Vaquerysurfaceattributes failed va error invalid parameter

Hi, I get the following error log when I try to use HW decode on the latest build from the PPA: libva info: VA-API version 0.40.0 libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0 libva info: Trying to open...

I just tested with the implementation you made and it works. I checked in «chrome://media-internals» the value of «video_decoder» is «GpuVideoDecoder».

I’m on archlinux so i compiled vdpau-va-driver with your patch for «vaQuerySurfaceAttributes» function.

The version of chromium i’m using is 60.0.3112.113 compiled with the ungoogled-chromium patches. Also compiled with specify-max-resolution.patch and Daniel Charles patchset 10.

This is the log after launching chromium from terminal and played a video on youtube.

[9301:9301:0902/] Failed to open fallback resolution file: /etc/chromium-browser/va_fallback_resolution
libva info: VA-API version 0.40.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_40
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000000 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000001 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000002 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000003 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000004 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000005 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000006 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000007 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000008 is still allocated, destroying
vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000009 is still allocated, destroying
[8:33:0902/] Failed to query stereo recording.
libva info: VA-API version 0.40.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_40
Failed to create dedicated X11 display!
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0

Sometimes i’ve got some gpu crashes related to ui shared context lost. I think that this is already/or will be fixed in chromium later version than mine.

Another error i’ve got «randomly» is:

[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
led-chromium/chrome --type=gpu-process --field-trial-handle=8037759133888497168,10216320715406675643,131072 --enable-accelerated-video --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-breakpad --supports-dual-gpus=false --gpu-driver-bug-workarounds=7,20,24,44,53,57,66,77,88,90,96 --disable-gl-extensions=GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent --gpu-vendor-id=0x10de --gpu-device-id=0x1200 --gpu-driver-vendor=Nvidia --gpu-driver-version=384.59 --gpu-driver-date --service-request-channel-token=9BC28EC33CDBACBF743F3265D99E5E58: xcb_io.c:259: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.
Received signal 6
#0 0x55a132f2ef17 <unknown>
  r8: 0000000000000000  r9: 00007fff01f853a0 r10: 0000000000000008 r11: 0000000000000246
 r12: 00007f3e9d93ee8b r13: 00007f3e9d93f018 r14: 0000000000000103 r15: 00007fff01f857c0
  di: 0000000000000002  si: 00007fff01f853a0  bp: 00007f3e96bd3848  bx: 0000000000000006
  dx: 0000000000000000  ax: 0000000000000000  cx: 00007f3e96a998c0  sp: 00007fff01f853a0
  ip: 00007f3e96a998c0 efl: 0000000000000246 cgf: 002b000000000033 erf: 0000000000000000
 trp: 0000000000000000 msk: 0000000000000000 cr2: 0000000000000000
[end of stack trace]
Calling _exit(1). Core file will not be generated.
[9867:9867:0902/] Lost UI shared context.

After that i have to open a video two times to have gpu acceleration again.
Because the first time i’ve got this message, like when i just started chromium:

vdpau_video: vaTerminate(): config ID 0x01000000 is still allocated, destroying


  1. Arch Linux
  2. #1 2020-07-26 13:33:25
  3. Chromium unable to vsync.
  4. #2 2020-07-31 22:20:48
  5. Re: Chromium unable to vsync.
  6. #3 2020-07-31 23:31:20
  7. Re: Chromium unable to vsync.
  8. #4 2020-08-01 01:50:37
  9. Re: Chromium unable to vsync.
  10. #5 2020-08-01 02:25:00
  11. Re: Chromium unable to vsync.
  12. #6 2020-08-01 12:03:40
  13. Re: Chromium unable to vsync.
  14. #7 2021-03-21 03:18:20
  15. Re: Chromium unable to vsync.
  16. Ошибки при запуске Яндекс.Браузера
  17. Arch Linux
  18. #1 2020-10-05 04:51:09
  19. [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  20. #2 2020-10-05 06:24:19
  21. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  22. #3 2020-10-05 08:35:35
  23. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  24. #4 2020-10-06 12:21:39
  25. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  26. #5 2020-10-06 14:56:30
  27. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  28. #6 2020-10-07 09:21:56
  29. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  30. #7 2020-10-07 12:33:47
  31. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  32. #8 2020-10-07 12:36:39
  33. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  34. #9 2020-10-08 09:13:33
  35. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  36. #10 2020-10-11 09:31:47
  37. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  38. #11 2020-10-11 09:42:56
  39. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  40. #12 2020-10-11 10:31:30
  41. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  42. #13 2020-10-11 11:17:45
  43. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  44. #14 2020-10-11 11:52:23
  45. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  46. #15 2020-10-11 12:10:35
  47. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  48. #16 2020-10-11 12:20:48
  49. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  50. #17 2020-10-13 06:52:05
  51. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  52. #18 2020-10-18 11:27:36
  53. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch
  54. #19 2020-10-18 11:47:26
  55. Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Arch Linux

