Unrecoverable playback error sample rate of 705600 hz not supported by this device

Добавлено: 30.10.2004 21:28
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СообщениеДобавлено: 30.10.2004 21:28 



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Последняя финальная версия

Show yourself and die like a man

Последний раз редактировалось Rider 21.02.2007 11:34, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).




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Регистрация: 24.09.2011
Откуда: Москва

fatfree писал(а):

Мой новый объект поклонения: …

Не плох. Звучок понравился!
Плюс — управляется «Майкрософтовским» пультом.
Огромный минус — при нажатии в проводнике на кнопку «воспроизвести все», ни хрена не происходит, если файлов много. При небольшом количестве — нормуль.
Просто минус — ни разу — не гламурная — иконка звуковых вайлов — «пчела». Не эстэтично! Можно залезть в «экзешник» утилитами, махнуть икони, но не «айс»!!!



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 26.10.2011
Откуда: Novomoskovsk

Что может быть, играет трек и бац вместо музыки в колонках шум, спектрограмма почти на месте стоит, а трек проигрываемый замирает… Вот ссылка —

http://narod.ru/disk/48141067001.cc18ae … F.mp4.html

, звуковая карта ASUS Xonar D1, вывожу звук через ASIO(24 bit, 10ms).

Origin, Steam — SergMab



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Регистрация: 29.11.2008
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Фото: 8

Подскажите плиз, что надо поставить чтобы сабж воспроизводил FLAC 2.0?

Т.е. аудио кодек: FLAC 2.0 24bit 88kHz, не хочет воспроизводить.

Freedom is not free. Rights are not Gifts from Government!
Настоящая сила идет не столько от боевых навыков, сколько от достоинства и самоуважения



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Регистрация: 18.08.2010
Откуда: Архангельск
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Аналогичная проблема — 24/88.2 воспроизводиться только если выставить источник DS или ASIO. Если стоит WASAPI воспроизводить отказывается.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 11.03.2005
Откуда: Россия

Как сделать чтобы отображались треки в общем файле flac с названиями песен, например как в aimp. На скрине покажу: #77




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Регистрация: 06.02.2007
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в фубаре запущен .flac в аимп .cue



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Регистрация: 24.08.2008

имею Ludovico Einaudi — Discography, в каждой папке по одному flac файлу, и при воспроизведении именно этого FLAC-файла в трек листе фубара отображается с десяток треков.
Так что Valera22 ради эксперимента, попробуйте поставить «заводскую» стоковую версию и попробовать на ней



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Регистрация: 06.02.2007
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Udjin-18 у меня заводская стоит, не отображает по отдельности.
Видимо от самих файлов зависит, возможно некоторые в себе несут разметку или что токае



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 11.03.2005
Откуда: Россия

Keyco Спасибо! Действительно если в фубаре открыть .cue, то всё нормально, хотя в аимп тоже запускался файл .flac, но почему то в результате оказался .cue, может аимп автоматом подхватывает…
Есть ещё у меня .ape формат, тоже не отображались треки, нашёл, что надо изменить для проигрывания .ape файла в foobar2000, редактируем содержимое .cue как текстового файла (открыть с помощью блокнота) и заменить расширение файла в строке
FILE «Название файла.wav» WAVE
FILE «Название файла.ape» WAVE
и тогда тоже всё отображает. А на счёт качества звука, мне фубар понравился, раньше пользовался аимп, а недавно решил попробовать фубар и был приятно удивлён качеством звука, теперь только фубар, просто огорчало, что нет отображения треков, но теперь всё прекрасно.

Заводской тоже пробовал, одинаково, я не знал, что надо запускать именно .cue, сейчас и заводской и сборка всё нормально.




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Регистрация: 30.12.2011

реально импортировать total time played в другую сборку?

В старой — Menu>Library>Playback Statistics>Export Statistics…
В новой — Menu>Library>Playback Statistics>Import Statistics…
не помогло



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Существует ли плагин для foobar2000 автоопознавания треков, если слушаешь через него радио? Каждый раз запарно на питер.фм лазить.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Kuja Это что за плагин? С английским плохо.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Хочется установить новый скин для foobar, но на официальном сайте не нашёл обложек. В гугле нашёл, но при установке пишет, что для данной версии она не совместима, оно и понятно — 4 года назад добавлена. Есть плагин какой-то, позволяющий обеспечить совместимость со старыми скинами? Или как заставить его считать, что эти файл не устарели? Речь идёт о скине DarkSide of foobar2000.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



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Регистрация: 06.01.2008
Откуда: Россия

Подскажите плз, что не так. Поставил плагин foo_out_asio на foobar 1.1.13. Когда выбираю в playbak->output->creative asio муз файлы не воспроизводятся и выдается сообщение «Unrecoverable playback error: Could not set sample rate to 44100 Hz».
Карта Creative X-Fi Titanium HD.



