Unknown internal operating system error bde

Unknown internal operating system error bde Люди, помогите!Прога работала-работала, и вдруг такое. но обо всем по порядку. BDE. Table1.db. При добавлении записи все выглядит очень пристойно, и введенная запись даже отображается в подключенной к ней DBGrid. Проявления ошибки. 1. Если после добавления новой записи нажать на кнопку DBNavigator»a Refresh — Unknown Internal System Error. […]


  1. Unknown internal operating system error bde
  2. QNE Software Sdn. Bhd.
  3. Unknown table type. File or directory does not exist. File: C:PDOXUSRS.NET Unknown internal operating system error. Directory: C: Print
  4. Список ошибок BDE

Unknown internal operating system error bde

Люди, помогите!
Прога работала-работала, и вдруг такое. но обо всем по порядку.

BDE. Table1.db. При добавлении записи все выглядит очень пристойно, и введенная запись даже отображается в подключенной к ней DBGrid. Проявления ошибки.

1. Если после добавления новой записи нажать на кнопку DBNavigator»a Refresh — Unknown Internal System Error. Программу приходится закрывать ч-з Диспетчер задач.

2. При дальнейшей работе (если не вылетели из программы в первом случае) — при попытке добавления новой записи в главную таблицу, которая ссылается на Table1 (использует ID элементов) — Unknown Internal System Error. Программу приходится закрывать ч-з Диспетчер задач.

3. Если запустить программу после данной ошибки, в DBGrid запись не отображается, однако она есть — видно в DataBase Desktop. При попытке добавить запись еще раз — Unknown Internal System Error. Программу приходится закрывать ч-з Диспетчер задач.

Думаю, что в коде ошибок нет, так как программа уже работала достаточно долгое время. Да, еще — ошибка возникла при добавлении в Table1 записи №253.

Может кто знает, что это за шайтан и как с ним бороться?

Desdechado © ( 2006-04-20 12:31 ) [1]

на кокой БДЕ рассчитана (скомпилирована) программа и какой утановлен в данный момент
а то некоторые программы имеют свойство ляпать свой собственный БДЕ без анализа версии существующего

Pavor © ( 2006-04-20 12:44 ) [2]

Desdechado, спасибо, что откликнулись.
С BDE проблем нет: и компилировалась и работает на одной и той же версии.


QNE Software Sdn. Bhd.

Unknown table type. File or directory does not exist. File: C:PDOXUSRS.NET Unknown internal operating system error. Directory: C: Print

Modified on: Mon, 14 Sep, 2020 at 12:19 PM

Solution 1:

Step 1 — Go to C: drive and delete file named “PDOXUSRS.NET”

Step 2 — Restart Firebird

Step 3 — If issue persistent, proceed with Solution 2.

Solution 2:

Step 1 — First, configure the permission for the BDE in the registry…

Make sure you are logged into your Windows machine with an administrator account. Then follow these directions:

Step 1 — Go to Start | Run… Type regedit…

Step 2 — Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch.

Step 3 — Open the SOFTWARE branch.

Step 4 — Right-Click on the entry labeled “Borland”.

Step 5 — In the menu that shows select Permissions. The following dialog will appear:

Step 6 — Click “Users”.

Step 7 -Under “Permissions for Users “, select “Allow” for Full Control. Then click OK.

Step 8 — Click OK to exit the Registry Key Permissions dialog box.

Step 9 — Exit the Registry Editor window

Step 10 — Next the Borland Database Engine must be configured…

The Borland Database Engine makes use of a special file called “Pdoxusrs.net” (the purpose of which is beyond the scope of this document). The default setting for the placement of this file is in the root of drive C, which will fail under Windows Windows7 and above, as this operating system does not permit new files to be created here. However, it is permitted to designate any subfolder for the “Pdoxusrs.net” file to be placed. The name of this new folder is of minor importance and could be named anything you like. For example, here we will choose “BDEShare”. (The name doesn’t matter. It just needs to be any folder other than the root drive.)

So let’s stick with this example. Create a subfolder off the root drive C and name it “BDEShare“. So the file path for this new subfolder will be “C:BDEShare”. Remember this string value because you will need to enter it below.

Now the BDE must be configured to use the new folder. This is done in the Windows control panel, where you will find an applet named “BDE administrator“. Note that you will only see this after the BDE has been installed to your system (which should have been done automatically during the installation of your application).

You can also find this utility under

C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesBorland SharedBDEBDEBDEADMIN.EXE

Double-click the BDE Administrator to open it. You will see the following dialog appear:

As shown in the above picture, click the tabsheet titled “Configuration”. Expand the configuration as shown (Drivers – Native) to expose the entry titled “PARADOX”. Single click the item named PARADOX. Now observe the data that fills on the right half of the dialog. You will need to edit the entry for “NET DIR”. Initially, it will be shown as “C:”. You need to change that entry to the subfolder that you created above. In our example, this is C:BDEShare.


