User status may not be up to date как исправить

No one likes errors popping up in their favorite games, especially when it keeps you from playing all of the creative worlds it has to offer. Currently, many Roblox users are facing that problem with a rather unique error code. Here is everything you need to know about how to fix “User Status May Not […]

No one likes errors popping up in their favorite games, especially when it keeps you from playing all of the creative worlds it has to offer. Currently, many Roblox users are facing that problem with a rather unique error code. Here is everything you need to know about how to fix “User Status May Not Be Up to Date” error on Roblox.

How to Fix “User Status May Not Be Up to Date” Error on Roblox

If you get this error when loading up Roblox, go through the following steps:

  1. Check the spelling and capitalization of your username and/or password.

    If this is incorrect, it’ll obviously keep you from logging in.

  2. Make sure your password is correct.

    If it isn’t, try resetting it.

  3. Try using a different device or web browser.
  4. Clear your browser cache.

    Also make sure you browser doesn’t have any updates that need to be installed.

  5. Check the Roblox Server Status

    Sometimes this error is caused by a problem on the server side. You can check the Roblox server status for any known issues here.

If none of that works, it may just be that Roblox is also down for the moment. A lot of times, this error message will pop up when the game is going through server issues, meaning you’ll just have to wait things out until it gets back online.

At the time of writing, Roblox’s servers are having issues with players joining games, and the ‘User Status May Not Be Up to Date’ error may be a result of this.

roblox user status may not be up to date, roblox server status

That is everything you need to know about how to fix “User Status May Not Be Up to Date” error on Roblox. If you’re still on the hunt for more info about the game, be sure to check out the rest of Twinfinite to see the rest of our guides, which have plenty of tips, tricks, and FAQs.

There should also be some more Roblox-related content down below that you may find helpful, as well as some other news for the game. For any questions you have about the game that you can’t seem to find the answer to, always feel free to reach out to us in the comment section and we’ll do our best to help.

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Поскольку Roblox является огромным онлайн-сервисом, вы обязательно столкнетесь с несколькими ошибками при попытке подключиться к игре. Заметная ошибка, с которой столкнулись некоторые игроки, дает им уведомление, которое отображает «Статус пользователя может быть устаревшим», что не позволяет им перейти в игру. В этом руководстве мы расскажем, как исправить ошибку «Статус пользователя может быть устаревшей» в Roblox и что это значит.

Заметная ошибка «статистика пользователя может быть устаревшей», вероятно, связана с проблемами сервера на стороне Roblox. Эта ошибка стала появляться чаще, когда страница состояния сервера Roblox начала сообщать о широко распространенном сбое в игре. Вскоре после этого учетная запись Roblox Status в Твиттере отразила сбой, произошедший в определенное время, без объяснения причин, по которым произошло возмущение.

Roblox официально заявили, что расследуют широко распространенный сбой сайта в 10:54 по тихоокеанскому времени. #Роблокс #РоблоксДаун

— Статус Роблокс (@Roblox___status) 21 января 2022 г.

Мы представляем, что по мере того, как команда Roblox постоянно работает над этими проблемами, и серверы снова начинают появляться, вы перестанете видеть код ошибки статуса пользователя. Учитывая, что эти два события произошли одновременно, они, вероятно, связаны. Все упирается в проблемы с сервером. Если вы видите эту ошибку, обязательно посетите страницу статуса Roblox. Если что-то не работает, скорее всего, вам придется подождать, пока они вернутся, чтобы больше не видеть ошибку.

Лучшая рекомендация для решения этой проблемы — подождать, пока все снова заработает, и снова войти в систему позже. Вам нужно будет подождать, пока серверы снова не станут стабильными.

user status may not be up to date роблокс что делать

Информация для тех у кого Roblox не работает/выдает ошибку.Причины и решения
Ошибка:An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We,re sorry!
Эта ошибка имеет много причин.Ваш ПК слишком слаб,ошибка в файлах,ошибка прогрузки или выполнения скрипта. Если ошибка постоянно мерцает в глаза,то для начала проверьте свой ПК на мощность.Может он слишком слаб для этой игры(плейса в Roblox).Переустановите Roblox и запустите его от имени администратора.

