Use config tab is locked cisco как исправить

Cisco Packet Tracer - Configure is locked Cisco Решение и ответ на вопрос 2004642

4 / 4 / 1

Регистрация: 03.09.2014

Сообщений: 156


16.06.2017, 10:37. Показов 32310. Ответов 4

Всем доброго времени суток,

Начал изучение CCNA. Сейчас выполняю лабораторую работу и столкнулся с такой проблемой:

По заданию нужно сконфигурировать простенькую сетку. Когда открываю лабору в Packet Tracer и пытаюсь открыть меню любого и коммутаторов, мне выдаёт сообщение о том, что настройка залочена (Configure is locked). То есть, скорфигурировать коммутаторы я не могу, потому как доступа к ним у меня нет. Быть может, кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой же проблемой и знает решение, как получить доступ?

Приложил скриншот и саму лабору.


Cisco Packet Tracer - Configure is locked

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


Эксперт по компьютерным сетям

711 / 404 / 116

Регистрация: 20.04.2014

Сообщений: 1,057

16.06.2017, 12:25


Вы открыли pka-файл — это готовая лаба со своим сценарием, условиями выполнения и, возможно, ограничением времени.
Раз доступа нет — значит условиями лабы он не предусмотрен и обходитесь без него.

Хочется поиграться — собирайте топологию самостоятельно (она, судя по рисунку, проще некуда) — и будет всевозможный доступ.


4 / 4 / 1

Регистрация: 03.09.2014

Сообщений: 156

16.06.2017, 12:44



Я так и сделал, создал и настроил свою топологию. Просто не сталкивался ещё с такими вещами, чтоб доступа не было к устройствам. Просто зачем тогда студентам давать pka-файл, можно ведб просто написать,чтоб создали определённую топологию


Эксперт по компьютерным сетям

711 / 404 / 116

Регистрация: 20.04.2014

Сообщений: 1,057

16.06.2017, 13:07


Сообщение от Oxidous
Посмотреть сообщение

Просто зачем тогда студентам давать pka-файл, можно ведб просто написать,чтоб создали определённую топологию

Затем и давать, чтобы шли не простейшим и очевиднейшим путем, а демонстрировали некие навыки. Это же контрольная лаба, фактически. Контроль времени есть? Автоматическая проверка правильности выполнения есть? Чего же еще для обучения надо?


4 / 4 / 1

Регистрация: 03.09.2014

Сообщений: 156

20.06.2017, 14:32



Всё оказалось ещё проще. Я просто совершенно забыл,что Packet Tracer позволяет создавать эмуляцию физической сети, а потому из головы совершенно вылетело, что достаточно было к каждому коммутатору добавить консольное соединение, как, если бы я физически находился рядом с ними. После добавления я успешно через терминал получил доступ к обоим коммутаторвм и смог их должным образом настроить.


Cisco Packet Tracer - Configure is locked




87844 / 49110 / 22898

Регистрация: 17.06.2006

Сообщений: 92,604

20.06.2017, 14:32

Помогаю со студенческими работами здесь

Cisco Packet Tracer
Стоит задача в топологии распределить ip адреса для сети и создать…

cisco packet tracer
только начал изучать сетевые технологии. Проблемма с cisco packet tracer. Ввожу команду ip…

Cisco Packet Tracer
не открываются все сети которые есть тут при скачивании вылетает ошибка что делать ? пишет что не…

Cisco Packet Tracer
Помогите, не могу понять почему с 1 роутера не видно другой, вроде бы все правильно,…

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Exclusive Configuration Change Access and Access Session Locking

Exclusive Configuration Change Access (also called the “Configuration Lock” feature) allows you to have exclusive change
access to the Cisco IOS XE running configuration, preventing multiple users from making concurrent configuration changes.

The Access Session Locking addition to this feature extends the Exclusive Configuration Change Access feature such that
show and
debug commands entered by the user holding the configuration lock always have execution priority;
debug commands entered by other users are only allowed to run after the processes initiated by the configuration lock owner have

The Exclusive Configuration Change Access feature (“exposed lock”) is complementary with the locking mechanism in the Configuration
Replace and Configuration Rollback feature (“rollback lock”).