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Регистрация: 06.01.2005
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Карта в режиме Audio Creation? В Console Launcher частота выставлена в 44kHz?
Что за аудиофайл?


Есть плагин какой-то, позволяющий обеспечить совместимость со старыми скинами? Или как заставить его считать, что эти файл не устарели?

Нету. Никак.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 06.01.2008
Откуда: Россия

Благодарю. В Console Launcher выставил 44kHz и все заработало.

ЗЫ Звуковуха у меня появилась недавно — разбираюсь что да как.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 30.07.2009
Откуда: SPb ✈ Miami

Как включить в album list отображение m3u файлов? В настройках ставлю расширение m3u, пропадают все файлы.

Saint-Petersburg ✈ Monte-Carlo ✈ Miami



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 04.10.2008
Откуда: 110110010001​
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m2896 писал(а):

Поставил плагин foo_out_asio на foobar 1.1.13. Когда выбираю в playbak->output->creative asio муз файлы не воспроизводятся и выдается сообщение «Unrecoverable playback error: Could not set sample rate to 44100 Hz».

почти то же самое, только карта просто Титаниум и частота дискретизации воспроизводимого файла 192 КГц (рип с винила), вылезает:
Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 192000 Hz not supported by this device
А сама карта вроде как может воспроизводить файлы 24 бит 192 КГц.
Упс, кажется понял:

http://ru.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=872&product=17927&nav=0 писал(а):

Поддержка и прямой мониторинг ASIO 2.0 с показателями 16 бит/44,1 кГц, 16 бит/48 кГц, 24 бит/44,1 кГц, 24 бит/48 кГц и 24 бит/96 кГц

т.е. выше чем 24 бит/96 кГц через ASIO не воспроизвести? Так и придётся кажись черех директ саунд воспроизводить)


Advanced member

Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 05.03.2003
Откуда: Россия,Поволжье

AntonSTR писал(а):

Так и придётся кажись черех директ саунд воспроизводить

Можно поставить плагин ресэмплер (вариант mod2) и прописать в его настройках только неподдерживаемые картой в режиме ASIO частоты дискретизации, например: 22050;24000;32000;192000.

С каждым днём всё радостнее жить.

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New desktop USB DAC&AMP — FiiO K3 (E30),384K/32b,DSD DOP,typeC

I recently received k3. It is amazing dac. But have one problem with it. Has anyone have tried K3 in windows 10 pc. Don’t know why LED color doesn’t change when i am changing from 48 to 192 khz or higher. Using foobar 2000. It changes only when i manually set in windows speaker properties — default format (for example 48, 192, or other). Only then led color changes. Does it mean that k3 doesn’t recognize input that is coming in from pc? For example i have tried to play from my android mobile using as a usb dac- everything is fine. LED color changes according the input it receives. Why then it doesn’t changes automatically in windows 10 pc. So if somebody has this new k3 and tried in windows pc configuration, can share their experience? Other than this little problem i am more than happy with my k3. It is really amazing dac/amplifier.

Are you using the WASAPI or ASIO pluggin? Make sure you’re outputting through the correct device, check your PreferenceOutputDevice. For example — PreferenceOutputDeviceWASAPI (EVENT) : Schiit Jotunheim

Good luck!

Are you using the WASAPI or ASIO pluggin? Make sure you’re outputting through the correct device, check your PreferenceOutputDevice. For example — PreferenceOutputDeviceWASAPI (EVENT) : Schiit Jotunheim

Good luck!

Thanks a lot ! Seems it helped. Installed WASAPI and set output to wasapi K3 (push) because WASAPI (EVENT) option made some distortions when playing 192 khz( don’t know why). Now led of K3 is changing color automatically as it should be according input it receives. By the way asio i installed didn’t had K3 option so i couldn’t set it to go trough asio to K3 directly in foobar 2000. Only see asio for my sound card of pc. With wasapi this option in foobar2000 output appeared after installation.
So one more time thanks for help, going to try how k3 accepts dsd streams now. Very happy k3 user, fiio are making incredible things in this price region.

Thanks a lot ! Seems it helped. Installed WASAPI and set output to wasapi K3 (push) because WASAPI (EVENT) option made some distortions when playing 192 khz( don’t know why). Now led of K3 is changing color automatically as it should be according input it receives. By the way asio i installed didn’t had K3 option so i couldn’t set it to go trough asio to K3 directly in foobar 2000. Only see asio for my sound card of pc. With wasapi this option in foobar2000 output appeared after installation.
So one more time thanks for help, going to try how k3 accepts dsd streams now. Very happy k3 user, fiio are making incredible things in this price region.