Ошибка во время игры:You have been disconnected from the server
Довольно частая проблема.Скорее всего виноват интернет,так как чаще всего причина в нем.Бывает,что может выдать такую ошибку просто так.Решение такое:проверьте интернет и просто перезайдите

Ошибка:an error occurred while starting roblox
Причин очень много.Это может быть и поврежденные файлы,и слабый пк,и прочие.
Решение простое:Переустановите программу.Запустите ее от имени администратора в режиме совместимости с Winows 8/8.1

Ошибка: Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 148:Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again
Перезайди на свой аккаунт.Переидите в панель управления и найдите «свойства обозревателя».В появившемся окне нажимаем на «свойства» и потом «сброс».Затем ставим галочку «удалить личные данные»,а потом «сброс»

Ошибка при подключении к игре:Error >Решение опять же простое.Просто подождать и поиграть в другую игру.Причина может быть в слабом ПК


Cómo arreglar ‘su mensaje fue moderado y no enviado problema en Roblox (11.15.21)

Roblox es un juego que juegan millones de personas en todo el mundo. Encontrarás jugadores de muchos países y culturas diferentes jugando al juego a diario, y también podrás interactuar mucho con ellos dependiendo del tipo de lugar que estés visitando en el juego. Una de las mejores cosas de Roblox es que también tiene una función de chat que te permite comunicarte con todos estos diferentes jugadores a través de texto.

Cómo solucionar el problema de Roblox «Tu mensaje fue moderado y no enviado» > Ya sea que desee crear salas de chat privadas o interactuar con jugadores en el chat mientras visita un lugar, podrá hacerlo fácilmente. Sin embargo, Roblox a veces impide que los jugadores lo hagan y muestra «tu mensaje fue moderado y no se puede enviar». Esto es lo que debe hacer si también se encuentra con este problema y no puede enviar un mensaje en Roblox.

Lecciones populares de Roblox

Lo primero que debe hacer para solucionar este problema antes de comenzar a solucionar problemas y encontrar soluciones es asegurarse de que su mensaje no incluya ningún tipo de contenido ofensivo o inapropiado. Roblox es una plataforma que está hecha principalmente para que niños de todo el mundo se reúnan y jueguen videojuegos. Sus desarrolladores tienen como objetivo hacerlo lo más seguro posible para los niños, por lo que no se tolerará ninguna forma de material ofensivo, ni siquiera en lo más mínimo.

Si su mensaje incluye malas palabras, lenguaje ofensivo o lenguaje inapropiado, será moderado y no se enviará. Puede ser que esto sea lo que está sucediendo en este momento, por lo que simplemente debe intentar enviar un mensaje simple como «hola», «hola», etc. para ver si se envía sin problemas. Si es así, el problema es que el mensaje que ha intentado enviar es ofensivo. Sin embargo, si incluso un mensaje simple como ese no se envía, esto es lo que debe intentar.

se informó recientemente o ha enviado un mensaje de texto que podría haber sido informado, es probable que continúe enfrentando este problema por un tiempo. Después de enviar o hacer algo digno de ser denunciado y castigado, Roblox puede quitarle sus opciones de chat por un tiempo y es probable que encuentre este problema cada vez que envíe un mensaje. Una solución simple para esto es simplemente esperar unas horas o posiblemente incluso un día, y luego intentar enviar un mensaje de texto nuevamente.

Hay muchos casos en los que Roblox modera y evita que incluso los textos más inofensivos se envíen en el chat. Muchos jugadores ni siquiera pudieron enviar algo como «Hola», «¿Cómo estás?» Podría ser que esto sea exactamente lo que te está sucediendo. Todo lo que puedes hacer si las otras dos soluciones no funcionaron es informar el problema de inmediato y pedirle al soporte de Roblox que te ayude a volver a charlar en el juego de nuevo.

user status may not be up to date роблокс что делать

Video de Youtube: Cómo arreglar ‘su mensaje fue moderado y no enviado problema en Roblox


Roblox User Status Not Up To Date Error

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Info about Roblox User Status Not Up To Date Error

What happens when Roblox is down for a while?

Is Roblox down? Check the Roblox status page. You can stay up to date on maintenance and service issues with our website notifications and Social Media posts. If Roblox is currently experiencing an issue or undergoing maintenance, you may experience the following: Products for purchases may be delayed in receipt.

Where can I find my previous username on Roblox?

A list of previous usernames can be found on the Account Settings and Profile pages, along with People search. You can change back to a previous username, using the above method, which also costs Robux. What else should I know about name changes?

What to do if you have a problem with Roblox?

