- how can I get rid of the error «vectors must be the same length»?
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- Error using plot Vectors must be the same length.
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- Error using plot, vectors must be of same length?
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how can I get rid of the error «vectors must be the same length»?
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,ixOrder]=sort(Radius(index_liq)); % get the sorted order of radius values
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Error using plot, vectors must be of same length?
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I get Vectors must be the same length. error
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04.06.2015, 08:51. Показов 4740. Ответов 3 Метки нет (Все метки)
были различные ошибки, но смог их исправить, но с этой встал в ступор и не могу понять как быть
Error using plot
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Решение В строке 2 переменная x, она во фрагменте не задана.
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newbie99 0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 04.06.2015 Сообщений: 7 |
04.06.2015, 09:28 [ТС] |
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спасибо, подтолкнули в нужную сторону, исправил и заработало Добавлено через 4 минуты
не одно, так другое т_т
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Разберись с параметрами fplot, что там за пустые скобки?
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plot Vectors must be the same lengths
Here is my code
I want to have a figure that the X label is i, the Y label is v and we can see change of V in different Temperature (T). but I face the error that «plot Vectors must be the same lengths.»
How can I fix this error?
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Check dimension of your x, y vector by using size(i) size(V) . i should be a vector and the size should be [1 Len] or [Len 1]. Make sure the size of V is [Len, xxx] or [xxx, Len] too, so they are in the same length and you can plot it. Also, make sure i, and V have the same length ‘Len’ in the same dimension, otherwise you can use dot quotation operator, V.’ , to get the transpose.
As Steven mentioned, you have a dimensional mismatch. Getting more familiar with a couple of the Matlab array operators (: and .) explained in the code can shorten and clarify the code.
Housekeeping before we get started:
Declare all your variables:
use T as a 1×4 and do that stuff first all of these will be 1×4 afterwards T=333:10:363; Notice the use of the dot operator to do pointwise operations
Now let’s do all the parts that involve i. Let’s not start at i=0 because that gives Nan/Inf results i=0.01:0.01:1;
If you wanted to, you could do this with section using matrix multiplication. It’s implemented here with a for loop because that is easier to follow.
In the V=(idx,:) line we are taking the 101×1 vector and shoving it into the idx row of V using the colon operator.
Error using plot3 Vectors must be the same length.
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