Dear friend,

Are you using the DS output previously? If yes, the output frequency is depended by the settings in windows speaker properties of K3.
If you are using ASIO output(please install the DAC driver first) instead, the output frequency will be depended by the music file itself.
How to play DSD format when the K3 is connected with the computer: https://www.fiio.com/newsinfo/130090.html

Best regards

Dear friend,

Are you using the DS output previously? If yes, the output frequency is depended by the settings in windows speaker properties of K3.
If you are using ASIO output(please install the DAC driver first) instead, the output frequency will be depended by the music file itself.
How to play DSD format when the K3 is connected with the computer: https://www.fiio.com/newsinfo/130090.html

Best regards

Thanks for help, yes first i have used DS output so now i know that should use different output. I also made settings according the given instructions in the link. Everything works fine with asio output now, but there is some problem left with DSD 256, Till DSD 256 everything works just fine. Dsd 64, 128 works without problem. But when trying to play DSD 256 version receive «Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 705600 Hz not supported by this device». Perhaps the newest foobar version that i am using is making this, because according the instruction it should work after setting everything correct. But this instruction was written when foobar version was Foobar2000(v1.3.8). Now foobar2000 is 1.4.1 (maybe it’s not supported now). Because i found that some guy with Q1 M2 dac had the same problem with dsd 256. Don’t know if he have solved it. Somebody with K3 and DSD256 version, could share their experience, are you getting the sound in foobar 2000?

Hello, I want to buy a DAC for my PC. I currently own the following headphones/IEM’s: Grado SR80e, Marshall Major III wired, KZ ZSN, KZ AS10. I am using Foobar2000 + ASIO4ALL driver + FLAC files but I am not satisfied by the sound quality.
What do you recommend between the Fiio K3 and the FX-Audio DAC-X6? I am asking specially the people that have had both of the devices in test.

Last edited: Dec 25, 2018


Hello, I want to buy a DAC for my PC. I currently own the following headphones/IEM’s: Grado SR80e, Marshall Major III wired, KZ ZSN, KZ AS10. I am using Foobar2000 + ASIO4ALL driver + FLAC files but I am not satisfied by the sound quality.
What do you recommend between the Fiio K3 and the FX-Audio DAC-X6? I am asking specially the people that have had both of the devices in test.

The K3 is the better option IMO: DSD support, smaller footprint, gain settings, bass boost. The only reason the X6 would be better is if you need the optical input / RCA output.

Thanks for help, yes first i have used DS output so now i know that should use different output. I also made settings according the given instructions in the link. Everything works fine with asio output now, but there is some problem left with DSD 256, Till DSD 256 everything works just fine. Dsd 64, 128 works without problem. But when trying to play DSD 256 version receive «Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 705600 Hz not supported by this device». Perhaps the newest foobar version that i am using is making this, because according the instruction it should work after setting everything correct. But this instruction was written when foobar version was Foobar2000(v1.3.8). Now foobar2000 is 1.4.1 (maybe it’s not supported now). Because i found that some guy with Q1 M2 dac had the same problem with dsd 256. Don’t know if he have solved it. Somebody with K3 and DSD256 version, could share their experience, are you getting the sound in foobar 2000?

Dear friend,

You may try the 1.3.8 version in our website to see if it helps: https://www.fiio.com/newsinfo/130090.html
Not sure whether you have install all the components needed if you are using v1.4.1.

Last edited: Dec 27, 2018

sample rate.jpg

Dear friend,

You may try the 1.3.8 version in our website to see if it helps: https://www.fiio.com/newsinfo/130090.html
Not sure whether you have install all the components needed if you are using v1.4.1.

Best regards

Still no luck with older version. Asio isn’t playing native dsd (no sound) only with PCM i can play DSD format, but it converts it to PCM. So returned to newest version. There wIth DSD wasapi output i can play dsd till 128 option, but no 256 (receive error).
Interesting thing in Foobar it shows when i am playing DSD file — sample rate as it should be, but in Fiio control panel window i see when playing 128 DSD -sample rate 352800HZ. I made photo where it is shown. Why fiio control panel reporting incorrect different sample rate data. K3 dac shows green light so it should receives full DSD signal.

Dear friend,

I am not sure whether you have set correctly.
Please try this foobar directly to see if it helps: http://fiio-file.fiio.net/DSD/foobar2000.zip (no need to install, just unzip and you could use directly.)
Please switch the output to ASIO:foo-dsd-asio if the software failed to play your DSD file.




Best regards

  • upload_2018-12-28_11-37-48.png


    15.9 KB

    · Views: 0

Last edited: Dec 27, 2018



Dear friend,

I am not sure whether you have set correctly.
Please try this foobar directly to see if it helps: http://fiio-file.fiio.net/DSD/foobar2000.zip (no need to install, just unzip and you could use directly.)
Please switch the output to ASIO:foo-dsd-asio if the software failed to play your DSD file.

