Unrecoverable playback error sample rate of 352800 hz not supported by this device

Добавлено: 30.10.2004 21:28
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Последняя финальная версия

Show yourself and die like a man

Последний раз редактировалось Rider 21.02.2007 11:34, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).




Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 24.09.2011
Откуда: Москва

fatfree писал(а):

Мой новый объект поклонения: …

Не плох. Звучок понравился!
Плюс — управляется «Майкрософтовским» пультом.
Огромный минус — при нажатии в проводнике на кнопку «воспроизвести все», ни хрена не происходит, если файлов много. При небольшом количестве — нормуль.
Просто минус — ни разу — не гламурная — иконка звуковых вайлов — «пчела». Не эстэтично! Можно залезть в «экзешник» утилитами, махнуть икони, но не «айс»!!!



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 26.10.2011
Откуда: Novomoskovsk

Что может быть, играет трек и бац вместо музыки в колонках шум, спектрограмма почти на месте стоит, а трек проигрываемый замирает… Вот ссылка —

http://narod.ru/disk/48141067001.cc18ae … F.mp4.html

, звуковая карта ASUS Xonar D1, вывожу звук через ASIO(24 bit, 10ms).

Origin, Steam — SergMab



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Регистрация: 29.11.2008
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Фото: 8

Подскажите плиз, что надо поставить чтобы сабж воспроизводил FLAC 2.0?

Т.е. аудио кодек: FLAC 2.0 24bit 88kHz, не хочет воспроизводить.

Freedom is not free. Rights are not Gifts from Government!
Настоящая сила идет не столько от боевых навыков, сколько от достоинства и самоуважения



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Аналогичная проблема — 24/88.2 воспроизводиться только если выставить источник DS или ASIO. Если стоит WASAPI воспроизводить отказывается.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 11.03.2005
Откуда: Россия

Как сделать чтобы отображались треки в общем файле flac с названиями песен, например как в aimp. На скрине покажу: #77




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Регистрация: 06.02.2007
Фото: 1

в фубаре запущен .flac в аимп .cue



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Регистрация: 24.08.2008

имею Ludovico Einaudi — Discography, в каждой папке по одному flac файлу, и при воспроизведении именно этого FLAC-файла в трек листе фубара отображается с десяток треков.
Так что Valera22 ради эксперимента, попробуйте поставить «заводскую» стоковую версию и попробовать на ней



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 06.02.2007
Фото: 1

Udjin-18 у меня заводская стоит, не отображает по отдельности.
Видимо от самих файлов зависит, возможно некоторые в себе несут разметку или что токае



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 11.03.2005
Откуда: Россия

Keyco Спасибо! Действительно если в фубаре открыть .cue, то всё нормально, хотя в аимп тоже запускался файл .flac, но почему то в результате оказался .cue, может аимп автоматом подхватывает…
Есть ещё у меня .ape формат, тоже не отображались треки, нашёл, что надо изменить для проигрывания .ape файла в foobar2000, редактируем содержимое .cue как текстового файла (открыть с помощью блокнота) и заменить расширение файла в строке
FILE «Название файла.wav» WAVE
FILE «Название файла.ape» WAVE
и тогда тоже всё отображает. А на счёт качества звука, мне фубар понравился, раньше пользовался аимп, а недавно решил попробовать фубар и был приятно удивлён качеством звука, теперь только фубар, просто огорчало, что нет отображения треков, но теперь всё прекрасно.

Заводской тоже пробовал, одинаково, я не знал, что надо запускать именно .cue, сейчас и заводской и сборка всё нормально.




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Регистрация: 30.12.2011

реально импортировать total time played в другую сборку?

В старой — Menu>Library>Playback Statistics>Export Statistics…
В новой — Menu>Library>Playback Statistics>Import Statistics…
не помогло



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Существует ли плагин для foobar2000 автоопознавания треков, если слушаешь через него радио? Каждый раз запарно на питер.фм лазить.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Kuja Это что за плагин? С английским плохо.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Хочется установить новый скин для foobar, но на официальном сайте не нашёл обложек. В гугле нашёл, но при установке пишет, что для данной версии она не совместима, оно и понятно — 4 года назад добавлена. Есть плагин какой-то, позволяющий обеспечить совместимость со старыми скинами? Или как заставить его считать, что эти файл не устарели? Речь идёт о скине DarkSide of foobar2000.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



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Регистрация: 06.01.2008
Откуда: Россия

Подскажите плз, что не так. Поставил плагин foo_out_asio на foobar 1.1.13. Когда выбираю в playbak->output->creative asio муз файлы не воспроизводятся и выдается сообщение «Unrecoverable playback error: Could not set sample rate to 44100 Hz».
Карта Creative X-Fi Titanium HD.



