V2c unknown hasp api 42 error

Sentinel ​License Authorization Update This KB article describes the License Authorization Update procedure for use with FRED keys of the Sentinel type. Updated license authorization files may be issued by Photon Engineering as the result of a license maintenance contract renewal, upgrade, or upon receipt of payment for a new license. In these cases, […]


  1. Sentinel ​License Authorization Update
  2. Updating a Sentinel license using the Admin Control Center (ACC)
  3. Updating a Sentinel License from within FRED
  4. Sentinel Error Codes
  5. Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7
  6. unixforum.org
  7. Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7
  8. Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7
  9. Re: Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7
  10. Re: Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7
  11. Re: Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7
  12. FAQ 002776 RU
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  14. Я получил новый файл V2C для сетевой лицензии. При попытке установить его на сервере лицензий появляется сообщение Код ошибки 55: HASP_UPDATE_TOO_NEW или Код ошибки 54: HASP_UPDATE_TOO_OLD В чем может быть причина?
  15. Ответ
  16. Ключевые слова

This KB article describes the License Authorization Update procedure for use with FRED keys of the Sentinel type.

Updated license authorization files may be issued by Photon Engineering as the result of a license maintenance contract renewal, upgrade, or upon receipt of payment for a new license. In these cases, the license authorization codes are provided by Photon Engineering electronically in a «vendor to customer» file (.v2c file) and can be applied to the corresponding FRED license using the procedures below. The license update only needs to be performed one time by any client PC running FRED or by use of the Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC).

Updating a Sentinel license using the Admin Control Center (ACC)

1. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:1947
2. Click on the Sentinel Keys link of the Options list on the left hand side of the ACC to display a list of Sentinel keys visible to the client PC. Confirm that the Sentinel license intended to be updated is visible.
3. Click on the Update/Attach link of the Options list on the left hand side of the ACC.
4. Press the Choose File button and browse to the .v2c file provided by Photon Engineering.
5. Press the Apply File button to apply the new license file. If the key is visible, as determined in step 2, then the ACC automatically updates the appropriate key for the supplied .v2c file.
6. Return to the Sentinel Keys display in the ACC. Press the Features button for the updated key to review the new license information.

Updating a Sentinel License from within FRED

Note for Network licenses: The following instructions assume that if the Sentinel license being updated is a network license; (a) the client PC running FRED is on the same network as the server computer hosting the Sentinel key, and (b) the Sentinel Runtime Environment is installed and running on the client PC as well as the network license server.

1. Start a FRED session on the client PC.
2. If the License Search Strategy dialog is automatically opened upon startup, then the FRED session was unable to acquire a license.

If you are updating a single-user dongle:

  • Verify that the dongle is plugged into the client PC
  • Verify that the Sentinel License Search Strategy allows for acquisition of the local dongle license. If not, define a search strategy that allows connection to the local dongle and restart FRED.

If you are updating a single-user softkey, network dongle, or network softkey:

  • Verify that the Sentinel runtime environment is installed and running on the client PC by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:1947. The Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC) should be accessible.
  • Using the ACC, verify that the license being updated is visible in the Sentinel Keys list

Otherwise, go to Help > License Search Strategy and then press the Sentinel Dialog button in order to open the Sentinel License Authorization dialog.

3. In the License Registration Actions section of the (Sentinel) FRED License Authorization dialog, choose the «Apply update (.v2c .h2h .r2h or .h2r)» option from the drop-list menu.
4. In the Parameters section, use the «. » button of the «Select Update File» row to browse to the .v2c file supplied by Photon Engineering.
5. Press the «Do Action» button in the License Registration Actions section. Note that a warning message will be presented indicating that an interruption to the license service will be incurred as a consequence of the license update.
6. If the license update is successful, then a message will be presented with the following text: «Successful update. You can close and then reopen this License Authorization Dialog to view the updated parameters.»

It may take up to a minute before the updated license information is available to be displayed in the license authorization dialog. Alternatively, FRED can be closed and re-opened to display the updated license information.

If the license update is not successful, an error message will be displayed in the Action Status portion of the (Sentinel) FRED License Authorization dialog. A list of potential licensing error codes is provided in the Sentinel Error Codes section below.

Note that the updated license parameters for the key can only be viewed from within the License Authorization Dialog if the updated key is currently connected to FRED. The updated license authorization for the key can also be viewed using the Features option for the key of interest in the ACC.

Sentinel Error Codes

The following table itemizes the error codes that may be encountered when using the Sentinel licensing implementation. This information may be useful when debugging a failed license update operation.


Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7

Хеллоу эвриван. Идет второй день обряда шаманства с бубном, поэтому хочу спросить совета. Похожие темы есть, но вся суть в деталях. Ответа пока так и не нашел, перейду к сути

Короткое описание

Необходимо подружить HASP ключ защиты 1С с CentOS 7. На данном этапе имеем ошибку:

не найдена лицензия.Не обнаружен ключ защиты программы или полученная программная лицензия

Подробоне описание

1. Linux 3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.x86_64 / CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

2. На хосте установлена и работает- samba, cups, ntp.

3. Файловая 1с v., db на samba share (c доступом до db проблем нет).

4. Сетевой ключ с лицензиями Aladin 1С H4 NET5. ( вот как он выглядит )

Клиенты запускают 1С, находят лицензию в сети, 1С запускатеся после прохождения аутентификации. Никаких сообщений об ошибках не наблюдается.

При подключении к db и после ввода логина/пароля с любой клиентской машины с 1С, 1С выводит следующее:

не найдена лицензия.Не обнаружен ключ защиты программы или полученная программная лицензия

Step to reproduce:

1. На сайте поставщика ключа сказано: необходимо обращаться в SafeNet. Т.е. нужно скачивать драйвера с сайта производителя SafeNet.

2. Скачал Sentinel_LDK_RedHat_and_SuSE_RPM_Run-time_Installer.tar

3. Установил. systemctl restart aksusbd && systemctl status aksusbd

4. Настроил на клиентской машине nethasp.ini с прямым указанием адреса сервера лицензий

5. В итоге получаем — см. «Фактический результат»

Что пробовал сделать дополнительно:

1. Настраивал по мануалу отсюда и отсюда и отсюда. Итог — см. «Фактический результат» (на самом деле пробовал еще пару манулов, но все они примерно одного толку).

2. Selinux = disabled, iptables and firewall-cmd отключены.

1. Лог с момента подключения USB ключа

2. Вывод netstat -anp | grep aksusb

3. Вывод netstat -lunp | grep hasplm

4. AKS Monitor, установленный на другой Windows машине вообще не видит в сети hasp licence manager.

1. Вычитал, что hasp licence manager должен слушать 475 UDP порт., чего я не увидел.

2. Также вычитал здесь, что кто-то использовал драйвера и licence manager от etersoft

(в моем случае — ftp://download.etersoft.ru/pub/Etersoft/HASP/last/CentOS/7). Но есть сомнения у меня, что и это заработает.

3. Напрягает, что в логах есть error относительно этого (полный log смотри выше)

Может в этом дело конечно, но что делать с этим? Не силен в настраивании rules.



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Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7

Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7

Сообщение uncle Sam » 29.06.2016 16:49

Хеллоу эвриван. Идет второй день обряда шаманства с бубном, поэтому хочу спросить совета. Похожие темы есть, но вся суть в деталях. Ответа пока так и не нашел, перейду к сути

Необходимо подружить HASP ключ защиты 1С с CentOS 7. На данном этапе имеем ошибку:

1. Linux 3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.x86_64 / CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
2. На хосте установлена и работает- samba, cups, ntp.
3. Файловая 1с v., db на samba share (c доступом до db проблем нет).
4. Сетевой ключ с лицензиями Aladin 1С H4 NET5. ( вот как он выглядит )

Клиенты запускают 1С, находят лицензию в сети, 1С запускатеся после прохождения аутентификации. Никаких сообщений об ошибках не наблюдается.