Best regards

Thank for trying to help. Downloaded, unziped your file. Opened foobar2000 from there, found foo_dsd_asio. Checked it, then opened few dsd files to play, but it is terminated. Receive the message in the screen. But it doesn’t play anything, even simple music files, the same message. When i set to different output — FIO ASIO driver, then i receive sound but only with files till DSD (44 -192 KHZ). With DSD it is playing but i receive silence. Perhaps could arrange some connection to my pc trough TeamViewer to check settings. Thanks

So after extensive testing and trying to play native DSD on K3 (with windows 10) using foobar2000 and can say that it’s not supported as it should be. Tried everything, every possible configuration. Few remarks.
1. First — K3 doesn’t work with ASIO : foo_dsd_asio output component. So don’t know why in every instruction i found on internet is written that you should check this output.
2. It works with ASIO: Fiio ASIO driver output, but no DSD support with this output option
3. It also works with DSD: ASIO: Fiio ASIO driver output, but plays only till 128DSD. Trying to play DSD256 — receiving error :Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 705600 Hz not supported by this device. Also this option works but only in PCM mode, so maximum sample rate i am receiving is 352800 HZ when playing dsd128. As it should be 5644800 Hz natively. This i see on Fiio control panel Asio status:


So after all i think is here some fiio drivers issue as it’s a new product or foobar . But at the moment you cant play K3 DSD natively with foobar or any other way as fiio states. Installed everything according official instructions few times, so all needed components are installed. Plays only after installation of latest FiiO_USB_DAC_Driver-V4.47.0, but with them only in PCM mode, so no native dsd support. That’s current status. Don’t know if anyone have managed to play DSD natively with foobar. if yes — please share — what settings and does it really plays DSD256 with native sample rate (not PCM mode).


So after extensive testing and trying to play native DSD on K3 (with windows 10) using foobar2000 and can say that it’s not supported as it should be. Tried everything, every possible configuration. Few remarks.
1. First — K3 doesn’t work with ASIO : foo_dsd_asio output component. So don’t know why in every instruction i found on internet is written that you should check this output.
2. It works with ASIO: Fiio ASIO driver output, but no DSD support with this output option
3. It also works with DSD: ASIO: Fiio ASIO driver output, but plays only till 128DSD. Trying to play DSD256 — receiving error :Unrecoverable playback error: Sample rate of 705600 Hz not supported by this device. Also this option works but only in PCM mode, so maximum sample rate i am receiving is 352800 HZ when playing dsd128. As it should be 5644800 Hz natively. This i see on Fiio control panel Asio status:

So after all i think is here some fiio drivers issue as it’s a new product or foobar . But at the moment you cant play K3 DSD natively with foobar or any other way as fiio states. Installed everything according official instructions few times, so all needed components are installed. Plays only after installation of latest FiiO_USB_DAC_Driver-V4.47.0, but with them only in PCM mode, so no native dsd support. That’s current status. Don’t know if anyone have managed to play DSD natively with foobar. if yes — please share — what settings and does it really plays DSD256 with native sample rate (not PCM mode).

Sorry if this has been suggested already but have you checked the audio device settings in Windows?

Annotation 2018-12-31 004537.jpg

Sorry if this has been suggested already but have you checked the audio device settings in Windows?

Hello, yes these setting are set as in your pic. So maximum what i can set there is 384000 hz, as windows support only this. But DSD should go higher. Exclusive mode is set also. So this part is correct as it should be. Thanks for it anyway.


Hello, yes these setting are set as in your pic. So maximum what i can set there is 384000 hz, as windows support only this. But DSD should go higher. Exclusive mode is set also. So this part is correct as it should be. Thanks for it anyway.

I used to get frustrated with Foobar200 too. Now I use JRiver and it’s so much simpler, even though I rarely listen to DSD files.

I used to get frustrated with Foobar200 too. Now I use JRiver and it’s so much simpler, even though I rarely listen to DSD files.

I understand you as dsd also not so important to me. But just trying to make everything work as it should be. As fiio states that it should play till dsd256. But with foobar is some unexplainable problems. For me it also seem a little bit complicated with foobar2000. Forhaps need to try other programs. Just to make sure it works till max as it should :) Never have used jriver. Does it support dsd ?

(Last updated 07/02/2023)

For a guide on how to losslessly compress DSD file size by 50% very easily with Wavpack 5.x, BatchEncoder and SACD plugin 1.04 (or later) click –> HERE <–

This tutorial is divided in two sections, the first one is intended for those who have DACs that support DSD and want to configure Foobar to play and output DSD. The second section (scroll down) is  for those who either have PCM only DACs or for some reason want their DSD files to be converted to PCM.


Since version 0.9.8 the SACD plugin outputs DSD only in DoP format either through WASAPI or through ASIO. There are still some people who are confused by how DoP works and probably because “PCM” is involved they think there is some sort of intermediate format conversion involved but there is not. DSD stays DSD all the time. Let me try to explain as simply as I can the difference between native DSD and DoP.

