Update rc d error permission denied

Ошибка «Permission denied» в Linux Все операционные системы семейства Linux имеют четко разграниченные права доступа. В своей домашней директории пользователь может делать все, что ему угодно, до тех пор, пока укладывается в отведенные рамки. Попытка выйти за них приводит к появлению ошибки «Permission Denied». Изменение прав в терминале Рассмотрим вариант, в котором необходимо прочесть […]


  1. Ошибка «Permission denied» в Linux
  2. Изменение прав в терминале
  3. Изменение прав в файловом менеджере
  4. В заключение
  5. Linux- Permission denied?
  6. 1 Answer 1
  7. How to fix ‘permission denied’ error in Linux? [Solutions]
  8. What is Linux Permission Denied Error?
  9. How To Fix Permission Denied Error in Linux?
  10. Representation of permissions
  11. Symbolic representation
  12. How to Solve Bash Permission Denied?
  13. Conclusion
  14. console error message: /etc/rc.conf: /root: Permission denied on boot
  15. afreeb
  16. wblock@
  17. afreeb
  18. wblock@
  19. afreeb
  20. wblock@
  21. afreeb
  22. afreeb
  23. afreeb
  24. wblock@
  25. afreeb
  26. afreeb
  27. How To Resolve Permission Denied Error On Ubuntu/Debian?
  28. Method 1: Sudo command missing
  29. Method 2: Insufficient permissions to access the files
  30. Method 3: Change ownership of the file

Ошибка «Permission denied» в Linux

Все операционные системы семейства Linux имеют четко разграниченные права доступа. В своей домашней директории пользователь может делать все, что ему угодно, до тех пор, пока укладывается в отведенные рамки. Попытка выйти за них приводит к появлению ошибки «Permission Denied».

Изменение прав в терминале

Рассмотрим вариант, в котором необходимо прочесть текстовый документ, созданный другим пользователем. Файлы TXT в Linux можно просматривать непосредственно в терминале с помощью команды «cat».

    Заходим в каталог с интересующим нас документом. Набираем команду «cat filename», подставляя вместо «filename» имя нужного файла. На скриншоте показана ошибка «Permission Denied», выглядящая в русской локализации как «Отказано в доступе».

Получаем ошибку «Permission Denied» при попытке просмотреть содержимое файла

Проверяем права доступа к документу используя команду «ls -l»

Используем команду «chmod» и административные права для получения доступа

Просматриваем содержимое текстового документа командой «cat»

Изменение прав в файловом менеджере

Разберемся, как выполнить рассмотренную выше операцию в графическом интерфейсе, используя файловый менеджер из дистрибутива.

    Как видно на скриншоте, значок файла изначально имеет дополнительные символы, указывающие на то, что доступ у нему ограничен. При попытке посмотреть содержимое получаем графический вариант ошибки «Permission Denied».

При попытке открыть текстовый документ получаем ошибку «Permission Denied»

Открываем меню «Файл» и перезапускаем файловый менеджер от имени root

Набираем пароль root в окне аутентификации

Открываем параметры файла с помощью контекстного меню

На вкладке «Права» разрешаем доступ для группы root и остальных пользователей

Открываем ранее недоступный файл в режиме чтения и изучаем содержимое

В заключение

Как видим, избавиться от ошибки Permission Denied достаточно просто. Решив изменить правда доступа к системным файлам, лишний раз убедитесь, что полностью уверены в своих действиях и понимаете последствия вносимых изменений.


Linux- Permission denied?

I’m installing Neo4j server as a linux service, but when I install it, I get the following message:

What is this? What should I do? I’m running everything with sudo .

Update — Scenario:

I had installed it properly the first time, but then I moved the neo4j-directory to a different location.

The neo4j-service was not recognized now.

I removed the neo4j-service manually by removing from /etc/init.d and then running update-rc.d -f neo4j-service remove

When I re-install it said /sbin/insserv no such directory, so I googled and did this:

ln -s /usr/lib/insserv/insserv /sbin/insserv

Now when I re-install it — it says /sbin/insserv: Permission denied

Using Ubuntu.