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information,
see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module,
and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature
Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Information About Locking the Configuration

Exclusive Configuration
Change Access and Access Session Locking

Devices running Cisco
IOS software maintain a running configuration that determines the configuration
state of the device. Changes to the running configuration alter the behavior of
the device. Because Cisco IOS software allows multiple users to change the
running configuration via the device CLI (including the device console and
telnet Secure Shell (SSH)), in some operating environments it would be
beneficial to prevent multiple users from making concurrent changes to the
Cisco IOS running configuration. Temporarily limiting access to the Cisco IOS
running configuration prevents inadvertent conflicts or cases where two users
attempt to configure the same portion of the running configuration.

The Exclusive
Configuration Change Access feature (also called the “Configuration Lock”
feature) allows you to have exclusive change access to the Cisco IOS running
configuration, preventing multiple users from making concurrent configuration

This feature provides
exclusive change access to the Cisco IOS running configuration from the time
you enter global configuration mode by using the
command. This gives the effect of a
“configuration lock,” preventing other users from changing the Cisco IOS
running configuration. The configuration lock is automatically released when
the user exits Cisco IOS configuration mode.

The Exclusive
Configuration Change Access feature is enabled using the
command in global configuration mode.
Exclusive configuration change access can be set to
auto , so that
the Cisco IOS configuration mode is locked whenever anyone uses the
command, or it can be set to
manual , so that
the Cisco IOS configuration mode is locked only when the
command is issued.

The Exclusive
Configuration Change Access feature is complementary with the locking mechanism
for the Configuration Replace and Configuration Rollback feature introduced in
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S and 12.3(7)T.

Access Session

The Access Session
Locking feature extends the Exclusive Configuration Change Access feature such
show and
debug commands
entered by the user holding the configuration lock always have execution
priority. This feature prevents concurrent configuration access and also
provides an option to prevent simultaneous processes, such as a
show command
entered by another user, from executing while other configuration commands are
being executed. When this feature is enabled, the commands entered by the user
with the configuration lock (such as configuration commands) always have
priority over commands entered by other users.

How to Configure Configuration Exclusive Confguration Change-Access and Access Session Locking

Enabling Exclusive
Configuration Change Access and Access Session Locking


Effective with
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE, the Exclusive Configuration Change Access and
Access Session Locking feature is not available in Cisco IOS software. Use the
Parser Concurrency and Locking Improvements feature instead of this feature.
See the “Enabling Parser Concurrency and Locking Improvements” section for more

Perform this task to enable the Exclusive Configuration Change
Access and Access Session Locking feature.


  1. enable

  2. configure


  3. configuration

  4. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your
    password if prompted.

Step 2




Router# configure terminal

Enters global
configuration mode.

Step 3



Router(config)# configuration mode exclusive 

exclusive configuration change access (configuration lock feature).

  • When the
    command is enabled, configuration sessions are performed in single-user
    (exclusive) mode.

Step 4



Router(config)# end 

Ends your
configuration session and returns the CLI to privileged EXEC mode.

Obtaining Exclusive
Configuration Change Access


  1. enable

  2. configure


  3. configure

  4. Configure the
    system by entering your changes to the running configuration.

  5. Do one of the

    • end

    • or

    • exit


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Router> enable

privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your
    password if prompted.

Step 2




Router# configure terminal

Enters global
configuration mode.

Step 3



Router(config)# configure terminal lock

Locks the Cisco IOS software in exclusive (single-user) mode.

  • This
    command can be used only if you have previously enabled configuration locking
    by using the

  • This
    command is available in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T or later releases.

Step 4

Configure the
system by entering your changes to the running configuration.

Step 5

Do one of the

  • end

  • or

  • exit


Router(config)# end




Router(config)# exit

Ends your
configuration session, automatically releases the session lock obtained in Step
1, and exits to privileged EXEC mode.