To see if this is the case for you, try disabling all of your Add-Ons. If the issue resolves, try re-enabling them one at a time until your issue starts occurring again. Once the problem starts back up, you should have found the one that is incompatible with Roblox.


Home » Guides » Roblox Down – Roblox Status & Login Issues

The Roblox server status is down, and login issues are abundant. Large swaths of players can’t get into the game, and they’re wondering what happened to Roblox and when will Roblox be back up. It’s all a bit of a mess, and developers providing no information on what’s going on isn’t helping the situation whatsoever. In our Roblox Down – Roblox Status & Login Issues guide, we’ll aim to explain what’s going on to the best of our abilities.

user status may not be up to date роблокс что делать Roblox Down – Roblox Status & Login Issues

Roblox Status – What Happened to Roblox Today

We don’t know for sure what happened to Roblox, and why the servers are down. All we know is that they are down, and therefore, huge amounts of players can’t access the game. Of course, the developers are well aware of the problem, and are working on fixing it as soon as possible. However, we have no information on what exactly is going on, nor do the developers given us any hint on when they’re going to roll out a fix. So, the only thing that you can do is be patient and check the Roblox Status Twitter account periodically for updates.

Roblox Login Issues – When Will Roblox Be Back Up

We don’t know when Roblox will be back up and when the login issues are going to go away. We wish we did, but the developers have given no information on when they’ll have a fix ready. The only thing that tells me is that the issue, whatever it may be, might be pretty serious. Otherwise, it wouldn’t take this long to correct the problem, right? It’s been eleven hours now, and it seems that the outage has only gotten worse since. We can only hope that the developers are close to a solution. Until then, we’ll be checking the game every so often just like you. Trust us, we’re just as unhappy about the situation as you are.


Roblox User Status Not Up To Date

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What happens when Roblox is down for a while?

Is Roblox down? Check the Roblox status page. You can stay up to date on maintenance and service issues with our website notifications and Social Media posts. If Roblox is currently experiencing an issue or undergoing maintenance, you may experience the following: Products for purchases may be delayed in receipt.

How to check someone’s » last online » on Roblox?

Q: How do I even use the game? (it has been significantly updated since August 2020) A: To look up someone’s last online information, simply CHAT the full Roblox username of the person and then CLICK/TAP on the red button in front of the main white board.

Why is there no personal information on Roblox?

Preventing personally identifiable information from being released is a top priority of Roblox, therefore any personally identifiable information is not allowed on Roblox. «Do not create accounts just for the purpose of breaking the rules.» Roblox has found that the account was created with the primary intent of breaking the Terms of Service.

How can I change the time on Roblox?

Or, you can also click on the “SELECT TIMEZONE” button on the side menu to select a timezone (some popular ones are listed, and at the bottom you can enter a custom UTC +/- offset, whole numbers only). The game will not be impacted when the time comes to switch to Daylight or Standard time.


User status may not be up to date в роблоксе что значит

Информация для тех у кого Roblox не работает/выдает ошибку.Причины и решения
Ошибка:An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We,re sorry!
Эта ошибка имеет много причин.Ваш ПК слишком слаб,ошибка в файлах,ошибка прогрузки или выполнения скрипта. Если ошибка постоянно мерцает в глаза,то для начала проверьте свой ПК на мощность.Может он слишком слаб для этой игры(плейса в Roblox).Переустановите Roblox и запустите его от имени администратора.

Ошибка во время игры:You have been disconnected from the server
Довольно частая проблема.Скорее всего виноват интернет,так как чаще всего причина в нем.Бывает,что может выдать такую ошибку просто так.Решение такое:проверьте интернет и просто перезайдите

Ошибка:an error occurred while starting roblox
Причин очень много.Это может быть и поврежденные файлы,и слабый пк,и прочие.
Решение простое:Переустановите программу.Запустите ее от имени администратора в режиме совместимости с Winows 8/8.1

Ошибка: Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 148:Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again
Перезайди на свой аккаунт.Переидите в панель управления и найдите «свойства обозревателя».В появившемся окне нажимаем на «свойства» и потом «сброс».Затем ставим галочку «удалить личные данные»,а потом «сброс»

Ошибка при подключении к игре:Error >Решение опять же простое.Просто подождать и поиграть в другую игру.Причина может быть в слабом ПК


Home » Guides » Roblox Down – Roblox Status & Login Issues

The Roblox server status is down, and login issues are abundant. Large swaths of players can’t get into the game, and they’re wondering what happened to Roblox and when will Roblox be back up. It’s all a bit of a mess, and developers providing no information on what’s going on isn’t helping the situation whatsoever. In our Roblox Down – Roblox Status & Login Issues guide, we’ll aim to explain what’s going on to the best of our abilities.

