Upgrade firmware error firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter

Форумы и техподдержка лаборатории Комендант: Страница - Обновление прошивки Panasonic KX-HDV130 - Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.

Тема: Обновление прошивки Panasonic KX-HDV130 — Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.

14.01.20 9:06  



Приветствую участников форума.
Аппарат KX-HDV130 версия ПО 08.101. Не могу обновить до версии 11.100 — ошибка Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.
Вставляю ссылку, всё как по инструкции, но идет ошибка. До версии 08.101 обновил, а до последней никак

По ссылке перехожу, файл скачивается.

Что не так делаю?

[ #1 ]  14.01.20 10:42  



ошибка Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.

Что не так делаю?

Установили запрет на обновление и пытаетесь обновляться.
Сбросьте аппарат в заводские установки и обновите ПО.
Без сброса — не помню где, эта установка активирована.

[ #2 ]  14.01.20 10:59  



В файле конфигурации, что касается обновления указано только

## Firmware Update Settings

Когда указывал параметр FIRM_UPGRADE_ENABLE=“Y”, телефон перегружался циклично и не мог установить прошивку.

Согласно Вашей рекомендации сбросил настройки, указал путь к обновлению, ошибка не появилась, телефон перегрузился, но телефон не прошился.

[ #3 ]  14.01.20 10:59  



В файле конфигурации, что касается обновления указано только

## Firmware Update Settings

Когда указывал параметр FIRM_UPGRADE_ENABLE=“Y”, телефон перегружался циклично и не мог установить прошивку.

Согласно Вашей рекомендации сбросил настройки, указал путь к обновлению, ошибка не появилась, телефон перегрузился, но телефон не прошился.

[ #4 ]  14.01.20 11:07  



Установите в локальной сети http сервер, к примеру hfs.
На него выложите две части 11.100.fw.part1 и 11.100.fw.part2.
Выключите всякие антивирусы и фаерволы. Должно обновится.
Не помню ни разу, чтоб были проблемы с обновлением ПО.

[ #5 ]  14.01.20 12:38  



Всё получилось!

[ #6 ]  14.01.20 12:39  



Получилось обновить ПО из локальной сети?

[ #7 ]  15.01.20 11:35  





  1. Upgrade firmware error firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter
  2. Как обновить прошивку на телефонах Panasonic серии KX-HDV
  3. Тема: Обновление прошивки Panasonic KX-HDV130 — Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.
  4. What should I do if fail to upgrade the firmware of my TP-Link router?
  5. Looking for More
  6. Upgrade firmware error firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter
  7. Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware
  8. Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware
  9. Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware
  10. Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware
  11. Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware
  12. Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware
  13. How to Upgrade the Firmware on the TP-Link Wi-Fi Routers
  14. Case 1. If your TP-Link router cannot support TP-Link Cloud service, please upgrade the firmware manually.
  15. Case 2. If your TP-Link router supports Cloud service, you do not have to manually download and install the firmware any longer. Simply click the Upgrade icon and the router itself will complete the whole process automatically.
  16. Online upgrade through web management page:

Upgrade firmware error firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter

Как обновить прошивку на телефонах Panasonic серии KX-HDV

Прежде чем приступать к прошивке данных аппаратов удостоверьтесь, что ссылки на скачивание работают.

Для аппаратов KX-HDV100 или KX-HDV130 (обе ссылки):

Для аппаратов KX-HDV230:

Для аппаратов KX-HDV330:

Для аппаратов KX-HDV430:

Для аппаратов KX-TGP600RU:

Доступ на веб-интерфейс телефона по умолчанию выключен, поэтому его нужно включить через экранное меню телефона. Такое поведение характерно для SIP-телефонов Panasonic.

Включим русский язык в экранном меню: Menu –> Basic Settings –> Display Option –> Language –> РУССКИЙ и ОК.

Определим IP адрес, который получил телефон по DHCP:

Mеню –> Системные Настр. –> Статус –> Настройки IPV4 –> IP-Адрес

Для открытия веб-интерфейса нажмите Mеню –> Базовые Настр. –> Прочее –> Встроенный Web, выберете “Включить” для “Встроенный Web”, затем нажмите ОК.

Для доступа в веб-интерфейс телефона предусмотрено два уровня доступа “пользователь” — для просмотра и изменения некоторых настроек и полный доступ уровня “администратор”, который может настраивать любые параметры устройства, нас интересует уровень администратора. Для доступа к веб-интерфейсу телефона просто откройте IP-адрес в веб-браузере

В открывшемся окне авторизации введите следующие данные:

Имя пользователя: admin

Мы попадаем на страницу статуса телефона, где содержится информация о модели телефона и версии встроенного ПО телефона.

Для обновления программного обеспечения Вам необходимо выбрать пункт верхнего меню Maintenance.

Внимание! Телефон должен иметь доступ к интернету!

В левом меню выбираем пункт Upgrade Firmware:

В поле Firmware File URL указать адрес ссылки:

Для аппаратов KX-HDV100 или KX-HDV130 (обе ссылки):

Для аппаратов KX-HDV230:

Для аппаратов KX-HDV330:

Для аппаратов KX-HDV430:

Для аппаратов KX-TGP600RU:

и нажать кнопку Update Firmware

Дальше телефон перезагрузится и начнётся процедура обновления прошивки.

Процесс обновления может занять некоторое время. На протяжении данного времени НИ В КОЕМ СЛУЧАЕ не отключайте оборудование от электропитания!

По техническим вопросам обращайтесь на наш e-mail (master@ats.by)

ПрофТелеком — Как обновить прошивку на телефонах Panasonic KX-HDV100RU | KX-HDV130RU | KX-HDV230RU | KX-HDV330RU | KX-HDV430RU Официальный дилер в РБ!


Тема: Обновление прошивки Panasonic KX-HDV130 — Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.

Приветствую участников форума.
Аппарат KX-HDV130 версия ПО 08.101. Не могу обновить до версии 11.100 — ошибка Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.
Вставляю ссылку, всё как по инструкции, но идет ошибка. До версии 08.101 обновил, а до последней никак

По ссылке перехожу, файл скачивается.

Что не так делаю?

ошибка Error : Firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter.

Установили запрет на обновление и пытаетесь обновляться.
Сбросьте аппарат в заводские установки и обновите ПО.
Без сброса — не помню где, эта установка активирована.

В файле конфигурации, что касается обновления указано только

## Firmware Update Settings

Когда указывал параметр FIRM_UPGRADE_ENABLE=“Y”, телефон перегружался циклично и не мог установить прошивку.

Согласно Вашей рекомендации сбросил настройки, указал путь к обновлению, ошибка не появилась, телефон перегрузился, но телефон не прошился.

В файле конфигурации, что касается обновления указано только

## Firmware Update Settings

Когда указывал параметр FIRM_UPGRADE_ENABLE=“Y”, телефон перегружался циклично и не мог установить прошивку.

Согласно Вашей рекомендации сбросил настройки, указал путь к обновлению, ошибка не появилась, телефон перегрузился, но телефон не прошился.


What should I do if fail to upgrade the firmware of my TP-Link router?

This article will show you how we can handle the case of failing to upgrade the firmware on TP-Link devices.

Part I: Online Upgrade

Step 1: Check whether the TP-Link device supports online upgrades or not. Only devices which support the TP-Link Cloud service have an online upgrade function. You may check the following compatibility list:

Step 2: Confirm the internet connectivity of the TP-Link device. Only devices which connect to the internet successfully could upgrade the firmware online smoothly.

Step3: Change the DNS Server manually. Try manually assigning a static DNS server to the router WAN/Internet. You may try some popular public DNS servers, such as Google’s or CloudFlare’s Please refer to the following screenshot.

Step 4: Try to upgrade firmware locally or manually by downloading the latest firmware on the computer. Please refer to How to upgrade the firmware on TP-Link devices?

Part II: Manual/Local Upgrade

Case1. The error message “unable to upgrade”.

Step 1: Verify the format of the latest firmware. After downloading the latest firmware from the TP-Link official website, you should extract that folder first. The correct format of firmware should be a bin file.

Step 2: check whether you have downloaded the correct firmware version for your TP-Link device.

1. Check the model number, hardware version, EU or US version of TP-Link device by referring to How to find the hardware version on a TP-Link device?

Reminder: Please upgrade firmware/software from the local TP-Link official website of the purchase location for your TP-Link device, otherwise it may cause upgrade failure or mistakes and be against the warranty.

2. Select the corresponding hardware version on the download website.

Case2. The progress bar is stuck

1. We suggest you wait for 5minutes to see if the progress is finished.

2. Try to refresh the web page first. Then upgrade again.

3. Try to change another web browser(Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Chrome and etc) to upgrade.

Notes: If there is a sudden power outage during the upgrade, there is a high chance that the router will become a bridge. At this point, you may refer to How to use webpage firmware recovery if the router become brick (new logo)?

If the above suggestions cannot help you out, please contact TP-Link technical support with the following info:

1. The model number, hardware version, current firmware version of TP-Link device;

2. The firmware version downloaded from TP-Link official website;

3. The screenshot of error info is displayed on the firmware upgrade page.

To get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.

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Click here to contact TP-Link technical support.


Upgrade firmware error firmware version is fixed by configuration parameter

Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:49 am

MikroTik Routerboard displays the following information:
Factory Firmware: 3.36
Current Firmware: 3.36
Upgrade Firmware: 3.33

As we can see «Upgrade Firmware» version is low than «Current Firmware» when try to upgrade it displays this error «Can not chnage firmware to this version»

I tried to upgrade by downloading a newer version and upgrade but it fails.

I have already upgraded many other routers but this one appear to be having a fault, any idea how to fix this?

Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware

Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:56 pm

Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware

Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:25 pm

Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware

Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:07 pm

Based on you old firmware you must also have a old and vulnerable ROS.

First update ROS System > Packages >> Check for Update and upgrade. Now this can be somewhat of a risky business depending on what version you are on so make a backup and export config before doing this!

After you have upgraded ROS you can upgrade the firmware by clicking upgrade, check the log and then reboot.

Just out of curiosity, what version of ROS are you running?

Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware

Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:48 am

Thank you for the replys,

I already tried updating the Router OS first as suggested by @Kindis but after reboot Router wasn’t updated (there is nothin in the log regarding the upgrade) so both methods fails, any other method or suggession?

Below is the Router OS Version and Package Details:

Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware

Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:59 am

Re: Can’t Upgrade Firmware

Tue Feb 18, 2020 11:21 am

Oo this is a big update and also the version you have have several security issues that are more or less very critical.
I would go for a export of configuration and perform a Netinstall but otherwise do as mentioned above.

You will also get the new bridge setup and a lot of other features so as I said before this is a big risk upgrade and for that reason I would netinstall and then rebuild config.
Longer path for upgrading but you can be more confident that the final result will work fine.


How to Upgrade the Firmware on the TP-Link Wi-Fi Routers

This article will guide you to upgrade firmware on TP-Link Wi-Fi routers step by step.

First of all, please check whether your TP-Link router supports TP-Link Cloud service or not. You may click here to check the Cloud Compatibility list.

Case 1. If your TP-Link router cannot support TP-Link Cloud service, please upgrade the firmware manually.

B e f o r e upg r adi ng :

1. Please v er i f y the ha r d w a r e v er sion of y our d e vice f or the f ir m w a r e v er sio n . W r ong f ir m w a r e upg r adi n g m ay d a m age your d e vice and v oid the w a rr ant y .

2. Please upgrade firmware from the local TP-Link official website of the purchase location for your TP-Link device, otherwise it will be against the warranty. (The firmware of EU and US are different.)