При подключении к db и после ввода логина/пароля с любой клиентской машины с 1С, 1С выводит следующее:

1. На сайте поставщика ключа сказано: необходимо обращаться в SafeNet. Т.е. нужно скачивать драйвера с сайта производителя SafeNet.
2. Скачал Sentinel_LDK_RedHat_and_SuSE_RPM_Run-time_Installer.tar
3. Установил. systemctl restart aksusbd && systemctl status aksusbd

4. Настроил на клиентской машине nethasp.ini с прямым указанием адреса сервера лицензий

5. В итоге получаем — см. «Фактический результат»

Что пробовал сделать дополнительно:

1. Настраивал по мануалу отсюда и отсюда и отсюда. Итог — см. «Фактический результат» (на самом деле пробовал еще пару манулов, но все они примерно одного толку).
2. Selinux = disabled, iptables and firewall-cmd отключены.

1. Лог с момента подключения USB ключа

2. Вывод netstat -anp | grep aksusb

3. Вывод netstat -lunp | grep hasplm

4. AKS Monitor, установленный на другой Windows машине вообще не видит в сети hasp licence manager.

1. Вычитал, что hasp licence manager должен слушать 475 UDP порт., чего я не увидел.
2. Также вычитал здесь, что кто-то использовал драйвера и licence manager от etersoft
(в моем случае — ftp://download.etersoft.ru/pub/Etersoft/HASP/last/CentOS/7). Но есть сомнения у меня, что и это заработает.
3. Напрягает, что в логах есть error относительно этого (полный log смотри выше)

Может в этом дело конечно, но что делать с этим?Не силен в настраивании rules.

Что я делаю не так и куда копать?

З.Ы. Буду очень признателен за помощь.

Re: Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7

Сообщение uncle Sam » 29.06.2016 17:42

Пока суть да дело, попробовал поставить драйвера от etersoft, упомянутые выше.

1. Удалили старые драйвера:

2. Скачал новые для своей системы с сайта:

4.Вставляем ключ снова, рестартим, проверяем запуск 1С и смотрим логи.

Пробовал запустить 1С — ошибка таже. (см. текст ошибки полностью)

4. netstat -anp | grep aksusb

5. netstat -lunp | grep hasplm

Здесь я вижу что hasp licence manager слушает 475 порт.

6. Также с этими драйверами немного изменился и AKS Monitor (см. как он выглядит)

З.Ы. По прежнему не работает.

Re: Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7

Сообщение Hoblin » 29.06.2016 22:04

Как великолепно собрана и оформлена информация о проблеме!

Поскольку уже так сильно погрузились в тему, попробуйте наложить ещё эту инструкцию. В ней вроде нет ничего, что вы не сделали, но вдруг иное изложение натолкнёт на путь решения. Конечно, там используется eterkeytest, входящий в состав WINE@Etersoft, но можно либо обойтись без него, либо потратить время и поставить локальную версию WINE@Etersoft, она бесплатна.
Кстати, драйверы HASP@Etersoft — это просто сборки аладдиновских драйверов, а не собственная разработка. Нам не удобно их поддерживать в том виде, в каком они поставлялись Аладдином.

Обратите внимание, что в nethasp.ini следует ставить виндовые концы строк. И убедитесь, что nethasp.ini находится в надлежащем месте (навскидку не помню, где для какой 1Ски должен быть, но могу потом уточнить). Я искал бы проблему в первую очередь в неприменении конфига. Вроде остальное всё правильно настроено и должно бы работать.

Не понял, с винды или линукса запускаете 1С.

Re: Проблема подключения HASP ключа 1С к CentOS 7

Сообщение uncle Sam » 06.07.2016 03:37

Решил «заморочиться с локальным Wine. По порядку:

1. Скачал отсюда что было (там только для 6-ой версии я так понял.)

2. Пробую установить:

Вообщем установил только это yum’ом:

Вот это не серчится в подключенных репо.

На том и оставил затею пока.

с Win 7 Prof x64

Нашел дефалтовый, он был в C:Program Files (x86)1c* и просто его заменил


FAQ 002776 RU

Полезные вопросы и ответы

Коды ошибок 55 и 54

Эта статья была переведена Google Translator

Я получил новый файл V2C для сетевой лицензии.
При попытке установить его на сервере лицензий появляется сообщение
Код ошибки 55: HASP_UPDATE_TOO_NEW
Код ошибки 54: HASP_UPDATE_TOO_OLD
В чем может быть причина?


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Длительность 0:10 мин

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Длительность 0:10 мин

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Длительность 0:54 мин

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Коды ошибок 55 и 54

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Все модели из программы RFEM и RSTAB можно легко сохранить в виде трехмерных glTF моделей (форматы *.glb и *.glTF) Просматривайте свои модели прямо в 3D с помощью средства просмотра от компании Google и Baylon или возьмите, например, Oculus — очки виртуальной реальности, и просто «прогуляйтесь» по конструкции.

С помощью языка JavaScript и данных инструкций потом можно интегрировать эти 3D glTF модели также на свой собственный сайт подобным образом, как это сделали мы (см. сайт Dlubal, раздел «Модели для скачивания»).



Решение проблем с технологией защиты

  1. Если драйвер, поставляемый с установочным диском устарел, то последнюю версию драйвера всегда можно получить на сайте компании SafeNet http://safenet-sentinel.ru/helpdesk/.

HASP LM Server running

Сообшение при установке драйвера ключа защиты Sentinel Hasp:
 HASP LM Server running

Уже запущен менеджер лицензий HASP. Это не одно и тоже, что Sentinel HASP.

  1. Дождитесь, когда пользователи выйдут из баз 1С и прекратят использовать прочие ключи HASP.

  2. Остановите службу «HASP Loader».

  3. Установите драйвер защиты из дистрибутива МИКО.

Ошибка 48

Установлен «не поддерживаемый» драйвер защиты.
Проблема описана в статье HASP_NO_VLIB


  1. Удалите используемый драйвер защиты Sentinel HASP.

  2. Установите драйвер защиты из дистрибутива МИКО.

Ошибка 42

При подключении панели телефонии может возникать следующая ошибка «Версия менеджера лицензии Sential HASP устарела КОД: 042«

Ошибка означает, что у Вас используется версия панели телефонии, которая не может работать с установленной на данный момент версией драйвера Hasp. Необходимо обновить версию драйвера HASP. Решение представлено в инструкции.

Ошибка H0033

Системное сообщение «Unable to access Sentinel Run-time Environment (H0033)».


  1. Установите драйвер защиты из дистрибутива МИКО.

  2. Откройте обработку 1С повторно.

Ошибка 48 5 718 1275

Эта ошибка может возникать при попытке установки драйвера защиты.
 Ошибка 48 5 718 1275

Скорее всего устанавливаемый драйвер защиты устарел. Скачайте актуальный дистрибутив панели телефонии. В каталоге «Protect» находится актуальная версия драйвера для текущего релиза панели телефонии.

ПК не видит сетевой ключ

Если на удаленной машине захватывается тиральный ключ, это значит что ПК не видит лицензий с удаленной машины.

На клиентской машине нужно установить драйвер защиты.
Перейти в браузере в http://localhost:1947

В настройках указать «Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses».

В поле «Specify Search Parameters» указать ip адреса сервера с лицензией.
Адреса вводятся каджый на новой строке.

В http://localhost:1947/_int_/devices.html
должны отобразиться ключи с удаленной машины.

Hasp Key Inactive

Сообщение наблюдается в web интерфейсе localhost:1947, в разделе «Sentinel Keys»:

Сообщение означает, что ключ был отключен. Такое может происходит в случае апгрейда ключа до большего числа лицензий. В таком случае необходимо активировать дополнительный «.v2c» файл.

В личном кабинете будет два ключа защиты:

  1. Основной ключ

  2. Ключ апгрейда на более емкий.

Для случая переустановки ОС следует активировать ключи последовательно.


This KB article describes the License Authorization Update procedure for use with FRED keys of the Sentinel type.