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#1 2020-07-26 13:33:25

Chromium unable to vsync.

In short, it’s a Laptop with:
Nvidia GTX 1660 ti GPU
Ryzen 7 4800H CPU — (has it’s own iGPU, which was used by default, but I made nvidia the default card)

linux: 5.7.9.arch1-1
nvidia: 450.57-3
chromium: 84.0.4147.89-1

While both chromium and firefox seem unable to vsync to 144hz (the highest capability of my display), firefox can at least sync to 60hz, while chromium seems unable to even hold a frame rate that goes above 52fps, accoring to

Looking at chrome://gpu, I originally found the following:

By going to chrome://flags, and directly enabling:

I was able to (seemingly) enable everything but Vulkan, making the list look like this:

However, even then, chromium is still unable to vsync to screen refresh rate, and shows the frame rate at

Running chromium with «—disable-frame-rate-limit» results in an erratically varying frame rate between 400 and 500 fps, producing the same stuttering issues as when running at 52 fps.

Upon launch, chroimum does spit out some errors to the terminal:

Preferrably, there would a way to get chromium to to sync to my screen refresh rate (144hz), but I will settle for having it render at a steady 60 fps.

Any information you could provide in this regard would be appreciated.

#2 2020-07-31 22:20:48

Re: Chromium unable to vsync.

The situation is still the same .

I would like some way to determine if this is an actual bug in chromium, rather than just some silly misconfiguration with my Arch system, before I start submitting bug reports. Any help with that would also be appreciated.

#3 2020-07-31 23:31:20

Re: Chromium unable to vsync.

NVIDIA propriety Linux driver does not support GLX_OML_sync_control which is used by Chromium to precisely predict VSYNC on rendered frames presentation on the Linux GLX code path. … ontrol.txt
You can verify that with

Missing that GLX extension, Chromium will assume a VSYNC of 60FPS and fallback to its internal approximation trying to achieve the same thing, but that is a rough estimation so 52FPS can be close enough. Chromium design goal seems to be refraining from using X11 binding APIs (such as xcb-xrandr) otherwise that would be another proper way of getting the correct VSYNC.

#4 2020-08-01 01:50:37

Re: Chromium unable to vsync.

Thanks for the clear explanation.

Are there any plans for either nvidia to support that extension, or for chromium to support alternative methods by which proper vsync can be achieved on linux?

Given that there are alternatives for chromium to use, the fact that it doesn’t seems kinda silly. Honestly, I would categorize this as a bug, because the program is clearly unable to operate as intended.

And what about firefox? Unlike chromium, it seems to be able to propely sync to at least 60hz, but it can’t seem to sync to 144hz. Based on that, I assume it has the same (or maybe similar) issues as chromium, but with a somewhat better internal approximation?

#5 2020-08-01 02:25:00

Re: Chromium unable to vsync.

In Firefox you have to enable hardware acceleration with the setting «gfx.webrender.all» in «about:config». It will then vsync to 144Hz, at least on AMD.

Something to look out for is, the Xorg driver from the «xf86-video-amdgpu» package cannot do «PRIME sync» from what I heard. This means the Nvidia driver will not be able to get vsync information of the laptop’s display. You need to remove that xf86-video-amdgpu package so that the system falls back to using the «modeset» Xorg driver. You will know what driver you are using by looking into the Xorg log file.

Here’s a bug report about PRIME sync and xf86-video-amdgpu, but the person there has a setup that’s the other way around and the second GPU is AMD:

Last edited by Ropid (2020-08-01 02:28:24)

#6 2020-08-01 12:03:40

Re: Chromium unable to vsync.

Enabling «gfx.webrender.all» is one of the first things I did, when I originally noticed these sync issues, but firefox was still unable to vsync to anything but 60hz, with or without the xf86-video-amdgpu package.