Список ошибок BDE

Список ошибок BDE

$0000 (0) = Successful completion.
$0021 (33) = System Error
$0022 (34) = Object of Interest Not Found
$0023 (35) = Physical Data Corruption
$0024 (36) = I/O Related Error
$0025 (37) = Resource or Limit Error
$0026 (38) = Data Integrity Violation
$0027 (39) = Invalid Request
$0028 (40) = Lock Violation
$0029 (41) = Access/Security Violation
$002A (42) = Invalid Context
$002B (43) = OS Error
$002C (44) = Network Error
$002D (45) = Optional Parameter
$002E (46) = Query Processor
$002F (47) = Version Mismatch
$0030 (48) = Capability Not Supported
$0031 (49) = System Configuration Error
$0032 (50) = Warning
$0033 (51) = Miscellaneous
$0034 (52) = Compatibility Error
$003E (62) = Driver Specific Error
$003F (63) = Internal Symbol
$2101 (8449) = Cannot open a system file.
$2102 (8450) = I/O error on a system file.
$2103 (8451) = Data structure corruption.
$2104 (8452) = Cannot find Engine configuration file.
$2105 (8453) = Cannot write to Engine configuration file.
$2106 (8454) = Cannot initialize with different configuration file.
$2107 (8455) = System has been illegally re-entered.
$2108 (8456) = Cannot locate IDAPI32 .DLL.
$2109 (8457) = Cannot load IDAPI32 .DLL.
$210A (8458) = Cannot load an IDAPI service library.
$210B (8459) = Cannot create or open temporary file.
$2201 (8705) = At beginning of table.
$2202 (8706) = At end of table.
$2203 (8707) = Record moved because key value changed.
$2204 (8708) = Record/Key deleted.
$2205 (8709) = No current record.
$2206 (8710) = Could not find record.
$2207 (8711) = End of BLOB.
$2208 (8712) = Could not find object.
$2209 (8713) = Could not find family member.
$220A (8714) = BLOB file is missing.
$220B (8715) = Could not find language driver.
$2301 (8961) = Corrupt table/index header.
$2302 (8962) = Corrupt file — other than header.
$2303 (8963) = Corrupt Memo/BLOB file.
$2305 (8965) = Corrupt index.
$2306 (8966) = Corrupt lock file.
$2307 (8967) = Corrupt family file.
$2308 (8968) = Corrupt or missing .VAL file.
$2309 (8969) = Foreign index file format.
$2401 (9217) = Read failure.
$2402 (9218) = Write failure.
$2403 (9219) = Cannot access directory.
$2404 (9220) = File Delete operation failed.
$2405 (9221) = Cannot access file.
$2406 (9222) = Access to table disabled because of previous error.
$2501 (9473) = Insufficient memory for this operation.
$2502 (9474) = Not enough file handles.
$2503 (9475) = Insufficient disk space.
$2504 (9476) = Temporary table resource limit.
$2505 (9477) = Record size is too big for table.
$2506 (9478) = Too many open cursors.
$2507 (9479) = Table is full.
$2508 (9480) = Too many sessions from this workstation.
$2509 (9481) = Serial number limit (Paradox).
$250A (9482) = Some internal limit (see context).
$250B (9483) = Too many open tables.
$250C (9484) = Too many cursors per table.
$250D (9485) = Too many record locks on table.
$250E (9486) = Too many clients.
$250F (9487) = Too many indexes on table.
$2510 (9488) = Too many sessions.
$2511 (9489) = Too many open databases.
$2512 (9490) = Too many passwords.
$2513 (9491) = Too many active drivers.
$2514 (9492) = Too many fields in Table Create.
$2515 (9493) = Too many table locks.
$2516 (9494) = Too many open BLOBs.
$2517 (9495) = Lock file has grown too large.
$2518 (9496) = Too many open queries.
$251A (9498) = Too many BLOBs.
$251B (9499) = File name is too long for a Paradox version 5.0 table.
$251C (9500) = Row fetch limit exceeded.
$251D (9501) = Long name not allowed for this tablelevel.
$2601 (9729) = Key violation.
$2602 (9730) = Minimum validity check failed.
$2603 (9731) = Maximum validity check failed.
$2604 (9732) = Field value required.
$2605 (9733) = Master record missing.
$2606 (9734) = Master has detail records. Cannot delete or modify.
$2607 (9735) = Master table level is incorrect.
$2608 (9736) = Field value out of lookup table range.
$2609 (9737) = Lookup Table Open operation failed.
$260A (9738) = Detail Table Open operation failed.
$260B (9739) = Master Table Open operation failed.
$260C (9740) = Field is blank.
$260D (9741) = Link to master table already defined.
$260E (9742) = Master table is open.
$260F (9743) = Detail table(s) exist.
$2610 (9744) = Master has detail records. Cannot empty it.
$2611 (9745) = Self referencing referential integrity must be entered one at a time with no other changes to the table
$2612 (9746) = Detail table is open.
$2613 (9747) = Cannot make this master a detail of another table if its details are not empty.
$2614 (9748) = Referential integrity fields must be indexed.
$2615 (9749) = A table linked by referential integrity requires password to open.
$2616 (9750) = Field(s) linked to more than one master.
$2617 (9751) = Expression validity check failed.
$2701 (9985) = Number is out of range.
$2702 (9986) = Invalid parameter.
$2703 (9987) = Invalid file name.
$2704 (9988) = File does not exist.
$2705 (9989) = Invalid option.
$2706 (9990) = Invalid handle to the function.
$2707 (9991) = Unknown table type.
$2708 (9992) = Cannot open file.
$2709 (9993) = Cannot redefine primary key.
$270A (9994) = Cannot change this RINTDesc.
$270B (9995) = Foreign and primary key do not match.
$270C (9996) = Invalid modify request.
$270D (9997) = Index does not exist.
$270E (9998) = Invalid offset into the BLOB.
$270F (9999) = Invalid descriptor number.
$2710 (10000) = Invalid field type.
$2711 (10001) = Invalid field descriptor.
$2712 (10002) = Invalid field transformation.
$2713 (10003) = Invalid record structure.
$2714 (10004) = Invalid descriptor.
$2715 (10005) = Invalid array of index descriptors.
$2716 (10006) = Invalid array of validity check descriptors.
$2717 (10007) = Invalid array of referential integrity descriptors.
$2718 (10008) = Invalid ordering of tables during restructure.
$2719 (10009) = Name not unique in this context.
$271A (10010) = Index name required.
$271B (10011) = Invalid session handle.
$271C (10012) = invalid restructure operation.
$271D (10013) = Driver not known to system.
$271E (10014) = Unknown database.
$271F (10015) = Invalid password given.
$2720 (10016) = No callback function.
$2721 (10017) = Invalid callback buffer length.
$2722 (10018) = Invalid directory.
$2723 (10019) = Translate Error. Value out of bounds.
$2724 (10020) = Cannot set cursor of one table to another.
$2725 (10021) = Bookmarks do not match table.
$2726 (10022) = Invalid index/tag name.
$2727 (10023) = Invalid index descriptor.
$2728 (10024) = Table does not exist.
$2729 (10025) = Table has too many users.
$272A (10026) = Cannot evaluate Key or Key does not pass filter condition.
$272B (10027) = Index already exists.
$272C (10028) = Index is open.
$272D (10029) = Invalid BLOB length.
$272E (10030) = Invalid BLOB handle in record buffer.
$272F (10031) = Table is open.
$2730 (10032) = Need to do (hard) restructure.
$2731 (10033) = Invalid mode.
$2732 (10034) = Cannot close index.
$2733 (10035) = Index is being used to order table.
$2734 (10036) = Unknown user name or password.
$2735 (10037) = Multi-level cascade is not supported.
$2736 (10038) = Invalid field name.
$2737 (10039) = Invalid table name.
$2738 (10040) = Invalid linked cursor expression.
$2739 (10041) = Name is reserved.
$273A (10042) = Invalid file extension.
$273B (10043) = Invalid language Driver.
$273C (10044) = Alias is not currently opened.
$273D (10045) = Incompatible record structures.
$273E (10046) = Name is reserved by DOS.
$273F (10047) = Destination must be indexed.
$2740 (10048) = Invalid index type
$2741 (10049) = Language Drivers of Table and Index do not match
$2742 (10050) = Filter handle is invalid
$2743 (10051) = Invalid Filter
$2744 (10052) = Invalid table create request
$2745 (10053) = Invalid table delete request
$2746 (10054) = Invalid index create request
$2747 (10055) = Invalid index delete request
$2748 (10056) = Invalid table specified
$274A (10058) = Invalid Time.
$274B (10059) = Invalid Date.
$274C (10060) = Invalid Datetime
$274D (10061) = Tables in different directories
$274E (10062) = Mismatch in the number of arguments
$274F (10063) = Function not found in service library.
$2750 (10064) = Must use baseorder for this operation.
$2751 (10065) = Invalid procedure name
$2752 (10066) = The field map is invalid.
$2801 (10241) = Record locked by another user.
$2802 (10242) = Unlock failed.
$2803 (10243) = Table is busy.
$2804 (10244) = Directory is busy.
$2805 (10245) = File is locked.
$2806 (10246) = Directory is locked.
$2807 (10247) = Record already locked by this session.
$2808 (10248) = Object not locked.
$2809 (10249) = Lock time out.
$280A (10250) = Key group is locked.
$280B (10251) = Table lock was lost.
$280C (10252) = Exclusive access was lost.
$280D (10253) = Table cannot be opened for exclusive use.
$280E (10254) = Conflicting record lock in this session.
$280F (10255) = A deadlock was detected.
$2810 (10256) = A user transaction is already in progress.
$2811 (10257) = No user transaction is currently in progress.
$2812 (10258) = Record lock failed.
$2813 (10259) = Couldn»t perform the edit because another user changed the record.
$2814 (10260) = Couldn»t perform the edit because another user deleted or moved the record.
$2901 (10497) = Insufficient field rights for operation.
$2902 (10498) = Insufficient table rights for operation. Password required.
$2903 (10499) = Insufficient family rights for operation.
$2904 (10500) = This directory is read only.
$2905 (10501) = Database is read only.
$2906 (10502) = Trying to modify read-only field.
$2907 (10503) = Encrypted dBASE tables not supported.
$2908 (10504) = Insufficient SQL rights for operation.
$2A01 (10753) = Field is not a BLOB.
$2A02 (10754) = BLOB already opened.
$2A03 (10755) = BLOB not opened.
$2A04 (10756) = Operation not applicable.
$2A05 (10757) = Table is not indexed.
$2A06 (10758) = Engine not initialized.
$2A07 (10759) = Attempt to re-initialize Engine.
$2A08 (10760) = Attempt to mix objects from different sessions.
$2A09 (10761) = Paradox driver not active.
$2A0A (10762) = Driver not loaded.
$2A0B (10763) = Table is read only.
$2A0C (10764) = No associated index.
$2A0D (10765) = Table(s) open. Cannot perform this operation.
$2A0E (10766) = Table does not support this operation.
$2A0F (10767) = Index is read only.
$2A10 (10768) = Table does not support this operation because it is not uniquely indexed.
$2A11 (10769) = Operation must be performed on the current session.
$2A12 (10770) = Invalid use of keyword.
$2A13 (10771) = Connection is in use by another statement.
$2A14 (10772) = Passthrough SQL connection must be shared
$2B01 (11009) = Invalid function number.
$2B02 (11010) = File or directory does not exist.
$2B03 (11011) = Path not found.
$2B04 (11012) = Too many open files. You may need to increase MAXFILEHANDLE limit in IDAPI configuration.
$2B05 (11013) = Permission denied.
$2B06 (11014) = Bad file number.
$2B07 (11015) = Memory blocks destroyed.
$2B08 (11016) = Not enough memory.
$2B09 (11017) = Invalid memory block address.
$2B0A (11018) = Invalid environment.
$2B0B (11019) = Invalid format.
$2B0C (11020) = Invalid access code.
$2B0D (11021) = Invalid data.
$2B0F (11023) = Device does not exist.
$2B10 (11024) = Attempt to remove current directory.
$2B11 (11025) = Not same device.
$2B12 (11026) = No more files.
$2B13 (11027) = Invalid argument.
$2B14 (11028) = Argument list is too long.
$2B15 (11029) = Execution format error.
$2B16 (11030) = Cross-device link.
$2B21 (11041) = Math argument.
$2B22 (11042) = Result is too large.
$2B23 (11043) = File already exists.
$2B27 (11047) = Unknown internal operating system error.
$2B32 (11058) = Share violation.
$2B33 (11059) = Lock violation.
$2B34 (11060) = Critical DOS Error.
$2B35 (11061) = Drive not ready.
$2B64 (11108) = Not exact read/write.
$2B65 (11109) = Operating system network error.
$2B66 (11110) = Error from NOVELL file server.
$2B67 (11111) = NOVELL server out of memory.
$2B68 (11112) = Record already locked by this workstation.
$2B69 (11113) = Record not locked.
$2C01 (11265) = Network initialization failed.
$2C02 (11266) = Network user limit exceeded.
$2C03 (11267) = Wrong .NET file version.
$2C04 (11268) = Cannot lock network file.
$2C05 (11269) = Directory is not private.
$2C06 (11270) = Directory is controlled by other .NET file.
$2C07 (11271) = Unknown network error.
$2C08 (11272) = Not initialized for accessing network files.
$2C09 (11273) = SHARE not loaded. It is required to share local files.
$2C0A (11274) = Not on a network. Not logged in or wrong network driver.
$2C0B (11275) = Lost communication with SQL server.
$2C0D (11277) = Cannot locate or connect to SQL server.
$2C0E (11278) = Cannot locate or connect to network server.
$2D01 (11521) = Optional parameter is required.
$2D02 (11522) = Invalid optional parameter.