Updated license authorization files may be issued by Photon Engineering as the result of a license maintenance contract renewal, upgrade, or upon receipt of payment for a new license.  In these cases, the license authorization codes are provided by Photon Engineering electronically in a «vendor to customer» file (.v2c file) and can be applied to the corresponding FRED license using the procedures below.  The license update only needs to be performed one time by any client PC running FRED or by use of the Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC).

Note for Network licenses: The following instructions assume that if the Sentinel license being updated is a network license; (a) the client PC running FRED is on the same network as the server computer hosting the Sentinel key, and (b) the Sentinel Runtime Environment is installed and running on the client PC as well as the network license server.

The following table itemizes the error codes that may be encountered when using the Sentinel licensing implementation.  This information may be useful when debugging a failed license update operation.

Code Status Description
0 HASP_STATUS_OK Request was successfully completed
1 HASP_MEM_RANGE Request exceeds the Sentinel protection key memory range
2 HASP_INV_PROGNUM_OPT Legacy HASP HL Run-time API: Unknown/Invalid Feature ID option
3 HASP_INSUF_MEM System is out of memory
4 HASP_TMOF Too many open sessions exist
5 HASP_ACCESS_DENIED Access to Feature was denied
6 HASP_INCOMPAT_FEATURE Legacy decryption function cannot work on Feature
7 HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND Sentinel protection key is no longer available
8 HASP_TOO_SHORT Encrypted/decrypted data length too short to execute function call
9 HASP_INV_HND Invalid handle was passed to function
10 HASP_INV_FILEID Specified File ID is not recognized by API
11 HASP_OLD_DRIVER Installed driver is too old to execute function
12 HASP_NO_TIME Real-time clock (RTC) not available
13 HASP_SYS_ERROR Generic error from host system call
14 HASP_NO_DRIVER Required driver is not installed
15 HASP_INV_FORMAT File format for update is not recognized
16 HASP_REQ_NOT_SUPP Unable to execute function in this context
17 HASP_INV_UPDATE_OBJ Binary data that was passed to function does not contain an update
18 HASP_KEYID_NOT_FOUND Sentinel protection key was not found
19 HASP_INV_UPDATE_DATA Required XML tags were not found
Contents in binary data are missing or invalid
20 HASP_INV_UPDATE_NOTSUPP Update request is not supported by Sentinel protection key
21 HASP_INV_UPDATE_CNTR Update counter is not set correctly
22 HASP_INV_VCODE    Invalid Vendor Code was passed
23 HASP_ENC_NOT_SUPP Sentinel protection key does not support encryption type
24 HASP_INV_TIME The time value that was passed is outside the supported value range
25 HASP_NO_BATTERY_POWER The real-time clock battery has run out of power
26 HASP_NO_ACK_SPACE Acknowledge data that was requested by the update ack_data parameter is NULL
27 HASP_TS_DETECTED Program is running on a terminal server
28 HASP_FEATURE_TYPE_NOT_IMPL Requested Feature type is not implemented
29 HASP_UNKNOWN_ALG Unknown algorithm used in V2C or V2CP file
30 HASP_INV_SIG Signature verification operation failed
31 HASP_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND Requested Feature not found
32 HASP_NO_LOG Access log not enabled
33 HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR Communication error occurred between the API and the local Sentinel License Manager
34 HASP_UNKNOWN_VCODE Vendor Code is not recognized by API
35 HASP_INVSPEC Invalid XML specification exists
36 HASP_INV_SCOPE Invalid XML scope exists
37 HASP_TOO_MANY_KEYS Too many Sentinel protection keys are currently connected
38 HASP_TOO_MANY_USERS Too many users are currently connected
39 HASP_BROKEN_SESSION Session was interrupted. This can occur when certain updates are applied to the license while a session is active. For example:

  • A Feature required by the session was deleted.
  • The license was canceled.
  • The network (remote license) support setting for a required Feature was changed. (In this case, all sessions will be interrupted, including local sessions.)
40 HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR Communication error occurred between local and remote Sentinel License Managers
41 HASP_FEATURE_EXPIRED Feature expired or no executions remain
42 HASP_OLD_LM Sentinel License Manager version too old
43 HASP_DEVICE_ERR For a Sentinel SL key, an input/output error occurred in the secure storage area
For a Sentinel HL key, a USB communication error occurred
44 HASP_UPDATE_BLOCKED Update installation not permitted
45 HASP_TIME_ERR System time has been tampered with
46 HASP_SCHAN_ERR Communication error occurred in the secure channel
47 HASP_STORAGE_CORRUPT Corrupt data exists in secure storage area of Sentinel protection key
48 HASP_NO_VLIB The customized vendor library (haspvlib.vendorID.*) cannot be located
49 HASP_INV_VLIB Unable to load Vendor library
50 HASP_SCOPE_RESULTS_EMPTY Unable to locate any Feature that matches the scope
51 HASP_VM_DETECTED Protected application is running on a virtual machine, but one or more Features are not enabled for virtual machines.
The user attempted to rehost a protection key from a physical machine to a virtual machine. However, none of the Features contained in the protection key are enabled for virtual machines.
52 HASP_HARDWARE_MODIFIED Sentinel SL key incompatible with machine hardware. Sentinel SL key locked to different hardware.
In the case of a V2C or V2CP file, conflict between Sentinel SL key data and machine hardware data. Sentinel SL key locked to different hardware.
53 HASP_USER_DENIED Login denied because of user restrictions
54 HASP_UPDATE_TOO_OLD Trying to install a V2C or V2CP file with an update counter that is out of sequence with update counter in the Sentinel protection key. Values of update counter in file are lower than those in Sentinel protection key.
55 HASP_UPDATE_TOO_NEW Trying to install a V2C or V2CP file with an update counter that is out of sequence with the update counter in the Sentinel protection key. First value in file is more-than-1 greater than value in Sentinel protection key.
56 HASP_OLD_VLIB Vendor library is too old
57 HASP_UPLOAD_ERROR Check in of a file (such as  V2C, H2R) using Admin Control Center failed, possibly because of illegal format
59 HASP_INV_ACTION Invalid XML action parameter
60 HASP_TOO_MANY_PRODUCTS The scope specified in the Transfer function does not specify a unique Product
61 HASP_INV_PRODUCT Invalid Product information
62 HASP_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT Update can only be applied to recipient machine specified in the Detach function, not to this machine
63 HASP_INVALID_DURATION Invalid detached license duration period specified. Duration must be less than or equal to maximum allowed for this license.
Duration extension is to a date earlier than the expiration date of the current detached license.
64 HASP_CLONE_DETECTED Cloned Sentinel SL storage was detected. Feature is unavailable.
65 HASP_UPDATE_ALREADY_ADDED The specified V2C or or V2CP update was already installed in the License Manager service
66 HASP_HASP_INACTIVE Specified Key ID is in Inactive state
67 HASP_NO_DETACHABLE_FEATURE No detachable Feature exists in the specified key from which the detached license is requested
68 HASP_TOO_MANY_HOSTS The specified scope does not specify a unique host
69 HASP_REHOST_NOT_ALLOWED Rehost action is not allowed for the specified Key  ID
70 HASP_LICENSE_REHOSTED Original license has been transferred to another machine. Therefore, the license cannot be returned to the source machine.
71 HASP_REHOST_ALREADY_APPLIED Old rehost license cannot be applied. A rehost-counter mismatch occurred
72 HASP_CANNOT_READ_FILE A V2C or V2CP file was not found, or access was denied
73 HASP_EXTENSION_NOT_ALLOWED The license cannot be extended because the number of detached licenses is greater than the number of concurrent licenses allowed
74 HASP_DETACH_DISABLED The user attempted to detach a Product from a network license hosted on a virtual machine. However, none of the Features included in the Product are enabled for virtual machines.
75 HASP_REHOST_DISABLED The user attempted to rehost a protection key from a virtual machine. However, none of the Features contained in the protection key are enabled for virtual machines.
76 HASP_DETACHED_LICENSE_FOUND The user attempted to format an SL-AdminMode key or to migrate an SL-Legacy key to an SL-AdminMode key. However, a Product is currently detached from the key.
77 HASP_RECIPIENT_OLD_LM For a rehost operation: The fingerprint of the target machine was collected using tools (RUS utility or Licensing API) earlier than Sentinel LDK v.7.0.
78 HASP_SECURE_STORE_ID_MISMATCH A secure storage ID mismatch occurred.
79 HASP_DUPLICATE_HOSTNAME The license fingerprint is bound to a specific hostname; however, two or more machines with this hostname were found in the network. As a result, the license cannot be used.
80 HASP_MISSING_LM A protected application tried to log in to a Feature that supports concurrency on a Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) key. The Sentinel LDK License Manager service is not active on the computer where the key is located.
81 HASP_FEATURE_INSUFFICIENT_EXECUTION_COUNT A protected application tried to consume multiple executions while logging in to a Feature. However, the license does not contain the number of executions that were requested.
83 HASP_HASP_DISABLED A Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) key was disabled because a user attempted to tamper with the key or with the protected application.
400 HASP_NO_API_DYLIB Unable to locate dynamic library for API
401 HASP_INVALID_API_DYLIB Dynamic library for API is invalid
500 HASP_INVALID_OBJECT Object was incorrectly initialized
501 HASP_INVALID_PARAMETER Scope string is too long (maximum length is 32 KB)
502 HASP_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN Logging in twice to same object
503 HASP_ALREADY_LOGGED_OUT Logging out twice from same object
525 HASP_OPERATION_FAILED Incorrect use of system or platform
698 HASP_NOT_IMPL Requested function was not implemented
In the case of the API Dispatcher, API DLL is too old
699 HASP_INT_ERR Internal error occurred in the API
/*! file hasp_api.h HASP SRM API declarations * */ /*! * mainpage HASP SRM High Level API * Copyright Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. * * $Id: hasp_api.h,v 1.17 2007/02/24 10:15:22 andi Exp $ */ #ifndef __HASP_API_H__ #define __HASP_API_H__ #if !defined(WITH_AKSTYPES) && !defined(WITH_OEFTYPES) #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__) typedef unsigned __int64 hasp_u64_t; typedef signed __int64 hasp_s64_t; #else typedef unsigned long long hasp_u64_t; typedef signed long long hasp_s64_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) typedef unsigned long hasp_u32_t; typedef signed long hasp_s32_t; #else typedef unsigned int hasp_u32_t; typedef signed int hasp_s32_t; #endif typedef unsigned short hasp_u16_t; typedef signed short hasp_s16_t; typedef signed char hasp_s8_t; typedef unsigned char hasp_u8_t; #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) #define HASP_CALLCONV __stdcall #else #define HASP_CALLCONV #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern «C« { #endif /*! @defgroup hasp_feature_ids Feature ID defines * * See also ref hasp_features * * @{ */ /*! brief «Featuretype» mask * * AND-mask used to identify feature type */ #define HASP_FEATURETYPE_MASK 0xffff0000 /*! brief «PROGRAM NUMBER FEATURE» type * * After AND-ing with HASP_FEATURETYPE_MASK feature type contain this value. */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_FEATURETYPE 0xffff0000 /*! brief program number mask * * AND-mask used to extract program number from feature id if program number feature. */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_MASK 0x000000ff /*! brief prognum options mask * * AND-mask used to identify prognum options: * — HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_NO_LOCAL * — HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_NO_REMOTE * — HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_PROCESS * — HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_CLASSIC * — HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_TS * * 3 bits of the mask are reserved for future extensions and currently unused. * Initialize them to zero. */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_MASK 0x0000ff00 /*! brief «Prognum» option * * Disable local license search */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_NO_LOCAL 0x00008000 /*! brief «Prognum» option * * Disable network license search */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_NO_REMOTE 0x00004000 /*! brief «Prognum» option * * Sets session count of network licenses to per-process */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_PROCESS 0x00002000 /*! brief «Prognum» option * * Enables the API to access «classic» (HASP4 or earlier) keys */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_CLASSIC 0x00001000 /*! brief «Prognum» option * * Presence of Terminal Services gets ignored */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_TS 0x00000800 /*! brief HASP default feature id * * Present in every hardware key. */ #define HASP_DEFAULT_FID 0 /*! brief «Prognum» default feature id * * Present in every hardware HASP key. */ #define HASP_PROGNUM_DEFAULT_FID (HASP_DEFAULT_FID | HASP_PROGNUM_FEATURETYPE) /*! @} */ /*! brief Invalid handle value for hasp_login() and hasp_login_scope() functions. */ #define HASP_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE 0 /*! brief Minimal block size for hasp_encrypt() and hasp_decrypt() functions. */ #define HASP_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE 16 /*! brief Minimal block size for legacy functions hasp_legacy_encrypt() * and hasp_legacy_decrypt(). */ #define HASP_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_LEGACY 8 /*! @defgroup hasp_file_ids Memory file id defines * * @{ */ /*! brief HASP4 memory file. * * File id for HASP4 compatible memory contents w/o FAS */ #define HASP_FILEID_MAIN 0xfff0 /*! brief HASP4 FAS memory file. * * (Dummy) file id for license data area of memory contents */ #define HASP_FILEID_LICENSE 0xfff2 /*! brief HASP writable memory file. * * File id for HASP secure writable memory */ #define HASP_FILEID_RW 0xfff4 /*! brief HASP read only memory file. * * File id for HASP secure read only memory */ #define HASP_FILEID_RO 0xfff5 /*! @} */ /*! @defgroup hasp_error_codes Error code defines * * @{ */ enum hasp_error_codes { HASP_STATUS_OK = 0, /*!