However, without that package, system applications that were previously able to vsync (such as glxheads and glxgears), are no longer able to do so.

#7 2021-03-21 03:18:20

Re: Chromium unable to vsync.

NVIDIA propriety Linux driver does not support GLX_OML_sync_control which is used by Chromium to precisely predict VSYNC on rendered frames presentation on the Linux GLX code path. … ontrol.txt
You can verify that with

Missing that GLX extension, Chromium will assume a VSYNC of 60FPS and fallback to its internal approximation trying to achieve the same thing, but that is a rough estimation so 52FPS can be close enough. Chromium design goal seems to be refraining from using X11 binding APIs (such as xcb-xrandr) otherwise that would be another proper way of getting the correct VSYNC.

While the NVIDIA drivers do indeed lack support for GLX_OML_sync_control, it does support GLX_SGI_video_sync. Although there have been problems with this in the past, now it is once again fully enabled in Chromium. This should be used instead of the fallback mechanism you are referring to:

I do, however, still have problems getting Chromium to properly sync on anything else than 60 Hz. I’m currently on GNOME/Mutter, using the ForceFullCompositionPipeline=On setting in X. Will do some more experimentation changing these variables to see if I can pinpoint this issue.


Ошибки при запуске Яндекс.Браузера

При запуске Яндекс.Браузера в терминале появляются ошибки

и далее постоянно

Что это за ошибки и как их исправить?

Что это за ошибки и как их исправить?

# 9 месяцев, 1 неделя назад (отредактировано 9 месяцев, 1 неделя назад)

Не нужно ставить левые пакеты — будет меньше проблем.

Левизна пакетов ни причём. Я скачал браузер , правда не для арча

# 9 месяцев, 1 неделя назад (отредактировано 9 месяцев, 1 неделя назад)

opendir /proc: No such file or directory

Вы используете snap пакет из debian-based, наверно там он должен работать как-то по другому. Спросите у них на форуме?)

А лучше поставить chromium из нашего репозитория в debian-based, и тогда спрашивать у них насчёт ошибок, они оценят))

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Linux ® — зарегистрированная торговая марка Linus Torvalds и LMI.


Arch Linux

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#1 2020-10-05 04:51:09

[FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

After a suspend-resume cycle or switching to another tty and back, I get graphical corruption in Chromium. I sometimes get corruption in Cura too, but I can’t replicate this right now. In Chromium, the webpages are black, and I occasionally get scrambled multicoloured rectangles across the window. Sometimes I scroll and recover some content, but this often doesn’t help.

I have a Nvidia card, so I tried putting options nvidia NVreg_RegisterForACPIEvents=1 NVreg_EnableMSI=1 into /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf. After restarting:

However, this did not fix the problem. I don’t see anything in journalctl, but I see the following in /var/log/Xorg.0.log after switching to another tty and back.

I tried searching the Arch forums for «ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon», but after ten minutes of «504 Gateway Time-out» errors I gave up.

I also tried launching Chromium with chromium —enable-gpu-rasterization —ignore-gpu-blacklist —disable-gpu-driver-workarounds, but this did not help.

Last edited by Salkay (2021-03-07 06:06:45)

#2 2020-10-05 06:24:19

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Nvidia has a newer, optional configuration that should help preventing video memory corruption from suspension wake-up like this, see … er_suspend and the linked upstream documentation for how to set that up.

Last edited by V1del (2020-10-05 06:24:36)

#3 2020-10-05 08:35:35

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Thanks @V1del. I read your link and the upstream link, and it seems like the upstream services are already shipped in the nvidia-utils package. I enabled nvidia-suspend.service and nvidia-hibernate.service, restarted, launched Chromium, then went through a suspend-resume cycle, but this didn’t help. The artefacts were still present.

Also, the systemd services mentioned only address the suspend-resume cycle, and not any tty-switching issues. That’s totally fine, but presuming both problems are caused by the same issue, it seems like the link might be unrelated.

#4 2020-10-06 12:21:39

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

I managed to capture a screenshot of the «colourful» version of the artefacts. I’m not sure if it’s informative or not.

#5 2020-10-06 14:56:30

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Maybe modelining might help. Some info here (Arch Wiki) and here (Ubuntu doc). I think I still have my desktop Arch installation’s display modelined, but no need to suspend or sleep that computer, so zero expirience on the issue.