3. Backup the configuration in order to restore it after upgrading. O r, write down all the settings you changed from the default values, you may need to re-enter them manually.

4. It ’ s r ec o mme nd e d th a t us er s stop all Inte r n e t Ap p li c ations on the c o m pute r , or s i m ply d iscon n ec t the Internet line f r o m the de v ice b e f o r e upg r adi n g.

During upg r adin g :

DO NOT upg r ade the f ir m w a r e th r ough w i r e less c onn e c tion unl e ss there is no LAN/Ethernet port on your TP-Link device.

DO NOT tu r n off the po w e r or disconnect the Eth er n e t c able du r i n g the firmware upg r ade.

Steps about upgrading:

Step 1 Find and navigate to the zip file from which you want to extract the content. Right-click on the file and select Extract All from the context menu. (Google Chrome & Windows system as example)

S tep 2 L o g into the T P- L ink device b y t y pi n g http://tpli n kwifi.net in the a ddress b a r of any web brows e r (such a s Chrome , Firefo x ). The d e f a ult username a n d p a sswo r d a r e both a d m i n in lower case, or you need to create a new local password by yourself.

S tep 3 Click Advanced ->System -> Firmware Upgrade, click BROWSE to choose the firmware you already extracted in the folder. The firmware type is usually BIN File.

Note: Please double-check the firmware and hardware version.

S tep 4 Cli c k Upgrade. The pop window will ask you to confirm the operated. Please double-check if all the previous steps are fine.

Step 5 The d e vi c e will reboot a utom a ti ca l l y a fter up g r a di n g. Pl ea se w a it a bout 3 minut e s.

S tep 6 Verify that the router’s firmware has been upgraded successfully or not in the same page.

1. Check f r om m anag e me nt page.

Log into the device, at the bottom of the interface, the firmware and hardware version will be shown as the following picture:

(As an example, in the following picture, the hardware version is «V2»). Or go the Advanced->System->Firmware Upgrade, you can see them too.

2. Check f r om bottom la b e l.

Turn over the device, you can see a label at the back of the device, there is a character string «Ver:X.Y» (for example, Ver:1.0) and the number X.Y is the hardware version of the device. If the string is «Ver: 1.2», it means that the hardware version is V1.2. (Normally V1.x=V1).

How to Backup & Restore configuration of TP-Link Wireless Router?

Log i nto the d e vice, Click Advanced->System — > Backup & Restore . Click BACK UP and save the file. The f ile na m e is config.bin by default.

If the release note of the firmware version you want to upgrade will reset your settings. After firmware upgrading, click BROWSE to upload the previous backup configuration file.

Finally, click RESTORE and confirm, wait 3 minute you can see configuration uploaded successfully. Then the device will reboot automatically.

Case 2. If your TP-Link router supports Cloud service, you do not have to manually download and install the firmware any longer. Simply click the Upgrade icon and the router itself will complete the whole process automatically.


1. During the online upgrade, please DON’T power off the router, unplug the Ethernet or disconnect from the wireless.

2. If you fail to download the firmware online, you can download it directly from the TP-Link official website. And manually upgrade the firmware as Case 1.

Online upgrade through web management page:

Step 1. Connect your device to the TP-Link wireless router either via Ethernet or wirelessly. Then open a browser and type http://tplinkwifi.net in the address bar. Press Enter and login the router.

Step 2. If there is an update available, you will be notified by the Update icon in the upper right corner (if there is no update, the icon will not appear). Click Update and you will redirect to the Firmware Upgrade page on which you can check the latest firmware version and release notes.

Step 3. Click on the Upgrade button to begin the upgrade. Then wait until the router finishes the upgrade process, which will include a router reboot at the end.

*Note: Please make sure that you have a stable internet connection during the download process. Loss of connection during the process can damage the router.

Online upgrade through the Tether APP:

Step 1. Connect your smartphone to the Wi-Fi of the router. Then open the Tether APP and login the router. Please tap the management icon at the bottom right corner, and you will see a red point in the System area which indicates there is new firmware for the router.

Step 2. Tap Tools > System > Firmware Update, and you will find the new version of firmware.

Tap Learn More to learn the release logs of the new firmware (recommended).

Note: Please pay attention to the release logs. If it mentions a reset after the upgrade, your previous configuration on the router including internet access and wireless settings will be reset to factory defaults, and you will need to connect your smartphone to the router with the default SSID and password printed on the bottom label and configure the device again.

Step 3. Tap Update to begin the upgrade process.

Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.


18 января 2017

На новых SIP-телефонах Panasonic KX-HDV100, KX-HDV130, KX-HDV230, KX-HDV330, KX-HDV430 была изменена система обновления прошивки. Вместо привычной для аппаратов Panasonic схемы — скачать прошивку с сайта и загрузить её на телефон — предлагается схема в стиле компании Grandstream — аппарату необходимо указать ссылку на сайт, откуда он сам скачает прошивку. Но, к сожалению, компания Panasonic предлагает нам самостоятельно поднять web-сервер и правильно расположить на нём файлы. Мы же, люди ленивые и решили сделать простую и понятную инструкцию без «всех этих заморочек».

Итак поехали.

Здесь представлены самые свежие на данный момент версии прошивок (03.105) для России и Казахстана, предоставленные компанией Panasonic, вы можете их скачать и использовать для обновления через свой сервер.

  1. На самом аппарате необходимо включить web-интерфейс. Для этого:
    • нажимаем клавишу под экраном, которая подписана на экране как Меню(Menu)
    • пролистать меню и выбрать пункт Базовые Настр.(Basic Settings)
    • пролистать и выбрать пункт ПРОЧЕЕ(Other Options)
    • выбрать пункт Встроенный Web(Embended Web)
    • и в нём выбрать пункт ВКЛ.(On).
  2. Заходим на web-интрефейс телефона. Если вы не знаете каким образом зайти на web-интерфейс — то вы можете посмотреть адрес телефона пройдя по следующему пути: Системн. Настр.(System settings) — Статус(Status) — Настройки IPV4(IPv4 Settings) -IP-Адрес(IP Address), а после этого в адресной строке браузера набрать http://XXX.XXX.X.XX , где вместо X будут цифры, отображенные на экране телефона.
  3. Зайдя по ссылке вы увидите следующий экран:
  4. Нам необходимо выбрать пункт верхнего меню Maintenance.
  5. В левом меню выбираем пункт Upgrade Firmware:
  6. В поле Firmware File URL указать адрес ссылки

    Для аппаратов KX-HDV100 или KX-HDV130:

    Для аппаратов KX-HDV230:

    Для аппаратов KX-HDV330:

    Для аппаратов KX-HDV430:

  7. и нажать кнопку Update Firmware:

  8. Дальше телефон потупит несколько секунд (до 20), перезагрузится и начнётся процедура обновления прошивки. Она выглядит примерно следующим образом:
  9. Поздравляем, ваш телефон обновлён.


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Обновление KX-HDV130

Коллеги есть желание обновить телефоны до 11 версии.
Я правильно понимаю что для этого необходимо поднять http сервер.
Может есть у кого ссылка для обновления прошивки, а то больно неохота с сервером заморачиваться.

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Сообщения: 917
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Откуда: Ташкент
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Re: Обновление KX-HDV130


vda » 29 окт 2019, 14:17

kitsa_nik писал(а): ↑

29 окт 2019, 13:29

Коллеги есть желание обновить телефоны до 11 версии.
Я правильно понимаю что для этого необходимо поднять http сервер.
Может есть у кого ссылка для обновления прошивки, а то больно неохота с сервером заморачиваться.

Смотри. SIP телефоны от панасоника это бытовуха. А все что связано с бытовухой есть на официальном сайте в открытом доступе.
https://panasonic.net/cns/pcc/support/s … V1/ru.html


Без страха и упрёка
Без страха и упрёка
Сообщения: 95
Зарегистрирован: 03 июл 2019, 12:28
Благодарил (а): 2 раза
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Re: Обновление KX-HDV130


kitsa_nik » 30 окт 2019, 05:20

Эта ссылка у меня есть. Вопрос не в этом был.
Согласно (for_Web_portal)_02-022_Technical_Notification_HDV130_and_HDV100_upgrade_to_Firmware_V02.081
Для обновления необходимо в Upgrade Firmware ссылку вводить в формате
А у меня нет возможности поднять http

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Сообщения: 956
Зарегистрирован: 29 окт 2019, 02:01
Откуда: Владивосток
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Контактная информация:

Re: Обновление KX-HDV130


shkiper516 » 30 окт 2019, 06:40

kitsa_nik писал(а): ↑

30 окт 2019, 05:20

Эта ссылка у меня есть. Вопрос не в этом был.
Согласно (for_Web_portal)_02-022_Technical_Notification_HDV130_and_HDV100_upgrade_to_Firmware_V02.081
Для обновления необходимо в Upgrade Firmware ссылку вводить в формате
А у меня нет возможности поднять http

Дык скачай и залей вручную

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Re: Обновление KX-HDV130


vda » 30 окт 2019, 07:19

kitsa_nik писал(а): ↑

30 окт 2019, 05:20

А у меня нет возможности поднять http

Религия не позволяет pop
Берешь любой говноутбук или самый старый ПК с любой виндой. Ставишь бесплатный HFS с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом и вперед. Даже ребенок шимпанзе разберется


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Re: Обновление KX-HDV130


kitsa_nik » 30 окт 2019, 07:25

Да не вопрос, если у вас в организации разрешена установка любого приложения или нет port security
Ладно развели тему не о чем. Сказали бы сразу что нет ссылки.
О альтернативных вариантах я в курсе.






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СообщениеДобавлено: 23.04.2013 22:09 


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Полезные статьи (автор: CodeRush)

Открыть для чтения

«Устройство файла UEFI BIOS»
Часть 1 Часть 1.5 Часть 2

«Устройство NVRAM в UEFI-совместимых прошивках»
Часть 1 Часть 2 Часть 3 Часть 4

«Модификация UEFI BIOS в UEFITool»
Часть первая: знакомство с UEFITool
Часть вторая: полезные модификации


UEFITool — просмотрщик и редактор UEFI BIOS’ов
Новости от 08.01.2019

UEFI утилиты

Management Engine
CPU микрокоды

ME (Обсуждение), FW и Утилиты
Микрокоды (Обсуждение)
UBU: Микрокоды CPU — МикроFAQ «Готовим сами»

Скачать последние версии на GitHub:
MEAnalyzer | MCExtractor | CPU микрокоды

Обновления для видеоадаптеров
Новости от 02.01.2019

02.01.2019 — В коллекцию добавлены VBIOS + BSF SKL/KBL 1062

Перенос настроек OROM Intel VBIOSНовая редакция
Перенос настроек OROM Intel VBIOS — Старая редакция

23.10.2021 GOPUpd v1.9.6.5.k_mod_v0.4.9 — Добавление/обновление EFI GOP Driver для видеокарт на базе AMD и NVIDIA

UEFI BIOS Updater — комплект для автоматического обновления EFI, OROM и mCode в UEFI BIOS
v1.79.17 от 03.07.2021

Все изменения тут

Начиная с данной сборки УБУ, для кореектной работы МСЕ теперь требуется Python v3.7 или вышг.
Также следует установить 2 библиотеки:
— pip install colorama
— pip install pltable

Куча нововведений в папках Интел
К сожалению, невозможно предугадать какой муму отработает корректно. Поэтому используйте 2 разные версии мумутула — как «mmtool_a4.exe» и как «mmtool_a5.exe»
Использование только одной версии не пригодно для многих бивисов на Aptio.
Для обновления VROC with VMD требуется 2 файла, пример в папке IntelVROC
Штатные файлы RAID и sSATA укладываются, как обычно, в папку RSTe.
Заложена поддержка 2-ух различных версий MMTool на перспективу. На данный момент используется одна версия, рекомендуется Переименовать как «mmtool_a4.exe«

Начиная с версии 1.70 пользователь самостоятельно подбирает нужные версии файлов для создания RAID массивов.

