Variable might not have been initialized java ошибка

Learn about how to solve Variable might not have been initialized in Java.

In this article, we are going to solve a common problem variable might not have been initialized in Java.

Table of Contents

  • Problem: variable might not have been initialized
  • Solution for Error: variable might not be initialized in java
    • Solution 1: Initialize the variable
    • Solution 2: Declare variable as instance variable
    • Solution 3: Declare variable in else block

This error occures when we declare variable but forgot to initialize them.
Variable creation is a two step process, first is variable declaration int a; int b; etc and second is variable initialization a=10; b=20 ect. If we forgot to initialize the variable then we get this error.
Let’s understand the error with the help of examples.

Note: This error occures only with local variables because compiler does not set default value for the local variables. In case of instance variables, compiler set default values for example, 0 for integer, null for string, etc.

In this example, we created a variable count_even but did not initialize with value and when we use this variable, compiler generates an error message. See the example and output.

public class Main


    public static void main(String args[])


        int count_even;

        int[] arr = new int[] {23,56,89,12,23};

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

            if((arr[i]%2) == 0)



        System.out.println(«Total Even Numbers : «+count_even);




Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The local variable count_even might not have been initialized

Solution for Error: variable might not be initialized in java

Solution 1: Initialize the variable

The first and easy solution for this error is to initialize the uninitialized variable. Set a value for this variable and error will gone. See the example below.

public class Main


    public static void main(String args[])


        int count_even = 0;

        int[] arr = new int[] {23,56,89,12,23};

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

            if((arr[i]%2) == 0)



        System.out.println(«Total Even Numbers : «+count_even);




Total Even Numbers : 2

Solution 2: Declare variable as instance variable

This is another solution that says declare your variable as instance variable. In this case, compiler will automaticaly set a default value for the variable and error will gone. See the example below.

public class Main


    static int count_even;

    public static void main(String args[])


        int[] arr = new int[] {23,56,89,12,23};

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

            if((arr[i]%2) == 0)



        System.out.println(«Total Even Numbers : «+count_even);




Total Even Numbers : 2

Solution 3: Declare variable in else block

You might get variable might not have been initialized when you initialize variable in if block.



















public class Main


    public static void main(String args[])


        int count_even;



        int[] arr = new int[] {23,56,89,12,23};

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

            if((arr[i]%2) == 0)



        System.out.println(«Total Even Numbers : «+count_even);




Compilation failed due to following error(s) error: variable count_even might not have been initialized

You can initialize variable count_even in else block as well to resolve this issue.





















public class Main


    public static void main(String args[])


        int count_even;





        int[] arr = new int[] {23,56,89,12,23};

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

            if((arr[i]%2) == 0)



        System.out.println(«Total Even Numbers : «+count_even);



That’s all about how to resolve variable might not have been initialized in java.

This error occurs when you are trying to use a local variable without initializing it. You won’t get this error if you use an uninitialized class or instance variable because they are initialized with their default value like Reference types are initialized with null and integer types are initialized with zero, but if you try to use an uninitialized local variable in Java, you will get this error. This is because Java has the rule to initialize the local variable before accessing or using them and this is checked at compile time. If the compiler believes that a local variable might not have been initialized before the next statement which is using it, you get this error. You will not get this error if you just declare the local variable but will not use it.

Let’s see a couple of examples:

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int a = 2;
    int b;
    int c = a + b;



You can see we are trying to access variable «b» which is not initialized in statement c = a + b, hence when you run this program in Eclipse, you will get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
The local variable b may not have been initialized
at Main.main(

The error message is very clear, it’s saying that local variable «b» has not initialized until line 14, where it has been read, which violates the Java rule of initializing the local variable before use.

Though this rule is only for local variables, if you try to access uninitialized member variables e.g. a static or non-static variable, you will not get this error as shown below:

public class Main {

  private static int total;
  private int sum;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int d = total; // no error because total is static variable
    Main m = new Main();
    int e = m.sum; // no error bcasue sum is instnace variable


This program will both compile and run fine.

How to fix «variable might not have been initialized» error in Java? Example

Now, there are some tricky scenarios where you think that you have initialized the variable but the compiler thinks otherwise and throws a «variable might not have been initialized» error. One of them is creating more than one local variable in the same line as shown in the following Java program:

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int a, b = 0;
    System.out.println("a:" + a);
    System.out.println("b:" + b);



Here you might think that both variables «a» and «b» are initialized to zero but that’s not correct. Only variable b is initialized and variable «a» is not initialized, hence when you run this program, you will get the «variable might not have been initialized» error as shown below:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
The local variable a may not have been initialized

at Main.main(

Again, the error message is very precise, it says that variable «a» is not initialized on line 13 where you have used it for reading its value. See these best Java Programming tutorials to learn more about how variables are initialized in Java.