User status may not be up to date в роблоксе что значит Roblox Down – Roblox Status & Login Issues

Roblox Status – What Happened to Roblox Today

We don’t know for sure what happened to Roblox, and why the servers are down. All we know is that they are down, and therefore, huge amounts of players can’t access the game. Of course, the developers are well aware of the problem, and are working on fixing it as soon as possible. However, we have no information on what exactly is going on, nor do the developers given us any hint on when they’re going to roll out a fix. So, the only thing that you can do is be patient and check the Roblox Status Twitter account periodically for updates.

Roblox Login Issues – When Will Roblox Be Back Up

We don’t know when Roblox will be back up and when the login issues are going to go away. We wish we did, but the developers have given no information on when they’ll have a fix ready. The only thing that tells me is that the issue, whatever it may be, might be pretty serious. Otherwise, it wouldn’t take this long to correct the problem, right? It’s been eleven hours now, and it seems that the outage has only gotten worse since. We can only hope that the developers are close to a solution. Until then, we’ll be checking the game every so often just like you. Trust us, we’re just as unhappy about the situation as you are.


Roblox working latest – Fans all saying the same thing as game servers FINALLY fixed after being down for several days

THE Roblox gaming platform is back online everywhere as engineers have worked hard to fix all problems.

The online game platform had been down for two days, but engineers have finally found the root cause of the problem.

In a statement on Twitter, Roblox said: «Roblox is back online everywhere! Thank you for your continued patience as we get back to normal.»

Roblox fans around the world are all saying the same thing about the fix; celebrating its release and hoping there isn’t another outage anytime soon.

Read our Roblox live blog below for the latest updates.

Roblox users report login screen freeze

Meanwhile, other users took to Twitter to reveal they’re experiencing a different issue —having the login screen freeze up as they try to access the platform.

Another Roblox user tweeted: “help am i the only one with my screen freezing every few seconds in roblox.”

The other major issue plaguing some Roblox users is a problem with the security page’s two-step verification.

“@Roblox please fix 2 step and security on iphone, thank you if you see this tweet,” one user tweeted.

Another wrote: “It’s the 2 step verification, it’s just not loading for you cuz whenever I log into my Roblox acc it takes me to security and requests a 2 step verification.”

Some are reporting log-in troubles

Although the site appears to be working again, some users are reporting trouble with the login process and two-step security feature.

Regardless of service being restored, some are unable to log in to the platform due to a wrong password notification that pops up, PunikaWeb reports, while others are getting stuck on the login page.

On Monday morning, one Roblox user took to Twitter to explain an issue, writing: “hi, when I try to log in to my account, it always says the password is wrong and the code that comes in 2 step verification is always wrong, is this error just me?”

Another user tweeted: “Hello. Please consider this problem. When I tried to enter the account, it gave out ‘Wrong password or username’, I hurried to push on the button ‘Forgot password or username’, I clicked there and entered my mail.

When was Roblox first released?

Roblox was actually released back in 2006 but was somewhat overlooked amid the rise of other online gaming platforms.

It is said its founder, David Baszucki, was not that interested in press conference.

But it began to climb up the charts in the later part of the 2010s and really came to public notice during the Covid-19 pandemic when kids were stuck at home with nothing to do.

It was estimated to have had over 164m monthly users in August 2020 and half of all children under 16 in the United States are said to have played it, The Verge reports.

Will you lose Adopt Me login streak after outage?

ROBLOX suddenly went down last week, leaving gamers unable to logon to their favourite games and experiences.

Adopt Me! players were particularly worried, as the game rewards users for logging in daily and building up streaks.

So when Roblox went down at the end of last week, Adopt Me! players thought their daily streaks would be at risk.

The team behind the game seemed equally at a loss, reminding fans that they had no knowledge of what was going on at Roblox.

“Please remember: we’re not Roblox! We’re not sure what went wrong, but we know their internal team is working hard on bringing things back.

“There might also be platform-wide issues with characters or pets once you’re in, please be patient until all server issues are fixed.”

