Устранение неполадок при получении сообщения об ошибке не удалось запустить это приложение

Устранение неполадок при получении сообщения об ошибке "Не удалось запустить это приложение" Troubleshooting a 'This application could not be started'


  1. Устранение неполадок при получении сообщения об ошибке «Не удалось запустить это приложение» Troubleshooting a ‘This application could not be started’ error message
  2. Application windows не может
  3. Описание ситуации
  4. Причины ошибки: Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу
  5. Ошибка при удалении приложения
  6. Ошибка запуска из-за UAC (User Account Control)
  7. Просмотр разрешений на exe и lnk файлы и их блокировка
  8. Ошибка «Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу» при запуске файла .exe с флешки или другого USB-носителя
  9. Если не запускается ярлык программы или игры
  10. Отключите антивирусное программное обеспечение
  11. Восстановите файл, который был удален, удален или поврежден
  12. Проверка политики ограниченного использования программ SRP

Устранение неполадок при получении сообщения об ошибке «Не удалось запустить это приложение» Troubleshooting a ‘This application could not be started’ error message

Для приложений, разработанных для .NET Framework, обычно требуется, чтобы на компьютере была установлена определенная версия .NET Framework. Applications that are developed for .NET Framework typically require that a specific version of .NET Framework be installed on your system. В некоторых случаях вы можете попытаться запустить приложение без установленной или ожидаемой версии .NET Framework. In some cases, you may attempt to run an application without either an installed version or the expected version of .NET Framework present. В результате этого часто выводится примерно такое диалоговое окно с сообщением об ошибке: This often produces an error dialog box like the following:

Эта ошибка указывает на то, что выполняется одно из следующих условий: This error typically indicates one of the following conditions:

установка .NET Framework в системе повреждена; A .NET Framework installation on your system has become corrupted.

не удалось обнаружить версию .NET Framework, необходимую для приложения. The version of .NET Framework needed by your application cannot be detected.

Чтобы устранить эту проблему и запустить приложение, сделайте следующее: To address this issue so that you can run your application, do the following:

Скачайте средство восстановления .NET Framework (NetFxRepairTool.exe). Download the .NET Framework Repair Tool (NetFxRepairTool.exe). Средство запускается автоматически после завершения скачивания. The tool runs automatically when the download completes.

Если средство восстановления .NET Framework рекомендует какое-либо дополнительное действие, подобное показанному на следующем рисунке, нажмите кнопку Далее. If the .NET Framework Repair Tool recommends any additional action, such as those shown in the following figure, select Next.

В средстве восстановления .NET Framework отображается диалоговое окно, показанное на следующем рисунке, в котором указано, что изменения внесены. The .NET Framework Repair Tools displays a dialog box shown in the following figure to indicate that changes are complete. Не закрывайте диалоговое окно, пока выполняется повторная попытка запуска приложения. Leave the dialog box open while you to try rerun your application. Запуск должен быть выполнен успешно, если средство восстановления .NET Framework обнаружило и устранило поврежденную установку .NET Framework. This should succeed if the .NET Framework Repair Tool has identified and corrected a corrupted .NET Framework installation.

Если приложение успешно запускается, нажмите кнопку Готово. If your application runs successfully, select the Finish button. В противном случае нажмите кнопку Далее. Otherwise, select the Next button.

Если вы нажали кнопку Далее, в средстве восстановления .NET Framework отобразится диалоговое окно, как показано ниже. If you selected the Next button, the .NET Framework Repair Tool displays a dialog box like the following. Нажмите кнопку Готово, чтобы отправить диагностические данные в корпорацию Майкрософт. Select the Finish button to send diagnostic information to Microsoft.

Если по-прежнему не удается запустить приложение, установите последнюю версию .NET Framework, поддерживаемую вашей версией Windows, как показано в следующей таблице. If you still cannot run the application, install the latest version of .NET Framework that’s supported by your version of Windows, as shown in the following table.

Версия Windows Windows version Установка .NET Framework .NET Framework installation
Юбилейное обновление Windows 10 или более поздние версии Windows 10 Anniversary Update and later versions Среда выполнения .NET Framework 4.8 .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
Windows 10, Windows 10 с обновлением за ноябрь Windows 10, Windows 10 November Update .NET Framework 4.6.2 .NET Framework 4.6.2
Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1 Среда выполнения .NET Framework 4.8 .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
Windows 8 Windows 8 .NET Framework 4.6.1 .NET Framework 4.6.1
Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1) Windows 7 SP1 Среда выполнения .NET Framework 4.8 .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
Windows Vista SP2 Windows Vista SP2 .NET Framework 4.6 .NET Framework 4.6

.NET Framework 4.8, предустановленная в Windows 10 с обновлением за май 2019 г. .NET Framework 4.8 is preinstalled on Windows 10 May 2019 Update.

Попытайтесь запустить приложение. Attempt to launch the application.

В некоторых случаях отображается диалоговое окно, подобное приведенному ниже, с предложением установить .NET Framework 3.5. In some cases, you may see a dialog box like the following, which asks you to install .NET Framework 3.5. Выберите Скачать и установить этот компонент, чтобы установить .NET Framework 3.5, а затем запустите приложение еще раз. Select Download and install this feature to install .NET Framework 3.5, then launch the application again.

Application windows не может

Добрый день! Уважаемые читатели и гости одного из крупнейших IT блогов на просторах рунета Pyatilistnik.org, В прошлый раз я вам подробнейшим образом рассказал, как устанавливается и используется утилита Iperf для проверки вашей локальной сети. В сегодняшней статье я хочу рассмотреть частую ошибку в операционной системе Windows 10 при попытке удалить приложение в моем случае office 365, звучит она вот так: Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу. Возможно у вас нет нужных разрешений для доступа к этому объекту. Давайте разбираться в чем дело.

Описание ситуации

И так есть операционная система Windows 10, мне необходимо было удалить Office 365, при попытке это сделать из параметров Windows я получил ошибку

На своей богатой практике данную ошибку я встречал в разных вариантах и на разных операционных системах. 90% это запуск исполняемых файлов в формате exe или ярлыка lnk, 10%, например при удалении приложений. Вот вам несколько примеров:

  • Registry Cleaner
  • StarCraft 2
  • Steam
  • Файлы офисного пакета MS Office, например Word или Exel
  • Ярлыки различных приложений

Причины ошибки: Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу

Если детально разобрать текст ошибки, то из нее видно, что у вашей учетной записи либо нет прав на файл, либо самого файла уже просто нет, поэтому он и не доступен. Из совсем специфичных причин, это повреждение самого файла, а так же его блокировка.

Ошибка при удалении приложения

В самом начале я вам показал ситуацию, когда я обладая административными правами в операционной системе Windows 10, не могу элементарно удалить приложение из окна параметров Windows. Перед тем как начинать шаманство с правами или настройками политик, я вам советую попробовать окно «Программы и компоненты«. Открыть его можно вызвав окно «Выполнить» и введя appwiz.cpl.

В списке найдите нужное приложение и попробуйте его деинсталлировать, в 99% случаев у вас не возникнет проблем.

Ошибка запуска из-за UAC (User Account Control)

Если у вас доменный компьютер, то вы легко можете иметь некоторые ограничения из-за политик и конкретно UAC (User Account Control). Я авторизовался в системе под встроенной, локальной учетной записью «Администратор» и увидел, что из под нее проблема не наблюдается. Имея данную информацию, можно точно утверждать, что дело в политике. Откройте окно выполнить и введите secpol.msc.

Посмотрите внимательно на ошибку запуска вашего приложения, в самом верху вы увидите полный путь до его месторасположения.

Далее вам необходимо перейти в раздел «Локальная политика — Параметры безопасности«, где необходимо найти пункт «Контроль учетных записей: использование режима одобрения администратором для встроенной учетной записи администратора (User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account)»

• Включено. Для встроенной учетной записи администратора используется режим одобрения администратором. По умолчанию любая операция, требующая повышения привилегий, предлагает пользователю подтвердить операцию.

• Отключено (по умолчанию). Встроенная учетная запись администратора выполняет все приложения с полными привилегиями администратора.

Далее я советую вам произвести выход из системы и заново залогиниться. После входа в ОС проверьте появилась ли возможность запуска приложения или его удаление, в моем случае сработало.

Просмотр разрешений на exe и lnk файлы и их блокировка

Если по каким-то причинам вам не помогли первые два метода и вы до сих под при запуске исполняемого файла exe или ярлыка, получаете окно с ошибкой «Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу», то следует посмотреть какие разрешения выставлены в его свойствах, это очень важно. В моем примере, это файл OfficeClickToRun.exe. Открываем его месторасположение и смотрим его свойства.

далее открываете вкладку «Безопасность» и смотрите права доступа и запрета на все объекты перечисленные в списке ACL (Access Control List). В моем примере есть такие фигуранты доступа:

  • Все пакеты приложений
  • Все ограниченные пакеты приложений
  • Система
  • Администраторы
  • Пользователи

Обратите внимание, что для того чтобы просто запустить исполняемый exe файл, относящийся к определенному приложению, у вас должны быть минимум права на чтения, в редких случаях на запись. Удостоверьтесь, что они присутствуют для всех участников. Так же нужно проверить, что у системы и администраторов, были полные права, И САМОЕ ГЛАВНОЕ нет запретов.

У вас вполне может быть ситуация, что для группы «Администраторы» у вас могут быть полные права, а вот на уровне пользователя запрет, а так как пользователь может являться членом группы «Администраторы» и вроде бы иметь права на доступ, но его явные запреты перевесят и будут вызывать ошибку «Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу»

Понимая принцип работы приоритетов на доступ, вам необходимо снять ограничения запрета на данный файл, для этого нажмите кнопку «Изменить«. В открывшемся окне найдите нужную группу или пользователя и назначьте ему полный доступ на данный файл (или снимите явные запрещения).

Пробуем теперь запустить файл с которым были проблемы, у вас должно все получиться.

Как я и писал ваш файл или ярлык могут находиться в режиме блокировки, это ограничивает его открытие, подобное мы видели в ситуации когда скачали из интернета ISO образ и при его открытии наблюдали сообщение с ошибкой «К сожалению при подключении файла возникла проблема». Чтобы проверить блокировку файла нужно так же пройти в его свойства на вкладку «Общие». Как видно из моего примера он имеет статус:

Справа у вас будет возможность поставить галочку «Разблокировать«, дабы снять это ограничение запуска. Нажмите применить и закройте окно.

Повторно откройте свойства exe файла или ярлыка и удостоверьтесь, что сообщение о блокировке отсутствует. После чего попробуйте запустить ваше приложение или игру, ошибка запуска «Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу» должна пропасть.

Ошибка «Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу» при запуске файла .exe с флешки или другого USB-носителя

У всех из нас есть съемные носители, это удобно держать нужные данные всегда под рукой. Очень часто на них могут присутствовать портативные программы, которые запускаются не требуя установки, мини игры, проекты у программистов. Всех их объединяет запуск через исполняемые файлы exe. Предположим, что в вашей системе Windows 8.1 или другой не наблюдается проблем с запуском встроенных и установленных в нее приложений, которые чаще всего лежат на диске C:, а вот с флешки вы получаете пресловутую, где якобы нет доступа, вы проверили блокировки, права и все они присутствуют, но вот эффекта нет. В такой ситуации вы можете действовать таким образом:

  • Для операционных систем Windows 7 до 10 с редакцией Максимальная, PRO или корпоративная вы открываете окно выполнить вводите знакомый нам уже gpedit.msc.
  • Далее перейдите в раздел «Конфигурация компьютера — Административные шаблоны — Система — Доступ к съемным запоминающим устройствам«. Убедитесь, что политика «Съемные диски: Запретить выполнение» и других политик, связанных со съемными дисками» имеет статус не задано или отключено. Если же она активирована, то вы не сможете запускать с USB носителей исполняемые файлы exe.

описанный выше метод подходил для старших редакций «Максимальная», «Корпоративная», «Профессиональная», но они есть не у всех, у многих людей дома редакции «Home (Домашняя)» и в ней нет редактора локальных политик, его конечно можно вернуть, я об этом рассказывал, но не всем это нужно. Чтобы убрать запрет на запуск exe файлов со съемных носителей мы воспользуемся редактором реестра. Запустите редактор реестра Windows (Нажмите WIN и R, в окне введите regedit).

Переходите там по пути:

Убедитесь, что в нем нет раздела RemovableStorageDevices. Если раздел RemovableStorageDevices присутствует, то просто щелкаем по нему правой кнопкой мыши и удаляем его.

Подтверждаем удаление раздела.

Как только вы произвели манипуляции с реестром, то настройки вступят в силу сразу .но я советую перезагрузить систему или как минимум правильно извлечь ваш съемный носитель, после чего заново подключить. Пробуем запускать с USB исполняемые файлы exe, это должно было устранить ошибку с доступом.

Если не запускается ярлык программы или игры

Как я упоминал ранее, Windows не может запустить программу или открыть файл с внешнего или сетевого диска, который в данный момент не подключен. Поэтому, если вы получили ошибку при нажатии на ярлык, проверьте местоположение его целевого файла и посмотрите, находится ли файл в недоступном месте. Чтобы это проверить, откройте свойства и перейдите на вкладку «Ярлык». Убедитесь, что пути в строке «Объект» и «Рабочая папка» ведут к нужному файлу, чуть ниже вы можете это проверить, нажав на кнопку «расположение файла», что в результате вызовет месторасположение файла в проводнике Windows.

Если путь в ярлыке ведет не туда, то логично получение сообщения с ошибкой доступа к объекту.

Отключите антивирусное программное обеспечение

Антивирусное программное обеспечение также может блокировать ваши файлы. Поэтому вы можете временно отключить антивирусное программное обеспечение на своем компьютере, а затем попытаться открыть файл.

Если вы можете получить доступ к файлу, когда антивирусное программное обеспечение отключено, оно явно блокирует файл. Вы можете удалить антивирусное программное обеспечение или отключить программное обеспечение, когда вам нужно использовать файл. Например у Avast, приостановка делается очень просто, в области уведомлений Windows щелкаете по значку антивируса и из контекстного меню выбираете пункт «Управление экранами Avast — отключить на 10 минут или час», этого достаточно понять в нем дело или нет.

Далее если блокировку вызывал антивирус, в моем примере Avast, то идем в его настройки и добавляем исключение, путь до нашего файла, чтобы антивирус его не трогал и признавал за своего.

Через кнопку обзор найдите свой exe файл и добавьте его.

То же самое можно осуществить и в распространенном антивирусе Kaspersky, для этого также в области системных уведомлений найдите его значок и из контекстного меню выберите пункт «Приостановить защиту».

Чтобы исключить нужный исполняемый файл вам необходимо открыть настройки Kaspersky, перейти в раздел «Дополнительно» и выбрать там пункт «Угрозы и исключения».

Далее в разделе «Исключения» нажмите на пункт «Настроить исключения»

Далее нажимаем кнопку «Добавить»

Через кнопку обзор укажите путь до вашего файла.

У любого антивируса есть свои системные события, которые он записывает к себе в лог, там будут и упоминания, о блокировке файла. Если ошибка «Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу. Возможно, у вас нет нужных разрешений для доступа к этому объекту» появилась, то смотрим журнал угроз. Если причина была в антивирусе, то подобным методом вы устраните ошибку запуска exe файла и вызов ошибки «Windows не удается получить доступ к указанному устройству, пути или файлу».

Восстановите файл, который был удален, удален или поврежден

Если доступ к файлу невозможен из-за того, что файл поврежден или удален, внешний диск поврежден или поврежден вирусом, вы можете восстановить потерянный файл с помощью различных программ, например, DiskGenius, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, FonePaw Data Recovery.

Проверка политики ограниченного использования программ SRP

Есть такая политика Software Restriction Policies (Политики ограниченного использования программ) — это функция, основанная на групповых политиках, которая определяет программы, работающие на компьютерах в домене Active Directory, и управляет возможностью их запуска. Политики ограничения программного обеспечения являются частью стратегии безопасности и управления Microsoft, которая помогает предприятиям повысить надежность, целостность и управляемость своих компьютеров.

Вы также можете использовать политики ограниченного использования программ для создания сильно ограниченных конфигураций для компьютеров, в которых вы разрешаете запускать только специально определенные приложения. Политики ограниченного использования программ интегрированы с Microsoft Active Directory и групповой политикой. Вы также можете создавать политики ограниченного использования программ на автономных компьютерах. Политики ограниченного использования программ — это политики доверия, которые представляют собой правила, установленные администратором для ограничения работы сценариев и другого кода, который не является полностью доверенным.

Вы можете определить эти политики с помощью расширения политик ограниченного использования программ редактора локальной групповой политики или оснастки «Локальные политики безопасности» в консоли управления (MMC).

Проверить наличие на компьютере политики SRP можно через RSOP или реестр, давайте я покажу какую ветку реестра нужно изучить.

Наличие раздела safercodeidentifiers уже говорит, о применении политик SRP. Регулируется она ключом DefaultLevel. Чтобы приостановить действие политики SRP установите у ключа DefaultLevel значение .

Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК — как исправить

Некоторые пользователи Windows 10 могут столкнуться с сообщением об ошибке «Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК. Чтобы найти версию для вашего компьютера, обратитесь к издателю приложения» с единственной кнопкой «Закрыть». Для начинающего пользователя причины по которой программа не запускается из такого сообщения вероятнее всего будет не ясна.

В этой инструкции подробно о том, почему может быть невозможно запустить приложение и как это исправить, а также о некоторых дополнительных вариантах этой же ошибки, а также видео с пояснениями. См. также: Это приложение заблокировано в целях защиты при запуске программы или игры.

Почему невозможно запустить приложение в Windows 10

Если при запуске программы или игры в Windows 10 вы видите именно указанное сообщение о том, что невозможно запустить приложение на вашем ПК, наиболее распространенными причинами этого являются.

  1. У вас установлена 32-разрядная версия Windows 10, а для запуска программы требуется 64-бит.
  2. Вы загрузили .exe файл программы для ARM-процессоров (случается, например, при скачивании компонентов Visual C++ Redistributable и попытке запустить vcredist_arm.exe — такие файлы не запустятся на обычном компьютере)
  3. Файл поврежден (например, после восстановления или из-за неполадок накопителя) или не является исполняемым файлом (например, вы просто переименовали файл, задав ему расширение .exe).
  4. Программа разработана для какой-то из старых версий Windows, например, XP.

Возможны и другие варианты, которые будут рассмотрены в последнем разделе руководства.

Исправление ошибки

В первом случае всё достаточно просто (если вы не знаете 32-бит или 64-бит система установлена на вашем компьютере или ноутбуке, см. Как узнать разрядность Windows 10): некоторые программы имеют два исполняемых файла в папке: один с добавлением x64 в названии, другой — без (используем для запуска программы тот, что без), иногда две версии программы (32 бит или x86, что одно и тоже и 64-бит или x64) представлены как две отдельные загрузки на сайте разработчика (в данном случае скачиваем программу для x86). В крайнем случае, меняем Windows 10 32-бит на 64-бит.

Во втором случае можно попробовать посмотреть на официальном сайте программы, есть ли версия, совместимая с Windows 10. Если же программа давно не обновлялась, то попробовать запустить её в режиме совместимости с предыдущими версиями ОС, для этого

  1. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по исполняемому файлу программы или по её ярлыку и выберите пункт «Свойства». Примечание: с ярлыком на панели задач так не получится, и если у вас ярлык только там, то можно поступить таким образом: найдите эту же программу в списке в меню «Пуск», нажмите по ней правой кнопкой мыши и выберите пункт «Дополнительно» — «Перейти к расположению файла». Уже там вы сможете изменить свойства ярлыка приложения.
  2. На вкладке «Совместимость» отметьте пункт «Запустить программу в режиме совместимости с» и укажите одну из доступных предыдущих версий Windows. Подробнее: Режим совместимости Windows 10.

Ниже — видео инструкция об исправлении проблемы.

Как правило, приведенных пунктов достаточно, чтобы решить проблему, но не всегда.

Дополнительные способы исправить проблему с запуском приложений в Windows 10

Если ни один из методов не помог, возможно полезной окажется следующая дополнительная информация:

  • Если есть основания предполагать, что файл .exe с программой был поврежден, попробуйте снова загрузить его, возможно — из другого источника.
  • Попробуйте запустить программу от имени Администратора (правый клик по исполняемому файлу или ярлыку — запуск от имени Администратора).
  • Иногда проблема может быть вызвана ошибками со стороны разработчика — попробуйте более старую или более новую версию программы.
  • Выполните проверку компьютера на наличие вредоносных программ (они могут мешать запуску некоторого софта), см. Лучшие средства для удаления вредоносных программ.
  • Если запускается приложение магазина Windows 10, но загруженное не из магазина (а со стороннего сайта), то должна помочь инструкция: Как установить .Appx и .AppxBundle в Windows 10.
  • В версиях Windows 10 до Creators Update вы могли увидеть сообщение о том, что запуск приложения невозможен, так как отключен контроль учетных записей (UAC). Если вы столкнулись с такой ошибкой и приложение необходимо запустить, включите UAC, см. Контроль учетных записей Windows 10 (в инструкции описано отключение, но произведя действия в обратной последовательности его можно включить).

Надеюсь, один из предложенных вариантов поможет вам решить проблему с «невозможно запустить это приложение». Если же нет — опишите ситуацию в комментариях, я постараюсь помочь.

А вдруг и это будет интересно:

Почему бы не подписаться?

Рассылка новых, иногда интересных и полезных, материалов сайта remontka.pro. Никакой рекламы и бесплатная компьютерная помощь подписчикам от автора. Другие способы подписки (ВК, Одноклассники, Телеграм, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Яндекс.Дзен)

Подскажите пожалуйста,каким образом отключить звук в браузере edge, только для одного этого браузера, не отключая звук всей системы или звук динамиков.
В микшере громкости он не появляется.
У меня windows 10 1511

Тоже не знаю, как сделать это стандартными средствами. Обычные приложения рабочего стола в микшене появляются (Internet Explorer, Chrome), а вот Edge — нет.
Но в магазине есть стороннее приложение EarTrumpet, которое, вроде, умеет это.

у меня не открывается папка на флешке она действует под 32-битной системе а у меня система 64-битная на компьютере. что делать?

Не запускается приложение. Загрузка доходит до 59% и останавливается. Подскажите что делать.

А более подробно… какое приложение и что именно там за загрузка?

Не могу установить 64-разрядную версию Windows вместо 32-разрядной. Делал все по инструкциям — загрузочный диск, BIOS ит.д. Качал на флешку и официальную и пиратские версии. ASUS T200TA, 64-итный процессор. Помогите пожалуйста понять, в чем проблема?

А что именно не получается?
Если вы видите сообщение «невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК», это означает что вы не с флешки загрузились, а пытаетесь установку запустить из под Windows 32-бит (т.е. компьютер не с флешки запустился, а старую ОС запустил).

Пытаюсь установить старую игру, установил в свойствах совместимость (как по инструкции), но все равно вылазит окно Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК У меня windows 8.1 64x, игра — 32bit
Вернее 16-bit игра

быть может там под dos игра? нет?

Нет, именно под ПК.
Вот системные требования:
Операционная система Windows 95/98
Процессор 133 Мгц (минимум), 166Мгц(рекомендуется)
Оперативная память 32Mб (минимум), 64Мб(рекомендуется)
Видео 2Мб SVGA, DirectX 7.0( минимум), 4Mб SVGA(рекомендуется)
Свободное место на диске 375 Мб
Звук совместимая с DirectX 7.0
CD-ROM 4-х скоростной CD-ROM Drive

Ну вот, я почти угадал… древние игры на современных ПК не всегда работают без каких-то действий дополнительных. Иногда режим совместимости помогает, но не всегда. Тут каждую игру отдельно нужно смотреть.

Вы не посмотрите? Игра называется — Вояки: тактика в воздухе

Сам качать-запускать не буду. Но пишут, что достаточно совместимость с Windows 98/2000 выставить.

пытаюсь удалить программы Acer, например Acer Recovery Management установлены вместе с windows 10 при попытке удалить через приложения и возможности вижу данное сообщение, некоторые программы удалились. Вирусов нет, проверено касперским.

скачиваю с яндекса браузер, то же самое, ни запустить ни удалить ни переустановить, одно и то же окно

У меня ноутбук 32-разряная система, запускаю тяжёлую игру и вылетает окно с названием данной статьи, в файлах игры нет чего напоминающего о 32-разряной системе. Что делать?

ставить 64-разрядную ОС. Судя по всему, игра именно 64-битная.