[Предыдущие версии]
1.69.xx и ранние выпуски
Больше не поддерживается и тема не поднимается

Посмотреть все изменения можно на сайте Win-Raid
Скачать UEFI BIOS Updater
Для описалки

Сохраненные статьи с Win-Raid Forum:

    • Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools
    • Intel (Converged Security) Trusted Execution Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools
    • Which are the «best» Intel AHCI/RAID drivers?

Другие интересности по теме:

    • Отключение BIOS Lock (Error 280 при прошивке) (Обновлено)
    • CPUID — CodeName новых процессоров
    • Добавление NVMe module в BIOS (6-8 Series)
    • FFS. Считаем контрольные суммы сами (Новое)
    • FAQ по прошивке и редактор индивидуальных данных BIOS плат ASUS P8xxx и их ROG-аналогов
    • Потрошим структуру меню Aptio BIOS
    • Модификация материнских плат 100/200 для поддержки процессоров Coffee Lake 8xxx/9xxx
    • ASUS Flashback (Новое)

Доска объявлений
от 20.06.2020


1) В послденее время опять участились жалобы на наличии вируса в пакете UBU, якобы МСЕ,ехе содержит вирус. Поэтому принято решение, что вместо ехе файла теперь будет py исхотдный Пайтона. Чтобы была корректная работа с микодами вам необходимо установить пакет Ptyhon версии 3.7 или выше. А также две библиотеки:
— colorama
— PLTable
Как это сделать уаказано на ГитХабе в репе МСЕ.
Вы можете юзать м ехе файл, но скачивать его будете самостоятельно.
Если установите Пайтон то у вас появится возможность юзать другие приложения на Пайтон, которых очень много.
2) Все архивы с файлами теперь здесь


3) На данный момент рекомендуется использовать UEFITool v0.25.0 (и не выше), до выяснения

Мешающие чтению картинки и видео убирайте под спойлер.

Последний раз редактировалось DeathBringer 03.05.2022 20:58, всего редактировалось 1024 раз(а).
GOPUpd v1.9.6.5.k_mod_v0.4.9


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Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 20.04.2012
Откуда: Россия

Точно. Почти у всех и во всех обновках летних эта опция и расписывалась, сверился со своим Асроком х570м про4..

Но вот что странно если на 1507 10-ка грузится, а после уже толпа обновок была, текущая то вообще 56хх, то вроде жалобы в ТП должны были быть, а значит и поправки..
По сути то особой разницы в бутех64 8-ки и 10-ки то нет..
Чот там не то или в железе или в коные бивиса..



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Регистрация: 19.03.2005
Фото: 23

Люди, помогите прошить биос на МСИ Z490(в подписи), тулзой AFUWINx64. Ниже цитата, которую прислали чуваку якобы с мси. :


not flash the bios by M-Flash or LiveUpdate, if you want to flash the bios in the future, we can provide you a tool to update the bios.
You can download the tool from below link, this tool used in OS, it can be updated in OS by CMD instruction. Please unzip the bios file and bios tool, then put them to C: or D: disk, then run the CMD instruction to flash the bios, the flash instruction is AFUWINx64 E7C79IMS.1xx.

Я вот один раз запорол биос, теперь мфлэшью боязно, хочу попробовать AFUWINx64. Кто что подскажет?
И гдавное, почему файл биоса с сайта мси весит 32мб, а AFUWINx64, видит что прошитый в плате 16мб, видно на скрине. Не запорю ли я биос по этому?
Посмотрите плиз, кому не лень, ниже 2 файла биоса, одного номера 7C76v2A. Один скачан с сайта мси -32мб, другой 16мб скачаный из платы, тулзом AFUWINx64. Всё ли работает правильно при скачивании?
Разные немного файлы при сравнении в 16ричном редакторе.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QrxbGe … sp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zgnqkb … sp=sharing

Камень I7-11700box, доска MPG Z490M GAMING EDGE WIFI, 4 шт х 32гБ круциал U4 3200мгц



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Регистрация: 19.03.2005
Фото: 23

dart_raiden писал(а):

Модификация UEFI BIOS. Софт для работы. #17440584

Я так понял, эта инфа из ссылки, так же и для интел подходит, по мимо биосов амд, и объясняет почему 32мб не видит прога? Ну я 16 мегов зашил, вроде ещё 16 не просит))). Сейчас ввел команду в батник без всяких аргументов, D:1AFUWINx64.exe D:1E7C76IMS.2B0. В итоге прошилось только MAIN по ходу. Перезагрузил, прошка поменялась. Но я не очень понял, там есть нврам и бут. Надо их прошивать, если майн от новой прошивки, а всё остальное от старой осталось или новая прошка, туда запишет свои данные, какие ей нужны, сама? Или прошить надо?
P.S. Решил прошить и бут и нврам. Прошил, вроде ничего не поменялось.

Камень I7-11700box, доска MPG Z490M GAMING EDGE WIFI, 4 шт х 32гБ круциал U4 3200мгц



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 20.12.2015
Откуда: Belarus

Я так понял, эта инфа из ссылки, так же и для интел подходит, помимо биосов амд

Jo-Jo, dart_raiden,
AFUWIN снял только BIOS redgion 16 MB, а биос с офф. сайта целиком, с дескриптором и МЕ.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 19.03.2005
Фото: 23

Michael_Code писал(а):

AFUWIN снял только BIOS redgion 16 MB, а биос с офф. сайта целиком, с дескриптором и МЕ.

Спасибо, прошил, теперь и так работает. Остальные 16 мб видимо, которые МЕ с дескриптором, можно обновить другой прогой?

Камень I7-11700box, доска MPG Z490M GAMING EDGE WIFI, 4 шт х 32гБ круциал U4 3200мгц


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Регистрация: 07.08.2003

win-raid.com закрывают:


Global Announcement
Dear Forum members and visitors!
As the founder and creator of the Win-RAID Forum I am sorry to announce, that this Forum and its domain will be closed in the near future (probably at the end of this year).
For details please have a look into this Sub-Forum, where the current Forum owner and Main Admin Plato (a.k.a plutomaniac) will lay down the reasons for the Forum closure and give you the opportunity to post your comments/alternative ideas.
Thanks for having joined and supported this Forum!
Dieter (alias Fernando)



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 20.12.2015
Откуда: Belarus

Остальные 16 мб видимо, которые МЕ с дескриптором, можно обновить другой прогой?

Jo-Jo, не остальные 16, а биос целиком. Вестимо, для интела с помощью FPT, Flash Programming Tool своей версии.

win-raid.com закрывают

DeathBringer, да, увы, когда выскочило сообщение — сердце чуть не встало. Оччень, очень жаль.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 22.08.2017

о, а причины закрытия озвучить?

Asus P9X79-WS; 2690v2 3430 MHz (fsb 114.2); 64Gb 2133 10-12-12-26-2


Куратор темы

Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 20.04.2012
Откуда: Россия

Наисано что всяинфа о закрытии будет тут


но там пока ничего.

Полагаю что всё упирается в финансы (фрпум живет только за счет пожертвований, рекламы со стороны никакой), по моим наблюдениеям с начала ёпидемии посещяемость упала, новых и интересных проектов тоже почти нет.
Да и годы бегут, все мы стареем. «ЭВсё что иеет начло имеет и конец..»

Добавлено спустя 6 часов 17 минут 10 секунд:
Станно, но МСИ позволяла прошивать моды через встроенный M-Flash… Видимо политика поменялась.
Ввобще лучше прощивать так — Сначала шить оригинал, тем самым может прошить все Регионы если они обновлены, а потом уже сверху накатить мод только Региона BIOS.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 19.03.2005
Фото: 23

LS_29 писал(а):

Станно, но МСИ позволяла прошивать моды через встроенный M-Flash… Видимо политика поменялась.
Ввобще лучше прощивать так — Сначала шить оригинал, тем самым может прошить все Регионы если они обновлены, а потом уже сверху накатить мод только Региона BIOS.

Да, сравнил регион МЕ в родных прошивках от апреля до октября, он не меняется, поэтому его можно и не обновлять. Но я обновляю не мод, а оригинал. Я мфлешем запорол мать наглухо. Тут неделю назад ещё один запорол мфлешем. В отзывах днс несколько запороли. На сайте мси тема людей, где с мая по сейчас, больше сотни людей запороли мфлешем материнки. Восстановление только программатор. Поэтому я и прошивал не мфлешем.

Камень I7-11700box, доска MPG Z490M GAMING EDGE WIFI, 4 шт х 32гБ круциал U4 3200мгц


Куратор темы

Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 20.04.2012
Откуда: Россия

При прошивке встроенным флэшером настройки биввиса, особенно оверные, по дефолту были сброшены?
Чаще косяк идет из-за этого. А так, у МСИ как то раньше не было никогда проблем с прошивкой через M-Flash//.



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 19.03.2005
Фото: 23

LS_29 писал(а):

При прошивке встроенным флэшером настройки биввиса, особенно оверные, по дефолту были сброшены?
Чаще косяк идет из-за этого. А так, у МСИ как то раньше не было никогда проблем с прошивкой через M-Flash//.

Да сбросил по дефолту. Дело явно не в оверклокерах).
Вот тема, больше ста пострадавших:

https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?thre … es.367575/

А вот тема от 2015 года. МСИ уже тогда жгла матери своим мфлэшером:


Камень I7-11700box, доска MPG Z490M GAMING EDGE WIFI, 4 шт х 32гБ круциал U4 3200мгц



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Регистрация: 14.07.2018

:grob: на винрайде появилось разъяснение о причинах закрытия:

https://www.win-raid.com/t9784f2-Win-Ra … ement.html

перевод мой


Привет всем.

Я пришел сказать вам пренеприятнейшее известие для сообщества Винрейд — мы планируем закрыть форум в конце года. У администрации больше нет возможности поддерживать и сопровождать его.

Из-за изменившихся жизненных и рабочих обстоятельств, мы больше не можем уделять форуму столько времени и сил, как в минувшие годы. Кроме того, оказалось, что сообщество, созданное Дитером в 2013, нынче уже не то. Задачей форума всегда было привлечение опытных участников, желающих изучать, оптимизировать и улучшать свои системы, как это заявлено на странице Приветствия. Это означало изучать новые штуковины и писать руководства для других, желающих им следовать и учиться. Обе эти задачи требуют много времени и знающих людей, которые могут и хотят тратить на это свое время и силы. К сожалению, большинство таких людей сейчас ушли в иные места, и теперь у нас самые активные топики — про «Памагите».

Более того, общие тенденции развитие Интернета привели к тому, что классические форумы вымирают как класс. Всё больше и больше сообществ превращаются в соцсети или переходят к общению на их базе. И как вишенка на торте, хостер нашего конкретного частного форума не предоставляет ни регулярных обновлений, ни исправлений долгоживущих багов, ни модераторской защиты. В целом, мы не управляли форумом полностью, никогда не имели никакого дохода от назойливой рекламы, которую вы видели, и не имеем возможности управлять ее содержимым, положением или частотой.

Все это не соответствует духу форума, заявленному изначально, и мы решили закрыть его, чтобы не дать ему превратиться в то, чего мы никогда не желали — в переполненную рекламой неуправляемую мусорку.

