Unknown internal pro render error cinema 4d

There are many potential problems when it comes to rendering. We cover and learn to fix common Cinema4D errors. Let's get started!

April 25, 2021

Jenny Ha

There are many potential problems when it comes to rendering. iRender already covers a few of the common ones that Cinema4D users have come across many times and here is some solutions:

  • Make sure you have full textures and assets
  • Relative paths
  • Consistent FPS setting
  • Physical Render Settings
  • “Non-English” characters

Let’s dive in and learn to fix common Cinema4D errors!

Cinema 4D rendering is often error-prone or impossible to complete because you are lacking assets, most commonly a texture map. For C4D rendering to be successful, all textures and assets must be uploaded. Even if 1texture is missing, the rendering will fail. Be sure to fully upload (textures, light maps, caches, …).

How to Fix Common Cinema4D Errors? 1

Make sure all assets are set relative paths for each texture.

For examples: Absolute Paths and Relative Paths:

  • Absolute (wrong): C: docs 1 maxon cinema 4dr19 texture.jpg
  • Relative (right): texture.jpg

How to Fix Common Cinema4D Errors? 2

Tips for you, if you put assets in different folders, there is one simple way to aggregate them: “File” -> “Save Project with Assets …” This will save the scene in a location with a subdirectory called “tex” containing the rendered assets. This will also create Relative Paths.

Make sure your Render Settings and Project Settings are set with the FPS settings. Mismatching these options will lead to unfortunate results (missing, missing frames, shortened or lengthened sequences, etc.).

How to Fix Common Cinema4D Errors? 3

If you are using physical render, make sure it is not set to mode. You choose “Infinite” if you don’t want the rendering process can not stop.

How to Fix Common Cinema4D Errors? 4

When naming the .c4d scene file, always make sure that you only use English alphanumeric characters. Foreign scene files containing non-English characters will need to be renamed.

For example: Scene file ”  “Cũrrent.c4d”  has a mark on “ũ”.

Please change the name to: “Current.c4d” before uploading or sending the scene file.

There are quite a few ways a render can go wrong. To avoid spending a huge amount of time rendering and re-rendering, always make sure that you make a few tests first so that you know that everything is setup the way it was supposed to. There are of course other potential problems while rendering, for instance too few light bounces, resulting in black glass or light setups that result in enormous quantities of fireflies.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us via Whatsapp: +(84) 981-868-890. We will be ready to help you in any way! Become a member of the iRender community today to stop wasting pointless hours of rendering. Always at the forefront of cutting-edge graphics technology, we do the rendering, the creativity is yours!

iRender – Happy Rendering!

3D animation, 3drendering, 3dvisualization, animation, architect, Architectural Rendering, architecture, c4d, Cinema4D, cloud gpu, cloud rendering, Cloud rendering service, cloudrenderfarm, cloudrendering, cloudservice, computer performance, design, gpurental, graphicdesign, interiordesign, iRender, Nvidia, postprocessing, postproduction, productdesign, render, render farm, renderer, RTX2080Ti, RTX3080, RTX3090

Here are a few tips on how to avoid errors and costly mistakes when rendering with C4D.

Include ALL textures and assets
Generally, Cinema C4D render jobs fail or are incomplete because you are missing an asset for your scene. Most commonly, a texture map. In order for C4D to have successful output, ALL scene textures and assets must be uploaded. Even if only one texture is missing, the render will fail or submit a «done» status, without a resulting output image. Be sure to upload everything that your scene requires (all textures, lightmaps, caches, etc).

How can you check if your issue is missing assets?

View the logs in your Render Dashboard. You can see the task’s log by click in the «Render Log» button. Look for «Missing Texture — xxxxx.jpg» or «File not found in…» within the log file. If you’re having trouble reading the log file, feel free to contact Super Render Farm support and make a support ticket. 

Relative paths
Be sure all assets have relative paths set for each texture.