Permissions on neo4j install script:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 username username 15K Feb 27 09:38 neo4j


When I do a ls -lah on /sbin :

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 May 15 20:29 insserv -> /usr/lib/insserv

and a ls -lah on /usr/lib :

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Feb 14 03:37 insserv

1 Answer 1

rsuarez makes some good points about your init/upstart configuration. However, it is not clear if you are getting the same error when running the insserv program as root manually. There are two things you can do to debug the insserv permissions directly:

  1. See if the /sbin/insserv command gives the same error when running from a command line manually
  2. If you get the same permission denied from #1, try to run it with strace to see what file or permissions it is failing on. If #1 does not give you permission denied, then follow the rsuarez and @TomO’Connor guidance to look at the potential upstart or Neo4j problems because it is probably not directly related to the /sbin/insserv binary.


How to fix ‘permission denied’ error in Linux? [Solutions]

When you are working with the Linux Operating system then a common error occurs i.e. permission denied, In this article, you will get to know about how to ‘permission denied’ error in Linux?[linux permissions denied]

List of content you will read in this article:

In Linux operating system, you cannot execute any command without proper permission. Every file and directory has some permission or privilege (read, write, or execute) associated with them. If you are not authorized to access the file or directory, executing any command on that will result as a “permission denied” error in Linux. This prevalent common can only be resolved by getting the proper access to that file and directory. In this article, we will help you with how to fix the permission denied errors in Linux and what type of error is this with the help of various Linux commands.

What is Linux Permission Denied Error?

This type of error will occur whenever you run a command for which you do not have the execute permission. Similarly, you cannot perform read or write action if you do not have read or write permission for any file or directory . These Linux permissions are the primary reason behind the security of Linux, as they will help in protecting the data from unauthorized access.

Linux system has three types of permissions

1. read permission

2. write permission

3. execute permission

So, if you want to solve a Linux permission denied error, you can check your privileges for the specific file or folder using the following command.

This command will display the long listing of all files and folders along with the permission, as shown below.

As shown below, we have created a shell script “hello.sh” without the execute permission. On executing “hello.sh”, you will get a “permission denied” error.

How To Fix Permission Denied Error in Linux?

For solving this error, you need to add the correct permissions to the file to execute. However, you need to be a “root” user or have sudo access for changing the permission. For changing the permission, Linux offers a chmod command. The chmod stands for change mod. This command has a simple syntax, as shown below.

  • Flags are the additional options that users can set.
  • Permissions can either be read, write or execute in the file. You can represent them in symbolic form (r, w, and x) or octal numbers.
  • The Filename specifies the file’s name for changing the permissions.

Representation of permissions

Below is the symbolic and octal representation of the user’s permissions while executing the “chmod” command. First, we will understand the representation before using it.

Symbolic representation

chmod u=rwx,g=r,o=r file

  • r specifies the read permissions
  • w specifies the write permissions
  • x specifies the execute permissions
  • Octal representation-

chmod 744 file

  • 4 specifies the read permissions
  • 2 specifies the write permissions
  • 1 specifies the execute permissions
  • 0 means no permissions issued.

How to Solve Bash Permission Denied?

Now, we are aware of the error, as shown below.

Giving the appropriate permission to the user will solve the problem. Thus, we are giving the execute permission to the user to run the “hello.sh” shell script. Execute the below command to provide execute permission.

chmod +x hello.sh

Now, we can see the change in the permission of the “hello.sh” script file. The above command provides the execute permission to the file. As you can see, the root user can make the required changes. If we execute the shell script, we should not get the error. Let’s try by running the below command.

After executing the “hello.sh”, we get the output that displays the “hello.” Changing permission has solved the problem of bash permission denied.


If you are a regular Linux user, you might have faced the “permission denied” error while executing various commands. This might be due to the incorrect privileges to run that command. Only a root user or user with sudo access can change the permissions for the file or directory you want to access or execute. If you are the correct user to make the required permission changes, you can run the “chmod” command and add the desired permission.

This is all about how you can solve/fix permission denied errors in Linux with the help of the above-listed commands/methods. If you think there are other alternatives to achieve the goal, you can put them down via the comment box. Also, you can buy a Linux VPS server to run and test the above listed commands.


console error message: /etc/rc.conf: /root: Permission denied on boot


would greatly appreciate some assistance with this problem.