Спасобо вам за участие и поддержку на протяженни чудесных восьми лет! Если вам есть что сказать — пожалйуста, пишите здесь, чтоб все видели.

Plato (a.k.a. plutomaniac)



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 20.12.2015
Откуда: Belarus

у МСИ как то раньше не было никогда проблем с прошивкой через M-Flash

LS_29, была проблема, решал её на win-raid online с линуксоидом. Модбиос, только микрокоды новые, упорно не хотел шиться через M-Flash. Т.е. шился, но без GUID 17088572-….. с микрокодами ;) AFU /GAN спас.


Куратор темы

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Регистрация: 07.08.2003

Michael_Code и LS_29
Может какие-то посты с win-raid.com перевести в формат этого форума и сохранить у нас ветке?



Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 20.12.2015
Откуда: Belarus

Может какие-то посты с win-raid.com перевести в формат этого форума и сохранить у нас ветке?

DeathBringer, ох, как много на win-raid, там, конечно, много пустого, но ценного….. Немерянно. Это какой объём?


Куратор темы

Статус: Не в сети
Регистрация: 07.08.2003

#77 Fernando

@ all users with an Intel AHCI or RAID system

Preliminary note:
Since Intel is offering a big variety of different Intel AHCI and RAID driver versions, which belong to different development branches (MSM, RST, RSTe), it is not easy for the users to find the «best suitable» one out of them.
This thread may help you to «find the needle in the haysack».

Which are the «best» Intel AHCI/RAID drivers?

Since there is no Intel AHCI/RAID driver available, which is suitable or may be even perfect for all different Intel SATA Controllers, Operating Systems and driver installation/integration procedures, I am offering a variety of Intel AHCI/RAID drivers, which belong to different development branches (MSM, RST and RSTe).

To make the selection of the appropriate driver for your special system easier for you, I have tried to list the advantages/disadvantages of the different Intel AHCI/RAID drivers development branches:

  1. Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager (MSM) drivers
    (first Intel AHCI/RAID driver series, outdated since several years)
    • Advantages:
      • best chances for a successful integration into Windows XP, if the user doesn’t know the exact Intel SATA AHCI/RAID Controller specification of his system
      • no problems by using any Virtualisation Software instead of doing a clean install of the OS
    • Disadvantages:
      • suboptimal performance, especially with actual hardware components
      • no TRIM support (only relevant for SSD users)
      • outdated driver model line, no support of the newest Intel Chipsets
  2. «conventional» Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology (RST) drivers
    (using just 1 driver named iaStor.sys)
    • Advantages:
      • very good WRITE performance, especially on RAID0 systems with enabled Write-Back Caching
      • TRIM support (only relevant for SSD users)
      • evoke a very stable storage function and usage
    • Disadvantages:
      • further development has been stopped by Intel
      • some features of the newest Intel chipsets are not supported, may not even work with 8- and 9-Series Chipsets
      • increased chance of a driver integration failure (more sensitive to any mistake/unsure handling than the MSM drivers)
  3. actual Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology (enhanced RST) drivers
    (using an additional SCSI Filter driver, should better be named RST(e) drivers)
    • Advantages:
      • do support all new features of the actual Intel chipsets
      • TRIM support (only relevant for SSD users)
      • continuous further development by Intel
    • Disadvantages:
      • limited support of older chipsets
      • RAID0 usage with older chipsets: much less performant than the latest RST drivers

General personal statements:

  1. The newest drivers are not always the best. Even if they should be the best for some systems, this is not automaticly valid for all hardware configurations.
  2. Users with an older Intel chipset should always keep in mind, that the chipset manufacturer Intel only develops drivers for the newest and for the upcoming chipsets and not for the older ones. Although many of the new drivers are backwards compatible with older AHCI and RAID Controllers, they are not or may not be optimized for them. A successful installation of a new Intel RAID driver onto an old Intel platform RAID system does not automaticly mean, that it will flawlessly work.
  3. The choice of the «best» (=fastest) Intel AHCI/RAID driver is more difficult for RAID than for AHCI users.
    According to my experience there are no big differences regarding the performance of the various Intel AHCI/RAID driver versions, if they are used in AHCI mode, wheras the differences are remarkable for RAID systems (for details look >here<).
  4. The stability of a system is at least as important as the performance. Especially users, who have installed the OS onto a single or RAIDed SSD, will realize stability issues, but not minimal performance differences, which are shown only by benchmark tests.

My favorite Intel AHCI/RAID drivers
for Intel systems from ICH7R/M up

(last updated: 09/09/2021)

Recommended for all Intel Chipset AHCI/RAID systems (except X79/X99/X299 Chipsets running in RSTe mode):

  1. Intel RST drivers v11.2.0.1006 WHQL dated 05/30/2012
    These latest «classical» Intel AHCI/RAID drivers do support all Windows Operating Systems from W2k/XP up to Win10 and are recommended for the following systems:
    • AHCI mode: Good choice for all Intel AHCI systems from ICH7 up to 5-Series Chipsets
    • RAID mode: Probably best choice for all Intel RAID systems from ICH7R up to 7-Series Chipsets (look >here<)
      Best matching Intel RAID ROM: v11.2.0.1527 (no Intel EFI RaidDriver available)

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • These are the latest «classical» Intel RST AHCI/RAID drivers, which are managing the Intel SATA AHCI/RAID Controller with just 1 single driver named iaStor.sys.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI RAID «SataDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).
    • Advantages:
      a) They are running absolutely stable and will give the users AHCI/RAID system a very good performance (especially if being used with an SSD RAID0 configuration).
      b) They are usable with all Windows Operating Systems from XP (32/64bit) up.
    • Disadvantages:
      a) Not all features of the newest Intel chipsets are supported.
      b) A matching EFI RAID BIOS module is not available (only valid for RAID users).
  2. Intel RST(e) drivers v12.9.4.1000 WHQL dated 04/24/2014
    Recommended for all Intel 5-Series, 6-Series and Mobile 7-Series Chipset systems, usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 (32/64bit) up.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v12.9.0.2006

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • These are the latest Intel AHCI/RAID drivers, which were optimized for 5-7 Series Chipsets.
    • Contrary to the «classical» Intel RST drivers the RST(e) drivers have an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI RAID «SataDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).
  3. Intel RST(e) drivers v13.1.0.1058 WHQL dated 05/28/2014
    Recommended for Intel 7-Series Chipset Desktop systems and for X79/X99 Chipset systems, usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 (32/64bit) up.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v13.1.0.2126

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • These are the latest Intel AHCI/RAID drivers, which natively do fully support 7-Series. Additionally these drivers do support C600/C600+ Series Chipsets (only in AHCI mode unless having set the BIOS to «RST» mode).
    • Like the later released v13.2.4.1000 ones these Intel RST(e) drivers v13.1.0.1058 are well developed and have a quite similar performance and stability.
    • Contrary to the «classical» Intel RST drivers the RST(e) drivers have an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI «RaidDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).
  4. Intel RST(e) drivers v13.2.8.1002 WHQL dated 07/09/2015
    Recommended for Intel 8-, 9- and 100-Series Chipset systems, usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 (32/64bit) up.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v13.2.2.2224 (RAID OROM) resp. (EFI RaidDriver)

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • According to my experience these drivers are a very good choice for users with an Intel 8-, 9- and 100-Series Chipset system (for details look >here<).
    • These Intel RST(e) drivers are well developed and will give the Intel 8-/9-Series Chipset systems a good performance and stability.
    • Contrary to the «classical» Intel RST drivers the RST(e) drivers have an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI «RaidDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).
  5. Intel RST(e) drivers v14.8.18.1066 WHQL dated 09/06/2017
    Recommended for Intel X99 systems, usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 (32/64bit) up.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v14.8.2.2397

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • These currently latest Intel RST(e) drivers from the v14 platform are already well developed (contrary to the first v14 series drivers). They give modern Intel Chipset systems a good performance and stability.
    • Contrary to the «classical» Intel RST drivers the RST(e) drivers have an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI RAID «SataDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).
  6. For Intel RAID users: Intel RST(e) drivers v15.5.2.1054 WHQL dated 04/24/2017
    According to my benchmark tests (look >here<) these drivers are the best choice for Intel 100-/200-Series Chipset systems running Win10 on a RAID0 array. They are usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 (32/64bit) up.
    Warning for RAID5 array users: According to our Forum member rajkosto Intel RST RAID drivers from v15.5 series up are not recommended for RAID5 arrays. For details and alternative Intel RAID drivers for RAID5 arrays look >here<.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM/EFI «RaidDriver»: v15.5.1.3017

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • These Intel RST(e) drivers from the v15.5 series are well developed (contrary to the first v15 platform drivers). They gave my 100-Series Intel Chipset system an extremely good RAID0 performance and stability.
    • Contrary to the «classical» Intel RST drivers the RST(e) drivers have an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI «RaidDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).
  7. Intel RST drivers v15.9.8.1050 WHQL dated 07/31/2019
    Recommended for Intel 100-/200-Series Chipset systems running in AHCI mode, usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 (32/64bit) up.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v15.9.3.3408

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • These are the latest RST(e) drivers and well developed (contrary to the first v15 platform drivers).
    • Contrary to the «classical» Intel RST drivers the RST(e) drivers have an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI «RaidDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).
  8. Latest Intel RST drivers v17.9.x.xxxx WHQL
    Recommended for modern Intel Chipset systems from 300-/X299 Series up, only usable with 64bit Windows Operating Systems from Win8/8.1 up.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules:

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • These are currently the newest 64bit Intel RST drivers and optimized for being used with Win10 x64.
    • These 64bit drivers do support all currently available modern SSD features (e.g. Optane).
    • They do not contain an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys and do not support older Windows Operating systems up to Win7.
    • «TRIM in RAID0» is supported (Precondition: An actual Intel RAID ROM or EFI «RaidDriver» from v11 up is present within the BIOS).

Regarding the usage of the modified drivers you should look into the start post of >this< thread.

Recommended for Intel 600/600+ Chipset series AHCI/RAID systems running in RSTe mode:

  • Intel RSTe drivers v4.7.0.1098 WHQL dated 11/24/2017
    These are the latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology «Enterprise Edition» (RSTe) drivers, which belong to the v4 platform. Supported are all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up. They are recommended for X79 Chipset systems running in «RSTe» mode.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v4.7.0.1017
  • Intel RSTe drivers v5.5.4.1036 WHQL dated 04/09/2019
    These are the currently latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology «Enterprise Edition» (RSTe) drivers, which belong to the v5 platform. Supported are only 64bit Windows Operating Systems from Win8 up. They are recommended for X99 Chipset systems running in «RSTe» mode.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v5.5.5.1005
  • Intel RSTe drivers v6.3.0.1022 WHQL dated 01/13/2020
    These are the currently latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology «Enterprise Edition» (RSTe) drivers, which belong to the v6 platform. Supported are only 64bit Windows Operating Systems from Win8 up. They are recommended for X299 Chipset systems running in «RSTe» mode.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v6.3.0.1005
  • Intel RSTe RAID drivers v7.5.12.1012 WHQL dated 08/03/2021
    These are the currently latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology «Enterprise Edition» (RSTe) drivers, which belong to the v7 platform. Supported are only 64bit Windows Operating Systems from Win8 up. They are recommended for the latest «Enterprise Edition» Chipset systems running in «RAID» mode.
    Best matching Intel RAID ROM resp. EFI «RaidDriver» BIOS modules: v7.5.0.1152

    Download links: Look >here<.