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Регистрация: 06.01.2005
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Карта в режиме Audio Creation? В Console Launcher частота выставлена в 44kHz?
Что за аудиофайл?


Есть плагин какой-то, позволяющий обеспечить совместимость со старыми скинами? Или как заставить его считать, что эти файл не устарели?

Нету. Никак.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 06.01.2008
Откуда: Россия

Благодарю. В Console Launcher выставил 44kHz и все заработало.

ЗЫ Звуковуха у меня появилась недавно — разбираюсь что да как.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Как включить в album list отображение m3u файлов? В настройках ставлю расширение m3u, пропадают все файлы.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



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Регистрация: 04.10.2008
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m2896 писал(а):

Поставил плагин foo_out_asio на foobar 1.1.13. Когда выбираю в playbak->output->creative asio муз файлы не воспроизводятся и выдается сообщение «Unrecoverable playback error: Could not set sample rate to 44100 Hz».

почти то же самое, только карта просто Титаниум и частота дискретизации воспроизводимого файла 192 КГц (рип с винила), вылезает:
Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 192000 Hz not supported by this device
А сама карта вроде как может воспроизводить файлы 24 бит 192 КГц.
Упс, кажется понял:

http://ru.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=872&product=17927&nav=0 писал(а):

Поддержка и прямой мониторинг ASIO 2.0 с показателями 16 бит/44,1 кГц, 16 бит/48 кГц, 24 бит/44,1 кГц, 24 бит/48 кГц и 24 бит/96 кГц

т.е. выше чем 24 бит/96 кГц через ASIO не воспроизвести? Так и придётся кажись черех директ саунд воспроизводить)


Advanced member

Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 05.03.2003
Откуда: Россия,Поволжье

AntonSTR писал(а):

Так и придётся кажись черех директ саунд воспроизводить

Можно поставить плагин ресэмплер (вариант mod2) и прописать в его настройках только неподдерживаемые картой в режиме ASIO частоты дискретизации, например: 22050;24000;32000;192000.

С каждым днём всё радостнее жить.

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2021-07-25 16:23:29
Perhaps this is still being worked on, but I couldn’t find anything about it.

Problem: when playing a file with 352.8 kHz samplerate with the new built-in exclusive-mode output, I get the following error:

Unrecoverable playback error: Unsupported stream format: 352800 Hz / 32-bit / 2 channels (0x3)

It makes no difference if I set output format to 24 bits. Playing back this samplerate with the old WASAPI plugin used to work fine, and the display on the DAC confirmed it. Still works fine through ASIO. Probably the same would happen with 384kHz, but I don’t have a test file for that.

Using latest beta of 1.6.7, beta 16, but have also tried with beta 13. Same thing happens.
USB DAC: Grace Design m9xx. Can confirm by the way that this device also supports playing back a 32-bit float WavPack file via the new exclusive-mode output.

Properly supporting 352.8 kHz files is very important for playing back WavPack DSD files. When a real DSD output is not available, the WavPack decoder automatically decodes the DSD file to 352.8 kHz PCM.
I have tried first converting the WavPack DSD file to a 352.8 kHz PCM flac file, but the problem is the same. Therefore we can be sure the problem has nothing to do with the WavPack decoding / conversion step. If needed I can provide DSD or PCM test files.

Re: v1.6.7 beta 16: exclusive-mode output unrecoverable playback error with 352.8kHz

Reply #1 – 2021-07-27 17:12:31
Problem persists with 1.6.7 beta 17.

Re: v1.6.7 beta 16: exclusive-mode output unrecoverable playback error with 352.8kHz

Reply #2 – 2021-07-28 15:35:55

Problem persists with 1.6.7 beta 17.

same here. Had to revert to beta 2.

Re: v1.6.7 beta 16: exclusive-mode output unrecoverable playback error with 352.8kHz

Reply #3 – 2021-07-31 17:44:01
Works For Me

Old version attempted initializing playback with the intended specs without asking if the format is supported — new version asks politely first to negotiate the format, which should be all the same unless your driver is broken.

I guess I must have encountered this behavior before, hence the old version did what it did.