Last edited by euromatlox (2020-10-06 14:59:49)

#6 2020-10-07 09:21:56

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Thanks @euromatlox for the reply. Isn’t modelining to do with getting specific resolutions working with the monitor? I’m not sure if I misunderstand. My resolution is fine; it’s set to the native resolution for my monitor. Also, if I (re)start Chromium, it never shows artefacts. It’s only buggy after suspend-resume or switching tty, so I presume these issues are unrelated to general monitor/resolution display issues. And if it were a general issue, I would have expected programs like Firefox to be affected, but it’s only Chromium and a few others with the issue.

#7 2020-10-07 12:33:47

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

I remember that without modeline I could not get display work as it should. Using modeline is a way to make sure that Hz and resolution are stable everytime. But I think nowadays modeline in xorg is usually not needed. Modeline row also contains those VSYNC and HSYNC, it allows to ‘play’ with those too. I do not know how to ‘play’ those two without modeline (perhaps xset something).

#8 2020-10-07 12:36:39

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

That might make sense, but I would have expected those kind of artefacts to be over the entire display, instead of just in a few applications.

#9 2020-10-08 09:13:33

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

I did more troubleshooting. I removed all nvidia xorg.conf files, I tried booting with linux-lts instead of linux, and I tried disabling compositing, but nothing helped.

I also noticed some errors during the launching of chromium (but not after inducing the artefacts themselves).

with the error above the ellipsis repeated seven times. These errors occur whether launching normally, or enabling the GPU with chromium —enable-gpu-rasterization —ignore-gpu-blocklist —disable-gpu-driver-workarounds.

#10 2020-10-11 09:31:47

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

I don’t know what nvidia gpu do you have or is it hardware acceleration enabled by default in chromium in your case, but try to disable hardware acceleration in chromium, just for test, to see if there is any difference.

#11 2020-10-11 09:42:56

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

@xerses_ I have a GTX 1070. My understanding is that hardware acceleration is off by default, but the flags I mention above enable it. i.e. if I launch with chromium —enable-gpu-rasterization —ignore-gpu-blocklist —disable-gpu-driver-workarounds, then navigate to chrome://gpu/, I can see:

When launching without these flags, Hardware Protected Video Decode says «Unavailable», and Rasterization says «Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled».

#12 2020-10-11 10:31:30

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

So after resume from suspend you will have to restart chromium (and other apps with that issue) or donn’t suspend system at all.

#13 2020-10-11 11:17:45

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Or use prime render offload and stop using nvidia driver for desktop apps by relying on the integrated gpu. … er_offload

. done that long time ago and never looked back.

Help me to improve ssh-rdp !
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#14 2020-10-11 11:52:23

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

So after resume from suspend you will have to restart chromium (and other apps with that issue) or donn’t suspend system at all.

Yes, I have to restart chromium to remove the artefacts. Then it’s fine again until the next suspend-resume or tty-switch.

Or use prime render offload and stop using nvidia driver for desktop apps by relying on the integrated gpu.

Can I still use that on my desktop computer? I have the closed-source Nvidia driver installed, but tried this command anyway.

From your link, I think PRIME needs there to be two providers, i.e. the integrated card as well. I’m not sure if relevant, but my monitor is also plugged into the GPU card, not the motherboard.

#15 2020-10-11 12:10:35

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Salkay, i use it on my desktop computer and xrandr returns 2 providers:

I’ve had to explicitely enable the igp and the support for multiple gpus in the bios.

Last edited by kokoko3k (2020-10-11 12:12:37)

Help me to improve ssh-rdp !
Retroarch User? Try my koko-aio shader !

#16 2020-10-11 12:20:48

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

@kokoko3k thanks for that. I’ll try this out and report back soon.

#17 2020-10-13 06:52:05

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Hmm… I couldn’t really get this to work. I found the setting in BIOS, and enabled the integrated GPU. However, even without changing anything else, I couldn’t progress past the terminal output immediately after the GRUB selection, i.e. I didn’t make it to the tty login screen. I found another cable and tried switching to the motherboard output in the BIOS. I then made it to the tty login screen, but startx froze. No matter, it’s not the biggest deal in the world. I normally use Firefox, but a handful of sites don’t work and I need Chromium. It seems simpler to just restart Chromium (and Cura) every time.

#18 2020-10-18 11:27:36

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

I also have this same problem. It has been annoying me for about a month. Before then, everything was fine. Not sure if the problem was introduced by a chromium, linux or nvidia update or a combination of these.