    • X99 users, who are running their Intel SATA ports in RST mode, should install the RST(e) drivers v14.8.18.1066.
    • TRIM is supported in AHCI and RAID mode (incl. RAID0).

To make is easier for you to find the Intel RST/RSTe driver, which I recommend for your special AHCI or RAID system, here is a table:
Note: If you should find a better AHCI/RAID driver for your special Intel chipset, please let us know it!

Recommended Intel AHCI & RAID drivers:


AHCI: RST v11.2.0.1006
RAID: RST v11.2.0.1006

P45 and X58 Chipset/ICH10R

AHCI: RST(e) v11.7.4.1001
RAID: RST v11.2.0.1006 or RST(e) v11.7.4.1001

5-Series Chipsets (e.g. P55)

AHCI: RST(e) v11.7.4.1001 or v12.9.4.1000
RAID: RST v11.2.0.1006 or RST(e) v12.9.4.1000

6-Series Chipsets (e.g. P67+Z68)

AHCI: RST v11.2.0.1006 or RST(e) v13.2.8.1002
RAID: RST v11.2.0.1006 or v15.5.2.1054 (exc.RAID5)

7-Series Desktop systems (e.g. Z77)

AHCI: RST(e) v13.1.0.1058 or v13.2.8.1002
RAID: RST v11.2.0.1006 or v15.5.2.1054 (exc.RAID5)

7-Series Mobile systems (e.g. QM77)

AHCI: RST(e) v12.9.4.1000 or v13.2.8.1002
RAID: RST v11.2.0.1006 or RST(e) v13.1.0.1058

8-/9-Series Chipsets (e.g. Z87/Z97)

AHCI: RST(e) v13.2.8.1002
RAID: Intel RST v11.2.0.1006 (if poss.) or RST(e) v13.2.8.1002

100-/200-Series (e.g. Z170/Z270)

AHCI: Intel RST(e) v13.2.8.1002 or v14.8.18.1066
RAID: Intel RST(e) v15.5.2.1054 or RST v16.8.3.1003

300-Series Chipsets (e.g. Z370)

AHCI: latest RST v16/17 platform drivers
RAID: latest RST v16/17 platform drivers

400/500-Series Chipsets (e.g. Z470)

AHCI: latest RST v18 platform drivers
RAID: latest RST v18 platform drivers

X79 Chipset

RST(e) v13.1.0.1058 WHQL
RAID: AHCI: RST v11.2.0.1006 or RST(e) v13.1.0.1058

X99 Chipset

RST(e) v14.8.18.1066 resp. RSTe v5.5.4.1036
RAID: AHCI: RST(e) v14.8.18.1066 resp. RSTe v5.5.4.1036

X299 Chipset and up

AHCI: latest RST v17 resp. RSTe v6/v7 platform drivers)
RAID: latest RST v17 resp. RSTe v6/v7 platform drivers

Have fun!

(c) win-raid.com



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#77 plutomaniac

Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine:
Drivers, Firmware and Tools

Last Updated: 2021-10-08

Intel Management Engine Introduction:

Built into many Intel-based platforms is a small, low power computer subsystem called the Intel Management Engine (Intel ME). This can perform various tasks while the system is booting, running or sleeping. It operates independently from the main CPU, BIOS and OS but can interact with them if needed. The ME is responsible for many parts of an Intel-based system. Such functionality extends, but it’s not limited, to Platform Clocks Control (ICC), Thermal Monitoring, Fan Control, Power Management, Overclocking, Silicon Workaround (resolves silicon bugs which would have otherwise required a new cpu stepping), Identity Protection Technology, Boot Guard, Rapid Start Technology, Smart Connect Technology, Sensor Hub Controller (ISHC), Active Management Technology (AMT), Small Business Advantage (SBA), Wireless Display, PlayReady, Protected Video/Audio Path etc. For certain advanced/corporate features (i.e. AMT, SBA) the ME uses an out-of-band (OOB) network interface to perform functions even when the system is powered down, the OS and/or hard drivers are non-functional etc. Thus it is essential for it to be operational in order for the platform to be working properly, no matter if the advanced/corporate features are available or not.

Intel Converged Security Engine Introduction:

The evolution of Intel Management Engine into a unified security co-processor, running x86 code under a Minix-based Operating System. It was first introduced in 2015 with the release of Skylake CPUs working alongside 100-series Sunrise Point Platform Controller Hub (PCH). The CSE hardware can run Management Engine (ME) 11+, Trusted Execution Engine (TXE) 3+ or Server Platform Services (SPS) 4+ firmware. So there are a total of three families of CSE-based firmware: CSME (CSE ME), CSTXE (CSE TXE) and CSSPS (CSE SPS). The CSE hardware is also capable of running other types of firmware such as Power Management Controller (PMC), Integrated Sensor Hub (ISH), Imaging Unit (iUnit), Clear Audio Voice Speech (cAVS), Wireless Microcode (WCOD) etc.

Intel Power Management Controller Introduction:

Handles all Platform Controller Hub (PCH) power management related activities, running ARC code on top of the CSE hardware. PMC administers power management functions of the PCH including interfacing with other logic and controllers on the platform to perform power state transitions, configure, manage and respond to wake events, aggregate and report latency tolerance information for devices and peripherals connected to and integrated into the PCH etc. It was first introduced in 2018 with the release of Coffee/Cannon Lake CPUs working alongside 300-series Cannon Point PCH.


All the software and firmware below comes only from official updates which were provided and made public by various manufacturers!

The System Tools are gathered and provided with the sole purpose of helping people who are out of other viable solutions. Thus, they can be extremely helpful to those who have major problems with their systems for which their manufacturer refuses to assist due to indifference and/or system age.

Getting Started:

Intel (CS)ME is a Hardware platform which runs Firmware, is monitored/configured by Tools and interfaces with the user via Drivers. To get started, you need at the very least to know what (CS)ME firmware major and minor version your system is running. Such info can be retrieved in various ways but you can use the free system information and diagnostics tool HWiNFO > Motherboard > Intel ME > Intel ME Version. The format is Major.Minor, Build, Hotfix. Once you determine the system’s (CS)ME firmware major and minor version, you can install the latest Drivers from section A and update the (CS)ME Firmware by following sequentially the relevant steps at Section B using the required Tools from Section C.

A. Intel MEI Drivers

The latest v15.0 DCH drivers are usable with (CS)ME 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 systems running under Windows 10 >= 1709. The latest v15.0 MSI drivers are usable with (CS)ME 10, 11 and 12 systems running under Windows 8, 10 <= 1703 or (CS)ME 10 and 11 systems running under Windows 7. Users of systems with ME <= 9, must check Section D to find the driver they need. In order to check your current installed version, use Intel MEInfo tool as instructed below.

Note: To extract the files below you need to use programs which support RAR5 compression!

A1. Intel MEI Drivers and Software

These packages contain the Intel MEI drivers with their respective software and system services. It is advised to install these to enable all the Engine-related functionality. Since the Intel MEI Drivers and Software are OS version dependent, search and run «winver.exe» to determine your own.

  • MEI Drivers and Software v2137.15.0.2461 DCH (Windows 10 >= 1709)
  • MEI Drivers and Software v2112.15.0.2221 MSI (Windows 7, 8, 10 <= 1703)

Note: MEI Drivers and Software v2137.15.0.2461 DCH includes MEI v2120.100.0.1085. MEI Drivers and Software v2112.15.0.2221 MSI includes MEI v2108.100.0.1053.

A2. Intel MEI Driver Only

These packages contain only the Intel MEI Drivers without any additional software or system services. Installing these allow only very basic Engine-related functionality. Since the Intel MEI Driver is OS version dependent, search and run «winver.exe» to determine your own.

  • MEI Driver v2120.100.0.1085 (Windows 10 >= 1709)
  • MEI Driver v2108.100.0.1053 (Windows 8, 10 <= 1703)
  • MEI Driver v2108.100.0.1053 (Windows 7)

Note: The MEI Drivers listed above are part of the complete Drivers and Software packages found at section A1. A newer Drivers and Software package has newer Software but the actual MEI Driver may still be an older version.

B. Intel (CS)ME, PMC, PCHC and PHY Firmware

SPI/BIOS Regions (FD/Engine/BIOS):

The SPI/BIOS chip firmware is divided into regions which control different aspects of an Intel-based system. The mandatory regions are the Flash Descriptor (FD), the (Converged Security) Management Engine (CSME/ME or Engine) and the BIOS. The FD controls read/write access between the SPI/BIOS chip regions and holds certain system hardware settings. The (CS)ME holds the system’s Engine firmware. For security reasons, the FD and Engine regions of the SPI/BIOS chip are usually locked so that no read/write access is allowed via software means. Since the FD controls that read/write access, it must be locked/protected so that it is not manually overwritten to allow unauthorized access to the firmware regions of the system’s SPI/BIOS chip. The Engine region at the system’s SPI/BIOS chip is also locked/protected due to the nature of the CSE/ME co-processor, as explained at the Introductions above.

Engine Firmware Attributes (Family/Platform/SKU/Version):

Intel (CS)ME or Engine firmware is mainly categorized based on its target Chipset Family (i.e. Cougar Point, Cannon Point, Lake Field, Tiger Point), Chipset Platform (H = Halo, LP = Low Power, N = Nano, V = Value), Type/SKU (i.e. Consumer, Corporate, Slim, Lite, 1.5MB, 5MB) and Version (i.e. = Major.Minor.Hotfix.Build). Be careful of what firmware your download relevant to your system. To understand your exact Chipset Family, Chipset Platform, (CS)ME Type/SKU and (CS)ME Version, you can usually run MEInfo or MEManuf tools with «-verbose» parameter. Otherwise, ME Analyzer can show you all the relevant information, after loading your SPI/BIOS image (Flash Descriptor + Engine + BIOS), when the latter is available. If a SPI/BIOS image is not available, run FWUpdate tool with parameter «-save fw.bin» and load the resulting «fw.bin» image into ME Analyzer instead. All the firmware below correspond to a specific Platform which runs a specific (CS)ME firmware version (example: For systems running CSME Corporate H v11.0 — v11.8).

Engine Firmware Regions (RGN/EXTR):

The Type of each Engine/(CS)ME firmware Region can be either Stock (RGN) or Extracted (EXTR). Stock are clean/stock/unconfigured images provided by Intel to OEMs. Extracted are dirty/extracted/configured images from various SPI/BIOS. The Engine firmware at the system’s SPI/BIOS chip is always EXTR, generated by the OEM after configuring the equivalent RGN with the appropriate system settings.

Engine Firmware Configuration (CODE/DATA):

The Engine Firmware Regions (RGN/EXTR) consist of two sections: CODE and DATA. CODE is the actual Engine firmware whereas DATA is where all the system-specific settings are stored, as configured by the OEM at the factory via Intel Flash Image Tool. The Engine firmware is not static as it holds system-specific configuration and can additionally be configured by the Engine co-processor itself while the system is running in order to provide the proper support and functionality. Any such changes are written into the DATA section of the Engine Region and the firmware is considered Initialized. That means that the DATA section can be in one of three states: Unconfigured, Configured or Initialized. Unconfigured means that the Engine firmware image is the stock one Intel provides and not configured by the OEM at all (RGN). Configured means that the OEM has applied model specific settings and the Engine region is ready for deployment (EXTR). Initialized means that the Engine region comes from a system which was already running and thus the Engine co-processor has further configured the DATA section to suit that particular system better (system specific or dirty EXTR).