Re: v1.6.7 beta 16: exclusive-mode output unrecoverable playback error with 352.8kHz

Reply #4 – 2021-08-01 20:09:10

Problem persists with 1.6.7 beta 17.

same here. Had to revert to beta 2.

Interestingly, for me beta 2 also works. I tried from there to go up every beta version, and beta 7 is the first one that breaks it. Up until beta 6 352.8 kHz output works normally with XMOS drivers. The changelog says at beta 7 ‘Rewritten exclusive-mode WASAPI output from scratch.’ so I guess there the problem must be.

Works For Me

Old version attempted initializing playback with the intended specs without asking if the format is supported — new version asks politely first to negotiate the format, which should be all the same unless your driver is broken.

I guess I must have encountered this behavior before, hence the old version did what it did.

Thanks for the advice. I do have the XMOS driver (version 4.11.0, the latest Grace Design offers for my device) installed, because this makes it possible to use ASIO.
I have tried uninstalling the XMOS drivers, falling back to the Windows default USB Audio 2.0 Class drivers, and indeed, then playing 352.8 kHz works without problems again! So apparently, even though the device supports higher-than-192-kHz playback, the driver probably has some leftover bits somewhere saying that it doesn’t.

The XMOS USB chip is ubiquitous: many many USB DACs use it. While the devices work well with the default Windows driver, ASIO is not supported in that case. Perhaps it doesn’t have to be if WASAPI works flawlessly; nonetheless I think many users like to have the possibility to use both WASAPI and ASIO, for example for DSD playback with the external SACD plugin.
When the final version of 1.6.7 comes out, do you intend to still allow the old WASAPI plugin to be used? Because that one allows higher-than-192-kHz playback AND the user’s choice of WASAPI or ASIO. The current 1.6.7, beta 7 and later, do not: the user must choose between ASIO support with the XMOS driver, OR fully functional WASAPI support with the default Windows driver.
I guess the real question is: do you intend to implement the same workaround in the final 1.6.7 as currently exists in the old WASAPI plugin? Or do you intend to break the XMOS devices by leaving the workaround out of the final version?

Re: v1.6.7 beta 16: exclusive-mode output unrecoverable playback error with 352.8kHz

Reply #5 – 2021-08-01 20:33:24
I’ll address this for 1.6.7 final.
Also, I’ll allow old WASAPI plug-in to work without annoying popups, in case there are more issues like this.

Re: v1.6.7 beta 16: exclusive-mode output unrecoverable playback error with 352.8kHz

Reply #6 – 2021-08-01 21:00:14
Sounds great. A big sincere THANK YOU for all your work on this awesome program!

Re: v1.6.7 beta 16: exclusive-mode output unrecoverable playback error with 352.8kHz

Reply #7 – 2021-08-20 13:07:59

I’ll address this for 1.6.7 final.
Also, I’ll allow old WASAPI plug-in to work without annoying popups, in case there are more issues like this.

Unfortunately, still the same problem in the 1.6.7 final:
Unrecoverable playback error: Unsupported stream format: 88200 Hz / 24-bit / 8 channels (0xFF)
using XMOS

Playback error device in use

Unrecoverable playback error: Timeout

Описание: У вас проблемы с foobar2000 и вам необходима помощь? Спрашивайте здесь!
Правила раздела: Одна тема — один вопрос или группа связанных вопросов. Обязательно формируйте внятный заголовок, максимально отражающий суть. Подробно описывайте проблему. Не забывайте указать версию плеера, название сборки, по возможности добавить скриншоты проблемы.

str » 22.09.2013, 01:25

некоторое время назад начала появляться такая проблема: при первом старте фубара после загрузки винды плеер отказывается воспроизводить музыку и выдает такую информацию:
Код: Выделить всё UI Hacks: DLL-hijacking failed
UI Hacks: hooks status 0x028008
Watching: D:MUzzzLo
WSH Panel Mod (<729C95B2-70FF-421B-B5B6-7F5DE5A9450C>): initialized in 465 ms
Startup time : 0:07.692272
Album List refreshed in: 0:00.139851
Opening track for playback: «D:Video_bit_torrentThe KLF1991 The White Room1 — What Time Is Love (LP Mix).mp3»
Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful.
WASAPIHost64.exe unresponsive — terminating
Unrecoverable playback error: Timeout
Opening track for playback: «D:Video_bit_torrentThe KLF1991 The White Room2 — Make It Rain.mp3»
Unrecoverable playback error: Device in use
решается проблема запуском любого другого приложения со звуком (LA, игры).