у меня эта ошибка при попытке запуска cmd вылазит, я вообще не знаю что делать, вирусов нету

У меня все было ОК пока не установил игру метро 2033 после установки игры я её открыл потом вижу что управление не слушает звука вообще нет потом перезагрузить пк и запускают снова теперь игра вообще не открылось потом удалил игру потом открываю другие игры они тоже не открылись пишет невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем пк раньше такого не было и потом все приложении и игры это пишет ЭТО ВСЕ ИЗ-ЗА ИГРЫ МЕТРО 2033! пожалуста
помогите как это исправить

А может у вас точки восстановления системы остались? (панель управления — восстановление системы). Они могли бы помочь.

Здравствуйте, у меня не получается открыть архиватор 7зип. Вернее он открывается, но когда дело доходит до разархивации, то он выдает мне соотвествуещее «невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем пк. чтобы найти версию для вашего пк, обратитесь к издателю». Вроде устанавливаю последнюю версию 19.00 и 64-х разрядная. Все защитники вроде отключены, но все равно результат тот же.

Здравствуйте. А система у вас случайно не 32-битная?
Там суть в том, что интерфейс 7-zip — это одно, а тот модуль, который он запускает для разархивации (тоже программа) — уже другой файл (который 7-zip использует непосредственно для операций с архивами, а не для просмотра структуры папок) и не запускается у вас именно он, судя по описанию. Хранится где-то в папке с 7-zip, точное название сейчас глянуть не могу, но примерно так же и называется, просто в качестве иконки имеет простое стандартное окно windows.

Я уже и 32-битную версию устанавливал, не работает, хотя у меня 64-битная версия. Тот же результат. Я уже пробою запускать просто архив, не открывает. А о каком файле вы говорите не могу понять. Я зашел в папку 7зип, там только один файл запускается и он называется 7zFM. Но как бы он не назывался, повторюсь, результат тот же.

far cry primal установил и невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем пк

РЕШЕНИЕ (если вдруг ничего не помогло). Откройте консоль от имени администратора через диспетчер задач,
1. Откройте диспетчер задач
2. создайте новый процесс (нажмите файл, затем создать новый процесс)
3. В появившемся окне введите cmd
4. Поставьте галочку «создать задачу с правами администратора»
5. Создайте задачу
6. Теперь в консоли введите sfc /scannow
7. Нажмите enter
Ждите, когда система просканируется!

здравствуйте, перепробовала все методы, но не один не помог. Когда я проверяла игру на совместимость, диагностика показала, что, режим совместимости с Windows: никакой (Тип системы: 64-нарядная операционная система, процессор x64 и игра тоже 64)

А что за игра? Ранее в эту же игру на этой же системе играли?

The Sims 4, да, играла

Тогда странно. А как именно выглядит сообщение и каков полный текст и дополнительные сведения (если есть)?

(Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК.
Чтобы найти версию для вашего компьютера, обратитесь к издателю приложения)
Больше ничего нет.

Есть еще такой вариант, когда приложение повреждено, или диск поврежден. Симптомы аналогичные. Нужно выполнить проверку и устранить ошибки на диске.

Возможно ли в режиме совместимости запустить файл с типом scr?

Напрямую нет, но вообще — файлы .scr это те же exe, просто с другим расширением, чтобы система знала, что это заставка. Т.е. если его переименовать в .exe, то уже тогда можно.

Игра нормально играла. После того как жена просидела за компом перестала запускаться. Невозможно запустить и т. д. Все что выше описано пробовал. Ничего не помогает. Что делать?

Привет. Сперва скажу спасибо, Dmitry, за такой полезный сайт.

У меня Windows 10 LTSC. Хочу включить Windows Photo Viewer, С помощью cmd активировал ярлычок для «Открыть с помощью», поставил «всегда использовать это приложение» для PNG и JPG. Теперь PNG — открывает сразу, JPG — пишет «невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК». Хотя ПКМ=>открыть с помощью=>Windows Photo Viewer открывает спокойно. Подскажи пожалуйста, как можно исправить?
Нашел на сайте каком то текст для reg’а, но там нет параметров для правки в HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT для jpg.
Создание параметра в HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows Photo Viewer/Capabilities/FileAssociations не помогло.

Боюсь я тут не смогу сейчас сходу помочь — нужен эксперимент, а я пока в поездках с макбуком, дня через 3-4 в строй полностью только вернусь.

Смог сам придумать решение. Вдруг, кому то понадобится:

Здравствуйте, я перешла на Windows 10 про у меня 32 разрядная операционная система процессор x64 запуститься игра Симс 4 на 64 бит? Когда я запускаю игру мне пишет что не удалось запустить это приложения на вашем пк обратитесь к издателю что нужно делать переустанавливать игру?

Судя по всему, придется устанавливать систему 64-разрядную, вместо 32.

Подскажите как можно перейти на 64 без потери данных

Устанавливать начисто с флешки 64-битную версию Windows, но при этом не форматировать системный раздел.
Данные как таковые вы не потеряете (те что были на рабочем столе или в «документах» найдутся потом в C:Windows.oldUsersИмя_пользователя), но программы все придется переустанавливать.

У меня это сообщение по теме вышло после очистки диска программой Your Uninstaller. Она что-то очень долго удаляла и, видимо, удалила также нужные файлы.

У меня винда 10 ласт версия 64 бит, старый дум выдаёт эту ошибку при запуске

Решила поставить старую игрушку Disney’s Timon & Pumbaa’s Jungle Games. У меня винда 10 официальная, ставилась производителем при покупке ноутбука. Ни в какую не открывается setup.exe, уже и совместимость выбрала, и все проверила, как в статье указано. Ничего. Да, ОС х64, игра скорее всего х32. Буду дальше гуглить, как в такой ситуации справиться. Вообще, новая винда, конечно, то еще г…

Попробуйте в режиме совместимости с Windows 95. А еще она под DOS, так что можно и из под DOSBox попробовать запустить.

вот такая проблема все было хорошо потом я выключил ноутбук удержанием кнопки пуск и пошел спать утром я включаю ноутбук и как бы половина всех приложений не работает хотя вчера я их запускал и все было нормально еще я попытался скачать анти вирус но все файлы которые я скачивал не запускаются выдают ошибку «невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем пк» помогите пожалуйста

Может, точки восстановления есть? Тогда их использовать.
Антивирус до проблемы скачивали? Попробуйте удалить.
Почему пришлось прибегнуть к выключению кнопкой питания?

точек восстановления нету,антивирус был удалил, ничего не поменялось как выскакивала ошибка так и выскакивает к выключения кнопкой питания пришлось прибегнуть из-за того то что ноутбук завис

Можете просто запустить восстановление системы с сохранением данных.


Устранение неполадок при получении сообщения об ошибке «Не удалось запустить это приложение»

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Причины ошибки

Эта ошибка указывает на то, что выполняется одно из следующих условий:

Исправление ошибки

Чтобы устранить эту проблему и запустить приложение, сделайте следующее:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Если приложение успешно запускается, нажмите кнопку Готово. В противном случае нажмите кнопку Далее.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

.NET Framework 4.8 предустановлена в Windows 11 и Windows 10 с обновлением за май 2019 г. и более поздние версии.

Попытайтесь запустить приложение.

Устранение неполадок при запуске приложения

Требуемая платформа не найдена

Если требуемая платформа или совместимая версия не найдена, приложение не запускается с сообщением следующего:

Установка совместимой среды выполнения

Сообщение об ошибке содержит ссылку для скачивания отсутствующих платформ. Чтобы перейти на соответствующую страницу загрузки, перейдите по этой ссылке.

В следующей таблице показаны платформы, содержащиеся в каждой среде выполнения.

Выберите загрузку среды выполнения, содержащую отсутствующие платформы, и установите ее.

Другие варианты

Существуют другие варианты установки и обходного решения.

Запуск скрипта dotnet-install

Скачайте сценарий dotnet-install для операционной системы. Запустите скрипт с параметрами на основе сведений в сообщении об ошибке. На странице справки по скрипту dotnet-install отображаются все доступные параметры.

Запустите PowerShell и выполните следующую команду:

Например, сообщение об ошибке в предыдущем разделе будет соответствовать следующему:

Дополнительные сведения об установке с помощью скрипта см. в разделе «Установка с помощью автоматизации PowerShell».

Например, сообщение об ошибке в предыдущем разделе будет соответствовать следующему:

Дополнительные сведения об установке с помощью скрипта см. в разделе «Установка скрипта».

Например, сообщение об ошибке в предыдущем разделе будет соответствовать следующему:

Дополнительные сведения об установке с помощью скрипта см. в разделе «Установка с помощью автоматизации Bash».

Скачивание двоичных файлов

Настройка поведения отката

Если у вас уже установлена более ранняя версия требуемой платформы, вы можете сделать приложение запущенным в этой более поздней версии, настроив его поведение наката.

Так как использование этого параметра позволяет приложению работать в другой версии платформы, отличной от версии, для которой она была разработана, это может привести к непреднамеренное поведение из-за изменений между версиями платформы.

Критические изменения

Расположение %ProgramFiles%dotnet установки по умолчанию (или %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet для 32-разрядных процессов в 64-разрядной версии Windows).

Это многоуровневое поведение подстановки было включено по умолчанию, но его можно отключить, задав переменную DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP=0 среды.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net


Much of this post is only relevant for framework-dependent apps. That’s the default build and publish option. Framework-dependent apps (unlike self-contained apps) don’t include a runtime but need to load one (typically) from the global install location. That’s what leads to this whole topic. There are a lot of benefits to framework-dependent apps, which is why that model is popular.

Missing Runtime

We have updated our error messages to have the general structure:

.NET installation not found

For Windows GUI applications, we made similar changes to the error shown to include a documentation link and more clearly lay out relevant information:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

These changes are an improvement on previous behavior:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Required framework not found

Running the application will show:

For Windows GUI applications, we again made similar changes to the error shown:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

These changes are an improvement on previous behavior:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net


In general, we ensured all the error messages about a missing runtime point out the relevant architecture, such that it is clearer to everyone – end user, developer, or developer supporting an end user – which architecture is necessary.

.NET location

Missing SDK

In this case, the host cannot determine whether you are trying to run an application or an SDK command, so it offers both possibilities before including details about the failure to find a compatible SDK and instruction for how the failure could be addressed. It also includes a link to more information about how the SDK version is selected.

We think the phrasing and layout makes it easier to see relevant details than in the previous behavior:

In line with the error messages updates, we cleaned up the layout, removed unnecessary text, and added documentation links. We also included the host architecture and any global.json that was used for SDK resolution.

This was the previous output:

SDK error messages

We identified some SDK error messages that make reference to global.json but do not specify its location. That can be be super frustrating. We’re hoping to improve that experience in a later Preview.

dotnet icon

In response to a great suggestion from the community, we also added an icon to the dotnet executable on Windows. Rather than the default Windows application icon, you will now see:



We’ve made a significant effort to improve the usability and supportability of all these error and info “screens”. We have to support our product on a regular basis, and we believe that the extra information will be very helpful for us. We hope that it is helpful to you, whether you are a developer, operations professional, or end user.

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).


SimonPhilpott commented Feb 4, 2022 •

Problem Description

Reboot, and re-run Handbrake. Same message.

Activity Log, Crash Log or any other details

What Operating System are you running?

Windows 10 Enterprise

What version of HandBrake are you running?

Where did you download HandBrake from?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

sr55 commented Feb 4, 2022

Two additional things to check

We’ve seen a few users report that something has set the «DOTNET_ROOT» environment variable. (Not something that is typically set). This may be set to something older.

If you open a command prompt, you can run:

and it should print out everything that’s installed. If you can paste that output here please.

baconfingers1 commented Feb 11, 2022 •

I have the same problem. I ran your command via CMD.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1526]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Windows
OS Version: 10.0.19044
OS Platform: Windows
RID: win10-x64
Base Path: C:Program Filesdotnetsdk5.0.203

Host (useful for support):
Version: 6.0.1
Commit: 3a25a7f1cc

.NET SDKs installed:
5.0.203 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]

.NET runtimes installed:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 5.0.6 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.15 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 5.0.6 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.1 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 3.1.15 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 5.0.6 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 6.0.1 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]

Sylvanas-1977 commented Feb 14, 2022

Same problem if installed multple packages from old to new does not make any difference.
.NET SDK (reflecting any global.json):
Version: 5.0.405
Commit: 63325e1c7d

Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Windows
OS Version: 10.0.22000
OS Platform: Windows
RID: win10-x64
Base Path: C:Program Filesdotnetsdk5.0.405

Host (useful for support):
Version: 6.0.2
Commit: 839cdfb0ec

.NET SDKs installed:
5.0.100 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
5.0.405 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Answered by:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net


To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Hello. I’ve searched high and low for a solution to my problem for many months, with no avail.

Many programs give me this error message, claiming I need v4.0 (or higher?) to run the program:


I’ve gone to the Microsoft website and downloaded the v4.0 installer package many times, but I always end up getting this message:

«Your installation will not occur. See below for reasons why.


Could someone please help me out, and give me a straight answer? I’m ripping my hair out over this!

Thank you in advance,


To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If there is, please select it to enable it.

(2) If it has listed, please verify it to see if it has been installed correctly. You can share the log file to us. Please upload the file to https://skydrive.live.com/ and share the link here.

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

Click HERE to participate the survey.

All replies

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.

By using it, you will find the log file under %TEMP% folder, see the first 15 lines and the last 15 lines.

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

Click HERE to participate the survey.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Hello, thank you for your response.

I followed your first link and the logs gave me this response:

«2015-09-17 21:36:26, Info CSI 000000ef [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18<9>]»bfsvc.exe» of Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-Servicing, Version = 6.2.9200.16384, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = , Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2015-09-17 21:36:29, Info CSI 000000f3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18<9>]»bfsvc.exe» of Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-Servicing, Version = 6.2.9200.16384, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = , Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2015-09-17 21:36:29, Info CSI 000000f4 [SR] This component was referenced by [l:260<130>]»Microsoft-Windows-SKU-Foundation-Package-base

2015-09-17 21:36:29, Info CSI 000000f5 [SR] Could not reproject corrupted file [ml:520<260>,l:28<14>]»??C:windows»[l:18<9>]»bfsvc.exe»; source file in store is also corrupted«

(I’m sorry for the wonky formatting, I don’t really know how else to lay this out)


Sorry for any confusing wording; I’m not very experienced with this kind of stuff. Any further help would be greatly appreciated.

Troubleshooting a ‘This application could not be started’ error message

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Error causes

This error typically indicates one of the following conditions:

How to fix the error

To address this issue so that you can run your application, do the following:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If your application runs successfully, select the Finish button. Otherwise, select the Next button.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Windows version .NET Framework installation
Windows 10 Anniversary Update and later versions .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
Windows 10, Windows 10 November Update .NET Framework 4.6.2
Windows 8.1 .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
Windows 8 .NET Framework 4.6.1
Windows 7 SP1 .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
Windows Vista SP2 .NET Framework 4.6

.NET Framework 4.8 is preinstalled on Windows 11 and Windows 10 May 2019 Update and later versions.

Attempt to launch the application.

Missing `.Net` frameworks about BedrockLauncher HOT 4 CLOSED

It then takes you to the runtime download page witch ive already installed.

Comments (4)

Lucky for you, I solved this issue just yesterday!

SuperFluffyGame commented on April 20, 2022

didnt work 🙁 (nvm, would help if i download the correct version lol, i also got it to work without the c++)

VanillaChan6571 commented on August 23, 2022

This solved my issue.

Rayth commented on August 23, 2022

This issue is relating to an old version of the launcher which is why it’s closed. At that time, those 2 runtimes were NOT required as they are now with the new version. Amusingly the download page for the new version even states you need the desktop runtime frameworks.

Related Issues (20)

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dynamicons commented Dec 3, 2020


In the bin/x86/Release/net5.0-windows folder, you’ll find your Application.exe file.
With every Application.exe, there is automatically generated an Application.dll file.

Copy Application.exe and Application.dll to your desktop. Double-Click on Application.exe

A small MessageBox appears:

Now whether you click on Yes or No, nothing happens at all.


Windows 10 Home or Professional, Version 20H2
Visual Studio 2019 (v16.8.2)
.NET 5.0 Desktop Environment for Windows Forms
(Win32/x86) version => may also appear on 64-bit


So maybe that’s a hint what goes wrong.

So here we see that Process.Start(), just given the straight weblink as before, would now fail silently on Windows 10 Home.

Other information

Thank you for considering,

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

msftbot bot commented Dec 3, 2020

Tagging subscribers to this area: @eiriktsarpalis
See info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed.


In the bin/x86/Release/net5.0-windows folder, you’ll find your Application.exe file.
With every Application.exe, there is automatically generated an Application.dll file.

Copy Application.exe and Application.dll to your desktop. Double-Click on Application.exe

A small MessageBox appears:

Now whether you click on Yes or No, nothing happens at all.


Windows 10 Home or Professional, Version 20H2
Visual Studio 2019 (v16.8.2)
.NET 5.0 Desktop Environment for Windows Forms
(Win32/x86) version => may also appear on 64-bit


So maybe that’s a hint what goes wrong.

So here we see that Process.Start(), just given the straight weblink as before, would now fail silently on Windows 10 Home.

Other information

Thank you for considering,

eiriktsarpalis commented Dec 3, 2020

I can reproduce the problem:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

@danmosemsft not sure what the right area label for this issue might be?

msftbot bot commented Dec 3, 2020

Tagging subscribers to this area: @vitek-karas, @agocke
See info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed.


In the bin/x86/Release/net5.0-windows folder, you’ll find your Application.exe file.
With every Application.exe, there is automatically generated an Application.dll file.

Copy Application.exe and Application.dll to your desktop. Double-Click on Application.exe

A small MessageBox appears:

Now whether you click on Yes or No, nothing happens at all.


Windows 10 Home or Professional, Version 20H2
Visual Studio 2019 (v16.8.2)
.NET 5.0 Desktop Environment for Windows Forms
(Win32/x86) version => may also appear on 64-bit


So maybe that’s a hint what goes wrong.

So here we see that Process.Start(), just given the straight weblink as before, would now fail silently on Windows 10 Home.

Other information

Thank you for considering,

Author: dynamicons

vitek-karas commented Dec 3, 2020

vitek-karas commented Dec 3, 2020

This error is still not ideal:

vitek-karas commented Dec 3, 2020

Things to do to improve the experience:

dynamicons commented Dec 4, 2020

thank you for reproducing this issue properly.

«runtimeOptions»: <
«tfm»: «net5.0»,
«framework»: <
«name»: «Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App»,
«version»: «5.0.0»

The solution should be able to detect whether it’s been compiled for x86, x64 or AnyCPU.
I would therefore recommend to test the solution with AnyCPU, x86 and x64 compiler Setting.

vitek-karas commented Dec 4, 2020 •

dynamicons commented Dec 16, 2020

Hmm. ok, Thank you, Vitek. Fair enough. Another hint to try.
my best suggestion then is to keep providing 2-3 variants, each, in the long run:

I am pretty sure that there’s gonna be as well demand for small Executables, as far and where ever we are.

So of course, here’s the question who pays the bill of rights. Yes. Clarity helps against of ‘hey, got another XML Tag’.
But i think that’s 50/50, 40%/60%, 30%/70% or 25%/75% really, as long as we talk about an App Store Economy model.

So that’s why we’ve (i’ve) decided for Microsoft:
The Software once started from crap, with excellent business conditions 😉

Here’s a small outlook to what challenge we are focussing with Dynamic Applications.

A small Startup Finance Product, at its best a Toolkit, based on a few Excel Tables and PDF.
An idea was born, you know. That’s where we all begin, if you want to see what came from it.

Read the Website 😉

In 21st century, it’s our Culture that’s gonna define our Success over time. Laptops we got all.

Merry Christmas to everyone.
Keep me posted in 2021.


My Windows 10 refuses to install NET 5.0

A software I need to install says I must have NET 5.0 installed. For a week now, I have tried to install it but the needed programs says «NET 5.0» is not install and I finally went to;

«regedit» from console to open Registry Editor. to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEMicrosoftNET Framework SetupNDP.

the «but the REGISTER EDITOR says these are installed;
NET Framework Setup
v 3.5
v 4.0
That is all.

I don’t understand why the install window says:
«Successfully Completed
The following was installed at: 5.0.13 (x64)’
but does not appear in:
NET Framework Setup

7 Answers

to see installed dotnet runtimes try:

Best Regards.
Jiachen Li

If the answer is helpful, please click «Accept Answer» and upvote it.
Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.

Let me rephrase based on your answers.

WHAT «NET» do I need to install if I want to use «HANDBRAKE»?

Here is the HANDBRAKE Error. Anyone know WHICH «NET» it is talking about?.

IF one presses «YES», this LINK LOADS this page:

No, this is the right one

I select «Windows x64»


Tried to ‘check’ NET installed, I went to the REGISTRY EDITOR says:

NET Framework Setup
v 3.5
v 4.0

Now I am totally frustrated.


Installing missing frameworks. forever with Framework Microsoft.NET.CoreFramework.Debug.2.2/X64 Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug/X64 is NOT installed

After upgrading VS version yesterday, when I deploy UWP project it hangs on «Installing missing frameworks. » for already 5 hours.

Restarted computer & VS multiple times, VS repair, changed minimum target to latest, updated all nuget packages, nothing works.

My VS version is:
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
Version 16.6.1

Everything worked fine until upgrading VS.
Please help.

6 Answers

, thank you for your answer. The issue has been resolved by itself before I saw your answer.

Here is how it’s been fixed.

I left the computer overnight after «Deploying.» with the following message.
» Installing missing frameworks. «

Today, it’s been fixed. It seems VS did its job. => Someone can tell me «Be more patient» 🙂

Waiting for few hours for the command line output while deploying is, I think, good amount of patient.
If it takes hours or days of task that must be done, that must be checked and done in VS upgrade. Or additional message or help must be provided.
No developer can think of waiting that long while compiling and deploying app that used to work well after VS upgrade.

This is the pain and trauma for us think many times and tries to avoid VS upgrade.
(I postpone upgrade weeks actually, and again ended up this VS upgrade problem again.)
=> I wish VS team do better job for upgrade although they have excuse.

Welcome to Microsoft Q&A,

Derive from the error info, it looks that you miss install Microsoft.NET.CoreFramework.Debug and Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug app decencies, you could install them manually,

I am also experiencing this, after updating last week to the latest version of VS 2019. However, after updating, both VS 2017 and VS 2019 now experience this hang when trying to deploy any UWP app. I also tried completely uninstalling both VS 2017 and VS 2019 and reinstalling only VS 2019 and still had the same issue.

I tried the fix mentioned by @NavtejSaini-MSFT by installing the appx manually, but even those installations seem to hang at 10%, which I suspect is happening the same within Visual Studio.To run this application you must install missing framework for net. I can let it sit for hours and it doesn’t get past 10% progress.

At this point I’m completely unable to deploy any app from VS for nearly a week now. Any help would be appreciated.

I am having the exact same issue as described above. The app packages get stuck at the 10% mark.

After banging my head against the wall over this for a week I finally resorted to resetting Windows (keeping personal files and app data) the problem was ‘fixed’. I don’t want to say it was fixed because having to reinstall Windows isn’t a fix for anything. But, if you’re having this issue, resetting Windows might work for you.

I had the identical issue and I did a clean install of Windows, moved over all my source code, etc. and the problem went away as well. In my case it was a good opportunity to upgrade my main drive, but it seems like a lot of work just to fix whatever this is. One would think there should be some other way of cleaning out the source of the problem.

Also I wonder if the issue is due to something new in VS 2019 release 16.6, or if it has to do with the Blazor/wasm/.Net core 3.1 bleeding edge development I’ve been doing on the same machine? If the latter, I’m dreading when I have to reinstall the SDKs etc. for my Blazor project.

After wsreset.exe completes, I restarted my computer. When it came back up, I installed all of the Microsoft Store app updates, which included an App Installer update, which is probably important, but that’s mostly speculation. After all the store apps updated, I opened VS and went to deploy my UWP. It hit the same point as before where it said it needed to install the appx, and then quickly blew through it and deployed the app.

All of these steps may not be necessary, but it’s what I did to get unblocked. Hopefully, it helps someone else.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

The Update.exe box was tied to the Microsoft Teams icon on the task bar – but I have never installed Microsoft Teams and the updates did not include that application.

