Unrecognized option xincgc error could not create the java virtual machine

Ошибка при запуске Start.bat Я скачал исходник лаунчера Minecraft (Sashok724’s Launcher) для своего будущего проекта. После настройки этого исходника, я запускаю батник с командой: @ECHO OFFSET BINDIR=% dp0CD/D «%BINDIR%»title Launcher server Sashok724new 15.4 (build by KeeperJerry)echo [INFO]: Started Launcher server!echo ———————-START (%DATE: И в консоли выскакивает ошибка: [INFO]: Started Launcher server!———————-START (18.08 12:29:09) ———————-Picked […]
Are you saying Eclipse itself won’t launch? Or are you saying you can’t launch a Java application from within Eclipse?

If the latter, then make sure that whatever is in you Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs -> Edit. doesn’t have such an option specified in Default VM Arguments. Also make sure that in your Run -> Run Configurations. (or Debug Configurations). that the Arguments tab for the launch configuration you are using doesn’t contain this option.


Ошибка при запуске Start.bat

Я скачал исходник лаунчера Minecraft (Sashok724’s Launcher) для своего будущего проекта. После настройки этого исходника, я запускаю батник с командой:


title Launcher server Sashok724new 15.4 (build by KeeperJerry)
echo [INFO]: Started Launcher server!
echo ———————-START (%DATE:

И в консоли выскакивает ошибка:

[INFO]: Started Launcher server!
———————-START (18.08 12:29:09) ———————-
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M
Unrecognized option: -Xincgc
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
———————-STOP (18.08 12:29:15) ———————-
Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . .

Далее я создаю второй батник со следующей командой:

java -Xmx500M -jar LaunchServer.jar

И выскакивает уже другая ошибка:

Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
2020.08.18 12:31:17 [INFO] Setting up server script engine bindings
2020.08.18 12:31:18 [WARN] JavaFX API isn’t available
2020.08.18 12:31:19 [INFO] JLine2 terminal enabled
2020.08.18 12:31:19 [INFO] Reading RSA keypair
2020.08.18 12:31:19 [INFO] Modulus CRC32: 0xf193d77f
2020.08.18 12:31:19 [INFO] Reading LaunchServer config file
2020.08.18 12:31:19 [ERROR] java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Я пересмотрел видео на ютубе о том как исправить эту ошибку «Could not create the Java Virtual Machine» и все говорят что надо создать переменную среды с названием _JAVA_OPTIONS и настройкой -Xmx512M. Это нифига не помогает ((

Помогите исправить эту ошибку пж, буду очень благодарен.


FreeCol Discussion

Colonize the New World.


frecol not running on Ubuntu 18.10

I’m pretty new to Ubuntu, but I can do basic Terminal commands. I’ve installed freecol on Ubuntu 18.04, first with the software snap but it wouldn’t run. Removed it and installed it through the Terminal. When I tried to run it I got the error message:
«Unrecognized option: -Xincgc
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.» (never typed anything like -Xincgc)
I’ve installed some Java packages, still same result, same error message. Tried the workaround the Terminal suggested: «Unrecognized option: -Xincgc
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.»
No change, still won’t run, same error message. Also when after restart of PC.

Had the same problem. Found this in the ubuntu forums:
«The option ‘-Xincgc’ has been deprecated. It was used to set incremental garbage collection for the java VM. If ‘freecol’ is a shell script (use ‘file $(which freecol)’ to find out), you can simply edit it and remove that option to run freecol with the standard garbage collector or replace it with an option to select one of the garbage collection methods still supported. »
Original link:

Did that. Works fine.
Have fun 🙂

The string «incgc» does not occur in the FreeCol sources, so it must be something added downstream from us. I suspect a Debian or Ubuntu packaging problem.

That may be so, but I’ve downloaded it from freecol’s website. Do you have any suggestions for what I could try?