FWUpdate Update Images (UPD):

FWUpdate images (UPD) are partial RGN/EXTR firmware regions which contain only ME CODE without any DATA. They are created and used only by Intel’s FWUpdate tool. Thus, they can neither be opened nor configured by Intel Flash Image Tool (FIT). Never flash UPD images via anything other than Intel FWUpdate tool. UPD images are not needed for 7-series (ME 8) or newer systems. However, all 6-series (ME 7) or older systems must use UPD images in order to initiate a ME firmware update. Thus, at section B1 below, only RGN/EXTR images are provided for 7-series (ME 8) or newer systems and only UPD images are provided for 6-series (ME 7) or older systems.

Independent Update Partitions (IUP):

The Engine firmware consists of multiple Partitions (sections) and each one is responsible for different features/capabilities. For example, the Fault Tolerant Partition (FTPR) contains CODE which is essential for the (CS)ME operation whereas the File System Partition (MFS, EFFS) contains the Configured and/or Initialized DATA. Some (CS)ME firmware Partitions target auxiliary CSE/ME co-processor devices or capabilities and can also be updated independently of the main (CS)ME firmware. These are called Independent Update Partitions (IUP) with the most notable/important ones being Power Management Controller (PMC), Platform Controller Hub Configuration (PCHC) and USB Type C Physical (PHY).

Starting from CSME 12+, the main CSME firmware must first be combined/stitched with one or more obligatory IUPs, before initiating an update procedure via FWUpdate tool. Whenever CSME + IUP merging is required, equivalent instructions and firmware are provided below. The following CSME/IUP Table lists the CSME 12+ firmware Major.Minor versions which require the presence of IUP(s) and their respective versions or SKUs. You’ll need to consult this table while following the update instructions below to choose the correct CSME + IUP combination for your system.


Engine Security Version Number (SVN):

All (CS)ME >= 8 and all IUP firmware are defined by a Security Version Number (SVN) like 1,2,3 etc which is used to control the possible upgrade/downgrade paths provided by Intel’s FWUpdate tool. The SVN gets incremented if there is a high or critical security fix that requires a Trusted Computing Base (TCB) recovery operation, a significant event in the life cycle of the firmware which requires renewal of the security signing keys in use. A downgrade to a lower SVN value via FWUpdate tool is prohibited whereas an upgrade to the same or higher SVN is allowed. For example if your current firmware has a SVN of 2, you can update to another firmware with SVN >= 2 (for example 3) but you cannot downgrade to another firmware with SVN < 2 (for example 1). Trying to flash a firmware with lower SVN will result in the error «The image provided is not supported by the platform» or similar. To view the SVN value of any (CS)ME or PMC firmware, you can use ME Analyzer tool.

Engine Version Control Number (VCN):

All (CS)ME >= 8 and all IUP firmware are defined by a Version Control Number (VCN) like 1,2,45,193 etc which is used to control the possible upgrade/downgrade paths provided by Intel’s FWUpdate tool. The VCN gets incremented if there is a security fix, a significant firmware change or a new feature addition. A downgrade to a lower VCN value via FWUpdate tool is prohibited whereas an upgrade to the same or higher VCN is allowed. For example if your current firmware has a VCN of 176, you can update to another firmware with VCN >= 176 (for example 193) but you cannot downgrade to another firmware with VCN < 176 (for example 174). Trying to flash a firmware with lower VCN will result in the error «The image provided is not supported by the platform» or similar. To view the VCN value of any (CS)ME firmware, you can use ME Analyzer tool.

Engine Production Ready Status (PV):

All (CS)ME >= 8 and all IUP firmware are defined by a Production Version/Ready Status (PV) which can be either Yes or No and is used to control the possible upgrade/downgrade paths provided by Intel’s FWUpdate tool. The PV status is set to Yes when a firmware is validated/ready for use at Production platforms, thus when its status is Stable and not Beta, Alpha etc. An upgrade/downgrade from PV to non-PV firmware via FWUpdate tool is prohibited whereas upgrades/downgrades to the same PV or from non-PV to PV are allowed. For example if your current firmware has PV set to Yes, you can upgrade/downgrade to another firmware with PV set to Yes but you cannot upgrade/downgrade to another firmware with PV set to No. Trying to flash a firmware with incompatible PV will result in the error «The image provided is not supported by the platform» or similar. To view the PV status of any (CS)ME firmware, you can use ME Analyzer tool.

Power Down Mitigation (PDM):

At CSME v11 LP firmware, make sure to mind the PDM status which is distinguished between YPDM (Yes) and NPDM (No). PDM is some sort of erratum, which is only relevant to 100-series PCH-LP systems. Thus, it is an attribute of every CSME v11.0 — v11.8 firmware which supports 100-series PCH-LP systems. The PDM status of a firmware can be detected by ME Analyzer by loading either your SPI/BIOS image (Flash Descriptor + Engine + BIOS) or an Engine Firmware Recovery image which can be generated via FWUpdate tool parameter «-save recovery.bin».

Power Management Controller (PMC) IUP:

PMC firmware always targets a specific Chipset Family/Codename (i.e. CNP, ICP, LKF, CMP), Chipset Platform (i.e. H, LP, N, V) and Chipset Stepping/Revision (i.e. A, B, C, D). For example, a CSME 12.0 Corporate H B system must use PMC CNP H B 300.2 firmware, a CSME 15.0 Consumer LP B system must use PMC TGP LP B 150.1 firmware etc. The PMC firmware can only be updated after being merged with a compatible CSME firmware via Flash Image Tool.

Platform Controller Hub Configuration (PCHC) IUP:

PCHC firmware always targets a specific Chipset Family/Codename (i.e. ICP, CMP, TGP). For example, a CSME 13.0 Consumer LP D system must use PCHC ICP 13.0 firmware, a CSME 15.40 Server LP B system must use PCHC EHL 15.0 firmware etc. The PCHC firmware can only be updated after being merged with a compatible CSME firmware via Flash Image Tool.

USB Type C Physical (PHY) IUP:

PHY firmware always targets a specific Chipset Family/Codename (i.e. LKF, CMP, TGP) and PHY Type/SKU (i.e. S, N, P). For example, a CSME 14.1 Consumer H A system must use PHY P CMP firmware, a CSME 13.30 Lite LP B SPI system must use PHY S LKF firmware etc. The PHY firmware can only be updated after being merged with a compatible CSME firmware via Flash Image Tool.

How to update Engine firmware:

There are two ways to upgrade or downgrade the Engine firmware: either via Intel FWUpdate tool or manually.

  • The Intel FWUpdate tool is an official command line utility provided by Intel which uses the Engine co-processor itself to upgrade/downgrade the (CS)ME firmware quickly and easily. FWUpdate tool requires that the Engine co-processor is operational and that its current Engine firmware region is healthy at the system’s SPI/BIOS chip. To check if the Engine itself as well as its current firmware are healthy, you can use Intel MEInfo and MEManuf tools, as instructed below. FWUpdate tool also requires that the SVN, VCN and PV are not violated. FWUpdate tool does not require the user to have read/write access to the Engine firmware region of the system’s SPI/BIOS chip, as dictated by the Flash Descriptor region permissions. Moreover, FWUpdate tool deals only with Engine CODE and does not require any prior Configuration (DATA). It can thus work with either RGN or EXTR Engine Regions. The basic usage is FWUpdLcl -allowsv -f update_file_name.bin for (CS)ME >= 7 or FWUpdLcl update_file_name.bin -generic for ME <= 6. Starting from CSME 12+, the main CSME firmware needs to be combined/stitched together with one or more IUPs first before initiating an update/downgrade procedure, as described below. You can see the entire supported parameters by displaying the utility’s help screen via FWUpdLcl -?. You can also see a few basic usage examples via FWUpdLcl -exp. Note that the name of the file to be flashed via FWUpdate does not matter.
  • In the event in which the usage of Intel FWUpdate tool is not possible, you can try to upgrade/downgrade the (CS)ME firmware manually. Such cases include downgrading to Engine firmware which violate SVN, VCN or PV, repairing a corruption/problem etc. To upgrade/downgrade/repair manually, you need first and foremost to have read/write access to the Engine firmware region of the system’s SPI/BIOS chip. To check if your FD is locked or to attempt to unlock it, follow the [Guide] Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor Read/Write Access Permissions for SPI Servicing. Once you have read/write access to the Engine firmware region of your system’s SPI/BIOS chip, you can use any general purpose firmware flasher software such as Intel Flash Programming Tool, AMI AFU, Flashrom etc, which directly reads/writes the system’s SPI/BIOS chip firmware. Before flashing, you must make sure that the Engine firmware region to be flashed back is Configured (EXTR) for your specific system via Intel Flash Image Tool (FIT). In order to do that, follow the [Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization. Never flash RGN or 3rd-party EXTR firmware to the Engine firmware region of the system’s SPI/BIOS chip without first configuring them for your specific system (EXTR) via FIT. Since general purpose firmware software do not upgrade/downgrade/repair the Engine firmware region of the system’s SPI/BIOS chip via the Engine co-processor itself, they are usually not restricted by the SVN, VCN and PV security measures. As long as you have read/write access to the Engine firmware region of the system’s SPI/BIOS chip and a DATA Configured (EXTR) Engine firmware image, they should accomplish the desired action. Note however that some platforms have the current TCB SVN and/or ARB SVN value permanently set/fused/burned in the Chipset so you cannot downgrade their firmware with another which has lower TCB SVN and/or ARB SVN.

How to use FWUpdate Tool at CSME v13+:

At CSME 13 or newer, FWUpdate tool requires CSME firmware which has been combined/stitched with its equivalent IUP firmware (i.e. PMC, PCHC, PHY) via Flash Image Tool (FIT). To proceed, you must first learn your system’s Chipset Family/Codename (i.e. ICP, LKF, JSP, CMP, TGP, EHL), Chipset Platform (i.e. H, LP, N, V), Chipset Type (i.e. Consumer, Corporate, Slim, Value, Atom, Server) and Chipset Stepping/Revision (i.e. A, B, C, D).

  • Download the latest Intel CSME System Tools from Section C2 as well as ME Analyzer tool.
  • From Intel CSME System Tools, run MEInfo command line tool and under «Intel(R) ME code versions» > «FW Version» you will find your system’s Chipset Platform as well as Chipset Type (i.e. LP Consumer). Under «PCH Information» > «PCH Step Data» you will find your system’s Chipset Stepping/Revision which starts with a letter (i.e. Ax, Bx, Cx). Alternatively, drag and drop your system’s SPI/BIOS image (Flash Descriptor + Engine + BIOS) at ME Analyzer tool and find «SKU» field which shows your system’s Chipset Type and Chipset Platform (i.e. Consumer LP). Next, find «Chipset Stepping» field which lists one or more supported Chipset Steppings in the form of letters (i.e. A, B, C).
  • Based on your system’s Chipset Family/Codename, Chipset Platform, Chipset Type and Chipset Stepping/Revision, consult the CSME/IUP Table above and choose the correct CSME, PMC, PCHC and/or PHY firmware from Sections B1-B4.
  • Input the chosen CSME firmware into ME Analyzer tool and make sure that «FWUpdate Support» is not reported as «Impossible».
  • From Intel CSME System Tools, go to Flash Image Tool folder and make sure that only two (2) files exist: fit.exe and vsccommn.bin. Otherwise, delete the rest.
  • Run Flash Image Tool (FIT) and adjust the Chipset Platform drop-down menu at the top based on your system’s Chipset Platform (i.e. H series, LP series, N series, V series, Lakefield, Jasper Lake, Elkhart Lake). At CSME 14.1, adjust to «H series (With RocketLake. For the purposes of FWUpdate, there is no need to further adjust the actual Chipset SKU on the right.
  • Load or drag and drop the chosen CSME firmware image anywhere at FIT and go to «FW Update Image Build» tab on the left.
  • If your chosen CSME firmware requires PMC IUP, input its firmware at «PMC Image» > «PMC Binary File» field.
  • If your chosen CSME firmware requires PCHC IUP, input its firmware at «PCHC Image» > «PCH Configuration File» field.
  • If your chosen CSME firmware requires PHY IUP, input its firmware at «PHY Image» > «PHY Binary File» field.
  • Click the green «Build Image For FWUpdate» button at the top right and a «FWUpdate.bin» file will be generated.
  • Input «FWUpdate.bin» file into ME Analyzer tool and make sure that «FWUpdate Support» is reported as «Yes».
  • Use FWUpdate tool to flash the «FWUpdate.bin» image.