I’ve been using FreeBSD for about 10 years but this issue has me stumped!

In the midst of upgrading to a new server with FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p0 and so far so good but I am having the following issue and can not track it down.

Upon boot up I get about 20-30 messages on the console stating:

All of my services which I have enabled in rc.conf and rc.local load fine..

When I log in and try to start some of the other services manually I get the message:

(such as # ./etc/rc.d/dmesg start)

I don’t know what to do here, no entries in /var/log/messages to assist in the answer..

Please help, Thanks.



rebooted into single user mode and fsck’d all drive partitions with no problems to correct, all marked clean. same issue upon boot.



As an aside, I took apart the /etc/rc.d/dmesg file and tried to run each line from /bin/sh. When I did this, i got the permission denied on the second to last line in the file if that helps at all.


Okay, so it’s not rc.conf, but access to other directories the rc scripts are trying to read. What are the permissions on /root and /?
# ls -ld / /root

Have you set securelevel in /etc/rc.conf? Or some other security setting, like ACLs?



Another possible clue

Ok, so I tried to run the following command on a working install of FreeBSD:

When I run it on the working system i just get a # returned BUT when I run this on the problematic system I get the message:





I’ve tracked the problem down and have fixed it.

What was happening was that the rc.subr file was attempting to «Source» the rc.conf file as a part of its operations.

what happened was that I had copied (copy/paste w/ a laptop) from an old server to my new server so I knew what I needed to do, what I didn’t realize was that I had accidentally copied a tilde

so in vi it just looked like a blank line, but when the /bin/sh attempted to source the file it read the error, every time a new rc.d service was started.

Anyway, I fixed the file, removed the tilde and problem solved.


How To Resolve Permission Denied Error On Ubuntu/Debian?

Linux is a community of open-source Unix-like operating systems that are based on the Linux Kernel. Linux distributions are constructed in such a secured way that a user cannot make changes unless he/she has administration access. Users who are first time exploring Linux encounter the problem of Permission being Denied. In this article, we will learn how to fix them with the following methods.

  • Sudo command missing
  • Insufficient permissions to access the files
  • Change ownership of the file

Let’s explore all the methods one by one.

Method 1: Sudo command missing

Step 1: This is one of the very common mistakes that experienced Linux users also make and has nothing wrong with your system or files. The sudo command allows you to access the files, and folders, and change settings that are accessible to only a root user. For example, here we are installing a new application and the user who is installing should be a root user.

First, we enter the command

And we get the following error.

Step 2: Now add the sudo command, after entering the following command, you are required to enter the password.

The output is as follows:

Method 2: Insufficient permissions to access the files

Step 1: Some files don’t have the required permission for accessing. In the following example, we want to read a file but we don’t have sufficient permissions.

Step 2: Now we will change the access permission using the chmod command. The +rwx adds the read-write access.

The output is as follows

The chmod has the following commands:

  • r: It means the read permission.
  • w: It means write permissions
  • x: It means execution permissions.
  • +: It provides permission.
  • : It removes the permission.

Method 3: Change ownership of the file

This also gives a Permission Denied error to a user in a mixed system when the user doesn’t have the access to a particular file. We can add users using the chown command.

Step 1: First, check the users who have access using the following command.

Only a single user and a single group have access to read, write and execute as can be seen in the output.

Step 2; Now add the user geeks using the following command.

Now check the owners of the file. The output is as follows:

So the user geeks now has the access to the text file.


I am trying to run a process as a daemon

Why is update-rc.d failing ?

When I update my script in init.d directory using update-rc.d command.
I get following error.