Tried to go back to the restore point created just prior to the offending updates (KB4560960 and KB4561600) but after running for 6 hours, it failed saying it couldn’t replace a Firefox file in AppData. Tried many things to resolve the restore problem but nothing worked. Ran chkdsk and sfc which did not find any problems.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I verified that the path referenced in InstallPath existed on my drive. I added all of the entries shown above into my registry. The Release and Version actually reference the November 2019 update but it’s the May 2020 one that is installed and causing trouble. I uninstalled that update again and reinstalled it – it did not make any changes to the registry and the errors continued. The verification tool (netfx_setupverifier.exe), however, now showed versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and every version of 4.x up to 4.7 in the dropdown. Ran this for 4.7 and 4 Full which both failed. The log file said that many files were missing from C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319 and C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETassembly. I found another Windows 10 Home computer and compared the files in C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319 – I have very few files in my folder compared to the «good» computer:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

So my registry was missing 4.0 information until I manually added it but many files on the drive are also missing. Everything was fine until the 6/22 update (I also tried uninstalling the updates to no avail, I am limited in which updates I can undo).


provegard commented Aug 18, 2020

I have a winexe application which is based on CefSharp.MinimalExample. The project file looks like this:

WinExe netcoreapp3.1 true BrowserWrapper app.manifest false

When I target netcoreapp3.1 and run the resulting exe, I get the following dialog:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I have followed the link to download the lastest 3.1 packages (in particular I though Desktop Runtime 3.1.7 might help, but it didn’t).

These are my SDKs and runtimes:

Am I missing something obvious?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Dotnet-GitSync-Bot commented Aug 25, 2020

I couldn’t figure out the best area label to add to this issue. If you have write-permissions please help me learn by adding exactly one area label.

msftbot bot commented Aug 25, 2020

Tagging subscribers to this area: @vitek-karas, @swaroop-sridhar, @agocke
See info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed.

vitek-karas commented Aug 25, 2020

If I change to netcoreapp3.0, I don’t get the dialog.

As for the failure:

provegard commented Aug 31, 2020

@vitek-karas Thank you for your response! I’m building with:

What’s strange is that I cannot reproduce the problem now. I can run the application under 3.1 without the dialog showing. My SDK and runtime lists are the same as they were when I created the issue.

Since I cannot reproduce, I’m closing the issue.

[Bug] Can’t run published WinUI app. #1557


mgamache commented Jul 6, 2021

How to reproduce:

Create a new MAUI project (VS 16.11.0 preview 2)

Debug => Runs fine
Publish => Running the published app Starts then exits with following error (from event viewer)

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Steinliiippp commented Jul 10, 2021

Same Problem here. I can run the project in Visual Studio 2019 Preview without any problems. But as soon as i build the executable and launch it, i get the same crash report in the windows event viewer.

Version: 6.0.100-preview.5.21302.13
Commit: d6380bcae7

OS Name: Windows
OS Version: 10.0.19042
OS Platform: Windows
RID: win10-x64
Base Path: C:Program Filesdotnetsdk6.0.100-preview.5.21302.13

Host (useful for support):
Version: 6.0.0-preview.5.21301.5
Commit: ec3e0b276b

.NET SDKs installed:
2.2.203 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
3.1.410 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
5.0.400-preview.21277.10 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
6.0.100-preview.5.21302.13 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]

.NET runtimes installed:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.2.4 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.All]
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.2.4 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.1.15 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.1.16 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 5.0.6 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 5.0.7 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 6.0.0-preview.5.21301.17 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.2.4 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.15 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.16 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 5.0.6 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 5.0.7 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.0-preview.5.21301.5 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 3.1.15 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 3.1.16 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 5.0.6 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 5.0.7 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 6.0.0-preview.5.21301.4 [C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop.App]

TheCakeMonster commented Jul 23, 2021 •

There appear to be a few limitations to MAUI on Windows, caused by the use of WinUI 3 as the host. Publishing is definitely one of those.

I think the answer to your problem might be that you have limited publishing options available because of the host being WinUI 3.

I’ve created a test application from the maui-blazor template and tried to publish it using Visual Studio. Here is the outcome of the ways I have tried:

Publishing is definitely going to need some work for MAUI before launch, because the state of play at the moment isn’t workable. However, we’re in preview, and I completely understand that we should expect these bumps in the road at the moment, as making MAUI function at all has to come first!

TheCakeMonster commented Jul 23, 2021

jsuarezruiz commented Nov 5, 2021

Could you try with the latest Preview and Visual Studio 2022?

TheCakeMonster commented Nov 5, 2021

Could you try with the latest Preview and Visual Studio 2022?

TheCakeMonster commented Nov 5, 2021

TheCakeMonster commented Nov 5, 2021

Same machine being used for the build, publish and installation.

I can confirm I do have the x64 RC2 runtime already installed, so this prompt doesn’t make any sense as far as I am concerned.

I’ve not tried clicking Yes because I don’t know what it’s going to try to do, and I don’t want anything else installed on this machine.

alexleo123456 commented Nov 9, 2021

i have the same problem for a long time.

TheCakeMonster commented Nov 9, 2021

RuntimeIdentifier ‘win-x64’ is invalid.

Publish Settings:
Configuration: Release | x64 (I added this configuration as it was missing from the solution; NB: Any CPU doesn’t work either)
Target framework: net6.0-windows10.0.19041
Deployment mode: Framework-dependent
Target runtime: win-x64

I’ve tried win-x86 as well, that also fails.

Saatvik-Aggarwal commented Nov 10, 2021

Running into a similar error. Debugging in VS works fine, but when attempting to run a generated build from outside of VS, the application fails to open. Crash message in Event Log says:

Windows x64, Debug:

Here are my project settings:

I tried both normally and single file; neither work. Tried x64 and any cpu; neither work. Doesn’t run on my machine or a virtual machine running Windows Server.

lharmsen commented Nov 25, 2021

I ran into the same issue. Is there any fix yet?

pieter-j commented Nov 28, 2021

I found a workaround with a lot of trouble and testing. (for running in windows, I tried to publish see settings and results below)
So first I am running VS2022 Preview Version 17.1.0 Preview 1.1

Then after i created my app i opened the project file (fist tried in properties but without knowing what framework to use it is not helpful)
In the project file in targets there is a comment which includes the correct windows sdk target. (net6.0-windows10.0.19041)
which i added to the tag
If you read through the project file you will see everything else is there, but by default it misses the windows target. (not sure why, my guess is to make it not crash in mac)

Then on the debug dropdown you need to change the framework to the windows one and select windows machine as the debug device.

On trying to publish, i selected a folder to publish to as this is the simplest option.
When going through the wizard creating a publish profile it doesn’t show the targeting options and default to ios.

This is my experience so far and i hope it helps someone.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

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To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Answered by:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net


To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I have Vista and when starting up my laptop I get the following message:- Sprt.exe-.NET.Framework Initialization Error

Can anyone assist me with this please


To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Welcome to MSDN forums.

Some clarification with you

What is your OS?

I would provide your some suggestions here.

If it has not installed correctly on your machine, please refer the following link.

3, unable your anti-virus software and some security software

4. Run your setup file as administrator

If the installation is failed, you could follow the following steps one by one.

1, you could download ‘Collect.exe’, which could help you to collect information during installing products. The following link is: http://go.microsoft.com/?LinkId=8967043

How to use this tool, you could click the link as follows?

2, Try to clean your «%temp%» folder (Start Menu >> Run >> Type «%temp%»)

The above step could ensure your installation log is only including the latest installation logs.

3, unable your anti-virus software and some security software

4. Run your setup file as administrator

It will create a file named %temp%vslogs.cab on your system.

If it does not work, you could refer your log files to narrow down your issue or upload your log files via Skydrive in your reply.

Or you could send your log files to me. (My E-Mail: v-xugong@microsoft.com )

Note: Please attach the link of this post in the mail.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback, please tell us.

All replies

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Regards, Alireza

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Welcome to MSDN forums.

Some clarification with you

What is your OS?

I would provide your some suggestions here.

If it has not installed correctly on your machine, please refer the following link.

3, unable your anti-virus software and some security software

4. Run your setup file as administrator

If the installation is failed, you could follow the following steps one by one.

1, you could download ‘Collect.exe’, which could help you to collect information during installing products. The following link is: http://go.microsoft.com/?LinkId=8967043

How to use this tool, you could click the link as follows?

2, Try to clean your «%temp%» folder (Start Menu >> Run >> Type «%temp%»)

The above step could ensure your installation log is only including the latest installation logs.

3, unable your anti-virus software and some security software

4. Run your setup file as administrator

It will create a file named %temp%vslogs.cab on your system.

If it does not work, you could refer your log files to narrow down your issue or upload your log files via Skydrive in your reply.

Or you could send your log files to me. (My E-Mail: v-xugong@microsoft.com )

Note: Please attach the link of this post in the mail.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback, please tell us.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I’m writing to follow-up this post.

Do the above suggestions help you solve your concerns?

I’m marking this post as Answered.

If you have any findings, please feel free to let me know.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback, please tell us.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

You could open a new thread here.

This could be convenient for other members to read and help you.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback, please tell us.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

You could open a new thread here.

This could be convenient for other members to read and help you.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback, please tell us.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

When i click download link google chrome crash

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I had similar problem, but already solved

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Hey I know this is an old post but I have this problem for almost a year.

I can’t install it properly and i can’t use Autocad 2012 because of this problem.

Your email doesn’t work so i can’t really send in my files. If you are still active can you help me out please?

I need autocad 2012 to work on my computer or else i can’t really do my homework.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

take this link mybe this download well help

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To all recent posters in this old answered thread:

Posting to an already answered thread insures that most readers will never see your question.

If you start a new thread, it displays as unanswered and captures the attention of forum readers.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

si es verdad q aplicaciones se necesita para ejecutar esta aplicación primero debe instalar una de las siguientes versiones del NET.Framework:. V4.0.30319

Póngase en contacto con su editor de aplicaciones para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo obtener la versión adecuada de la NET.Framework..

si nos pueden audar por favor

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I ran the framework verification program and the following is the log. I do not know what it means. What do I do next.

Before anything else…

Some users reported that the following error message appears on their screen:

“.NET Framework file is missing due to a harmful virus.”

Typically, this is accompanied by a prompt telling them to call a supposed support number. If this happens to you, it is likely that adware has found its way into your computer. This error message tricks users into thinking that their PC has crashed. The infected user would get scared and call the number listed on the prompt.

When you see this error message, do not panic and do not even try to call the numbers. It is likely that these are just contact centers offering unnecessary support contracts and services. In worst-case scenarios, the people behind this scam may be criminals who would want to get your financial and personal information.

This is why we recommend installing Auslogics Anti-Malware. This tool will clean and remove the adware and prevent it from coming back. Do not worry because this security software has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to set up and run. Once you activate it, it will ensure that no malicious programs are running in your system memory. It also detects cookies that collect your personal information and track your activities.

Since Auslogics is a certified Microsoft Gold Application Developer, the tech company ensured that their security program is compatible with Windows 10. This means that you can keep Auslogics Anti-Malware running, and it will not interfere with Windows Defender. This way, you can rest easy knowing that your computer is safe and secure.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Protect PC from Threats with Anti-Malware

Check your PC for malware your antivirus may miss and get threats safely removed with Auslogics Anti-Malware

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:X:sourcessxs

Note: Make sure you replace ‘X’ with the drive that holds the Windows 10 Installation media. It is also possible for you to see a message telling you that you need administrative rights to run the command. If that’s the case, you need to launch Command Prompt as an administrator. You can do this by following the first and second steps in Method Five.

Method Four: Installing the Missing Updates

Windows 10 downloads and installs updates in the background. However, it is possible to miss an update or two. So, you can manually check if there are available updates by following these steps:

Method Five: Running SFC and DISM Scans

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Method 6: Running the ‘lodct/r’ Command

Method 7: Changing your Group Policy

Note: You can only find this tool on Pro versions of Windows 10.

Method 8: Checking your Action Center

This issue can also be fixed by checking your Action Center. To do that, just follow the instructions below.

Which method worked for you?

Let us know in the comments below!

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Author: dynamicons
Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2022-08-24 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794

Contents [show]

После запуска приложения вы можете задаться вопросом, почему эти приложения Windows, похоже, не загружаются. Когда это произойдет, ваше приложение испытывает ошибку. Затем вас предупреждает сообщение об ошибке приложения, указывающее, что может быть неправильным. Ошибки приложения могут быть или не быть чем-то большим. Это может быть вызвано ошибкой, которая требует от Windows исправления. Или это требует только быстрой перезагрузки. Причины ошибки приложения зависят от его ресурса и соединения. Например, два приложения используют общий ресурс, следовательно, могут создавать путаницу или ограничения в путях или есть соединения с общими файлами или связаны с другими сетями.

If you want to download and use apps for your computer, you can visit the Windows Store, Microsoft’s official marketplace. There are a number of apps to choose from and download anytime. But, chances are, there are app errors that you will encounter while using or installing the apps. Some apps will fail to install while others will not run or create any update. Other apps will simply crash. Still, there are also fixes to resolve the issues. You can clear your cache, run a troubleshooter or reset the apps. The idea is not to panic when you encounter an app error. An easy fix will often help.

Когда вы сталкиваетесь с ошибкой приложения, сначала попытайтесь понять сообщение и посмотрите, что может вызвать проблему. Вы можете проверить средство просмотра событий / приложения, чтобы получить источник ошибки. Вы также можете попробовать перезагрузить программы или закрыть другие приложения. Если он не работает, попробуйте перезагрузить компьютер.

Проверьте решения на ошибку приложения, нажав на Панель управления и выбрав опцию «Отчеты о проблемах и решения». Проверьте «Проверить проблемы» и прокрутите вниз, чтобы узнать об ошибках в приложении. Затем нажмите «Проверить решения», чтобы Windows могла искать исправления. После поиска Windows установите эти исправления в свое приложение.

Загрузка новых и обновленных приложений в Windows Store может быть интересной, пока вы не столкнетесь с ошибкой приложения. К счастью, существует несколько способов устранения этих ошибок. Простым способом является проверка настроек времени и даты. Зачастую обновления не работают, потому что ваше время и дата неверны.

Если он все еще не работает, попробуйте выполнить следующие другие исправления:

I get error code 643. v4.0.30319. I’m working on a friends computer and suggestion’s I would greatly appreciate it.

Должен быть файл dd_WIC.txt, где ошибка [2]: установка не выполнена для компонента MSXML 6.0 Parser. Я пробовал установить WIC-помощь! У меня проблемы, но это все еще не работает. MSI вернул код ошибки 1603
[03 / 23 / 09,21: 34: 51] MSXML 6.0 Parser:

Я работаю на компьютере с друзьями, и я получаю предложение, я был бы очень признателен. код ошибки 643.

БУМП, пожалуйста, помогите; (

Почти так, как будто этого не существует, но не доверяет установщику и создателю / владельцу в Windows / Microsoft. Здесь приводные файлы:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4-. ew?usp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4-. ew?usp=sharing

Если элементы запуска не проверены и начальная конфигурация загрузки).

Пробовал все. хотите установить дополнительные компоненты или полностью удалить. От добавления полного пользовательского контроля до

Если он использует установщик Windows, попробуйте нажать здесь.

work computers in my office. I’ve tried 2 different new HDs, same order from ZZF.

Я собираю 3 новый 3rd, который отказывается устанавливать правильно. После форматирования диска установка застревает

Запустите memtest на нем. Благодаря!

Это может работать или приложение клонирования дисков, но это Mobo или RAM. Плохая память может легко вызвать попытку скопировать файлы установки с CD на HD. Все те же части, все предложения?

Any 3 CDROMs, 2 sets of ATA cables. The 1st 2 work perfectly, and it may be a hardware issue with the 3rd PC. I’m confused as to whether the problems you’re having.

Если я использую другой файл, то есть 2.82mb, он начинает загружать, а затем подавляет! Позже уходит!

Удалите его, затем вручную попросите Microsoft об имеющихся в их распоряжении обновлениях. Фактически, все окна обновления обновляются, поэтому вы видите все обновления Windows. Сделайте это, пожалуйста. Посмотрите на панели управления, удалите программы и отметьте предлагаемые обновления от Microsoft.

У меня есть программа, которая требует Framework 4 Framework и перезагрузки компьютера. Я бы очень признателен за помощь здесь, я посмотрел на все, поэтому мне вдруг захотелось этого.

Файл журнала Exe: dd_SetupUtility.txt

Exe (C: Users KYLEXZ

Некоторые специальные символы могут быть проблемой, запустив командную строку в режиме администратора. Я прошел весь процесс, как указано в импортированном некорректно с помощью copy / paste.

i am sure this have been run the program i need. Can some blog and forum to install for windows 7 and without success.

If so, you may be able to fix your > Right Click cmd, Run as Admin. Is this the discussed b4 and resolved among all.

Что насчет Cheers. Он хочет установить 3.0
У меня есть восстановление прошлой ночью. Он говорит, что окна не могут восстановить ваш компьютер, никаких изменений не было сделано.

Я не могу установить какое-либо другое программное обеспечение, потому что он говорит, что когда я нажимаю no, он зависает. Я еще не могу переустановить? Или это нужно установить вместо этого.

Имейте новую новую установку с slipstreamed XP SP2 cd и nopw, мой компьютер находится в подвешенном состоянии с неудавшейся установкой инфраструктуры 2.0.

у меня будет другая установка, я бы хотел отменить эти изменения. Когда я нажимаю «да», он зависает, прог, я не могу его удалить. Когда я иду, чтобы добавить / удалить общую проблему?

Я проверил, и я не приветствую
the Microsoft website and try to install is, nothing happens.

Мне отчаянно нужна помощь!

Я надеюсь, что кто-то может помочь, потому что я буквально буквально все, что я пробовал обновление Windows, дал мне эту ошибку:

Went to got the same Windows Update «connect to the internet» error.

Мой компьютер чист. Я пробовал несколько раз обновлять информацию о 3 годах назад и большинство

avast, mbam и sas никогда не находят ничего. недавно 3-4 месяцев назад, когда для обновления галереи Kodak понадобилось хотя бы 2.0.

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/923100 Ignore the title and follow Method 1 under Resolutions

Так же, как название и в безопасном режиме. Ive попробовал несколько раз sais, он не установит.

Так было несколько часов. И, когда технические специалисты BC входят в систему, следуйте их программам и функциям, он начинает установку и останавливается, когда он сюда попадает.

.net framework issue

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:sourcessxs /LimitAccess

That completes 100%

However, when i go to the program, i get the following error

so then i download the «DotNetFx40_full_setup» file but when i run that, i get the following error

its a real pain. any suggestions??

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Popular Topics in Windows 10

7 Replies

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

What program? Have you rebooted since running the dism tool?

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

The program being installed is Imap, but other programs are now affected, ie Q-pulse, Citrix receiver,

i have rebooted, but will do so again to see if that makes any difference.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Try to open PowerShell as administrator and run:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

in the end, i had to rebuild the the pc., as even after carrying out the suggestions above, the OS wasn’t right, failing to open programs,

it was as quick to rebuild as it was a new machine,

thanks for the suggestions.

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To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Hi all,Been banging my head against a wall for this one.We’ve got an organisation with two type of people. Group A and Group B we’ll call them.Group A needs to see Group B in their address lists, however, not see anyone but themselves from Group A.Group B.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

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To run this application you must install missing framework for net

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mkArtakMSFT commented Sep 11, 2019

From @Safirion on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 4:51:17 PM

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Describe the solution you’d like

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

mkArtakMSFT commented Sep 11, 2019

From @blowdart on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 5:42:41 PM

This is the asp.net core repo, not the dotnet core repo which is over at https://github.com/dotnet/

@mkArtakMSFT can you move this?

mkArtakMSFT commented Sep 11, 2019

@livarcocc I moved this over, but realized that this may have been moved to coreclr instead.

dagood commented Sep 12, 2019

To confirm, by «non-autonomous», do you mean a Framework-dependent executable deployment? (Vs. a «autonomous» self-contained deployment?) I haven’t heard this term used this way before.

Safirion commented Sep 12, 2019 •

Yes I mean framework dependent application.

vitek-karas commented Sep 13, 2019

That said, maybe we should treat missing frameworks special. It’s probably the most common error and it does have a clear guidance of what to do to fix it. The other errors are much less actionable by an end user.

Just to set expectations: I don’t think we will be able to have a UI which will actually run the installer itself, but it should show a URL to go to.

albahari commented Sep 18, 2019

Right now, GUI apps fail silently if netcore hasn’t been installed, which is the worst kind of experience for the end-user. A simple messagebox would fix this.

Symbai commented Sep 30, 2019

Safirion commented Sep 30, 2019 •

richlander commented Oct 8, 2019 •

The UI pasted at the top of this issue is a great example to start the conversation, but the following one is really what is desired.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

UX-wise, this comment nails it for me: https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/issues/8368#issuecomment-536706873. We should have one model for frameworks, and apply it uniformly.

Symbai commented Oct 8, 2019

The UI in the first post is more user friendly. The UI @richlander posted is ugly, looks like a typical «Error with technical information, click instantly yes or ok and raise an issue to the developers the app is not working but throwing an error». This happens a LOT.

If there is a wish to have a uniform user information I would rather update the old and ugly one instead of, in year 2019, continue with that. Because everything that looks like an error instead of an information messagebox is instantly moved into a support ticket for devs. Don’t ask me why but it is like that.

richlander commented Oct 8, 2019

Safirion commented Oct 8, 2019 •

It’s a MessageBox. Just change type from «Error/Critical» to «Information» and it will be a lot better.
I totally agree with Symbai, this box will make users cry and they will create useless tickets on our support websites.

richlander commented Oct 8, 2019

But it is a critical error. I don’t know how to think of it otherwise. I also don’t see how changing the icon will change user behavior so much that they won’t create those useless tickets. You think otherwise?

Symbai commented Oct 8, 2019 •

First of all the original request was about the problem that currently the «why the app isn’t working» is not visible for end users. This is solved by @richlander suggestion and I totally agree that, ignoring the design choice, having such a messagebox is MUCH better than having none.

So up to that point, I’m totally fine with @richlander choice. But I personally would love to have this notice a bit more «official»-design. I don’t know if there is a windows API that can be used to create a better looking message. But from my experience literally everything that looks like an «error» will not be read but instead a support ticket will be created. Even if the error tells the «why» + solution. The problem is that there are too many errors looking like this but have no meaning to end users. So yes, changing the icon will help (a bit). Having a total different design however helps a LOT because people stop by and read.

I would want @richlander solution to be implemented as fast as possible, because the longer it’s left like this the more time and money it costs on support, and leave the «how we can improve this dialog» to the future. Because that is something that likely needs more time and isn’t that much hurting as the silent crash.

richlander commented Oct 8, 2019

First, I agree that the UI I shared is ugly. If we can get something better, I’m all over that proposal!

Thanks for engaging. Much appreciated.

Symbai commented Oct 8, 2019 •

vatsan-madhavan commented Oct 8, 2019

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

richlander commented Oct 8, 2019

vatsan-madhavan commented Oct 8, 2019

Here is the code.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

It will also need an app.manifest like this (requires comctl32 v6, avaialble on Windows Vista +).

vitek-karas commented Oct 8, 2019

vatsan-madhavan commented Oct 8, 2019 •

@vitek-karas, mind giving this a try instead of using the manifest?

Put it in the header before including

vitek-karas commented Oct 8, 2019

richlander commented Oct 8, 2019

I propose we get the ugly dialog option into 3.1 and then see if we can improve on it for 5.0. We don’t have a lot of time and don’t want to go with a complicated option that might not be fully proven. Cool?

vatsan-madhavan commented Oct 9, 2019

I’m attaching a solution that shows how this works.

richlander commented Oct 9, 2019

The solution cannot involve creating another binary. We only have apphost.exe. I sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm to improve this experience (it could definitely be improved!) but I’m not seeing a path forward given our constraints, which also includes not taking on any new risk.

Symbai commented Oct 9, 2019

3.1 release is pretty close and I really want to see having at least something rather than nothing. I agree with adding the ugly message for 3.1 and then see if we can make it look nicer for 5.0, unless it turns out there is a safe and fast way to add @vatsan-madhavan solutions which is exactly what I had in mind.


Записная книжка

Обратил внимание, что в папке с запускным файлом из прошлой статьи (пример на WPF), после компиляции присутствуют ещё несколько файлов:

При этом раньше в результате компиляции получалось только три файла:

Вообще у меня вроде как уже установлен необходимый пакет, ну да ладно — скачал и установил, но всё равно ошибка сохранилась.

Про файлы базы данных программ (PDB) написано много всего. Но я всё равно не понял, зачем это нужно в релизе.