хочется узнать, это проблема винды или плеера?

natrixx » 22.09.2013, 08:17

MrGrey » 22.09.2013, 20:51

Бывало такое именно сразу после включения/перезагрузки. бывало крайне редко, я не разбирался

Если закрыть фубар и открыть, то ошибки тоже не должно быть. И карта явно реалтек

str » 23.09.2013, 01:02

MrGrey » 24.09.2013, 12:18

str » 24.09.2013, 19:23

Проблемы с воспроизведением

Nika » 03.12.2013, 17:35

ghazan » 17.12.2013, 16:22

Yurnikos » 17.12.2013, 16:31


Playback error device in use

Фубар зависает на dsd.

Описание: У вас проблемы с foobar2000 и вам необходима помощь? Спрашивайте здесь!
Правила раздела: Одна тема — один вопрос или группа связанных вопросов. Обязательно формируйте внятный заголовок, максимально отражающий суть. Подробно описывайте проблему. Не забывайте указать версию плеера, название сборки, по возможности добавить скриншоты проблемы.

yuhan » 25.09.2018, 18:56

Возникла проблема при проигрывание dsd. Начинает запинаться , перехожу на следующий трек — играет. А бывает виснет глухо с такими сообщениями : Unrecoverable playback error: Could not start ASIO playback

Unrecoverable playback error: Could not start ASIO playback

Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 352800 Hz not supported by this device

Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 352800 Hz not supported by this device

Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 352800 Hz not supported by this device при этом обычный flac идет без проблем. В чём может быть причина ?

vladj » 25.09.2018, 22:39

yuhan » 26.09.2018, 12:23

vladj » 26.09.2018, 13:04

yuhan » 26.09.2018, 20:32

Azaza » 26.09.2018, 21:11

yuhan » 29.09.2018, 11:13

yuhan » 30.09.2018, 19:04

Sadovnik Muller » 30.09.2018, 20:14

Овцеухов » 30.09.2018, 21:16

yuhan » 01.10.2018, 20:27

Azaza » 01.10.2018, 21:18

Как бы WASAPI exclusive обеспечивает bit-perfect вывод, как и ASIO. ASIO реально нужно только при выводе потока на ЦАП в режиме Native DSD (т.е не DoP и не PCM).

Пугающим страшилками про медленные HDD на заметку: скорости тормозного WD green 5400 об/мин хватает даже для DSD1024, даже при работающем и раздающем (с маленькой скоростью отдачи) торренте.

yuhan » 13.10.2018, 20:32


[RESOLVED] The device is being used by another application

“The device is being used by another application” error is a rather common video and audio issue occurring on Windows devices. It is often related to an HDMI connection (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) and can come up when you are using a digital camera projector, monitor, or TV. The error message doesn’t seem to be related to any particular software or device. Even so, it is quite common for all Windows users.

So, what causes the “device is being used by another application” error? There can be many reasons behind this issue. However, in a lot of cases, it is related to corrupted audio drivers and other files that have been incorrectly installed on your PC.

Now, what can you do to get rid of the problem? Multiple fixes can be applied here like rolling back some software updates or, on the contrary, installing the latest ones. You may also want to update your system drivers and disable excluding application control. Below, we will look into solving the error in more detail.

How to Fix “The Device Is Being Used by Another Application” Error on Windows 10?

Once you get “the device is being used by another application” error, you will see this message:

“The device is being used by another application. Please close any devices that are playing audio to this device and then try again.”

The error message will stop you from running the application normally and you won’t be able to use your audio devices like microphones, speakers, headphones, etc. Naturally, this can be a big problem — and you will certainly want to get rid of the error right away.

Unfortunately, the error message itself doesn’t provide any information on how this issue can be solved. Luckily, we have a few ideas. Here are several fixes we suggest you try to get rid of the problem:

  • Restarting the audio device
  • Reverting your audio drivers to the previous version
  • Updating your drivers
  • Disabling exclusive application control

Now, let’s go over each of these methods in a bit more detail. Try each solution by following the steps below. If the first solution you try doesn’t work, simply move on to the next one. Let’s get started.

Fix One: Restart Audio Service

Restarting your audio service can fix the problem in just a few simple steps:

  • Use the Win+R key combo on your keyboard to launch Run.
  • Type in “services.msc” (no quotes) to open the Windows Services window.
  • Double-click Windows Audio.
  • Under Service status, click the Stop button.
  • When the service has stopped, click Start.
  • When the service starts up again, click OK.