$2E01 (11777) = obsolete
$2E02 (11778) = obsolete
$2E03 (11779) = Ambiguous use of ! (inclusion operator).
$2E04 (11780) = obsolete
$2E05 (11781) = obsolete
$2E06 (11782) = A SET operation cannot be included in its own grouping.
$2E07 (11783) = Only numeric and date/time fields can be averaged.
$2E08 (11784) = Invalid expression.
$2E09 (11785) = Invalid OR expression.
$2E0A (11786) = obsolete
$2E0B (11787) = bitmap
$2E0C (11788) = CALC expression cannot be used in INSERT, DELETE, CHANGETO and SET rows.
$2E0D (11789) = Type error in CALC expression.
$2E0E (11790) = CHANGETO can be used in only one query form at a time.
$2E0F (11791) = Cannot modify CHANGED table.
$2E10 (11792) = A field can contain only one CHANGETO expression.
$2E11 (11793) = A field cannot contain more than one expression to be inserted.
$2E12 (11794) = obsolete
$2E13 (11795) = CHANGETO must be followed by the new value for the field.
$2E14 (11796) = Checkmark or CALC expressions cannot be used in FIND queries.
$2E15 (11797) = Cannot perform operation on CHANGED table together with a CHANGETO query.
$2E16 (11798) = chunk
$2E17 (11799) = More than 255 fields in ANSWER table.
$2E18 (11800) = AS must be followed by the name for the field in the ANSWER table.
$2E19 (11801) = DELETE can be used in only one query form at a time.
$2E1A (11802) = Cannot perform operation on DELETED table together with a DELETE query.
$2E1B (11803) = Cannot delete from the DELETED table.
$2E1C (11804) = Example element is used in two fields with incompatible types or with a BLOB.
$2E1D (11805) = Cannot use example elements in an OR expression.
$2E1E (11806) = Expression in this field has the wrong type.
$2E1F (11807) = Extra comma found.
$2E20 (11808) = Extra OR found.
$2E21 (11809) = One or more query rows do not contribute to the ANSWER.
$2E22 (11810) = FIND can be used in only one query form at a time.
$2E23 (11811) = FIND cannot be used with the ANSWER table.
$2E24 (11812) = A row with GROUPBY must contain SET operations.
$2E25 (11813) = GROUPBY can be used only in SET rows.
$2E26 (11814) = Use only INSERT, DELETE, SET or FIND in leftmost column.
$2E27 (11815) = Use only one INSERT, DELETE, SET or FIND per line.
$2E28 (11816) = Syntax error in expression.
$2E29 (11817) = INSERT can be used in only one query form at a time.
$2E2A (11818) = Cannot perform operation on INSERTED table together with an INSERT query.
$2E2B (11819) = INSERT, DELETE, CHANGETO and SET rows may not be checked.
$2E2C (11820) = Field must contain an expression to insert (or be blank).
$2E2D (11821) = Cannot insert into the INSERTED table.
$2E2E (11822) = Variable is an array and cannot be accessed.
$2E2F (11823) = Label
$2E30 (11824) = Rows of example elements in CALC expression must be linked.
$2E31 (11825) = Variable name is too long.
$2E32 (11826) = Query may take a long time to process.
$2E33 (11827) = Reserved word or one that can»t be used as a variable name.
$2E34 (11828) = Missing comma.
$2E35 (11829) = Missing ).
$2E36 (11830) = Missing right quote.
$2E37 (11831) = Cannot specify duplicate column names.
$2E38 (11832) = Query has no checked fields.
$2E39 (11833) = Example element has no defining occurrence.
$2E3A (11834) = No grouping is defined for SET operation.
$2E3B (11835) = Query makes no sense.
$2E3C (11836) = Cannot use patterns in this context.
$2E3D (11837) = Date does not exist.
$2E3E (11838) = Variable has not been assigned a value.
$2E3F (11839) = Invalid use of example element in summary expression.
$2E40 (11840) = Incomplete query statement. Query only contains a SET definition.
$2E41 (11841) = Example element with ! makes no sense in expression.
$2E42 (11842) = Example element cannot be used more than twice with a ! query.
$2E43 (11843) = Row cannot contain expression.
$2E44 (11844) = obsolete
$2E45 (11845) = obsolete
$2E46 (11846) = No permission to insert or delete records.
$2E47 (11847) = No permission to modify field.
$2E48 (11848) = Field not found in table.
$2E49 (11849) = Expecting a column separator in table header.
$2E4A (11850) = Expecting a column separator in table.
$2E4B (11851) = Expecting column name in table.
$2E4C (11852) = Expecting table name.
$2E4D (11853) = Expecting consistent number of columns in all rows of table.
$2E4E (11854) = Cannot open table.
$2E4F (11855) = Field appears more than once in table.
$2E50 (11856) = This DELETE, CHANGE or INSERT query has no ANSWER.
$2E51 (11857) = Query is not prepared. Properties unknown.
$2E52 (11858) = DELETE rows cannot contain quantifier expression.
$2E53 (11859) = Invalid expression in INSERT row.
$2E54 (11860) = Invalid expression in INSERT row.
$2E55 (11861) = Invalid expression in SET definition.
$2E56 (11862) = row use
$2E57 (11863) = SET keyword expected.
$2E58 (11864) = Ambiguous use of example element.
$2E59 (11865) = obsolete
$2E5A (11866) = obsolete
$2E5B (11867) = Only numeric fields can be summed.
$2E5C (11868) = Table is write protected.
$2E5D (11869) = Token not found.
$2E5E (11870) = Cannot use example element with ! more than once in a single row.
$2E5F (11871) = Type mismatch in expression.
$2E60 (11872) = Query appears to ask two unrelated questions.
$2E61 (11873) = Unused SET row.
$2E62 (11874) = INSERT, DELETE, FIND, and SET can be used only in the leftmost column.
$2E63 (11875) = CHANGETO cannot be used with INSERT, DELETE, SET or FIND.
$2E64 (11876) = Expression must be followed by an example element defined in a SET.
$2E65 (11877) = Lock failure.
$2E66 (11878) = Expression is too long.
$2E67 (11879) = Refresh exception during query.
$2E68 (11880) = Query canceled.
$2E69 (11881) = Unexpected Database Engine error.
$2E6A (11882) = Not enough memory to finish operation.
$2E6B (11883) = Unexpected exception.
$2E6C (11884) = Feature not implemented yet in query.
$2E6D (11885) = Query format is not supported.
$2E6E (11886) = Query string is empty.
$2E6F (11887) = Attempted to prepare an empty query.
$2E70 (11888) = Buffer too small to contain query string.
$2E71 (11889) = Query was not previously parsed or prepared.
$2E72 (11890) = Function called with bad query handle.
$2E73 (11891) = QBE syntax error.
$2E74 (11892) = Query extended syntax field count error.
$2E75 (11893) = Field name in sort or field clause not found.
$2E76 (11894) = Table name in sort or field clause not found.
$2E77 (11895) = Operation is not supported on BLOB fields.
$2E78 (11896) = General BLOB error.
$2E79 (11897) = Query must be restarted.
$2E7A (11898) = Unknown answer table type.
$2E96 (11926) = Blob cannot be used as grouping field.
$2E97 (11927) = Query properties have not been fetched.
$2E98 (11928) = Answer table is of unsuitable type.
$2E99 (11929) = Answer table is not yet supported under server alias.
$2E9A (11930) = Non-null blob field required. Can»t insert records
$2E9B (11931) = Unique index required to perform changeto
$2E9C (11932) = Unique index required to delete records
$2E9D (11933) = Update of table on the server failed.
$2E9E (11934) = Can»t process this query remotely.
$2E9F (11935) = Unexpected end of command.
$2EA0 (11936) = Parameter not set in query string.
$2EA1 (11937) = Query string is too long.
$2EAA (11946) = No such table or correlation name.
$2EAB (11947) = Expression has ambiguous data type.
$2EAC (11948) = Field in order by must be in result set.
$2EAD (11949) = General parsing error.
$2EAE (11950) = Record or field constraint failed.
$2EAF (11951) = When GROUP BY exists, every simple field in projectors must be in GROUP BY.
$2EB0 (11952) = User defined function is not defined.
$2EB1 (11953) = Unknown error from User defined function.
$2EB2 (11954) = Single row subquery produced more than one row.
$2EB3 (11955) = Expressions in group by are not supported.
$2EB4 (11956) = Queries on text or ascii tables is not supported.
$2EB5 (11957) = ANSI join keywords USING and NATURAL are not supported in this release.
$2EB6 (11958) = SELECT DISTINCT may not be used with UNION unless UNION ALL is used.
$2EB7 (11959) = GROUP BY is required when both aggregate and non-aggregate fields are used in result set.
$2EB8 (11960) = INSERT and UPDATE operations are not supported on autoincrement field type.
$2EB9 (11961) = UPDATE on Primary Key of a Master Table may modify more than one record.
$2EBA (11962) = Queries on MS ACCESS tables are not supported by local query engines.
$2EBB (11963) = Preparation of field-level constraint failed.
$2EBC (11964) = Preparation of field default failed.
$2EBD (11965) = Preparation of record-level constraint failed.
$2EC4 (11972) = Constraint Failed. Expression:
$2F01 (12033) = Interface mismatch. Engine version different.
$2F02 (12034) = Index is out of date.
$2F03 (12035) = Older version (see context).
$2F04 (12036) = .VAL file is out of date.
$2F05 (12037) = BLOB file version is too old.
$2F06 (12038) = Query and Engine DLLs are mismatched.
$2F07 (12039) = Server is incompatible version.
$2F08 (12040) = Higher table level required
$3001 (12289) = Capability not supported.
$3002 (12290) = Not implemented yet.
$3003 (12291) = SQL replicas not supported.
$3004 (12292) = Non-blob column in table required to perform operation.
$3005 (12293) = Multiple connections not supported.
$3006 (12294) = Full dBASE expressions not supported.
$3101 (12545) = Invalid database alias specification.
$3102 (12546) = Unknown database type.
$3103 (12547) = Corrupt system configuration file.
$3104 (12548) = Network type unknown.
$3105 (12549) = Not on the network.
$3106 (12550) = Invalid configuration parameter.
$3201 (12801) = Object implicitly dropped.
$3202 (12802) = Object may be truncated.
$3203 (12803) = Object implicitly modified.
$3204 (12804) = Should field constraints be checked?
$3205 (12805) = Validity check field modified.
$3206 (12806) = Table level changed.
$3207 (12807) = Copy linked tables?
$3209 (12809) = Object implicitly truncated.
$320A (12810) = Validity check will not be enforced.
$320B (12811) = Multiple records found, but only one was expected.
$320C (12812) = Field will be trimmed, cannot put master records into PROBLEM table.
$3301 (13057) = File already exists.
$3302 (13058) = BLOB has been modified.
$3303 (13059) = General SQL error.
$3304 (13060) = Table already exists.
$3305 (13061) = Paradox 1.0 tables are not supported.
$3306 (13062) = Update aborted.
$3401 (13313) = Different sort order.
$3402 (13314) = Directory in use by earlier version of Paradox.
$3403 (13315) = Needs Paradox 3.5-compatible language driver.
$3501 (13569) = Data Dictionary is corrupt
$3502 (13570) = Data Dictionary Info Blob corrupted
$3503 (13571) = Data Dictionary Schema is corrupt
$3504 (13572) = Attribute Type exists
$3505 (13573) = Invalid Object Type
$3506 (13574) = Invalid Relation Type
$3507 (13575) = View already exists
$3508 (13576) = No such View exists
$3509 (13577) = Invalid Record Constraint
$350A (13578) = Object is in a Logical DB
$350B (13579) = Dictionary already exists
$350C (13580) = Dictionary does not exist
$350D (13581) = Dictionary database does not exist
$350E (13582) = Dictionary info is out of date — needs Refresh
$3510 (13584) = Invalid Dictionary Name
$3511 (13585) = Dependent Objects exist
$3512 (13586) = Too many Relationships for this Object Type
$3513 (13587) = Relationships to the Object exist
$3514 (13588) = Dictionary Exchange File is corrupt
$3515 (13589) = Dictionary Exchange File Version mismatch
$3516 (13590) = Dictionary Object Type Mismatch
$3517 (13591) = Object exists in Target Dictionary
$3518 (13592) = Cannot access Data Dictionary
$3519 (13593) = Cannot create Data Dictionary
$351A (13594) = Cannot open Database
$3E01 (15873) = Wrong driver name.
$3E02 (15874) = Wrong system version.
$3E03 (15875) = Wrong driver version.
$3E04 (15876) = Wrong driver type.
$3E05 (15877) = Cannot load driver.
$3E06 (15878) = Cannot load language driver.
$3E07 (15879) = Vendor initialization failed.
$3E08 (15880) = Your application is not enabled for use with this driver.
$3F01 (16129) = Query By Example
$3F02 (16130) = SQL Generator
$3F03 (16131) = IDAPI
$3F04 (16132) = Lock Manager
$3F05 (16133) = SQL Driver
$3F06 (16134) = IDAPI Services
$3F07 (16135) = dBASE Driver
$3F08 (16136) = Dictionary Manager
$3F0B (16139) = Token
$3F0D (16141) = Table
$3F0E (16142) = Field
$3F0F (16143) = Image
$3F10 (16144) = User
$3F11 (16145) = File
$3F12 (16146) = Index
$3F13 (16147) = Directory
$3F14 (16148) = Key
$3F15 (16149) = Alias
$3F16 (16150) = Drive
$3F17 (16151) = Server error
$3F18 (16152) = Server message
$3F19 (16153) = Line Number
$3F1A (16154) = Capability
$3F1B (16155) = Dictionary
$3F1D (16157) = Object
$3F1E (16158) = Limit
$3F1F (16159) = Expression
$3F70 (16240) = WORK
$3F71 (16241) = PRIV
$3F72 (16242) = Records copied
$3F73 (16243) = Records appended
$3F74 (16244) = LineNo
$3F75 (16245) = Line
$3F76 (16246) = Reason


