Vc health error dbjob2

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Ошибки VMware vCenter и срабатывание аларма PostgreSQL Archiver Service Health Alarm. Как вести себя, когда что-то не запускается?


Интересная проблема появилась у автора блога — в один из моментов на сервере VMware vCenter появились вот такие алармы:

Самая настораживающая ошибка тут — это PostgreSQL Archiver Service Health Alarm на сервере vCenter. Автор пошел в лог vCenter для сервиса PostgreSQL Archiver:


В логе было примерно следующее:

Погуглив статьи KB, автор понял, что проблема связана с тем, что сервис Watchdog не стартовал. Догадка подкрепилась вот этим постом. Результатом запуска команды:

/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog status

sfcbd is not running

То есть сервис sfcbd-watchdog не запустился. А запустить его можно командой:

/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start

Если запуск не удался, то нужно выполнить следующую команду:

esxcli system wbem set –-enable true

Это должно было помочь, но автору не особо помогло (а точнее помогло лишь временно). Погуглив еще, он нашел статью базы знаний, где говорилось, что причина незапуска сервиса заключается в некорректно настроенной синхронизации времени сервера vCenter и хоста ESXi, где он исполнялся в виртуальной машине. При этом как на vCenter, так и на ESXi, где он находился, синхронизация времени была настроена через внешний NTP.

В итоге автору помогло отключение синхронизации через NTP и включение синхронизации времени с хостом через VMware Tools. После этого алармы перестали появляться.

Казалось бы, это очень частная ситуация, и что о ней рассказывать у нас на сайте? А это просто очень хорошая иллюстрация к простому факту: если у вас что-то сломалось, что раньше работало, или не логинится туда, куда раньше логинилось, проверьте следующие вещи в первую очередь:


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vCenter Server 7.0 HTML5 UI error “no healthy upstream”

After upgrading to vCenter 7 Update 1 , when I tried to browse vCenter HTML5 UI, I faced “no healthy upstream” error. I could access to vCenter Management Interface (VAMI) https://vCenter-IPaddress:5480 without any issues. I could also connect to vCenter Server through SSH but I realized couple of vCenter Server services could not start.

You can also check the details status of services by connecting to vCenter through SSH and run the following command:

Then I tried to force to start services by below commands:

After waiting for a while, I got the underneath error.

After spending couple of hours reading logs and a bit of googling, I have been pointed towards different answers. First of all I went through all DNS, NTP and IP checks and in my case everything was working as it should.

In my scenario, vCenter’s SSL certificate were replaced with a valid signed certificate and it was one of the reason that points me to check certification validity. Beside this SSL certificate, there are couple of other certificates that vCenter server uses. To get familiar with vSphere certificates you can read the following vSphere documentation:

In my case “Trusted root certificate, Machine SSL Certificate and SMS” were still valid . But ” Machine, vpxd, vpxd-extension and vsphere-webclient” were expired.

You can check the validity of each certificate by running below commands in vCenter server:

Below you can find the expired certificate screen shot:

In this case you need to update the expired certificates with use of vCenter certificate manager through running following command on vCenter CLI.

choose number 6 to replace Solution User certificates.

Then you need to answer the required information

  • Do you wish to generate all certificates using configuration file : Option[Y/N] ? : Y
  • Please provide valid SSO and VC privileged user credential to perform certificate operations.Enter username [Administrator@vsphere.local]:

Note: this is an example how to address each question you need to fill it out based on your environment.

  • Enter proper value for ‘Country’ [Default value : US] :US
  • Enter proper value for ‘Name’ [Default value : CA] : CA
  • Enter proper value for ‘Organization’ [Default value : VMware] : “ vElements lab”
  • Enter proper value for ‘OrgUnit’ [Default value : VMware Engineering] : VELEMENTSIT
  • Enter proper value for ‘State’ [Default value : California]: California
  • Enter proper value for ‘Locality’ [Default value : Palo Alto] : Palo Alto
  • Enter proper value for ‘IPAddress’ (Provide comma separated values for multiple IP addresses) [optional] : you can press Enter or provide the required information
  • Enter proper value for ‘Email’ [Default value :] : Press Enter
  • Enter proper value for ‘Hostname’ (Provide comma separated values for multiple Hostname entries) [Enter valid Fully Qualified DomainName(FQDN), For Example :] :
  • Enter proper value for VMCA ‘Name’ : You are going to regenerate Solution User Certificates using VMCA
  • Continue operation : Option[Y/N] ? : Y

After I successfully updated the certificates , vCenter services got started and I could reach the vCenter UI.

Below you can also find other solutions I found when I was googling

Suggested answers to check

  • Upgrade VMware Hardware version and choose the correct OS for vCenter

Note: Take a snapshot from vCenter Server VM before hardware version upgrade, as it’s none reversible task to previous versions.

  • Shutdown the vCenter > right click on the VM > Compatibility > Upgrade VM Compatibility.
  • Right click on the vCenter and choose Edit settings > VM Options > General Options > Select VMware Photon OS
  • Check DNS (you should be able to resolve FQDN names from vCenter)
  • Check NTP (Time should be synced and correct between ESXi hosts and vCenter Server)
  • vCenter Server IP address should be set Static

All of the services which are set to Automatic start are running without any errors or warnings. Hopefully this will help you to solve your issue.

22 thoughts on “ vCenter Server 7.0 HTML5 UI error “no healthy upstream” ”

This was a really helpful post. Thanks so much for sharing!


Vcenter server health is green vc health error dbjob2

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I am going to test the vm(autoinfo) with linked clones in Horizon 7.12.

and I have taken several steps, including reviewing the dns and all the settings and installing a new upper vm.

However, in a linked clone desktop pool, the vm does not proceed with customizing.

I installed all the programs related to Horizon in the latest version.