Either the
end command,
exit command,
or the Ctrl-Z key combination releases the configuration lock. Use of the
end command is

Monitoring and
Troubleshooting Configuration Locking

Perform either or
both steps in this task to monitor or troubleshoot the Exclusive Configuration
Change Access and Access Session Locking feature.


  1. show

  2. debug


Step 1


Use this
command to display the status and details of any current configuration locks,
including the owner, user, terminal, lock state, and lock class.

If you cannot
enter global configuration mode, you can use this command to determine if the
configuration session is locked by another user, and who that user is.


Step 2


Use this
command to enable debugging of Cisco IOS configuration locks (exposed class
locks or rollback class locks):


Router# debug configuration lock
Session1 from console
Router# configure terminal lock 
Configuration mode locked exclusively. The lock will be cleared once you exit out of configuration mode using end/exit
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Parser: <configure terminal lock> - Config. Lock requested by process <3> client <PARSER Client>
Parser: <configure terminal lock> - Config. Lock acquired successfully !

Configuration Examples for Locking the Configuration

Configuring an Exclusive Lock
in Auto Mode Example

The following
example shows how to enable the exclusive lock in auto mode for single-user
auto configuration mode using the
configuration mode exclusive command. Once the Cisco IOS
configuration file is locked exclusively, you can verify this configuration by
using the
show configuration lock command.

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# exit 
Router# configure terminal 
! Locks configuration mode exclusively.
Router# show configuration lock
Parser Configure Lock
Owner PID        :  10
User             :  User1
TTY              :  3
Type             :  EXCLUSIVE
State            :  LOCKED
Class            :  Exposed 
Count            :  0 
Pending Requests :  0 
User debug info  :  0 

Configuring an Exclusive Lock
in Manual Mode Example

Additional References

The following sections provide references related to locking the configuration.

Related Documents

Related Topic

Document Title

Commands for managing configuration files

Cisco IOS Configuration Management Command Reference

Information about managing configuration files

Managing Configuration Files




No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been modified by this



MIBs Link

No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been modified by this feature.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at
the following URL:




No new or modified RFCs are supported by this feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been modified by this feature.

Technical Assistance



The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and
resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.

To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product
Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.

Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Exclusive Configuration Change Access and Access Session Locking

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists
only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise,
subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco
Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 1. Feature Information for Exclusive Configuration Change Access and Access Session Locking

Feature Name


Feature Information

Exclusive Configuration Change Access and Access Session Locking

12.3(14)T 12.0(31)S 12.2(33)SRA 12.4(11)T 12.2(33)SXH 12.2(33)SB

The Exclusive Configuration Change Access feature (also called the “Configuration Lock” feature) allows you to have exclusive
change access to the Cisco IOS running configuration, preventing multiple users from making concurrent configuration changes.

The Access Session Locking addition to this feature extends the Exclusive Configuration Change Access feature such that
show and
debug commands entered by the user holding the configuration lock always have execution priority; show and
debug commands entered by other users are allowed to run only after the processes initiated by the configuration lock owner have

The Exclusive Configuration Change Access feature is complementary with the locking mechanism for the Configuration Replace
and Configuration Rollback feature (“rollback lock”).

The Configuration Lock feature feature was integrated into Release 12.0S, and the Access Session Locking feature extension
was implemented. The
command was extended to include the following keyword options:
config_wait ,
expire ,
interleave ,
lock-show ,
retry_wait , and
terminate . The output of the
command was improved.

The extended feature was integrated into Releases 12.2(33)SRA, 12.4(11)T, 12.2(33)SXH, and 12.2(33)SB.

The following sections provide information about this feature:

  • Information About Locking the Configuration

  • How to Configure Configuration Lock

The following commands were introduced or modified:
, and

Parser Concurrency and Locking Improvements



The Parser Concurrency and Locking Improvements feature provides a common interface that ensures that exclusive access is
granted to the requested process and prevents others from concurrently accessing the Cisco IOS configuration. It allows access
only to the user holding the lock and prevents other clients from accessing the configuration.