Written by quinn on Tuesday, 31 August 1999 Posted in DATA

 Question and Answer Database

FAQ3749B.txt   Unknown Internal Operating System Error
Category   :BDE
Platform    :Win95/NT
Product    :   BC++5.x   C++Builder1.0   C++Builder3.x   Delphi2.x   Delphi3.x   Delphi4.x

Why am I getting an Unknown Internal Operating 
System Error when opening a Paradox or dBASE Table?

This error can occur when attempting to open a Paradox 
or dBASE table whose language driver is not installed on 
your computer. In most circumstances this means a bad
BDE install and BDE should be reinstalled.

One way to determine a likely bad install is by running 
BDE administator and attempting to modify the langauge
driver for the Paradox driver. If only one language
driver is available, it indicates a bad install.

This problem is most likely to occur with BDE 5.0 when
deploying with a deployment tool that does not know about
BDE 5.0. The problem occurs because BDE 5.0 includes a
new mechanism for language drivers. To deploy BDE 5.0
language driver features with an older development tool 
be sure include BANTAM.DLL and *.BTL from the BDE
directory on your deployment machine.


Database Engines

Support guy since 3/18/85. It was dBASE II/III back then.

Check out more tips and tricks in this development video:

No iframes

Solution 1:

 Step 1 — Go to C: drive and delete file named “PDOXUSRS.NET”

 Step 2 — Restart Firebird

 Step 3 — If issue persistent, proceed with Solution 2.

Solution 2:

Step 1 — First, configure the permission for the BDE in the registry…

Make sure you are logged into your Windows machine with an administrator account. Then follow these directions:

Step 1 — Go to Start | Run… Type regedit…

Step 2 — Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch.

Step 3 — Open the SOFTWARE branch.

Step 4 — Right-Click on the entry labeled “Borland”.

 Step 5 — In the menu that shows select Permissions. The following dialog will appear:

Step 6 — Click “Users”.

Step 7 -Under “Permissions for Users “, select “Allow” for Full Control. Then click OK.

Step 8 — Click OK to exit the Registry Key Permissions dialog box.

Step 9 — Exit the Registry Editor window

Step 10 — Next the Borland Database Engine must be configured…

The Borland Database Engine makes use of a special file called “Pdoxusrs.net” (the purpose of which is beyond the scope of this document). The default setting for the placement of this file is in the root of drive C, which will fail under Windows Windows7 and above, as this operating system does not permit new files to be created here. However, it is permitted to designate any subfolder for the “Pdoxusrs.net” file to be placed. The name of this new folder is of minor importance and could be named anything you like. For example, here we will choose “BDEShare”. (The name doesn’t matter. It just needs to be any folder other than the root drive.)

So let’s stick with this example. Create a subfolder off the root drive C and name it “BDEShare“. So the file path for this new subfolder will be “C:BDEShare”. Remember this string value because you will need to enter it below.

Now the BDE must be configured to use the new folder. This is done in the Windows control panel, where you will find an applet named “BDE administrator“. Note that you will only see this after the BDE has been installed to your system (which should have been done automatically during the installation of your application).