User status may not be up to date в роблоксе что значит

When has roblox shut down before?

Here are the dates when Roblox shut down or experienced issues in 2021.

How much did Roblox developers get paid last year?

They add that top Roblox creators can also make real money from their creations.

Has Roblox shut down before?

If the game had shut down temporarily, then it would not be the first time.

In 2021 alone, Roblox shut down or experienced issues on nine different occasions.

Roblox’s ongoing partnership with Chipotle

Chipotle’s Halloween promotion – Boorito Maze – was originally supposed to run through November 14.

But days before the event, the chain restaurant nixed in-person costumes in favor of virtual ones.

This year marked Chipotle’s 21st year of the “Boorito” promotion.

How to block and report abuse on RoBlox

There’s also a system in place for blocking and reporting abuse. This can be used anywhere on the platform – including apps and games.

There are instructions on how to block and report abuse on the Roblox website.

You can also take a more hands-on approach with the customisable parental controls.

These give you the option to limit of disable online chat, as well as restricting access to age appropriate games.

And if you want to keep an even closer eye on what’s going on when your kids are roaming around in Roblox, you can monitor account activity.

It’s also recommended that read up on the parental guidance for the Talent Hub if your kids are interested in the more creative side of Roblox.

Chat filters keep kids safe on Roblox platform

Chat filters – which use a combo of software and human moderators – ensure any inappropriate content is blocked out.

As an extra precaution, users age 12 and younger will have any posts they make and chats they engage in filtered for inappropriate content and personally identifiable information.

There’s also a system in place for blocking and reporting abuse. This can be used anywhere on the platform – including apps and games.

There are instructions on how to block and report abuse on the Roblox website.

Of course, you can take a more hands-on approach with the customisable parental controls.

These give you the option to limit of disable online chat, as well as restricting access to age appropriate games.

An experience rather than a game

Roblox is more of an “experience’” and while you can play games within it, the content is created by the users themselves.

Described as “the Imagination Platform” by the creators, Roblox essentially offers a service that lets users develop their own games, play other people’ games, and explore user-created content.

It’s basically somewhere you can hang out with friends, explore virtual spaces, and play a huge array of games and content.

And if the fancy takes you, you can try your hand at making your own content, or collaborating with others to bring your vision to life.

Covid pandemic saw popularity increase

Roblox has been gaining popularity since 2010 and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The figure was included in a share prospectus for the company published in November 2020, where the company laid out its case for investors ahead of an initial public offering.

What are Robux for?

Robux are the game’s in world currency.

Users can use real cash to buy them and pay for things in the game.

The purchases allow the developers of games to earn money for their efforts.

They add that top Roblox creators can also make real money from their creations.

How much did Roblox developers get in 2020?

They add that top Roblox creators can also make real money from their creations.

Explained: What is the Roblox creator’s net worth?

David’s worth has increased year upon year following the rapid growth and popularity of the game.

Forbes report that in 2020, his company, Roblox Corporation, grew daily active users by 85%, as his website views also soared by a staggering 124%.

Steps parents can take to make the game safer

You can take a more hands-on approach with the customisable parental controls.

These give you the option to limit of disable online chat, as well as restricting access to age appropriate games.

And if you want to keep an even closer eye on what’s going on when your kids are roaming around in Roblox, you can monitor account activity.

It’s also recommended that read up on the parental guidance for the Talent Hub if your kids are interested in the more creative side of Roblox.

So how does the game work?

Described as “the Imagination Platform” by the creators, Roblox essentially offers a service that lets users develop their own games, play other people’ games, and explore user-created content.

It’s basically somewhere you can hang out with friends, explore virtual spaces, and play a huge array of games and content.

And if the fancy takes you, you can try your hand at making your own content, or collaborating with others to bring your vision to life.

So how does the game work?

Described as “the Imagination Platform” by the creators, Roblox essentially offers a service that lets users develop their own games, play other people’ games, and explore user-created content.

It’s basically somewhere you can hang out with friends, explore virtual spaces, and play a huge array of games and content.

And if the fancy takes you, you can try your hand at making your own content, or collaborating with others to bring your vision to life.

Roblox co-founder comments

David Baszucki explained that recovery took so long because of “difficulty in diagnosing the actual bug”.

Roblox experiences have also been affected, leaving players of games like Adopt Me! worried that their daily login steaks will be affected.