I have been suffering from this problem for two weeks.

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A- Lunch the VCSA Web Console on the vCenter GUI and see what (STATIC) IP was configured.

B- Open the DNS server and only keep that (STATIC) VCSA IP, then delete the other 2 records. Assuming you don’t have vCenter HA enabled.

C- Verify that the right A records for the VCSA are created for forward & reverse look up zones.

D- Make sure that the VCSA FQDN match your DNS records. From the appliance & DNS server.

E- PING both VCSA IP/FQDN Back-and-forth from VCSA to Connection server & Connection server to VCSA.

E- Finally, try to access the VCSA by the FQDN. Use different machine and locations. If you got it properly showing once then check that end point device not showing it.

You need to integrate your AD domain with vSphere «Identity Source» option on the vCenter.

You need to create a service account for VDI.

If possible set up a Certificate Authority (CA) server.

If you don’t have the proper Microsoft Windows License for the master image. You will not be able to recompose and create clones.


Vcenter server health is green vc health error dbjob2

Today i realized i have this warning on my vCenter:

Anyone has any idea what it might be?

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Absolutely no idea with just one screenshot and no logs or other info.

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you can provide us with log files. I provide you with a link that tells you where to find them.

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Which one(s) you need?

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Here are the logs.

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  • Report Inappropriate Content = «Performance statistics rollup from Past Month to Past Year is not occurring in the database»

Check if below partition are highly utilized. If yes ; try to cut down on some old events/tasks. Also perform a shutdown of the VCSA/PSC and then power them up.

If you think your queries have been answered
Mark this response as «Correct» or «Helpful».

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  • Report Inappropriate Content = «Performance statistics rollup from Past Month to Past Year is not occurring in the database»

Oh, in that case, i already had this issue on 6.5 and 6.0, it started when i upgraded from 5.5 to 6.0 and i was never able to fix it (

It seems it just shows in different way in 6.7.

Check if below partition are highly utilized. If yes ; try to cut down on some old events/tasks. Also perform a shutdown of the VCSA/PSC and then power them up.

I already rebooted several times, and still have the same warning.

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I got the same error after I made an upgrade from to

I found a work around by uncheck parameter for 1 day in Statistics:

. but in my case, as result of the upgrade I found more damages on vCenter level: vSphere Client (HTML).

  • You cannot Acknowledge or Reset to Green vCenter Alarms
  • Errors if you want to check «Configuration» (Administration -> Single Sign On -> Configuration-> Active Directory Domain)
  • Suddenly is disconnecting the user from vCenter Client UI

Luckily the old vSphere Web Client (flash version) is still working . so I’m still digging .


vCenter Health Status degraded

by Manfred Hofer · 18. January 2012

Just make a nice vCenter Health Status Problem my first post on my Blog.
I have moved my vCenter Database from a local installed SQL Express 2008 R2 Instance to a SQL 2008 R2 SP1 Instance. So nothing special about that, but after I reconnected to my vCenter and checked the Health Status and the Performance Overview Tab i got this Errors:

VMware vCenter Storage Monitoring Service – Service initialization failed
Perf Charts service experienced an internal error

After some research and analysing the log files from the VMware vCenter Storage Monitoring Service (C:ProgramDataVMwareVMware VirtualCenterLogssms.log), I found this:
Caused by: Fehler beim Herstellen der Verbindung mit dem Host ‘VCENTER’, benannte Instanz ‘sqlexpress’. Fehler: ‘ Receive timed out’.
Caused by: The connection to the host ‘VCENTER’, named instance ‘sqlexpress’ has failed. Error: ‘ Receive timed out’.
It seemed that the vCenter tries to reach the old local SQL Express Instance. But how did vCenter get this configuration? In C:ProgramDataVMwareVMware VirtualCenter you will find a file called When I opened the file I got this content:
# For Windows, just deduce the JDBC URL and user/password from the
# data source information in the VC registry
To fix this problem I have to change the file content like this:
# For Windows, just deduce the JDBC URL and user/password from the
# data source information in the VC registry
url=jdbc:sqlserver:// ;databaseName=vCenter
After this change you have to restart the VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices and reconnect to the vCenter.
After the Fix:

Related posts:

3 Responses

Thanks very much for this information. Following some problems installing vCenter 5.5, we created a new SQL Server database (old DB was VCDB and new is VCDB55), changed the ODBC settings for vCenter and reinstalled vCenter. Everything seemed to work fine, but the SQL Server log files were filling with “Login failed for user ‘vpxuser’. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly database. [CLIENT: >”. For whatever reason, the file was still referencing VCDB. I edited the file and restarted services and no more errors. Thank you! Your post was just what I needed to solve the problem.

really appreciate your feedback and that you found the post useful! 🙂

Thank you , It was explained clearly and simply and got solved my problem. Thank you.