You can also find this utility under

C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesBorland SharedBDEBDEBDEADMIN.EXE

Double-click the BDE Administrator to open it. You will see the following dialog appear:

As shown in the above picture, click the tabsheet titled “Configuration”. Expand the configuration as shown (Drivers – Native) to expose the entry titled “PARADOX”. Single click the item named PARADOX. Now observe the data that fills on the right half of the dialog. You will need to edit the entry for “NET DIR”. Initially, it will be shown as “C:”. You need to change that entry to the subfolder that you created above. In our example, this is C:BDEShare.

Marcia Fountain


Oct 4, 2002, 8:20:30 PM10/4/02


There were some postings about the «unknown internal operating system» error
message earlier, but I didn’t find any that had found an answer.

I’m trying to put database files on a server, which is running Windows 2000
server, and access then with an .exe file and .wfo, etc. files from a computer
on the same network running Windows XP. The .exe works fine with no error
messages from my computer with Windows XP; this computer has my full dB2K
installation on it. But when I try to run the same set of .exe and object
files from a Windows XP computer that just has the dB2K run-time files on
it, I get the unknown, etc. message. I have tried it with the run-time engine
installed on the server and without the run-time engine installed on the

Any ideas?

M Fountain


Don Wellsand


Oct 4, 2002, 9:01:15 PM10/4/02


Hi Marcia,

This error can occur when attempting to open a dBASE table
whose language driver is not installed on your computer.
In most circumstances this means a bad BDE install and
the BDE should be reinstalled.

Don Wellsand

«Marcia Fountain» <sthism…@utep.edu> wrote in message

Romain Strieff [dBVIPS]


Oct 4, 2002, 10:08:46 PM10/4/02


In article Marcia Fountain, sthism…@utep.edu politely
> I’m trying … But when I try to run the same set of .exe and object

> files from a Windows XP computer that just has the dB2K run-time files on
> it, I get the unknown, etc. message. I have tried it with the run-time engine
> installed on the server and without the run-time engine installed on the
> server.

I guess it’s registry needs to know where the BDE is. Did you install it
on that machine?

Romain Strieff [dBVIPS]

M Fountain


Oct 4, 2002, 10:56:13 PM10/4/02


I tried installing it in the default installation on Drive C and later, after
uninstalling this one, I tried in the same folder as the database files themselves,
which are on the same hard disk, but in «Drive E» — it’s separated into 2
partitions or whatever they are called.

How can I point to where it is other than this? It’s installed on both the
Windows 2000 Server computer and the XP computer trying to access the Windows
2000 server computer


M Fountain


Oct 4, 2002, 10:50:59 PM10/4/02


I used the Build 1661 version of the Runtime engine install from the Gold
site to install the run-time engine. Does that not install the language driver??
Is there a separate install for the language driver?


Romain Strieff [dBVIPS]


Oct 4, 2002, 11:01:07 PM10/4/02


In article M Fountain, xthism…@utep.edu politely paraphrased…

> I tried installing it in the default installation on Drive C and later, after
> uninstalling this one, I tried in the same folder as the database files themselves,
> which are on the same hard disk, but in «Drive E» — it’s separated into 2
> partitions or whatever they are called.
> How can I point to where it is other than this? It’s installed on both the
> Windows 2000 Server computer and the XP computer trying to access the Windows
> 2000 server computer

Check if the registry mentions the BDE, if not, it was never installed.
The Runtime engine is for running the EXEs and DEOs, the BDE is
something different.

Don Wellsand


Oct 5, 2002, 12:36:04 AM10/5/02


If you go to the control panel and double click bde administrator,
open configuration, drivers and native, what does it say the
language driver is for dbase? Is this the same as your machine?

I use WEurope’ ansi and it works fine accessing tables on a w2k
server from xp clients.

The default file is in c:program filescommon filesborlandbdeidapi.cfg.
If you want to move to another location, click on object and then save
as configuration and put it wherever you want.

Don Wellsand

«M Fountain» <xthism…@utep.edu> wrote in message

M Fountain


Oct 5, 2002, 1:28:47 AM10/5/02


Ah! — I think I understand what didn’t get done. Will try again over week

M Fountain


Oct 10, 2002, 9:18:59 PM10/10/02


Both language drivers say ‘ascii’ ANSI, as does the computer on which the
.exe file and all the forms and databases were created. However, I still get
the same error. Sorry to be slow in answering — had to deal with a hard disk
crash on a different computer. I was totally backed up luckily!

I sure would like to find the solution to this. Could someone maybe give a
walk through for the installations needed on the server??

Thanks to all

M Fountain

Jens Richter


Oct 11, 2002, 8:36:55 AM10/11/02


I face the same error, even under other circumstances.
(see ng native-tables, thread «VdB&db2k not able to open db-DOS-created

So far, I could not finish diagnosis according to the approach
recommended by Rick Fillmann.

Jens Richter

M Fountain


Oct 11, 2002, 7:47:35 PM10/11/02


I don’t think it is the same problem, because I can also run the application
and access the tables in Db2k on a local machine, and I can also run the
application and access the tables from the network drive if I do it from a
computer that has the full version of dB2k installed. It’s very, very

I am not using BDE aliases; path is hard-coded. Silly me — I thought the
less I needed to deal with the BDE the better! But since I can run the .exe
file, access the tables on the network drive, etc. with no problem on the
computer with the full dB2K, there has to be something wrong in the
deployment of the .exe etc. to the other computer. At least I guess so. Sure
wish I could figure it out. After years of running as a stand alone and
copying files around computers, now that I finally have a viable network and
server, it would be nice to be able to utilize it!


«Jens Richter» <Je…@nospam.de> wrote in message

M Fountain


Oct 11, 2002, 9:54:19 PM10/11/02


Found it!!! And it wasn’t dB2k or the Borland engine — it was as simple as
the fact that I had forgotten to tell Windows XP to remember my password to
the shared network drive on the server. Embarrassing as usual — my errors
are always simple and stupid but hard to track down.


«Marcia Fountain» <sthism…@utep.edu> wrote in message

> There were some postings about the «unknown internal operating system»
> message earlier, but I didn’t find any that had found an answer.

> M Fountain
> A

Jan Hoelterling


Oct 13, 2002, 5:59:04 AM10/13/02


«M Fountain» <mfou…@utep.edu> wrote in message

>Embarrassing as usual — my errors
> are always simple and stupid but hard to track down.
> MF

Actually, that seems to be a Windows design principle — Billy Gates must
have told his cohorts «Hide the really important stuff in the place where
the user is least likely to look» <BG>

I’ve wanted to make dbase report errors several times as «User error —
please replace user.» at least there it’s usually own code. <LOL>

It happens to all of us…


Geoff Wass


Oct 12, 2002, 1:12:35 PM10/12/02



Thank-you for coming back to us with your resolution.



Geoff Wass ( dBVIPS )
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

.|.|.| |.|.|.
.|.|.| dBASE info at http://geocities.com/geoff_wass |.|.|.
.|.|.| |.|.|.
.|.|.| ———————————————————- |.|.|.
.|.|.| NO email please. |.|.|.
.|.|.| Post in the news groups so all can help and all can learn. |.|.|.
.|.|.| ———————————————————- |.|.|.
.|.|.| |.|.|.
.|.|.| Have you backed up your work today? |.|.|.
.|.|.| |.|.|.

Marcia Fountain


Oct 13, 2002, 8:56:46 AM10/13/02


Too true an error message!


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BDE Error Cat:Code: [43:39]

BDE Error Cat:Code: [43:39]


16 Jul 05 08:43

Cheryl attemps to load Goldmine 6.5 residing on a Dell SBS 2003 and gets the following:

Unknown internal operating system error.
Context: open
BDE Error Cat:Code: [43:39]
BDE: 500 [4/11/1999] GoldMine: 6.50.40704

Cheryl has been using Goldmine from this PC for ~ 6 mos.

All other users in the office can access the Goldmine db.

Cheryl can login to the Goldmine db with her uname and password at the server.

I tried accessing the Goldmine database from Cheryl’s PC using the Administrators login. . . same error different user, same PC (new dell w/xp).

Cheryl could login the day before with no problems.

I tried a few system restores to different dates going back as far as I can to no avail.

Please offer any suggestions that might help me log this user into GM.

Thank you!

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Список ошибок BDE

$0000 (0) = Successful completion.

$0021 (33) = System Error

$0022 (34) = Object of Interest Not Found

$0023 (35) = Physical Data Corruption

$0024 (36) = I/O Related Error

$0025 (37) = Resource or Limit Error

$0026 (38) = Data Integrity Violation

$0027 (39) = Invalid Request

$0028 (40) = Lock Violation

$0029 (41) = Access/Security Violation

$002A (42) = Invalid Context

$002B (43) = OS Error

$002C (44) = Network Error

$002D (45) = Optional Parameter

$002E (46) = Query Processor

$002F (47) = Version Mismatch

$0030 (48) = Capability Not Supported

$0031 (49) = System Configuration Error

$0032 (50) = Warning

$0033 (51) = Miscellaneous

$0034 (52) = Compatibility Error

$003E (62) = Driver Specific Error

$003F (63) = Internal Symbol

$2101 (8449) = Cannot open a system file.