For now though, the servers are up and running, and players can check social media for Roblox experience updates.

Servers shut down

FORTNITE has already lost its iOS player base thanks to the lawsuit with Apple and now it’s going to lose another chunk.

Epic Games partnered with Tencent to launch Fortnite in China in 2018 but after three years, the experiment is over.

“The test of ‘Fortress Night’ has come to and end,” reads the official blog post.

As of today, November 1, prospective new players won’t be able to register for the game.

Existing players have a short window of time to take advantage of the title before the plug is pulled.

But from November 15, it’s game over for everyone; the servers are getting shut down and players will no longer be able to log in.

40 million games within the one game

Roblox became wildly popular after the coronavirus pandemic closed schools and kept children indoors looking for something to do.

According to numbers compiled by the social media consulting firm Backlinko:

Parents can now breathe

During the outage parents were up in arms over the game crashing as they had to put up with their gamer children moaning.

A parent wrote on Reddit: “As a parent of an 11 year old I’m starting to wonder if this is a social experiment to see how long before kids lose their minds.”

Another replied: “I asked my 11 year old daughter. She thought about it for 2 seconds and answered ‘immediately’. She has developed a taste for the drama.”

One more parent said: “My 8 year old is in the same boat.”

“All my girls have done is kick off about it not working,” commented another.

A mum added: “”Honestly, my son was freaking out because it wouldn’t let me log on. It was like the end of the world.”

Nine months success

Roblox has been gaining popularity since 2010 and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The figure was included in a share prospectus for the company published in November 2020, where the company laid out its case for investors ahead of an initial public offering.

The cause?

The outage that lasted for three days caused gamers to ‘lose their minds’ and it seems to have been down to ‘several factors’ according to the CEO.

Roblox founder and CEO, David Baszucki, explained: “This was an especially difficult outage in that it involved a combination of several factors.

“A core system in our infrastructure became overwhelmed, prompted by a subtle bug in our backend service communications while under heavy load.

“This was not due to any peak in external traffic or any particular experience.

“Rather the failure was caused by the growth in the number of servers in our datacenters.

“The result was that most services at Roblox were unable to effectively communicate and deploy.”

Gamers will be in good spirits

Following on from the news of Roblox’s fix, gamers elsewhere will be over the moon as THREE jumbo jets loaded with PlayStation 5s have landed at Heathrow.

The firm launched an extraordinary ‘Santa Special’ air-lift to ensure gamers can get their hands on thousands of its consoles.

The rare devices – being flogged for £1,000 on eBay – are in desperately short supply and the company has struggled to get them to fans.

The consoles sell out as fast as they arrive with retailers – with no UK stores having stock last night.

But in a bid to placate gamers, jets weighing 100 tonnes have been specially chartered to get the PS5s here.


User status may not be up to date в роблоксе что значит

User search page: display of the «Last Online» date. Hio, so I have noticed that in the new user search page when you search a player up, it no longer displays the date that the player was “last online”. Personally in my experience on roblox, I found it quite useful sometimes actually. It was sometimes inaccurate but only primarily for old

What happens when Roblox is down

Check the Roblox status page. You can stay up to date on maintenance and service issues with our website notifications and Social Media posts. If Roblox is currently experiencing an issue or undergoing maintenance, you may experience the following: Products for purchases may be delayed in receipt.

Developer Exchange (DevEx) FAQs – Roblox Support

This is not a bug. If this affects you, your DevEx status on your Roblox account should be corrected within 3 business days. If your DevEx status is still pending after this time, please send an email to [email protected] detailing your issue. What causes DevEx requests to be declined DevEx requests can be declined for multiple reasons.

You can now have your status blank : roblox

r/roblox: A community for Roblox, the online game creation platform. This subreddit is not run, monitored, or used by Roblox staff. This subreddit …

Online dating Roblox Wiki Fandom

Online dating (better known as ODing in abbreviation) is the practice of searching for a romantic or sexual partner on the Internet. People who online date are most commonly known as online daters (ODers).Online dating is strongly discouraged by various Internet communities that do not intend to facilitate it, including Roblox.Online dating is against Roblox’s rules of conduct, and anyone who

399+ Roblox Usernames & Names That Are Not Taken

Roblox Usernames: are you looking for Good Roblox Usernames then you are land on the right web page we have a huge list for you just take your favorite Roblox name and use them on your profile as a username. Are you a fan of Roblox games & play Roblox online? then you need a perfect username for your profile. I know it’s very important a good username makes a good impression on …