# en_US resources signature=»sIgNaTuRe» # # Licensing faults com.vmware.vim.license.error.featureUnavailable = «Feature ‘{}’ not licensed, requires {need} have {have}» com.vmware.vim.license.error.featureMissing = «Feature ‘{}’ is not licensed with this edition» com.vmware.vim.license.error.evalPeriodOver = «Evaluation period is over, {}» com.vmware.vim.license.error.LicenseExpired = «License Expired, {}» com.vmware.vim.license.error.BadInput = «License subsystem was called with invalid argument {vm}» com.vmware.vim.license.error.nolicense = «Please install a valid license to use this product» # Feature names defined in enum.vmsg = «{}» # vim.hostd.vdisksvc.diskNotThinProvisioned = «The disk is not thin-provisioned.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.diskNotZeroedThick = «The disk is not a zeroed-thick disk.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.noIOBeyondEndOfDisk= «Cannot perform IO beyond end of the virtual disk.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.doesNotStartAtSectorZero = «Operation does not begin at sector 0.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.badReparentSpec = «The reparent specification is invalid.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.cannotMarkParentReadonly = «Cannot mark parent disk as read-only.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.diskSizeTooSmall = «The virtual disk size is too small.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.fileNameTooLong = «The file name is too long.» vim.hostd.vdisksvc.attachRootLink = «Both parent and child virtual disks are base disks.» # vim.hostd.hostsvc.invalidDiskPartitioningFormatChange = «Disk partitioning format change is not supported. Disk must be having non-vmware partitions.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.invalidDiskSizeForPartitioningFormat = «Partitioning format does not support specified disk size.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv4.unsupportedEnabled = «IPv4 can not be enabled as it is unsupported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv4.unsupportedDHCPSet = «IPv4 DHCP is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv4.invalidAddressAndNetmask = «Invalid IPv4 address and subnet mask configuration specified. Both values should be specified.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv4.unsupportedAddressAndNetmaskSet = «IPv4 address and subnet mask configuration is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv4.unsupportedDefaultGatewaySet = «IPv4 default gateway configuration is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.unsupportedEnabled = «IPv6 can not be enabled as it is unsupported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.unspecifiedProperties = «IPv6 Properties must be specified for the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.unsupportedDHCP = «IPv6 DHCP is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.unsupportedLinkLocalAutoConf = «IPv6 link local auto configuration method is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.unsupportedRouterAdvertisement = «IPv6 router advertisemnt configuration method is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.unsupportedDefaultGW = «IPv6 default gateway configuration is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.defaultGWNotApplicable = «IPv6 default gateway can’t be set if either DHCPv6 or router advertisemnt method is to be used.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.invalidStaticAddressAdd = «Can’t plumb IPv6 static addres if DHCPv6 and/or router advertisemnt method is to be used.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.ipv6.invalidLinkLocalAddressAdd = «Can’t plumb IPv6 link local address if auto link local configuration method is to be used.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.common.unsupportedMTUSet = «MTU configuration is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.HBA.common.unsupportedAprRedirect = «APR Redirect configuration is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostdvc.HBA.common.unsupportedDNSSet = «DNS configuration is not supported by the host bus adapter.» vim.hostd.hostdvc.HBA.common.invalidDNS = «Invalid primary and alternate DNS configuration specified. Both values should be specified.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.lockedVmknics = «Vmknic {id} is protected from vCenter edits by host advanced option Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.lockedVmknics.» vim.hostd.hostsvc.opUnsupportedOnEncryptedVm = «The operation is not supported on encrypted VM.» # vim.hostd.snapshot.unknownuid = «The specified snapshot does not exist.» vim.hostd.snapshot.inuse = «The specified snapshot file is in use.» # Start NPIV related messages com.vmware.vim.npiv.lessNodeWwn.label = «Requested Node WWNs number {num1} should be greater than existing numbers {num2} in VM» com.vmware.vim.npiv.lessPortWwn.label = «Requested Port WWNs number {num1} should be greater than existing numbers {num2} in VM» # End NPIV related messages # Start property path validity checks error messages com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.managedObjectInPath = «Property name ‘{propName}’ cannot traverse managed object for ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.unexpectedArray = «Property component ‘{propName}’ did not expect an array in path ‘{typeName}#{propPath}'» com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.notAnObject = «Property name ‘{propName}’ must refer to data or managed object for ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.notFound = «Property ‘{propName}’ not found in path ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» = «Path component ‘{propName}’ is not a data object with a STRING or MOREF key for ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.stringKeyTypeMismatch = «Path component ‘{propName}’ is not a data object or MOREF key for ‘{typeName}#{propPath}'»}’.» = «Path component ‘{propName}’ is not a data object with an INT key for ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.intKeyTypeMismatch = «Path component ‘{propName}’ is not a data object with a key for ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.notAnArray = «Path component ‘{propName}’ is not an array in path ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» com.vmware.vim.propertyPath.error.lenghAlreadySeen = «A property name cannot follow ‘{propName}’ for ‘{typeName}#{propPath}’.» # End property path validity checks error messages # HostCtlExceptions w/o Vobs com.vmware.esx.hostctl.default = «Operation failed, diagnostics report: {reason}» # End HostCtlException w/o Vobs # Start datastore related messages com.vmware.vim.datastore.error.removeDatastoreFailed = «Cannot remove datastore ‘{name}’ because {}. Correct the problem and retry the operation.» com.vmware.vim.datastore.error.tooManyDatastoresInStoragePod = «Cannot add more than {maxDatastores} datastores to a datastore cluster.» com.vmware.vim.datastore.error.noDiskSpace = «Cannot find datastore with enough space to create new disk because intraVMDK affinity is set.» # End datastore related messages # Start VM related messages com.vmware.vim.vm.error.removeDiskAfterVMSnapshot = «Cannot remove virtual disk from the virtual machine because it or one of its parent disks is part of a snapshot of the virtual machine.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.forkchild.extendDisk = «Extending virtual disk is not supported for fork child virtual machines.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.forkchild.updateSP = «Updating storage profile is not supported for fork child virtual machines.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.forkchild.addNonDiskDevice = «Adding new virtual device (except virtual disk) is not supported for fork child virtual machines.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.forkchild.removeDevice = «Removing existing virtual device is not supported for fork child virtual machines.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.vmMigrationInProgress = «The operation can not be performed because VM migration is in progress.