< no error occurred */ HASP_MEM_RANGE = 1, /*!< invalid memory address */ HASP_INV_PROGNUM_OPT = 2, /*!< unknown/invalid feature id option */ HASP_INSUF_MEM = 3, /*!< memory allocation failed */ HASP_TMOF = 4, /*!< too many open features */ HASP_ACCESS_DENIED = 5, /*!< feature access denied */ HASP_INCOMPAT_FEATURE = 6, /*!< incompatible feature */ HASP_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND = 7, /*!< deprecated — use HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND */ HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND = 7, /*!< HASP not found */ HASP_TOO_SHORT = 8, /*!< en-/decryption length too short */ HASP_INV_HND = 9, /*!< invalid handle */ HASP_INV_FILEID = 10, /*!< invalid file id / memory descriptor */ HASP_OLD_DRIVER = 11, /*!< driver or support daemon version too old */ HASP_NO_TIME = 12, /*!< real time support not available */ HASP_SYS_ERR = 13, /*!< generic error from host system call */ HASP_NO_DRIVER = 14, /*!< no HASP drivers found */ HASP_INV_FORMAT = 15, /*!< unrecognized info format */ HASP_REQ_NOT_SUPP = 16, /*!< request not supported */ HASP_INV_UPDATE_OBJ = 17, /*!< invalid update object */ HASP_KEYID_NOT_FOUND = 18, /*!< key with requested id was not found */ HASP_INV_UPDATE_DATA = 19, /*!< update data consistency check failed */ HASP_INV_UPDATE_NOTSUPP = 20, /*!< update not supported by this key */ HASP_INV_UPDATE_CNTR = 21, /*!< update counter mismatch */ HASP_INV_VCODE = 22, /*!< invalid vendor code */ HASP_ENC_NOT_SUPP = 23, /*!< requested encryption algorithm not supported */ HASP_INV_TIME = 24, /*!< invalid date / time */ HASP_NO_BATTERY_POWER = 25, /*!< clock has no power */ HASP_NO_ACK_SPACE = 26, /*!< update requested acknowledgement, but no area to return it */ HASP_TS_DETECTED = 27, /*!< terminal services (remote terminal) detected */ HASP_FEATURE_TYPE_NOT_IMPL = 28, /*!< feature type not implemented */ HASP_UNKNOWN_ALG = 29, /*!< unknown algorithm */ HASP_INV_SIG = 30, /*!< signature check failed */ HASP_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND = 31, /*!< feature not found */ HASP_NO_LOG = 32, /*!< trace log is not enabled */ HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR = 33, /*!< communication error between application and local LM */ HASP_UNKNOWN_VCODE = 34, /*!< vendor code unknown to API library (run apigen to make it known) */ HASP_INV_SPEC = 35, /*!< invalid XML spec */ HASP_INV_SCOPE = 36, /*!< invalid XML scope */ HASP_TOO_MANY_KEYS = 37, /*!< too many keys connected */ HASP_TOO_MANY_USERS = 38, /*!< too many users */ HASP_BROKEN_SESSION = 39, /*!< broken session */ HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR = 40, /*!< communication error between local and remote LM */ HASP_FEATURE_EXPIRED = 41, /*!< the feature is expired */ HASP_OLD_LM = 42, /*!< HASP LM version too old */ HASP_DEVICE_ERR = 43, /*!< HASP SL secure storage I/O error or USB request error */ HASP_UPDATE_BLOCKED = 44, /*!< update installation not allowed */ HASP_TIME_ERR = 45, /*!< system time has been tampered */ HASP_SCHAN_ERR = 46, /*!< secure channel communication error */ HASP_STORAGE_CORRUPT = 47, /*!< secure storage contains garbage */ HASP_NO_VLIB = 48, /*!< vendor lib cannot be found */ HASP_INV_VLIB = 49, /*!< vendor lib cannot be loaded */ HASP_SCOPE_RESULTS_EMPTY = 50, /*!< scope: no matching feature found */ HASP_VM_DETECTED = 51, /*!< virtual machine detected */ HASP_HARDWARE_MODIFIED = 52, /*!< HASP update incompatible with this hardware; HASP key is locked to other hardware */ HASP_USER_DENIED = 53, /*!< login denied because of user restrictions */ HASP_UPDATE_TOO_OLD = 54, /*!< update was already installed */ HASP_UPDATE_TOO_NEW = 55, /*!< another update must be installed first */ HASP_OLD_VLIB = 56, /*!< vendor lib is too old */ /* dispatcher use */ HASP_NO_API_DYLIB = 400, /*!< A required API dynamic library was not found */ HASP_INV_API_DYLIB = 401, /*!< The found and assigned API dynamic library could not verified. */ /* c++ use */ HASP_INVALID_OBJECT = 500, HASP_INVALID_PARAMETER = 501, HASP_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN = 502, HASP_ALREADY_LOGGED_OUT = 503, /* .net use */ HASP_OPERATION_FAILED = 525, /* inside-api use */ HASP_NO_EXTBLOCK = 600, /*!< no classic memory extension block available */ /* internal use */ HASP_INV_PORT_TYPE = 650, /*!< invalid port type */ HASP_INV_PORT = 651, /*!< invalid port value */ /* catch-all */ HASP_NOT_IMPL = 698, /*!< capability isn’t available */ HASP_INT_ERR = 699, /*!< internal API error */ HASP_FIRST_HELPER = 2001, /*!< reserved for HASP Helper Libraries */ HASP_FIRST_HASP_ACT = 3001, /*!< reserved for HASP activation API */ HASP_NEXT_FREE_VALUES = 5001, }; /*! @} */ /*! @defgroup hasp_general General declarations * * @{ */ typedef enum hasp_error_codes hasp_status_t; /*!< raw error code */ typedef hasp_u32_t hasp_size_t; /*!< length */ typedef hasp_u32_t hasp_handle_t; /*!< connection handle */ typedef hasp_u32_t hasp_feature_t; /*!< feature id */ typedef hasp_u32_t hasp_fileid_t; /*!< memory file id */ typedef hasp_u64_t hasp_time_t; /*!< time, representing seconds since Jan-01-1970 0:00:00 GMT */ typedef const void *hasp_vendor_code_t; /*!< contains the vendor code */ #define HASP_UPDATEINFO «<haspformat format=«updateinfo«/>« /*!< hasp_get_sessioninfo() format to get update info (C2V) */ #define HASP_FASTUPDATEINFO «<haspformat format=«fastupdateinfo«/>« /*!< hasp_get_sessioninfo() format to get update info (C2V) */ #define HASP_SESSIONINFO «<haspformat format=«sessioninfo«/>« /*!< hasp_get_sessioninfo() format to get session info */ #define HASP_KEYINFO «<haspformat format=«keyinfo«/>« /*!< hasp_get_sessioninfo() format to get key/hardware info */ /*! @} */ /*! @defgroup hasp_basic The Basic API * * @{ */ /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Login into a feature. * * This function establishes a context (logs into a feature). * * param feature_id — Unique identifier of the featuren * With «prognum» features (see ref HASP_FEATURETYPE_MASK), * 8 bits are reserved for legacy options (see ref HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_MASK, * currently 5 bits are used): * — only local * — only remote * — login is counted per process ID * — disable terminal server check * — enable access to old (HASP3/HASP4) keys * param vendor_code — pointer to the vendor code * param handle — pointer to the resulting session handle * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND * — the requested feature isn’t available * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_TMOF * — too many open handles * — HASP_INSUF_MEM * — out of memory * — HASP_INV_VCODE * — invalid vendor code * — HASP_NO_DRIVER * — driver not installed * — HASP_OLD_DRIVER * — old driver installed * — HASP_UNKNOWN_VCODE * — vendor code unknown to API library * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_FEATURE_EXPIRED * — a feature was found, but it’s expired * — HASP_TOO_MANY_USERS * — maximum concurrency exhausted * — HASP_OLD_LM * — LM is too old * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * — HASP_INV_PROGNUM_OPT * — unknown prognum option requested (ref HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_MASK) * — HASP_TS_DETECTED * — program runs on a remote screen on Terminal Server * * sa hasp_login_scope() * sa hasp_logout() * * remark * * For local prognum features, concurrency is not handled and each login performs a decrement * if it is a counting license. * * Network prognum features just use the old HASPLM login logic with all drawbacks. * There is only support for concurrent usage of b one server (global server address). * */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_login(hasp_feature_t feature_id, hasp_vendor_code_t vendor_code, hasp_handle_t *handle); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Extended login into a feature. * * This function is an extended login function, where the search for the * feature can be restricted. * * param feature_id — Unique identifier of the featuren * «prognum» features (see ref HASP_FEATURETYPE_MASK) are not * supported by this function. * param scope — the ref hasp_scope of the feature search * param vendor_code — pointer to the vendor code * param handle — pointer to the resulting session handle * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND * — the requested feature isn’t available * — HASP_SCOPE_RESULTS_EMPTY * one or more features were found, but they do not match the scope * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_TMOF * — too many open handles * — HASP_INSUF_MEM * — out of memory * — HASP_INV_VCODE * — invalid vendor code * — HASP_NO_DRIVER * — driver not installed * — HASP_OLD_DRIVER * — old driver installed * — HASP_UNKNOWN_VCODE * — vendor code unknown to API library * — HASP_INVALID_PARAMETER * — the scope is too large * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_FEATURE_EXPIRED * — a feature was found, but it’s expired * — HASP_TOO_MANY_USERS * — maximum concurrency exhausted * — HASP_OLD_LM * — LM is too old * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * — HASP_FEATURE_TYPE_NOT_IMPL * — a «prognum» feature id was passed to the function * — HASP_INV_SCOPE * — the scope is incorrect * — HASP_HARDWARE_MODIFIED * — HASP key incompatible with this hardware; HASP * key is locked to other hardware. * * sa hasp_login() * sa