Вот его содержимое:

Это конечно поменьше, но всё равно странно, зачем столько сложностей. Хотя вот здесь или здесь всё разложено по полочкам, так что можно почитать. Покопавшись в инете, нашёл способ запаковать всё это в один файл, чтобы в дальнейшем подобных недоразумений не возникало. Делается это с помощью «публикации».

Публикация приложения

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

.NET Framework 3.5 installation errors: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907, 0x800F0922

Resolutions for Windows Server

Error code 0x800F0906

This error code occurs because the computer cannot download the required files from Windows Update.

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Check your internet connection

This behavior can be caused by network, proxy, or firewall configurations or by network, proxy, or firewall failures. To fix this problem, try to connect to the Microsoft Update website.

If you cannot access this website, check your Internet connection, or contact the network administrator to determine whether there is a configuration that blocks access to the website.

Method 2: Configure the Group Policy setting

This behavior can also be caused by a system administrator who configures the computer to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) instead of the Windows Update server for servicing. In this case, contact your system administrator and request that they enable the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting and configure the Alternate source file path value or select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) option.

To configure the Group Policy setting, follow these steps:

Start the Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console.

Point to the upper-right corner of the screen, click Search, type group policy, and then click Edit group policy.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If you want to specify an alternative source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media.

Example of a shared folder path: \server_nameshareWin8sxs

Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix.

Example of a WIM file path: WIM:\server_nameshareinstall.wim:3

In this example, 3 represents the index of the image in which the feature files are found.

If it is applicable to do this, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Method 3: Use Windows installation media

Insert the Windows installation media.

At an elevated command prompt, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive. For example, you run the following command:

Method 4: Alternative steps for Windows Server

In Windows Server 2012 R2, you can also specify an alternative source by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets or by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

To use Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

In an elevated Windows PowerShell command window, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive or for the Windows installation media. For example, you run the following command:

To use the Add Roles and Features Wizard, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

Start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

On the Select features page, select the .NET Framework 3.5 Features check box, and then click Next.

On the Confirm installation selections page, click the Specify an alternate source path link. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

On the Specify Alternate Source Path page, type the path of the SxS folder as a local path or as a network share path. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Click OK.

Click Install to finish the wizard.

Error code 0x800F081F

This error code can occur when an alternative installation source is specified and one of the following conditions is true:

To fix this problem, make sure that the full path of the source is correct ( x:sourcessxs ) and that you have at least Read access to the location. To do this, try to access the source directly from the affected computer. Verify that the installation source contains a valid and complete set of files. If the problem persists, try to use a different installation source.

Error code 0x800F0907

This error code occurs if an alternative installation source is not specified or is invalid and if the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting is configured to Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update.

To fix this problem, review the policy setting to determine whether it is appropriate for your environment. If you do not want to download feature payloads from Windows Update, consider configuring the Alternate source file path value in the Group policy setting.

You must be a member of the Administrators group to change Group Policy settings on the local computer. If the Group Policy settings for the computer that you want to manage are controlled at the domain level, contact your system administrator.

To do this, follow these steps:

Start Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console as applicable in your environment.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System.

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled.

Determine whether the Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update Group Policy setting is enabled, and then determine the desired setting for your environment.

If you want to specify an alternate source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media. Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix. The following are examples of values that you can specify:

If you want, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Resolution for Windows 10

Error code 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, or 0x800F0907

To fix the error codes for Windows 10, follow these steps:

Download the Windows Media Creation tool, and create an ISO image locally, or create an image for the version of Windows that you have installed.

Configure the Group Policy as in Method 2, but also follow these steps:

Error code 0x800F0922

The following error message occurs when you do Windows 10 upgrade:

0x800F0922 CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED: Processing advanced installers and generic commands failed.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

Open Sources folder.

Right-click the SXS folder, and then click Properties.

Click Security and make sure that there is a check mark next to Read & Execute. If the check mark isn’t there, click the Edit button and turn it on.

Press Windows Key + X keyboard shortcut.

Click Command Prompt (Admin).

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

More information

Error messages that are associated with these error codes

Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes.
Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet, and click Retry to try again.

Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found. Try installing the roles, role services, or features again in a new Add Roles and Features Wizard session, and on the Confirmation page of the wizard, click Specify an alternate source path to specify a valid location of the source files that are required for the installation. The location must be accessible by the computer account of the destination server.

Error code: 0x800F0906

Error code: 0x800F081F

Error: 0x800F081F

0x800F0907 DISM failed. No operation was performed.
For more information, review the log file.
The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log

Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.

Error code: 0x800F0907

Error: 0x800F0907

Jun. 24, 2022 / Updated by Helia to Gaming Solutions

.Network Framework, Version=v**

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

1. Open the Control Panel on the Windows. Switch the view to Category and then go to Programs.

2. Click the Turn Windows features on or off to open the Windows Features.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Устранение неполадок при запуске приложения

Требуемая платформа не найдена

Если требуемая платформа или совместимая версия не найдена, приложение не запускается с сообщением следующего:

Установка совместимой среды выполнения

Сообщение об ошибке содержит ссылку для скачивания отсутствующих платформ. Чтобы перейти на соответствующую страницу загрузки, перейдите по этой ссылке.

В следующей таблице показаны платформы, содержащиеся в каждой среде выполнения.

Выберите загрузку среды выполнения, содержащую отсутствующие платформы, и установите ее.

Другие варианты

Существуют другие варианты установки и обходного решения.

Запуск скрипта dotnet-install

Скачайте сценарий dotnet-install для операционной системы. Запустите скрипт с параметрами на основе сведений в сообщении об ошибке. На странице справки по скрипту dotnet-install отображаются все доступные параметры.

Запустите PowerShell и выполните следующую команду:

Например, сообщение об ошибке в предыдущем разделе будет соответствовать следующему:

Дополнительные сведения об установке с помощью скрипта см. в разделе «Установка с помощью автоматизации PowerShell».

Например, сообщение об ошибке в предыдущем разделе будет соответствовать следующему:

Дополнительные сведения об установке с помощью скрипта см. в разделе «Установка скрипта».

Например, сообщение об ошибке в предыдущем разделе будет соответствовать следующему:

Дополнительные сведения об установке с помощью скрипта см. в разделе «Установка с помощью автоматизации Bash».

Скачивание двоичных файлов

Настройка поведения отката

Если у вас уже установлена более ранняя версия требуемой платформы, вы можете сделать приложение запущенным в этой более поздней версии, настроив его поведение наката.

Так как использование этого параметра позволяет приложению работать в другой версии платформы, отличной от версии, для которой она была разработана, это может привести к непреднамеренное поведение из-за изменений между версиями платформы.

Критические изменения

Расположение %ProgramFiles%dotnet установки по умолчанию (или %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet для 32-разрядных процессов в 64-разрядной версии Windows).

Это многоуровневое поведение подстановки было включено по умолчанию, но его можно отключить, задав переменную DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP=0 среды.


I can’t find ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) with c#

I want to use ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework), and I have downloaded Visual Studio Community 2019 v16.11.3, and i have clicked the ASP.NET and web devleopment before i download it

but I can’t find the one i needed, I don’t want the ‘core’ one,

does anyone know how to solve it?

Are you talking about the template of the Web Site Project for the ASP.NET Web Forms project?

8 Answers

When you Create New Project, use the search box and type «web application». Among the ones listed, find ASP.NET Web Application (.Net Framework), and pick the one with C# listed at the bottom.

Once you’ve used a project template, it appears in your «Recent project templates» list on the side of the Create a new project box, and you won’t have to search for it again.

When you step through creating your project with that template, it will ask you to select Empty, Web Forms, MVC, Web API, or Single Page Application. Pick your preferred flavor.

If the answer is helpful, please click «Accept Answer» and upvote it.

Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.

Esta desde visual studio 2022
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Presento el mismo problema y ya instale todo los componentes de ASP.NET
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Open ‘visual studio installer’ from start menu.
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Click on ‘modify’ :
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Select ‘ASP.net and web development’:
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I am having the issue even though i have already installed it.. To run this application you must install missing framework for netTo run this application you must install missing framework for netCan anybody help me out with this pls

Thank you very much, it was a great help.

See this link! Worked for me.

Thanks. it’s working

This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks Andres

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Thank’s man it’s working

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Please follow the steps below:

it will open Visual Studio Installer

It should solve your problem

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).


theSdev commented May 20, 2020 •

Hi. I’ve just downloaded version 0.18, and after installation I get this error:
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Also upon every attempt to launch the program, I get this error:
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I have Windows 10 version 1909 installed.
I got the MSI file from the releases page. Reinstalling also didn’t help.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

theSdev commented May 20, 2020

peraltamori commented May 20, 2020

InternetOscar commented May 20, 2020

I tried to do the same, installing 3.1 manually, and it’s still not working.

theSdev commented May 20, 2020

InternetOscar commented May 21, 2020

hellojardo commented Jun 11, 2021

You must install the Runtime one not the SDK.


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You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

Error when updating to version 1.5.1 about HandBrake HOT 2 CLOSED

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Never was a problem with version 1.4.1. Running Windows 10 Home Version 21H2 AMD A12 12 GB ram. I downloaded Handbrake from the originating site.

Tried just a straight update. Got the error message. Rebooted and tried again with the same results. I downloaded runtime 6.0.2 from Windows and rebooted the computer. Same error. I deleted the exiting 1.5.1 and rebooted the computer. I searched for all possible traces of Handbrake and removed anything left over from the removal. I tried installation again. Same error.

I reverted back to Handbrake 1.4.1 and it is working great.

Comments (2)

djones8081 commented on March 7, 2022 1

I must have previously downloaded the wrong version. Going to M$ site and downloading the correct version corrected the situation. Thanks!

Related Issues (20)

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Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

.NET Framework content previously digitally signed using certificates that use the SHA1 algorithm, will be retired in order to support evolving industry standards.

.NET Framework version Installer (Developer Pack and Runtime) Platform support
4.8 .NET Framework 4.8 Included in:

Windows 11
Windows 10 May 2019 Update (and later versions)
Visual Studio 2019 (16.3 update)

You can install on:

Windows 10 October 2018 Update
Windows 10 April 2018 Update
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Windows 10 Creators Update
Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server, Version 1809
Windows Server, Version 1803

(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.7.2 .NET Framework 4.7.2 Included in:

Windows 10 October 2018 Update
Windows 10 April 2018 Update
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server, Version 1809
Windows Server, Version 1803
Visual Studio 2017 (15.8 update)

You can install on:

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Windows 10 Creators Update
Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server, version 1709 and earlier

(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.7.1 .NET Framework 4.7.1 Included in:

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Windows Server, version 1709
Visual Studio 2017 (15.5 update)

You can install on:

Windows 10 Creators Update
Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2016 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.7 .NET Framework 4.7 Included in:

You can install on:

Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2016 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.6.2 .NET Framework 4.6.2 Included in:

Windows 10 Anniversary Update

You can install on:

Windows 10 November Update
Windows 10
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.6.1 .NET Framework 4.6.1 Included in:

You can install on:

Windows 10
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.6 .NET Framework 4.6 Included in:

You can install on:

Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.5.2 .NET Framework 4.5.2 You can install on:

Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.5.1 .NET Framework 4.5.1 Included in:

Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012 R2
Visual Studio 2013

You can install on:

Windows 8 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.5 .NET Framework 4.5 Included in:

Windows 8
Windows Server 2012
Visual Studio 2012

You can install on:

Windows 7 and earlier
Windows Server 2008 SP2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

You can install the Web or Offline installer on:

Windows 8.1 and earlier

Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier

Installation choices

The download page is provided in several languages, but most of the downloads are provided in English only. For additional language support, you must install a language pack.

Two types of redistributable installers are available:

Web installer (web bootstrapper) downloads the required components and the language pack that matches the operating system of the installation computer from the web. This package is much smaller than the offline installer but requires a consistent Internet connection. You can download the standalone language packs to install additional language support.

Both web and offline installers are designed for x86-based and x64-based computers (see system requirements), but do not support Itanium-based computers.

Choose Download.

If prompted, select the download that matches your system architecture, and then choose Next.

When the download prompt appears, do one of the following:

If you want to download resources for additional languages, follow the instructions in the next section to install one or more language packs.

If you encounter any problems during the installation, see Troubleshooting.

Installation notes:

To install language packs

In the language list, choose the language you want to download, and wait a few seconds for the page to reload in that language.

Choose Download.

The following table lists the supported languages.

Language Culture
Arabic ar
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
Finnish fi
English (USA) en-US
French fr
German de
Greek el
Hebrew he
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Russian ru
Simplified Chinese zh-CHS
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Traditional Chinese zh-CHT
Turkish tr

Next steps

The framework ‘Microsoft.NETCore.App’, version ‘6.0.0’ was not found. #16738


yanoryuichi commented Mar 3, 2022

Microsoft PowerToys version

Running as admin

Area(s) with issue?

Steps to reproduce

Open PowerToys settings app and enable PowerToys Run, then I always get an error dialog as below. I already installed dotnet-runtime-6.0.2-win-x64.exe and windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.2-win-x64.exe. But still didn’t work. Although some apps like FancyZones and Mouse utility works.

✔️ Expected Behavior

PowerToys Run works.

❌ Actual Behavior

PowerToys Run doesn’t work.

Other Software

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

franky920920 commented Mar 3, 2022

It seems you are missing a required dependency to run PowerToys.

Please install it using the link provided above and see if this helps!

yanoryuichi commented Mar 3, 2022

Thanks. But, as I said, I already installed windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.2-win-x64.exe, still didn’t run.

franky920920 commented Mar 3, 2022

.NET Framework 3.5 installation errors: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907, 0x800F0922

Resolutions for Windows Server

Error code 0x800F0906

This error code occurs because the computer cannot download the required files from Windows Update.

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Check your internet connection

This behavior can be caused by network, proxy, or firewall configurations or by network, proxy, or firewall failures. To fix this problem, try to connect to the Microsoft Update website.

If you cannot access this website, check your Internet connection, or contact the network administrator to determine whether there is a configuration that blocks access to the website.

Method 2: Configure the Group Policy setting

This behavior can also be caused by a system administrator who configures the computer to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) instead of the Windows Update server for servicing. In this case, contact your system administrator and request that they enable the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting and configure the Alternate source file path value or select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) option.

To configure the Group Policy setting, follow these steps:

Start the Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console.

Point to the upper-right corner of the screen, click Search, type group policy, and then click Edit group policy.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If you want to specify an alternative source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media.

Example of a shared folder path: \server_nameshareWin8sxs

Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix.

Example of a WIM file path: WIM:\server_nameshareinstall.wim:3

In this example, 3 represents the index of the image in which the feature files are found.

If it is applicable to do this, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Method 3: Use Windows installation media

Insert the Windows installation media.

At an elevated command prompt, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive. For example, you run the following command:

Method 4: Alternative steps for Windows Server

In Windows Server 2012 R2, you can also specify an alternative source by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets or by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

To use Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

In an elevated Windows PowerShell command window, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive or for the Windows installation media. For example, you run the following command:

To use the Add Roles and Features Wizard, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

Start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

On the Select features page, select the .NET Framework 3.5 Features check box, and then click Next.

On the Confirm installation selections page, click the Specify an alternate source path link. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

On the Specify Alternate Source Path page, type the path of the SxS folder as a local path or as a network share path. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Click OK.

Click Install to finish the wizard.

Error code 0x800F081F

This error code can occur when an alternative installation source is specified and one of the following conditions is true:

To fix this problem, make sure that the full path of the source is correct ( x:sourcessxs ) and that you have at least Read access to the location. To do this, try to access the source directly from the affected computer. Verify that the installation source contains a valid and complete set of files. If the problem persists, try to use a different installation source.

Error code 0x800F0907

This error code occurs if an alternative installation source is not specified or is invalid and if the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting is configured to Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update.

To fix this problem, review the policy setting to determine whether it is appropriate for your environment. If you do not want to download feature payloads from Windows Update, consider configuring the Alternate source file path value in the Group policy setting.

You must be a member of the Administrators group to change Group Policy settings on the local computer. If the Group Policy settings for the computer that you want to manage are controlled at the domain level, contact your system administrator.

To do this, follow these steps:

Start Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console as applicable in your environment.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System.

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled.

Determine whether the Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update Group Policy setting is enabled, and then determine the desired setting for your environment.

If you want to specify an alternate source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media. Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix. The following are examples of values that you can specify:

If you want, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Resolution for Windows 10

Error code 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, or 0x800F0907

To fix the error codes for Windows 10, follow these steps:

Download the Windows Media Creation tool, and create an ISO image locally, or create an image for the version of Windows that you have installed.

Configure the Group Policy as in Method 2, but also follow these steps:

Error code 0x800F0922

The following error message occurs when you do Windows 10 upgrade:

0x800F0922 CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED: Processing advanced installers and generic commands failed.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

Open Sources folder.

Right-click the SXS folder, and then click Properties.

Click Security and make sure that there is a check mark next to Read & Execute. If the check mark isn’t there, click the Edit button and turn it on.

Press Windows Key + X keyboard shortcut.

Click Command Prompt (Admin).

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

More information

Error messages that are associated with these error codes

Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes.
Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet, and click Retry to try again.

Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found. Try installing the roles, role services, or features again in a new Add Roles and Features Wizard session, and on the Confirmation page of the wizard, click Specify an alternate source path to specify a valid location of the source files that are required for the installation. The location must be accessible by the computer account of the destination server.

Error code: 0x800F0906

Error code: 0x800F081F

Error: 0x800F081F0x800F0907DISM failed. No operation was performed.
For more information, review the log file.
The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log

Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.

Error code: 0x800F0907

Error: 0x800F0907

.NET Framework deployment guide for developers

.NET Framework content previously digitally signed using certificates that use the SHA1 algorithm, will be retired in order to support evolving industry standards.

If you are referencing a Microsoft out-of-band package in your app, the assembly will be included in the app package.

Deployment options for your app

Deployment strategy for your app Deployment methods available .NET Framework redistributable to use
Install from the web — InstallAware
— InstallShield
— WiX toolset
— Manual installation
Web installer
Install from disc — InstallAware
— InstallShield
— WiX toolset
— Manual installation
Offline installer
Install from a local area network (for enterprise apps) — ClickOnce Either web installer (see ClickOnce for restrictions) or offline installer

Redistributable packages

Web installer Offline installer
Internet connection required? Yes No
Size of download Smaller (includes installer for target platform only)* Larger*
Language packs Included** Must be installed separately, unless you use the package that targets all operating systems
Deployment method Supports all methods:

— ClickOnce
— InstallAware
— InstallShield
— Windows Installer XML (WiX)
— Manual installation
— Custom setup (chaining)

Supports all methods:

* The offline installer is larger because it contains the components for all the target platforms. When you finish running setup, the Windows operating system caches only the installer that was used. If the offline installer is deleted after the installation, the disk space used is the same as that used by the web installer. If the tool you use (for example, InstallAware or InstallShield) to create your app’s setup program provides a setup file folder that is removed after installation, the offline installer can be automatically deleted by placing it into the setup folder.

Deployment methods

Four deployment methods are available:

Use ClickOnce deployment (available with Visual Studio)

Create an InstallAware project (free edition available for Visual Studio users)

Create an InstallShield project (available with Visual Studio)

These deployment methods are discussed in detail in the following sections.

ClickOnce deployment

ClickOnce deployment is available for projects that are created with Visual Basic and Visual C#, but it is not available for Visual C++.

Open the app project you want to publish.

In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for your project, and then choose Properties.

Choose the Publish pane.

Choose the Prerequisites button.

In the Prerequisites dialog box, make sure that the Create setup program to install prerequisite components check box is selected.

Choose an option to specify the source location for the prerequisites, and then choose OK.

In the Property Pages dialog box, choose OK.

InstallAware deployment

InstallShield deployment

InstallShield builds Windows app packages (MSIX, APPX), Windows Installer packages (MSI), and Native Code (EXE) installers. InstallShield also provides Visual Studio integration. For more information, see the InstallShield website.

Windows Installer XML (WiX) deployment

Both methods allow you to use either the web installer or the offline installer. Each package has its advantages:

/q /norestart /ChainingPackage

dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart /ChainingPackage Contoso

You can use additional command-line options to customize the installation. For example:

dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64.exe /norestart /passive /showrmui /ChainingPackage Contoso

dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe /q /norestart /ChainingPackage Contoso /LCID 1041

If you omit the /LCID option, setup will install the language pack that matches the user’s MUI setting.

For a complete list of options, see the Command-Line Options section.

For common return codes, see the Return Codes section.

Chaining by using a Custom UI

Detect whether the language packs are already installed on the user’s computer.

If you’re deploying the offline installer, chain the language packs separately.

Check for a value greater than or equal to the release keyword value when attempting to detect whether a specific version is present.

Version Value of the Release DWORD
.NET Framework 4.8 installed on Windows 10 May 2020 Update and Windows 10 October 2020 Update 528372
.NET Framework 4.8 installed on Windows 10 May 2019 Update and Windows 10 November 2019 Update 528040
.NET Framework 4.8 installed on all OS versions other than the listed Windows 10 Update versions 528049
.NET Framework 4.7.2 installed on Windows 10 April 2018 Update and on Windows Server, version 1803 461808
.NET Framework 4.7.2 installed on all OS versions other than Windows 10 April 2018 Update, and Windows Server, version 1803. This includes Windows 10 October 2018 Update. 461814
.NET Framework 4.7.1 installed on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and on Windows Server, version 1709 461308
.NET Framework 4.7.1 installed on all OS versions other than Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and Windows Server, version 1709 461310
.NET Framework 4.7 installed on Windows 10 Creators Update 460798
.NET Framework 4.7 installed on all OS versions other than Windows 10 Creators Update 460805
.NET Framework 4.6.2 installed on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and on Windows Server 2016 394802
.NET Framework 4.6.2 installed on all OS versions other than Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and Windows Server 2016 394806
.NET Framework 4.6.1 installed on Windows 10 November Update 394254
.NET Framework 4.6.1 installed on all OS versions other than Windows 10 November Update 394271
.NET Framework 4.6 installed on Windows 10 393295
.NET Framework 4.6 installed on all OS versions other than Windows 10 393297
.NET Framework 4.5.2 379893
.NET Framework 4.5.1 installed with Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 378675
.NET Framework 4.5.1 installed on Windows 8, Windows 7 378758
.NET Framework 4.5 378389

Detect language packs

For example, to detect whether the full Japanese language pack (LCID=1041) is installed, retrieve the following named value from the registry:

Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftNET Framework SetupNDPv4Full1041
Entry Release

Chaining the language packs to your app setup

NDP451-KB2858728-x86-x64-AllOS-JPN.exe /q /norestart /ChainingPackage

You do not have to chain the language packs if you use the web installer; setup will install the language pack that matches the user’s MUI setting. If you want to install a different language, you can use the /LCID option to specify a language pack.

For a complete list of command-line options, see the Command-Line Options section.


Return codes

Return code Description
0 Installation completed successfully.
1602 The user canceled installation.
1603 A fatal error occurred during installation.
1641 A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success.
3010 A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success.
5100 The user’s computer does not meet system requirements.

Download error codes

See the following content:

Other error codes

See the following content:


Command-line options

Option Description
/CEIPConsent Overwrites the default behavior and sends anonymous feedback to Microsoft to improve future deployment experiences. This option can be used only if the setup program prompts for consent and if the user grants permission to send anonymous feedback to Microsoft.
/chainingpackage packageName Specifies the name of the executable that is doing the chaining. This information is sent to Microsoft as anonymous feedback to help improve future deployment experiences.

If the package name includes spaces, use double quotation marks as delimiters; for example: /chainingpackage «Lucerne Publishing». For an example of a chaining package, see Getting Progress Information from an Installation Package.


where LCID specifies a locale identifier (see supported languages)

Installs the language pack specified by LCID and forces the displayed UI to be shown in that language, unless quiet mode is set.

Supported languages

unhandled exception occurred ресурс versionentries_unnamedinstallation не найден about BedrockLauncher HOT 1 CLOSED

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Comments (1)

when you create an «installation» give it a name. error is right tthere.

Related Issues (20)

Recommend Projects

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.


An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone


The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

A PHP framework for web artisans

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics


JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.


A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.


Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art

Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org


We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.


Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

.NET Framework 3.5 installation errors: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907, 0x800F0922

Resolutions for Windows Server

Error code 0x800F0906

This error code occurs because the computer cannot download the required files from Windows Update.

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Check your internet connection

This behavior can be caused by network, proxy, or firewall configurations or by network, proxy, or firewall failures. To fix this problem, try to connect to the Microsoft Update website.