Imagine you want to send a pair of shoes to some one. There are two courrier companies available, one will take them “as is”, the other requires them to be in a box in order to accept them. The former is clearly more efficient at managing space in the transport van and can transport more goods in each trip than  the latter which is not as efficient as the boxes takes more space. When the shoes arive at their destination, if the efficient courrier was used they can be used straight away as delivered, if the less efficient courrier was used it will be necessary to remove teh shoes from the box before they can be used but in both cases the shoes would be exactly the same pair. In this example DoP would be the shoe box, it is just a “wrapper” to trick non native DSD compatible USB chips into delivering DSD by making them believe they are transporting PCM. Another chip inside the DAC will strip this wraper and send the native DSD to the decoding chip. This process is less efficient as it requires much more USB bandwidth (van space in the example) thus lowering the maximum supported DSD sample rate. Most DoP only DACs tend to be limited to 384K PCM which means DSD128 will be the maximum DSD rate. DACs supporting native DSD  can easily achieve DSD256 or even DSD512. Thankfuly it is possible to output native DSD should one want to thanks to either through the old foo_asio_dsd proxy or through the newer DSDTranscoder which is easier to setup and performs just as well.

I will consider three different configuration objectives in the following sections ordered from simplest to most complex:

  1. Bit perfect with DoP output
  2. Bit perfect with native DSD output
  3. Bit perfect DSD plus  “PCM to DSD” upsampling

For the time being I will keep the two old foo_dsd_asio  modes (now renamed to mode 4 and 5) in case some one has trouble with the DSDTranscoder component but they will be eventually removed as they are now redundant.

last 10 SACD Plugin 1.x releases log:

02/07/23: Version 1.5.4 – DSD512, DSD1024 playback fixed.

02/02/23: Version 1.5.3 – Excessive trace fixed.

11/01/23: Version 1.5.2 – DSD/PCM transition delay added.

09/05/22: Version 1.5.1 – Dark mode support added.

09/01/22: Version 1.5.0 Experimental: foobar2000 v2.0 support.

06/20/22: Version 1.4.13 – SACD ISO last area sector reading fixed.

06/14/22: Version 1.4.12 – DSD to PCM converter fixed.

06/07/22: Version 1.4.11 – Experimental: Seamless DSD to PCM for multiple converter threads.

04/29/22: Version 1.4.10 – ReplayGain scan at 0 dB gain again.

04/27/22: Version 1.4.9 – ReplayGain handling is reverted back to 1.3.1 version.

  • Mode 1: Bitperfect

Using this configuration, all PCM and DSD formats will be sent “as is” (ie. unprocessed) to the DAC. 

Once the SACD plugin zip file is dowloaded from his Sourceforge site (https://sourceforge.net/projects/sacddecoder/files/foo_input_sacd/) the contents need to be extracted to a folder and installed (see Part 1 of the tutorial). For Bitperfect mode only “foo_input_sacd.fb2k-component” needs to be installed.

Important note:  Remember the plugin only supports standard DoP format for DSD. Some older DACs may no support this mode.

First step  would be configuring the plugin to use “DSD output” or “DSD+PCM” modes. Go to the menu “File” and click “Preferences”, in the left pane of the window that pops up look for Tools and, if closed, click the “+” sign to the left of the word to expand it and then click on SACD:


The difference between “DSD” and “DSD+PCM” is that the latter will send a converted to PCM stream to Foobar so graphic add-ons like VU-meters, spectrographs and so on will work as they do when playing regular PCM files

Other available items are:

  • Preferable Area: Options are: – None: it will show all available tracks on the SACD – Stereo: only stereo tracks are displayed – Multi channel: limits shown tracks to multi channel ones
  • Editable tags: Yes/No
  • Edited Master Playback: Yes/No
  • Store Tags With ISO: Yes/No (it actually doesn’t write to the ISO, it stores tag info in the plugin folder)
  • Linked 2CH/MCH Tags: When selected, tag editing of ISO files will apply to both stereo and multi channel versions of the track/tracks saving time.

Second step would be selecting to our preference or our DAC’s driver options in my case “ASIO: iFi USB Audio Device” as Foobar’s output device:


  • Mode 2:  Bitperfect outputting native DSD through DSDTranscoder

If your DAC has ASIO drivers compatible with native DSD it is possible to strip the DoP output from the SACD plugin of its PCM wrapper using the DSDTranscoder component and send native DSD instead.

To enable this, run the installer from the DSDTranscoder folder of the extracted SACD plugin location or download the component  from https://sourceforge.net/projects/sacddecoder/files/dsd_transcoder/ , extract the content from the zip and run  the DSDTranscode executable file, accept all default options until installation is complete.

Last 5 DSDTranscoder releases:

01/15/21: Version 1.1.5 – Driver reinitialization when switching between DSD and PCM modes.

01/04/21: Version 1.1.4 – Async mode option added.

12/01/20: Version 1.1.3 – Negative values for “Transition (ms)” option supported.

11/22/20: Version 1.1.2 – Control panel shows for detached devices.

11/13/20: Version 1.1.1 – Start/Stop reentrance fixed again.