$ update-rc.d vscpd_startup_script defaults
update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K01fake-hwclock): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/fake-hwclock, ../rc0.d/K02fake-hwclock): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K08umountroot): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/umountroot, ../rc0.d/K09umountroot): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K02sendsigs): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/sendsigs, ../rc0.d/K03sendsigs): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K04umountnfs.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/umountnfs.sh, ../rc0.d/K05umountnfs.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K03rsyslog): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rsyslog, ../rc0.d/K04rsyslog): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K07umountfs): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/umountfs, ../rc0.d/K08umountfs): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K06hwclock.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/hwclock.sh, ../rc0.d/K07hwclock.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K01triggerhappy): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/triggerhappy, ../rc0.d/K02triggerhappy): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K01ifplugd): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/ifplugd, ../rc0.d/K02ifplugd): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K06networking): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/networking, ../rc0.d/K07networking): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K05rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rpcbind, ../rc0.d/K06rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K05nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/nfs-common, ../rc0.d/K06nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K09halt): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/halt, ../rc0.d/K10halt): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K01urandom): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/urandom, ../rc0.d/K02urandom): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K01lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/lightdm, ../rc0.d/K02lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc0.d/K01alsa-utils): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/alsa-utils, ../rc0.d/K02alsa-utils): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/vscpd_startup_script, ../rc0.d/K01vscpd_startup_script): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K01fake-hwclock): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/fake-hwclock, ../rc1.d/K02fake-hwclock): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K03rsyslog): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rsyslog, ../rc1.d/K04rsyslog): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K01triggerhappy): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/triggerhappy, ../rc1.d/K02triggerhappy): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K01ifplugd): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/ifplugd, ../rc1.d/K02ifplugd): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K05rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rpcbind, ../rc1.d/K06rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K05nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/nfs-common, ../rc1.d/K06nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K01lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/lightdm, ../rc1.d/K02lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc1.d/K01alsa-utils): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/alsa-utils, ../rc1.d/K02alsa-utils): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/vscpd_startup_script, ../rc1.d/K01vscpd_startup_script): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc2.d/K05rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rpcbind, ../rc2.d/K06rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc2.d/K05nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/nfs-common, ../rc2.d/K06nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc2.d/K01lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/lightdm, ../rc2.d/K02lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/vscpd_startup_script, ../rc2.d/S04vscpd_startup_script): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc3.d/K05rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rpcbind, ../rc3.d/K06rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc3.d/K05nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/nfs-common, ../rc3.d/K06nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/vscpd_startup_script, ../rc3.d/S04vscpd_startup_script): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc4.d/K05rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rpcbind, ../rc4.d/K06rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc4.d/K05nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/nfs-common, ../rc4.d/K06nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/vscpd_startup_script, ../rc4.d/S04vscpd_startup_script): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc5.d/K05rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rpcbind, ../rc5.d/K06rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc5.d/K05nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/nfs-common, ../rc5.d/K06nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/vscpd_startup_script, ../rc5.d/S04vscpd_startup_script): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K01fake-hwclock): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/fake-hwclock, ../rc6.d/K02fake-hwclock): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K08umountroot): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/umountroot, ../rc6.d/K09umountroot): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K02sendsigs): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/sendsigs, ../rc6.d/K03sendsigs): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K04umountnfs.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/umountnfs.sh, ../rc6.d/K05umountnfs.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K03rsyslog): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rsyslog, ../rc6.d/K04rsyslog): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K07umountfs): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/umountfs, ../rc6.d/K08umountfs): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K06hwclock.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/hwclock.sh, ../rc6.d/K07hwclock.sh): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K01triggerhappy): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/triggerhappy, ../rc6.d/K02triggerhappy): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K01ifplugd): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/ifplugd, ../rc6.d/K02ifplugd): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K06networking): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/networking, ../rc6.d/K07networking): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K05rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/rpcbind, ../rc6.d/K06rpcbind): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K05nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/nfs-common, ../rc6.d/K06nfs-common): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K09reboot): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/reboot, ../rc6.d/K10reboot): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K01urandom): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/urandom, ../rc6.d/K02urandom): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K01lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/lightdm, ../rc6.d/K02lightdm): Permission denied
insserv: can not remove(../rc6.d/K01alsa-utils): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/alsa-utils, ../rc6.d/K02alsa-utils): Permission denied
insserv: can not symlink(../init.d/vscpd_startup_script, ../rc6.d/K01vscpd_startup_script): Permission denied
insserv: fopen(.depend.stop): Permission denied

init.d directory Script is as following :——

# Provides: vscpd
# Required-Start: $all
# Required-Stop: $all
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start vscpd at boot
# Description: This command is used to run daemon vscpd

set -e


test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

case "$1" in
    log_begin_msg "Starting VSCP daemon: $NAME"
    [ -d /var/run/vscpd ] || mkdir -p /var/run/vscpd
#    start-stop-daemon --start --background -m --pidfile /var/run/vscpd.pid --exec $DAEMON && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg 1
     start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/vscpd.pid --exec $DAEMON && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg 1

    log_begin_msg "Stopping VSCP daemon: $NAME"
     start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 15 --signal 15 --pidfile /var/run/vscpd.pid --oknodo --exec $DAEMON && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg 1