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.invalidSecondary = «Cannot find the primary virtual machine for an FT secondary virtual machine.» # End VM related messages # Start storage related messages com.vmware.vim.datastore.error.unmountVmfsVolumeFailed = «Cannot unmount volume ‘{name}’ because {}. Correct the problem and retry the operation.» # End storage related messages # Start iSCSI related messages com.vmware.vim.iscsi.error.vnicInUse = «This operation cannot be done while the VMkernel network adapter {name} is being used by iSCSI adapter. Remove the VMkernel network adapter from the iSCSI adapter to successfully complete this operation.» com.vmware.vim.iscsi.error.AddUplinks = «The VMkernel network adapter {name} is not associated with a physical network adapter. To use a VMkernel network adapter for iSCSI port binding, it must be associated with one a physical network adapter.» com.vmware.vim.iscsi.error.MultipleUplinks = «The VMkernel network adapter {name} is associated with more than one physical network adapter. To use a VMkernel network adapter for iSCSI port binding, the VMkernel network adapter must be associated with only one physical network adapter.» com.vmware.vim.iscsi.error.FixUplink = «Attach the physical network adapter to VMkernel network adapter {name} that is associated with the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.» com.vmware.vim.iscsi.error.VnicNotFound = «The VMkernel network adapter {name} might have been removed. Unbind this VMkernel network adapter.» # End iSCSI related messages # Start CacheConfigurationManager messages = «Swap size cannot be negative.» = «Swap size can be configured only on Solid State Drive-based datastores.» = «Swap cannot be configured on the given datastore.» # End CacheConfigurationManager messages # Start LocalAccountManager messages = «Cannot remove last local user with DCUI access.» = «Cannot remove last local user with full administrative privileges.» = «Failed to set the password. It is possible that your password does not meet the complexity criteria set by the system.» = «This password may be too long for some services. Choose another.» = «Weak password: {}.» # End LocalAccountManager messages # Start InfraUpdateHa messages = «Host is not monitored by the following health update providers registered for this cluster: {providers}» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.duplicateName = «Duplicate name: {arg}» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.associatedEntity = «Entity {arg} is already associated.» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.notAssociatedEntity = «Entity {arg} is not associated.» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.unknownEntity = «Unknown entity: {arg}» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.greenUpdate = «Update {arg} has non-empty remediation for green status.» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.grayUpdate = «Update {arg} has gray status.» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.invalidComponent = «Component {arg} is invalid.» com.vmware.vim.healthUpdateManager.stringBound = «String length exceeds bound: {arg}» # End InfraUpdateHa messages # Start AuthorizationManager messages com.vmware.vim.AuthorizationManager.lockdownModeProtection = «The operation breaks lockdown mode.» com.vmware.vim.AuthorizationManager.lockdownModeDcui = «Cannot change the status of DCUI service when the host is in lockdown mode.» # End AuthorizationManager messages # Start VR related messages com.vmware.vim.hbr.error.interop.faultTolerance = «vSphere Replication and Fault Tolerance cannot be enabled on the same virtual machine.» com.vmware.vim.hbr.error.interop.diskLengthChange = «vSphere Replication does not support changing the length of a replicated disk.» com.vmware.vim.hbr.error.interop.sharedBus = «vSphere Replication is not compatible with SCSI bus sharing.» com.vmware.vim.hbr.error.interop.ideHostedEmulation = «vSphere Replication is not compatible with hosted IDE emulation.» com.vmware.vim.hbr.error.fullsync.while.fullsync = «Cannot start a full sync because a full sync is already in progress.» com.vmware.vim.hbr.error.fullsync.while.fullsync.server = «Cannot start a full sync because a full sync requested by the VR server is already in progress.» = «Cannot start a delta because a full sync is already in progress.» = «Cannot start a delta because a delta is already in progress.» com.vmware.vim.hbr.error.interop.unsupportedDiskType = «vSphere Replication does not support the disk type for the ‘{diskName}’ virtual disk.» # End VR related messages # Start of OvfManager messages com.vmware.vim.ovfManager.ovfParserOption.lax = «Errors are treated as warnings, all sections are considered optional, and non-supported hardware is ignored.» com.vmware.vim.ovfManager.ovfParserOption.mac = «The MAC address is exported for all ethernet devices.» com.vmware.vim.ovfManager.ovfParserOption.uuid = «The UUID is exported for all virtual machines.» com.vmware.vim.ovfManager.ovfParserOption.extraconf = «All extra configuration options are exported for a virtual machine.» com.vmware.vim.ovfManager.ovfParserOption.nodevicesubtypes = «Resource subtypes for CD/DVD drives, floppy drives, and serial and parallel ports are not exported.» # End of OvfManager messages # Replay check messages com.vmware.vim.vm.monitorTypeHotChange.notSupportedError = «Monitor build type change is not supported for online virtual machines.» # End of Replay check messages # VM device messages = «A hardware 3D renderer is not available on the host.» # end of VM device messages #Start VmInventory messages com.vmware.vim.Folder.error.registeredVmLimitReached = «The maximum registered virtual machine limit has been reached.» com.vmware.vim.Folder.error.supportedVmLimitReached = «The maximum supported virtual machine limit has been reached.» #end of VmInventory messages # VM provisioning messages com.vmware.vim.vm.error.AttemptToFindUniqueDirectoryNameLimitReached = «The maximum attempts to find unique directory name limit has been reached.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.NoValidHostDueToDasState = «No valid hosts could be found due to Das state.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.NoValidHostDueToDatastoreAccess = «No valid hosts could be found due to datastore accessibility.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.NoValidHostDueToDiskSize = «No valid hosts could be found due to disk size ‘{disksize}’KB.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.NoValidHostDueToHwVersion = «No valid hosts could be found due to hardware version ‘{hwversion}’.» com.vmware.vim.vm.error.NoValidHostDueToNVDIMMSupport = «No valid hosts could be found due to NVDIMM support.» # End of VM provisioning messages # vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.enteringMM = «Entering VSAN maintenance mode.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.noResources = «Failed to enter maintenance mode in the current VSAN data migration mode due to insufficient nodes or disks in the cluster. Retry operation in another mode or after adding more resources to the cluster.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.invalidStateEnterMM = «Failed to enter maintenance mode in the current host state. Retry operation.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.invalidStateExitMM = «Failed to exit maintenance mode in the current host state. Retry operation.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.objectInaccessible = «Failed to enter maintenance mode due to one or more candidate objects for migration being currently inaccessible. Retry operation in a different VSAN data migration mode.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.networkPartitionError = «Failed to enter maintenance mode due to loss of accessibility to some objects. Verify network connectivity and retry operation.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.concurrentDecom = «Another host in the cluster is already entering maintenance mode. Retry operation after it completes.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.canceledAborted = «User canceled maintenance mode operation or it failed due to an internal VSAN error. Retry operation.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.generalError = «Failed to enter maintenance mode due to an internal VSAN error. Retry operation.» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.badParam = «Can not support operation in current state. Expected state ‘{expected}’ but current state is ‘{current}'» vim.hostd.vsanDecommissioning.whatIfNotSupportedOnWitnessHost = «Query What-If evacuate result on witness host is not supported» vim.hostd.vsanDiskOperation.autoModeEnabled = «Can not remove VSAN disk: VSAN storage auto claim mode is enabled» vim.hostd.vsanDiskOperation.diskMappingNotFound = «Disk mapping ‘{diskMap}’ not found.» vim.hostd.vsanDiskOperation.allFlashExceed = «Cannot add disks to allFlash disk group, as vSAN disks reach maximum size.» vim.hostd.vsanDiskOperation.hybridExceed = «Cannot add disks to hybrid disk group, as vSAN disks reach maximum size.» # Start of VC health status messages = «HTTP request failed; service: {0}, url: {1}, HTTP status: {2}» = «Error obtaining health status; service: {0}, url: {1}, error: {2}» = «{0} health is {1}» = «Unable to determine status of performance statistics rollup in database» = «Performance statistics rollup from Past Day to Past Week is not occurring in the database» = «Performance statistics rollup from Past Week to Past Month is not occurring in the database» = «Performance statistics rollup from Past Month to Past Year is not occurring in the database» = «Unable to monitor database storage usage. Refer to VMware KB 2078305 for details.» = «Could not query table DBA_DATA_FILES. The vCenter Server database user account needs read privileges in order to monitor database storage usage. Refer to VMware KB 2078305 for details.» = «Autoextend is not turned on for the vCenter Server database tablespaces. Autoextend must be enabled for proper operation. Refer to VMware KB 2078305 for details.» # End of VC health status messages ### Start vpxd test email subject and body = «Test SMTP Configuration Message Sent from: {from}» = «Test SMTP configuration message sent from: {from}nSMTP server: {server}» ### End vpxd test email subject and body #Start EnvironmentBrowser messages com.vmware.vim.EnvironmentBrowser.unknown.hardware.version = «EnvironmentBrowser can not complete query due to an unknown hardware version.» #end of EnvironmentBrowser messages #Start mark disk ssd/local messages = «Cannot mark disk {disk} as {}. {}» #end of mark disk ssd/local message #Start VM PromoteDisk messages com.vmware.vim.vm.promoteDisk.error.vmInaccessible = «Virtual machine is currently not accessible. Verify that VM’s host is accessible and VM is powered on. Retry operation after that.» com.vmware.vim.vm.promoteDisk.error.unrecoverableError = «An unrecoverable error occurred while promoting a virtual disk. This condition can occur when VirtualMachine is continuously generating disk operations. Retry operation when IO load has reduced.» com.vmware.vim.vm.promoteDisk.error.diskError = «A virtual disk is not present or valid. Retry operation.» com.vmware.vim.vm.promoteDisk.error.hasSnapshots = «The disks of the virtual machine have snapshots. Delete the snapshots and retry the operation.» com.vmware.vim.vm.promoteDisk.error.numLinksError = «The number of delta links is greater than one for one or more of the virtual disks. Delete the links and retry the operation.» com.vmware.vim.vm.promoteDisk.error.invalidArguments = «Ensure that offsetFromBottom is 0 and numLinks is 1» = «Promoting online disk is not supported. Power off {arg} and retry.» #end of VM PromoteDisk messages #Start VCHA messages com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.invalidClusterNicConfig = «Failed to get vCenter HA network information. Verify if vCenter HA interface (NIC1) is configured correctly and is reachable.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.invalidFailoverNicConfig = «Failed to get management network information. Verify if management interface (NIC0) is configured correctly and is reachable.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.invalidPostgresConfig = «PostgreSQL server is not configured correctly. Verify if PostgreSQL server is listening on address ‘{ipaddress}’.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.cannotCreateCluster = «Failed to create a vCenter HA cluster.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.cannotCreateFile = «Cannot create vCenter HA configuration file {filename} on node {ip}.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.failedBringUpIf = «Failed to bring up management interface (NIC0). Check system logs and engage GSS if needed.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.clusterInStateTransition = «Cannot process the request. Conflicting state transition operation is detected. Please retry later.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.invalidModeForRequest = «Cannot process the request when vCenter HA is disabled.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.invalidNodeCountForRequest = «Cannot process the request when vCenter HA cluster has less than 3 nodes. Please check if node {nodeip} is configured and is reachable.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.clusterAlreadyPresetup = «vCenter Server has already been preconfigured for vCenter HA deployment.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.clusterNotPresetup = «vCenter Server has not been preconfigured for vCenter HA deployment. Please refer to the prerequisites for vCenter HA deployment.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.clusterAlreadyConfigured = «vCenter HA is already configured.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.clusterNotConfigured = «vCenter HA is not configured.» = «PostgreSQL replication is not in progress.» = «PostgreSQL replication mode is Synchronous.» = «PostgreSQL replication mode is Asynchronous.» = «PostgreSQL replication on the Passive node is catching up with the Active node.» = «Appliance {fileProviderType} is {state}.» com.vmware.vcha.replication.disabled = «Appliance state replication is disabled.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.embeddedNode = «Cannot enable vCenter HA with Embedded PSC.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.embeddedDb = «Cannot enable vCenter HA with an external database.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.sshdNotRunning = «vCenter HA requires SSH daemon to be running. Enable SSH before you can configure vCenter HA.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.opRunning = «An operation to create or modify the vCenter HA cluster is already in progress.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.passiveExists = «The Passive node already exists in vCenter HA cluster. Refer to vCenter HA settings.» com.vmware.vim.vcha.error.witnessExists = «The Witness node already exists in vCenter HA cluster. Refer to vCenter HA settings.» com.vmware.vcha.cluster.nic.not.created = «Failed to create vCenter HA network adapter on the vCenter Server. Check system logs and engage GSS if needed.» com.vmware.vcha.error.failedGetPassiveIp = «Failed to get the failover IP address on the Passive node. Verify if {passiveip} is up and reachable from the Active node.» com.vmware.vcha.checkPassiveWitness = «Verify if the Passive and the Witness nodes are up and reachable.» com.vmware.vcha.waitForPassiveCatchUp = «This could be a transient condition. Wait for the Passive node to catchup. If the issue persists, verify the network connectivity between the Active and the Passive nodes.» com.vmware.vcha.activeIsolated = «Active node in vCenter HA cluster is isolated.» com.vmware.vcha.checkPassiveDb = «Verify if PostgreSQL server is running on the Passive node and that the Passive node is reachable on the vCenter HA network.» com.vmware.vcha.nodeLoss = «vCenter HA cluster has lost a node. Refer to vCenter HA settings for more details.» com.vmware.vcha.error.ipNotSameFamily = «Must have identical IP address family for the Active, Passive and Witness nodes.» com.vmware.vcha.error.differentClusterIp = «The vCenter HA network IP address you specified is different than the original IP address used to configure vCenter HA. You must use the same IP address.» com.vmware.vcha.error.differentFailoverIp = «The management interface (NIC0) IP address you specified for the Passive node is different than the original IP address used to configure vCenter HA. You must use the same IP address.» com.vmware.vcha.error.tooManyAddress = «Only one IPv6 address is allowed on the vCenter HA network interface. Remove additional IPv6 addresses and retry.» com.vmware.vcha.error.unresolvedFailoverIp = «The management interface (NIC0) IP address does not map to the vCenter Server PNID.» com.vmware.vcha.error.bothNetworksInSameSubnet = «The Management interface (NIC0) and vCenter HA interface (NIC1) must be in different subnets.» com.vmware.vcha.error.vchaReqsVmOneDs = «vCenter HA does not support an Active node having disks on more than one datastore.» com.vmware.vcha.error.vchaReqsHostMatchDs = «One or more hosts used for vCenter HA deployment have datastores not mounted on the host.» com.vmware.vcha.error.vchaDrsHosts = «The DRS cluster used for the deployment of vCenter HA nodes must have at least three hosts.» com.vmware.vcha.error.pnidHostnameMismatch = «The hostname for {nodeIp} does not map to the vCenter Server PNID. Review the hostname you specified during the VM clone customization step.» #End VCHA messages # Start HA messages. = «Restart disabled VM {arg} in dependency chain.» = «VM {arg} has hard dependencies with other VMs in the cluster.» # End HA messages.