Profile Roblox Wiki Fandom

Profiles are pages on the Roblox website that show information about a user, including what they are wearing on their avatar, what groups they are in, and what player badges they have. 1 Image map 2 Profile elements 2.1 Username 2.2 Headshot 2.2.1 Activity status 2.3 Friend counter 2.4 Followers

Displaying Information with GUI

Issue: The text label doesn’t display the first message (E.g. «Waiting for Players) or displays “Label”.. Make sure in the StatusDisplay local script that updateText() is called at the bottom of the script. This ensures that the player gets the most up to date message. Check that the Status StringValue is in ReplicatedStorage. Due to the unique nature of client-server relations, if it

My new user (for now) Roblox Forum

My new user (for now) This website was created by Roblox members to replace the official forums (because Roblox shut them down) Join us if you like Roblox! Forums. Community. General Discussion. Status. Not open for further replies. 1. 2.

How to Report Someone on Roblox: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Head to the top-left corner and find the 3 lines button. This is the game menu, also the place where you report someone. On a computer, you can use Esc as a shortcut to the game menu. Click on the report button. Click on the three lines on the person who has been bullying, and then go to the reporting column.

Can’t change my «About» in my profile. Roblox Forum

Can’t change my «About» in my profile. This website was created by Roblox members to replace the official forums (because Roblox shut them down) Join us if you like Roblox! Forums. ROBLOX. Help. Status. Not open for further replies. F.

Solution Of All Roblox Error Codes (100% Solved) Keeper

When a user attempts to rejoin the same server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visits. Displayed when the client attempts to teleport to an inactive place. Displayed when the Roblox launcher or client is outdated.

Status Roblox Wiki Fandom

The Status enum has 2 items. Humanoid:AddStatus (status) Humanoid:HasStatus (status) Humanoid:RemoveStatus (status) Humanoid:StatusAdded (status) Humanoid:StatusRemoved (status) Status on the Roblox Developer Hub Status in the Roblox API Reference

Get Notified with ROBLOX Desktop Push Notifications

Stay up-to-date on all the latest ROBLOX events with push notifications! Our mission is to offer a robust social experience that always keeps you in touch with all of your friends and the entire ROBLOX community even if you’re away from the website.

HELP Roblox Forum

17. 5. 3. Roblox. Nightfury088. 2 minutes ago. #1. I’m trying to make a main screen where it shows your character sitting round a fire playing an animation for example if I was playing it would show my character and if you was playing it would show your character but I don’t know how to do it or how to script can someone please help. Bold.

Roblox outage and reported problems map Downdetector

July 5, 2021, 2:36 a.m. @asferiver @Roblox Oceanic player-base is currently experiencing a quite serious latency issue. Players can expect to get 1000ms+ ‘ping’ or more. Comments of ‘DownDetector Roblox Australia’ shows that this is not a problem on my end. Fix immediately as this is affecting a lot of people.

General Connection Problems – Roblox Support

Why It Can Happen. Firewall: This is very frequently a firewall problem, though it can be (in very few cases) the result of a low-bandwidth connection or a inconsistent wireless connection. Slow Internet Connection/Big Game: If you are playing on the internet on really slow service, and the game is big, it can take a good bit of time to actually download the map.

General Desktop Roblox Issues – Roblox Support

Stranger Things’ Starcourt Mall comes to Roblox

Stranger Things’ Starcourt Mall is now a playable location in Roblox. The level includes four mini-games based around the Netflix show, as well …


User status may not be up to date в роблоксе что значит

User search page: display of the «Last Online» date. Hio, so I have noticed that in the new user search page when you search a player up, it no longer displays the date that the player was “last online”. Personally in my experience on roblox, I found it quite useful sometimes actually. It was sometimes inaccurate but only primarily for old

What happens when Roblox is down

Check the Roblox status page. You can stay up to date on maintenance and service issues with our website notifications and Social Media posts. If Roblox is currently experiencing an issue or undergoing maintenance, you may experience the following: Products for purchases may be delayed in receipt.

Developer Exchange (DevEx) FAQs – Roblox Support

This is not a bug. If this affects you, your DevEx status on your Roblox account should be corrected within 3 business days. If your DevEx status is still pending after this time, please send an email to [email protected] detailing your issue. What causes DevEx requests to be declined DevEx requests can be declined for multiple reasons.