If you cannot access this website, check your Internet connection, or contact the network administrator to determine whether there is a configuration that blocks access to the website.

Method 2: Configure the Group Policy setting

This behavior can also be caused by a system administrator who configures the computer to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) instead of the Windows Update server for servicing. In this case, contact your system administrator and request that they enable the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting and configure the Alternate source file path value or select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) option.

To configure the Group Policy setting, follow these steps:

Start the Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console.

Point to the upper-right corner of the screen, click Search, type group policy, and then click Edit group policy.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If you want to specify an alternative source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media.

Example of a shared folder path: \server_nameshareWin8sxs

Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix.

Example of a WIM file path: WIM:\server_nameshareinstall.wim:3

In this example, 3 represents the index of the image in which the feature files are found.

If it is applicable to do this, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Method 3: Use Windows installation media

Insert the Windows installation media.

At an elevated command prompt, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive. For example, you run the following command:

Method 4: Alternative steps for Windows Server

In Windows Server 2012 R2, you can also specify an alternative source by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets or by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

To use Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

In an elevated Windows PowerShell command window, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive or for the Windows installation media. For example, you run the following command:

To use the Add Roles and Features Wizard, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

Start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

On the Select features page, select the .NET Framework 3.5 Features check box, and then click Next.

On the Confirm installation selections page, click the Specify an alternate source path link. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

On the Specify Alternate Source Path page, type the path of the SxS folder as a local path or as a network share path. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Click OK.

Click Install to finish the wizard.

Error code 0x800F081F

This error code can occur when an alternative installation source is specified and one of the following conditions is true:

To fix this problem, make sure that the full path of the source is correct ( x:sourcessxs ) and that you have at least Read access to the location. To do this, try to access the source directly from the affected computer. Verify that the installation source contains a valid and complete set of files. If the problem persists, try to use a different installation source.

Error code 0x800F0907

This error code occurs if an alternative installation source is not specified or is invalid and if the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting is configured to Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update.

To fix this problem, review the policy setting to determine whether it is appropriate for your environment. If you do not want to download feature payloads from Windows Update, consider configuring the Alternate source file path value in the Group policy setting.

You must be a member of the Administrators group to change Group Policy settings on the local computer. If the Group Policy settings for the computer that you want to manage are controlled at the domain level, contact your system administrator.

To do this, follow these steps:

Start Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console as applicable in your environment.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System.

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled.

Determine whether the Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update Group Policy setting is enabled, and then determine the desired setting for your environment.

If you want to specify an alternate source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media. Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix. The following are examples of values that you can specify:

If you want, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Resolution for Windows 10

Error code 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, or 0x800F0907

To fix the error codes for Windows 10, follow these steps:

Download the Windows Media Creation tool, and create an ISO image locally, or create an image for the version of Windows that you have installed.

Configure the Group Policy as in Method 2, but also follow these steps:

Error code 0x800F0922

The following error message occurs when you do Windows 10 upgrade:

0x800F0922 CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED: Processing advanced installers and generic commands failed.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

Open Sources folder.

Right-click the SXS folder, and then click Properties.

Click Security and make sure that there is a check mark next to Read & Execute. If the check mark isn’t there, click the Edit button and turn it on.

Press Windows Key + X keyboard shortcut.

Click Command Prompt (Admin).

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

More information

Error messages that are associated with these error codes

Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes.
Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet, and click Retry to try again.

Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found. Try installing the roles, role services, or features again in a new Add Roles and Features Wizard session, and on the Confirmation page of the wizard, click Specify an alternate source path to specify a valid location of the source files that are required for the installation. The location must be accessible by the computer account of the destination server.

Error code: 0x800F0906

Error code: 0x800F081F

Error: 0x800F081F

0x800F0907 DISM failed. No operation was performed.
For more information, review the log file.
The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log

Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.

Error code: 0x800F0907

Error: 0x800F0907


Installing missing frameworks. forever with Framework Microsoft.NET.CoreFramework.Debug.2.2/X64 Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug/X64 is NOT installed

After upgrading VS version yesterday, when I deploy UWP project it hangs on «Installing missing frameworks. » for already 5 hours.

Restarted computer & VS multiple times, VS repair, changed minimum target to latest, updated all nuget packages, nothing works.

My VS version is:
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
Version 16.6.1

Everything worked fine until upgrading VS.
Please help.

6 Answers

, thank you for your answer. The issue has been resolved by itself before I saw your answer.

Here is how it’s been fixed.

I left the computer overnight after «Deploying.» with the following message.
» Installing missing frameworks. «

Today, it’s been fixed. It seems VS did its job. => Someone can tell me «Be more patient» 🙂

Waiting for few hours for the command line output while deploying is, I think, good amount of patient.
If it takes hours or days of task that must be done, that must be checked and done in VS upgrade. Or additional message or help must be provided.
No developer can think of waiting that long while compiling and deploying app that used to work well after VS upgrade.

This is the pain and trauma for us think many times and tries to avoid VS upgrade.
(I postpone upgrade weeks actually, and again ended up this VS upgrade problem again.)
=> I wish VS team do better job for upgrade although they have excuse.

Welcome to Microsoft Q&A,

Derive from the error info, it looks that you miss install Microsoft.NET.CoreFramework.Debug and Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug app decencies, you could install them manually,

I am also experiencing this, after updating last week to the latest version of VS 2019. However, after updating, both VS 2017 and VS 2019 now experience this hang when trying to deploy any UWP app. I also tried completely uninstalling both VS 2017 and VS 2019 and reinstalling only VS 2019 and still had the same issue.

I tried the fix mentioned by @NavtejSaini-MSFT by installing the appx manually, but even those installations seem to hang at 10%, which I suspect is happening the same within Visual Studio.To run this application you must install missing framework for net. I can let it sit for hours and it doesn’t get past 10% progress.

At this point I’m completely unable to deploy any app from VS for nearly a week now. Any help would be appreciated.

I am having the exact same issue as described above. The app packages get stuck at the 10% mark.

After banging my head against the wall over this for a week I finally resorted to resetting Windows (keeping personal files and app data) the problem was ‘fixed’. I don’t want to say it was fixed because having to reinstall Windows isn’t a fix for anything. But, if you’re having this issue, resetting Windows might work for you.

I had the identical issue and I did a clean install of Windows, moved over all my source code, etc. and the problem went away as well. In my case it was a good opportunity to upgrade my main drive, but it seems like a lot of work just to fix whatever this is. One would think there should be some other way of cleaning out the source of the problem.

Also I wonder if the issue is due to something new in VS 2019 release 16.6, or if it has to do with the Blazor/wasm/.Net core 3.1 bleeding edge development I’ve been doing on the same machine? If the latter, I’m dreading when I have to reinstall the SDKs etc. for my Blazor project.

After wsreset.exe completes, I restarted my computer. When it came back up, I installed all of the Microsoft Store app updates, which included an App Installer update, which is probably important, but that’s mostly speculation. After all the store apps updated, I opened VS and went to deploy my UWP. It hit the same point as before where it said it needed to install the appx, and then quickly blew through it and deployed the app.

All of these steps may not be necessary, but it’s what I did to get unblocked. Hopefully, it helps someone else.


Symbai commented Dec 6, 2019 •

In such a scenario no prompt is shown, not even an entry in the event viewer. It might be caused by the core runtime is installed but the «desktop» stuff is not. However there should be definitely a prompt.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

dagood commented Dec 6, 2019

Can you try running the app in a console to see if anything’s logged to stderr/stdout?

I’m not completely sure something will show up there (or if we need to know to diagnose this), but maybe it’ll get this a bit further until the host folks can chime in.

vitek-karas commented Dec 6, 2019

Symbai commented Dec 6, 2019 •

I did some more tests and here are the results:

vitek-karas commented Dec 6, 2019

I think I know what’s going on. and it’s a bug unfortunately.

Symbai commented Dec 6, 2019

vitek-karas commented Dec 9, 2019

I was actually a bit wrong. The above described failure would also cause no dialog but it’s not the reason for the issue reported here. The issue here is that 2.* hostfxr doesn’t support custom error writers, and so the apphost gets not error message back from the hostfxr call it makes, only error code. Unfortunately the code is currently written such that in this case it will not report the error in any way.

This is a bit harder problem. Unfortunately the interfaces between the various hosting layers don’t differentiate between error codes from the hosting/runtime and exit code from the application. So if the app returned the exit code 0x80008096 it looks exactly like a missing framework error (without the custom error writer support). I’m a bit hesitant popping up a dialog for apps which return such exit code about missing framework, even if there’s no such error.

mateoatr commented Jan 7, 2020

Following up the discussion on the PR attempting to fix this bug:

The only (meaningful) scenario in which this bug happens is whenever an end user tries to run a WPF app but doesn’t have any version of hostfxr that can set a custom error writer (that is, a version of hostfxr >= 3.0).

My proposal here is to:

And redirect them to: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download?framework=Microsoft.NETCore.App&arch=x64&rid=win10-x64&apphost_version=

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

vitek-karas commented Jan 8, 2020

The URL as described above is somewhat misleading:

The server will probably have a hard time doing the right thing:

I think something like this would be better:

3 Answers 3

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How did you install the product?

The setup project will output two files:

To troubleshoot you could try to create a log of your installation and look for any problems in the log file.

I was running the MSI file.

Are there any limitations when running the Setup.EXE file? If I remeber correctly, I tried once to run it on Windows 2000 and it didn’t run. I was able to run only the MSI file. I am going to check on a PC with clean Win2000 and come back.

EDIT: I have tried it on clean Windows 2000 SP4 and here are the results:

Then I manually installed Windows Installer 3.1:

On Windows XP, the Setup.exe runs without any problems.

EDIT: The Win 2000 issue can be fixed by installing the Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 (KB891861).

.NET Framework 3.5 installation errors: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907, 0x800F0922

Resolutions for Windows Server

Error code 0x800F0906

This error code occurs because the computer cannot download the required files from Windows Update.

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Check your internet connection

This behavior can be caused by network, proxy, or firewall configurations or by network, proxy, or firewall failures. To fix this problem, try to connect to the Microsoft Update website.

If you cannot access this website, check your Internet connection, or contact the network administrator to determine whether there is a configuration that blocks access to the website.

Method 2: Configure the Group Policy setting

This behavior can also be caused by a system administrator who configures the computer to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) instead of the Windows Update server for servicing. In this case, contact your system administrator and request that they enable the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting and configure the Alternate source file path value or select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) option.

To configure the Group Policy setting, follow these steps:

Start the Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console.

Point to the upper-right corner of the screen, click Search, type group policy, and then click Edit group policy.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If you want to specify an alternative source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media.

Example of a shared folder path: \server_nameshareWin8sxs

Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix.

Example of a WIM file path: WIM:\server_nameshareinstall.wim:3

In this example, 3 represents the index of the image in which the feature files are found.

If it is applicable to do this, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Method 3: Use Windows installation media

Insert the Windows installation media.

At an elevated command prompt, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive. For example, you run the following command:

Method 4: Alternative steps for Windows Server

In Windows Server 2012 R2, you can also specify an alternative source by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets or by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

To use Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

In an elevated Windows PowerShell command window, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive or for the Windows installation media. For example, you run the following command:

To use the Add Roles and Features Wizard, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

Start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

On the Select features page, select the .NET Framework 3.5 Features check box, and then click Next.

On the Confirm installation selections page, click the Specify an alternate source path link. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

On the Specify Alternate Source Path page, type the path of the SxS folder as a local path or as a network share path. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Click OK.

Click Install to finish the wizard.

Error code 0x800F081F

This error code can occur when an alternative installation source is specified and one of the following conditions is true:

To fix this problem, make sure that the full path of the source is correct ( x:sourcessxs ) and that you have at least Read access to the location. To do this, try to access the source directly from the affected computer. Verify that the installation source contains a valid and complete set of files. If the problem persists, try to use a different installation source.

Error code 0x800F0907

This error code occurs if an alternative installation source is not specified or is invalid and if the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting is configured to Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update.

To fix this problem, review the policy setting to determine whether it is appropriate for your environment. If you do not want to download feature payloads from Windows Update, consider configuring the Alternate source file path value in the Group policy setting.

You must be a member of the Administrators group to change Group Policy settings on the local computer. If the Group Policy settings for the computer that you want to manage are controlled at the domain level, contact your system administrator.

To do this, follow these steps:

Start Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console as applicable in your environment.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System.

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled.

Determine whether the Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update Group Policy setting is enabled, and then determine the desired setting for your environment.

If you want to specify an alternate source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media. Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix. The following are examples of values that you can specify:

If you want, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Resolution for Windows 10

Error code 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, or 0x800F0907

To fix the error codes for Windows 10, follow these steps:

Download the Windows Media Creation tool, and create an ISO image locally, or create an image for the version of Windows that you have installed.

Configure the Group Policy as in Method 2, but also follow these steps:

Error code 0x800F0922

The following error message occurs when you do Windows 10 upgrade:

0x800F0922 CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED: Processing advanced installers and generic commands failed.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

Open Sources folder.

Right-click the SXS folder, and then click Properties.

Click Security and make sure that there is a check mark next to Read & Execute. If the check mark isn’t there, click the Edit button and turn it on.

Press Windows Key + X keyboard shortcut.

Click Command Prompt (Admin).

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

More information

Error messages that are associated with these error codes

Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes.
Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet, and click Retry to try again.

Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found. Try installing the roles, role services, or features again in a new Add Roles and Features Wizard session, and on the Confirmation page of the wizard, click Specify an alternate source path to specify a valid location of the source files that are required for the installation. The location must be accessible by the computer account of the destination server.

Error code: 0x800F0906

Error code: 0x800F081F

Error: 0x800F081F

0x800F0907 DISM failed. No operation was performed.
For more information, review the log file.
The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log

Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.

Error code: 0x800F0907

Error: 0x800F0907

Problem Description

Would you like to install it now?

Activity Log, Crash Log or any other details

What Operating System are you running?

What version of HandBrake are you running?

Where did you download HandBrake from?

Comments (2)

wex1001 commented on March 23, 2022

Related Issues (20)

Recommend Projects

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.


An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone


The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

A PHP framework for web artisans

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics


JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.


A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.


Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art

Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org


We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.


Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.


Kunter-Bunt commented Aug 11, 2022


Steps to reproduce

With the following Setup of YAML Pipeline Tasks

Error can be reproduced, even with a Commit as base that had a successful build before the weekend.

Expected behavior

Tests Task fails if Tests do not work, it should run green if all Tests are passed.


Specifying the previous version 17.2.0 fixes the problem.

Actual behavior

Error is thrown as shown in Description.
Note: The error is thrown after the Tests are run, so there are more that 100 passed tests in the published result.


The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

nohwnd commented Aug 11, 2022

Providing diagnostic logs would also help, if that is possible for you https://github.com/microsoft/vstest-docs/blob/main/docs/diagnose.md

Kunter-Bunt commented Aug 11, 2022

nohwnd commented Aug 11, 2022

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

.NET Framework version Installer (Developer Pack and Runtime) Platform support
4.8.1 .NET Framework 4.8.1 Included in:

You can install on:

Windows 11
Windows 10 version 21H2
Windows 10 version 21H1
Windows 10 version 20H2
Windows Server 2022

(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.8 .NET Framework 4.8 Included in:

Windows 11
Windows 10 May 2019 Update (and later versions)
Visual Studio 2019 (version 16.3)

You can install on:

Windows 10 October 2018 Update
Windows 10 April 2018 Update
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Windows 10 Creators Update
Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server, Version 1809
Windows Server, Version 1803

(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.7.2 .NET Framework 4.7.2 Included in:

Windows 10 October 2018 Update
Windows 10 April 2018 Update
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server, Version 1809
Windows Server, Version 1803
Visual Studio 2017 (15.8 update)

You can install on:

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Windows 10 Creators Update
Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server, version 1709 and earlier

(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.7.1 .NET Framework 4.7.1 Included in:

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Windows Server, version 1709
Visual Studio 2017 (15.5 update)

You can install on:

Windows 10 Creators Update
Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2016 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.7 .NET Framework 4.7 Included in:

You can install on:

Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2016 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.6.2 .NET Framework 4.6.2 Included in:

Windows 10 Anniversary Update

You can install on:

Windows 10 November Update
Windows 10
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.6.1 .NET Framework 4.6.1 Included in:

You can install on:

Windows 10
Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.6 .NET Framework 4.6 Included in:

You can install on:

Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.5.2 .NET Framework 4.5.2 You can install on:

Windows 8.1 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.5.1 .NET Framework 4.5.1 Included in:

Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012 R2
Visual Studio 2013

You can install on:

Windows 8 and earlier
Windows Server 2012 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

4.5 .NET Framework 4.5 Included in:

Windows 8
Windows Server 2012
Visual Studio 2012

You can install on:

Windows 7 and earlier
Windows Server 2008 SP2 and earlier
(for a full list, see system requirements)

You can install the Web or Offline installer on:

Windows 8.1 and earlier

Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier

The download page is provided in several languages, but most of the downloads are provided in English only. For additional language support, you must install a language pack.

Two types of redistributable installers are available:

Web installer (web bootstrapper) downloads the required components and the language pack that matches the operating system of the installation computer from the web. This package is much smaller than the offline installer but requires a consistent Internet connection. You can download the standalone language packs to install additional language support.

Both web and offline installers are designed for x86-based and x64-based computers (see system requirements), but do not support Itanium-based computers.

Choose Download.

If prompted, select the download that matches your system architecture, and then choose Next.

When the download prompt appears, do one of the following:

If you want to download resources for additional languages, follow the instructions in the next section to install one or more language packs.

[!NOTE] If you encounter any problems during the installation, see Troubleshooting.

Installation notes:

To install language packs

In the language list, choose the language you want to download, and wait a few seconds for the page to reload in that language.

Choose Download.

The following table lists the supported languages.

Language Culture
Arabic ar
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
Finnish fi
English (USA) en-US
French fr
German de
Greek el
Hebrew he
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Russian ru
Simplified Chinese zh-CHS
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Traditional Chinese zh-CHT
Turkish tr

App re-register fails about BedrockLauncher HOT 36 CLOSED

When attempting to launch any version of Minecraft Bedrock, I get the following «App re-register failed» Error.

Refreshing or Restarting fixes nothing, the crash report is linked here:

Comments (36)

tresabhi commented on July 13, 2021

@Midwaey The linked file URL is not a crash report it’s some sort of exploit code by somebody on the internet. Please link the correct crash report file. Failure to do so may render this report invalid.

Midwaey commented on July 14, 2021

I’ve gotten the correct paste link to the crash report: https://pastebin.com/raw/mh1W1tsj
Apologies for that.

tresabhi commented on July 20, 2021

@Midwaey can you paste the link in the original comment for ease of access

Midwaey commented on July 24, 2021 1

@CoolAbhi1290 Edited it in

CarJem commented on July 29, 2021

I encourage everyone with this issue to check out the latest beta with support for telling us exactly why this error is occurring so I can fix it!

tresabhi commented on August 4, 2021

Only this, and the older versions work for me because the newer versions suffer problems like not being able to download new versions because they cannot find a valid «download irl» and not being able to re register.

I believe the problem is with the launcher simply because it worked before and only happens when updating an installation like Latest Beta. Doesn’t happen when you switch between versions.

igoticecream commented on August 5, 2021

when downgrading from latest beta to latest release:

THOBY555 commented on August 6, 2021

Its Not Working For Me Its Still The Same

TheNatBoi commented on August 30, 2021

Another workaround is to install MCMrARM’s version launcher from here https://github.com/MCMrARM/mc-w10-version-launcher/releases/tag/0.2.1

Just download the versions you want and press the launch button. It may not be the best workaround, but it should work.

CarJem commented on August 31, 2021

I’ve been trying to address this issue. but if it’s telling you a higher version already exists. your best bets are to manually uninstall the current version of bedrock without the launcher

KanimeXP commented on February 7, 2022

I got Different issue when launching all bedrock versions.
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

KanimeXP commented on February 7, 2022

Im using windows11 same issue on windows10

KanimeXP commented on February 7, 2022

Do someone know how to fix this?

Rayth commented on February 7, 2022

KanimeXP commented on February 7, 2022

Fabrico84 commented on April 28, 2022

i got a different problem while launching any
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Rayth commented on April 28, 2022

Try downloading the latest version. This error usually appears if you have a store installed minecraft installed so be sure to backup and uninstall that first.

Fabrico84 commented on April 28, 2022

you mean backup com.mojang right?

Rayth commented on April 29, 2022

Fabrico84 commented on April 29, 2022

the newest version says this when I open the application:

tresabhi commented on April 29, 2022

Fabrico84 commented on April 29, 2022

I followed them and now it opens but till one point. After I press the make account button it crashes. Any ideas on how to fix that?

tresabhi commented on April 29, 2022

@Fabrico84 Can you create a new issue with a log provided?

Fabrico84 commented on April 29, 2022

Rayth commented on June 26, 2022

Can anyone confirm if this issue still occurs in the 2022.4.17.21 beta linked in comments above?

DelofJ commented on June 30, 2022

Yes it still occurs

I don’t know if it’s the same problem but it crashes when I want to load a beta version of Minecraft which is no longer available for download from the MS servers but which I still have on my computer
(also, I don’t know why but a D: disk is mentioned in the crash report but I don’t have a D: disk)

Rayth commented on June 30, 2022

@DelofJ can you provide the full log file not just the exerpt that pops up when it occurs. If you’re on the latest beta there is a «logs» folder. You’ll find multiple files with date and timestamps in the name.

the D drive is just reference to where the app was developed nothing on your PC

DelofJ commented on June 30, 2022

I edited the previous comment to include the full crash log
Also, I noticed that when the crash happens and you want to click «View crash report» it wants to open a Log.txt file where the app is installed and doesn’t open the latest log located in the logs folder

Rayth commented on July 1, 2022

Ok can you try uninstall minecraft from control panel if it’s there and then try running via the launcher?

DelofJ commented on July 1, 2022

I can’t because the launcher has already uninstalled/unregistered Minecraft Bedrock from Windows
I tried to launch a version through the launcher i can launch, I uninstalled Minecraft Bedrock, and the same thing happened
The only thing I can do is install Minecraft with the Appx I saved
Also, I’m using the Launcher Beta 2022.4.17.21 (or 2022.4.17.20)

Rayth commented on July 1, 2022

Ok final test I can think of, install minecraft from the store, run it once then uninstall it, then try installing and launching from the launcher.

DelofJ commented on July 1, 2022

Rayth commented on July 1, 2022

Ok that could be something with how we had to change the code to work with previews then and most likely won’t get changed again due to betas being discontinued. Features that were in old betas (in your case 1.17.10) would have been in release version1.17.10 and 1.17.11 and later

DelofJ commented on July 5, 2022

@Rayth This isn’t solved in 2022.7.3.62

Rayth commented on July 5, 2022

We need a fresh report for the new version of the launcher, complete with the new Log file (installation folder > data > logs)

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.NET Framework 3.5 installation errors: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907, 0x800F0922

Resolutions for Windows Server

Error code 0x800F0906

This error code occurs because the computer cannot download the required files from Windows Update.

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Check your internet connection

This behavior can be caused by network, proxy, or firewall configurations or by network, proxy, or firewall failures. To fix this problem, try to connect to the Microsoft Update website.

If you cannot access this website, check your Internet connection, or contact the network administrator to determine whether there is a configuration that blocks access to the website.

Method 2: Configure the Group Policy setting

This behavior can also be caused by a system administrator who configures the computer to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) instead of the Windows Update server for servicing. In this case, contact your system administrator and request that they enable the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting and configure the Alternate source file path value or select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) option.

To configure the Group Policy setting, follow these steps:

Start the Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console.

Point to the upper-right corner of the screen, click Search, type group policy, and then click Edit group policy.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If you want to specify an alternative source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media.

Example of a shared folder path: \server_nameshareWin8sxs

Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix.

Example of a WIM file path: WIM:\server_nameshareinstall.wim:3

In this example, 3 represents the index of the image in which the feature files are found.

If it is applicable to do this, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Method 3: Use Windows installation media

Insert the Windows installation media.

At an elevated command prompt, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive. For example, you run the following command:

Method 4: Alternative steps for Windows Server

In Windows Server 2012 R2, you can also specify an alternative source by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets or by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

To use Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

In an elevated Windows PowerShell command window, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive or for the Windows installation media. For example, you run the following command:

To use the Add Roles and Features Wizard, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

Start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

On the Select features page, select the .NET Framework 3.5 Features check box, and then click Next.

On the Confirm installation selections page, click the Specify an alternate source path link. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

On the Specify Alternate Source Path page, type the path of the SxS folder as a local path or as a network share path. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Click OK.