Symptom:  You start seeing the alarm “vSphere Health detected new issues in your environment” and it won’t go away.

warning vsphere health detected new issue memory exhaustion 6.7 vcenter

I wrote about this alarm with one cause: Memory Exhaustion with a Tiny deployment in my other blog. If you navigate to your vCenter appliance website ( and see memory warnings, check the fix in that blog first.

Symptom: You recently upgraded to vCenter or vSphere ESXi 6.7 U2 (Update 2, April 2019, May 2019)

Symptom: Warning in event logs “Alarm ‘vSphere Health detected new issues in your environment’ on Datacenters changed from Green to Yellow”

Symptom: Warning in event logs: “ (

Symptom: You don’t see anything to explain the issue in the logs. Looks like a false positive?

Symptom: When you navigate to vCenter > Monitor > Health, there is no health tab.

vSphere Health detected new issues in your environment 6.7 but you dont see any Monitor > Health tab

This is the main symptom for this particular issue. Read on!

Root Cause #1: You are still using the Flash vSphere client from version 6.0 and 6.5.

You need to change the URL you are using for vSphere and vCenter:

You can find this URL from scratch by navigating directly to your vCenter: and clicking the HTML5 button

The root website for vcenter will show a button for Launch vSphere Client (HTML5)

You can also find it right at the top of your vSphere website – Look for a button that says “Launch vSphere Client (HTML5)”

At the top of the vSphere web client there is a button Launch vSphere Client HTML5

Now that you’ve launched the HTML5 site, you will notice that it looks way different!

Root Cause #2: The latest updates for vCenter and vSphere include new checks for common issues.

The April 2019 and May 2019 release of 6.7 Update 2 include new health checks. Your vCenter will now warn you about things like problematic drivers and known memory leaks.

These checks are only visible in the HTML5 client. This is why you couldn’t find the cause of the alert before. Read on for how to find them.

These checks are also handled by the Customer Experience Improvement Program (VMware CEIP). If you are a typical business (not at high risk from cyber-attack), the CEIP program is highly recommended. If you are at risk from cyber-attack, there are ways to secure the CEIP connection so you can still use it.

How to troubleshoot the cause of vSphere Health detected new issue in VMware 6.7

The vsphere html5 client shows the health tab

When you open the HTML5 vSphere Client, you will now be able to navigate to Monitor > Health and see what is causing your health alarm.