If I restart chromium after resuming, the artifacts go away and chromium works normally. If I go into Settings -> Advanced and disable «Use hardware acceleration when available» the problem also goes away and I can successfully suspend and resume without any issues. The problem is, my NVIDIA graphics drives 2 external 4K monitors from my laptop and performance is bad with hardware acceleration disabled.

I have not found a satisfactory solution to this yet other than the workaround of having to close and reopen chromium, which is annoying and slow when I usually have 4 windows and many tabs open.

#19 2020-10-18 11:47:26

Re: [FIXED?] Chromium artefacts after resume from suspend or tty switch

Thanks for posting @eblau

If I go into Settings -> Advanced and disable «Use hardware acceleration when available» the problem also goes away and I can successfully suspend and resume without any issues.

I can confirm that this fixes it for me. I agree this is not optimal, nor will it fix cura, steam, and other programs.


Hardware: … tions.html

In short, it’s a Laptop with:
Nvidia GTX 1660 ti GPU
Ryzen 7 4800H CPU — (has it’s own iGPU, which was used by default, but I made nvidia the default card)


linux: 5.7.9.arch1-1
nvidia: 450.57-3
chromium: 84.0.4147.89-1

While both chromium and firefox seem unable to vsync to 144hz (the highest capability of my display), firefox can at least sync to 60hz, while chromium seems unable to even hold a frame rate that goes above 52fps, accoring to

Looking at chrome://gpu, I originally found the following:

Canvas: Hardware accelerated
Flash: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated
Compositing: Hardware accelerated
Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
OpenGL: Enabled
Hardware Protected Video Decode: Unavailable
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Unavailable
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Hardware accelerated
WebGL2: Hardware accelerated

By going to chrome://flags, and directly enabling:

Override software rendering list
GPU Rasterization
Out of process rasterization
Zero-copy rasterizer

I was able to (seemingly) enable everything but Vulkan, making the list look like this:

Canvas: Hardware accelerated
Flash: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated
Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated
Compositing: Hardware accelerated
Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
OpenGL: Enabled
Hardware Protected Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
Rasterization: Hardware accelerated on all pages
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Hardware accelerated
WebGL2: Hardware accelerated

However, even then, chromium is still unable to vsync to screen refresh rate, and shows the frame rate at ~52 fps.

Running chromium with «—disable-frame-rate-limit» results in an erratically varying frame rate between 400 and 500 fps, producing the same stuttering issues as when running at 52 fps.

Upon launch, chroimum does spit out some errors to the terminal:

[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Simple and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Main and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4Simple and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Baseline and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Simple and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Main and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[62221:62221:0726/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Advanced and entrypoint 1
[62221:62221:0726/] OOP raster support disabled: GrContext creation failed.

Preferrably, there would a way to get chromium to to sync to my screen refresh rate (144hz), but I will settle for having it render at a steady 60 fps.

Any information you could provide in this regard would be appreciated.

Thank you.

After installing the candidate/vaapi channel, I still do not get hardware acceleration for video decoding from my NVIDIA gpu, see:

$ LIBVA_MESSAGING_LEVEL=2 snap run chromium
Gtk-Message: 09:07:37.215: Failed to load module «canberra-gtk-module»
Gtk-Message: 09:07:37.216: Failed to load module «canberra-gtk-module»
libva info: VA-API version 1.7.0
libva info: Trying to open /snap/chromium/1191/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1
[141337:141337:0710/] vaInitialize failed: unknown libva error

For me, I am on Focal, so I had to manually install the vdpau-va-driver from cosmic from, (presumably on i.e. 18.04 I could just have installed it with apt install), which provides the various files in /var/lib/snapd/gl/vdpau, and then I also had to add that package along with libvdpau1 into the chromium snap, at which point it loads the libraries but I then run into very relevant errors:

libva info: VA-API version 1.7.0
libva info: Trying to open /snap/chromium/x3/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_1
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Simple and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Main and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4Simple and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Baseline and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Simple and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Main and entrypoint 1
[121136:121136:0710/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[121136:121136:0710/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Advanced and entrypoint 1


at which point I am stuck trying to get it to work.

FWIW, this is with ubuntu 20.04, snapd 2.45.1, nvidia drivers 440, and X11 with gdm.