How to use FWUpdate Tool at CSME v12:

At CSME v12, FWUpdate tool requires CSME firmware which has been combined/stitched with its equivalent IUP firmware (PMC) via Flash Image Tool (FIT). To proceed, you must first learn your system’s Chipset Platform (H, LP), Chipset Type (Consumer, Corporate, Slim) and Chipset Stepping/Revision (i.e. A, B, C).

  • Download the latest Intel CSME System Tools from Section C2 as well as ME Analyzer tool.
  • From Intel CSME System Tools, run MEInfo command line tool and under «Intel(R) ME code versions» > «FW Version» you will find your system’s Chipset Platform as well as Chipset Type (i.e. H Consumer). Under «PCH Information» > «PCH Step Data» you will find your system’s Chipset Stepping/Revision which starts with a letter (i.e. Ax, Bx, Cx). Alternatively, drag and drop your system’s SPI/BIOS image (Flash Descriptor + Engine + BIOS) at ME Analyzer tool and find «SKU» field which shows your system’s Chipset Type and Chipset Platform (i.e. Consumer H). Next, find «Chipset Stepping» field which lists one or more supported Chipset Steppings/Revisions in the form of letters (i.e. A, B, C).
  • Based on your system’s Chipset Platform, Chipset Type and Chipset Stepping/Revision, consult the CSME/IUP Table above and choose the correct CSME and PMC firmware from Sections B1-B2.
  • Input the chosen CSME firmware into ME Analyzer tool and make sure that «FWUpdate Support» is not reported as «Impossible».
  • From Intel CSME System Tools, go to Flash Image Tool folder and make sure that only two (2) files exist: fit.exe and vsccommn.bin. Otherwise, delete the rest.
  • Run Flash Image Tool (FIT) and adjust the Chipset Platform drop-down menu at the top to either «H Series Chipset» or «LP Series Chipset» based on your system’s Chipset Platform. For the purposes of FWUpdate, there is no need to further adjust the Chipset SKU on the right.
  • Load/drop the chosen CSME firmware image and then input the chosen PMC IUP firmware at «Flash Layout» > «Ifwi: Intel(R) Me and Pmc Region» > «PMC Binary File».
  • Adjust «Flash Settings» > «Flash Components» > «Number of Flash Components» to «0».
  • Adjust «Integrated Sensor Hub» > «Integrated Sensor Hub» > «Integrated Sensor Hub Supported» to «No».
  • Click the green «Build Image» button at the top and a «cse_image_FWU_Base.bin» file will be generated.
  • Input «cse_image_FWU_Base.bin» file into ME Analyzer tool and make sure that «FWUpdate Support» is reported as «Yes».
  • Use FWUpdate tool to flash the «cse_image_FWU_Base.bin» image.

Note: To extract the files below you need to use programs which support RAR5 compression!

B1. (Converged Security) Management Engine — (CS)ME

  • CSME 15.40 Server LP B SPI v15.40.10.2252
    For systems running CSME Server LP B SPI v15.40
  • CSME 15.0 Consumer H B v15.0.35.1932
    For systems running CSME Consumer H B v15.0
  • CSME 15.0 Corporate H A (B) v15.0.30.1902
    For systems running CSME Corporate H A (B) v15.0
  • CSME 15.0 Consumer LP B (C) v15.0.35.1879
    For systems running CSME Consumer LP B (C) v15.0
  • CSME 15.0 Corporate LP B (C) v15.0.30.1776
    For systems running CSME Corporate LP B (C) v15.0
  • CSME 14.5 Consumer V A v14.5.32.1397
    For systems running CSME Consumer V A v14.5
  • CSME 14.1 Consumer H A v14.1.60.1790
    For systems running CSME Consumer H A v14.0 — v14.1
  • CSME 14.1 Corporate H A v14.1.53.1649
    For systems running CSME Corporate H A v14.0 — v14.1
  • CSME 14.1 Consumer LP B,A v14.1.53.1649
    For systems running CSME Consumer LP B,A v14.0 — v14.1
  • CSME 14.1 Corporate LP B,A v14.1.53.1649
    For systems running CSME Corporate LP B,A v14.0 — v14.1
  • CSME 14.1 Slim H A v14.1.53.1649
    For systems running CSME Slim H A v14.0 — v14.1
  • CSME 13.50 Atom N A v13.50.11.1304
    For systems running CSME Atom N A v13.50
  • CSME 13.30 Lite LP B SPI v13.30.17.1405
    For systems running CSME Lite LP B SPI v13.30
  • CSME 13.0 Consumer LP D v13.0.47.1763
    For systems running CSME Consumer LP D v13.0
  • CSME 13.0 Slim N A (B) v13.0.47.1763
    For systems running CSME Slim N A (B) v13.0
  • CSME 12.0 Consumer H B,A v12.0.81.1753
    For systems running CSME Consumer H B,A v12.0
  • CSME 12.0 Corporate H B,A v12.0.81.1753
    For systems running CSME Corporate H B,A v12.0
  • CSME 12.0 Consumer LP C v12.0.81.1753
    For systems running CSME Consumer LP C v12.0
  • CSME 12.0 Consumer LP B v12.0.0.1062
    For systems running CSME Consumer LP B v12.0
  • CSME 12.0 Corporate LP C v12.0.81.1753
    For systems running CSME Corporate LP C v12.0
  • CSME 12.0 Slim H B,A v12.0.81.1753
    For systems running CSME Slim H B,A v12.0
  • CSME 12.0 Slim LP C v12.0.81.1753
    For systems running CSME Slim LP C v12.0
  • CSME 11.22 Corporate H B,A v11.22.86.1877
    For systems running CSME Corporate H B,A v11.20 — v11.22
  • CSME 11.22 Slim H B,A v11.22.86.1877
    For systems running CSME Slim H B,A v11.20 — v11.22
  • CSME 11.12 Consumer H A v11.12.86.1877
    For systems running CSME Consumer H A v11.10 — v11.12
  • CSME 11.12 Corporate H A v11.12.86.1877
    For systems running CSME Corporate H A v11.10 — v11.12
  • CSME 11.12 Slim H A v11.12.86.1877
    For systems running CSME Slim H A v11.10 — v11.12
  • CSME 11.8 Consumer H D,A v11.8.86.3909
    For systems running CSME Consumer H D,A v11.0 — v11.8
  • CSME 11.8 Corporate H D,A v11.8.86.3909
    For systems running CSME Corporate H D,A v11.0 — v11.8
  • CSME 11.8 Consumer LP C NPDM v11.8.86.3909
    For systems running CSME Consumer LP C NPDM v11.0 — v11.8
  • CSME 11.8 Consumer LP C YPDM v11.8.79.3722
    For systems running CSME Consumer LP C YPDM v11.0 — v11.8
  • CSME 11.8 Corporate LP C NPDM v11.8.86.3909
    For systems running CSME Corporate LP C NPDM v11.0 — v11.8
  • CSME 11.8 Corporate LP C YPDM v11.8.86.3877
    For systems running CSME Corporate LP C YPDM v11.0 — v11.8
  • CSME 11.8 Slim H D,A v11.8.86.3877
    For systems running CSME Slim H D,A v11.0 — v11.8
  • CSME 11.8 Slim LP C NPDM v11.8.86.3877
    For systems running CSME Slim LP C NPDM v11.0 — v11.8
  • ME 10.0 1.5MB v10.0.55.3000
    For systems running ME 1.5MB v10.0
  • ME 10.0 5MB v10.0.60.3000
    For systems running ME 5MB v10.0
  • ME 10.0 Slim v10.0.35.1012
    For systems running ME Slim v10.0
  • ME 9.5 1.5MB v9.5.60.1952
    For systems running ME 1.5MB v9.5
  • ME 9.5 5MB v9.5.65.3000
    For systems running ME 5MB v9.5
  • ME 9.5 Slim v9.5.4.1856
    For systems running ME Slim v9.5
  • ME 9.1 1.5MB v9.1.40.1000
    For systems running ME 1.5MB v9.1
  • ME 9.1 5MB v9.1.45.3000
    For systems running ME 5MB v9.1
  • ME 9.0 1.5MB v9.0.31.1487
    For systems running ME 1.5MB v9.0
  • ME 9.0 5MB v9.0.31.3488
    For systems running ME 5MB v9.0
  • ME 8 1.5MB v8.1.70.1590
    For systems running ME 1.5MB v8
  • ME 8 5MB v8.1.72.3002
    For systems running ME 5MB v8
  • ME 7 1.5MB v7.1.80.1214
    For systems running ME 1.5MB v7
  • ME 7 5MB v7.1.92.3273
    For systems running ME 5MB v7
  • ME 7 Slim v7.0.1.1205
    For systems running ME Slim v7
  • ME 6 1.5MB v6.2.50.1062
    For systems running ME 1.5MB v6
  • ME 6 5MB Desktop v6.2.61.3535
    For systems running ME 5MB DT v6
  • ME 6 5MB Mobile v6.2.61.3535
    For systems running ME 5MB MB v6
  • ME 6 Ignition IBX v6.0.30.1199
    For systems running ME Ignition IBX v6
  • ME 6 Ignition CCK v6.0.50.1252
    For systems running ME Ignition CCK v6.0.50
  • ME 5 Base Consumer v5.2.0.1002
    For systems running ME Base Consumer v5
  • ME 5 Digital Office v5.2.71.1048
    For systems running ME Digital Office v5
  • ME 4 TPM v4.2.30.1040
    For systems running ME TPM v4
  • ME 4 AMT v4.2.60.1060
    For systems running ME AMT v4
  • ME 4 AMT + TPM v4.2.60.1060
    For systems running ME AMT + TPM v4
  • ME 3 QST v3.2.3.1037
    For systems running ME QST v3
  • ME 3 ASF v3.2.10.1041
    For systems running ME ASF v3
  • ME 3 AMT v3.2.60.1060
    For systems running ME AMT v3
  • ME 2 QST v2.0.6.1125
    For systems running ME QST v2
  • ME 2 AMT Mobile v2.6.50.1056
    For systems running ME AMT MB v2.5 — v2.6
  • ME 2 AMT Desktop v2.2.30.1046
    For systems running ME AMT DT v2.0 — v2.2