Using the instructions above, open your HTML5 vSphere client by navigating to

  1. Select your vCenter object in Hosts & Clusters view. (This is the top level object in your tree)
  2. Click the Monitor button from the middle menu.
  3. Click the Health button from the middle-middle menu.
  4. Identify warnings that have yellow exclamation marks next to them. These are causing your health alarm.
  5. You can click each item to view information about them. If you select the Info tab for that problem, you will see a button for “Ask VMware” which gives additional help.
  6. Click the RETEST button on the top-right of the window to see if the issue still exists.

How do I enable CEIP for VMware?

From the vsphere client HTML5 version click Menu dropdown then Administration.  In the background you can see the vSphere Health issue detected warning.

  1. From the vSphere HTML5 Client, click the Menu drop-down button
  2. Navigate to Deployment > Customer Experience Improvement Program
  3. Click Join…

After opening Administration click the Customer Experience Imp... menu item then click JOIN

This VMware blog has a nice video of how to click through and enable CEIP if you are having trouble.

How do I fix “Enable SCAv2 for optimal hyperthreading performance”?

This VMware paper describes the issue at great length.

My summary:

This is a continuation of the SPECTRE/MELTDOWN or “L1 Terminal Fault” issue that you’ve heard about.

WARNING: VMware default settings are for highest performance. If you make changes to increase security against SPECTRE / MELTDOWN, your performance may be impacted significantly! In other words, if your virtual environment is using more than 20% CPU at any given time, you should probably NOT enable these changes without a lot of research.

You probably have already applied the fix for previous versions of vSphere. The fix was to edit Advanced System Settings for each host and change the value of VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreadingMitigation = true

In 6.7 Update 2 and later, VMware added VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM which defaults to true.

To enable SCAv2, you would verify that VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreadingMitigation = true and change the VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM = false and reboot each host.

This setting can be reached by opening vSphere Client website ( then select Hosts & Clusters view, then select a host. Click the Configure tab and select Advanced System Settings from the middle menu. Repeat for each host.

How do I fix “ESXi with a problematic driver for Gigabit network adapter”?

Follow the Ask VMware link on the alert to find specific information about your problematic network card.

It will open a VMware KB article and probably recommend installing an updated driver.

To update to a new driver, here are the basic steps… please use caution and common sense!

  1. Download the VIB file from VMware
  2. While you are at it, download the README and review it. If it has instructions, follow those.
  3. If it is in a .zip format, unzip it and find the .vib file
  4. Move your VMs to a different host if possible.
  5. Put your ESXi host into maintenance mode (this procedure could cause impact to any running VMs)
  6. Back up your ESXi host configuration if you still have any VMs on it (in other words, you can’t afford to rebuild it if something goes wrong).
  7. Start SSH service in your host > Configuration > Security Profile menu.
  8. Using WinSCP or another reliable SCP client, connect to your host using IP and root / (root password)
  9. Navigate to the /tmp/ directory and upload the VIB file to that directory.
  10. Using Putty or another reliable SSH / console client, connect to your host using IP and root / (root password)
  11. If your VIB doesn’t say “offline bundle”, type esxcli software vib update -v tmpNameOfVIBFile.vib
  12. If your VIB says “offline bundle”, type esxcli software vib update -d tmpNameOfVIBFile-offline_bundle.vib
  13. Read the results.
  14. If the the result says “Reboot required: true” , then type reboot (this will reboot your host)
  15. Make sure to test your host with a non-critical VM before moving important VMs to it.

How do I fix “Concurrent-context attack vector vulnerability in Intel processors”?

This error is referring to the “L1 Terminal Fault” which is widely known as SPECTRE / MELTDOWN.

Basically, there is a flaw in all Intel Processors (at least as of late 2018) which allows processes running in the operating system to observe what the CPU is doing with other processes. This is a critical vulnerability for cloud hosts or any servers that allow untrusted users to access them.

L1 Terminal Fault a major concern for cloud hosting companies, not on-premises companies

For example, if you have an account on AWS, your virtual servers are running on the same physical hardware as other people’s virtual servers. If this vulnerability isn’t mitigated, then you could potentially write code to steal data from the other customers, or vice-versa.

To my knowledge, the vulnerability cannot be exploited without running a process on the system, and most of the people who run processes on servers have no need to snoop on the CPU. In other words, if all the other admins on your server work at your company, you should be fine.

What is the fix?

For now, while the physical processors have this flaw, the fix is to logically reduce the hyper-threading capability of Intel CPUs so they can’t be snooped on. This removes 5-20% of the performance capacity of the CPU.

If your VMware environment isn’t really using the CPU (peak CPU on your hosts is less than 30%), go ahead and implement the fix!

If your servers ARE using the CPU intensively (peak CPU is greater than 30%), then think hard before making a change.

To implement this fix, edit Advanced System Settings for each host and change the value of VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreadingMitigation = true , then reboot the host. Since you are already at 6.7 Update 2, your health alarm will probably change to “Enable SCAv2 for optimal hyperthreading performance” which is addressed a few sections above this one.

What if I don’t want to fix concurrent context?

Some environments cannot afford to lose the CPU performance. For example, I have a client that runs a lab environment with extremely high processing requirements. The hosts are running 70%+ CPU constantly.

So how can you remove the vSphere health warning about concurrent-context attack vector?

At this time, there is no way to disable the warning without changing the settings. I’m monitoring this thread on the topic:

How do I fix “External Platform Services Controller” deprecated?

Check our other article about this recent (July 2020) issue, which seems to be a false positive.

Event: “Alarm ‘vSphere Health detected new issues in your environment’ on Datacenters changed from Green to Yellow

Even on healthy vCenters, you will see this event appear about once a week. In my environments it lasts for about one hour (green to yellow, then yellow to green). It doesn’t appear to be an actual issue.

Selfish plug time – Need help?