I’ve downloaded it from freecol’s website

This is a surprise, given you said you installed a snap. We do not build snaps. So, which website, and what exactly was «it»? Precision really helps debugging.

First I tried with the snap, which didn’t work. Didn’t do anything at all. So I removed it (the installation) and downloaded the platform independent installer from here: http://www.freecol.org/download.html
installed it from the terminal. When I tried to run it from the terminal I got the error messages I mentioned before. Removed the installation from the terminal, restarted pc and tried installing again — same result.

First I tried with the snap, which didn’t work

OK, that bit is definitely a Ubuntu bug. FTR we have many people playing FreeCol successfully with Ubuntu, but AFAICT they were using the plain old .deb.

and downloaded the platform independent installer from.

OK, that is our release. However I just downloaded it, and unpacked it, and looked for the «incgc» string in there again, and it is not present. So I still can not find any clue in something we control.

Once again, you say.

When I tried to run it from the terminal

. can you give more detail. What exactly did you do? I really suspect there is something weird about your machine, particularly the way java is configured (given the error message, which looks like the java runtime complaining, it is not an error message that freecol ever emits).


Receiving error: Warning — your JRE — 11.0.2 — does not match requested JRE — 1.6 #205

After an update on Ubuntu 18.04 in mid April of 2019 icedtea stopped working. We get this error in /var/log syslog:
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: Warning — your JRE — 11.0.2 — does not match requested JRE — 1.6
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: Warning — your JRE — 11.0.2 — does not match requested JRE — 1.6
Apr 25 17:25:00 host user: IcedTea-Web java error — for more info see itweb-settings debug options or console. See http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs for help.
Apr 25 17:25:00 host user: IcedTea-Web java error manual log:
Apr 25 17:25:00 host user: Warning — your JRE — 11.0.2 — does not match requested JRE — 1.6
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: Warning — your JRE — 11.0.2 — does not match requested JRE — 1.6
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: Warning — your JRE — 11.0.2 — does not match requested JRE — 1.6
Apr 25 17:25:00 host user: IcedTea-Web java error — for more info see itweb-settings debug options or console. See http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs for help.
Apr 25 17:25:00 host user: IcedTea-Web java error manual log:
Apr 25 17:25:00 host user: Warning — your JRE — 11.0.2 — does not match requested JRE — 1.6
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: selected jre: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: Unrecognized option: -Xincgc
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Apr 25 17:25:00 host org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1685]: Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

We have been using icedtea with an online schooling at home program «https://peak.getfueled.com». It has a java program called «blackboard collaborator». Icedtea has worked fine with Ubuntu 16.04 and it was confirmed working with 18.04, but as of the icedtea patch included in mid April it has not worked.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

It seems that ubuntu as ugraded icedtea-web on 15 Mar 2019 icedtea-web is upgraded to (1.8-0ubuntu8

18.04) for bionic (18.04)

and on 26 Mar 2019 openjdk-11-jdk package move from java 10.0.2 to java 11.0.2 11.0.2+9-3ubuntu1

@karlgee can you share the JNLP from «blackboard collaborator» ?
or at minimum the xml tag «java (or j2se)» in the jnlp

reply by mail seems not add attachment to github

Okay, inside the meeting.zip file is a file named meeting.jnlp. This is the file Blackboard Collaborator uses.

The jnlp is not very well written (hint : use https://github.com/AlBundy33/JaNeLa )

  • 12.6 must not be placed insde
  • protect space .. I think it’s not required and dont match

And as you see in your output ( last 3 line ) and mine,
the least and major problem is the error

Unrecognized option: -Xincgc
«-Xincgc » -Xincgc has been removed since java 9



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frecol not running on Ubuntu 18.10





  • romed bucher

    I’m pretty new to Ubuntu, but I can do basic Terminal commands. I’ve installed freecol on Ubuntu 18.04, first with the software snap but it wouldn’t run. Removed it and installed it through the Terminal. When I tried to run it I got the error message:
    «Unrecognized option: -Xincgc
    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.» (never typed anything like -Xincgc)
    I’ve installed some Java packages, still same result, same error message. Tried the workaround the Terminal suggested: «Unrecognized option: -Xincgc
    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.»
    No change, still won’t run, same error message. Also when after restart of PC.