hasp_logout() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_login_scope(hasp_feature_t feature_id, const char *scope, hasp_vendor_code_t vendor_code, hasp_handle_t *handle); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Logout. * * Logs out from a session and frees all allocated resources for the session. * * param handle — handle of session to log out from * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * * sa hasp_login() * sa hasp_login_scope() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_logout(hasp_handle_t handle); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Encrypt a buffer. * * This function encrypts a buffer. * * param handle — session handle * param buffer — pointer to the buffer to be encrypted * param length — size in bytes of the buffer to be encrypted (16 bytes minimum) * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_TOO_SHORT * — the length of the data to be encrypted is too short * — HASP_ENC_NOT_SUPP * — encryption type not supported by the hardware * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_SCHAN_ERR * — secure channel communication error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * * sa hasp_decrypt() * * remark * If the encryption fails (e.g. key removed in-between) the data pointed to by buffer is unmodified. */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_encrypt(hasp_handle_t handle, void *buffer, hasp_size_t length); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Decrypt a buffer. * * This function decrypts a buffer. This is the reverse operation of the * hasp_encrypt() function. See ref hasp_encrypt() for more information. * * param handle — session handle * param buffer — pointer to the buffer to be decrypted * param length — size in bytes of the buffer to be decrypted (16 bytes minimum) * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_TOO_SHORT * — the length of the data to be decrypted is too short * — HASP_ENC_NOT_SUPP * — encryption type not supported by the hardware * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * * sa hasp_encrypt() * * remark * If the decryption fails (e.g. key removed in-between) the data pointed to by buffer is unmodified. */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_decrypt(hasp_handle_t handle, void *buffer, hasp_size_t length); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Read from key memory. * * This function is used to read from the key memory. * * param handle — session handle * param fileid — id of the file to read (memory descriptor) * param offset — position in the file * param length — number of bytes to read * param buffer — result of the read operation * * return status code. * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_INV_FILEID * — unknown fileid * — HASP_MEM_RANGE * — attempt to read beyond eom * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * * remark * Valid fileids are ref HASP_FILEID_LICENSE and ref HASP_FILEID_MAIN. * * sa hasp_write(), hasp_get_size() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_read(hasp_handle_t handle, hasp_fileid_t fileid, hasp_size_t offset, hasp_size_t length, void *buffer); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Write to key memory. * * This function is used to write to the key memory. Depending on the provided * session handle (either logged into the default feature or any other feature), * write access to the FAS memory (ref HASP_FILEID_LICENSE) is not permitted. * * param handle — session handle * param fileid — id of the file to write * param offset — position in the file * param length — number of bytes to write * param buffer — what to write * * return status code. * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_INV_FILEID * — unknown fileid * — HASP_MEM_RANGE * — attempt to read beyond eom * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * * remark * Valid fileids are ref HASP_FILEID_LICENSE and ref HASP_FILEID_MAIN. * * sa hasp_read(), hasp_get_size() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_write(hasp_handle_t handle, hasp_fileid_t fileid, hasp_size_t offset, hasp_size_t length, void *buffer); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Get memory size. * * This function is used to determine the memory size. * * param handle — session handle * param fileid — id of the file to query * param size — pointer to the resulting file size * * result status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_INV_FILEID * — unknown fileid * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * * remark * Valid fileids are ref HASP_FILEID_LICENSE and ref HASP_FILEID_MAIN. * * sa hasp_read(), hasp_write() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_get_size(hasp_handle_t handle, hasp_fileid_t fileid, hasp_size_t *size); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Read current time from a time key. * * This function reads the current time from a time key. * The time will be returned in seconds since Jan-01-1970 0:00:00 GMT. * * remark The general purpose of this function is not related to * licensing, but to get reliable timestamps which are independent * from the system clock. * remark This request is only supported on locally accessed keys. Trying to * get the time from a remotely accessed key will return HASP_NO_TIME. * * param handle — session handle * param time — pointer to the actual time * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_NO_TIME * — RTC not available or remote access * — HASP_NO_BATTERY_POWER * — RTC consistency check failed, battery probably dead * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * * sa hasp_datetime_to_hasptime(), hasp_hasptime_to_datetime() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_get_rtc(hasp_handle_t handle, hasp_time_t *time); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! @} */ /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! @defgroup hasp_classic Legacy HASP functionality for backward compatibility * * @{ */ /*! brief Legacy HASP4 compatible encryption function. * * param handle — session handle * param buffer — pointer to the buffer to be encrypted * param length — size in bytes of the buffer (8 bytes minimum) * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_TOO_SHORT * — the length of the data to be encrypted is too short * — HASP_ENC_NOT_SUPP * — encryption type not supported by the hardware * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * * note The handle must have been obtained by calling ref hasp_login() with * a prognum feature id. * * sa hasp_legacy_decrypt(), hasp_encrypt(), hasp_decrypt() * * remark * If the encryption fails (e.g. key removed in-between) the data pointed to by buffer is undefined. */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_legacy_encrypt(hasp_handle_t handle, void *buffer, hasp_size_t length); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Legacy HASP4 compatible decryption function. * * param handle — session handle * param buffer — pointer to the buffer to be decrypted * param length — size in bytes of the buffer (8 bytes minimum) * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_TOO_SHORT * — the length of the data to be decrypted is too short * — HASP_ENC_NOT_SUPP * — encryption type not supported by the hardware * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * * note The handle must have been obtained by calling ref hasp_login() with * a prognum feature id. * * sa hasp_legacy_encrypt(), hasp_decrypt(), hasp_encrypt() * * remark * If the decryption fails (e.g. key removed in-between) the data pointed to by buffer is undefined. */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_legacy_decrypt(hasp_handle_t handle, void *buffer, hasp_size_t length); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Write to HASP4 compatible real time clock * * param handle — session handle * param new_time — time value to be set * * remark This request is only supported on locally accessed keys. Trying to * set the time on a remotely accessed key will return HASP_NO_TIME. * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_NO_TIME * — RTC not available or access remote * * note The handle must have been obtained by calling ref hasp_login() with * a prognum feature id. * * sa hasp_get_rtc(), hasp_datetime_to_hasptime(), hasp_hasptime_to_datetime() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_legacy_set_rtc(hasp_handle_t handle, hasp_time_t new_time); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Set the LM idle time. * * param handle — session handle * param idle_time — the idle time in minutes * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_REQ_NOT_SUPP * — attempt to set the idle time for a local license * * note The handle must have been obtained by calling ref hasp_login() with * a prognum feature id. */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_legacy_set_idletime(hasp_handle_t handle, hasp_u16_t idle_time); /*! @} */ /*! @defgroup hasp_extended Extended HASP SRM API * * The extended API consists of functions which provide extended functionality. This * advanced functionality is sometimes necessary, and addresses the «advanced» user. * * @{ */ /*! brief Get information * * The function acquires information about all system components. The programmer can choose * the scope and output structure of the data. * The function has a «scope» parameter which defines the scope in an XML syntax. * Memory for the information is allocated by this function and has to be freed by the * corresponding hasp_freeinfo function. * This function is not used in a login context, so it can be used in a generic * «Monitor» application. * * Unknown tags are ignored (the function will be done), but there will be a warning as * a status code. * * param scope — XML definition of the information scope * param format — XML definition of the output data structure * param vendor_code — pointer to the vendor code * param info — pointer to the returned information (also an XML list) * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_FORMAT * — invalid format * — HASP_INV_SCOPE * — invalid query * — HASP_INSUF_MEM * — out of memory * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_INV_VCODE * — invalid vendor code * — HASP_UNKNOWN_VCODE * — vendor code unknown to API library * * sa hasp_get_sessioninfo(), hasp_free() * */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_get_info (const char *scope, const char *format, hasp_vendor_code_t vendor_code, char **info); /*! brief Get information in a session context. * * Memory for the information is allocated by this function and has to be freed by the * ref hasp_free() function. * * param handle — session handle * param format — XML definition of the output data structure * param info — pointer to the returned information (XML list) * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND * — no matching HASP found * — HASP_INV_HND * — invalid session handle * — HASP_INV_FORMAT * — unrecognized format * — HASP_INSUF_MEM * — out of memory * — HASP_BROKEN_SESSION * — the HASP has been removed or the login session was cancelled * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR * — connection to ELM is broken * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * * sa hasp_free() * sa HASP_UPDATEINFO, HASP_SESSIONINFO, HASP_KEYINFO * sa ref hasp_query_page */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_get_sessioninfo (hasp_handle_t handle, const char *format, char **info); /*! brief Free resources allocated by hasp_get_sessioninfo * * This function must be called to free the resources allocated by hasp_get_sessioninfo() * or to free the acknowledge data optionally returned from hasp_update(). * * param info — pointer to the resources to be freed * * sa hasp_get_sessioninfo(), hasp_update() */ void HASP_CALLCONV hasp_free (char *info); /*! brief Write an update. * * This function writes update information. The update blob contains all necessary data * to perform the update: Where to write (in which «container», e.g. dongle), the necessary * access data (vendor code) and of course the update itself. * If the update blob requested it, the function returns in an acknowledge blob, * which is signed/encrypted by the updated instance and contains a proof that this update * was successfully installed. Memory for the acknowledge blob is allocated by the API and has to be * freed by the programmer (see ref hasp_free()). * * param update_data — pointer to the complete update data. * param ack_data — pointer to a buffer to get the acknowledge data. * * return status code * — HASP_INV_UPDATE_DATA * — required XML tags not found * — contents in binary data missing or invalid * — HASP_INV_UPDATE_OBJ * — binary data doesn’t contain an update blob * — HASP_NO_ACK_SPACE * — acknowledge data requested by the update, but ack_data input parameter is NULL * — HASP_KEYID_NOT_FOUND * — key to be updated not found * — HASP_INV_UPDATE_NOTSUPP * — update not supported by the key * — HASP_INV_UPDATE_CNTR * — update counter at the wrong position * — HASP_TOO_MANY_KEYS * — update would apply to more than one HASP * — HASP_INV_SIG * — signature verification failed * — HASP_UNKNOWN_ALG * — unknown signature algorithm * — HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR * — HASP LM is not running * — HASP_DEVICE_ERR * — secure storage I/O error * — HASP_TIME_ERROR * — system time has been tampered * — HASP_HARDWARE_MODIFIED * — Conflict between HASP key data and hardware data; HASP * key is locked to other hardware * — HASP_UPDATE_TOO_OLD * — update was already installed * — HASP_UPDATE_TOO_NEW * — another update must be installed first * * sa hasp_free() * * remark Update via LM is not supported. */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_update(const char *update_data, char **ack_data); /*! @} */ /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! @defgroup hasp_util Utility functions * * @{ */ /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Retrieve version and build number of HASP library * * param major_version — pointer to put major version number * param minor_version — pointer to put minor version number * param build_server — pointer to put build server id * param build_number — pointer to put build number * param vendor_code — pointer to the vendor code * * remark Any passed pointer can be NULL if its information is not needed. * */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_get_version(unsigned int *major_version, unsigned int *minor_version, unsigned int *build_server, unsigned int *build_number, hasp_vendor_code_t vendor_code); /*! @} */ /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Convert broken up time into a time type * * param day — input day * param month — input month * param year — input year * param hour — input hour * param minute — input minute * param second — input second * param time — pointer to put result * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_TIME * — time outside of the supported range * * remark Times are in UTC. * * sa hasp_hasptime_to_datetime() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_datetime_to_hasptime(unsigned int day, unsigned int month, unsigned int year, unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute, unsigned int second, hasp_time_t *time); /* ——————————————————————— */ /*! brief Convert time type into broken up time * * param time — pointer to put result * param day — pointer to day * param month — pointer to month * param year — pointer to year * param hour — pointer to hour * param minute — pointer to minute * param second — pointer to second * * return status code * — HASP_STATUS_OK * — the request completed successfully * — HASP_INV_TIME * — time outside of the supported range * * remark Times are in UTC. * * sa hasp_datetime_to_hasptime() */ hasp_status_t HASP_CALLCONV hasp_hasptime_to_datetime(hasp_time_t time, unsigned int *day, unsigned int *month, unsigned int *year, unsigned int *hour, unsigned int *minute, unsigned int *second); /*! @} */ /*! page hasp_features Feature ID convention section FeatIntr Feature ID introduction Feature ids are 32bits wide. If the upper 16 bit contain the value indicated by ref HASP_PROGNUM_FEATURETYPE, the feature defines a prognum feature.n For prognum features there are some options encoded in the feature id. These include — ref HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_NO_LOCALn Don’t search for a license locally. «Remote-only»nn — ref HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_NO_REMOTEn Don’t search for a license on the network. «Local-only»nn — ref HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_PROCESSn In case, a license is found in the network, count license usage per process instead of per workstation.nn — ref HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_TSn Don’t detect whether the program is running on a remote screen on a terminal server.nn — ref HASP_PROGNUM_OPT_CLASSICn The API by default only searches for HASP HL keys. When this option is set, it also searches for HASP3/HASP4 keys.nn */ /*! page hasp_scope section ScopePage hasp_login_scope scope (tbd.) */ /*! page hasp_query_page hasp_get_sessioninfo format and info section QueryPage hasp_get_sessioninfo format and info Calling hasp_get_sessioninfo() with ref HASP_UPDATEINFO format will return something like this: verbatim <?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″?> <hasp_info> <c2v> YYIBlIADY3R2oQaABEAwulCiCYABaoEBBIIBAKOBxoABAIGBwD2sfFj8UKuDvNWH9 LhfRKDzUbLCAi6E9mN8ea7EclwOl9VeLMDuLvfsEvkor2igmwxg/wWs6HCuypEFi6 V/FkI4EUmQNmcKSIY302s9CzHP7aCrG7QKvzArVq25Nc7UxIQJ4kZJm1oWiw3zZJq UY+G0EleETkPZ8n2uDfMauBpdWhW0R35rHlRM4wiYCZzaelpRtDX36HDh1caqfpaL mUnwWXRz0+tLs+Dvd+kLmvcQ6jWJJb4r2rxywG2IW1WTjIWBsI+h0/UgaIhG1J+9R EQ1SrMx3YQ2bpdlK3FluZVDayW9okv7idxKJS4zGG+4UOccpKT4aWJi9cR0vdm4s/ J6fUNbhK522x/gdvR51a6ll46GpVn2HjD0ZpAgCeu6xAIwHJ7Kc6tjeRfxYX9YksE aB9JoV/uaPTHnbu2AgQmd0r09p0zmXgD4Kuk8EtTs1GoBbY7WF3qHJsj1Iz1ZeAdA rdNOYKsOgA/q1tuLLR7O0dag </c2v> </hasp_info> endverbatim Calling hasp_get_sessioninfo() with ref HASP_SESSIONINFO format will return something like this: verbatim <hasp_info> <feature> <featureid>4294905856</featureid> <maxlogins>5</maxlogins> <currentlogins>1</currentlogins> <activations>unlimited</activations> </feature> </hasp_info> endverbatim In case of a expiring license on a time enabled key (prognum <= 8), instead of the remaining activations the expiration date will be returned: verbatim <hasp_info> <feature> <featureid>4294905857</featureid> <expirationdate>1052919239</expirationdate> </feature> </hasp_info> endverbatim For locally accessed keys there is no p maxlogins and p currentlogins field. Calling hasp_get_sessioninfo() with ref HASP_KEYINFO format will return something like this for a locally accessed key: verbatim <?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″?> <hasp_info> <keyspec> <keycaps> <hasp4/> <aes/> <newintf/> </keycaps> <hasp> <haspid>12345</haspid> <nethasptype>0</nethasptype> <memoryinfo> <name>»Main»</name> <fileid>65520</fileid> <size>48</size> </memoryinfo> <memoryinfo> <name>»License»</name> <fileid>65522</fileid> <size>80</size> </memoryinfo> </hasp> <port> <type>»USB»</type> <address>1</address> </port> </keyspec> </hasp_info> endverbatim Calling hasp_get_sessioninfo() with ref HASP_KEYINFO format will return something like this for a remotely accessed key: verbatim <?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″?> <hasp_info> <keyspec> <keycaps> <hasp4/> </keycaps> <hasp> <haspid>782062012</haspid> <nethasptype>5</nethasptype> <memoryinfo> <name>»Main»</name> <fileid>65520</fileid> <size>432</size> </memoryinfo> <memoryinfo> <name>»License»</name> <fileid>65522</fileid> <size>448</size> </memoryinfo> </hasp> <serveraddress> <protocol>»IP»</protocol> <address>»″</address> </serveraddress> </keyspec> </hasp_info> endverbatim A p nethasptype of 0 means no net HASP. possible p port types: — «USB» — USB port — «parallel» — Parallel port p keycaps flags: — hasp4 — support HASP4 compatible encryption — aes — support AES encryption — rtc — key has real time clock chip — newintf — supports new access interface */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* #ifndef __HASP_API_H__ */