Also I had to modify the desktop-launch script with this PR: otherwise it would not find the /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl/vdpau dir on $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  • Печать

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Что-то с Chromium то есть новым что ли ?

…Версия 79.0.3945.130 сейчас, а началось то вроде как на её предшественнице… 

Вот такие ошибки в терминале

…У меня таких не было…

« Последнее редактирование: 19.03.2020 18:56:08 от Kalt »


Intel Xeon X3440 2,53GHz, MSI H55- G43, DDR3- 4x2GB, GF GT710

…Версия 79.0.3945.130 сейчас, а началось то вроде как на её предшественнице…

Получается, что так.

$ rpm -q chromium

$ rpm -q libva-vdpau-driver


Сноси Винду, переходи на Линукс ! :)


Intel Xeon X3440 2,53GHz, MSI H55- G43, DDR3- 4x2GB, GF GT710

В этой то теме: есть хоть намёки на решение?..

Разве что откат на старую версию.

У меня сейчас уже несколько другой вывод:

$ chromium
/etc/chromium/default: строка 13: предупреждение: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Simple and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Main and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4Simple and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Baseline and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Simple and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Main and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9215:9215:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Advanced and entrypoint 1
[9215:9215:0319/] GetConfigAttributes failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Baseline
[9215:9215:0319/] GetConfigAttributes failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main
[9215:9215:0319/] GetConfigAttributes failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High
[9215:9215:0319/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Simple and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG2Main and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4Simple and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Baseline and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Simple and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Main and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed VA error: invalid parameter
[9247:9247:0319/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileVC1Advanced and entrypoint 1
[9247:9247:0319/] GetConfigAttributes failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Baseline
[9247:9247:0319/] GetConfigAttributes failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main
[9247:9247:0319/] GetConfigAttributes failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High
[9242:7:0319/] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuChannelMsg_CreateCommandBuffer.
[9242:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9242:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9178:9207:0319/] Passwords datatype error was encountered: Failed to get passwords from store.
[9337:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9337:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9387:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9387:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9386:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9526:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9526:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9556:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9556:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9556:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9556:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.
[9556:1:0319/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.


Сноси Винду, переходи на Линукс ! :)

Я вот какой момент только не пойму, почему при отключении в настройках «Использовать аппаратное ускорение (при наличии)», я всё равно такие же фризы получаю… или одно другому не мешает ?


Сноси Винду, переходи на Линукс ! :)

…Да пробовал и я, однако он на это ускорение никак не реагирует. А вот подобная ошибка у меня была и до установки libva-vdpau-driver, приходилось запускать так:
Он сердился, но работал…


Intel Xeon X3440 2,53GHz, MSI H55- G43, DDR3- 4x2GB, GF GT710

…Не в тему. Сегодня обновился и прекрасно запускается:

У меня вроде пропали фризы на новой версии…

$ rpm -q chromium
Ошибки в терминале правда те же остались.


Сноси Винду, переходи на Линукс ! :)


Intel Xeon X3440 2,53GHz, MSI H55- G43, DDR3- 4x2GB, GF GT710

…У меня так:

Эта прям постоянно валится:

[16951:1:0320/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.


Сноси Винду, переходи на Линукс ! :)

…У меня так:

Эта прям постоянно валится:
[16951:1:0320/] FontService unique font name matching request did not receive a response.

Всё нормально :-)
хромиум, вглухую завязанный на dri, это одно сплошное недоразумение:

$ chromium --version
/etc/chromium/default: строка 13: предупреждение: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
Chromium 80.0.3987.132 ALT Linux

$ chromium
/etc/chromium/default: строка 13: предупреждение: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
[7391:7391:0321/] vaInitialize failed (ignore if using Wayland desktop environment): unknown libva error
[7391:7391:0321/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[7391:7391:0321/] vaInitialize failed (ignore if using Wayland desktop environment): unknown libva error

$ rpm -qa | grep libva

$ ldd /usr/lib64/chromium/chromium | grep libva => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007fc99e10a000) => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007fc99da11000) => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007fc99da09000)

$ glxinfo | grep 'renderer string'
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2)

На этом фоне, на строку 13 можно и не обращать внимания. Она не может определить версию перечного и игнорируется ноль байт на вводе.

Этой бестолочи драйвер нужно указывать явно, чтобы избежать ошибок libva:

/etc/chromium/default: строка 13: предупреждение: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
[8038:8038:0321/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.