Open Foobar, go to “File” in the menu and select “Preferences” then look for “Output” and select the component as the output device as shown here:


Next, to configure the DSDTranscoder double click it in the ASIO devices:


The following pop up window will appear:


At this point you can set the desired output mode individually for each DSD input rate and sample rate family (44.1K or 48K) so it can accomodate every DAC’s supported formats.

My iFi iDSD micro supports native DSD through ASIO up to DSD512 but only for 44.1K based sample rates like SACD rips or upsampled CDs, for 48K based sample rates like those generated by upsampling 16/48, 24/96 or 24/192KHz to DSD it only supports up to DSD256 through DoP. With this component it takes very little time and effort to configure all 44.1K family to output native DSD and leave all 48K family in bypass (leaving the default dash, “-“).

  • Mode 3:  Upsampling with the new “DSD Processor” component (v. 1.1.1 or newer)

Version 1.0.0 of the plugin introduced an component named “DSD Processor” which provides a very simple way to upsample PCM and/or DSD to DSD (though purists be warned, DSD to DSD upsampling involves an intermediate PCM conversion step). As with the plugin by itself, “standard” DoP is the only available output so it may limit sample rate choice options for those using DACs that perform better with “native DSD” e.g.  Amanero adapter based DACs or the iFi iDSD micro (See Mode 2 for native or mixed DoP/native output).

Version 1.1.1 introduces two new user configurable fields (Window Length and Window Type) plus the possibility of performing sample rate conversion in the upsampling process, more on these a few paragraghs down.

In order to enable the DSD Processor it needs to be selected in the SACD plugin configuration pane:


Then proceed to the “DSD Processor” pane and check the “Use DSD Processor” box:


Now you can configure the output you want for each input indepedently. In the capture above all PCM input formats are upsampled to DSD256 using “SDM type D” without resampling their fundamental frequency and with no “Sample & Hold” but all incomming DSD is left unprocessed.

a) The “Output” column sets the output sample rate and should not be configured to output rates beyond the maximum soported DoP rate of your DAC.


When upsampling DSD Processor allows the user to choose whether to upsample using the same fundamental as the source or change to the alternative one.  If one doesn’t want resampling, output should be set to any of the rates that don’t have the “/48” at the end for 44.1KHz based sources (44.1, 88.2, 176.4 and 352.8KHz) and with it for 48KHz based music (48,96,192 and 384KHz). This can be a very useful option for those who own DACs that do not support 48KHz based DSD or those who want to experiment with the the different combinations de processor engine offers.

b) Windows Length: refers to Sample Rate Converter (Low frequency FIR, Fc is set to 0.5 Fs) Lentgh measured in samples. Value can range from 8 to 8,192 samples with the default being 27 (which is the recommended value). Increasing the lentgh value makes the filter steeper narrowing transition area (between passband and stopband), flatter passband and ading more suppression in stopband but it has the downside of increasing “ringing” (because of more fluctuation in transition area) and a heavier CPU load for longer windows.

c) Window Type:

The following values can be chosen:


The dafult value is Hann (v. 1.1.2, in v. 1.1.1 default value is Rectangular and not recommended). For in depth information please  see here:  Window Function

d) The “Converter” coulmn sets the algorithm to be used for upsampling. Four different algorithms to convert PCM to DSD based on Philips ProTech tools are provided.:


There are no details as to how each of them works and Philips only provides the following table:


It is up to you to test and decide which one you like best or works best in your system though types “B” and “D”are good starting points

c) The “Sample & Hold” column provides an alternative upsampling version for power limited computer processors. Turning on “Sample & Hold” just propagates one PCM sample several times in SDM. It is a “cheap” way of up-sampling “at no cost” to get 2.8 or 5.6 MHz PCM. It’s for PCM->DSD and DSD->DSD. Only suited to low performance systems. Available options are:


The number defines the times each sample is held. Default value is 8X which is recommended for the least powerful CPUs, if your computer can handle it NONE the prefered option

d) The “Precission” field refers to the type of number used to perform all upsampling calculations. Options are 32 bit floating point (32fp), 64 bit floating point (64fp) and integer (Int). Default value is 32fp.

OLD MODES (for those with DACs not compatible with the DSDTranscoder)
  • Mode 4: upsampling with the plugin and the “foo_dsd_asio” proxy

Note: In order to use this mode requires your DAC needs to have ASIO drivers

Since the plugin is not included any longer in the plugin zip file, it needs to be downloaded separately from here ( version 0.9.4 is strongly recommended), decompressed to a folder and installed separately as a any other program.

The advantages of using this Mode 3 over Mode 2 are:

  • Three selectable DoP modes instead of one: Standard DoP – 0x05/0xFA, dCS – 0xAA and eXD
  • Native DSD output available
  • Mixed output modes depending on input, useful in case your DAC supports different sampling rates depending on base frquency like most XMOS based DACs which do not support native DSD if it is 48K based but accept 48K based DoP
  • Selectable transition silence between formats
  • Trace file creation for error debugging

Proxy releases:

11/03/16: Version 0.9.4 – DoP to native DSD path fixed.