You can now have your status blank : roblox

r/roblox: A community for Roblox, the online game creation platform. This subreddit is not run, monitored, or used by Roblox staff. This subreddit …

Online dating Roblox Wiki Fandom

Online dating (better known as ODing in abbreviation) is the practice of searching for a romantic or sexual partner on the Internet. People who online date are most commonly known as online daters (ODers).Online dating is strongly discouraged by various Internet communities that do not intend to facilitate it, including Roblox.Online dating is against Roblox’s rules of conduct, and anyone who

399+ Roblox Usernames & Names That Are Not Taken

Roblox Usernames: are you looking for Good Roblox Usernames then you are land on the right web page we have a huge list for you just take your favorite Roblox name and use them on your profile as a username. Are you a fan of Roblox games & play Roblox online? then you need a perfect username for your profile. I know it’s very important a good username makes a good impression on …

Profile Roblox Wiki Fandom

Profiles are pages on the Roblox website that show information about a user, including what they are wearing on their avatar, what groups they are in, and what player badges they have. 1 Image map 2 Profile elements 2.1 Username 2.2 Headshot 2.2.1 Activity status 2.3 Friend counter 2.4 Followers

Displaying Information with GUI

Issue: The text label doesn’t display the first message (E.g. «Waiting for Players) or displays “Label”.. Make sure in the StatusDisplay local script that updateText() is called at the bottom of the script. This ensures that the player gets the most up to date message. Check that the Status StringValue is in ReplicatedStorage. Due to the unique nature of client-server relations, if it

My new user (for now) Roblox Forum

My new user (for now) This website was created by Roblox members to replace the official forums (because Roblox shut them down) Join us if you like Roblox! Forums. Community. General Discussion. Status. Not open for further replies. 1. 2.

How to Report Someone on Roblox: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Head to the top-left corner and find the 3 lines button. This is the game menu, also the place where you report someone. On a computer, you can use Esc as a shortcut to the game menu. Click on the report button. Click on the three lines on the person who has been bullying, and then go to the reporting column.

Can’t change my «About» in my profile. Roblox Forum

Can’t change my «About» in my profile. This website was created by Roblox members to replace the official forums (because Roblox shut them down) Join us if you like Roblox! Forums. ROBLOX. Help. Status. Not open for further replies. F.

Solution Of All Roblox Error Codes (100% Solved) Keeper

When a user attempts to rejoin the same server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visits. Displayed when the client attempts to teleport to an inactive place. Displayed when the Roblox launcher or client is outdated.

Status Roblox Wiki Fandom

The Status enum has 2 items. Humanoid:AddStatus (status) Humanoid:HasStatus (status) Humanoid:RemoveStatus (status) Humanoid:StatusAdded (status) Humanoid:StatusRemoved (status) Status on the Roblox Developer Hub Status in the Roblox API Reference

Get Notified with ROBLOX Desktop Push Notifications

Stay up-to-date on all the latest ROBLOX events with push notifications! Our mission is to offer a robust social experience that always keeps you in touch with all of your friends and the entire ROBLOX community even if you’re away from the website.

HELP Roblox Forum

17. 5. 3. Roblox. Nightfury088. 2 minutes ago. #1. I’m trying to make a main screen where it shows your character sitting round a fire playing an animation for example if I was playing it would show my character and if you was playing it would show your character but I don’t know how to do it or how to script can someone please help. Bold.

Roblox outage and reported problems map Downdetector

July 5, 2021, 2:36 a.m. @asferiver @Roblox Oceanic player-base is currently experiencing a quite serious latency issue. Players can expect to get 1000ms+ ‘ping’ or more. Comments of ‘DownDetector Roblox Australia’ shows that this is not a problem on my end. Fix immediately as this is affecting a lot of people.

General Connection Problems – Roblox Support

Why It Can Happen. Firewall: This is very frequently a firewall problem, though it can be (in very few cases) the result of a low-bandwidth connection or a inconsistent wireless connection. Slow Internet Connection/Big Game: If you are playing on the internet on really slow service, and the game is big, it can take a good bit of time to actually download the map.

General Desktop Roblox Issues – Roblox Support

Stranger Things’ Starcourt Mall comes to Roblox

Stranger Things’ Starcourt Mall is now a playable location in Roblox. The level includes four mini-games based around the Netflix show, as well …


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