Click Install to finish the wizard.

Error code 0x800F081F

This error code can occur when an alternative installation source is specified and one of the following conditions is true:

To fix this problem, make sure that the full path of the source is correct ( x:sourcessxs ) and that you have at least Read access to the location. To do this, try to access the source directly from the affected computer. Verify that the installation source contains a valid and complete set of files. If the problem persists, try to use a different installation source.

Error code 0x800F0907

This error code occurs if an alternative installation source is not specified or is invalid and if the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting is configured to Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update.

To fix this problem, review the policy setting to determine whether it is appropriate for your environment. If you do not want to download feature payloads from Windows Update, consider configuring the Alternate source file path value in the Group policy setting.

You must be a member of the Administrators group to change Group Policy settings on the local computer. If the Group Policy settings for the computer that you want to manage are controlled at the domain level, contact your system administrator.

To do this, follow these steps:

Start Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console as applicable in your environment.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System.

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled.

Determine whether the Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update Group Policy setting is enabled, and then determine the desired setting for your environment.

If you want to specify an alternate source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media. Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix. The following are examples of values that you can specify:

If you want, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Resolution for Windows 10

Error code 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, or 0x800F0907

To fix the error codes for Windows 10, follow these steps:

Download the Windows Media Creation tool, and create an ISO image locally, or create an image for the version of Windows that you have installed.

Configure the Group Policy as in Method 2, but also follow these steps:

Error code 0x800F0922

The following error message occurs when you do Windows 10 upgrade:

0x800F0922 CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED: Processing advanced installers and generic commands failed.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

Open Sources folder.

Right-click the SXS folder, and then click Properties.

Click Security and make sure that there is a check mark next to Read & Execute. If the check mark isn’t there, click the Edit button and turn it on.

Press Windows Key + X keyboard shortcut.

Click Command Prompt (Admin).

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

More information

Error messages that are associated with these error codes

Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes.
Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet, and click Retry to try again.

Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found. Try installing the roles, role services, or features again in a new Add Roles and Features Wizard session, and on the Confirmation page of the wizard, click Specify an alternate source path to specify a valid location of the source files that are required for the installation. The location must be accessible by the computer account of the destination server.

Error code: 0x800F0906

Error code: 0x800F081F

Error: 0x800F081F0x800F0907DISM failed. No operation was performed.
For more information, review the log file.
The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log

Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.

Error code: 0x800F0907

Error: 0x800F0907

Executable file not found

If the executable file isn’t found, you’ll see a message similar to the following:

The name of the executable determines how you invoke the tool. The following table describes the format:

Global tools

Global tools can be installed in the default directory or in a specific location. The default directories are:

OS Path
Linux/macOS $HOME/.dotnet/tools
Windows %USERPROFILE%.dotnettools

If you’re trying to run a global tool, check that the PATH environment variable on your machine contains the path where you installed the global tool and that the executable is in that path.

Local tools

Runtime not found

Roll-forward won’t occur by default in two common scenarios:

If an application can’t find an appropriate runtime, it fails to run and reports an error.

.NET tool installation fails

To help diagnose these failures, NuGet messages are shown directly to the user, along with the previous message. The NuGet message may help you identify the problem.

Package naming enforcement

Microsoft has changed its guidance on the Package ID for tools, resulting in a number of tools not being found with the predicted name. The new guidance is that all Microsoft tools be prefixed with «Microsoft.» This prefix is reserved and can only be used for packages signed with a Microsoft authorized certificate.

During the transition, some Microsoft tools will have the old form of the package ID, while others will have the new form:

As package IDs are updated, you’ll need to change to the new package ID to get the latest updates. Packages with the simplified tool name will be deprecated.

Preview releases

.NET tools that are in preview must be specified with a portion of the name to indicate that they are in preview. You don’t need to include the entire preview. Assuming the version numbers are in the expected format, you can use something like the following example:

NuGet feed can’t be accessed

Package ID incorrect

A common reason for failure is that the tool name isn’t correct. This can happen because of mistyping, or because the tool has moved or been deprecated. For tools on NuGet.org, one way to ensure you have the name correct is to search for the tool at NuGet.org and copy the installation command.

401 (Unauthorized)

Most likely you’ve specified an alternative NuGet feed, and that feed requires authentication. There are a few different ways to solve this:

Here’s an example config file:

Add the required credentials to the config file.

Latest version installed.

To add a configuration file, on the Visual Studio menu bar, choose Project, Add New Item. Choose General from the left pane, and then choose Configuration File. Name the configuration file App.config. These menu choices are not available for Windows Store app or Windows phone app projects, because you cannot change the activation policy on those platforms.

Add the element as follows to the application configuration file:

.NET Framework 1.0: «v1.0.3705»

.NET Framework 1.1: «v1.1.4322»

.NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5: «v2.0.50727»

.NET Framework 4 and later versions: «v4.0»

App.config file setting On computer with version 3.5 installed On computer with versions 3.5 and 4 or later versions installed On computer with version 4 or later versions installed
None Runs on 3.5 Runs on 3.5 Displays error message that prompts user to install the correct version*
Runs on 3.5 Runs on 3.5 Displays error message that prompts user to install the correct version*
Runs on 3.5 Runs on 3.5 Runs on 4 or later versions
Runs on 3.5 Runs on 4 or later versions Runs on 4 or later versions
Displays error message that prompts user to install the correct version* Runs on 4 or later versions Runs on 4 or later versions


Installing missing frameworks. forever with Framework Microsoft.NET.CoreFramework.Debug.2.2/X64 Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug/X64 is NOT installed

After upgrading VS version yesterday, when I deploy UWP project it hangs on «Installing missing frameworks. » for already 5 hours.

Restarted computer & VS multiple times, VS repair, changed minimum target to latest, updated all nuget packages, nothing works.

My VS version is:
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
Version 16.6.1

Everything worked fine until upgrading VS.
Please help.

6 Answers

, thank you for your answer. The issue has been resolved by itself before I saw your answer.

Here is how it’s been fixed.

I left the computer overnight after «Deploying.» with the following message.
» Installing missing frameworks. «

Today, it’s been fixed. It seems VS did its job. => Someone can tell me «Be more patient» 🙂

Waiting for few hours for the command line output while deploying is, I think, good amount of patient.
If it takes hours or days of task that must be done, that must be checked and done in VS upgrade. Or additional message or help must be provided.
No developer can think of waiting that long while compiling and deploying app that used to work well after VS upgrade.

This is the pain and trauma for us think many times and tries to avoid VS upgrade.
(I postpone upgrade weeks actually, and again ended up this VS upgrade problem again.)
=> I wish VS team do better job for upgrade although they have excuse.

Welcome to Microsoft Q&A,

Derive from the error info, it looks that you miss install Microsoft.NET.CoreFramework.Debug and Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug app decencies, you could install them manually,

I am also experiencing this, after updating last week to the latest version of VS 2019. However, after updating, both VS 2017 and VS 2019 now experience this hang when trying to deploy any UWP app. I also tried completely uninstalling both VS 2017 and VS 2019 and reinstalling only VS 2019 and still had the same issue.

I tried the fix mentioned by @NavtejSaini-MSFT by installing the appx manually, but even those installations seem to hang at 10%, which I suspect is happening the same within Visual Studio.To run this application you must install missing framework for net. I can let it sit for hours and it doesn’t get past 10% progress.

At this point I’m completely unable to deploy any app from VS for nearly a week now. Any help would be appreciated.

I am having the exact same issue as described above. The app packages get stuck at the 10% mark.

After banging my head against the wall over this for a week I finally resorted to resetting Windows (keeping personal files and app data) the problem was ‘fixed’. I don’t want to say it was fixed because having to reinstall Windows isn’t a fix for anything. But, if you’re having this issue, resetting Windows might work for you.

I had the identical issue and I did a clean install of Windows, moved over all my source code, etc. and the problem went away as well. In my case it was a good opportunity to upgrade my main drive, but it seems like a lot of work just to fix whatever this is. One would think there should be some other way of cleaning out the source of the problem.

Also I wonder if the issue is due to something new in VS 2019 release 16.6, or if it has to do with the Blazor/wasm/.Net core 3.1 bleeding edge development I’ve been doing on the same machine? If the latter, I’m dreading when I have to reinstall the SDKs etc. for my Blazor project.

After wsreset.exe completes, I restarted my computer. When it came back up, I installed all of the Microsoft Store app updates, which included an App Installer update, which is probably important, but that’s mostly speculation. After all the store apps updated, I opened VS and went to deploy my UWP. It hit the same point as before where it said it needed to install the appx, and then quickly blew through it and deployed the app.

All of these steps may not be necessary, but it’s what I did to get unblocked. Hopefully, it helps someone else.

I’m attempting to run a simple program in Wine, under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, however it complains that

Running winetricks forcemono

Then trying to start the same application again will still fail with


Winetricks complains that dotnet40 cannot be installed on a 64-bit system. So, how do I install it?

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

1 Answer 1

First things first, note this very noticeable warning:

This sets the environment variables wine reads before it launches (see man wine ).

It would also be a good idea to get it to create it’s own WINEPREFIX (where the Wine virtual drive is stored). By default this is

So to setup a 32bit wine prefix for a program:

You can replace PROGRAM-NAME with the name of the program to make it easier to identify the program later. Just make sure it only includes the letter and numbers as punctuation often has a special function in various command shells.

You should then get a window like this:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Then you are ready to go. Now you can install NET 4.0 using winetricks (you might want to get the latest version from here first):

This should be in the terminal after the export WINEPREFIX=. command, or by placing it just before the wine command as so (useful for app launchers that one command line):

You can then install the program using wine «

You should make sure the WINEPREFIX has been exported before running this command (especially if you closed the terminal), or in the same line. After getting it to work (or not work) you might want to do a report on how well it works here (including what you did etc so you can help other people). If you have issues, and noticeable errors appear in the output you can report a bug.

More info, troubleshooting etc

How do I install winetricks?

You can a version from the Ubuntu repositories using this command (or installing Winetricks from the Software Center):

You can then use winetricks OPTIONS to do stuff.

For the latest version, you can use these commands to download and use the latest version:

I don’t want to use terminal, what can I do?

How do I install the latest Wine version?

The newer wine versions are more up to date, so may be able to run the program better (unless there is a regression which impacts it). To install the current latest version (Wine1.7) you can use the offical Wine PPA:

For installing and configuring Wine generally, you can also try this question.

The program I want to use is designed for a newer version of Windows, what can I do?

Wine by default replicates Windows XP, which some programs don’t support as it is EOL (which I supposes in handy as you probably can run programs for WinXP under Wine under Linux, and you can ‘nuke WinXP from orbit’ 🙂

Anyway, first open up the Wine configuration window:

/.wine-PROGRAM-NAME/ is the WINEPREFIX you created earlier.

And select the Windows version to replicate at the bottom of the ‘Applications’ tab. Then try installing the app again.


Quite possibly. Don’t install random software of the internet, try to ensure it is from a trusted site.

Install with Windows Package Manager (winget)

Install the SDK

Install the runtime

.NET Desktop Runtime

ASP.NET Core Runtime

This is the base runtime, and contains just the components needed to run a console app. Typically, you’d install the other runtimes.

Install alongside Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a powerful and lightweight source code editor that runs on your desktop. Visual Studio Code is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Install with Windows Installer

Prevents any UI and prompts from displaying.

Suppresses any attempts to restart.

The installer returns an exit code of 0 for success and an exit code of 3010 to indicate that a restart is required. Any other value is generally an error code.

Install with PowerShell automation

The dotnet-install scripts are used for CI automation and non-admin installs of the runtime. You can download the script from the dotnet-install script reference page.

Install with Visual Studio

.NET SDK version Visual Studio version
6.0 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0 or higher.
5.0 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 or higher.
3.1 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 or higher.
3.0 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3 or higher.
2.2 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 or higher.
2.1 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7 or higher.

If you already have Visual Studio installed, you can check your version with the following steps.

Select a workload

When installing or modifying Visual Studio, select one or more of the following workloads, depending on the kind of application you’re building:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Supported releases

Windows 10 versions end-of-service dates are segmented by edition. Only Home, Pro, Pro Education, and Pro for Workstations editions are considered in the following table. Check the Windows lifecycle fact sheet for specific details.

A + symbol represents the minimum version.

Operating System .NET Core 3.1 .NET 6
Windows 11 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows Server 2022 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10 Version 21H1 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 20H2 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 2004 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 1909 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 1903 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10, Version 1809 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10, Version 1803 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10, Version 1709 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 10, Version 1607 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 8.1 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows 7 SP1 ESU вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows Server Core 2012 R2 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Windows Server Core 2012 вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Nano Server, Version 1809+ вњ”пёЏ вњ”пёЏ
Nano Server, Version 1803 вњ”пёЏ вќЊ

Unsupported releases

Runtime information

There are three different runtimes you can install on Windows:

SDK information

Arm-based Windows PCs

What’s supported

.NET Version Architecture SDK Runtime Path conflict
6.0 Arm64 Yes Yes No
6.0 x64 Yes Yes No
5.0 Arm64 Yes Yes Yes
5.0 x64 No Yes Yes
3.1 Arm64 No No N/A
3.1 x64 No Yes Yes

Path differences

Path conflicts

Path variables


A + symbol represents the minimum version.

OS Version Architectures
Windows 11 21H2 x64, Arm64
Windows 10 Client 1607+ x64, x86, Arm64
Windows Client 7 SP1+, 8.1 x64, x86
Windows Server 2012+ x64, x86
Windows Server Core 2012+ x64, x86
Nano Server 1809+ x64

A + symbol represents a minimum version. For specific OS version requirements, see the Supported releases section.

OS Version Architectures
Windows 11 21H2 x64, Arm64
Windows 10 Client 1607+ x64, x86
Windows Client 7 SP1+, 8.1 x64, x86
Windows Server 2012+ x64, x86
Nano Server 1803+ x64, Arm32

Offline install for Windows 7

Be sure to review the dependencies required for Windows 7 below.

Windows 7 / Vista / 8.1 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 R2

Operating System Prerequisites
Windows 7 SP1 ESU — Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
— KB3063858 64-bit / 32-bit
— Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011 (.NET Core 2.1 offline installer only)
Windows Vista SP 2 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows 8.1 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit

The previous requirements are also required if you receive an error related to either of the following dlls:


Containers provide a lightweight way to isolate your application from the rest of the host system. Containers on the same machine share just the kernel and use resources given to your application.

Microsoft provides images that are tailored for specific scenarios. For example, the ASP.NET Core repository provides images that are built for running ASP.NET Core apps in production.


Verify that you have both versions installed by running the where.exe dotnet command. If you do, you should see an entry for both the Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders. If the Program Files (x86) folder is first as indicated by the following example, it’s incorrect and you should continue on to the next step.

Press the Windows button and type «Edit the system environment variables» into search. Select Edit the system environment variables.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

The System Properties window opens up to the Advanced Tab. Select Environment Variables.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

On the Environment Variables window, under the System variables group, select the Path* row and then select the Edit button.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to move the C:Program Filesdotnet entry above C:Program Files (x86)dotnet.

Take an in-depth look at the best solutions created by our experts

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

.NET Framework 3.5 is an essential feature for running many Windows applications, but some users reported that it isn’t turned on in Windows 10 or have some problems installing it.

Dot NET Framework 3.5 is an essential component of Windows, and if the Dot NET Framework is missing, you might experience specific issues.

To run this command, you’ll need to replace X with the letter representing the drive with installation media.

Remember that you might get a message saying you need administrative privileges to run this command.

You must start Command Prompt as administrator and rerun this command if that happens.

To see how to do that, check Step 1 in Solution 5.

4. Install the missing updates and try again

Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Sometimes bugs can prevent specific components from installing, but you should be able to fix them by updating Windows 10.

If you’re having trouble opening the Setting app, look at this article to solve the issue.

Read more about this topic

6. Perform a DISM scan

7. Use the lodctr command

8. Change your Group Policy

After making these changes, you need to start Command Prompt as administrator and run gpupdate /force command to apply the changes.

9. Check your Action Center

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Clicking the Download and Install this feature will automatically complete the process, and the installation will require you only to accept the process and wait for a few minutes. This applies only if the installer works.

If something doesn’t work for you, or you have some additional questions, please leave your comment in the comments section below.

Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

The specified framework ‘Microsoft.NETCore.App’, version ‘2.2.0’ was not found

I am using Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.3.7. I assume it is the latest update.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

. I get the following error:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

6 Answers 6

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Trending sort is based off of the default sorting method — by highest score — but it boosts votes that have happened recently, helping to surface more up-to-date answers.

It falls back to sorting by highest score if no posts are trending.

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Open up the Visual Studio installer then go to the «Individual components» tab and you can install it from there:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Install with Windows Package Manager (winget)

Install the SDK

Install the runtime

.NET Desktop Runtime

ASP.NET Core Runtime

This is the base runtime, and contains just the components needed to run a console app. Typically, you’d install the other runtimes.

Install alongside Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a powerful and lightweight source code editor that runs on your desktop. Visual Studio Code is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Install with Windows Installer

Prevents any UI and prompts from displaying.

Suppresses any attempts to restart.

[!TIP] The installer returns an exit code of 0 for success and an exit code of 3010 to indicate that a restart is required. Any other value is generally an error code.

Install with PowerShell automation

The dotnet-install scripts are used for CI automation and non-admin installs of the runtime. You can download the script from the dotnet-install script reference page.

Install with Visual Studio

.NET SDK version Visual Studio version
6.0 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0 or higher.
5.0 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 or higher.
3.1 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 or higher.
3.0 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3 or higher.
2.2 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 or higher.
2.1 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7 or higher.

If you already have Visual Studio installed, you can check your version with the following steps.

Select a workload

When installing or modifying Visual Studio, select one or more of the following workloads, depending on the kind of application you’re building:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Windows 10 versions end-of-service dates are segmented by edition. Only Home, Pro, Pro Education, and Pro for Workstations editions are considered in the following table. Check the Windows lifecycle fact sheet for specific details.

[!TIP] A + symbol represents the minimum version.

Operating System .NET Core 3.1 .NET 6
Windows 11 ✔️ ✔️
Windows Server 2022 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10 Version 21H1 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 20H2 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 2004 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 1909 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10 / Windows Server, Version 1903 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10, Version 1809 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10, Version 1803 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10, Version 1709 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 10, Version 1607 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 8.1 ✔️ ✔️
Windows 7 SP1 ESU ✔️ ✔️
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
✔️ ✔️
Windows Server Core 2012 R2 ✔️ ✔️
Windows Server Core 2012 ✔️ ✔️
Nano Server, Version 1809+ ✔️ ✔️
Nano Server, Version 1803 ✔️

There are three different runtimes you can install on Windows:

Arm-based Windows PCs

.NET Version Architecture SDK Runtime Path conflict
6.0 Arm64 Yes Yes No
6.0 x64 Yes Yes No
5.0 Arm64 Yes Yes Yes
5.0 x64 No Yes Yes
3.1 Arm64 No No N/A
3.1 x64 No Yes Yes

[!NOTE] A + symbol represents the minimum version.

OS Version Architectures
Windows 11 21H2 x64, Arm64
Windows 10 Client 1607+ x64, x86, Arm64
Windows Client 7 SP1+, 8.1 x64, x86
Windows Server 2012+ x64, x86
Windows Server Core 2012+ x64, x86
Nano Server 1809+ x64

[!NOTE] A + symbol represents a minimum version. For specific OS version requirements, see the Supported releases section.

OS Version Architectures
Windows 11 21H2 x64, Arm64
Windows 10 Client 1607+ x64, x86
Windows Client 7 SP1+, 8.1 x64, x86
Windows Server 2012+ x64, x86
Nano Server 1803+ x64, Arm32

Offline install for Windows 7

Be sure to review the dependencies required for Windows 7 below.

Windows 7 / Vista / 8.1 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 R2

Operating System Prerequisites
Windows 7 SP1 ESU — Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
— KB3063858 64-bit / 32-bit
— Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011 (.NET Core 2.1 offline installer only)
Windows Vista SP 2 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows 8.1 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit
Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 64-bit / 32-bit

The previous requirements are also required if you receive an error related to either of the following dlls:

Containers provide a lightweight way to isolate your application from the rest of the host system. Containers on the same machine share just the kernel and use resources given to your application.

Microsoft provides images that are tailored for specific scenarios. For example, the ASP.NET Core repository provides images that are built for running ASP.NET Core apps in production.

Verify that you have both versions installed by running the where.exe dotnet command. If you do, you should see an entry for both the Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders. If the Program Files (x86) folder is first as indicated by the following example, it’s incorrect and you should continue on to the next step.

Press the Windows button and type «Edit the system environment variables» into search. Select Edit the system environment variables.

. image type=»content» source=»media/windows/start-menu.png» alt-text=»Windows start menu with edit environment variable».

The System Properties window opens up to the Advanced Tab. Select Environment Variables.

. image type=»content» source=»media/windows/system-props.png» alt-text=»The Windows system properties panel open.».

On the Environment Variables window, under the System variables group, select the Path* row and then select the Edit button.

. image type=»content» source=»media/windows/list-vars.png» alt-text=»The environment variables window with user and system variables.».

Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to move the C:Program Filesdotnet entry above C:Program Files (x86)dotnet.

The framework ‘Microsoft.NETCore.App’, version ‘6.0.0’ was not found. #16738


yanoryuichi commented Mar 3, 2022

Microsoft PowerToys version

Running as admin

Area(s) with issue?

Steps to reproduce

Open PowerToys settings app and enable PowerToys Run, then I always get an error dialog as below. I already installed dotnet-runtime-6.0.2-win-x64.exe and windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.2-win-x64.exe. But still didn’t work. Although some apps like FancyZones and Mouse utility works.

✔️ Expected Behavior

PowerToys Run works.

❌ Actual Behavior

PowerToys Run doesn’t work.

Other Software

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

franky920920 commented Mar 3, 2022

It seems you are missing a required dependency to run PowerToys.

Please install it using the link provided above and see if this helps!

yanoryuichi commented Mar 3, 2022

Thanks. But, as I said, I already installed windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.2-win-x64.exe, still didn’t run.

franky920920 commented Mar 3, 2022

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Asked by:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net


To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I have just try to build simple UWApp that targets ‘Windows 10 Insider Preview (10.0; Build 10166) and the output is like this:

This is my envirenment setup:

Architecture and Modeling Tools 00269-30000-00001-AA822
Microsoft Architecture and Modeling Tools

UML® and Unified Modeling Language™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Object Management Group, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

All replies

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Try stop and build again. I have the same problem and I found the problem can be fixed by restart the build action.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Now Visual Studio 2015 RTM is released and the Win10 SDK will be released later. Would you mind share us the result by using Win10 RTM and Visual Studio 2015 RTM when the new SDK released?

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Click HERE to participate the survey.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I have the same Problem

VS 2015 RTM
Windows 10 Pro RTM (was Preview)
Latest Windows SDK
All Updates

Project starts on Windows 10 IOT Core but not on the local machine

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Asked by:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

General discussion

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

This should be the first stop in determining what is happening to your machine. When posting please follow the steps at the following blog post:

All replies

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at HP.CUE.Video.PlaybackControl.UpdateProgressBar()
at HP.CUE.Video.PlaybackControl._ProgressTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr idEvent, IntPtr dwTime)

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just in time (JIT) debugging, the config file for this
application or machine (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the machine
rather than being handled by this dialog.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

help me i have windos xp at my house and im onley gonna be on for the next hour or so so plez hurry but ill get on tomorow cuz i dont have internet at hoem i cant get a bettewr net framewrk so i can use the new halo mads stuff so if neone could help me id be very thankfull

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

This should be the first stop in determining what is happening to your machine. When posting please follow the steps at the following blog post:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

We have been running ASP 1.1 and SQL 2000 on our internal server for quite some time now, and we are trying to migrate to ASP 2.0 and 3.0 and SQL 2005.

We have the frameworks installed and SQL 2005 is installed, however I am getting some errors and I cannot deploy any data driven applications.

«Connections to SQL Server Files require SQL Server to function properly. Please verify installation or download from. «

Are there some simple configurations I can change to fix these errors?

The blogs I have seen all recommend reinstalling everything, but even then I need to make sure that we reinstall correctly and configure everything properly.

Does any one have ideas on what steps we should take?

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net


To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

This should be the first stop in determining what is happening to your machine. When posting please follow the steps at the following blog post:

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I understood your problem. As i guess u have installed the VS2005 and SQL 2005 Std. Edition.