    $0 stop
    $0 start

    log_begin_msg "Reloading $NAME configuration files"
    start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile /var/run/vscpd.pid --signal 1 --exec $DAEMON && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg 1
    log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart|reload}"
    exit 1

exit 0

Все операционные системы семейства Linux имеют четко разграниченные права доступа. В своей домашней директории пользователь может делать все, что ему угодно, до тех пор, пока укладывается в отведенные рамки. Попытка выйти за них приводит к появлению ошибки «Permission Denied».

Изменение прав в терминале

Рассмотрим вариант, в котором необходимо прочесть текстовый документ, созданный другим пользователем. Файлы TXT в Linux можно просматривать непосредственно в терминале с помощью команды «cat».

  1. Заходим в каталог с интересующим нас документом. Набираем команду «cat filename», подставляя вместо «filename» имя нужного файла. На скриншоте показана ошибка «Permission Denied», выглядящая в русской локализации как «Отказано в доступе».

    Ошибка «Permission Denied»

    Получаем ошибку «Permission Denied» при попытке просмотреть содержимое файла

  2. Проверяем права доступа к содержимому каталога, набрав «ls -l». Результат, полученный для текстового документа, выделен рамкой. Разрешение на чтение и запись имеет только его владелец.

    Просмотр прав доступа командой «ls»

    Проверяем права доступа к документу используя команду «ls -l»

  3. Набираем команду «sudo chmod 755 filename». С ее помощью мы от имени администратора системы даем разрешение на чтение документа себе и любому другому пользователю. Проверяем результат выполнения и убеждаемся, что права доступа изменились нужным образом.

    Изменение прав доступа командой «chmod»

    Используем команду «chmod» и административные права для получения доступа

  4. Повторно используем «cat» и читаем ранее недоступное содержимое.

    Просмотр текстового файла командой «cat»

    Просматриваем содержимое текстового документа командой «cat»

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

Изменение прав в файловом менеджере

Разберемся, как выполнить рассмотренную выше операцию в графическом интерфейсе, используя файловый менеджер из дистрибутива.

  1. Как видно на скриншоте, значок файла изначально имеет дополнительные символы, указывающие на то, что доступ у нему ограничен. При попытке посмотреть содержимое получаем графический вариант ошибки «Permission Denied».

    Графический вариант ошибки «Permission Denied»

    При попытке открыть текстовый документ получаем ошибку «Permission Denied»

  2. Разворачиваем меню «Файл». Выбираем в списке действий «Открыть как Администратор».

    Переключение файлового менеджера в режим root

    Открываем меню «Файл» и перезапускаем файловый менеджер от имени root

  3. Вводим в отмеченное стрелкой поле пароль root. Нажимаем кнопку «Аутентификация» или клавишу Enter.

    Окно аутентификации root

    Набираем пароль root в окне аутентификации

  4. В новом окне файлового менеджера вызываем контекстное меню для нужного файла. Выбираем в нем пункт «Параметры».

    Контекстное меню файлового менеджера

    Открываем параметры файла с помощью контекстного меню

  5. Переключаемся на вкладку «Права». Меняем разрешения для группы и остальных пользователей. Для последних выберем в качестве примера «Только чтение». Внеся изменения, закрываем окно параметров.

    Вкладка «Права» в свойствах файла

    На вкладке «Права» разрешаем доступ для группы root и остальных пользователей

  6. Теперь текстовый документ будет открываться в выбранном нами режиме «Только чтение», без возможности редактировать содержимое.

    Файл, открытый в режиме чтения

    Открываем ранее недоступный файл в режиме чтения и изучаем содержимое

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

В заключение

Как видим, избавиться от ошибки Permission Denied достаточно просто. Решив изменить правда доступа к системным файлам, лишний раз убедитесь, что полностью уверены в своих действиях и понимаете последствия вносимых изменений.

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

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