If this doesn’t help solve the error on your PC, try the next fix.

Fix Two: Revert Your Audio Drivers to the Previous Version

  • Launch Run.
  • Type in “devmgmt.msc” (no quotes) and press Enter to bring up the Device Manager.
  • Find Sound, Video and Game Controllers and expand them.
  • Right-click your primary audio device.
  • Select Properties from the context menu.
  • Go to the Driver tab.
  • Select the Roll Back Driver option, then click OK.

Check if the error has been resolved. If not, move on to the next solution.

Fix Three: Updated Your Drivers

Outdated or corrupt drivers can be causing a lot of issues on your PC. So, if you are running into errors like “the device is being used by another application,” try updating your drivers to their latest available versions. Here’s how;

  • On your keyboard, use the Windows key + X key combo to bring up the Power User menu.
  • Select Device Manager from the list.
  • Find the Sound, Video and Game Controllers items and expand them.
  • Right-click your sound driver and then select Update Driver.
  • Select the ‘Search automatically download and install drivers for you’ option.
  • Next, restart Windows.

Note that if Windows can’t locate the needed drivers, you will need to do this manually. This means that you must head to the manufacturer’s website to find, download, and install the latest available driver versions. If you’ve never don’t this before, this process can be quite time-consuming and complicated. What’s more, if you install an incompatible driver, this can lead to even bigger issues for your system.

However, there is another way you can go about updating your drivers. You can do it automatically with the help of specialized software. This will make things much quicker and will also help you eliminate all associated risks. For this, you can use a program like Auslogics Driver Updater. Once installed, it will run a check of your system for outdated drivers. If any are located, Driver Updater will update them automatically to the latest available versions.

If you want to use Auslogics Driver Updater to update your drivers, you just need to do the following:

  • First, go to Auslogics Driver Updater’s official page.
  • Download the software.
  • Follow the prompts of the installation wizard.
  • Once the program has been successfully installed, go to Scan for Driver Issues.
  • Driver Updater will then scan your system to locate any outdated or faulty drivers.
  • If any such drivers are found, you will receive an update.
  • Next, press the Update Drivers button.
  • There you go — your drivers will be updated with no risk of anything going wrong.

Once you’ve made all the necessary updates, check if you are still running into the same problem. If you are, try the next fix.

Fix Four: Disable Exclusive Application Control

Disabling excluding application control can also be effective in getting rid of the error. Here’s how to proceed:

  • On your taskbar, right-click the speaker icon.
  • From the context menu, select Open Volume Mixer.
  • In the Volume Mixer dialog box, you will see all your applications that are currently using audio devices.
  • Note down these applications.
  • Use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combo on your keyboard to launch Task Manager.
  • In Task Manager, under the processes tab, locate the applications that you’ve noted down from the Volume Mixer dialog box.
  • Terminate these applications.
  • Next, right-click the speaker icon again to open the context menu.
  • Here, select Sounds.
  • Navigate to Playback.
  • Choose your default audio device.
  • Click Properties.
  • In the Advanced tab, uncheck the box next to the “Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device” option.
  • Click OK to confirm and restart your PC.

There you have it. We hope you now have several workable ideas for how to remove “the device is being used by another application” error message. At least one of the methods above should resolve the problem.

Which fix has worked the best for you? Please share in the comments below.


Fix: ‘Device in use’ error causes no sound in Windows 10/11

  • Many users reported not being able to play audio files in Windows 10 and getting a Device in use error message.
  • There are various problems with your PC that may cause this error, but generally nothing major.
  • Find below some tricks that will help you with this, such as updating or rolling back your drivers.
  • We also show how to use the Windows Troubleshooter in order to tackle this specific problem.

It looks like audio-related issues are some of the biggest problems in Windows 10. And one of the most common problems is the “Device in use” error.

According to Microsoft, this error is quite common in new Insider builds, but you could also face it in the stable versions. There’s still no official workaround, however. So, while the development team is investigating the issue, we’re going to try and fix the issue on our own.

How to fix “Device in use” error in Windows 10

  1. Use theAudio Troubleshooter
  2. Restart the Audio service
  3. Update the USB drivers
  4. Roll back the USB driver

1. Use the Audio Troubleshooter

The first thing we’re going to try is also the simplest one. We’ll let Windows 10’s own troubleshooting tool try and solve the issue for us. As this tool can be used for dealing with all sorts of issues, it will probably be helpful with the “Device in use” error, as well.