« Последнее редактирование: 21.03.2020 05:02:47 от Speccyfighter »


Всё нормально

…Ну наверное:

[balts@comp-xeon-cpu-e2668c ~]$ chromium —version
Chromium 80.0.3987.132 ALT Linux
[balts@comp-xeon-cpu-e2668c ~]$ rpm -qa | grep libva
[balts@comp-xeon-cpu-e2668c ~]$ ldd /usr/lib64/chromium/chromium | grep libva => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f36a4f72000) => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f36a4879000) => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f36a4871000)
[balts@comp-xeon-cpu-e2668c ~]$  glxinfo | grep ‘renderer string’
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GT 710/PCIe/SSE2


Intel Xeon X3440 2,53GHz, MSI H55- G43, DDR3- 4x2GB, GF GT710

libva-driver-vdpau удалён из репозитория в связи с отсуствием поддержки со стороны апстрима. проект мёртв.

Очень плохо. В другом дистрибутиве он есть и там не жалуются. Есть даже вариант именно для Chromium. Вижу, что пакет объявился в Сизифе. В P9 его уже не будет? Ждем P10 через пару-тройку лет?


Очень плохо

…Очень плохо выскакивать из табакерки и быть не в теме. Что ещё за недовольство? Где конкретика нынешнего дня?..


Intel Xeon X3440 2,53GHz, MSI H55- G43, DDR3- 4x2GB, GF GT710

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Hey there I just noticed since I updated my Tumbleweeds to the latest snapshot alongside the latest stable NVIDIA driver I can no longer run any electron based applications.


  • Heroic

  • Discord

  • MS Teams

  • VS Code

All of them exit with the message:

[2998:0926/] GPU process isn’t usable. Goodbye.

I blame this on nvidia since on a 2nd up-to-date Tumbleweed machine they all run fine and that even on Wayland.

The only difference is that the 2nd machine runs entirely on open source drivers (Intel as well as nouveau for nvidia) and on SwayWM/Wayland instead of KDE/X11.

Anyone else having this issue? And if so, any known fix?

The system that fails:

Operating System: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20210923
KDE Plasma Version: 5.22.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.86.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Kernel Version: 5.14.6-1-default (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Eight-Core Processor
Memory: 15.6 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2

Additional info:

I have the nvidia hibernate modules loaded as well as nvidia modset in GRUB enabled.

Edit: The driver on its own runs fine and seem to have no other issues.

Edit 2: Heroic seems to be a bit more communicative on this issue as the other 3:

INFO: Trying to get user information
INFO: Trying to get user information
INFO: Trying to get user information
WARNING: Protocol already registered.
[6775:0926/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[6775:0926/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main and entrypoint VAEntrypointVLD
[6775:0926/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[6775:0926/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High and entrypoint VAEntrypointVLD
[6735:0926/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
WARNING: python command not found
INFO: Command 'python3' found. Version: '3.8.12'
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 1 time(s)
[6844:0926/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[6844:0926/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main and entrypoint VAEntrypointVLD
[6844:0926/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[6844:0926/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High and entrypoint VAEntrypointVLD
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 2 time(s)
[6848:0926/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[6848:0926/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264Main and entrypoint VAEntrypointVLD
[6848:0926/] vaQuerySurfaceAttributes failed, VA error: invalid parameter
[6848:0926/] FillProfileInfo_Locked failed for va_profile VAProfileH264High and entrypoint VAEntrypointVLD
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 3 time(s)
[6852:0926/] VAAPI video acceleration not available for swiftshader
[6852:0926/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is swiftshader
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 4 time(s)
[6856:0926/] VAAPI video acceleration not available for swiftshader
[6856:0926/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is swiftshader
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 5 time(s)
[6860:0926/] VAAPI video acceleration not available for swiftshader
[6860:0926/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is swiftshader
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 6 time(s)
[6864:0926/] VAAPI video acceleration not available for disabled
[6864:0926/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 7 time(s)
[6868:0926/] VAAPI video acceleration not available for disabled
[6868:0926/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 8 time(s)
[6872:0926/] VAAPI video acceleration not available for disabled
[6872:0926/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled
[6735:0926/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=159
[6735:0926/] The GPU process has crashed 9 time(s)
[6735:0926/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Edit 3: Seems they all need to update Electron:

Thank you very much in advance :)

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