне не вернуть уже. Но спасбо за помощь

У меня террария перемотала время, и вместо моего персонажа с нормальными вещами и домом на карте, начальные герой с начальными вещами и с не построенным домом. Что делать помогите пожалуйста.

Ничего не делать, отключи облачные сохранения если не умеешь ими пользоваться.
В библиотеке, настройки, обновления, steam cloud убрать галочку. И в игре у персонажа и мира отключить сохранение в облаке.
Тогда информация о персонаже и мире будет хранится только на твоем ПК, и никто не будет её трогать

У меня террария перемотала время, и вместо моего персонажа с нормальными вещами и домом на карте, начальные герой с начальными вещами и с не построенным домом. Что делать помогите пожалуйста.

Ничего не делать, отключи облачные сохранения если не умеешь ими пользоваться.
В библиотеке, настройки, обновления, steam cloud убрать галочку. И в игре у персонажа и мира отключить сохранение в облаке.
Тогда информация о персонаже и мире будет хранится только на твоем ПК, и никто не будет её трогать


I was playing Terraria when my pc overheated and then shutdown. The next time I opened the game my character disappeared/deleted itself, I tried to recover the character by going to my Terraria game file and deleting then restoring the .plr file with no result. Did I do something wrong? Is there any other way to restore the character?

I’d be very thankful if you could help me. If there is no way to get it back, then that’s ok thank you for your time.

pinckerman's user avatar


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asked Sep 25, 2021 at 7:55

JustinCatLicks's user avatar

It sounds like your savegame is corrupt. The only solution to that, is to restore a previous savegame. You’ll lose some progress, but it’s still better than to lose everything.

If you’re playing on Windows and have enabled OneDrive’s Folder Backup feature before your savegame got corrupted, you can easily restore a previous version of your savegame. Each version should have a timestamp to help you identify a version that is uncorrupted. You can find your savegame in:
OneDriveDocumentsMy GamesTerraria

If you don’t use OneDrive (you’re not on Windows or don’t want to use OneDrive), you’ll need to restore your savegame from a backup instead. Obviously, this is only possible if you have made at least one backup before your savegame got corrupted.

If you don’t have a backup, then I strongly recommend you consider making one to avoid a situation like this in the future. Both Windows and macOS can make hourly automatic backups. Windows 10 has File History, while macOS has Time Machine.

answered Sep 25, 2021 at 14:33

Nolonar's user avatar


43.5k31 gold badges160 silver badges220 bronze badges


If the file was deleted and you can’t restore it, I don’t believe there is any way to get it back.

If I misunderstood the question and you still have access to the .plr file in Documents > My Games > Terraria > Players, however, you might be able to restore it by right-clicking it and opening Properties > Previous Versions. If there are any previous versions listed under ‘File versions:’, then you can restore the file back to there.

As I said earlier though, if you don’t have access to the file and it isn’t backed up to Steam Cloud, there aren’t really any ways to get it back.

(As a side note, if you remember what that character had, you could create a new one and use an inventory editor to get your items back)

answered Sep 25, 2021 at 8:42

kosude's user avatar


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I was playing Terraria when my pc overheated and then shutdown. The next time I opened the game my character disappeared/deleted itself, I tried to recover the character by going to my Terraria game file and deleting then restoring the .plr file with no result. Did I do something wrong? Is there any other way to restore the character?

I’d be very thankful if you could help me. If there is no way to get it back, then that’s ok thank you for your time.

pinckerman's user avatar


31.1k18 gold badges102 silver badges140 bronze badges

asked Sep 25, 2021 at 7:55

JustinCatLicks's user avatar

It sounds like your savegame is corrupt. The only solution to that, is to restore a previous savegame. You’ll lose some progress, but it’s still better than to lose everything.

If you’re playing on Windows and have enabled OneDrive’s Folder Backup feature before your savegame got corrupted, you can easily restore a previous version of your savegame. Each version should have a timestamp to help you identify a version that is uncorrupted. You can find your savegame in:
OneDriveDocumentsMy GamesTerraria

If you don’t use OneDrive (you’re not on Windows or don’t want to use OneDrive), you’ll need to restore your savegame from a backup instead. Obviously, this is only possible if you have made at least one backup before your savegame got corrupted.

If you don’t have a backup, then I strongly recommend you consider making one to avoid a situation like this in the future. Both Windows and macOS can make hourly automatic backups. Windows 10 has File History, while macOS has Time Machine.

answered Sep 25, 2021 at 14:33

Nolonar's user avatar


43.5k31 gold badges160 silver badges220 bronze badges


If the file was deleted and you can’t restore it, I don’t believe there is any way to get it back.

If I misunderstood the question and you still have access to the .plr file in Documents > My Games > Terraria > Players, however, you might be able to restore it by right-clicking it and opening Properties > Previous Versions. If there are any previous versions listed under ‘File versions:’, then you can restore the file back to there.

As I said earlier though, if you don’t have access to the file and it isn’t backed up to Steam Cloud, there aren’t really any ways to get it back.

(As a side note, if you remember what that character had, you could create a new one and use an inventory editor to get your items back)

answered Sep 25, 2021 at 8:42

kosude's user avatar


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