    Help, please!


    Last edit: romed bucher 2018-10-29

    • Duke

      Had the same problem. Found this in the ubuntu forums:
      «The option ‘-Xincgc’ has been deprecated. It was used to set incremental garbage collection for the java VM. If ‘freecol’ is a shell script (use ‘file $(which freecol)’ to find out), you can simply edit it and remove that option to run freecol with the standard garbage collector or replace it with an option to select one of the garbage collection methods still supported. «
      Original link:

      Did that. Works fine.
      Have fun :)

  • Mike Pope

    The string «incgc» does not occur in the FreeCol sources, so it must be something added downstream from us. I suspect a Debian or Ubuntu packaging problem.

    • romed bucher

      That may be so, but I’ve downloaded it from freecol’s website. Do you have any suggestions for what I could try?

      • Mike Pope

        I’ve downloaded it from freecol’s website

        This is a surprise, given you said you installed a snap. We do not build snaps. So, which website, and what exactly was «it»? Precision really helps debugging.

        • romed bucher

          First I tried with the snap, which didn’t work. Didn’t do anything at all. So I removed it (the installation) and downloaded the platform independent installer from here: http://www.freecol.org/download.html
          installed it from the terminal. When I tried to run it from the terminal I got the error messages I mentioned before. Removed the installation from the terminal, restarted pc and tried installing again — same result.

  • Mike Pope

    First I tried with the snap, which didn’t work

    OK, that bit is definitely a Ubuntu bug. FTR we have many people playing FreeCol successfully with Ubuntu, but AFAICT they were using the plain old .deb.

    and downloaded the platform independent installer from…

    OK, that is our release. However I just downloaded it, and unpacked it, and looked for the «incgc» string in there again, and it is not present. So I still can not find any clue in something we control.

    Once again, you say…

    When I tried to run it from the terminal

    … can you give more detail. What exactly did you do? I really suspect there is something weird about your machine, particularly the way java is configured (given the error message, which looks like the java runtime complaining, it is not an error message that freecol ever emits).

    • romed bucher

      Right, I agree that this doesn’t seem to be a Freecol problem but something beween my machine, Ubuntu and Java. I’ll try to figure that out with Ubunbu’s help fora.
      Thanks for your efforts.

  • John Buczek

    I’m having the same problem with Linux Mint 19.1. Problem appears to be related to the version of Java. The freecol launch script says (comment) ~ requires java 8. Ubuntu 18 and/or Linux Mint 19 use java 10 or 11. Attempting to install java 8 is no go with «java 8 is not compatable with bionic».

    This is sad. I’ve been playing the game with my daughter since she could read. Guess we’ll have to wait until — if and when — freecol updates it’s java.

    OTOH I heard somewhere that the maintainers are porting the game away from java…. that will probably take even longer to complete and get out all the bugs for all the OS with the linux version probably last, as usual. <sigh> FreeCiv appears to have the same/similar problem. It won’t run on the latest linux distro’s either.</sigh>

    • romed bucher

      Yes, I believe you’re right. I have now changed my operating system from Ubuntu to Kubuntu and it’s still exactly the same problem, with the same error messages as under Ubuntu.

    • Lone_Wolf

      This is sad. I’ve been playing the game with my daughter since she could read. Guess we’ll have to wait until — if and when — freecol updates it’s java.

      There are mechanisms to have multiple java versions coexist peacefully.
      Debian, Fedora and archlinux all have supported that for years.

      https://askubuntu.com/questions/740757/switch-between-multiple-java-versions indicates ubuntu supports the debian method (alternative-updates) , please try it.


      Last edit: Lone_Wolf 2018-11-17

    • John Buczek

      I take it back about java8.