$2102 (8450) = I/O error on a system file.

$2103 (8451) = Data structure corruption.

$2104 (8452) = Cannot find Engine configuration file.

$2105 (8453) = Cannot write to Engine configuration file.

$2106 (8454) = Cannot initialize with different configuration file.

$2107 (8455) = System has been illegally re-entered.

$2108 (8456) = Cannot locate IDAPI32 .DLL.

$2109 (8457) = Cannot load IDAPI32 .DLL.

$210A (8458) = Cannot load an IDAPI service library.

$210B (8459) = Cannot create or open temporary file.

$2201 (8705) = At beginning of table.

$2202 (8706) = At end of table.

$2203 (8707) = Record moved because key value changed.

$2204 (8708) = Record/Key deleted.

$2205 (8709) = No current record.

$2206 (8710) = Could not find record.

$2207 (8711) = End of BLOB.

$2208 (8712) = Could not find object.

$2209 (8713) = Could not find family member.

$220A (8714) = BLOB file is missing.

$220B (8715) = Could not find language driver.

$2301 (8961) = Corrupt table/index header.

$2302 (8962) = Corrupt file — other than header.

$2303 (8963) = Corrupt Memo/BLOB file.

$2305 (8965) = Corrupt index.

$2306 (8966) = Corrupt lock file.

$2307 (8967) = Corrupt family file.

$2308 (8968) = Corrupt or missing .VAL file.

$2309 (8969) = Foreign index file format.

$2401 (9217) = Read failure.

$2402 (9218) = Write failure.

$2403 (9219) = Cannot access directory.

$2404 (9220) = File Delete operation failed.

$2405 (9221) = Cannot access file.

$2406 (9222) = Access to table disabled because of previous error.

$2501 (9473) = Insufficient memory for this operation.

$2502 (9474) = Not enough file handles.

$2503 (9475) = Insufficient disk space.

$2504 (9476) = Temporary table resource limit.

$2505 (9477) = Record size is too big for table.

$2506 (9478) = Too many open cursors.

$2507 (9479) = Table is full.

$2508 (9480) = Too many sessions from this workstation.

$2509 (9481) = Serial number limit (Paradox).

$250A (9482) = Some internal limit (see context).

$250B (9483) = Too many open tables.

$250C (9484) = Too many cursors per table.

$250D (9485) = Too many record locks on table.

$250E (9486) = Too many clients.

$250F (9487) = Too many indexes on table.

$2510 (9488) = Too many sessions.

$2511 (9489) = Too many open databases.

$2512 (9490) = Too many passwords.

$2513 (9491) = Too many active drivers.

$2514 (9492) = Too many fields in Table Create.

$2515 (9493) = Too many table locks.

$2516 (9494) = Too many open BLOBs.

$2517 (9495) = Lock file has grown too large.

$2518 (9496) = Too many open queries.

$251A (9498) = Too many BLOBs.

$251B (9499) = File name is too long for a Paradox version 5.0 table.

$251C (9500) = Row fetch limit exceeded.

$251D (9501) = Long name not allowed for this tablelevel.

$2601 (9729) = Key violation.

$2602 (9730) = Minimum validity check failed.

$2603 (9731) = Maximum validity check failed.

$2604 (9732) = Field value required.

$2605 (9733) = Master record missing.

$2606 (9734) = Master has detail records. Cannot delete or modify.

$2607 (9735) = Master table level is incorrect.

$2608 (9736) = Field value out of lookup table range.

$2609 (9737) = Lookup Table Open operation failed.

$260A (9738) = Detail Table Open operation failed.

$260B (9739) = Master Table Open operation failed.

$260C (9740) = Field is blank.

$260D (9741) = Link to master table already defined.

$260E (9742) = Master table is open.

$260F (9743) = Detail table(s) exist.

$2610 (9744) = Master has detail records. Cannot empty it.

$2611 (9745) = Self referencing referential integrity must be entered one at a time with no other changes to the table

$2612 (9746) = Detail table is open.

$2613 (9747) = Cannot make this master a detail of another table if its details are not empty.

$2614 (9748) = Referential integrity fields must be indexed.

$2615 (9749) = A table linked by referential integrity requires password to open.

$2616 (9750) = Field(s) linked to more than one master.

$2617 (9751) = Expression validity check failed.

$2701 (9985) = Number is out of range.

$2702 (9986) = Invalid parameter.

$2703 (9987) = Invalid file name.

$2704 (9988) = File does not exist.

$2705 (9989) = Invalid option.

$2706 (9990) = Invalid handle to the function.

$2707 (9991) = Unknown table type.

$2708 (9992) = Cannot open file.

$2709 (9993) = Cannot redefine primary key.

$270A (9994) = Cannot change this RINTDesc.

$270B (9995) = Foreign and primary key do not match.

$270C (9996) = Invalid modify request.

$270D (9997) = Index does not exist.

$270E (9998) = Invalid offset into the BLOB.

$270F (9999) = Invalid descriptor number.

$2710 (10000) = Invalid field type.

$2711 (10001) = Invalid field descriptor.

$2712 (10002) = Invalid field transformation.

$2713 (10003) = Invalid record structure.

$2714 (10004) = Invalid descriptor.

$2715 (10005) = Invalid array of index descriptors.

$2716 (10006) = Invalid array of validity check descriptors.

$2717 (10007) = Invalid array of referential integrity descriptors.

$2718 (10008) = Invalid ordering of tables during restructure.

$2719 (10009) = Name not unique in this context.

$271A (10010) = Index name required.

$271B (10011) = Invalid session handle.

$271C (10012) = invalid restructure operation.

$271D (10013) = Driver not known to system.

$271E (10014) = Unknown database.

$271F (10015) = Invalid password given.

$2720 (10016) = No callback function.

$2721 (10017) = Invalid callback buffer length.

$2722 (10018) = Invalid directory.

$2723 (10019) = Translate Error. Value out of bounds.

$2724 (10020) = Cannot set cursor of one table to another.

$2725 (10021) = Bookmarks do not match table.

$2726 (10022) = Invalid index/tag name.

$2727 (10023) = Invalid index descriptor.

$2728 (10024) = Table does not exist.

$2729 (10025) = Table has too many users.

$272A (10026) = Cannot evaluate Key or Key does not pass filter condition.

$272B (10027) = Index already exists.

$272C (10028) = Index is open.

$272D (10029) = Invalid BLOB length.

$272E (10030) = Invalid BLOB handle in record buffer.

$272F (10031) = Table is open.

$2730 (10032) = Need to do (hard) restructure.

$2731 (10033) = Invalid mode.

$2732 (10034) = Cannot close index.

$2733 (10035) = Index is being used to order table.

$2734 (10036) = Unknown user name or password.

$2735 (10037) = Multi-level cascade is not supported.

$2736 (10038) = Invalid field name.

$2737 (10039) = Invalid table name.

$2738 (10040) = Invalid linked cursor expression.

$2739 (10041) = Name is reserved.

$273A (10042) = Invalid file extension.

$273B (10043) = Invalid language Driver.

$273C (10044) = Alias is not currently opened.

$273D (10045) = Incompatible record structures.

$273E (10046) = Name is reserved by DOS.

$273F (10047) = Destination must be indexed.

$2740 (10048) = Invalid index type

$2741 (10049) = Language Drivers of Table and Index do not match

$2742 (10050) = Filter handle is invalid

$2743 (10051) = Invalid Filter

$2744 (10052) = Invalid table create request

$2745 (10053) = Invalid table delete request

$2746 (10054) = Invalid index create request

$2747 (10055) = Invalid index delete request

$2748 (10056) = Invalid table specified

$274A (10058) = Invalid Time.

$274B (10059) = Invalid Date.

$274C (10060) = Invalid Datetime

$274D (10061) = Tables in different directories

$274E (10062) = Mismatch in the number of arguments

$274F (10063) = Function not found in service library.

$2750 (10064) = Must use baseorder for this operation.

$2751 (10065) = Invalid procedure name

$2752 (10066) = The field map is invalid.

$2801 (10241) = Record locked by another user.

$2802 (10242) = Unlock failed.

$2803 (10243) = Table is busy.

$2804 (10244) = Directory is busy.

$2805 (10245) = File is locked.

$2806 (10246) = Directory is locked.

$2807 (10247) = Record already locked by this session.

$2808 (10248) = Object not locked.

$2809 (10249) = Lock time out.

$280A (10250) = Key group is locked.

$280B (10251) = Table lock was lost.

$280C (10252) = Exclusive access was lost.

$280D (10253) = Table cannot be opened for exclusive use.

$280E (10254) = Conflicting record lock in this session.

$280F (10255) = A deadlock was detected.

$2810 (10256) = A user transaction is already in progress.

$2811 (10257) = No user transaction is currently in progress.

$2812 (10258) = Record lock failed.

$2813 (10259) = Couldn’t perform the edit because another user changed the record.

$2814 (10260) = Couldn’t perform the edit because another user deleted or moved the record.

$2901 (10497) = Insufficient field rights for operation.