  • #1

I have previously bought PCS from pc specialist never to the power of this one for my design work.

I bought this high specification PC to do all my design work on efficiently and quickly. On other PCs I have never had the issue downloading Faro Scene software.

This time I cant even download the software without receiving the error message.

Sentinel Run-time Environment Installer v. 8.13
Error when starting the askfridge service with parameters 1216 2 1.
This can be an internal error. For assistance please contact your administrator or the software manufacturer.
Status code: 48 5 951 2.

I can not even open the software and believe this to be an error or something blocking the app from working. But am not sure what.

I am stumped and need this to start my work which I am now 3 days behind on.

Thanks any help appreciated.

  • #2

I know nothing at all about Faro Scene or Sentinel software but it would seem that the problems are with this software rather than Windows or the hardware. I would contact the software vendor(s) and seek their help.

  • #3

I have previously bought PCS from pc specialist never to the power of this one for my design work.

I bought this high specification PC to do all my design work on efficiently and quickly. On other PCs I have never had the issue downloading Faro Scene software.

This time I cant even download the software without receiving the error message.

Sentinel Run-time Environment Installer v. 8.13
Error when starting the askfridge service with parameters 1216 2 1.
This can be an internal error. For assistance please contact your administrator or the software manufacturer.
Status code: 48 5 951 2.

I can not even open the software and believe this to be an error or something blocking the app from working. But am not sure what.

I am stumped and need this to start my work which I am now 3 days behind on.

Thanks any help appreciated.

Can you post your full spec from the order page, also what AV software have you got running

  • #4

I am a complete novice. I have had someone briefly team viewer.

He said there is a security safe boot setting in the bios which is stopping me from installing a new driver. He said we can turn this off but he doesnt know how it will affect the motherboard or if will affect my warrantee.

Stuck in a catch 22 as I need the software to continue my work. He said that i should speak to someone first an advisor before I make any changes like that.

Processor (CPU)Intel® Core™ i9 Eight Core Processor i9-9900 (3.1GHz) 16MB Cache
MotherboardASUS® PRIME Z390-P: ATX, LGA1151, USB 3.1, SATA 6GBs — RGB Ready!
Memory (RAM)128GB Corsair VENGEANCE DDR4 3000MHz (4 x 32GB)
Graphics Card8GB NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 2070 SUPER — HDMI, 3x DP GeForce — RTX VRReady!
1st Storage Drive512GB PCS 2.5″ SSD, SATA 6 Gb (520MB/R, 450MB/W)
1st M.2 SSD Drive1TB PCS PCIe M.2 SSD (2000 MB/R, 1100 MB/W)
Power Cable1 x 1 Metre UK Power Cable (Kettle Lead)
Processor CoolingNoctua NH-U14S Ultra Quiet Performance CPU CoolerThermal
Network Card10/100/1000 GIGABIT LAN PORT (Wi-Fi NOT INCLUDED)
Wireless Network CardWIRELESS 802.11N 300Mbps/2.4GHz PCI-E CARD
USB/Thunderbolt OptionsMIN. 2 x USB 3.0 & 2 x USB 2.0 PORTS @ BACK PANEL + MIN. 2 FRONTPORTS
Operating SystemWindows 10 Home 64 Bit — inc. Single Licence [KUK-00001]
Operating System LanguageUnited Kingdom — English Language
Windows Recovery MediaWindows 10 Multi-Language Recovery Image — Unlimited Downloads fromOnline Account
Office SoftwareFREE 30 Day Trial of Microsoft 365® (Operating System Required)
BrowserGoogle Chrome™
Warranty3 Year Standard Warranty (1 Month Collect & Return, 1 Year Parts, 3 YearLabour)

Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2020


  • #5

I am a complete novice. I have had someone briefly team viewer.

He said there is a security safe boot setting in the bios which is stopping me from installing a new driver. He said we can turn this off but he doesnt know how it will affect the motherboard or if will affect my warrantee.

Stuck in a catch 22 as I need the software to continue my work. He said that i should speak to someone first an advisor before I make any changes like that.

Who did you have teamviewer? Someone from PCS?

  • #6

I know nothing at all about Faro Scene or Sentinel software but it would seem that the problems are with this software rather than Windows or the hardware. I would contact the software vendor(s) and seek their help.

Yes I thought that for ages. But he a friend managed to download the software fine and adjusting a few settings but something is stopping my pc installing any new drivers apart from windows.

Frustrating. So it will put the application on the start screen but will not load or do anything gives me the error above.

  • #7

Who did you have teamviewer? Someone from PCS?

No a friend, who is very knowledgable about computers. I waited in the queue for 2 hours yesterday was at number 22 got all the way to number 1 and PC specialist cut me off due to phone lines being closed.


  • #8

No a friend, who is very knowledgable about computers. I waited in the queue for 2 hours yesterday was at number 22 got all the way to number 1 and PC specialist cut me off due to phone lines being closed.

When you installed your app, did you disable controlled folder access?

  • #9

Yes I thought that for ages. But he a friend managed to download the software fine and adjusting a few settings but something is stopping my pc installing any new drivers apart from windows.

Frustrating. So it will put the application on the start screen but will not load or do anything gives me the error above.

All drivers in Windows 10 must be digitally signed. Are they?

  • #10

When you installed your app, did you disable controlled folder access?

I have tried this method 2.

Then installing. But it still doesnt work. If I am being honest I bought a pc from pc soecialist 3 years ago and never had this problem my work load has increased and the necessity to just process faster and have more space and memory was important.

I dont understand why it wont just download amd load up like it does on the other Pc which i have uninstalled and reimstalled and works fine.

  • #11

All drivers in Windows 10 must be digitally signed. Are they?

Not sure what you mean. Do i do that or the manufacturer


  • #12

I have tried this method 2.

Then installing. But it still doesnt work. If I am being honest I bought a pc from pc soecialist 3 years ago and never had this problem my work load has increased and the necessity to just process faster and have more space and memory was important.

I dont understand why it wont just download amd load up like it does on the other Pc which i have uninstalled and reimstalled and works fine.

I meant controlled folder access, it’s a setting in windows security.

  • #13

Not sure what you mean. Do i do that or the manufacturer

As for the signed I’m unsure if it’s signed by Microsoft which is the issue as to why you need to turn secure boot off

  • #15

I meant controlled folder access, it’s a setting in windows security.

I will try now. The issue is it wont install the sentinel runtime driver. But i dont know why. I will have a go at turning that off and retrying the download.

  • #16

My guy thinks it has something to do with this link.


  • #17

My guy thinks it has something to do with this link.

Secure boot doesn’t prevent driver installation in anyway.

  • #19

Secure boot doesn’t prevent driver installation in anyway.

Really. I am so confused.

  • #20

Secure boot doesn’t prevent driver installation in anyway.

It doesn’t but secure boot stops you being able to disable digital verification integrity checks which we need to do to install faro scene software.

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