The following sections provide information about this feature:

  • Parser Concurrency and Locking Improvements

  • Enabling Parser Concurrency and Locking Improvements

The following commands were introduced or modified:

Locking Configuration Access


You want to prevent multiple concurrent users from
making configuration changes at the same time.


To automatically prevent other users from making configuration
changes at the same time as you, use the following command:

Router1#configure terminal 
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router1(config)#configuration mode exclusive auto

To enable the ability to lock the configuration file, on an
as-needed basis, use the following command:

Router1#configure terminal 
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router1(config)#configuration mode exclusive manual 


This feature was introduced in IOS Version 12.3(14)T.


By default, the router running IOS software allows multiple
concurrent users to change the running configuration files at once. In
some operating environments, preventing multiple concurrent users from
making changes is beneficial. Being able to prevent two users
attempting to modify the same portion of the configuration file is
desired. By enabling this feature, you temporarily prevent multiple
users from modifying the router configuration at the same time.

Essentially, this feature allows only a single user to enter the
configuration mode at a time. All other users on the router are
effectively locked out of the configuration mode until the first user
exits it. As we’ve seen in our examples, this feature runs in two
modes, auto and manual. In auto mode, the configuration mode is
automatically locked each time a user enters the configuration mode.
In manual mode, users have the ability to manually lock the
configuration mode each time they change the router configuration by
using the lock keyword:

Router1#configure terminal lock
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

If you don’t issue the lock
keyword, then the router will not lock the configuration mode and the
router will function as normal. In auto mode, you don’t need to issue
the lock keyword, since it is
implicitly enabled.

If you attempt to enter the configuration mode and someone has
already locked it, then you will receive the following message
informing you that the configuration mode is locked and by

Router1#configure terminal 
Configuration mode locked exclusively by user 'ijbrown' process '31' from terminal '162'. Please try later.

You can always show the status of the configuration lock by
issuing the following command:

Router1#show configuration lock
Parser Configure Lock
Owner PID        : 31
User             : ijbrown
TTY              : 162
Type             : EXCLUSIVE
State            : LOCKED
Class            : EXPOSED
Count            : 1
Pending Requests : 0
User debug info  : configure terminal lock

If you absolutely need to change the router configuration and
someone has locked you out, then you always have the option of
terminating his or her session. Notice that user ijbrown has currently locked the
configuration mode, and he is using TTY 162.
In the next example, we will clear the TTY session and view the status
of the configuration lock:

Router1#clear line 162
[confirm] <enter>
Router1#show configuration lock 
Parser Configure Lock
Owner PID        : -1
User             : unknown
TTY              : -1
Type             : NO LOCK
State            : FREE
Class            : unknown
Count            : 0
Pending Requests : 0
User debug info  : 

Notice that once we clear the user’s session, the lock is
removed and we are then free to make configuration changes. In
addition, once someone does lock the configuration mode, a system
message is sent to inform all other users:

Sep  2 22:39:03.304 EDT:  Configuration mode locked exclusively. The lock will be cleared once you exit out of configuration mode using end/exit

Oct 25, 2011

how to unlock the config tab in packet tracer?

View 1 Replies


2621XM Packet Tracer IGRP Configuration

Sep 29, 2011

I am using packet tracer 5.3 version and I am trying to configure IGRP on it but it doesn’t show me igrp under routing protocol selection.Router number is 2621XM.IOS version is 12.2.learn the configuration of IGRP.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3560 Topology In Packet Tracer Related To Etherchannel Configuration

May 23, 2012

i have made a topology in packet tracer related to etherchannel configuration.i am using 2 3560 switches and 1 2950 switch. Now what i want is to bundle up the redundant links between these 3 switches. The links fa0/1-3 between 2950_1 and 3560_1 switches have been bundled up but when i try to bundle the links fa0/4-6 of 3560_1 to fa0/4-6 of 3560_2 it wont work. i am using channel-group 1 mode desirable between the 3560 switches. secondly if i want to assign ip to port channels then it has to be of same subnet between 2 3560 switches right and it must be same between 2950_1 and 3560_1. But these 2 subnets should be different from one another.