$2902 (10498) = Insufficient table rights for operation. Password required.

$2903 (10499) = Insufficient family rights for operation.

$2904 (10500) = This directory is read only.

$2905 (10501) = Database is read only.

$2906 (10502) = Trying to modify read-only field.

$2907 (10503) = Encrypted dBASE tables not supported.

$2908 (10504) = Insufficient SQL rights for operation.

$2A01 (10753) = Field is not a BLOB.

$2A02 (10754) = BLOB already opened.

$2A03 (10755) = BLOB not opened.

$2A04 (10756) = Operation not applicable.

$2A05 (10757) = Table is not indexed.

$2A06 (10758) = Engine not initialized.

$2A07 (10759) = Attempt to re-initialize Engine.

$2A08 (10760) = Attempt to mix objects from different sessions.

$2A09 (10761) = Paradox driver not active.

$2A0A (10762) = Driver not loaded.

$2A0B (10763) = Table is read only.

$2A0C (10764) = No associated index.

$2A0D (10765) = Table(s) open. Cannot perform this operation.

$2A0E (10766) = Table does not support this operation.

$2A0F (10767) = Index is read only.

$2A10 (10768) = Table does not support this operation because it is not uniquely indexed.

$2A11 (10769) = Operation must be performed on the current session.

$2A12 (10770) = Invalid use of keyword.

$2A13 (10771) = Connection is in use by another statement.

$2A14 (10772) = Passthrough SQL connection must be shared

$2B01 (11009) = Invalid function number.

$2B02 (11010) = File or directory does not exist.

$2B03 (11011) = Path not found.

$2B04 (11012) = Too many open files. You may need to increase MAXFILEHANDLE limit in IDAPI configuration.

$2B05 (11013) = Permission denied.

$2B06 (11014) = Bad file number.

$2B07 (11015) = Memory blocks destroyed.

$2B08 (11016) = Not enough memory.

$2B09 (11017) = Invalid memory block address.

$2B0A (11018) = Invalid environment.

$2B0B (11019) = Invalid format.

$2B0C (11020) = Invalid access code.

$2B0D (11021) = Invalid data.

$2B0F (11023) = Device does not exist.

$2B10 (11024) = Attempt to remove current directory.

$2B11 (11025) = Not same device.

$2B12 (11026) = No more files.

$2B13 (11027) = Invalid argument.

$2B14 (11028) = Argument list is too long.

$2B15 (11029) = Execution format error.

$2B16 (11030) = Cross-device link.

$2B21 (11041) = Math argument.

$2B22 (11042) = Result is too large.

$2B23 (11043) = File already exists.

$2B27 (11047) = Unknown internal operating system error.

$2B32 (11058) = Share violation.

$2B33 (11059) = Lock violation.

$2B34 (11060) = Critical DOS Error.

$2B35 (11061) = Drive not ready.

$2B64 (11108) = Not exact read/write.

$2B65 (11109) = Operating system network error.

$2B66 (11110) = Error from NOVELL file server.

$2B67 (11111) = NOVELL server out of memory.

$2B68 (11112) = Record already locked by this workstation.

$2B69 (11113) = Record not locked.

$2C01 (11265) = Network initialization failed.

$2C02 (11266) = Network user limit exceeded.

$2C03 (11267) = Wrong .NET file version.

$2C04 (11268) = Cannot lock network file.

$2C05 (11269) = Directory is not private.

$2C06 (11270) = Directory is controlled by other .NET file.

$2C07 (11271) = Unknown network error.

$2C08 (11272) = Not initialized for accessing network files.

$2C09 (11273) = SHARE not loaded. It is required to share local files.

$2C0A (11274) = Not on a network. Not logged in or wrong network driver.

$2C0B (11275) = Lost communication with SQL server.

$2C0D (11277) = Cannot locate or connect to SQL server.

$2C0E (11278) = Cannot locate or connect to network server.

$2D01 (11521) = Optional parameter is required.

$2D02 (11522) = Invalid optional parameter.

$2E01 (11777) = obsolete

$2E02 (11778) = obsolete

$2E03 (11779) = Ambiguous use of ! (inclusion operator).

$2E04 (11780) = obsolete

$2E05 (11781) = obsolete

$2E06 (11782) = A SET operation cannot be included in its own grouping.

$2E07 (11783) = Only numeric and date/time fields can be averaged.

$2E08 (11784) = Invalid expression.

$2E09 (11785) = Invalid OR expression.

$2E0A (11786) = obsolete

$2E0B (11787) = bitmap

$2E0C (11788) = CALC expression cannot be used in INSERT, DELETE, CHANGETO and SET rows.

$2E0D (11789) = Type error in CALC expression.

$2E0E (11790) = CHANGETO can be used in only one query form at a time.

$2E0F (11791) = Cannot modify CHANGED table.

$2E10 (11792) = A field can contain only one CHANGETO expression.

$2E11 (11793) = A field cannot contain more than one expression to be inserted.

$2E12 (11794) = obsolete

$2E13 (11795) = CHANGETO must be followed by the new value for the field.

$2E14 (11796) = Checkmark or CALC expressions cannot be used in FIND queries.

$2E15 (11797) = Cannot perform operation on CHANGED table together with a CHANGETO query.

$2E16 (11798) = chunk

$2E17 (11799) = More than 255 fields in ANSWER table.

$2E18 (11800) = AS must be followed by the name for the field in the ANSWER table.

$2E19 (11801) = DELETE can be used in only one query form at a time.

$2E1A (11802) = Cannot perform operation on DELETED table together with a DELETE query.

$2E1B (11803) = Cannot delete from the DELETED table.

$2E1C (11804) = Example element is used in two fields with incompatible types or with a BLOB.

$2E1D (11805) = Cannot use example elements in an OR expression.

$2E1E (11806) = Expression in this field has the wrong type.

$2E1F (11807) = Extra comma found.

$2E20 (11808) = Extra OR found.

$2E21 (11809) = One or more query rows do not contribute to the ANSWER.

$2E22 (11810) = FIND can be used in only one query form at a time.

$2E23 (11811) = FIND cannot be used with the ANSWER table.

$2E24 (11812) = A row with GROUPBY must contain SET operations.

$2E25 (11813) = GROUPBY can be used only in SET rows.

$2E26 (11814) = Use only INSERT, DELETE, SET or FIND in leftmost column.

$2E27 (11815) = Use only one INSERT, DELETE, SET or FIND per line.

$2E28 (11816) = Syntax error in expression.

$2E29 (11817) = INSERT can be used in only one query form at a time.

$2E2A (11818) = Cannot perform operation on INSERTED table together with an INSERT query.

$2E2B (11819) = INSERT, DELETE, CHANGETO and SET rows may not be checked.

$2E2C (11820) = Field must contain an expression to insert (or be blank).

$2E2D (11821) = Cannot insert into the INSERTED table.

$2E2E (11822) = Variable is an array and cannot be accessed.

$2E2F (11823) = Label

$2E30 (11824) = Rows of example elements in CALC expression must be linked.

$2E31 (11825) = Variable name is too long.

$2E32 (11826) = Query may take a long time to process.

$2E33 (11827) = Reserved word or one that can’t be used as a variable name.

$2E34 (11828) = Missing comma.

$2E35 (11829) = Missing ).

$2E36 (11830) = Missing right quote.

$2E37 (11831) = Cannot specify duplicate column names.

$2E38 (11832) = Query has no checked fields.

$2E39 (11833) = Example element has no defining occurrence.

$2E3A (11834) = No grouping is defined for SET operation.

$2E3B (11835) = Query makes no sense.

$2E3C (11836) = Cannot use patterns in this context.

$2E3D (11837) = Date does not exist.

$2E3E (11838) = Variable has not been assigned a value.

$2E3F (11839) = Invalid use of example element in summary expression.

$2E40 (11840) = Incomplete query statement. Query only contains a SET definition.

$2E41 (11841) = Example element with ! makes no sense in expression.

$2E42 (11842) = Example element cannot be used more than twice with a ! query.

$2E43 (11843) = Row cannot contain expression.

$2E44 (11844) = obsolete

$2E45 (11845) = obsolete

$2E46 (11846) = No permission to insert or delete records.

$2E47 (11847) = No permission to modify field.

$2E48 (11848) = Field not found in table.

$2E49 (11849) = Expecting a column separator in table header.

$2E4A (11850) = Expecting a column separator in table.

$2E4B (11851) = Expecting column name in table.

$2E4C (11852) = Expecting table name.

$2E4D (11853) = Expecting consistent number of columns in all rows of table.

$2E4E (11854) = Cannot open table.

$2E4F (11855) = Field appears more than once in table.

$2E50 (11856) = This DELETE, CHANGE or INSERT query has no ANSWER.

$2E51 (11857) = Query is not prepared. Properties unknown.

$2E52 (11858) = DELETE rows cannot contain quantifier expression.

$2E53 (11859) = Invalid expression in INSERT row.

$2E54 (11860) = Invalid expression in INSERT row.

$2E55 (11861) = Invalid expression in SET definition.