Examples of Absolute Path vs. Relative Path
Absolute (wrong): C:docs1maxoncinema 4d r19texture.jpg

Relative (right): texture.jpg

If you have assets in various locations, an easy way to gather them is to choose:

«File» > «Save Project with Assets…»

This will save your scene in a location with a subfolder named «tex» containing your scene’s rendering assets. This also sets your paths to «relative»!

Consistent FPS settings
Make sure your Render Settings and Project Settings are set to the same FPS. Having these options mismatched will result in very unexpected results (skipped frames, missing frames, shortened or elongated sequence, etc)


Physical Render Settings
If you are using Physical render be sure to NOT have it set to «Infinite». This will result in exactly what it says; the frame will continue to render forever! NEVER use this option.

Non-English Characters
When naming your .c4d scene files, please ensure that you are using English alpha-numeric characters only. Foreign scene files that have non-English characters will need to be renamed.

For example Scene file «Cũrrent.c4d» has an accent over the «ũ».
Please rename this scene to «Current.c4d» prior to uploading / submitting the scene file.

Start Rendering with Super Renders Farm: 


Hi, I just got Arnold but i can’t seem to get the GPU mode to work. Every time I start the IPR it freezes and says render failed. I have looked at the log and there are different error messages coming up and I can’t make much sense of them. I can’t find anything else in the forums or online that has helped yet. It works fine in CPU mode but as soon as GPU mode is on it crashes. This also happens in a simple scene with just a cube and a quad light. I hope someone can help. Thanks


2 x 2080Ti


Threadripper 2950X 16 Core

Here are the log messages:


Arnold IPR started at Thu Nov 12 09:27:05 2020


[c4dtoa] 00:00:05 3896MB ERROR | [gpu] an error happened during rendering : Unknown error (Details: Function «_rtContextLaunch2D» caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: cudaDriver().CuEventSynchronize( m_event ) returned (700): Illegal address, file: <internal>, line: 0)

[c4dtoa] 00:00:22 3898MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:22 3912MB WARNING | Aborted by user: received abort signal

[c4dtoa] 00:00:23 3911MB ERROR | [c4dtoa] Failed to end render (error code: 9)


Arnold IPR started at Thu Nov 12 09:29:12 2020


[c4dtoa] 00:00:00 3756MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:01:45 3731MB ERROR | [c4dtoa] Failed to end render (error code: 9)


Arnold IPR started at Thu Nov 12 09:34:38 2020


[c4dtoa] 00:00:00 3694MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3713MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3727MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3740MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3753MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3766MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3779MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3793MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3806MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3819MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3832MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:06 3846MB ERROR | [c4dtoa] Failed to end render (error code: 9)


Arnold IPR started at Thu Nov 12 09:36:20 2020


[c4dtoa] 00:00:00 3853MB ERROR | [gpu] Fatal GPU error occurred, please restart the host application

[c4dtoa] 00:00:04 3855MB ERROR | [c4dtoa] Failed to end render (error code: 9)

Всем привет, ребят. Кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемой? Ставлю на

рендер, вылетает синема на разных кадрах и сценах(не зависит от текстур в сцене).
Вот что выдаёт перед вылетом. Рендерить невозможно становиться просто. Может кто знает в чём дело. Редшифт+Синема23 лицензия. 3080 Laptop, галочка на RTX в настройках рендера стоит






У меня помню такое было когда использовал материалы гориллы

Да вот прикол же в том, что не даёт ошибку на материал(( Да и часто раньше юзал всё ок было. Гугл форумы говорят шо трабл в питании, но внятно ничего не обьясняют. И чё делать — хз

У меня такая же видеокарта, а на сколько у тебя бп?


на сколько бп не шарю, но вот показатели с апликухи

Ну по параметрам, ноутбук оч хороший, надо попробовать стрестестом его прогнать, но мне кажеться что проблема программная

Попробуй этот тест

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