One more scenario, where the compiler complains about «variable might not have been initialized» is when you initialize the variable inside if() block since it is a condition block, compiler know that variable may not get initialized when if block is not executed, so it complains as shown in the following program:

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int count;

    if (args.length > 0) {
      count = args.length;




In this case, the variable count will not be initialized before you use it on System.out.println() statement if args.length is zero, hence compiler will throw «variable might not have been initialized» when you run this program as shown below:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
The local variable count may not have been initialized

at Main.main(

Now, sometimes, you will think that compiler is wrong because you know that variable is always going to be initialized but in reality, compilers are not as smart as you and you see this error as shown in the following program:

public class Main{

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int count;

    if (args.length > 0) {
      count = args.length;

    if (args.length == 0) {
      count = 0;




How to fix "variable might not have been initialized" error in Java

Now, you know that count will always initialize because the length of the argument array would either be zero or greater than zero, but the compiler is not convinced and it will throw the «variable might not have been initialized» error as shown below:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
The local variable count may not have been initialized

at Main.main(

One way to convince the compiler is to use the else block, this will satisfy the compiler and the error will go away as shown below:

public class Main{

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int count;

    if (args.length > 0) {
      count = args.length;
    } else {
      count = 0;




If you run this program, there won’t be any compile error because now the compiler knows for sure that count will be initialized before accessed. If you remove all the if-else and System.out.println() block then also code will compile fine because we have only declared the count variable and never used it. You can also see these free Java tutorials to learn more about rules related to initializing local, instance, and class variables.

There are more scenarios where you get the «variable might not have been initialized» error, especially when you initialize a variable inside a block e.g. try or catch block. So beware of this rule, it’s not a big problem but sometimes becomes a headache for Java beginners, especially when they get tons of «variable might not have been initialized» errors when they compile their Java source file.

In this post, we will learn how to solve variable might not have been initialized error in Java. The main cause of this error is that you have declared the variable but forgot to initialize them.

Read Also:  Types of Variables in Java

Variable declaration and variable initialization are two different things altogether. Let’s understand them first:

a. Variable declaration

 int a,b;

b. Variable Initialization

 int a = 2;
int b = 3;

Producing the Error:

First, we will produce the error before moving on to the solution.

 public class Variable {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int var1 = 3;
      int var2;
      int sum = var1 + var2;

/ error: variable var2 might not have been initialized
int sum = var1 + var2;
1 error

In the above example, local variable var2 is declared but not initialized and we are trying to use its value, hence we are getting the error.

Solution: Variable might not have been initialized

1. Initialize the local variable

One way to solve the error is by initializing the local variable as shown below. 

 public class Variable2 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int var1 = 3;
      int var2 = 10; //no error as var2 variable is initialized
      int sum = var1 + var2;


Note: This error will not occur if you just declare the local variable without using it in the code.

2. Declare a variable as a static variable or instance variable

Another way to get rid of this error is to declare the variable as a static variable or instance variable

 public class Variable3 {
    static int var2;// declare var2 as static variable
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int var1 = 3;
      int sum = var1 + var2;


Note: If you do not initialize member variables e.g. static or instance(non-static) variable then you will not get this error because they are initialized with their default values as shown in the example below.

 public class Variable4 {
    public static int staticVar;
    private int instanceVar;
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int var1 = staticVar;// no error because staticVar is static variable
      Variable obj = new Variable();
      int sum = obj.instanceVar; // no error because instanceVar is instance variable
      System.out.println(var1 + " "+ sum);

0 0

Tricky Scenarios Where This Error Can Occur

1. Creating more than 1 local variable in the same line

Below, you might think that both variables «a» and «b» are initialized to zero but that’s not the case here. Only variable «b» is initialized whereas variable «a» is not initialized. As a result, when you will run the program you will get a variable might not have been initialized error.

 public class Variable5 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int a,b= 0;
      System.out.println("value of a: " + a);
      System.out.println("value of b: " + b);

/ error: variable a might not have been initialized
System.out.println(«value of a: » + a);
1 error

2. Initialize the variable inside if block

One more tricky condition is when you initialize the variable inside if block, since it is a condition block, compiler complains about the error when if block is not executed as shown below in the example:

 public class Variable6 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int sum;
      if(args.length > 0)
        sum = args.length;
      System.out.println("sum is: " + sum);

/ error: variable sum might not have been initialized
System.out.println(«sum is: » + sum);
1 error

In the above scenario, the variable sum is not initialized before you use it on System.out.println() if args length is zero. Hence compiler throws variable might not have initialized error.