B2. Power Management Controller — PMC

  • PMC MCC LP B v154.1.10.1021
    For systems running PMC MCC LP B v154.1.1x
  • PMC TGP H B v150.2.10.1019
    For systems running PMC TGP H B v150.2.1x
  • PMC TGP LP C v150.1.20.1038
    For systems running PMC TGP LP C v150.1.2x
  • PMC CMP V A v140.1.00.1005
    For systems running PMC CMP V A v140.1.0x
  • PMC CMP H A v140.2.01.1018
    For systems running PMC CMP H A v140.2.0x
  • PMC CMP LP A v140.1.01.1010
    For systems running PMC CMP LP A v140.1.0x
  • PMC JSP N A v135.3.00.1031
    For systems running PMC JSP N A v135.3.0x
  • PMC LKF LP B v133.0.10.1049
    For systems running PMC LKF LP B v133.0.1x
  • PMC ICP LP D v130.1.30.1051
    For systems running PMC ICP LP D v130.1.3x
  • PMC ICP N B v130.3.10.1033
    For systems running PMC ICP N B v130.3.1x
  • PMC CNP H B v300.2.11.1025
    For systems running PMC CNP H B v300.2.1x
  • PMC CNP LP C v300.1.20.1030
    For systems running PMC CNP LP C v300.1.2x
  • PMC CNP LP B v300.1.11.1014
    For systems running PMC CNP LP B v300.1.1x

B3. Platform Controller Hub Configuration — PCHC

  • PCHC MCC v15.40.0.1000
    For systems running PCHC MCC v15.40
  • PCHC TGP v15.0.0.1021
    For systems running PCHC TGP v15.0
  • PCHC CMP v14.5.0.1001
    For systems running PCHC CMP v14.5
  • PCHC CMP v14.0.0.7002
    For systems running PCHC CMP v14.0
  • PCHC JSP v13.5.0.1009
    For systems running PCHC JSP v13.5
  • PCHC LKF v13.30.0.1005
    For systems running PCHC LKF v13.30
  • PCHC ICP v13.0.0.1005
    For systems running PCHC ICP v13.0

B4. USB Type C Physical — PHY

  • PHY P TGP v12.14.214.2014
    For systems running PHY P TGP v12
  • PHY P CMP v12.14.214.2014
    For systems running PHY P CMP v12
  • PHY S LKF v10.227.203.1145
    For systems running PHY S LKF v10

C. Intel (CS)ME System Tools

The Intel (CS)ME System Tools are used for creating, modifying, and writing binary image files, manufacturing testing, Intel (CS)ME setting information gathering and Intel (CS)ME firmware configuration and updating. These tools are not released to end-users but only to OEMs. The software below comes only from official updates which were provided and made public by various OEMs.

Flash Image Tool: Creates and configures a complete SPI image file which includes regions such as Flash Descriptor (FD), BIOS/UEFI, Intel Integrated LAN (GbE), Intel (CS)ME etc. The user can manipulate the completed SPI image via a GUI and change the various chipset parameters to match the target hardware.

Flash Programming Tool: Used to program a complete SPI image into the SPI flash device(s). FPT can program each region individually or it can program all of the regions with a single command. The user can also use FPT to perform various functions such as view the contents of the flash on the screen, write the contents of the flash to a log file, perform a binary file to flash comparison, write to a specific address block, program fixed offset variables etc.

Manifest Extension Utility: Used to generate a 3rd party Independent Update Partitions (IUP) which are compressed and signed by an external signing tool, such as OpenSSL. The signed contents may then be stitched into a SPI/BIOS image using the Intel Flash Image Tool (FIT).

Notice: Avoid using the Windows builds of very old (CS)ME System Tools which either retrieve info (MEInfo, MEManuf, Flash Programming Tool) or modify the platform (FWUpdate, Flash Programming Tool, Integrated Clock Controller) as they may not work properly on newer operating system versions. When available, it is advised to use either the DOS or EFI builds of said very old tools.

Notice: Avoid running the System Tools from paths which include non-English characters (i.e. Cyrillic, Chinese, Arabic, Greek) as it may cause them to crash or behave unpredictably.

C1. Identifying, Updating and Diagnosing Intel (CS)ME Firmware

Those who are looking to update/downgrade their firmware should use MEInfo, FWUpdate and MEManuf tools for status information, updating and functionality checking accordingly. The information and instructions below apply to these three tools only and can be found inside the full Intel ME System Tools Packages.

MEInfo: Shows (CS)ME and IUP info and checks that the Engine co-processor is operating properly on the software/firmware level. Make sure it doesn’t report any errors. You can use «-verbose» parameter to get status info in more detail. The «GBE Region does not exist» warning is normal for systems that don’t have an Intel GbE Controller, you can safely ignore it.

MEManuf: Diagnostic tool which runs various manufacturing-line tests to ensure that the Engine co-processor is operating properly on the hardware level. It should report a «MEManuf Operation Passed» or similar success message. You can use «-verbose» parameter to get diagnostic info in more detail.

FWUpdate: Used to effortlessly upgrade or downgrade the (CS)ME and IUP (i.e PMC, PCHC, PHY) Engine firmware. Read more about FWUpdate tool at Section B.

C2. (CS)ME System Tools

Note: To extract the files below you need to use programs which support RAR5 compression!

  • CSME System Tools v15.40 r1
    For systems running CSME v15.40
  • CSME System Tools v15.0 r10
    For systems running CSME v15.0
  • CSME System Tools v14.5 r5
    For systems running CSME v14.5
  • CSME System Tools v14.0.20+ r17
    For systems running CSME v14.0.20 or newer
  • CSME System Tools v14.0.11- r1
    For systems running CSME v14.0.11 or older
  • CSME System Tools v13.50 r2
    For systems running CSME v13.50
  • CSME System Tools v13.30 r2
    For systems running CSME v13.30
  • CSME System Tools v13.0 r6
    For systems running CSME v13.0
  • CSME System Tools v12 r35
    For systems running CSME v12
  • CSME System Tools v11 r42
    For systems running CSME v11
  • ME System Tools v10.0 r8
    For systems running ME v10.0
  • ME System Tools v9.5 r6
    For systems running ME v9.5
  • ME System Tools v9.1 r7
    For systems running ME v9.0 — v9.1
  • ME System Tools v8 r3
    For systems running ME v8
  • ME System Tools v7 r2
    For systems running ME v7
  • ME System Tools v6 IBX r2
    For systems running ME v6 1.5MB, 5MB DT, 5MB MB or Ignition IBX
  • ME System Tools v6 CCK r1
    For systems running ME v6.0.50 Ignition CCK
  • ME System Tools v5 r2
    For systems running ME v5
  • ME System Tools v4 r1
    For systems running ME v4
  • ME System Tools v3 r2
    For systems running ME v3
  • ME System Tools v2 r1
    For systems running ME v2

D. Old Intel MEI Drivers

You should always install the latest drivers for all 8-series Broadwell mobile and up systems, which can be found at section A. The driver versions linked below are the latest of each older Engine major branch.

Note: To extract the files below you need to use programs which support RAR5 compression!

D1. Old Intel MEI Drivers and Software

These packages contain the Intel MEI/SOL drivers with their respective software and system services. It is advised to install these to enable all the Engine-related functionality. It is important to install the correct package depending on your Consumer/1.5MB or Corporate/5MB system.

  • MEI Drivers and Software Consumer v11.7.0.1069 (ME 9)
  • MEI Drivers and Software Corporate v11.7.0.1069 (ME 9)
  • MEI Drivers and Software Consumer v11.0.6.1194 (ME 7-8)
  • MEI Drivers and Software Corporate v11.0.6.1194 (ME 7-8)
  • MEI Drivers and Software v6.2.50.1062 (ME 6)
  • MEI Drivers and Software v5.2.20.1030 (ME 5)
  • MEI Drivers and Software v4.2.0.1008 (ME 4)
  • MEI Drivers and Software v3.2.50.1059 (ME 3)
  • MEI Drivers and Software v2.6.30.1051 (ME 2 MB)
  • MEI Drivers and Software v2.1.22.1033 (ME 2 DT)

Note: MEI Drivers and Software v11.7.0.1069 includes MEI v11.7.0.1057. MEI Drivers and Software v11.0.6.1194 includes MEI v11.0.5.1189. MEI Drivers and Software v6.2.50.1062 includes MEI Driver v6.2.50.1050. MEI Drivers and Software v3.2.50.1059 includes MEI Driver v3.2.20.1046. MEI Drivers and Software v2.6.30.1051 includes MEI Driver v2.6.30.1046.

D2. Old Intel SOL «Drivers» and Software

  • SOL Drivers and Software v5.5.1.1012 (ME 5)
  • SOL Drivers and Software v5.4.1.1016 (ME 4)
  • SOL Drivers and Software v5.4.1.1051 (ME 3)
  • SOL Drivers and Software v5.3.1.1046 (ME 2 MB)
  • SOL Drivers and Software v5.2.0.1019 (ME 2 DT)

D3. Old Intel TPM Drivers and Software

  • TPM Drivers and Software v5.2.20.1030 (ME 4 and 5)

D4. Old Intel MEI Driver Only

These packages contain only the Intel MEI Driver without any additional software or system services. Installing these allow only very basic Engine-related functionality. They are compatible with both Consumer/1.5MB and Corporate/5MB systems. The MEI Installer is the setup file from Intel which includes the MEI Driver but also allows easy installation and adds a Control Panel entry for quick driver removal.

  • MEI Installer v11.7.0.1069 (ME 9)
  • MEI Driver v11.7.0.1057 (ME 9, Windows 8 and Windows 10)
  • MEI Driver v11.7.0.1057 (ME 9, Windows XP and Windows 7)
  • MEI Installer v11.0.6.1194 (ME 7-8)
  • MEI Driver v11.0.5.1189 (ME 7-8)
  • MEI Driver v6.2.50.1050 (ME 6)
  • MEI Driver v5.2.0.1008 (ME 5)
  • MEI Driver v4.2.0.1008 (ME 4)
  • MEI Driver v3.2.20.1046 (ME 3)
  • MEI Driver v2.6.30.1046 (ME 2 MB)
  • MEI Driver v2.1.22.1033 (ME 2 DT)
  • AMT Driver v1.1.30.2 (AMT 1 GbE)

Note: The MEI Drivers listed above are part of the complete Drivers and Software packages found at section D1. A newer Drivers and Software package has newer Software but the actual MEI Driver may still be an older version.

Note: The MEI Installer includes the MEI Driver but allows easy installation of it. However, since we cannot always find the latest MEI Installer, it is advised to manually install the MEI Driver in case its version is newer. MEI Installer v11.7.0.1069 includes MEI Driver v11.7.0.1057. MEI Installer v11.0.6.1194 includes MEI Driver v11.0.5.1189.

D5. Old Intel SOL «Driver» Only

These packages contain only the Intel SOL «Driver» without any additional software or system services. It is compatible only with Corporate/5MB systems. If the software and system services are required in case of remote management etc, users of such systems should install the equivalent complete Drivers and Software package (section D1).

  • SOL «Driver» v11.6.0.1009 (ME 9)
  • SOL «Driver» v11.0.0.1136 (ME 7-8)
  • SOL «Driver» v6.2.50.1060 (ME 6)
  • SOL «Driver» v5.5.1.1012 (ME 5)
  • SOL «Driver» v5.4.1.1016 (ME 4)
  • SOL «Driver» v5.4.1.1051 (ME 3)
  • SOL «Driver» v5.3.1.1046 (ME 2 MB)
  • SOL «Driver» v5.2.0.1019 (ME 2 DT)

Note: The SOL «Drivers» for ME 2-5 listed above are part of the complete Drivers and Software packages found at section D2. A newer Drivers and Software package has newer Software but the actual SOL «Driver» may still be an older version.

Note: The SOL «Driver» is not really a driver but rather a placeholder INF file which assigns a correct device name at Device Manager and prevents the latter from showing the yellow exclamation mark of «No driver was found for this device».

D6. Old Intel TPM Driver Only

  • TPM Driver v5.0.1.1085 (ME 4 and 5)

(c) win-raid.com

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