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How To Find Packet Tracer 8.6.1

Apr 19, 2011

i’m on the CCNA 4 accessing the WAN part for the Cisco Academy. I’m trying to do a packet tracer 8.6.1 and I’m stuck. I’m looking for the answer so I can figure out what I’m missing.

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How To Setup DNS In Packet Tracer

May 16, 2011

How can I pair a html file to a domain name in packet tracer?

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Cisco Packet Tracer VOIP

Sep 9, 2012

having some issues. My basic VOIP network I can get to work no problem uner Vlan 1. But when I try tomake multiple basic networks to connect and put them in to diffrent Vlans such as Vlan 2, 3, 4 and conect them the phones now say configuering IP.

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Can’t Ping Between Routers (Packet Tracer)

Mar 6, 2011

I’m trying to set up a network comprised of three LANs connected by serial. As this is a small part of an assignment I’ve been instructed to subnet into /26 and to use /30 subnets for my serial connections.At the moment I can ping between devices on each of the LANs but I can’t ping between routers at all. Embarrassingly I’m not sure why, I think it may be something I’ve missed on setting up the serial links as I have set routers up fine before using other connection types.

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Cisco :: Packet Tracer 6 Download?

Jan 29, 2013

I’d like to know if packet tracer 6 can be download yet?

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Cisco :: Range Of Ports In Packet Tracer

Oct 27, 2012

I’m preparing myself for CCNA exam and i started doing a lot of different examples. I’ve got problem with Packet Tracer when i’m trying to apply some security settings for the range of switch ports in default VLAN 1. I might just demonstrate my commands so it will be easier do understand.

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Cisco :: Enabling PIM In Packet Tracer

Dec 5, 2012

I am trying to test PIM SM mode between some 2811 routers built up in my packet tracer 5.3.3 .But surprisingly PIM option is not coming in the interface mode .Even IP multicast option is not shown in global config mode.

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Cisco :: Configuring EIGRP On Packet Tracer?

May 27, 2012

I have been playing around with Packet Tracer trying to understand EIGRP and to put it into practice. Well im not doing so well, I cant get the routers to form an adjacency therefore nothing is pinging outside of the routers. [URL]

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Cisco :: Simulate An ISA Server In Packet Tracer?

Jan 21, 2013

I’m an IT student and I’ve been assigned with homework simulating a network including an ISA server and some clients in Packet Tracer but I can’t find anything which can be configured like an ISA (Internet Security and Acceleration) server(this is kind of Microsoft’s technology as I know) in Packet Tracer, the generic Server from the devices box has only some basic services such as HTTP, DHCP, DNS, FTP, AAA, … but none of anything related to ISA, all the servers in Packet Tracer have only 1 interface whereas the ISA server (as far as I know) should have at least two interfaces, and there is also no CLI supported for those servers so I think I can’t simulate ISA server in Packet Tracer, can I?

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Protocols / Routing :: Cluster In Packet Tracer?

Jan 16, 2011

have 2 routers connected in cluster ith serial dte link. screenis locked. I need to draw a topology of Internet cluster, but i don’t know how to discover whats is in it, because i don’t have set ip

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Protocols / Routing :: How To Use Firewall In Packet Tracer

Apr 5, 2013

I have a project about ISP in packet tracer,I want to know how to make firewall configuration and steps I don’t know how to use firewall in packet tracer at all.

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Manually Assigned Ip Configurations Using Packet Tracer?

Oct 12, 2012

using packet tracer, how can i find dns server ip address and i am having trouble pinging the desktops and server that i manually assigned the ip addresses to

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Cisco WAN :: Packet Tracer 5.33 Silent Install?

Mar 18, 2013

I’m trying to create a silent, scripted install of Cisco Packet Tracer 5.33. At the end of the install there is a box that comes up about Packet Tracer Skills Based Assessment (PTSBA). Is there a way to supress this dialogue box? I’m using «PacketTracer533_setup.exe» /sp- /verysilent /norestart» with no luck.