11/01/16: Version 0.9.3 – DoP256/DoP512 samplerates added. (Broken functionality. Do not use)

08/09/16: Version 0.9.2 – DSD256/DSD512 converter samplerates fixed.

08/05/16: Version 0.9.1 – DoP input handled.

09/04/15: Version 0.8.3 – Stereo playback for mono DSD sources added.

08/31/15: Version 0.8.2 – More detailed tracing, reset button added.

08/25/15: Version 0.8.1 – Floating point SDMs.

05/29/15: Version 0.7.3 – ASIO API tracing for downstream driver added.

04/06/15: Version 0.7.2 – Bypass for unsupported samplerates in PCM to DSD converter.

05/12/14: Version – DSD/PCM switching fixed.

05/08/14: Version – Experimental: PCM upsampler is removed from DSD to DSD converter.

05/05/14: Version 0.7.1 – Experimental: DSD to DSD converter, DSD path redesigned.

07/29/13: Version 0.6.5 – Optional delay when switching between DSD and PCM modes.

05/06/13: Version 0.6.4 – PCM to DSD multithreading, floating point SDMs.

04/24/13: Version 0.6.3 – PCM to DSD converter fixed.

04/22/13: Version 0.6.2 – Incompatibility with foo_input_sacd 0.6.4 fixed.

03/26/13: Version 0.6.1 – Experimental: PCM to DSD for x48000 samplerates (requires comatible DSD DAC).

10/31/12: Version 0.6.0 – Experimental: PCM to DSD converter added.

Once the plugin has been installed, the first step will be selecting it as Foobar’s output device:


Then go to ASIO and double click foo_dsd_asio:


A new independent window appears where the component can be configured to preference (make sure you select your DAC ASIO driver under “ASIO Device)”:


As you can see this is almost identical to the “DSD Processor” configuration pane though it has an additional column for “DSD Mode” selection and the mentioned additional options for format to format transition “Transition (s)” and “Debug Output”.

Please see Mode #2 for details on how to configure columns a,b & c.

d) The “Output mode” column has the following options:


  • DSD -> Native DSD output, if supported by your DAC it is the most bandwidth efficient mode. This is a very convenient way to convert DoP from the SACD plugin to native DSD. Recommended whenever possible.
  • DoP -> standard DSD over PCM (0x05/0xFA) marker. If your DAC supports DoP only it is most likely you will need to select this one. Also very convenient for XMOS based DACs that don’t support 48KHz based DSD through native DSD like iFi DACs. Is the one I use to upsample 48, 96 or 192KHz PCM to DoP DSD256 for my iDSD micro as can be seen in the screen capture.
  • dCS AA-> DoP marker for dCS DACs (0xAA)
  • exD AA/BB -> DoP marker for exD DACs

Note: Since the SACD plugin outputs DSD in DoP format,  foo_asio_proxy will process incoming DSD as per the configuration set for the incomming PCM sample rate:

  • Incoming DSD64 in DoP format will use the upsampling configuration for 176400
  • Incoming DSD128 in DoP format will use the upsampling configuration for 352800
  • Incoming DSD256 in DoP format will use the upsampling configuration for 705600
  • Incoming DSD512 in DoP format will use the upsampling configuration for 1411200

So should you want to leave DSD unprocessed make sure you have all these PCM  rates with no up/downsampling configured like in the shown screen capture. This may be a little of a nuisance if you have plenty 176.4 or 352.8K PCM music you want to convert to DSD but  presently there is no alternative solution other than resampling these files with SOX to a 48KHz base, e.g. 176.4K->192K and 352.8->384K.

  • Mode 5: Hybrid upsampling with both DSD Processor and the “foo_dsd_asio” proxy

Note: In order to use this mode requires your DAC needs to have ASIO drivers

For the most demanding users Mode 4 provides a little extra tweaking possibilies the previous 3 modes can’t. On the other hand, tough the combination of both components provides the highest degree of flexibility though it may in some cases be less stable.

One example of what can be done with this mode is upsampling 176.4 or 352.8 KHz PM to DSD while being able to output true DSD without intermediate conversions. This cannot be done in any of the previous modes as this sample rates are shared by PCM and DSD64/128 in DoP mode output by the plugin.

Depending on the maximum DSD rate your DAC supports this means upsampling 176.4 and/or 352.8KHz PCM to DoP DSD256 or DSD512 in the DSD Processor component leaving those sample rates free in the foo_dsd_asio proxy for stripping DSD64/128 coming in 176.4/352.8 DoP from their PCM wrapper.