This error you are getting because If you want to create some MDF file. You must intall the SQL express edition 2005 which is free with VS2005..

Once you done you can create the MDF file in your project the you can connect and can work parellely on both of the SQL server edition to open the exiting MDF and Attach the old database of you old projects.

So you no need to reinstall the full VIsual Studio only start the installation for SQL Server Express edition.

Hope it can solve you problem

Thanks and Regards,

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I need some more details:

Can you please paste the error message which you got dueing installation?

Thanks and Regards,

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I am working on a box with this OS: MS Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 2

Please download and install all 3 updates available in the section titled Files in This Download. These updates should be installed in the following sequence:

And since «install» thinks an install is in progress and therefore won’t do the install I want it to, now what?

Thanks for help!

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

So, now I’m left wondering if I still need to do the 3 updates mentioned in this KB article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/959209

Thanks for any help!

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Would be grateful for some help *thnx

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

I get the following binding error that was displayed on the fuslogvw.exe program

*** Assembly Binder Log Entry (1/26/2010 @ 1:50:08 PM) ***

The operation failed.
Bind result: hr = 0x80070005. Access is denied.

Assembly manager loaded from: c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727mscorwks.dll
Running under executable C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnet_wp.exe
— A detailed error log follows.

=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: User = Unknown
LOG: DisplayName = JITCWebApps
LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/JITCWebApps2008/
LOG: Initial PrivatePath = C:InetpubwwwrootJITCWebApps2008bin
LOG: Dynamic Base = c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesjitcwebapps4b80b5fd
LOG: Cache Base = c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesjitcwebapps4b80b5fd
LOG: AppName = ea7a2516
Calling assembly : (Unknown).
LOG: This bind starts in default load context.
LOG: Using application configuration file: C:InetpubwwwrootJITCWebApps2008web.config
LOG: Using host configuration file: C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnet.config
LOG: Using machine configuration file from c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727configmachine.config.
LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private, custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind).
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/Temporary ASP.NET Files/jitcwebapps/4b80b5fd/ea7a2516/JITCWebApps.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/Temporary ASP.NET Files/jitcwebapps/4b80b5fd/ea7a2516/JITCWebApps/JITCWebApps.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/JITCWebApps2008/bin/JITCWebApps.DLL.
LOG: Assembly download was successful. Attempting setup of file: C:InetpubwwwrootJITCWebApps2008binJITCWebApps.dll
LOG: Entering download cache setup phase.
LOG: Assembly Name is: JITCWebApps, Version=2.0.3678.21285, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
LOG: A partially-specified assembly bind succeeded from the application directory. Need to re-apply policy.
LOG: Using application configuration file: C:InetpubwwwrootJITCWebApps2008web.config
LOG: Using host configuration file: C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnet.config
LOG: Using machine configuration file from c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727configmachine.config.
LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private, custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind).
ERR: Setup failed with hr = 0x80070005.
ERR: Failed to complete setup of assembly (hr = 0x80070005). Probing terminated.

If this is the wrong forum to help me resolve this issue then direct me to the correct forum

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

Problemen met het starten van apps oplossen

.NET-installatie is niet gevonden

Vereist framework niet gevonden

Als er geen vereiste framework of compatibele versie wordt gevonden, kan de toepassing niet worden gestart met een bericht dat vergelijkbaar is met:

De fout geeft de naam, versie en architectuur van het ontbrekende framework en de locatie aan waarop het wordt verwacht te worden geГЇnstalleerd. Als u de toepassing wilt uitvoeren, kunt u een compatibele runtime installeren op de opgegeven ‘.NET-locatie’. Als de toepassing is gericht op een lagere versie dan één versie die u hebt geГЇnstalleerd en u deze wilt uitvoeren op een hogere versie, kunt u ook roll-forward-gedrag voor de toepassing configureren.

Een compatibele runtime installeren

Het foutbericht bevat een koppeling om het ontbrekende framework te downloaden. U kunt deze koppeling volgen om naar de juiste downloadpagina te gaan.

In de volgende tabel ziet u de frameworks die elke runtime bevat.

Runtime downloaden Opgenomen frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET-runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime downloaden Opgenomen frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET-runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Selecteer een runtimedownload met het ontbrekende framework en installeer het.

In de meeste gevallen verwijst de ‘.NET-locatie’ in het foutbericht naar:

Andere opties

Er zijn andere installatie- en tijdelijke oplossingen die u kunt overwegen.

Het dotnet-install-script uitvoeren

Download het dotnet-install-script voor uw besturingssysteem. Voer het script uit met opties op basis van de informatie in het foutbericht. Op de pagina met scriptverwijzing voor dotnet-installatie worden alle beschikbare opties weergegeven.

Start PowerShell en voer het volgende uit:

Het foutbericht in de vorige sectie komt bijvoorbeeld overeen met:

Als er een fout optreedt waarin wordt aangegeven dat het uitvoeren van scripts is uitgeschakeld, moet u mogelijk het uitvoeringsbeleid instellen om toe te staan dat het script kan worden uitgevoerd:

Zie Installeren met PowerShell-automatisering voor meer informatie over de installatie met behulp van het script.

Het foutbericht in de vorige sectie komt bijvoorbeeld overeen met:

Zie Scripted install voor meer informatie over de installatie met behulp van het script.

Het foutbericht in de vorige sectie komt bijvoorbeeld overeen met:

Zie Installeren met bash-automatisering voor meer informatie over de installatie met behulp van het script.

Binaire bestanden downloaden

Gedrag van roll-forward configureren

Als u al een hogere versie van het vereiste framework hebt geГЇnstalleerd, kunt u ervoor zorgen dat de toepassing op die hogere versie wordt uitgevoerd door het gedrag van de roll-forward te configureren.

Omdat met deze optie de toepassing kan worden uitgevoerd op een andere frameworkversie dan de versie waarvoor deze is ontworpen, kan dit leiden tot onbedoeld gedrag vanwege wijzigingen tussen versies van een framework.

Wijzigingen die fouten veroorzaken

Submappen ten opzichte van:

Standaardinstallatielocatie van %ProgramFiles%dotnet (of %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet voor 32-bits processen in 64-bits Windows).

Dit zoekgedrag op meerdere niveaus is standaard ingeschakeld, maar kan worden uitgeschakeld door de omgevingsvariabele DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP=0 in te stellen.

Microsoft PowerToys version

Running as admin

Area(s) with issue?

Steps to reproduce

When you boot up windows.

✔️ Expected Behavior

PowerToys to immediately start to run right from the boot.

❌ Actual Behavior

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Other Software

Comments (5)

msftbot commented on June 25, 2022

We need a bit more information to really debug this issue. Can you add a «Report Bug» zip file here? You right click on our system tray icon and just go to report bug. Then drag the zipfile from your desktop onto the GitHub comment box in this issue. Thanks!
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

ethnjnr commented on June 26, 2022

davidegiacometti commented on June 26, 2022

You have 6.0.6 runtime installed that isn’t deployed from PowerToys (currently still on 6.0.5).
Can you try to uninstall/reinstall it? https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.6-windows-x64-installer

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

ethnjnr commented on June 27, 2022

The problem has been resolved. Thank you for your help.

Related Issues (20)

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.NET Framework 3.5 installation errors: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907, 0x800F0922

Resolutions for Windows Server

Error code 0x800F0906

This error code occurs because the computer cannot download the required files from Windows Update.

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Check your internet connection

This behavior can be caused by network, proxy, or firewall configurations or by network, proxy, or firewall failures. To fix this problem, try to connect to the Microsoft Update website.

If you cannot access this website, check your Internet connection, or contact the network administrator to determine whether there is a configuration that blocks access to the website.

Method 2: Configure the Group Policy setting

This behavior can also be caused by a system administrator who configures the computer to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) instead of the Windows Update server for servicing. In this case, contact your system administrator and request that they enable the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting and configure the Alternate source file path value or select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) option.

To configure the Group Policy setting, follow these steps:

Start the Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console.

Point to the upper-right corner of the screen, click Search, type group policy, and then click Edit group policy.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

If you want to specify an alternative source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media.

Example of a shared folder path: \server_nameshareWin8sxs

Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix.

Example of a WIM file path: WIM:\server_nameshareinstall.wim:3

In this example, 3 represents the index of the image in which the feature files are found.

If it is applicable to do this, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Method 3: Use Windows installation media

Insert the Windows installation media.

At an elevated command prompt, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive. For example, you run the following command:

Method 4: Alternative steps for Windows Server

In Windows Server 2012 R2, you can also specify an alternative source by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets or by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

To use Windows PowerShell, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

In an elevated Windows PowerShell command window, run the following command:

In this command, is a placeholder for the drive letter for the DVD drive or for the Windows installation media. For example, you run the following command:

To use the Add Roles and Features Wizard, follow these steps:

Insert the Windows installation media.

Start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

On the Select features page, select the .NET Framework 3.5 Features check box, and then click Next.

On the Confirm installation selections page, click the Specify an alternate source path link. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

On the Specify Alternate Source Path page, type the path of the SxS folder as a local path or as a network share path. The screenshot for this step is listed below.

To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Click OK.

Click Install to finish the wizard.

Error code 0x800F081F

This error code can occur when an alternative installation source is specified and one of the following conditions is true:

To fix this problem, make sure that the full path of the source is correct ( x:sourcessxs ) and that you have at least Read access to the location. To do this, try to access the source directly from the affected computer. Verify that the installation source contains a valid and complete set of files. If the problem persists, try to use a different installation source.

Error code 0x800F0907

This error code occurs if an alternative installation source is not specified or is invalid and if the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting is configured to Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update.

To fix this problem, review the policy setting to determine whether it is appropriate for your environment. If you do not want to download feature payloads from Windows Update, consider configuring the Alternate source file path value in the Group policy setting.

You must be a member of the Administrators group to change Group Policy settings on the local computer. If the Group Policy settings for the computer that you want to manage are controlled at the domain level, contact your system administrator.

To do this, follow these steps:

Start Local Group Policy Editor or Group Policy Management Console as applicable in your environment.

Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System.

Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy setting, and then select Enabled.

Determine whether the Never attempt to download payload from Windows Update Group Policy setting is enabled, and then determine the desired setting for your environment.

If you want to specify an alternate source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the sourcessxs folder from the installation media. Or, specify a WIM file. To specify a WIM file as an alternative source file location, add the prefix WIM: to the path, and then add the index of the image that you want to use in the WIM file as a suffix. The following are examples of values that you can specify:

If you want, select the Contact Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) check box.

Tap or click OK.

Resolution for Windows 10

Error code 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, or 0x800F0907

To fix the error codes for Windows 10, follow these steps:

Download the Windows Media Creation tool, and create an ISO image locally, or create an image for the version of Windows that you have installed.

Configure the Group Policy as in Method 2, but also follow these steps:

Error code 0x800F0922

The following error message occurs when you do Windows 10 upgrade:

0x800F0922 CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED: Processing advanced installers and generic commands failed.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

Open Sources folder.

Right-click the SXS folder, and then click Properties.

Click Security and make sure that there is a check mark next to Read & Execute. If the check mark isn’t there, click the Edit button and turn it on.

Press Windows Key + X keyboard shortcut.

Click Command Prompt (Admin).

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

More information

Error messages that are associated with these error codes

Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes.
Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet, and click Retry to try again.

Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found. Try installing the roles, role services, or features again in a new Add Roles and Features Wizard session, and on the Confirmation page of the wizard, click Specify an alternate source path to specify a valid location of the source files that are required for the installation. The location must be accessible by the computer account of the destination server.

Error code: 0x800F0906

Error code: 0x800F081F

Error: 0x800F081F0x800F0907DISM failed. No operation was performed.
For more information, review the log file.
The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log

Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn’t connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.

Error code: 0x800F0907

Error: 0x800F0907

Turning on and off Windows features in control panel does not have any effect.

5 Answers 5

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, which is probably the x64 version out of the 3 available there, , otherwise it cries about not finding some file.

From the setup you’ll need the following Individual components:

You should be golden now!

as I’m not sure they are installed.

If you manage to use a tool to remove Net Framework 4+ from Windows 10 ISO for a fresh install.

Then you can then install a fresh install of Net Framework 4.5, not 4.0. Since Windows 10 would not allow that for 4.0.

I’m really unsure if there are some removal tools for 4.6 and 4.7. Since I’ve tried the direct way to work with installation of 7 SDK. But then only 4.5 is able to be installed.

Then it’s possible to install Windows 7 SDK fully, when you install 4.5.

If Windows 7 SDK cries for 2.0 or 3.5 install it in the apps and features.

Troubleshoot app launch failures

.NET installation not found

Required framework not found

If a required framework or compatible version is not found, the application fails to launch with a message similar to:

The error indicates the name, version, and architecture of the missing framework and the location at which it is expected to be installed. To run the application, you can install a compatible runtime at the specified «.NET location». If the application is targeting a lower version than one you have installed and you would like to run it on a higher version, you can also configure roll-forward behavior for the application.

Install a compatible runtime

The error message includes a link to download the missing framework. You can follow this link to get to the appropriate download page.

The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.

Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Desktop Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
Runtime download Included frameworks
ASP.NET Core Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App
.NET Runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App

Select a runtime download containing the missing framework, and install it.

In most cases, when the application that failed to launch is using such an installation, the «.NET location» in the error message points to:

Other options

There are other installation and workaround options to consider.

Run the dotnet-install script

Download the dotnet-install script for your operating system. Run the script with options based on the information in the error message. The dotnet-install script reference page shows all available options.

Launch PowerShell and run:

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

If you encounter an error stating that running scripts is disabled, you may need to set the execution policy to allow the script to run:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with PowerShell automation.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Scripted install.

For example, the error message in the previous section would correspond to:

For more details on installation using the script, see Install with bash automation.

Download binaries

Configure roll-forward behavior

If you already have a higher version of the required framework installed, you can make the application run on that higher version by configuring its roll-forward behavior.

Since using this option lets the application run on a different framework version than the one for which it was designed, it may result in unintended behavior due to changes between versions of a framework.

Breaking changes

Subdirectories relative to:

Default install location of %ProgramFiles%dotnet (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%dotnet for 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows).

App re-register fails #39


Midwaey commented Jul 11, 2021 •

When attempting to launch any version of Minecraft Bedrock, I get the following «App re-register failed» Error.

Refreshing or Restarting fixes nothing, the crash report is linked here:

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

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CarJem commented Jul 28, 2021

I encourage everyone with this issue to check out the latest beta with support for telling us exactly why this error is occurring so I can fix it!

This comment was marked as outdated.

igoticecream commented Aug 4, 2021

when downgrading from latest beta to latest release:

This comment was marked as outdated.

TheNatBoi commented Aug 29, 2021

Another workaround is to install MCMrARM’s version launcher from here https://github.com/MCMrARM/mc-w10-version-launcher/releases/tag/0.2.1

Just download the versions you want and press the launch button. It may not be the best workaround, but it should work.

KanimeXP commented Feb 7, 2022

Fabrico84 commented Apr 28, 2022 •

i got a different problem while launching any
To run this application you must install missing framework for net

Rayth commented Apr 28, 2022

Try downloading the latest version. This error usually appears if you have a store installed minecraft installed so be sure to backup and uninstall that first.

Fabrico84 commented Apr 28, 2022

you mean backup com.mojang right?

Rayth commented Apr 28, 2022

Fabrico84 commented Apr 28, 2022 •

the newest version says this when I open the application:

tresabhi commented Apr 28, 2022

Fabrico84 commented Apr 29, 2022

I followed them and now it opens but till one point. After I press the make account button it crashes. Any ideas on how to fix that?

tresabhi commented Apr 29, 2022

@Fabrico84 Can you create a new issue with a log provided?

Fabrico84 commented Apr 29, 2022

Rayth commented Jun 26, 2022

Can anyone confirm if this issue still occurs in the 2022.4.17.21 beta linked in comments above?

DelofJ commented Jun 30, 2022 •

Yes it still occurs

I don’t know if it’s the same problem but it crashes when I want to load a beta version of Minecraft which is no longer available for download from the MS servers but which I still have on my computer
(also, I don’t know why but a D: disk is mentioned in the crash report but I don’t have a D: disk)

Rayth commented Jun 30, 2022

@DelofJ can you provide the full log file not just the exerpt that pops up when it occurs. If you’re on the latest beta there is a «logs» folder. You’ll find multiple files with date and timestamps in the name.

the D drive is just reference to where the app was developed nothing on your PC

DelofJ commented Jun 30, 2022 •

I edited the previous comment to include the full crash log
Also, I noticed that when the crash happens and you want to click «View crash report» it wants to open a Log.txt file where the app is installed and doesn’t open the latest log located in the logs folder

Rayth commented Jun 30, 2022

Ok can you try uninstall minecraft from control panel if it’s there and then try running via the launcher?

DelofJ commented Jun 30, 2022 •

I can’t because the launcher has already uninstalled/unregistered Minecraft Bedrock from Windows
I tried to launch a version through the launcher i can launch, I uninstalled Minecraft Bedrock, and the same thing happened
The only thing I can do is install Minecraft with the Appx I saved
Also, I’m using the Launcher Beta 2022.4.17.21 (or 2022.4.17.20)

Rayth commented Jun 30, 2022

Ok final test I can think of, install minecraft from the store, run it once then uninstall it, then try installing and launching from the launcher.

DelofJ commented Jun 30, 2022 •

Rayth commented Jun 30, 2022

Ok that could be something with how we had to change the code to work with previews then and most likely won’t get changed again due to betas being discontinued. Features that were in old betas (in your case 1.17.10) would have been in release version1.17.10 and 1.17.11 and later

DelofJ commented Jul 4, 2022

@Rayth This isn’t solved in 2022.7.3.62

Rayth commented Jul 4, 2022

We need a fresh report for the new version of the launcher, complete with the new Log file (installation folder > data > logs)


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  • http://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch
  • http://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/dotnet-apphost-improvements/
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch
  • http://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/issues/4145
  • http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/b9f157c3-dbf6-4778-a65a-14e1af1f901a/supposedly-missing-net-framework-40-but-installer-says-i-already-have-it?forum=netfxsetup
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/application-not-started
  • http://githubhelp.com/BedrockLauncher/BedrockLauncher/issues/195
  • http://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/45542
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/670756/my-windows-10-refuses-to-install-net-50.html?sort=oldest
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/33630/installing-missing-frameworks-forever-with-framewo.html
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/62626903/net-framework-errors-after-windows-10-update-files-missing
  • http://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/41351
  • http://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/1557
  • http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/97d4f63a-538a-4c4e-8091-72d56e7659a0/netframework-v4030319?forum=netfxsetup
  • http://www.auslogics.com/en/articles/how-to-fix-net-framework-3-5-is-missing-from-windows-10/
  • http://ru.fileerrors.com/net-framework-install-issues-to-run-this-application-you-must-install-one-of-the.html
  • http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2003299-net-framework-issue
  • http://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/3761
  • http://dentnt.trmw.ru/18614-wpf-to-run-this-application-you-must-install-net-core/
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-in/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch?pivots=os-windows
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-my/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch?pivots=os-windows
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-client/application-management/dotnet-framework-35-installation-error
  • http://www.drivethelife.com/windows-games/fix-missing-net-framework-windows-10-8-7-vista-xp.html
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/kk-kz/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/573547/i-can39t-find-aspnet-web-application-net-framework.html
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/nb-no/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch?pivots=os-windows
  • http://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/3265
  • http://githubhelp.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/issues/4233
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  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/guide-for-developers
  • http://github.774.gs/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/16738
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/vi-VN/troubleshoot/windows-client/application-management/dotnet-framework-35-installation-error
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/deployment/deployment-guide-for-developers
  • http://githubhelp.com/BedrockLauncher/BedrockLauncher/issues/145
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/sr-Latn-RS/troubleshoot/windows-client/application-management/dotnet-framework-35-installation-error
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/33630/installing-missing-frameworks-forever-with-framewo.html?childToView=182932
  • http://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/617
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/419639/installing-net-framework-with-my-app-using-msi
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/hi-in/troubleshoot/windows-client/application-management/dotnet-framework-35-installation-error
  • http://githubhelp.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/issues/4262
  • http://github.com/microsoft/vstest/issues/3938
  • http://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/main/docs/framework/install/guide-for-developers.md
  • http://githubhelp.com/BedrockLauncher/BedrockLauncher/issues/39
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  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/troubleshoot-usage-issues
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/how-to-configure-an-app-to-support-net-framework-4-or-4-5
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/33630/installing-missing-frameworks-forever-with-framewo.html?sort=oldest
  • http://askubuntu.com/questions/548909/running-net-4-0-application-with-wine
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/windows
  • http://windowsreport.com/net-framework-3-5-missing-windows-10/
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/fil-ph/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58702032/the-specified-framework-microsoft-netcore-app-version-2-2-0-was-not-found
  • http://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/main/docs/core/install/windows.md
  • http://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/16738
  • http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/8f99d9b5-a005-4d2c-87e2-42a7de7aaea5/building-universal-windows-app-hangs-on-quotinstalling-missing-frameworksquot?forum=wpdevelop
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  • http://githubhelp.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/19009
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/ar-sa/troubleshoot/windows-client/application-management/dotnet-framework-35-installation-error
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35733040/how-to-install-net-4-framework-in-windows-10
  • http://docs.microsoft.com/bg-bg/dotnet/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch
  • http://github.com/BedrockLauncher/BedrockLauncher/issues/39


При запуске программ Autodesk возникает следующая ошибка:

AdskLicensingAgent (или AdSSO)
Не удалось запустить это приложение, так как не удалось инициализировать подключаемый модуль платформы Qt. Эту проблему можно устранить, переустановив приложение.
Доступны следующие подключаемые модули платформы: Windows.


Эта ошибка может быть вызвана несколькими причинами.

  • Проблема со службой лицензирования Autodesk (или более поздней версии).
  • Конфликт с бета-версией Inventor 2021.
  • Поврежденный или устаревший компонент системы единого входа Autodesk или служба лицензирования Autodesk.
  • Конфликт с приложениями сторонних разработчиков, использующими библиотеки QT


При использовании службы лицензирования Autodesk (или более поздней версии)

Выполните следующие действия. Замените, как описано далее, последней версией установленного AdskLicensing.

  1. Откройте проводник Windows.
  2. Перейдите в папку C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAutodesk SharedAdskLicensing10.1.1.66AdskLicensingAgentplatforms.
  3. Скопируйте файл qwindows_Ad_5_12.dll.
  4. Вставьте файл на одну папку вверх в папку C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAutodesk SharedAdskLicensing10.1.1.66AdskLicensingAgent.

Если проблема не устранена, выполните следующие действия.

  1. Удалите и повторно установите службу лицензирования Autodesk.
    1. Удалите существующую службу лицензирования Autodesk, запустив этот файл от имени администратора.
      • C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAutodesk SharedAdskLicensingUninstall.exe
    2. Переустановите службу лицензирования с помощью файла Autodesk Licensing Service или более поздней версии службы лицензирования.
      • Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Декабрь 2020 г. — обновление службы лицензирования Autodesk.
  2. Восстановите или обновите компонент системы единого входа (AdSSO), следуя решению из раздела «Не удалось запустить это приложение, так как не удалось найти или загрузить подключаемый модуль платформы Qt в Windows».» При запуске или обновлении любого программного обеспечения Autodesk появляется диалоговое окно (может потребоваться полностью удалить папку C:Program FilesAutodeskAutodesk AdSSO после удаления A).

Если имеются сторонние приложения, использующие библиотеки QT, выполните следующие действия 

  1. Проверьте, определена ли переменная среды или системная переменная с именем QT_PLUGIN_PATH
  2. При наличии резервной копии значения переменной, которая в идеале должна быть размещена в библиотеках сторонних разработчиков.
  3. Удалите переменную и проверьте работу приложений Autodesk и сторонних разработчиков.

Примечание. После удаления предыдущих версий рекомендуется перезагрузить систему, а после установки последних служб может потребоваться перезагрузка.  


Все классические программы


2021; 2022; 2023; 2020;

Читайте, как исправить проблему с запуском приложения на ПК. Рассмотрим причины ошибки и способы её устранения.Некоторое время назад сложно было представить, каких успехов добьется развитие компьютерной техники в будущем. Уменьшаются размеры существующих персональных компьютеров со значительным увеличением их мощности, скорости и производительности.

Суть проблемы

Создаются переносные и мобильные устройства, обладающие характеристиками, сопоставимыми со стационарными компьютерами, но обладающие неограниченными возможностями в плане мобильности и функциональности. Одним из слагаемых успеха является развитие разнообразного программного обеспечения, применяемого для всех видов устройств.