      After researching and experimenting I got it working in LinuxMint 19.1.

      I ignored the Linux Mint software manager and downloaded from the web site unpacking into my own directory tree. Then I created a script file in the freecol directory as follows:

      cd ~/DOCUMENTS/bin/freecol
      bash /home/johnb/DOCUMENTS/bin/freecol/freecol.cmd

      Then created a launcher pointed at that script. (Icon is in the data directory)

      Started OK and I resumed a game in progress and played for about 15 min with no problems. We’ll give it a through test this weekend when my daughter (age 11) is allowed to play. (Mom is VERY strict about study time on weekdays…. me, not so much.)

      johnb (age 71 and not always at the top of my mental form anymore <g>)</g>


      Last edit: John Buczek 2018-11-19

  • Mike Pope

    The freecol launch script says (comment) ~ requires java 8

    What happens if you just run freecol on later java? I suspect the script should say «requres at least Java 8″.

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Версия Minecraft




  • #1

Решил я значит заново установить среду и столкнулся с такой проблемой при запуске клиента
Unrecognized option: -Xincgc. Удалил этот аргумент с запуска

could not create the java virtual machine. error a fatal exception has occurred. program will exit

потом появилась при запуске другая проблема

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class java.net.URLClassLoader (jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader and java.net.URLClassLoader are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
    at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.searchCoremods(Unknown Source)
    at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source)
    at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source)

и не понятно как исправить, потому что даже старые workspaсe тоже не открывает

  • #2

java 8 поставь
новые версии java снеси, или настрой пути к правильной джаве везде

  • #4

Попробуй запустить через gradle runClient(надеюсь, изнутри эклипса можно выполнять таски градла)

  • #6

Скинь лог. Последний запуск градла складывается в ./.gradle/gradle.log

  • #7

Решено: установил Java которая кроме 64бит и х86 поддерживает.

  • #8

Скинь ссылку на такую Java

Вверх ↑

#1: 2015-06-09 15:46:48

ЛС |
профиль |

Здравствуйте, помогите пожалуйста. Я не могу зайти в игру постоянно выходит

Прошу помочь мне с моей проблемой

карма: -9



#1.1контекстная реклама от партнеров

Ответов: 9240

#2: 2015-06-09 15:58:19

ЛС |
профиль |

Ошибка запуска джавы с допольными параметрами.

Ты пытался изменить количество выделяемой памяти для работы джавы?

карма: 195

Monte Carlo «Так смешно слушать ложь, когда знаешь правду…»@zalik


Ответов: 5281

#3: 2015-06-09 16:01:10

ЛС |
профиль |

Нажмите Win+R и введите

Нажмите ОК. В открывшемся окне найдите во втором списке переменную _JAVA_OPTIONS или подобную. Приведите её значение здесь.

карма: 153

Ответов: 186

#4: 2015-06-09 16:03:11

ЛС |
профиль |


Xincgc -Xmx2G

— Добавлено в 2015-06-09 16:04:08

papasid, Да

Редактировалось 1 раз(а), последний 2015-06-09 16:04:08

карма: -9

Ответов: 5281

#5: 2015-06-09 16:16:32

ЛС |
профиль |

Dmitry2312, попробуйте удалить эту переменную и нажать ОК. После запустите клиент еще раз.

карма: 153

Ответов: 186

#6: 2015-06-09 16:23:14

ЛС |
профиль |

petrocan, Я удалил эту переменную и запуск произошел. Но почему не происходил запуск при выделении для java 2Гб оперативной памяти? И правильно ли я сделал выделение?

Редактировалось 1 раз(а), последний 2015-06-09 16:25:56

карма: -9

Ответов: 5281

#7: 2015-06-09 16:32:46

ЛС |
профиль |

Dmitry2312 писал(а):

Но почему не происходил запуск при выделении для java 2Гб оперативной памяти? И правильно ли я сделал выделение?