Here’s how to run Windows 10’s built-in troubleshooting tool:

  1. Open the Settings app and go to Update & Security section.
  2. Select Troubleshoot from the menu on the left.
  3. Select Playing Audio from the right pane and click Run the troubleshooter.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the troubleshooter.

2. Restart the Audio service

According to Microsoft, restarting the Audio service is probably the most effective solution to this problem. So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do now.

To restart the Audio service in Windows 10, do the following:

  1. Go to Search, type services.msc, and open Services
  2. Find Windows Audio from the list of services
  3. Right-click it, and choose Restart
  4. Wait for the service to restart

3. Update the USB drivers

The “Device in use” error can also be caused by an inappropriate or outdated audio driver that’s installed on your computer. So, the next thing we’re going to try is updating your audio drivers. If you’re not sure how to do that, follow these instructions:

  1. Right-click the Start and select Device Manager.
  2. Navigate to Universal Serial Bus controllers and expand this section.
  3. Right-click your graphics device and open Properties.
  4. Select the Details tab.
  5. From the drop-down menu, open HardwareIds.
  6. Copy the first row and paste it into your browser’s address bar.
  7. The search results should show you the exact drivers you’ll need to install.

3.1 Update drivers automatically

Searching for drivers on your own can be time-consuming. So, we advise you to use a tool that will do this for you automatically.

Using an automatic driver updater will certainly save you from the hassle of searching for drivers manually, and it will always keep your system up to date with the latest drivers.

We recommend you give DriverFix a try because it is very easy to use, lightweight, and is proven to always find the corresponding driver version for your software.

On top of that, you can use it to have a fully automated driver management system. It uses up very few resources, so you can let it run in the background and regularly check on your drivers and update them when necessary.

4. Roll back the USB driver

On the other hand, maybe you installed a faulty driver, and that’s what’s causing the “Device in use” error. If you suspect that might be the case, go on and roll back your current audio driver. And here’s how to do that:

  1. Right-click Start and open Device Manager.
  2. Navigate to Sound, video, and game controllers.
  3. Right-click your audio device and open Properties.
  4. Open Driver tab.
  5. Click Roll Back Driver.
  6. Wait until the procedure finishes and restart your PC.

Now, check if you can hear audio from your computer. If Microsoft’s advice were correct, your problem should be fixed now. However, if the problem still persists, you should our article about audio issues in Windows 10, for even more solutions.

If you’ve tried everything we told you in this article, let us know about your results in the comments. Also, if you know about some workaround that we didn’t list here, please don’t hesitate to write it down below.


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Posted by2 years ago


I recently was looking for a fix to not working decoding of DSD256 files on iFi Zen Dac, and found some archived posts with no solutions, and I though I’d share the one working for me.
So basicly what you do is follow the iFi instructions but instead of using foo_out_asio you use foo_out_asio+dsd and thats all. It should be working for most DACs but I dont have any way of testing it. Hope it helps someone.

level 2

Bingo. THANK YOU so MUCH!!!!!!

level 1

Out of curiosity, did it work (prior to your fix) if you used WASAPI instead of ASIO?

level 1

Do you have the dsd processor installed as well? I literally just solved this for my Fiio Q1 yesterday.

level 2

Only SACD Decoder and that ASIO+DSD plugin

level 1

I know the definately solution for that problem for foobar2000 and native dsd 256, I found the solution last week. Pm me if ur interested.

level 1

Glad this situation was sorted for you with some trial and error on your end! Let me know if there’s anything more I can do to help and enjoy your Zen DAC :)


level 1

Hello, thanks for this post! I did it fine, and I can decode DSD256 now.

In the other hand, the colours of the volume knob didn’t change to cyan or blue while playing DSD. You made that work too?


level 2

That’s strange, for me they are changing without any additional steps. Maybe try to install newest possible firmware? If that doesn’t help maybe ask the iFi under their comment here.

level 1

Thanx! It worked for me!

Also i had to turn off smooth seeking and fading

level 1

I have Ifi Zen Dac v2 and I’m having the same problem, I’ve tried all the possible solutions but still the «Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 705600 Hz not supported by this device» is showing.


level 1

This solution works perfectly! I had been struggling for the past day trying to understand the reason for dsd256 not playing and the wrong sample rate reporting in the ifi control panel while playing dsd128. Ifi should update their foobar2000 setup guide to mention the correct plugin

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