Если ранее существовали большие корпорации, занимающиеся разработкой и продвижением программ и приложений, то на сегодняшний день, появилось достаточно большое количество небольших компаний, также осуществляющих подобные разработки.

Создание новых языков программирования и увеличение функциональности стандартных языков позволило стать разработчиком практически любому пользователю, обладающему начальной компьютерной грамотностью. Поэтому список разработанных приложений и программ, предлагаемый к загрузке и установке, значительно вырос. Каждый разработчик старается представить свое приложение, и количество таких предложений очень огромно. Разные приложения и программы решают разные задачи и наделены различными функциями: от самых простых («новый вид часов»«обновленный календарь»«улучшенный ежедневник»«список закладок браузера» и т.д.) до требовательных и сложных («создание, обработка и редактирование видеопотока»«проектирование «3D» объектов» и т.д.).

Большинство приложений требуют пройти регистрацию для получения расширенных возможностей. Поэтому личная информация пользователя попадает на сторонние сервера. В век компьютерных технологий такая информация привлекает значительное количество мошенников, желающих заполучить ее для использования в злонамеренных целях. Развитие возможностей компьютерных устройств ведет за собой увеличение риска получения доступа к личной информации пользователя третьими лицами. Поэтому вопрос защиты и безопасности данных пользователя выходит на первый план. Ведь конечный пользователь не всегда может определить, является ли программа или приложение, которое он пытается установить, или страница в сети Интернет, которую он желает открыть – защищенной и безопасной с точки зрения сохранения информации.

Корпорация «Microsoft» является крупнейшим производителем программного обеспечения для персональных компьютеров и мобильных устройств. В ее последней версии операционной системы «Windows10» были значительно увеличены возможности по защите персональных данных пользователей и повышены критерии безопасности всей системы.

Одним из главных способов получения новых приложений является сеть Интернет. Неудивительно, что разработчики «Windows10» также уделили этому вопросу свое внимание. Существует огромное количество сайтов, предлагающих к установке различные приложения и программы. И операционная система «Windows10» умеет на раннем этапе определять и, в случае опасности, предупреждать пользователя или сразу блокировать вредоносное приложение или программу.

Для этих целей разработчики «Microsoft» в операционной системе «Windows10» усовершенствовали фильтр «SmartScreen». Главной задачей этого фильтра является защищать конечного пользователя от приложений непроверенных разработчиков. «SmartScreen» помогает выявлять ранее обнаруженные вредоносные программы, приложения или сайты, созданные в злонамеренных целях, и принимает взвешенные решения о блокировке доступа к ним, запрете скачивания, установки или использования на вашем персональном компьютере или другом устройстве.

На первом этапе фильтр «SmartScreen» анализирует все приложения, программы и веб-страницы с целью выявления подозрительных из них. Далее фильтр будет сверять подозрительные приложения и страницы со списком таких программ и сайтов. И в случае совпадения фильтр «SmartScreen» незамедлительно заблокирует скачивание или установку такого приложения, о чем пользователь получит мгновенное сообщение.

Фильтр «SmartScreen» является достаточно полезной функцией операционной системы «Windows10» и ее использование уместно и обосновано. Однако, частые сообщения об ошибках или предупреждения при работе с приложением или сайтом, которому вы доверяете, может вызвать некоторые неудобства. В таком случае фильтр «SmartScreen» легко отключить, если вы знаете, что приложение, о котором идет речь, безопасно.

Фильтр показывает различные виды предупреждений и сообщений об ошибках, большинство из которых вы можете устранить самостоятельно. Обычно это только вопрос необходимости предоставления дополнительных разрешений или входа в учетную запись с правами администратора.

Но то же самое нельзя утверждать о сообщении типа “Это приложение не может быть запущено на вашем компьютере”, создаваемым фильтром «SmartScreen». Оно просто предлагает вам связаться с разработчиком приложения для консультации и ничего более. Также ошибка может появиться для приложений, которые уже ранее запускались без каких-либо проблем, но по какой-то причине перестали это делать. В этом случае вы можете исправить ошибку «Это приложение не может работать на компьютере» в «Windows 10» следующим образом.

Ошибка «Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК»

Если вы видите такое сообщение, то это значит что произошла ошибка совместимости. Приложение, которое вы пытаетесь установить, несовместимо с установленной у вас операционной системой «Windows 10». Возможно, вы также увидите эту ошибку, если для приложения требуются специальные разрешения для запуска, которых нет у обычного пользователя. Эта ошибка появляется только при попытке установить приложение, а не возникает при его запуске. Если приложение уже установлено в вашей системе, то запуск его не приведет к возникновению такой ошибки. Существует два способа исправить такую ошибку.


СПОСОБ 1: Использовать свою учетную запись с правами администратора

Когда вы увидите такое сообщение об ошибке, то возможно, что вы вошли в систему компьютера под учетной записью, не обладающей правами администратора. Для этого проверьте, под какой учетной записью вы находитесь в системе компьютера. И если вы не используете учетную запись с правами администратора, то переключитесь на нее, и попробуйте заново установить приложение. Если проблему устранить не получилось, то перейдите к следующему возможному решению ниже.

СПОСОБ 2: «32-разрядное» или «64-разрядное» приложение

Если вы используете «32-разрядную» версию операционной системы «Windows 10» и пытаетесь установить «64-разрядную» версию приложения, то вы увидите такую ошибку. Аналогично, если вы пытаетесь установить «32-разрядное» приложение на «64-разрядной» версии операционной системы «Windows 10», вы увидите ту же ошибку. В этом случае действительно существует только одно возможное решение – вам предстоит найти правильную версию необходимого приложения и установить его.

Отключить фильтр «SmartScreen» в «Windows 10»

Иногда, появление сообщения об ошибке «Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК» может оказаться ложным. Поэтому, если вы попробовали оба вышеупомянутых решения, но все еще видите перед собой эту ошибку, а вам, несмотря на предупреждение, все равно необходимо запустить приложение, то, как вариант, попробуйте отключить фильтр «SmartScreen». В данном руководстве мы предложим вам три варианта отключения фильтра, поскольку он применяется для всей системы «Windows 10», для приложений из магазина «Microsoft Store» и для браузера «Microsoft Edge».

ВАРИАНТ 1: Отключение фильтра «SmartScreen» в «Windows 10» с помощью «Центр безопасности Защитника Windows»

В первом варианте вам необходимо открыть «Центр безопасности Защитника Windows». Это можно сделать несколькими способами.

Способ 1: Откройте окно приложения «Параметры» одним из трех предложенных методов:

Нажмите сочетание клавиш «Windows + X» или щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по кнопке «Пуск» на «Панели задач» в левом нижнем углу рабочего стола, и в открывшемся меню выберите раздел «Параметры».


Используя полосу прокрутки, опустите бегунок вниз и выберите из списка страниц приложения раздел «Обновление и безопасность».


В левой панели меню выберите раздел «Безопасность Windows», а в правой панели нажмите на кнопку «Открыть Центр безопасности Защитника Windows».


Заглавное окно «Центр безопасности Защитника Windows» будет открыто.


В боковом меню окна выберите вкладку «Управление приложениями и браузерами». Вы попадете на страницу настройки параметров фильтра «SmartScreen Защитника Windows» для приложений и браузеров.

На странице вы сможете выполнить отключение в разделах «Проверка приложений и файлов»«SmartScreen для Microsoft Edge» и «SmartScreen для приложений из Microsoft Store». Переведите индикатор в соответствующих разделах в положение «Выключить».


Появиться всплывающее сообщение от службы контроля учетных записей «Windows»«Разрешить этому приложению вносить изменения на вашем устройстве?», нажмите кнопку «Да» и изменения вступят в силу.

ВАРИАНТ 2: Отключение фильтра «SmartScreen» в «Windows 10» с помощью редактора реестра

Примечание: Важно помнить, что все действия с реестром вы выполняете на свой страх и риск. Любые действия с реестром могут повлечь за собой необратимые последствия. «Windows 10» может начать работать с ошибками, могут перестать запускаться определенные приложения или программы, или может полностью выйти из строя операционная система или возникнут трудности при ее первоначальной загрузке. Настоятельно рекомендует вам перед началом работы с реестром сохранить его резервную копию. Для этого в окне «Редактор реестра» в ленте главного меню нажмите на вкладку «Файл» и выберите раздел «Экспорт». Система предложит вам озаглавить файл резервной копии реестра и выбрать место для его хранения. Выбирайте такое название для копии реестра, чтобы вы могли всегда вспомнить, когда она была сохранена. Лучшим вариантом для названия будет дата его создания, например, «02-04-2018». Затем нажмите кнопку «Сохранить». Теперь вы сможете воспользоваться сохраненной резервной копией реестра в любое время в случае необходимости.

Вновь откройте диалоговое окно «Выполнить», применяя любой из вышеперечисленных методов (например, нажмите вместе сочетание клавиш «Windows + R» для быстрого доступа к окну «Выполнить»). В поле командной строки введите команду вызова редактора реестра «regedit» и нажмите кнопку «ОК» для выполнения команды.


Нажмите кнопку «Да» в предупреждающем сообщении службы контроля учетных записей «Windows»«Разрешить этому приложению вносить изменения на вашем устройстве?», и откройте окно «Редактор реестра».


В левой панели окна перейдите к следующему разделу реестра:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows System

Вы также можете воспользоваться другим способом для ввода указанного раздела реестра. Просто скопируйте и вставьте его в адресную строку окна редактора реестра под главной лентой меню. Так вы избежите возможных ошибок при выборе раздела реестра, так как в левой панели находится много похожих директорий, а этот способ позволяет быть уверенным в правильности введенного адреса.


Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на любом пустом пространстве в правой части окна, отметьте в открывшемся однострочном меню раздел «Создать» и во вложенном меню выберите раздел «Параметр DWORD (32 бита)».


Присвойте созданному параметру «DWORD» имя «EnableSmartScreen». Дважды щелкните по нему или нажмите на нем правой кнопкой мыши и в открывшемся меню выберите раздел «Изменить».


В окне «Изменение параметра DWORD (32 бита)» установите в графе «Значение» цифру «0» (данное значение будет задано по умолчанию). Нажмите кнопку «ОК» или клавишу «Enter» на клавиатуре и сохраните внесенные изменения параметра.


Теперь закройте окно «Редактор реестра» и перезагрузите ваш персональный компьютер. После запуска системы фильтр «SmartScreen» будет отключен.

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Попытка запустить установленную программу или установочный дистрибутив какой-либо программы или игры в Windows 8 (8.1) и последней 10 версии может обернуться выводом сообщения, которое гласит, цитирую «Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК».

Естественно, при этом ожидаемого окна приложения или запуска игры не происходит. Почему возникает эта ошибка и как её можно побороть – рассмотрим далее в деталях.

Почему же операционная система пришла к выводу, что запуск приложения на вашем персональном компьютере оказался невозможным? Таковых причин наберётся немало, давайте посмотрим, что этому может способствовать:

Разобрав причины возникновения досадной ошибки «Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК», мы теперь можем приступить к борьбе с ней, дабы увидеть за место неё необходимое нам приложение или игру.

Его использование допускается даже при наличии уже установленного в системе антивируса.

Если же подразумевается, что запускаемое приложение достаточно старое (выпущено более 5 лет назад), то его работоспособность в последней актуальной версии Windows не гарантируется. Однако можно попробовать осуществить запуск в режиме совместимости. Делается это просто:
Наведя курсор на файл, осуществите клик вызова контекстного меню (правая клавиша мышки). Выберите пункт Свойства. Далее перейдите в открывшемся окне во вкладку с именем Совместимость, там поставьте галочку у пункта, отвечающего за запуск в режиме совместимости и чуть ниже выберите соответствующую ОС.

Для сохранения введённых изменений нажмите OK.

Попробуйте запустить вновь желаемый файл, который отказывается работать, ссылаясь на невозможность запуска на вашем ПК.
Не лишним будет и проверить системные файлы ОС Windows. Если какие-либо из них были повреждены, то это вполне может являться причиной рассматриваемой ошибки при запуске файлов.
Для проверки существует штатный инструмент, запуск которого осуществляется через окно командной строки. Для этого сделайте следующее:

  1. Откройте командную строку, причём от имени администратора (как это сделать).
  2. Введите команду, что размещена ниже и нажмите клавишу Enter.

Краткий итог

Хотя причин, которые вызывают неприятную ошибку при запуске файла или дистрибутива «Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК» весьма и весьма много, но если поступательно исключать их, то с очень высокой степенью вероятности её ликвидировать вполне по силам даже новичку, который только недавно познакомился с компьютером и только познаёт азы работы с ним.

В свою очередь, Вы тоже можете нам очень помочь.

Просто поделитесь статьей в социальных сетях с друзьями.

Поделившись результатами труда автора, вы окажете неоценимую помощь как ему самому, так и сайту в целом. Спасибо!

Невозможно запустить это приложение на Вашем ПК

После перехода на новую операционную систему от Майкрософт пользователи начали встречаться с ошибкой при запуске старых приложений о том что невозможно запустить это приложение на Вашем ПК. Эта проблема актуальная в большей степени пользователям операционной системы Windows 10.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим что делать, когда пишет невозможности запустить это приложение на Вашем компьютере и разберем из-за чего может появляться такая ошибка.

Невозможно запустить это приложение на данном компьютере

В первую очередь стоит разобраться почему система показывает Вам это сообщение. Если же Вы видите данное сообщение, то это значит что произошла ошибка совместимости, Приложение, которое Вы пытаетесь установить не совместимо с установленной у Вас операционной системой Windows 10. К примеру, если Вы пытаетесь установить какую-то старую версию программы разработанную для более ранней версии Windows.

Режим совместимости Windows 10

В таком случае можно попытаться запустить данное приложение в режиме совместимости. Более подробно об режиме совместимости Windows 10 мы рассказывали в нашей статье.

  1. Для этого жмем по нему правой кнопкой мыши и переходим в Свойства.
  2. Далее Совместимость и здесь выбираете либо Запустить средство устранения проблем с совместимостью > Использовать рекомендованные параметры для запуска, или если Вы знаете в какой из версий она запускалась, установите отметку напротив Запустить программу в режиме совместимости и выбрать подходящую версию операционной системы.

После применений изменений пытаемся её опять запустить. Если же не помогло можно попробовать ещё запустить программу от имени администратора.

Как узнать разрядность операционной системы

Если же проблему решить по-прежнему не удалось, проверьте разрядность своей операционной системы. Если Вы используете 32-разрядную версию Windows и пытаетесь установить 64-разрядную версию приложения, то Вы также увидите такую ошибку. Аналогично, если Вы пытаетесь установить 32-разрядное приложение на 64-разрядную версию операционной системы Windows.

Поэтому перед скачиванием приложения рекомендуем узнать разрядность Вашей операционной системы. Это можно сделать буквально в два нажатия или несколько шагов.

  1. Для этого нажимаем горячие клавиши Win+PauseBreak, или же по старинке заходим в свойства компьютера.
  2. И здесь в строке Тип системы это можно посмотреть.

В таком случае существует только одно возможное решение. Вам предстоит найти правильную версию необходимого приложения и установить его.

Фильтр SmartScreen

Иногда появление сообщения об ошибке невозможно запустить это приложение на Вашем ПК может оказаться ложным. А также можно увидеть сообщение фильтр SmartScreen защитника Windows предотвратил запуск приложения. Вся причина кроется в фильтре SmartScreen, который защищает Windows 10 от вредоносного программного обеспечения.

Поэтому если Вам не помогли ранее предложенные способы и ошибка не исчезла, то как вариант попробуйте отключить фильтр SmartScreen.

  1. Откройте Пуск > Параметры > Обновление и безопасность > Защитник Windows > Открыть центр безопасности защитника Windows, а затем Управление приложениями и браузером.
  2. Здесь отключаем проверку приложений и файлов выбрав пункт Выключить.

После этих действий проверяем на работоспособность нужное Вам приложение. Ещё SmartScreen можно выключить с помощью редактора групповой политики и редактора реестра. Все способы как это можно сделать мы рассматривали ранее в нашей статье. После того, как установите нужно приложение, не забудьте его включить обратно.

Как Вы поняли проблема с невозможностью запустить это приложение на Вашем компьютере очень даже решаема. Пробуйте предложенные нами способы для решения этой задачи. В принципе всегда можно скачать приложение с магазина Windows 10, которое по функционалу будет близко к нужному или даже лучше.

Обратите внимание, что ещё одной из причин может быть не полностью скачанное приложение или вирусы. В таком случае попытайтесь загрузить его заново или найдите другой источник. Как бороться с вирусами мы уже рассматривать не будем, просто хотим порекомендовать статью лучшие бесплатные антивирусы 2018.

Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК – что делать

При попытке открыть некоторые установочные файлы в Windows 8/8.1/10, пользователь получает ошибку “Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК”. Сбой может возникать с любым софтом League of Legends, GTA 5, Rivatuner Statistics Server, iTunes, MSI Afterburner и другие. После сбоя запуск можно только завершить. Сегодня мы расскажем о всех случаях, при которых возникает проблема, а также распишем все возможные решения.

Что за ошибка?

Итак, приложение нельзя запустить в Windows по нескольким причинам: не совпадает разрядность файла и ОС, установочный пакет программы содержит “битые” части, программа устарела, блокировка из-за вирусной активности. У многих пользователей ошибка стала возникать после обновления сборки десятки и связано это напрямую связано с борьбой против пиратства. Итак, давайте по-пунктам опишем все решения проблемы, начиная с самых очевидных.

Ошибка запуска: Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК

Не совпадает разрядность (x32 – x64)

Итак, наиболее часто сбой возникает из-за неверной разрядности. Наверняка у Вас стоит Виндовс (10/8) версии x32, а запустить на ней вы пытаетесь программу под x64. Лишний раз проверить это можно в “Свойствах системы”. Откройте проводник (любая папка), слева будет меню основных папок. Там ищите “Мой компьютер”, кликаете правой кнопкой и проходите в Свойства. В графе “Тип системы” будет указана ваша разрядность.

Проверка разрядности системы в Windows 10

Если вы счастливый обладатель 32-битной версии, тогда есть два решения: повторно загрузите версию приложения с вашей разрядностью или переведите Windows на x64. С первым вариантом все понятно – просто ищем название софта с нужной приставкой. Во втором случае, вам придется дополнительно установить утилиту Media Creation Tools (версия x32), которая смонтирует установочный образ десятки на флешку, а после, по всем канонам, устанавливать ОС через BIOS. Вот видео-урок по такому переходу на новую разрядность.

Это интересно! Посмотрите наш материал, как просто получить официальную версию Windows 10.

Если у вас определяется 64-разрядная версия, а ошибка все равно возникает, тогда стоит проверить все остальные моменты, начиная с совместимости. Через правую кнопку откройте свойства файла, там выполните три пункта, указанных на скрине.

Выполните опции Совместимости

Борьба с пиратством

Дело в том, что после обновлений сборки еще в 2016 году, появилась опция защиты, которая сбрасывает активацию приложений и блокирует их. Теперь ведется борьба с кряками, таблетками и прочими скриптами. Пользователь все чаще вынужден прибегать к лицензии, либо искать другие выходы. В этом случае я бы рекомендовал искать другой источник с игрой и бегать по тематическим форумам в поисках решений.

Битые установочные файлы

Также есть вариант, что ваша загрузка была не завершена, заблокирована антивирусом, либо просто содержит битые файлы, которые не запускаются. В таком случае вам нужно повторить загрузку, либо найти другой источник. На время скачивания и запуска желательно полностью отключить антивирус. Также можно заранее проверить систему на зловреды. Примените актуальные сейчас AdwCleaner, MalwareBytes. В конце можно подчистить реестр, через утилиту CCleaner.

Устаревший софт

Более редко нельзя запустить приложение на вашем ПК из-за её древности. Возможно вы запускаете старую, 16 битную версию софта, которая в новой десятке не поддерживается. Для таких древних игр необходим эмулятор типа DosBox. Грузить его нужно с официального сайта www.dosbox.com. Инструкции по нему, русификатор и команды есть в Сети.

Эмулятор DOSBox для запуска 16 битных игр

Наибольшая проблема у пользователей с запуском RivaTuner. Внимательно изучите битность программки, также вариантом будет применение beta-версии на компьютере.

Важно знать! 32-битные приложения работают на Виндовс x32/x64, а вот 64-битные запустятся только на Виндовс x64.


Мы рассказали про все основные причины появления ошибки “Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК”. Отбросили ситуации, когда вы скачиваете софт вообще для модифицированных или других систем, потому как тут уже ничего не поможет. В конце хотел бы добавить – чистите систему, ставьте актуальные пакеты обновлений сборки, следите за компонентами Microsoft (.NET Framework, Visual C++) и DirectX.

Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК с Windows 10

При запуске некоторых приложений пользователь может столкнуться с ошибкой. В ней нет точной информации о причине, поэтому новичкам непонятно, что необходимо делать в такой ситуации. Неполадка может быть связана со многими факторами, включая вирусы на ПК, поврежденное приложение, неправильные настройки запуска и ограниченный доступ. Сегодня мы разберемся, что делать если на Windows 10 при запуске программы возникает окно с текстом «Невозможно запустить это приложение на вашем ПК».

Данная проблема может возникнуть не только на Windows 10. Ошибка при включении приложений появляется на «Восьмерке», «Семерке», но там она имеет несколько иной внешний вид.

Изменение свойств запуска

Сначала опробуем все стандартные методы, которые могут исправить ситуацию на любой операционной системе от Microsoft. Первым делом, нужно попытаться запустить приложение с администраторскими правами. Сделать это можно через соответствующий пункт в контекстном меню.

Также необходимо протестировать режимы совместимости. Особенно в тех случаях, когда речь идет о старых программах или играх, выпущенных до выхода Windows 8 или 10. Для проверки данного варианта нужно:

  1. Через контекстное меню открыть «Свойства».
  2. Зайти во вкладку «Совместимость».
  3. Поставить галочку в пункте режима совместимости. В списке попробуйте выбрать один из вариантов ОС.
  4. Сохраните изменения и попробуйте запустить приложение.

Также через свойства можно запустить средство устранения неполадок с совместимостью. Возможно, штатная утилита поможет подобрать правильные настройки.

Если речь идет о приложении для Windows XP или более старой ОС, то лучше воспользоваться эмулятором операционной системы.

Отключение защиты Windows

На работоспособность сторонних программ может повлиять блокировка со стороны защитника и брандмауэра Windows. Попробуйте их временно отключить и проверить запуск проблемного приложения. Для этого необходимо:

  1. Открыть «Параметры».
  2. Зайти в «Безопасность Windows».
  3. В параметрах защиты от вирусов и угроз выключить защиту в реальном времени.
  4. Теперь зайти в раздел настроек брандмауэра и выключить службу.
  5. После этого перезагрузить компьютер.

Несовпадение разрядности

Еще одна причина – это неправильная разрядность операционной системы. Такое случается при попытке запуска приложений, разработанных специально под 32-битные ОС. Если у вас установлена Windows 10 64-bit, то запустить подобную программу никак не получится. В этой ситуации есть только два пути решения: установить эмулятор ОС и Windows на 32 бита или полностью переустановить систему. Первый вариант более рациональный, особенно в том случае, если у вас достаточно мощный компьютер.

Вирусное ПО может заблокировать возможность запуска и деятельность любого приложения. Обязательно просканируйте систему на наличие угроз. Мы не рекомендуем пользоваться только встроенным защитником Windows. Установите один из бесплатных сторонних антивирусов.

Откат до контрольной точки

Последний вариант исправления ошибки – это полный откат состояния системы. Восстановление до контрольной точки не удаляет ваши настройки, файлы и так далее. Процедура восстанавливает системные параметры и записи до определенной даты и времени. Сделать данную операцию можно стандартными средствами Windows.

Найти нужную утилиту можно через панель управления в разделе «Восстановление».


Помимо текстовой инструкции, у нас есть наглядное руководство в формате видеоролика. Если вы сомневаетесь в своих навыках работы с ПК, то приступайте к действиям только после изучения видеоинструкции!


Невозможность запуска приложений на Windows 10 решается разными способами. Попробуйте все методы из статьи по порядку, завершая откатом операционной системы. Если ни один из вариантов не помог, значит, или программа не предназначена для вашей ОС, или загвоздка кроется в неисправных или поврежденных файлах приложения. Попробуйте скачать софт из другого источника и переустановить его. Пишите свои вопросы в комментариях к руководству, а мы обязательно прочтем их и ответим каждому посетителю сайта!

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