Нежелательно там менять что-либо, используйте для экспериментов настройки профиля в лаунчере. Выделение памяти зависит от объема оперативной памяти и разрядности системы.

карма: 153

Ответов: 186

#8: 2015-06-09 16:53:17

ЛС |
профиль |

petrocan, Спасибо за помощь. Тему можно закрыть.

Редактировалось 1 раз(а), последний 2015-06-09 17:09:31

карма: -9



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  • #1

    Jan 7, 2018

    I’m trying to make a 1.7.10 mod using the forge src with jdk 9.0.1 and the jre’s 9.0.1 and 1.8, but whenever I try to run forge through eclipse, it displays this error:

    «Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit».

    I know it’s not a -Xmx problem because I have it set to 1G when I have 16GB available.

    edit: There is one thing being shown in the console. It says «Unrecognized option: -Xincgc»

    edit 2: I am running 64 bit java


    • Screenshot_3


  • #2

    Jan 7, 2018


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    You need to be sure to match the correct version of Java with Minecraft. Minecraft does not work with Java 9, and I can’t remember but 1.7.10 is very old and may not even work with Java 8.

  • #3

    Jan 8, 2018

    okay I’ll try that. Thanks

  • #4

    Jan 8, 2018

    So that did seem to make it work. Thanks so much. However, ow when I run it I get this in the console. I’m not really sure if this is just because I didn’t set the mod up correctly. Whenever I try to run it, it starts printing stuff to the console and then I get this:

    [16:58:37] [main/INFO] [GradleStart]: Extra: [] [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [GradleStart]: Running with arguments: [--userProperties, {}, --assetsDir, C:/Users/mkoes/.gradle/caches/minecraft/assets, --assetIndex, 1.7.10, --accessToken, {REDACTED}, --version, 1.7.10, --tweakClass, cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker, --tweakClass, net.minecraftforge.gradle.tweakers.CoremodTweaker] [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.gradle.tweakers.CoremodTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_151, running on Windows 10:amd64:10.0, installed at C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_151 [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [FML]: Managed to load a deobfuscated Minecraft name- we are in a deobfuscated environment. Skipping runtime deobfuscation [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.gradle.tweakers.CoremodTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [GradleStart]: Injecting location in coremod cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [GradleStart]: Injecting location in coremod net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.gradle.tweakers.AccessTransformerTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker [16:58:38] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper [16:58:38] [main/ERROR] [FML]: The binary patch set is missing. Either you are in a development environment, or things are not going to work! [16:58:40] [main/ERROR] [FML]: FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing [16:58:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper [16:58:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker [16:58:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.gradle.tweakers.AccessTransformerTweaker [16:58:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker [16:58:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker [16:58:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main} [16:58:41] [main/INFO]: Setting user: Player199 [16:58:42] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.1 [16:58:43] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft:displayCrashReport:388]: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // My bad. Time: 1/8/18 4:58 PM Description: Initializing game java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.flip()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_152340_a(Minecraft.java:694) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startGame(Minecraft.java:463) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:942) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:164) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source) at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source) A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Head -- Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_152340_a(Minecraft.java:694) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startGame(Minecraft.java:463) -- Initialization -- Details: Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:942) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:164) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source) at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source) -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_151, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 860258864 bytes (820 MB) / 1037959168 bytes (989 MB) up to 1037959168 bytes (989 MB) JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: Launched Version: 1.7.10 LWJGL: 2.9.1 OpenGL: ~~ERROR~~ RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread. GL Caps: Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Client (map_client.txt) Resource Packs: [] Current Language: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used Anisotropic Filtering: Off (1) [16:58:43] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft:displayCrashReport:398]: #@[email protected]# Game crashed! Crash report saved to: #@[email protected]# C:UsersmkoesOneDriveDocumentsForgeeclipse.crash-reportscrash-2018-01-08_16.58.43-client.txt Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release 

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