$2E56 (11862) = row use

$2E57 (11863) = SET keyword expected.

$2E58 (11864) = Ambiguous use of example element.

$2E59 (11865) = obsolete

$2E5A (11866) = obsolete

$2E5B (11867) = Only numeric fields can be summed.

$2E5C (11868) = Table is write protected.

$2E5D (11869) = Token not found.

$2E5E (11870) = Cannot use example element with ! more than once in a single row.

$2E5F (11871) = Type mismatch in expression.

$2E60 (11872) = Query appears to ask two unrelated questions.

$2E61 (11873) = Unused SET row.

$2E62 (11874) = INSERT, DELETE, FIND, and SET can be used only in the leftmost column.

$2E63 (11875) = CHANGETO cannot be used with INSERT, DELETE, SET or FIND.

$2E64 (11876) = Expression must be followed by an example element defined in a SET.

$2E65 (11877) = Lock failure.

$2E66 (11878) = Expression is too long.

$2E67 (11879) = Refresh exception during query.

$2E68 (11880) = Query canceled.

$2E69 (11881) = Unexpected Database Engine error.

$2E6A (11882) = Not enough memory to finish operation.

$2E6B (11883) = Unexpected exception.

$2E6C (11884) = Feature not implemented yet in query.

$2E6D (11885) = Query format is not supported.

$2E6E (11886) = Query string is empty.

$2E6F (11887) = Attempted to prepare an empty query.

$2E70 (11888) = Buffer too small to contain query string.

$2E71 (11889) = Query was not previously parsed or prepared.

$2E72 (11890) = Function called with bad query handle.

$2E73 (11891) = QBE syntax error.

$2E74 (11892) = Query extended syntax field count error.

$2E75 (11893) = Field name in sort or field clause not found.

$2E76 (11894) = Table name in sort or field clause not found.

$2E77 (11895) = Operation is not supported on BLOB fields.

$2E78 (11896) = General BLOB error.

$2E79 (11897) = Query must be restarted.

$2E7A (11898) = Unknown answer table type.

$2E96 (11926) = Blob cannot be used as grouping field.

$2E97 (11927) = Query properties have not been fetched.

$2E98 (11928) = Answer table is of unsuitable type.

$2E99 (11929) = Answer table is not yet supported under server alias.

$2E9A (11930) = Non-null blob field required. Can’t insert records

$2E9B (11931) = Unique index required to perform changeto

$2E9C (11932) = Unique index required to delete records

$2E9D (11933) = Update of table on the server failed.

$2E9E (11934) = Can’t process this query remotely.

$2E9F (11935) = Unexpected end of command.

$2EA0 (11936) = Parameter not set in query string.

$2EA1 (11937) = Query string is too long.

$2EAA (11946) = No such table or correlation name.

$2EAB (11947) = Expression has ambiguous data type.

$2EAC (11948) = Field in order by must be in result set.

$2EAD (11949) = General parsing error.

$2EAE (11950) = Record or field constraint failed.

$2EAF (11951) = When GROUP BY exists, every simple field in projectors must be in GROUP BY.

$2EB0 (11952) = User defined function is not defined.

$2EB1 (11953) = Unknown error from User defined function.

$2EB2 (11954) = Single row subquery produced more than one row.

$2EB3 (11955) = Expressions in group by are not supported.

$2EB4 (11956) = Queries on text or ascii tables is not supported.

$2EB5 (11957) = ANSI join keywords USING and NATURAL are not supported in this release.

$2EB6 (11958) = SELECT DISTINCT may not be used with UNION unless UNION ALL is used.

$2EB7 (11959) = GROUP BY is required when both aggregate and non-aggregate fields are used in result set.

$2EB8 (11960) = INSERT and UPDATE operations are not supported on autoincrement field type.

$2EB9 (11961) = UPDATE on Primary Key of a Master Table may modify more than one record.

$2EBA (11962) = Queries on MS ACCESS tables are not supported by local query engines.

$2EBB (11963) = Preparation of field-level constraint failed.

$2EBC (11964) = Preparation of field default failed.

$2EBD (11965) = Preparation of record-level constraint failed.

$2EC4 (11972) = Constraint Failed. Expression:

$2F01 (12033) = Interface mismatch. Engine version different.

$2F02 (12034) = Index is out of date.

$2F03 (12035) = Older version (see context).

$2F04 (12036) = .VAL file is out of date.

$2F05 (12037) = BLOB file version is too old.

$2F06 (12038) = Query and Engine DLLs are mismatched.

$2F07 (12039) = Server is incompatible version.

$2F08 (12040) = Higher table level required

$3001 (12289) = Capability not supported.

$3002 (12290) = Not implemented yet.

$3003 (12291) = SQL replicas not supported.

$3004 (12292) = Non-blob column in table required to perform operation.

$3005 (12293) = Multiple connections not supported.

$3006 (12294) = Full dBASE expressions not supported.

$3101 (12545) = Invalid database alias specification.

$3102 (12546) = Unknown database type.

$3103 (12547) = Corrupt system configuration file.

$3104 (12548) = Network type unknown.

$3105 (12549) = Not on the network.

$3106 (12550) = Invalid configuration parameter.

$3201 (12801) = Object implicitly dropped.

$3202 (12802) = Object may be truncated.

$3203 (12803) = Object implicitly modified.

$3204 (12804) = Should field constraints be checked?

$3205 (12805) = Validity check field modified.

$3206 (12806) = Table level changed.

$3207 (12807) = Copy linked tables?

$3209 (12809) = Object implicitly truncated.

$320A (12810) = Validity check will not be enforced.

$320B (12811) = Multiple records found, but only one was expected.

$320C (12812) = Field will be trimmed, cannot put master records into PROBLEM table.

$3301 (13057) = File already exists.

$3302 (13058) = BLOB has been modified.

$3303 (13059) = General SQL error.

$3304 (13060) = Table already exists.

$3305 (13061) = Paradox 1.0 tables are not supported.

$3306 (13062) = Update aborted.

$3401 (13313) = Different sort order.

$3402 (13314) = Directory in use by earlier version of Paradox.

$3403 (13315) = Needs Paradox 3.5-compatible language driver.

$3501 (13569) = Data Dictionary is corrupt

$3502 (13570) = Data Dictionary Info Blob corrupted

$3503 (13571) = Data Dictionary Schema is corrupt

$3504 (13572) = Attribute Type exists

$3505 (13573) = Invalid Object Type

$3506 (13574) = Invalid Relation Type

$3507 (13575) = View already exists

$3508 (13576) = No such View exists

$3509 (13577) = Invalid Record Constraint

$350A (13578) = Object is in a Logical DB

$350B (13579) = Dictionary already exists

$350C (13580) = Dictionary does not exist

$350D (13581) = Dictionary database does not exist

$350E (13582) = Dictionary info is out of date — needs Refresh

$3510 (13584) = Invalid Dictionary Name

$3511 (13585) = Dependent Objects exist

$3512 (13586) = Too many Relationships for this Object Type

$3513 (13587) = Relationships to the Object exist

$3514 (13588) = Dictionary Exchange File is corrupt

$3515 (13589) = Dictionary Exchange File Version mismatch

$3516 (13590) = Dictionary Object Type Mismatch

$3517 (13591) = Object exists in Target Dictionary

$3518 (13592) = Cannot access Data Dictionary

$3519 (13593) = Cannot create Data Dictionary

$351A (13594) = Cannot open Database

$3E01 (15873) = Wrong driver name.

$3E02 (15874) = Wrong system version.

$3E03 (15875) = Wrong driver version.

$3E04 (15876) = Wrong driver type.

$3E05 (15877) = Cannot load driver.

$3E06 (15878) = Cannot load language driver.

$3E07 (15879) = Vendor initialization failed.

$3E08 (15880) = Your application is not enabled for use with this driver.

$3F01 (16129) = Query By Example

$3F02 (16130) = SQL Generator

$3F03 (16131) = IDAPI

$3F04 (16132) = Lock Manager

$3F05 (16133) = SQL Driver

$3F06 (16134) = IDAPI Services

$3F07 (16135) = dBASE Driver

$3F08 (16136) = Dictionary Manager

$3F0B (16139) = Token

$3F0D (16141) = Table

$3F0E (16142) = Field

$3F0F (16143) = Image

$3F10 (16144) = User

$3F11 (16145) = File

$3F12 (16146) = Index

$3F13 (16147) = Directory

$3F14 (16148) = Key

$3F15 (16149) = Alias

$3F16 (16150) = Drive

$3F17 (16151) = Server error

$3F18 (16152) = Server message

$3F19 (16153) = Line Number

$3F1A (16154) = Capability

$3F1B (16155) = Dictionary

$3F1D (16157) = Object

$3F1E (16158) = Limit

$3F1F (16159) = Expression

$3F70 (16240) = WORK

$3F71 (16241) = PRIV

$3F72 (16242) = Records copied

$3F73 (16243) = Records appended

$3F74 (16244) = LineNo

$3F75 (16245) = Line

$3F76 (16246) = Reason

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