I am a consultant in the Maryland/DC area in the USA. My specialties are Windows migrations (to 2016 and to Office 365 / Azure), VMware migrations, Netapp and SAN, and high availability / disaster recovery planning. If you would like help with your complex project, training, or would like a architectural review to improve your availability, please reach out!    More information and contact can be found on the About page. – Amira Armond

kieri solutions IT consultant service provider cybersecurity logo

After upgrading to vCenter 7 Update 1 , when I tried to browse vCenter HTML5 UI, I faced “no healthy upstream” error. I could access to vCenter Management Interface (VAMI) https://vCenter-IPaddress:5480 without any issues. I could also connect to vCenter Server through  SSH but I realized couple of vCenter Server services could not start.

You can also check the details status of services by connecting to vCenter through SSH and run the following command:

#service-control --list 

Then I tried to force to start services by below commands:

#service-control --start --all
#service-control –-start {service-name}

After waiting for a while, I got the underneath error.

After spending couple of hours reading logs and a bit of googling, I have been pointed towards different answers. First of all I went through all DNS, NTP and IP checks and in my case everything was working as it should.

In my scenario, vCenter’s SSL certificate were
replaced with a valid signed certificate and it was one of the reason that
points me to check certification validity. Beside this SSL certificate, there
are couple of other certificates that vCenter server uses. To get familiar with
vSphere certificates you can read the following vSphere documentation:

In my case  “Trusted root certificate, Machine SSL Certificate and SMS” were still valid . But ” Machine, vpxd, vpxd-extension and vsphere-webclient” were expired.    

You can check the validity of each certificate by running below commands in vCenter server:

# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store TRUSTED_ROOTS --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store MACHINE_SSL_CERT --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store SMS --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store machine --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store vpxd --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store vpxd-extension --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store vsphere-webclient --text | less

Below you can find the expired certificate screen shot:

In this case you need to update the expired certificates with use of vCenter certificate manager through running following command on vCenter CLI.


choose number 6 to replace Solution User certificates.

Then you need to answer the required information

  • Do you wish to generate all certificates using configuration file : Option[Y/N] ? : Y
  • Please provide valid SSO and VC privileged user credential to perform certificate operations.Enter username [Administrator@vsphere.local]:

Note: this is an example how to address each question you need to fill it out based on your environment.

  • Enter proper value for ‘Country’ [Default value : US] :US
  • Enter proper value for ‘Name’ [Default value : CA] : CA
  • Enter proper value for ‘Organization’ [Default value : VMware] : “ vElements lab”
  • Enter proper value for ‘OrgUnit’ [Default value : VMware Engineering] : VELEMENTSIT
  • Enter proper value for ‘State’ [Default value : California]: California
  • Enter proper value for ‘Locality’ [Default value : Palo Alto] : Palo Alto
  • Enter proper value for ‘IPAddress’ (Provide comma separated values for multiple IP addresses) [optional] : you can press Enter or provide the required information
  • Enter proper value for ‘Email’ [Default value :] : Press Enter
  • Enter proper value for ‘Hostname’ (Provide comma separated values for multiple Hostname entries) [Enter valid Fully Qualified DomainName(FQDN), For Example :] :
  • Enter proper value for VMCA ‘Name’ : You are going to regenerate Solution User Certificates using VMCA
  • Continue operation : Option[Y/N] ? : Y

After I successfully updated the certificates , vCenter
services got started and I could reach the vCenter UI.

Below you can also find other solutions I found
when I was googling  

Suggested answers to check

  • Upgrade VMware Hardware version and choose the
    correct OS for vCenter

Note: Take a snapshot from
vCenter Server VM before hardware version upgrade, as it’s none reversible  task to previous versions.

  • Shutdown the vCenter > right click on the VM
    > Compatibility > Upgrade VM Compatibility.
  • Right click on the vCenter and choose Edit
    settings > VM Options > General Options > Select VMware Photon OS
  • Check DNS (you should be able to resolve FQDN
    names from vCenter)
  • Check NTP (Time should be synced and correct
    between ESXi hosts and vCenter Server)
  • vCenter Server IP address should be set Static

All of the services which are set to Automatic start are running without any errors or warnings. Hopefully this will help you to solve your issue.


Lists details of services managed by vMon.

Version added: 2.3.0

  • Synopsis
  • Requirements
  • Parameters
  • Notes
  • Examples
  • Return Values
  • Status


  • Lists details of services managed by vMon.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • vSphere 7.0.2 or greater
  • python >= 3.6
  • aiohttp


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments



identifier of the service whose properties are being updated.

The parameter must be the id of a resource returned by vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_vmon_service. Required with state=[‘restart’, ‘start’, ‘stop’]



added in 2.1.0

Timeout settings for client session.

The maximal number of seconds for the whole operation including connection establishment, request sending and response.

The default value is 300s.





The startup_type enumerated type defines valid Startup Type for services managed by vMon.




  • list_details
  • present ←

  • restart
  • start
  • stop


/ required

The hostname or IP address of the vSphere vCenter

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_HOST will be used instead.


/ required

The vSphere vCenter password

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_PASSWORD will be used instead.



You can use this optional parameter to set the location of a log file.

This file will be used to record the HTTP REST interaction.

The file will be stored on the host that run the module.

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of

environment variable VMWARE_REST_LOG_FILE will be used instead.


/ required

The vSphere vCenter username

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_USER will be used instead.




  • no
  • yes ←

Allows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to false when certificates are not trusted.

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS will be used instead.



  • Tested on vSphere 7.0.2


- name: Adjust vpxd configuration
    service: vpxd
    startup_type: AUTOMATIC
  register: result

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:

Key Returned Description



On success

moid of the resource





On success

Adjust vpxd configuration



  • Ansible Cloud Team (@ansible-collections)

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