What will happen if we handle args length is zero as well in the code. Let’s find out:

 public class Variable7 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int sum;
      if(args.length > 0)
        sum = args.length;
      if(args.length == 0)
        sum = 10;
      System.out.println("sum is: " + sum);

/ error: variable sum might not have been initialized
System.out.println(«sum is: » + sum);
1 error

In the above code, you might think that sum will always initialize because args length can either be zero or greater than zero. If you run the above program you will still get the variable might not have been initialized error.
One way to get rid of the error is by using else block as shown below:

 public class Variable8 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      int sum;
      if(args.length > 0)
        sum = args.length;
        sum = 10;
      System.out.println("sum is: " + sum);

sum is: 10

That’s all for today. Please mention in the comments in case you have any questions related to the error variable might not have been initialized.


Почему функция не возвращает булевую переменную?

Добрый день, подскажите пожалуйста. Я недавно начал учить Java и написал функцию, которая не работает, почему? переписал функцию на javascript, всё работает корректно.

public static boolean simpleNumber(int number){
        boolean result;
        for(int i = 1; i < number; i++){
            if(number % i == 0) {
                result = true;
        return result;

Ошибка звучит так: Error:(118, 16) java: variable result might not have been initialized

  • Вопрос задан

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Ошибка «variable result might not have been initialized» означает, что при возвращении переменной из функции, она может быть ещё не определена. То есть если не случится result = true, то переменная не будет иметь значения (потому что в начале вы её просто создали — boolean result, но не присвоили никакого значения), на это компилятор и ругается. В вашем случае нужно просто сделать:
boolean result = false;
Тогда переменная точно будет иметь какое-либо значение в момент возвращения.

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#java #компиляция

Возник вопрос по логике кода. Почему компилятор не пропускает такой код?

String testStr;
if (check > 0) {
  testStr = "abc";
System.out.println(testStr != null ? testStr: "0");

При компиляции выдаётся ошибка:

  Error:(134, 32) java: ... variable testStr might not have been initialized

Хотя вроде как логичным будет просто вывести "0" в случае, если testStr не было инициализировано...
Какая тут логика?


Ответ 1

Есть два варианта интерпретации данного кода: Программист хотел объявить переменную с каким-то значением, но допустил ошибку в коде: пропустил присвоение значения либо блок else. В этом случае компилятор поможет ему найти ошибку. Программист полагает, что testStr будет инициализировано как null по умолчанию. В этом случае компилятор заставит программиста инициализировать переменную как null явно. Разработчики Java пришли к выводу, что: важно отловить возможные ошибки; неудобства, связанные с инициализацией локальных переменных, незначительны. Обязательная инициализация локальных переменных определена в спецификации Java: Chapter 16. Definite Assignment Each local variable (§14.4) and every blank final field (§4.12.4, § must have a definitely assigned value when any access of its value occurs. An access to its value consists of the simple name of the variable (or, for a field, the simple name of the field qualified by this) occurring anywhere in an expression except as the left-hand operand of the simple assignment operator = (§15.26.1). For every access of a local variable or blank final field x, x must be definitely assigned before the access, or a compile-time error occurs. Перевод (из книги «Язык программирования Java SE 8. Подробное описание») Глава 16. Определенное присваивание Каждая локальная переменная (§14.4) и каждое пустое final-поле (§4.12.4, § должны иметь определенно присвоенное значение при любом обращении к их значениям. Обращение к их значениям состоит из простого имени переменной (или, в случае поля, простого имени поля, квалифицированного ключевым словом this), находящегося в любом месте выражения, за исключением левого операнда оператора присваивания = (§15.26.1). Для каждого обращения к локальной переменной или к пустому final-полю x, x должно быть определенно присвоено до этого обращения, иначе генерируется ошибка времени компиляции. Посмотрите также обсуждения этого вопроса в английской версии: Why are local variables not initialized in Java? Why must local variables, including primitives, always be initialized in Java?

Ответ 2

В Java локальные переменные не имеют значения по умолчанию. Это означает что при простом объявлении переменной у неё не будет значения. В приведённом коде при check<=0 переменная так и останется не инициализированной при обращении к ней, на что и ругается компилятор. String testStr=null; Это решит проблему

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