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Cisco :: Packet Tracer — Must Block Communication Between Computers

Mar 22, 2013

I’m student from IT school and i have a school project but i have a problem on packet tracer.In a vlan, i must block the communication between computers in it but i dont know how i must do that.Effectively, it’s about 250 computers in this VLAN but each computer can’t caommunicate between us.

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Cisco :: Where To Download Router Template On Packet Tracer

Oct 20, 2011

Asking about Packet Tracer. I currently use packet tracer 5.3.2.Can you give me any link where to download router template on packet tracer? I want to explore cisco 2821 but packet tracer 5.3.2 has an existing of cisco 2811 only then, I tried to add the 4 ports of RJ11 but I cannot see the 4 port telphone.

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Cisco :: VLANs Route Outside Of Network Packet Tracer

May 30, 2012

I am unable to get traffic from any VLAN to communicate outside of the router, as well as get any traffic from outside of the router to communicate with any device on either VLAN. I am able to ping the router from each device on each VLAN, and vice versa. However, the traffic seems to die at the router, and I cannot figure out why. I know it’s probably a small, easy fix, but I cannot seem to find any kind of documentation on it.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA5505 — Packet Tracer Output — Access Denied

Mar 16, 2013

I am trying to troubleshoot a problem where in one of my remote site is not able to access some networks at HQ over Site to SIte VPN ( asa 5505 at Remote and 5520 at HQ). I ran packet tracer and HQ ASA looks clean as everything came out as ALLOW. Remote site ASA packet tracer give me DROP out at Phase 9 (VPN). I am not very sure what to look in ASA for resolution now. Is it an access list that is blocking the traffice or VPN setup.

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Cisco Firewall :: 5550 ASA (8.3) — Packet Tracer / Multi-Context Classification

Nov 22, 2011

I’ve been using packet-tracer for some time on and off with mixed results.

 I’m running a multi context firewall with over 10 of the contexts sharing the same outside interface / network. All interfaces obviously have valid, unique IPs and also unique MAC addresses as mac-address auto is enabled in the system context.

 This is an ASA 5550 running 8.3(2.10) interim so includes the fix for the well known packet-tracer classication failed bug.

 So in theory, with firewall contexts on a shared interface the ASA should use the firewall MAC address to classify incoming traffic to the correct firewall and as far as I am aware, only fall back on using NAT to classify if the interface MACs are the same. In reality on my platform this doesn’t seem to be happening and the classifier is using NAT to determine the destination context. I’m seeing this with live traffic (i.e. not generated by packet-tracer) in logs and can prove it by disabling certain NAT rules (there is some overlap with the IP addressing behind each firewall).

 My question regarding packet tracer is this — in the above scenario with a shared outside interface, does packet tracer ALWAYS use NAT to determine the destination context? Or does packet tracer look up the MAC address of the ingress interface according to what context you are running packet tracer from? It appears that packet-tracer is using NAT in my case which could be just symptomatic of the potential bug I’ve described above rather than by design.

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Cisco ASA 5505 Simple PAT — Packet-tracer Can’t Look At Any External Devices While Running

Sep 16, 2012

here, am used to the RouterSwitch CLI but been asked to set up an ASA 5505 8.4.Quite simply I am trying to at least test out a static PAT from an external source to an internal server in a test environment and no matter whether I set it up as an auto-nat or a twice-nat whenever I run a packet tracer I end up with the same error. This is the packet-tracer I am running-packet-trace input outside tcp 3389 3389

 Phase: 5
Type: NAT
Subtype: rpf-check
Result: DROP
Config:nat (inside,outside) source static server publicIP service RDP RDP
Additional Information:


 Now I have a couple of questions initially. I have made the presumption that packet-tracer does not look at any external devices while running — as in as long as the ports are up it doesn’t matter what is on the end of them for testing purposes? Is there anything I am missing?I have this morning wiped the config and have simply set up the adapters, a default route and twice nat and am not sure why I keep getting the error. I am sure it is something very simple and I’m being a massive donut!


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