This is how the above would look like aiming to upsample all PCM to the maximum DSD rate supported by my iFi iDSD micro (native DSD512 for 44.1 based PCM and DSD256 DoP for 48K based PCM) while leaving DSD unmolested:

DSD Processor configuration:


Foo_dsd_asio configuration:


….and the missing DSD512 line (Proxy window is not resizeable):


In the table below you can see in red where PCM is upsampled to DSD and in blue where DoP to converted to native DSD.

Source SACD Plugin -> DSD Processor -> foo_dsd_asio Proxy
Output Input Output Input Output
44.1 PCM same as source same as source same as source same as source DSD512
48 PCM same as source same as source same as source same as source (DoP DSD256)
88.2 PCM same as source same as source same as source same as source DSD512
96 PCM same as source same as source same as source same as source (DoP DSD256)
176.4 PCM same as source same as source (DoP DSD512) (DoP DSD512) DSD512
192 PCM same as source same as source same as source same as source (DoP DSD256)
352.8 PCM same as source same as source (DoP DSD512) (DoP DSD512) DSD512
384 PCM same as source same as source same as source same as source (DoP DSD256)
DSD64 (DoP DSD64) (DoP DSD64) (DoP  DSD64) (DoP DSD64) DSD64
DSD128 (DoP DSD128) (DoP DSD128) (DoP DSD128) (DoP DSD128) DSD128
DSD256 (DoP DSD256) (DoP DSD256) (DoP DSD256) (DoP DSD256) DSD256
DSD512 (DoP DSD512) (DoP DSD512) (DoP DSD512) (DoP DSD512) DSD512

Using this configuration, all DSD formats will be sent as PCM to the DAC.

Once the SACD plugin zip file is dowloaded from his Sourceforge site (https://sourceforge.net/projects/sacddecoder/files/foo_input_sacd/) the contents need to be extracted to a folder and installed (see Part 1 of the tutorial). Only  the “foo_input_sacd.fb2k-component” needs to be installed.

First step  would be configuring the plugin to use “PCM” as output mode.

Go to the menu “File” and click “Preferences”, in the left pane of the window that pops up look for Tools and, if closed, click the “+” sign to the left of the word to expand it and then click on SACD:


Since Version 1.0.6 a LFE configuration option has been added:


Once PCM is selected from the drop down list it will be possible to configure the desired PCM options such as:

  • PCM Volume: Compensates for the lower volume of most SACDs compared to PCM files. Can be configured to any desired value from +0 to +6dB. Choose by personal preference unless you get distortion, recommended value is +0dB because it leaves more headroom to avoid conversion overloads but it may make DSD tracks sound quieter and can be annoying in a mixed PCM/DSD playlist. If only SACD ISOs or SACD-R is used, there is a replay gain database file that can be used to normalize volume levels.
  • LFE: Allows to adjust the Low Frequency Effects channel (aka the .1 in 5.1 multi-channel recordings) output level when converting to PCM. This can be very useful when sending DSD converted to PCM to a multi-channel receiver which may apply a +10dB boost or a -10dB reduction to this channel. Possible values are -10dB, pass through or “As is” and +10dB.
  • Sample rate: 44.1KHz, 88.2KHz, 176.4KHz or 352.8KHz, ideally as high as our DAC allows.
  • Log Overloads: Registers in a file DSD-PCM over 0dB errors, interesting to know if PCM Volume sttings over deafult +0dB is producing errors even if not hearable.
  • DSD2PCM mode, avilable options are:
    • Multistage (32fp) and (64fp): Being SSE coded it doens’t demand much from the CPU, 32fp means 32 bit floting point and 64 well, you guessed it, the same but using 64 bit precission for calculations
    • Direct (32fp, 30KHz LF) and (64fp, 30KHz LF): The name says it so no extra description needed, this one is also SSE optimized. Being 30KHz low pass filtered means all DSD noise above that frequency is removed and does not reach the amp. A very good balance between SQ and CPU usage.
    • Installable FIR (32fp & 64fp): these allow custom filters to be used for the DSD->PCM conversion. Some sample FIR filters with different Freq cut points are provided along with the plugin inside the “Filters” folder created when extracting the plugin the zip. Those with the required knowledge can write their own filters using a program like Mathlab and use them here. If this option is selected the “Load” button will be enabled and when clicked it will open a window to point where the filter files we want to upload are located.

Included filter files in the plugin zip file are:


Other available items are:

  • Preferable Area: Options are: – None: it will show all available tracks on the SACD – Stereo: only stereo tracks are displayed – Multi channel: limits shown tracks to multi channel ones
  • Editable tags: Yes/No
  • Edited Master Playback: Yes/No
  • Store Tags With ISO: Yes/No (it actually doesn’t write to the ISO, it stores tag info in the plugin folder) Linked 2CH/MCH Tags: When selected, tag editing of ISO files will apply to both stereo and multi channel versions of the track/tracks saving time.
  • Linked 2CH/MCH Tags: Tags added to a SACD ISO will be shared between stereo and multichannel tracks

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